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Titles start with J (181) Information
Juventud, espacio urbano e industria cultural, New edition
Author/Editor: Eduardo González Castillo
Juvenile Justice Systems: Poland-Brazil-Portugal, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Janusz-Pohl
Just Reconciliation, New edition
Author/Editor: John R. Elford
Justiz und Justizverfassung- Judiciary and Judicial System, New edition
Author/Editor: Frank L. Schäfer,Werner Schubert
Justification of Cyber Harassment Among Turkish Youths, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Seda Gökçe Turan
Justicia social y leyes canónicas en Indias, New edition
Author/Editor: José Luis Fernández Cadavid
Justice Restored?, New edition
Author/Editor: Agnes Schick-Chen,Astrid Lipinsky
Justice, ne passe pas ton chemin: L’expérimentation de la justice transitionnelle en Asie du Sud-Est, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jacques Dupouey
Justice, Droit et Justification, New edition
Author/Editor: Jacques Poulain,Hans Jörg Sandkühler,Fathi Triki
Justice and Redemption, New edition
Author/Editor: Irena Avsenik Nabergoj
Just a Process, New edition
Author/Editor: Philipp Gonon,Lorenz Lassnig,Manfred Wahle
Jury Trials and the Popularization of Legal Language, New edition
Author/Editor: Patrizia Anesa
Juristische und oekonomische Prognosemethoden und -modelle in der Fusionskontrolle, New edition
Author/Editor: Titos Markopoulos
Juristische, oekonomische und ethische Aspekte von Zuweisungsvertraegen im Gesundheitswesen, New edition
Author/Editor: Jana Heene
Juristische Fachphraseologie – zwischen Konvention und Routine: Untersucht am Beispiel deutscher und polnischer Gesetzestexte zum Zivilrecht, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Plominska
Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy in the 21 st Century, New edition
Author/Editor: Miodrag A. Jovanovic,Bojan Spaic
Junktoren im Text der Protokolle des Generallandtags von Preußen Koeniglichen Anteils aus den Jahren 1526-1528, New edition
Author/Editor: Sylwia Firyn
Juliusz Słowackis Verserzaehlungen zwischen Band I «Poezye» (1832) und den Florentiner Poemen (1838/39), New edition
Author/Editor: Judith Bischof Hayoz
Julian of Norwich in Her Phenomenology: Her Spiritual Texts and Their Historical Contexts, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Edward Clemmer
Julia Codorniu (1854-1906) o el drama de familia en el meollo de la escritura, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sylvie Turc-Zinopoulos
Jugendstrafvollzug in Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Jochen Werner
Jugendsprachen – Spiegel der Zeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Neuland
Jugendsprachen, New edition
Author/Editor: Helga Kotthoff,Christine Mertzlufft
Jugendsprache in Schule, Medien und Alltag, New edition
Author/Editor: Carmen Spiegel,Daniel Gysin
Jugendsprache im Deutschunterricht, New edition
Author/Editor: Anka Baradaranossadat
Jugendliche und gluecksspielbezogene Probleme, New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Hayer
Jugendliche Entfaltungs- und Gestaltungsraeume im britischen Drama der 1950er und 1960er Jahre, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christof Beer
Jugendliche als Akteure, New edition
Author/Editor: Jürgen Baurmann,Eva Neuland
Jugenddramen von Lutz Huebner und Sarah Nemitz – «Form follows function», Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anke Christensen
Juego peligroso: historias de lucha y diversidad en el futbol femenil mexicano, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Carolina Alonso
Juego de capitales, New edition
Author/Editor: María López Ponz
Juedisch-hellenistische Literatur in ihrem interkulturellen Kontext, New edition
Author/Editor: Martina Hirschberger
Juedisches Kulturerbe MUSIK – Divergenzen und Zeitlichkeit: Ueberlegungen zu einer kulturellen Nachhaltigkeit aus Sicht der Juedischen Musikstudien, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah M. Ross
Juedische Nachbarschaften in New York, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Gädtke
Juedische Lebenswelten, New edition
Author/Editor: Ernst Baltrusch,Uwe Puschner
Juedische Erinnerungsdiskurse in der frankophonen Migrationsliteratur Quebecs, New edition
Author/Editor: Yvonne Völkl
Judith, Juliana, and Elene, New edition
Judicial Objectivity:: Limits, Merits and Beyond, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lidia Rodak
Judicial Interpretation of the 1997 Criminal Code Provisions on Self-Defence, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lukasz Pohl,Konrad Burdziak
Judicial Activism in Comparative Perspective, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Lori Hausegger,Raul Urribarri
Juden und Judentum im Spiegel karolingischer Rechtstexte, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Amélie Sagasser
Judaïsme et christianisme dans les commentaires patristiques de la Genèse, New edition
Author/Editor: Marie-Anne Vannier
Judaïsme et christianisme dans les commentaires patristiques des Psaumes, New edition
Author/Editor: Marie-Anne Vannier
Judaism’s Promise, Meeting the Challenge of Modernity, New edition
Author/Editor: Seymour W. Itzkoff
Judaism’s Promise, Meeting the Challenge of Modernity, New edition
Author/Editor: Seymour W. Itzkoff
Judaism in Marcel Proust, New edition
Author/Editor: Bette H. Lustig
Judaism and Emotion, New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Ross,Gabriel Levy,Soham Al-Suadi
Juan Muñoz: The Politics of Silence, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katia Pizzi,Mark Stuart-Smith
Juan Guerrero Zamora y el teatro universitario e independiente durante el franquismo, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Javier Huerta Calvo,Javier Huerta Calvo,Masa Masa Kmet
Joyce & Jung: The “Four Stages of Eroticism” in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Second Edition, Ed. 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Hiromi Yoshida
Joyce and Jung, New edition
Author/Editor: Hiromi Yoshida
Journeys of Formation, New edition
Author/Editor: Yolanda A. Doub
Journeys in the Sun: Travel Literature and Desire in the Balearic Islands (1903–1939), New edition
Author/Editor: Eduard Moyà
Journeys and Journals, New edition
Author/Editor: Carol Allen
A Journey in Search of Wholeness and Meaning, New edition
Author/Editor: Rupert Clive Collister
A Journey in School Leadership: Theory and Practice, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Brian Fleming
Journeying with the Old Testament, New edition
Author/Editor: Nicoletta Gatti,George Ossom-Batsa
The Journey Home: Emerging out of the Shadow of the Past, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: David Clark,Teresa von Sommaruga Howard
Journée d’études égéennes: Actes de la rencontre du 3 novembre 2012 à l’Université de Genève, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Julien Beck
Journalism that Matters, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal Glowacki,Epp Lauk,Aukse Balcytiene
Author/Editor: Devrim Ince,Yurdagül Bezirgan Arar
Journalism in Nigeria: Possibilities for Professionalisation in the Light of Christian Social Ethics and Culture-driven Values, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maryann Ijeoma Egbujor
Journalism in Change, New edition
Author/Editor: Gunnar Nygren,Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska
José María Samper, New edition
Author/Editor: Patricia D'Allemand
José Joaquín de Mora and Britain: Cultural Transfers and Transformations, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sara Medina Calzada
Joseph Wittig: Jenseits von Modernismus, Antimodernismus und Reformkatholizismus: Sein Glaubenszeugnis als Entwurf einer Theologie fuer das dritte nachchristliche Jahrtausend – eine historisch-theologische Untersuchung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Pfr. i.R. Dr. Christian Löhr
Joseph Strauß, New edition
Author/Editor: Franz Mailer
Joseph Ratzinger’s Theological Retractations, New edition
Author/Editor: Cong Quy Lam
Joseph Ratzinger – Kirchliche Existenz und existentielle Theologie, New edition
Author/Editor: Maximilian Heinrich Heim
Joseph Anton Schoepf, New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas E. Graßmann
Josefina de la Torre y su tiempo, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Isabel Castells Molina,Alberto García Aguilar
Josef Hupka (1875–1944): Leben und Werk eines zu Unrecht vergessenen Rechtswissenschaftlers, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Caterina Maria Grasl
Josef Gieles: Studentenbriefe 1939-1942, New edition
Author/Editor: Heinrich Kanz
José de Acosta’s «De procuranda Indorum salute», New edition
Author/Editor: Gregory J. Shepherd
Jorge Semprún, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Omlor
Jorge Semprún: memoria, historia, literatura / mémoire, histoire, littérature, New edition
Author/Editor: Juan F. García Bascuñana
Jongler avec les langues et avec les cultures: Dynamiques identitaires des citoyens européens mobiles, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Claire Demesmay
Jon Fosses fruehe Dramen und ihre Rezeption in norwegischen und deutschsprachigen Medien, New edition
Author/Editor: Suzanne Bordemann
Jonathan Swift’s Allies, New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine Baltes-Ellermann
Jonas Ludwig von Heß (1756–1823) et Hambourg, New edition
Author/Editor: David Weber
Joint Modules and Internationalisation in Higher Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Paula Guimaraes,Balázs Németh,Regina Egetenmeyer
Joining New Congregations – Motives, Ways and Consequences, New edition
Author/Editor: Morten Sandland
John Sparrow: Warden of All Souls College, Oxford, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Raina
John Rawls : Réciprocité, justice sociale et solidarité, New edition
Author/Editor: Narcisse Kabeya Makweta
Author/Editor: Tsvetomira Danova
John Neal, une écriture-frontière, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sébastien Liagre
John McGahern, New edition
Author/Editor: Raymond Mullen,Adam Bargroff,Jennifer Mullen
John McGahern and the Art of Memory, New edition
Author/Editor: Dermot McCarthy
John Law, New edition
Author/Editor: Antoin E. Murphy
John Howard und die Strafvollzugsreformen in Sueddeutschland in der ersten Haelfte des 19. Jahrhunderts, New edition
Author/Editor: Maximiliane Friederich
John F. Kennedy in der amerikanischen Literatur, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Uellenberg
John Dewey among the Theologians, New edition
Author/Editor: Aaron J. Ghiloni
John Bull and the Continent, New edition
Author/Editor: Wojciech Jasiakiewicz,Jakub Lipski
John Berryman, New edition
Author/Editor: Philip Coleman,Peter Campion
John Banville, New edition
Author/Editor: Eoghan Smith
Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Maerchen: Eine Spiegelung der Taetigkeit Goethes als Weimarer Baumeister und Freimaurer, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Almut Constanze Nickel
Johann Prokop Schaffgotsch, New edition
Author/Editor: Rudolf Svoboda
Johann Melchior Gletle, 36 Solo-Motetten op. 5, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Reidemeister,Silja Reidemeister
Johann Julius Wilhelm Planck (1817–1900), New edition
Author/Editor: Tanja Claussen
Johannes V. Jensen, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Gellinek
Johannes Brahms «Ein deutsches Requiem» in Hamburg, New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Feldtmann
Johann Elias Schlegel im europaeischen Kontext: Schlegel und Ludvig Holberg, New edition
Author/Editor: Inga Reske
Johann Adam Moehlers «Beleuchtung der Denkschrift», New edition
Author/Editor: Margarete Eirich
Job Interview Corpus, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Wawra
Joan Didion: Life and/with/through Words, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cinzia Scarpino,Eva-Sabine Zehelein
Joachim Haupt (1900-1989) Vom Aufstieg eines NS-Studentenfunktionaers und Sturz des Inspekteurs der Nationalpolitischen Erziehungsanstalten, New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph SperlingSperling
J.L. Austin’s Concept of «Performative Word», New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Chukwujindum Uzoh
進呈書像 - Jincheng shu xiang (1640), New edition
Author/Editor: Yan Wang
JFK: Profile in Literature, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Uellenberg
The Jews of Beirut, New edition
Author/Editor: Tomer Levi
Jews in Business and their Representation in German Literature 1827-1934, New edition
Author/Editor: John Ward
Jews and Non-Jews: Memories and Interactions from the Perspective of Cultural Studies, New edition
Author/Editor: Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pedich,Jacek Partyka
Jewish Warsaw – Jewish Berlin: Literary Portrayal of the City in the First Half of the 20th Century, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jerzy Giebultowski,Anna Brzostowska,Alina Molisak
Jewish Fugitives in the Polish Countryside, 1939–1945: Beyond the German Holocaust Project, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Tokarska-Bakir
Jewish Education in England, 1944-1988, New edition
Author/Editor: David Mendelsson
« Je vous parlerai la langue de l’Europe … », New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Gretchanaia
Jeux de nature, natures en jeu, New edition
Author/Editor: Ludovic Ginelli
Jeux d'écriture(s) et de réécriture(s) du cycle des Harry Potter de J. K. Rowling, New edition
Author/Editor: Marie-France Burgain
Jesus, the Unprecedented Human Being, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Giosuè Ghisalberti
Jesus of Nazareth: A Person Like Us?, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Roger Lenaers
Jesus, Hauptdarsteller Gottes?: Inszenierung als Schluessel fuer einen vernunftgemaeßen Glauben, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Eberhard Martin Pausch
Jesus Didáskalos, New edition
Author/Editor: Veronika Tropper
Jesus, der Kyrios?, New edition
Author/Editor: Gertrud Pechmann
Jesus Christ in World History, New edition
Author/Editor: Jan A.B. Jongeneel
Jesus Among Giants: Religious Biographies in Comparative Context, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: William Cully Allen
Jesuit Chreia in Late Ming China, New edition
Author/Editor: Sher-Shiueh Li,Thierry Meynard
Jerusalem in the Achaemenid Period, New edition
Author/Editor: Jieun Kim
Jerusalem as the Text of Culture, New edition
Author/Editor: Dorota MuszytowskaMuszytowska,Janusz KrecidloKrecidlo,Anna Szczepan-WojnarskaSzczepan-Wojnarska
Jenseits von Unterwerfung: Den Islam theologisch beantworten, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rudolf Kutschera
Jenseits, New edition
Author/Editor: Christa A. Tuczay
Jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs: Literaturvermittlung und Literaturproduktion in Rumaenien (1945–1989), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Sass,Doris Sava
«...jener paedagogische Stoß ins Herz», New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Fontana
Jedem Tierchen sein Plaesierchen, New edition
Author/Editor: Marlene Mussner
Jean Racine, Echoes Across Europe, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: John Sayer
Jean Muno, New edition
Author/Editor: Isabelle Moreels
Jean Monnet et l'économie, New edition
Author/Editor: Gérard Bossuat
Jean Luchaire et la revue «Notre Temps» (1927-1940), New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-René Maillot
Jean Kobs (1912–1981), New edition
Author/Editor: Laurent Fels
Jean El-Mouhoub Amrouche – Pour une théorie de la décolonisation, New edition
Author/Editor: Aziza Yakoubi Lounis
Jean Cras, Polymath of Music and Letters: Second Edition, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Paul-André Bempéchat
Jean-Bernard Raimond, un diplomate en politique: Préface d'Hubert VÉDRINE et conclusion d'Édouard BALLADUR, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christine Manigand,Olivier Sibre,Cédric Francille
«Jean Barois», centenaire d’un roman-monstre, New edition
Author/Editor: Hélène Baty-Delalande,Jean-François Massol
Jazz unter Kontrolle des Systems: Die Entwicklung des Jazz in der DDR nach dem Mauerbau, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Katharina Weißenbacher
Jazz, pouvoir et subversion de 1919 à nos jours / Jazz, Macht und Subversion von 1919 bis heute, New edition
Author/Editor: Pascale Cohen-Avenel
Jazzklubs und Jazzmusiker in Thueringen 1959–1989: Eigensinn, Aneignung und die Praktiken sozialistischer Kulturpolitik, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Breternitz
Jazzklubs und Jazzmusiker in Thueringen 1959–1989: Eigensinn, Aneignung und die Praktiken sozialistischer Kulturpolitik, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Breternitz
Jazz in Poland, New edition
Author/Editor: Igor Pietraszewski
Jazz in Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Igor Wasserberger
Jazz in der DDR und Polen, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Schmidt-Rost
Jazz from Socialist Realism to Postmodernism, New edition
Author/Editor: Yvetta Kajanová,Gertrud Pickhan,Rüdiger Ritter
Jardins littéraires et méditerranéens, New edition
Author/Editor: Encarnación Medina Arjona,Ouidad Tebbaa,Marlène Bouzin
Japan’s Transnational Environmental Policies, New edition
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Kühr
Japan’s International Relations at the Crossroads: Wars, Globalization and Japanese Theorizings in the Extended Twentieth Century, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Takashi Inoguchi
Japanisches Recht im Vergleich, New edition
Author/Editor: Henning Rosenau,Oliver Schön
Japanese Politics in Comparative Perspective: From the East to the West, and Then Whither?, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Takashi Inoguchi
Japanese Avant-Garde and Experimental Film, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Kiejziewicz
Japanese Animal-Wife Tales, New edition
Author/Editor: Fumihiko Kobayashi
Japan Copes with Calamity, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Tom Gill,Brigitte Steger,David H. Slater
Japan as a ‘Global Pacifist State’, New edition
Author/Editor: Daisuke Akimoto
Jan Valerián Jirsík: In the Service of God, Church and Country, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rudolf Svoboda
Jansenismus und Bischofsamt Jansenismus und Bischofsamt, New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Weber
Jansenisms and Literature in Central Europe / Jansenismen und Literatur in Mitteleuropa / Jansénismes et littérature en Europe centrale, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gabor Tüskés
Jane Smiley, Jonathan Franzen, Don DeLillo, New edition
Author/Editor: Jason S. Polley
James W. Carey and Communication Research, New edition
Author/Editor: Jefferson D. Pooley
James Kruess en España: Un mundo de fantasía por descubrir, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: María del Carmen Balbuena Torezano,Miguel Ángel García Peinado,Gerd Wotjak,Carmen Cuéllar Lázaro
James Kelman, New edition
Author/Editor: Aaron Kelly
Jahresabschlussfeststellung und Gesellschafteranerkenntnis, New edition
Author/Editor: Albert Stüben
Jahresabschlussanalyse und Bilanzpolitik von Schaden-/Unfallversicherern, New edition
Author/Editor: Benjamin Asche
Jahrbuch der Sicherheitswirtschaft 2018: Tagungsband des 17. FORSI-Sicherheitswirtschaftstags und der 18. FORSI Security Days, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Bartosz Makowicz,Rolf Stober
Jahrbuch der Sicherheitswirtschaft 2015, New edition
Author/Editor: Bartosz Makowicz,Rolf Stober
Jahrbuch 2015/2016, New edition
Jahrbuch 2013/2014, New edition
Jahrbuch 2012/2013, New edition
Jacques-René Rabier, New edition
Author/Editor: Michel Theys
Jacques Laffitte, New edition
Author/Editor: Virginie Monnier
Jacques Chevalier (1882–1962) et la philosophie française, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-François Petit
Jacques Bainville - Profils et réceptions, New edition
Author/Editor: Olivier Dard,Michel Grunewald
Jacqueline Kennedy and the Architecture of First Lady Diplomacy, New edition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth J. Natalle
Jacqueline Harpman, New edition
Author/Editor: Susan Bainbrigge
Jacob Cuelbis: El Thesoro chorográphico de las Espannas Volumen II, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Milka Villayandre Llamazares
Jacob Cuelbis: El Thesoro chorográphico de las Espannas Volumen I, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Milka Villayandre Llamazares