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Titles start with T ( displaying 500 of 743 ) | Information |
Tysk(a) – saksa – vācu – vokiečių – þýska 2020. Teil 2: Germanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft: Ausgewaehlte Beitraege zum «XI. Nordisch-Baltischen Germanistentreffen» in Kopenhagen vom 26.–29. Juni 2018, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Mirjam Gebauer,Maris Saagpakk
Tysk(a) – saksa – vācu – vokiečių – þýska 2020. Teil 1: Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachdidaktik: Ausgewaehlte Beitraege zum «XI. Nordisch-Baltischen Germanistentreffen» in Kopenhagen vom 26.–29. Juni 2018, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Klaus Geyer,Anke Heier,Mette Skovgaard Andersen
Tyrol or Not Tyrol, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nóra de Buiteléir
Typology of Kinship Terms, New edition |
Author/Editor: Larysa Nikolayeva
Typologie der Koerperteilbenennungen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Olena Materynska
Typologie dativischer Domaenen: Ein russisch‐tschechischer Vergleich, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Martina Lev
Typicality in History / La typicité dans l’histoire, New edition |
Author/Editor: Giovanni Ceccarelli,Alberto Grandi,Stefano Magagnoli
Typen von Wissen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tilo Weber,Gerd Antos
Tying Micro and Macro, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mikolaj Pawlak
TYA, Culture, Society, New edition |
Author/Editor: Manon van de Water
Two-Way Immersion in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland: Multilingual Education in the Public Primary School Filière Bilingue (FiBi): A Longitudinal Study of Oral Proficiency Development of K-4 Learners in Their Languages of Schooling (French and (Swiss) German), E |
Author/Editor: Melanie Buser
Two Thousand Zhuang Proverbs from China with Annotations and Chinese and English Translation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Zhou Yanxian
Two Studies on Pindar, New edition |
Author/Editor: Arlette Neumann
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Examples of Free and Unfree Education in Slovakia during the Period of Socialism, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: VEDA,Blanka Kudláčová
The Two Sick Men of Europe?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Giulia Bentivoglio
Two Plays by Denis Diderot, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kiki Gounaridou,John Hellweg
The Two Hundred Million Pound Strike: The 2003 British Airways Walkout, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ed Blissett
Twitter and Society, New edition |
Author/Editor: Katrin Weller,Axel Bruns,Jean Burgess,Merja Mahrt,Cornelius Puschmann
Twice a minority: Kosovo Circassians in the Russian Federation, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marieta Schneider
Twenty-First Century Biopolitics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bogdana Koljevic
Twentieth Century Wars in European Memory, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jozef Niznik
Twentieth Century Frontierswoman: A Rhetorical Biography of Almena Davis Lomax, Journalist, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Andre E. Johnson,Chandra Snell Clark
Twelve Studies in Chopin, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maciej Golab
The Twelve Prophets in the New Testament, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael B. Shepherd
Tweets from the Campaign Trail, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alex Frame,Arnaud Mercier,Gilles Brachotte,Caja Thimm
TV Transformations & Transgressive Women: From Prisoner: Cell Block H to Wentworth, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Radha O’Meara,Tessa Dwyer,Stayci Taylor,Craig Batty
TV-Hero(in)es of Boys and Girls, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maya Götz
Turns und kein Ende?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elke Sturm-Trigonakis,Olga Laskaridou,Evi Petropoulou,Katerina Karakassi
Turns of Faith, Search for Meaning, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alexander Agadjanian
Turning Wind into Power, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gudrun Elisabeth Benecke
Turning Points in the Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Piotr Stalmaszczyk
Turkish German Affairs from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elif Nuroglu,Ela Sibel Bayrak Meydanoglu,Enes Bayrakli
Turkish Foreign Policy in the New Millennium, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hüseyin Isiksal,Ozan Örmeci
Turkish Foreign Policy during JDP Era: Regional Coexistence and Global Cooperation, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Tayyar Ari,Mesut Hakki Casin
Turkish Cinema and Television Industry in the Digital Streaming Era, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Tuna Tetik,Deniz Gürgen Atalay,Nilay Ulusoy
Turkey’s Economy from different perspectives after 1980: The past, present and the future, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ebru Gül Yilmaz,Neyir Tekeli
Turkey in Transition: Politics, society and foreign policy, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ebru Canan Sokullu
Turismo, flujos migratorios y lengua, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Elke Cases Berbel
Turbulentes 1989, New edition |
Author/Editor: Janusz Sawczuk
Tuerkisches und deutsches Vertragshaendlerrecht im Rechtsvergleich, New edition |
Author/Editor: Pinar Samiloglu-Riegermann
Tuerkei und Deutschland in Europa, New edition |
Author/Editor: Erhan Temel
Étude sur la grammaire discursive du chinois, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mei Fang
Études pragmatico-discursives sur l’euphémisme - Estudios pragmático-discursivos sobre el eufemismo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marc Bonhomme,Mariela de la Torre,André Horak
Études diachroniques du français et perspectives sociétales, New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Blumenthal,Denis Vigier
Étude linguistique du proverbe espagnol et de ses variantes en synchronie, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Antonia López
Étude contrastive du slam en France et en Allemagne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie-Anne Berron
Tsunami in Kerala, India: Long-Term Psychological Distress, Sense of Coherence, Social Support, and Coping in a Non-Industrialized Setting, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sophia von Lieres
Tschernobyl und Frankreich, New edition |
Author/Editor: Karena Kalmbach
Truths, Trust and Translation: A festschrift, love letter and thank you to Michèle Cooke, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael En
'Truthe is the beste', New edition |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Jacobs,Gerald Morgan
Truth Be Told, New edition |
Author/Editor: John Justice
Truth, Beauty, and the Common Good: The Search for Meaning through Culture, Community and Life, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Christopher Garbowski
Trust, Morality, and Markets, New edition |
Author/Editor: Yuri Veselov,Mikhail Sinyutin,Elena Kapustkina
Trust in Communication Management, New edition |
Author/Editor: Aydemir Okay
Trump’s Followers: A Socio-Semiotic Analysis, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Arthur Asa Berger
Trumpets, Horns, and Bach «Abschriften» at the time of Christian Friedrich Penzel: Probing the Pedigree of «BWV» 143, New edition |
Author/Editor: Don Smithers
The Trump Administration’s Foreign Policy: A Trumpian World of Uncertainty or A Decline of Pax-Americana?, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Wassim Daghrir
A truly global NATO: How to abolish War and nuclear weapons, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Beyer
Trueques discursivos entre Literatura y «Management», Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Manuel Pombo
True Account of the Conquest of Peru, New edition |
Author/Editor: Iván R. Reyna
Truber, Ungnad & Vergerio, New edition |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Esswein
Tropen zum Ordinarium missae in St. Gallen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cristina Hospenthal
Triumphs of Change, New edition |
Author/Editor: Russell Walden
Trinity of Discord, New edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Arnold
The Trilogy of Parables in Mt 21:28-22:14, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rowland Onyenali
TRIFT Transfer of Innovation into the Field of Foreign Trade, New edition |
TRIFT Transfer of Innovation into the Field of Foreign Trade, New edition |
TRIFT Transfer of Innovation into the Field of Foreign Trade, New edition |
Triangulation in der Fremdsprachenforschung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Daniela Elsner,Britta Viebrock
Trial as a Social Communication Occurrence: Interactions Between Professional and Non-professional Participants of a Trial, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Barbara Janusz-Pohl,Karolina Gmerek
Tres siglos de cartas de lectores en la prensa española: Estudio discursivo histórico, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Elena Carmona Yanes
Trennungsoperationen siamesischer Zwillinge, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kathrin Wolf
Trends in Phonetics and Phonology, New edition |
Author/Editor: Adrian Leemann,Marie-José Kolly,Stephan Schmid,Volker Dellwo
Trends in Innovation and Interdisciplinary Knowledge across Educational Settings, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ale Armellini,Rosabel Martinez-Roig
Trends in der deutsch-spanischen Lexikographie, New edition |
Author/Editor: María José Domínguez Vázquez
Trends in Container Shipping, New edition |
Author/Editor: Burkhard Lemper,Manfred Zachcial
Trends and Issues in African Philosophy, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frederick Ochieng-Odhiambo
The Trend of «Socializing Social Welfare» Policy in China, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hua Ding
#Trending Topics on Social Media Researches, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ufuk Bingöl
Trendberichte zum Operations Management, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerald Reiner,Johannes Fichtinger,Martin Poiger,Reinhold Schodl
Être nationaliste à l’ère des masses en Europe (1900–1920), New edition |
Author/Editor: Olivier Dard,Didier Musiedlak,Éric Anceau
Être nationaliste en régime de dictature, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Olivier Dard,Didier Musiedlak
Être et avoir un corps, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nadia Foisil
Treaty Overriding im Internationalen Steuerrecht als Verfassungsproblem, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ralf Haendel
The Treachery of the Elites, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Georg Schmid
Traverser: Mobilité spatiale, espace, déplacements, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Adrien Frenay,Lucia Quaquarelli,Giulio Iacoli
Traversée, New edition |
Author/Editor: Milton N. Campos
Travel Texts and Moving Cultures, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anita Perkins
Travel Narratives of the Irish Famine: Politics, Tourism, and Scandal, 1845-1853, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Catherine Nealy Judd
Travelling Texts: J.M. Coetzee and Other Writers, New edition |
Author/Editor: Robert Kusek,Bozena Kucala
Travelling in Women’s History with Michèle Roberts’s Novels, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Soraya Garcia-Sanchez
Travelling Concepts: New Fictionality Studies, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Monika Fludernik,Henrik Nielsen
Travellers, Novelists, and Gentlemen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Grzegorz Moroz
Travellers in the Mediterranean: Linguistic and Cultural Encounters, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ugo Perolino,Natalie Dupré,Monica Jansen,Inge Lanslots,Mara Santi,Dieter Vermandere,Emanuela Ettorre,Giuliano Mion
Traveling to Other Worlds, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bruce Ross
Travailler avec les jeunes enfants: Enquêtes sur les pratiques professionnelles d’accueil et d’éducation, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Lise Ulmann,Pascale Garnier
Traumsommer und Kriegsgewitter..., New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Bode
Traumatic Experiences and Dyslexia, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Evelin Witruk,Dian Sari Utami
Trauma, Resistance, Reconstruction in Post-1994 South African Writing, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jaspal K. Singh,Rajendra Chetty
The Trauma Novel, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ronald Granofsky
Trauma, Australia and Gail Jones’s Fiction (1996-2007), Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Pilar Royo-Grasa
Trauma and Resilience in American Indian and African American Southern History, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anthony S. Parent,Ulrike Wiethaus
Trauma and Identity in Contemporary Irish Culture, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Melania Gallego
Trasjanka und Suržyk – gemischte weißrussisch-russische und ukrainisch-russische Rede, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerd Hentschel,Oleksandr Taranenko,Siarhej Zaprudski
Trash Culture, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gillian Pye
Tra romanistica e germanistica: lingua, testo, cognizione e cultura / Between Romance and Germanic: Language, text, cognition and culture, New edition |
Author/Editor: Iorn Korzen,Angela Ferrari,Anna-Maria De Cesare
Tra Oltralpe e Mediterraneo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Manuel Carrera,Niccolò D'Agati,Sarah Kinzel
Transparenz in der internationalen Sportschiedsgerichtsbarkeit: Zur Oeffentlichkeit von Verfahren und Entscheidungen des Court of Arbitration for Sport, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie-Christin Bareuther
Transparenzgesetz fuer Rheinland-Pfalz, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Raab,Gerhard Robbers
Transparente und intransparente Stiftungen: im Rechtsvergleich mit dem Fuerstentum Liechtenstein, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Florian Schütte
Transoceanic Dialogues, New edition |
Author/Editor: Veronique Bragard
The Transnational Turn in American Studies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tanfer Emin Tunc,Bahar Gursel
(Trans)national Tsina/oys: Hybrid Performances of Chinese and Filipina/o Identities, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Richie Neil Hao
Transnational Revolutionaries, New edition |
Author/Editor: David Doolin
Transnational Polish Families in Norway, New edition |
Author/Editor: Krystyna Slany,Magdalena Slusarczyk,Paula Pustulka,Eugene Guribye
The Transnationalisation of Collective Bargaining, New edition |
Author/Editor: Vera Glassner
The Transnational Imaginaries of M. G. Vassanji, New edition |
Author/Editor: Karim Murji,Asma Sayed
Transnationale Unternehmen zwischen heterogenen Umwelten und interner Flexibilisierung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mirka C. Wilderer
Transnationale Produktentwicklungsprozesse in multinationalen Unternehmen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sinje Späth
Transnationale Perspektiven im 19. Jahrhundert, New edition |
Author/Editor: Steffen Wiegmann
Transnationale Mobilitaet in der beruflichen Erstausbildung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gregor Thurnherr
Transnationale Kompetenzanerkennung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Laura Flacke
Transnationale Akzente: Zur vermittelnden Funktion von Literatur- und Kulturzeitschriften im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Peter Hehl,Heribert Tommek
Transnational Company Bargaining and the Europeanization of Industrial Relations, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephan Rüb,Hans-Wolfgang Platzer,Torsten Müller
Transmission Processes of Religious Knowledge and Ritual Practice in Alevism between Innovation and Reconstruction, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Johannes Zimmermann,Janina Karolewski,Robert Langer
Transmettre une fidélité: La Contre-Révolution et les usages du passé (France, Espagne, Italie ‒ XIXe-XXe siècles), Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Bruno Dumons,Paul Chopelin
Transmedia Cultures: A Companion, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Simon Bacon
Transmédialités du conte, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Philippe Clermont,Danièle Henky
Translators as Storytellers, New edition |
Author/Editor: John A. Beck
Translatorik, Translationsdidaktik und Fremdsprachendidaktik, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jolanta HincHinc,Adam JaroszJarosz,Joanna MampeMampe
The Translator- Centered Multidisciplinary Construction, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lin Zhu
Translation und sprachlicher Plurizentrismus in der Romania „minor“, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Martina Schrader-Kniffki,Elton Prifti
Translation Today: National Identity in Focus, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michal Organ
Translation Today: Literary Translation in Focus, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michal Organ
Translation Today: Audiovisual Translation in Focus, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michal Organ
Translation Today: Applied Translation Studies in Focus, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michal Organ
Translation, Technology and Autonomy in Language Teaching and Learning, New edition |
Author/Editor: Pilar Alderete-Diez,Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin,Labhoise Ni Dhonnchadha
Translationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium II, New edition |
Author/Editor: Barbara Ahrens,Silvia Hansen-Schirra,Monika Krein-Kühle,Michael Schreiber
Translationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium III, New edition |
Author/Editor: Barbara Ahrens,Silvia Hansen-Schirra,Monika Krein-Kühle
Translationswissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs forscht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lew Zybatow,Michael Ustaszewski
Translationswissenschaft interdisziplinaer: Fragen der Theorie und Didaktik- Translation Studies: Interdisciplinary Issues in Theory and Didactics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lew Zybatow,Alena Petrova,Michael Ustaszewski
Translationswissenschaft: Alte und neue Arten der Translation in Theorie und Praxis - Translation Studies: Old and New Types of Translation in Theory and Practice, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lew Zybatow,Alena Petrova,Michael Ustaszewski
Translation Studies: Translating in the 21st Century – Multiple Identities, Ed. 1New edition |
Translation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International TRANSLATA Conference, 2014, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Ustaszewski,Lew N. Zybatow,Andy Stauder
Translation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International TRANSLATA Conference, 2014, New edition |
Author/Editor: Andy Stauder,Lew N. Zybatow,Michael Ustaszewski
Translation Studies and Eye-Tracking Analysis, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sambor Grucza,Monika Pluzycka,Justyna Alnajjar
Translation Studies across the Boundaries, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lucyna HarmonHarmon,Dorota OsuchowskaOsuchowska
Translation – Sprachvariation – Mehrsprachigkeit, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Pöckl,Ingeborg Ohnheiser,Peter Sandrini
Translationskonzepte in Brasilien: Kulturelle Perspektiven auf Alteritaet, Macht und Treue, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Cornelia Sieber,Timur Stein
Translations and Semi-Peripheral Cultures: Worlding the Romanian Novel in the Modern Literary System, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Alex Goldiș,Ștefan Baghiu
Translation Quality Assessment (TQA) of Subtitles: Criteria for the Evaluation of Persian Subtitles of English Movies Focusing on Semiotic Model of TQA for Poetry Translation and Appraisal Theory, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Yasamin Khosravani
Translation Quality Assessment Policies from Galicia- Traducción, calidad y políticas desde Galicia, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ana Luna Alonso,Silvia Montero Küpper,Liliana Valado Fernandez
Translation Politicised and Politics Translated, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ali Almanna,Juliane House
Translation Peripheries, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Gil Bardaji,Pilar Orero,Sara Rovira-Esteva
Translation ohne Biologie – Henne ohne Ei?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michèle CookeCooke
The Translation of Irony: Examining its Translatability into Narratives, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Alícia Moreno Giménez
Translation in Theorie und Praxis, New edition |
Author/Editor: Vlasta Kucis
Translation, Interpreting and Culture: Old Dogmas, New Approaches, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Emília Perez,Martin Djovcoš,Mária Kusá
Translation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, New edition |
Author/Editor: Arnd Witte,Theo Harden,Alessandra Ramos de Oliveira Harden
Translation in Europe during the Middle Ages, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Elisa Borsari
Translation in an International Perspective, New edition |
Author/Editor: Antoine Cazé,Rainer Lanselle
Translation im Spannungsfeld der «cultural turns», New edition |
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Lukas,Izabela Olszewska,Marta Turska
Translation, Globalization and Younger Audiences, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michal Borodo
The Translation Equivalence Delusion, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tomasz P. Krzeszowski
Translation as Oneself, New edition |
Author/Editor: Noriko Takeda
Translation and the Accommodation of Diversity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jean Peeters,Jandhyala Prabhakara Rao
Translation and Teaching in the Economic Field: Challenges in the Age of Machine Translation?, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: José Ramón Calvo-Ferrer,José Ramón Belda-Medina,Frederic Chaume Varela,Kristi Jauregi-Ondarra,Daniel Gallego-Hernández
Translation and Power, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Lucyna Harmon,Dorota Osuchowska
Translation and Popular Music, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sebnem Susam-Saraeva
Translation and Philosophy, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lisa Foran
Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 2, Pt. 2, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marcel Thelen,Lukasz Bogucki,Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk
Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 2, Pt. 1, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lukasz Bogucki,Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk,Marcel Thelen
Translation and Meaning, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marcel Thelen,Lukasz Bogucki,Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk,Dirk Verbeeck,Gys-Walt van Egdom
Translation and Interpreting: Convergence, Contact and Interaction, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Eugenia Dal Fovo,Paola Gentile
Translation and Interpretation in Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerhard Stickel (EFNIL)
Translation and Chinese Modernity, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Luo Xuanmin
Translation, Adaptation, and Intertextuality in Hungarian Popular Music, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ádám Ignácz
Translation 4.0: Dolmetschen und Uebersetzen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Carsten Sinner,Christine Paasch-Kaiser,Johannes Härtel
«Translatio» et Histoire des idées / «Translatio» and the History of Ideas: Idées, langue, déterminants. Tome 1 / Ideas, language, politics. Volume 1, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Kukulka-Wojtasik
«Translatio» et Histoire des idées / «Translatio» and the History of Ideas: Idées, langue, déterminants. Tome 2 / Ideas, language, politics. Volume 2, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Kukulka-Wojtasik
Translating Virginia Woolf, New edition |
Author/Editor: Oriana Palusci
Translating Tolkien, New edition |
Author/Editor: Allan Turner
Translating the Multilingual City, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tong King Lee
Translating Popular Fiction: Embracing Otherness in Japanese Translations, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Kayoko Nohara
Translating Politeness Across Englishes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rehana Mubarak-Aberer
Translating Italy for the Nineteenth Century: Translators and an Imagined Nation in the Early Romantic Period 1816-1830s, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Mirella Agorni
Translating Humour in Audiovisual Texts, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gian Luigi De Rosa,Francesca Bianchi,Antonella De Laurentiis,Elisa Perego
Translating Hafiz: Challenges and Strategies, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Saman Rezaei,Ali Salami
Translating Gombrowicz’s Liminal Aesthetics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Pawel Wojtas
Translating German Novellas into English, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marc J. Schweissinger
Translating Gender, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eleonora Federici,Manuela Coppola,Michael Cronin,Renata Oggero
Translating Fear – Translated Fears: Understanding Fear across Languages and Cultures, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Teresa Maria Seruya,Maria Moniz,Alexandra Lopes
Translating Expressive Language in Children’s Literature, New edition |
Author/Editor: B.J. Epstein
Translating Emotion, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kathleen Shields,Michael Clarke
Translating Dialects and Languages of Minorities, New edition |
Author/Editor: Federico Federici
Translating Cultural Identity: French Translations of Australian Crime Fiction, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Sarah Reed
Translating a Worldview: Linguistic Worldview in Literary Translation, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Gicala
Translating Audiovisuals in a Kaleidoscope of Languages, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Montse Corrius,Eva Espasa,Patrick Zabalbeascoa
Translating Audio Description Scripts, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Jankowska
Translating and Interpreting Specific Fields: Current Practices in Turkey, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Aysegül Angi
Translating America, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sonia Di Loreto,Marina Camboni,Andrea Carosso,Marco Mariano
Translated Children’s Fiction in New Zealand, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Siebeck
Translanguaging and Critical Literacy: A Theoretical Introduction, Descriptors, and Lesson Plans for Teachers and Practitioners, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Gisela Mayr
Transkulturelles Lernen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nadjib I. Sadikou
Transkulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frauke Matz,Michael Rogge,Philipp Siepmann
Transkulturelle Perspektiven in der Bildung – Transcultural Perspectives in Education, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg
Transkulturelle Literatur- und Filmdidaktik: Narrationen und Filme aus dem mediterranen Begegnungsraum, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Simona Bartoli Kucher
Transkulturelle Kompetenz und literaturbasierter Fremdsprachenunterricht: Eine rekonstruktive Studie zum Einsatz von «fictions of migration» im Fach Englisch, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Kreft Annika
Transkulturelle Identitaet und Uebersetzungsmodelle skandinavischer Literatur, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Krysztofiak
Transkulturalitaet und Musikvermittlung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Susanne Binas-Preisendörfer,Melanie Unseld
Transkulturalitaet / Interkulturalitaet. Konzepte, Methoden, Anwendungen, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Martina Engelbrecht,Gabriela Ociepa-Joachimsthaler
Transkulturalitaet, Identitaetskonstruktion und narrative Vermittlung in Migrationstexten der italienischen Gegenwartsliteratur, New edition |
Author/Editor: Romina Linardi
Transitraeume und transitorische Begegnungen in Literatur, Theater und Film, New edition |
Author/Editor: E.W.B. Hess-Lüttich,Sabine Egger,Withold Bonner
Transitivité en seereer, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie Ngom
Transition to New Normal After Covid-19: Strategies to Turn Crisis into Opportunity, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Füsun Çelebi Boz,Asena Boztas,Ismail Koc
The Transitions of Politics and Society in Early Modern Germany, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Qian Jinfei
Transitions dans la petite enfance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sylvie Rayna,Pascale Garnier
Transition for Pupils with Special Educational Needs: Implications for Inclusion Policy and Practice, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Geraldine Scanlon,Yvonne Barnes-Holmes,Michael Shevlin,Conor McGuckin
Transition et reconfiguration des spatialités, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Sandrine Vaucelle,Christine Bouisset
Transitional Justice, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ulfrid Neumann,Prittwitz,Paulo Abrao
Transitional Justice in Post-Euromaidan Ukraine, New edition |
Author/Editor: Igor Lyubashenko
Transimpérialités contemporaines / Moderne Transimperialitaeten: Rivalités, contacts, émulation / Rivalitaeten, Kontakte, Wetteifer, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Laurent Dedryvère,Patrick Farges,Indravati Félicité,Elisa Goudin-Steinmann
Transient Print: Essays on the History of Printed Ephemera, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Caroline Archer-Parré,Malcolm Dick,John Hinks,Lisa Peters,Elaine Jackson
Transiciones democráticas y memoria en el mundo hispánico: Miradas transatlánticas: historia, cultura, política, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick Eser,Angela Schrott,Ulrich Winter
Transhumanism and Posthumanism in the Perspective of Biotechnologies, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: VEDA,Jana Tomašovičová,Bogumila Suwara
Transgressive Utopianism: Essays in Honor of Lucy Sargisson, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Raffaella Baccolini,Lyman Tower Sargent
Transgressing Boundaries in Jeanette Winterson’s Fiction, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sonia Front
Transforming Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Robert A. DeVillar,Binbin Jiang,Jim Cummins
Transforming Conflict and Building Peace: Community Engagement Strategies for Communication Scholarship and Practice, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter M. Kellett,Stacey L. Connaughton,George Cheney
Transformer & Comprendre: Une Introduction à la Théorie Historico-Culturelle de l’Activité, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Rita Hofstetter,Bernard Schneuwly,Bernard Wentzel,Isabelle Capron Puozzo,Yannick Lémonie
Transformative Trends in Language Education: Pioneering Autonomous Learning Technologies, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jelena Bobkina,Elena Domínguez Romero
Transformatives Lernen im Erwachsenenalter, New edition |
Author/Editor: Saskia EschenbacherEschenbacher
Transformative Education in Contemporary Ireland, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Grenham
Transformation und Ambivalenz Steht die Welt vor dem Kollaps?: Kurskorrektur oder Klimakatastrophe Mit einem Vorwort von Ernst Ulrich von Weizsaecker, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Werner Mittelstaedt
Transformationsprozesse von Politik und Sprache in Kosova in der Zeit von 1999 bis 2005, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sahadete Limani-Beqa
The Transformations of the Civil Service in Poland in Comparison with International Experience, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jolanta Itrich-DrabarekItrich-Drabarek,Stanislaw MazurMazur,Justyna Wisniewska-GrzelakWisniewska-Grzelak
The Transformations of Contemporary Culture and Their Social Consequences: Archerian Studies Vol. 3, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Wielecki,Monika Bukowska
Transformations de l’éthique, New edition |
Author/Editor: M. Marc Maesschalck
Transformation of the Industry in a Brand New Normal: Media, Music, and Performing Arts, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Bülent Sezgin,Azure Tuna Tetik,Ömer VATANARTTIRAN
The Transformation of Politics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Daniel Innerarity
Transformation of Language and Religion in Rainer Maria Rilke, New edition |
Author/Editor: Johannes Wich-Schwarz
Transformation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eolene Boyd-MacMillan
Transformationen matriarchaler Muster in der russischen Kultur: Eine Analyse unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Heldendichtung, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Holger Kuße,Anneke Sittner
Transformational Outsourcing, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kai Jens Ströder
Transformation after Trauma: The Power of Resonance, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Yabome Gilpin-Jackson
Transferwissenschaften: Mode oder Mehrwert?: Unter Mitarbeit von Koray Parlar und Anna Malena Pichler, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Konstantin S. Kiprijanov,Thorsten Philipp,Thorsten Roelcke
Transfer und Transformation von Wissen, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Ballod
Transfert de langue, transfert de culture, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maire-Laure Vuaille-Barcan
Transferprozesse der Moderne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Philippe Frei
Transfer of Movable Property under U.S. Law, New edition |
Author/Editor: Martin Lilja
«Transfer – Interdisziplinaer!», New edition |
Author/Editor: Eszter B. Gantner,Péter Varga
Trans*-faire Sexualpaedagogik unter Einbeziehung von Koerper- und Leiblichkeit, New edition |
Author/Editor: Renata Duda-Merle
Transdisciplinary Interfaces and Innovation in the Life Sciences, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hilmar Stolte,Eunsook Hyun,Rainer Paslack
Transculture, société et savoirs dans les Amériques, New edition |
Author/Editor: Adina BalintBalint,Daniel Castillo DuranteCastillo Durante
Transcultural Identity Constructions in a Changing World, New edition |
Author/Editor: Irene Gilsenan Nordin,Chatarina Edfeldt,Lung-Lung Hu,Herbert Jonsson,André Leblanc
Transcultural Haiku: Polish History of the Genre, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Justyn Hunia,Beata Sniecikowska
Transcultural Approaches to the Concept of Imperial Rule in the Middle Ages, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christian Scholl,Torben R. Gebhardt,Jan Clauß
Transcribing the Territory; or, Rethinking Resistance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Janusz Semrau
Transboundary Migration in the Post-Soviet Space, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nikolai Genov,Tessa Savvidis
Transatlantic Poe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Filippakopoulou
The Transatlantic Culture Trade: Caribbean Creole Proverbs from Africa, Europe, and the Caribbean, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Desrine Bogle
Transatlantic Crossings and Transformations, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kurt Mueller-Vollmer
Transaktionsbesteuerung auf dem Devisenmarkt, New edition |
Author/Editor: Holger Martin
Trajectoires des modèles nationaux, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michèle Dupré,Olivier Giraud,Michel Lallement
The Training of Imams and Teachers for Islamic Education in Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ednan Aslan,Zsofia Windisch
Training Multilingual Writing Strategies in Higher Education: Multilingual Approaches to Writing-to-learn in Discipline-specific Courses, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ina Alexandra Machura
Tragedy and History: The German Influence on Raymond Aron’s Political Thought, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Scott B. Nelson
Tragedia all’italiana, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alan O'Leary
Trafalgar Square and the Narration of Britishness, 1900-2012, New edition |
Author/Editor: Shanti Sumartojo
Traduttologia e semiotica generativa, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rovena Troqe
A tradução em movimento, New edition |
Author/Editor: Susana Kampff Lages,Johannes Kretschmer,Kathrin Sartingen
Tradução e edição de obras hispano-americanas em Portugal, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Isabel Araújo Branco
« Traduit de l’allemand (Autriche) », New edition |
Author/Editor: Valérie de Daran
Traduire, un engagement politique, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Florence Xiangyun Zhang,Nicolas Froeliger
Traduire l'expérience migratoire: Perspectives littéraires, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Nadine Rentel,Stephanie Schwerter,Frédérique Amselle
Traduire les savoirs, New edition |
Author/Editor: Danielle Londei,Matilde Callari Galli
Traduction et langue-culture: Préface de Jean-René Ladmiral, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Nadine Rentel,Mohammed Jadir
Traduction et interculturalité: Entre identité et altérité, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Nikol Dziub,Tatiana Musinova,Augustin Voegele
Traducir el horror, New edition |
Author/Editor: María Jesús Fernández Gil
Traducir el género: Aproximación feminista a las traducciones españolas de obras de Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Guiomar Topf Monge
Traducciones, adaptaciones y doble destinatario en literatura infantil y juvenil, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Elvira Cámara Aguilera
Traducción y terminología en el ámbito biosanitario (inglés – español), New edition |
Author/Editor: Ana Belén Martínez Lopez
Traducción y periodismo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria José Hernandez Guerrero
Traducción y paratraducción: lineas de investigación II, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Bourgoin Vergondy,Ramón Méndez González
Traducción y discapacidad: Un estudio comparado de la terminología inglés-español en la prensa escrita, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jaime Sánchez Carnicer
Traducción y cultura, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marta Giné,Solange Hibbs
Traducción y autotraducción en las literaturas ibéricas, New edition |
Author/Editor: Enric Gallén,Francisco Lafarga,Luis Pegenaute
Traducción y asimetría, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Carmen África Vidal Claramonte
Traducción & Paratraducción I: Líneas de investigación, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: José Yuste Frías,Xoan Manuel Garrido Vilariño
Traducción e Interpretación especializadas en ámbito panhispánico, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Piotr Sorbet,Verónica Del Valle Cacela
Traducción e Interpretación: entre investigación y didáctica, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Laura Sanfelici,Ana-Isabel Foulquié-Rubio
Traducción e interpretación en entornos institucionales / Translation and Interpreting in Institutional Settings: Enseñanza y práctica de la profesión desde perspectivas sociales e innovadoras / Training and Practising the Profession from Social and Innov |
Author/Editor: Adelina Gómez González-Jover,Raquel Martínez Motos
Traducción e interpretación como mediación (inter)cultural: Visiones y perspectivas de futuro, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: María Fernández de Casadevante Mayordomo,Ana Cristina Sánchez López
Traducción e industrias culturales, New edition |
Author/Editor: Xoán Montero Dominguez
Traducción de una cultura emergente, New edition |
Author/Editor: Áurea Fernández Rodríguez,Iolanda Galanes Santos,Ana Luna Alonso
Traducción de poesía en internet al español y sus redes material-semióticas: Entre la globalidad digital y la reivindicación de las culturas minorizadas, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Schreiber,Daniel Bencomo
Traducción automática en contextos especializados, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerd Wotjak,María del Mar Sánchez Ramos,Celia Rico Pérez
Tradizioni del discorso sulla lingua nella stampa periodica italiana dal Settecento a oggi, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Sabine Schwarze,Patrizia Delpiano,Fabio Forner,Giovanni Iamartino,Corrado Viola,Sabine Schwarze,Raphael Merida,Fabio Ruggiano
Tradition und Utopie, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gunter Reiß
Tradition und Innovation des Fiqh im Denken von Hayreddin Karaman, New edition |
Author/Editor: Murat Bagriacik
Tradition, Transmission, Transformation: Essays on Gaelic Poetry and Song, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Virginia Blankenhorn
Traditionsbrueche, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tomislav Zelic
Tradition and Revolution: Law in action, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Alberto Lucarelli
Tradition and Innovation in Language and Linguistics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cristinel Munteanu
Tradition and Innovation in Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Airi Liimets,Marika Veisson,Pertti Kansanen,Edgar Krull
Tradition and Craft in Piano-Playing: by Tilly Fleischmann, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ruth Fleischmann,John Buckley
Tradition and Change in Legal English, 2Revised edition |
Author/Editor: Christopher Williams
Traditional Medicine Making of the 'Emu': Continuity and Change, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kingsley I. Owete
Trading Zones in Environmental Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marianne E. Krasny,Justin Dillon
Trading Women, Traded Women, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gönül Bakay,Mihaela Mudure
Tradiciones discursivas y tradiciones idiomáticas en la historia del español moderno, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Araceli López Serena,Elena Carmona Yanes,Santiago del Rey Quesada
Tradición e innovación en las «Novelas a Marcia Leonarda» de Lope de Vega, New edition |
Author/Editor: María Ángeles Fernández-Cifuentes
Trade Unions in West Africa, New edition |
Author/Editor: Craig Phelan
Trade Union Revitalisation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Craig Phelan
The Trademark Paradox, New edition |
Author/Editor: Catherine Manley
Tracing Spikes in Fear and Narcissism in Western Democracies Since 9/11, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maximiliano E. Korstanje
Traces of (Un-) Sustainability: Towards a Materially Engaged Ecology of Mind, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Graham
Traces of the Foreign: The Reception of Translations of Spanish American Prose in Poland in 1945-2005 from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Gaszynska-Magiera
Traces italiennes autour du Luxembourg entre autobiographies et (auto)fictions: Les auteurs d’origine italienne du Luxembourg et de la Grande Région se racontent, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Claudio Cicotti
Traces et ratures de la mémoire juive dans le récit contemporain, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Valentina Litvan,Claire Placial
Toxic Silence, New edition |
Author/Editor: William T. Hoston
Toxic Cultures: A Companion, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Simon Bacon
Town and Gown Prostitution: Cambridge’s Architecture of Containment of Sexual Deviance, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Isabel Romero Ruiz
To Whom Belongs the Land?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ndikho Mtshiselwa
Towards Turkish American Literature, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elena Furlanetto
Towards the World Culture Society, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Halas
Towards the Digital Cultural History of the Other Silver Age Spain, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Dolores Romero Lopez,Jeffrey Zamostny
Towards Sustainable Urban Transportation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Linas Kliucininkas
Towards Solving the Social Science Challenges with Computing Methods, New edition |
Author/Editor: Biljana Mileva Boshkoska
Towards Scientific Metaphysics: Volume 2: Benedykt Bornstein’s Geometrical Logic and Modern Philosophy. A Critical Study, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Slezinski,Jakub Dziewit
Towards Scientific Metaphysics: Volume 1: In the Circle of the Scientific Metaphysics of Zygmunt Zawirski. Development and Comments on Zawirski’s Concepts and their Philosophical Context, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Slezinski
Towards Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Paal Frisvold
Towards Consistency and Transparency in Academic Integrity, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Salim Razi,Irene Glendinning,Tomáš Foltýnek
Towards a Vegan-Based Ethic: Dismantling Neo-Colonial Hierarchy Through an Ethic of Lovingkindness, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Micol Kates
Towards a Resilient Eurozone, New edition |
Author/Editor: John Ryan
Towards a Posthuman Imagination in Literature and Media: Monsters, Mutants, Aliens, Artificial Beings, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Simona Micali
Towards a Normal Stratification Order, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ellu Saar
Towards an Internormative Hermeneutics for Social Justice, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christiana Idika
Towards a new humanity: The Uriage manifesto, 1945., Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Derek Robbins
Towards an Empirical Verification of the Gravitational Pull Hypothesis: Evidence from the COVALT Corpus, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Astrid Schmidhofer,Josep Marco,Isabel Tello
Towards an Education for Social Justice, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tony Cotton
Towards an Ecology of Language, Communication and the Mind, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska
Towards an Architecture for the Teaching of Virtues, Values and Ethics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Berise T. Heasly
Towards an African Theology, New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Chidi Okuma
Towards a «Ludu» Theology, New edition |
Author/Editor: Khin Maung Yee Khawsiama
Towards a Formalization of Thomistic Theodicy, New edition |
Author/Editor: Edward Nieznanski
Towards a Cultura Franca, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jeannette U. Böttcher
Towards a Critical Theory of Surveillance in Informational Capitalism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Allmer
Towards a Better Understanding of Metonymy, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Wojciech Wachowski
Toward Our Mutual Flourishing, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lucinda Allen Mosher
Toward Metaphysics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacek Migasinski
Toward a Womanist Homiletic, New edition |
Author/Editor: Donna E. Allen
Toward a Re-Emergence of James Moffett's Mindful, Spiritual, and Student-Centered Pedagogy, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Marine,Paul Rogers,Sheridan Blau,Kathleen Kelly
To Veil or not to Veil, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kamakshi P. Murti
« Tout le talent d'écrire ne consiste après tout que dans le choix des mots », New edition |
Author/Editor: Enrica Galazzi,Marisa Verna,Maria Teresa Zanola
Tourismuskommunikation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Doris Höhmann
Tourisme et Territoires: Espaces d'innovations, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Vincent Herbert
Tourisme durable dans les Suds ?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Géraldine Froger
Tourisme, arts et territoires: Impacts réciproques à travers des études de cas, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Nathalie Dupont,Laetitia Garcia
Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Irfan Yazicioglu,Özgür Yayla,Alper Isin,Turhan Çetin
To Understand the Future Management: Managing through Digital Transformation, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Yavuz Tansoy Yildirim
To the Next Station, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria José Corvo SánchezCorvo Sánchez,Benigno Fernández SalgadoFernández Salgado
Totalitarian Speech, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michal Glowinski
Totalitarian Political Discourse?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Beatrix Kreß
Totalitarian and Authoritarian Discourses, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lutgard Lams,Geert Crauwels,Henrieta Anisoara Serban
Totale Erziehung in europaeischer und amerikanischer Literatur, New edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Faber
Téo Spychalski, New edition |
Author/Editor: Renata Jakubczuk
To Realize the Universal, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hansong Dan
«Top-Spion» oder Opfer der deutsch-deutschen Wiedervereinigung?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Schulenberg
Topographien der Globalisierung: Band II, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ewa Wojno-Owczarska
Topographien der Globalisierung: Band I, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ewa Wojno-Owczarska
Topographien der Begegnung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Izabela Drozdowska-Broering
Topographien der Antike in der literarischen Aufklaerung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Annika Hildebrandt,Charlotte Kurbjuhn,Steffen Martus
Topografien des Transits, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ulrike Zitzlsperger
Topografías culturales del Camino de Santiago – Kulturelle Topographien des Jakobsweges, New edition |
Author/Editor: Javier Gómez-Montero
Topik und Thema, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bernadett Modrián-Horváth
Topic and Focus Markers in Spanish, Portuguese and French, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anja Hennemann
Too Small to Make an Impact?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marek Neuman
Tony Conrad: Video – und darueber hinaus, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Tabea Lurk
Toni Morrison and the Maternal: From «The Bluest Eye» to «God Help the Child», Revised Edition, Ed. 2Revised edition |
Author/Editor: Linda Wagner-Martin
Tongue Body Kinematics in Parkinson’s Disease: Effects of Levodopa and Deep Brain Stimulation, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Tabea Thies
The Tongan Double Canoes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter SurenSuren
Tomás García Luna: Gramática General (1845): Kommentierte Edition mit einer Einleitung versehen von Isabel Zollna, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Isabel Zollna
Tomás Carrasquilla. Nuevas lecturas críticas de su obra literaria, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Edwin Carvajal Córdoba,Ana María Agudelo Ochoa,Félix Antonio Gallego Duque
Tomorrow It Could Be You, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tracy Carson
Tomoo Otaka: Foundation of a theory of social association, 1932, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Derek Robbins
Tolerated Evil: Prostitution in the Kingdom of Poland in the Nineteenth Century, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Jolanta Sikorska-Kulesza
Tolerance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Lomonaco
To Lead by Obeying: The Political Lessons of Mexican Neo-Zapatismo, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas
The «Tokunbo» Phenomenon and the Second-Hand Economy in Nigeria, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ayokunle Olumuyiwa Omobowale
Toilettengraffiti, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christiane Stumpf
Toedliche Maskeraden, New edition |
Author/Editor: Franco Ruault
Tod und Sterben – Zwei Begriffe, eine Bedeutung?, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Gruber
Tod und Sterben in der Medizin, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Gruber
Todos los caminos conducen a Rulfo. Itinerarios del cuento mexicano desde el modernismo a El Llano en llamas, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Rosa García Gutiérrez
«Todo más claro, El Contemplado, Confianza» de Pedro Salinas, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bernadette Hidalgo Bachs
TO DO AS IF – Realitaeten der Illusion im zeitgenoessischen Theater, New edition |
Author/Editor: André EiermannEiermann
Tobie sur la scène européenne à la Renaissance, suivi de «Tobie», comédie de Catherin Le Doux (1604), New edition |
Author/Editor: Alain Cullière
‘To Be Truly British We Must Be Anti-German’, New edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew Francis
To and fro in shadow – by way of neither, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stefan Schenk-Haupt
Ténèbres sans leçons, New edition |
Author/Editor: Itay Sapir
Time Works Wonders, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tomasz P. Krzeszowski
Timelines in Emily Brontë’s «Wuthering Heights», Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Weber
Timeline and Personification in <I>The Merchant of Venice": Passover, Easter and the Case of the Returning Ships, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter D. Usher
The Timeless Toni Morrison, New edition |
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Lobodziec,Blossom N. Fondo
Timeless Joyce: A Hundred Years of Ulysses, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Asun Lopez-Varela Azcárate
Time in Music and Culture, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: John Comber,Ludwik Bielawski
Time for Health Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kaarina Määttä,Satu Uusiautti
Time for a European federation: How Europe could remain relevant in the century of globalization, climate change and the fourth industrial revolution, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Yannis Karamitsios
Time, Being and Becoming: Cognitive Models of Innovation and Creation in English, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maciej Litwin
Time and Vision Machines in Thomas Pynchon’s Novels, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Arkadiusz Misztal
Time and the Short Story, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Teresa Chialant,Marina Lops
Time and Temporality in Language and Human Experience, New edition |
Author/Editor: Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk,Krzysztof Kosecki
Time and Space in Words and Music, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mario Dunkel,Emily Petermann,Burkhard Sauerwald
Time and Space in Contemporary Greek-Cypriot Cinema, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lisa Socrates
Time and Alterity in South African Writing: André Brink, J.M. Coetzee, and Zakes Mda Revisited, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Paulina Grzeda
Tigellinus: Im Dienste Kaiser Neros zwischen Genuss und Gewalt, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Raimund Merker
Tierwelten und Textwelten: Beitraege der Bologneser Tagung, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Dallapiazza,Annette Simonis
Tiersmondismus in der Schweiz der 1960er und 1970er Jahre, New edition |
Author/Editor: Monica Kalt
Tierras y territorios indígenas en América Latina, New edition |
Author/Editor: Monika Ludescher
Tiermetaphorik in unterschiedlichen Diskurstraditionen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Abdulhamid Abdulrahman
Tier im Text, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hans Jürgen Scheuer,Ulrike Vedder
Étienne Clémentel (1864-1936), New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie Christine Kessler,Guy Rousseau
‘Tickling the Palate’, New edition |
Author/Editor: Máirtin Mac Con Iomaire,Eamon Maher
Tiananmen redux, New edition |
Author/Editor: Johan Lagerkvist
Théâtres d’Asie et d’Orient, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eve Feuillebois-Pierunek
Théâtre et réception, New edition |
Author/Editor: Catherine Bouko
Théâtre contemporain dans les Amériques, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cécile Chantraine Braillon,Fatiha Idmhand,Norah Dei-Cas Giraldi
Théâtralités contemporaines, New edition |
Author/Editor: Katia Arfara
Through the Northern Gate, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Banerjee
Through the Back Door, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jerzy Kochanowski
Three Voices from the Galilee, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jamal Assadi
Three Tropes on Trump: A Textbook on Applied Marxism, Semiotics, and Psychoanalysis, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Arthur Asa Berger
Three Prehistoric Inventions That Shaped Us, New edition |
Author/Editor: David M. Johnson
Three Issues of Romance Morphology, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria L. Goldbach
Three Continents: Political Economy and Development of Democracy in Europe, the United States and Latin America, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Albert O. Hirschman,Luca Meldolesi
Three Congregational Masses, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Lorraine Byrne
Three Approaches to Presidential Foreign Policy-Making in the Twenty-First Century: The Executive, the Magistrate, and the Maverick, Ed. New edition |
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Threat, New edition |
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The Thousand Families, New edition |
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Thoughts on Things Forgotten, New edition |
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Thoughts on Francis of Assisi, New edition |
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Thought-Sign-Symbol: Cross-Cultural Representations of Religion, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Monika Kopytowska,Artur Galkowski,Massimo Leone
The Thought of W.B. Yeats, New edition |
Author/Editor: Brian Arkins
Théories politiques de la diversité: Libéralisme, républicanisme, multiculturalisme, Ed. 1New edition |
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Thomas Wyse 1791-1862: A Leading Advocate of Education Reform, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Tony Lyons
Thomas Selles Musik fuer Hamburg: Komponieren in einer fruehneuzeitlichen Metropole, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Juliane Pöche
Thomas Schmidt-Kowalski – ein romantischer Komponist an der Wende zum 21. Jahrhundert, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ursula Eisfeld
Thomas Pynchon and the Postmodern Mythology of the Underworld, New edition |
Author/Editor: Evans Lansing Smith
Thomas Orde, 1746–1807: Educational Innovator, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Tony Lyons
Thomas Moore, New edition |
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Thomas Manns «Joseph und seine Brueder», New edition |
Author/Editor: Katja Lintz
Thomas J. J. Altizer, America's 20th Century Religious Heretic, New edition |
Author/Editor: Glenn Wittig
Thomas Jefferson: Guardian of the Natural Bridge, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mark Andrew Holowchak
Thomas Hardy Writing Dress, New edition |
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Thomas Hardy Writing Dress, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Simon Gatrell
Thomas Durfey’s «Love for Money, or The Boarding School» (1691): A Critical Edition, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Manuel J. Gómez-Lara,María José Mora
Thomas Bernhard’s Comic Materialism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Russell Harrison
This Timecoloured Place, New edition |
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This Side of Brightness, New edition |
Author/Editor: Susan Cahill,Eóin Flannery
This Favoured Land, New edition |
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Thise Stories Beren Witnesse, New edition |
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Third Digital Documentary: A Theory and Practice of Transmedia Arts Activism, Critical Design and Ethics, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anita Wen-Shin Chang
Éthique communicationnelle de la palabre africaine, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ignace Bisewo Pesa
Éthique chrétienne et bien commun: Vers une justice globale et un futur équitable face à l'impact du changement climatique, Ed. New edition |
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Thinking Towards New Horizons, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Augustin,Hermann Michael Niemann
Thinking Through Relation: Encounters in Creative Critical Writing, Ed. New edition |
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Thinking through High-Tech Hell: A Theory of the New Media Dystopia, Ed. 1New edition |
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Thinking Media Aesthetics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Liv Hausken
Thinking in Common: Community in the Global Era, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Pascale Cohen-Avenel,Lucia Quaquarelli
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Thinking and Acting in Military Pedagogy, New edition |
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‘The Taking Place of Language’, New edition |
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