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Titles start with C ( displaying 500 of 985 ) | Information |
Czesław Miłosz und Joseph Brodsky, New edition |
Author/Editor: Irena Grudzinska-Gross
The Czech-German Compromise in Moravia: The Cisleithanian laboratory of the ethnicization of politics and law, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Andrea Pokludová,Pavel Kladiwa
The Czech Avant-Garde Literary Movement Between the World Wars, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas G. Winner,Ondrej Sládek,Michael Heim
Cyprus: Alternative Solution Models, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Huseyin Isiksal,Hüseyin Gökçekus
Cyprian Norwid and the History of Greece, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Mikolaj Golubiewski,Maciej Junkiert
Cycling Diplomacy: Undemocratic Regimes and Professional Road Cycling Teams Sponsorship, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jirí Zákravský
Cyber Security Challenges Confronting Canada and the United States, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: John Michael Weaver,Benjamin T. Johnson
Cyberrisiken und Versicherungsschutz: Eine Untersuchung der Absicherung von Cyberrisiken durch die Cyberversicherung und traditionelle Versicherungen unter Beachtung der Problematik von Silent Cyber, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Carina Thull
Cyber-Grooming, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eleni AlexiouAlexiou
Cushitic Lexicon and Phonology: Edited by Grover Hudson, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: M. Lionel Bender,Grover Hudson
The Cursus Enigma: Prehistoric Cattle and Cursus Alignments, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: David Saunders
The Curriculum of Horror: Or, the Pedagogies of Monsters, Madmen, and the Misanthropic, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: James Grant
Curricular Perspectives on Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the World, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Nihal Yurtseven
Curricular Innovations: LGBTQ Literatures and the New English Studies, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: William P. Banks,John Pruitt
Current Trends on Digital Technologies and Gaming for Teaching and Linguistics, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Inmaculada Clotilde Santos Díaz,Milagros Torrado Cespón,José María Díaz Lage,Sidoní López Pérez
Current Trends in Metrical Analysis, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christoph Küper
Current Trends in LSP Research, New edition |
Author/Editor: Margrethe Petersen,Jan Engberg
Current Trends in Corpus Linguistics, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: José Luis Oncins Martínez
Current Trends and Practices in Tourism, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Özgür Yayla,Alper Işın,İrfan Yazicioğlu
Current Security Issues in International Relations: The World Between Fear and Hope, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Zeynep Yücel
Current Research into Young Foreign Language Learners‘ Literacy Skills, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Stefanie Frisch,Jutta Rymarczyk
Current Perspectives on Consumer Psychology, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Hatice Aydin,Aysel Kurnaz
Current Perspectives in Semiotics: Texts, Genres, and Representations, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Monika Weronika Kopytowska,Artur Galkowski
Current Perspectives in Semiotics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Artur GalkowskiGalkowski,Monika Weronika KopytowskaKopytowska
Current Perspectives in Second Language Vocabulary Research, New edition |
Author/Editor: David Hirsh
Current Perspectives in Public Finance, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Selçuk Ipek,Adnan Gercek
The Current Perspective on Social Media, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Yalçin Kahya
Current Issues in Turkish Economics: Problems and Policy Suggestions, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Çaglar Yurtseven,Mahmut Tekce
Current Issues in the Slovak Mass Media, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Veronika Cillingová,Eva Bútorová,Dáša Nováciková,Jitka Rožnová
Current Issues in Services Management: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Elbeyi Pelit,Hasan Hüseyin Soybali,Ali Avan
Current Issues in Medieval England, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Letizia Vezzosi
Current Issues in Finance, Economy and Politics: Theoretical and Empirical Finance and Economic Researches, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Çagatay Basarir
Current Issues in Economy and Management: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ragip Pehlivanli,Nurettin Bilici
Current Issues and Empirical Studies in Public Finance, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Burçin Bozdoganoglu,Adnan Gercek
Current Explorations in Middle English: Selected papers from the 10th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME), University of Stavanger, Norway, 2017, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Merja Stenroos,Martti Mäkinen,Kjetil Vikhamar Thengs,Oliver Martin Traxel
Current Dynamics in Business and Economics: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Discoveries, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Patrycja Chodnicka-Jaworska,Seda Bayrakdar
Current Developments in Slavic Linguistics. Twenty Years After (based on selected papers from FDSL 11), Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Teodora Radeva-Bork,Peter Kosta
Current Debates on Public Finance: Theory and Practice, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mustafa Erkan Üyümez,Canatay Hacıköylü
Current Approaches to Business and Institutional Translation – Enfoques actuales en traducción económica e institucional, New edition |
Author/Editor: Daniel Gallego-Hernández
Current Approaches in Social Sciences, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rasim Yilmaz,Günther Löschnigg,Hasan Arslan,Mehmet Ali Icbay
The Curious Conversion of Thomas Chalmers, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: John D. Clayton
‘Curious about France’ : Visions littéraires victoriennes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ignacio Ramos Gay
Curiosity, Inquiry, and the Geographical Imagination, New edition |
Author/Editor: Daniel Gade
Cures for Modernity: Medicine in Interwar Russian and Czech Literature and Cinema, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Christian Emden,David Midgley,Julia Sutton-Mattocks
Culture War, New edition |
Author/Editor: Holly Maples
Cultures politiques en mutation : Italie et France, 1968-milieu des années 1990 / Changing Political Cultures: Italy and France from 1968 to the mid-1990s, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Aurélie Andry,Lucia Bonfreschi,Frank Georgi
Cultures of Program Planning in Adult Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wiltrud Gieseke,Bernd Käpplinger,Steffi Robak,Marion Fleige,Aiga von Hippel
Cultures of Participation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hajo Greif,Larissa Hjorth,Amparo Lasén,Claire Lobet-Maris
Cultures of Exile and the Experience of «Refugeeness», New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Dobson
Cultures of Boxing, New edition |
Author/Editor: David Scott
Culture(s) in International Relations, New edition |
Author/Editor: Grazyna Michalowska,Hanna Schreiber
Culture’s Influence on the Websites of German and Chinese Companies: An Analysis of Cultural Diversity on the Internet, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Julian Böhnisch
Cultures in Contact, New edition |
Author/Editor: Vittoria Intonti,Rosella Mallardi
Cultures in Conflict: Religion, History and Gender in Northern Europe c. 1800–2000, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Alexander Maurits,Johannes Ljungberg,Erik Sidenvall
Cultures et mots de la table: Comment parle-t-on de la nourriture et de la cuisine en termes académiques, littéraires et populaires / argotiques ?, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Sabine Bastian,Uta Felten,Jean-Pierre Goudaillier
Cultures, Epochs, Ideas, Styles: A Festschrift for Aza Takho-Godi’s 100th Birthday, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Henrieke Stahl,Elena Takho-Godi,Oleg Bychkov,Henrieke Stahl
Culture(s) and Authenticity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Pantuchowicz,Anna Warso
Culture, Psychology, and Language Learning, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Hager
Culture, Politics, Ideology and Reproductive Health in Turkey, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Yilmaz Esmer
Culture, Politics, and National Identity in Mexican Literature and Film, 1929-1952, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne T. Doremus
Culture, Philosophy, and Chinese Medicine, New edition |
Author/Editor: Fengli Lan
The Culture of Translation in Romania / Uebersetzungskultur und Literaturuebersetzen in Rumaenien, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria SassSass,?tefan BaghiuBaghiu,Vlad PojogaPojoga
A Culture of Tough Jews, New edition |
Author/Editor: David Moscowitz
A Culture of Recycling / Recycling Culture?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacek Mydla,Wojciech Kalaga,Marzena Kubisz
The Culture of Language Education. Foreign Language Teaching in Diverse Instructional Contexts, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Hanna Komorowska,Jaroslaw Krajka
A Culture of Discontinuity?: Russian Cultural Debates in Historical Perspective, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Olga Tabachnikova
Culture in Rhetoric, New edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Wilkins,Karen Wolf
Culture et politique régionale de l'Union européenne: Stratégies et pratiques d’acteurs de Bruxelles à la Sicile, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Fanny Bouquerel
Culture et (in)dépendance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Olivier Alexandre,Sophie Noël,Aurélie Pinto
Author/Editor: Enrico Riparelli
Culture, Communication, and Creativity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hubert Knoblauch,Mark D. Jacobs,René Tuma
Culture, Cognition, Discourse and Grammar: Cognitive Considerations on Formulaic Language, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Bozena Duda,Robert Kieltyka,Ewa Konieczna
Culture as Verb: Probes into the New Humanities, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ryszard Nycz
Culture and the Legacy of Anthropology: Transatlantic Approaches 1870–1930. A Reader, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Maristella Gatto,Alessandra Squeo,Maristella Trulli
Culture and Technology, 4Revised edition |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Daryl Slack,J. Macgregor Wise
Culture and Psychopathology: The Anthropology of Mental Illness, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: S. Kleinsasser,Georgi Onchev
Culture and Literature in the EFL Classroom: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Theresa Summer
Culture and Language, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Morris
Culture and Identity in Study Abroad Contexts, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie-Claire Patron
Culture and Cognition, New edition |
Author/Editor: Shamsul Haque,Elizabeth Sheppard
Culture – A Life of Learning: Clifford Geertz und aktuelle gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Franz Gmainer-Pranzl,Barbara Schellhammer
Cultural Transformations of the Public Sphere, New edition |
Author/Editor: May Mergenthaler,Bernd Fischer
Cultural Security: Theory – Selected Aspects – Case Studies, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Rafał Wiśniewski,Elżbieta Szyszlak,Radosław Zenderowski
Cultural Representations of Albinism in Africa: Narratives of Change, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Charlotte Baker,Elvis Imafidon
Cultural Reflection in Management, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Lukasz Sulkowski
Cultural Recycling in the Postdigital Age, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Miriam Llamas Ubieto,Johanna Vollmeyer
Cultural Realism: Reconsidering Magical Realism in the Works of Contemporary American Women Writers, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Nasrin Babakhani
The Cultural Politics of In/Difference: Irish Texts and Contexts, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Aida Rosende-Pérez,Rubén Jarazo-Álvarez
Cultural Policy for Arts Education: African-European Practises and Perspectives, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Schneider,Emily Akuno,Yvette Hardie,Daniel Gad
Cultural Perspectives on Globalisation and Ireland, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eamon Maher
Cultural Performances: A Study on Managing Collective Trauma amongst Displaced Persons in Daudu, Benue State, Nigeria, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Shadrach Teryila Ukuma
Cultural Normativity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Golebiewska
Cultural Metamorphoses in Contemporary Italian Cinema, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Roberta Di Carmine
Cultural Linguistics Applied: Trends, Directions and Implications, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Arne Peters,Neele Mundt
The Cultural Identities of European Cities, New edition |
Author/Editor: Katia Pizzi,Godela Weiss-Sussex
Cultural Hybrids of (Post)Modernism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Beatriz Penas-Ibáñez,Akiko Manabe
A Cultural History of the Cuban Revolution: Power, Hegemony and the Pursuit of Independent Voices, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Claudio Canaparo,Guy Baron,Antonio Néstor Álvarez Pitaluga
The Cultural Heritage Conservation Experience in China: The Critical Decade, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jixiang Shan
Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Fatih Türkmen
Cultural Diversity and its Challenges to Evangelization in Cameroon, New edition |
Author/Editor: Augustine Nkwain
Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Imperialism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Martina Topic,Sinisa Rodin
Cultural Differences in Network Communication: How Polish, German and Ukrainian Netizens Use Social Media, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Grazyna Piechota
Cultural Difference in Television Programs, New edition |
Author/Editor: Zhuo Feng
Cultural Crossings / À la croisée des cultures, New edition |
Author/Editor: Raylene Ramsay
Cultural Contexts and Literary Forms, New edition |
Author/Editor: Chitra Harshvardhan,Rekha Rajan,Madhu Sahni
The Cultural Context in Foreign Language Teaching, New edition |
Author/Editor: Martin Pütz
Cultural Challenges of Migration in Canada- Les défis culturels de la migration au Canada, New edition |
Author/Editor: Klaus-Dieter Ertler,Patrick Imbert
Cultural and Social Diversity in Language Teacher Education, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jaroslaw Krajka,Hanna Komorowska
Cultural and Linguistic Encounters, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anissa Daoudi
Cultural and Creative Industries of Childhood and Youth: An interdisciplinary exploration of new frontiers, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Valérie-Inés De la Ville,Pascale Garnier,Gilles Brougère
Cultura e interculturalidad en las clases de lengua y literatura españolas e hispanoamericanas: Materiales y reflexiones, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Teresa Fernández-Ulloa,Miguel Soler Gallo
Culinary verbs in Middle English, New edition |
Author/Editor: Magdalena Bator
Cuestiones de lingueística teórica y aplicada, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria del Carmen Fumero Pérez,José Juan Batista
Cuerpo y poesía, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rita Catrina Imboden
Cuerpo de Reescritura, New edition |
Author/Editor: Amelia Peral Crespo
Cuba: memoria, nación e imagen: Siete acercamientos al séptimo arte desde la literatura, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Yannelys Aparicio
CSR im Zeichen der Employer Brand, New edition |
Author/Editor: Philipp Schmidt
César Franck: Entre raison et passion, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Franck Besingrand
Cryptographic Crimes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marcel Danesi
Cruel Britannia, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jolene Armstrong
Crowdwork - Herausforderungen einer neuen Form der Beschaeftigung fuer das deutsche Arbeitsrecht, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Durst
Crowdinvesting: Schwarmfinanzierungen im Spannungsfeld von Gesellschafts-, Kapitalmarkt- und Insolvenzrecht, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Dennis Ivanovic
Crowdfunding, industries culturelles et démarche participative, New edition |
Author/Editor: Laurent Creton,Kira Kitsopanidou
Crossroads of Jewish Bratislava: An Ethnological Examination of the Jewish Community between the 19th and 21st Centuries, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Salner
Cross-National Comparisons of Social Movement Unionism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Akira Suzuki
Cross-mediale Zusammenschluesse, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nadine Fiedler
Crossmediale Konzentration und Sicherung der Meinungsvielfalt, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Hinrichsen
Crossmedia Innovations, New edition |
Author/Editor: Indrek Ibrus,Carlos A. Scolari
Crossing, Trespassing, and Subverting Borders in Chicana Writing, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Debora Holler
Crossing the Wall, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rosemary Stott
Crossing the Line?: The Press and Anglo-German Football Rivalry, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Christoph Wagner
The Crossings of Art in Ireland, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ruben Moi,Brynhildur Boyce,Charles Armstrong
Crossing Cultures- Cruzando culturas, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rhina Toruño-Haensly
Crossing Boundaries, New edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Nordquist
Crossing Borders, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kathleen James-Chakraborty,Sabine Strümper-Krobb
Crossing Borders, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maureen A. Ramsden
Crossed Words: Criticism in Scholarly Writing, New edition |
Author/Editor: Françoise Salager-Meyer,Beverly Lewin
Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Homeland and Civil Security: A Research-Based Introduction, Revised Second Edition, Ed. 2Revised edition |
Author/Editor: Alexander Siedschlag,Andrea Jerkovic
Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Byzantine World, c.300–1500 AD, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kirsty Stewart,James Moreton Wakeley
Cross-Cultural Encounters between the Mediterranean and the English-Speaking Worlds, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christine Reynier
Cross-Cultural Affinities, New edition |
Author/Editor: Manyaka Toko Djockoua
Cross-border exchanges: Eurasian perspectives on logistics and diplomacy, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Pierre Chabal,Jildiz Nicharapova,Kuralay Baizakova
Cross-Border Cooperation Structures in Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Luis Dominguez Castro,Iva Miranda Pires
Croce on History: Aesthetic Defiguring, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Massimo Verdicchio
Crímenes literarios en el Socialismo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eva Parra Membrives,Alejandro Casadesús Bordoy
Écrivaines camerounaises de langue française: Voix / voies de transmission, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: María Carmen Molina Romero
Écritures du non-lieu, 2Revised edition |
Author/Editor: Timo Obergöker
Écritures de femmes en Belgique francophone après 1945, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marc Quaghebeur
Écritures contemporaines de la migration: Frontières, passages, errances, tragiques, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Schneider,Magali Jeannin,Yann Calvet,Marie Cleren
Écrits voyageurs, New edition |
Author/Editor: Laurence Brogniez
A Critique of the Customer Model of Higher Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Robert J. Soucy
Critique of Rationality, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Meric Bilgic
Critique of Cosmopolitan Reason, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rebecka Lettevall,Kristian Petrov
Critique des nanotechnologies, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Thierno Guèye
Critique de la grammaire pour une grammaire critique: Comparaison des structures allemandes et françaises, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Marschall
Critique d'art et nationalisme, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thierry Laugée,Carole Rabiller
Critique and Apologetics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jörg Ulrich,David Brakke,Anders-Christian Jacobsen
Critical Time in Modern German Literature and Culture, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dirk Göttsche
Critical Theory and Critical Genres, New edition |
Author/Editor: Charles Russel,Arne Melberg,Jaroslaw Pluciennik,Michal Wroblewski
A Critical Study of Classical Religious Texts in Global Contexts: Challenges of a Changing World, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Beth E. Elness-Hanson,Jon Skarpeid
A Critical Search for Values in George W. Bush’s State of the Union Addresses, New edition |
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Sowinska
Critical Realism and Christianity: Why No Christian Should be a Critical Realist, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas A. Howe
Critical Questions in Contemporary Theology: Essays in Honour of Dermot A. Lane, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Norbert Hintersteiner,Declan Marmion,Gesa Thiessen,Judith Gruber,Ethna Regan,Alan Kearns
Critical Pedagogy, Sexuality Education and Young People, New edition |
Author/Editor: Fida Sanjakdar,Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip
Critical Pedagogy and Emancipation: A Festschrift in Memory of Joyce Canaan, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Shirin Housee,Maisuria Alpesh,Stephen Cowden,Gordon Asher
Critical Media Analysis, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matteo Stocchetti,Karin Kukkonen
Critical Incidents Report Systems (CIRS): Einblicke in das deutsche Gesundheitswesen, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Walter Leal Filho
Critical Essays on Michel Butor’s «L’Emploi du temps», New edition |
Author/Editor: Sudarsan Rangarajan
A Critical Edition of Ruths Recompence by Richard Bernard, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Arlene McAlister
(Critical) Discourse Studies and the (new?) normal: Analysing discourse in times of crisis, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Maurizio Gotti,Stefania Maci,Mark McGlashan
Critical Dictionary on Borders, Cross-Border Cooperation and European Integration, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Birte Wassenberg,Bernard Reitel
Critical Debates in Public Finance, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Metin Tas,Adnan Gercek
Critical Animal Studies and Activism: International Perspectives on Total Liberation and Intersectionality, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Anthony J. Nocella II,Richard J. White
Critical and Creative Education for the New Africa, New edition |
Author/Editor: Titus Pacho
A Critical Analysis of the Interpretation of the Doctrine of «Justification by Faith Alone» by the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria, Gongola Diocese, New edition |
Author/Editor: James J. Reynolds
Cristo primizia dei morti e la risurrezione dei credenti, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gaetano Di Palma
Crisis Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia, New edition |
Author/Editor: Vedran Džihic,Magdalena Solska
Crisis e identidad. Perspectivas interdisciplinarias desde América Latina, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Angela Schrott,Jan-Henrik Witthaus
Crisis as a Political and Economic Concept: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ekrem Yasar Akcay,Habip Demirhan,Selim Demez
Crisis and Sustainability: Responses from Different Positions, New edition |
Author/Editor: George Chobanov,Jürgen Plöhn
Crisi e possibilità, New edition |
Author/Editor: Carlo Salzani
Écrire l’histoire à Metz au Moyen Âge, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mireille Chazan,Gérard Nauroy
Écrire l’espace des Amériques: représentations littéraires et voix de femmes amérindiennes, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Rita Olivieri-Godet
Écrire les blessures de l’enfance: Inscription du trauma dans la littérature contemporaine au féminin, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Valérie Dusaillant-Fernandes
Écrire et traduire pour les enfants / Writing and Translating for Children, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elena Di Giovanni,Chiara Elefante,Roberta Pederzoli
Écrire et penser le genre en contextes postcoloniaux, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Castaing,Élodie Gaden
Cripping Development?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Isa Garde
Criminal Law Dealing with Hate Crimes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christine Marie Shavers
Criminalizing History: Legal Restrictions on Statements and Interpretations of the Past in Germany, Poland, Rwanda, Turkey and Ukraine, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Klaus Bachmann,Christian Garuka
The Criminal Humanities, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mike Arntfield,Marcel Danesi
Crimes internationaux et immunité de l’acte de fonction des anciens dirigeants étatiques, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sam Lyes
Crime Scenes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Urszula Elias,Agnieszka Sienkiewicz-Charlish
Crime Scenes: Latin American Crime Fiction from the 1960s to the 2010s, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Charlotte Lange,Ailsa Peate
Crime Fiction, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen ButlerButler,Agnieszka Sienkiewicz-CharlishSienkiewicz-Charlish
The Crimean War in Victorian Poetry, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Tai-Chun Ho
Creativity: Technology and Music, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hans-Joachim Braun
Creativity and Innovation in Language Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Carmen Argondizzo
Creative Society, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Tomas Kačerauskas
Creative Paths to Television Journalism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacek Dabala
Creative Industries in Turkey, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Hasan Kemal Süher,Tolga Hepdincler
Creative Development in Marcel Proust’s «A la recherche du temps perdu», New edition |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Johnson
Creative Crises of Democracy, New edition |
Author/Editor: Joris Gijsenbergh,Wim De Jong,Tim Houwen,Saskia Hollander
The Creative City, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alessia Usai
Creation, Publishing, and Criticism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Xesus Nogueira,Laura Lojo Rodriguez,Manuela Palacios
The Creation of God, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rik Pinxten
The Creation of an Avant-Garde Brand: Heiner Mueller’s Self-Presentation in the German Public Sphere, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jens Pohlmann
«Creatio ex nihilo» and the Theology of St. Augustine, New edition |
Author/Editor: N. Joseph Torchia
Creating Public Trust, New edition |
Author/Editor: Barbara Kozuch,Zbyslaw Dobrowolski
Creating Oneself, New edition |
Author/Editor: Miri Rozmarin
Creating and Governing an Integrated Market for Retail Banking Services in Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthäus Markus Sielecki
Creación y traducción en la España del siglo XIX, New edition |
Author/Editor: Francisco Lafarga,Luis Pegenaute
Creación y análisis de corpus orales: saberes prácticos y reflexiones teóricas, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Salvador Pons Borderia
Création littéraire et féminité chez Roger Martin du Gard, New edition |
Author/Editor: Àngels Santa
Covid – an Alternative Inquiry: Putting Health at the Heart of a Green Recovery Strategy, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: David Williams
Covid-19, the Second World War, and the Idea of Britishness, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Joanne Pettitt
COVID-19 Studies Concerning Health, Social and Economic Aspects, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Mustafa Demirkiran,Burhanettin Uysal
The Coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict by the Polish Media (2014-2015), Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Róza Norström
The Covenant Concept as an Organizing Principle in Luke-Acts, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Frank Z. Kovacs
A Course in Applied Linguistics for Arab EFL/ESL Students, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hashim H. Noor,Nassir S. Al-Qadi
Coups de maître: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Literature and Culture, in Honour of John D. Lyons, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Meere,Kelly Fender McConnell
The Coup D’état of the New Orleans Public Schools, New edition |
Author/Editor: Raynard Sanders
Coup d’État, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marek Bankowicz
The Country of the Blind, New edition |
Author/Editor: Burton Blistein
Counterstorytelling Narratives of Latino Teenage Boys, New edition |
Author/Editor: Juan A. Ríos Vega
Countering the Financing of Terrorism in the International Community, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ivica SimonovskiSimonovski,Zeynep Ece ÜnsalÜnsal
Countering Terrorist Financing, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mark Pieth,Daniel Thelesklaf,Radha Ivory
«Counterfeited our names we haue, craftily - all thynges vpright to saue», New edition |
Author/Editor: Liliana Sikorska
The Counterfactual Yardstick, New edition |
Author/Editor: Karolina Cern
Counter-Argumentation and Anaphoric Substitution: The Role of the Spanish Connective a pesar de ello, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Gabriele Beck-Busse,Margarita Natalia Borreguero Zuloaga,Santiago Del Rey Quesada,Luis Diego Guillén Jiménez
COTRI Yearbook 2012, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Georg Arlt
Cote à côte : Berry-au-Bac dans la Première Guerre mondiale, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wencke Meteling,Annette Becker,Fabien Théofilakis
Cosubordinación en español, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Carmen Conti Jiménez
Cost Accounting in Germany and Japan, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Moeschler
Cost Accounting in Anglophone Subsidiaries, New edition |
Author/Editor: Moritz Schröder
Cosmotheism: Cytherean Sitings Between Heraclitus and Kittler, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Josef Chytry
Cosmos and Camus: Science Fiction Film and the Absurd, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Shai Tubali
Cosmopolitan Modernity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anastasia Marinopoulou
Cosmopolitanisms in Enlightenment Europe and Beyond, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mónica García-Salmones,Pamela Slotte
Cosmopolitanism in the Indian English Novel, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Mostafa Azizpour Shoobie
Cosmopolitanism and the Arab Spring, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lori J. Underwood
Cosmopolitanism and Inclusive Education through 21st-Century Disney Films, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ana López-Fuentes
Cosmological and Philosophical World of Dante Alighieri, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacek Grzybowski
Cosimo I. de’ Medici – Anton Fugger, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie Nicoline Steinweg
Corte y poesía en tiempos de los primeros Trastámara castellanos: lecturas y relecturas, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Antonio Chas Aguión
Cortesía valorizadora: Uso en la conversación informal española, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: María Jesús Barros García
Corruption as Power, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alfredo Schulte-Bockholt
Corrupted Principles and the Challenges of Critically Reflective Leadership, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christine Cunningham
Corrupción y derechos humanos, New edition |
Author/Editor: Luis Daniel Vázquez ValenciaVázquez Valencia
Correspondance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Baetens,Michael Kasper
Correspondance Ensor-Rousseau, Ed. 1New edition |
Corpus y estudio diacrónico del discurso especializado en español, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Matteo De Beni,Dunia Hourani Martín
Corpus numériques, langues et sens, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marc Debono
Corpus, New edition |
Author/Editor: Teresa Hiergeist,Laura Linzmeier,Eva Gillhuber,Sabine Zubarik
Corpus Linguistics in Language Teaching, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tony Harris,Maria Moreno Jaen
Corpus Data across Languages and Disciplines, New edition |
Author/Editor: Piotr Pezik
A Corpus-Based Study of Nominalization in Translations of Chinese Literary Prose, New edition |
Author/Editor: Yu Hou
Corpus-based studies on language varieties, New edition |
Author/Editor: Víctor González-Ruiz,Francisco Alonso Almeida,Laura Cruz García
Corpus-based Studies of Diachronic English, New edition |
Author/Editor: Roberta Facchinetti,Matti Rissanen
Corpus-based Approaches to Translation and Interpreting, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gloria Corpas Pastor,Miriam Seghiri Domínguez
Corpus Analysis for Descriptive and Pedagogical Purposes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Davide S. Giannoni,Maurizio Gotti
Corps meurtris, souffrants et sans vie dans la littérature et les arts contemporains, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Régine Atzenhoffer,Erwan Burel
Corps-image-texte chez Deleuze- Koerper-Bild-Text bei Deleuze, New edition |
Author/Editor: Françoise Lartillot
Corps et technologies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nathalie Grandjean,Claire Lobet-Maris
Corps écrit, corps écrivant, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christine K. Duff,Claudia Labrosse
Corporate Social Responsibility, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sebastian Sigle
Corporate Governance von Banken, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sabine Albrecht
Corporate Governance und Unternehmenserfolg, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anja Pissarczyk
Corporate Governance im Stiftungsrecht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sarah Katharina Schöbel
Corporate Governance, Controlling und Unternehmenserfolg, New edition |
Author/Editor: Timo Schmidt
Corporate Carbon Accounting and Footprinting in the Ecologically Dominant Logic: With an Excursion on the Detection of Outliers in a double-logarithmic Regression Model, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Bernhard Goldhammer
Corpora in Translation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tengku Sepoa Tengku Mahadi,Helia Vaezian,Mahmoud Akbari
Corpora and Language Change in Late Modern English, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Maurizio Gotti,Javier Calle-Martín,Jesús Romero-Barranco
Corneille’s «Horace» and David’s «Oath of the Horatii», New edition |
Author/Editor: Madelyn Gutwirth
Coping with Uncertainty, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kamil Wielecki
Coping with Change: Orthodox Christian Dynamics between Tradition, Innovation,and Realpolitik, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Vasilios N. Makrides,Sebastian Rimestad
Copernicus: Platonist Astronomer-Philosopher, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matjaz Vesel
The Coordination of Inter-Organizational Networks in the Enterprise Software Industry, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Kude
Cooptation, Complicity, and Representation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Shigeko Mato
Coopération transfrontalière et intégration européenne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Manuel Goehrs
Cooperative Collegial Democracy for Africa and Multi-ethnic Societies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Emefiena Ezeani
Convivencias, malvivencias y diálogos (im)posibles, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hans FernándezFernández
Convivencia: Dialogische Studien von Fachdidaktik und Fachwissenschaft zu ambivalenten Deutungsmustern gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens in Spanien, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Corinna Koch,Sabine Schmitz
Conversion in Germany: An Analysis of Patterns of Diffusion in Evangelical Church Planting (2010-2020), Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Frank Liesen
Conversion and Initiation in Antiquity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Birgitte Secher Bøgh
Conversations with God: Multilingualism among the Catholics in Belarus in the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Centuries. Sociolinguistic study, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ewa Golachowska
Conversations on Utopia: Cultural and Communication Practices, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Miriam Bait,Claudia Gualtieri
Conversational Writing: A Multidimensional Study of Synchronous and Supersynchronous Computer-Mediated Communication, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ewa Jonsson
Conversar en español: Un enfoque desde el Análisis de la Conversación, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: María del Carmen Martínez Carrillo
CONVERSACIONES EN VERSO: La epístola ética del Renacimiento y la construcción del yo poético, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Clara Marías
Converging Pathways- Itinerarios Cruzados, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cristina Blanco-Sío Lopez,Susana Muñoz
The Convention on the Future of Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Francesco Marchi
Convention and Contravention in Ben Jonson’s Three Comedies: Volpone, The Alchemist, Barholomew Fair, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Gül Kurtulus
Controversy over the Existence of the World, New edition |
Author/Editor: Arthur Szylewicz,Roman Ingarden
Controversy over the Existence of the World, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan BurzynskiBurzynski,Arthur SzylewiczSzylewicz,Roman IngardenIngarden
Control of Standard Business Terms: A Comparison between the Systematic Approach of §§ 305 ff. BGB and Art. 496-498 of the Chinese Civil Code, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Shuai Huang
Controlling the Trade of Dual-Use Goods, New edition |
Author/Editor: Quentin Michel,Sylvain Paile,Marina Tsukanova,Andrea Viski
Controlling Our Children, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas David KnestrictKnestrict
Controlling mobiler, integrierter Geschaeftsprozesse, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jens Jannasch
Controllingintegration nach M&A-Transaktionen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tobias Dickmann
Controlling, Compliance und Corporate Governance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Joachim Gruber,Gabriele Günther,Horst Muschol
Controlling Animals: Vain Attempts at Immortality in Three Works of Fiction, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Paul Reichstein
Contributions to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, New edition |
Author/Editor: Fernando J. Gonçalves,Ruth Pereira,Walter Leal Filho
Contributions to Theory and Comparative History of Historiography, New edition |
Author/Editor: Luiz Estevam de Oliveira Fernandes,Luísa Rauter Pereira,Sérgio da Mata
Contributions suisses au XVIe congrès mondial des slavistes à Belgrade, août 2018 Schweizerische Beitraege zum XVI. Internationalen Slavistenkongress in Belgrad, August 2018, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ekaterina Velmezova
Contributions suisses au XV e congrès mondial des slavistes à Minsk, août 2013- Schweizerische Beitraege zum XV. Internationalen Slavistenkongress in Minsk, August 2013, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ekaterina Velmezova
Contribution à l’histoire du service public postal : de la Révolution au tournant libéral du second Empire, New edition |
Author/Editor: Olivia Langlois
Contre l’innocence, New edition |
Author/Editor: Britta Benert,Philippe Clermont
Contre-cultures et littératures de langue allemande depuis 1960, New edition |
Author/Editor: Achim Geisenhanslüke,Nadia Lapchine,Françoise Lartillot,Yves Iehl
A contre-courant- Gegen den Strom, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cécilia Fernandez,Olivier Hanse
Contrasting Arguments: The Culture War and the Clash in Education, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Oscar Pemantle
Contraintes linguistiques, New edition |
Author/Editor: Luis Meneses-Lerin,Caroline Lachet,Audrey Roig
Contractual Transfer of Ownership in Immovable Property: A Kosovo Law Perspective on Contract and Property Law Rules and their Legal Interaction with other Fields of Civil Law, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Bashkim Preteni
Contos Populares Portugueses do Canadá / Portuguese Folktales from Canada, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Manuel da Costa Fontes
Contos Populares Portugueses de Massachusetts (Guilherme Alexandre da Silveira) / Portuguese Folktales from Massachusetts, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Dulce Maria Scott,Irene Maria F. Blayer,Manuel da Costa Fontes
The Continuum of Consciousness, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Eimers
The Continuation War 1941-1944 as a Metanoic Moment, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jouni Tilli
Contingent Convertible Bonds, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mohamed Bou Sleiman
Contextualizing World Literature, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jean Bessière,Gerald Gillespie
Contextualizing Practical Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Annemie Leemans
Contextuality in Translation and Interpreting: Selected Papers from the Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning 2020–2021, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Gary Massey,Michal Kornacki
Contextualiser l’éducation en milieux insulaires plurilingues et pluriculturels Contextualising Education in Insular Plurilingual and Pluricultural Environments, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Zehra Gabillon,Carole Atem
Contextualiser la grammaire du Français Langue Étrangère: Discours et Représentations Grammaticales du Français Langue Étrangère, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa,Sofia Stratilaki
Contextual Approaches in Sociology, New edition |
Author/Editor: Adela Elena Popa,Hasan Arslan,Mehmet Ali Icbay,Tomas Butvilas
Contextual Approaches in Communication, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mehmet Ali Icbay,Corina Daba-Buzoianu,Hasan Arslan
Contexts of Folklore: Festschrift for Dan Ben-Amos on His Eighty-Fifth Birthday, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Simon Bronner,Wolfgang Mieder
A Context-sensitive and Functional Approach to Evidentiality in Spanish or Why Evidentiality needs a Superordinate Category, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anja Hennemann
Contextos multilinguees. Mediadores interculturales, formación del profesorado de lenguas extranjeras, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria de las Nieves Rodríguez Pérez,Barbara Heinsch
(Con)textos femeninos: Antología de escritoras españolas. Tomo II: El siglo XIX hasta la actualidad, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Erika M. Sutherland,Elizabeth Smith Rousselle
(Con)textos femeninos: Antología de escritoras españolas. Tomo I: De Al-Ándalus hasta el siglo XVIII, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Rousselle,Erika M. Sutherland
Contextos de interpretación social en España, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Nieto García Paola
Contexto latino y vulgar de Garcilaso en Nápoles, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eugenia FosalbaFosalba,Gáldrick de la Torre Ávalosde la Torre Ávalos
Context Blindness: Digital Technology and the Next Stage of Human Evolution, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Eva Berger
Contests and Contexts, New edition |
Author/Editor: John Walsh
The Contested Terrain of the New Zealand All Blacks, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jay Scherer,Steve Jackson
Contested Legacies of 1989: Geopolitics, Memories and Societies in Central and Eastern Europe, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Kinga Torbicka,Nicolas Maslowski
Contested Ethnic Identity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Chris (Hristo) Kostov
Contested Borders, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ilir Kalemaj
Contents, Use, Usability: Dictionaries from the Perspective of a Translator and a Language Teacher, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Dorota Osuchowska,Lucyna Harmon
Content-Regulierung in konvergierenden Medien, New edition |
Author/Editor: Philip Kempermann
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephan Breidbach,Britta Viebrock
«Content and Language Integrated Learning» (CLIL) im Musikunterricht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Charlott Falkenhagen
Content and Language Integrated Learning by Interaction, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rita Kupetz,Carmen Becker
Content and Foreign Language Integrated Learning, New edition |
Author/Editor: Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe,Juan Manuel Sierra,Francisco Gallardo del Puerto
Contending Forces, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sabina Matter-Seibel
Contemporary Young Adult (Im)migration Fiction in the EFL Classroom: Theory and Practice, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Walburga Rothschädl
Contemporary Writing and the Politics of Space, New edition |
Author/Editor: David Walton,Juan Antonio Suárez
Contemporary Voices from Anima Mundi: A Reappraisal, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Frédérique Apffel-Marglin,Stefano Varese
Contemporary Understanding of Security and Its Contexts, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Stanisław Sulowski,Paulina Polko,Bernard Wiśniewski
Contemporary Topics in Computer Graphics and Games: Selected Papers from the Eurasia Graphics Conference Series, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Veysi Isler,Hasmet Gürçay,Hasan Kemal Süher,Güven Çatak
The Contemporary Theory of the Public Sphere, New edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick O’Mahony
Contemporary Studies and Theories in Tourism, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: İrfan Yazicioğlu,Özgür Yayla,Alper Işın,Can Aktuna,Eren Yalçın
Contemporary Studies and Theories in Gastronomy and Food Science, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: İrfan Yazicioğlu,Özgür Yayla,Alper Işın,Fuat Bayram,Eren Yalçın
Contemporary States and the Crisis of the Western Order, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marek Cichocki
Contemporary Services Management Issues: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Elbeyi Pelit,Hasan Hüseyin SOYBALI,Ali Avan
Contemporary Research in Sports Economics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Oliver Budzinski,Arne Feddersen
Contemporary Relations between Poland and Ukraine: The “Strategic Partnership” and the Limits Thereof, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Andrzej Szeptycki
Contemporary Migrations in the Humanistic Coefficient Perspective, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacek Kubera,Lukasz Skoczylas
Contemporary Kazakh Proverb Research: Digital, Cognitive, Literary, and Ecological Approaches, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Gulnara Omarbekova,Erik Aasland
Contemporary Issues with Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Social Science, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Engin ÇAKIR,Yusuf KADERLI
Contemporary Issues in Consumer Bankruptcy, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wolfram Backert,Susan Block-Lieb,Johanna Niemi
Contemporary Islamist Perspectives on International Relations: Mainstream Voices from the Sunni and Shii Arab World, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Sami Baroudi
Contemporary Irish Theatre, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kao Wei H.
Contemporary Highlights: Risk Navigation in Financial Criminology, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Muhammed Veysel Kaya,Fazlida Mohd Razali,Yusarina Mat Isa
Contemporary Greek Film Cultures from 1990 to the Present, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mikela Fotiou,Tonia Kazakopoulou
Contemporary Debates on Politics and Public Administration in the Postmodern Era, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ömer Ugur,Kadir Caner Dogan
Contemporary Crisis and Renewal of Public Action / Crise contemporaine et renouveau de l’action publique, New edition |
Author/Editor: CIRIEC
Contemporary Chinese Aesthetics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Zhu Liyuan,Gene Blocker
Contemporary Asian Modernities, New edition |
Author/Editor: Yiu Wai Chu,Eva Man Kit Wah
Contemporary Approaches in Humanities, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hasan Arslan,Mehmet Ali Içbay,Günther Löschnigg,Rasim Yilmaz
Contemporary Approaches in Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kevin Norley,Mehmet Ali Icbay,Hasan Arslan
Contemporary Approaches in Education and Communication, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hasan Arslan,Mehmet Ali Içbay,Alejandro J. Gallard,S. Lizette Ramos
The Contemporary Academic Mystery Novel: A Study in Genre, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Perkowska-Gawlik
Contemplations of the Spiritual in Art, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rina Arya
Contact Zone Identities in the Poetry of Jerzy Harasymowicz, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ewa Stanczyk
Contactos linguísticos na sequência da expansão portuguesa, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerda Haßler,Barbara Schäfer-Prieß
Contacto lingueístico en Venezuela: Interacción del español con la lengua indígena pemón, vitalidad y uso, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Julia Kuhn,Rafael-Eduardo Matos
Contact and Conflict in English Studies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sabine Coelsch-Foisner,Herbert Schendl
Consumption Choices: The effects of food production, markets and preferences on diets in India, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Till Ludwig
Consuming Irish Children, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lauren Rebecca Clark
Consumer Satisfaction, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Maria Peluso
Consumer Behavior Models, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Hasret Aktas,Göksel Simsek
Construyendo espacios: la ciudad iberoamericana virreinal: Teoría y estudios de caso, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Daniele Arciello,Jesús Paniagua Pérez
Construção de Identidade(s), New edition |
Author/Editor: Ana Isabel Boura,Francisco Topa,Jorge Martins Ribeiro
Construire les Carpates: L’Institutionnalisation d’une Éco-Region, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Simon Gaberell
Construire l’Autre: Regards croisés sur les productions de missionnaires chrétiens en terres lointaines, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Dalles Maréchal,Robinaud Marion
Construire la citoyenneté européenne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Laure Clément-Wilz,Sylvaine Peruzzetto
Constructive dismissal, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Amschler
Constructions of Melancholy in Contemporary German and Austrian Literature, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna O'Driscoll
Constructions de l’espace dans les cultures d’expression allemande, New edition |
Author/Editor: Françoise Lartillot,Ulrich Pfeil
Construction of New Turkey: Turkish Identity in Transition: From Kemalist Hyper-Modernism to Religious Conservatism, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Orhun Cem Karsavuran
The Construction of Gender Identities in Alison Bechdel’s (Autobio)graphic Writings, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christian LudwigLudwig
The Construction of European Holocaust Memory: German and Polish Cinema after 1989, New edition |
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Pakier
Constructionist Experiential Learner-Enhanced Teaching in English for Academic Purposes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dietmar Tatzl
Construction et déconstruction du politique par les médias européens depuis 1975 (Espagne, France, Royaume-Uni), Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie-Soledad Rodríguez,Claire Decobert
Construction du sens : un modèle instructionnel pour la sémantique, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gilles Col
Constructing Translation Competence, New edition |
Author/Editor: Paulina Pietrzak,Mikolaj Deckert
Constructing Scottish Identity in Media Discourses, New edition |
Author/Editor: Miriam Schröder
Constructing Relationships, Constructing Faces, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bartosz Adamczewski
Constructing Reality / Realitaet konstruierend, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nicole Holzenthal
Constructing Memory, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Rotem
Constructing Identity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Agata Handley
Constructing Identity in the Poetry of Tony Harrison: Revised and Expanded Edition, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Agata Handley
Constraints on Structure and Derivation in Syntax, Phonology and Morphology, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Bloch-Rozmej,Anna Bondaruk
The Constitutive Rhetoric of 20th Century Anglo-Saxon Feminism: The Role of the Discourse and its Strategies in the Reproduction of Social Reality and Power, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ewelina Gutowska-Kozielska
Constitution, Public Finance, and Transition, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ringa Raudla
The Constitution and the American Presidency, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael J C Taylor
Constitutionalism v Diversity: Essays on Federal Democracy, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Dave Guénette,Félix Mathieu
Constitutional Identities in Central and Eastern Europe, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Alexandra Mercescu
Constitutional Courts in Post-Soviet States: Between the Model of a State of Law and Its Local Application, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacek Zalesny
Constitutional Consciousness: In Search of a Remedy for the Crisis of Discourse and Democracy Deficit in the European Union, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Skirgailė Žalimienė,Bartosz Wojciechowski
Constituting «Americanness», New edition |
Author/Editor: Iulian Cananau
Constellations: The Life and Music of John Buckley, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Dwyer
Constellation Analysis, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bryan Cunningham
Constelaciones y redes literarias de escritoras latinoamericanas actuales entre América y Europa, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan-Henrik Witthaus,Dunia Gras Miravet,Victoria Torres
Constance Naden: Scientist, Philosopher, Poet, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Clare Stainthorp
Constance de Salm, Her Influence and Her Circle in the Aftermath of the French Revolution, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ellen McNiven Hine
Conspiracy and Paranoia in Contemporary American Fiction, New edition |
Author/Editor: Steffen Hantke
The Consolation of Poetry: Ten Lessons on Life and Death, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: David Spurr
Consideration in Intellectual Property Licences, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Nauta
Consequences of Informal Autonomy, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alexander Libman
Consensus and European Integration / Consensus et intégration européenne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Daniela Preda,Daniele Pasquinucci
Consensual Procedures in Criminal Law – Comparative Perspective, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Szymon Pawelec
Consciousness in Oscillation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sonja Lenk
Consciousness: Cultural and Therapeutic Perspectives, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dagmar Eigner
Conscience in Context, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stuart P. Chalmers
Conscience as Cognition, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Krokos
Conquering Trauma and Anxiety to Find Happiness, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ellen P. McShane
Connexions électriques, New edition |
Author/Editor: Yves Bouvier
Connect With Your Management On-The-Go: In collaboration with Simal Celikkol, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Mehmet Naci Efe
Connecting Faiths and Nationalities: A Social History of the Clerical Profession in Transylvania (1848-1918), Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marius Eppel
Connecter et segmenter à l’écrit: Ponctuation et opérateurs linguistiques : deux défis pour l’enseignement, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Blandine Longhi,Olivia Lewi
Conjuring the Truth: Yuri Tynianov’s ‘Real’ Pushkin, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Kurkina Rush
Conjunctions and Other Parts of Speech, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alan Libert
The Congo Free State: What Could Archives Tell Us?: New light and research perspective, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Patricia Van Schuylenbergh,Mathilde Leduc-Grimaldi
Congestion, New edition |
Author/Editor: Laura Bang Lindegaard
Confronting Toxic Rhetoric: Writing Teachers’ Experiences of Rupture, Resistance, and Resilience, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jamie White-Farnham,Cathryn Molloy,Bryna Finer
Confronting the Challenge, New edition |
Author/Editor: Suzanne Mulligan
Confronting Dostoevsky’s «Demons», New edition |
Author/Editor: James Goodwin
Confronting Climate Change with Indigenous Wisdom and Western Science: The Sustainability Revolution, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Glen S. Aikenhead
Confrontations au national-socialisme en Europe francophone et germanophone. Auseinandersetzungen mit dem National sozialismus im deutschund franzoesischsprachigen Europa 1919-1949: Volume 5.1 / Band 5.1, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michel Grunewald,Olivier Dard,Uwe Puschner,Michael Hüttenhoff,Lucia Scherzberg
Confrontations au national-socialisme dans l'Europe francophone et germanophone (1919-1949)/ Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus im deutsch- und franzoesischsprachigen Europa (1919-1949: Volume 3: Les gauches face au national-socialisme/Band |
Author/Editor: Michel Grunewald,Olivier Dard,Uwe Puschner,Nicolas Patin,Dominique Pinsolle
Confrontations au national-socialisme dans l'Europe francophone et germanophone (1919-1949)/ Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus im deutsch- und franzoesischsprachigen Europa (1919-1949), New edition |
Author/Editor: Michel Grunewald,Olivier Dard,Reiner Marcowitz,Uwe Puschner
Confrontations au national-socialisme dans l'Europe francophone et germanophone (1919-1949)/ Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus im deutsch- und franzoesischsprachigen Europa (1919-1949): Volume 5.2/ Band 5.2 Catholiques et protestants franco |
Author/Editor: Michel Grunewald,Olivier Dard,Uwe Puschner
Confrontations au national-socialisme dans l'Europe francophone et germanophone (1919-1949) / Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus im deutsch- und franzoesischsprachigen Europa (1919-1949, New edition |
Author/Editor: Olivier Dard,Michel Grunewald,Uwe Puschner
Confrontations au national-socialisme dans l'Europe francophone et germanophone (1919-1949) / Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus im deutsch- und franzoesischsprachigen Europa (1919-1949): Volume 4: Conservateurs, nationalistes, anciens natio |
Author/Editor: Michel Grunewald,Olivier Dard,Uwe Puschner
Confrontation and Communication, New edition |
Author/Editor: Didier Caluwaerts
Conflits sur/dans la langue : perspectives linguistiques, argumentatives et discursives, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Geneviève Bernard Barbeau,Sabine Schwarze,Franz Meier
Conflit et coopération France – Allemagne XIXe-XXe siècle, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel Pouget
Conflit au Pays basque: regards de militants illégaux, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Caroline Guibet Lafaye
The Conflicts of Modernity in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s «Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus», New edition |
Author/Editor: Marek Dobrzeniecki
Conflicts of Memory, New edition |
Author/Editor: Emiliano Perra
Conflicts Evolution: Die Restatements of Conflict of Laws und ihre Bedeutung fuer das US-amerikanische Deliktskollisionsrecht unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des neuen Restatement (Third), Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Vanessa Ludwig
The Conflict Revisited: The Second World War in Post-Postmodern Fiction, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marco Malvestio
Conflictos intergeneracionales y generaciones familiares en la España del Antiguo Régimen, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Juan Manuel Bartolomé Bartolomé,José Pablo Blanco Carrasco,Juan Hernández Franco
Conflict Minerals in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Part of the Pentalemma Series on Managing Global Dilemmas, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Dylan Scudder
Conflict, Cooperation and Leadership in the Mediterranean: European Political Entrepreneurs from the 1980s to the Arab Spring, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ivan Ureta Vaquero
Conflict and Controversy in Small Cinemas, New edition |
Author/Editor: Janina FalkowskaFalkowska,Krzysztof LoskaLoska
Configuración Jurídica de las Public Private Partnerships (PPP) en el ámbito del suministro de energía: ¿Qué puede aprender Colombia del Derecho Alemán?, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mónica-Liliana Ibagón-Ibagón
Confiance réflexive et institutionnalisme, New edition |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Six
Confessions of Love, New edition |
Author/Editor: Craig J. N. de Paulo,Bernhardt Blumenthal,Catherine Conroy de Paulo
Conducting Research in Translation Technologies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Pilar Sánchez-Gijón,Olga Torres-Hostench,Bartolomé Mesa-Lao
Conduct books fuer junge Damen des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cornelia Dahmer
Conditioned Identities, New edition |
Author/Editor: Flocel Sabaté
Concurrences régionales dans un monde multipolaire émergent, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sebastian Santander
Concurrences interrégionales Europe–Asie au XXIe siècle, New edition |
Author/Editor: Pierre Chabal
A Concise History of the French Post Office, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eugène Vaillé,Muriel Le Roux,Sébastien Richez
Concilier l’inconciliable, New edition |
Author/Editor: Quentin Michel
Concilier démocratie et diversité, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bernard Gagnon,Jackie Steele
Conceptualiser les classes de mots, New edition |
Author/Editor: Morgane Beaumanoir-Secq
A Conceptual Blending Theory of Humour, New edition |
Author/Editor: Joanna Jablonska-Hood
A Conceptual and Semantic Analysis of the Qualitative Domains of Aesthetic and Moral Emotions: An Introduction, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: VEDA,Andrej Démuth,Slávka Démuthová
Concepts of a Culturally Guided Philosophy of Science, New edition |
Author/Editor: Fengli Lan,Friedrich G. Wallner,Andreas Schulz
Concepts as Correlates of Lexical Labels, New edition |
Author/Editor: Slawomir Wacewicz
The Concept of Utopia, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ruth Levitas
The Concept of the Soul in Marcel Proust, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bette H. Lustig
The Concept of the Game in American Literature: True Freedom and a Mistaken Idea of Freedom, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Sandra Schenk
The Concept of Modern Law: Polish and Central European Tradition, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michal Peno,Konrad Burdziak
The Concept of Logical Consequence, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthew W. McKeon
The Concept of Honor in the Language of Early Arabic Poetry: A Cultural Linguistic Study, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Bartosz Pietrzak
The Concept of Divine Love in the Context of the God-World Relationship, New edition |
Author/Editor: John C. Peckham
A Conception of Symbolic Truth, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael H. Mitias
The Conception of Man in the Works of John Amos Comenius, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Cížek
Comunicación y persuasión en entornos digitales, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Giovanna Mapelli,Ana Pano Alaman
Comunicación intercultural en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Yeray González Plasencia
Comunicación en la arena digital: un análisis de la interacción en los videojuegos MOBA, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Frederic Chaume Varela,José Ramón Belda-Medina,José Ramón Calvo-Ferrer,Kristi Jauregi-Ondarra,Sara Badia Climent
Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa: 40 años de desarrollo en España y retos futuros, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Marina Calleja Reina
Computerspiele als Gegenstand des Deutschunterrichts, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Boelmann M.Ed.,Andreas Seidler
Computer Networks, the Internet and Next Generation Networks, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thi-Thanh-Mai Hoang
Computergestuetzte Transkription arabisch-deutscher Gespraechsdaten: Ein methodischer Beitrag zur Untersuchung gedolmetschter Gespraeche, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Schreiber,Rahaf Farag
Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools in the Translator Training Process, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michal KornackiKornacki
Computational Text Analysis and Reading Comprehension Exam Complexity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Trisevgeni Liontou
Compressed Utterances: Collage in a Germanic Context after 1912, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Cole Collins
Comprendre/Transformer, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Joris Thievenaz,Jean-Marie Barbier,Frédéric Saussez
Comprendre la non-participation: Les citoyens face aux dispositifs délibératifs tirés au sort, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Vincent Jacquet
Comprendre et apprendre dans l’interaction: Les séquences d’explication en classe de français langue seconde, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Virginie Fasel Lauzon
Composing Legacies: Testimonial Rhetoric in Nineteenth-Century Composition, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Christopher Carter,Russel K. Durst
Componer Fuerzas: Motivos musicales de la estética deleuziana, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Guadalupe Lucero
ComplémentationS, New edition |
Author/Editor: Antoine Gautier,Laura Pino Serrano,Carlos Valcárcel Riveiro
Compliance und Strafverfahren, New edition |
Author/Editor: Henrik Zapfe
Compliance und Rechtsstaat, New edition |
Author/Editor: Björn Kruse