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Titles start with L ( displaying 500 of 1,399 ) | Information |
Lyrik und Existenz in der Gegenwart, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Angelika Schmitt,Henrieke Stahl
Lyrikpoetologisches Denken: Konstellationen bei Oskar Pastior, Oswald Egger und Ann Cotten, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Frieder von Ammon,Maximilian Herford
The Lyric Subject: A Reconceptualization, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Varja Balžalorsky Antic
Lyricism in the Brazilian Novel, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Rosane Ramos
Lydia Ginzburg’s Alternative Literary Identities, New edition |
Author/Editor: Emily Van Buskirk,Andrei Zorin
Léxico y contacto de lenguas en los Andes, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Luis Florentino Andrade Ciudad,Ávaro Ezcurra,Carlos Migue Garatea Grau
Léxico y argumentación en el discurso público actual, New edition |
Author/Editor: Carmen Llamas Sanz,Concepción Martínez Pasamar,Manuel Casado Velarde
Léxico filológico en la Antigueedad tardía: Selecciónde vocabulario filológico en escolios y comentarios latinos tardoantiguos, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Gemma Bernadó Ferrer
Lèxic i Natura en les narracions d´Enric Valor, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Antonio Cortijo Ocaña,Joan de Déu Martines Llinares,Vicent Martines Martines
Lwów or L’viv?: Two Uprisings in 1918, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jerzy Giebultowski,Damian Markowski
L’évaluation des compétences professionnelles, New edition |
Author/Editor: Florian Chenu
Luxembourg, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christophe Sohn
L’œuvre ou la vie. « Mots » d’Antonia Pozzi- L’opera e la vita. «Parole» di Antonia Pozzi, New edition |
Author/Editor: Laura Oliva
L’œuvre musicale, entre orchestre et école, New edition |
Author/Editor: Isabelle Mili
L’œuvre de Vladimir Nabokov au regard de la culture et de l’art allemands, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alexia Gassin
Lutte Armee Grecque Contemporaine: Des Strategies discursives de (De)legitimation, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anastassia Tsoukala
L’utopie des crèches françaises au XIX e siècle : un pari sur l’enfant pauvre, New edition |
Author/Editor: Catherine Bouve
Luthers Lehre, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wichmann von Meding
Luthers Lehre, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wichmann von Meding
Luther’s «Heliand», New edition |
Author/Editor: Timothy Blaine Price
Luther, New edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Faber,Uwe Puschner
Lust’s Dominion; or, the Lascivious Queen / El dominio de la lujuria, o, la reina lasciva (ca. 1598-1600), by/de Thomas Dekker, John Marston, John Day, William Haughton: A critical and annotated edition and translation into Spanish/Edición crítica y anota |
Author/Editor: Primavera Cuder,Jesús López-Peláez Casellas
Lurleen Burns Wallace: The Power of the First Lady Governor, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Laura Merrifield Wilson
Lure of the Modern: European Lives in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Science, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Rand Hoare
L’urbanité entre sociabilité et querelle, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maximilian Gröne,Rotraud von Kulessa
L'Univers de la création littéraire, New edition |
Author/Editor: Philippe Willemart
L’Union européenne face au vieillissement de la population active: Analyse et perspectives autour de la discrimination sur la base de l’âge et des conditions de travail, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Christine Canazza
Luminous Traversing, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacek Gutorow
L’ultimo viaggio di Paolo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gaetano Iaia
Luke on Trial: A Literary Analysis of the Function of Divine Testing in Luke-Acts, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Hemchand Gossai,Cato Gulaker
Lukanische Theologie der Ehelosigkeit nach Lk 20,34-36: Ein Vergleich mit 1 Kor 7 und Mt 19, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Valentina Sudic
Luis Mateo Díez: El reposo de los muertos, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Domingo-Luis Hernández Álvarez
Luise Buechner, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cordelia Scharpf
Luigi Ghirri and the Photography of Place, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marina Spunta,Jacopo Benci
Lugares y figuras del exilio republicano del 39: Los intelectuales “satélites” y sus redes transnacionales, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Fatiha Idmhand,Margarida Casacuberta Rocarols,Manuel Aznar Soler,Carlos Demasi
Ludwig Tieck’s "Puss-in-Boots" and Theater of the Absurd, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerald Gillespie
Ludwig Loewe, the Forgotten Pioneer Industrialist of Imperial Berlin: A Life(1837–1886), Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Heidi Zogbaum
Ludwig Bechstein: Die kleinen Novellen und die Erzaehlungen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Susanne Schmidt-Knaebel
Ludwig Bechstein: Die großen Novellen und die Romane: Inhalte – Kommentare – Materialien, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Susanne Schmidt-Knaebel
Ludomanie im Strafrecht: Auswirkungen des Pathologischen Gluecksspielens auf die Schuldfaehigkeit gemaeß §§ 20, 21 StGB, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Melanie Rüter
Lucky Per, New edition |
Author/Editor: Naomi Lebowitz
Luces y sombras en la traducción e interpretación judicial: transposición de la Directiva 2010/64/UE, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: María Fernández de Casadevante Mayordomo
The Lucan Journey, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thi Yen Do
Últimos ecos del exilio: Estudios de poesía hispanomexicana, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Bernard Sicot
L’éthique de la libération d’Enrique Dussel, New edition |
Author/Editor: Berthony Saint-Georges
L'éthique dans la finance: Les banques genevoises à l'épreuve des faits, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Didier Caveng
L’État dans tous ses états, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sophie Wintgens,Audrey Weerts
LSP Teacher Training Summer School: The TRAILs project, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie-Anne Chateaureynaud,Peter John
LSP in Colombia, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gabriel Quiroz Herrera,Pedro Patino Garcia
À l'épreuve d'enseigner à l'Université: Enquête en France - Préface de Marc Romainville, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Saeed Paivandi,Nathalie Younès
Loyalty Schemes in Retailing, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Hoffmann
«Loyalty Profiling», New edition |
Author/Editor: Martin Lafleur
Lowell Lectures of 1903 by Charles S. Peirce: A Study Edition, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Laine Ketner,Charles Sanders Peirce
Loving’s the Strange Thing, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne-Marie Storrs
Love's Betrayal: The Decline of Catholicism and Rise of New Religions in Ireland, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Mulholland
Love, Death, and Fortune, New edition |
Author/Editor: Birte Sause
Love Around Us: The Role of Love in Education, Parenting, and Romantic Relationships, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Satu Uusiautti,Kaarina Määttä
Love and Virtue in Middle English and Middle Scots Poetry, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Dominika Ruszkiewicz
L’«Oulipo» e Italo Calvino, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michele Costagliola d'Abele
Louis Wolowski (1810-1876): A Biography, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jarosław Fazan,Ewa Dratwa,Rafał Dobek
Louis Aubert (1877-1968) : un compositeur entre trois époques, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ludovic Florin,Stéphanie Moraly
Lotze et son héritage, New edition |
Author/Editor: Federico Boccaccini
Los verbos ditransitivos y su enseñanza: transferencia, locación y movimiento, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Francisco Jiménez Calderón
‘Lost, Unhappy and at Home’: The Impact of Violence on Irish Culture: Volume I: Literature, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Eamon Maher,Maria Gaviña-Costero,Dina Pedro,Dónall Mac Cathmhaoill
‘Lost, Unhappy and at Home’: The Impact of Violence on Irish Culture: Volume II: Socio-Cultural Aspects, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Eamon Maher,Maria Gaviña-Costero,Dina Pedro,Donall Mac Cathmhaoill
Los términos compuestos desde la Terminología y la Traducción, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Melania Cabezas-García
Lost in Transnation, New edition |
Author/Editor: David S. Cho
Lost in the Eurofog: The Textual Fit of Translated Law, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lucja Biel
Lost in the Eurofog: The Textual Fit of Translated Law, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lucja Biel
Lost & Found: Reflections on Travel, Career, Love and Family, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Dustin Grinnell
Lost and Found in «Translation», New edition |
Author/Editor: Eun-Jeung Lee,Hannes B. Mosler
Los relativos en el asturiano medieval, New edition |
Author/Editor: Clara Elena Prieto Entrialgo
Los principios de las gramáticas académicas (1771-1962), New edition |
Author/Editor: José J. Gomez Asencio
Los poderes de la palabra, New edition |
Author/Editor: Carmela Pérez-Salazar,Cristina Tabernero,Jesús M. Usunáriz
L’ospitalità linguistica, New edition |
Author/Editor: Laura Ana Lisi
Los personajes femeninos en el cine español de animación contemporáneo, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mercedes Álvarez San Román
Los novísimos: Medio siglo de poesía española, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ulrich Winter,Christian von Tschilschke,Olaf Müller,Samia Kassab-Charfi,Sergio Santiago Romero
Los marcadores del discurso y cortesía verbal en español, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elena Landone
Los límites del Hispanismo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ana Bela Morais,Santiago Pérez Isasi,Sara Rodrigues de Sousa,Raquel Baltazar,Isabel Araújo Branco,Rita Bueno Maia
Los indoamericanismos léxicos en la obra lexicográfica de César Oudin (1607, 1616, 1621), Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerd Wotjak,José Juan Batista Rodríguez,Dolores García Padrón,Verónica Cristina Trujillo González
Los imaginarios apocalípticos en la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea, New edition |
Author/Editor: Geneviève Fabry,Ilse Logie,Pablo Decock
Los dominios del espíritu en las literaturas española e hispanoamericana (siglos XX-XXI), Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Raúl Fernández Sánchez-Alarcos,María Crego Gómez,José María Fernández Vázquez
Los agentes de la censura en la España de los siglos XVI y XVII, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mathilde Albisson
Los actuales cambios sociales y laborales: nuevos retos para el mundo del trabajo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lourdes Mella Méndez,Nicole Maggi-Germain
Los actuales cambios sociales y laborales: nuevos retos para el mundo del trabajo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lourdes Mella Méndez,Silvia Fernández Martínez
Los actuales cambios sociales y laborales: nuevos retos para el mundo del trabajo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lourdes Mella Méndez,Duarte Abrunhosa e Sousa
Los actuales cambios sociales y laborales: nuevos retos para el mundo del trabajo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lourdes Mella Méndez
Los actuales cambios sociales y laborales: nuevos retos para el mundo del trabajo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lourdes Mella Méndez,Lavinia Serrani
L’«Ortis» e la Francia, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sarah Béarelle,Claudio Gigante
Lorsque le brouillard a cessé de nous écouter, New edition |
Author/Editor: Geremia Cometti
L’organisation et la valorisation de la recherche: Problématique européenne et étude comparée de la France et de l’Allemagne, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jean-Alain Héraud,Nathalie Popiolek
L’Organisation de coopération de Shanghai et la construction de la «nouvelle Asie», New edition |
Author/Editor: Pierre Chabal
Lorenzo de Zamora Monarquía mística I: Introducción, edición y notas, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jesús-M. Nieto Ibañez,Raúl López López
L’ordre de Prémontré au XVIII e siècle, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dominique-Marie Dauzet,Martine Plouvier
Lord Lothian: The Paths of Federalism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Claudio G. Anta
Lord Byron and Mythology, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Naji B. Oueijan
Lorca’s Immanent Mysticism, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Patricia A. Fitzpatrick
Lorand Gaspar ou le Chant d´une genèse ininterrompue, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ulrich Winter,Christian von Tschilschke,Olaf Müller,Samia Kassab-Charfi,Jihen Souki
L’opéra expressionniste, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eric Lecler
Looking at Iberia, New edition |
Author/Editor: Santiago Pérez Isasi,Angela Fernandes
Léon Walras, New edition |
Author/Editor: Arnaud Diemer,Jean-Pierre Potier
Léontine Fay-Volnys: Le théâtre français en Allemagne et en Europe, XVIIIe-XIXe siècle, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie-Hélène Quéval
Léonie d’Aunet Viaje de una mujer a Spitzberg, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Rita Rodríguez Varela
The Longue Durée of Paramilitarism: Balkan and Global Perspectives, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mihai Dragnea,Dmitar Tasić,Aleksandar Miletić
Long-term Care in Central and South Eastern Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: August Österle
The Long Shadow of Don Quixote, New edition |
Author/Editor: Patrycja Poniatowska,Magdalena Barbaruk
The Long Seventh Century, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Gnasso,Emanuele E. Intagliata,Thomas J. MacMaster
The Long Quest for Identity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gabriele de Angelis,Paulo Barcelos
Loneliness and Solitude in Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Julian Stern
The London Lock Hospital in the Nineteenth Century, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Isabel Romero Ruiz
L’ombre de l’arbre ou l’errance du rhizome, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thierry T. Gustave
Lokal und Transnational in der Sozialen Arbeit: Perspektiven der Sozialen Arbeit aus Deutschland, Polen und Rumaenien, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Thea Boldt-Jaremko,Catalina Ene Onea,Doinita Grosu,Ulrich Paetzold
Lokalisierbarkeit von User-Interface-Strings, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alexander Behrens
Loi sur les droits numériques 1.0: Fondements théoriques, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Yuming Lian
Lohneinbußen von Frauen durch geburtsbedingte Erwerbsunterbrechungen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christina Boll
Léo Hamon (1908-1993), New edition |
Author/Editor: Gilles Le BéguecLe Béguec
Logos und Wirklichkeit, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Metscher
Logos und Wirklichkeit: Ein Beitrag zu einer Theorie des gesellschaftlichen Bewusstseins, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Metscher
LOGOS ET MUSICA, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Szczurko,Tadeusz Guz,Horst Seidl
Logos and Máthēma, New edition |
Author/Editor: Roman Murawski
Logoi and Pathêmata, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lars Inderelst
Logics of Separation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Stone-Richards
The Logic of Cultures, New edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Taborsky
L’Odyssée ou le Retour d’Ulysse: Un traité d’économie politique, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: André Sauge
Locus Fratrum – Architecture of Observant Franciscan Monasteries in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Upper Lusatia in the Late Middle Ages, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Zuzana Krenková
Lockerungen im Strafvollzug: Eine Bestandsaufnahme mit bayerischem Schwerpunkt unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des gerichtlichen Rechtsschutzverfahrens nach §§ 109 ff. StVollzG, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Nina Sperber
Locating the Self, Welcoming the Other: In British and Irish Art, 1990-2020, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Valérie Morisson
Locating Hybridity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ashwiny O. Kistnareddy
The Locals, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rob Garbutt
Local Matters, New edition |
Author/Editor: Simon Güntner,Louis Henri Seukwa,Anne Marie Gehrke,Jill Robinson
Local Government Institutionalization in Hungary, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gábor Soós
Local Government Budgetary Autonomy: Evidence from Bangladesh, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mohammad Talukdar
Local Governance and Regional Development: Current Perspectives, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Fatih AYHAN
Local Community, Power and European Integration, New edition |
Author/Editor: Zdzislaw Mach
L’obsession du mur: Politique de militarisation des frontières en Israël et aux États-Unis, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Damien Simonneau
Loan Loss Provisions in Alternative Banking Landscapes, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Reinhard Neck,Ksenija Popovic
L’énonciation dans la poésie moderne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Adam Aegidius
L’énergie au Cameroun au XXe siècle: Entre la puissance publique et les entreprises, une histoire intriquée, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Williams Pokam Kamdem
L’émergence des ONG en Chine, New edition |
Author/Editor: Paolo Urio,Yuan Ying
L’émergence de la norme internationale sur le « crime d’honneur »: Une analyse du discours onusien dans la perspective de l’histoire des religions, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Aurore Schwab
Llámenme «el mexicano», New edition |
Author/Editor: A. Margarita Peraza-Rugeley
L’électricité et les pouvoirs locaux en France (1880–1980), New edition |
Author/Editor: François-Mathieu Poupeau
L’élection présidentielle de 1969, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frédéric Fogacci,Cédric Francille,Gilles Le Béguec
Lizenzvertraege und ihre Inhaltskontrolle im unternehmerischen Geschaeftsverkehr, New edition |
Author/Editor: Roman Ullrich
Lizenzketten im Urheberrecht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kristin Grimm
L’ivresse entre le bien et le mal, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthieu Lecoutre
Living with Rules, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ondrej BeranBeran
Living the Future in Dialogue, New edition |
Author/Editor: Chizurum Ann Ugbor
Living Streams: Continuity and Change from Rabelais to Joyce, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerald GillespieGillespie
Living Song: Singing, Spirituality, and Wellbeing, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Karin Hendricks,June Boyce-Tillman
The Living Mirror, New edition |
Author/Editor: Klara Naszkowska
The Living Legacy of W. McNeil Lowry: Vision and Voice, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Darren Walker,Frank Kessel
Living in God Without God, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Dan Farrelly
Living by the Golden Rule: Mentor – Scholar – World Citizen: A Festschrift for Wolfgang Mieder’s 75th Birthday, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Andreas Nolte,Dennis Mahoney
Living Beyond the Nation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tea Golob PH.D.
Living Beyond the Borders, New edition |
Author/Editor: Edward Shizha,Priscilla Broni,Rosemary Kimani-Dupuis
Lived Space, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jakob Egholm Feldt,Kristine Sinclair
The Liturgical Vision of Pope Benedict XVI, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mariusz Biliniewicz
Littératures périphériques, littératures mondiales: Modèles, dynamiques et poétiques, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Amaury Dehoux
Littératures du faux, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne-Sophie Donnarieix,Jochen Mecke
Littérature orale africaine, New edition |
Author/Editor: Crispin Maalu-Bungi
Littérature interculturelle en Europe: Nouvelles perspectives : écriture féminine et autofiction, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Margarita Alfaro Amieiro,Beatriz Mangada,Ana Belén Soto Cano
Littérature et sacré : la tradition en question, New edition |
Author/Editor: Valentina Litvan
Littérature et jeu : des enjeux essentiels, New edition |
Author/Editor: Samir Marzouki
Littérature et écrans: Expansions de l’adaptation, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jessy Neau
Littérature et cinéma: la culture visuelle en partage, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ludovic Cortade,Guillaume Soulez
Littérature de jeunesse : la fabrique de la fiction, New edition |
Author/Editor: Philippe Clermont,Danièle Henky
Littérature de jeunesse et enseignement du français : à la croisée des didactiques, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne-Claire Raimond
Little Sister Death, New edition |
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Kaczmarek
The Little Qanun of Ibn Sina: Little Model of the Great Qanun, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Kadircan Hidir Keskinbora
Lithuanian Etymological Dictionary, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Wojciech Smoczynski
Literatur zur «Wende» im Deutschunterricht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gunhild Keuler
Literaturwissenschaftliche Aufbaujahre., New edition |
Author/Editor: Carsten Zelle
Literaturverfilmung transmedial?: Zum medienvergleichenden Umgang mit Verfilmungen fuer Kinder und Jugendliche im Deutschunterricht, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerrit Althüser
Literatur, Utopie und Lebenskunst, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Kapral,Karolina Sidowska
Literatur und Zeitgeschichte, New edition |
Author/Editor: Janusz Golec,Irmela von der Lühe
Literatur und Gesellschaft im interkulturellen Vergleich, New edition |
Author/Editor: Djama Ignace Allaba
Literatur und Freiheit von Lessing bis zur Gegenwart, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bodo Heimann
Literatur und die anderen Medien, New edition |
Author/Editor: Walter Bruno Berg,Frank Reiser,Chiara Polverini
Literaturuebersetzen: Aesthetik und Praxis, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Rainer Kohlmayer
Literaturtransfer und Interkulturalitaet im Exil- Transmission of Literature and Intercultural Discourse in Exile- Transmission de la littérature et interculturalité en exil, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gabor Tüskés
Literaturtheoretische Kanonisierungspraktiken: Eine kultursoziologische Untersuchung am Beispiel der kritischen literaturtheoretischen und literaturhistoriographischen Arbeiten von Georg Lukács zwischen 1906 und 1938, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Dennis Wahl
Literaturskandale, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hans-Edwin Friedrich
Literatur lokalisiert-, New edition |
Author/Editor: Theresa Zifko
Literaturlinguistik – philologische Brueckenschlaege, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jochen A. Bär,Jana-Katharina Mende,Pamela Steen
Literatur – Lesen – Lernen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Daniela A. Frickel,Jan Boelmann
Literaturkritik ohne Sprachkritik?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nicole Kaminski
Literatur im sozialen Prozess des langen 19. Jahrhunderts, New edition |
Author/Editor: Udo Köster
Literaturgeschichte und Interkulturalitaet: Festschrift fuer Maria Sass, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Doris Sava,Stefan Sienerth
Literatur-Erlebnisse zwischen Mittelalter und Gegenwart, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wernfried Hofmeister,Ylva Schwinghammer
The Literature of Polish Romanticism in Its European Contexts, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Trybus
Literature of Consciousness, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jakub Momro
Literaturen und Kulturen des Vegetabilen. Plant Studies – kulturwissenschaftliche Pflanzenforschung, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Berbeli Wanning,Urte Stobbe,Anke Kramer
Literature, Music, Theatre?: The Performative Aspect of Rammstein’s Musical Activity, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Baginska
Literature: Different Perspectives and Approaches in Postcolonial Studies, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Göksel ÖZTÜRK,Alev KARADUMAN
Literature, Culture, and Tolerance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew R. Murphy,Charles Russel,Jaroslaw Pluciennik,Irena Hübner
Literature as a Medium for Memory, New edition |
Author/Editor: Magdalena Sitarz
Literature and Weak Thought, New edition |
Author/Editor: Andrzej Zawadzki
Literature and Spirituality in the English-Speaking World, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kathie Birat,Brigitte Zaugg
Literature and Media: Productive Intersections, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Magdalena Cieslak,Michal Lachman
Literature and Media: After 1989, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Maryla Hopfinger
Literature and Intercultural Learning in Language and Teacher Education, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ana Gonçalves Matos,Silvia Melo-Pfeifer
Literature and Error, New edition |
Author/Editor: Isabelle Alfandary,Marc Porée
Literatur der Fruehen Neuzeit und ihre kulturellen Kontexte, New edition |
Author/Editor: Andreas Beck,Nicola Kaminski
Literatura y ficción, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alfonso Martín Jiménez
Literatura y diálogos trasatlánticos, New edition |
Author/Editor: Edison Neira Palacio,Sophie Dorothee von Werder
Literatura y desplazamiento, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: María Isabel López Martínez
Literaturas, mujeres y silencio: Formas de silenciamiento femenino en la literatura reciente, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Leticia de la Paz de Dios,Fernando Candón Ríos,Nuria del Mar Torres López
Literaturas extranjeras y desarrollo cultural, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ana Luna Alonso,Áurea Fernández Rodríguez,Iolanda Galanes Santos
Literaturas entrelazadas: Portugal y España, del modernismo y la vanguardia al tiempo de las dictaduras, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Antonio Sáez Delgado
Literaturas en diálogo y escrituras en redes. Textos críticos sobre escritoras de América y España, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Félix Antonio Gallego Duque,María E. Osorio Soto
Literatura política y política literaria en España, New edition |
Author/Editor: Guillermo Lain Corona,Mazal Oaknin
Literaturanspruch und Unterhaltungsabsicht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hans-Heino Ewers-Uhlmann
Literatur als Gegenstand Westberliner Abituraufsaetze der 1950er und 1960er Jahre: Interpretationen und Literaturkonzepte, Aufgabentypen und Aufsatzarten, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Britta Eiben-Zach
Literatura Latinoamericana y otras artes en el siglo XXI, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ángel Esteban
Literatura, ironía y traducción, New edition |
Author/Editor: July De Wilde
Literatura infantil y juvenil mexicana: Entrevistas, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Emily Hind
Literatura, hibridez y glocalización, New edition |
Author/Editor: Edwin Carvajal Córdoba,María Osorio Soto
Literatura e Outras Artes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger,Ana Sobral,Selma Pantoja
Literatura ecológica contemporánea en español escrita por mujeres, una visión panorámica, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ángel Esteban,Yannelys Aparicio,Juana María González García
Literatura, diálogos y redes trasatlánticas, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Juan Fernando Taborda Sánchez,María E. Osorio Soto
Literatura catalana del segle XX i de l’actualitat, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eberhard Geisler
Literary Tourism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jasna Potocnik Topler
Literary Texts and Intercultural Learning, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ana Goncalves Matos
Literary Studies in Reconstruction, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marko Juvan
Literary Spaces in the Selected Works of J.M. Coetzee, New edition |
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Karwowska
Literary Retranslation in Context, New edition |
Author/Editor: Susanne M. Cadera,Andrew Samuel Walsh
Literary Nationalism in German and Japanese «Germanistik», New edition |
Author/Editor: Lee M. Roberts
Literary Intellectuals, New edition |
Author/Editor: Abdulla M. Al-Dabbagh
The Literary Institution in Portugal since the Thirties, New edition |
Author/Editor: Margarida Rendeiro
A Literary History of the Fourteenth Century, New edition |
Author/Editor: Vincenzo Traversa,Natalino Sapegno
The Literary Expressions of Chinese Experience, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Mao Nie
Literary Creativity and the Older Woman Writer, New edition |
Author/Editor: Núria Casado-Gual,Emma Domínguez-Rué,Brian Worsfold
The Literary Avatars of Christian Sacramentality, Theology and Practical Life in Recent Modernity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ioana Zirra,Madeleine Potter
The Literary Art of Ali Smith: All We Are is Eyes, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ema Jelínková,Rachael Sumner
Literary and Cultural Relations: Ireland, Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Kurdi
Literary and cultural forays into the contemporary, New edition |
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Wieckowska,Grzegorz Koneczniak
Literary and Cultural Circulation, New edition |
Author/Editor: José Luís Jobim
Literary Allusions in Esther: A Study on the Convergence of Intertexts and Narrative, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ron Lindo, Jr.
Literarizitaet und Komplexitaet der Jugendliteratur zur Jahrtausendwende, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christian Bittner
Literarisierungen von Gewalt: Beitraege zur deutschsprachigen Literatur, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Dagmar von Hoff,Brigitte Jirku,Lena Wetenkamp
Literarisierung der Familie im oesterreichischen Roman der Gegenwart, New edition |
Author/Editor: Joanna Lawnikowska-Koper
Literarische Topographien in Ostmitteleuropa bis 1945, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Nowikiewicz
Literarisches Verstehen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Johannes OdendahlOdendahl
Literarische Stoerungen in Texten ueber die Shoah, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dennis BockBock
Literarisches Lernen mit Medienverbuenden fuer Kinder und Jugendliche: Abenteuer/«âventiure» als narrativer Zugang in Theorie und Praxis, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Karla Müller,Andrea Sieber
Literarische Schreibratgeber, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Klupp
Literarische Konstruktionen autobiographischer Subjektivitaet in der «nouvelle autobiographie», New edition |
Author/Editor: Christiane Sauer
Literarische Katastrophendiskurse im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ewa Wojno-Owczarska
Literarische Hermeneutik: Grundlegung der Textinterpretation 1, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Juliane Eckhardt,Stefan Schenk-Haupt
Literarische Erinnerung an den Ersten Weltkrieg in Regionen Mitteleuropas, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Gierlak,Malgorzata Klentak-Zablocka,Thorsten Unger
Literarische Bildung und Migration, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Jakubanis
Literarisch-aesthetisches Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lutz Küster,Christiane Lütge,Katharina Wieland
Literariness, New edition |
Author/Editor: Soren Gauger,Edward Balcerzan
Literalitaet und Partizipation, New edition |
Literale Textentwicklung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Helmuth Feilke,Regula Schmidlin
Literale Kompetenzentwicklung an der Hochschule, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ulrike Preußer,Nadja Sennewald
Literacy Then and Now, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alice S. HorningHorning
Literacy Heroines: Women and the Written Word, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Alice S. Horning
Literacy and Orality at Work, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Frank Sligo
Literacy and Learning in Times of Crisis: Emergent Teaching Through Emergencies, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Sara P. Alvarez,Yana Kuchirko,Mark McBeth,Meghmala Tarafdar,Missy Watson
Litanic Verse IV, New edition |
Author/Editor: Magdalena Maria KubasKubas
Litanic Verse I, New edition |
Author/Editor: Witold Sadowski,Magdalena Maria Kubas,Magdalena Kowalska
Litanic Verse II, New edition |
Author/Editor: Witold Sadowski,Magdalena Kowalska,Magdalena Maria Kubas
Litanic Verse III, New edition |
Author/Editor: Magdalena KowalskaKowalska
L’italiano giuridico in Italia e nelle istituzioni dell’UE, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Desy Masieri
L’Italia centrale e la creazione di una «koiné» culturale?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michel Aberson,Maria Cristina Biella,Massimiliano Di Fazio,Pierre Sanchez,Manuela Wullschleger
The List: The Making of an Online Transnational Second Generation Community, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz
Listening Well: On Beethoven, Berlioz, and Other Music Criticism in Paris, Boston, and New York, 1764-1890, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ora Frishberg Saloman
Listening to the French New Wave, New edition |
Author/Editor: Orlene Denice McMahon
Listening to Subtitles, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Matamala,Pilar Orero
Listening for Learning: Performing a Pedagogy of Sound and Listening, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Chris McRae
Listening and Understanding, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ernst Bernhardt-Kabisch,Constantin Floros
L'isola dei baci: romanzo erotico-sociale Marinetti e Bruno Corra., Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Lisa, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthew Lipman,Ann Margaret Sharp
Lisa, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nicole Decostre
L’ironie dans la presse satirique, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elena Siminiciuc
Lire les textes anciens italiens: Éléments de morpho-syntaxe diachronique, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Catherine Camugli Gallardo
Lire et traduire la littérature de jeunesse, New edition |
Author/Editor: Muguras Constantinescu
Lire en classe de français, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ewa Kalinowska
Lire des textes réputés littéraires : disciplination et sédimentation: Enquête au fil des degrés scolaires en Suisse romande, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Bernard Schneuwly,Christophe Ronveaux
Liquidation von OHG und KG durch Veraeußerung des Unternehmens, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marten Schmitt
L’investigation collaborative : de la pratique d’enquête à la collaboration à distance, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Alain Baudrit
L’inversion du clitique sujet et ses fonctions en français contemporain, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Alain Berrendonner
L'invention du geste amoureux: Anthropologie de la séduction dans les arts visuels de l’Antiquité à nos jours, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Valérie Boudier,Giovanni Careri,Elinor Myara Kelif
L’Invention de soi, New edition |
Author/Editor: Béatrice Jongy
L’invention de l’eau embouteillée, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Marty
L’intime et l’apprendre, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie Berchoud,Blandine Rui,Claire Mallet
L’interrogative en français, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie-José BéguelinBéguelin,Aidan CoveneyCoveney,Alexander GuryevGuryev
L’interface prosodie/syntaxe en français, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mathieu Avanzi
L’interdisciplinarité racontée, New edition |
Author/Editor: Violaine Lemay,Frédéric Darbellay
L’interculturalité au service des transitions: Repenser la vie et l’éducation de l’humain dans l’époque de l’Anthropocène, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Loïc Chalmel,Anne Herrmann-Israel
L’innovation verte, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sophie Boutillier,Faridah Djellal,Faïz Gallouj,Blandine Laperche,Dimitri Uzunidis
L’innovation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sophie Boutillier,Faridah Djellal,Dimitri Uzunidis
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s «Hamilton»: Silenced Women’s Voices and Founding Mothers of Color: A Critical Race Theory Counterstory, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Astrid Böger,Vanessa Vollmann
Linksextreme Einstellungen und Feindbilder, New edition |
Author/Editor: Monika Deutz-Schroeder,Klaus Schroeder
Linking up the Alps, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cristina Del Biaggio
Linking Research and Training in Internationalization of Teacher Education with the PEERS Program: Issues, Case Studies and Perspectives, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jean-Luc Gilles
Linguistische und sprachdidaktische Aspekte germanistischer Forschung Chinesisch-Deutsch, New edition |
Author/Editor: Corinna Reuter,Anne-Kathrin Schlief
Linguistische Beitraege zur Slavistik: XXV. JungslavistInnen-Treffen in Goettingen, 13.–16. September 2016, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Genia Böhnisch,Uwe Junghanns,Hagen Pitsch
Linguistische Beitraege zur Slavistik: XXVI. und XXVII. JungslavistInnen-Treffen, 6. bis 8. September 2017 in Bamberg und 12. bis 14. September 2018 in Heidelberg, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ivana Lederer,Katrin Schlund,Anna-Maria Meyer
Linguistische Beitraege zur Slavistik: XXVIII. JungslavistInnen-Treffen, 18. bis 20. September 2019 in Hamburg, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Martin Henzelmann,Nelli Ritter
Linguistische Beitraege zur Slavistik.: XXIX. JungslavistInnen-Treffen vom 09. bis 10. September 2021 an der Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Christina Clasmeier,Julia Golbek
Linguistische Beitraege zur Slavistik: XXIV. JungslavistInnen-Treffen in Koeln, 17.-19. September 2015, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anastasia Bauer,Daniel Buncic
Linguistische Analyse innerbetrieblicher Metakommunikation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Melanie Howe
Linguistique et stylistique des figures, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cécile Barbet
Linguistique et Discours, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mohammed JadirJadir
Linguistique du discours : de l’intra- à l’interphrastique, New edition |
Author/Editor: Teresa Muryn,Salah Mejri
Linguistique contrastive, linguistique appliquée, sociolinguistique, New edition |
Author/Editor: Florentina Fredet,Anne-Marie Laurian
Linguistik und Kulturwissenschaft, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Dobstadt,Christian Fandrych,Renate Riedner
Linguistik des oekologischen Diskurses: Untersuchungen zu Kommunikationsformen in Oekologie und Umweltschutz in der Russischen Foederation, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Thede Kahl,Helmut Wilhelm Schaller,Martin Henzelmann
Linguistic Variation in the Ancrene Wisse, Katherine Group and Wooing Group: Essays Celebrating the Completion of the Parallel Text Edition, Ed. 2Revised edition |
Author/Editor: Koichi Kano,Scahill John
Linguistic Variation in the Ancrene Wisse, Katherine Group and Wooing Group, New edition |
Author/Editor: Harumi Tanabe,Scahill John,Koichi Kano
Linguistics: Textual, Contextual, Conceptual Concerns in Contemporary Literary and Cultural Productions, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Aslı Özlem Tarakcıoğlu,Kugu Tekin,Seda KUŞÇU ÖZBUDAK
Linguistics: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Selen Tekalp,F. Büşra Süverdem
Linguistic Metonymy: Implicitness and Co-Activation of Mental Content, New edition |
Author/Editor: Máté TóthTóth
Linguistic Meaning and Non-Truth-Conditionality, New edition |
Author/Editor: Xosé Rosales Sequeiros
Linguistic, Linguo-stylistic and Narratological Aspects of Early Montenegrin Short Stories, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sanja Crnogorac
Linguistic Landscapes, Multilingualism and Social Change, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christine Hélot,Monica Barni,Rudi Janssens,Carla Bagna
Linguistic Landscapes im deutschsprachigen Kontext: Forschungsperspektiven, Methoden und Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Evelyn Ziegler,Heiko F. Marten
Linguistic Landscapes and Multilingualism in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Sociolinguistic and Socio-cognitive Processes at Work: Sociolinguistic and socio-cognitive processes at work, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Neele Mundt
A linguistic Insight into Legislative Drafting: Tradition and Change in the UK Legislation, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Maurizio Gotti,Giulia Adriana Pennisi
Linguistic Impoliteness in (Translated) Children’s Fiction, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Monika Pleyer
Linguistic Encoding & Decoding in Global Contexts: Selected Papers of the 54th Linguistics Colloquium in Moscow 2019, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Heinrich Weber,Ksenia Kardanova-Biryukova
Linguistic Construction of Ethnic Borders, New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Rosenberg,Konstanze Jungbluth,Dagna Zinkhahn Rhobodes
Linguistic Change in Galway City English, New edition |
Author/Editor: Arne Peters
Linguistic and Translatological Aspects of Poetry Translation: Joseph Brodsky’s Texts in Russian, English and Latvian, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Janis Veckracis
Linguistic and Translation Studies in Scientific Communication, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Lluisa Gea-Valor,Isabel García-Izquierdo,Maria José Esteve
Linguistic and Literary Theories in Reading, New edition |
Author/Editor: Feryal Cubukcu,Leyla Harputlu
Linguistic and Extralinguistic in Interaction, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Anita Memišević,Mihaela Matesic
Lingueística Teórica y Aplicada: nuevos enfoques, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nekane Celayeta Gil,Felipe Jiménez Berrio,Alberto de Lucas Vicente
Lingueística queer hispánica: Las formas nominales de tratamiento de la comunidad de habla LGTBI, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Carles Navarro Carrascosa
Lingueística mediática y traducción audiovisual, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nadine Rentel,Ursula Reutner,Ramona Schröpf
Lingueística experimental y contraargumentación: Un estudio sobre el conector <sin embargo> del español, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Laura Nadal
Lingueística de la ausencia, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Dolores García Padrón,Fernando López García
Lingueística de corpus: génesis y bases metodológicas de los corpus (históricos) para la investigación en lingueística, New edition |
Author/Editor: Joan Torruella
Lingueística clínica en el ámbito hispánico: un panorama de estudios, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ana Isabel Codesido García,Victoria Marrero-Aguiar,Carlos Hernández Sacristán
Lingua parlata, New edition |
Author/Editor: Felisa Bermejo Calleja,Peggy Katelhön
Linguaggio e comicità, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sandra Covino,Vincenzo Faraoni
Linguagem e Legislação: Análise Sintático-Semântica dos Códigos Penais de Portugal e do Brasil (estudo contrastivo-textual), Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Iva Svobodova
Lingua Franca English, New edition |
Author/Editor: Yvonne Dröschel Shaham
Lingua Franca Communication, New edition |
Author/Editor: Karlfried Knapp,Christiane Meierkord
Lingua e testualità dei diari on-line italiani, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Maciej Durkiewicz
Lingua e discriminazione: Studi diacronici, lessicali e discorsivi, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Daniela Pietrini,Daniela Pietrini
Lingua Barbara or the Mystery of the Other, New edition |
Author/Editor: Johanna M. Buisson
L'influence (in)visible: Les partis populistes de droite radicale et la fabrique de politiques publiques en démocratie, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Biard
L’Indéfinition en Khmer, du Groupe Nominal au Discours, New edition |
Author/Editor: Joseph Thach
L’implication du récepteur dans les énoncés de l’espace public, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie-José Béguelin,Alain Berrendonner,Didier Maillat,Louis de Saussure,France Dhorne
Limits of Orality and Textuality in Ciaran Carson’s Poetry, New edition |
Author/Editor: Grzegorz Czemiel
The Limits of Juristic Power from the Perspective of the Polish Sociological Tradition, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Pawel Jablonski,Przemyslaw Kaczmarek
The Limits of Cosmopolis, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kathleen Glenister Roberts
Limits and Life, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sigurdur Arni Thordarson
Limiting Electoral Violence in Zambia 2011-2016: Public Diplomacy, Smart Power and the Role of NGOs, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Hilda Sangwa Schwaiger
Limit Experiences: A Study of Twentieth-Century Forms of Representation, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Alex Shannon,Jacek Leociak
Liminality and «Communitas» in the Beat Generation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Aaron Christopher Mitchell
Liminal Borderlands in Irish Literature and Culture, New edition |
Author/Editor: Irene Gilsenan Nordin,Elin Holmsten
Limiares Homem Animal na literatura e na cultura da Idade Média, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Cristina Álvares,Sérgio Guimarães de Sousa
L’imaginaire en œuvre, New edition |
Author/Editor: Laurent Déom
L’Image hantée: Horreur et épouvante dans le cinéma et les séries américaines contemporaines, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jean-Baptiste Carobolante,Philippe Ortoli
L’image du « Togolais nouveau » dans l’œuvre romanesque de Félix Couchoro, New edition |
Author/Editor: Koutchoukalo Tchassim
L’image du Soi: Fichte – Feuerbach – Althusser, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ewa Stasiak,Luc Vincenti
L’image du corps dans l’art espagnol aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Portmann
Lillian de Lissa, Women Teachers and Teacher Education in the Twentieth Century, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kay Whitehead
Like Man, Like Woman, New edition |
Author/Editor: Claude-Emmanuelle Centlivres Challet
Life-World, Intersubjectivity and Culture, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Halas
Lifetime Linguistic Inspirations: To Igor Mel’čuk from Colleagues and Friends for his 90th Birthday, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Leonid Iomdin,Jasmina Milićević,Alain Polguère
The Life of Prayer on Mount Athos, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Douglas Dales,Graham Speake
The Life of Augustine of Hippo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frederick van Fleteren
The Life of Augustine of Hippo, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frederick Van Fleteren
The Life of Augustine, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frederick van Fleteren
Lifelong Learning: Expanding Concepts and Practices, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Olav Eikeland,Hedvig Johannesen,Kate Milosavljevic
Lifelong Learning and Teacher Development, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jaan Mikk,Marika Veisson,Piret Luik
Life Histories of Bahá’í Women in Canada, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lynn Echevarria
«Life Cycle Costing» als Instrument nachhaltiger oeffentlicher Auftragsvergabe, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Henzel
Life: A Study in Words, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Rick Welch
The Life and Ministry of Prophet Garrick Sokari Braide, New edition |
Author/Editor: Chinonyerem Chijioke Ekebuisi
Lieux de vie, lieux de sens, New edition |
Author/Editor: Judyta Zbierska-Moscicka
Lieux de mémoire en Orient grec à l’époque impériale, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Gangloff
Lieux de culture dans la France du XVII e siècle, New edition |
Author/Editor: William Brooks,Christine Probes McCall,Rainer Zaiser
Liens linguistiques, New edition |
Author/Editor: Camino Alvarez Castro,Flor Maria Bango de la Campa,Maria Luisa Donaire
Lieder und Musik als Foerderungsfaktoren interkultureller Kompetenz in der DaF-Didaktik, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rafal PiechockiPiechocki
Liebe und Sein: Die ontologische Grundrelation, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Bernt Knauber
Liebe und Ehe in den erzaehlenden Werken Hartmanns von Aue, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nina Spangenberger
Liebe - beglueckend und bedroht, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Augustin,Jürgen Kegler,Hermann Michael Niemann
Liebe als Metapher, New edition |
Author/Editor: Walter Delabar,Helga Meise
L’idéolecte des romancières tunisiennes de graphie française, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rossana Curreri
Licensing of Vowel Length in Czech, New edition |
Author/Editor: Markéta Ziková
Libretto – Partitur – Szene. Studien zum Musiktheater: Festschrift fuer Juergen Maehder zum 70. Geburtstag, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Arnold Jacobshagen,Thomas Betzwieser,Richard Erkens,Peter Ross
Libéralisme et protectionnisme: Economie politique des relations internationales, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: André Tiran,Dimitri Uzunidis
Liberty’s Dilemma, New edition |
Author/Editor: Seymour W. Itzkoff
Libertad en cadenas, New edition |
Author/Editor: Aida Beaupied
Liberation Movements and Black-on-Black Survival Love: It’s No Ordinary Love, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Steven Cureton
Liberation in Higher Education: A White Researcher’s Journey Through the Shadows, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Sarah Militz-Frielink
Liberation from Empire, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cheryl S. Pero
A Liberation Ecclesiology?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sean Corkery
Liberal Workers of the World, Unite?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Magaly Rodriguez Garcia
The Liberal Spirit and Anti-Liberal Discourse of John Henry Newman, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Mong Ih-Ren
Liberalization of Transportation Services in the EU: the Polish Perspective, New edition |
Author/Editor: Andrzej Cieslik,Jan Jakub Michalek
Liberalisierung der Dienstleistungen von Versicherern, New edition |
Author/Editor: Xiaofan Du
Liberale Europapolitik 1949–1989, New edition |
Author/Editor: Andreas Moring
Liberal Arts Education, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jiarui Zhang,Fujia Yang
Liban-Syrie : inextricables destins ?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Meur
Liability Management Transaktionen, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Sebastian Weber
L’humour et l’ironie en Littérature francophone subsaharienne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Vincent Simédoh
L’héroïne goncourtienne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Barbara Giraud
L'homosexualité dans la vie et l'oeuvre de Marcel Proust, une "sale tante" au grand coeur, New edition |
Author/Editor: Luc Legrand
L’homme démocratique, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Golebiewska,Andrzej Leder,Paul Zawadzki
L’histoire contemporaine à l’ère numérique - Contemporary History in the Digital Age, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frédéric Clavert,Serge Noiret
L’histoire anthropométrique, New edition |
Author/Editor: Laurent Heyberger
L’hebdomadaire <i>Die Zukunft<i> (1938-40) et ses auteurs (1899-1979) : Penser l’Europe et le monde au XXe siècle, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Annette Grohmann-Nogarède
Lógos and Máthēma 2: Studies in the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Roman Murawski
Légendes, intrigues et médisances autour des « archidupes »: Charlotte de Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, princesse de Belgique Maximilien de Habsbourg, archiduc d’Autriche / Récits historique et fictionnel, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: André Bénit
LGBTIQ* Communities: Lebenswelten und Diskurse seit 1970, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Hubert Christian Ehalt,Lukas Spenlingwimmer
L’égarement comme signe d’une communauté, New edition |
Author/Editor: Amaury Dehoux
L’égalité au nom du marché ?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sophie Jacquot
L’extrait et la fabrique de la littérature scolaire, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anissa Belhadjin,Laetitia Perret
L’expertise sur autrui, New edition |
Author/Editor: Léa Lima
The Lexis of the Bay of Kotor: The Northwestern and Southeastern Area: The Language of the Boka Bay, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Sanja Crnogorac
Lexikon der Science Fiction-Literatur seit 1900, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christoph F. Lorenz
Lexikalische Variation in Patientenbriefen des 19. und fruehen 20. Jahrhunderts, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Nils Langer,Wim Vandenbussche,Joseph Salmons,Stephan Elspaß,Sabrina Freund
Lexico-Phonological Comparative Analysis of Selected Dialects of the Meru-Tharaka Group, New edition |
Author/Editor: Fridah Kanana Erastus
Lexicologie(s) : approches croisées en sémantique lexicale, New edition |
Author/Editor: Xavier Blanco,Inès Sfar
Lexicografía y ortografía en el siglo XIX: La fijación de la ortografía académica a través del <i>DRAE<\i> (1803-1899), Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Natalia Terrón Vinagre
Lexicografía y didáctica, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Teresa Sanmarco Bande,Maria José Domínguez Vázquez
Lexicalisation de l'onomastique commerciale: Créer, diffuser, intégrer, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jana Altmanova,Gabrielle Le Tallec-Lloret
The Lexical Domain of Beauty and its Metaphors in the Anglo-Saxon Formulaic Style, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Francisco Javier Minaya Gómez
A Lexical Description of English for Architecture, New edition |
Author/Editor: Begoña Soneira
Lexical and Conceptual Awareness in L2 Reading, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Schluer
Lexeme, Phraseme, Konstruktionen: Aktuelle Beitraege zu Lexikologie und Phraseologie, New edition |
Author/Editor: Martina NicklausNicklaus,Nora WirtzWirtz,Wiebke LangerLanger,Marcella CostaCosta,Karin Ewert-KlingEwert-Kling
Lexías simples y colocaciones léxicas en la enseñanza de ELE, New edition |
Author/Editor: Virginia de Alba Quiñones
Lev Shestov’s Angel of Death: Memory, Trauma and Rebirth, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marina G. Ogden
Lev Shestov, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Finkenthal
Le voyage à Crotone : découvrir la Calabre de l’Antiquité à nos jours- KROTON 1, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lorenz E. Baumer,Patrizia Birchler Emery,Matteo Campagnolo
Leviticus in Hebrews, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mayjee Philip
Levinas o la posibilidad de un republicanismo social-libertario, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Cristóbal Balbontin
The Levinasian Teacher, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Cowden,Jones Irwin,Susan Bailey
Le verbe en friche, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie-Noëlle Roubaud,Jean-Pierre Sautot
Leveraging Knowledge Communication for Innovation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tobias Müller-Prothmann
L’Europe par l’économie ?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sylvain Schirmann
L’Europe mise en réseaux, New edition |
Author/Editor: Léonard Laborie
L’Europe et la question énergétique, New edition |
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L’Europe en quête d’Européens, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gérard Bouchard
L’Europe des citoyens et la citoyenneté européenne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michel Catala,Stanislas Jeannesson,Anne-Sophie Lamblin Gourdin
L'Europe dans le monde du football, New edition |
Author/Editor: Philippe Vonnard,Eric Bussière,Michel Dumoulin,Antonio Varsori
A Letter to China: The Age of Postmodernity and Its Heritance, Ed. New edition |
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Letterpress Printing: Past, Present, Future, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Caroline Archer-Parré,James Mussell
The Letter of the Law: Literature, Justice and the Other, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stamatina Dimakopoulou,Christina Dokou,Efterpi Mitsi
Letteratura e altre scienze: Incroci e sovrapposizioni, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Battistini,Maria Di Maro,Lucia Faienza,Lorenzo Marchese
Let's Write About Science: Case studies and best practises of science popularization and storytelling, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Lutz Peschke
Let’s Talk About - (Texts About) Sex, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marietta Calderón,Georg Marko
Le tribunal de l’Héliée, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alexandra K. Bartzoka
Le triangle impossible, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frédéric Dessberg
Le travail social hors murs et les enjeux de sa formalisation, New edition |
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Le travail de la gamification, New edition |
Author/Editor: Aude Seurrat,Pierre Lénel,Anne Monjaret,Yanita Andonova,Emmanuelle Savignac
Le traitement de l’article en français depuis 1980, New edition |
Author/Editor: Audrey Roig
Le Torrismon du Tasse. Tragedie: Edizione, note e introduzione di Daniela Dalla Valle, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Daniela Dalla Valle
Letitia Elizabeth Landon and Metrical Romance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Serena Baiesi
Le théâtre à (re)découvrir I, New edition |
Author/Editor: Witold Wolowski
Le théâtre à (re)découvrir II, New edition |
Author/Editor: Witold Wolowski
Le théâtre mauricien de langue française du XVIIIe au XXe siècle, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Clara Pellegrini
Lethal Performances, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ottilie P. KleinKlein
Le texte comme présence, New edition |
Author/Editor: Beata Spieralska-Kasprzyk,Juliusz Domanski
Le Testament poétique de Pierre Jean Jouve: Lecture(s) des <i>Proses", Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Samia Kassab-Charfi,Anis Nouaïri
Le terroriste et le diplomate: Visions et enjeux de la diplomatie française dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Okan Germiyanoglu
Le temps du voyage: Les déplacements internationaux des chefs d'Etat ou de gouvernement (XXe-XXIe siècle), Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Agnès Tachin
Le temps des listes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gregorio Salinero,Miguel Ángel Melón Jiménez
L’Etat et les guerres en République Démocratique du Congo, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Salua Nour,Kamwanya Kishimbe
L’Etat au pays des merveilles, New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Lindenmann
Les zouaves pontificaux en France, en Belgique et au Québec, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bruno Dumons,Jean-Philippe Warren
Leszek Kołakowski in Memoriam, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacek Migasinski
Les voix du théâtre québécois contemporain: De l’auteur au personnage et vice-versa, Ed. New edition |
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Les Ukrainiens face à leur passé, New edition |
Author/Editor: Olha Ostriitchouk
Le sujet poétique chez Apollinaire et Huidobro, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jamie Baron
Le sujet en question. Ce qu’en pensent la littérature et la philosophie, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alfredo Saldaña,Juan Manuel Aragüés,Thierry Capmartin,Nadia Mékouar-Hertzberg
Les trajectoires de l’innovation technologique et la construction européenne / Trends in Technological Innovation and the European Construction, New edition |
Author/Editor: David Burigana,Christophe Bouneau,Antonio Varsori
Les trajectoires de l’innovation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christophe Bouneau,Yannick Lung
Les territoires face aux changements climatiques, New edition |
Author/Editor: François Bertrand,Laurence Rocher
Les États-Unis et la Société des Nations (1914–1946), New edition |
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Les États baltes et le système européen (1985–2004), New edition |
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Les États baltes en transition, New edition |
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Les Sourds : aux origines d’une identité plurielle, New edition |
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L’Essor de la proposition participiale en moyen français, New edition |
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Lessons in Critical Theory: Marx, Benjamin, Braudel, Bakhtin, Thompson, Ginzburg and Wallerstein, Ed. New edition |
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Lessons from the East, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stankomir NiciejaNicieja
Les sociologues chinois de la première moitié du XXème siècle: Traduit par Sun Xuefen, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Xuefen Sun,Yabin Yang,Peilin Li,Jingdong Qu
L’essentiel de la médiation: Le regard des sciences humaines et sociales, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michele De Gioia,Mario Marcon
Les Sagas dans les littératures francophones et lusophones au XXe siècle, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marc Quaghebeur
Les réseaux du fer, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gérald Arboit
Les routes du pétrole / Oil Routes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alain Beltran
Les rôles des nations étrangères dans Esaïe 1-39, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jean Mutombo Ndalamba
Les responsabilités de l’entreprise: Entre performance et enjeux sociaux, sociétaux et environnementaux, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Hubert Bonin
Les relations transimpériales: L'exemple du Togo allemand et du Dahomey français à l’apogée de l’impérialisme européen, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Isabell Scheele
Les relations Québec-Canada, New edition |
Author/Editor: Pierre Hamel,Jean-Michel Lacroix
Les relations monétaires franco-allemandes et l’UEM (1969-1992): des ambitions aux réalités, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Alain Coën
Les relations entre la Suisse et le Cameroun des indépendances à nos jours (1961-2013): Une esquisse historique, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Idrisse Désiré Machia A Rim
«Les relations dangereuses», New edition |
Author/Editor: Valentine Lomellini
Les relations culturelles internationales au XXe siècle, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Dulphy,Pascal Ory,Robert Frank,Marie Anne Matard Bonucci
Les Réécrivains, New edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick Bergeron,Marie Carrière
Les racines populaires de la culture européenne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacques Delneste,Olivier Odaert,Olivier Odaert
«Les queues de siècle se ressemblent»: Paradoxe Rhetorik als Subversionsstrategie in franzoesischen Romanen des ausgehenden 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Effmert