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Titles start with S (1,151) Information
A System That Excludes All Systems, New edition
Author/Editor: Emanuela Cervato
Systems-thinking for Safety: A short introduction to the theory and practice of systems-thinking., Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Bennett
Systems for the Phonetic Transcription of English: Theory and Texts, New edition
Author/Editor: Rafael Monroy Casas
The System Reform of the Economic and Monetary Union (2010-2022): Dynamics-Successes-Failures, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Janusz Józef Węc
The System of the Inquisition in Medieval Europe, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Teresa Fazan,Pawel Kras
System of Physic (GUL MS Hunter 509, ff. 1r-167v), New edition
Author/Editor: Laura Esteban Segura
Systemisches E-Learning, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Glanninger
Systemgerechtigkeit im Spannungsfeld von Investmentsteuerrecht und Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dajo Ee Sanning
Systematic Musicology: Empirical and Theoretical Studies, New edition
Author/Editor: Albrecht Schneider,Arne von Ruschkowski
Syrien, New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas Dittmann,Wolfgang Gieler
Synthesizing the Vedanta, New edition
Author/Editor: Sean Doyle
Synthesis und Systembegriff in der Philosophie, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Felix Noeggerath,Hartwig Wiedebach,Peter Fenves
Synthesen in der Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts, New edition
Author/Editor: Rainer Wilke
Syntax, Style and Grammatical Norms, New edition
Author/Editor: Christiane Dalton-Puffer,Dieter Kastovsky,Nikolaus Ritt
The Syntax of Numeral Noun Constructions, New edition
Author/Editor: Jacek Witkos,Dominika Dziubala-Szrejbrowska,Piotr Ceglowski,Paulina Leska
The Syntax of Meaning and the Meaning of Syntax: Minimal Computations and Maximal Derivations in a Label-/Phase-Driven Generative Grammar of Radical Minimalism, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Kosta
The Syntax of Deverbal Compound Adjectives in English: Internal Structure and Categorial Identity, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Wasak
Syntaxe des pronoms clitiques en arabe: Étude comparative, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mostafa Rechad
The Syntax and Semantics of the Nominal Construction, New edition
Author/Editor: Diego Gabriel Krivochen
Syntaktisch-semantisches Parsing des Italienischen, New edition
Author/Editor: Carsten Weber
Syntactic Dislocation in English Congregational Song between 1500 and 1900, New edition
Author/Editor: Kirsten Gather
The Synonyms of «Fallen Woman» in the History of the English Language, New edition
Author/Editor: Bozena Duda
Synge: A Celebration, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Colm Toibin
Synergy I: Marginalisation, Discrimination, Isolation and Existence in Literature, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: A.Nejat Töngür,Yildiray Çevik
Synergy II: Linguistics: Contemporary Studies on Turkish Linguistics, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ayse Selmin Söylemez,Alper Kumcu
Synergy III: Challenges in Translation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Asli Özlem Tarakcioglu,Elif ERSÖZLÜ
Synergy and Goodwill Controlling: Empirical Evidence on Determinants and Acquisition Performance, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Peters
Syndicats et dialogue social, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominique Andolfatto,Sylvie Contrepois
SynchronEmotion, New edition
Author/Editor: Angelika Braun,Christa M. Heilmann
The Symphonies of Zhu Jianer: A Western Perspective, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: John O. Robison
Symphonie der Worte: Musikalisierung von Fiktion in ausgewaehlten Werken Irène Némirovskys, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Franziska Pemmerl
The Symphonic Works of Leoš Janáček, New edition
Author/Editor: John K. Novak
Symmetry Breaking and Symmetry Restoration, New edition
Author/Editor: Szymon J. Napierala
Symbols of Hope, Resistance and Change: Female Characterization in the Novel of the Dictatorship, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lori Lammert
Symbolon, New edition
Author/Editor: Hermann Jung
Symbolon, New edition
Author/Editor: Hermann Jung
Symbolon - Band 21: Himmelsreisen und Hoellenfahrten. Klang und Kosmos. Zeit und Zeitlosigkeit, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Werner Heinz
Symbolism in Nineteenth-Century Ballet, New edition
Author/Editor: Margaret Fleming-Markarian
The Symbolic Potential of the Hybrid: Anita Blake and Horror and Vampire Literature, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Virginia Fusco
Symbolic Patterns of Childbirth, New edition
Author/Editor: Anja Hänsch
Symbol Gitarre, New edition
Author/Editor: Rolf Bäcker
Symbole des Lebenslaufes, New edition
Author/Editor: Ieva Reinersmann
Symbole der Macht?, New edition
Author/Editor: Olaf Wagener
Symbolarme Republik?, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Meyer
Sŏwŏn – Konfuzianische Privatakademien in Korea, New edition
Author/Editor: Eun-Jeung Lee
Swiss Settlers in New Zealand, New edition
Author/Editor: Joan WaldvogelWaldvogel
The Swiss Model – The Power of Democracy, New edition
Author/Editor: Venelin Tsachevsky
Swiss Maid: Verborgene Kraefte und Schaetze in der Erfolgsgeschichte der Schweiz, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Margrit V. Zinggeler
Swiss Maid, New edition
Author/Editor: Margrit V. Zinggeler
Swiss Legal History, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: René Pahud de Mortanges
Swiss Banking Secrecy and the US-Swiss Conflict Over Holocaust Claims, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Berenika Pruska
Swimming Against the Tide, New edition
Author/Editor: Sylvia G. Baker
Swedish Foreign Policy, 1809–2019: A Comprehensive Modern History, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Graeme D. Eddie
Swan’s Nest, Swaffham, Norfolk: Excavating the Prehistory of the Breckland Clays, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Joshua White
Sustaining Indigeneity in New Zealand: Efforts to Assimilate the Māori 1894-2022, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Steven S. Webster
Sustainable Work in Europe: Concepts, Conditions, Challenges, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Kenneth Abrahamsson,Richard Ennals
Sustainable Urban Mobilities: French Fieldworks in European Perspective, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Philippe Hamman
Sustainable Finance: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Prospects, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Çiydem Çatak,Mehtap ÖNER
Sustainable Development at Universities: New Horizons, New edition
Author/Editor: Walter Leal Filho
Sustainable and Solidary Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Monica Tilea,Oana-Adriana Duta,Alina Stela Resceanu
Sustainability, Conservation and Ecology in Spatial Planning and Design: New approaches, solutions, applications, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Murat Özyavuz
Sustainability and Welfare Policy in European Market Economies, New edition
Author/Editor: Jürgen Plöhn,George Chobanov
Sustainability and Transformation in European Social Policy, New edition
Author/Editor: Jorge Garcés Ferrer,Irene Monsonís Payá
Survival of Utopias – Weiterlebende Utopien, New edition
Author/Editor: Beatrix Vincze,András Németh,Claudia Stöckl
Surveillance | Society | Culture, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Florian Zappe,Andrew S. Gross
Surrealism, History and Revolution, New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Baker
Surréalisme intemporel, surréalisme international : quelques châteaux étoilés en Europe: Surrealismo intemporal, surrealismo internacional : algunos castillos estrellados en Europa, Ed. 1New edition
Surprised by the Feminine, New edition
Author/Editor: Monika Hilder
Supra-National Integration and Domestic Economic Growth, New edition
Author/Editor: Simone Selva
Supports et vecteurs des droites radicales au XX e siècle (Europe/Amériques), New edition
Author/Editor: Olivier Dard
Supportive Medien in der wissensvermittelnden Hochschulkommunikation: Transdisziplinaere Analysen des Handlungszwecks von Kreidetafel, OHP, PPT und Interactive Whiteboard, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Arne Krause
Supporting Internationalisation through Languages and Culture in the Twenty-First-Century University, New edition
Author/Editor: Mark Orme
Supporting Education with Afterschool Learning Environments: Out-of-School Learning at After School Hours-Turkey Case, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Esin Acar
Supply Chain Finance: Rechtsfragen der Lieferkettenfinanzierung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jill Catherine Klüber
Supervision over Courts and Judges: Insights into Selected Legal Systems, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Wojciech Piatek
The Supersensible in Kant’s «Critique of Judgment», New edition
Author/Editor: Julie N. Books
Superintelligenz?: Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen Kuenstlicher Intelligenz in interdisziplinaerer Perspektive, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas Losch,Markus Iff
Superando las antinomias de la totalidad infinita, New edition
Author/Editor: Bruce Burbidge
Sunflowers and Stars, New edition
Author/Editor: Valerie Pellatt
Summer of Rage, New edition
Author/Editor: Max Arthur Herman
Sujets migrants : rencontres avec l’autre dans les imaginaires hispano-américains- Migrantes: encuentros con el otro en el imaginario hispanoamericano, New edition
Author/Editor: Teresa Orecchia Havas,Norah Dei-Cas Giraldi
Sujetos precarios en las literaturas hispánicas contemporáneas, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Borja Cano Vidal,Marta Pascua Canelo,Sheila Pastor Martín
Sujet, fidèle, citoyen, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominique Avon
Suffrage and the Silver Screen, New edition
Author/Editor: Amy Shore
«Suedwest ist u. bleibt das Land der Ueberraschungen u. Enttaeuschungen», New edition
Author/Editor: Christiane Küchler Williams,Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst
Suedslawen und die deutschsprachige Kultur, New edition
Author/Editor: Anetta Buras-Marciniak,Marcin Golaszewski
Sucht-, Betrugs- und Kriminalitaetsgefaehrdungspotential von Gluecksspielen, New edition
Author/Editor: Tilman Becker
Successful Television Management: the Hybrid Approach, New edition
Author/Editor: Suzana Žilic Fišer
Success Academy, New edition
Author/Editor: Mary Jo Benton Lee
«Succeed Here and in Eternity», New edition
Author/Editor: Wilfred Asampambila Agana
Subversion ou conformisme ?, New edition
Author/Editor: Simona Cutcan
Subtypen pathologischer Gluecksspieler, New edition
Author/Editor: Sven ButhButh
Subtitling Television Series: A Corpus-Driven Study of Police Procedurals, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Blanca Arias-Badia
Subtitling Matters, New edition
Author/Editor: Elisa Ghia
Subtitling African American English into French, New edition
Author/Editor: Pierre-Alexis Mével
Subtitles and Language Learning, New edition
Author/Editor: Yves Gambier,Annamaria Caimi,Cristina Mariotti
Substanz und Freiheit bei Thomas von Aquin, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Becker
Substantivkomposita des Mittelhochdeutschen, New edition
Author/Editor: Eckhard Meineke
Substantivische Mehrfachkomposita im Gegenwartsdeutschen am Beispiel der Medizinsprache, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maciej Choromanski
Substantielle Vereinbarungen Europaeischer Betriebsraete: Praxis und Recht, New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Heimann
Subsidiaritaet der Lebendorganspende, New edition
Author/Editor: Rainer Hellweg
Subjunktionen im Mittelhochdeutschen, New edition
Author/Editor: Oksana Fofulit
Subjonctif, gérondif et participe présent en français, New edition
Author/Editor: Alain Rihs
Subjekt und Liminalitaet in der Gegenwartsliteratur: Band 8.2: Schwellenzeit – Gattungstransitionen – Grenzerfahrungen; Sergej Birjukov zum 70. Geburtstag, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Fechner,Henrieke Stahl
Subjekt – Objekt – Intersubjektivitaet, New edition
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Moser
Subjektivitaet und Objektivitaet in der Rechtsanwendung, New edition
Author/Editor: Hui Wang
Subjekte im Experiment, New edition
Author/Editor: Nora Binder
«Subjects of Aspiration», New edition
Author/Editor: Kati Kauppinen
Subjectivity of «Différance», New edition
Author/Editor: Heecheon Jeon
Subjected Subcontinent, New edition
Author/Editor: Eiko Ohira
Subcultures and New Religious Movements in Russia and East-Central Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: George McKay,Christopher Williams,Michael Goddard,Neil Foxlee
Subaltern Writings, New edition
Author/Editor: Rocha Fernando de Sousa
Style in syntax, New edition
Author/Editor: Miguel Ángel Aijón Oliva,Maria José Serrano Montesinos
St. Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins of Cologne, New edition
Author/Editor: Scott B. Montgomery
A Study on the Thematic, Narrative, and Musical Structure of Guan Hanqing’s Yuan «Zaju, Injustice to Dou E», New edition
Author/Editor: Yumin Ao
Study on the Rock Art at the Yin Mountains, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Xiaokun Wang,Wenjing Zhang
Study on Overseas Chinese and Ethnic Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Southeast Asia, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jun Chen
A Study of the Johannine Symbol of the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:1-18) with Particular Reference to «Ofo» Symbol in Igbo, Nigeria: A Biblical Inculturation Approach, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Livinus Maduadichie
A Study of T. C. Chao’s Christology in the Social Context of China (1920-1949), New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Hoi Hui
A Study of Inter-Ethnic Political Integration in Multi-ethnic States, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Zhou Ping
A Study of Hypertexts of «Kuunmong» 九雲夢, Focusing on «Kuullu» 九雲樓 / «Kuun’gi» 九雲記, New edition
Author/Editor: Dennis Wuerthner
A Study of «Attributive Ethnonyms» in the History of English with Special Reference to «Foodsemy», New edition
Author/Editor: Marcin Kudla
The Study of Aspect, Tense and Action, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Carl Bache,Carl Bache
A Study in Transborder Ethics, New edition
Author/Editor: Geneviève Souillac
Studi Pergolesiani- Pergolesi Studies, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Bacciagaluppi,Angela Fiore
Studi Pergolesiani- Pergolesi Studies, New edition
Author/Editor: Simone Caputo
Studi Pergolesiani- Pergolesi Studies, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Bacciagaluppi,Hans-Günter Ottenberg,Luca Zoppelli
Studi Pergolesiani / Pergolesi Studies, New edition
Author/Editor: Paologiovanni Maione,Francesco Cotticelli
Studi Pergolesiani- Pergolesi Studies, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Bacciagaluppi,Marilena Laterza
Studies on the Idea of Excellence in Europe (15th–18th Centuries): Virtus Vera Nobilitas Est, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: José Antonio Guillén Berrendero,Gijs Versteegen
Studies on Socialist Realism, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Artwinska,Bartlomiej Starnawski,Grzegorz Wolowiec
Studies on Language Norms in Context, New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Maria Pandolfi,Johanna Miecznikowski,Sabine Christopher,Alain Kamber
Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business - Volume IV, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: ÖZER ÖZCELIK,Adil Akinci
Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business - Volume III, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Adil Akinci,ÖZER ÖZCELIK
Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business: Volume II, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Özer Özçelik
Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business - Volume V, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Adil Akinci,ÖZER ÖZCELIK
Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business-Volume I, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Özer Özcelik,Adil Akinci
Studies on evidentiality marking in West and South Slavic, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Björn Wiemer
Studies on Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences: Volume 5, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Günther Löschnigg,Rasim Yilmaz
Studies on Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences: Volume 4, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rasim Yilmaz,Günther Löschnigg
Studies on Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences – Volume 3, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rasim Yilmaz,Günther Löschnigg
Studies on Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences – Volume 2, New edition
Author/Editor: Rasim YilmazYilmaz,Günther LöschniggLöschnigg
Studies on Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences, New edition
Author/Editor: Rasim Yilmaz,Günther Löschnigg
Studies of Imagery in Early Mediterranean and East Asian Poetry, New edition
Author/Editor: Kerstin EksellEksell,Gunilla LIndberg-WadaLIndberg-Wada
Studies of Business Law – Recent Developments and Perspectives, New edition
Author/Editor: Catalin-Silviu Sararu
Studies of Anglophone Literatures in Central Europe, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Wieslaw Krajka
Studies in the Translations of Juan Ramón and Zenobia Jiménez, New edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte Ward
Studies in the Methodology of Science, New edition
Author/Editor: Igor Hanzel
Studies in the Evolution of the English Language, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Kieltyka
Studies in Polish Language and Literature, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Magdalena Zawislawska,Marta Wojtkowska-Maksymik
Studies in Middle English, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Bilynsky
Studies in Linguistics and Cognition, New edition
Author/Editor: Bárbara Eizaga-Rebollar
Studies in Learner Corpus Linguistics, New edition
Author/Editor: Erik Castello,Katherine Ackerley,Francesca Coccetta
Studies in Bilingual Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Madrid Fernandez,Stephen Hughes
Studieren mit Behinderung, New edition
Author/Editor: Olga Meier-Popa
Studien zu Sprache und Stil in alt- und mittelhochdeutscher Literatur, New edition
Author/Editor: Helge Eilers
Studien zur Sprache Eikes von Repgow, New edition
Author/Editor: Jörn Weinert
Studien zur oesterreichischen Literatur: Von Nestroy bis Ransmayr, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriella Rovagnati
Studien zur gesanglichen Stimmgebung in der traditionellen Musik Koreas: «pômp’ae», New edition
Author/Editor: Eun-Yeong Yang
Studien zur «buergerlichen Literatur» um die Wende vom 16. zum 17. Jahrhundert, New edition
Author/Editor: Witold Wojtowicz
Studien zur «Biblia pauperum», New edition
Author/Editor: Hanna Wimmer,Malena Ratzke,Bruno Reudenbach
Studien zum Wortschatz des Konfliktes im Althochdeutschen und Altsaechsischen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ruppert Mayr
Studien zum Tierstil skythenzeitlicher Reiternomaden im eurasischen Steppenguertel: Mehrfigurige Kompositionen der aelteren Eisenzeit, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Karina Iwe
Studien zum postmodernen Kino, New edition
Author/Editor: Kerstin Stutterheim
Studien zum Jeremiabuch und andere Beitraege zum Alten Testament, New edition
Author/Editor: Herbert Migsch
Studien zum fruehen Slavischen und zu aelteren slavischen Texten: Unter Mitarbeit von Hanna Niederkofler, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jürgen Fuchsbauer,Emanuel Klotz
Studien zum Bahā’ītum - Ethische Aspekte der Schrift: Band 1 - Grundlagen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sigrun Schaefer
Studien V: Entwicklungen des Oeffentlichen und Privatrechts II, New edition
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Brauneder
Studienstiftungen an der Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel (1665-1923), New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Huemer
Studienbuch Gender & Diversity, New edition
Author/Editor: Corinna Onnen,Vera Bollmann
Students' well-being and teaching-learning efficiency during and post-pandemic period, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Evelina Balaș,Alina Roman,Dana Rad
Students’ ePortfolio for Entering into the Labour Market, New edition
Author/Editor: Laura Malita,Regina Egetenmeyer
Studentische Forschung im Praxissemester, New edition
Author/Editor: Patrick Gollub,David Paulus,David Rott,Marcel Veber
Student-Focused Learning and Assessment: Involving Students in the Learning Process in Higher Education, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Natasha A. Jankowski,Gianina R. Baker,Erick Montenegro,Karie Brown-Tess
A Stubborn Ghost: Essays in Honor of Henry W. Sullivan, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Raúl A. Galoppe
Strutture dell’italiano regionale, New edition
Author/Editor: Massimo Cerruti
Strukturelle Vorgaben der Strafprozessordnung fuer die Vernehmung zur Sache: Die Entstehung der Vernehmungsstruktur des § 69 StPO unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Teilhabemoeglichkeiten der Verteidigung – zugleich eine Gegenueberstellung mit aussage
Author/Editor: Martin Wilke
Strukturelle Ungleichgewichtslagen in der internationalen Streitbeilegung, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Raab,Karsten Thorn,Gerhard Robbers,Jens Kleinschmidt,Herbert Kronke
Strukturanalyse der „Elfes-Konstruktion“, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Russell Varga
Struggle of Faith and Reason: A History of Intolerance and Punitive Censorship: Part II: From Mediaeval Cathars to Giordano Bruno and Lucilio Vanini, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Juhani Sarsila
Struggle of Faith and Reason: A History of Intolerance and Punitive Censorship: Part I: From Homer to Peter Abelard and Arnold of Brescia, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Juhani Sarsila
The Struggle for the Scepter: A Study of the British Monarchy and Parliament in the Eighteenth Century, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Clayton Roberts,Stewart Dippel
Structures et comportements en transition, New edition
Author/Editor: Reto Schumacher
The Structure of Chaucer’s Ambiguity, New edition
Author/Editor: Yoshiyuki Nakao
A Structural Ricardian Valuation of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture in Pakistan, New edition
Author/Editor: Mirza Nomman Ahmed
Structural Change and Convergence, New edition
Author/Editor: Nicole Palan
Structural Aspects of Bilingual Speech, New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Gasser
Stéréotype et lecture, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Louis Dufays
The String Quartet in Spain, New edition
Author/Editor: Christiane Heine,Juan Miguel González Martínez
Strindberg - Other Sides, New edition
Author/Editor: Joseph Martin
The Strength of Culture for Development, New edition
Author/Editor: Pascaline Gaborit
Streitverkuendung gegenueber dem Prozessbevollmaechtigten, New edition
Author/Editor: Sascha Gruschwitz
Streitpunkt ‘Jesus’, New edition
Author/Editor: Gudrun Beyer
Streitbeilegung im Rahmen des Kyoto-Protokolls und der Flexiblen Mechanismen, New edition
Author/Editor: Steffen Straßburger
Streikrecht i. S. des Art. 6 Nr. 4 ESC und deutsches Arbeitskampfrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Dumke
Streifzuege durch die Welt der Sprachen und Kulturen, New edition
Author/Editor: Melanie Arnold,Silvia Hansen-Schirra,Michael Poerner
Streiflichter, New edition
Author/Editor: Friedrich Albrecht
The Streets Echoed with Chants: The Urban Experience of Post-War West Berlin, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Laura Bowie
Stravinsky: His Thoughts and Music, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lindsay Davidson,Alicja Jarzebska
Stratégies et techniques rhétoriques dans les discours spécialisés, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Fanny Domenec,Catherine Resche
Stratégies et politiques de reconnaissance et d’identité, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Puerta Silva
Stratégies autofictionnelles- Estrategias autoficcionales, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Forné,Britt-Marie Karlsson
A Strategy for the Deconstruction of the Dichotomic Structure of the European Discourse on Migration since 2015: An Ethical Pursuit with Heidegger, Husserl and Derrida, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Aniela Helfrich
Strategische Wahlkampfkommunikation, New edition
Author/Editor: Dania Platz
Strategische Unternehmensziele von Architekturbueros, New edition
Author/Editor: Gunnar Gombert
Strategisches Preismanagement, New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Meffert
Strategisches Management von Koopetition, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Herzog
Strategisches Ingredient Branding, New edition
Author/Editor: Johannes Zuberer
Strategische Positionierung und Markenfuehrung von Flughaefen: Eine Analyse der strategischen Ausrichtung von Flughaefen und Entwicklung eines neuen Positionierungsmodells unter Beruecksichtigung geeigneter Markenbildungsansaetze, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jessica Gebauer
Strategische Positionierung eines Interim Managers, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Decker
Strategische Marketingoptionen in regulierten Maerkten: Das Management von Patentauslaeufen in pharmazeutischen Unternehmen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anna-Katharina Koenen
Strategische Insolvenzen – Grenzen der Instrumentalisierung des Insolvenzplanverfahrens zur Loesung von Gesellschafterkonflikten, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nora Brosent
Strategische Allianzen zur Digitalisierung der Patient Journey im deutschen OTC-Pharmamarkt: Ein Kategorisierungsmodell zur Evaluierung von Auspraegungen Strategischer Allianzen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Kerstin Blachnik
Strategie Zukunft und Welt, New edition
Author/Editor: Johanna Henrich
Strategies of Inclusion and Exclusion in online and offline Interaction, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Lukasz Bogucki,Marco Venuti,Emanuela Campisi,Ester Di Silvestro
Strategies and Measures: Frontier Governance in Imperial China, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Fang Tie
Strategien gegen Rechtsextremismus im Fußballstadion, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Duben
Strategien fuer mehr Effizienz und Effektivitaet im Gesundheitswesen, New edition
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille,Klaus Knabner
Strategien des Personalmanagements zur Fachkraeftesicherung in saechsischen Unternehmen fuer eine Arbeitswelt 4.0, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Uta Kirschten,Marie Wuschick
Strategien des Begehrens: Homotextualitaet in der deutschen und mexikanischen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Raquel Soledad López Torres
Strategien der Lehrerbildung / Strategies for Teacher Training, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg
Strategic Rebellion, New edition
Author/Editor: Pavlos Ioannis Koktsidis
Strategic Natural Resource Governance / La gouvernance des ressources naturelles stratégiques, New edition
Author/Editor: Carmen Maganda,Olivier Petit
Strategic Attention in Language Testing, New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Thoma
Strange Vistas: Perspectives on the Utopian, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Justyna Galant,Marta Komsta
Strangers by Choice, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrzej Waskiewicz
Strange Adventures, New edition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Sercombe
Strafzumessung bei Mord: Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Rechtsfolgenentscheidung bei Verurteilungen wegen vollendeten Mordes nach allgemeinem Strafrecht in den Jahren 2013 und 2014, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Johanna Kunze
Strafvollzug im SED-Staat, New edition
Author/Editor: Steffen Alisch
Strafvollzug an alten Gefangenen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Stephanie Schwab
Strafverteidigung in Wirtschaftsstrafverfahren zwischen Rechtsmissbrauch, Konflikt und Konsens, New edition
Author/Editor: Kerstin Petermann
Strafverfolgung von Unternehmen, Internal Investigations und strafrechtliche Verwertbarkeit von «Mitarbeitergestaendnissen», New edition
Author/Editor: Katja Rödiger
Strafverfolgung nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Berlin (West): Die Protokolle der Staatsanwaltstagungen der Zentralen Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen in Ludwigsburg (1964-1970, 1988-1995) und der Tagungen der S
Author/Editor: Werner Schubert
Strafverfolgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Berlin (West): Teil 2: Die Niederschriften der Tagungen der Generalstaatsanwaelte von 1964-1973, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Werner Schubert
Strafverfolgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Berlin (West): Teil 1: Die Niederschriften der Tagungen der Generalstaatsanwaelte von 1948-1963, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Werner Schubert
Straftatbestaende zur Bekaempfung krimineller Vereinigungen in Deutschland und Spanien sowie Maßnahmen auf europaeischer Ebene, New edition
Author/Editor: Jutta Wickenhäuser
Strafrechtliche Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung am Beispiel Spanien, New edition
Author/Editor: Hannah Rau
Strafrechtliche Verantwortung des Sportdopings de lege lata: Auslegungs- und Anwendungsprobleme des strafrechtlichen Dopingverbots unter Beruecksichtigung erster praktischer Erfahrungen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patric Mau
Strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit im Unternehmen im Zeitalter der Compliance: Zur individuellen strafrechtlichen Unterlassensverantwortung von Geschaeftsleitung und Compliance-Beauftragtem in Bezug auf außenstehende Dritte unter besonderer Beruecksichtig
Author/Editor: Andreas Oonk
Strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit fuer Produktgefahren, New edition
Author/Editor: Georg Freund,Frauke Rostalski
Strafrechtlicher Vertrauensschutz durch Absicherung unternehmerischer Entscheidungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Maximilian Heim
Strafrechtlicher Schutz des Wettbewerbs?, New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Achenbach
Strafrechtliche Risiken der unterlassenen Aufklaerung ueber Vertriebsprovisionen, New edition
Author/Editor: Heiko Löw
Strafrechtliche Gesetzlichkeit als Prinzip?, New edition
Author/Editor: Damir Böhm
Strafprozessuale Umfangsverfahren: Eine Analyse mit rechtsvergleichenden Perspektiven unter Beruecksichtigung des US-amerikanischen Rechts, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Nicole Wartenphul
Strafprozessuales Zeugnisverweigerungsrecht fuer Insolvenzverwalter?: Eine Untersuchung zum Kontext der § 97 Abs. 1 S. 3 InsO und § 53 Abs. 1 S. 1 StPO, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Corbo
Strafprozessuale Schranken und Huerden in der Kriminalitaetsbekaempfung und -praevention: - untersucht am Beispiel der Bekaempfung der Terrorismusfinanzierung in Deutschland, Liechtenstein, Oesterreich und der Schweiz -, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Fabian Teichmann
Strafgewaltkonflikte und ihre Loesung, New edition
Author/Editor: Johannes Bochmann
Strafgerichtsbarkeit ueber Angehoerige der Friedenstruppen in UN-gefuehrten Missionen, New edition
Author/Editor: Arlett Rassel
Strafbarkeit von pharmakologischem Neuroenhancement zur kognitiven Leistungssteigerung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Philipp Dominik
Strafbarkeit praenataler Einwirkungen mit postnatalen Folgen de lege ferenda – Kriminalisierung des Alkoholkonsums Schwangerer?, New edition
Author/Editor: Lukas WionzeckWionzeck
Strafbarkeit grenzueberschreitend taetiger Forschungsgruppen im Bereich der biomedizinischen Forschung in der Europaeischen Union, New edition
Author/Editor: Christina Dorr
Strafbare Untreue zum Nachteil einer in Deutschland ansaessigen «Limited», New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Peukert
Storytelling in the Spectators / Storytelling dans les spectateurs, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus-Dieter Ertler,Yvonne Völkl,Elisabeth Hobisch,Alexandra Fuchs,Hans Fernández
Storytelling in all Aspects, New edition
Author/Editor: Seda Mengü,Pinar Aslan,Derya Gül Ünlü
Storytelling et contre-narration en littérature au prisme du genre et du fait colonial (XXe-XXIe s.), New edition
Author/Editor: Anne Tomiche,Danielle PERROT-CORPET
Storytelling and Education in the Digital Age, New edition
Author/Editor: Matteo Stocchetti
The Storyteller’s Memory Palace, New edition
Author/Editor: Hanne Bewernick
The Story of Yushichang Village: Process and Choices of a Local State, 1949–2009, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Zhu Lingfei
The Story of Jesus through the Eyes of Peter, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Regis Mushunje
The Story of a People, New edition
Author/Editor: Jamal Assadi
A Story of Ambivalent Modernization in Bangladesh and West Bengal, New edition
Author/Editor: Pranab Chatterjee
Story and Song, New edition
Author/Editor: HyeRan Kim-Cragg
Stonehenge: A Landscape Through Time, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: David Jacques,Graeme Davis
The 'Stolpersteine' and the Commemoration of Life, Death and Government, New edition
Author/Editor: Lars Östman
Stockholmer literarische Entscheidungen: Zu den Ausleseprozessen bei der Vergabe des Nobelpreises fuer Literatur am Beispiel deutschsprachiger Kandidaten - von Theodor Mommsen bis Hermann Hesse, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Janina Gesche
Stock Characters in 9/11 Fiction: Homosociality and Nihilist Performance, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sandra Singer
Stimmvereinbarungen zwischen Glaeubigern in der Insolvenz, New edition
Author/Editor: Gunnar Groh
Stimmrecht ohne Beteiligungsinteresse, New edition
Author/Editor: Nicolas Ostler
Stimmrechte im Insolvenzverfahren, New edition
Author/Editor: Rebecca Wolff
Stimmen hinter der Tuer, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne Burgert,Ângela Maria Pereira Nunes
Still Loitering: Australian Essays in Honour of Ross Chambers, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alistair Rolls,Valentina Gosetti
Stille Gesellschaft, Genussrecht und partiarisches Darlehen als mezzanine Kapitaltitel zur Finanzierung einer GmbH, New edition
Author/Editor: Tim Ebert
Stilistische Funktionen von Mehrdeutigkeit in deutschen Werbetexten, New edition
Author/Editor: Tanja Škerlavaj
Stiftungen und Sparkassen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christiane Krumme,Karlheinz Muscheler
Stiftungen als Instrument der Unternehmensnachfolge, New edition
Author/Editor: Tanja Horvath
St. Georg mit Tiersymbolen, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerlinde Bretzigheimer
Steuervermeidungsstrategien multinationaler Internet-Konzerne: Bestandsaufnahme und Loesungsansaetze aus ertragsteuerlicher Sicht, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Roxane Lilienfein
Steuerverguenstigungen von Religionsgemeinschaften, New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Clasen
Steuerverfehlungen als Tatbestandsmerkmale von AO-Vorschriften, New edition
Author/Editor: Sibyl Rieper
Steuerung von Fluchtmigration: Ein Vergleich des politischen und rechtlichen Rahmens der EU und Australiens unter besonderer Beachtung individueller Fluechtlings- und Menschenrechte, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cathleen Laitenberger
Steuerung von Corporate Social Responsibility durch Recht, New edition
Author/Editor: David Wolfmeyer
Steuerung der GmbH durch einen Interim Manager, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Jäkel
Steuerrechtliche Gewinnverlagerungen mittels konzerninterner Lizenzzahlungen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Eggert
Steuerrecht als Wettbewerbsrecht: Leistungsfaehigkeit einzelfallbezogener Wettbewerbsschutzklauseln im steuerlichen Massenverfahren, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Mogk
Steuerplanung mit EU-Holdinggesellschaften fuer Drittstaaten-Investoren, New edition
Author/Editor: Torben Petersen
Steuern im historischen Kontext, New edition
Author/Editor: Roman Seer
Steuerliches Verrechnungspreis-Risikomanagement im internationalen Konzern, New edition
Author/Editor: Markus Schneider
Steuerliche Substanzanforderungen an auslaendische Gesellschaften, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maximilian Stöwahse
Steuerliche Missbrauchsvermeidung im Europaeischen Binnenmarkt, New edition
Author/Editor: Anselm Prusko
Steuerliche Implikationen von Kooperationen im Weiterbildungssektor, New edition
Author/Editor: Bastian Schmidt
Steuerliche Amtshilfe nach dem Uebereinkommen ueber die gegenseitige Amtshilfe in Steuersachen vom 25.01.1988 im System der internationalen steuerlichen Amtshilfe, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Julian Siller
Steuererklaerungspflicht und Verfahrensleistungsfaehigkeit: Eine Untersuchung im Steuerverfahren und Steuerstrafverfahren unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Digitalisierung des Besteuerungsverfahrens, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dominik Ortwald
Steuerdaten-CDs und demokratischer Rechtsstaat, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Wicklein
Steuerbefreiungen im Investmentsteuerrecht: Kritische Bestandsaufnahme und Reformempfehlung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Niels Michael Schneider
Steueramnestien, Selbstanzeige und die verfassungsrechtliche Bewertung von Straffreiheitsgesetzen, New edition
Author/Editor: Frederic Raue
Steueraggressivitaet boersennotierter und nichtboersennotierter Unternehmen in Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Theresa Weiß
Sternstunden am Kaiserhof: Michael Scotus und sein "Buch von den Bildern und Zeichen des Himmels", Ed. 1New edition
Stereotypes in Literatures and Cultures, New edition
Author/Editor: Rahilya Geybullayeva,Peter Orte
Stereotypes and Myths. Intertextuality in Central European Imagological Reflections, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Krisztián Benyovszky,Tibor Žilka,Anna Zelenková
Stereoscopic London: Plays of Oscar Wilde, Bernard Shaw and Arthur Wing Pinero in 1890s, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gül Kurtulus
Sterbeorte in Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Michaela Thönnes
Sterben und Tod bei Hochaltrigen, New edition
Author/Editor: Ortrun Reidick
Sterben, Tod und Trauer im Bilderbuch seit 1945, New edition
Author/Editor: Margarete Hopp
Stephen King’s «It» in Translation, New edition
Author/Editor: Britta Stöckmann
Stephen King as a Postmodern Author, New edition
Author/Editor: Clotilde Landais
Stellvertretung als Instrument der Sicherung und Staerkung der Patientenautonomie, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Beetz
Stellung und Schutz des Minderheitsgesellschafters der schuldnerischen GmbH & Co. KG im Insolvenzplanverfahren nach dem ESUG, New edition
Author/Editor: Laura Theresa Krull
Stellung und Funktion des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, New edition
Author/Editor: Daoqian Liu
Stellenkommentar zu Christoph Martin Wielands «Die Abenteuer des Don Sylvio von Rosalva», New edition
Author/Editor: Nicki Peter Petrikowski
Steiner neu lesen, New edition
Author/Editor: Ernst-Christian Demisch,Christa Greshake-Ebding,Johannes Kiersch
Stegreifuebersetzen, New edition
Author/Editor: Christina Parkin
Stefi Geyer: Materialien zur ihrer Biographie, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Helga Varadi,Dominik Sackmann
STEFAN ZWEIG UND ELLEN KEY. EINE BIOGRAFISCHE MINIATUR: Briefwechsel zwischen einem jungen oesterreichischen Dichter und einer schwedischen Philosophin und Gesellschaftsreformerin, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Margrit Hansen
Stefano Guazzo «La Civil Conversazione» in der franzoesischen Kultur des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, New edition
Author/Editor: Helga Hübner
St Demetrius of Thessalonica, New edition
Author/Editor: Eugenia Russell
The Status of Legal Ethics, New edition
Author/Editor: Pawel Teodor Skuczynski
The Status and Development of N+N Sequences in Contemporary English Noun Phrases, New edition
Author/Editor: Iria Pastor Gomez
Statthalterregimes – Napoleons Generalgouvernements in Italien, Holland und Deutschland (1808–1814), New edition
Author/Editor: Helmut Stubbe da Luz
Statistical Inference in Multifractal Random Walk Models for Financial Time Series, New edition
Author/Editor: Cristina Sattarhoff
Stations en tension, New edition
Author/Editor: Vincent Vlès,Christophe Bouneau
States of Nature, New edition
Author/Editor: Christoper La Barbera
States of Nature and Social Contracts: The Metaphors of the Liberal Order, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kevin Dooley
The State of Welfare, New edition
Author/Editor: Erik Eklund,Melanie Oppenheimer,Joanne Scott
Statelessness in Public Law, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Dorota Pudzianowska
State Ideology and Education in Turkey, 1980–2015, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Onur Sarapli
Statehood in Times of Climate Change, New edition
Author/Editor: Frederick von Paepcke
The Stated Motivations for the Early Islamic Expansion (622–641), New edition
Author/Editor: Ayman S. Ibrahim
State Constitutions and Governments without Essence in Post-Independence Africa, New edition
Author/Editor: Joy Alemazung
The State, Civil Society and the Citizen, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal Bron Jr.,Paula Guimarães,Rui Vieira de Castro
State as a Giant with Feet of Clay, New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Kysela
Stasiology and Electoral Systems, New edition
Author/Editor: Adrian Gorun
Starvation, Food Obsession and Identity, New edition
Author/Editor: Francesca Calamita,Petra M. Bagley,Kathryn Robson
Star Trek and the Philosophy of Entertainment: Beauty, Justice, and Popular Culture, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: George A. Gonzalez
Star Trek and Star Wars: The Enlightenment versus the Anti-Enlightenment, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: George Gonzalez
Star Trek and Popular Culture: Television at the Frontier of Social and Political Change in the 1960s, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: George Gonzalez
Stanislas de Boufflers y su obra narrativa, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Antonio José de Vicente-Yagüe Jara
Stand und Perspektiven der Gesundheitsversorgung, New edition
Author/Editor: Ingwer Ebsen,Astrid Wallrabenstein
Standard Vowel Systems of English, German, and Dutch, New edition
Author/Editor: Ernst-August Müller
Standard-Mezzanine-Programme – ein Finanzierungsinstrument mit Zukunft?, New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Weber
Standardisierungsprozesse und Variation, New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Rössler
Standardisation in TVET Teacher Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Joachim Dittrich,Jailani Md Yunos,Georg Spöttl,Masriam Bukit
Stance, Inter/Subjectivity and Identity in Discourse, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Juan Rafael Zamorano-Mansilla,Juana I. Marin-Arrese,Laura Hidalgo-Downing
Stance devices in tourism-related research articles: A corpus-based study, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco J. Álvarez-Gil
Stampa e regimi, New edition
Author/Editor: Chiara Sinatra
Stalin’s Soviet Monastery: A New Interpretation of Russian Politics, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jim Curtis
Stalin’s Ghosts, New edition
Author/Editor: Muireann Maguire
Stalin’s Ghosts: Gothic Themes in Early Soviet Literature, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Muireann Maguire
„Stalinkomplex“!?: Deutsche Kulturkader im Moskauer Exil und in der DDR, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Silke Flegel,Christoph Garstka
Stains / Les taches: Communication and Contamination in French and Francophone Literature and Culture, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Zoe Angelis,Blake Gutt
Stagnation and Drift in the Western Balkans, New edition
Author/Editor: Claire Gordon,Marko Kmezic,Jasmina Opardija-Susnjar
Staging Thought, New edition
Author/Editor: Rhona Trench
Staging the Other in Nineteenth-Century British Drama, New edition
Author/Editor: Tiziana Morosetti
Staging the Fascist War, New edition
Author/Editor: Luigi Petrella
Staging Memory, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefania Del Monte
Staging Difference, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Marc Maufort
Staging America, Staging the Self: Figurations of Loss in John Berryman's Dream Songs, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Warso
Stages of Madness: Sin, Sickness and Seneca in Shakespearean Drama, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Power
Stages of Exile, New edition
Author/Editor: Helena Buffery
Stage Histories, New edition
Author/Editor: Pawel Schreiber
The Stage Career of Cicely Hamilton (1895–1914), New edition
Author/Editor: Seán Moran
Staerkung des Informationsanspruchs durch das arca-nigra-Verfahren, New edition
Author/Editor: Mathias Rausch
Staerkung der Innenentwicklung – BauGB-Novelle 2012/13, New edition
Author/Editor: Stephan Mitschang
Staende & landesfuerstliche Herrschaft: Die Tiroler Landschaft im Aufgeklaerten Absolutismus der Habsburgermonarchie (1754–1790), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Julian Lahner
Staedtische Selbstverwaltung im Wandel – Ekaterinodar 1870 bis 1914, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrii Reshetko
Staedtepartnerschaften zwischen Frankreich und der DDR (1959-1990): Akteure, Ziele und Entwicklungen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Kißener,Constanze Knitter
Stadtraum in Performance, New edition
Author/Editor: Katia Beuth
Stadt im Wandel / Towns in Change: Der Donau-Karpatenraum im langen 18. Jahrhundert / The Danube-Carpathien area in the long 18th century, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mathias Beer,Harald Heppner,Ulrike Tischler-Hofer
Stadtdispositive der franzoesischen Literatur, New edition
Author/Editor: Sven Thorsten Kilian
Stadtbuergerliche Verwandtschaft und kirchliche Macht, New edition
Author/Editor: Anja Voßhall
Stadionverbote im Lichte der Verfassung: Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion ueber die Grundrechtswirkung im Privatrecht, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Marius Steinbach
Stacking stories: Exploring the hinterland of education, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Guy Merchant,Cathy Burnett,Jeannie Bulman,Emma Rogers
A Stab in the Ear: Poetics of Sound in Futurism and Dadaism, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Beata Sniecikowska
Stabilization and Progress in the Western Balkans, New edition
Author/Editor: Dusan Simko,Ueli Mäder
Stabilitaet und Flexibilitaet in der Semantik, New edition
Author/Editor: Inge Pohl,Klaus-Peter Konerding
Staatsverschuldung unter politoekonomischen Gesichtspunkten, New edition
Author/Editor: Erdem Kilic
Staatshaftung fuer das Vertrauen auf unionsrechtswidrige Gesetze, New edition
Author/Editor: Katharina FrantzenFrantzen
Staatsanwaltschaftsrecht (1934-1982), New edition
Author/Editor: Werner Schubert
Staatsanwaltschaftliche Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit im Ermittlungsverfahren: Grundlagen, Grenzen, Rechtsschutzmoeglichkeiten, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marina Khachatryan
Staatsangehoerigkeit im nationalen und internationalen Steuerrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Nadia Petersen
Staatliche Souveraenitaet vs. Voelkerrechtsoffenheit in der Russischen Foederation, New edition
Author/Editor: Anja Honnefelder
Staatliche Lenkung durch Handlungsformen, New edition
Author/Editor: Katja Lehr
Staatliche Informationstaetigkeit als Steuerungsmittel im Umweltrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Imke Schneider
Staatenlexikon Europa: Geographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas Dittmann,Wolfgang Gieler
Staatenlexikon Asien: Geographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Gieler,Sabine Wege
Staatenlexikon Amerika, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang GielerGieler,Markus Porsche-LudwigPorsche-Ludwig
Staatenlexikon Afrika, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Gieler
Staatenimmunitaet und Kriegsverbrechen, New edition
Author/Editor: Ruth Steger
Squeeze-outs nach deutschem, franzoesischem und spanischem Gesellschaftsrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Maren Gräfe
Spuren von Flucht und Asyl in Zweitsprachbiografien, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Thiel
Spuren.Suche (in) der Romania, New edition
Author/Editor: Luca Melchior,Albert Göschl,Rita Rieger,Michaela Fischer
Spuren frueher Textkompetenz, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne von Gunten
Spuren der Moralischen Presse im Erzaehlwerk von Antonio Piazza, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexandra Fuchs
Sprechwissenschaft: Bestand, Prognose, Perspektive, New edition
Author/Editor: Ines Bose,Baldur Neuber
Sprechhandlungen im publizistischen Material der «Danziger Neuesten Nachrichten», New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Sikora
Sprechen und Vortragen lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht, New edition
Author/Editor: Anke Stöver-Blahak
Sprechen im Maerchen: Inszenierung von Muendlichkeit in Maerchentexten des 19. Jahrhunderts, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christine Pretzl
Sprechen entlang der Oder, New edition
Author/Editor: Dagna Zinkhahn Rhobodes
Sprachwissenschaft fuer den Alltag, New edition
Author/Editor: Hartmut Heuermann
Sprachwandel beobachten, untersuchen, reflektieren, New edition
Author/Editor: Katharina Böhnert
Sprachvergleich im Kontext des Lehrens und Lernens fremder Sprachen, New edition
Author/Editor: Salifou Traoré
Sprachvariation und Sprachreflexion in interkulturellen Kontexten, New edition
Author/Editor: Corinna Peschel,Kerstin Runschke
Sprach- und Kulturkontakt in den Neuen Medien, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulla Kleinberger Günther,Franc Wagner
Sprachstrukturelle Unterschiede und Strategien im Simultandolmetschen, New edition
Author/Editor: Anja Jane Niemann
Sprachreflexion – Handlungsfelder und Erwerbskontexte, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ann Peyer,Benjamin Jakob Uhl
Sprachpflege in der Uebersetzungspraxis- Language Policy in the Practice of Translating, New edition
Author/Editor: Stephan Kessler,Marko Pantermöller
Sprachmythen – Fiktion oder Wirklichkeit?, New edition
Author/Editor: Lieselotte Anderwald
Sprachmittlung in oeffentlichen Einrichtungen: Handreichungen fuer die Praxis, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Feyza Evrin,Bernd Meyer
Sprachmischung – Mischsprachen, New edition
Author/Editor: Thorsten Burkard,Markus Hundt
Sprachminderheiten: gestern, heute, morgen- Minoranze linguistiche: ieri, oggi, domani, New edition
Author/Editor: Ludwig Fesenmeier,Sabine Heinemann,Federico Vicario
Sprachliche Verhaeltnisse und Restrukturierung sprachlicher Repertoires in der Republik Moldova, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Weirich
Sprachliche Variation in autobiographischen Interviews, New edition
Author/Editor: Ingrid Schröder,Carolin Jürgens
Sprachliche Variation im Deutschen: Unterrichtsdidaktische, deskriptive und internationale Perspektiven, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jutta Ransmayr,Elena Vasylchenko
Sprachliche Unsicherheit in der Romania, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Inga Hennecke,Eva Varga
Sprachliche Strategien der Ueberzeugung, New edition
Author/Editor: Isabelle Catherine Mensel
Sprachliche Steuerung in der Technischen Dokumentation mit Controlled-Language-Checkern und Authoring-Memory-Systemen, New edition
Author/Editor: Verena Demiröz
Sprachliche Schluesselkompetenzen und die Ausbildungsreife Jugendlicher, New edition
Author/Editor: Lutz Götze,Norbert Gutenberg,Robin Stark
Sprachliche Kontextualisierung von globalen und lokalen Popkulturen: Hip Hop Linguistics, Resistance Vernacular und italienischsprachiger Rap, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Paula Rebecca Schreiber
Sprachliche Hybriditaet in der italo-brasilianischen Literatur: eine soziolinguistische Analyse der Sprachmischung zwischen Italienisch/Talian und Portugiesisch in literarischen Texten aus São Paulo und Rio Grande do Sul, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katharina Müller
Sprachliche Hoeflichkeit in interkultureller Kommunikation und im DaF-Unterricht, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Neuland,Claus Ehrhardt
Sprachliche Hoeflichkeit bei Jugendlichen: Empirische Untersuchungen von Gebrauchs- und Verstaendnisweisen im Schulalter, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Neuland,Benjamin Könning,Elisa Wessels
Sprachliche Grenzziehungen in der griechisch-mazedonischen Kontaktzone im 20. Jahrhundert, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Voß,Ruza Fotiadis
Sprachliche Dynamiken, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Selig,Gerald Bernhard
Sprachliche Dimensionen der Fremdheit und Andersartigkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Iwona WowroWowro,Mariusz JakoszJakosz,Renata KozielKoziel
Sprachlernberatung – Sprachlerncoaching, New edition
Author/Editor: Annette Berndt,Ruth-Ulrike Deutschmann
Sprachlehrforschung: Theorie und Empirie, New edition
Author/Editor: Annette Berndt,Karin Kleppin
Sprachkontakt, Sprachvariation, Migration: Methodenfragen und Prozessanalysen, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Stehl,Claudia Schlaak,Lena Busse
Sprachkontaktforschung, New edition
Author/Editor: Mehmet Metin
Sprachkontakte Deutsch - Tschechisch - Slowakisch, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Michael Newerkla
Sprachkontakt, Bevoelkerungsaustausch und Sprachwechsel nach 1945: Am Beispiel von Braunau/Broumov in Boehmen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Hana Svobodová
Sprachinselwelten – The World of Language Islands, New edition
Author/Editor: Nina Berend,Elisabeth Knipf-Komlósi
Sprachhandlungsmuster im Russischen und Deutschen, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Gladrow,Elizaveta Kotorova
Sprachgeschichte und Sprachwandel im Slavischen: Festschrift fuer Jadranka Gvozdanović, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Bierich,Thomas Bruns
SprachGefuehl, New edition
Author/Editor: Miriam Langlotz,Nils Lehnert,Susanne Schul,Matthias Weßel
Sprachfoerderungspolitik Deutschlands, Großbritanniens und Chinas im Vergleich, New edition
Author/Editor: Wenting Sheng
Sprachfoerderung bei demenziellen Stoerungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Berthold Simons
Sprache und Musik, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrike Groß,Michael Thiergart
Sprache und Literatur als Bildungskomponenten, New edition
Author/Editor: Ina Karg,Ksenia Kuzminykh
Sprache und literarische Gestalt des Buches Deuteronomium: Beobachtungen und Studien, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Norbert Lohfink,Georg Braulik
Sprache und Kultur im Spiegel der Rezension, New edition
Author/Editor: Mariann Skog-Södersved,Christoph Parry,Michael Szurawitzki
Sprache und Kommunikation in der beruflichen Bildung, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Efing
Sprache und Koerper.., New edition
Author/Editor: Alexandra Lavinia Zepter
Sprache und Gesellschaft: Theoretische und empirische Kontexte der Linguistik, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Szczek,Lukasz Kumiega
Sprache und Gesellschaft im Wandel, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Pietrini
Sprache und Genuss, New edition
Author/Editor: Cornelia Schindelin,Michael Poerner
Sprache und Emotion in oeffentlicher Kommunikation, New edition
Author/Editor: Inge Pohl,Horst Ehrhardt
Sprache und digitale Medien, New edition
Author/Editor: Nadine Rentel,Tilman Schröder
Sprache und Bild in der oeffentlichen Kommunikation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: John A. Bateman,Anna Kapuscinska
Sprache und Bild in der indischen Bildungstradition, New edition
Author/Editor: Petra Vogler
Sprache, Schrift, Bild: Religioese Kommunikation und ihre Medien, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Harald Haarmann
Sprache – Rhetorik – Translation, New edition
Author/Editor: Vahram Atayan,Ursula Wienen
Sprachenvielfalt und Sprachenlernen: Neue Wege zur Literalitaet- Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy, New edition
Author/Editor: Evangelia Karagiannidou,Christa-Olga Papadopoulou,Eleni Skourtou
Sprachen und Kulturen in (Inter)Aktion, New edition
Author/Editor: Elke Sturm-Trigonakis,Simela Delianidou
Sprachen und Kulturen in Inter(Aktion), New edition
Author/Editor: Nikolaos Katsaounis,Renate Sidiropoulou
Sprachen und interethnische Beziehungen in Estland in der Umbruchszeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Ekaterina Popova
Sprachenpolitik und Rechtssprache, New edition
Author/Editor: Sandro Moraldo
Sprachenpolitik in Oesterreich, New edition
Author/Editor: Rudolf de Cillia,Eva Vetter
Sprachen lernen – Sprachen lehren- Language Learning – Language Teaching, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Elsner,Anja Wildemann
Sprache(n) fuer Europa. Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance / Language(s) for Europe. Multilingualism as a Chance: Auswahl an Beitraegen des 52. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Erlangen (2017) / Selected Papers of the 52nd Linguistics Colloquium in Erlangen (2017),
Author/Editor: Jürg Strässler
Spracheinstellungen von Grundschuelerinnen und Grundschuelern in einer Grenzregion, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Putsche
Sprache in Rede, Gespraech und Kommunikation, New edition
Author/Editor: Marcel Dräger,Martha Kuhnhenn
Sprache in der Wissenschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Eglé Kontutyte,Vaiva Zeimantiene
Sprache in der Smartphone-Werbung, New edition
Author/Editor: Daria Monihart M.A.
Sprache im Kulturkontext, New edition
Author/Editor: Hanna Burkhardt,Robert Hammel,Marek Lazinski
Sprache der Generationen, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Neuland
Sprache der deutschsprachigen Kanzleien in der fruehneuhochdeutschen Zeit im suedlichen Ostseeraum. Teil 2: Morphologische Ebene: Zu den Kategorien des Adjektivs und den Ablautklassen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sylwia Firyn,Piotr A. Owsinski
Sprache der deutschsprachigen Kanzleien in der fruehneuhochdeutschen Zeit im suedlichen Ostseeraum Teil 1, New edition
Author/Editor: Hanna Biadun-Grabarek,Sylwia Firyn
Sprache – Bildung – Bildungsstandards – Migration, New edition
Author/Editor: Rudolf Muhr,Gudrun Biffl
Sprache als Schluessel zur Zusammenarbeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Prunitsch,Annette Berndt,Radoslaw Buraczynski
Sprachdenker, New edition
Author/Editor: Iris Forster,Tobias Heinz,Martin Neef
Sprachbildung und Sprachkontakt im deutsch-polnischen Kontext, New edition
Author/Editor: Britta HufeisenHufeisen,Dagmar KnorrKnorr,Peter RosenbergRosenberg,Christoph SchroederSchroeder,Aldona SopataSopata,Tomasz WicherkiewiczWicherkiewicz
Sprachbezogene Curricula und Aufgaben in der beruflichen Bildung, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Efing,Karl-Hubert Kiefer
Sprachbasierte Medienkompetenz von Kindern und Jugendlichen, New edition
Author/Editor: Franc Wagner,Ulla Kleinberger
Sprachattitueden in Uganda, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Maximiliane Becker
Sportverbandliches und staatliches Anti-Doping-Recht Wechselwirkung und Konflikte, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Uhl
Sport und Recht, New edition
Author/Editor: Franz Zeilner
Sports Participation and Cultural Identity in the Experience of Young People, New edition
Author/Editor: Vegneskumar Maniam
Sport in Taiwan: History, Culture, Policy, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Alan Bairner,Tzu-hsuan Chen,Ying Chiang
Sport in Hong Kong: Culture, Identity, and Policy, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: J.A. Mangan,Tobias Zuser,Lawrence Ho
Sport in der Kommune als Managementaufgabe, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriele Wach,Ronald Wadsack
Sportgroßveranstaltungen als staatliche Herausforderung, New edition
Author/Editor: Henning Gädeke
Sportbeugung, New edition
Author/Editor: Zübeyde Duyar
Sport and Identity in France, New edition
Author/Editor: Philip Dine
A Splendid Adventure: Australian Suffrage Theatre on the World Stage, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Susan Bradley Smith
The Spiritual Narratives of Adoptive Parents, New edition
Author/Editor: Ryan Noel Fraser
Spirituality and Music Education, New edition
Author/Editor: June Boyce-Tillman
Spiritualitaet und Gesundheit- Spirituality and Health, New edition
Author/Editor: René Hefti,Jacqueline Bee
Spiritual Guidance on Mount Athos, New edition
Author/Editor: Graham Speake,Kallistos Ware
A Spirit Christology, New edition
Author/Editor: Skip Jenkins
Spinsters Reloaded, New edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte Fink
Spinoza's Philosophy of Divine Order, New edition
Author/Editor: Ben Stahlberg
Spies and Diplomats: Spanish Intelligence Service in the Eighteenth Century, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Cezary Taracha
«Spielregeln barocker Prosa», New edition
Author/Editor: Nicola Kaminski,Thomas Althaus
Spielerschutz im staatlichen Gluecksspielwesen – Was kommt beim Verbraucher an?: Entwicklung eines theoriegeleiteten Erhebungsinstrumentes zur gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Analyse der Wahrnehmung und Inanspruchnahme von Praeventionsmaßnahmen fuer den Spi
Author/Editor: Anke Quack
Spielarten der Populaerkultur, New edition
Author/Editor: Ute DettmarDettmar,Ingrid TomkowiakTomkowiak
Spiegelungen von Strafrecht und Gesellschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte Schultz
Spiegel-Frauen, New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Drynda
The Sphinx and the Riddles of Passion, Love and Sexuality, New edition
Author/Editor: Sylvia Zwettler-Otte
Spenser, Kyd, and the Authorship of “The Spanish Tragedy”, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Frank R. Ardolino
Spengler ohne Ende, New edition
Author/Editor: Gilbert Merlio,Daniel Meyer
Spenden, Sammlungen und Sammelvermoegen: Rechtsfragen freigebiger Zuwendungen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ute Murphy
Spektrum Nord: Vielfalt der Ziele, Inhalte und Methoden in der Landeskunde, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Geyer,Frank Thomas Grub
Speech Planning and Dynamics, New edition
Author/Editor: Susanne Fuchs,Melanie Weirich,Daniel Pape,Pascal Perrier
Speech Acts, Directness and Politeness in Dubbing: American Television Series in Hungary, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Károly Polcz
Speech Acts and Politeness across Languages and Cultures, New edition
Author/Editor: Leyre Ruiz de Zarobe,Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe
Spectrum of Emotions, New edition
Author/Editor: Wojciech Drag,Ewa Keblowska-Lawniczak
Spectres of Utopia, New edition
Author/Editor: Artur Blaim,Ludmila Gruszewska-Blaim
The Spectre of Utopia, New edition
Author/Editor: Matthew Beaumont
Spectral Sea, New edition
Author/Editor: Stephen G. Nichols,Joachim Küpper,Andreas Kablitz
«Spectator»-Type Periodicals in International Perspective: Enlightened Moral Journalism in Europe and North America, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Misia Sophia Doms
Spectacle, New edition
Author/Editor: Jennifer Creech,Thomas O. Haakenson
Special Schools, Inclusion, and Justice, New edition
Author/Editor: Trish McMenaminMcMenamin
Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Strohmeier
Specialized Languages and Graphic Art: Translating Specialized Discourse Intralingually and Intersemiotically, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jorge Díaz Cintas,Michela Canepari
Specialisation and Variation in Language Corpora, New edition
Author/Editor: Ana Diaz-Negrillo,Francisco Javier Diaz-Pérez
Special and Inclusive Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Thérèse Day,Joseph Travers
Speaking the Postcolonial Nation, New edition
Author/Editor: Luis R. Mitras,Ana Mafalda Leite,Sheila Khan,Jessica Falconi,Kamila Krakowska
Speaking the Language of the Night, New edition
Author/Editor: Adriana Raducanu
‹Speaking› Quotation Marks, New edition
Author/Editor: Martina Lampert
Speaker Involvement in Political Interviews, New edition
Author/Editor: Jana Kozubikova Sandova
Spatiotemporality and cognitive-semiotic perspectives on corporate discourse for the web, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Cristina Gatti
Spatial Perspectives, New edition
Author/Editor: Terri Mullholland,Nicole Sierra
Spatialities, Materialities and Communication in South India, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gopalan Ravindran
Spatialisation of Higher Education: Poland and Slovenia, New edition
Author/Editor: Mojca Kompara,Tomasz Stepien
Spatialisation of Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Tomasz Stepien,Annette Deschner,Mojca Kompara,Adriana Merta-Staszczak
Sparta: History, State and Society, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Klaudyna Michalowicz,Ryszard Kulesza
Sparkassenpolitik in Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Becker Timo
Spannungsfelder: Literatur und Mythos, New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas J. Haller,Bettina Huppertz,Sonja Lenz
Spannungsfelder: Literatur und Gewalt, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Erthel,Christina Färber,Nicolas Freund,Elisa Leroy
The Spanish of the Northern Peruvian Andes, New edition
Author/Editor: Luis Andrade Ciudad
Spanish Golden Age Texts in the Twenty-First Century: Teaching the Old Through the New, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Idoya Puig,Karl McLaughlin
The Spanish and Latin American Legacy in North American Poetry and Art, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrich Winter,José Manuel Rodríguez Herrera,Anne Dewey,Cristina Gámez Fernández
Spanische Staedte und Landschaften in der deutschen (Reise)Literatur / Ciudades y paisajes españoles en la literatura (de viajes) alemana, New edition
Author/Editor: Berta Raposo,Walther L. Bernecker
Spanisches Anwaltshaftungsrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Ingo Müller
Spanische Phonetik und Phonologie, New edition
Author/Editor: Hugo Kubarth
Spanische Modalpartikeln, New edition
Author/Editor: Katja Brenner
Spanienbilder aus dem deutschsprachigen Exil bei Feuchtwanger und seinen Zeitgenossen, New edition
Author/Editor: Isabel Hernández
Spalten – Herta Muellers Textologie zwischen Psychoanalyse und Kulturtheorie, New edition
Author/Editor: Monika Leipelt-Tsai
Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain: Notes on a Shared History, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Carlos Menéndez Otero,Raquel Serrano González
Spaete Schriften zur Literatur. Teil 3: Literaturtheorie, Hoerspiel, Populaerliteratur: Herausgegeben von Christoph Rauen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Helmut Heißenbüttel,Christoph Rauen
Spaete Schriften zur Literatur. Teil 2: Zur Lyrik und Experimentellen Literatur: Herausgegeben von Nikolas Buck, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Helmut Heißenbüttel,Nikolas Buck
Spaete Schriften zur Literatur. Teil 1: Zur Literatur der Moderne und zur Literaturgeschichte: Herausgegeben von Hans-Edwin Friedrich, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Helmut Heißenbüttel,Hans-Edwin Friedrich
Spaeter Sieg der Diktaturen?, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Schroeder,Monika Deutz-Schroeder,Rita Quasten
Spaete Bluete in Side und Perge, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Alexander Gliwitzky
Space, Time and the Construction of Identity, New edition
Author/Editor: Rita Salvi,Janet Bowker
Spaces of Expression and Repression in Post-Millennial North-American Literature and Visual Culture, New edition
Author/Editor: Izabella Kimak,Julia Nikiel
Spaces of Desire – Spaces of Transition, New edition
Author/Editor: Gertrud Lehnert,Stephanie Siewert
Spaces for Happiness in the Twentieth-Century German Novel, New edition
Author/Editor: Alan Corkhill
Space, Place and the Discursive Construction of Identity, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Bamford,Franca Poppi,Davide Mazzi
The Space of Crisis, New edition
Author/Editor: Vittorio Dini,Matthew D'Auria
Space, Mirrors, Subjectivity in Angela Carter’s Fiction, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jiang Xiaobo
Space and Location in the Circulation of Knowledge (1400–1800), New edition
Author/Editor: Marion Eggert,Felix Siegmund,Dennis Würthner
Soziopolitischer Wandel und Sprachbewusstsein, New edition
Author/Editor: Jurek Hentschel
Sozio-oekonomische Aspekte der Regulierung der Rechnungslegung, New edition
Author/Editor: Tim-Frederik Oehr
Sozio-Kultur und Entwicklungspraxis, New edition
Author/Editor: Werner Jakob Stueber
Soziokulturelle und psycholinguistische Untersuchungen zum Zweitspracherwerb, New edition
Author/Editor: Udo Ohm,Christiane Bongartz
Sozialwissenschaft um 1900, New edition
Author/Editor: Friedrich Lenger
Sozialversicherungsbeitraege und Steuern von Selbstaendigen und Arbeitnehmern im Vergleich, New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Arnold,Angelika Oelschläger,Jeanine Staber
Sozial verantwortete Selbstbestimmung in der Medizin, New edition
Author/Editor: Felix Krause
Sozialsystem Literatur und Gegentext, New edition
Author/Editor: Miodrag Vukcevic
Sozialkapital und Open-Source-Netzwerke, New edition
Author/Editor: Miriam De Blasi
Sozialhilferegress nach Grundbesitzuebertragung in vorweggenommener Erbfolge unter Vorbehalt eines dinglichen Wohnungsrechts, New edition
Author/Editor: Ove Reinbender
Soziale Verguenstigung fuer nichterwerbstaetige Unionsbuerger als Grundsatz der Europaeischen Union, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nico Benedict Herbst
Soziale Sicherheit im globalen Dorf, New edition
Author/Editor: Roland Sigg,Christina Behrendt
Soziale Netzwerke im Internet – Eine Gefahr fuer das Persoenlichkeitsrecht?, New edition
Author/Editor: Carlo Piltz
Soziale Arbeit in Gesellschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernhard Haupert,Susanne Maurer,Sigrid Schilling,Franz Schultheis
Sozialbewusstsein, New edition
Author/Editor: Sander Wilkens
The Soviet Union and the United States, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva-Maria Stolberg
The Soviet Spy Thriller: Writers, Power, and the Masses, 1938-2002, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Duccio Colombo
Sovereignty in China’s Perspective, New edition
Author/Editor: Yonghong Yang
Sovereign Stories, New edition
Author/Editor: Padraig Kirwan
Souveraenitaet als Gewaehrleistung der Interessen der Staaten, New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Barandiy
Souvenirs du passé perse à l’époque hellénistique: Arménie · Cappadoce · Commagène · Perside · Pont · Royaume arsacide, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte Lerouge-Cohen
The South Tyrol Question, 1866–2010, New edition
Author/Editor: Georg Grote
South Korea’s Democracy Challenge: Political System, Political Economy, and Political Society, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Hannes B. Mosler
The South in the German Imaginary, New edition
Author/Editor: Lukas Bauer
Southern Ireland and the Liberation of France, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerald Morgan,Gavin Hughes
Southern Hemisphere Ethnographies of Space, Place, and Time, New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Rinehart,Jacquie Kidd,Antonio Garcia Quiroga
The South China Sea Conflict after the Arbitration of July 12, 2016: Analyses and Perspectives, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jörg Thomas Engelbert
South Asia Needs Hybrid Peace, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Zia Ul Haque Shamsi
‘South Africa is my best world.’, New edition
Author/Editor: Ina Joubert
Sous les pavés … The Troubles, New edition
Author/Editor: Chris Reynolds
Sourcebook for Garden Archaeology, New edition
Author/Editor: Amina-Aïcha Malek
Sounds of War and Peace, New edition
Author/Editor: Renata Tanczuk,Slawomir Wieczorek
The Sounds of Navajo Poetry, New edition
Author/Editor: Anthony Webster
Sounds of Apocalypse: Music in Poland under German Occupation, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Naliwajek
The Sound of Tartini: Instruments and Performing Practices in His Time, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Margherita Canale Degrassi,Paolo da Col
The Sound of Žižek: Musicological Perspectives on Slavoj Žižek, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mauro Fosco Bertola
The Sound of a City: A Study of the Phenomenon Through the Example of the Minneapolis Sound, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maciej Smółka
Sounding the Margins: Literary examples from France and Ireland, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Nolan Balen,Eamon Maher
Sound and Sense, New edition
Author/Editor: Josephine Tudor
Soul Travel: Spiritual Journeys in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jennifer Hillman,Elizabeth Tingle
The Soul’s Logical Life: Towards a Rigorous Notion of Psychology, Ed. 4Revised edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Giegerich
Sonstige Sonderbetriebseinnahmen im Abkommensrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Franziska Stahmann
Sons of Ulster, New edition
Author/Editor: Caroline Magennis
Sonne, Mond und Ferne, New edition
Author/Editor: Elmar Schenkel,Kati Voigt
The Songs of Michel Beheim: A Selection, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: James Ogier
Songbirds on the Literary Stage, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Effertz
Sonderkontrolle der Vertragsstrafe, New edition
Author/Editor: Yanfei Zeng
Somnambulistic Lucidity, New edition
Author/Editor: Virginia L. Lewis,Eric J. Klaus
Somewhere over the Square: An Aerial Analysis of Urban Development, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Catalin D. Constantin
Sometimes Speaking with a Single Voice, New edition
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Ferrari
Some Peasant Poets, New edition
Author/Editor: Giovanni Kezich
Some Ethnolinguistic Notes on Polar Eskimo, New edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Leonard
Somatische und emotionale Konzepte in der deutschen und polnischen Phraseologie, New edition
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Gulawska-Gawkowska
Somatic Criticism Project, New edition
Author/Editor: Adam DziadekDziadek
Somalis in the Neo-South: African Immigration, Politics and Race, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dorian Brown Crosby
Somali Oral Poetry and the Failed She-Camel Nation State, New edition
Author/Editor: Ali Mumin Ahad
A Solution for Transnational Labour Regulation?, New edition
Author/Editor: Pete Burgess,Axel Hauser-Ditz,Markus Hertwig,Ludger Pries,Luitpold Rampeltshammer
Solidarity: The Unfulfilled Project of Polish Democracy, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patrycja Poniatowska,Ireneusz Krzeminski
Solidarité et Enseignement Catholique au Cameroun : L’implication des Parents, New edition
Author/Editor: Stanislas Jean Abena Ahogni
Solidaritaet mit Polen, New edition
Author/Editor: Marion Brandt
Solidaritaet im Gesundheitswesen: Strukturprinzip, Handlungsmaxime, Motor fuer Zusammenhalt?, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Maria Hofmann,Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann
Solemn Communion: A Critical Examination of the Current Practices Surrounding the Completion of Christian Initiation in Masaka Diocese (Uganda, East Africa), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Godfrey Katumba
Sola Dei Gloria, New edition
Author/Editor: Billy Kristanto
Solace in Oblivion: Approaches to Transcendence in Modern Europe, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Cowan
„So ist er ein Weder-Noch, ein Sowohl-als-Auch…“: Beitraege zur Literatur und Kultur., Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Flinik,Stanislaw Gromadzki,Maria Stolarzewicz,Anna Wolkowicz,Wojciech Zahaczewski
Softwarebasierte Gebaeudesicherheitssysteme im Haftungsrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Greta Arnold
Softpower, Soccer, Supremacy: The Chinese Dream, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: J.A. Mangan,Peter Horton,Christian Tagsold
Sociology, Politics, and Human Nature, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rafael Yanushevsky
Sociology of the Invisible Hand, New edition
Author/Editor: Adriana Mica,Katarzyna M. Wyrzykowska,Rafal Wisniewski,Iwona Zielinska
Sociology of rural territory: Dynamics of agricultural systems in Mexican horticulture, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Diosey Ramon Lugo Morin
Sociology and the Unintended, New edition
Author/Editor: Adriana Mica,Arkadiusz Peisert,Jan Winczorek
Sociologies of Formality and Informality, New edition
Author/Editor: Adriana Mica,Jan Winczorek,Rafal Wisniewski
Sociologie et sociolinguistique des francophonies israéliennes, New edition
Author/Editor: Eliezer Ben-Rafael,Miriam Ben-Rafael
Sociologie des conseils scientifiques: Un millefeuille scientifique pour protéger la nature, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gaëlle Ronsin
Sociolinguistique historique du domaine gallo-roman, New edition
Author/Editor: Sara Aquino-Weber Dorothée / Cotelli,Andres Kristol
Sociolinguistic Transition in Former Eastern Bloc Countries, New edition
Author/Editor: Marián Sloboda,Petteri Laihonen,Anastassia Zabrodskaja
The Sociolinguistics of Language Education in International Contexts, New edition
Author/Editor: Edith Esch,Martin Solly
Sociolinguistic Change Across the Spanish-Speaking World, New edition
Author/Editor: Kim Potowski,Talia Bugel
Sociolinguistic aspects of the functioning of English in post-1989 Poland, New edition
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Przygonski
Sociolinguistic analysis of Mexican-American bilingualism: Spanglish as a sociocultural phenomenon, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Judyta Pawliszko
Socio-Economic Impact of Special Economic Zones in Gujarat, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Shashank Shende,Mehal Pandya,Assis Flaviano Sequeira
Socio-Economic Disparities in the Integration Process of Immigrants in Western Europe: A Comparative Study for Six EU Countries, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Erhan Özdemir
Socio-Economic Constitutional Rights in Democratisation Processes, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Jaron
Socio-ecological Change in Rural Ethiopia, New edition
Author/Editor: Till Stellmacher
Sociodidactique du plurilinguisme et de l’altérité inclusive: Des langues régionales aux langues des migrants, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Marie-Anne Chateaureynaud
Socio-Cultural Values in the Development of Intercultural Communication Competence, New edition
Author/Editor: Christopher Brighton
The Socio-Cultural and Philosophical Origins of Science: Translated from the Russian by Ivan Zhavoronkov, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ivan Zhavoronkov,Anatoly Nazirov
Sociocritique et tournant décolonial. Convergences et perspectives: Hommage à Edmond Cros, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Assia Mohssine
Socio-critical Aspects in Latin American Cinema(s), New edition
Author/Editor: Isabel Maurer Queipo
Societies and Spaces in Contact: Between Convergence and Divergence, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Milan Bufon,Tove H. Malloy,Colin Williams
Societal Approaches in Social Psychology, New edition
Author/Editor: Joaquim Valentim
Social Welfare Policy in South Africa: From the Poor White Problem to a "Digitised Social Contract", Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Horman Chitonge,Ntombifikile Mazibuko
A Social View on the Chinese Language, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jerome L. Packard
The Social Status of Languages in Finland and Lithuania: A Plurimethodological Empirical Survey on Language Climate Change, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Stephan Kessler,Marko Pantermöller
The Social Side of Tourism: The Interface between Tourism, Society, and the Environment, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Lück,Jan Velvin,Bernd Eisenstein
Social sciences via network analysis and computation, New edition
Author/Editor: Tadej Kanduc
Social Responsibility as Academic Learning Course at the University, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ayseli Usluata
Social Protection in Islamic Law, New edition
Author/Editor: Ayten ErolErol
The Social Policy of the AKP toward the Kurds: Healthcare Provision in Hakkâri (2003–2014), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: İlker Cörüt
A Social Onto-Epistemology, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mariola Kuszyk-Bytniewska
Social Networks and the Jewish Migration between Poland and Palestine, 1924–1928, New edition
Author/Editor: Magdalena M. Wrobel Bloom
Social Minds in Drama: The Delineation of Mentalities and Collectives, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Golnaz Shams
Social Media, New edition
Author/Editor: Mario Anastasiadis,Caja Thimm
A Social Market Economy and European Economic Monetary Union, New edition
Author/Editor: Dario Velo,Francesco Velo
The Socialist Opposition in Nehruvian India 1947–1964, New edition
Author/Editor: Boris Niclas-Tölle
Socialist Literature, New edition
Author/Editor: Abdulla M. Al-Dabbagh
Socialist Educational Cooperation and the Global South, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ingrid Thea Miethe,Jane Weiß
Socialist Countries Face the European Community, New edition
Author/Editor: Suvi Kansikas
Social-Emotional Competences of Preschoolers: The Impact of Outdoor Educational Activities, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Otilia Clipa,Erica Cîmpan
Social & Economic Studies within the Framework of Emerging Global Developments - Volume 5, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: KEMAL CEBECI,Muhammed Veysel Kaya
Social & Economic Studies within the Framework of Emerging Global Developments - Volume 4, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Haşim Özüdoğru,Muhammed Veysel Kaya,Ufuk Kaya
Social Desirability and Environmental Valuation, New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Börger
The Social Construction of Black Masculinity: An Ethnographic Study, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Steven Cureton
Social Conflicts and Violence among Christian Churches and Denominations in Igboland, New edition
Author/Editor: Damian Emeka Ikejiama
Social Clustering: Paradigm of Trust, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Giedre Kvieskiene,Vytautas Kvieska,Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg
Social capital, migration, ethnic diversity and economic performance, New edition
Author/Editor: Adnan Efendic,Anna Rebmann,Bojana Babic
Social and Solidarity-based Economy and Territory, New edition
Author/Editor: CIRIEC,Xabier Itçaina,Nadine Richez-Battesti
Social and Economic Studies within the Framework of Emerging Global Developments, Volume -1, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Muhammed Veysel Kaya
Social and Economic Studies within the Framework of Emerging Global Developments Volume 3, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Muhammed Veysel Kaya
Social and Economic Studies within the Framework of Emerging Global Developments Volume 2, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Muhammed Veysel Kaya
Social Agency and Practical Reasons, New edition
Author/Editor: Christine Chwaszcza
The So-Called Mixed Text, New edition
Author/Editor: Clinton S. Baldwin
Sobre lo mutante: El cuerpo variable contemporáneo y la relativización de la figura del monstruo en la ficción occidental y panhispánica, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Salvador Luis Raggio
Sobre la traducción de libros al servicio del franquismo: sexo, política y religión, New edition
Author/Editor: Purificación Meseguer Cutillas
Snow from Broken Eyes, New edition
Author/Editor: Richard Millington
The Snag of The Sword, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Kattathara
Sémiotique du mouvement, New edition
Author/Editor: Sylvie Freyermuth,Dominique Keller,Jean-François Bonnot
Sámi Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Pigga Keskitalo,Kaarina Määttä,Satu Uusiautti
Smart-TV aus datenschutzrechtlicher Perspektive: Anforderungen und Gestaltungsoptionen fuer den rechtskonformen Einsatz intelligenter Fernsehgeraete, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Inga Maaske
Smart Grids und Datenschutz, New edition
Author/Editor: Johannes Franck
Sémantique discursive cognitive: Frames et constructions des discours de vente du vin en Autriche, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Matthieu Bach
Sémantique des possibles agumentatifs, New edition
Author/Editor: Olga Galatanu
Small Town Resilience and Heritage Commodification, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Luda Klusáková,Bianca del Espino Hidalgo
Small State, Dangerous Region, New edition
Author/Editor: Mitchell Belfer
SMALL, New edition
Author/Editor: Werner Mittelstaedt
«Small», «middle» und «professional talk», New edition
Author/Editor: Susanne Maaß-Sagolla
Small is Multilingual: Language and Identity in Micro-Territories, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Juan Jiménez-Salcedo,Christine Helot,Antoinette Camilleri Grima
Small Islands, Big Issues: Pacific Perspectives on the Ecosystem of Knowledge, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Brown,Nabila Gaertner-Mazouni
Smaller World, Bigger Issues: Growth, Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Hale Kirer Silva Lecuna
Slovak Mass Media in the 21st Century: Current Challenges, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Miroslava Dobrotková,Artur Bekmatov,Andrea Chlebcová Hecková,Ján Kuciak
Slogans in der deutschen Printwerbung, New edition
Author/Editor: Zhanar Sulikan
‘Slight Return’, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne Karhio
Sleeping Beauties in Victorian Britain, New edition
Author/Editor: Beatrice Laurent
Slawische Sprachen unterrichten: Sprachuebergreifend, grenzueberschreitend, interkulturell, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anastasija Kostiucenko,Agnieszka Zawadzka,Tamara Münzer
Slawische Kulturgeschichte: Entwicklungen, Tatsachen und Persoenlichkeiten, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Helmut Schaller
Slavische Geisteskultur: Ethnolinguistische und philologische Forschungen. Teil 2, New edition
Author/Editor: Anatolij A. Alekseev,Nikolaj P. Antropov,Anna Kretschmer,Fedor B. Poljakov,Svetlana M. Tolstaja
Slavische Geisteskultur: Ethnolinguistische und philologische Forschungen. Teil 1- Славянская духовная культура: этнолингвист ические и филологическ ие исследования. Часть 1, New edition
Author/Editor: Anatolij A Alekseev,Nikolaj P. Antropov,Anna Kretschmer
A Slavic Republic of Letters, New edition
Author/Editor: Luka Vidmar
Slavic Languages in the Perspective of Formal Grammar, New edition
Author/Editor: Markéta Ziková,Pavel Caha,Mojmír Docekal
Slavic Grammar from a Formal Perspective, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerhild Zybatow,Petr Biskup,Olav Mueller-Reichau,Maria Yastrebova,Marcel Guhl,Claudia Hurtig
Slander and Sedition in Elizabethan Law, Speech, and Writing, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Steven Veerapen
Skyscraping Frontiers: The Skyscraper as Heterotopia in the 20th-Century American Novel and Film, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sascha Klein
Skizze einer kommunikativen Sprachgeschichte, New edition
Author/Editor: Karl-Ernst Sommerfeldt
Skills: A Practical Guide in Conversation, Vocabulary and Writing, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mara Cogni
Skill Formation Regimes in South Asia, New edition
Author/Editor: Markus Maurer
Skill Formation in Central and Eastern Europe: A search for Patterns and Directions of Development, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Vidmantas Tutlys,Jörg Markowitsch,Samo Pavlin,Jonathan Winterton
Skandinavische Musik in Deutschland um 1900, New edition
Author/Editor: Katharine Leiska
Skandinavische bildende Kunst von 1950 bis zur Gegenwart, New edition
Author/Editor: Brigitte Hartel,Bernfried Lichtnau
Skandal im Sprachbezirk, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Neef,Susanne Borgwaldt,Iris Forster,Imke Lang-Groth
Situations de plurilinguisme et politiques du multilinguisme en Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Dorothée Cailleux,Serguei Sakhno,Jean-Robert Raviot
Situating Displacement: Explorations of Global (Im)Mobility, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Steffen Bo Jensen,Rieke Schröder,Anabel Soriano Oliva
Sittenwidriges Informationsverhalten, New edition
Author/Editor: Feyko Conring
Sites of Interchange: Modernism, Politics and Culture between Britain and Germany, 1919–1955, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lucy Wasensteiner
Sir David Nairne: The Life of a Scottish Jacobite at the Court of the Exiled Stuarts, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Edward Corp
Si on a du jazz, pas besoin de schnaps, New edition
Author/Editor: Pascale Cohen-Avenel
S’investir dans son travail : les enjeux de l’activité enseignante, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernard André
Sinti und Roma in Europa: Die Bedeutung des Minderheitenschutzes und der diesbezueglichen Rechtsprechung des Europaeischen Gerichtshofs fuer Menschenrechte, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Juliane Stephan
Sintaxis y diccionarios, New edition
Author/Editor: Andreu Castell
Sintaxis discursiva: construcciones y operadores en español, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Catalina Fuentes Rodriguez,Víctor Pérez Béjar,María Ester Brenes Peña
Sintassi marcata dell’italiano dell’uso medio in prospettiva contrastiva con il francese, lo spagnolo, il tedesco e l’inglese, New edition
Author/Editor: Ana Albom,Doriana Cimmino,Davide Garassino,Rocío Agar Marco,Anna-Maria De Cesare
Sintaksis konstrukcij s pervym dativnym aktantom. Sinxronnyj i diaxronnyj analiz, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christine Grillborzer
Sin, Purification and Sacrifice in Leviticus and in Madagascar, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Knut Holter,Olivier Randrianjaka
Sino-Christian Theology: A Theological Qua Cultural Movement in Contemporary China, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pan-chiu Lai,Jason Lam
The Sino-African Partnership, New edition
Author/Editor: Earl Conteh-Morgan
Sinnkonstruktion im Fremdsprachenunterricht, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernd Tesch
Sinnkonstruktion im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Einfuehrung in die rekonstruktive Fremdsprachenforschung mit der dokumentarischen Methode. 2., neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Ed. 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Bernd Tesch
Sinnkonstruktion im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Einfuehrung in die rekonstruktive Fremdsprachenforschung mit der Dokumentarischen Methode. 3., nochmals neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Ed. 3Revised edition
Author/Editor: Bernd Tesch
Sinnbilder Russlands im geteilten Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Christine Fischer
Single and Double Clitics in Adult and Child Grammar, New edition
Author/Editor: Teodora Radeva-Bork
Sind Schwiegermuetter alle gleich?, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrea Kettenbach
Sind Adjektiv und Adverb verschiedene Wortarten? Deutsche Wortarten im Visier, New edition
Author/Editor: Hans-Jörg Schwenk
Sinceritas: Der poetologische Begriff in Hermann Hesses Prosawerk, New edition
Author/Editor: Veronica Alina Buciuman
Simulierte Narration und literarische Wahrhaftigkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Michaela Sänger
Simulation: Verhaltensstrategien und Erzaehlverfahren im neusachlichen Roman, New edition
Author/Editor: Maite Katharina Hagen
Simson-Darstellungen in der Moderne, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Dremsek
Simplicianisches Erzaehlen in Grimmelshausens «Wunderbarlichem Vogel-Nest», New edition
Author/Editor: Rainer Hillenbrand
Simpliciana XXXVIII (2016), New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Heßelmann
Simpliciana XXXIX (2017), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Heßelmann
Simpliciana XLV (2023), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Hesselmann,Peter Hesselmann
Simpliciana XLIV (2022), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Hesselmann
Simpliciana XLIII (2021), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Hesselmann
Simpliciana XLII (2020), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Hesselmann
Simpliciana XLI (2019), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Heßelmann
Simpliciana, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Heßelmann
Simpliciana, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Heßelmann
Simpliciana, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Heßelmann
Simpliciana, New edition
Simpliciana, New edition
Simpliciana, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Heßelmann
Simpliciana, New edition
Simpliciana, New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Breuer
Simpliciana Bellica, New edition
Author/Editor: Italo Michele Battafarano
Simone de Beauvoir. Lectures actuelles et regards sur l’avenir / Simone de Beauvoir. Today’s readings and glances on the future, New edition
Author/Editor: María Isabel Corbí Sáez,María Ángeles Llorca Tonda
Simone de Beauvoir, filosofía, literatura y vida, New edition
Author/Editor: Àngels Santa,Marta Segarra
Similes in the Bible (A Compendium), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: John E. Ziolkowski
The Silver Mask, New edition
Author/Editor: Olga Soboleva
Silius Italicus, New edition
Author/Editor: Florian Schaffenrath
A Silent Scream: An Approach to «King Kong» and the Evolution of the Contemporary American Imaginary, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Juan Antonio Roche Cárcel
The Silent Majority in Communist and Post-Communist States, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Bachmann,Jens Gieseke
Silences et dédicaces dans les vers d’Henri Meschonnic. Atelier de lecture-traduction, New edition
Author/Editor: Marcella Leopizzi
Silence Nowhen, New edition
Author/Editor: Duncan McColl Chesney
Silence and the Silenced, New edition
Author/Editor: Leslie Boldt,Corrado Federici,Ernesto Virgulti
Siho and Naga – Lao Textiles, New edition
Author/Editor: Edeltraud Tagwerker
Signs of Forgiveness, Paths of Conversion, Practice of Penance, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefano Visintin,Andrea Grillo,James Puglisi,Theodor Dieter
Significations de la Mort de Dieu chez Nietzsche d’«Humain, trop humain» à «Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra», New edition
Author/Editor: Isabelle Wienand
Signes et traces dans l'œuvre poétique de Guenter Eich, New edition
Author/Editor: Sandie Attia
Signes du spectacle, New edition
Author/Editor: André Helbo
Signals, Systems and Sound Synthesis, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Neukom
Sienkiewicz’s Bodies, New edition
Author/Editor: Ryszard Koziolek
Siebenbuergen als Erfahrungsraum: Studien zur deutschsprachigen Literatur, Presse und Schule, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Sass,Doris Sava
Sickness, Stigma and Spiritual Awakening: A Transpersonal Paradigm for Women with Contested Illnesses, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Bernadette Masterson
Sichtweisen erfolgreicher Schulleiter, New edition
Author/Editor: Armin Sehrer
Sichtweisen auf den Englischunterricht, New edition
Author/Editor: Soumaya Djemai-RunkelDjemai-Runkel
Sicherung des schuldnerischen Vermoegens im Eroeffnungsverfahren, New edition
Author/Editor: Tianshu Zhao
Sicherung angemessenen Arbeitslohns durch das Straf- und Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Catherina Schrell
Sicherstellung von Besteuerungsanspruechen aus der Online-Vermietung: Bedarf, Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Abzugsteuer fuer Plattformbetreiber, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Bianka Dinger
Sicherheits- und Verhaltensregeln im Produkthaftungsstatut: Koordination oeffentlich-rechtlicher Produktsicherheit und privatrechtlicher Haftung im Rahmen der Rom II-VO, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Julian Titze
Sicherheitsgesetzgebung zwischen Legislative und Exekutive, New edition
Author/Editor: Ivaylo Katsarov
Sicherheitsforschung im Dialog, New edition
Author/Editor: Saskia Steiger,Lars Gerhold,Jochen Schiller
Sicherheit, Risiko und Opferschutz, New edition
Author/Editor: Benjamin Kertai
Sicherheit durch Sicherung, New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Philipp Groscurth
Sicherheit Denken: Entspannungspolitik auf der Zweiten Ebene 1969-1990, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine Loewe-Hannatzsch
Sibylle Berg, New edition
Author/Editor: Anett KrauseKrause,Arnd BeiseBeise
Shrinking Cities: Effects on Urban Ecology and Challenges for Urban Development, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Marcel Langner,Wilfried Endlicher
The Shrimp that Became a Tiger, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernhard Seliger
Showcase Britain, New edition
Author/Editor: Christina Baird
Should the public policy exception be statutorily defined? The example of Indian arbitration law, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Nihal Bernard Dsouza
A Short Guide to the New Silk Road, New edition
Author/Editor: Adam NobisNobis
Short Fiction as a Mirror of Palestinian Life in Israel, 1944–1967, New edition
Author/Editor: Jamal Assadi,Saif Abu Saleh
The Shorter Writings of Ulrich Putsch, New edition
Author/Editor: Nigel Harris
Shores of Vespucci, New edition
Author/Editor: Angelo Cattaneo,Francisco Contente Domingues
Shopping Enjoyment, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Schuckmann
Shopper Behavior at the Point of Purchase, New edition
Author/Editor: Toni Schmidt
Shoot-Out-Klauseln, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Brockmann
Shockwaves of Possibility, New edition
Author/Editor: Phillip E. Wegner
Shoah und Dialog bei Primo Levi und Ruth Klueger, New edition
Author/Editor: Aglaia Bianchi
Sh@kespeare in the Media, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier,Jörg Helbig
Shirley Jackson: A Companion, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kristopher Woofter
The Shepherd Metaphor in the Old Testament, and Its Use in Pastoral and Leadership Models, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jonathan Gan
She-(d)evils? The Construction of a Female Tyrant as a Cultural Critique, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tomasz Fisiak
Sharing the Burden of Peace: Inter-Organizational Cooperation in Peace Operations, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Alexandru Balas
Sharing Perspectives on English-Medium Instruction, New edition
Author/Editor: Katherine Ackerley,Marta Guarda,Francesca Helm
Shareholder Activism, New edition
Author/Editor: Marion Hartmann
Shared Service Center-Controlling, New edition
Author/Editor: Sven Sterzenbach
Shaping the Futures of (Vocational) Education and Work, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriele Molzberger,Manfred Wahle
Shaping the Field of Translation In Japanese ↔ Turkish Contexts II, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ryo Miyashita,Esin Esen
Shaping the Field of Translation In Japanese ↔ Turkish Contexts I, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Esin Esen,Ryo Miyashita
The Shaping of English Poetry – Volume IV, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerald Morgan
The Shaping of English Poetry- Volume II, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerald Morgan
The Shaping of English Poetry- Volume III, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerald Morgan
The Shaping of English Poetry, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerald Morgan
Shaping Enlightenment Politics, New edition
Author/Editor: Patrick Müller
Shaping Efficient Employer Branding Strategies to Target Generation Y, New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Hubschmid
Shape-Shifting Tales, New edition
Author/Editor: Valentina Castagna
The Shape of Utopia, New edition
Author/Editor: Phillip E. Wegner
Shame, Masculinity and Desire of Belonging, New edition
Author/Editor: Aneta Stepien
Shame in the Individual Lament Psalms and African Spirituality, New edition
Author/Editor: Mark S. Aidoo
Shaking Things Up: How Donald Trump Changed the Government in Washington, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Haas
Shakespeare y sus traductores, New edition
Author/Editor: Juan Jesus Zaro Vera
Shakespeare, the Orient, and the Critics, New edition
Author/Editor: Abdulla M. Al-Dabbagh
Shakespeare’s Tragedies Reviewed, New edition
Author/Editor: Hugh M. Richmond
Shakespeare’s Knowledge of Astronomy and the Birth of Modern Cosmology, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Peter D. Usher
Shakespeare Relocated, New edition
Author/Editor: Hugh Macrae Richmond
Shakespeare in 19th-Century Opera, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alina Borkowska-Rychlewska
Shakespeare et la postmodernité, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Christophe Mayer
Shakespeare and the Strategies of an Opening, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Joel Benabu
Shakespeare and the New Disease, New edition
Author/Editor: Greg W. Bentley
Shakespeare and Saturn, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter D. Usher
Shakespeare and German Reunification, New edition
Author/Editor: Emily Oliver
The Shadow of Torture: Debating US Transgressions in Military Interventions, 1899–2008, New edition
Author/Editor: Katrin Dauenhauer
Shadow Impact of COVID-19 on Economies: A Greater Depression?, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Meltem Ince Yenilmez,Ufuk Bingöl
Sguardi linguistici sulla marca, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Chiara Janner
Sezession im Voelkerrecht – Faktisches Phaenomen oder reale Utopie, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Fischer
Sexy Girls, Heroes and Funny Losers, New edition
Author/Editor: Maya Götz,Dafna Lemish
Sexuality: From Intimacy to Politics: With Focus on Slovakia in the Globalized World, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriel Bianchi
Sexualitaet als Raetsel: Fallstudien zur Darstellung der Ambiguitaet des Geschlechtlichen in der antiken Literatur, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anja Glaab
Sexual Harassment in the United States: Analyzing the Hostile Environment, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mary Welek Atwell
Sexual Fantasies, New edition
Author/Editor: Mariah Larsson,Sara Johnsdotter
Sexual Abstinence in the New Testament, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cato Gulaker
Sex, Metaphysics, and Madness, New edition
Author/Editor: Jane Cook
Several Dimensions of Innovation, Technology and Industry 4.0, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Fatih Ayhan
The Seventh Earl Beauchamp, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Raina
Seventh-day Adventist Historiography: An Introduction, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriel Masfa
Seventeenth- Century Dutch Painting and Modern Literature, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jaroslaw Fazan,Magdalena Śniedziewska
Seven Essays, New edition
Author/Editor: Abdulla M. Al-Dabbagh
Serving Refugee Children: Listening to Stories of Detention in the USA, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Montse Feu,Amanda Venta
Serving Equality: Feminism, Media, and Women’s Sports, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cheryl Cooky,Dunja Antunovic
Services et environnement, New edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte Fourcroy
Service Sectors Role for Economic Development at Local and National Level, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Çağatay Başarir,Özer Yilmaz
Service Learning in der Kindheitspaedagogik: Eine qualitative Studie im Kontext der Institution Hochschule, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Staiger-Engel
Servants, Masters, and the Coercion of Labor, New edition
Author/Editor: David K. O’Rourke
Ser mujer en Iberoamérica: un continuum de discriminación, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Aida Figueroa Bello,Gerhard Niedrist
Serious Games in University Education of Future Teachers, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mariana Sirotová,Veronika Michvocíková,Marián Hostovecký
Serious Games for Global Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Müller
Serialitaet in der italienischen Kultur: Serialità nella cultura italiana, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Fajen
Serbien und das Modernisierungsproblem, New edition
Author/Editor: Indira Durakovic
Sequential Competitive Location on Networks, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominik Kreß
Sepharad as Imagined Community, New edition
Author/Editor: Mahir Saul,José Ignacio Hualde
«Sensualistischer Pantheismus», New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Jeske
Sens & représentation en conflit, New edition
Author/Editor: Karsten Forbrig,Chloé Tessier
Sensitive Trade, New edition
Author/Editor: Quentin Michel
Sens et symboles en mathématiques, New edition
Author/Editor: Joëlle Vlassis
Sens et signification dans les espaces francophones, New edition
Author/Editor: Olga Galatanu,Bellachhab Abdelhadi,Ana-Maria Cozma
Sens et signification dans les espaces francophones, New edition
Author/Editor: Olga-Stefana Galatanu,Ana-Maria Cozma,Virginie Marie
Sens et représentation en conflit, New edition
Author/Editor: Abdelhadi Bellachhab,Virginie Marie
Senses of Embodiment: Art, Technics, Media, New edition
Author/Editor: Mika Elo,Miika Luoto
Sense Sensibility / Die Sinne spueren: Aesthetics, Aisthesis and Media of Embodiment / Aesthetik, Aisthesis und Medien der Verkoerperung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine Flach
A Sense of Apocalypse, New edition
Author/Editor: Marcin Mazurek
Sense and Sensitivity, New edition
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Lillie
Sensation and Professionalism in the Victorian Novel, New edition
Author/Editor: Mariaconcetta Costantini
Semántica latina y románica, New edition
Author/Editor: Benjamín García-Hernández,Mª Azucena Penas Ibáñez
Semántica de creo: Análisis cognitivo de la polisemia de una forma verbal doxástica en la interacción oral en español, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: María Amparo Soler Bonafont
The Semiotics of Discourse, New edition
Author/Editor: Heidi Bostic
The Semiotics of Consensus: Impact of Network Topology on Communication Strategies in Spanish Language Interaction Networks, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Gretenkort
Semiosis and Catastrophes, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Wildgen,Per Aage Brandt
Semantische und pragmatische Aspekte der Grammatik: DaF-Uebungsgrammatiken im Fokus, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Di Meola,Daniela Puato
Semantische Unbestimmtheit im Lexikon, New edition
Author/Editor: Inge Pohl
Semantik und Pragmatik im Spannungsfeld der germanistischen und kontrastiven Linguistik, New edition
Author/Editor: Larysa Iagupova,Vladimir Kaliuscenko,Andrzej Katny
Semantik und Ontologie, New edition
Author/Editor: Gianluigi Segalerba
Semantik der Leere in deutschen und polnischen Kulturtexten zur Shoah, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominika Gortych
The Semantic Theory of Knowledge, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Adam Olech
Semantics for Translation Students, New edition
Author/Editor: Ali Almanna
Semantics and Word Formation, New edition
Author/Editor: Cynthia Lloyd
Self-Transcendence and Prosociality, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Dojcár
A Self-Study: Being a White Psychologist in an Indian World, New edition
Author/Editor: Todd Sojonky
Self-Regulation and Labour Standards, New edition
Author/Editor: Carolin Zeller
Self-Realization: Analysis of a Primary Literary Theme, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Horst Daemmrich
Self-Leadership: Determinants and Outcomes, New edition
Author/Editor: Sevgin Batuk TuranTuran
Self-Harming Behavior in Adolescent Age, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Slávka Démuthová
Self-Harm in Adolescence, New edition
Author/Editor: Iva Buresová
Self-Giving, Self-Mastery, New edition
Author/Editor: Alan O'Sullivan OP
Self-based Anaphora in Early Modern English, New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Kucelman
Self and Other in Dialogue, New edition
Author/Editor: Johan GilleGille,Coco NorénNorén
Selektivvertrieb und eBay-Versteigerungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Lars Querndt
Selektive Modernisierung und Strukturstabilitaet, New edition
Author/Editor: Axel Schmidt
Selected Writings of Irmengard Rauch, New edition
Author/Editor: Irmengard RauchRauch,Gerald F. CarrCarr
Selected Topics in Applied Econometrics, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ebru Çaglayan Akay,Özge Korkmaz
Selected Short Works by Klaus Mann, New edition
Author/Editor: Timothy K. Nixon
Selected Proceedings of the 14th Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society: In Honor of Peter Kosta, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Steven L. Franks,Alan H. Timberlake,Anna W. Wietecka
Selected Essays in Kaleckian Economics, New edition
Author/Editor: Savvas A. Katsikides,Evangelos Charos
Author/Editor: Fatih Türkmen
Selbstwertgefuehl sehbehinderter und blinder Kinder und Jugendlicher in sozialen Interaktionen, New edition
Author/Editor: Doreen Kolaschinsky
Selbstverstaendnis im Spannungsfeld zwischen Diesseits und Jenseits, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrike Förster
Selbstverortungen, New edition
Author/Editor: James Orao
Selbstverantwortliches Lernen an Freien Waldorfschulen, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Harslem,Dirk Randoll
Selbst- und Fremdbilder von Arbeitslosigkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Mareike Baumann
Selbstregulierung im Lichte der Privatisierung der Strafverfolgung – zugleich ein Beitrag zum Sanktionssystem der Weltbankgruppe, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Laura Harandt-Wüst
Selbstreguliertes Geldmanagement bei jungen Erwachsenen, New edition
Author/Editor: Nina Bender
Selbstreflexion im Narrenspiegel, New edition
Author/Editor: Saskia Jogler
Selbstinszenierung und Gedaechtnisbildung: Rosa Maria Assing in Briefen und Lebenszeugnissen aus der Sammlung Varnhagen. Edition und Kommentar. Teil I. 1783–1823, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pawel Zarychta
Selbstinszenierung und Gedaechtnisbildung: Rosa Maria Assing in Briefen und Lebenszeugnissen aus der Sammlung Varnhagen. Edition und Kommentar. Teil II. 1823–1840, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pawel Zarychta
Selbstdarstellung in der Wissenschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Lisa Rhein
Selbstbestimmt entscheiden, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne Rummer
Selbstbelastungspflichten bei Mitarbeiterbefragungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Jasmin KocakKocak
Selbstbefreiung von der Ad-hoc-Publizitaetspflicht gem. § 15 Abs. 3 WpHG, New edition
Author/Editor: Katja Bodenhöfer-Alte
Sektorspezifischer Verbraucherschutz, New edition
Author/Editor: Jens Stammer
Sejanus – Herrscher von Rom: Geachtet – Gefuerchtet – Geaechtet, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Raimund Merker
Seis siglos de poesía española escrita por mujeres, New edition
Author/Editor: Dolores Romero López,Itzíar López Guil,Rita Catrina Imboden
Sein, Sinn und Werte, New edition
Author/Editor: Yvanka B. Raynova
«Seiner Leidenschaften Meister sein» - «In control of the passions», New edition
Author/Editor: Joachim Noller
SEHEN – Mehr als eine Selbstverstaendlichkeit?, New edition
Author/Editor: Helen Zimmermann
Se ha hecho camino al andar, New edition
Author/Editor: Mª Jesús Gil Valdés,Isabel García Adánez
Segregated Britain: Everyday Life in Muslim Enclaves, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Farhaan Wali
(Se) gouverner, New edition
Author/Editor: Guy Lebeer,Jacques Moriau
Segment Reporting under IFRS 8, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Nienhaus
Seesturm im Mittelalter, New edition
Author/Editor: Carola Fern
Seeraeubereibekaempfung durch die Bundeswehr im Einklang mit dem Grundgesetz, New edition
Author/Editor: Leonard Koops
Seeing Renaissance Glass, New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah DillonDillon
Seeing Jaakob, New edition
Author/Editor: David Tingey
Seeing and Knowing the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: Exchange and Alliance Between France and the New World During the French Wars of Religion, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Deborah N. Losse
Security Dilemmas and Challenges in 21st Century Asia, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Olga Barbasiewicz,Marcin Grabowski,Ewa Trojnar
Security, Democracy and Development, New edition
Author/Editor: Ghia Nodia,Christoph H. Stefes
Security Challenges at the Dawn of a New International Order, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Stanisław Sulowski,Lilia Ziemczonok
Secular, Scarred and Sacred: Education and Religion Among the Black Community in Nineteenth-Century Canada, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jerome Teelucksingh
A Secular Principle: Dialogic RE from A Catholic Perspective, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Antony Luby
Secularization: An Analysis at Three Levels, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Karel Dobbelaere
Secularism, Education, and Emotions, New edition
Author/Editor: Yair Seltenreich
Secular Health and Sacred Belief?, New edition
Author/Editor: Áine Lorié
Secrets d’atelier, New edition
Author/Editor: Frederike van der Wielen-van Ommerenvan der Wielen-van Ommeren,Fiorella Cottier-AngeliCottier-Angeli,Patrizia Birchler EmeryBirchler Emery,Jacques ChamayChamay
Secretos y verdades en los textos de Clara Janés- Secrets and truths in the texts of Clara Janés, New edition
Author/Editor: Nadia Mékouar-Hertzberg
Se coordonner dans un périmètre irrigué public au Maroc, New edition
Author/Editor: Zhour Bouzidi
The Second World War and the Baltic States, New edition
Author/Editor: James S. Corum,Olaf Mertelsmann,Kaarel Piirimäe
Second Language Attrition and the Case of Irish: An Exploration of the Savings Paradigm with Respect to Lexical Item Knowledge, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Eimear Geary
Second language acquisition in complex linguistic environments, New edition
Author/Editor: Juliane Besters-Dilger,Hana Gladkova
Second Culture Teaching and Learning, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Szende
The Second Birth of Theatre, New edition
Author/Editor: Miroslaw Kocur
Señas del esplendor ausente, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Zubia Fernandez
Searching for the Patient’s Presence in Medical Case Reports, New edition
Author/Editor: Magdalena Zabielska
Search for Self in Other in Cicero, Ovid, Rousseau, Diderot and Sartre, New edition
Author/Editor: Mary Efrosini Gregory
SDR: from Bretton Woods to a world currency, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Flor
Sculpting the Woman, New edition
Author/Editor: Jamilla Rosdahl
Scrutinizing Internal and External Dimensions of European Law / Les dimensions internes et externes du droit européen à l’épreuve, New edition
Author/Editor: Inge Govaere,Dominik Hanf
Scrittura letteraria e stampa di regime nella rivista bilingue italo-spagnola Legioni e Falangi/Legiones y Falanges (1940-1943), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ambra Pinello
(S’)Écrire dans l’entre-deux: Récits de femmes d’ici et d’ailleurs, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mariana Ionescu
Scripture and History in the Middle Ages / Schriftsinn und Geschichte im Mittelalter: Studies in Latin biblical Exegesis (ca. 350–ca. 1150) / Untersuchungen zur Bibelauslegung in der lateinischen Kirche (ca. 350–ca. 1150), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Mégier
Screening and Depicting Cultural Diversity in the English-speaking World and Beyond, New edition
Author/Editor: Renée Dickason,Rüdiger Ahrens
Scraps of Thought: Margin Notes in Old Romanian Books, New edition
Author/Editor: Mariana Borcoman
Scrapbooks, Snapshots and Memorabilia, New edition
Author/Editor: Glen McGillivray
Scotland and Islandness: Explorations in Community, Economy and Culture, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kathryn Burnett,Ray Burnett,Michael Danson
Scotland and Arbroath 1320 – 2020: 700 Years of Fighting for Freedom, Sovereignty, and Independence, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Peter Müller
Scotland 2014 and Beyond – Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence?, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Peter Müller
Sci-Fi: A Companion, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jack Fennell
Scientific Visualisation, New edition
Author/Editor: Marianne Richter
Scientific Researches in Health Sciences II, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Fatma Eti Aslan,Gökay KURTULAN,Hayat Yalin
Scientific Researches in Health Sciences, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Fatma Eti Aslan
Scientific diasporas as development partners, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriela Tejada Guerrero,Jean-Claude Bolay
Scientific Crosscurrents between Italy and England: Italian Contributions to the «Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society», Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Lucia Berti
Science Teachers’ Innovative Work Behavior: Factors and Actors, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Palmira Peciuliauskiene,Lina Kaminskiene
Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education in Zimbabwe: Research, Policy and Practice, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Brantina Chirinda,Lwazi Sibanda,Joseph Vere,Gladys Sunzuma
The Science and Religion Dialogue, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Welker
Science and Catholicism in the Universities of South-East Europe: 1800 to 1920, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ana Biočić,Iva Mršić Felbar
Schwierige sprachliche Strukturen, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernhard Engelen
Schwierige Dreierbeziehung, New edition
Author/Editor: Jochen Staadt
Schwerpunktstaatsanwaltschaften im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und die Stellung der Wirtschaftsreferenten, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefanie Emrich-Katzin
Schwellenwerte und Unternehmensmitbestimmung, New edition
Author/Editor: Katharina Dittmann
SchWellengaenge, New edition
Author/Editor: Ute Dettmar,Mareile Oetken,Uwe Schwagmeier
Schweizer Kirchengeschichte – neu reflektiert, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrich Gäbler,Martin Sallmann,Hans Schneider
Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Luca Zoppelli
Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie- Annuario Svizzero di Musicologia, New edition
Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie- Annuario Svizzero di Musicologia, New edition
Author/Editor: Luca Zoppelli
Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie- Annuario Svizzero di Musicologia, New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Ballmer,Luca Zoppelli
Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie- Annuario Svizzero di Musicologia, New edition
Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fuer Kirchenrecht. Bd. 21 (2016) – Annuaire suisse de droit ecclésial. Vol. 21 (2016), New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Kraus
Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fuer Kirchenrecht. Bd. 19 (2014) / Annuaire suisse de droit ecclésial. Vol. 19 (2014), New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Kraus,Wolfgang Lienemann,René Pahud de Mortanges
Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fuer Kirchenrecht. Bd. 18 (2013) / Annuaire suisse de droit ecclésial. Vol. 18 (2013), New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Kraus,Wolfgang Lienemann,René Pahud de Mortanges,Christoph Winzeler
Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fuer Kirchenrecht. Bd. 17 (2012) / Annuaire suisse de droit ecclésial. Vol. 17 (2012), New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Kraus,Wolfgang Lienemann,René Pahud de Mortanges,Christoph Winzeler
Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fuer Kirchenrecht. Band 16 (2011)- Annuaire suisse de droit ecclésial. Volume 16 (2011), New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Kraus,Wolfgang Lienemann,René Pahud de Mortanges
Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fuer Kirchenrecht. Band 15 (2010)- Annuaire suisse de droit ecclésial. Volume 15 (2010), New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Kraus,Wolfgang Lienemann,René Pahud de Mortanges
Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fuer Kirchenrecht. Band 14 (2009)- Annuaire suisse de droit ecclésial. Volume 14 (2009), New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Kraus,Wolfgang Lienemann,René Pahud de Mortanges
Schwedische Einwanderer zwischen Akkulturationsprozess und "cultural maintenance" in Seattle/Washington State, 1885−1940, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Katrin Leineweber
Schwaermerei und Aufklaerung, New edition
Author/Editor: Erich Donnert
Schwabstedt und die Bischoefe von Schleswig (1268-1705): Beitraege zur Geschichte der bischoeflichen Burg und Residenz an der Treene, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Oliver Auge,Stefan Magnussen
Schutzzwecke des Lauterkeitsrechts, New edition
Author/Editor: Anton Plager
Schutz vor Diskriminierung durch Privatpersonen im Straf-, Arbeits- und Zivilrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Brigitte Strauß
Schutz von Betriebs- und Geschaeftsgeheimnissen im Zivilprozess, New edition
Author/Editor: Amina-Viviana Malmström
Schutzluecken im System effektiven Rechtsschutzes bei der Durchsetzung von Schadensersatzanspruechen, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Fechner
Schutz der Minderheitsaktionaere beim Delisting: Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zwischen deutschem und chinesischem Recht, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Zou Qingsong
Schulreformen als Antwort auf gesellschaftliche Veraenderungen: Die Gemeinschaftsschule im Spannungsfeld der Bildungspolitik in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Friederichs
Schulreform 1946 in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands, New edition
Author/Editor: Christa Uhlig,Gerhard Banse,Dieter Kirchhöfer
Schulpolitik im Wandel, New edition
Author/Editor: Rita NikolaiNikolai
Schulische Literaturvermittlungsprozesse im Fokus empirischer Forschung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Dawidowski,Anna Rebecca Hoffmann,Angelika Ruth Stolle,Jennifer Witte
Schulische Kinderrechtsbildung in Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Torsten Krause
Schulische Gewaltpraevention, New edition
Author/Editor: Jutta Wawretschek-Wedemann
Schulgeschichte in Deutschland: Teilband I: Von den Anfaengen bis 1939 3., erneut aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gert Geißler
Schulgeschichte in Deutschland: Teilband II: Von 1939 bis 2021 3., erneut aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gert Geißler
Schulgeschichte in Deutschland, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Gert Geißler
Schulforschung konkret, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriele Förster
Schule und Gemeinschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Johannes GutbrodGutbrod
Schulentwicklung: Bildungspolitische Wunschvorstellung oder paedagogische Realitaet?, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Silke Fischer
Schuldnerschutz bei der Uebertragung titulierter Sicherungsgrundschulden, New edition
Author/Editor: Christine Dolle
Schuldlose Verantwortung, New edition
Author/Editor: Michel Julien Friedman
Schulbau in Bayern 1945-1975, New edition
Author/Editor: Alfred Schmucker
Schueleraustausch und interkulturelle Kompetenz: Modelle, Prinzipien und Aufgabenformate, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriela Fellmann
Schritte ueber Grenzen, New edition
Author/Editor: Kirsten Michael Schmiedel
Schrifttexte im Kommunikationsbereich Alltag, New edition
Author/Editor: Inge Pohl,Horst Ehrhardt
Schriftsteller versus Uebersetzer, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Sass,Doris Sava,Stefan Sienerth
Schriftsprachliche Positionierungen: Eine pragmalinguistische Untersuchung historischer Paratexte, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jessica Weidenhöffer
Schriftspracherwerb unter sprachlich erschwerten Bedingungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Kathrin Hübner
Schriftprotokolle in Jugendstrafverfahren, New edition
Author/Editor: Jonathan MarstonMarston
Schriften zur Synchronie und Diachronie des Deutschen, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrzej Katny,Michail L. Kotin,Elisabeth Leiss,Anna Socka
Schriften zur Rechtsphilosophie, zum Strafrecht und zum Medizin- und Biorecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Hans Lilie,Henning Rosenau
Schreibwissenschaft methodisch, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Carmen Heine,Dagmar Knorr
Schreib- und Textroutinen, New edition
Author/Editor: Helmuth Feilke,Katrin Lehnen
Schreibratgeber fuer die Hochschule: Eine Buchsorte zwischen Wissenschaft und Markt, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katrin Burkhalter,Bernadette Rieder
Schreibprozesse und Schreibentwicklung in der Fremdsprache: Eine empirische Untersuchung zum L2-Schreiben von Franzoesischstudierenden, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Katharina Schnell
Schreiben unter Bedingungen von Mehrsprachigkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Dagmar Knorr,Annette Verhein-Jarren
Schreiben und «Rescripte» von Frauen und «Princessinen» aus dem Liegnitz(er) «Fuersten Hause» (1546-1678), New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Just
Schreiben ueber Afrika: Koloniale Konstruktionen, New edition
Author/Editor: Roland Schmiedel
Schreiben in Unterrichtswerken, New edition
Author/Editor: Henriette Hoppe
Schreiben in Ost und West, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Becker
Schreiben in den Faechern: Ziele – Ergebnisse – Perspektiven, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Regina Graßmann,Stephanie Schmitt, geb. Grimm
Schreiben im Uebergang von Bildungsinstitutionen, New edition
Author/Editor: Dagmar Knorr,Katrin Lehnen,Kirsten Schindler
Schreiben im Ingenieurberuf: Eine qualitative Langzeitstudie, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Kux
Schreiben im eigenen Zimmer: Studien zu Autorinnen und Werken des deutschen, oesterreichischen und spanischen Exils, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Miriam Seidler,Marisa Siguan,Loreto Vilar,Rosa Pérez Zancas
Schreiben fuer den Hof als Weg in den Hof, New edition
Author/Editor: Kristina Wengorz
Schreibberatung und Schreibfoerderung: Impulse aus Theorie, Empirie und Praxis, New edition
Author/Editor: Sandra Ballweg
Schranke hinter den Schranken: Interessenabwaegung jenseits der urheberrechtlichen Schranken der §§ 44a ff. UrhG, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Fabian Ibel
The School of Antioch, New edition
Author/Editor: Vahan S. Hovhanessian
School & Nation, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Carrier
Schooling in Crisis: Rise and Fall of a German-American Success Story, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Bernhard Hemetsberger
Schooling and Education in Lebanon, New edition
Author/Editor: Nina Maadad,Grant Rodwell
School-Home-Community: Inevitable Connections, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Šteh,Janko Muršak,Jasna Mažgon,Jana Kalin,Petra Gregorcic Mrvar
School, family and community against early school leaving: International perspectives, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Eric Mutabazi,Albina Khasanzyanova
School Evaluation Policies and Educating States, New edition
Author/Editor: Hélène Buisson-Fenet,Xavier Pons
School Effectiveness in China, New edition
Author/Editor: Pai Peng
Scholastic Realism: A Key to Understanding Peirce’s Philosophy, New edition
Author/Editor: Paniel Reyes Cárdenas
Scholarly Pathways: Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Academia, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maurizio Gotti,Michele Sala,Stefania Maci
Schoene Kunst und reiche Tafel: ueber die Bilder der Speisen in Literatur und Kunst / Belle arti e buona tavola: sul significato delle pietanze nell’arte e nella letteratura, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Dallapiazza,Lorenzo Macharis,Sandra Abderhalden
Schnitzler’s Hidden Manuscripts, New edition
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Bellettini,Peter Hutchinson
Schnittstellen zwischen Organ- und Gewebespende, New edition
Author/Editor: Nina Gott
Schnittstellen, New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Schönleber
Schnittstellen der Germanistik: Festschrift fuer Hans Bickes, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Janina Behr,François Conrad,Stephan Kornmesser,Kristin Tschernig
Schnittfelder von Bauleitplanung und raumbezogenen Fachplanungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Stephan Mitschang
Schmerzensgeld fuer nahe Angehoerige, New edition
Author/Editor: Anita Maria Spandl
Schlusslogische Letztbegruendung: Festschrift fuer Kurt Walter Zeidler zum 65. Geburtstag, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lois Marie Rendl,Robert König
Schluesselkompetenz «Fachsprache»: Theorie und Anwendung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Katarzyna Lasatowicz,Marek Sitek
Schleichende Islamisierung?, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Többens
Schlagloecher des Baurechts: Baurecht, Bautraegerrecht und Immobilienrecht, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas Neumann
Schistosomiasis Control in China, New edition
Author/Editor: Pauline Grys
Schiller, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Wittkowski,Stephanie Kufner
Schieds- und Mediationsklauseln in Verfuegungen von Todes wegen: Die letztwillige Schiedsklausel im System erbrechtlicher Optionsmodelle Die letztwillige Mediationsklausel als causa des Anspruches auf Mitwirkung an einer Mediation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Beatrix Wolfer
Schiedsrichtermanipulationen aus wirtschaftsstrafrechtlicher Sicht, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva-Maria HoylerHoyler
Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Insolvenz in Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Aufdermauer
Scherzkommunikation unter Jugendlichen, New edition
Author/Editor: Diana Walther
Schenkkreise im Lichte des § 817 S. 2 BGB, New edition
Author/Editor: Cathrin Kefalas
Scheinselbstaendigkeit bei Honoraraerzten am Beispiel der Anaesthesie, New edition
Author/Editor: Verena Weiss-BölzWeiss-Bölz
Scheherazade’s Daughters, New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Bennett
Schattenrecht der Schwarzarbeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Bertil Sander
Schattendorf 1938–1955: ‚Volksgemeinschaft‘ und Besatzung am Beispiel einer burgenlaendischen Grenzgemeinde, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Bierbaum
Scharfsinn und Froemmigkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Gesa Dane
Schaetze der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur wiederentdeckt, New edition
Author/Editor: Anja Ballis,Birgit Schlachter
Schadensersatz und Entschaedigung in Folge von Diskriminierung im deutschen und englischen Arbeitsrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Mathias Kaufmann
Schadensersatz bei vereitelten Erwerbsbiographien, New edition
Author/Editor: Marcel Messerschmidt
A Sceptical Theory of Morality and Law, New edition
Author/Editor: James Allan
Scenario Negotiation in Online Debates about the European Union: Analysing Metaphor in Communication, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Stefanie Vogelbacher
The Scarlet Letter. New Critical Essays, New edition
Author/Editor: Janusz Semrau
Scandinavia through Sunglasses: Spaces of Cultural Exchange between Southern/Southeastern Europe and Nordic Countries, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elizaveta Khachaturyan,Álvaro Llosa Sanz
The Scandinavian Invasion: Nordic Noir and Beyond, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Richard McCulloch,William Proctor
Scandals and Party Moots, New edition
Author/Editor: Âdriana Mica
Scales, Thresholds And Dilemmas Of Housing Transformations In Istanbul, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Nilay Ünsal Gülmez,Ali Devrim Isikkaya
Sayfo: Das Jahr des Schwertes, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dorothea Weltecke,Ralph Barczok
«Sawles Warde» and the Wooing Group, New edition
Author/Editor: Harumi Tanabe,John Scahill
Sawabantu, New edition
Author/Editor: Carl Ebobissé
«Savoir voir et faire voir »: Les processus d'observation et de catégorisation dans l'éducation de l'enfance, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marianne Zogmal
Savoirs et métiers de l’Etat au XIXe siècle, New edition
Author/Editor: Brigitte Krulic
Saving France in the 1580s, New edition
Author/Editor: James H. Dahlinger
Saving Endangered Heirs and Estates: Studies in European Literature, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Hugo G. Walter
Saussure and Chomsky: Converging and Diverging, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Cosenza,Claire A. Forel,Genoveva Puskas,Thomas Robert
Saundček, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Simonek
Satzverarbeitung in der Erst- und Zweitsprache Deutsch: Gedaechtnisleistung und kognitive Belastung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Almut Ketzer-Nöltge
Satzung der Societas Privata Europaea (SPE), New edition
Author/Editor: Katrin Flaig
Satz und Text, New edition
Author/Editor: Jozef Wiktorowicz,Anna Just,Ireneusz Gaworski
Satzmodusmarkierung im europaeischen Sprachvergleich, New edition
Author/Editor: Attila Péteri
Satzadverbien und Modalverben als Marker der Reportativitaet im Deutschen und Polnischen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Socka
Satire socio-politique et engagement, New edition
Author/Editor: Annette Shahar
Sartre. Une anthropologie politique 1920–1980, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Grégory Cormann
Sartre, New edition
Author/Editor: Alfred Betschart,Manuela Hackel,Marie Minot,Vincent von Wroblewsky
Sartre, Camus und die Kunst: Die Herausforderung der Freiheit, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Heiner Wittmann
Sartre and Posthumanist Humanism, New edition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth C. Butterfield
Sardinia from the Middle Ages to Contemporaneity, New edition
Author/Editor: Luciano GallinariGallinari
Saramago After the Nobel: Contemporary Readings of José Saramago’s Late Works, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Paulo Medeiros,José Ornelas
Saracens and Conversion, New edition
Author/Editor: Stephanie L. Hathaway
Santiago de Compostela, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernd Nicolai,Klaus Rheidt
Santa Laura Montoya Upegui: la cartografía y los mapas de una escritora, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: María E. Osorio Soto
Sanskrit Debate, New edition
Author/Editor: William Cully Allen
Sans faucille ni marteau, New edition
Author/Editor: Clara Royer,Petra James
Sanktionsdefizite im Datenschutzrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Lindhorst
Sanktionierung von Unternehmen: Status quo, Defizite und Alternativen de lege ferenda, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michaela Lenk
Sanktionen der Europaeischen Union gegen ihre Mitgliedstaaten, New edition
Author/Editor: Katrin Träbert
Sanierungspflichten in der Krise von AG und GmbH, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriel Litzenberger
Sanierung geschlossener Publikumsfonds, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominik Pauw
Sanfter Paternalismus, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter L. Münch-Heubner
Sanctuaries of Light in Nineteenth-Century European Literature, New edition
Author/Editor: Hugo G. Walter
Sanctuaries in Washington Irving's «The Sketch Book», New edition
Author/Editor: Hugo G. Walter
Sanctity as a Story: Narrative (In)Variants of the Saint, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Halszka Lelen
Sanatio in radice, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Fabritz
Samuel Miller (1769-1850): Reformed Orthodoxy, Jonathan Edwards, and Old Princeton, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Allen M. Stanton
Samuel Mareschal – Der Genfer Psalter in Bearbeitungen fuer Tasteninstrumente, New edition
Author/Editor: Ramona Hocker,Matteo Nanni
Samuel–Kings: A Hypertextual Commentary, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Bartosz Adamczewski
Samuel Johnson of Yorubaland, 1846-1901, 3Revised edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang-Ulrich Fischer
Samuel Beckett's Signature in Years 1929–1938: Reflecting on the Thought Process: Language, the Neutrum and Memory, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Rafal Borkowski
Samuel Becketts paradoxe Negativitaet in den Romanen «Molloy», «Malone Dies» und «The Unnamable», New edition
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Hillgärtner
Samson as God’s Adulterous Wife, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: M. Alroy Mascrenghe
Sami Tchak: Les voies d’un renouveau, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Papa Samba Diop
Salz – Weißes Gold oder Chemisches Prinzip?, New edition
Author/Editor: Jürgen Hollweg
The Salley Gardens: Women, Sex, and Motherhood in Ireland, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jo Murphy-Lawless,Laury Oaks
Sales Coaching by Benedict, New edition
Author/Editor: Karl Herndl
Sales Coaching by Benedict, New edition
Author/Editor: Karl Herndl
Salem – A Literary Profile: Themes and Motifs in the Depiction of Colonial and Contemporary Salem in American Fiction, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Clara Petino
Salafismus in Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Rauf Ceylan,Benjamin Jokisch
Saint Antoine le Grand dans l’Orient chrétien, New edition
Author/Editor: Eliane Poirot
"Sailing towards Poland" with Joseph Conrad, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean M. Szczypien
SAID – Ein Leben in der Fremde, New edition
Author/Editor: Arianna Di Bella
Saggi in onore di Piergiuseppe Scardigli, New edition
Author/Editor: Patrizia Lendinara,Fabrizio D. Raschellà,Michael Dallapiazza
Sagesse et résistance dans les littératures francophones, New edition
Author/Editor: Marc QuaghebeurQuaghebeur
(S)aged by Culture, New edition
Author/Editor: Philipp Kneis
Sag an, mein Freund, die Ordnung der Unterwelt, New edition
Author/Editor: Gianna Zocco
The Safe House Down Under, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Rosenbaum
Saekularisierung – ein weltgeschichtlicher Prozess in Hamburg: Staat und Kirchen von Napoleon bis zum Reformationsjubilaeum (2017), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Isa Lübbers,Martin Rössler,Joachim Stüben
Sadra and Hegel on Metaphysical Essentialism, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Kamal Abdul Karim Shlbei
Sacres Across the Atlantic: An intercultural comparison of the pragmatics of swearing in Quebec French and Maltese with implications for FLE, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ludwig Camilleri
Sacred Science, New edition
Author/Editor: Gregory Loewen
Sacred Play: Soul-Journeys in Contemporary Irish Theatre, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anne F. O'Reilly
Sacred Matters, Stately Concerns, New edition
Author/Editor: John M. Thompson
Sacred Eloquence, New edition
Author/Editor: Johanna Fassl
The Sacred Cause, New edition
Author/Editor: Tom Sandqvist
Sachverstaendigengutachten im Strafverfahren zur Glaubwuerdigkeit und zur Schuldfaehigkeit im Falle der Untersuchungsverweigerung des zu Begutachtenden, New edition
Author/Editor: Sandra Beckert
Sach- und andere nicht-pekuniaere Leistungsverpflichtungen des Arbeitgebers im Betriebsuebergang, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Kintrup
Sachlichkeit als Argument, New edition
Author/Editor: Jürgen Rekus