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Titles start with T ( displaying 500 of 743 ) Information
Tableau Methods for Propositional Logic and Term Logic, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tomasz Jarmuzek
Tabloid Century, New edition
Author/Editor: Adrian Bingham,Martin Conboy
Tabucchi postumo, New edition
Author/Editor: Rimini Thea
Tabuisierte Sprachvarietaeten im Russischen und ihre Uebersetzung ins Deutsche, New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Wagner
Tabuthemen aus deutsch-tunesischer Perspektive, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katharina Böhnert,Moez Maataoui,Hristos Slutas
Tactical Globalization, New edition
Author/Editor: Aaron Koh
Tadeusz Baird. The Composer, His Work, and Its Reception, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: John Comber,Barbara Literska
Tadeusz Kantor Today, New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Fazan,Anna R. Burzynska,Marta Brys
Taeterhandeln im Nationalsozialismus, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Lettermann
Taetertypologien in der Wirtschaftskriminologie, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Hugendubel
Taetigkeit und Sprache: Zur Didaktik inklusiver Sprachfoerderung in der Berufsvorbereitung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ariane Steuber
Tagungsband der «Asiatischen Germanistentagung 2016 in Seoul» – Band 2: Germanistik in Zeiten des großen Wandels – Tradition, Identitaet, Orientierung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Seong-Kyun Oh
Tagungsband der «Asiatischen Germanistentagung 2016 in Seoul» – Band 1: Germanistik in Zeiten des großen Wandels – Tradition, Identitaet, Orientierung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Seong-Kyun Oh
Tagungsband der «Asiatischen Germanistentagung 2016 in Seoul» – Band 3: Germanistik in Zeiten des großen Wandels – Tradition, Identitaet, Orientierung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Seong-Kyun Oh
Taiwan Sign Language Interpreting: Theoretical Aspects and Pragmatic Issues, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Riccardo Moratto
Taiwan under Tsai Ing-wen: Democracy Diplomacy, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Łukasz Gacek,Rafał Kwieciński,Ewa Trojnar
Takahata Isao, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria M. Grajdian
‘Take every creature in, of every kind’, New edition
Author/Editor: Silvia Granata
The Takeover of Public Companies as a Mode of Exercising EU Treaty Freedoms, New edition
Author/Editor: Maciej Mataczynski
Taking one’s own Life: Euthanasia and Suicide in Dutch Law with a short excursus to German Law, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Irene Sagel-Grande
Taking Private Use Seriously, New edition
Author/Editor: Zhong Zheng
A Tale of Two Sisters: Life in Early British Colonial Madras The Letters of Elizabeth Gwillim and Her Sister Mary Symonds from Madras 1801–1807, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patrick Wheeler
Talking Past Each Other, New edition
Author/Editor: Hamish Telford
Talk to Text: Ancient Origins of Western Prose and the Transition from Oral to Written Culture, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gwen Groves Robinson,Mary Beth Hinton
Tamizdat: Publishing Russian Literature Across Borders, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yasha Klots
Tangible Voice-Throwing: Empowering Corporeal Discourses in African Women’s Writing of Southern Africa, New edition
Author/Editor: Bettina Weiss
Tango, transmodernidad y desencuentro, New edition
Author/Editor: Guilermo Anad
Tarifgemeinschaften als Loesungsansatz fuer ein funktionierendes Tarifsystem im Rahmen von Tarifkollisionen, New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Saeidy-Nory
Tarifliche Regelungsmacht bei Haustarifvertraegen und Unternehmerfreiheit, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriele Geiselhart
Tarifrechtliche Kontrollverfahren vor den Arbeitsgerichten, New edition
Author/Editor: Annika Hesser
Tarifrechtliche Unwirksamkeit des sofortigen Austritts aus dem Arbeitgeberverband, New edition
Author/Editor: Sina Berit Pfister
Task Equivalence in Speaking Tests, New edition
Author/Editor: Chihiro Inoue
Tasks and Criteria in Performance Assessment, New edition
Author/Editor: Annie Brown,Kathryn M. Hill
Tatbestands- und Rechtsfolgenprobleme von Bilanzgarantien beim Unternehmenskauf, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maximilian Hermans
Tatbestand und Rechtsfolgen von wiederholten Verhaltensweisen in vertraglichen Dauerschuldverhaeltnissen, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrea Kürten
The tathāgatagarbha Theory in the Śrīmālāsūtra, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Hao Sun
Tatsaechliche Ereignisse und Film: Die Kollision von Persoenlichkeitsinteressen und Kunstfreiheit im Bereich dokumentarisch-fiktionaler Darstellungen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elina Huff
Tatsaechliche Unterhaltsleistungen faktischer Lebensgefaehrten im Todesfall, New edition
Author/Editor: Birthe Schekahn
Tauschen und Taeuschen, New edition
Author/Editor: Christine Künzel,Bernd Hamacher
Taxation, the State and Society, New edition
Author/Editor: Marc Leroy
Tax Compliance aus unternehmensrechtlicher Sicht, New edition
Author/Editor: Armin Gasper
Tax Compliance: Herleitung, Organisation, Funktion, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Simone Jäger
Tax Compliance im Kooperationsverhaeltnis zwischen Unternehmen und Finanzverwaltung, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Schützler
Tax Management and Tax Evasion, New edition
Author/Editor: Konrad Raczkowski,Lukasz Sulkowski
A taxonomy of state capitalism: The developmental phases of Russia, Kazakhstan, South Korea and Singapore - a comparative institutional analysis, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Axel Wölk
Tax Secrecy and Tax Transparency, New edition
Author/Editor: Eleonor Kristofferson,Michael Lang,Pasquale Pistone,Josef Schuch,Claus Staringer,Alfred Storck
Teacher Education in (Post-)Pandemic and (Post-)Digital Times: International Perspectives on Intercultural Learning, Diversity and Equity, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Silke Braselmann,Lukas Eibensteiner,Laurenz Volkmann
Teacher Leadership: Learning, Teaching and Leading: Experiences of Teachers and School Administration, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Lina Kaminskiene,Vilma Žydziunaite,Vaida Jurgile
The Teacher of Generation Alpha, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nihal Yurtseven
Teachers and Trainers in Adult and Lifelong Learning, New edition
Author/Editor: Regina Egetenmeyer,Ekkehard Nuissl
Teachers and Youth in Educational Reality, New edition
Author/Editor: Marika Veisson,Airi Liimets
Teachers’ Perspectives, Practices and Challenges in Multilingual Education, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nagore Ipiña Larrañaga,Ainara Imaz Agirre,Begoña Pedrosa,Eneritz Garro
Teacher Stories: Perspectives on Inclusive Pedagogical Language in Zimbabwe, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kumbirai Khosa
Teaching and Learning in the Arab World, New edition
Author/Editor: Christina Gitsaki
Teaching and learning phraseology in the XXI century Phraseologie lehren und lernen im 21. Jahrhundert: Challenges for phraseodidactics and phraseotranslation Herausforderungen fuer Phraseodidaktik und Phraseouebersetzung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Florentina Mena Martínez,Carola Strohschen
Teaching and Testing Interpreting and Translating, New edition
Author/Editor: Valerie Pellatt,Kate Griffiths,Shao-Chuan Wu
Teaching Business Culture in the Italian Context, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Cullen,Maria Elisa Montironi
Teaching Cosmopolitanism through Transnational Literature in English, New edition
Author/Editor: Mirja BeutelBeutel
Teaching Critical Reading and Writing in the Era of Fake News, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ellen C. Carillo,Alice S. Horning
Teaching English in Chile, New edition
Author/Editor: Katharina Glas
Teaching English Pronunciation at the Secondary School Level, New edition
Author/Editor: Karolina Janczukowicz
Teaching Environments, New edition
Author/Editor: Roman Bartosch,Sieglinde Grimm
Teaching Foreign Languages for Tourism, New edition
Author/Editor: Gloria Bosch,Torsten Schlak
Teaching History to Black Students in the United Kingdom, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kay Traille
Teaching <I>Daughters of the Dust" as a Womanist Film and the Black Arts Aesthetic of Filmmaker Julie Dash, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patricia Williams Lessane
Teaching Languages off the Beaten Track, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal B. Paradowski
Teaching Literature at Ridgeview, New edition
Author/Editor: Russell Weaver
Teaching Religion, Teaching Truth, New edition
Author/Editor: Jeff Astley,Leslie J. Francis,Mandy Robbins,Mualla Selçuk
Teaching Spivak—Otherwise: A Contribution to the Critique of the Post-Theory Farrago, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jerry D. Leonard
Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities at Beacon College, New edition
Author/Editor: William Nesbitt
Teaching the Bard Today – Shakespeare-Didaktik in Forschung und Lehre, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Eisenmann
Teams and Their Leaders, New edition
Author/Editor: J. David Johnson
A Tear in the Curtain: The Musical Diplomacy of Erzsébet Szőnyi, New edition
Author/Editor: Jerry L. Jaccard
Teatralidades del conflicto armado en Colombia: Dramaturgia de las víctimas, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Adriana Sánchez Gutiérrez
Technikhermeneutik, New edition
Author/Editor: Lars Leidl,David Pinzer
Technische Standardsetzung und das Europaeische Kartellverbot, New edition
Author/Editor: Johanna Keisenberg
Technological and Digital Risk: Research Issues, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Juan Martínez Torvisco,Gevisa La Rocca
Technological Innovation Put to the Service of Language Learning, Translation and Interpreting: Insights from Academic and Professional Contexts, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sílvia Lima Gonçalves Araújo,Óscar Ferreiro Vázquez,Ana Teresa Varajão Moutinho Pereira
The Technological Unconscious in Contemporary Fiction in English, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Piotr Czerwiński
Technologietransfer im Recht der UNESCO, New edition
Author/Editor: Phillip Winkler
Technologischer Wandel als Transformation des Menschen: Forschungsprogramm Transhumanismus, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lorenz von Hasseln
Technology and Postmodern Subjectivity in Don DeLillo’s Novels, New edition
Author/Editor: Randy Laist
Technology and Social Choices in the Era of Social Transformations, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Borut Roncevic,Matej Makarovic
Technopathogenology, New edition
Author/Editor: Guillermo Miguel Eguiazu,Alberto Motta
Tecnologías de la traducción en el ámbito de las migraciones, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Celia Rico Pérez
Tecnologías del yo: Mujer, sujeto y subjetividad, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ángeles Mateo del Pino
Tecnologías para la educación bilinguee, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Cristina A. Huertas Abril
Teilhabe braucht Rehabilitation: Blicke zurueck in die Zukunft, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Helga Seel
Telecollaboration 2.0, New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Guth,Francesca Helm
Telecollaborative Language Learning, New edition
Author/Editor: Melinda Ann Dooly Owenby
Telefonwerbung in Deutschland: Eine rechtliche Untersuchung unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung unionsrechtlicher Vorschriften sowie der Rechtslage in Frankreich und Großbritannien, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anca David
Telekommunikationskontrolle zur Praevention und Aufdeckung von Straftaten im Arbeitsverhaeltnis, New edition
Author/Editor: David Kruchen
Telekommunikationsrechtliche Regulierung zur Verhinderung von Marktmachtuebertragungen in benachbarte Maerkte, New edition
Author/Editor: Sabrina Krüger
Telekommunikationsregulierung der naechsten Generation, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Hinz
Telling Hands and Teaching Feet: Nonverbal Communication in Two of the Narratives of Acts, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Carole Ferch-Johnson
Telling Terror in Contemporary Australian Fiction, New edition
Author/Editor: Tino Dallmann
Telling Truths: Evelyn Conlon and the Task of Writing, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Teresa Caneda
Telos and Object, New edition
Author/Editor: Luca Russo
Temas de gramática española para estudiantes universitarios, New edition
Author/Editor: Susana Silvia Fernández,Johan Falk
Temas y variaciones del poema extenso moderno en México, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Óscar Javier González Molina
Temporal expression in nominals: tripartite deictics in the Bulgarian Rhodope dialects, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Davide Fanciullo
Temporalità e organizzazione del discorso in italiano e in spagnolo, New edition
Author/Editor: Salvatore Musto
Temporalités khmères: de près, de loin, entre îles et péninsules, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Éric Bourdonneau,Nasir Abdoul-Carime,Grégory Mikaelian,Joseph Thach
Temporary Croatization of Parts of Eastern Slovenia between the Sixteenth and Nineteenth Century, New edition
Author/Editor: Boris Golec
Temps, temporalités et intervention en EPS et en sport, New edition
Author/Editor: Benoît Lenzen,Daniel Deriaz,Bernard Poussin,Hervé Dénervaud,Adrián Cordoba
Tendances actuelles de la jurisprudence matrimoniale dans les tribunaux d’Église, New edition
Author/Editor: Marc Aoun,Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
Tendencias en lingueística general y aplicada, New edition
Author/Editor: Dolores García Padrón,Maria del Carmen Fumero Pérez
Tendenzen der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur, New edition
Author/Editor: Simon HansenHansen,Jill ThielsenThielsen
Tendenzen der Gegenwartsliteratur: Literaturwissenschaftliche und literaturdidaktische Perspektiven, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marijana Jelec
Tendenzen der zeitgenoessischen Dramatik, New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Martin Langner,Agata Mirecka
Ten Life Histories: Berlin Prostitutes and the Sexual Question, by Wilhelm Hammer, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Carruthers,Jill Suzanne Smith
The Ten Pillars of American Democracy: Has the United States Become a Pseudo-Democracy?, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Haas
Tenses of Imagination, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrew Milner
Tensiones de la Democratización Educativa: Conflicto, convivencia y autoridad en la escuela media argentina (1983–2015), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Pedro Míguez,Andrea Paola Gallo
Ten Steps, New edition
Author/Editor: Fabio Camilletti,Paola Cori
Tentativas experienciales para una Filosofía Aplicada, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: José Barrientos-Rastrojo
Ten Years of Protests in the Middle East and North Africa: Dynamics of Mobilisation in a Complex (Geo)Political Environment, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Silvia Colombo,Daniela Huber
Author/Editor: Encarnación Tabares Plasencia
Terminologie française et polonaise relative à la famille, New edition
Author/Editor: Paulina Mazurkiewicz
Terminologie (I) : analyser des termes et des concepts, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Jacques Briu
Terminologie (II) : comparaisons, transferts, (in)traductions, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Jacques Briu
Terminologiemanagement, New edition
Author/Editor: Annette Weilandt
Terminology and Phraseology in Research Papers in the Domains of New Technologies, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Lukasz Bogucki,Aleksandra Beata Makowska
Terminology & Discourse/Terminologie et discours, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Katherine E. Russo,Jana Altmanova,Maria Centrella
Terminology in English Language Teaching, New edition
Author/Editor: Roger Berry
The Term «Person» in the Trinitarian Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg, New edition
Author/Editor: Theodore James Whapham
Terrestrial Ecotopias: Multispecies Flourishing in and Beyond the Capitalocene, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Michael G. Kelly,Raffaella Baccolini,Antonis Balasopoulos,Joachim Fischer,Tom Moylan,Phillip E. Wegner,Heather Alberro
Territoires en transition et innovation: Enjeux et outils d'accompagnement, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Fedoua Kasmi,Mauricio Camargo,Laurent Dupont
Territorialkonflikte im arktischen Raum aus seerechtlicher Sicht und unter Beruecksichtigung neuer Entwicklungen aufgrund der klimatischen Veraenderungen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Hilpold,Stephanie Wurnitsch
Territorios de la ciencia ficción mexicana (1984-2012): Por una poética y una política de lo insólito literario, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Margarita Remón-Raillard
Territorios del presente, New edition
Author/Editor: Jesús Montoya Juárez,Natalia Moraes Mena
Tertium Datur: A Reading of Rosenzweig’s ‘New Thinking’, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Beniamino Fortis,Rainer Kampling
Tertulia e ideología, New edition
Author/Editor: Marina González-Sanz
Tertullian’s Use of the Pastoral Epistles, Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, and Jude, New edition
Author/Editor: Mark A. Frisius
TESOL in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Zübeyde Sinem Genc,Isil Günseli Kaçar
Testaments, Donations, and the Values of Books as Gifts, New edition
Author/Editor: Janika Bischof
Testamentsgestaltung mit Supervermaechtnis: Ist das Supervermaechtnis ein erbrechtliches Gestaltungsinstrument der Superlative?, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Rudolf Meyer-Pritzl,Sarah Isabell Lipski
Testamentsvollstreckung an Gesellschaftsbeteiligungen: Ein Beitrag zur Kompetenzabgrenzung zwischen Erb- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mario Vallelonga
Testen bildungssprachlicher Kompetenzen und akademischer Sprachkompetenzen: Zugaenge fuer Schule und Hochschule, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anastasia Drackert,Mirka Mainzer-Murrenhoff,Anna Soltyska,Anna Timukova
Testi brevi, New edition
Author/Editor: Gudrun Held,Sabine Schwarze
Testing a Nation, New edition
Author/Editor: Mark Garner,Dayong Huang
Testing ESL Pragmatics, New edition
Author/Editor: Carsten Röver
Testing ESL Sociopragmatics, New edition
Author/Editor: Carsten Roever,Catriona Fraser,Catherine Elder
Testing Lexicogrammar: An Investigation into the Construct Tested in the «Language in Use» Section of the Austrian Matura in English, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Theresa Weiler
Testing the Interclausal Relations Hierarchy: Modal and Aspectual Constructions in Sardinian, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Francesco Casti
Testo e ritmi, New edition
Author/Editor: Elmar Schafroth,Maria Selig
Teuerungsklauseln in Lohnvereinbarungen und ihre Wirkungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrich Fiechter
Text and Tune, New edition
Author/Editor: Teresa Proto,Paolo Canettieri,Gianluca Valenti
Textanfaenge – Semantische Aspekte, New edition
Author/Editor: Magdalena Dus,Robert Kolodziej,Joanna Konieczna-Serafin
Text – Bild – Hypertext, New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Zebrowska
Textbooks and Citizenship in modern and contemporary Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Paolo Bianchini,Roberto Sani
Text-Bruecken zwischen den Kulturen, New edition
Author/Editor: Nadine Rentel,Elisabeth Venohr
Text Complexity and Reading Comprehension Tests, New edition
Author/Editor: Erik Castello
Texte et discours en confrontation dans l’espace européen, New edition
Author/Editor: Driss Ablali,Guy Achard-Bayle,Sandrine Reboul-Touré,Malika Temmar
Texte, Fragmentation, Créativité II / Text, Fragmentation, Creativity II, New edition
Author/Editor: Jolanta Rachwalska von RejchwaldRachwalska von Rejchwald,Anna KrzyzanowskaKrzyzanowska
Texte, Fragmentation, Créativité I / Text, Fragmentation, Creativity I, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna KrzyzanowskaKrzyzanowska,Jolanta Rachwalska Von RejchwaldRachwalska Von Rejchwald
Texte i. d. Enge, New edition
Author/Editor: Torsten Siever
Texte komponieren, von Klaengen erzaehlen: Studien zu den Beziehungen von Literatur und Musik, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Grzywka-Kolago,Malgorzata Filipowicz,Maciej Jedrzejewski
Textes sacrés et culture profane : de la révélation à la création, New edition
Author/Editor: Mélanie Adda
Texte – Textsorten – Phaenomene im Text, New edition
Author/Editor: Zofia Berdychowska,Joanna Janicka,Agnieszka Vogelsang-Doncer
Texte und Medien: Linguistische Zugaenge zu Textmanifestationen in medialen Spielraeumen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dorota Kaczmarek,Marcin Michon,Dariusz Prasalski
Text-Image-Music: Crossing the Borders: Intermedial Conversations on the Poetics of Verbal, Visual and Musical Texts In Honour of Prof. Elżbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Andrzej Pawelec,Aeddan Shaw,Grzegorz Szpila
Text im Fokus zweier Linguistiken, New edition
Author/Editor: Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz,Maria Krauz
Textimmanente Wahrnehmung bei Gajto Gazdanov: Sinne und Emotion als motivische und strukturelle Schnittstelle zwischen Subjekt und Weltbild, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ingeborg Jandl
The Text in the Middle, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael B. Shepherd
Text in the Natural World, New edition
Author/Editor: Laurence A. Gregorio
Textkompetenz foerdern durch «LesenSchreibenLesen», New edition
Author/Editor: Elfriede Witschel
Textkritik, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Bein
Textlayout und Bilddesign in Mittelalter und Altertum: Versunkene Technik der Jahrtausende, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Dieter Büker
Textlinguistik als Querschnittsdisziplin, New edition
Author/Editor: Zofia Berdychowska,Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz,Beata Mikolajczyk
Textlinguistik und Stilistik fuer Einsteiger, 3Revised edition
Author/Editor: Ulla Fix,Hannelore Poethe,Gabriele Yos
Textlinguistische und phonematisch-graphematische Untersuchung der Achtvermerke im Schweidnitzer Proskriptionsbuch aus dem 14. und 15. Jahrhundert., Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Just,Piotr A. Owsiński
Text Memorisation in Chinese Foreign Language Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Xia Yu
Textmetamorphosen, New edition
Author/Editor: Hans-Albrecht Koch
Textos castigados, New edition
Author/Editor: Eugenia Fosalba,Maria José Vega
Textproduktion in Interaktion: Eine Studie zum kollaborativen Schreiben in der Grundschule, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christina Bär
Texts and Minds, New edition
Author/Editor: Alina Kwiatkowska
Textsemantik des Antezedenten und semantische Funktion des Relativsatzes, New edition
Author/Editor: Manuel Kraus
Texts, Images, Practices: Contemporary Perspectives on American, British and Polish Cultures, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Justyna Wierzchowska,Pawel Rutkowski
Textsorten der Unternehmenskommunikation aus kontrastiv-textologischer Perspektive, New edition
Author/Editor: Goranka Rocco
Textsorten des Alltags und ihre typischen sprachlichen Mittel, New edition
Author/Editor: Karl-Ernst Sommerfeldt,Herbert Schreiber
Textual Healing: Studies in Medieval English Medical, Scientific and Technical Texts, New edition
Author/Editor: Javier E. Díaz Vera,Rosario Caballero
Textuality and Contextuality, New edition
Author/Editor: Aneta Smolinska
Textualization of Experience: Studies on Ancient Greek Literature, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pawel Majewski
Textual Linguistic Theology in Paul Ricœur, New edition
Author/Editor: Xavier Lakshmanan
The Textual World of the Bible, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael B. Shepherd
Text- und Diskurswelten in der massenmedialen Kommunikation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marek Cieszkowski,Janusz Pociask
Text und Holocaust: Die Erfahrung des Ghettos in Zeugnissen und literarischen Entwuerfen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lisa Palmes,Jacek Leociak
Text und Kultur, New edition
Author/Editor: Qi Chen
Text und Performanz, New edition
Author/Editor: Jörg Ballnus
Text und Stil, New edition
Author/Editor: Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz,Agnieszka Mac,Marta Smykala,Iwona Szwed
Texturen von Herrschaft im Mittelmeerraum, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Simela Delianidou,Eleni Georgopoulou,Jannis Pangalos
Textures, New edition
Author/Editor: Jeff Barda,Daniel Finch-Race
Textus Babylonicus: Die Textvarianten in den biblischen Handschriften der babylonisch-jemenitischen Tradition, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gianfranco Miletto
Thales and the Beginnings of European Reflection, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Artur Przybysławski
Theater als Dispositiv, New edition
Author/Editor: Lorenz Aggermann,Georg Döcker,Gerald Siegmund
Theater and the Sacred in the Middle Ages, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Mikolaj Golubiewski,Andrzej Dabrówka
Theater fuer Alle?, New edition
Author/Editor: Azadeh Sharifi
Theater im Fluchtkontext: Fuer ein widerspruchssensibles Re-Praesentieren in der Kulturellen Bildung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sofie Olbers
Theater und Erziehung, New edition
Author/Editor: Simone Bekk
Theatre for Early Years, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Schneider
The Theatre of Martyrdom: Performing Piety in 1640s France, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Charles Stone
The Theatre of the Absurd, the Grotesque and Politics: A Study of Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter and Tom Stoppard, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jadwiga Uchman
Theatres in the Round, New edition
Author/Editor: Dorothy Figueira,Marc Maufort
Theatre Stuff: Critical Essays and Contemporary Irish Theatre, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Eamonn Jordan,Ger Fitzgibbon,Eamonn Jordan
«… the ball seemed to keep rolling …», New edition
Author/Editor: Martina Lampert,Günther Lampert
«The Brownies’ Book»: Inspiring Racial Pride in African-American Children, New edition
Author/Editor: Christina Schäffer
«The Ethos of Britain», New edition
Author/Editor: Victor J. Lams
«The first wit of the age», New edition
Author/Editor: Kirsten Juhas,Patrick Müller,Mascha Hansen
«The Game as It Is Played», New edition
Author/Editor: Donald Pizer
"The Germ", New edition
Author/Editor: Paola Spinozzi,Elisa Bizzotto
Their Childhood and the Holocaust, New edition
Author/Editor: Richard J. Reisner,Justyna Kowalska-Leder
Their Hopes, Fears and Reality, New edition
Author/Editor: Melinda Ann Dooly Owenby
«The Jewish Press» – A Gevalt from the Torah True, New edition
Author/Editor: Sahra L. Lindeberg
The Theme of the Plague in Italian Letters, New edition
Author/Editor: Vincenzo TraversaTraversa
Themes in Issues, Risk and Crisis Communication:: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Burcu Sabuncuoglu Peksevgen
Theodicy - From a Logical Point of View, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Weingartner
Theodor Echtermeyer (1805-1844), New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Hundt
Theodor Fontane y la paradoja de la inocencia en la culpa: el caso de Effi Briest, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mireia Vives Martínez
Theodor Storm und sein Leben in der Musik, New edition
Author/Editor: Heiner Mückenberger
Theological Content of the Christian Religious Studies Curriculum in Nigeria: Pastoral Theology in Secondary Schools, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Cyril Aigbadon Odia
Theological Exegesis in the Canonical Context, New edition
Author/Editor: Chen Xun
The Theological Notion of The Human Person, New edition
Author/Editor: Gregory Brett
Theologie als Wissenschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Lukas Ohly
Theologie angesichts des Digitalen: Beitraege zu den theologischen Herausforderungen durch Digitalitaet und Digitalisierung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Lukas Ohly,Roman Winter-Tietel,Lukas Ohly
Theologie auf der Suche nach «Lucidez», New edition
Author/Editor: Alexandre Pessoa Garcia
Theologie der Religionen: Gesammelte Schriften, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gerhard Gäde
Theologie im Cultural Turn, New edition
Author/Editor: Judith Gruber
Theologie im Spannungsfeld von Kirche und Politik - Theology in Engagement with Church and Politics, New edition
Author/Editor: Craig L. Nessan,Matthias Heesch,Thomas Kothmann
Theologie in der Kirche, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Lutz
Theologie und Antisemitismus, New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas Pangritz
Theologie und Geschichte, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernd Jaspert
Theologie und Geschichte, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernd Jaspert
Theologie und Praxis des Petrusamtes bei Joseph Ratzinger/Benedikt XVI.: Zum Primat des Bischofs von Rom im Denken und Handeln des Theologen auf dem Papstthron, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rafal Biniek
Theology and Science in the Thought of Ian Barbour: A Thomistic Evaluation for the Catholic Doctrine of Creation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Joseph Laracy
Theoretische und applizierte Aspekte der Interkulturellen Kommunikation, New edition
Author/Editor: Nina Niedermeyer,Hanna Pishwa
Theorie², New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Ehninger,Magdalena Nieslony
Theories of Dynamic Cosmopolitanism in Modern European History, New edition
Author/Editor: Georg Cavallar
"Theories, Techniques, Strategies" For Spatial Planners & Designers: Planning, Design, Applications, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Murat Özyavuz
Theorie und Methode einer literaturwissenschaftlichen Imagologie, New edition
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Swiderska
Theorie und Praxis des Chors in der Moderne, New edition
Author/Editor: Jae Min Lee
Theorie und Praxis des DaF- und DaZ-Unterrichts heute, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Hahn,Gerhard Wazel
Theorie und Praxis des Kreativen Schreibens, New edition
Author/Editor: Therese Chromik
Theorising the Legitimacy of EU Regulatory Agencies, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Natalia Kohtamäki
Theorizing Ambivalence in Ang Lee's Transnational Cinema, New edition
Author/Editor: Chih-Yun Chiang
Theorizing Borders Through Analyses of Power Relationships, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Gilles,Harlan Koff,Carmen Maganda,Christian Schulz
Theory and Applied Fiscal Policy: Empirical and Theoretical Studies, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Adil Akinci
Theory and Digital Resources for the English-Spanish Medical Translation Industry, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Clara Inés López Rodríguez,Beatriz Sánchez Cárdenas
Theory and practice in sustainable planning and design: Planning, Design, Applications, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Murat Özyavuz
Theory and Practice Management and Organization Studies, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Özüm Eğilmez
Theory of Political Representation, New edition
Author/Editor: Jaroslaw Szymanek
Theory of Power: Marx, Foucault, Neo-Zapatismo, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Robin Myers,Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas
Theory of Provocation: In Light of Political Science, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Miroslaw Karwat
«The Party is Over»?, New edition
Author/Editor: Almuth Ebke
Therapy Through Faёrie, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Cholewa-Purgal
«There’s a Way to Alter the Pain», New edition
Author/Editor: Dorothea Buehler
Therese Huber (1764–1829) – «Ich will Weisheit tauschen gegen Glueck», New edition
Author/Editor: Mascha Riepl-Schmidt
There's No Word for <i>Saudade", New edition
Author/Editor: George Monteiro
«The Return of the Repressed»: Uncovering Family Secrets in Zola’s Fiction, New edition
Author/Editor: Rita Oghia-Codsi
«The Romance of the Three Kingdoms» and Mao’s Global Order of Tripolarity, New edition
“The Same, but Different”. A Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Variantivity, New edition
Author/Editor: Aleksandra MajdzinskaMajdzinska
«These Songs Tell About Our Life, You See», New edition
Author/Editor: Kai Åberg
‘The Taking Place of Language’, New edition
Author/Editor: Bipasha Som,Saswat Das
They Aren’t, Until I Call Them, New edition
Author/Editor: Enikö Bollobás
They Bear Acquaintance, New edition
Author/Editor: Nancy L. Graham
Thietmar von Merseburg: Historiographie der Grenzwelten, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Dirk Jäckel,Lisa Klocke,Matthias Weber M.A.
Things of the Spirit, New edition
Author/Editor: George Van Cleve Speer
Thinking and Acting in Military Pedagogy, New edition
Author/Editor: Hubert Annen,Can Nakkas,Juha Mäkinen
Thinking and the Sense of Life, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerhard Schaefer,Ryoei Yoshioka
Thinking Between Islam and the West, New edition
Author/Editor: Chi-Chung (Andy) Yu
Thinking Images, New edition
Author/Editor: David Montero
Thinking in Common: Community in the Global Era, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pascale Cohen-Avenel,Lucia Quaquarelli
Thinking Media Aesthetics, New edition
Author/Editor: Liv Hausken
Thinking. The Heart of the Media, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jacek Dabala
Thinking through High-Tech Hell: A Theory of the New Media Dystopia, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Michael G. Kelly,Miguel Sebastián-Martín
Thinking Through Relation: Encounters in Creative Critical Writing, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Florian Mussgnug,Mathelinda Nabugodi,Thea Petrou
Thinking Towards New Horizons, New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Augustin,Hermann Michael Niemann
Éthique chrétienne et bien commun: Vers une justice globale et un futur équitable face à l'impact du changement climatique, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alain Boubag
Éthique communicationnelle de la palabre africaine, New edition
Author/Editor: Ignace Bisewo Pesa
Third Digital Documentary: A Theory and Practice of Transmedia Arts Activism, Critical Design and Ethics, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anita Wen-Shin Chang
Thise Stories Beren Witnesse, New edition
Author/Editor: Liliana Sikorska
This Favoured Land, New edition
Author/Editor: Lee Fontanella
This Side of Brightness, New edition
Author/Editor: Susan Cahill,Eóin Flannery
This Timecoloured Place, New edition
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Graff
Thomas Bernhard’s Comic Materialism, New edition
Author/Editor: Russell Harrison
Thomas Durfey’s «Love for Money, or The Boarding School» (1691): A Critical Edition, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Manuel J. Gómez-Lara,María José Mora
Thomas Hardy Writing Dress, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Gatrell
Thomas Hardy Writing Dress, New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Gatrell
Thomas Jefferson: Guardian of the Natural Bridge, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mark Andrew Holowchak
Thomas J. J. Altizer, America's 20th Century Religious Heretic, New edition
Author/Editor: Glenn Wittig
Thomas Manns «Joseph und seine Brueder», New edition
Author/Editor: Katja Lintz
Thomas Moore, New edition
Author/Editor: Francesca Benatti,Sean Ryder,Justin Tonra
Thomas Orde, 1746–1807: Educational Innovator, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Tony Lyons
Thomas Pynchon and the Postmodern Mythology of the Underworld, New edition
Author/Editor: Evans Lansing Smith
Thomas Schmidt-Kowalski – ein romantischer Komponist an der Wende zum 21. Jahrhundert, New edition
Author/Editor: Ursula Eisfeld
Thomas Selles Musik fuer Hamburg: Komponieren in einer fruehneuzeitlichen Metropole, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Juliane Pöche
Thomas Wyse 1791-1862: A Leading Advocate of Education Reform, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Tony Lyons
Théories politiques de la diversité: Libéralisme, républicanisme, multiculturalisme, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Karel Leyva
The Thought of W.B. Yeats, New edition
Author/Editor: Brian Arkins
Thought-Sign-Symbol: Cross-Cultural Representations of Religion, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Monika Kopytowska,Artur Galkowski,Massimo Leone
Thoughts on Francis of Assisi, New edition
Author/Editor: Latifah Troncelliti
Thoughts on Things Forgotten, New edition
Author/Editor: Georg SchmidSchmid,Sigrid Schmid-BortenschlagerSchmid-Bortenschlager
The Thousand Families, New edition
Author/Editor: Patricia J. Higgins,Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi,Ali Shabani
Threat, New edition
Author/Editor: Georgina Evans,Adam Kay
Three Approaches to Presidential Foreign Policy-Making in the Twenty-First Century: The Executive, the Magistrate, and the Maverick, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Luis da Vinha,Anthony Dutton
Three Congregational Masses, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Lorraine Byrne
Three Continents: Political Economy and Development of Democracy in Europe, the United States and Latin America, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Albert O. Hirschman,Luca Meldolesi
Three Issues of Romance Morphology, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria L. Goldbach
Three Prehistoric Inventions That Shaped Us, New edition
Author/Editor: David M. Johnson
Three Tropes on Trump: A Textbook on Applied Marxism, Semiotics, and Psychoanalysis, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Arthur Asa Berger
Three Voices from the Galilee, New edition
Author/Editor: Jamal Assadi
Through the Back Door, New edition
Author/Editor: Jerzy Kochanowski
Through the Northern Gate, New edition
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Banerjee
Théâtralités contemporaines, New edition
Author/Editor: Katia Arfara
Théâtre contemporain dans les Amériques, New edition
Author/Editor: Cécile Chantraine Braillon,Fatiha Idmhand,Norah Dei-Cas Giraldi
Théâtre et réception, New edition
Author/Editor: Catherine Bouko
Théâtres d’Asie et d’Orient, New edition
Author/Editor: Eve Feuillebois-Pierunek
Tiananmen redux, New edition
Author/Editor: Johan Lagerkvist
‘Tickling the Palate’, New edition
Author/Editor: Máirtin Mac Con Iomaire,Eamon Maher
Étienne Clémentel (1864-1936), New edition
Author/Editor: Marie Christine Kessler,Guy Rousseau
Tier im Text, New edition
Author/Editor: Hans Jürgen Scheuer,Ulrike Vedder
Tiermetaphorik in unterschiedlichen Diskurstraditionen, New edition
Author/Editor: Abdulhamid Abdulrahman
Tierras y territorios indígenas en América Latina, New edition
Author/Editor: Monika Ludescher
Tiersmondismus in der Schweiz der 1960er und 1970er Jahre, New edition
Author/Editor: Monica Kalt
Tierwelten und Textwelten: Beitraege der Bologneser Tagung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Dallapiazza,Annette Simonis
Tigellinus: Im Dienste Kaiser Neros zwischen Genuss und Gewalt, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Raimund Merker
Time and Alterity in South African Writing: André Brink, J.M. Coetzee, and Zakes Mda Revisited, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Paulina Grzeda
Time and Space in Contemporary Greek-Cypriot Cinema, New edition
Author/Editor: Lisa Socrates
Time and Space in Words and Music, New edition
Author/Editor: Mario Dunkel,Emily Petermann,Burkhard Sauerwald
Time and Temporality in Language and Human Experience, New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk,Krzysztof Kosecki
Time and the Short Story, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Teresa Chialant,Marina Lops
Time and Vision Machines in Thomas Pynchon’s Novels, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Arkadiusz Misztal
Time, Being and Becoming: Cognitive Models of Innovation and Creation in English, New edition
Author/Editor: Maciej Litwin
Time for a European federation: How Europe could remain relevant in the century of globalization, climate change and the fourth industrial revolution, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Yannis Karamitsios
Time for Health Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Kaarina Määttä,Satu Uusiautti
Time in Music and Culture, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: John Comber,Ludwik Bielawski
Timeless Joyce: A Hundred Years of Ulysses, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Asun Lopez-Varela Azcárate
The Timeless Toni Morrison, New edition
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Lobodziec,Blossom N. Fondo
Timeline and Personification in <I>The Merchant of Venice": Passover, Easter and the Case of the Returning Ships, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Peter D. Usher
Timelines in Emily Brontë’s «Wuthering Heights», Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Weber
Time Works Wonders, New edition
Author/Editor: Tomasz P. Krzeszowski
Ténèbres sans leçons, New edition
Author/Editor: Itay Sapir
To and fro in shadow – by way of neither, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Schenk-Haupt
‘To Be Truly British We Must Be Anti-German’, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrew Francis
Tobie sur la scène européenne à la Renaissance, suivi de «Tobie», comédie de Catherin Le Doux (1604), New edition
Author/Editor: Alain Cullière
TO DO AS IF – Realitaeten der Illusion im zeitgenoessischen Theater, New edition
Author/Editor: André EiermannEiermann
«Todo más claro, El Contemplado, Confianza» de Pedro Salinas, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernadette Hidalgo Bachs
Todos los caminos conducen a Rulfo. Itinerarios del cuento mexicano desde el modernismo a El Llano en llamas, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Rosa García Gutiérrez
Tod und Sterben in der Medizin, New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Gruber
Tod und Sterben – Zwei Begriffe, eine Bedeutung?, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Gruber
Toedliche Maskeraden, New edition
Author/Editor: Franco Ruault
Toilettengraffiti, New edition
Author/Editor: Christiane Stumpf
The «Tokunbo» Phenomenon and the Second-Hand Economy in Nigeria, New edition
Author/Editor: Ayokunle Olumuyiwa Omobowale
To Lead by Obeying: The Political Lessons of Mexican Neo-Zapatismo, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas
Tolerance, New edition
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Lomonaco
Tolerated Evil: Prostitution in the Kingdom of Poland in the Nineteenth Century, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Jolanta Sikorska-Kulesza
Tomoo Otaka: Foundation of a theory of social association, 1932, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Derek Robbins
Tomorrow It Could Be You, New edition
Author/Editor: Tracy Carson
Tomás Carrasquilla. Nuevas lecturas críticas de su obra literaria, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Edwin Carvajal Córdoba,Ana María Agudelo Ochoa,Félix Antonio Gallego Duque
Tomás García Luna: Gramática General (1845): Kommentierte Edition mit einer Einleitung versehen von Isabel Zollna, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Isabel Zollna
The Tongan Double Canoes, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter SurenSuren
Tongue Body Kinematics in Parkinson’s Disease: Effects of Levodopa and Deep Brain Stimulation, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Tabea Thies
Toni Morrison and the Maternal: From «The Bluest Eye» to «God Help the Child», Revised Edition, Ed. 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Linda Wagner-Martin
Tony Conrad: Video – und darueber hinaus, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tabea Lurk
Too Small to Make an Impact?, New edition
Author/Editor: Marek Neuman
Topic and Focus Markers in Spanish, Portuguese and French, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anja Hennemann
Topik und Thema, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernadett Modrián-Horváth
Topografías culturales del Camino de Santiago – Kulturelle Topographien des Jakobsweges, New edition
Author/Editor: Javier Gómez-Montero
Topografien des Transits, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrike Zitzlsperger
Topographien der Antike in der literarischen Aufklaerung, New edition
Author/Editor: Annika Hildebrandt,Charlotte Kurbjuhn,Steffen Martus
Topographien der Begegnung, New edition
Author/Editor: Izabela Drozdowska-Broering
Topographien der Globalisierung: Band I, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Wojno-Owczarska
Topographien der Globalisierung: Band II, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Wojno-Owczarska
«Top-Spion» oder Opfer der deutsch-deutschen Wiedervereinigung?, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Schulenberg
To Realize the Universal, New edition
Author/Editor: Hansong Dan
Téo Spychalski, New edition
Author/Editor: Renata Jakubczuk
Totale Erziehung in europaeischer und amerikanischer Literatur, New edition
Author/Editor: Richard Faber
Totalitarian and Authoritarian Discourses, New edition
Author/Editor: Lutgard Lams,Geert Crauwels,Henrieta Anisoara Serban
Totalitarian Political Discourse?, New edition
Author/Editor: Beatrix Kreß
Totalitarian Speech, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal Glowinski
To the Next Station, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria José Corvo SánchezCorvo Sánchez,Benigno Fernández SalgadoFernández Salgado
To Understand the Future Management: Managing through Digital Transformation, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Yavuz Tansoy Yildirim
Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Irfan Yazicioglu,Özgür Yayla,Alper Isin,Turhan Çetin
Tourisme, arts et territoires: Impacts réciproques à travers des études de cas, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Nathalie Dupont,Laetitia Garcia
Tourisme durable dans les Suds ?, New edition
Author/Editor: Géraldine Froger
Tourisme et Territoires: Espaces d'innovations, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Vincent Herbert
Tourismuskommunikation, New edition
Author/Editor: Doris Höhmann
« Tout le talent d'écrire ne consiste après tout que dans le choix des mots », New edition
Author/Editor: Enrica Galazzi,Marisa Verna,Maria Teresa Zanola
To Veil or not to Veil, New edition
Author/Editor: Kamakshi P. Murti
Toward a Re-Emergence of James Moffett's Mindful, Spiritual, and Student-Centered Pedagogy, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jonathan Marine,Paul Rogers,Sheridan Blau,Kathleen Kelly
Toward a Womanist Homiletic, New edition
Author/Editor: Donna E. Allen
Toward Metaphysics, New edition
Author/Editor: Jacek Migasinski
Toward Our Mutual Flourishing, New edition
Author/Editor: Lucinda Allen Mosher
Towards a Better Understanding of Metonymy, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Wojciech Wachowski
Towards a Critical Theory of Surveillance in Informational Capitalism, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Allmer
Towards a Cultura Franca, New edition
Author/Editor: Jeannette U. Böttcher
Towards a Formalization of Thomistic Theodicy, New edition
Author/Editor: Edward Nieznanski
Towards a «Ludu» Theology, New edition
Author/Editor: Khin Maung Yee Khawsiama
Towards an African Theology, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Chidi Okuma
Towards an Architecture for the Teaching of Virtues, Values and Ethics, New edition
Author/Editor: Berise T. Heasly
Towards an Ecology of Language, Communication and the Mind, New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska
Towards an Education for Social Justice, New edition
Author/Editor: Tony Cotton
Towards an Empirical Verification of the Gravitational Pull Hypothesis: Evidence from the COVALT Corpus, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Astrid Schmidhofer,Josep Marco,Isabel Tello
Towards a new humanity: The Uriage manifesto, 1945., Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Derek Robbins
Towards an Internormative Hermeneutics for Social Justice, New edition
Author/Editor: Christiana Idika
Towards a Normal Stratification Order, New edition
Author/Editor: Ellu Saar
Towards a Posthuman Imagination in Literature and Media: Monsters, Mutants, Aliens, Artificial Beings, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Simona Micali
Towards a Resilient Eurozone, New edition
Author/Editor: John Ryan
Towards a Vegan-Based Ethic: Dismantling Neo-Colonial Hierarchy Through an Ethic of Lovingkindness, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Micol Kates
Towards Consistency and Transparency in Academic Integrity, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Salim Razi,Irene Glendinning,Tomáš Foltýnek
Towards Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Paal Frisvold
Towards Scientific Metaphysics: Volume 1: In the Circle of the Scientific Metaphysics of Zygmunt Zawirski. Development and Comments on Zawirski’s Concepts and their Philosophical Context, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Slezinski
Towards Scientific Metaphysics: Volume 2: Benedykt Bornstein’s Geometrical Logic and Modern Philosophy. A Critical Study, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Slezinski,Jakub Dziewit
Towards Solving the Social Science Challenges with Computing Methods, New edition
Author/Editor: Biljana Mileva Boshkoska
Towards Sustainable Urban Transportation, New edition
Author/Editor: Linas Kliucininkas
Towards the Digital Cultural History of the Other Silver Age Spain, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Dolores Romero Lopez,Jeffrey Zamostny
Towards the World Culture Society, New edition
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Halas
Towards Turkish American Literature, New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Furlanetto
To Whom Belongs the Land?, New edition
Author/Editor: Ndikho Mtshiselwa
Town and Gown Prostitution: Cambridge’s Architecture of Containment of Sexual Deviance, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Isabel Romero Ruiz
Toxic Cultures: A Companion, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Bacon
Toxic Silence, New edition
Author/Editor: William T. Hoston
Traces et ratures de la mémoire juive dans le récit contemporain, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Valentina Litvan,Claire Placial
Traces italiennes autour du Luxembourg entre autobiographies et (auto)fictions: Les auteurs d’origine italienne du Luxembourg et de la Grande Région se racontent, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Cicotti
Traces of the Foreign: The Reception of Translations of Spanish American Prose in Poland in 1945-2005 from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Gaszynska-Magiera
Traces of (Un-) Sustainability: Towards a Materially Engaged Ecology of Mind, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Graham
Tracing Spikes in Fear and Narcissism in Western Democracies Since 9/11, New edition
Author/Editor: Maximiliano E. Korstanje
The Trademark Paradox, New edition
Author/Editor: Catherine Manley
Trade Union Revitalisation, New edition
Author/Editor: Craig Phelan
Trade Unions in West Africa, New edition
Author/Editor: Craig Phelan
Tradición e innovación en las «Novelas a Marcia Leonarda» de Lope de Vega, New edition
Author/Editor: María Ángeles Fernández-Cifuentes
Tradiciones discursivas y tradiciones idiomáticas en la historia del español moderno, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Araceli López Serena,Elena Carmona Yanes,Santiago del Rey Quesada
Trading Women, Traded Women, New edition
Author/Editor: Gönül Bakay,Mihaela Mudure
Trading Zones in Environmental Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Marianne E. Krasny,Justin Dillon
Traditional Medicine Making of the 'Emu': Continuity and Change, New edition
Author/Editor: Kingsley I. Owete
Tradition and Change in Legal English, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Christopher Williams
Tradition and Craft in Piano-Playing: by Tilly Fleischmann, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ruth Fleischmann,John Buckley
Tradition and Innovation in Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Airi Liimets,Marika Veisson,Pertti Kansanen,Edgar Krull
Tradition and Innovation in Language and Linguistics, New edition
Author/Editor: Cristinel Munteanu
Tradition and Revolution: Law in action, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Alberto Lucarelli
Traditionsbrueche, New edition
Author/Editor: Tomislav Zelic
Tradition, Transmission, Transformation: Essays on Gaelic Poetry and Song, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Virginia Blankenhorn
Tradition und Innovation des Fiqh im Denken von Hayreddin Karaman, New edition
Author/Editor: Murat Bagriacik
Tradition und Utopie, New edition
Author/Editor: Gunter Reiß
Tradizioni del discorso sulla lingua nella stampa periodica italiana dal Settecento a oggi, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine Schwarze,Patrizia Delpiano,Fabio Forner,Giovanni Iamartino,Corrado Viola,Sabine Schwarze,Raphael Merida,Fabio Ruggiano
Traducción automática en contextos especializados, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gerd Wotjak,María del Mar Sánchez Ramos,Celia Rico Pérez
Traducción de poesía en internet al español y sus redes material-semióticas: Entre la globalidad digital y la reivindicación de las culturas minorizadas, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Schreiber,Daniel Bencomo
Traducción de una cultura emergente, New edition
Author/Editor: Áurea Fernández Rodríguez,Iolanda Galanes Santos,Ana Luna Alonso
Traducción e industrias culturales, New edition
Author/Editor: Xoán Montero Dominguez
Traducción e interpretación como mediación (inter)cultural: Visiones y perspectivas de futuro, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: María Fernández de Casadevante Mayordomo,Ana Cristina Sánchez López
Traducción e interpretación en entornos institucionales / Translation and Interpreting in Institutional Settings: Enseñanza y práctica de la profesión desde perspectivas sociales e innovadoras / Training and Practising the Profession from Social and Innov
Author/Editor: Adelina Gómez González-Jover,Raquel Martínez Motos
Traducción e Interpretación: entre investigación y didáctica, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Laura Sanfelici,Ana-Isabel Foulquié-Rubio
Traducción e Interpretación especializadas en ámbito panhispánico, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Piotr Sorbet,Verónica Del Valle Cacela
Traducción & Paratraducción I: Líneas de investigación, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: José Yuste Frías,Xoan Manuel Garrido Vilariño
Traducción y asimetría, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Carmen África Vidal Claramonte
Traducción y autotraducción en las literaturas ibéricas, New edition
Author/Editor: Enric Gallén,Francisco Lafarga,Luis Pegenaute
Traducción y cultura, New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Giné,Solange Hibbs
Traducción y discapacidad: Un estudio comparado de la terminología inglés-español en la prensa escrita, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jaime Sánchez Carnicer
Traducción y paratraducción: lineas de investigación II, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Bourgoin Vergondy,Ramón Méndez González
Traducción y periodismo, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria José Hernandez Guerrero
Traducción y terminología en el ámbito biosanitario (inglés – español), New edition
Author/Editor: Ana Belén Martínez Lopez
Traducciones, adaptaciones y doble destinatario en literatura infantil y juvenil, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elvira Cámara Aguilera
Traducir el género: Aproximación feminista a las traducciones españolas de obras de Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Guiomar Topf Monge
Traducir el horror, New edition
Author/Editor: María Jesús Fernández Gil
Traduction et interculturalité: Entre identité et altérité, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nikol Dziub,Tatiana Musinova,Augustin Voegele
Traduction et langue-culture: Préface de Jean-René Ladmiral, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Nadine Rentel,Mohammed Jadir
Traduire les savoirs, New edition
Author/Editor: Danielle Londei,Matilde Callari Galli
Traduire l'expérience migratoire: Perspectives littéraires, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Nadine Rentel,Stephanie Schwerter,Frédérique Amselle
Traduire, un engagement politique, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Florence Xiangyun Zhang,Nicolas Froeliger
« Traduit de l’allemand (Autriche) », New edition
Author/Editor: Valérie de Daran
Tradução e edição de obras hispano-americanas em Portugal, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Isabel Araújo Branco
A tradução em movimento, New edition
Author/Editor: Susana Kampff Lages,Johannes Kretschmer,Kathrin Sartingen
Traduttologia e semiotica generativa, New edition
Author/Editor: Rovena Troqe
Trafalgar Square and the Narration of Britishness, 1900-2012, New edition
Author/Editor: Shanti Sumartojo
Tragedia all’italiana, New edition
Author/Editor: Alan O'Leary
Tragedy and History: The German Influence on Raymond Aron’s Political Thought, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Scott B. Nelson
Training Multilingual Writing Strategies in Higher Education: Multilingual Approaches to Writing-to-learn in Discipline-specific Courses, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ina Alexandra Machura
The Training of Imams and Teachers for Islamic Education in Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Ednan Aslan,Zsofia Windisch
Trajectoires des modèles nationaux, New edition
Author/Editor: Michèle Dupré,Olivier Giraud,Michel Lallement
Transaktionsbesteuerung auf dem Devisenmarkt, New edition
Author/Editor: Holger Martin
Transatlantic Crossings and Transformations, New edition
Author/Editor: Kurt Mueller-Vollmer
The Transatlantic Culture Trade: Caribbean Creole Proverbs from Africa, Europe, and the Caribbean, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Desrine Bogle
Transatlantic Poe, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Filippakopoulou
Transboundary Migration in the Post-Soviet Space, New edition
Author/Editor: Nikolai Genov,Tessa Savvidis
Transcribing the Territory; or, Rethinking Resistance, New edition
Author/Editor: Janusz Semrau
Transcultural Approaches to the Concept of Imperial Rule in the Middle Ages, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Scholl,Torben R. Gebhardt,Jan Clauß
Transcultural Haiku: Polish History of the Genre, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Justyn Hunia,Beata Sniecikowska
Transcultural Identity Constructions in a Changing World, New edition
Author/Editor: Irene Gilsenan Nordin,Chatarina Edfeldt,Lung-Lung Hu,Herbert Jonsson,André Leblanc
Transculture, société et savoirs dans les Amériques, New edition
Author/Editor: Adina BalintBalint,Daniel Castillo DuranteCastillo Durante
Transdisciplinary Interfaces and Innovation in the Life Sciences, New edition
Author/Editor: Hilmar Stolte,Eunsook Hyun,Rainer Paslack
Trans*-faire Sexualpaedagogik unter Einbeziehung von Koerper- und Leiblichkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Renata Duda-Merle
«Transfer – Interdisziplinaer!», New edition
Author/Editor: Eszter B. Gantner,Péter Varga
Transfer of Movable Property under U.S. Law, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Lilja
Transferprozesse der Moderne, New edition
Author/Editor: Philippe Frei
Transfert de langue, transfert de culture, New edition
Author/Editor: Maire-Laure Vuaille-Barcan
Transfer und Transformation von Wissen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Ballod
Transferwissenschaften: Mode oder Mehrwert?: Unter Mitarbeit von Koray Parlar und Anna Malena Pichler, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Konstantin S. Kiprijanov,Thorsten Philipp,Thorsten Roelcke
Transformation after Trauma: The Power of Resonance, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yabome Gilpin-Jackson
Transformational Outsourcing, New edition
Author/Editor: Kai Jens Ströder
Transformationen matriarchaler Muster in der russischen Kultur: Eine Analyse unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Heldendichtung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Holger Kuße,Anneke Sittner