Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books | No | Yes |
Titles (75) | Information |
Adolf Reinach - Sämtliche Werke |
Author/Editor: Karl Schuhmann ,Bany Smith
Adolf Reinach – Three Texts on Ethics |
Author/Editor: Adolf Reinach ,James Smith ,Mette Lebech ,James Smith
AlIbārā: Commentary on Aristotle's De interpretatione: Part one and part two |
Author/Editor: Avicenna,Ibn Sīnā ,Allan Bäck
Al-Madkhal: Avicenna on the Isagoge of Porphyry |
Author/Editor: Allan Bäck
AlMaqūlāt: Commentary on Aristotle's Categories |
Author/Editor: Avicenna,Ibn Sīnā ,Allan Bäck
Animals: New Essays |
Author/Editor: Andreas Blank
Anything Goes ~ No Paradox Follows: A Free-Will Investigation into Newcomb's Paradox |
Author/Editor: Arndt Britschgi
Anything Goes ~ No Paradox Follows: A FreeWill Investigation into Newcomb's Paradox |
Author/Editor: Arndt Britschgi
Arguing from Presumptions: Essays in Early Modern Ethics and Politics |
Author/Editor: Andreas Blank
Autorität, Freiheit, Glaube. Sozialphilosophische Studien |
Author/Editor: Joseph M. Bocheński
Axiomata Resoluta |
Author/Editor: Johann Adam Scherzer ,John Kronen ,Jeremiah Reedy ,John Kronen
Beauty: New Essays in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Huemer ,Íngrid Vendrell Ferran
Biomedical Ontology: And the Metaphysics of Composite Substances 1540-1670 |
Author/Editor: Andreas Blank
Computing and Logic, Mathematics and Language |
Author/Editor: Glenn Satty ,Thomas J. Blakeley ,James G. Colbert
Deontische Logik ohne Paradoxien, Semantik und Logik des Normativen |
Author/Editor: Ulrich Nortmann
Der sinnliche Gehalt der Wahrnehmung |
Author/Editor: Richard Schantz
Der Wahrheitsbegriff bei Descartes und Malebranche |
Author/Editor: Rainer Mittmann
Die Lehre der 'proprietates terminorum': Sinn und Referenz in mittelalterlicher Logik |
Author/Editor: Carlos A. Dufour
Die Sinne des Lebens |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Andrae
Dualistic Ontology of the Human Person |
Author/Editor: Miroslaw Szatkowski
Erlebnis und Ausdruck: Wittgensteins Philosophie der Psychologie |
Author/Editor: Joachim Schulte
Existential Dependence and Cognate Notions |
Author/Editor: Fabrice Correia
Fictions and Models: New Essays |
Author/Editor: John Woods ,Nancy Cartwright
Foundations of Gestalt Theory |
Author/Editor: Barry Smith ,Christian von Ehrenfels ,Kurt Grelling ,Paul Oppenheim ,Kevin Mulligan ,Peter Simons ,Barry Smith
Geist schafft Wissen: Zum Stand der Geisteswissenschaften |
Author/Editor: Hans Burkhardt
Generische Kennzeichnungen: Zur Logik und Ontologie generischer Bedeutung |
Author/Editor: Gerhard Heyer
God: Reason and Reality |
Author/Editor: Anselm Ramelow
Good In Virtue Of: A Metaethical Application of Grounding |
Author/Editor: Anika Lutz
Gottes Dasein und Wesen: Logische Studien zur Summa Theologiae I,qq.2-II |
Author/Editor: Joseph M. Bocheński
Gründe für Gott: Ein Indizienbeweis |
Author/Editor: Ernst Welti
Handbook of Mereology |
Author/Editor: Hans Burkhardt ,Johanna Seibt ,Guido Imaguire ,Stamatios Gerogiorgakis
Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology |
Author/Editor: Hans Burkhardt ,Barry Smith ,Joseph M. Bochetiski ,Keith Campbell ,Roderick M. Chisholm ,Kit Fine ,Jules Vuillemin ,Ignacio Angelelli ,Graeme Forbes
Handbook of Worldly Wisdom |
Author/Editor: J. M. Bocheński ,E. M. Świderski
Handbuch der Weisheit dieser Welt |
Author/Editor: J. M. Bocheński
Handlung und Freiheit: Analysen zur Akteursverursachung |
Author/Editor: Matthias Rugel
Induktion. Zur Rechtfertigung induktiven Schliessens |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Rescher ,Gerhard Schäffner
Inhärenz: Ontologische Untersuchungen zu Eigenschaften und Inhärenz |
Author/Editor: Carlos A. Dufour
Intentionalitätstheorie beim frühen Brentano und bei Searle |
Author/Editor: Joelma Marques de Carvalho
Intentionality: Historical and Systematic Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Salice ,John R. Searle
Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Jorge J. E. Gracia
Jesus als Mystiker?: Mystik als Interpretationskategorie für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft am Beispiel der synoptischen Tradition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Michael Kiesebrink
Leibniz and Strawson: A New Essay in Descriptive Metaphysics |
Author/Editor: Clifford Brown
Leibniz: Metaphilosophy and Metaphysics 16661686 |
Author/Editor: Andreas Blank
Leibniz' Metaphysik: Ein formaler Zugang |
Author/Editor: Christina Schneider
Logica Parva |
Author/Editor: Paulus Venetus ,Alan R. Perreiah
Logic, Ontology and Language: Essays on Truth and Reality |
Author/Editor: Herbert Hochberg
Logik und Semiotik in der Philosophie von Leibniz |
Author/Editor: Hans Burkhardt
Metaphysical Foundations, Mereology and Metalogic |
Author/Editor: Richard M. Martin
The Metaphysics of Good and Evil According to Suarez: Metaphysical Disputations X and XI and Selected Passages from Disputation XXIII and other Works |
Author/Editor: Jorge J. E. Gracia ,Douglas Davis
Metaphysik: Anspruch und Offenheit |
Author/Editor: Christina Schneider
Metaphysische Freiheit: Kohärenz und Theorie |
Author/Editor: Christina Schneider
Modern Theories of Higher Level Predicates: Second Intentions in the Neuzeit |
Author/Editor: Larry Hickman
New Dimensions of the Square of Opposition |
Author/Editor: Jean-Yves Béziau ,Stamatios Gerogiorgakis
New Papers on the Present: Focus on Presentism |
Author/Editor: Roberto Ciuni ,Kristie Miller ,Giuliano Torrengo
On Denoting: 1905-2005 |
Author/Editor: Bernard Linsky ,Guido Imaguire
Ontological Dependence: and the Metaphysics of Individual Substances 1540-1716 |
Author/Editor: Andreas Blank
Ontological Dependence: and the Metaphysics of Individual Substances 15401716 |
Author/Editor: Andreas Blank
The Ontology of Intentionality |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Andrae
Paraconsistent Logic, Essay on the Inconsistent |
Author/Editor: Graham Priest ,Richard Routley ,Jean Norman ,A. I. Arruda ,F. C. Asenjo ,D. Batens ,R. Brady ,M. Bunder ,N. C. A. da Costa
Parts and Moments: Studies in Logic and Formal Ontology |
Author/Editor: Barry Smith ,Wolfgang Künne ,Kevin Mulligan ,Gilbert T. Null ,Peter M. Simons ,Roger A. Simons ,Barry Smith ,Dallas Willard
Possible Worlds: Logic, Semantics and Ontology |
Author/Editor: Guido Imaguire ,Dale Jacquette ,Kit Fine
The Quest for Emergence |
Author/Editor: Michele Paolini Paoletti
Rational Grammar |
Author/Editor: Jean-Louis Gardies ,Jean-Louis Gardies
Selections from De Anima: On the Nature of the Soul in General/On the Immateriality and Immortality of the Rational Soul |
Author/Editor: Francisco Suarez ,John Kronen ,Jeremiah Reedy ,John Kronen
State of Affairs: Reconstructing the controversy about Sachverhalt |
Author/Editor: Jesús Padilla Gálvez
Summulae Logicales: Logische Abhandlungen |
Author/Editor: Petrus Hispanus ,Wolfgang Degen ,Bernhard Pabst
The Syllogism |
Author/Editor: Paul Thom
Time and Tense: Unifying the Old and the New |
Author/Editor: Stamatios Gerogiorgakis ,Bas C. van Fraassen
Topics in the Logic of Relevance |
Author/Editor: M. Richard Diaz
The Tradition of the Topics in the Middle Ages: The Commentaries on Aristotle's and Boethius' 'Topics' |
Author/Editor: Niels Jørgen Green-Pedersen
Untersuchungen zur Ontologie |
Author/Editor: Guido Imaguire ,Christina Schneider
Urteile und Sachverhalte: Ein Vergleich zwischen Alexius Meinong und Adolf Reinach |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Salice
Varieties of Dependence: Ontological Dependence, Grounding, Supervenience, ResponseDependence |
Author/Editor: Miguel Hoeltje ,Benjamin Schnieder ,Alex Steinberg
Varieties of Dependence: Ontological Dependence, Grounding, Supervenience, Response-Dependence |
Author/Editor: Miguel Hoeltje ,Benjamin Schnieder ,Alex Steinberg
Vor Freud: Philosophiegeschichtliche Voraussetzungen der Psychoanalyse |
Author/Editor: Wilhelm W. Hemecker