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Titles start with K (10) Information
Kwame Nkrumah and the Dawn of the Cold War: The West African National Secretariat, 1945-48
Author/Editor: Marika Sherwood
The Kurds in Turkey: EU Accession and Human Rights
Author/Editor: Kerim Yildiz,Noam Chomsky
The Kurds in Syria: The Forgotten People
Author/Editor: Kerim Yildiz
The Kurds in Iraq: The Past, Present and Future
Author/Editor: Kerim Yildiz
The Kurds in Iran: The Past, Present and Future
Author/Editor: Kerim Yildiz,Tanyel B. Taysi
Kurdish Women's Stories
Author/Editor: Houzan Mahmoud
The Kurdish Women's Movement: History, Theory, Practice
Author/Editor: Dilar Dirik
Kurdish Hizbullah in Turkey: Islamism, Violence and the State
Author/Editor: Mehmet Kurt,Penny Green,Tony Ward
Kropotkin and the Anarchist Intellectual Tradition
Author/Editor: Jim Mac Laughlin
Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away with War Crimes
Author/Editor: Phil Miller