Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with C ( displaying 500 of 946 ) | Information |
Czechoslovakia's Interrupted Revolution |
Author/Editor: Skilling, Harold Gordon
Czartoryski and European Unity |
Author/Editor: Kukiel, Marian
Cézanne and America: Dealers, Collectors, Artists, and Critics, 1891-1921, Vol. 28 |
Author/Editor: John Rewald ,Frances Weitzenhoffer
Cycles, Transfers, and Motivic Homology Theories. (AM-143), Volume 143 |
Author/Editor: Voevodsky, Vladimir; Suslin, Andrei; Friedlander, Eric M
Cycles and Chaos in Economic Equilibrium |
Author/Editor: Jess Benhabib
The Cybernetic Theory of Decision: New Dimensions of Political Analysis |
Cushing of Gettysburg |
Curves for the Mathematically Curious: An Anthology of the Unpredictable, Historical, Beautiful, and Romantic |
Author/Editor: Julian Havil
Curvature and Betti Numbers. (AM-32), Volume 32 |
Author/Editor: Trust, Salomon; Yano, Kentaro
The Curse of Ham |
Author/Editor: Goldenberg, David M
The Curse of Cash |
Author/Editor: Rogoff, Kenneth S
The Currents of War |
Author/Editor: Sidney Pash
Current Algebra and Anomalies |
Author/Editor: Treiman, Sam; Jackiw, Roman
Currency Power |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Benjamin J
Currency Politics |
Author/Editor: Frieden, Jeffry A
Currency and Coercion: The Political Economy of International Monetary Power |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Kirshner
The Curious History of Relativity |
Author/Editor: Eisenstaedt, Jean
Cunning |
Author/Editor: Herzog, Don
Cultures Merging |
Author/Editor: Jones, Eric L
Cultures in Motion |
Author/Editor: Rodgers, Daniel T.; Raman, Bhavani; Reimitz, Helmut
Cultures in Flux |
Author/Editor: Frank, Stephen P.; Steinberg, Mark D
Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society |
Author/Editor: Inglehart, Ronald
Culture/Power/History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory |
Culture on the Margins |
Author/Editor: Cruz, Jon
The Culture of the Meiji Period |
Author/Editor: IROKAWA DAIKICHI,Marius B. Jansen
The Culture of Print |
Author/Editor: Chartier, Roger
The Culture of Opera Buffa in Mozart's Vienna |
Author/Editor: Hunter, Mary
A Culture of Growth |
Author/Editor: Mokyr, Joel
A Culture of Corruption |
Author/Editor: Smith, Daniel Jordan
The Culture of Contentment |
Culture Moves |
Author/Editor: Rochon, Thomas R
Culture and Redemption |
Author/Editor: Fessenden, Tracy
Culture and Identity |
Author/Editor: Rimer, J. Thomas
Culture and Demography in Organizations |
Author/Editor: J. Richard Harrison ,Glenn R. Carroll
Culture, 1922 |
Author/Editor: Manganaro, Marc
The Cultural Uses of Print in Early Modern France |
Cultural Transmission and Evolution (MPB-16), Volume 16: A Quantitative Approach. (MPB-16) |
Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History |
A Cultural History of Causality |
Author/Editor: Kern, Stephen
Cultural Exchange |
Author/Editor: Shatzmiller, Joseph
The Cultural Contradictions of Democracy |
Author/Editor: Brenkman, John
Cultural Capitals: Early Modern London and Paris |
Author/Editor: Karen Newman
The Cult of the Virgin Mary: Psychological Origins |
Cult of the Irrelevant |
Author/Editor: Michael C. Desch,G. John Ikenberry,Marc Trachtenberg,William C. Wohlforth
Cultivating Race |
Author/Editor: Watson W. Jennison
Cultivating Conscience |
Author/Editor: Stout, Lynn
Cultivating an Ecological Conscience |
Author/Editor: FREDERICK L. KIRSCHENMANN,Constance L. Falk
Culinary Tourism |
Author/Editor: LUCY M. LONG
Cubism, Stieglitz, and the Early Poetry of William Carlos Williams |
Author/Editor: Bram Dijkstra
C. S. Lewis's Mere Christianity |
Author/Editor: Marsden, George M
The Cryosphere |
Author/Editor: Marshall, Shawn J
The Cry |
Author/Editor: Sarah Fielding,Jane Collier,Carolyn Woodward,Isobel Grundy
Crèvecoeur's Eighteenth-Century Travels in Pennsylvania and New York |
Author/Editor: Percy G. Adams
Crusaders for Fitness |
Author/Editor: Whorton, James C
Crusaders Against Opium, 1 |
Crusade and Mission |
Author/Editor: Kedar, Benjamin Z
The Crowd in the Early Middle Ages |
Crossroads Of Decision: The State Department and Foreign Policy, 1933-1937 |
Author/Editor: Howard Jablon
Crossroads Of Decision, 1 |
Author/Editor: Howard Jablon
The Crossley ID Guide: Britain and Ireland |
Author/Editor: Couzens, Dominic
The Crossley ID Guide |
Author/Editor: Crossley, Richard
Crossing the River |
Author/Editor: Fenton Johnson
Crossing the Pomerium: The Boundaries of Political, Religious, and Military Institutions from Caesar to Constantine |
Author/Editor: Michael Koortbojian
Crossing the Finish Line |
Author/Editor: Bowen, William G.; Chingos, Matthew M.; McPherson, Michael S
Crossfire, 1 |
Crosses on the Ballot |
Author/Editor: Wald, Kenneth D
Cross and Scepter |
Author/Editor: Bagge, Sverre
The Crooked Timber of Humanity |
Author/Editor: Berlin, Isaiah; Hardy, Henry
Critique of Religion and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Walter Kaufmann
Critique of Psychoanalysis |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Critic of Civilization |
Author/Editor: L. CLARK KEATING
Critical Transitions in Nature and Society |
Critical Legal Studies: A Liberal Critique |
Author/Editor: Andrew Altman
Critical Bibliography of Religion in America, Volume IV, parts 1 and 2 |
Author/Editor: Burr, Nelson Rollin
Critical Bibliography of Religion in America, Volume IV, parts 3, 4, and 5 |
Author/Editor: Burr, Nelson Rollin
Criteria Of Certainty |
Author/Editor: KEVIN L. COPE
The Crisis of the Twelfth Century |
Author/Editor: Bisson, Thomas N
The Crisis of the Old Order in Russia |
Author/Editor: Manning, Roberta Thompson
Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance: Revised Edition, Ed. REV - Revised |
Author/Editor: HANS BARON
The Crisis of Multiculturalism in Europe |
Author/Editor: Chin, Rita
The Crisis of Democratic Theory |
Author/Editor: Edward A. Purcell Jr.
A Crisis of Beliefs |
Author/Editor: Gennaioli, Nicola; Shleifer, Andrei
The Crisis of American Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Ikenberry, G. John; Knock, Thomas; Slaughter, Anne-Marie
Crisis in the Philippines |
Author/Editor: Bresnan, John
Crisis and Compensation: Public Policy and Political Stability in Japan |
Author/Editor: KENT E. CALDER
Crisis amid Plenty |
Author/Editor: Gustafson, Thane
Crises of Political Development in Europe and the United States. (SPD-9) |
Author/Editor: Grew, Raymond
Crises and Sequences in Political Development. (SPD-7) |
Author/Editor: Binder, Leonard; La Palombara, Joseph
Crime Science |
The Crime of Aggression |
Author/Editor: Weisbord, Noah
Crime, Madness and Politics in Modern France |
Author/Editor: Nye, Robert A
Crime and God's Judgment in Shakespeare |
Author/Editor: Robert Rentoul Reed Jr.
Cries For Democracy: Writings and Speeches from the 1989 Chinese Democracy Movement |
Crete |
Author/Editor: Allbaugh, Leland G
The Crest of the Peacock |
Author/Editor: Joseph, George Gheverghese
Creeker |
Author/Editor: Linda Scott DeRosier
Credit Risk: Pricing, Measurement, and Management |
Author/Editor: Darrell Duffie ,Kenneth J. Singleton
Credit Risk Modeling: Theory and Applications |
Author/Editor: David Lando
Credit Nation: Property Laws and Institutions in Early America |
Author/Editor: Claire Priest
Credit and Blame |
Author/Editor: Tilly, Charles
Creatures of Darkness, 1 |
Author/Editor: Gene D. Phillips
Creatures of Cain |
Creativity Class |
Author/Editor: Chumley, Lily
Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry, Vol. 1 |
Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi |
Author/Editor: Corbin, Henry
Creative Destruction |
Author/Editor: Cowen, Tyler
The Creation of the Roman Frontier |
Author/Editor: Dyson, Stephen L
Creating Wine |
Author/Editor: Simpson, James
Creating the National Security State |
Author/Editor: Stuart, Douglas T
Creating the National Pastime |
Author/Editor: White, G. Edward
Creating the Market University |
Author/Editor: Berman, Elizabeth Popp
Creating the Couple: Love, Marriage, and Hollywood Performance |
Author/Editor: Virginia Wright Wexman
Creating Symmetry |
Author/Editor: Farris, Frank A
Creating German Communism, 1890-1990: From Popular Protests to Socialist State |
Author/Editor: ERIC D. WEITZ
Creating a New Racial Order |
Author/Editor: Hochschild, Jennifer L.; Weaver, Vesla M.; Burch, Traci R
Creating a Constitution |
Author/Editor: Carugati, Federica
Crawfish Bottom |
Author/Editor: Douglas A. Boyd,W. Fitzhugh Brundage
A Crash Course on Crises: Macroeconomic Concepts for Run-Ups, Collapses, and Recoveries |
Crane |
Craftsman of the Cumberlands, 1 |
The Craft of International History |
Author/Editor: Trachtenberg, Marc
The Craft of College Teaching: A Practical Guide |
Author/Editor: Robert DiYanni,Anton Borst
Crafting a Class |
Author/Editor: Duffy, Elizabeth A.; Goldberg, Idana
Cradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Earliest Fossils |
Author/Editor: J. WILLIAM SCHOPF
Crabs: A Global Natural History |
Author/Editor: PETER J. F. DAVIE
C.P. Cavafy: Collected Poems. - Revised Edition, Ed. REV - Revised |
Author/Editor: C.P. CAVAFY,Edmund Keeley,Philip Sherrard,George Savidis
Cowboy Conservatism |
Author/Editor: Sean P. Cunningham
Cowardice |
Author/Editor: Walsh, Chris
Cover Name: Dr. Rantzau |
Author/Editor: Nikolaus Ritter,Katharine R. Wallace,Mary Kathryn Barbier,Joseph Craig
Covenants without Swords |
Author/Editor: Morefield, Jeanne
Covenantal Rights |
Author/Editor: Novak, David
Courts of Appeals in the Federal Judicial System |
Author/Editor: Howard, J. Woodford
The Courtship Novel, 1740-1820, 1 |
Author/Editor: Katherine Sobba Green
The Court-Martial of Mother Jones, 1 |
Author/Editor: EDWARD M. STEEL JR.
The Court Comedies of John Lyly |
Author/Editor: Saccio, Peter
Court and Country Politics in the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher |
Author/Editor: Finkelpearl, Philip J
A Course in Microeconomic Theory |
Author/Editor: David M. Kreps
Courage, The Adventuress and The False Messiah |
Coup Theories and Officers' Motives |
Author/Editor: Horowitz, Donald L
The County in Kentucky History, 1 |
Author/Editor: ROBERT M. IRELAND
The County Courts of Medieval England, 1150-1350 |
Author/Editor: ROBERT C. PALMER
The County Courts in Antebellum Kentucky |
Author/Editor: ROBERT M. IRELAND
Country Music Goes to War, 1 |
Author/Editor: Charles K. Wolfe,James E. Akenson
Country Music Annual 2002 |
Author/Editor: Charles K. Wolfe,James E. Akenson
Country Music Annual 2001 |
Author/Editor: Charles K. Wolfe,James E. Akenson
Country Music Annual 2000 |
Author/Editor: Charles K. Wolfe,James E. Akenson
Country Doctor, 1 |
Author/Editor: Shirley Gish
Count Like an Egyptian |
Author/Editor: Reimer, David
Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politics: Logical, Methodological, and Psychological Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Philip E. Tetlock,Aaron Belkin
Coulomb and the Evolution of Physics and Engineering in Eighteenth-Century France |
Author/Editor: Gillmor, C. Stewart
Cotton Fields No More, 1 |
Author/Editor: GILBERT C. FITE
A Cosmopolitanism of Nations |
Author/Editor: Mazzini, Giuseppe; Recchia, Stefano; Urbinati, Nadia
Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization |
Author/Editor: Lee Trepanier,Khalil M. Habib
Cosmopolitanism and the National State |
Author/Editor: Meinecke, Friedrich
Cosmology’s Century: An Inside History of Our Modern Understanding of the Universe |
Author/Editor: P. J. E. Peebles
Cosmology in (2 + 1) -Dimensions, Cyclic Models, and Deformations of M2,1. (AM-121), Volume 121 |
Author/Editor: Guillemin, Victor
Cosmology and Controversy: The Historical Development of Two Theories of the Universe |
Author/Editor: HELGE KRAGH
The Cosmic Web |
Author/Editor: Gott, J. Richard
Cosmic Understanding: Philosophy and Science of the Universe |
Author/Editor: Milton K. Munitz
The Cosmic Cocktail |
Author/Editor: Freese, Katherine
The Corruption of Angels |
Author/Editor: Pegg, Mark Gregory
The Corruption Cure |
Author/Editor: Rotberg, Robert I
Corrupting Youth |
Author/Editor: Euben, J. Peter
Corrupted into Song |
Author/Editor: Feinman, Alvin; Dorfman, Deborah
The Correspondence of Washington Allston |
The Correspondence of Henry D. Thoreau |
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry David; Hudspeth, Robert N
The Correspondence of Henry D. Thoreau |
Correlations in Rosenzweig and Levinas |
Author/Editor: Gibbs, Robert
The Corporeal Image |
Author/Editor: MacDougall, David
The Corporation and the Twentieth Century: The History of American Business Enterprise |
A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty |
Author/Editor: Lodge, George; Wilson, Craig
Corporate Profit and Nuclear Safety: Strategy at Northeast Utilities in the 1990s |
Author/Editor: Paul W. MacAvoy,Jean W. Rosenthal
Corporate Power and Urban Crisis in Detroit |
Author/Editor: Ewen, Lynda Ann
Corporate Growth and Diversification |
Author/Editor: Berry, Charles Horace
Corporate Governance Lessons from Transition Economy Reforms |
Author/Editor: Merritt B. Fox ,Michael A. Heller
Corporate Governance |
Author/Editor: Macey, Jonathan R
Corporate Crime and Punishment: The Politics of Negotiated Justice in Global Markets |
Author/Editor: CORNELIA WOLL
The Corfu Incident of 1923 |
Author/Editor: Barros, James
Core and Equilibria of a Large Economy. (PSME-5) |
Author/Editor: Hildenbrand, Werner
Cora Wilson Stewart and Kentucky's Moonlight Schools |
Coral Reefs: A Natural History |
Author/Editor: Charles Sheppard ,Russell Kelley
Coral Lives: Literature, Labor, and the Making of America |
Author/Editor: Michele Currie Navakas
The Copyright Wars |
Author/Editor: Baldwin, Peter
Cop in the Hood |
Author/Editor: Moskos, Peter
Coping with Defeat: Sunni Islam, Roman Catholicism, and the Modern State |
A Cooperative Species |
Author/Editor: Bowles, Samuel; Gintis, Herbert
Cooperative Microeconomics |
Author/Editor: Moulin, Hervé
Cooperation under Anarchy |
Author/Editor: Oye, Kenneth A
Cooperation and Governance in International Trade |
Author/Editor: Yarbrough, Beth V.; Yarbrough, Robert M
Cooperation and Discord in U.S.-Soviet Arms Control |
Author/Editor: Weber, Steve
Cooperation among Democracies: The European Influence on U.S. Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Thomas Risse-Kappen
Cooking for Crowds |
Author/Editor: White, Merry E
Convolution Transform |
Author/Editor: Widder, David Vernon; Hirschman, Isidore Isaac
Convolution and Equidistribution |
Author/Editor: Katz, Nicholas M
Convexity in the Theory of Lattice Gases |
Author/Editor: Israel, Robert B
Convex Analysis |
Author/Editor: Rockafellar, Ralph Tyrell
The Conversion of Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg |
Author/Editor: Lawrence S. Kaplan
Conversations with Legendary Television Stars: Interviews from the First Fifty Years |
Author/Editor: James Bawden,Ron Miller,Patrick McGilligan
Conversations with Kentucky Writers II |
Author/Editor: L. Elisabeth Beattie,Susan Lippman,Dianne Aprile
Conversations with Kentucky Writers |
Author/Editor: L. Elisabeth Beattie,Susan Lippman,Wade Hall
Conversations with Classic Film Stars |
Author/Editor: James Bawden,Ron Miller
Conversations on Electric and Magnetic Fields in the Cosmos |
Author/Editor: Parker, Eugene N
The Conversational Circle |
Author/Editor: Betty A. Schellenberg
Convergence and Uniformity in Topology. (AM-2), Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Tukey, John W
Conus of the Southeastern United States and Caribbean |
Author/Editor: Kohn, Alan J
Controversy in Victorian Geology |
Author/Editor: Secord, James A
Control Theoretic Splines |
Author/Editor: Egerstedt, Magnus; Martin, Clyde
Control of Spacecraft and Aircraft |
Author/Editor: Bryson, Arthur E
Controlling Laughter |
Author/Editor: Corbeill, Anthony
Contributions to the Theory of Riemann Surfaces. (AM-30), Volume 30 |
Author/Editor: Ahlfors, Lars Valerian; Calabi, E.; Morse, Marston
Contributions to the Theory of Partial Differential Equations. (AM-33), Volume 33 |
Author/Editor: Bers, Lipman; Trust, Salomon; John, Fritz
Contributions to the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations (AM-41), Volume IV |
Author/Editor: Lefschetz, Solomon
Contributions to the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations (AM-45), Volume V |
Author/Editor: Cesari, Lamberto; LaSalle, J.; Lefschetz, Solomon
Contributions to the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations (AM-36), Volume III |
Author/Editor: Lefschetz, Solomon
Contributions to the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations (AM-20), Volume I |
Contributions to the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations (AM-29), Volume II |
Author/Editor: Lefschetz, Solomon
Contributions to the Theory of Games (AM-40), Volume IV |
Author/Editor: Tucker, Albert William; Luce, Robert Duncan
Contributions to the Theory of Games (AM-39), Volume III |
Author/Editor: Dresher, Melvin; Tucker, Albert William; Wolfe, Philip
Contributions to the Theory of Games (AM-28), Volume II |
Author/Editor: Kuhn, Harold William; Tucker, Albert William
Contributions to the Theory of Games (AM-24), Volume I |
Author/Editor: Kuhn, Harold William; Tucker, Albert William
Contributions to Fourier Analysis. (AM-25) |
Contrast-Enhanced Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Author/Editor: Val M. Runge
Contracting States |
Author/Editor: Cooley, Alexander; Spruyt, Hendrik
The Contraceptive Revolution |
Author/Editor: Westoff, Charles F.; Ryder, Norman B
The Continuous Wave |
Author/Editor: Aitken, Hugh G.J
Continuous-Time Models in Corporate Finance, Banking, and Insurance |
Author/Editor: Moreno-Bromberg, Santiago; Rochet, Jean-Charles
Continuous Model Theory. (AM-58), Volume 58 |
Author/Editor: Chang, Chen Chung; Keisler, H. Jerome
Continuous Geometry |
Author/Editor: John von Neumann,ISRAEL HALPERIN
Continuing the Revolution |
Author/Editor: Starr, John Bryan
The Context of Environmental Politics |
Contesting Spirit |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Tyler T
Contested Tastes |
Author/Editor: DeSoucey, Michaela
Contested Identities |
Author/Editor: Loizos, Peter; Papataxiarchis, Evthmios
Contested Borderland |
Author/Editor: Brian D. McKnight
The Contentious Public Sphere |
Author/Editor: Lei, Ya-Wen
Contentious Curricula |
Author/Editor: Binder, Amy J
Contending Approaches to International Politics |
Contemporary Public Health |
Author/Editor: James W. Holsinger Jr.,David M. Lawrence,Emmanuel D. Jadhav
Contemporary Poetry |
Author/Editor: Weiss, Theodore Russell; Weiss, René
Contemporary Chinese Political Thought |
Contemporary American Women Writers |
Author/Editor: Catherine Rainwater,William J. Scheick
The Contemplative Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins |
Author/Editor: Lichtmann, Maria R
Containment |
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian
Contagious Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Gallagher, Mary Elizabeth
Contact: Art and the Pull of Print, Vol. 70 |
Consuming Pleasures, 1 |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Hayward
Consumer-Resource Dynamics (MPB-36) |
Author/Editor: Murdoch, William W.; Briggs, Cheryl J.; Nisbet, Roger M
Consumer Expenditures |
Author/Editor: Lebergott, Stanley
Consumed by War |
Author/Editor: Richard C. Hall
Constructing Community: Urban Governance, Development, and Inequality in Boston |
Author/Editor: Jeremy R. Levine
Constructing Community |
Author/Editor: Moon, J. Donald
Constructing Brotherhood |
Author/Editor: Clawson, Mary Ann
Constructing Autocracy |
Author/Editor: Roller, Matthew B
Constructing Affirmative Action |
A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 |
The Constrained Court |
Author/Editor: Bailey, Michael A.; Maltzman, Forrest
A Constitution of Many Minds |
Author/Editor: Sunstein, Cass R
The Constitution of Ancient China |
Author/Editor: Su Li, Su; Yongle, Zhang; Bell, Daniel A
Constitutional Rights and Powers of the People |
Author/Editor: Wayne D. Moore
Constitutional Politics: Essays on Constitution Making, Maintenance, and Change |
Author/Editor: Sotirios A. Barber ,Robert P. George
Constitutional Patriotism |
Author/Editor: Müller, Jan-Werner
Constitutional Faith |
Author/Editor: Levinson, Sanford
Constitutional Environments and Economic Growth |
Author/Editor: Scully, Gerald W
Constitutional Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Glennon,J. William Fulbright
Constitutional Dialogues |
Author/Editor: Fisher, Louis
Constitutional Bricolage |
Author/Editor: Garvey, Gerald
Constantine Samuel Rafinesque, 1 |
The Consolations of Writing |
Author/Editor: Zim, Rivkah
Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis. (AM-3), Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: Gödel, Kurt
Consider the Turkey |
Author/Editor: Peter Singer
Considered Judgment |
Author/Editor: Elgin, Catherine Z
Conservative Internationalism |
Author/Editor: Nau, Henry R
Conservative Internationalism |
Author/Editor: Nau, Henry R
Conservatism: An Anthology of Social and Political Thought from David Hume to the Present |
Author/Editor: Jerry Z. Muller
Conservation |
Author/Editor: Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique; Coppolillo, Peter
Consciousness and the Unconscious: Lectures Delivered at ETH Zurich, Volume 2: 1934, Vol. 23 |
Author/Editor: C. G. JUNG ,ERNST FALZEDER ,Mark Kyburz ,John Peck ,Ernst Falzeder
The Conscience of James Joyce |
Author/Editor: O'Brien, Darcy
The Conscience of a Conservative |
Author/Editor: Barry M. Goldwater ,CC Goldwater ,George F. Will ,Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Conscience and the Constitution |
Author/Editor: Richards, David A. J
Consanguinity, Inbreeding, and Genetic Drift in Italy (MPB-39) |
Author/Editor: Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca; Moroni, Antonio; Zei, Gianna
Conquest of Violence: The Gandhian Philosophy of Conflict. With a new epilogue by the author |
Author/Editor: JOAN V. BONDURANT
The Conquest of Politics: Liberal Philosophy in Democratic Times |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Barber
The Conquest of American Inflation |
Author/Editor: Sargent, Thomas J
Connections, STU - Student edition |
Author/Editor: Sanjeev Goyal
Congress, the Press, and Political Accountability |
Author/Editor: Arnold, R. Douglas
The Congress Party of India |
Author/Editor: Kochanek, Stanley A
Congressional Conservatism and the New Deal |
Congressional Committee Chairmen |
Author/Editor: Andrée E. Reeves
Congressional Ambivalence |
Congo 1965 |
Author/Editor: Gerard-Libois, Jules; Verhaegen, Benoit
Congo 1964 |
Author/Editor: Gerard-Libois, Jules; Verhaegen, Benoit
Confucian Political Ethics |
Author/Editor: Bell, Daniel A
Confucian Perfectionism |
Author/Editor: Chan, Joseph
Confucianism as a World Religion |
Author/Editor: Sun, Anna
Confucianism and Family Rituals in Imperial China |
Author/Editor: Ebrey, Patricia Buckley
A Confucian Constitutional Order |
Author/Editor: Qing, Jiang; Bell, Daniel A.; Fan, Ruiping
Confronting the Costs of War |
Author/Editor: Barnett, Michael N
Confronting Political Islam |
Author/Editor: Owen, John M
Confronting Ecological Crisis in Appalachia and the South |
Author/Editor: Stephanie McSpirit,Lynne Faltraco,Conner Bailey
Confrontations |
Author/Editor: Wellek, René
Conflict in Africa |
Author/Editor: Bozeman, Adda Bruemmer
Conflict and Political Change in Venezuela |
Author/Editor: Levine, Daniel H
Conflict and Decision-Making in Soviet Russia |
Author/Editor: Ploss, Sidney I
Conflict and Collaboration |
Author/Editor: Steinhart, Edward I
Conflict and Cohesion in Socialist Yugoslavia |
Author/Editor: Burg, Steven L
Conflict Among Nations |
Author/Editor: Snyder, Glenn Herald; Diesing, Paul
The Confidence Trap |
Author/Editor: Runciman, David
The Confidence Trap |
Author/Editor: Runciman, David
The Confidence Trap |
Author/Editor: Runciman, David
The Confidence Game in American Literature |
Author/Editor: Wadlington, Warwick
Confessions of an Interest Group |
Author/Editor: Warner, Carolyn M
Confederate General R.S. Ewell |
Author/Editor: PAUL D. CASDORPH
Confederate Citadel: Richmond and Its People at War |
Author/Editor: Mary A. DeCredico
Condensed Matter in a Nutshell |
Author/Editor: Mahan, Gerald D
Concluding Unscientific Postscript |
The Concise Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History |
Author/Editor: Kazin, Michael; Edwards, Rebecca; Rothman, Adam
A Concise History of Solar and Stellar Physics |
Author/Editor: Tassoul, Jean-Louis; Tassoul, Monique
A Concise History of Kentucky |
Conchophilia: Shells, Art, and Curiosity in Early Modern Europe |
Author/Editor: Marisa Anne Bass ,Anne Goldgar ,Hanneke Grootenboer ,Claudia Swan ,Stephanie S. Dickey ,Anna Grasskamp ,Róisín Watson
Conceptual Revolutions |
Author/Editor: Thagard, Paul
Concepts of Mass in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Jammer, Max
Concepts and Categories |
Author/Editor: Berlin, Isaiah; Hardy, Henry
The Concept of Presocratic Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Laks, André
The Concept of Negritude in the Poetry of Leopold Sedar Senghor |
Author/Editor: Ba, Sylvia Washington
The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy |
Author/Editor: Benson, Lee
The Concept of Expression |
Author/Editor: Tormey, Alan
Concealment and Revelation |
Author/Editor: Halbertal, Moshe
Computing Skills for Biologists |
Author/Editor: Allesina, Stefano; Wilmes, Madlen
Computers, Rigidity, and Moduli: The Large-Scale Fractal Geometry of Riemannian Moduli Space |
Author/Editor: Shmuel Weinberger
The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann |
Author/Editor: Goldstine, Herman H
Computer-Aided Verification of Coordinating Processes |
Author/Editor: Kurshan, Robert P
Computational Economics |
Author/Editor: Kendrick, David A.; Mercado, P. Ruben; Amman, Hans M
Computational Aspects of Modular Forms and Galois Representations |
Author/Editor: Edixhoven, Bas; Couveignes, Jean-Marc
The Composition of Kepler's Astronomia nova |
Author/Editor: James R. Voelkel
Composition Methods in Homotopy Groups of Spheres. (AM-49), Volume 49 |
Author/Editor: Toda, Hiroshi
The Compositional Process of J.S. Bach |
Author/Editor: Marshall, Robert Lewis
The Compositional Process of J.S. Bach |
Author/Editor: Marshall, Robert Lewis
Complicit: How We Enable the Unethical and How to Stop |
Author/Editor: Max H. Bazerman
Complex Population Dynamics |
Author/Editor: Turchin, Peter
The Complexity of Cooperation |
Author/Editor: Axelrod, Robert
Complexity and the Art of Public Policy |
Author/Editor: Colander, David; Kupers, Roland
Complexities |
Author/Editor: Case, Bettye Anne; Leggett, Anne M
Complex Dynamics and Renormalization (AM-135), Volume 135 |
Author/Editor: McMullen, Curtis T
Complex Ball Quotients and Line Arrangements in the Projective Plane (MN-51) |
Author/Editor: Tretkoff, Paula
Complex/Archetype/Symbol in the Psychology of C.G. Jung |
Complex Adaptive Systems |
Author/Editor: Miller, John H.; Page, Scott
The Complete Works of W.H. Auden |
Author/Editor: Auden, W. H.; Isherwood, Christopher; Mendelson, Edward
Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Aristotle; Barnes, Jonathan
Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Aristotle; Barnes, Jonathan
The Complete Works of Aristotle |
Author/Editor: Aristotle; Barnes, Jonathan
The Complete Retirement Handbook |
Author/Editor: Forest J. Bowman
Complete Poems and Selected Letters of Michelangelo |
The Complete Odes and Satires of Horace |
Author/Editor: Horace
The Complete Insect: Anatomy, Physiology, Evolution, and Ecology |
Author/Editor: David A. Grimaldi
The Complete Guide to Kentucky State Parks |
Author/Editor: Susan Reigler,Pam Spaulding
The Complete Elegies of Sextus Propertius |
Author/Editor: Propertius
Complete and Incomplete Econometric Models |
Author/Editor: Geweke, John
Competitive Solutions |
Author/Editor: McAfee, R. Preston
Competition Policy and Price Fixing |
Author/Editor: Kaplow, Louis
Competition in the Promised Land |
Author/Editor: Boustan, Leah Platt
Competition in a Dual Economy |
Author/Editor: Bowring, Joseph
Competition and the Structure of Bird Communities. (MPB-7), Volume 7 |
Author/Editor: MARTIN L. CODY
Competition and Stability in Banking |
Author/Editor: Vives, Xavier
Compensation Mechanisms for Job Risks |
Author/Editor: Moore, Michael J.; Viscusi, W. Kip
A Compendium of Geochemistry: From Solar Nebula to the Human Brain |
Author/Editor: YUAN-HUI LI
Comparison Principles for General Potential Theories and PDEs: (AMS-218), Vol. 218 |
Author/Editor: Marco Cirant ,F. Reese Harvey ,H. Blaine Lawson ,Kevin R. Payne
Comparing the Literatures: Literary Studies in a Global Age |
Author/Editor: David Damrosch
Comparative Biomechanics |
Author/Editor: Vogel, Steven
Comparable Worth |
Author/Editor: Elaine Sorensen
The Company of Strangers |
Author/Editor: Seabright, Paul
Community Under Stress |
Author/Editor: Vaughan, Elizabeth Head
A Community of Scholars |
Author/Editor: Institute for Advanced, Institute for
Community |
Author/Editor: Keller, Suzanne
Communities of Violence |
Author/Editor: Nirenberg, David
Communities of Violence |
Author/Editor: Nirenberg, David
Communities of Care: The Social Ethics of Victorian Fiction |
Author/Editor: Talia Schaffer
Communities and Ecosystems |
Author/Editor: Wardle, David A
The Communist Subversion of Czechoslovakia, 1938-1948 |
Author/Editor: Korbel, Josef
Communist Party Membership in the U.S.S.R. |
Communism's Shadow |
Author/Editor: Grigore Pop-Eleches,Joshua A. Tucker
Communism in Italy and France |
Author/Editor: Blackmer, Donald L.M.; Tarrow, Sidney
Communism in Finland |
Author/Editor: Hodgson, John H
Communism in Czechoslovakia, 1948-1960 |
Author/Editor: Taborsky, Edward
Communism and Revolution |
Author/Editor: Black, Cyril E
Communism and Nationalism in India |
Author/Editor: Haithcox, John Patrick
Communications and Political Development. (SPD-1) |
Author/Editor: Pye, Lucian W
Common Whites |
Author/Editor: Bill Cecil-Fronsman
A Commonwealth of Hope: Augustine's Political Thought |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL LAMB
Common Value Auctions and the Winner's Curse |
Author/Editor: Kagel, John H.; Levin, Dan
Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians |
Author/Editor: McKnight, Karl B; Rohrer, Joseph R.; Ward, Kirsten McKnight
Common Ground: Reimagining American History |
Author/Editor: GARY Y. OKIHIRO
Common Bees of Western North America |
Common Bees of Eastern North America, Vol. 151 |
Author/Editor: Olivia Messinger Carril ,Joseph S. Wilson
Committing to Peace: The Successful Settlement of Civil Wars |
Author/Editor: Barbara F. Walter
Committed to Victory |
Author/Editor: RICHARD E. HOLL
Commerce and Coalitions: How Trade Affects Domestic Political Alignments |
Author/Editor: Ronald Rogowski
Commentary on Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript |
Author/Editor: Thulstrup, Niels
Commensurabilities among Lattices in PU (1,n). (AM-132), Volume 132 |
Author/Editor: Deligne, Pierre; Mostow, G. Daniel
Commemorations |
Author/Editor: Gillis, John R
Commanding Professionalism: Simpson, Moore, and the Ninth US Army |
Comintern Army |
Author/Editor: R. Dan Richardson
The Coming of the Greeks |
Author/Editor: Drews, Robert
The Coming of the French Revolution |
Coming of Age in Second Life |
Author/Editor: Boellstorff, Tom
Coming of Age in Second Life |
Author/Editor: Boellstorff, Tom
Coming of Age in Medieval Egypt |
Author/Editor: Krakowski, Eve
The Comic Matrix of Shakespeare's Tragedies |
Author/Editor: Snyder, Susan
Comets, Popular Culture, and the Birth of Modern Cosmology |
Author/Editor: SARA J. SCHECHNER
The Comet Connection |
Author/Editor: George Watt
Come Out Swinging |
Author/Editor: Trimbur, Lucia
Comedy and Culture |
Author/Editor: Henkle, Roger B
Come and Go, Molly Snow |
Author/Editor: Mary Ann Taylor-Hall
Combustion Processes |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Bernard; Pease, Robert Norton; Taylor, H. S
Combinatorics of Train Tracks. (AM-125), Volume 125 |
Author/Editor: Penner, R. C.; Harer, John L
Combinatorial Group Theory and Topology. (AM-111), Volume 111 |
Author/Editor: Gersten, S. M.; Stallings, John R
A Combat Artist in World War II |
Author/Editor: EDWARD REEP
Columbia Pictures: Portrait of a Studio |
Author/Editor: BERNARD F. DICK
Columbia Pictures, 1 |
Author/Editor: BERNARD F. DICK
Colors and Blood |
Author/Editor: Bonner, Robert E
The Color of Success |
Author/Editor: Wu, Ellen D
The Color of School Reform |
Author/Editor: Henig, Jeffrey R.; Hula, Richard C.; Orr, Marion
Colormute |
Author/Editor: Pollock, Mica
Color in Nature |
Author/Editor: N. Justin Marshall ,Thomas Cronin ,Sönke Johnsen ,Ron Douglas ,Anya Hurlbert ,Jane Monnington Boddy ,Fabio Cortesi
Color Conscious |
Author/Editor: Appiah, Kwame Anthony; Gutmann, Amy
Color Charts: A History |
Colonial Transformation of Kenya |
Author/Editor: Tignor, Robert L
The Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought: French Sociology and the Overseas Empire, Vol. 6 |
Author/Editor: George Steinmetz
Colonialism and Revolution in the Middle East |
Author/Editor: Cole, Juan Ricardo
Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge: The British in India |
Author/Editor: Bernard S. Cohn
Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800 |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Canny,Anthony Pagden
Colonial Development and Population in Taiwan |
Author/Editor: Barclay, George Watson
Colley Cibber |
Author/Editor: HELENE KOON
College Women and Fertility Values |
Author/Editor: Westoff, Charles F.; Potvin, Raymond H
College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be - Second Edition |
A College For Appalachia |
Author/Editor: P. DAVID SEARLES
The College Dropout and the Utilization of Talent |
Author/Editor: Pervin, Lawrence A.; Reik, Louis E.; Dalrymple, Willard
College |
Author/Editor: Delbanco, Andrew
College |
Author/Editor: Delbanco, Andrew
College |
Author/Editor: Delbanco, Andrew
Collectivization of Agriculture in Eastern Europe |
Collective Animal Behavior |
Author/Editor: Sumpter, David J. T
Collecting the New |
Author/Editor: Altshuler, Bruce
Collecting: An Unruly Passion |
Author/Editor: Muensterberger, Werner
The Collected Works of Spinoza, Volume II |
Author/Editor: Spinoza, Benedictus de
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 9 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Beer, John B
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 4 (Part II) |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Rooke, Barbara E
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 4 (Part I) |
Author/Editor: Barbara E. Rooke
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 14 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 14 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Coburn, Kathleen; Winer, B
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 13 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Jackson, James Robert de Jager
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 11 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Jackson, H. J.; Jackson, James Robert de Jager
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 11 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 10 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Colmer, John
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Patton, Lewis; Mann, Peter
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Vol. 12, Part 4 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Jackson, H. J.; Whalley, George
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 9 |
Author/Editor: Valéry, Paul; Mathews, Jackson
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 8 |
Author/Editor: Valéry, Paul; Cowley, M.; Lawler, James R
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Valéry, Paul; Corke, H
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 15 |
Author/Editor: Valéry, Paul; Mathews, Jackson
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 14 |
Author/Editor: Valéry, Paul
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 11 |
Author/Editor: Valéry, Paul
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Valéry, Paul; Lawler, James R
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 9 (Part 2) |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 9 (Part 1) |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 8 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 7 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 6 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 5 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Adler, Gerhard; Read, Herbert
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 20 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Adler, Gerhard
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 19 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Ress, Lisa; McGuire, William
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 18 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 17 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 16 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 15 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 14 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 13 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 12 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 11 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 10 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Read, Herbert; Fordham, Michael
The Collected Works of C.G. Jung: Complete Digital Edition |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Adler, Gerhard; Fordham, Michael Series Title: Collected Works of C.G. Jung
The Collected Works of C.G. Jung |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Adler, Gerhard; Fordham, Michael
The Collected Poems of Lucio Piccolo |
Author/Editor: Piccolo, Lucio; Swann, Brian
The Collected Poems and Journals of Mary Tighe |
Author/Editor: Harriet Kramer Linkin
Collected Poems |
Author/Editor: Perse, Saint-John
The Collected Lyric Poems of Luís de Camões |
Author/Editor: Camões, Luís de
The Collected Letters of William Morris, Volume IV |
Author/Editor: Morris, William; Kelvin, Norman
The Collected Letters of William Morris, Volume II, Part B |
Author/Editor: Morris, William; Kelvin, Norman
The Collected Letters of William Morris, Volume II, Part A |
Author/Editor: Morris, William; Kelvin, Norman
The Collected Letters of William Morris, Volume III |
Author/Editor: Morris, William; Kelvin, Norman
The Collected Letters of William Morris, Volume I |
Author/Editor: Morris, William; Kelvin, Norman
The Collected Essays of Milton Babbitt |
Author/Editor: Babbitt, Milton; Peles, Stephen; Dembski, Stephen
The Collected Dialogues of Plato |
Author/Editor: Plato; Hamilton, Edith; Cairns, Huntington
The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming |
Author/Editor: Victor, David G
The Collapse of State Socialism |
Author/Editor: Kaminski, Bartolomiej
Collaborative Governance |
Author/Editor: Donahue, John D.; Zeckhauser, Richard J
Coleridge's Metaphors of Being |
Author/Editor: Kessler, Edward