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Titles start with S ( displaying 500 of 990 ) Information
Szegő's Theorem and Its Descendants
Author/Editor: Simon, Barry
Szegő's Theorem and Its Descendants
Author/Editor: Simon, Barry
A System of Pragmatic Idealism, Volume III
Author/Editor: Rescher, Nicholas
A System of Pragmatic Idealism, Volume II
Author/Editor: Rescher, Nicholas
Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic
System Effects
Author/Editor: Jervis, Robert
Syria's Peasantry, the Descendants of Its Lesser Rural Notables, and Their Politics
Author/Editor: Batatu, Hanna
Syrian Requiem: The Civil War and Its Aftermath
Syrian Episodes
Author/Editor: Borneman, John
Syrian Christians in a Muslim Society
Author/Editor: Haddad, Robert M
Syria and the French Mandate
Author/Editor: Khoury, Philip Shukry
Syntony and Spark
Author/Editor: Aitken, Hugh G.J
The Synthetic University: How Higher Education Can Benefit from Shared Solutions and Save Itself
Author/Editor: James L. Shulman
The Syntax of Class
Author/Editor: Lang, Amy Schrager
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
The Synagogues of Kentucky, 1
Author/Editor: Lee Shai Weissbach
The Symptom and the Subject
Author/Editor: Holmes, Brooke
Symposium on Infinite Dimensional Topology. (AM-69), Volume 69
Author/Editor: Anderson, R. D
Sympathetic Attractions
Author/Editor: Fara, Patricia
Author/Editor: Weyl, Hermann
Symmetric Markov Processes, Time Change, and Boundary Theory (LMS-35)
Author/Editor: Chen, Zhenqing; Fukushima, Masatoshi
The Symbolic Imagination
Author/Editor: Barth, J. Robert
The Symbolic Earth: Discourse and Our Creation of the Environment
Author/Editor: James G. Cantrill ,Christine L. Oravec
The Symbolic Earth, 1
Author/Editor: James G. Cantrill,Christine L. Oravec
Symbol and Truth in Blake's Myth
Author/Editor: Damrosch, Leopold
The Symbiotic Habit
Author/Editor: Angela E. Douglas
Sylvia Rafael
Author/Editor: Ram Oren,Moti Kfir,Ronna Englesberg,Shlomo Gazit
Syllabus: The Remarkable, Unremarkable Document That Changes Everything
Author/Editor: William Germano ,Kit Nicholls
Syllabus of Errors
Author/Editor: Jollimore, Troy
Swing It!, 1
Author/Editor: John Sforza
Swindled: The Dark History of Food Fraud, from Poisoned Candy to Counterfeit Coffee
Author/Editor: Bee Wilson
A Swift Guide to Butterflies of North America
Author/Editor: Glassberg, Jeffrey
A Swift Guide to Butterflies of Mexico and Central America, REV - Revised, 2
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Glassberg
Sweet Pea at War
Author/Editor: William Thomas Generous Jr.
Svetozar Markovic and the Origins of Balkan Socialism
Author/Editor: McClellan, Woodford
Sustaining Affirmation: The Strengths of Weak Ontology in Political Theory
Author/Editor: Stephen K. White
Sustainable Poetry: Four American Ecopoets
Author/Editor: Leonard M. Scigaj
Sustainable Poetry, 1
Author/Editor: Leonard M. Scigaj
The Survivors and Other Poems
Author/Editor: Tadeusz Różewicz,Magnus J. Krynski,Robert A. Maguire
Surviving Death
Author/Editor: Johnston, Mark
The Survival of the Hessian Nobility, 1770-1870
Author/Editor: Pedlow, Gregory W
Surveys on Surgery Theory (AM-149), Volume 2
Author/Editor: Cappell, Sylvain; Ranicki, Andrew; Rosenberg, Jonathan
Surveys on Surgery Theory (AM-145), Volume 1
Author/Editor: Cappell, Sylvain; Ranicki, Andrew; Rosenberg, Jonathan
Surveys of U.S. International Finance, 1953
Surveys of U.S. International Finance, 1952
Author/Editor: GARDNER PATTERSON,JOHN M. GUNN JR.,Jack N. Behrman,Mary B. Fernholz,Frances C. Hutner
Surveys of U.S. International Finance, 1951
Surveys of U.S. International Finance, 1950
Surveys of U.S. International Finance, 1949
Author/Editor: Patterson, Gardner
Surveys and Soundings in European Literature
Author/Editor: Willson, A. Leslie
A Survey of Computational Physics
Author/Editor: Landau, Rubin H.; Páez, José; Bordeianu, Cristian C
The Surrogate Proletariat
Author/Editor: Massell, Gregory J
Surreal Spaces: The Life and Art of Leonora Carrington
Surprises in Theoretical Physics
Author/Editor: Rudolf Peierls
Surface Water Quality
Author/Editor: Patrick, Ruth; Douglass, Faith; Palavage, Drew M
The Surface of Things: A History of Photography from the Swahili Coast
Author/Editor: Prita Meier
Surface Area. (AM-35), Volume 35
Author/Editor: Cesari, Lamberto
Surface and Destroy
Author/Editor: Michael Sturma
The Supreme Court and Religion in American Life, Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Hitchcock, James
The Supreme Court and Religion in American Life, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Hitchcock, James
Supplement to the Index of Middle English Verse
Super Tuesday
Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Revised Edition, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: Julius Wess,Jonathan Bagger
Author/Editor: Park, Robert L
Supersingular p-adic L-functions, Maass-Shimura Operators and Waldspurger Formulas: (AMS-212), Vol. 405
Author/Editor: Daniel J. Kriz
The Supernova Story
Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis: An Investigation of the History of Matter, from the Big Bang to the Present
Author/Editor: David Arnett
Supermodularity and Complementarity
Author/Editor: Topkis, Donald M
Super Courses: The Future of Teaching and Learning
Author/Editor: Ken Bain ,Marsha Marshall Bain
The Sun's Influence on Climate
Author/Editor: Haigh, Joanna D.; Cargill, Peter
The Sunni Tragedy in the Middle East
Author/Editor: Rougier, Bernard
Sunnis and Shi'a: A Political History
Author/Editor: Laurence Louër,Ethan Rundell
Sunni Chauvinism and the Roots of Muslim Modernism
Author/Editor: TEENA U. PUROHIT
The Sun Kings: The Unexpected Tragedy of Richard Carrington and the Tale of How Modern Astronomy Began
Author/Editor: STUART CLARK
Sung Dynasty Uses of the I Ching
Author/Editor: Smith, Kidder; Bol, Peter K.; Adler, Joseph A
The Sum of Small Things
Author/Editor: Currid-Halkett, Elizabeth
Summing It Up
Author/Editor: Ash, Avner; Gross, Robert
Summer Wildflowers of the Northeast: A Natural History
Author/Editor: Carol Gracie,ROBERT NACZI
Suitably Modern: Making Middle-Class Culture in a New Consumer Society
Author/Editor: MARK LIECHTY
Suicidal Narrative in Modern Japan
Author/Editor: Wolfe, Alan Stephen
Sugar Island Slavery in the Age of Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Stinchcombe, Arthur L
The Sufis of Bijapur, 1300-1700
Author/Editor: Eaton, Richard Maxwell
Author/Editor: Knysh, Alexander
Sufficient Reason
Author/Editor: Bromley, Daniel W
Sue Mundy
Success through Failure
Author/Editor: Petroski, Henry
Success through Failure
Author/Editor: Petroski, Henry
Successful Negotiation, Trieste 1954
Author/Editor: Campbell, John Creighton
Success and Luck
Author/Editor: Frank, Robert H
Suburbs under Siege
Author/Editor: Haar, Charles M
Suburban Warriors
Author/Editor: McGirr, Lisa
Suburban Warriors
Author/Editor: McGirr, Lisa
The Suburban Crisis: White America and the War on Drugs
Subtle Tools: The Dismantling of American Democracy from the War on Terror to Donald Trump
The Substance of Representation
Author/Editor: Lapinski, John S
Substance, Body and Soul
Author/Editor: Hartman, Edwin
The Subprime Solution
Author/Editor: Shiller, Robert J
The Subprime Solution
Author/Editor: Shiller, Robert J
Subordinating Intelligence
Author/Editor: David P. Oakley
Submarine Commander
Author/Editor: Paul R. Schratz
Subject to Famine
Author/Editor: McAlpin, Michelle Burge
The Subject of Liberty
Author/Editor: Hirschmann, Nancy J
Subjecting Verses
Author/Editor: Miller, Paul Allen
The Suasive Art of David Hume
Author/Editor: Box, M. A
Styles in Fictional Structure
Author/Editor: Kroeber, Karl
Style, Rhetoric, and Rhythm
Style in Hamlet
Author/Editor: Charney, Maurice
Style and Status
Author/Editor: Susannah Walker
Style and Consciousness in Middle English Narrative
Author/Editor: Ganim, John M
The Study of Religion in Colleges and Universities
Author/Editor: Ramsey, Paul; Wilson, John Frederick
Study Gods: How the New Chinese Elite Prepare for Global Competition, Vol. 16
Author/Editor: YI-LIN CHIANG
Studio Affairs
Author/Editor: Vincent Sherman
Studies on the Origin of Harmonic Tonality
Author/Editor: Dahlhaus, Carl
Studies on the Civilization of Islam
Author/Editor: Gibb, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen
Studies in the National Balance Sheet of the United States, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Goldsmith, Raymond William; Lipsey, Robert E.; Mendelson, M
Studies in the National Balance Sheet of the United States, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Goldsmith, Raymond William; Lipsey, Robert E.; Mendelson, M
Studies in the Institutional History of Early Modern Japan
Author/Editor: Hall, John Whitney; Jansen, Marius B
Studies in the Antiquities of Stobi, Volume 3
Studies in the Antiquities of Stobi, Volume 2
Studies in Public Opinion
Author/Editor: Saris, Willem E.; Sniderman, Paul M
Studies in Population
Author/Editor: Mair
Studies in Music History
Author/Editor: Powers, Harold
Studies in Medieval Legal Thought
Author/Editor: Post, Gaines
Studies in Mathematical Physics
Author/Editor: Lieb, Elliott H
Studies in Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan
Author/Editor: Maruyama, Masao
Studies in Greek Philosophy, Volume I: The Presocratics
Author/Editor: GREGORY VLASTOS ,Daniel W. Graham
Studies in Greek Philosophy, Volume II: Socrates, Plato, and Their Tradition
Author/Editor: GREGORY VLASTOS ,Daniel W. Graham
Students, Society and Politics in Imperial Germany
Author/Editor: Jarausch, Konrad H
Students and National Socialism in Germany
Author/Editor: Giles, Geoffrey J
The Student Aid Game: Meeting Need and Rewarding Talent in American Higher Education
Author/Editor: Michael S. McPherson ,Morton Owen Schapiro
Stuck in Neutral
Author/Editor: Martin, Cathie Jo
The Struggle to Reform Our Colleges
Author/Editor: Bok, Derek
The Struggle over the Soul of Economics
Author/Editor: Yonay, Yuval P
The Struggle Is Eternal
The Struggle for the People’s King: How Politics Transforms the Memory of the Civil Rights Movement
Author/Editor: HAJAR YAZDIHA
The Struggle for Power in Early Modern Europe
Author/Editor: Nexon, Daniel H
The Struggle for Equality
Author/Editor: McPherson, James M
The Struggle for Cooperation: Liberated France and the American Military, 1944–1946
Author/Editor: ROBERT L. FULLER
Structuring the State
Author/Editor: Ziblatt, Daniel
The Structure of Thucydides' History
Author/Editor: Rawlings, Hunter R
The Structure of Recognizable Diatonic Tunings
Author/Editor: Blackwood, Easley
Structure of Marx's World-View
Author/Editor: McMurtry, John
The Structure of Groups with a Quasiconvex Hierarchy: (AMS-209)
Author/Editor: Daniel T. Wise
Structure of Decision
Author/Editor: Axelrod, Robert
The Structure of Affine Buildings. (AM-168)
Author/Editor: Weiss, Richard M
The Structure and Form of the French Enlightenment, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Wade, Ira O
The Structure and Form of the French Enlightenment, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Wade, Ira O
Structure and Evolution of Stars
Author/Editor: Schwarzschild, Martin
The Structure and Dynamics of Networks
Author/Editor: Newman, Mark; Barabási, Albert-László; Watts, Duncan J
The Structure and Confirmation of Evolutionary Theory
Author/Editor: Elisabeth A. Lloyd
Structural Macroeconometrics
Author/Editor: DeJong, David N.; Dave, Chetan
Structural Econometric Modeling in Industrial Organization and Quantitative Marketing: Theory and Applications
Structural Change in a Developing Economy
Author/Editor: Nelson, Richard R.; Schultz, T. Paul; Slighton, Robert L
Structural Biomaterials
Author/Editor: Vincent, Julian
Structural and Statistical Problems for a Class of Stochastic Processes
Author/Editor: Harald Cramér
Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World
Author/Editor: JOEL S. MIGDAL
Strong Rigidity of Locally Symmetric Spaces. (AM-78), Volume 78
Author/Editor: Mostow, G. Daniel
Strong Medicine
Author/Editor: Kremer, Michael; Glennerster, Rachel
Strong Managers, Weak Owners
Author/Editor: Roe, Mark J
Strong Borders, Secure Nation
Author/Editor: Fravel, M. Taylor
Author/Editor: Arthur Lennig
Stripped Bare
Author/Editor: Bainbridge, David
String Theory in a Nutshell
Author/Editor: Kiritsis, Elias
Strings Attached
Author/Editor: Grant, Ruth W
Striking First
Author/Editor: Doyle, Michael W.; Macedo, Stephen
Striking Back
Author/Editor: William T. Bowers
Strikes and Revolution in Russia, 1917
Author/Editor: Koenker, Diane P.; Rosenberg, William G
The Strictures of Inheritance: The Dutch Economy in the Nineteenth Century
Author/Editor: Jan Luiten van Zanden ,Arthur van Riel ,Ian Cressie
Strictly Dynamite: The Sensational Life of Lupe Velez
Author/Editor: Eve Golden
Stress Regimes in the Lithosphere
Author/Editor: Engelder, Terry
Streseman and Politics of Weimar Republic
Author/Editor: Turner, Henry Ashby
Strength in Numbers?: The Political Mobilization of Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Author/Editor: JAN E. LEIGHLEY
The Strength in Numbers
Author/Editor: Bozeman, Barry; Youtie, Jan
Strengthening South Korea–Japan Relations: East Asia's International Order and a Rising China
Author/Editor: Dennis Patterson ,Jangsup Choi
Street with No Name: A History of the Classic American Film Noir, Ed. upd
Author/Editor: Andrew Dickos
Street with No Name
Author/Editor: Andrew Dickos
Streetwise: The Best of The Journal of Portfolio Management
Author/Editor: Peter L. Bernstein ,Frank J. Fabozzi
Streetwalking on a Ruined Map: Cultural Theory and the City Films of Elvira Notari
Author/Editor: ELVIRA NOTARI
Street Smart
Author/Editor: RICHARD A. BLAKE
Author/Editor: Wheeler Winston Dixon
Stravinsky and His World
Author/Editor: Levitz, Tamara
Strategy in the Missile Age
Author/Editor: Brodie, Bernard
Strategy and Nuclear Deterrence
Author/Editor: Miller, Steven E
Strategic Studies and Public Policy
Author/Editor: Colin S. Gray
Strategic Reassurance and Resolve
Author/Editor: Steinberg, James; O'Hanlon, Michael E
Strategic Reassurance and Resolve
Author/Editor: Steinberg, James; O`Hanlon, Michael E
The Strategic President
Author/Editor: Edwards, George C
Strategic Investment
Author/Editor: Smit, Han T. J.; Trigeorgis, Lenos
Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy
Author/Editor: Kent, Sherman
Strategic Intelligence for American National Security: Updated Edition
Author/Editor: Bruce D. Berkowitz,Allan E. Goodman
Strategic Instincts: The Adaptive Advantages of Cognitive Biases in International Politics
Author/Editor: Dominic D. P. Johnson
Strategic Defenses
Author/Editor: Office of Techn. Assess., Office of Techn
Strategic Defense Initiative
Author/Editor: Office of Techn. Assess., Office of Techn
The Strategic Constitution
Author/Editor: ROBERT D. COOTER
Strategic Choice and International Relations
Author/Editor: David A. Lake,Robert Powell
Strategic Capitalism: Private Business and Public Purpose in Japanese Industrial Finance
Author/Editor: Kent E. Calder
A Strange Whim of the Sea: The Wreck of the USS Macaw
Author/Editor: Tim Loughman
Strange Vernaculars
Author/Editor: Janet Sorensen
Strangers Within: The Rise and Fall of the New Christian Trading Elite
Author/Editor: Francisco Bethencourt
Strangers to the Constitution
Author/Editor: Neuman, Gerald L
Strangers No More
Author/Editor: Alba, Richard; Foner, Nancy
Strange New Worlds, REV - Revised
Author/Editor: Ray Jayawardhana
Strange New Worlds
Author/Editor: Jayawardhana, Ray
Strange Glow
Author/Editor: Jorgensen, Timothy J
Strange Curves, Counting Rabbits, & Other Mathematical Explorations
Author/Editor: Ball, Keith
Strains of Utopia
Author/Editor: Flinn, Caryl
Straight Talk on Trade
Author/Editor: Rodrik, Dani
The Straight State
Author/Editor: Canaday, Margot
Author/Editor: Ayres, Ian; Brown, Jennifer Gerarda
Author/Editor: Jones, Bill T
The Story of the Odyssey
Author/Editor: STEPHEN V. TRACY
The Story of Silver
Author/Editor: Silber, William L
The Story of Proof: Logic and the History of Mathematics
Author/Editor: John Stillwell
The Story of Hebrew
Author/Editor: Glinert, Lewis
The Story of America
Author/Editor: Lepore, Jill
Story, Myth, and Celebration in Old French Narrative Poetry, 1050-1200
Author/Editor: Uitti, Karl D
Storm Petrel and the Owl of Athena
Author/Editor: Halle, Louis Joseph
The Stones of Athens
Author/Editor: Wycherley, Richard Ernest
Stoner's Boy
The Stone Catchers: A Novel
Stolen Harvest
Author/Editor: VANDANA SHIVA
Stoics and Neostoics
Author/Editor: Mark Morford
Stoic Romanticism and the Ethics of Emotion
Author/Editor: Jacob Risinger
Author/Editor: Anderson-Stojanovi?, Virginia R.; Wiseman, James
Stitched Together: Stories of a Kentucky Life
Author/Editor: Bob Thompson,Lee Pennington
Still Running: My Life as the First Black Football Player in the SEC
Author/Editor: Nathaniel Northington ,Gerald L. Smith ,La Monte McNeese
Still a House Divided
Author/Editor: King, Desmond; Smith, Rogers M
Steven Spielberg and Philosophy
Author/Editor: Dean A. Kowalski
Stevens and the Interpersonal
Author/Editor: Halliday, Mark
Stevens and Simile
Author/Editor: Brogan, Jacqueline Vaught
Author/Editor: Malech, Dora
A Sterner Plan for Italian Unity
Author/Editor: Grew, Raymond
Stereoscopic Cinema and the Origins of 3-D Film, 1838-1952
Author/Editor: Ray Zone
The Steps to War
Author/Editor: Senese, Paul D.; Vasquez, John A
Stephen Rolfe Powell
Stem: Poems
Author/Editor: STELLA WONG
Stellar Spectral Classification, Vol. 15
Author/Editor: Richard O. Gray ,Christopher J. Corbally ,Adam J. Burgasser ,Margaret M. Hanson ,J. Davy Kirkpatrick ,Nolan R. Walborn
Stellar Evolution
Author/Editor: Struve, Otto
Stellar English: A Down-to-Earth Guide to Grammar and Style
Author/Editor: Frank L. Cioffi
Stealing Helen
Author/Editor: Edmunds, Lowell
Steady Aircraft Flight and Performance
Author/Editor: McClamroch, N. Harris
Steadfast Democrats: How Social Forces Shape Black Political Behavior
Author/Editor: Ismail K. White,Chryl N. Laird
Stay the Hand of Vengeance
Author/Editor: Bass, Gary Jonathan
Staying in the Fight: How War on Terror Veterans in Congress Are Shaping US Defense Policy
Author/Editor: JEFFREY S. LANTIS
Status Signals
Author/Editor: Podolny, Joel M
The Status of Women in Preindustrial Societies
Author/Editor: Whyte, Martin King
Status of Law in International Society
Author/Editor: Falk, Richard A
Status in Classical Athens
Author/Editor: Kamen, Deborah
The Status and Appraisal of Classic Texts
Author/Editor: Condren, Conal
Statistics in Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Robert Lupton
Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy: A Practical Python Guide for the Analysis of Survey Data, Updated Edition, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: Željko Ivezić,Andrew J. Connolly,Jacob T. VanderPlas,Alexander Gray
Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy
Author/Editor: Ivezić, Željko; Connolly, Andrew J.; VanderPlas, Jacob T
Statistical Theories of Turbulence
Author/Editor: C. C. LIN
The Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Gases, Volume I
Author/Editor: Simon, Barry
Statistical Mechanics in a Nutshell
Author/Editor: Peliti, Luca
Statistical Inference via Convex Optimization
Author/Editor: Anatoli Juditsky,Arkadi Nemirovski
Statistical and Thermal Physics
Author/Editor: Gould, Harvey; Tobochnik, Jan
Stationary Stochastic Processes. (MN-8)
Author/Editor: Hida, Takeyuki
Stationary Processes and Prediction Theory. (AM-44), Volume 44
Author/Editor: Furstenberg, Harry
State Violence in East Asia
Author/Editor: N. Ganesan,Sung Chull Kim
States, Social Knowledge, and the Origins of Modern Social Policies
Author/Editor: Rueschemeyer, Dietrich; Skocpol, Theda
States, Scarcity, and Civil Strife in the Developing World
Author/Editor: Kahl, Colin H
States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity
Author/Editor: Wendy Brown
States of Credit
Author/Editor: Stasavage, David
States and Power in Africa
Author/Editor: Herbst, Jeffrey
States and Power in Africa
Author/Editor: Herbst, Jeffrey
State, Private Enterprise and Economic Change in Egypt, 1918-1952
Author/Editor: ROBERT L. TIGNOR
State Politics in India
Author/Editor: Wiener, Myron
State of the Union
Author/Editor: Lichtenstein, Nelson
State of the Union
Author/Editor: Lichtenstein, Nelson
The State of the Earth
Author/Editor: Paul K. Conkin
The State of Speech
Author/Editor: Connolly, Joy
State of Repression
Author/Editor: Blaydes, Lisa
The State of Democratic Theory
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian
The State, Identity, and the National Question in China and Japan
State Death
Author/Editor: Fazal, Tanisha M
The State and Working Women
Author/Editor: Ruggie, Mary
The State and the Rule of Law
Author/Editor: Kriegel, Blandine
The State and Society
Author/Editor: Stepan, Alfred C
The State and Social Transformation in Tunisia and Libya, 1830-1980
Author/Editor: Anderson, Lisa
The State and Social Transformation in Tunisia and Libya, 1820-1980
Author/Editor: Anderson, Lisa
Series Title: Princeton Studies on the Near East
The State and Political Theory
Author/Editor: Carnoy, Martin
State and Economic Enterprise in Japan
Author/Editor: Lockwood, William Wirt
State and Diplomacy in Early Modern Japan
Author/Editor: Toby, Ronald P
The State and Development in the Third World
Author/Editor: Kohli, Atul
State and Commonwealth
Author/Editor: Dauber, Noah
The State against Society
Author/Editor: Ekiert, Grzegorz
The State
Author/Editor: PHILIP PETTIT
The Star Wars Controversy
Author/Editor: Miller, Steven E.; Van Evera, Stephen
The Star-Spangled Screen, 1
Author/Editor: Bernard F. Dick
The Star of Bethlehem
Author/Editor: Mark Kidger
The Star and the Stripes
Author/Editor: Barnett, Michael N
Standing Soldiers, Kneeling Slaves
Author/Editor: KIRK SAVAGE
Standing Soldiers, Kneeling Slaves
Author/Editor: Savage, Kirk
The Standard-Vacuum Oil Company and United States East Asian Policy, 1933-1941
Author/Editor: Anderson, Irvine H
Stand and Prosper
Author/Editor: Drewry, Henry N.; Doermann, Humphrey
Stalin's Genocides
Author/Editor: Naimark, Norman M
Stalin: Passage to Revolution
Stalinist Science
Author/Editor: Krementsov, Nikolai
Stalin and the Soviet Science Wars
Author/Editor: ETHAN POLLOCK
Stages of Evil
Author/Editor: ROBERT LIMA
A Stage For Poets
Author/Editor: Affron, Charles
Stage-Coach Days In The Bluegrass
Author/Editor: J. Winston Coleman Jr.,Thomas D. Clark
Staffing For Foreign Affairs
Author/Editor: Bacchus, William I
Stable and Random Motions in Dynamical Systems
Author/Editor: Moser, Jurgen
Stability in Nonlinear Control Systems
Author/Editor: Letov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich
Stability in Model Populations (MPB-31)
Stability and Stabilization
Author/Editor: Terrell, William J
Stability and Control of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems
Author/Editor: Haddad, Wassim M.; Nersesov, Sergey G
Stability and Complexity in Model Ecosystems
Author/Editor: ROBERT M. MAY
Søren Kierkegaard
Author/Editor: Garff, Joakim
The Squam Lake Report
Author/Editor: French, Kenneth R.; Baily, Martin N.; Campbell, John Y
Spying Blind
Author/Editor: Zegart, Amy B
Spring Wildflowers of the Northeast
Author/Editor: Gracie, Carol
The Spread of Novels
Author/Editor: McMurran, Mary Helen
Sporty Creek
Author/Editor: James Still,Paul Brett Johnson
Spookiest Stories Ever
Author/Editor: Roberta Simpson Brown,Lonnie E. Brown,Elizabeth Tucker
Spoken Like a Woman: Speech and Gender in Athenian Drama
Author/Editor: Laura McClure
Split Decisions
Author/Editor: Halley, Janet
The Splendor of Longing in the Tale of the Genji
Author/Editor: Norma Field
Spiritual Marketplace
Author/Editor: Roof, Wade Clark
Spiritual Interrogations
Author/Editor: Bassard, Katherine Clay
The Spirit of Compromise
Author/Editor: Gutmann, Amy; Thompson, Dennis F
The Spirit of Cities
Author/Editor: Bell, Daniel A.; de-Shalit, Avner
The Spirit of Carnival, 1
Author/Editor: David K. Danow
Spinoza's Religion: A New Reading of the Ethics
Author/Editor: Clare Carlisle
Spinoza's Ethics
Author/Editor: Spinoza, Benedictus de; Carlisle, Clare
A Spinoza Reader: The Ethics and Other Works
Author/Editor: Benedict de Spinoza,Edwin Curley
Spinoza and Other Heretics, Volume 2: The Adventures of Immanence
Spinoza and Other Heretics, Volume 1: The Marrano of Reason
Spin Glasses and Other Frustrated Systems
Author/Editor: Chowdhury, Debashish
Spin Glasses and Complexity
Author/Editor: Stein, Daniel L.; Newman, Charles M
Spin Geometry (PMS-38), Volume 38
Author/Editor: Lawson, H. Blaine; Michelsohn, Marie-Louise
Spin Dictators: The Changing Face of Tyranny in the 21st Century
Spin Dictators: The Changing Face of Tyranny in the 21st Century
The Spike: An Epic Journey Through the Brain in 2.1 Seconds
Spies without Cloaks
Author/Editor: Knight, Amy
Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of American Intelligence
Author/Editor: AMY B. ZEGART
Spiderweb Capitalism: How Global Elites Exploit Frontier Markets
Author/Editor: Kimberly Kay Hoang
Spiders of the World: A Natural History
Author/Editor: Norman I. Platnick,Gustavo Hormiga,Peter Jäger,Rudy Jocqué,Norman I. Platnic,Martín J. Ramírez,Robert J. Raven
Spiders of North America, Vol. 154
Author/Editor: Sarah Rose
Spider Communication
Author/Editor: Witt, Peter N.; Rovner, Jerome S
Spherical CR Geometry and Dehn Surgery (AM-165)
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Richard Evan
Sperm Competition and Its Evolutionary Consequences in the Insects
Author/Editor: LEIGH W. SIMMONS
Spenser's Allegory of Justice in Book Five of the Fairie Queen
Author/Editor: Dunseath, T. K
Spenser's Allegory
Author/Editor: MacCaffrey, Isabel Gamble
Spenser, Ronsard, and DuBellay
Author/Editor: Satterthwaite, Alfred W
Spenser and Literary Pictorialism
Author/Editor: Bender, John B
Author/Editor: Tatar, Maria
Speech Matters
Author/Editor: Shiffrin, Seana Valentine
The Speeches in Vergil's Aeneid
Author/Editor: Highet, Gilbert
Speech and Brain Mechanisms
Author/Editor: Penfield, Wilder; Roberts, Lamar
The Spectrum of Political Engagement
Author/Editor: Schalk, David L
The Spectre of War: International Communism and the Origins of World War II, Vol. 184
The Spectre of War: International Communism and the Origins of World War II, Vol. 163
The Spectre of Race
Author/Editor: Hanchard, Michael G
The Spectral Theory of Toeplitz Operators. (AM-99), Volume 99
Author/Editor: Boutet de Monvel, L.; Guillemin, Victor
Spectral Analysis of Economic Time Series. (PSME-1)
Author/Editor: Granger, Clive William John; Hatanaka, Michio
Spectra and Pseudospectra: The Behavior of Nonnormal Matrices and Operators
Author/Editor: Lloyd N. Trefethen,Mark Embree
A Specter is Haunting Europe
Author/Editor: Monleón, José B
Spectacular Bid: The Last Superhorse of the Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Peter Lee
The Spectacle of U.S. Senate Campaigns
Author/Editor: Kim Fridkin Kahn ,Patrick J. Kenney
The Spectacle of Intimacy
Author/Editor: Chase, Karen; Levenson, Michael
Species Tree Inference: A Guide to Methods and Applications
Speaking of Equality
Author/Editor: Westen, P
Speaking Minds
Author/Editor: Baumgartner, Peter; Payr, Sabine
Speak Freely
Author/Editor: Whittington, Keith E
Speak Freely
Author/Editor: Whittington, Keith E
Spatiotemporal Data Analysis
Author/Editor: Eshel, Gidon
Spatial Orientation
Author/Editor: Schone, Hermann
Spatial Ecology
Author/Editor: Tilman, David; Kareiva, Peter
A Sparrowhawk's Lament
Author/Editor: Cobham, David
Spark: The Life of Electricity and the Electricity of Life
Spanish Republic and the Civil War, 1931-1939
Author/Editor: Jackson, Gabriel
Spanish Poetry of the Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: ANDREW P. DEBICKI
The Spanish Ballad in English
Author/Editor: SHASTA M. BRYANT
Spain of Fernando de Rojas
Author/Editor: Gilman, Stephen
The Spaces of the Modern City: Imaginaries, Politics, and Everyday Life, Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Gyan Prakash ,Kevin M. Kruse
Spaces of PL Manifolds and Categories of Simple Maps (AM-186)
Author/Editor: Waldhausen, Friedhelm; Jahren, Bjørn; Rognes, John
A Space on the Side of the Road: Cultural Poetics in an "Other" America
Author/Editor: Kathleen Stewart
The Space Environment: Implications for Spacecraft Design - Revised and Expanded Edition, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: Alan C. Tribble
Sown in the Stars: Planting by the Signs
Author/Editor: Sarah L. Hall ,Meg Wilson ,Ronni Lundy
"So Wise Were Our Elders"
The Soviet Volunteers
Author/Editor: Odom, William E
The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army, 1948-1983
Author/Editor: Rice, Condoleezza
Soviet Strategies in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: McLane, Charles B
Soviets in International Organizations
Author/Editor: Rubinstein, Alvin Z
Soviet Perspectives on International Relations, 1956-1967
Author/Editor: Zimmerman, William
Soviet Intellectuals and Political Power
Author/Editor: Shlapentokh, Vladimir
The Soviet High Command, 1967-1989
Author/Editor: Herspring, Dale Roy
Soviet Grassroots
Author/Editor: Hahn, Jeffrey W
Soviet Foreign Propaganda
Author/Editor: Barghoorn, Frederick Charles
Soviet Cultural Offensive
Author/Editor: Barghoorn, Frederick Charles
The Soviet Century: Archaeology of a Lost World
Soviet Attitudes Toward American Writing
Author/Editor: Brown, Deming
Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920, Volume I: Russia Leaves the War
Author/Editor: GEORGE F. KENNAN
Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920, Volume II: The Decision to Intervene
Author/Editor: GEORGE F. KENNAN
The Soviet Academy of Sciences and the Communist Party, 1927-1932
Author/Editor: Graham, Loren R
Sovereign Wealth Funds
Author/Editor: Clark, Gordon L.; Dixon, Adam D.; Monk, Ashby H.B
The Sovereignty of Reason
Author/Editor: Beiser, Frederick C
Sovereignty and Revolution in the Iberian Atlantic
Author/Editor: Jeremy Adelman
Sovereignty and an Empty Purse
Author/Editor: Hammond, Bray
Author/Editor: Krasner, Stephen D
The Sovereign State and Its Competitors: An Analysis of Systems Change
Sovereign Bodies
Author/Editor: Hansen, Thomas Blom; Stepputat, Finn
South West Africa and the United Nations
Author/Editor: Faye Carroll
South Reports the Civil War
Author/Editor: Andrews, J. Cutlery
South Pacific Diary, 1942-1943
Author/Editor: Ronnie Day
South from Hell-fer-Sartin
Author/Editor: Leonard W. Roberts
Southern Writers at Century's End
Southern Voices: Biet Dong and the National Liberation Front
Author/Editor: MICHAEL ROBERT DEDRICK ,Christoph Giebel
The Southern Strategy Revisited, 1
Author/Editor: Joseph A. Aistrup
Southern Political Party Activists
Southern Nation
Author/Editor: Bateman, David; Katznelson, Ira; Lapinski, John S
Southern Music/American Music, 1
Author/Editor: Bill C. Malone,David Stricklin
Southern Hunting in Black and White: Nature, History, and Ritual in a Carolina Community
Author/Editor: Stuart A. Marks
Southern History on Screen
Author/Editor: Bryan M. Jack
Southern Farmers and Their Stories
Southern Europe in the Age of Revolutions
Author/Editor: Maurizio Isabella
Southern Crossroads
Author/Editor: Walter H. Conser Jr.,Rodger M. Payne,Walter H. Conser Jr.,James R. Curtis,Matthew Day,Marcie Cohen Ferris,Paul Harvey,Samuel S. Hill,Barbara Lau,Bill J. Leonard,William Martin,Donald G. Mathews,William D. Moore,Charles E. Orser Jr.,Diana Pasulka,Celeste R
The Southern Appalachian Region
Southeast Asian Tribes, Minorities, and Nations, Volume 2
Southeast Asian Tribes, Minorities, and Nations, Volume 1
Southeast Asia Among the World Powers
South Asian Politics and Religion
Author/Editor: Smith, Donald Eugene
South Asian History, 1750-1950
Author/Editor: Case, Margaret H
The South and the New Deal
Author/Editor: ROGER BILES
South Africa and the World
Author/Editor: Amry Vandenbosch
The Source of the River
Author/Editor: Massey, Douglas S.; Charles, Camille Z.; Lundy, Garvey
Sourcebook in the Mathematics of Medieval Europe and North Africa
Author/Editor: Katz, Victor J.; Folkerts, Menso; Hughes, Barnabas
Sourcebook in the Mathematics of Ancient Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean
A Source Book in Mathematics, 1200-1800
Author/Editor: Struik, Dirk Jan
A Source Book in Indian Philosophy
Author/Editor: Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli; Moore, Charles A
A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy
Author/Editor: WING-TSIT CHAN
The Sounds of Life: How Digital Technology Is Bringing Us Closer to the Worlds of Animals and Plants
Author/Editor: KAREN BAKKER
Sound, Sense, and Rhythm
Author/Editor: Edwards, Mark W
Sounding the Limits of Life
Author/Editor: Helmreich, Stefan
Sound and Symbol, Volume 1: Music and the External World
Author/Editor: Victor Zuckerkandl,Wlllard R. Trask
The Soul of the World
Author/Editor: Scruton, Roger
Author/Editor: Nemerov, Alexander
The Soulful Science
Author/Editor: Coyle, Diane
Souled Out
Author/Editor: Dionne, E. J
Soul Dust
Author/Editor: Humphrey, Nicholas
Soul and Substance: A Poet's Examination Papers
Author/Editor: Jay Wright
So Simple a Beginning: How Four Physical Principles Shape Our Living World
Author/Editor: Raghuveer Parthasarathy
Sorting Out the Mixed Economy
Author/Editor: Offner, Amy C
Sorrow and Consolation in Italian Humanism
Author/Editor: McClure, George W
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Author/Editor: Zipes, Jack
Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context
Author/Editor: Jacques Jouanna
Sons of the Soil
Author/Editor: Weiner, Myron
Sons of the Prophets
Author/Editor: Kerr, Hugh Thomson
Sonorous Desert: What Deep Listening Taught Early Christian Monks—and What It Can Teach Us
Author/Editor: Kim Haines-Eitzen
Songs of Something Else
Songs of Life and Grace
Author/Editor: Linda Scott DeRosier
Songs of Gods, Songs of Humans
Author/Editor: Phillipi, Donald L
The Song of Songs
Author/Editor: Pardes, Ilana
Song for an Equinox
The Son Also Rises
Author/Editor: Clark, Gregory
So Much to Lose
Author/Editor: William J. Rust
Some Vistas of Modern Mathematics
Author/Editor: Richard Bellman
Something's Rising
Author/Editor: Silas House,Jason Howard,Lee Smith
Some Problems of Unlikely Intersections in Arithmetic and Geometry (AM-181)
Author/Editor: Zannier, Umberto
Some Problems in Chemical Kinetics and Reactivity, Volume 2
Author/Editor: N. N. SEMENOV,Michel Boudart
Some Problems in Chemical Kinetics and Reactivity, Volume 1
Author/Editor: N. N. SEMENOV,Michel Boudart
Someone, No One
Author/Editor: Burridge, Kenelm
Some Like It Wilder
Author/Editor: GENE D. PHILLIPS
Some Adaptations of Marsh-Nesting Blackbirds. (MPB-14), Volume 14
Author/Editor: GORDON H. ORIANS
A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem
Author/Editor: King, Gary
Solomon's Knot
Author/Editor: Cooter, Robert D.; Schäfer, Hans-Bernd
Solo in the New Order: Language and Hierarchy in an Indonesian City
Author/Editor: James T. Siegel
The Solitary Bees
Author/Editor: Danforth, Bryan N.; Minckley, Robert L.; Neff, John L
Solid Propellant Rockets
Author/Editor: Huggett, Clayton; Bartley, C. E.; Mills, Mark M
Solid Objects
Author/Editor: Mao, Douglas
Solid Biomechanics
Author/Editor: Ennos, Roland
The Solidarity Economy: Nonprofits and the Making of Neoliberalism after Empire
Author/Editor: Tehila Sasson
Soldiers of Destruction: The SS Death's Head Division, 1933-1945 - Updated Edition
Author/Editor: CHARLES W. SYDNOR JR.
Soldiers and the Soviet State
Author/Editor: Colton, Timothy J.; Gustafson, Thane
Soldiers and Scholars
Author/Editor: Masland, John Wesley; Radway, Laurence I
Soldier in the Sinai
Author/Editor: Emanuel Sakal,Moshe Tlamim
The Soldier Image and State-Building in Modern China, 1924-1945
Author/Editor: Yan Xu
The Soldier and the Changing State
Author/Editor: Barany, Zoltan
The Soil and Health
Author/Editor: Albert Howard,Wendell Berry
Soft News Goes to War
Author/Editor: Baum, Matthew A
Soft Force
Author/Editor: McLarney, Ellen Anne
Socratic Citizenship
Author/Editor: Dana Villa
Socrates in the Boardroom
Author/Editor: Goodall, Amanda H
Socrates and the State
Author/Editor: Richard Kraut
Sociomedical Perspectives on Patient Care
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Michael Clair,Richard M. Allman
The Society of Captives: A Study of a Maximum Security Prison, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: GRESHAM M. SYKES,Bruce Western
Society and the Adolescent Self-Image
Author/Editor: Rosenberg, Morris
Society and Sentiment
Author/Editor: Phillips, Mark Salber
Society and Economy in Colonial Connecticut
Author/Editor: Main, Jackson Turner
Social World of Florentine Humanists, 1390-1460
Author/Editor: Martines, Lauro
The Social Vision of William Blake
Author/Editor: Ferber, Michael
Social Trends in American Life
Author/Editor: Marsden, Peter V
Social Structures
Author/Editor: Martin, John Levi
Social Structure of Revolutionary America
Author/Editor: Main, Jackson Turner
A Social Strategy
Author/Editor: Piskorski, Mikolaj Jan
Social States
Author/Editor: Johnston, Alastair Iain
The Social Self
Author/Editor: Joseph Alkana