Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with U (170) | Information |
Utopophobia: On the Limits (If Any) of Political Philosophy |
Author/Editor: David Estlund
Utopias of One |
Author/Editor: Kotin, Joshua
Utopianism for a Dying Planet: Life after Consumerism |
Utopian Generations |
Author/Editor: Brown, Nicholas
Utopia/Dystopia |
Author/Editor: Gordin, Michael D.; Tilley, Helen; Prakash, Gyan
Utmost Art |
Author/Editor: Mary Ellen Rickey
The U.S. South and Europe |
Author/Editor: Cornelis A. van Minnen,Manfred Berg
The USS Flier |
Author/Editor: Michael Sturma
The US Senate and the Commonwealth: Kentucky Lawmakers and the Evolution of Legislative Leadership |
Author/Editor: Mitch McConnell,Roy E. Brownell II,LAMAR ALEXANDER
US Presidential Elections and Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Andrew Johnstone,Andrew Priest
U.S. Naval Gunfire Support in the Pacific War: A Study of the Development and Application of Doctrine |
Author/Editor: Donald K. Mitchener
U.S. Marines and Amphibious Warfare |
Author/Editor: Isely, Jeter A.; Crowl, Philip A
U.S. International Monetary Policy |
Author/Editor: Odell, John S
U.S. Intelligence and the Soviet Strategic Threat |
Author/Editor: Freedman, Lawrence
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part I |
Author/Editor: Gibbons, William Conrad
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part II |
Author/Editor: Gibbons, William Conrad
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part III |
Author/Editor: Gibbons, William Conrad
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part IV |
Author/Editor: Gibbons, William Conrad
U.S. Foreign Policy and the Law of the Sea |
Author/Editor: ANN L. HOLLICK
The Uses of Talent |
Author/Editor: Wolfle, Dael Lee
The Uses of Literature: Life in the Socialist Chinese Literary System |
Author/Editor: PERRY LINK
The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Flexner, Abraham
Useful Adversaries: Grand Strategy, Domestic Mobilization, and Sino-American Conflict, 1947-1958 |
Author/Editor: Thomas J. Christensen
The Use and Abuse of Art |
Author/Editor: Jacques Barzun
Usable Theory |
Author/Editor: Rueschemeyer, Dietrich
The Urban South |
Urban Society in an Age of War |
Author/Editor: Friedrichs, Christopher R
Urban Rivalries in the French Revolution |
Author/Editor: TED W. MARGADANT
Urban Recycling and the Search for Sustainable Community Development |
Author/Editor: Weinberg, Adam S.; Pellow, David N.; Schnaiberg, Allan
Urban Power: Democracy and Inequality in São Paulo and Johannesburg |
Author/Editor: Benjamin H. Bradlow
Urban Networks in Russia, 1750-1800, and Pre-modern Periodization |
Author/Editor: Rozman, Gilbert
Urban Networks in Ch'ing China and Tokugawa Japan |
Author/Editor: Rozman, Gilbert
Urban Guerrilla Warfare |
Author/Editor: Anthony James Joes
Urban Elites and Mass Transportation |
Author/Editor: Whitt, J. Allen
The Urban Brain: Mental Health in the Vital City |
Author/Editor: Nikolas Rose ,Des Fitzgerald
Upward Mobility and the Common Good |
Author/Editor: Robbins, Bruce
Upscaling Downtown |
Author/Editor: Ocejo, Richard E
Uprooted |
Author/Editor: Thum, Gregor
Upheaval |
Author/Editor: Chris Holbrook
Up Cutshin and Down Greasy |
Author/Editor: Leonard W. Roberts
An Unwritten Future: Realism and Uncertainty in World Politics |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Kirshner
Untying the Knot |
Author/Editor: Metz, Tamara
An Untouchable Community in South India |
Author/Editor: Moffatt, Michael
Until We Have Won Our Liberty: South Africa after Apartheid |
Unsung Voices |
Author/Editor: Abbate, Carolyn
The Unstill Ones |
Author/Editor: Oberman, Miller
Unsolved Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory |
Author/Editor: Blondel, Vincent D.; Megretski, Alexandre
Unsolved Problems in Ecology |
Author/Editor: Andrew Dobson,Robert D. Holt,David Tilman
Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics |
Author/Editor: Bahcall, John N.; Ostriker, Jeremiah P
Unsolved History |
Author/Editor: JOE NICKELL
Unsolved! |
Author/Editor: Bauer, Craig P
The Unsolid South |
Author/Editor: Devin Caughey
Unsettled Account |
Author/Editor: Grossman, Richard S
Unseasonal Migrations |
Unrivalled Influence |
Author/Editor: Herrin, Judith
The Unquiet Frontier |
Author/Editor: Grygiel, Jakub J.; Mitchell, A. Wess
Unpremeditated Verse |
Author/Editor: Shumaker, Wayne
The Unpredictable Species |
Author/Editor: Lieberman, Philip
Unpaid Professionals |
Author/Editor: Zimbalist, Andrew
Unnatural Selection |
Author/Editor: van Grouw, Katrina
Unnatural Ability: The History of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Thoroughbred Racing |
Author/Editor: MILTON C. TOBY
Unlocking the Gates |
Author/Editor: Walsh, Taylor
Unless You Believe, You Shall Not Understand |
Author/Editor: Shank, Michael H
The Unknown Dead |
Author/Editor: Peter Schrijvers
The University of Louisville |
Author/Editor: Dwayne D. Cox,William J. Morison
The University of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Carl B. Cone
The University in Transition |
Author/Editor: Perkins, James Alfred
The University in the American Future |
The University in Society, Volume II |
Author/Editor: Stone, Lawrence
The University in Society, Volume I |
Author/Editor: Stone, Lawrence
The University and the Global Knowledge Society |
Author/Editor: David John Frank,John W. Meyer
Universities in the Marketplace |
Author/Editor: Bok, Derek
Universities and Their Leadership |
Author/Editor: Bowen, William G.; Shapiro, Harold T
The Universe in Zero Words |
Author/Editor: Mackenzie, Dana
The Universe in a Mirror |
Author/Editor: Zimmerman, Robert
Uniting Against the Reich: The American Air War in Europe |
United States National Interests in a Changing World |
Author/Editor: Donald E. Nuechterlein
The United States and the Origins of the Cuban Revolution: An Empire of Liberty in an Age of National Liberation |
Author/Editor: JULES R. BENJAMIN
The United States and the Caribbean Republics, 1921-1933 |
Author/Editor: Munro, Dana Gardner
The United States and NATO |
Author/Editor: Lawrence S. Kaplan
The United States and Japan in the Postwar World |
Author/Editor: Akira Iriye,Warren I. Cohen
The United Nations in International Politics |
The United Nations in Bangladesh |
Author/Editor: Oliver, Thomas W
Unitary Representations of Reductive Lie Groups. (AM-118), Volume 118 |
Author/Editor: Vogan, David A
A Uniquely American Epic: Intimacy and Action, Tenderness and Violence in Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch |
Author/Editor: Michael Bliss
A Union Woman in Civil War Kentucky: The Diary of Frances Peter |
Author/Editor: Frances Peter ,John David Smith ,William Cooper Jr.
A Union Woman in Civil War Kentucky, 1 |
Author/Editor: John David Smith,William Cooper Jr.
Unions in Politics |
Author/Editor: Marks, Gary Wolfe
The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography (MPB-32) |
Author/Editor: Hubbell, Stephen P
Unified Growth Theory |
Author/Editor: Galor, Oded
The Unheavenly Chorus |
Author/Editor: Schlozman, Kay Lehman; Verba, Sidney; Brady, Henry E
Unhealthy Politics: The Battle over Evidence-Based Medicine, Ed. REV - Revised |
Author/Editor: Eric M. Patashnik,Alan S. Gerber,Conor M. Dowling
Unhealthy Politics |
Author/Editor: Patashnik, Eric M.; Gerber, Alan S.; Dowling, Conor M
Ungoverning: The Attack on the Administrative State and the Politics of Chaos |
Author/Editor: Russell Muirhead ,Nancy L. Rosenblum
Unfree Speech |
Author/Editor: Smith, Bradley A
The Unfolding God of Jung and Milton |
Author/Editor: JAMES P. DRISCOLL
The Unfeathered Bird |
Author/Editor: van Grouw, Katrina
Unfabling the East |
Author/Editor: Osterhammel, Jürgen
Uneven Ground |
Author/Editor: Ronald D Eller
Uneven Centuries |
Author/Editor: ŞEVKET PAMUK
UNESCO and World Politics |
Author/Editor: Sewell, James Patrick
Unequal Gains |
Author/Editor: Lindert, Peter H.; Williamson, Jeffrey G
Unequal Democracy |
Author/Editor: Bartels, Larry M
Unequal Democracy |
Author/Editor: Bartels, Larry M
Unequal Chances |
Author/Editor: Bowles, Samuel; Gintis, Herbert; Osborne Groves, Melissa
Unequal and Unrepresented |
Author/Editor: Schlozman, Kay Lehman; Brady, Henry E.; Verba, Sidney
Unelected Power |
Author/Editor: Tucker, Paul
Unelected Power |
Author/Editor: Tucker, Paul
Uneducated Guesses |
Author/Editor: Wainer, Howard
Uneasy Street |
Author/Editor: Sherman, Rachel
Uneasy Street |
Author/Editor: Sherman, Rachel
An Uneasy Solitude |
Author/Editor: Gonnaud, Maurice
Uneasy Alliances |
Author/Editor: Frymer, Paul
The Undivine Comedy |
Author/Editor: Barolini, Teodolinda
The Undiscovered Self |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Undiluted Hocus-Pocus |
Author/Editor: Gardner, Martin
Undesirable Immigrants: Why Racism Persists in International Migration, Vol. 198 |
Undesirable Immigrants: Why Racism Persists in International Migration, Vol. 200 |
The Underwater Eye: How the Movie Camera Opened the Depths and Unleashed New Realms of Fantasy |
Under the Nuclear Shadow: China’s Information-Age Weapons in International Security |
Under the Influence: Putting Peer Pressure to Work |
Author/Editor: ROBERT H. FRANK
Under the Influence: Putting Peer Pressure to Work |
Author/Editor: Robert H. Frank
Under the Greenwood Tree: A Celebration of Kentucky Shakespeare |
Author/Editor: TRACY E. K’MEYER
Under the Cover |
Under the Bombs |
Author/Editor: Earl R. Beck
Understanding War: Essays on Clausewitz and the History of Military Power |
Author/Editor: Peter Paret
Understanding the Process of Economic Change |
Author/Editor: North, Douglass C
Understanding the Digital World |
Author/Editor: Kernighan, Brian
Understanding Terence |
Author/Editor: Goldberg, Sander M
Understanding State Constitutions |
Author/Editor: Tarr, G. Alan
Understanding Quantum Mechanics |
Author/Editor: ROLAND OMNÈS
Understanding Marx |
Author/Editor: Wolff, Robert Paul
Understanding Interdependence: The Macroeconomics of the Open Economy |
Author/Editor: Peter B. Kenen
Understanding Institutions |
Author/Editor: Guala, Francesco
Understanding Institutional Diversity |
Author/Editor: Ostrom, Elinor
Understanding Emerson: "The American Scholar" and His Struggle for Self-Reliance |
Author/Editor: Kenneth S. Sacks
Understanding Bird Behavior: An Illustrated Guide to What Birds Do and Why |
Understanding Autism |
Author/Editor: Silverman, Chloe
Undermining Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Krieger, Joel
Undermined Establishment |
Author/Editor: Handy, Robert T
Underdeveloped Areas Within the Common Market |
Author/Editor: Barzanti, Sergio
Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Mark R. Cohen
The Underclass Debate |
Author/Editor: Katz, Michael B
Uncovering Dinosaur Behavior: What They Did and How We Know |
Author/Editor: David Hone ,GABRIEL UGUETO
Uncouth Nation |
Author/Editor: Markovits, Andrei S
Uncorked |
Author/Editor: Liger-Belair, Gérard
Unconscious Structure in The Idiot |
Author/Editor: Dalton, Elizabeth
Unconditional Equals |
Author/Editor: ANNE PHILLIPS
Uncle Will of Wildwood |
Author/Editor: FRANCES JEWELL McVEY,ROBERT BERRY JEWELL,Thomas D. Clark,Robert James Foose
Uncle Sam's War of 1898 and the Origins of Globalization |
Author/Editor: Thomas Schoonover,Walter LaFeber
Uncle Bud Long |
Author/Editor: Kenneth W. Clarke
Uncivil Mirth: Ridicule in Enlightenment Britain |
Author/Editor: Ross Carroll
Uncivil Disobedience |
Author/Editor: Kirkpatrick, Jennet
Unchained Voices, 2 |
Author/Editor: Vincent Carretta
An Uncertain Glory |
Author/Editor: Drèze, Jean; Sen, Amartya
Unceasing Strife, Unending Fear |
Author/Editor: Jordan, William Chester
Unanswered Threats |
Author/Editor: Schweller, Randall L
UnAfrican Americans |
Author/Editor: Tunde Adeleke
Ulysses' Sail |
Author/Editor: Helms, Mary W
ULYSSES in Progress |
Author/Editor: Groden, Michael
ULYSSES and Justice |
Author/Editor: McMichael, James
The Ultimate Resource 2 |
Author/Editor: Julian L. Simon
The Ultimate Resource |
Author/Editor: JULIAN L. SIMON
The Ultimate Quotable Einstein |
Author/Editor: Einstein, Albert; Calaprice, Alice
Ultimate Questions |
Author/Editor: Magee, Bryan
The Ultimate Book of Saturday Science |
Author/Editor: Downie, Neil A
The Ulama in Contemporary Islam |
Author/Editor: Zaman, Muhammad Qasim
Ugo Foscolo |
Author/Editor: Cambon, Glauco
Ugliness and Judgment |
Author/Editor: Hyde, Timothy
U.D.I |
Author/Editor: Good, Robert C