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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with W ( displaying 500 of 502 ) | Information |
Wu Wenying and the Art of Southern Song Ci Poetry |
Author/Editor: Fong, Grace S
A Written Republic |
Author/Editor: Baraz, Yelena
Written on the Body: The Tattoo in European and American History |
Author/Editor: JANE CAPLAN
Writing with Pleasure, Vol. 11 |
Author/Editor: HELEN SWORD ,Selina Tusitala Marsh
Writing the Legal Record |
Author/Editor: KURT X. METZMEIER
Writing Southern Politics |
Author/Editor: Robert P. Steed,Laurence W. Moreland
Writing Outside the Nation |
Author/Editor: Seyhan, Azade
Writing on the Wall |
Author/Editor: Stern, Karen B
Writing Appalachia: An Anthology |
Author/Editor: Katherine Ledford,Theresa Lloyd,Rebecca Stephens
The Writer Writing |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Francis-Noël
Writers and Miners, 1 |
Author/Editor: David C. Duke
Write like a Man: Jewish Masculinity and the New York Intellectuals |
Author/Editor: Ronnie A. Grinberg
Wright on Exhibit: Frank Lloyd Wright's Architectural Exhibitions |
Author/Editor: KATHRYN SMITH
The WPA Guide to Kentucky |
Author/Editor: F. Kevin Simon,Thomas D. Clark
The Wounded Animal |
Author/Editor: Mulhall, Stephen
Would You Kill the Fat Man? |
Author/Editor: Edmonds, David
The Worst of Times |
Author/Editor: Wignall, Paul B
Worshipping Walt: The Whitman Disciples |
Author/Editor: Michael Robertson
Worship and Theology in England, Volume IV |
Author/Editor: Davies, Horton
Worship and Theology in England, Volume III |
Author/Editor: Davies, Horton
Worse Than a Monolith |
Author/Editor: Christensen, Thomas J
A World without Why |
Author/Editor: Geuss, Raymond
The World Trading System at Risk |
Author/Editor: Bhagwati, Jagdish N
The World They Made Together: Black and White Values in Eighteenth-Century Virginia |
Author/Editor: MECHAL SOBEL
The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe |
Author/Editor: JAMES BELICH
Worlds Within Worlds |
Author/Editor: Costlow, Jane Tussey
The World's Rarest Birds |
Author/Editor: Hirschfeld, Erik; Swash, Andy; Still, Robert
The Worlds of Alfonso the Learned and James the Conqueror |
Author/Editor: Burns, Robert Ignatius
The World's Eye |
Author/Editor: Albert M. Potts
Worlds Enough: The Invention of Realism in the Victorian Novel |
Author/Editor: Elaine Freedgood
Worlds Apart |
Author/Editor: Milanovic, Branko
A World Safe for Commerce: American Foreign Policy from the Revolution to the Rise of China, Vol. 209 |
Author/Editor: DALE C. COPELAND
A World Ruled by Number |
Author/Editor: Schabas, Margaret
World Politics on Screen |
Author/Editor: Mark Sachleben
The World Philosophy Made: From Plato to the Digital Age |
Author/Editor: SCOTT SOAMES
World Out of Balance |
Author/Editor: Brooks, Stephen G.; Wohlforth, William C
World Order and Local Disorder |
Author/Editor: Miller, Linda B
A World of Struggle |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, David
World of Relations |
Author/Editor: DAVID M. ROBINSON
The World of Prometheus |
Author/Editor: Allen, Danielle S
The World Of Hannah More, 1 |
Worldmaking Spenser |
Author/Editor: Patrick Cheney,Lauren Silberman
Worldmaking after Empire |
Author/Editor: Getachew, Adom
Worldly Philosopher |
Author/Editor: Adelman, Jeremy
The World Is Our Home |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey J. Folks,Nancy Summers Folks
The World in a Book |
Author/Editor: Muhanna, Elias
A World Divided |
Author/Editor: Weitz, Eric D
The World at Play in Boccaccio's Decameron |
Author/Editor: Mazzotta, Giuseppe
The World Atlas of Trees and Forests: Exploring Earth's Forest Ecosystems |
Author/Editor: Herman Shugart ,Peter White ,Sassan Saatchi ,Jérôme Chave
The World Atlas of Rivers, Estuaries, and Deltas |
The World According to Physics |
Author/Editor: Al-Khalili, Jim
Works on the Foundations of Statistical Physics |
Author/Editor: Krylov, Nikolai Sergeevich
The Work of the Dead |
Author/Editor: Laqueur, Thomas W
Work Matters: How Parents’ Jobs Shape Children’s Well-Being |
Working Together |
Author/Editor: Poteete, Amy R.; Janssen, Marco A.; Ostrom, Elinor
Working for the Railroad |
Author/Editor: Licht, Walter
Working-Class Utopias: A History of Cooperative Housing in New York City |
Working-Class Mobilization and Political Control |
Author/Editor: CHARLES L. DAVIS
Working-Class Hollywood: Silent Film and the Shaping of Class in America |
Author/Editor: Steven J. Ross
Working-Class Formation: Ninteenth-Century Patterns in Western Europe and the United States |
Author/Editor: Ira Katznelson ,Aristide R. Zolberg
Working-Class Americanism: The Politics of Labor in a Textile City, 1914-1960 |
Author/Editor: GARY GERSTLE
Workers Under Stress |
Author/Editor: STUART M. KLEIN
Workers' Tales |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Michael J
Workers, Strikes, and Pogroms |
Author/Editor: Wynn, Charters
Workers, Factories and Social Changes in India |
Workers and the Right in Spain, 1900-1936 |
Author/Editor: Winston, Colin M
Work and Welfare |
Author/Editor: Solow, Robert M.; Gutmann, Amy
Workable Sisterhood |
Author/Editor: Berger, Michele Tracy
Words of Light |
Author/Editor: Cadava, Eduardo
Words of Eternity |
Author/Editor: De Luca, Vincent Arthur
Words for the Heart: A Treasury of Emotions from Classical India |
Author/Editor: Maria Heim
Words and Distinctions for the Common Good: Practical Reason in the Logic of Social Science |
Author/Editor: GABRIEL ABEND
The Wordhord: Daily Life in Old English |
Author/Editor: Hana Videen
The Woolen Industry of the Midwest |
Woody Plants of Kentucky and Tennessee |
Author/Editor: Ronald L. Jones,B. Eugene Wofford
Woodrow Wilson |
Author/Editor: Mulder, John M
Woodrow Wilson |
Author/Editor: Myers, William Starr
Woodrow Wilson |
Author/Editor: Weinstein, Edwin A
Wonderstruck: How Wonder and Awe Shape the Way We Think |
Author/Editor: HELEN DE CRUZ
Wonderful Wasteland and other natural disasters: Poems |
Womunafu's Bunafu |
Author/Editor: Cohen, David William
Women Writers and Poetic Identity |
Author/Editor: Homans, Margaret
Women Who Made a Difference |
Author/Editor: Carol Crowe-Carraco
The Women's Liberation Movement in Russia: Feminism, Nihilsm, and Bolshevism, 1860-1930 - Expanded Edition |
Women's Acts, 1 |
Women Politicians and the Media |
Author/Editor: Maria Braden
The Women of Country Music |
Women in Western Political Thought |
Author/Editor: Okin, Susan Moller
Women in the Middle East |
Author/Editor: Keddie, Nikki R
Women in the Medieval Spanish Epic and Lyric Traditions |
Author/Editor: Lucy A. Sponsler
Women in Purple: Rulers of Medieval Byzantium |
Author/Editor: Judith Herrin
Women in Kentucky, 1 |
Women Healers and Physicians |
Author/Editor: LILIAN R. FURST
Women Editing Modernism, 1 |
Author/Editor: Jayne E. Marek
Women Don't Ask |
Author/Editor: Babcock, Linda; Laschever, Sara
Women at the Beginning |
Author/Editor: Geary, Patrick J
Women Artists in Expressionism: From Empire to Emancipation |
Author/Editor: Shulamith Behr
Women and the White House |
Author/Editor: Justin S. Vaughn,Lilly J. Goren
Women and Reform in a New England Community, 1815-1860, 1 |
Author/Editor: Carolyn J. Lawes
The Woman Who Dared: The Life and Times of Pearl White, Queen of the Serials |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM M. DREW
A Woman Under the Surface: Poems and Prose Poems |
Author/Editor: Alicia Ostriker
A Woman's Wage, 2 |
Author/Editor: Alice Kessler-Harris
A Woman's Wage |
Author/Editor: Alice Kessler-Harris
Woman's Body, Woman's Word |
Author/Editor: Fedwa Malti-Douglas
The Woman Question in Islamic Studies |
Author/Editor: KECIA ALI
Woman Earthly and Divine in the Comedy of Dante |
A Woman, A Man, and Two Kingdoms |
Author/Editor: Steegmuller, Francis
Wollstonecraft: Philosophy, Passion, and Politics |
Author/Editor: Sylvana Tomaselli
The Wolfpen Notebooks |
Author/Editor: JAMES STILL,Eliot Wigginton
Wizards, Aliens, and Starships |
Author/Editor: Adler, Charles L
Wittgenstein Reads Freud |
Author/Editor: Bouveresse, Jacques
Wittgenstein on the Arbitrariness of Grammar |
Author/Editor: Forster, Michael N
Witnesses to a Vanishing America |
Author/Editor: Mitchell, Lee Clark
With Utmost Spirit |
Author/Editor: Barbara Brooks Tomblin
With the Tigers over China, 1941-1942 |
Author/Editor: Jerome Klinkowitz
With the Stroke of a Pen: Executive Orders and Presidential Power |
Author/Editor: Kenneth R. Mayer
Without Consent |
Author/Editor: Warren E. Miller
With Mortal Voice |
Author/Editor: John T. Shawcross
With Charity for All |
Author/Editor: William C. Harris
With Amusement for All |
Author/Editor: LeROY ASHBY
With a Hammer for My Heart |
Wisdom's Workshop |
Author/Editor: Axtell, James
The Wisdom of the Serpent: The Myths of Death, Rebirth, and Resurrection. |
The Wisdom of Frugality |
Author/Editor: Westacott, Emrys
Winter Fruit |
Author/Editor: Dale B. J. Randall
The Winning Weapon |
Author/Editor: Herken, Gregg
The Winning Tradition, 2 |
Author/Editor: Bert Nelli,Steve Nelli
Winning |
Author/Editor: Duina, Francesco
Winners and Losers: The Psychology of Foreign Trade, Vol. 27 |
Author/Editor: Diana C. Mutz
Winnebagos on Wednesdays |
Author/Editor: Cowen, Scott
Wing Theory |
Author/Editor: Jones, Robert Thomas
Wingless Flight |
Author/Editor: R. Dale Reed,Darlene Lister,Chuck Yeager
The Wine Revolution in France |
Author/Editor: Loubère, Leo A
Wind Wizard |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Siobhan
Window to Critism |
Author/Editor: Krieger, Murray
Window to Criticism |
Author/Editor: Krieger, Murray
The Winding Road to the Welfare State |
Author/Editor: George R. Boyer
The Wind From the East |
Author/Editor: Wolin, Richard
The Wind from the East |
Author/Editor: Wolin, Richard
Wilson, Volume V |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Woodrow
Wilson, Volume IV |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Woodrow
Wilson, Volume III |
Author/Editor: Link, Arthur S
Wilson, Volume II |
Author/Editor: Link, Arthur S
Wilson, Volume I |
Author/Editor: Link, Arthur S
Will You Be Alive 10 Years from Now? |
Author/Editor: Nahin, Paul J
Will to Live: AIDS Therapies and the Politics of Survival |
Author/Editor: João Biehl ,Torben Eskerod
Will This Be on the Test? |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Dana T.; Price, Jennifer E
Willis Duke Weatherford |
William Wyler |
William Penn and Early Quakerism |
Author/Editor: Endy, Melvin B
William Penn |
Author/Editor: Dunn, Mary Maples
William of Auvergne and Robert Grosseteste |
Author/Editor: Marrone, Steven P
William Motherwell's Cultural Politics |
William Louis Poteat |
Author/Editor: Randal L. Hall
William James on Consciousness beyond the Margin |
Author/Editor: Eugene Taylor
William H. Crawford |
Author/Editor: Chase C. Mooney
William Golding |
Author/Editor: Jack I. Biles,Robert O. Evans
William Goebel, 1 |
Author/Editor: JAMES C. KLOTTER
William Faulkner |
Author/Editor: HYATT H. WAGGONER
William Faulkner |
Author/Editor: Godden, Richard
William Dunbar |
Author/Editor: ARTHUR H. DeROSIER JR.
William Carlos Williams and the Ethics of Painting |
Author/Editor: Diggory, Terence
William Billings of Boston |
Author/Editor: McKay, David Phares; Crawford, Richard
Wilhelm Raabe |
Wilhelm Dilthey: Selected Works, Volume VI: Ethical and World-View Philosophy |
Author/Editor: WILHELM DILTHEY,Rudolf A. Makkreel,Frithjof Rodi
Wilhelm Dilthey: Selected Works, Volume IV |
Author/Editor: Dilthey, Wilhelm; Makkreel, Rudolf A.; Rodi, Frijhthof
Wilhelm Dilthey: Selected Works, Volume III: The Formation of the Historical World in the Human Sciences |
Author/Editor: WILHELM DILTHEY ,Rudolf A. Makkreel ,Frithjof Rodi
Wild Yet Tasty: A Guide to Edible Plants of Eastern Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Dan Dourson,Judy Dourson,Judy Dourson
Wild Profusion |
Author/Editor: Lowe, Celia
Wild Lily, Prairie Fire |
Author/Editor: Benton, Gregor; Hunter, Alan
Wildlife of the Caribbean |
Author/Editor: Raffaele, Herbert A.; Wiley, James
Wildlife of Southeast Asia |
Author/Editor: SUSAN MYERS
Wildlife of Madeira and the Canary Islands |
Author/Editor: Bowler, John
Wildlife of Madagascar |
Author/Editor: Behrens, Ken; Barnes, Keith
Wildlife of Ecuador |
Author/Editor: Andrés Vásquez Noboa,Pablo Cervantes Daza
Wildlife of Australia |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Iain; Woods, Sam
A Wildlife Guide to Chile |
Author/Editor: Chester, Sharon
Wild Honey Bees: An Intimate Portrait |
Wildflowers of Mammoth Cave National Park |
Author/Editor: Randy Seymour
Wildflowers and Ferns of Red River Gorge and the Greater Red River Basin |
Author/Editor: Dan Dourson,Judy Dourson,Halard Lescinsky,Adam Rollins,Alan Cornette,Tara Littlefield,Julian Campbell,Elijah Hicks,Dan Dourson
Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Thomas G. Barnes,S. Wilson Francis
Wildcat Memories |
The Wife of Bath: A Biography |
Author/Editor: MARION TURNER
Wide Neighborhoods: A Story of the Frontier Nursing Service |
Author/Editor: Mary Breckinridge
Why Wilson Matters |
Author/Editor: Smith, Tony
Why We Vote |
Author/Editor: Campbell, David E
Why We Fought |
Author/Editor: Peter C. Rollins,John E. O’Connor
Why We Are Restless: On the Modern Quest for Contentment |
Why Trust Science? |
Author/Editor: Oreskes, Naomi; Macedo, Stephen
Why Trust Science? |
Author/Editor: NAOMI ORESKES
Why Trust Matters |
Author/Editor: Hetherington, Marc J
Why Tolerate Religion? |
Author/Editor: Leiter, Brian
Why Tolerate Religion? |
Author/Editor: Leiter, Brian
Why the Wealthy Give |
Author/Editor: Ostrower, Francie
Why the French Don't Like Headscarves |
Author/Editor: Bowen, John R
Why Stock Markets Crash |
Author/Editor: Sornette, Didier
Why Stock Markets Crash |
Author/Editor: Didier Sornette
Why Size Matters: From Bacteria to Blue Whales, Vol. 142 |
Author/Editor: John Tyler Bonner
Why Size Matters |
Author/Editor: Bonner, John Tyler
Why Sex Matters |
Author/Editor: Low, Bobbi S
Why Sex Matters |
Author/Editor: Low, Bobbi S
Why Religion Is Good for American Democracy |
Why Preserve Natural Variety? |
Author/Editor: Norton, Bryan G
Why Philanthropy Matters |
Author/Editor: Acs, Zoltan
Why People Obey the Law |
Author/Editor: TOM R. TYLER
Why People Cooperate |
Author/Editor: Tyler, Tom R
Why Not Socialism? |
Author/Editor: Cohen, G. A
Why Not Kill Them All? |
Author/Editor: Chirot, Daniel; McCauley, Clark
Why Not Default? |
Author/Editor: Roos, Jerome E
Why Nationalism, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Yael Tamir,Dani Rodrik
Why Nationalism |
Author/Editor: Yael Tamir,DANI RODRIK
Why Movements Succeed or Fail |
Author/Editor: Banaszak, Lee Ann
Why Minsky Matters |
Author/Editor: Wray, L. Randall
Why Men Won't Ask for Directions |
Author/Editor: Francis, Richard C
Why Is There No Labor Party in the United States? |
Author/Editor: Archer, Robin
Why Government Fails So Often |
Author/Editor: Schuck, Peter H
Why Gender Matters in Economics |
Why Everyone (Else) Is a Hypocrite |
Author/Editor: Kurzban, Robert
Why Ethics? |
Author/Editor: Gibbs, Robert
Why Did Europe Conquer the World? |
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Philip T
Why Deliberative Democracy? |
Author/Editor: Gutmann, Amy; Thompson, Dennis F
Why Cats Land on Their Feet |
Author/Editor: Levi, Mark
Why Can the Dead Do Such Great Things? |
Author/Editor: Bartlett, Robert
Why Australia Prospered |
Author/Editor: McLean, Ian W
Why Are There So Many Banking Crises? |
Author/Editor: Rochet, Jean-Charles
Why a Painting Is Like a Pizza: A Guide to Understanding and Enjoying Modern Art |
Author/Editor: Nancy G. Heller
Why Americans Hate the Media and How It Matters |
Author/Editor: Ladd, Jonathan M
Why Americans Don't Join the Party |
Author/Editor: Hajnal, Zoltan L.; Lee, Taeku
Why Air Forces Fail: The Anatomy of Defeat, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Robin Higham ,Stephen J. Harris
Why Air Forces Fail, 2 |
Author/Editor: Robin Higham,Stephen J. Harris
Why Air Forces Fail |
Author/Editor: Robin Higham,Stephen J. Harris
Why Adjudicate? |
Author/Editor: Davis, Christina L
Why? |
Author/Editor: Tilly, Charles
Who We Are |
Author/Editor: Wiebe, Robert H
Who Votes Now? |
Author/Editor: Leighley, Jan E.; Nagler, Jonathan
Who Voted for Hitler? |
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Richard F
Whose Muse? |
Author/Editor: Cuno, James
Whose Culture? |
Author/Editor: Cuno, James
Who's #1? |
Author/Editor: Langville, Amy N.; Meyer, Carl D
Who Owns Appalachia? |
Who Owns Antiquity? |
Author/Editor: Cuno, James
The Whole Truth: A Cosmologist’s Reflections on the Search for Objective Reality |
Author/Editor: P. J. E. Peebles
The Whole Difference |
Author/Editor: Hofmannsthal, Hugo Von; McClatchy, J. D
Who Fights for Reputation |
Author/Editor: Keren Yarhi-Milo,G. John Ikenberry,Marc Trachtenberg,William C. Wohlforth
Who Cares? |
Author/Editor: Newman, Katherine S.; Jacobs, Elisabeth S
Who Are the Criminals? |
Author/Editor: Hagan, John
Who Are the Criminals? |
Author/Editor: Hagan, John
Who Adjusts?: Domestic Sources of Foreign Economic Policy during the Interwar Years |
Author/Editor: Beth A. Simmons
Whitney M. Young, Jr., and the Struggle for Civil Rights |
Author/Editor: Weiss, Nancy Joan
White: The History of a Color |
The Whites of Their Eyes |
Author/Editor: Lepore, Jill
The White Planet |
Author/Editor: Jouzel, Jean; Lorius, Claude; Raynaud, Dominique
White Freedom: The Racial History of an Idea |
Author/Editor: Tyler Stovall
White Flight |
Author/Editor: Kruse, Kevin M
White Diaspora |
Author/Editor: Jurca, Catherine
White Backlash |
Author/Editor: Abrajano, Marisa; Hajnal, Zoltan L
Whistling in the Dark, 1 |
Author/Editor: Jean R. Freedman
Whistle Stops |
Author/Editor: Wilson W. Wyatt Sr.
The Whilton Dispute, 1264-1380 |
Author/Editor: Palmer, Robert C
While Father Is Away |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Cain Bohrnstedt,Kassandra R. Chaney
While Dangers Gather |
Author/Editor: Howell, William G.; Pevehouse, Jon
The Whigs' America: Middle-Class Political Thought in the Age of Jackson and Clay |
Author/Editor: Joseph W. Pearson
Which Fork Do I Use with My Bourbon?: Setting the Table for Tastings, Food Pairings, Dinners, and Cocktail Parties |
Author/Editor: Peggy Noe Stevens,Susan Reigler,FRED MINNICK
Where to Watch Birds in South America |
Author/Editor: Wheatley, Nigel
Where to Watch Birds in Africa |
Author/Editor: Wheatley, Nigel
Where the River Flows |
Author/Editor: Fleming, Sean W
Where Paralytics Walk and the Blind See: Stories of Sickness and Disability at the Juncture of Worlds |
Author/Editor: MARY DUNN
Where Nation-States Come From |
Author/Editor: Roeder, Philip G
Where Have All the Birds Gone?: Essays on the Biology and Conservation of Birds That Migrate to the American Tropics |
Author/Editor: JOHN TERBORGH
Where Economics Went Wrong |
Author/Editor: David Colander,Craig Freedman
Where Are the Women Architects? |
Author/Editor: Stratigakos, Despina
When Winter Come |
Author/Editor: Frank X Walker
When Ways of Life Collide |
Author/Editor: Sniderman, Paul M.; Hagendoorn, Louk
When Washington Shut Down Wall Street |
Author/Editor: Silber, William L
When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda, Ed. REV - Revised |
Author/Editor: Mahmood Mamdani
When Victims Become Killers |
Author/Editor: Mamdani, Mahmood
When They Severed Earth from Sky |
Author/Editor: Barber, Elizabeth Wayland; Barber, Paul T
When the State Speaks, What Should It Say? |
Author/Editor: Brettschneider, Corey
When the State Kills |
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin
When the Sahara Was Green: How Our Greatest Desert Came to Be |
When the Bombs Stopped: The Legacy of War in Rural Cambodia, Vol. 206 |
Author/Editor: ERIN LIN
When States Fail |
Author/Editor: Rotberg, Robert I
When Slavery Was Called Freedom |
Author/Editor: John Patrick Daly
When People Come First |
Author/Editor: Biehl, João; Petryna, Adriana
When Parties Fail |
Author/Editor: Lawson, Kay; Merkl, Peter H
When Nature Goes Public: The Making and Unmaking of Bioprospecting in Mexico |
Author/Editor: Cori Hayden
When Movements Matter: The Townsend Plan and the Rise of Social Security |
Author/Editor: Edwin Amenta
When Movements Anchor Parties |
Author/Editor: Schlozman, Daniel
When Least Is Best: How Mathematicians Discovered Many Clever Ways to Make Things as Small (or as Large) as Possible, Vol. 118 |
Author/Editor: PAUL J. NAHIN
When Least Is Best |
Author/Editor: Nahin, Paul J
When Is True Belief Knowledge? |
Author/Editor: Foley, Richard
When Insurers Go Bust |
Author/Editor: Plantin, Guillaume; Rochet, Jean-Charles
When I'm Sixty-Four |
Author/Editor: Ghilarducci, Teresa
When Galaxies Were Born: The Quest for Cosmic Dawn |
Author/Editor: RICHARD S. ELLIS
When Experiments Travel |
Author/Editor: Petryna, Adriana
When Eero Met His Match: Aline Louchheim Saarinen and the Making of an Architect |
Author/Editor: Eva Hagberg
When Computers Were Human |
Author/Editor: Grier, David Alan
When Brute Force Fails |
Author/Editor: Kleiman, Mark A. R
When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People: How Philosophy Can Save Us from Ourselves |
Author/Editor: Steven Nadler ,Lawrence Shapiro
When Animals Dream: The Hidden World of Animal Consciousness |
Author/Editor: David M. Peña-Guzmán
When All Else Fails |
Author/Editor: Brennan, Jason
When a Gesture Was Expected: A Selection of Examples from Archaic and Classical Greek Literature |
Author/Editor: Alan L. Boegehold
The Wheel of Servitude |
Author/Editor: Daniel A. Novak
The Wheel of Law |
Author/Editor: Jacobsohn, Gary J
What W. H. Auden Can Do for You |
Author/Editor: McCall Smith, Alexander
What We Owe Iraq |
Author/Editor: Feldman, Noah
What We Owe Each Other: A New Social Contract for a Better Society |
What Was Socialism, and What Comes Next? |
Author/Editor: Verdery, Katherine
What Things Cost: an anthology for the people |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Gayle Howell ,Ashley M. Jones ,Emily Jalloul
What They Think of Us |
Author/Editor: Farber, David
What the Victorians Made of Romanticism |
Author/Editor: Mole, Tom
What the Thunder Said: How The Waste Land Made Poetry Modern |
Author/Editor: JED RASULA
What's the Good of Education? |
Author/Editor: Machin, Stephen; Vignoles, Anna
What's Next?: The Mathematical Legacy of William P. Thurston (AMS-205) |
Author/Editor: Dylan P. Thurston
What's Luck Got to Do with It? |
Author/Editor: Mazur, Joseph
What's Happened to the Humanities? |
Author/Editor: Kernan, Alvin B
What's Eating You? |
Author/Editor: Kaplan, Eugene H
What's Divine about Divine Law? |
Author/Editor: Hayes, Christine
What Science Is and How It Works |
Author/Editor: Derry, Gregory N
What School Could Be |
Author/Editor: Dintersmith, Ted
What Price the Moral High Ground? |
Author/Editor: Frank, Robert H
What Price Hollywood?: Gender and Sex in the Films of George Cukor |
Author/Editor: Elyce Rae Helford
What Parish Are You From?, 1 |
Author/Editor: EILEEN M. McMAHON
What Older Americans Think |
Author/Editor: Day, Christine L
What My Heart Wants To Tell |
Author/Editor: Verna Mae Slone
What Makes Us Think?: A Neuroscientist and a Philosopher Argue about Ethics, Human Nature, and the Brain |
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre Changeux ,Paul Ricoeur ,M. B. DeBevoise
What Makes Us Smart: The Computational Logic of Human Cognition |
What Makes a Terrorist, REV - Revised |
Author/Editor: ALAN B. KRUEGER
What Makes a Terrorist: Economics and the Roots of Terrorism - 10th Anniversary Edition, Ed. REV - Revised |
Author/Editor: ALAN B. KRUEGER
What Makes a Terrorist |
Author/Editor: Krueger, Alan B
What Is Your Race? |
Author/Editor: Prewitt, Kenneth
What Is World Literature? |
Author/Editor: Damrosch, David
What Is the Present? |
Author/Editor: North, Michael
What Is Religious Authority?: Cultivating Islamic Communities in Indonesia, Vol. 84 |
What Is Political Philosophy? |
What Is Meaning? |
Author/Editor: Soames, Scott
What Is Islam? |
Author/Editor: Ahmed, Shahab
What Is Global History? |
Author/Editor: Conrad, Sebastian
What Is Dark Matter?, Vol. 10 |
Author/Editor: PETER FISHER
What Is a Bird?: An Exploration of Anatomy, Physiology, Behavior, and Ecology |
Author/Editor: Tony D. Williams,Andy Clements
What Insects Do, and Why |
Author/Editor: ROSS PIPER
What Happens When We Practice Religion?: Textures of Devotion in Everyday Life |
What Ever Happened to Orson Welles?: A Portrait of an Independent Career, Ed. upd |
Author/Editor: Joseph McBride
What Ever Happened to Orson Welles? |
Author/Editor: Joseph McBride
Whatever Gets You through the Night |
Author/Editor: Codrescu, Andrei
What Drives Third World City Growth? |
Author/Editor: Kelley, Allen C.; Burley, Nancy
What Does a Black Hole Look Like? |
Author/Editor: Bailyn, Charles D
What Determines an Algebraic Variety?: (AMS-216), Vol. 216 |
Author/Editor: János Kollár ,Max Lieblich ,Martin Olsson ,Will Sawin
What Democracy Is For |
Author/Editor: Ringen, Stein
What Comes Down to Us |
Author/Editor: Jeff Worley,Ed McClanahan
What Can We Hope For?: Essays on Politics |
Author/Editor: RICHARD RORTY ,W. P. Malecki ,Chris Voparil
What Can Be Computed?: A Practical Guide to the Theory of Computation |
Author/Editor: John MacCormick
What Bugged the Dinosaurs? |
Author/Editor: Poinar, George; Poinar, Roberta
What Are Jews For?: History, Peoplehood, and Purpose |
What Are Gamma-Ray Bursts? |
Author/Editor: Bloom, Joshua S
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They Make |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Hathaway ,Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
What a Mighty Power We Can Be |
Author/Editor: Skocpol, Theda; Liazos, Ariane; Ganz, Marshall
Whaling Will Never Do For Me, 1 |
Weyl Group Multiple Dirichlet Series |
Author/Editor: Brubaker, Ben; Bump, Daniel; Friedberg, Solomon
Wetland Drainage, Restoration, and Repair |
Author/Editor: Thomas R. Biebighauser
We, the People of Europe? |
Author/Editor: Balibar, Étienne
Westward into Kentucky, 1 |
Author/Editor: Chester Raymond Young,Daniel Blake Smith
West Virginia, 2 |
Author/Editor: Otis K. Rice,Stephen W. Brown
The Westfalians |
Author/Editor: Kamphoefner, Walter D
Western Kentucky University |
Western Europe’s Democratic Age: 1945—1968 |
Author/Editor: Martin Conway
West Bengal and the Federalizing Process in India |
Author/Editor: Franda, Marcus F
We Shall Return!: MacArthur's Commanders and the Defeat of Japan, 1942-1945 |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM M. LEARY
We Shall Return!, 1 |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM M. LEARY
Were the Jews a Mediterranean Society? |
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Seth
Wen xuan or Selections of Refined Literature, Volume III |
Author/Editor: Tong, Xiao
Wen Xuan or Selections of Refined Literature, Volume II |
Author/Editor: Knechtges, David R.; Xiao, Tong
Wen Xuan or Selections of Refined Literature, Volume I |
Author/Editor: Knechtges, David R.; Xiao, Tong
Wendell Berry and Religion |
Author/Editor: Joel James Shuman,L. Roger Owens
Wendell Berry and Higher Education |
Author/Editor: JACK R. BAKER,JEFFREY BILBRO,Wendell Berry
Wendell Berry |
Author/Editor: Jason Peters
Wellspring |
Author/Editor: Janice Holt Giles,Wade Hall
A Well-Ordered Thing |
Author/Editor: Gordin, Michael D
We'll Always Have the Movies |
Author/Editor: Robert L. McLaughlin,Sally E. Parry
The Welfare State Nobody Knows: Debunking Myths about U.S. Social Policy |
Author/Editor: Christopher Howard
Welfare, Modernity, and the Weimar State |
Author/Editor: Hong, Young-Sun
Welfare and the Constitution |
Author/Editor: Barber, Sotirios A
Welfare and Rational Care |
Author/Editor: Darwall, Stephen
Welcome to the Universe |
Author/Editor: Tyson, Neil deGrasse; Strauss, Michael; Gott, J. Richard
Weiwei-isms |
Author/Editor: Weiwei, Ai; Warsh, Larry
The Weirdness of the World |
Weimar Thought |
Author/Editor: Gordon, Peter E.; McCormick, John P
Weimar Germany |
Author/Editor: Weitz, Eric D
Weimar Germany |
Author/Editor: Weitz, Eric D
The Weimar Century |
Author/Editor: Greenberg, Udi
Weimar and the Vatican, 1919-1933 |
Author/Editor: Stehlin, Stewart A
Weil's Conjecture for Function Fields |
Author/Editor: Gaitsgory, Dennis; Lurie, Jacob
We Have Never Been Woke: The Cultural Contradictions of a New Elite |
Author/Editor: Musa al-Gharbi
Weeping for Dido |
Author/Editor: Woods, Marjorie Curry
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, Vol. 31 |
Weeds of Kentucky and Adjacent States, 1 |
Weaving Self-Evidence: A Sociology of Logic |
Author/Editor: CLAUDE ROSENTAL ,Catherine Porter
Weavers of the Southern Highlands, 1 |
Author/Editor: philis alvic
The Weary Titan: Britain and the Experience of Relative Decline, 1895-1905 |
Author/Editor: Aaron L. Friedberg
We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women's Lives |
Author/Editor: Manon Garcia
We Are Made of Stories: Self-Taught Artists in the Robson Family Collection |
Author/Editor: LESLIE UMBERGER ,Douglas O. Robson
The Wealth of Religions |
Author/Editor: Barro, Robert J; McCleary, Rachel
A Wealth of Numbers |
Author/Editor: Wardhaugh, Benjamin
Wealth and Want |
Author/Editor: Lebergott, Stanley
We All Lost the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Lebow, Richard Ned; Stein, Janice Gross
Weak Strongman: The Limits of Power in Putin's Russia |
Author/Editor: TIMOTHY FRYE
Weak Strongman: The Limits of Power in Putin's Russia |
Author/Editor: TIMOTHY FRYE
Weak Interactions in Nuclei |
Author/Editor: Holstein, Barry R
Weak Courts, Strong Rights |
Author/Editor: Tushnet, Mark
The Way We Argue Now |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Amanda
The Wayward Liberal |
Author/Editor: THOMAS E. VADNEY
Wayward Contracts |
Author/Editor: Kahn, Victoria
The Ways of Zen, Vol. 28 |
Author/Editor: C. C. Tsai ,Brian Bruya ,Martine Batchelor
Ways of Hearing: Reflections on Music in 26 Pieces |
A Way Out |
Author/Editor: Fiss, Owen; Cohen, Joshua; Decker, Jefferson
The Way of Nature |
Author/Editor: Zhuangzi
The Way of Duty, Honor, Country |
Author/Editor: Charles Pelot Summerall,Timothy K. Nenninger
The Way Down |
Author/Editor: Burt, John
Wave Scattering by Time-Dependent Perturbations |
Author/Editor: Roach, G. F
Waves and Grains |
Author/Editor: Silverman, Mark P
Wave Propagation |
Author/Editor: Markos, Peter; Soukoulis, Costas M
Waterloo Sunrise: London from the Sixties to Thatcher |
Author/Editor: JOHN DAVIS
Water in Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Brian D. Lee,Daniel I. Carey,Alice L. Jones
Water from the Rock: Black Resistance in a Revolutionary Age |
Author/Editor: Sylvia R. Frey
Water for Gotham: A History |
Author/Editor: Gerard T. Koeppel
The Watercolors of Harlan Hubbard |
Author/Editor: Bill Caddell ,Flo Caddell ,David Aaron Marshall ,Peter Morrin ,Jessica K. Whitehead
Watch Me Play |
Author/Editor: Taylor, T.L
Watchman at the Gates: A Soldier's Journey from Berlin to Bosnia |
Author/Editor: General George Joulwan ,David Chanoff ,Tom Brokaw
Watchdogs on the Hill |
Author/Editor: Fowler, Linda L
Wasps: The Astonishing Diversity of a Misunderstood Insect |
Author/Editor: ERIC R. EATON
Wasps of the World: A Guide to Every Family, Vol. 8 |
Author/Editor: Simon van Noort ,Gavin Broad
Washington, Vol. 2 |
Author/Editor: Green, Constance McLaughlin
Washington's Iron Butterfly: Bess Clements Abell, An Oral History |
Author/Editor: Donald A. Ritchie ,Terry L. Birdwhistell ,Richard Norton Smith
Washington on Washington |
Author/Editor: Paul M. Zall
Washington |
Author/Editor: Green, Constance McLaughlin
War, Wine, and Taxes |
Author/Editor: Nye, John V. C
The War to End All Wars |
Author/Editor: Edward M. Coffman
Wartime Kiss |
Author/Editor: Nemerov, Alexander
W. Arthur Lewis and the Birth of Development Economics |
Author/Editor: Robert L. Tignor
The War That Never Ends |
Author/Editor: David L. Anderson,John Ernst
The War That Doesn't Say Its Name: The Unending Conflict in the Congo |
Author/Editor: JASON K. STEARNS
War Stories |
Author/Editor: Baum, Matthew A.; Groeling, Tim J
Warriors of the Cloisters |
Author/Editor: Beckwith, Christopher I
The Warrior's Camera: The Cinema of Akira Kurosawa - Revised and Expanded Edition |
Warren Oates |
Author/Editor: Susan A. Compo
War Powers |
Author/Editor: Zeisberg, Mariah
War Potential of Nations |
Author/Editor: Knorr, Klaus Eugen
The War on the Uyghurs: China's Internal Campaign against a Muslim Minority |
Author/Editor: SEAN R. ROBERTS
A War on Global Poverty: The Lost Promise of Redistribution and the Rise of Microcredit |
Author/Editor: Joanne Meyerowitz
The War of the Sexes |
Author/Editor: Seabright, Paul
War of Supply: World War II Allied Logistics in the Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: David D. Dworak
War of No Pity: The Indian Mutiny and Victorian Trauma |
Author/Editor: Christopher Herbert
A War of Logistics |
Author/Editor: CHARLES R. SHRADER,Roger Cirillo
The Warner Brothers |
Author/Editor: Chris Yogerst ,Michael Uslan
Warlord |
Author/Editor: Gillin, Donald G
War in the Modern Great Power System |
Author/Editor: Jack S. Levy
War in the American Pacific and East Asia, 1941-1972 |
Author/Editor: Hal M. Friedman
War in Social Thought |
Author/Editor: Joas, Hans; Knöbl, Wolfgang
War & Homecoming: Veteran Identity and the Post-9/11 Generation |
Author/Editor: TRAVIS L. MARTIN
The Warhol Economy: How Fashion, Art, and Music Drive New York City - New Edition, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Currid
Warhogs |
Author/Editor: Stuart D. Brandes
The War for Gaul |
Author/Editor: Caesar, Julius
The War for Afghanistan: A Very Brief History |
Author/Editor: Barfield, Thomas
The Warbler Guide |
Author/Editor: Stephenson, Tom; Whittle, Scott
War at a Distance |
Author/Editor: Favret, Mary A
War and Rural Life in the Early Modern Low Countries |
Author/Editor: Gutmann, Myron P
War and Responsibility: Constitutional Lessons of Vietnam and Its Aftermath |
Author/Editor: John Hart Ely
War and Remembrance |
War and Punishment |
Author/Editor: Goemans, H. E
War and Moral Responsibility: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader |
Author/Editor: Marshall Cohen ,Thomas Nagel ,Thomas Scanlon ,R. B. BRANDT ,R. M. HARE ,SANFORD LEVINSON ,DAVID MALAMENT ,THOMAS NAGEL ,MICHAEL WALZER
War and Human Nature |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Stephen Peter
War and Democratic Constraint |
Author/Editor: Baum, Matthew A.; Potter, Philip B. K
The War Against Poetry |
Author/Editor: Fraser, Russell A
Waqf in Central Asia |
Author/Editor: McChesney, R. D
Wanting Radiance: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Karen Salyer McElmurray
Wandering Greeks |
Author/Editor: Garland, Robert
Wandering and Return in Finnegans Wake |
Author/Editor: Devlin, Kimberley J
Walt Whitman Among the French |
Author/Editor: Erkkila, Betsy
Walter Pater |
Author/Editor: Richmond Crinkley
Walter Kaufmann |
Author/Editor: Corngold, Stanley
Walter Hines Page |
Author/Editor: Ross Gregory
Wall to Wall Speaks |
Author/Editor: Mus, David
The Walls around Opportunity: The Failure of Colorblind Policy for Higher Education, Vol. 6 |
Author/Editor: GARY ORFIELD
The Wall of Separation |
Author/Editor: Sorauf, Frank Joseph
Wallace Stevens and the Symbolist Imagination |
Author/Editor: Benamou, Michel
Wallace Stevens and the Actual World |
Author/Editor: Filreis, Alan
Wallace Stevens |
Author/Editor: Buttel, Robert; Doggett, Frank
Wallace Stevens |
Author/Editor: Buttel, Robert
Wallace Stevens |
Author/Editor: Morris, Adalaide Kirby; Buttel, Robert
Walk the Trails in and around Princeton |
Author/Editor: Glovier, Sophie
Walks in the World |
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Roger
The Walking Muse |
Author/Editor: Freudenburg, Kirk
Walking Four Ways in the Wind |
Author/Editor: Allman, John
Walden (150th Anniversary Edition) |
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry David; Shanley, J. Lyndon
Walden |
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry David; Shanley, J. Lyndon
Waiting for José |
Author/Editor: Shapira, Harel
Waiting for José |
Author/Editor: Shapira, Harel
Wahhābism: The History of a Militant Islamic Movement |
Author/Editor: COLE M. BUNZEL
Wagner Androgyne |
Author/Editor: Nattiez, Jean-Jacques
Waging Peace |
Author/Editor: Rabinovich, Itamar