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Titles start with B ( displaying 500 of 571 ) Information
Byzantium and the Decline of the Roman Empire
Author/Editor: Kaegi, Walter Emil
Author/Editor: Herrin, Judith
Byzantine Matters
Author/Editor: Cameron, Averil
Byzantine Intersectionality: Sexuality, Gender, and Race in the Middle Ages
By Nature Equal
Author/Editor: Coons, John E.; Brennan, Patrick M
By Executive Order: Bureaucratic Management and the Limits of Presidential Power
Author/Editor: Fernandez, J. W
The Buzzel About Kentuck, 1
Author/Editor: Craig Thompson Friend,James Klotter
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Spivak
Buying the Best
Author/Editor: Clotfelter, Charles T
Buying Freedom
Author/Editor: Appiah, Kwame Anthony; Bunzl, Martin
But the Irish Sea Betwixt Us, 1
Author/Editor: Andrew Murphy
Butterfly Gardening
Author/Editor: Hurwitz, Jane
The Butterfly Defect
Author/Editor: Goldin, Ian; Mariathasan, Mike
The Business of Alchemy
Author/Editor: Smith, Pamela H
Businessmen and Politics in the Rhineland, 1789-1834
Author/Editor: Diefendorf, Jeffry M
Business Cycles: Durations, Dynamics, and Forecasting
Author/Editor: Francis X. Diebold,Glenn D. Rudebusch
The Business Cycle
Author/Editor: Sherman, Howard J
Business and Professional Income Under the Personal Income Tax
Author/Editor: Kahn, Charles Harry
Burying Mao
Author/Editor: Baum, Richard
The Burr Conspiracy
Author/Editor: Lewis, James E
The Burnt Book: Reading the Talmud
Author/Editor: Marc-Alain Ouaknin ,Llewellyn Brown
Burmese Administrative Cycles
Author/Editor: Lieberman, Victor B
Author/Editor: Ann K. Ferrell
Burke and the Nature of Politics
Author/Editor: CARL B. CONE
Burke and the Nature of Politics
Author/Editor: CARL B. CONE
Buried Treasures: The Power of Political Fairy Tales
Author/Editor: JACK ZIPES
Burgoo, Barbecue, and Bourbon
Author/Editor: Albert W. A. Schmid,Jessica Ebelhar,Loreal “Butcher Babe” Gavin
Bureaucratic Reform in the Ottoman Empire
Author/Editor: Findley, Carter Vaughn
Bureaucrat and Intellectual in the Ottoman Empire
Author/Editor: Fleischer, Cornell H
Bureaucracy, the Marshall Plan, and the National Interest
Author/Editor: Arkes, Hadley
Bureaucracy and Political Development. (SPD-2), Volume 2
Author/Editor: La Palombara, Joseph
The Burden of Time
Author/Editor: Stewart, John Lincoln
Bumble Bees of North America
Author/Editor: Williams, Paul H.; Thorp, Robbin W.; Richardson, Leif L
Building the Land of Dreams
Author/Editor: Faber, Eberhard L
Building the Judiciary
Author/Editor: Crowe, Justin
Building Ho's Army: Chinese Military Assistance to North Vietnam
Author/Editor: Xiaobing Li
Building Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Blair, John
Building an American Empire
Author/Editor: Paul Frymer
Building a Healthy Economy from the Bottom Up
Building a Global Bank
Author/Editor: Guillén, Mauro F.; Tschoegl, Adrian
Buffalo Dance: The Journey of York, Ed. ENL - Enlarged, 2
Author/Editor: Frank X Walker
Buffalo Dance
Author/Editor: Frank X Walker
Budweisers into Czechs and Germans
Author/Editor: King, Jeremy
Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri Lanka
Author/Editor: Richard Gombrich ,Gananath Obeyesekere
Buddhism in Practice
Author/Editor: Lopez, Donald S
Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey
Author/Editor: KENNETH K. S. CH’EN
Buddhism and the State in Sixteenth-Century Japan
Author/Editor: McMullin, N
Brutal Aesthetics: Dubuffet, Bataille, Jorn, Paolozzi, Oldenburg, Vol. 67
Author/Editor: Hal Foster
Bruce Dern
Author/Editor: BRUCE DERN,Christopher Fryer,Robert Crane
The Browning Critics
Brother Woodrow
Author/Editor: Axson, Stockton; Link, Arthur S
The Brothers of Romulus
Author/Editor: Bannon, Cynthia J
The Brooklyn Nobody Knows
Author/Editor: Helmreich, William B
Author/Editor: Campanella, Thomas
Broken Lives
Author/Editor: Jarausch, Konrad H
Broken Boundaries, 1
Author/Editor: Katherine M. Quinsey
Brocade River Poems
Author/Editor: Tao, Xue
Broadway Goes to War: American Theater during World War II
Author/Editor: Robert L. McLaughlin ,Sally E. Parry
Broadcasting Freedom: The Cold War Triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty
Author/Editor: Arch Puddington
Broadcasting Freedom, 1
Author/Editor: Arch Puddington
Broadcasting Fidelity: German Radio and the Rise of Early Electronic Music
Author/Editor: MYLES W. JACKSON
A Brittle Sword, 1
Author/Editor: RICHARD G. STONE Jr.
British Rearmament in the Thirties
Author/Editor: Shay, Robert Paul
British Naval Administration in the Age of Walpole
Author/Editor: Baugh, Daniel A
British Genres
Author/Editor: Landy, Marcia
The British Foreign Service and the American Civil War, 1
The British Fertility Decline
Author/Editor: Teitelbaum, Michael S
British Birds
Author/Editor: Hume, Rob; Still, Robert; Swash, Andy
British-American Relations 1917-1918
Author/Editor: Fowler, Wilton B
Britain's Spiders
Author/Editor: Lawrence Bee,Geoff Oxford,Helen Smith
Britain's Sea Mammals
Author/Editor: Dunn, Jon; Still, Robert; Harrop, Hugh
Britain's Reptiles and Amphibians
Author/Editor: Howard Inns
Britain's Plant Galls
Author/Editor: Chinery, Michael
Britain's Orchids: A Field Guide to the Orchids of Great Britain and Ireland
Author/Editor: Sean Cole,Mike Waller,Sarah Stribbling
Britain's Mammals Updated Edition: A Field Guide to the Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 81, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Dominic Couzens ,Andy Swash ,Robert Still ,Jon Dunn
Britain`s Mammals
Author/Editor: Couzens, Dominic; Swash, Andy; Still, Robert
Britain's Mammals
Author/Editor: Couzens, Dominic; Swash, Andy; Still, Robert
Britain's Insects: A Field Guide to the Insects of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 23
Author/Editor: Paul D. Brock
Britain's Hoverflies
Author/Editor: Ball, Stuart; Morris, Roger
Britain's Habitats: A Field Guide to the Wildlife Habitats of Great Britain and Ireland - Fully Revised and Updated Second Edition, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Sophie Lake,Durwyn Liley,Robert Still,Andy Swash
Britain's Habitats
Author/Editor: Lake, Sophie; Liley, Durwyn; Still, Robert
Britain's Freshwater Fishes
Author/Editor: Everard, Mark
Britain's Ferns, Clubmosses, Spikemosses, Quillworts and Horsetails
Author/Editor: Merryweather, James
Britain's Dragonflies
Author/Editor: Smallshire, Dave; Swash, Andy
Britain's Dragonflies
Author/Editor: Smallshire, Dave; Swash, Andy
Britain's Day-flying Moths
Author/Editor: Newland, David; Still, Robert; Swash, Andy
Britain's Day-flying Moths
Author/Editor: Newland, David; Still, Robert; Swash, Andy
Britain's Butterflies: A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland – Fully Revised and Updated Fourth Edition, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: David Newland,Robert Still,Andy Swash,David Tomlinson
Britain's Butterflies
Author/Editor: Newland, David; Still, Robert; Swash, Andy
Britain's Birds: An Identification Guide to the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland Second Edition, fully revised and updated, Ed. NED - New edition, 2
Author/Editor: Rob Hume,Robert Still,Andy Swash,Hugh Harrop,David Tipling,Chris Batty
Britain's Birds
Author/Editor: Hume, Rob; Still, Robert; Swash, Andy
Britain and European Community
Author/Editor: Camps, Miriam
The Brink of Peace
Author/Editor: Rabinovich, Itamar
The Brink of All We Hate
Author/Editor: Felicity A. Nussbaum
Brigadier General John D. Imboden
Author/Editor: Spencer C. Tucker
A Brief Welcome to the Universe: A Pocket-Sized Tour
The Brief, Madcap Life of Kay Kendall, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Eve Golden ,kim kendall
The Brief, Madcap Life of Kay Kendall
Author/Editor: eve golden,kim kendall
Brief Homage to Pluto and Other Poems, Vol. 154
A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire
Author/Editor: Hanio?lu, M. ?ükrü
A Bridging of Faiths
Author/Editor: Demerath, N. J.; Williams, Rhys H
Brennan and Democracy
Author/Editor: Michelman, Frank I
The Breckinridges of Kentucky
Author/Editor: James C. Klotter
Author/Editor: WILLIAM C. DAVIS
Breaking the Social Media Prism: How to Make Our Platforms Less Polarizing
Author/Editor: Chris Bail
Breaking the Sequence
Author/Editor: Friedman, Ellen G.; Fuchs, Miriam
Breaking the Mold: India’s Untraveled Path to Prosperity
Breaking the Magic Spell
Author/Editor: Jack Zipes
Breaking the Glass Armor
Author/Editor: Kristin Thompson
Breaking the Deadlock
Author/Editor: Posner, Richard A
Breaking the Cycles of Hatred
Author/Editor: Minow, Martha; Rosenblum, Nancy L
Breaking Protocol: America's First Female Ambassadors, 1933-1964
Author/Editor: Philip Nash
Brazil in Transition
Author/Editor: Alston, Lee J.; Melo, Marcus André; Mueller, Bernardo
Brazilian Authoritarianism: Past and Present
The Brazilian-American Alliance, 1937-1945
Author/Editor: McCann, Frank D
Bravura: Virtuosity and Ambition in Early Modern European Painting
Author/Editor: NICOLA SUTHOR
Brave New Arctic
Author/Editor: Serreze, Mark C
Brandeis And America
Author/Editor: NELSON L. DAWSON
Author/Editor: Churchland, Patricia
Author/Editor: Churchland, Patricia S
The Brain and the Meaning of Life
Author/Editor: Thagard, Paul
Braids, Links, and Mapping Class Groups. (AM-82), Volume 82
Author/Editor: Birman, Joan S
The Braided Dream
Author/Editor: Randolph Paul Runyon
Brahms and His World
Author/Editor: Frisch, Walter; Karnes, Kevin C
The Brahmo Samaj and the Shaping of the Modern Indian Mind
Author/Editor: Kopf, David
Boy on the Bridge: The Story of John Shalikashvili's American Success
Author/Editor: Andrew Marble
The Box
Author/Editor: Levinson, Marc
The Box
Author/Editor: Levinson, Marc
Bovids of the World
Author/Editor: Castelló, José R
The Bourgeoisie in 18th-Century France
Author/Editor: Barber, Elinor
Bourbon's Backroads: A Journey through Kentucky's Distilling Landscape
Author/Editor: Karl Raitz ,Dick Gilbreath
Bourbon's Backroads: A Journey through Kentucky's Distilling Landscape
Author/Editor: Karl Raitz,Dick Gilbreath
Bourbon Is My Comfort Food: The Bourbon Women® Guide to Fantastic Cocktails at Home
Author/Editor: HEATHER WIBBELS ,Susan Reigler
Bourbon Desserts
Bourbon 101
Bound to the Fire
The Bounds of Reason
Author/Editor: Gintis, Herbert
The Bounds of Agency
Author/Editor: Rovane, Carol
Bounding Power
Author/Editor: Deudney, Daniel H
Bounded Rationality and Policy Diffusion
Author/Editor: Weyland, Kurt
Bound by Recognition
Author/Editor: Markell, Patchen
Bound by Our Constitution
Author/Editor: Hart, Vivien
Boundary Behavior of Holomorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables. (MN-11)
Author/Editor: Stein, Elias M
Boundaries of Fiction
Author/Editor: Levine, George
Boundaries of Contagion
Author/Editor: Lieberman, Evan
Boundaries and Justice: Diverse Ethical Perspectives
Author/Editor: David Miller ,Sohail H. Hashmi
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Author/Editor: Lerner, Josh
Bougainville, 1943-1945
Author/Editor: HARRY A. GAILEY
Boswell, 1
Author/Editor: IRMA S. LUSTIG
Bossism and Reform in a Southern City
Author/Editor: James Duane Bolin
Bosch and Bruegel: From Enemy Painting to Everyday Life, Vol. 57
Author/Editor: Joseph Leo Koerner
Borrowing Constitutional Designs
Author/Editor: Skach, Cindy
Borrowed Children
Author/Editor: George Ella Lyon
Born and Made
Author/Editor: Franklin, Sarah; Roberts, Celia
Boonesborough Unearthed: Frontier Archaeology at a Revolutionary Fort
Author/Editor: Nancy O’Malley
The Book Proposal Book: A Guide for Scholarly Authors
Author/Editor: Laura Portwood-Stacer
The Book of Yerba Mate: A Stimulating History
Book of Troilus and Criseyde
The Book of the Knight Zifar
Author/Editor: CHARLES L. NELSON
The Book of Revelation
Author/Editor: Beal, Timothy
The Book of Mormon
Author/Editor: Gutjahr, Paul C
The Book of Kyng Arthur
The Book of Job
Author/Editor: Larrimore, Mark
The Book of Jerry Falwell
Author/Editor: Harding, Susan Friend
Book of Idols
Author/Editor: al-Kalbi, Ibn
The Book of Greek and Roman Folktales, Legends, and Myths
Author/Editor: William Hansen,Glynnis Fawkes
The Book of Genesis
Author/Editor: Hendel, Ronald
The Book of Exodus
Author/Editor: Baden, Joel S
The Book of Count Lucanor and Patronio
Author/Editor: John E. Keller,L. Clark Keating
The Book of Common Prayer
Author/Editor: Jacobs, Alan
A Book I Value: Selected Marginalia
Author/Editor: Samuel Taylor Coleridge ,H. J. Jackson
A Book Forged in Hell
Author/Editor: Nadler, Steven
The Bon Marche
Author/Editor: Miller, Michael B
The Bon Marché: Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store, 1869-1920
Author/Editor: MICHAEL B. MILLER
Author/Editor: Currey, John D
Bonds of Womanhood: Slavery and the Decline of a Kentucky Plantation
Author/Editor: Susanna Delfino
Bonds of Affection: Americans Define Their Patriotism
Author/Editor: JOHN BODNAR
Bonaventure des Périers's Novel Pastimes and Merry Tales
Bomber Pilot
Author/Editor: PHILIP ARDERY
Bollingen: An Adventure in Collecting the Past - Updated Edition, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: William McGuire
Bold Relief: Institutional Politics and the Origins of Modern American Social Policy
Author/Editor: EDWIN AMENTA
Boko Haram
Author/Editor: Thurston, Alexander
Author/Editor: Radin, Margaret Jane
Boethius and Dialogue
Author/Editor: Lerer, Seth
The Body in the Mirror
Author/Editor: Dalle Vacche, Angela
Body, History, Myth: Early Modern Murals in South India
The Body Economic
Author/Editor: Gallagher, Catherine
Bodies of Memory
Author/Editor: Igarashi, Yoshikuni
Bodies of Law
Author/Editor: Hyde, Alan
Blue Skies over Beijing
Author/Editor: Kahn, Matthew E.; Zheng, Siqi
The Blue Ribbon Cook Book
Author/Editor: JENNIE C. BENEDICT,Susan Reigler
Blueprints for Battle
Author/Editor: Jan Hoffenaar,Dieter Krüger,David T. Zabecki
Blueprints and Blood
Author/Editor: Hudson, Hugh D
Bluejackets and Contrabands
Author/Editor: Barbara Brooks Tomblin
Bluegrass Renaissance
Author/Editor: James C. Klotter,Daniel Rowland
Bluegrass Paradise: Royal Spring and the Birth of Georgetown, Kentucky
Author/Editor: GARY A. O’DELL
Bluegrass Land and Life
Bluegrass Craftsman
The Blue Grass Cook Book, 1
Bluegrass Cavalcade, 1
Author/Editor: THOMAS D. CLARK
Blue-grass and Rhododendron
Author/Editor: JOHN FOX JR.,Wade Hall
The Blue-Eyed Enemy
Author/Editor: Friend, Theodore
Blue-Collar Stratification
Author/Editor: Form, William Humbert
Bluecoats and Tar Heels
Author/Editor: Mark L. Bradley
Bluebirds And Their Survival
Author/Editor: Wayne H. Davis,Philippe Roca
Blow-up Theory for Elliptic PDEs in Riemannian Geometry (MN-45)
Author/Editor: Druet, Olivier; Hebey, Emmanuel; Robert, Frédéric
Bloody Breathitt
Author/Editor: T. R. C. Hutton
Blood Ties and Fictive Ties
Author/Editor: Gager, Kristin Elizabeth
Author/Editor: Joyce Dyer
Blood, Powder, and Residue: How Crime Labs Translate Evidence into Proof
Author/Editor: BETH A. BECHKY
Blood on the Moon
Author/Editor: EDWARD STEERS Jr.
Blood, Mud, and Oil Paint: The Remarkable Year that Made Winston Churchill
Blood in the Sand
Author/Editor: Stephen Eric Bronner
Blood in the Hills
Author/Editor: Bruce E. Stewart
Blood, Guts, and Grease: George S. Patton in World War I
Author/Editor: Jon B. Mikolashek,Paul T. Mikolashek
Blockbusting in Baltimore, 1
Author/Editor: W. EDWARD ORSER
Blind Spots
Author/Editor: Bazerman, Max H.; Tenbrunsel, Ann E
The Blind Spot
Author/Editor: Byers, William
Blind Oracles
Author/Editor: Kuklick, Bruce
Blindness and Autobiography
Author/Editor: Malti-Douglas, Fedwa
Blessed Events: Religion and Home Birth in America
Author/Editor: Pamela E. Klassen
Blessed Are the Organized
Author/Editor: Stout, Jeffrey
Blazer and Ashland Oil
Author/Editor: JOSEPH L. MASSIE
The Blame Game
Author/Editor: Hood, Christopher
Blake's Visionary Forms Dramatic
Author/Editor: Erdman, David V.; Grant, John E
Blake's Composite Art
Author/Editor: Mitchell, W.J. Thomas
Blake and the Assimilation of Chaos
Author/Editor: Gallant, Christine
Blake and Antiquity, Vol. 11
Author/Editor: Kathleen Raine
Black, White, and in Color
Author/Editor: Torres, Sasha
Black Violence
Author/Editor: Button, James W
Black: The History of a Color
Black Southerners, 1619-1869
Author/Editor: John B. Boles
Blacks in Power
Author/Editor: Leonard A. Cole
Blacks in Appalachia, 1
Author/Editor: William H. Turner,Edward J. Cabbell,Nell Irvin Painter
Blacks and Social Change
Author/Editor: Button, James W
Black Riders: The Visible Language of Modernism
Author/Editor: Jerome McGann
Black Pride and Black Prejudice
Author/Editor: Paul M. Sniderman,Thomas Piazza
Black Power/White Control
Author/Editor: Fish, John Hall
Author/Editor: Lant, Antonia Caroline
Black on Black
Author/Editor: John Clllen Gruesser
Black Mestiza: Poems
Black Male Fiction and the Legacy of Caliban
Author/Editor: James W. Coleman
Black Liberation in Kentucky, 1
Author/Editor: Victor B. Howard
Black Land
Author/Editor: Nurhussein, Nadia
The Black Hole of Empire
Author/Editor: Chatterjee, Partha
The Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy
Author/Editor: Melia, Fulvio
Black Grief/White Grievance: The Politics of Loss
Author/Editor: JULIET HOOKER
Black Greek-letter Organizations in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Gregory S. Parks,Julianne Malveaux,Marc H. Morial
Black Freedom Struggle in Urban Appalachia
Author/Editor: J. Z. Bennett ,Christy L. McGuire ,Lori Delale-O’Connor ,T. Elon Dancy II ,Sabina Vaught
Black Faces in the Mirror
Author/Editor: Tate, Katherine
A Black Educator in the Segregated South
Author/Editor: Gerald L. Smith
The Black Death in the Middle East
Black Corona
Author/Editor: Gregory, Steven
Black Coal Miners in America, 1
Author/Editor: RONALD L. LEWIS
Black Church in the Sixties
Author/Editor: Hart M. Nelsen,Anne Kusener Nelsen
Black Bone
Black Atlantic Religion
Author/Editor: Matory, J. Lorand
Black and Blue
Author/Editor: Frymer, Paul
Black American Literature and Humanism
Author/Editor: R. BAXTER MILLER
The Bizarre Careers of John R. Brinkley
Author/Editor: R. ALTON LEE
The Bizarre Careers of John R. Brinkley
Author/Editor: R. ALTON LEE
Bitter Legacy: Polish-American Relations in the Wake of World War II
Author/Editor: Richard C. Lukas
Bitter Legacy, 1
Author/Editor: Richard C. Lukas
The Bitter End: The 2020 Presidential Campaign and the Challenge to American Democracy
Author/Editor: John Sides ,Chris Tausanovitch ,Lynn Vavreck
Bitter Carnival
Author/Editor: Bernstein, Michael André
Bismarck and the Development of Germany, Volume III
Author/Editor: Pflanze, Otto
Bismarck and the Development of Germany, Volume II
Author/Editor: Pflanze, Otto
Bismarck and the Development of Germany: The Period of Unification, 1815-1871
Author/Editor: OTTO PFLANZE
Author/Editor: Benson, Robert Louis
Birth of the Symbol
Author/Editor: Struck, Peter T
The Birth of Politics
Author/Editor: Lane, Melissa
The Birth of Modern Belief
Author/Editor: Ethan H. Shagan
The Birth of Model Theory
Author/Editor: Badesa, Calixto
The Birth of Mass Political Parties
Author/Editor: Formisano, Ronald P
The Birth of Hedonism
Author/Editor: Lampe, Kurt
The Birth of Bourbon
Birthing Romans: Childbearing and Its Risks in Imperial Rome
The Birth Control Movement and American Society
Author/Editor: Reed, James
Birds of Western Ecuador
Birds of Venezuela
Author/Editor: Hilty, Steven L
Birds of the West Indies Second Edition, Vol. 125, Ed. NED - New edition, 2
Author/Editor: Herbert A. Raffaele ,James W. Wiley ,Orlando H. Garrido ,Allan R. Keith ,Janis I. Raffaele ,Dale Dyer ,Tracy Taylor ,Kristin Williams ,Cynthie Fishe
Birds of the West Indies
Author/Editor: Raffaele, Herbert A.; Wiley, James; Garrido, Orlando H
Birds of the Serengeti
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Adam Scott
Birds of the Masai Mara
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Adam Scott
Birds of the Dominican Republic and Haiti
Author/Editor: Latta, Steven; Rimmer, Christopher; Keith, Allan
Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: Fully Revised and Updated Third Edition, Vol. 153, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Herbert A. Raffaele ,Clive Petrovic ,Sergio A. Colón López ,Lisa D. Yntema ,José A. Salguero Faria ,Dale Dyer ,Tracy Taylor ,Kristin Williams ,Cynth
Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: Fully Revised and Updated Third Edition, Vol. 146, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Herbert A. Raffaele ,Clive Petrovic ,Sergio A. Colón López ,Lisa D. Yntema ,José A. Salguero Faria ,Dale Dyer ,Tracy Taylor ,Kristin Williams ,Cynth
Birds of Prey of the West
Author/Editor: Wheeler, Brian K
Birds of Prey of the East
Author/Editor: Wheeler, Brian K
Birds of Peru
Author/Editor: Schulenberg, Thomas S.; Stotz, Douglas F.; Lane, Daniel F
The Birds of Opulence
Author/Editor: Crystal Wilkinson
The Birds of New Jersey
Author/Editor: Boyle, William J.; Karlson, Kevin
Birds of New Guinea
Author/Editor: Pratt, Thane K.; Beehler, Bruce M
Birds of New Guinea
Author/Editor: Beehler, Bruce M.; Pratt, Thane K
Birds of Maine
Author/Editor: Peter D. Vickery,Barbara S. Vickery,Scott Weidensaul,Charles D. Duncan,William J. Sheehan,Jeffrey V. Wells,Lars Jonsson,Barry Van Dusen
Birds of Kruger National Park
Author/Editor: Barnes, Keith; Behrens, Ken
Birds of Kenya's Rift Valley
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Adam Scott
The Birds of Kentucky
Author/Editor: Burt L. Monroe Jr.,WILLIAM ZIMMERMAN
Birds of Greater Southern Africa
Author/Editor: Keith Barnes ,Terry Stevenson ,John Fanshawe ,John Gale ,Brian Small ,Faansie Peacock
Birds of Costa Rica, Vol. 140
Author/Editor: Dale Dyer ,Steve N. G. Howell
Birds of Chile
Author/Editor: Howell, Steve N. G.; Schmitt, Fabrice
Birds of Central America
Author/Editor: Vallely, Andrew; Dyer, Dale
Birds of Botswana
Author/Editor: Hancock, Peter; Weiersbye, Ingrid
Birds of Belize
Author/Editor: Steve N. G. Howell ,Dale Dyer
Birds of Australia
Author/Editor: Campbell, Iain; Woods, Sam; Leseberg, Nick
Birds in Winter
Author/Editor: Pasquier, Roger F
Birdscapes: Birds in Our Imagination and Experience
Author/Editor: Jeremy Mynott
Birds and Us: A 12,000-Year History from Cave Art to Conservation
Author/Editor: TIM BIRKHEAD
Birds and Other Relations
Author/Editor: Tandori, Dezsö
Birds and Animals of Australia's Top End: Darwin, Kakadu, Katherine, and Kununurra
Author/Editor: Nick Leseberg,Iain Campbell
Bird Photographer of the Year: Collection 9
Birdpedia: A Brief Compendium of Avian Lore
Author/Editor: Christopher W. Leahy ,Abby McBride
Bird of Passage
Author/Editor: Peierls, Rudolf
The Bird Name Book: A History of English Bird Names
Author/Editor: Susan Myers
Bird Love: The Family Life of Birds
Author/Editor: Wenfei Tong,Mike Webster,Mike Webster
Birder's Conservation Handbook
Author/Editor: Wells, Jeffrey V
Bird Brain
Author/Editor: Emery, Nathan
Bipolar Expeditions
Author/Editor: Martin, Emily
Biplanes at War
Author/Editor: Wray R. Johnson
Biomolecular Feedback Systems
Author/Editor: Del Vecchio, Domitilla; Murray, Richard M
Biomedical Odysseys
Author/Editor: Song, Priscilla
The Biomechanics of Insect Flight
Author/Editor: Dudley, Robert
Bioluminescence in Progress
Author/Editor: Johnson, Frank H.; Haneda, Yata
The Biology of the Naked Mole-Rat
Biology and the Mechanics of the Wave-Swept Environment
Author/Editor: Denny, Mark
A Biologist's Guide to Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and Evolution
Author/Editor: Otto, Sarah P.; Day, Troy
Biologists and the Promise of American Life
Author/Editor: Pauly, Philip J
Biological Specimen Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy
Author/Editor: Glauert, Audrey M.; Lewis, Peter R
Biological Specificity and Growth
Author/Editor: Butler, Elmer G
A Biographical Dictionary of Early American Jews
Author/Editor: Joseph R. Rosenbloom
The Biodiversity Gardener: Establishing a Legacy for the Natural World, Vol. 34
Author/Editor: Paul Sterry
Biodemography: An Introduction to Concepts and Methods
Author/Editor: James R. Carey,Deborah A. Roach,JAMES W. VAUPEL
Biochemical Adaptation
Author/Editor: Hochachka, Pater W.; Somero, George N
Binding Promises
Author/Editor: Slawson, W. David
Billionaire Wilderness: The Ultra-Wealthy and the Remaking of the American West
Author/Editor: Justin Farrell
The Big Sandy, 1
The Big Problem of Small Change
Author/Editor: Sargent, Thomas J.; Velde, François R
Big Mind
Author/Editor: Mulgan, Geoff
Big Government and Affirmative Action
Author/Editor: Jonathan J. Bean
Big Gods
Author/Editor: Norenzayan, Ara
The Big Ditch
Author/Editor: Maurer, Noel; Yu, Carlos
Big Bone Lick, 1
Author/Editor: Stanley Hedeen,John Mack Faragher
Bicycles, Bangs, and Bloomers
Author/Editor: Patricia Marks
Biblical Tradition in Blake's Early Prophecies
Bible Nation
Author/Editor: Moss, Candida R.; Baden, Joel S
Bible Nation
Author/Editor: Moss, Candida R.; Baden, Joel S
The Bible in Arabic
Author/Editor: Griffith, Sidney H
Bible Culture and Authority in the Early United States
Author/Editor: Perry, Seth
The Bhagavad Gita
Author/Editor: Davis, Richard H
Beyond UFOs
Author/Editor: Bennett, Jeffrey
Beyond Tragedy
Author/Editor: Robert W. Uphaus
Beyond the Unconscious
Author/Editor: Micale, Mark S
Beyond the Steppe Frontier: A History of the Sino-Russian Border
Beyond the Metafictional Mode
Author/Editor: Robert C. Spires
Beyond the Market
Author/Editor: Beckert, Jens
Beyond the Invisible Hand
Author/Editor: Basu, Kaushik
Beyond the Formalist-Realist Divide
Author/Editor: Tamanaha, Brian Z
Beyond the Epic
Author/Editor: GENE D. PHILLIPS
Beyond the Constitution
Author/Editor: Hadiey Arkes
Beyond the Brain
Author/Editor: Barrett, Louise
Beyond the Border
Author/Editor: Aschheim, Steven E
Beyond the Beat
Author/Editor: Cornfield, Daniel B
Beyond Religious Freedom
Author/Editor: Hurd, Elizabeth Shakman
Beyond Our Means
Author/Editor: Garon, Sheldon
Beyond Mechanical Markets
Author/Editor: Frydman, Roman; Goldberg, Michael D
Beyond Liberal Democracy
Author/Editor: Bell, Daniel A
Beyond Individual Choice
Author/Editor: Bacharach, Michael; Gold, Natalie; Sugden, Robert
Beyond Global Warming: How Numerical Models Revealed the Secrets of Climate Change
Author/Editor: Syukuro Manabe,Anthony J. Broccoli
Beyond Camelot
Author/Editor: Rubin, Edward L
Beyond Biotechnology
Beyond Banks: Technology, Regulation, and the Future of Money
Author/Editor: Dan Awrey
Between Women
Author/Editor: Marcus, Sharon
Between War and Peace
Author/Editor: Feis, Herbert
Between Two Worlds
Author/Editor: Carriero, John
Between Tsar and People: Educated Society and the Quest for Public Identity in Late Imperial Russia
Author/Editor: Edith W. Clowes,Samuel D. Kassow,James L. West
Between Slavery and Capitalism
Author/Editor: Ruef, Martin
Between Silver and Guano
Author/Editor: Gootenberg, Paul Eliot
Between Religion and Rationality
Author/Editor: Frank, Joseph
Between Quantum and Cosmos
Author/Editor: Wojciech Hubert Zurek,Alwyn van der Merwe,Warner Allen Miller
Between Philosophy and History
Author/Editor: Fain, Haskell
Between Mutiny and Obedience
Author/Editor: Smith, Leonard V
Between Muslim and Jew
Author/Editor: Wasserstrom, Steven M
Between Monopoly and Free Trade
Author/Editor: Erikson, Emily
Between Heaven and Earth
Author/Editor: Orsi, Robert A
Between Friends
Author/Editor: John M. Najemy
Between Debt and the Devil
Author/Editor: Turner, Adair
Between Class and Market: Postwar Unionization in the Capitalist Democracies
Author/Editor: Bruce Western
Between Citizens and the State
Author/Editor: Loss, Christopher P
Between Actor and Critic
Author/Editor: Watermeier, Daniel J
Between a Bird Cage and a Bird House: Poems
Author/Editor: Katerina Stoykova
Better Birding
Author/Editor: Armistead, George L.; Sullivan, Brian L
Betrayal and Other Acts of Subversion
Author/Editor: Bow, Leslie
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2021, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: Mircea Pitici
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2020
Author/Editor: Mircea Pitici
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2019
Author/Editor: Pitici, Mircea
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2018
Author/Editor: Pitici, Mircea
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2017
Author/Editor: Pitici, Mircea
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2016
Author/Editor: Pitici, Mircea
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2015
Author/Editor: Pitici, Mircea
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2014
Author/Editor: Pitici, Mircea
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2013
Author/Editor: Pitici, Mircea
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2012
Author/Editor: Pitici, Mircea
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2011
Author/Editor: Pitici, Mircea
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2010, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Mircea Pitici
Best Plays of Racine
The Best Laid Schemes: Selected Poetry and Prose of Robert Burns
Author/Editor: ROBERT BURNS ,Robert Crawford ,Christopher MacLachlan
Bertolt Brecht in America
Author/Editor: Lyon, James K
Bert Combs The Politician, 1
Author/Editor: George W. Robinson
Berlin on the Brink
Author/Editor: Daniel F. Harrington
Berkeley Lectures on p-adic Geometry: (AMS-207)
Author/Editor: Peter Scholze,Jared Weinstein
Beria: Stalin's First Lieutenant
Author/Editor: AMY KNIGHT
Bergson, Eliot, and American Literature
Author/Editor: PAUL DOUGLASS
Berea College
Author/Editor: Shannon H. Wilson
Benny Andersen
Author/Editor: Andersen, Benny
The Bennetts
Author/Editor: Brian Kellow
Ben Jonson's 'Dotages'
Author/Editor: Larry S. Champion
Ben Jonson and the Roman Frame of Mind
Author/Editor: Maus, Katharine Eisaman
Benjamin Silliman
Author/Editor: Brown, Chandos Michael
Benjamin Franklin's Numbers: An Unsung Mathematical Odyssey
Author/Editor: Paul C. Pasles
Benjamin Franklin's Humor
Author/Editor: PAUL M. ZALL
Benford's Law
Author/Editor: Miller, Steven J
Below the Surface
Author/Editor: Rivas-Drake, Deborah; Umaña-Taylor, Adriana
Author/Editor: Ivan S. Lubachko
Belmonte De Los Caballeros
Author/Editor: Lison-Tolosana, Carmelo; Fernandez, J. W
The Bells of Russia
Author/Editor: Williams, Edward V
The Bells in Their Silence
Author/Editor: Gorra, Michael
Believing in Opera
Author/Editor: Sutcliffe, Tom
Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion
Author/Editor: JACOB L. MACKEY
Being Numerous
Author/Editor: Izenberg, Oren
Being Muslim the Bosnian Way: Identity and Community in a Central Bosnian Village
Author/Editor: Tone Bringa
Being Modern in the Middle East
Author/Editor: Watenpaugh, Keith David
Being, Man, and Death
Author/Editor: James M. Demske
Being in the World
Author/Editor: Fred Dallmayr
Being Here: Stories
Author/Editor: Manini Nayar
Being Hal Ashby
Author/Editor: Nick Dawson
Being German, Becoming Muslim
Author/Editor: Özyürek, Esra
Being and Existence in Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Works
Author/Editor: Elrod, John W
Beijing Lectures in Harmonic Analysis. (AM-112), Volume 112
Author/Editor: Stein, Elias M
Behind the Mule: Race and Class in African-American Politics
Author/Editor: Michael C. Dawson
Behind the Intifada: Labor and Women's Movements in the Occupied Territories
Author/Editor: Joost R. Hiltermann
Behind the Geometrical Method: A Reading of Spinoza's Ethics
Author/Editor: EDWIN CURLEY
Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War
Author/Editor: Brovkin, Vladimir N
Behind Japanese Lines
Author/Editor: Ray C. Hunt,Bernard Norling
Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer That Defeated the World Chess Champion
Author/Editor: Feng-hsiung Hsu ,Jon Kleinberg
Behavior and Ecology of the Northern Fur Seal
Author/Editor: Gentry, Roger L
Behavioral Therapy for Rural Substance Abusers
Author/Editor: Carl Leukefeld,Theodore Godlaski,James Clark,Cynthia Brown,Lon Hays
A Behavioral Theory of Elections
Author/Editor: Bendor, Jonathan; Diermeier, Daniel; Siegel, David A
The Behavioral Foundations of Public Policy
Author/Editor: Shafir, Eldar
Behavioral Economics and Its Applications
Author/Editor: Diamond, Peter; Vartiainen, Hannu
Beginnings of Russian Industrialization, 1800-1860
Author/Editor: Blackwell, William L
The Beginnings of Philosophy in Greece
Author/Editor: Sassi, Maria Michela
The Beginning of Politics
Author/Editor: Halbertal, Moshe; Holmes, Stephen
Before the Quagmire
Author/Editor: William J. Rust
Before the Melting Pot: Society and Culture in Colonial New York City, 1664-1730
Before the Deluge
Author/Editor: Sonenscher, Michael
Before the Computer
Author/Editor: Cortada, James W
Before The Bomb
Author/Editor: John D. Chappell
Before Silent Spring
Author/Editor: Whorton, James C
Before Sexuality: The Construction of Erotic Experience in the Ancient Greek World
Author/Editor: David M. Halperin,John J. Winkler,Froma I. Zeitlin
Before Recollection
Before Our Eyes
Author/Editor: Wilner, Eleanor
Before Modernism: Inventing American Lyric
Before Command
Author/Editor: Gregory, Paul R
Before Big Blue
Author/Editor: Gregory Kent Stanley
Before and After Muhammad
Author/Editor: Fowden, Garth
Beetles of Western North America
Author/Editor: Arthur V. Evans
Beetles of the World: A Natural History, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Maxwell V. L. Barclay ,Patrice Bouchard
Beetles of Eastern North America
Author/Editor: Evans, Arthur V
Author/Editor: D. K. R. CROSSWELL
Beethoven Hero
Author/Editor: SCOTT BURNHAM
Beethoven and His World
Bees of the World: A Guide to Every Family, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Laurence Packer
The Bees in Your Backyard
Author/Editor: Wilson, Joseph S.; Messinger Carril, Olivia J
Bees in America
Author/Editor: TAMMY HORN
The Beer Cheese Book
Author/Editor: GARIN PIRNIA
The Beekeeper's Guide: Building Skills and Knowledge
Author/Editor: Meredith May ,Claire Jones ,Anne Rowberry ,Margaret Murdin
Author/Editor: Tammy Horn
The Bee
Author/Editor: Wilson-Rich, Noah
Bedeviled: A Shadow History of Demons in Science
Becoming Yellow
Author/Editor: Keevak, Michael
Becoming the Buddha: The Ritual of Image Consecration in Thailand
Author/Editor: Donald K. Swearer
Becoming Right
Author/Editor: Binder, Amy J.; Wood, Kate
Becoming Old Stock: The Paradox of German-American Identity
Author/Editor: Russell A. Kazal
Becoming Native To This Place
Author/Editor: Wes Jackson
Becoming Modern: Young Women and the Reconstruction of Womanhood in the 1920s
Author/Editor: Birgitte Søland
Becoming King
Author/Editor: Troy Jackson,Clayborne Carson
Becoming Great Universities: Small Steps for Sustained Excellence
Author/Editor: Richard J. Light ,Allison Jegla
Becoming George Orwell: Life and Letters, Legend and Legacy
Author/Editor: John Rodden
Becoming Bourgeois
Author/Editor: Frank J. Byrne
Becoming Black Political Subjects
Author/Editor: Paschel, Tianna S
Becoming Better Muslims
Author/Editor: Kloos, David
Becoming a Woman of Letters: Myths of Authorship and Facts of the Victorian Market
Author/Editor: LINDA H. PETERSON
Becoming a Revolutionary
Author/Editor: Tackett, Timothy
Becoming a French Aristocrat
Author/Editor: Motley, Mark Edward
Beckett's Critical Complicity
Author/Editor: Sylvie Debevec Henning
Beckett in Black and Red
Author/Editor: Alan Warren Friedman
Because of Race
Author/Editor: Pollock, Mica
Beauty Pays
Author/Editor: Hamermesh, Daniel S
The Beauty of Birds
Author/Editor: Mynott, Jeremy