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Titles start with P ( displaying 500 of 1,035 ) Information
The Pythagorean Theorem: A 4,000-Year History
Author/Editor: ELI MAOR
Pythagoras' Revenge
Author/Editor: Sangalli, Arturo
Putting Liberalism in Its Place
Author/Editor: Kahn, Paul W
Putting Folklore To Use, 1
Author/Editor: Michael Owen Jones
Pursuits of Wisdom
Author/Editor: Cooper, John M
The Pursuit of Truth
Author/Editor: William H. McNeill
The Pursuit of Pleasure: Drugs and Stimulants in Iranian History, 1500-1900
Author/Editor: Rudi Matthee
The Pursuit of Laziness
Author/Editor: Saint-Amand, Pierre
Pursuing Happiness
Author/Editor: Lebergott, Stanley
Purposive Interpretation in Law
Author/Editor: Barak, Aharon
Puritans in Babylon
Author/Editor: Bruce Kuklick
The Puritans: A Transatlantic History
Author/Editor: David D. Hall
Puritans and Yankees
Author/Editor: Dunn, Richard S
Pure Food
Author/Editor: Young, James Harvey
The Purchase of Intimacy
Author/Editor: Zelizer, Viviana A
Puppets of Nostalgia
Author/Editor: Law, Jane Marie
The Punjab Under Imperialism, 1885-1947
Author/Editor: Ali, Imran
Punishment: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader
Author/Editor: A. John Simmons ,Marshall Cohen ,Joshua Cohen ,Charles R. Beitz
Punishment and Power in the Making of Modern Japan
Author/Editor: Botsman, Daniel V
Punishing the Prince
Author/Editor: McGillivray, Fiona; Smith, Alastair
The Pundits: British Exploration of Tibet and Central Asia
Author/Editor: DEREK WALLER
The Pundits, 1
Author/Editor: DEREK WALLER
Pulpit in Parliament
Author/Editor: Wilson, John Frederick
Pulitzer's Post Dipatch
Author/Editor: Rammelkamp, Julian S
Author/Editor: DARYL HINE
Puccini's Turandot
Author/Editor: Ashbrook, William; Powers, Harold
Publishing, Printing, and the Origins of the Intellectual Life in Russia, 1700-1800
Author/Editor: Marker, Gary
Public Welfare, Science and Propaganda in 17th-Century France
Author/Editor: Solomon, Howard M
Public Service Liberalism
Author/Editor: Stone, Alan
Public Service and University Education
Author/Editor: Joseph E. McLean
The Public Papers of Governor Wendell H. Ford, 1971-1974, 1
Author/Editor: W. Landis Jones
The Public Papers of Governor Simeon Willis, 1943-1947
Author/Editor: James C. Klotter,Edmund D. Lyon,C. David Dalton
The Public Papers of Governor Martha Layne Collins, 1983-1987
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Duffy Fraas
The Public Papers of Governor Louie B. Nunn
Author/Editor: Robert F. Sexton,Lewis Bellardo Jr.
The Public Papers of Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby, 1950-1955
Author/Editor: John E. Kleber
The Public Papers of Governor Keen Johnson, 1939-1943
Author/Editor: Frederic D. Ogden
The Public Papers of Governor Edward T. Breathitt, 1963-1967
Author/Editor: Kenneth E. Harrell
The Public Papers of Governor Brereton C. Jones, 1991-1995
Author/Editor: Penny M. Miller
The Public Papers of Governor Bert T. Combs
Author/Editor: George W. Robinson
Public Opinion and Democratic Accountability: How Citizens Learn about Politics
Author/Editor: Vincent L. Hutchings
Public Man, Private Woman: Women in Social and Political Thought - Second Edition, Ed. NED - New edition, 2
Author/Editor: Jean Bethke Elshtain
Public Goods, Private Goods
Author/Editor: Geuss, Raymond
Public Freedom
Author/Editor: Villa, Dana
Public Entrepreneurs
Author/Editor: Schneider, Mark; Teske, Paul; Mintrom, Michael
A Public Empire
Author/Editor: Pravilova, Ekaterina
Public Drinking and Popular Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris
Author/Editor: Brennan, Thomas Edward
Public Capital, Growth and Welfare
Author/Editor: Agénor, Pierre-Richard
Ptolemy's Philosophy
Author/Editor: Feke, Jacqueline
Ptolemy's Geography: An Annotated Translation of the Theoretical Chapters
Author/Editor: J. Lennart Berggren,Alexander Jones
Ptolemy's Almagest
Author/Editor: Ptolemy,G. J. Toomer,Owen Gingerich
Author/Editor: Witton, Mark P
Psychology of Yoga and Meditation: Lectures Delivered at ETH Zurich, Volume 6: 1938–1940
Author/Editor: C. G. JUNG ,MARTIN LIEBSCHER ,Heather McCartney ,John Peck
Psychology of the Unconscious: A Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms of the Libido: A Contribution to the History of the Evolution of Thought, Vol. 5
Psychology of the Transference: (From Vol. 16 Collected Works)
Author/Editor: C. G. JUNG,R. F. C. HULL
The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Shamdasani, Sonu
A Psychology of Difference: The American Lectures
Author/Editor: Otto Rank,Robert Kramer,Rollo May
Psychology of Dementia Praecox
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Psychology and the Occult: (From Vols. 1, 8, 18 Collected Works)
Author/Editor: C. G. JUNG,R. F. C. HULL
Psychology and the East: (From Vols. 10, 11, 13, 18 Collected Works)
Author/Editor: C. G. JUNG,R. F. C. HULL
Psychology and Education
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Psychoanalytic Years
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Stein, Leopold
Psychic Energy: Its Source and Its Transformation, Vol. 670
Author/Editor: M. ESTHER HARDING ,C. G. Jung
The Psychiatric Persuasion: Knowledge, Gender, and Power in Modern America
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Lunbeck
Psychedelics and the College Student. Student Committee on Mental Health. Princeton University
Author/Editor: Student, Committee on Mental Health
Psyche and Symbol: A Selection from the Writings of C.G. Jung
Author/Editor: C. G. JUNG,R.F.C. HULL,Violet S. de Laszlo
P.S. I Love You
Author/Editor: Carlton Jackson
Pseudo-Science and Society in 19th-Century America
Author/Editor: ARTHUR WROBEL
Pseudorandomness and Cryptographic Applications
Author/Editor: Michael Luby
Pseudodifferential Operators (PMS-34)
Prudes, Perverts, and Tyrants
Author/Editor: Tarnopolsky, Christina H
Prudentius' Psychomachia
Author/Editor: Smith, Macklin
Proving Woman
Author/Editor: Elliott, Dyan
Provincializing Europe
Author/Editor: Chakrabarty, Dipesh
Province of East New Jersey, 1609-1702
Author/Editor: Pomfret, John E
Proust's Binoculars
Author/Editor: Shattuck, Roger
Proud Kentuckian, 1
Author/Editor: FRANK H. HECK
Protest in Tokyo
Author/Editor: Packard, George R
Protestants Abroad
Author/Editor: Hollinger, David A
Protestant Poetics and the Seventeenth-Century Religious Lyric
Author/Editor: Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer
Protestant Mind of English Reformation, 1570-1640
Author/Editor: George, Charles H.; George, Katherine
Protestant-Catholic Relations in America
Author/Editor: LEROND CURRY
Protest!: A History of Social and Political Protest Graphics
Author/Editor: LIZ McQUISTON
Protein Targeting and Translocation
Author/Editor: Phoenix, D. A
Protective Tariffs
Author/Editor: Graham, Frank Dunstone
Protecting the Ballot: How First-Wave Democracies Ended Electoral Corruption
Author/Editor: Isabela Mares
Prospects Of Power
Author/Editor: JOHN SNYDER
Prospects in Topology (AM-138), Volume 138
Author/Editor: Quinn, Frank
Prospects in Mathematics. (AM-70), Volume 70
Author/Editor: Hirzebruch, Friedrich; Hörmander, Lars; Milnor, John
Prospects for Faculty in the Arts and Sciences
Author/Editor: Bowen, William G.; Sosa, Julie Ann
Prospects for a Common Morality
Author/Editor: Outka, Gene; Reeder, John P
Prose Poetry: An Introduction
Author/Editor: Paul Hetherington,Cassandra Atherton
A Prosentential Theory of Truth
Author/Editor: Grover, Dorothy
The Propriety of Liberty
Author/Editor: Kelly, Duncan
Prophet Without Honor
Author/Editor: F. Ross Peterson
Prophets of the Past
Author/Editor: Brenner, Michael
Prophetic Sons and Daughters
Author/Editor: Valenze, Deborah M
Prophecy and Reason
Author/Editor: Fix, Andrew Cooper
Property Rights
Author/Editor: Anderson, Terry L.; McChesney, Fred S
Property and Kinship
Author/Editor: Ditz, Toby L
Propaganda, Communication and Public Opinion
Author/Editor: Smith, Bruce Lannes; Lasswell, Harold D
The Proof Stage: How Theater Reveals the Human Truth of Mathematics
Author/Editor: STEPHEN ABBOTT ,Tom Stoppard ,Alfred Jarry ,Stanislaw Witkiewicz ,Samuel Beckett ,Bertolt Brecht ,Friedrich Dürrenmatt ,Michael Frayn ,Simon McBurne
The Proof and the Pudding
Author/Editor: Henle, Jim
Promoting Peace with Information: Transparency as a Tool of Security Regimes
Author/Editor: Dan Lindley
The Promise of Punishment
Author/Editor: O'Brien, Patricia
The Promise of American Life
Author/Editor: Croly, Herbert
Promised Lands: The British and the Ottoman Middle East
Author/Editor: Jonathan Parry
The Promise and Perils of Populism
Author/Editor: Carlos de la Torre
The Promise and Peril of Credit
Author/Editor: Trivellato, Francesca
Promise and Dilemma: Perspectives on Racial Diversity and Higher Education
Author/Editor: EUGENE Y. LOWE JR.
Prometheus: Archetypal Image of Human Existence
Author/Editor: Carl Kerényi,Ralph Manheim
Prologue to Democracy
Author/Editor: Lisle A. Rose
Prologue to Conflict
Author/Editor: HOLMAN HAMILTON,Michael F. Holt
Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion
Author/Editor: JANE ELLEN HARRISON ,Robert Ackerman
Prolegomena to Homer, 1795
Author/Editor: Wolf, Friedrich August
Programming as if People Mattered
Author/Editor: Borenstein, Nathaniel S
The Profit Paradox: How Thriving Firms Threaten the Future of Work
Author/Editor: JAN EECKHOUT
Profinite Groups, Arithmetic, and Geometry. (AM-67), Volume 67
Author/Editor: Shatz, Stephen S
Profiles from the Kitchen
Author/Editor: Charles A. Baker-Clark
The Profession of Player in Shakespeare's Time, 1590-1642
Author/Editor: Bentley, Gerald Eades
Profession of Dramatist in Shakespeare's Time, 1590-1642
Author/Editor: Bentley, Gerald Eades
Profession of Conscience
Author/Editor: Sprinkle, Robert H
Professional Playwrights
Author/Editor: Ira Clark
The Professional Diplomat
Author/Editor: Harr, John Ensor
Profane Culture
Author/Editor: Willis, Paul E
Production Theory and Indivisible Commodities. (PSME-3), Volume 3
Author/Editor: Frank, Charles Raphael
Producing Security
Author/Editor: Brooks, Stephen G
Producing Public Television, Producing Public Culture
Author/Editor: Barry Dornfeld
Producing Culture and Capital: Family Firms in Italy
Author/Editor: Sylvia Junko Yanagisako
Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Parmenides
Proclaiming a Classic
Author/Editor: Javitch, Daniel
The Process of Government under Jefferson
Author/Editor: Cunningham, Noble E
The Process of Animal Domestication
The Process Matters
Author/Editor: Brockner, Joel
Proceedings of the Princeton Symposium on Mathematical Programming
Author/Editor: Kuhn, Harold William
Problems Unique to the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Harry James Cargas
Problems of Style
Author/Editor: ALOIS RIEGL,Evelyn Kain,David Castriota,Henri Zerner
Problems in Analysis
Author/Editor: Gunning, Robert C
The Problem of War
Author/Editor: Silberner, Edmund
The Problem of Trust
Author/Editor: Adam B. Seligman
Problem of Fertility
Author/Editor: EARL T. ENGLE
The Problem of Bureaucratic Rationality
Author/Editor: Kato, Junko
Probleme General de la Stabilite du Mouvement. (AM-17), Volume 17
Author/Editor: Liapounoff, Alexandr Mikhailovich
Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation
Author/Editor: Lightman, Alan P.; Press, William H.; Price, Richard H
Probing the Atom: Interactions of Coupled States, Fast Beams, and Loose Electrons
Author/Editor: Mark P. Silverman
Probability, Markov Chains, Queues, and Simulation
Author/Editor: Stewart, William J
The Probability Lifesaver
Author/Editor: Miller, Steven J
Privileging Industry
Author/Editor: McGillivray, Fiona
Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul's School, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Shamus Rahman Khan
The Privileged Playgoers of Shakespeare's London, 1576-1642
Author/Editor: Cook, Ann Jennalie
Privileged and Confidential
Author/Editor: Kenneth Michael Absher,Michael C. Desch,Roman Popadiuk
Privilege and Punishment: How Race and Class Matter in Criminal Court
Author/Editor: Matthew Clair
Author/Editor: Khan, Shamus Rahman
Privatizing Pensions
Author/Editor: Orenstein, Mitchell A
The Privatized State
Privatization and the Welfare State
Author/Editor: Kamerman, Sheila B.; Kahn, Alfred J
Private Wealth in Renaissance Florence
Author/Editor: Goldthwaite, Richard A
The Private Science of Louis Pasteur
Author/Editor: Geison, Gerald L
Private Power and Centralization in France
Author/Editor: Suleiman, Ezra N
Private Life in New Kingdom Egypt
Author/Editor: Meskell, Lynn
Private Government
Author/Editor: Anderson, Elizabeth
Private Academies of the Tokugawa Period
Author/Editor: Rubinger, Richard
Prison Religion
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Winnifred Fallers
The Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism
Author/Editor: Fredric Jameson
Prisoners of Myth
Author/Editor: Hargrove, Erwin C
The Priority of Love: Christian Charity and Social Justice, Vol. 57
Author/Editor: Timothy P. Jackson
The Priority of Democracy
Author/Editor: Knight, Jack; Johnson, James
Printed Propaganda under Louis XIV
Author/Editor: Klaits, Joseph
Principles of Laser Spectroscopy and Quantum Optics
Author/Editor: Berman, Paul R.; Malinovsky, Vladimir S
Principles of Economic Sociology
Author/Editor: Swedberg, Richard
Principles of Animal Locomotion
Author/Editor: Alexander, R. McNeill
Principles and Proofs
Author/Editor: Richard D. McKirahan Jr.
The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature: From the European Enlightenment to the Global Present, Vol. 22
Princeton Readings in Religion and Violence
Author/Editor: Juergensmeyer, Mark; Kitts, Margo
Princeton Readings in Political Thought: Essential Texts since Plato - Revised and Expanded Edition, Ed. REV - Revised, 2
Author/Editor: Mitchell Cohen
Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought: Texts and Contexts from al-Banna to Bin Laden, Vol. 32
Author/Editor: Roxanne L. Euben ,Muhammad Qasim Zaman
Princeton Readings in American Politics
Author/Editor: Richard M. Valelly
The Princeton Reader: Contemporary Essays by Writers and Journalists at Princeton University
Author/Editor: John McPhee ,Carol Rigolot
Princeton Problems in Physics with Solutions
Author/Editor: Newbury, Nathan; Newman, Mark
Princetonians, 1791-1794
Author/Editor: Looney, J. Jefferson; Woodward, Ruth L
Princetonians, 1784-1790
Author/Editor: Woodward, Ruth L.; Craven, Wesley Frank
Princetonians, 1776-1783
Author/Editor: Harrison, Richard A
Princetonians, 1769-1775
Author/Editor: Harrison, Richard A
Princetonians, 1748-1768
Author/Editor: McLachlan, James
The Princeton History of Modern Ireland
Author/Editor: Bourke, Richard; McBride, Ian
The Princeton Handbook of World Poetries
Author/Editor: Greene, Roland; Cushman, Stephen
The Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms
Author/Editor: Greene, Roland; Cushman, Stephen
The Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms
Author/Editor: Preminger, Alex; Hardison, O. B.; Warnke, Frank J
The Princeton Guide to Historical Research
Author/Editor: Zachary M. Schrag
The Princeton Guide to Evolution
Author/Editor: Baum, David A.; Futuyma, Douglas J.; Hoekstra, Hopi E
The Princeton Guide to Ecology
Author/Editor: Levin, Simon A.; Carpenter, Stephen R.; Godfray, H. Charles J
Princeton Guide to Advanced Physics
Author/Editor: Tribble, Alan C
The Princeton Field Guide to Prehistoric Mammals
Author/Editor: Prothero, Donald R
The Princeton Field Guide to Predatory Dinosaurs
Author/Editor: GREGORY S. PAUL
The Princeton Field Guide to Mesozoic Sea Reptiles
Author/Editor: GREGORY S. PAUL
The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs
Author/Editor: Paul, Gregory S
The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs
Author/Editor: Paul, Gregory S
The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy. (Two volume set)
Author/Editor: Reinert, Kenneth A.; Rajan, Ramkishen S.; Glass, Amy Joycelyn
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics
Author/Editor: Cushman, Stephen; Cavanagh, Clare; Ramazani, Jahan
Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics
Author/Editor: Preminger, Alex; Warnke, Frank J.; Hardison, O. B
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought
Author/Editor: Bowering, Gerhard; Crone, Patricia; Kadi, Wadad
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites
Author/Editor: RICHARD STILLWELL,William L. MacDonald,Marian Holland McAllister
The Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History. (Two volume set)
Author/Editor: Kazin, Michael; Edwards, Rebecca; Rothman, Adam
The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism
Author/Editor: Buswell, Robert E.; Lopez, Donald S
The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
Author/Editor: Gowers, Timothy; Barrow-Green, June; Leader, Imre
The Princeton Companion to Jonathan Edwards
Author/Editor: Sang Hyun Lee
The Princeton Companion to Classical Japanese Literature
Author/Editor: Earl Miner,Hiroko Odagiri,Robert E. Morrell
The Princeton Companion to Atlantic History
Author/Editor: Miller, Joseph C
The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics
Author/Editor: Higham, Nicholas J
A Princeton Companion
Author/Editor: Leitch, Alexander
The Princeton Anthology of Writing: Favorite Pieces by the Ferris/McGraw Writers at Princeton University
Author/Editor: John McPhee ,Carol Rigolot
Princeton, 1746-1896
Author/Editor: Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson
The Prince of Jockeys
Author/Editor: Pellom McDaniels III
Prince of Dublin Printers
Author/Editor: Robert E. Ward
A Princely Impostor?: The Strange and Universal History of the Kumar of Bhawal
Author/Editor: Partha Chatterjee
Prime Suspects
Author/Editor: Granville, Andrew; Granville, Jennifer
A Primer on Mapping Class Groups (PMS-49)
Author/Editor: Farb, Benson; Margalit, Dan
Prime-Detecting Sieves (LMS-33)
Author/Editor: Harman, Glyn
Primates and Philosophers
Author/Editor: de Waal, Frans; Macedo, Stephen; Ober, Josiah
Priests and Programmers
Author/Editor: Lansing, J. Stephen
Priest and Parish in Eighteenth-Century France
Author/Editor: Tackett, Timothy
Prickly Moses: Poems
Author/Editor: Simon West
Pricing the Planet's Future
Author/Editor: Gollier, Christian
Pricing Lives
Author/Editor: Viscusi, W. Kip
Pricing Decisions in Small Business
Author/Editor: W. WARREN HAYNES
The Price of Whiteness: Jews, Race, and American Identity
Author/Editor: Eric L. Goldstein
The Price of Scarlet
Author/Editor: Brianna Noll,Lisa Williams
The Price of Rights
Author/Editor: Ruhs, Martin
The Price of Freedom
Author/Editor: T. Stephen Whitman
The Price of Everything
Author/Editor: Roberts, Russell
The Price of Collapse: The Little Ice Age and the Fall of Ming China
Author/Editor: TIMOTHY BROOK
The Price of China's Economic Development
Author/Editor: ZHAOHUI HONG
Priced Out
Author/Editor: Reinhardt, Uwe E
Price and Quantity Trends in the Foreign Trade of the United States
Author/Editor: Herzfeld, Karl Ferdinand
Preventing Palestine
Author/Editor: Anziska, Seth
Pretend the Ball Is Named Jim Crow: The Story of Josh Gibson
Press ONE for English
Author/Editor: Schildkraut, Deborah J
Press and Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: Cohen, Bernard Cecil
The Pre-Socratics
Author/Editor: Mourelatos, Alexander P.D
The President Who Would Not Be King: Executive Power under the Constitution
Presidents, Bureaucrats and Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: Destler, I. M
Presidents and the Dissolution of the Union
Author/Editor: Greenstein, Fred I
Presidential Spending Power
Author/Editor: Fisher, Louis
Presidential Selection: Theory and Development
Author/Editor: JAMES W. CEASER
The Presidential Pulse of Congressional Elections, 1
Author/Editor: JAMES E. CAMPBELL
Presidential Primaries and the Dynamics of Public Choice
Author/Editor: LARRY M. BARTELS
Presidential Party Building
Author/Editor: Galvin, Daniel J
Presidential Leadership and the Creation of the American Era
Author/Editor: Nye, Joseph S
The Presidential Difference
Author/Editor: Greenstein, Fred I
The Presidency of George W. Bush
Author/Editor: Zelizer, Julian
The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: A First Historical Assessment
Author/Editor: Donald J. Trump ,Julian E. Zelizer
The Presidency of Barack Obama
Author/Editor: Zelizer, Julian
The Presidency in the Twenty-first Century
Author/Editor: Charles W. Dunn
The Presidency in the Era of 24-Hour News
Author/Editor: Cohen, Jeffrey E
The Preservation of Species
Author/Editor: Norton, Bryan G
The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village
Author/Editor: Behar, Ruth
The Presence of Siva
The Presence of Pessoa
The Presence of Camões
Premises and Motifs in Renaissance Thought and Literature
Author/Editor: Patrides, C. A
Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean
Author/Editor: E. J. W. BARBER
Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5MTUMR-2346
Author/Editor: White, Tim D
A Preface to Chaucer
Author/Editor: Robertson, Durant Waite
Predicting the Unpredictable
Author/Editor: Hough, Susan Elizabeth
Predicting the Unpredictable
Author/Editor: Hough, Susan Elizabeth
Predicting the Presidency
Author/Editor: Edwards, George C
Predicative Arithmetic. (MN-32)
Author/Editor: Nelson, Edward
The Preacher's Wife
Author/Editor: Bowler, Kate
Preachers, Poets, and the Early English Lyric
Author/Editor: Wenzel, Siegfried
The Praise of Folly
Author/Editor: Erasmus, Desiderius
Praise and Blame
Author/Editor: Robinson, Daniel N
Prague, Capital of the Twentieth Century: A Surrealist History
Author/Editor: Derek Sayer
The Pragmatism Reader
Author/Editor: Talisse, Robert B.; Aikin, Scott F
Practicing Romance
Author/Editor: Millington, Richard H
Practicing Democracy: Elections and Political Culture in Imperial Germany
Practices and Principles: Approaches to Ethical and Legal Judgment
Author/Editor: MARK TUNICK
The Practice of Data Analysis
Author/Editor: Brillinger, David R.; Fernholz, Luisa T.; Morgenthaler, Stephan
Pox Romana: The Plague That Shook the Roman World, Vol. 11
Author/Editor: COLIN ELLIOTT
Power without Persuasion
Author/Editor: Howell, William G
Author/Editor: Lane, Matthew
Power, Trade, and War
Author/Editor: Edward D. Mansfield
Power to the People
Author/Editor: Kander, Astrid; Malanima, Paolo; Warde, Paul
The Power to Destroy: How the Antitax Movement Hijacked America
Author/Editor: Michael J. Graetz
The Power to Change Geography
Author/Editor: O'Hehir, Diana
Power, Strategy and Security
Power, Speed, and Form
Author/Editor: Billington, David P.; Billington Jr., David
The Powers of Distance
Author/Editor: Anderson, Amanda
Author/Editor: Cha, Victor
Power over Peoples
Author/Editor: Headrick, Daniel R
The Power of Prions: The Strange and Essential Proteins That Can Cause Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Other Diseases
Author/Editor: MICHEL BRAHIC
The Power of Organizations: A New Approach to Organizational Theory
The Power of Networks
Author/Editor: Brinton, Christopher G.; Chiang, Mung
The Power of Ideas
Author/Editor: Berlin, Isaiah; Hardy, Henry
The Power of Hope: How the Science of Well-Being Can Save Us from Despair
Author/Editor: Carol Graham
The Power of Historical Knowledge
Author/Editor: Mizruchi, Susan L
The Power of Denial
Author/Editor: Faure, Bernard
The Power of Cute
Author/Editor: May, Simon
Power Lines
Author/Editor: Needham, Andrew
Power in the Portrayal
Author/Editor: Brann, Ross
Power, Interdependence, and Nonstate Actors in World Politics
Author/Editor: Milner, Helen V.; Moravcsik, Andrew
Power in Numbers
Author/Editor: DeNardo, James
Power and the Pulpit in Puritan New England
Author/Editor: Elliott, Edward
Power And Profits
Author/Editor: Ronald W. Cox
Power and Possession in the Russian Revolution, Vol. 27
Author/Editor: ANNE O’DONNELL
Power and Plenty
Author/Editor: Findlay, Ronald; O'Rourke, Kevin H
Power and International Relations
Author/Editor: Baldwin, David A
The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve
Author/Editor: Conti-Brown, Peter
Power and Ideology in Brazil
Author/Editor: McDonough, Peter
Power and Empowerment in Higher Education
Author/Editor: D. B. ROBERTSON
Powell of the Colorado
Author/Editor: Darrah, William Culp
Poverty Traps
Author/Editor: Bowles, Samuel; Durlauf, Steven N.; Hoff, Karla
The Poverty of Revolution
Author/Editor: Eckstein, Susan Eva
The Poverty of Clio
Author/Editor: Boldizzoni, Francesco
Poverty Knowledge
Author/Editor: O'Connor, Alice
Poverty and Discrimination
Author/Editor: Lang, Kevin
Poverty and Charity in the Jewish Community of Medieval Egypt
Author/Editor: Cohen, Mark R
Author/Editor: George L. Wilber
Pound's Cavalcanti
Author/Editor: Anderson, David
Postwar Market for State and Local Government Securities
Author/Editor: Robinson, Roland I
Post-Soviet Social
Author/Editor: Collier, Stephen J
Author/Editor: Greene, Roland
Postmodern Moments in Modern Economics
Author/Editor: Ruccio, David F.; Amariglio, Jack
Post-Modernism and the Social Sciences
Author/Editor: Rosenau, Pauline Marie
Postmodern Belief
Author/Editor: Hungerford, Amy
Post-Industrial Cities
Author/Editor: Savitch, H. V
Post-Imperial Possibilities: Eurasia, Eurafrica, Afroasia
Author/Editor: Jane Burbank ,Frederick Cooper
The Posthuman Dada Guide
Author/Editor: Codrescu, Andrei
Postcommunism and the Theory of Democracy
Author/Editor: Richard D. Anderson Jr. ,M. Steven Fish ,Stephen E. Hanson ,Philip G. Roeder ,George W. Breslauer
Postcards from Absurdistan: Prague at the End of History
Author/Editor: DEREK SAYER
The Possibility of Altruism
Author/Editor: THOMAS NAGEL
Positive Definite Matrices
Author/Editor: Bhatia, Rajendra
Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece
Author/Editor: Joan Breton Connelly
Portrait Of A Father
The Portrait in the Renaissance, Vol. 12
Portrait and Place: Photography in Senegal, 1840–1960
Author/Editor: Giulia Paoletti
Portfolios of the Poor
Author/Editor: Collins, Daryl; Morduch, Jonathan; Rutherford, Stuart
Portfolio Risk Analysis
Author/Editor: Connor, Gregory; Goldberg, Lisa R.; Korajczyk, Robert A
Portable Property
Author/Editor: Plotz, John
The Portable Bunyan
Author/Editor: Hofmeyr, Isabel
Porcelain: A History from the Heart of Europe
Author/Editor: Suzanne L. Marchand
Populists, Plungers, and Progressives
Author/Editor: Cowing, Cedric B
Populist Religion and Left-Wing Politics in France, 1830-1852
Author/Editor: Berenson, Edward
The Populist Paradox
Author/Editor: Gerber, Elisabeth R
Populism and Politics
Author/Editor: Peter H. Argersinger
Populations in a Seasonal Environment. (MPB-5)
Population of the British Colonies in America Before 1776
Author/Editor: Wells, Robert V
Population Harvesting (MPB-27), Volume 27: Demographic Models of Fish, Forest, and Animal Resources. (MPB-27)
Population Growth and Economic Development
Author/Editor: Coale, Ansley Johnson; Hoover, Edgar M
Population Ecology of the Cooperatively Breeding Acorn Woodpecker. (MPB-24), Volume 24
Population Ecology of Individuals. (MPB-25), Volume 25
Author/Editor: ADAM ŁOMNICKI
Population Ecology
Author/Editor: Vandermeer, John H.; Goldberg, Deborah E
The Population Biology of Tuberculosis
Author/Editor: Dye, Christopher
Population-Based Survey Experiments
Author/Editor: Mutz, Diana C
Population and Revenue in the Towns of Palestine in the Sixteenth Century
Author/Editor: Lewis, Bernard; Cohen, Amnon
Population and Development in Poor Countries
Author/Editor: Simon, Julian Lincoln
Population and Community Ecology of Ontogenetic Development
Author/Editor: de Roos, André M.; Persson, Lennart
Popular Voices in Latin American Catholicism
Author/Editor: Levine, Daniel H
Popular Politics and the Path to Durable Democracy
Author/Editor: Mohammad Ali Kadivar
Popular Efficacy in the Democratic Era
Author/Editor: Nardulli, Peter F
Popular Catholicism in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Author/Editor: Jonathan Sperber
Pop Finance
Author/Editor: Harrington, Brooke
Pop Culture and the Dark Side of the American Dream: Con Men, Gangsters, Drug Lords, and Zombies
Author/Editor: PAUL A. CANTOR
Poor Richard's Principle
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
The Poor in Court
Author/Editor: Lawrence, Susan E
The Pomegranates and Other Modern Italian Fairy Tales, Vol. 18
Author/Editor: Cristina Mazzoni
Polyominoes: Puzzles, Patterns, Problems, and Packings - Revised and Expanded Second Edition, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: SOLOMON W. GOLOMB
Polygyny and Sexual Selection in Red-Winged Blackbirds
Author/Editor: Searcy, William A.; Yasukawa, Ken
Pollination: The Enduring Relationship between Plant and Pollinator
Pollination and Floral Ecology
Author/Editor: Willmer, Pat
Politics, Power, and Bureaucracy in France
Author/Editor: Suleiman, Ezra N
Politics, Philosophy, Terror
Author/Editor: Villa, Dana
Politics Out of History
Author/Editor: Brown, Wendy
The Politics of Women's Work
Author/Editor: Coffin, Judith G
The Politics of Women's Rights in Iran
Author/Editor: Osanloo, Arzoo
The Politics of Women's Rights
Author/Editor: Wolbrecht, Christina
The Politics of Whiteness: Race, Workers, and Culture in the Modern South, Vol. 143
Author/Editor: Michelle Brattain
The Politics of Tradition
Author/Editor: Whitaker, C. Sylvester
Politics of Trade Negotiations Between Africa and the European Economic Community
Author/Editor: Zartman, I. William
The Politics of the Veil
Author/Editor: Scott, Joan Wallach
Politics of the Self
Author/Editor: McCormick, Richard W
The Politics of the Prussian Nobility
Author/Editor: Berdahl, Robert M
The Politics of the Developing Areas
Author/Editor: Almond, Gabriel Abraham; Coleman, James Smoot
The Politics of Technological Change in Prussia
Author/Editor: Brose, Eric Dorn
The Politics of Social Policy in the United States
Politics of Social Change
Author/Editor: Halpern, Manfred
The Politics of Secularism in International Relations
Author/Editor: Hurd, Elizabeth Shakman
The Politics of Ritual
Author/Editor: MOLLY FARNETH
The Politics of Retribution in Europe
Author/Editor: Deák, István; Gross, Jan; Judt, Tony
The Politics of Regional Policy in Japan
Author/Editor: Samuels, Richard J
The Politics of Public Enterprise
Author/Editor: Harvey B. Feigenbaum
The Politics of Presidential Appointments
Author/Editor: Lewis, David E
The Politics of Precedent on the U.S. Supreme Court
Author/Editor: Hansford, Thomas G.; Spriggs, James F
The Politics of Precaution
Author/Editor: Vogel, David
Politics of Piety
Author/Editor: Mahmood, Saba
The Politics of Opera
Author/Editor: Cohen, Mitchell
The Politics of Motion
A Politics of Melancholia: From Plato to Arendt
Author/Editor: George Edmondson ,Klaus Mladek
The Politics of Market Reform in Fragile Democracies: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela
Author/Editor: KURT WEYLAND
The Politics of Life Itself
Author/Editor: Rose, Nikolas
The Politics of Latin Literature
Author/Editor: Habinek, Thomas N
The Politics of Language
Author/Editor: David Beaver ,Jason Stanley
The Politics of Institutional Choice
Author/Editor: Smith, Steven S.; Remington, Thomas F
The Politics of Happiness
Author/Editor: Bok, Derek
The Politics of Good Intentions
Author/Editor: Runciman, David
The Politics of Global Regulation
Author/Editor: Mattli, Walter; Woods, Ngaire
The Politics of Gender after Socialism
Author/Editor: Gal, Susan; Kligman, Gail
Politics of Force
Author/Editor: Young, Oran R
The Politics of Federal Judicial Administration
Author/Editor: Fish, Peter Graham
The Politics of Evangelical Identity
Author/Editor: Bean, Lydia
The Politics of Educational Reform in France, 1918-1940
Author/Editor: Talbott, John E
The Politics of Economic Power in Southern Africa
Author/Editor: Libby, Ronald T
The Politics of Economic Leadership: The Causes and Consequences of Presidential Rhetoric
Author/Editor: B. Dan Wood
The Politics of Economic Adjustment
Author/Editor: Haggard, Stephan; Kaufman, Robert R
The Politics of Earthquake Prediction
Author/Editor: Olson, Richard S.; Podesta, Bruno; Nigg, Joanne M
The Politics of Downtown Development
Author/Editor: Stephen J. McGovern
The Politics of Despair, 1
The Politics of Cultural Nationalism in South India
Author/Editor: Barnett, Marguerite Ross
The Politics of Cultural Differences
Author/Editor: Leege, David C.; Wald, Kenneth D.; Krueger, Brian S
Politics of Compromise
Author/Editor: Rustow, Dankwart A
The Politics of City-County Merger
Author/Editor: W. E. Lyons
The Politics of Being Mortal
Author/Editor: Alfred G. Killilea
The Politics of Backwardness in Hungary, 1825-1945
Author/Editor: Janos, Andrew C
Politics in Time
Author/Editor: Pierson, Paul
Politics in Congo
Author/Editor: Young, Crawford
Politics in Black and White
Author/Editor: Sonenshein, Raphael J
Politics as Religion
Author/Editor: Emilio Gentile,George Staunton
Politics and Vision
Author/Editor: Wolin, Sheldon S
Politics and Vision
Author/Editor: Wolin, Sheldon S
Politics and the Passions, 1500-1850
Author/Editor: Kahn, Victoria; Saccamano, Neil; Coli, Daniela
Politics and the Imagination
Author/Editor: Geuss, Raymond
Politics and the African Development Bank
Author/Editor: Karen A. Mingst
Politics and Strategy
Author/Editor: Trubowitz, Peter
Politics and Statecraft in the Kingdom of Greece, 1833-1843
Author/Editor: Petropulos, John Anthony
Politics and Remembrance
Author/Editor: Smith, Bruce James
Politics and Religion in the White South
Author/Editor: GLENN FELDMAN
Politics and Policy Implementation in the Third World
Politics and Parentela in Paraiba
Author/Editor: Lewin, Linda
Politics and Nuclear Power
Author/Editor: Michael T. Hatch
Politics and Language in Dryden's Poetry
Author/Editor: Zwicker, Steven N
Politics and Jobs: The Boundaries of Employment Policy in the United States
Author/Editor: Margaret Weir
Politics and Expertise: How to Use Science in a Democratic Society
Author/Editor: ZEYNEP PAMUK
Politics and Excellence
Author/Editor: Galston, Miriam
Politics and Culture in Renaissance Naples
Author/Editor: Bentley, Jerry H
Politics and Change in a Traditional Society
Author/Editor: ILIYA F. HARIK
Politics against Markets
Author/Editor: Gøsta Esping-Andersen
The Politicized Muse
Author/Editor: Cummings, Anthony M
The Political Vision of the Divine Comedy
Author/Editor: Ferrante, Joan M
Political Violence Under the Swastika
Author/Editor: Merkl, Peter H
Political Turbulence
Author/Editor: Margetts, Helen; John, Peter; Hale, Scott
The Political Thought of Woodrow Wilson, 1875-1910
Author/Editor: Thorsen, Niels Aage
Political Thought of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Author/Editor: Ritter, Alan
The Political Thought of Henry David Thoreau
Author/Editor: Jonathan McKenzie
Political Theory and Political Education
Author/Editor: Richter, Melvin
Political Theory and International Relations
Author/Editor: Beitz, Charles R
Political Theory
Author/Editor: Brecht, Arnold
Political System and Change
Author/Editor: Kabashima, Ikuo; White, Lynn T
Political Science in America
Political Rumors: Why We Accept Misinformation and How to Fight It, Vol. 18
Author/Editor: Adam J. Berinsky
Political Realism and the Crisis of World Politics
Author/Editor: Thompson, Kenneth W
Political Questions Judicial Answers
Author/Editor: Franck, Thomas M
Political Protest in the Congo
Author/Editor: Weiss, Herbert
Political Process and Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: Cohen, Bernard Cecil
The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Keynesianism across Nations
Author/Editor: Peter A. Hall
Political Power and Corporate Control
Author/Editor: Gourevitch, Peter A.; Shinn, James
The Political Poetess
Author/Editor: Lootens, Tricia
The Political Philosophy of Rousseau
Author/Editor: Masters, Roger D
A Political Philosophy in Public Life
Author/Editor: Martí, José Luis; Pettit, Philip
Political Parties and the State
Author/Editor: Shefter, Martin
Political Parties and Primaries in Kentucky
Author/Editor: Penny M. Miller,Malcolm E. Jewell
Political Parties and Political Development. (SPD-6)
Author/Editor: La Palombara, Joseph; Weiner, Myron
Political Participation in the USSR
Author/Editor: Friedgut, Theodore H
Political Organizations: Updated Edition
Author/Editor: JAMES Q. WILSON
Political Opposition and Local Politics in Japan
Author/Editor: Steiner, Kurt; Krauss, Ellis S.; Flanagan, Scott E
Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey
Author/Editor: Ward, Robert E.; Rustow, Dankwart A
The Political Machine
Author/Editor: Smith, Adam T
Political Life in Japan
Author/Editor: Kishima, Takako
Political Leadership and Collective Goods
Author/Editor: Frohlich, Norman; Oppenheimer, Joe A
Political Justice
Author/Editor: Kirchheimer, Otto
Political Ideas in the Romantic Age
Author/Editor: Berlin, Isaiah; Hardy, Henry
Political Hypocrisy
Author/Editor: Runciman, David
Political Hypocrisy
Author/Editor: Runciman, David
Political Foundations of Judicial Supremacy
Author/Editor: Whittington, Keith E
Political Ethics: A Handbook
Political Equality: An Essay in Democratic Theory
Author/Editor: Charles R. Beitz
Political Entrepreneurs: The Rise of Challenger Parties in Europe
Author/Editor: Catherine E. De Vries,Sara B. Hobolt
Political Elite of Iran
Author/Editor: Zonis, Marvin
Political Education of Arnold Brecht: An Autobiography, 1884-1970
Author/Editor: Brecht, Arnold
The Political Economy of the Special Relationship: Anglo-American Development from the Gold Standard to the Financial Crisis
Author/Editor: JEREMY GREEN
The Political Economy of Participatory Economics
Author/Editor: Michael Albert,Robin Hahnel
The Political Economy of International Relations
Author/Editor: Robert Gilpin,Jean M. Gilpin
The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions
Author/Editor: Haggard, Stephan; Kaufman, Robert R
Political Economy in Macroeconomics
Author/Editor: Drazen, Allan
Political Economy for Public Policy
Author/Editor: Bueno de Mesquita, Ethan
Political Dissent in Democratic Athens
Author/Editor: Ober, Josiah
Political Development in Pakistan
Author/Editor: Von Vorys, Karl
Political Development in Modern Japan
Author/Editor: Ward, Robert E
Political Culture and Political Development
Author/Editor: Pye, Lucian W.; Verba, Sidney
The Political Context of Sociology
Author/Editor: Bramson, Leon
A Political Companion to Walt Whitman
Author/Editor: John E. Seery
A Political Companion to Walker Percy
Author/Editor: Peter Augustine Lawler,Brian A. Smith
A Political Companion to Saul Bellow
Author/Editor: Gloria L. Cronin,Lee Trepanier