Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with M (36) | Information |
Music from a Speeding Train: Jewish Literature in Post-Revolution Russia |
Author/Editor: Harriet Murav
Murmured Conversations: A Treatise on Poetry and Buddhism by the Poet-Monk Shinkei |
Author/Editor: Esperanza Ramirez-Christensen
Multinational Corporations and Global Justice: Human Rights Obligations of a Quasi-Governmental Institution |
Author/Editor: Florian Wettstein
Monsters by Trade: Slave Traffickers in Modern Spanish Literature and Culture |
Author/Editor: Lisa Surwillo
Mongrels or Marvels: The Levantine Writings of Jacqueline Shohet Kahanoff |
Author/Editor: Deborah A. Starr,Sasson Somekh
Money, Power, and Influence in Eighteenth-Century Lithuania: The Jews on the Radziwiłł Estates |
Author/Editor: Adam Teller
The Modernity of Others: Jewish Anti-Catholicism in Germany and France |
Author/Editor: Ari Joskowicz
Modern China’s Network Revolution: Chambers of Commerce and Sociopolitical Change in the Early Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Zhongping Chen
Mixing Musics: Turkish Jewry and the Urban Landscape of a Sacred Song |
Author/Editor: Maureen Jackson
The Mind-Body Stage: Passion and Interaction in the Cartesian Theater |
Author/Editor: R. Darren Gobert
Militants or Partisans: Labor Unions and Democratic Politics in Korea and Taiwan |
Author/Editor: Yoonkyung Lee
Middle East Authoritarianisms: Governance, Contestation, and Regime Resilience in Syria and Iran |
Author/Editor: Steven Heydemann,Reinoud Leenders
Middlebrow Literature and the Making of German-Jewish Identity |
Author/Editor: Jonathan M. Hess
The Merchants of Oran: A Jewish Port at the Dawn of Empire |
Men and the Making of Modern British Feminism |
Author/Editor: Arianne Chernock
Memories of Absence: How Muslims Remember Jews in Morocco |
Author/Editor: Aomar Boum
Memoirs of a Grandmother: Scenes from the Cultural History of the Jews of Russia in the Nineteenth Century, Volume Two |
Author/Editor: Pauline Wengeroff,SHULAMIT S. MAGNUS
Memoirs of a Grandmother: Scenes from the Cultural History of the Jews of Russia in the Nineteenth Century, Volume One |
Author/Editor: Pauline Wengeroff,SHULAMIT S. MAGNUS
Melville's Democracy: Radical Figuration and Political Form |
Mediterranean Enlightenment: Livornese Jews, Tuscan Culture, and Eighteenth-Century Reform |
Author/Editor: Francesca Bregoli
Mediating the Global: Expatria's Forms and Consequences in Kathmandu |
Author/Editor: Heather Hindman
Measuring Up: A History of Living Standards in Mexico, 1850–1950 |
Maximum Feasible Participation: American Literature and the War on Poverty |
Author/Editor: Stephen Schryer
Martial Aesthetics: How War Became an Art Form |
Author/Editor: Anders Engberg-Pedersen
Mark Twain in China |
Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism |
Author/Editor: Johanna Bockman
Market Menagerie: Health and Development in Late Industrial States |
Author/Editor: Smita Srinivas
The Margins of Empire: Kurdish Militias in the Ottoman Tribal Zone |
Author/Editor: Janet Klein
Manipulating Globalization: The Influence of Bureaucrats on Business in China |
Author/Editor: Ling Chen
Mandarins and Martyrs: The Church and the Nguyen Dynasty in Early Nineteenth-Century Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Jacob Ramsay
Male Confessions: Intimate Revelations and the Religious Imagination |
Author/Editor: Björn Krondorfer
Making the Transition: Education and Labor Market Entry in Central and Eastern Europe |
Author/Editor: Irena Kogan,Clemens Noelke,Michael Gebel
Making the Chinese Mexican: Global Migration, Localism, and Exclusion in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands |
Author/Editor: Grace Peña Delgado
The Making of Law: The Supreme Court and Labor Legislation in Mexico, 1875–1931 |
Author/Editor: William J. Suarez-Potts
Making Law Matter: Environmental Protection and Legal Institutions in Brazil |
Author/Editor: Lesley K. McAllister
Making History in Iran: Education, Nationalism, and Print Culture |