Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | Yes |
Titles start with R (247) | Information |
Rx Hollywood: Cinema and Therapy in the 1960s |
Author/Editor: Michael DeAngelis
Running the Long Path: A 350-mile Journey of Discovery in New York's Hudson Valley |
Author/Editor: KENNETH A. POSNER
Running on Empty: The Rise and Fall of Southampton College, 1963–2005 |
Author/Editor: John A. Strong
Rumble and Crash: Crises of Capitalism in Contemporary Film |
Author/Editor: Milo Sweedler
Ruling Devotion: The Hindu Temple in the British Imperial Imagination |
The Rule of Law, Islam, and Constitutional Politics in Egypt and Iran |
Author/Editor: Saïd Amir Arjomand ,Nathan J. Brown
Rule, Britannia!: The Biopic and British National Identity |
Author/Editor: Homer B. Pettey ,R. Barton Palmer
Roving Mariners: Australian Aboriginal Whalers and Sealers in the Southern Oceans, 1790–1870 |
Author/Editor: Lynette Russell
Rousseau's Counter-Enlightenment: A Republican Critique of the Philosophes |
Author/Editor: Graeme Garrard
Ross for Boss: The Perot Phenomenon and Beyond |
Author/Editor: TED G. JELEN
The Rose Cross and the Age of Reason: Eighteenth-Century Rosicrucianism in Central Europe and its Relationship to the Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: Christopher McIntosh
Rorty, Pragmatism, and Confucianism: With Responses by Richard Rorty |
Author/Editor: YONG HUANG
The Rorty-Habermas Debate: Toward Freedom as Responsibility |
Author/Editor: Marcin Kilanowski
The Roots of Tantra |
Author/Editor: Katherine Anne Harper ,Robert L. Brown
The Room Is on Fire: The History, Pedagogy, and Practice of Youth Spoken Word Poetry |
Ronald W. Walters and the Fight for Black Power, 1969-2010 |
Author/Editor: ROBERT C. SMITH
Romantic Vacancy: The Poetics of Gender, Affect, and Radical Speculation |
Author/Editor: Kate Singer
Romantic Science: The Literary Forms of Natural History |
Author/Editor: Noah Heringman
Romantic Psychoanalysis: The Burden of the Mystery |
Author/Editor: Joel Faflak
Romantic Poetry and the Fragmentary Imperative: Schlegel, Byron, Joyce, Blanchot |
Author/Editor: Christopher A. Strathman
Romantic Mediations: Media Theory and British Romanticism |
Romantic Immanence: Interventions in Alterity, 1780–1840 |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth A. Fay
Roman Candle: The Life of Bobby Darin |
Author/Editor: DAVID EVANIER
Roll Over Adorno: Critical Theory, Popular Culture, Audiovisual Media |
Author/Editor: Robert Miklitsch
The Role of History in Latin American Philosophy: Contemporary Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Arleen Salles ,Elizabeth Millán-Zaibert
Rock on Record |
Author/Editor: Albin J. Zak
Roberto Esposito: Biopolitics and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Inna Viriasova ,Antonio Calcagno
The Road to Power: Herut Party in Israel |
Author/Editor: Yonathan Shapiro ,Ralph Mandel
Rūmī's Mystical Design: Reading the Mathnawi, Book One |
RiverTime: Ecotravel on the World's Rivers |
Author/Editor: Mary A. Hood
River of Words: Portraits of Hudson Valley Writers |
Author/Editor: Nina Shengold ,Jennifer May ,Dennis Stock
A Rivalry of Genius: Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation in Late Antiquity |
Author/Editor: Marc Hirshman ,Batya Stein
Ritual Worship of the Great Goddess: The Liturgy of the Durgā Pūjā with Interpretations |
Author/Editor: Hillary Peter Rodrigues
Ritual Innovation: Strategic Interventions in South Asian Religion |
Author/Editor: Brian K. Pennington ,Amy L. Allocco
Ritual and Religion in the Xunzi |
Author/Editor: T. C. Kline III ,Justin Tiwald
Ritual and Deference: Extending Chinese Philosophy in a Comparative Context |
Risking Difference: Identification, Race, and Community in Contemporary Fiction and Feminism |
Author/Editor: Jean Wyatt
The Rising State: How State Power is Transforming Our Nation's Schools |
Author/Editor: Bonnie C. Fusarelli ,Bruce S. Cooper
Rising from the Ruins: Reason, Being, and the Good After Auschwitz |
Author/Editor: Garth Jackson Gillan
The Rise of Surrealism: Cubism, Dada, and the Pursuit of the Marvelous |
Author/Editor: Willard Bohn
The Rise of Global Health: The Evolution of Effective Collective Action |
Author/Editor: JOSHUA K. LEON
Ripping England!: Postwar British Satire from Ealing to the Goons |
Author/Editor: Roger Rawlings
Rights, Remedies, and the Impact of State Sovereign Immunity |
Author/Editor: Christopher Shortell
Riding the Wind with Liezi: New Perspectives on the Daoist Classic |
Author/Editor: Ronnie Littlejohn ,Jeffrey Dippmann
Ricoeur's Critical Theory |
Author/Editor: David M. Kaplan
Ricoeur as Another: The Ethics of Subjectivity |
Author/Editor: Richard A. Cohen ,James L. Marsh
Richard Varick: A Forgotten Founding Father: Revolutionary War Soldier, Federalist Politician, and Mayor of New York |
Author/Editor: Paul Cushman
Rhine Crossings: France and Germany in Love and War |
Author/Editor: Aminia M. Brueggemann ,Peter Schulman
A Rhetoric of Remnants: Idiots, Half-Wits, and Other State-Sponsored Inventions |
Author/Editor: Zosha Stuckey
The Rhetoric of Hiddenness in Traditional Chinese Culture |
Author/Editor: Paula M. Varsano
Rhetoric and Kairos: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis |
Rhetorical Healing: The Reeducation of Contemporary Black Womanhood |
Author/Editor: Tamika L. Carey
Rewriting Early Chinese Texts |
Author/Editor: Edward L. Shaughnessy
Rewriting Difference: Luce Irigaray and 'the Greeks' |
Author/Editor: Elena Tzelepis ,Athena Athanasiou ,gayatri chakravorty spivak
The Revolution Will Not Be Theorized: Cultural Revolution in the Black Power Era |
"Revolution in Poetic Language" Fifty Years Later: New Directions in Kristeva Studies |
Revolutionary Time: On Time and Difference in Kristeva and Irigaray |
Author/Editor: Fanny Söderbäck
Revolutionary Legacies: Jewish Feminist Political Thinking with Jamaica Kincaid, Golda Meir, Hannah Arendt, Frida Kahlo, Gertrude Stein, and Emma Goldman |
Revolutionaries and Reformers: Contemporary Islamist Movements in the Middle East |
Author/Editor: Barry Rubin
Revolt, Affect, Collectivity: The Unstable Boundaries of Kristeva's Polis |
Author/Editor: Tina Chanter ,Ewa Płonowska Ziarek
Revivals: Of Antigone |
Revisioning Transpersonal Theory: A Participatory Vision of Human Spirituality |
Author/Editor: Jorge N. Ferrer ,Richard Tarnas
Reviewing the Covenant: Eugene B. Borowitz and the Postmodern Renewal of Jewish Theology |
Author/Editor: Peter Ochs ,Eugene B. Borowitz ,Yudit Kornberg Greenberg ,Susan Handelman ,David Novak ,Thomas Ogletree ,Norbert Samuelson ,Edith Wyschogrod
Review Essays in Israel Studies: Books on Israel, Volume V |
Author/Editor: Laura Zittrain Eisenberg ,Neil Caplan
Revelations of Chance: Synchronicity as Spiritual Experience |
Author/Editor: Roderick Main
The Revelation of the Breath: A Tribute to Its Wisdom, Power, and Beauty |
Author/Editor: Sharon G. Mijares ,Shah Nazar Seyyed Ali Kianfar
Revealing/Reveiling Shanghai: Cultural Representations from the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries |
Author/Editor: Lisa Bernstein ,Chu-chueh Cheng
Return to Point Zero: The Turkish-Kurdish Question and How Politics and Ideas (Re)Make Empires, Nations, and States |
Author/Editor: MURAT SOMER
Returning to Zhu Xi: Emerging Patterns within the Supreme Polarity |
Author/Editor: David Jones ,Jinli He
Returning to Judgment: Bernard Stiegler and Continental Political Theory |
Author/Editor: Ben Turner
Retrieving the Human: Reading Paul Gilroy |
Author/Editor: Rebecka Rutledge Fisher ,Jay Garcia
Retrieving Aristotle in an Age of Crisis |
The Retreat from Organization: U.S. Feminism Reconceptualized |
Rethinking the Just War Tradition |
Author/Editor: Michael W. Brough ,John W. Lango ,Harry van der Linden
Rethinking the Frankfurt School: Alternative Legacies of Cultural Critique |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey T. Nealon ,Caren Irr
Rethinking the Communicative Turn: Adorno, Habermas, and the Problem of Communicative Freedom |
Author/Editor: Martin Morris
Rethinking Standards through Teacher Preparation Partnerships |
Author/Editor: Gary A. Griffin
Rethinking Sexual Citizenship |
Author/Editor: JYL J. JOSEPHSON
Rethinking Life: Italian Philosophy in Precarious Times |
Author/Editor: Silvia Benso
Rethinking Jewish Faith: The Child of a Survivor Responds |
Author/Editor: STEVEN L. JACOBS
Rethinking Islam and Liberal Democracy: Islamist Women in Turkish Politics |
Author/Editor: Yeşim Arat
Rethinking Interiority: Phenomenological Approaches |
Author/Editor: Elodie Boublil ,Antonio Calcagno
Rethinking Contemporary Warfare: A Sociological View of the Al-Aqsa Intifada |
Rethinking Autonomy: A Critique of Principlism in Biomedical Ethics |
Author/Editor: JOHN W. TRAPHAGAN
Resurrecting the Death of God: The Origins, Influence, and Return of Radical Theology |
Author/Editor: DANIEL J. PETERSON ,G. MICHAEL ZBARASCHUK ,Thomas J. J. Altizer
Restoring Paradise: Western Esotericism, Literature, Art, and Consciousness |
Author/Editor: Arthur Versluis
Restless Spirits: Plays |
Author/Editor: William S. Yellow Robe Jr. ,Jace Weaver ,Hanay L. Geiogamah
Respectability on Trial: Sex Crimes in New York City, 1900-1918 |
Author/Editor: Brian Donovan
Resonances against Fascism: Modernist and Avant-Garde Sounds from Kurt Weill to Black Lives Matter |
Author/Editor: LAURA CHIESA
Resist, Organize, Build: Feminist and Queer Activism in Britain and the United States during the Long 1980s |
Resilience: Queer Professors from the Working Class |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Oldfield ,Richard Greggory Johnson III
Rescuing the World: The Life and Times of Leo Cherne |
Author/Editor: Andrew F. Smith ,Henry A. Kissinger
Rescuing Regulation |
Author/Editor: REZA R. DIBADJ
Rescuing Haya: Confessions of an Eighth Generation Israeli Emigrant |
Author/Editor: SHELLY SPILKA
Rereading George Eliot: Changing Responses to Her Experiments in Life |
Author/Editor: Bernard J. Paris
Rereading Freud: Psychoanalysis through Philosophy |
Author/Editor: JON MILLS
Republic of Readers?: The Literary Turn in Political Thought and Analysis |
Author/Editor: Simon Stow
The Republican Hero: From Homer to Batman |
Author/Editor: Michael Lusztig
Reproduction, Race, and Gender in Philosophy and the Early Life Sciences |
Reproducing Sectarianism: Advocacy Networks and the Politics of Civil Society in Postwar Lebanon |
Author/Editor: Paul W. T. Kingston
Representing Segregation: Toward an Aesthetics of Living Jim Crow, and Other Forms of Racial Division |
Representing Childhood and Atrocity |
Author/Editor: Victoria Nesfield ,Philip Smith
Repositioning Race: Prophetic Research in a Postracial Obama Age |
The Repose of the Spirits: A Sufi Commentary on the Divine Names |
Author/Editor: AḤMAD SAMʿĀNĪ ,William C. Chittick
Report on the Aeginetan Sculptures: With Historical Supplements |
Author/Editor: Johann Martin Wagner ,F. W. J. Schelling ,Louis A. Ruprecht Jr.
Replanting Cultures: Community-Engaged Scholarship in Indian Country |
Author/Editor: Chief Benjamin J. Barnes ,Stephen Warren
Repentance and the Return to God: Tawba in Early Sufism |
Author/Editor: Atif Khalil
Renewing Hope within Neighborhoods of Despair: The Community-Based Development Model |
Author/Editor: Herbert J. Rubin
The Remote Borderland: Transylvania in the Hungarian Imagination |
Author/Editor: László Kürti
Remnants of Hegel: Remains of Ontology, Religion, and Community |
Author/Editor: Félix Duque ,Nicholas Walker
Remaking the Frankenstein Myth on Film: Between Laughter and Horror |
Author/Editor: Caroline Joan S. Picart
The Remaking of Pittsburgh: Class and Culture in an Industrializing City, 1877-1919 |
Remaining in Light: Ant Meditations on a Painting By Edward Hopper |
Author/Editor: John Taggart
Reluctant Sleuths, True Detectives |
Author/Editor: Jason Jacobs
Reluctant Reformer: Nathan Sanford in the Era of the Early Republic |
Author/Editor: Ann Sandford
Relocating the Sacred: African Divinities and Brazilian Cultural Hybridities |
Author/Editor: Niyi Afolabi
Relocating the Personal: A Critical Writing Pedagogy |
Author/Editor: BARBARA KAMLER ,Michelle Fine
Relocating Agency: Modernity and African Letters |
Religious Zionism and the Settlement Project: Ideology, Politics, and Civil Disobedience |
Author/Editor: Moshe Hellinger ,Isaac Hershkowitz ,Bernard Susser
Religious Vegetarianism: From Hesiod to the Dalai Lama |
Religious Understandings of a Good Death in Hospice Palliative Care |
Author/Editor: Harold Coward ,Kelli I. Stajduhar
Religious Therapeutics: Body and Health in Yoga, Āyurveda, and Tantra |
Author/Editor: GREGORY P. FIELDS
Religious Studies, Theology, and the University: Conflicting Maps, Changing Terrain |
Author/Editor: Linell E. Cady ,Delwin Brown
Religious Studies and Comparative Methodology: The Case for Reciprocal Illumination |
Author/Editor: Arvind Sharma
Religious Philosophy as Multidisciplinary Comparative Inquiry: Envisioning a Future for the Philosophy of Religion |
Author/Editor: Wesley J. Wildman
Religious Naturalism Today: The Rebirth of a Forgotten Alternative |
Author/Editor: Jerome A. Stone
Religious Journeys in India: Pilgrims, Tourists, and Travelers |
Author/Editor: Andrea Marion Pinkney ,John Whalen-Bridge
Religious Festive Practices in Boston's North End: Ephemeral Identities in an Italian American Community |
Author/Editor: Augusto Ferraiuolo
Religious Atheism: Twelve Philosophical Apostles |
Author/Editor: ERIK MEGANCK
Religious Agrarianism and the Return of Place: From Values to Practice in Sustainable Agriculture |
Author/Editor: Todd LeVasseur
Religion without Belief: Contemporary Allegory and the Search for Postmodern Faith |
Author/Editor: Jean Ellen Petrolle
Religion within the Limits of History Alone: Pragmatic Historicism and the Future of Theology |
Religion: Philosophical Theology, Volume Three |
A Religion of Nature |
Author/Editor: Donald A. Crosby
Religion of Love: Sufism and Self-Transformation in the Poetic Imagination of ʿAṭṭār |
Author/Editor: Cyrus Ali Zargar
Religion in Multidisciplinary Perspective: Philosophical, Theological, and Scientific Approaches to Wesley J. Wildman |
Author/Editor: F. LeRon Shults ,Robert Cummings Neville
Religion in Late Modernity |
Author/Editor: Robert Cummings Neville
Religion and Women in India: Gender, Faith, and Politics, 1780s–1980s |
Author/Editor: TANIKA SARKAR
Religion and Philosophy in Germany |
Author/Editor: Heinrich Heine ,John Snodgrass ,Dennis J. Schmidt
Religion and Peacebuilding |
Author/Editor: Harold Coward ,Gordon S. Smith
Religion and Empire in Portuguese India: Conversion, Resistance, and the Making of Goa |
Religion and Democracy in Taiwan |
Author/Editor: CHENG-TIAN KUO
Religion among We the People: Conversations on Democracy and the Divine Good |
The Relay Race of Virtue: Plato's Debts to Xenophon |
Author/Editor: William H. F. Altman
Relations and Roles in China's Internationalism: Rediscovering Confucianism in a Pluriversal World |
Author/Editor: CHIH-YU SHIH
Relational Sociology and Research on Schools, Colleges, and Universities |
Author/Editor: William G. Tierney ,Suneal Kolluri
Reinterpreting Urban School Reform: Have Urban Schools Failed, or Has the Reform Movement Failed Urban Schools? |
Author/Editor: Louis F. Mirón ,Edward P. St. John
Reinhold Niebuhr and John Dewey: An American Odyssey |
Author/Editor: DANIEL F. RICE
Reinhabiting Reality: Towards a Recovery of Culture |
Author/Editor: FREYA MATHEWS
Reimagining Europe: Thinking in Crisis |
Author/Editor: Georgios Tsagdis ,Rozemund Uljée ,Bart Zantvoort
Regulating the Business of Insurance in a Federal System |
Author/Editor: Joseph F. Zimmerman
Regarding Life: Animals and the Documentary Moving Image |
The Refutation of the Christian Principles |
Author/Editor: HASDAI CRESCAS ,Daniel J. Lasker
Refugeehood and the Postconflict Subject: Reconsidering Minor Losses |
Author/Editor: Olga Maya Demetriou
Reframing the Practice of Philosophy: Bodies of Color, Bodies of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: GEORGE YANCY
Reframing Diversity and Inclusive Leadership: Race, Gender, and Institutional Change |
Reform in the Balance: The Defense of Literary Culture in Mid-Tang China |
Author/Editor: Anthony DeBlasi
Reforming Schools: Working within a Progressive Tradition during Conservative Times |
Author/Editor: Jesse Goodman ,Andrew Gitlin
Reform and Resistance: Formations of Female Subjectivity in Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Culture |
Author/Editor: Helene Scheck
Refinancing America: The Republican Antitax Agenda |
Author/Editor: Sheldon D. Pollack
Refiguring the Body: Embodiment in South Asian Religions |
Author/Editor: Barbara A. Holdrege ,Karen Pechilis
Re-ending the Mahābhārata: The Rejection of Dharma in the Sanskrit Epic |
Author/Editor: NAAMA SHALOM
Reeducating the Educator: Global Perspectives on Community Building |
Author/Editor: Helen Christiansen ,S. Ramadevi ,Sigrun Gudmundsdottir
The Redskins |
Author/Editor: JAMES FENIMORE COOPER ,Hugh Egan
Redreaming America: Toward a Bilingual American Culture |
Author/Editor: DEBRA A. CASTILLO
Rediscovering Wen Tingyun: A Historical Key to a Poetic Labyrinth |
Author/Editor: Huaichuan Mou
Rediscovering God with Transcendental Argument: A Contemporary Interpretation of Monistic Kashmiri Śaiva Philosophy |
Author/Editor: David Peter Lawrence
Rediscovering America's Sacred Ground: Public Religion and Pursuit of the Good in a Pluralistic America |
Author/Editor: Barbara A. McGraw
Red Ink: Native Americans Picking Up the Pen in the Colonial Period |
Author/Editor: Drew Lopenzina
Red God: Wei Baqun and His Peasant Revolution in Southern China, 1894-1932 |
Author/Editor: XIAORONG HAN
Red Genesis: The Hunan First Normal School and the Creation of Chinese Communism, 1903-1921 |
Author/Editor: Liyan Liu
Redeeming Words: Language and the Promise of Happiness in the Stories of Döblin and Sebald |
The Red and the White: The History of Wine in France and Italy in the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: LEO A. LOUBÈRE ,Mark Blanton ,Philip Loubère
Recreational Terror: Women and the Pleasures of Horror Film Viewing |
Recovering the Liberal Spirit: Nietzsche, Individuality, and Spiritual Freedom |
Author/Editor: STEVEN F. PITTZ
Recovering Lost Footprints, Volume 2: Contemporary Maya Narratives |
Author/Editor: ARTURO ARIAS
Recovering Lost Footprints, Volume 1: Contemporary Maya Narratives |
Author/Editor: ARTURO ARIAS
Reconstructing the Confucian Dao: Zhu Xi's Appropriation of Zhou Dunyi |
Author/Editor: JOSEPH A. ADLER
Reconstructing the Civic: Palestinian Civil Activism in Israel |
Author/Editor: AMAL JAMAL
Reconstructing Democracy, Recontextualizing Dewey: Pragmatism and Interactive Constructivism in the Twenty-first Century |
Author/Editor: Jim Garrison ,James Campbell ,Jim Garrison ,Judith Green ,Larry A. Hickman ,Stefan Neubert ,Kersten Reich ,Charlene Haddock Seigfried ,Hans Seigfrie
Reconsidering the Life of Power: Ritual, Body, and Art in Critical Theory and Chinese Philosophy |
Author/Editor: James Garrison
Reconsidering Feminist Research in Educational Leadership |
Author/Editor: Michelle D. Young ,Linda Skrla
Reconfigurations of Philosophy of Religion: A Possible Future |
Author/Editor: Jim Kanaris
Reconciling Yogas: Haribhadra's Collection of Views on Yoga With a New Translation of Haribhadra's Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya by Christopher Key Chapple and John Thomas Casey |
Author/Editor: Christopher Key Chapple ,Christopher Key Chapple ,John Thomas Casey
Reconciling Nature: Literary Representations of the Natural, 1876-1945 |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Myers
Reconciliation in Global Context: Why It Is Needed and How It Works |
Author/Editor: Björn Krondorfer
Reclaiming Time: The Transformative Politics of Feminist Temporalities |
Reclaiming the Spiritual in Art: Contemporary Cross-Cultural Perspectives |
Reclaiming Narrative for Public Theology |
Author/Editor: Mary Doak
Recentering the Self: A Defense of the Ego |
The Recall, Second Edition: Tribunal of the People |
The Rebirth of Dialogue: Bakhtin, Socrates, and the Rhetorical Tradition |
Author/Editor: James P. Zappen
Rebel Without a Cause: Approaches to a Maverick Masterwork |
Author/Editor: J. David Slocum
Rebels on the Niagara: The Fenian Invasion of Canada, 1866 |
Author/Editor: LAWRENCE E. CLINE
Rebellious Histories: The Amistad Slave Revolt and the Cultures of Late Twentieth-Century Black Transnationalism |
Rebellious Hearts: British Women Writers and the French Revolution |
Author/Editor: Adriana Craciun ,Kari E. Lokke
Reauthoring Savage Inequalities: Narratives of Community Cultural Wealth in Urban Educational Environments |
Author/Editor: Lori D. Patton ,Ishwanzya D. Rivers ,Raquel L. Farmer-Hinton ,Joi D. Lewis
Reason Unbound: On Spiritual Practice in Islamic Peripatetic Philosophy |
The Reason for Crows: A Story of Kateri Tekakwitha |
Author/Editor: DIANE GLANCY
Reason and Justice |
Author/Editor: Richard Dien Winfield
The Realms of Rhetoric: The Prospects for Rhetoric Education |
Author/Editor: Joseph Petraglia ,Deepika Bahri
The Real Metaphysical Club: The Philosophers, Their Debates, and Selected Writings from 1870 to 1885 |
Author/Editor: Frank X. Ryan ,Brian E. Butler ,James A. Good ,John R. Shook
The Realizations of the Future: An Inquiry into the Authority of Praxis |
Author/Editor: George Allan
Reality Crumbs: Selected Poems |
Author/Editor: Raquel Chalfi ,Tsipi Keller ,Dan Miron
The Real Gaze: Film Theory after Lacan |
Author/Editor: Todd McGowan
Reading, Wanting, and Broken Economics: A Twenty-First-Century Study of Readers and Bookshops in Southampton around 1900 |
Author/Editor: SIMON R. FROST
Reading the Beatles: Cultural Studies, Literary Criticism, and the Fab Four |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Womack ,Todd F. Davis
Reading Seminar XX: Lacan's Major Work on Love, Knowledge, and Feminine Sexuality |
Author/Editor: Suzanne Bruce ,Barnard Fink
Reading Ricoeur |
Author/Editor: David M. Kaplan ,Olivier Abel ,Patrick L. Bourgeois ,Bernard P. Dauenhauer ,Domenico Jervolino ,Richard Kearney ,David E. Klemm ,André LaCocque ,Jam
Reading Kant's Geography |
Author/Editor: Stuart Elden ,Eduardo Mendieta
Reading Human Nature: Literary Darwinism in Theory and Practice |
Author/Editor: Joseph Carroll
Reading for the Moral: Exemplarity and the Confucian Moral Imagination in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Short Fiction |
Author/Editor: Maria Franca Sibau
Reading Derrida and Ricoeur: Improbable Encounters between Deconstruction and Hermeneutics |
Author/Editor: Eftichis Pirovolakis
Reading Borges after Benjamin: Allegory, Afterlife, and the Writing of History |
Author/Editor: Kate Jenckes
Razor Wire Women: Prisoners, Activists, Scholars, and Artists |
Rawls and Religion: The Case for Political Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Daniel A. Dombrowski
Rav Avraham Itzhak Hacohen Kook: Between Rationalism and Mysticism |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Ish-Shalom ,Ora Wiskind-Elper
Rational Spirituality and Divine Virtue in Plato: A Modern Interpretation and Philosophical Defense of Platonism |
Author/Editor: Michael LaFargue
Rapt in the Name: The Ramnamis, Ramnam, and Untouchable Religion in Central India |
Author/Editor: Ramdas Lamb
Rambo and the Dalai Lama: The Compulsion to Win and Its Threat to Human Survival |
Author/Editor: Gordon Fellman ,The Dalai Lama
Radical Relevance: Toward a Scholarship of the Whole Left |
Author/Editor: Laura Gray-Rosendale ,Steven Rosendale
Radical Poetry: Aesthetics, Politics, Technology, and the Ibero-American Avant-Gardes, 1900-2015 |
Author/Editor: Eduardo Ledesma
Radical Passivity: Levinas, Blanchot, and Agamben |
Author/Editor: Thornas Carl Wall ,William Flesch
The Radical Isaac: I. L. Peretz and the Rise of Jewish Socialism |
Author/Editor: ADI MAHALEL
Radical Imagination, Radical Humanity: Puerto Rican Political Activism in New York |
Author/Editor: ROSE MUZIO
Radical Feminism, Writing, and Critical Agency: From Manifesto to Modem |
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Rhodes
Radical Ecopsychology, Second Edition: Psychology in the Service of Life |
Author/Editor: Andy Fisher ,David Abram
Radical Assimilation in the Face of the Holocaust: Otto Heller (1897–1945) |
Author/Editor: TOM NAVON
Racism, Public Schooling, and the Entrenchment of White Supremacy: A Critical Race Ethnography |
Author/Editor: Sabina E. Vaught
Racism and Resistance: Essays on Derrick Bell's Racial Realism |
Racialized Visions: Haiti and the Hispanic Caribbean |
Author/Editor: VANESSA K. VALDÉS
Racial Inequality in New York City since 1965 |
Racial Equity on College Campuses: Connecting Research and Practice |
The Racial Crisis in American Higher Education, Third Edition |
Race Still Matters: The Reality of African American Lives and the Myth of Postracial Society |
Author/Editor: Yuya Kiuchi
Race, Real Estate, and Uneven Development, Second Edition: The Kansas City Experience, 1900-2010 |
Author/Editor: Kevin Fox Gotham
Race, Neighborhoods, and Community Power: Buffalo Politics, 1934-1997 |
Author/Editor: Neil Kraus
Race, Nation, and Refuge: The Rhetoric of Race in Asian American Citizenship Cases |
Author/Editor: Doug Coulson
Race in the Jury Box: Affirmative Action in Jury Selection |
Author/Editor: Hiroshi Fukurai ,Richard Krooth
Race, Ethnicity, and the Politics of City Redistricting: Minority-Opportunity Districts and the Election of Hispanics and Blacks to City Councils |
Author/Editor: Joshua G . Behr
Race, Class, and the Postindustrial City: William Julius Wilson and the Promise of Sociology |
Author/Editor: Frank Harold Wilson
Race, Class, and the Death Penalty: Capital Punishment in American History |
Author/Editor: Howard W. Allen ,Jerome M. Clubb ,Vincent A. Lacey
Race and the Suburbs in American Film |
Author/Editor: Merrill Schleier
Race and Rurality in the Global Economy |
Author/Editor: Michaeline A. Crichlow ,Patricia Northover ,Juan Giusti-Cordero
Race and Police Brutality: Roots of an Urban Dilemma |
Author/Editor: Malcolm D. Holmes ,Brad W. Smith
Race and Epistemologies of Ignorance |
Author/Editor: Shannon Sullivan ,Nancy Tuana
Race after Sartre: Antiracism, Africana Existentialism, Postcolonialism |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Judaken ,Paige Arthur ,Robert Bernasconi ,Judith Butler ,George Ciccariello-Maher ,Christian Delacampagne ,Lewis R. Gordon ,Jonathan Judaken