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Titles (73) Information
Writing as Material Practice
Author/Editor: Piquette, Kathryn E.; Whitehouse, Ruth D
Virtual Heritage: A Guide
Author/Editor: Erik Malcolm Champion
Variance In Approach Toward A ‘Sustainable’ Coffee Industry In Costa Rica: Perspectives from Within; Lessons and Insights
Author/Editor: Melissa Vogt
The Value of the University Armed Service Units
Author/Editor: Woodward, Rachel; Jenkings, K Neil; Williams, Alison J
UN Use of Private Military and Security Companies
Author/Editor: Østensen, Åse Gilje
Unlocking Environmental Narratives: Towards Understanding Human Environment Interactions through Computational Text Analysis
Author/Editor: Ross S. Purves ,Olga Koblet ,Benjamin Adams
Turn on the light on science
Author/Editor: Tintori, Antonio; Palomba, Rossella
Towards an International Code of Conduct for Private Security Providers
Author/Editor: Buzatu, Anne-Marie
Thoughts and Ways of Thinking
Author/Editor: Brown, Benjamin
Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development
Author/Editor: Waage, Jeff; Yap, Christopher
"The Star" for Beginners: Introductions to the Magnum Opus of Franz Rosenzweig
Author/Editor: Martin Brasser ,Petar Bojanić ,Francesco Paolo Ciglia
Text- und Data-Mining in den digitalen Geisteswissenschaften: Gutachten zu den urheberrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes "XSample – Text- und Data-Mining auf geschützten Werken durch Auszüge transparent erschließen“, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Felicitas Kleinkopf
Studies in Strindberg
Author/Editor: Robinson, Michael
Strindberg and Autobiography
Author/Editor: Robinson, Michael
Sharpening the Haze: Visual Essays on Imperial History and Memory
Author/Editor: Giulia Carabelli,Miloš Jovanović,Annika Kirbis,Jeremy F. Walton
Security Sector Reform and Citizen Security: Experiences from Urban Latin America in Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Robert Muggah,John de Boer
Security Sector Reform
Author/Editor: Schnabel, Albrecht; Born, Hans
The Security Sector Governance–Migration Nexus: Rethinking how Security Sector Governance matters for migrants’ rights
Author/Editor: Sarah Wolff
The Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform
Author/Editor: Krupanski, Marc; Bleiker, Christoph
Rethinking Community Policing in International Police Reform
Author/Editor: Kocak, Deniz
Reconsidering Cultural Heritage in East Asia
Author/Editor: Matsuda, Akira; Mengoni, Luisa Elena
Reading with My Eyes Open
Author/Editor: Quist, Gerdi
Publishing Addiction Science
Author/Editor: Babor, Thomas F.; Stenius, Kerstin; Pates, Richard
Pro-ecological Restructuring of Companies
Author/Editor: GÄ…sior, Aleksandra
Production Ergonomics
Author/Editor: Cecilia, Berlin; Caroline, Adams
Political Science at the LSE: A History of the Department of Government, from the Webbs to Covid
Author/Editor: Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey ,Gordon Bannerman
Plan S for Shock: Science. Shock. Solution. Speed.
Author/Editor: Robert-Jan Smits ,Rachael Pells ,Nobel Laureate Randy Schekman
The Past in the Present
Author/Editor: Poulios, Ioannis
Parliaments’ Contributions to Security Sector Governance/Reform and the Sustainable Development Goals: Testing Parliaments’ Resolve in Security Sector Governance During Covid-19
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Janse van Rensburg ,Nicolette van Zyl-Gous ,Lindy Heinecken
The Paradox of Gendarmeries
Author/Editor: Lutterbeck, Derek
Open Source, Free Software E Open Format Nei Processi Di Ricerca Archeologica
Author/Editor: Costa, Stefano; Pesce, Giovanni Luca
Author/Editor: Jhangiani, Rajiv S.; Biswas-Diener, Robert
The Nexus Between Security Sector Governance/Reform and Sustainable Development Goal-16: An Examination of Conceptual Linkages and Policy Recommendations
Author/Editor: Oya Dursun-Özkanca
The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim
Author/Editor: Horni, Andreas; Nagel, Kai; Axhausen, Kay W
Monstrous Liminality: Or, The Uncanny Strangers of Secularized Modernity
Author/Editor: Robert G. Beghetto
Money Matters
Author/Editor: Keane, Rory; Ommundsen, Thorodd
Mobile Research Methods
Author/Editor: Toninelli, Daniele; Pinter, Robert; de Pedraza, Pablo
Migration of the Ukrainian Population
Author/Editor: Bilan, Yuriy
Microcredentials for Excellence: A Practical Guide
Author/Editor: Rebecca Ferguson ,Denise Whitelock
Measuring the Impact of Peacebuilding Interventions on Rule of Law and Security Institutions
Author/Editor: Scherrer, Vincenza
Mapping Evolving Internal Roles of the Armed Forces
Author/Editor: Schnabel, Albrecht; Krupanski, Marc
Mapping and the Citizen Sensor
Author/Editor: Foody, Giles; See, Linda; Fritz, Steffen
Linking Mine Action and SSR through Human Security
Author/Editor: Hofmann, Ursign; Maspoli, Gianluca; Massleberg, Ã…sa
Leveraging Digital Innovation: Lessons for Implementation
Author/Editor: Christoph Burger ,Jens Weinmann
Leaving No One Behind, Leaving No One Unaccountable: Ombuds Institutions, Good (Security Sector) Governance and Sustainable Development Goal 16, Vol. 22
Author/Editor: Luka Glušac
Learning from West African Experiences in Security Sector Governance
Author/Editor: Bryden, Alan; Chappuis, Fairlie
Issues in Open Research Data
Author/Editor: Moore, Samuel A
International Intervention and the Use of Force
Author/Editor: Friesendorf, Cornelius
Integrating SSR and SALW Programming
Author/Editor: Sedra, Mark; Burt, Geoff
Imagining the Future City
Author/Editor: Bell, Sarah; Paskins, James
Högskolans ansvar
Author/Editor: Casson, Andrew
Gouvernance du secteur de la Sécurité
Author/Editor: Bryden, Alan; Chappuis, Fairlie
Garden Learning
Author/Editor: Kapelari, Suzanne
European Handbook of Crowdsourced Geographic Information
Author/Editor: Capineri, Capineri; Haklay, Muki; Huang, Haosheng
Educational visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation
Author/Editor: Rebecca Ferguson,Ann Jones,Eileen Scanlon
Ebooks in Education
Author/Editor: Woodward, Hazel
Doing the Right Thing
Author/Editor: Klamer, Arjo
Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber
Author/Editor: Bodard, Gabriel; Romanello, Matteo
The Democratic Soldier
Author/Editor: Mannitz, Sabine
Decentralised Energy: A Global Game Changer
Author/Editor: Christoph Burger ,Antony Froggatt ,Catherine Mitchell ,Jens Weinmann
Dealing with the Past in Security Sector Reform
Author/Editor: Mayer-Rieckh, Alexander
DDR and SSR in War-to-Peace Transition
Author/Editor: von Dyck, Christopher
Dante and Aquinas
Author/Editor: Ryan, Christopher; Took, John
Dangerous Science: Science Policy and Risk Analysis for Scientists and Engineers
Author/Editor: Daniel J. Rozell
Conversations with Kenelm
Author/Editor: Took, John
Communicating the Past in the Digital Age: Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Methods in Teaching and Learning in Archaeology (12th-13th October 2018)
Author/Editor: Sebastian Hageneuer
CLARIN in the Low Countries
Author/Editor: Odijk, Jan; van Hessen, Arjan
Can’t Touch This: Digital Approaches to Materiality in Cultural Heritage
Author/Editor: Chiara Palladino ,Gabriel Bodard
Business and Security Sector Reform
Author/Editor: Rosa Mendes, Pedro
The Battle For Open
Author/Editor: Weller, Martin
Arab Uprisings and Armed Forces
Author/Editor: Lutterbeck, Derek
Application of Molecular Methods and Raman Microscopy/Spectroscopy in Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology
Author/Editor: Biljana Vucelić Radović,Dejan Lazić,Miomir Nikšić
Animal (De)liberation
Author/Editor: Deckers, Jan