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Titles start with U (14) Information
The US Volunteers in the Southern Philippines: Counterinsurgency, Pacification, and Collaboration, 1899-1901
Author/Editor: John Scott Reed
The U.S. Navy and Its Cold War Alliances, 1945-1953
Author/Editor: Corbin Williamson
The U.S. Constitution and Secession
Author/Editor: Pitcaithley, Dwight T
U.S. Army Doctrine
Author/Editor: Kretchik, Walter E
The Urban West at the End of the Frontier
Author/Editor: Lawrence H. Larsen
The Unusual Story of the Pocket Veto Case, 1926-1929
The Unorthodox Presidency of Donald J. Trump
Author/Editor: Paul E. Rutledge ,Chapman Rackaway
Unlikely Environmentalists
Author/Editor: Milazzo, Paul Charles
Uniting the Tribes: The Rise and Fall of Pan-Indian Community on the Crow Reservation
Author/Editor: Frank Rzeczkowski
The United States Army and the Making of America: From Confederation to Empire, 1775-1903
Author/Editor: Robert Wooster
The United States and the Development of the Puerto Rican Status Question, 19361968
Author/Editor: Surendra Bhana
The Unitary Executive Theory: A Danger to Constitutional Government
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Crouch,Mark J. Rozell,Mitchel A. Sollenberger
The Union Assaults at Vicksburg: Grant Attacks Pemberton, May 17–22, 1863
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Smith
Understanding Clarence Thomas
Author/Editor: Rossum, Ralph A