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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with R (44) | Information |
Rumors of Revolution: Song, Sentiment, and Sedition in Colonial Louisiana |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Tsien
The Row House in Washington, DC: A History |
Rot, Riot, and Rebellion |
Author/Editor: Bowman, Rex; Santos, Carlos
Roses in December: Black Life in Hanover County from Civil War to Civil Rights |
Author/Editor: Jody Lynn Allen
Roosevelt, the Great Depression, and the Economics of Recovery |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Elliot A
Rome Reborn on Western Shores |
Author/Editor: Shalev, Eran
Romantic Writing and the Empire of Signs |
Author/Editor: Fang, Karen
Rival Visions: How Jefferson and His Contemporaries Defined the Early American Republic |
Author/Editor: Dustin Gish,Andrew Bibby
The Risen Phoenix |
Author/Editor: Luis-Alejandro Dinnella-Borrego
Revolutionary Prophecies: The Founders and America’s Future |
Author/Editor: Robert M. S. McDonald,Peter S. Onuf
Revolutionary Negotiations |
Author/Editor: Sadosky, Leonard J
Revolutionary Diplomacy: Spanish Connections and the Birth of the United States |
Author/Editor: Thomas E. Chávez
Rethinking Sincerity and Authenticity: The Ethics of Theatricality in Kant, Kierkegaard, and Levinas |
Rethinking Frank Lloyd Wright: History, Reception, Preservation |
Restoration Drama and the Idea of Literature |
The Republican Party in the Age of Roosevelt |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Elliot A
Replanting a Slave Society: The Sugar and Cotton Revolutions in the Lower Mississippi Valley |
Author/Editor: Patrick Luck
Remaking Custom |
Author/Editor: Pearson, Ellen Holmes
Religious Freedom |
Author/Editor: Ragosta, John A
Regenerating Romanticism: Botany, Sensibility, and Originality in British Literature, 1750–1830 |
Author/Editor: Melissa Bailes
Refiguring the Map of Sorrow |
Author/Editor: Allister, Mark
Redemption from Tyranny: Herman Husband's American Revolution |
Author/Editor: BRUCE E . STEWART
Reconstruction beyond 150: Reassessing the New Birth of Freedom |
Author/Editor: Orville Vernon Burton ,J. Brent Morris
Reconstructing the Campus |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Michael David
Recomposing Ecopoetics: North American Poetry of the Self-Conscious Anthropocene |
Author/Editor: Lynn Keller
Reclaiming Patriotism |
Author/Editor: Etzioni, Amitai
Reclaiming Nostalgia |
Author/Editor: Ladino, Jennifer K
Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction |
Author/Editor: Takagi, Midori
Reading with the Senses in Victorian Literature and Science |
Author/Editor: David Sweeney Coombs
Reading Trauma Narratives |
Author/Editor: Vickroy, Laurie
Reading the Hindu and Christian Classics |
Author/Editor: Clooney, Francis X
Reading Popular Newtonianism: Print, the Principia, and the Dissemination of Newtonian Science |
Author/Editor: Laura Miller
Reading for the Law |
Author/Editor: Krueger, Christine L
Reading Contagion: The Hazards of Reading in the Age of Print |
Author/Editor: ANNIKA MANN
Reading Character after Calvin: Secularization, Empire, and the Eighteenth-Century Novel |
Author/Editor: David Mark Diamond
Raving at Usurers |
Author/Editor: Dwight Codr
Rambles of a Runaway from Southern Slavery |
Author/Editor: Goings, Henry; Schermerhorn, Calvin; Plunkett, Michael
Ralph Ellison and Kenneth Burke |
Author/Editor: Crable, Bryan
Radicals on the Road |
Author/Editor: Schweizer, Bernard
Radical Reform |
Author/Editor: Beckel, Deborah
Racism in American Public Life: A Call to Action |
Race, Romance, and Rebellion |
Author/Editor: O'Brien, Colleen C
Race, Politics, and Reconstruction: The First Black Cadets at Old West Point |
Author/Editor: Rory McGovern ,Ronald G. Machoian
Race Man |
Author/Editor: Alexander, Ann Field