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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with S (197) | Information |
Sabers through the Reich |
Author/Editor: Nance, William Stuart
Sacred Mountains |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Andrew R. H
Sacrificing Childhood: Children and the Soviet State in the Great Patriotic War |
Author/Editor: Julie K. deGraffenried
The SA Generals and the Rise of Nazism |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Bruce
The Salvadoran Crucible: The Failure of U.S. Counterinsurgency in El Salvador, 1979-1992 |
Author/Editor: Brian D’Haeseleer
Salvation and the Savage |
Author/Editor: Berkhofer, Robert F
Salvator Rosa in French Literature |
Author/Editor: Patty, James S
Sam Nunn: Statesman of the Nuclear Age |
Author/Editor: Frank Leith Jones
Samuel Richardson and the Dramatic Novel |
Author/Editor: Konigsberg, Ira
San Antonio v. Rodriguez and the Pursuit of Equal Education: The Debate over Discrimination and School Funding |
Author/Editor: PAUL A. SRACIC
The Santa Fe Trail: Its History, Legends, and Lore |
Author/Editor: DAVID DARY
Satire |
Author/Editor: Griffin, Dustin
Satire and Society in Wilhelmine Germany |
Author/Editor: Allen, Ann Taylor
Saul Bass |
Author/Editor: Horak, Jan-Christopher
Saving Point Reyes: How an Epic Conservation Victory Became a Tipping Point for Environmental Policy Action |
Author/Editor: Gerald Felix Warburg
Savory Memories |
Author/Editor: LaPinta, Linda Elisabeth
Sayings of the Ancestors |
Author/Editor: McDowell, John Holmes
Scarlet Fields: The Combat Memoir of a World War I Medal of Honor Hero |
Author/Editor: John Lewis Barkley,Steven Trout,Joan Barkley Wells,Raymond Callahan,J. Garry Clifford,Jacob W. Kipp,Allan R. Millett,Carol Reardon,Dennis Showalter,David R. Stone
The Schlieffen Plan |
Author/Editor: Ehlert, Hans; Epkenhans, Michael; Gross, Gerhard P
A Scholar's Conscience |
Author/Editor: Berry, Faith
Schools for All |
Author/Editor: Vaughn, William Preston
Schools for Statesmen: The Divergent Educations of the Constitutional Framers |
Scissors, Paper, Rock |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Fenton
Scott, Chaucer, and Medieval Romance |
Author/Editor: Mitchell, Jerome
Scott the Rhymer |
Author/Editor: Goslee, Nancy Moore
The Scourges of Heaven |
Author/Editor: Dick, David
The Search for Domestic Bliss: Marriage and Family Counseling in 20th-Century America |
Author/Editor: Ian Dowbiggin
A Season of Inquiry |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Loch K
A Season of Inquiry Revisited: The Church Committee Confronts America's Spy Agencies |
Author/Editor: Loch K. Johnson
Secrecy in the Sunshine Era: The Promise and Failures of U.S. Open Government Laws |
Author/Editor: Jason Ross Arnold
The Secretary of Defense |
Author/Editor: Kinnard, Douglas
The Secret History of RDX |
Author/Editor: Baxter, Colin F
Secrets of the Sideshows |
Author/Editor: Nickell, Joe
The Seed Of Sally Good'n |
Author/Editor: Patterson, Ruth Polk
Seeing America |
Author/Editor: McEuen, Melissa A
The Self-Inflicted Wound |
Author/Editor: Durden, Robert F
Selling Catholicism |
Author/Editor: Lynch, Christopher Owen
Selling the CIA: Public Relations and the Culture of Secrecy |
Author/Editor: David Shamus McCarthy
Selling Yellowstone: Capitalism and the Construction of Nature |
Author/Editor: Mark Daniel Barringer
Selma to Saigon |
Author/Editor: Lucks, Daniel S
Senatorial Politics and Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Jewell, Malcolm E
Sense Of Place |
Author/Editor: Allen, Barbara; Schelereth, Thomas J
The Separate City |
Author/Editor: Silver, Christopher; Moeser, John V
Sergeant York |
Author/Editor: Lee, David D
Serpents of War: An American Officer's Story of World War I Combat and Captivity |
Author/Editor: Harry Dravo Parkin ,Steven Trout ,Ian Isherwood
Service above Self: Women Veterans in American Politics |
Service above Self: Women Veterans in American Politics |
Serving Two Masters |
Author/Editor: Sommer, Elisabeth W
The Seventeenth-Century Resolve |
Author/Editor: Lievsay, John L
The Seventh West Virginia Infantry: An Embattled Union Regiment from the Civil War's Most Divided State |
Author/Editor: David W. Mellott,Mark A. Snell
The Sex Radicals: Free Love in High Victorian America |
Author/Editor: Hal D. Sears
The Shadow of Death |
Author/Editor: Gordon, Harry
The Shadow of Eternity |
Author/Editor: Seelig, Sharon C
Shake-Out |
Author/Editor: Friedberger, Mark
The Shaker Village |
Author/Editor: Bial, Raymond
Shakespeare and the Greek Romance |
Author/Editor: Gesner, Carol
Shakespeare and the Outer Mystery |
Author/Editor: West, Robert H
Shakespeare and the Poet's Life |
Author/Editor: Schmidgall, Gary
Shakespeare and the Uses of Comedy |
Author/Editor: Bryant, J. A
The Shame of Southern Politics |
Author/Editor: Dunbar, Leslie
Shantyboat Journal |
Author/Editor: Hubbard, Harlan
Shantyboat On The Bayous |
Author/Editor: Hubbard, Harlan
The Shape of Fear |
Author/Editor: Navarette, Susan Jennifer
Shaping Modern Liberalism: Herbert Croly and Progressive Thought |
Author/Editor: Edward A. Stettner
The Sharon Kowalski Case: Lesbian and Gay Rights on Trial |
Author/Editor: CASEY CHARLES
Sharp Cut |
Author/Editor: Gale, Steven H
The Shawnee |
Author/Editor: Clark, Jerry E
The Sheriff |
Author/Editor: Gray, Colin S
She Said What? |
Author/Editor: Braden, Maria
Shiloh: Conquer or Perish |
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Smith,Raymond Callahan,J. Garry Clifford,Jacob W. Kipp,Allan R. Millett,Carol Reardon,Dennis Showalter,David R. Stone
Ships That Sail No More |
Author/Editor: Brown, Giles T
The Shocking Miss Pilgrim |
Author/Editor: Maas, Frederica Sagor
Shooting the Pacific War |
Author/Editor: Soule, Thayer
Short of the Glory |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Tracy
Showman of the Screen |
Author/Editor: McKenna, A. T
The Shriek of Silence |
Author/Editor: Patterson, David
Sidelined |
Author/Editor: Henderson, Simon
Sidney J. Furie |
Author/Editor: Kremer, Daniel
Sidney Lumet |
Author/Editor: Cunningham, Frank R
The Siege of Vicksburg: Climax of the Campaign to Open the Mississippi River, May 23-July 4, 1863 |
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Smith
Silent Coup of the Guardians: The Influence of U.S. Military Elites on National Security |
Author/Editor: Todd Andrew Schmidt
Silent Heroes |
Author/Editor: Ottis, Sherri Greene
Silent Players |
Author/Editor: Slide, Anthony
Singing The Glory Down |
Author/Editor: Montell, William Lynwood
Singin' in the Rain: The Making of an American Masterpiece |
The Sins of the Father |
Author/Editor: Dixon, Thomas
Sir Barton and the Making of the Triple Crown |
Author/Editor: Kelly, Jennifer S
Sister in the Band of Brothers: Embedded with the 101st Airborne in Iraq |
Author/Editor: Katherine M. Skiba
Sisters in Pain |
Author/Editor: LaPinta, Linda Elisabeth; Shaughnessy, Mary Angela
Sister States, Enemy States |
Author/Editor: Dollar, Kent; Whiteaker, Larry; Dickinson, W. Calvin
Ski Style: Sport and Culture in the Rockies |
Author/Editor: Annie Gilbert Coleman
Slave And Freeman |
Author/Editor: Gatewood, Willard B
Slaves, Slaveholders, and a Kentucky Community's Struggle Toward Freedom |
Author/Editor: Leonard, Elizabeth D
Slave Women in the New World: Gender Stratification in the Caribbean |
Author/Editor: Marietta Morrissey
The Sleepy Lagoon Murder Case: Race Discrimination and Mexican-American Rights |
Author/Editor: MARK A. WEITZ
Slender Is The Thread |
Author/Editor: Caudill, Harry M
Smoky Mountain Voices |
Author/Editor: Farwell, Harold F.; Nicholas, J. Karl
The Snail Darter Case: TVA versus the Endangered Species Act |
Social Deviancy and Adolescent Personality |
Author/Editor: Ball, John C
The Social Documentary Photography of Milton Rogovin |
Author/Editor: Fulton, Christopher
The Social History of Bourbon |
Author/Editor: Carson, Gerald
Socialist Mayors in the United States: Governing in an Era of Municipal Reform, 1900-1920 |
Author/Editor: David R. Berman
Socialist Mayors in the United States: Governing in an Era of Municipal Reform, 1900-1920 |
Author/Editor: David R. Berman
The Social Self |
Author/Editor: Alkana, Joseph
Sociomedical Perspectives on Patient Care |
Author/Editor: Clair, Jeffrey Michael; Allman, Richard M
The Soil and Health |
Author/Editor: Howard, Albert
The Soldier Image and State-Building in Modern China, 1924-1945 |
Author/Editor: Xu, Yan
Soldiering On in a Dying War: The True Story of the Firebase Pace Incidents and the Vietnam Drawdown |
Author/Editor: William J. Shkurti
Soldier in the Sinai |
Author/Editor: Sakal, Emanuel
Soldier Snapshots: Masculinity, Play, and Friendship in the Everyday Photographs of Men in the American Military |
Author/Editor: JAY MECHLING
Some Like It Wilder |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Gene D
Something's Rising |
Author/Editor: House, Silas; Howard, Jason
Something to Fear: FDR and the Foundations of American Insecurity, 1912-1945 |
Author/Editor: Ira Chernus ,Randall Fowler
Some Vistas of Modern Mathematics |
Author/Editor: Bellman, Richard
So Much to Lose |
Author/Editor: Rust, William J
Songs of Life and Grace |
Author/Editor: DeRosier, Linda Scott
South Africa and the World |
Author/Editor: Vandenbosch, Amry
The South and the New Deal |
Author/Editor: Biles, Roger
Southeast Asia Among the World Powers |
Author/Editor: Vandenbosch, Amry; Butwell, Richard
The Southern Appalachian Region |
Author/Editor: Ford, Thomas R
Southern Crossroads |
Author/Editor: Conser, Walter H.; Payne, Rodger M
Southern Enclosure: Settler Colonialism and the Postwar Transformation of Mississippi |
Author/Editor: JOHN H. CABLE
Southern Farmers and Their Stories |
Author/Editor: Walker, Melissa
Southern First Ladies: Culture and Place in White House History |
Author/Editor: Katherine A. S. Sibley
Southern History on Screen |
Author/Editor: Jack, Bryan M
Southern Music/American Music |
Author/Editor: Malone, Bill C.; Stricklin, David
Southern Political Party Activists |
Author/Editor: Clark, John A.; Prysby, Charles L
Southern Strategies: Why the Confederacy Failed |
Author/Editor: Christian B. Keller
The Southern Strategy Revisited |
Author/Editor: Aistrup, Joseph A
Southern Writers at Century's End |
Author/Editor: Folks, Jeffrey J.; Perkins, James A
South from Hell-fer-Sartin |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Leonard W
South Pacific Diary, 1942-1943 |
Author/Editor: Morriss, Mack
South West Africa and the United Nations |
Author/Editor: Carroll, Faye
Sovereign Mars: Transforming Our Values through Space Settlement |
Author/Editor: Jacob Haqq-Misra
Sovereign of a Free People: Abraham Lincoln, Majority Rule, and Slavery |
Author/Editor: James H. Read
So Wise Were Our Elders |
Author/Editor: McDowell, John Holmes
The Spanish Ballad in English |
Author/Editor: Bryant, Shasta M
Spanish Poetry of the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Debicki, Andrew
Speaking Freely: Whitney v. California and American Speech Law |
Spectacular Bid |
Author/Editor: Lee, Peter
Spetsnaz: A History of the Soviet and Russian Special Forces |
Author/Editor: TOR BUKKVOLL
Spies in the Himalayas: Secret Missions and Perilous Climbs |
Author/Editor: M. S. Kohli,Kenneth Conboy
Spies in the Vatican: Espionage and Intrigue from Napoleon to the Holocaust |
Author/Editor: David Alvarez
The Spirit of 1889: Restoring the Lost Promise of the High Plains and Northern Rockies |
The Spirit of Carnival |
Author/Editor: Danow, David
Spookiest Stories Ever |
Author/Editor: Brown, Roberta Simpson; Brown, Lonnie E
Sporty Creek |
Author/Editor: Still, James
Spying Through a Glass Darkly: American Espionage against the Soviet Union, 1945-1946 |
Author/Editor: David Alvarez,Eduard Mark
Stabilizing Fragile States: Why It Matters and What to Do about It |
Author/Editor: Rufus C. Phillips III
Stage-Coach Days In The Bluegrass |
Author/Editor: Coleman, J. Winston
Stages of Evil |
Author/Editor: Lima, Robert
The Stalingrad Cauldron: Inside the Encirclement and Destruction of the 6th Army |
Author/Editor: Frank Ellis
Stalin's Secret War: Soviet Counterintelligence against the Nazis, 1941-1945 |
Author/Editor: Robert W. Stephan
Stalin's World War II Evacuations: Triumph and Troubles in Kirov |
Author/Editor: Larry E. Holmes
Stand in the Fire: Three American Soldiers and Their Wars, 1900-1950 |
Author/Editor: William Crawford Woods
The Star-Spangled Screen |
Author/Editor: Dick, Bernard F
The State of the Earth |
Author/Editor: Conkin, Paul K
States of Union: Family and Change in the American Constitutional Order |
Author/Editor: Mark E. Brandon
State Violence in East Asia |
Author/Editor: Ganesan, N.; Kim, Sung Chull
Stephen Rolfe Powell |
Author/Editor: Powell, Stephen Rolfe
Stereoscopic Cinema and the Origins of 3-D Film, 1838-1952 |
Author/Editor: Zone, Ray
Steven Spielberg and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Kowalski, Dean A
Stitched Together |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Bob
Stolen Harvest |
Author/Editor: Shiva, Vandana
Stoner's Boy |
Author/Editor: Schulkers, Robert F
Stopped at Stalingrad: The Luftwaffe and Hitler's Defeat in the East, 1942-1943 |
Author/Editor: Joel S. A. Hayward,Raymond A. Callahan,J. Garry Clifford,Jacob W. Kipp,Allan R. Millett,Carol Reardon,Dennis Showalter
Stopping the Panzers: The Untold Story of D-Day |
Author/Editor: Marc Milner
Strategic Studies and Public Policy |
Author/Editor: Gray, Colin S
Streaming |
Author/Editor: Dixon, Wheeler Winston
Street Smart |
Author/Editor: Blake, Richard A
Street with No Name |
Author/Editor: Dickos, Andrew
Striking Back |
Author/Editor: Bowers, William T
Stroheim |
Author/Editor: Lennig, Arthur
Structuring Poverty in the Windy City: Autonomy, Virtue, and Isolation in Post-Fire Chicago |
Author/Editor: Joel E. Black
The Struggle for Cooperation |
Author/Editor: Fuller, Robert L
The Struggle Is Eternal |
Author/Editor: Fitzgerald, Joseph R
Studio Affairs |
Author/Editor: Sherman, Vincent
Stuntwomen |
Author/Editor: Gregory, Mollie
Style and Status |
Author/Editor: Walker, Susannah
Submarine Commander |
Author/Editor: Schratz, Paul R
Subordinating Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Oakley, David P
Succeeding Outside the Academy: Career Paths beyond the Humanities, Social Sciences, and STEM |
Sue Mundy |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Richard
Superheroes, Movies, and the State: How the U.S. Government Shapes Cinematic Universes |
Super Tuesday |
Author/Editor: Norrander, Barbara
Supplement to the Index of Middle English Verse |
Author/Editor: Robbins, Rossell Hope; Cutler, John L
The Supreme Court and the American Elite, 1789-2020 |
Author/Editor: Lucas A. Powe Jr.
The Supreme Court: An Essential History, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Charles Hoffer,Williamjames Hull Hoffer,N.E.H. Hull
Supreme Court Expansion of Presidential Power: Unconstitutional Leanings |
Author/Editor: Louis Fisher
Surface and Destroy |
Author/Editor: Sturma, Michael
Sustainable Cities in American Democracy: From Postwar Urbanism to a Civic Green New Deal |
Author/Editor: Carmen Sirianni
Sustainable Poetry |
Author/Editor: Scigaj, Leonard M
Sweet Pea at War |
Author/Editor: Generous, William Thomas
Swing It! |
Author/Editor: Sforza, John
Sylvia Rafael |
Author/Editor: Oren, Ram; Kfir, Moti
The Symbolic Earth |
Author/Editor: Cantrill, James G.; Oravec, Christine L
The Synagogues of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Weissbach, Lee Shai