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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with H (78) | Information |
Hacia una poética del relato didáctico |
Author/Editor: Biglieri, Aníbal A
A Hairdresser's Experience in High Life |
Author/Editor: Potter, Eliza; Santamarina, Xiomara
Haitian Connections in the Atlantic World |
Author/Editor: Gaffield, Julia
The Haitians: A Decolonial History |
Hajj to the Heart: Sufi Journeys across the Indian Ocean |
Author/Editor: Scott Kugle
Half in Shadow: The Life and Legacy of Nellie Y. McKay |
Author/Editor: Shanna Greene Benjamin
Half-Told Tales |
Author/Editor: Stewart, Philip
Hallazgo y traducción de poesía chilena |
Author/Editor: Dave Oliphant
The Hamlet Fire: A Tragic Story of Cheap Food, Cheap Government, and Cheap Lives |
Author/Editor: Bryant Simon
Hammer and Hoe |
Author/Editor: Kelley, Robin D. G
Hanoi's War |
Author/Editor: Nguyen, Lien-Hang T
Hard, Hard Religion |
Author/Editor: Hayes, John
Hard Work Is Not Enough |
Author/Editor: Davis, Katrinell M
A Harmony of the Spirits |
Author/Editor: Erben, Patrick M
Harnessing Harmony: Music, Power, and Politics in the United States, 1788–1865 |
Author/Editor: Billy Coleman
Harriet, the Moses of Her People |
Author/Editor: Bradford, Sarah Hopkins
Harvesting Change |
Author/Editor: Enriquez, Laura J
Hashtag Islam |
Author/Editor: Gary R. Bunt
Haunted Objects: Spectral Testimony in the Southern Cone Post-Dictatorship |
Author/Editor: Megan Corbin
Havana and the Atlantic in the Sixteenth Century |
Author/Editor: de la Fuente, Alejandro
Haya de la Torre and the Pursuit of Power in Twentieth-Century Peru and Latin America |
Author/Editor: Iñigo García-Bryce
Heading South to Teach |
Author/Editor: Tolley, Kim
Health Freaks: America's Diet Champions and the Specter of Chronic Illness |
Author/Editor: TRAVIS A. WEISSE
Hear Me with Your Eyes: Women, Visions, and Voices in Argentine Cinema |
Author/Editor: Ana Forcinito ,Andrea Rosenberg ,Ana Forcinito
Hearts Beating for Liberty |
Author/Editor: Robertson, Stacey M
Heart versus Head |
Author/Editor: Karsten, Peter
Heinrich von Kleist: Studies in the Character and Meaning of his Writings, Vol. 94 |
Author/Editor: JOHN M. ELLIS
The Heliand: Translated from the Old Saxon, Vol. 52 |
Author/Editor: MARIANA SCOTT
Hello Professor |
Author/Editor: Walker, Vanessa Siddle
Help Me to Find My People |
Author/Editor: Williams, Heather Andrea
Hemispheric Alliances: Liberal Democrats and Cold War Latin America |
Henry Wallace's 1948 Presidential Campaign and the Future of Postwar Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Devine, Thomas W
Her Cold War: Women in the U.S. Military, 1945–1980 |
Author/Editor: TANYA L. ROTH
The Herds Shot Round the World |
Author/Editor: Woods, Rebecca J. H
Hermann Hesse and His Critics: The Criticism and Bibliography of Half a Century, Vol. 21 |
Author/Editor: JOSEPH MILECK
The Hermit in German Literature: From Lessing to Eichendorff, Vol. 30 |
Herod and Mariamne: A Tragedy in Five Acts by Friedrich Hebbel, Vol. 3 |
Author/Editor: PAUL H. CURTS
High Bias: The Distorted History of the Cassette Tape |
Author/Editor: MARC MASTERS
Higher Education for All: Racial Inequality, Cold War Liberalism, and the California Master Plan |
Higher, Hidden Order |
Author/Editor: DAVID LEE RUBIN
Himmler's Auxiliaries |
Author/Editor: Lumans, Valdis O
Hiroshima Diary |
Author/Editor: Hachiya, Michihiko
Hispanic Studies in Honor of Nicholson B. Adams |
The Hispano-Portuguese Cancioneiro of the Hispanic Society of America |
Author/Editor: Askins, Arthur Lee-Francis
The Historian's Eye |
Author/Editor: Jacobson, Matthew Frye
Historia y bibliografía de la crítica sobre el Poema de mío Cid (1750-1971) |
The History and Present State of Virginia |
Author/Editor: Beverley, Robert; Parrish, Susan Scott
History Comes Alive |
Author/Editor: Rymsza-Pawlowska, M. J
A History of Family Planning in Twentieth-Century Peru |
Author/Editor: Necochea López, Raúl
The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave |
Author/Editor: Mary Prince
The History of Randolph-Macon Woman's College |
Author/Editor: Cornelius, Roberta D
A History of Stepfamilies in Early America |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Lisa
A History of the Book in America |
Author/Editor: Casper, Scott E.; Groves, Jeffrey D.; Nissenbaum, Stephen W
A History of the Book in America |
Author/Editor: Kaestle, Carl F.; Radway, Janice A
A History of the Book in America |
Author/Editor: Nord, David Paul; Rubin, Joan Shelley; Schudson, Michael
A History of the Book in America |
Author/Editor: Amory, Hugh; Hall, David D
A History of the Book in America |
Author/Editor: Gross, Robert A.; Kelley, Mary
The History of the Negro Church |
Author/Editor: Woodson, Carter G
A History of the Useless Precaution Plot in Spanish and French Literature |
Author/Editor: Sedwick, Frank
Histéresis creativa |
Hittin' the Prayer Bones |
Author/Editor: Blanton, Anderson
Home Away from Home |
Home Grown |
Author/Editor: Campos, Isaac
Homenaje a Jaime Concha |
Author/Editor: Ãlvarez, Ignacio; Martín-Cabrera, Luis; Dawes, Greg
Honor in German Literature, Vol. 25 |
Hoods and Shirts |
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Philip
Hotel Life |
Author/Editor: Levander, Caroline Field; Guterl, Matthew Pratt
The House on Diamond Hill |
Author/Editor: Miles, Tiya
The Howe Brothers and the American Revolution |
Author/Editor: Gruber, Ira D
How Local Politics Shape Federal Policy |
Author/Editor: Elkind, Sarah S
How the Arabian Nights Inspired the American Dream, 1790-1935 |
Author/Editor: Nance, Susan
How the Streets Were Made: Housing Segregation and Black Life in America |
Author/Editor: Yelena Bailey
How to Read the Qur'an |
Author/Editor: Ernst, Carl W
The Humanist Ulrich von Hutten: A Reappraisal of his Humor, Vol. 61 |
Author/Editor: THOMAS W. BEST
Humor of a Country Lawyer |
Author/Editor: Ervin, Sam J
Hungary's Cold War: International Relations from the End of World War II to the Fall of the Soviet Union |
Author/Editor: CSABA BÉKÉS
Hurricane Jim Crow: How the Great Sea Island Storm of 1893 Shaped the Lowcountry South |
Hurtin' Words |
Author/Editor: Ted Ownby