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Titles start with M ( displaying 500 of 852 ) Information
M&A Activity, Divestitures and Initial Public Offerings in the Fashion Industry, New edition
Author/Editor: Steffen Meinshausen
A Maasai Encounter with the Bible: Nomadic Lifestyle as a Hermeneutic Question, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Zephania Shila Nkesela
Maasai Women and the Old Testament: Towards an Emancipatory Reading, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Hoyce Jacob Lyimo-Mbowe
The Mabo Turn in Australian Fiction, New edition
Author/Editor: Geoff RodoredaRodoreda
Macedonia & Its Questions: Origins, Margins, Ruptures & Continuity, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Victor A Friedman,George Vlahov,Goran Janev
Macht Gender Mainstreaming Gleichstellung?, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Heinetzberger
Macht, Maerkte und Moral, New edition
Author/Editor: Philipp Rock
Macht, Ratio und Emotion: Diskurse im digitalen Zeitalter / Pouvoir, raison et émotion: les discours à l'ère du numérique, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriella Carobbio,Cécile Desoutter,Aurora Fragonara
Machtspiele, New edition
Author/Editor: Tomislav Zelic
Macht und Ohnmacht einer Zentralregierung, New edition
Author/Editor: Ronald Richter
Macht und Ohnmacht: Hohe Polizei und lokale Herrschaftspraxis im Koenigreich Westphalen (1807-1813), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maike Bartsch
MAC-Klauseln in Unternehmenskaufvertraegen nach US-amerikanischem und deutschem Recht, New edition
Author/Editor: Christina BohländerBohländer
Macroéconomie quantitative et théorie des fluctuations: Applications aux pays en développement, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Elachhab Fathi
«Made in China» als geographische Herkunftsangabe: Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen des Aufstiegs im Rahmen des deutschen Kennzeichenschutzes, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Xinming Chen
Madness and Subversion in Saul Bellow’s Later Novels: A Deconstructive Perspective, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ramzi Marrouchi
Madness in the Woods: Representations of the Ecological Uncanny, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tina-Karen Pusse,Heike Schwarz,Rebecca Downes
Maedchenfreundschaften unter dem Einfluss von Social Media, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Voigt
Maehrische Moderne: Ein Beitrag zur regionalen Literaturgeschichte der Boehmischen Laender, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Alžbeta Peštová
MaennerBildung, New edition
Author/Editor: Ilse Nagelschmidt,Uta Beyer
Maennerdiskurse in der deutschen und polnischen Anzeigenwerbung von 1995 bis 2009, New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Baj
Maennlichkeitskonstruktionen im Nationalsozialismus, New edition
Author/Editor: Anette Dietrich,Ljiljana Heise
Maerchenfilme diesseits und jenseits des Atlantiks, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ludger Scherer
Maerchen, Mythen und Moderne, New edition
Author/Editor: Holger Ehrhardt,Hans-Heino Ewers,Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde
Maeren als Grenzphaenomen, New edition
Author/Editor: Silvan WagnerWagner
The Magazine Shi‛r and the Poetics of Modern Arabic Poetry, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Basilius Bawardi
Magic: A Companion, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katharina Rein
Magic as an Element of Political Debate in the Historiography and Imperial Biography of the 1st -5th Centuries AD: A Study of Tacitus, Suetonius and Ammianus Marcellinus, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Justyna Migdał
Magic in Popular Narratives, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Pytalski,Jan Kajfosz
The Magic Love: Fairy Tales from Twenty-First Century China, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Juwen Zhang
Magic Stones and Flying Snakes, New edition
Author/Editor: Ana Margarida Dias Martins
Magie und Sprache, New edition
Author/Editor: Carlotta von Maltzan
Magnificent Houses in Twentieth Century European Literature, New edition
Author/Editor: Hugo G. Walter
Mahalla – Traditional Institution in Tajikistan and Civil Society in the West, New edition
Author/Editor: Saidbek Goziev
Mai 68 - une approche transatlantique, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Timo Obergöker,Jean-Frédéric Hennuy
The Maidan Uprising, Separatism and Foreign Intervention, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Bachmann,Igor Lyubashenko,Klaus Bachmann,Igor Lyubashenko
Mainstream or Marginal?, New edition
Author/Editor: Friedbert Ninow
The Making of Accessible Audiovisual Translation, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jorge Díaz Cintas,Carmen Pena-Díaz
The Making of a Gentleman Nazi, New edition
Author/Editor: Baijayanti Roy
Making of a Nation: Analyse de l’imaginaire national américain au travers des portraits cinématographiques et télévisuels des présidents Truman à Bush Sr, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Desplanque
The Making of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty, New edition
Author/Editor: Finn Laursen
Making Popular Participation Real, New edition
Author/Editor: György SzéllSzéll,Dasarath ChettyChetty
Making Sense, New edition
Author/Editor: Lorna Collins,Elizabeth Rush
Making Sense, New edition
Author/Editor: Bandy Lee,Lorna Collins
Making Sense, New edition
Author/Editor: Bandy Lee,Nancy Olson,Thomas Duffy
Making Software Teams Effective, New edition
Author/Editor: Chaehan So
Making Space for Diverse Masculinities, New edition
Author/Editor: Lance T. McCready
Making the Best of a Bad Job: Representations of Disability, Gender and Old Age in the Novels of Samuel Beckett, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Manuel Barberá López
Making the ‘Invisible’ Visible?: Reviewing Translated Works, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jorge Díaz Cintas,Martyn Gray
Making the Italians, New edition
Author/Editor: Lindsay Myers
… making the mirror visible …, New edition
Author/Editor: Miriam Acartürk-Höß
Makrooekonomische Implikationen von Arbeitsmigration und Migrantentransfers, New edition
Author/Editor: Lars Bennöhr
Makrostrukturen der Argumentation im Deutschen, Franzoesischen und Italienischen, New edition
Author/Editor: Vahram Atayan
Malaise dans la ville, New edition
Author/Editor: Sylvie Freyermuth,Jean-François Bonnot
Malaria in Suedwest-Afrika Deutsche Kolonialmedizin 1884–1915, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Esse
Malaysian English, New edition
Author/Editor: Siew Imm Tan
The Male Body as Advertisement, New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco Uceda,Juan Rey
Malitia temporis?: Personas, gobierno y entorno de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusalén en Navarra medieval, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anna K. Dulska
Mallarmésis, New edition
Author/Editor: Émile Fromet de Rosnay
Malta und die Boatpeople, New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Weber
Management and Organization: Various Approaches, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yasin Cakirel
Management – Die drei Dimensionen unternehmerischer Aufmerksamkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus Moll
Management in sozialen Organisationen: Leitung von Teams und teilautonomen Arbeitsgruppen, New edition
Author/Editor: Kurt Possehl
Management Lessons of a Failed Company, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christopher Tingley
Managementprognosen und Analystenschaetzungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Kai Lehmann
Managementstrukturen in der SPE, New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Henning Martens
Management von Luxusmarken, New edition
Author/Editor: Susanna Wassel
Managementwissen fuer eine innovative und lernende oeffentliche Verwaltung, New edition
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Nolte,Sabine Zimmermann
Managing «Difference» in Eastern-European Transnational Families, New edition
Author/Editor: Viorela Ducu,Áron Telegdi-Csetri
Managing Time, New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Barker,Richard Maber
Managing Work and «The Rest of Life», New edition
Author/Editor: Cornelia Reindl
Maßnahmen finanzieller Restrukturierung, New edition
Author/Editor: Carlo Dirschedl
Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung missbraeuchlicher Gestaltungen im Ertragsteuerrecht: Eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung nach deutschem, russischem, europaeischem und internationalem Steuerrecht, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Javid Damirov
Man between Sacrum and Profanum in Russian Philosophy in 20th Century, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Rusnák,Helena Hrehová,Jaromír Feber
A Mandala of Words, New edition
Author/Editor: Renata Czekalska
The Mandarin, the Musician and the Mage: T. K. Whitaker, Sean Ó Riada, Thomas Kinsella and the Lessons of Ireland’s Mid-Twentieth-Century Revival, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: John Fanning
Mandricardo e la melanconia, New edition
Author/Editor: Gian Paolo Giudicetti
Manfred Gerlach, LDP(D) – Eine politische Biographie, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: David Bordiehn
Manger en Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Antonella Campanini,Peter Scholliers,Jean-Pierre Williot
Man hat Arbeitskraefte gerufen, … es kamen Schriftsteller.: Bd. 3: Deutsche Verhaltensmuster in den Werken von Şinasi Dikmen, Osman Engin und Yueksel Pazarkaya, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mehmet Öztürk,Anna Warakomska
«Man hat Arbeitskraefte gerufen, ... es kamen Schriftsteller», New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Warakomska,Mehmet Öztürk
The Manifestations of Political Power Structures in Documentary Film, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dror Dayan
Manifestations sensorielles des urbanités contemporaines, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Stéphanie Béligon,Rémi Digonnet
Manipulation eines Standardisierungsverfahrens durch Patenthinterhalt und Lockvogeltaktik, New edition
Author/Editor: Doris Brakhahn
Manipulation in the Disclosure of the <I>Securitate" Files: The Case of Mona Muscă, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alina Petra Marinescu
Manna – Bread from Heaven, New edition
Author/Editor: Pawel Rytel-Andrianik
Manual do Mediador Internacional, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: José Pascal da Rocha
Manuel Mejía Vallejo, New edition
Author/Editor: Edwin Carvajal Córdoba
The Many Faces of Crisis: An Analysis of Crisis Management from an Economic and Political Perspective, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marek A. Cichocki,Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse
The Many Faces of Defeat, New edition
Author/Editor: Edward N. Peterson
Mappe interculturali della letteratura italiana nel Risorgimento, New edition
Author/Editor: Angelo Pagliardini
Mapping Academic Values in the Disciplines, New edition
Author/Editor: Davide Simone Giannoni
Mapping Autonomy in Language Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Manuel Jiménez Raya,Terry Lamb,Flávia Vieira
Mapping Berlin, New edition
Author/Editor: Frances Mossop
Mapping Cinematic Norths, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Dobson,Jonathan Rayner
Mapping Identity and Identification Processes, New edition
Author/Editor: Eduardo de Gregorio-Godeo,Angel Mateos-Aparicio Martin-Albo
Mapping Manager Development: Current and Upcoming Trends, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Piotr Olaf Żylicz
Mapping Spaces: Reimagining East German Society in 1960s Fiction, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Francesca Goll
Mapping the Discussion on Leadership Spirituality: With a Critical Evaluation of References to Christian Spirituality, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: John Oguche
Mapping the Dubbing Scene, New edition
Author/Editor: Josu Barambones Zubiria
Mapping the Pathways of Huayan Buddhist Thought: Its Origins, Unfolding, and Relevance, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ronald Y. Nakasone
Mapping the Tasteland, New edition
Author/Editor: Matias Bruera
Mapping Ultima Thule: Representations of North Greenland in the Expedition Accounts of Knud Rasmussen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patrycja Poniatowska,Agata Lubowicka
Marcadores discursivos. O português como referência contrastiva, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Isabel Margarida Duarte,Rogelio Ponce de León
Marcel Proust : écriture, réécritures- Marcel Proust: escritura, reescrituras, New edition
Author/Editor: Lourdes Carriedo,Maria Luisa Guerrero
Marcians libri regularum: Zur Gattung einer spaetklassischen Juristenschrift, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Lapadula
Marcin Mielczewski and Music under the Patronage of the Polish Vasas, New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarminska
Marcus Hieronymus Vida, New edition
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Lew
The Marginalized Majority, New edition
Author/Editor: Kristie Collins
Margins and marginalities in France and Ireland: A Socio-cultural Perspective, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Catherine Maignant,Sylvian Tondeur,Déborah Vandewoude
The Margin Without Centre, New edition
Author/Editor: Chu-chueh Cheng
Marguerite Duras à la croisée des arts, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michelle Royer,Lauren Upadhyay
Maria Biljan-Bilger und Kunst im oeffentlichen Raum, New edition
Author/Editor: Margret Kohler-Heilingsetzer,Semirah Heilingsetzer
Mariage et métissage dans les sociétés coloniales - Marriage and misgeneration in colonial societies, New edition
Author/Editor: Guy Brunet
Maria Magdalena in geistlichen Spielen des Mittelalters, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Alois Haas,Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde,Hildegard Elisabeth Keller,Niklaus Largier,Eva Maria Adam
The Marianne Williamson Presidential Phenomenon: Cultural (R)Evolution in a Dangerous Time, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: R. Michael Fisher
Marie Guyart de l’Incarnation (1599–1672): Le singulier parcours d’une ursuline missionnaire de Tours à Québec, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Vincent Grégoire
Marie Nimier: Le Sujet et ses écritures / The Self in the Web of Language, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: David Gascoigne,Ana Maria Sousa Aguiar de Medeiros
Mario Praz: Voice Centre Stage, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elisa Bizzotto
Maritain, Religion, and Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Luz M. Ibarra
Marital Separation in Contemporary Ireland, New edition
Author/Editor: Lucy Hyland
Maritime Herausforderungen der NATO, New edition
Author/Editor: Felix F. Seidler
Maritime Sicherheit – Moderne Piraterie, New edition
Author/Editor: Moritz Brake
Markenbildung fuer Kulturorchester, New edition
Author/Editor: Elisa Erkelenz
Markenschutz in Georgien und Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Nino Bakhtadze
Marken und Patente: Barwertorientierte Bewertung und empirische Analyse des Einflusses auf das systematische Unternehmensrisiko, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominik Socher
Market Constellation Research, New edition
Author/Editor: Arne Heise
Marketing als Erfolgsfaktor im Krankenhausmanagement, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Deutz
Marketing fuer Handelsmarken, New edition
Author/Editor: Joachim Hurth,Hermann Sievers
Marketing in the Digital Era, New edition
Author/Editor: Zuzana BacíkováBacíková
Marketing Luxury Goods Online, New edition
Author/Editor: Philipp Nikolaus Kluge
Markets, Sustainability and Social Welfare Enhancement in the European Union, New edition
Author/Editor: George Chobanov,Jürgen Plöhn,Horst Schellhaass
Mark: Recherche sociale, New edition
Author/Editor: Nicole Decostre
Marktabgrenzung in Zeiten der Medienkonvergenz, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Marten Hinrichsen
Marktbeherrschung im Bereich Stromerzeugung/Stromgroßhandel, New edition
Author/Editor: Gisela Drozella,Harald Krebs
Markteintrittsstrategien bei Innovationen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Preis- und Werbestrategien, New edition
Author/Editor: Carsten Legler
Marktfreiheiten und Kartellrecht unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des oeffentlichen Beschaffungswesens: Eine rechtsvergleichende Studie zum georgischen und europaeischen Recht vor dem Hintergrund des Assoziierungsabkommens zwischen der EU und Georgien,
Author/Editor: Dato Kochiashvili
Marktmachtverlagerung durch Suchmaschinenbetreiber, New edition
Author/Editor: Max Erhard
Marktverschlusseffekte und Effizienzen vertikaler Zusammenschluesse, New edition
Author/Editor: Holger Hoch
Marquer la ville, affirmer l’identité: Musique, dévotion et espaces nationaux (Italie et anciens Pays-Bas espagnols xvie-xviie siècles), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Marie-Alexis Colin,Emilie Corswarem,Charles-Yvan Élissèche,Jorge Morales
The Marquis de Sade as a Key Figure of Enlightenment, New edition
Author/Editor: Moussa Traore
Marriage as Political Strategy and Cultural Expression, New edition
Author/Editor: George Qingzhi Zhao
Marsilii de Inghen Quaestiones super quattuor libros <I>Sententiarum": Super secundum, quaestiones 8-10, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mikołaj Szymański,Mikołaj Golubiewski,Paweł Superat
Martin Luther and Women: Theology and Lived Experience, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Laura Jurgens
Martyrium, New edition
Author/Editor: Nicole Hartmann
Marvelous Rise of Superheroes in Cinema: Evolution of the Genre from Sequels to Universes, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Tuna Tetik
Marx, Capital, and Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Curry Stephenson Malott,Derek R. Ford
Mary, Daughter Zion: An Introduction to the Mariology of Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Onuoha
Mary Oliver’s Grass Roots Poetry, New edition
Author/Editor: Dee HorneHorne
Maryse Condé: Ironies, contextes et énonciations, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Canda Kishala
Maschinentheorien/Theoriemaschinen, New edition
Author/Editor: Hans-Christian von Herrmann,Wladimir Velminski
Masculinities in American Western Films, New edition
Author/Editor: Emma Hamilton
Masking Strategies, New edition
Author/Editor: Alistair Rolls,Maire-Laure Vuaille-Barcan
Masking the Drama, New edition
Author/Editor: Tiziana Febronia Arena
Massenkommunikation in Brasilien, New edition
Author/Editor: Giselle Camargos Becker
Masseverwaltung nach Aufhebung des Insolvenzverfahrens am Beispiel der Nachtragsverteilung, New edition
Author/Editor: Ines Meyer
Mass Media and Chinese ESL Students Abroad: Adopting Host Communication and Culture, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jun Qian
Maßstaebe und Verfahren der Nutzerfinanzierung von Public Private Partnerships, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Bücker
Mastering Chaos, New edition
Author/Editor: Jeremy Morris
Materialidad, Memoria y Lenguaje en la <i>Relación de las Fábulas y Ritos de los Incas<i/> (1575) de Cristóbal de Molina: Edición crítica, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino,Francisco Hernández Astete
Materialien zur Rezeption der Wiener Moderne in Bulgarien bis 1944: Hermann Bahr, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Arthur Schnitzler, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mladen Vlashki
Materialitaet(en) des Kultur- und Wissenstransfers in prae- und transnationalen Kontexten, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Gissenwehrer,Katharina Keim
Materialitaet und Medialitaet der sprachlichen Kommunikation - Materiality and Mediality of Linguistic Communication, New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Zebrowska,Mariola Jaworska,Dirk Steinhoff
Material Moments in Book Cultures, New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Rosenberg,Sandra Simon
Material Transfer Agreements in der Stammzellenforschung- Internationalprivatrechtliche und zivilrechtliche Aspekte, New edition
Author/Editor: Yvonne Sada
Materielle Insolvenz – Die retrograde Ermittlung der Zahlungsunfaehigkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Pabst
Mathematics and Beauty: An Attempt to Link the Cognitive and Philosophical-Spiritual Aspects of Beauty, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Andrej Démuth,Slávka Démuthová,Adrián Slavkovský
Matière et lumière dans le théâtre de Samuel Beckett, New edition
Author/Editor: Arnaud Beaujeu
Maîtres, précepteurs et pédagogues, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefano Lazzarin,Agnès Morini
Matriarchal Societies, New edition
Author/Editor: Heide Göttner-Abendroth
Matriarchal Societies of the Past and the Rise of Patriarchy: West Asia and Europe, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Heide Goettner-Abendroth
The Matrix of Modernity and National Identity in Manchukuo Literature from 1937 to 1941, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Chao Liu
Matters of Time, New edition
Author/Editor: Lisa Jeschke,Adrian May
The Matthean Beatitudes in Their Jewish Origins, New edition
Author/Editor: Michelle Howell Hancock
Matthias Claudius als Literaturkritiker, New edition
Author/Editor: Geeske Göhler-Marks
Maurice Barrès, la Lorraine, la France et l’étranger, New edition
Author/Editor: Olivier Dard,Michel Grunewald,Michel Leymarie,Jean-Michel Wittmann
Max Brods Frauenbilder, New edition
Author/Editor: Agata Mirecka
Max Dauthendey- Gauguin der Literatur und Vagabund der Bohème, New edition
Author/Editor: Aleksandra Rduch
Max Ettinger, New edition
Author/Editor: Ivana Rentsch
Max Kalbeck – Theaterkritiken des Wiener Fin de siècle: Mit einer Einleitung herausgegeben und kommentiert von Joanna Giel, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Giel
Max Regers Musik, New edition
Author/Editor: Hans-Peter Retzmann
Max Reinhardt, New edition
Author/Editor: Marielle Silhouette
Mazes and Amazements, New edition
Author/Editor: Shlomy Mualem
McLuhan and Symbolist Communication, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrea Lombardinilo
Médecine et santé dans les campagnes: Approches historiques et enjeux contemporains, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patrick Fournier,Claude Grimmer,Marie Bolton
Médias et dynamique du français en Afrique subsaharienne, New edition
Author/Editor: Martina Drescher
Médiation et gestion des conflits, New edition
Author/Editor: Cyrille B. Koné
Mean Green, New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriela E. Moreno
Meaning and Context, New edition
Author/Editor: Luca Baptista,Erich Rast
Meaning and Motoricity, New edition
Author/Editor: Kristof Nyiri
The Meaning and Redemptive-Historical Significance of John 20:22, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Adrian P. Rosen
Meaning and Translation, New edition
Author/Editor: Tomasz P. Krzeszowski
Meaning in Language – From Individual to Collective, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mihaela Matesic,Anita Memišević
Meaning in Subtitling, New edition
Author/Editor: Mikolaj Deckert
Meaning in Translation, New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk,Marcel Thelen
Meaning, Mind and Communication, New edition
Author/Editor: Jordan Zlatev,Göran Sonesson,Piotr Konderak
Meanings of Jazz in State Socialism, New edition
Author/Editor: Gertrud Pickhan,Rüdiger Ritter
Meanings of Modern Work in Nineteenth- and Twenty-First-Century German Literature and Film, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Peter C. Pfeiffer,Nathan T. Tschepik
Means Matter, New edition
Author/Editor: Manuel Brito
Measurement and Management of Chief Executive Reputation, New edition
Author/Editor: Richard Rinkenburger
Measuring Change, New edition
Author/Editor: Jeremy M. Wallace
Measuring Oral Proficiency through Paired-Task Performance, New edition
Author/Editor: Ildikó Csépes
Mechanismen der Trivialliteratur, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Beutin
Me como las eses hasta en la sopa: Cambio fonético frente a la norma en el español ecuatoriano, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Brygida Sawicka-Stepinska
Medea’s Chorus, New edition
Author/Editor: Veronica House
Media and Cosmopolitanism, New edition
Author/Editor: Aybige Yilmaz,Ruxandra Trandafoiu,Aris Mousoutzanis
Media and Education in the Digital Age, New edition
Author/Editor: Matteo Stocchetti
Media and Materiality in the Neo-Avant-Garde, New edition
Author/Editor: Jonas Ingvarsson,Jesper Olsson
Media Convergence – Approaches and Experiences, New edition
Author/Editor: Renata Szczepaniak
Media Distortions: Understanding the Power Behind Spam, Noise, and Other Deviant Media, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elinor Carmi
Media Diversity Law, New edition
Author/Editor: Greg Taylor,Georgios Gounalakis
A MediaEgo in the MediaPolis. Towards a New Paradigm of Political Communication: The Polish Case, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Andrzej Zegler,Agnieszka Walecka-Rynduch
Media in China: Constructing National Resistance in Natural Disaster Representations, New edition
Author/Editor: Weimin Zhang
Mediale Ambivalenzen / Ambivalente Medien, New edition
Author/Editor: Dagmar von Hoff
Mediale Emotionskulturen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Hauser,Martin Luginbühl,Susanne Tienken
Mediale Signaturen von Ueberwachung und Selbstkontrolle, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Torsten Erdbrügger,Liane Schüller,Werner Jung
Mediale Verwertung von Sportveranstaltungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Jessica Sänger
Media Literacy, Media Education and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gabriel Bădescu,Bogdan Mihai Radu,Matevž Tomšič
Mediality of Smells / Médialité des odeurs, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Alexandre Perras,Érika Wicky
Medially-Placed Linking Adverbials in Written Academic English: Usage Patterns and Functions, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Carolin Harthan
Media, Migrants and Human Rights. In the Evolution of the European Scenario of Refugees’ and Asylum Seekers’ Instances, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gevisa La Rocca,Roberto Di Maria,Gino Frezza
Media, Migration and Public Opinion, New edition
Author/Editor: Ivan Ureta Vaquero
Media – Migration – Politics: Discursive Strategies in the Current Czech and Slovak Context, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Lucia Spálová,Peter Mikuláš
Media, Power and Public Opinion: Essays on Communication and Politics in a Historical Perspective, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Domenico Maria Bruni
Media Power and Religions, New edition
Author/Editor: Manfred Pirner,Johannes Lähnemann
Media, Propaganda and the Politics of Intervention, New edition
Author/Editor: Florian Zollmann
Media Representations of African American Athletes in Cold War Japan, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yu Sasaki
Media Scholarship in a Transitional Age, New edition
Author/Editor: Tim P. Vos,Carol M. Liebler
The Media’s Role in Defining the Nation, New edition
Author/Editor: David Copeland
Media Systems in Balkan Countries: Context and Dynamics of Changes, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Bogusława Dobek-Ostrowska,Bogusława Dobek-Ostrowska,Jelena Kleut
Mediated Eros, New edition
Author/Editor: Miglena M. Sternadori
Mediated Utopias: From Literature to Cinema, New edition
Author/Editor: Artur Blaim,Ludmila Gruszewska-Blaim
Mediating Practices in Translating Children’s Literature: Tackling Controversial Topics, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Dybiec-Gajer,Agnieszka Gicala
Mediating Security, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Klimburg,Jan Pospisil
Mediating the Otherworld in Polish Folklore: A Cognitive Linguistic Perspective, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Piotr Styk,Maria Fengler,Ewa Maslowska
Mediating the Windrush Children: Caryl Phillips and Horace Ové, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Josiane Ranguin
Mediating the World in the Novels of Iain Banks, New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Pisarska
Mediation als kindgerechtes Verfahren, New edition
Author/Editor: Holke-Leonie Doench
Mediation als Verfahren der konsensualen Konfliktbeilegung bei Trennung und Scheidung, New edition
Author/Editor: Britta Nietfeld
Mediation als Verfahren konsensualer Streitbeilegung, New edition
Author/Editor: Tina de Vries
Mediation auf Kuba, New edition
Author/Editor: Lena Brode,Claude-Hélène Mayer
Mediation im Arbeitsrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Regina Nink
Mediation im Gesundheitswesen, New edition
Author/Editor: Catharina Herzog
Mediation in Wandelzeiten, New edition
Author/Editor: Claude-Hélène Mayer,Elisabeth Vanderheiden
Mediation und systemische Therapie, New edition
Author/Editor: Jasmin Cornelius
Mediatisierungslinguistik: Theorie und Fallanalysen zur Kommunikation von Politiker*innen am Beispiel von Twitter, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sascha Michel
Mediatization of Public Services, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Schillemans
Media with its news, approaches and fractions in the new media age, New edition
Author/Editor: Ceren YegenYegen,Nurettin GüzGüz
«Medical enterprise liability», New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Löhle
Medicine Matters in Five Comedies of Shakespeare, New edition
Author/Editor: Luisa Camaiora,Andrea A. Conti
Medien als Mittel urbaner Kommunikation, New edition
Author/Editor: Ramona Schröpf
Medienbeteiligungen politischer Parteien, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Winter
Medien der Auferstehung, New edition
Author/Editor: Helga Finter
Medien fuer die Europaeische Bildungsgesellschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas A. Bauer,Marko Ivanisin,Bernd Mikuszeit
Medien im neokommunikativen Fremdsprachenunterricht, New edition
Author/Editor: Marcus Reinfried,Laurenz Volkmann
Medien in unserer Gesellschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin K. W. Schweer
Medienkollisionen und Medienprothesen, New edition
Author/Editor: Gudrun Heidemann,Susanne Kaul
Medienkulturen: Multimodalitaet und Intermedialitaet, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Hartmut E. H. Lenk,Liisa Tiittula,Hans W. Giessen,Susanne Tienken
Medienkultur und Medienlinguistik, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Luginbühl
Medienlinguistik und interdisziplinaere Forschung II, New edition
Author/Editor: Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz,Anna Hanus,Heinz-Helmut Lüger,Agnieszka Mac
Medienlinguistik und interdisziplinaere Forschung I, New edition
Author/Editor: Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz,Anna Hanus,Agnieszka Mac
Medien, Macht und Metropolen, New edition
Author/Editor: Marco Althaus,Gerhard Göhler,Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen
Medienoeffentlichkeit des Strafverfahrens: Betrachtung des Oeffentlichkeitsgrundsatzes im Lichte des gesellschaftlichen und straftheoretischen Wandels, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Linda-Sue Blazko
Medientexte aus fraktaltheoretischer Perspektive: Deutsch-ukrainische Kontraste, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yuriy Kiyko
Medien und Buddhismus in Viktor Pelevins Roman «Buddhas kleiner Finger» (Čapaev i Pustota): Gefangenschaft und Befreiung, New edition
Author/Editor: Inna Ganschow
Medien und Demokratie – was der Journalismus heute leistet, New edition
Medien und Wirklichkeit im Kino François Ozons und Pedro Almodóvars um 2000, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Regine Leitenstern
Medienwechsel und Medienwandel in der Ueberlieferung der Taulerpredigten, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ann-Kristin Badel
Medienwissenschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Reiner Matzker,Ursula Dreyer
Medieval English Syntax: Studies in Honor of Michiko Ogura, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ishiguro Taro,M. Jane Toswell
Medieval Islamic World: An Intellectual History of Science and Politics, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Labeeb Ahmed Bsoul
A Medievalist’s Gaze: Christian Visual Rhetoric in Modern German Memorials (1950–2000), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Galit Noga-Banai
The Meditations of Manuel de la Vega, New edition
Author/Editor: Cora Cruz
Medizin-Apps als Medizinprodukt: Regulierung eines Risikoprodukts: Eine sicherheitsrechtliche Analyse vor dem Hintergrund von MPG und MDR, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Johannes Ortner
Medizin im Konzentrationslager Flossenbuerg 1938 bis 1945, New edition
Author/Editor: Jessica Tannenbaum
Medizin in der deutschsprachigen periodischen Presse des langen 19. Jahrhunderts: Akteure, Praktiken und Formate, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Misia Sophia Doms,Marina Hilber,Andreas Golob,Elisabeth Lobenwein
Medizinische Leitlinien: Eine zivil- und urheberrechtliche Untersuchung der Erstellung, Verbreitung und Veroeffentlichung wissenschaftlich-medizinischer Leitlinien, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Torsten Nölling
Medizinische Richt- und Leitlinien im Strafrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Lea Staudt
Medizinische Zufallsbefunde in der Diagnostik und Forschung: Eine rechtsethische Analyse im Spannungsfeld zwischen Selbstbestimmungsrecht und aerztlicher Fuersorge, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kerstin Sabina Heidenreich
Medizin und Krieg in historischer Perspektive- Medycyna i wojna w perspektywie historycznej, New edition
Author/Editor: Ute Caumanns,Fritz Dross,Anita Magowska
Medizin und Sprache – die Sprache der Medizin, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Brinkschulte,Fritz Dross,Anita Magowska,Marcin Moskalewicz,Philipp Teichfischer
Mehrdeutigkeit uebersetzen, New edition
Author/Editor: Agnes Blümer
Mehrebenensystem im Gesundheitswesen: Ein Jahr Corona: Welche Lehren koennen wir ziehen?, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann
Mehrfachansaessigkeit im Ertragsteuerrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Brandl
Mehrfach befristete Arbeitsverhaeltnisse, New edition
Author/Editor: Markus Wiese
Mehrfachbeschaeftigung in Deutschland - Ein Phaenomen relativer Armut?: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Determinanten zur Aufnahme einer Zweitbeschaeftigung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marco Weber
Mehrfachmandate von Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern der Aktiengesellschaft bei Konkurrenzunternehmen, New edition
Author/Editor: Carola OsswaldOsswald
Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance, New edition
Author/Editor: Stéfanie Witzigmann,Jutta Rymarczyk
Mehrsprachigkeit aus der Perspektive zweier EU-Projekte, New edition
Author/Editor: Cornelia Hülmbauer,Eva Vetter,Heike Böhringer
Mehrsprachigkeit durch bilingualen Unterricht?, New edition
Author/Editor: Bettina Deutsch
Mehrsprachigkeit im Alltag von Schule und Unterricht in Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Yüksel Ekinci,Habib Guenesli
Mehrsprachigkeit in der Europaeischen Union, New edition
Author/Editor: Jakob Haselhuber
Mehrsprachigkeit in der Lehrerbildung: Modelle, Konzepte und empirische Befunde fuer die Fremd- und Zweitsprachendidaktik, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Isabelle Mordellet-Roggenbruck,Markus Raith,Katja Zaki
Mehrsprachigkeit, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Sprachvermittlung: Internationale Perspektiven auf DaF und Herkunftssprachen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Beatrix Kreß,Katsiaryna Roeder,Kathrin Schweiger,Ksenija Vossmiller
Mehrsprachigkeit per Gesetz: Die Implementierung der Ko-Offizialisierung von Sprachen in Brasilien, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Pöhlmann
Mehrsprachigkeit tuerkischer Schueler in Frankreich und Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Ann-Birte Krüger
Mehrsprachigkeit und Englischunterricht, New edition
Author/Editor: Jenny Jakisch
Mehrsprachigkeit und transkulturelle Praxis in deutschen Auslandsschulen: Lehrplanpolitik, Einstellungen und Potenziale, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Robson Carapeto-Conceição
Mehrsprachigkeit und Zugaenge zur Vermittlung von interkultureller und intersprachlicher Sensibilitaet: Plurilinguisme et sensibilité interculturelle et interlangue : de nouvelles approches, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Demeter Michael Ikonomu,Andrea Kyi-Drago,Gérald Schlemminger,Barbara Delli Castelli
Mehrvertragsverfahren in der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Martina Buller
Mehrwert der Selbstverwaltung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Maria Hofmann,Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann,Astrid Wallrabenstein
Meine Sprachen, meine Forschung und ich, New edition
Author/Editor: Verena Krausneker,Marie-Luise Volgger
Mein Lebenslauf – Erstausgabe des deutschen Originals – und Tagebuch 1939-1944, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael von Albrecht,Jerzy Axer,Alexander Gavrilov
Meinungsmacht in einer konvergenten Medienwelt, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Natt
Meinungsvielfalt und Medienkonvergenz, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexandra Sommerhoff
Meister Eckharts mittelhochdeutsche Predigten in Uebersetzung: Eine uebersetzungskritische Analyse der neuhochdeutschen und franzoesischen Versionen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Elizeveta Dorogova
The Melancholic Gaze, New edition
Author/Editor: Piotr SniedziewskiSniedziewski
Melancholy of Power: Perception of Tyranny in European Political Culture of the 16th Century, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Thomas Anessi,Igor Kakolewski
Melancolía y depresión en la literatura hispánica, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Samuel Rodríguez
Melanom-Aufklaerung und Melanom-Frueherkennung, New edition
Author/Editor: Eberhard Paul,Christoph Bäuml
Melitta Urbancic: Lyrik am Rand der Welt: Exil und Integration in Island, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Agneta Hauber
Melodienschutz im Urheberrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Cora Brunner
Membralité écologique des êtres dans la théologie chrétienne et dans la pensée bantoue, New edition
Author/Editor: Paulin Monga Wa Matanga
Memoirs of a (Highly) Political Economist, New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Winiecki
Memorable Encounters with Atatuerk, New edition
Author/Editor: Gönül Bakay,Leyla Pekcan
Memoria cultural y memorias periféricas de la Guerra Civil española y el franquismo: Estudios sobre novela, memoria femenina, memoria LGTBIQ+ y memoria multimedia, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrich Winter,Germán Labrador Méndez,Christian von Tschilschke,Luis Bautista Boned,Mariela Sánchez
Memoria e identidad del Mediterráneo - Memory and Identity of the Mediterranean, New edition
Author/Editor: Jürgen Elvert,Enrique Moradiellos García
Memorialising the Magdalene Laundries: From Story to History, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nathalie Sebbane
Memoria política en perspectiva Latinoamericana, New edition
Author/Editor: Sandra Patricia Arenas Grisales
Memoria – Postmemoria, New edition
Author/Editor: Patrick Eser,Jan-Henrik Witthaus
Memorias globalizadas: Antología crítica en torno a la literatura latinoamericana, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Guadalupe Pérez Anzaldo,Demetrio Anzaldo-González
Memoria storica e postcolonialismo, New edition
Author/Editor: Martine Bovo Romoeuf,Franco Manai
Memorias y lugares de memoria de Europa- Mémoires et lieux de mémoire en Europe- Memories and Places of Memory in Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Éric Bussière,Enrique Moradiellos
Memories and Silences Haunted by Fascism, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Baratieri
Memories of 1968, New edition
Author/Editor: Ingo Cornils,Sarah Waters
Memories of the Future, New edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Wilson,Deborah Jaffé
Memory and History, New edition
Author/Editor: Lutz Niethammer
Memory and Identity in Contemporary Chinese-Australian Novels, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Beibei Chen
Memory and Identity in the Medieval and Early Modern World, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Roman Bleier,Brian Coleman,Clare Fletcher
Memory and Neighborhood: Poles and Poland in Jewish American Fiction after World War Two, New edition
Author/Editor: Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pedich
Memory and Postcolonial Studies: Synergies and New Directions, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dirk Göttsche
Memory and the Trevi Fountain: Flows of Political Power in Media Performance, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pamela Krist
Memory as Burden and Liberation, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Wolff-Poweska
The Memory of the Bishop in Medieval Cathedrals: Ceremonies and Visualizations, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gerardo Boto Varela,Isabel Escandell,Esther Lozano Lopez
Mendelssohn-Interpretationen, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominik Sackmann
Mendelssohns «Ouvertuere zum Sommernachtstraum», New edition
Author/Editor: Jörn Rieckhoff
Mengen- und umsatzbezogene Rabatte marktbeherrschender Unternehmen in den Grenzen des Art. 102 AEUV, New edition
Author/Editor: Ann-Christin Richter
Men on the Screen: Re-visions of Masculinity in Spanish Cinema (1939-2019), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco Uceda,Juan Rey
Mensch, Analogie und Trinitaet: Eine Untersuchung des analogen Denkens in der Trinitaetslehre von Augustinus, Richard von St. Viktor und Gisbert Greshake, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Fidelis Den
Menschenbilder in Bewerbungsverfahren, New edition
Author/Editor: Sandra Aßmann
Menschenbilder und Menschenrechte, New edition
Author/Editor: Valentin Tischler
Menschenhandel zum Zweck der sexuellen Ausbeutung §§ 232, 233 a StGB, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Pfuhl
Menschenrechte aus zwei islamtheologischen Perspektiven, New edition
Author/Editor: Mohammad Hashim Kamali,Saffet Köse
Menschenrechtsverantwortung deutscher Konzerne: Untersuchung einer konzern- und lieferkettendimensionalen Fortentwicklung von Verkehrspflichten und deren Wechselwirkungen zum Corporate Governance-System der Unternehmenstraeger, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Joachim Hennrichs,Sophie Welwert
Menschen und Handeln im Zeichen transkulturellen Denkens: Festschrift fuer Laura Auteri, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Hans-Gert Roloff,Natascia Barrale,Arianna Di Bella,Sabine Hoffmann,MArion Weening
Menschen und Staedte, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerhard Fouquet,Rainer S. Elkar,Bernd Fuhrmann
Menschenwuerde im Strafvollzug in der Rechtsprechung der Kammern des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nora Thies
Menschenwuerde – Probleme der Begruendung und Geltung einer universalen Norm, New edition
Author/Editor: Hans-Georg Babke
Mensch im Dunkel, New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Zentner
Menschsein- On Being Human, New edition
Author/Editor: Hong-Bin Lim,Georg Mohr
Mentale Fitness im Golf, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin K. W. Schweer
Mentale Fitness im Tennis, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Martin K. W. Schweer
Mentale Prozesse beim Hoerverstehen in der Fremdsprache, New edition
Author/Editor: Henning Rossa
Mentoring and Communication: Theories and Practices, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Diana Trebing,Ahmet Atay
Mentoring in Intercultural and International Contexts, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ahmet Atay,Diana Trebing
The Men with Broken Faces, New edition
Author/Editor: Marjorie Gehrhardt
Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Sector, New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Fraunhoffer
Messages from God to the World: An Axiomatic Investigation of Marian Manifestations, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Weingartner
Messengers of the Free Word: Paris – Prague – Warsaw, 1968–1971, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yelizaveta Crofts,Bartosz Kaliski
Messianic Jews and their Holiday Practice, New edition
Author/Editor: Evert W. Van de Poll
Messing with Romance, New edition
Author/Editor: Zeno Ackermann
Mes séjours à Bruxelles: Témoignages diplomatiques (1986-2020), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Juan Prat y Coll
Metadiscourse in Academic Speech, New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Aguilar
Metadiscourse in Written Genres: Uncovering Textual and Interactional Aspects of Texts, New edition
Author/Editor: Ciler Hatipoglu,Erdem Akbas,Yasemin Bayyurt
Metafiktion in der erzaehlenden Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Entwicklung, Formen und Funktionen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gianna Dicke
Metamorfosis Discursivas, New edition
Author/Editor: María Elisa Sala
The Metamorphoses of Ancient Myths, New edition
Author/Editor: Malgorzata BudzowskaBudzowska,Burc Idem DincelDincel,Jadwiga CzerwinskaCzerwinska,Katarzyna ChizynskaChizynska
The Metamorphoses of Lucretia, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Livia Frassetto
Metamorphoses of Science Fiction, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerry Canavan,Darko Suvin
Metaphern im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Englisch, Franzoesisch, Spanisch, New edition
Author/Editor: Corinna Koch
Metaphern im Zuwanderungsdiskurs, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin WichmannWichmann
Metaphern zur Dehumanisierung von Feindbildern, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexa Mathias
Metaphor and conflict / Métaphore et conflit, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Paola Paissa,Michelangelo Conoscenti,Ruggero Druetta,Martin Solly
Metaphor and Masculinity in Hosea, New edition
Author/Editor: Susan E. Haddox
Metaphor and Senses: The Synamet Corpus: A Polish Resource for Synesthetic Metaphors, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Magdalena Zawislawska
Metaphoricity of Conventionalized Diegetic Images in Comics, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal Szawerna
Metaphor in Economics and Specialised Discourse, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: José Mateo,Francisco Yus
The Metaphor of Illness and Healing in Hosea and Its Significance in the Socio-Economic Context of Eighth-Century Israel and Judah, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Seong-Hyuk Hong
The Metaphor of Shepherd in the Gospel of Mark, New edition
Author/Editor: Jogy Cheruvathoor George
Metaphors in Management – Blend of Theory and Practice, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal Chmielecki,Lukasz Sulkowski
Metaphors of the Web 2.0, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Tokar
Metaphors Used on Polish and American Internet Forums for Mothers, New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Gierczynska-Kolas
Metaphysics, New edition
Author/Editor: Renáta Kišonová
Metaphysik und die Ordination des Bewusstseins, New edition
Author/Editor: Sander Wilkens
Metaphysik zwischen Tradition und Aufklaerung, New edition
Author/Editor: Juan Li
The Meta-Power Paradigm, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter M. Hall,Tom R. Burns
Methoden der Einkunftsartenabgrenzung sowie der Bestimmung des steuerbaren Bereichs im Einkommensteuerrecht, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Hanna Brentrup
Methodenkombination in der Metaphernforschung, New edition
Author/Editor: Tamàs Kispàl
Methoden kontrastiver Medienlinguistik, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Susanne Tienken,Stefan Hauser,Hartmut Lenk,Martin Luginbühl
Methodik zur Periodisierung der Globalgeschichte der Philosophie, New edition
Author/Editor: Csanád BartosBartos
Methodisch-didaktische Prinzipien und organisatorische Konzepte fuer Hebraeisch an Hochschulen, New edition
Author/Editor: Ganna Lirer
Methodische und softwaretechnische Unterstuetzung global verteilter Softwareentwicklung bei mittelstaendischen Unternehmen, New edition
Author/Editor: Khrystyna Nordheimer
Methodische Vielfalt in der Erforschung interkultureller Kommunikation an deutschen Hochschulen, New edition
Author/Editor: Elke Bosse,Beatrix Kreß,Stephan Schlickau
The Method of Democracy: John Dewey's Theory of Collective Intelligence, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: David Ridley
Methodological Considerations in Morphological Processing Research, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Zhaohong Wu
Methodology for the Natural Acquisition of Second Languages, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Javier Gonzalez Fernandez
Methods in Writing Process Research, New edition
Author/Editor: Carmen Heine,Jan Engberg,Dagmar Knorr
Methods of Terrorism Financing: Criminal procedural obstacles to the prevention of crime in Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Fabian Teichmann
Metodología de análisis traductológico. El modelo Lambert-Van Gorp y su aplicación a una revista de propaganda cultural durante la Guerra Fría, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Catalina Iliescu
Metodologia Paretiana, New edition
Author/Editor: Mino B. C. Garzia
«Metodologia Paretiana», New edition
Author/Editor: Mino B. C. Garzia
Metropolen als Ort der Begegnung und Isolation, New edition
Author/Editor: Seyda Ozil,Nilüfer Kuruyazici,Ernest W.B. Hess-Lüttich
Metropolen der Avantgarde- Métropoles des avant-gardes, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Hunkeler,Edith Anna Kunz
Mexican Transnational Cinema and Literature, New edition
Author/Editor: Mariacruz Castro Ricalde,Mauricio Díaz Calderón,James Ramey
Mexiko und das pazifische Asien in der fruehen Kolonialzeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Berthold Riese
Mégare et les établissements mégariens de Sicile, de la Propontide et du Pont-Euxin: Histoire et institutions, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Adrian Robu
Michael Ende – Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven des 21. Jahrhunderts, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jutta Reusch
Michael Ende: Zur Aktualitaet eines Klassikers von internationalem Rang, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Hans-Heino Ewers
Michael Freund, New edition
Author/Editor: Birte Meinschien
Michael Stavarič & Renate Habinger Gaggalagu Ein Kinderbuch / Un libro per bambini: Uebersetzt und bearbeitet von Rossella Pugliese / a cura e con traduzione di Rossella Pugliese, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rossella Pugliese
Michelangelo Buonarroti: Leben, Werk und Wirkung- Michelangelo Buonarroti: Vita, Opere, Ricezione, New edition
Author/Editor: Grazia Dolores Folliero-Metz,Susanne Gramatzki
Michel Houellebecq, New edition
Author/Editor: John McCann
Mick Imlah, New edition
Author/Editor: André Naffis-Sahely,Robert Selby
Microblogs global, New edition
Author/Editor: Torsten Siever,Peter Schlobinski
Microéconomie, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean Vercherand
Microeconomic Impacts of Institutional Change in Vietnam’s Northern Uplands, New edition
Author/Editor: Camille Saint-Macary
Microfinance, New edition
Author/Editor: Arvind Ashta
Micropolitiques de la biodiversité, New edition
Author/Editor: Céline Granjou
Microrrelato hipermedial: aproximaciones teóricas y didácticas, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ana Calvo Revilla,Eva Álvarez Ramos
Microteaching als erlebnis- und handlungsorientierte Methode im Rahmen der Lehrerausbildung und der Didaktik, New edition
Author/Editor: Konstantinos D. Chatzidimou
The Middle East: Thinking About and Beyond Security and Stability, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Kamel
Middle English Prepositions and Adverbs with the Prefix «be-» in Prose Texts, New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Ciszek-Kiliszewska
Middle Knowledge and Biblical Interpretation, New edition
Author/Editor: Sze Sze Chiew
The Midwestern Press in the Crucible of the American Civil War, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Debra Reddin van Tuyll,Mary M. Cronin
Miete, Lage, Preisdiktat, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Pichlmair
Mieterschutz beim Verkauf einer vermieteten Immobilie in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Spanien: rechtsvergleichende Darstellung und Analyse des § 566 BGB, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Laura Victoria Moser-Lange
Migración y contacto de lenguas en la Romania del siglo XXI / Migration et contact de langues au XXIe siècle, New edition
Author/Editor: Carolin PatzeltPatzelt,Katrin MutzMutz,Carolin SpiegelSpiegel
Migrant Form, New edition
Author/Editor: Gaurav Majumdar
Migrant Identities of «Creole Cosmopolitans», New edition
Author/Editor: Nirmala Menon,Marika Preziuso
Migrant Imaginaries, New edition
Author/Editor: Jennifer Burns
Migrant Memories, New edition
Author/Editor: Margherita Sprio
The Migrant’s Corner: Paradoxes of Representing Mediterranean Crossings in Italian and French Contemporary Culture, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Caterina Scarabicchi
Migration and Border Security: Global Perspectives, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Sroka,Piotr Potejko,Rubén Dario Torres Kumbrián
Migration and Creation in Aztec and Maya literature, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Victoria R. Bricker
,Migration' beobachten: Eine Studie zu personenbezogenen Umweltbeobachtungen durch Weiterbildungsorganisationen vor dem Hintergrund differenzierungsreflexiver Organisationsentwicklung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Bernd Käpplinger,Steffi Robak,Eva Humt
Migration et contact culturel: Problématique de la transculturation chez les écrivains de la diaspora africaine en Allemagne, en France et en Angleterre (1980-2011), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Romuald Valentin Nkouda Sopgui
Migration im Schulalter: Systemische Effekte der deutschen Schule und Bewaeltigungsprozesse migrierter Jugendlicher, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mona Massumi
Migration, Intercultural Identities and Border Regions (19th and 20th Centuries) / Migration, identités interculturelles et espaces frontaliers (XIXe et XXe siècles), New edition
Author/Editor: Elien Declercq,Walter Kusters,Saartje Vanden Borre
Migration in Theologie und Kunst, New edition
Author/Editor: Hanjo Sauer,Julia Allerstorfer
Migration, Narration, Identity, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Leese,Carly McLaughlin,Wladyslaw Witalisz
Migrations et mobilités en Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Lees,Stéphanie Couderc-Morandeau,Pilar Martinez-Vasseur
Migrations: Literary and Linguistic Aspects, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ivo Fabijanic,Vesna Ukic Košta,Lidija Štrmelj,Monika Bregovic
Migrationsraeume konstruieren: Eine Langzeitstudie zu Migranten aus Wenzhou in Paris, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Chunguang Wang
Migration und Integration durch Recht: Eine vergleichende Studie zu mexikanischen Gastarbeitern in den USA und tuerkischen Gastarbeitern in Deutschland, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Luisa Mariscal de Körner
Migration und Interkulturalitaet: Theorien – Methoden – Praxisbezuege, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kerstin Störl
Migration und kulturelle Diversitaet, New edition
Author/Editor: Metin Toprak,Imran Karabag
Migration und kulturelle Diversitaet, New edition
Author/Editor: Metin Toprak,Ali Osman Öztürk
Migration und sozialer Wandel, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nikolaus Dimmel,Franz Gmainer-Pranzl,Sylvia Hahn
Migration und Zuwanderung: Literarische, soziologische, oekonomische und sprachliche Aspekte, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maria K. Lasatowicz,Andrea Rudolph
Migratory Movements of Georgia's Greek Community: The Impact of Current Socio-economic Transformations, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nika Loladze
Migrazione e patologie dell‘«humanitas» nella letteratura europea contemporanea, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexandra Vranceanu,Angelo Pagliardini
Migrazioni letterarie nel Settecento italiano: dal movimento alla stabilità, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sara Garau
Migrer et travailler à Montréal: Récits et parcours de professionnels migrants, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Monica Schlobach
Miguel Torga : le dialogue inassouvi, New edition
Author/Editor: Graça Dos Santos
Mikrokosmen. Aesthetische Formen und diskursive Figurationen einer Repraesentativitaet des Partikularen, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Frieder von Ammon,Michael Waltenberger
The Milan Church of Sant’Ambrogio: A Building History from 386 to 1200, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anat Tcherikover
Milan Rastislav Štefánik and Those Who Followed Him, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Slavomír Michálek
Émile Verhaeren: Essays on the Northern Renaissance, New edition
Author/Editor: Albert Alhadeff
Milieux de mémoire in Late Modernity: Local Communities, Religion and Historical Politics, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Zuzanna Bogumil,Malgorzata Glowacka-Grajper
Militaer und Gesellschaft in Preußen – Quellen zur Militaersozialisation 1713–1806, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernhard R. Kroener,Klaus Neitmann,Ralf Pröve,Jürgen Kloosterhuis
Militaer und Gesellschaft in Preußen – Quellen zur Militaersozialisation 1713–1806, New edition
Author/Editor: Jürgen Kloosterhuis,Bernhard R. Kroener,Klaus Neitmann,Ralf Pröve
Militaer und Gesellschaft in Preußen – Quellen zur Militaersozialisation 1713–1806, New edition
Author/Editor: Jürgen Kloosterhuis,Klaus Neitmann,Ralf Pröve,Bernhard R. Kroener
Militant Education, Liberation Struggle, Consciousness:: The PAIGC education in Guinea Bissau 1963-1978., Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sonia Borges
Military Resources and International War: A Statistical Theory of Interconnected Conflict, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Alan Carnegie
Milton in Strasbourg: A Collection of Essays based on papers delivered to the IMS12, 17-21 June 2019, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Christophe Tournu,John K. Hale,Neil Forsyth
«Mimesis» and the Representation of Experience, New edition
Author/Editor: Cinta Zunino
The Mimetic Strand in the Cello Literature: Within the Context of History, Instrument Design, Iconography and Cello Performance, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Urszula Mizia
MIMOS 2014, New edition
Author/Editor: Joel Aguet,Anne Fournier,Paola Gilardi,Andreas Härter
MIMOS 2015, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne Fournier,Paola Gilardi,Andreas Härter,Claudia Maeder
MIMOS 2016, New edition
Author/Editor: Paola Gilardi,Beate Hochholdinger-Reiterer,Anne Fournier,Andreas Härter
Mimos 2017 Sonderband Numéro Spécial Numero Speciale Numer Spezial, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne Fournier,Andreas Härter,Beate Hochholdinger-Reiterer
MIMOS 2018, New edition
Author/Editor: Paola GilardiGilardi,Delphine AbrechtAbrecht,Andreas KlaeuiKlaeui,Yvonne SchmidtSchmidt
MIMOS 2021: Martin Zimmermann, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Paola Gilardi,Anne Fournier,Andreas Klaeui,Yvonne Schmidt
MIMOS 2022: Barbara Frey, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Paola Gilardi,Anne Fournier,Andreas Klaeui
Mind Embodied: The Evolutionary Origins of Complex Cognitive Abilities in Modern Humans, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jay Seitz
Minderheit als kulturelle Bereicherung: Literatur, Sprache und Kultur der Rumaeniendeutschen im Wandel, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Sass,Doris Sava
Minderheit(en): Fremd? Anders? Gleich?, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Blandfort,Magdalena Silvia Mancas,Evelyn Wiesinger
Minderheiten im sozialistischen Jugoslawien, New edition
Author/Editor: Katerina Králová,Jirí Kocian,Kamil Pikal
Minderheiten in der slawischen Welt: Sprachkontakte und kulturelle Identitaeten, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Kretschmer,Gerhard Neweklowsky,Stefan Michael Newerkla,Fedor Poljakov
Minderheitenschutz bei Mehrheitsbeschluessen im Personengesellschaftsrecht, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Querfeld
Minderheitenschutz in Ungarn und der Tuerkei, New edition
Author/Editor: Arndt Künnecke
Minderjaehrige als Vermoegensnachfolger: durch Beteiligung an Kommanditgesellschaft oder rechtsfaehiger Stiftung buergerlichen Rechts, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elfi Lüdecke
Minderjaehrige in den Medien: Berichterstattung ueber Kinder und Jugendliche mit und ohne Einwilligung unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung aktueller Gefaehrdungspotentiale in der digitalen Welt, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ruth Baumann
Mindestlohn – eine kritische Einordnung, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Nermerich
Mindestvorschriften gemaeß Art. 83 AEUV im Spannungsverhaeltnis zwischen intergouvernementalem und supranationalem Handeln, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Udo Fink,Izabela Dumistracel
The Mind Screen, New edition
Author/Editor: Georg Schmid
The Mind's Isle, New edition
Author/Editor: Adrian Kempton
Mind, Text, and Commentary, New edition
Author/Editor: Blossom Stefaniw
Mine Own Familiar Friend: The Relationship between Gerard Hopkins and Robert Bridges, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: William Adamson
«Minimale Kosten, absolut kein Blut», New edition
Author/Editor: Tamara Scheer
A Minimalist View on the Syntax–Semantics Relationship, New edition
Author/Editor: Jaroslaw Jakielaszek
Mining Conflict in the Philippines: Part of the Pentalemma Series on Managing Global Dilemmas, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dylan Scudder
Minne und Gnade in der «Klage» Hartmanns von Aue, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian M. Ostmeyer
Minorisation linguistique et inégalités sociales: Rapports complexes aux langues dans l’espace francophone, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Karine Gauvin,Isabelle Violette
Minority Shareholder Monitoring and German Corporate Governance, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Thamm
Mio Cid e D. Sebastião, New edition
Author/Editor: Lydia Schmuck
«Miłosz Like the World», New edition
Author/Editor: Zdzislaw Lapinski
Miracles in Korea, New edition
Author/Editor: Dal-Yong Kim
Mircea Eliade, New edition
Author/Editor: Moshe Idel
Miron Białoszewski: Radical Quest Beyond Dualisms, New edition
Author/Editor: Artur Placzkiewicz
«Mirror up to Nature»: The Fourth Seamus Heaney Lectures, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patrick Burke