Portico is now providing access to the following content:

  • BMJ Open Science, a journal published by BMJ Publishing Group, covered the whole range of preclinical and translational biomedical research and meta-research. This journal has ceased publication as of January 2023 and will no longer be available from the publisher. It was originally published Open Access and Portico will continue to make the full journal freely available to the community.
  • Colloquium Series on Neurobiology of Alzheimer’s Disease, an ebook series published by Morgan & Claypool, presented a comprehensive overview of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia from a multidisciplinary perspective. This content is no longer available through the original publisher or a successor, and is now available through the Portico archive. It was not originally published Open Access, but Morgan & Claypool has authorized Portico to make it openly available to everyone. While this title was originally published as an ebook series, it is preserved in Portico as a journal, and title information can be found on the Triggered E-Journal Content KBART List.

Key data for each title

Title: BMJ Open Science
Electronic ISSN: 2398-8703
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group
Publication date range: 2017-2022
Portico stable URL: https://access.portico.org/stable?cs=ISSN_23988703_1218 

Title: Colloquium Series on Neurobiology of Alzheimer’s Disease
Electronic ISSN: 2375-8945
Publisher: Morgan & Claypool
Publication date range: 2013
Portico stable URL: https://access.portico.org/Portico/loviView?cs=ISSN_23758937_205&content=E-Journal%20Content  

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Portico ensures ongoing access to content that is no longer available through its original publisher or a successor. To date, we have triggered 206 items, 177 of them Open Access. View or download a full list of triggered content, or learn how to manage access to triggered content.

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Please note that the announcement above was updated in February 2023 to reflect that Morgan & Claypool is now making these titles available Open Access.