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News Tag: General

May 28, 2024

How Portico preserves the most at-risk content

Certain types of archival materials and scholarly publications are particularly vulnerable to being lost without a preservation plan in place. How can we ensure that this valuable content is secured for future generations of researchers? In honor of Preservation Week 2024, Kate Wittenberg, Managing Director of Portico, shared updates on how we’re working with librarians, publishers, and the digital preservation community to develop new solutions to this challenge. Safeguarding cultural heritage:… Read more

February 27, 2024

An interview with Kate Wittenberg and Karen Hanson of Portico

Originally published February 2024. Reposted from The Scholarly Kitchen with author permission. Continuing our Kitchen Essentials series of interviews with leaders of infrastructure organizations, this week we are speaking with leaders of preservation initiatives. Today we’re hearing from Kate Wittenberg and Karen Hanson, the Managing Director and Lead Research Developer, respectively of Portico, the community-supported preservation archive that safeguards access to e-journals, e-books, and digital collections. Full disclosure: Portico is a service of ITHAKA,… Read more

February 27, 2024

Portico works with the Digital Preservation Coalition to advance global digital preservation

Digital preservation is a global challenge that requires memory organizations to coordinate efforts and share best practices across international and organizational boundaries. As a nonprofit leader in this area, we are deeply engaged with the digital preservation community to support this work. We recently strengthened our collaboration with the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC), an international charitable foundation focused on digital preservation, by agreeing to host a US-based DPC-dedicated staff member who will lead a… Read more

June 21, 2023

ITHAKA announces new services for academic, research, and cultural institutions to share, preserve, and manage digital collections

ITHAKA announced today a new set of services to help academic, research, and cultural institutions easily and affordably share, preserve, and manage their local digital collections. Using the same infrastructure that powers ITHAKA’s nonprofit services JSTOR and Portico, institutions can now increase the reach and usefulness of their local digital collections, secure access for generations to come, and further the mission they share with one another and ITHAKA to improve access to knowledge worldwide. “Research and learning increasingly take place… Read more

April 4, 2023

Portico and KB extend their collaboration to support preservation of the scholarly record

Portico and the KB, National Library of the Netherlands, are pleased to announce that they have extended their longstanding collaboration to host an online replica of the Portico archive at the KB. For more than a decade, the KB and Portico cooperated to form and implement their respective digital preservation principles and practices. They have worked together over the years to research the handling of digital preservation formats and to develop automated preservation workflows. As part of this work, Portico… Read more

July 20, 2021

18 new publishers, including 17 OA, join Portico

Publisher participation at Portico continues to grow: we now preserve content from 895 publishers. Recently, we welcomed 18 additional publishers to the archive, ensuring that their content will be secure and available in the future. Of these new publishers, 17 are Open Access, bringing our total to 410 OA publishers across journals and ebooks. To date, we have had 145 trigger events; 120 of these are Open Access. The new publishers are: The Academy of… Read more

February 10, 2021

19 additional publishers join Portico

With publisher participation continuing to grow, we are now preserving content from 861 publishers. Recently, Portico welcomed 19 more publishers to the archive, ensuring that their content will be secure and available in the future: ASIPP Publishing: Not-for-profit organization The American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians publishes Pain Physician, a quarterly, multi-disciplinary, OA journal written by and directed to an audience of interventional pain physicians, clinicians, and basic scientists focused in… Read more

January 27, 2021

A letter to our community

Over the past year, Portico expanded its digital archive and collaborated on important research and projects to prepare for future preservation needs. Here are a few highlights of our latest developments—all made possible through the support of our library and publisher participants. Growth of our digital archive Portico’s archive has grown by 16% in the past year, and we are now preserving more than 116 million archival units (journal articles, books, etc). Our improved preservation infrastructure has ensured that we… Read more

October 13, 2020

Preserving Open Access and other at-risk scholarly content

Recent research has demonstrated that dozens of online-only Open Access journals are no longer available, while hundreds of others are inactive and at risk of being lost. Important scholarship may be lost to future generations of researchers if there is no preservation plan in place. At Portico, a not-for-profit organization with a mission to preserve the scholarly record, we work with publishers and libraries to ensure that academic content remains accessible and usable for the long term. Currently, we… Read more

September 9, 2020

12 additional publishers join Portico

Portico has welcomed 12 more publishers to the archive, ensuring that their content will be secure and available in the future: Ant Publishing Corporation: This scholarly publisher of Open Access and peer-reviewed biomedical journals produces Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics and Clinical Surgery Research Communications. CSRC Publishing, Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy Pakistan: CSRC publishes Open Access, peer-reviewed… Read more