Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles (416) | Information |
3,000 locuciones verbales y combinaciones frecuentes |
Author/Editor: Robles-Sáez, Adela
Accountability |
Author/Editor: Sharpe, Virginia A
The Acting Person and Christian Moral Life |
Author/Editor: Weaver, Darlene Fozard
The Aesthetics of Solidarity: Our Lady of Guadalupe and American Democracy |
Author/Editor: Nichole M. Flores
Afghan Endgames |
Author/Editor: Rothstein, Hy; Arquilla, John
African American Bioethics |
Author/Editor: Prograis, Lawrence J. Jr. MD; Pellegrino, Edmund D. MD
The African Renaissance and the Afro-Arab Spring |
Author/Editor: Villa-Vicencio, Charles; Doxtader, Erik; Moosa, Ebrahim
After We Die |
Author/Editor: Norman L. Cantor
Agenda Setting, the UN, and NGOs |
Author/Editor: Joachim, Jutta M
Al-'Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, Volume 53 |
Author/Editor: Mohammad T. Alhawary
All God's Animals: A Catholic Theological Framework for Animal Ethics |
Allies That Count |
Author/Editor: Schmitt, Olivier
American Power and Liberal Order |
Author/Editor: Miller, Paul D
American Spies |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Sulick
America's Entangling Alliances: 1778 to the Present |
Author/Editor: JASON W. DAVIDSON
Analyzing Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Roger Z. George
Analyzing Intelligence, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: George, Roger Z.; Bruce, James B
Approaches to Discourse Analysis |
Author/Editor: Cynthia Gordon
Aquinas and Empowerment |
Author/Editor: Harak, G. Simon
Aquinas, Feminism, and the Common Good |
Author/Editor: Susanne M. DeCrane
Aquinas on the Emotions |
Author/Editor: Cates, Diana Fritz
Aquinas on Virtue |
Arab Fall |
Author/Editor: ERIC TRAGER
Arabic as One Language: Integrating Dialect in the Arabic Language Curriculum |
Author/Editor: Mahmoud Al-Batal
Arabic Language and Linguistics |
Author/Editor: Reem Bassiouney
Arabic Second Language Learning and Effects of Input, Transfer, and Typology |
Author/Editor: Alhawary, Mohammad T
Arabic Sociolinguistics: Topics in Diglossia, Gender, Identity, and Politics, Second Edition, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Reem Bassiouney
An Argument for Same-Sex Marriage |
Author/Editor: Gill, Emily R
Art and Moral Change: A Reexamination |
Author/Editor: KI JOO CHOI
Artificial Nutrition and Hydration and the Permanently Unconscious Patient |
Author/Editor: Ronald P. Hamel
The Art of Teaching Russian |
The Art of Teaching Spanish |
Author/Editor: Salaberry, Rafael; Lafford, Barbara A
Asian Pacific Catholicism and Globalization: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges |
Assessing War |
Author/Editor: Blanken, Leo J.; Rothstein, Hy; Lepore, Jason J
The Auditor's Companion: Concepts and Terms, from A to Z |
Author/Editor: David J. O’Regan
Between Terror and Tolerance |
Author/Editor: Sisk, Timothy D
Beyond Biology: Rethinking Parenthood in the Catholic Tradition |
Author/Editor: Jacob M. Kohlhaas
Beyond Compare |
Author/Editor: Clooney, Francis X. SJ
Beyond Virtue Ethics: A Contemporary Ethic of Ancient Spiritual Struggle |
Author/Editor: STEPHEN M. MEAWAD
Bioethics and the Human Goods |
Author/Editor: Gómez-Lobo, Alfonso
Biosecurity Dilemmas |
Biotechnology and the Human Good |
Author/Editor: C. Ben Mitchell
Black Georgetown Remembered |
Author/Editor: Kathleen Menzie Lesko,Valerie Babb,Carroll R. Gibbs
Bonds of Affection |
Author/Editor: Holland, Matthew S
Branching Out, Digging In |
Author/Editor: Pralle, Sarah B
Brave New Digital Classroom: Technology and Foreign Language Learning, Third Edition, Ed. 3 |
Breaking Silence |
Author/Editor: Richard Alan White
Bridging the Theory-Practice Divide in International Relations |
Bridging Troubled Waters |
Author/Editor: Manicom, James
Brussels Versus the Beltway |
Author/Editor: Mahoney, Christine
Building a Better Bridge |
Author/Editor: Ipgrave, Michael
Business Ethics and Catholic Social Thought |
Author/Editor: DANIEL K. FINN
Canadian Military Intelligence: Operations and Evolution from the October Crisis to the War in Afghanistan |
Author/Editor: DAVID A. CHARTERS
Care and Covenant: A Jewish Bioethic of Responsibility |
Author/Editor: Jason Weiner
Career Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Kopp, Harry W.; Gillespie, Charles A
Career Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Kopp, Harry W.; Naland, John K
Careers in International Affairs, Eighth Edition |
Author/Editor: Carland, Maria Pinto; Faber, Candace
Careers in International Affairs, Ninth Edition |
Author/Editor: Cressey, Laura E.; Helmer, Barrett J.; Steffensen, Jennifer E
The Catholic Church and the Nation-State |
Author/Editor: Paul Christopher Manuel
The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Community |
Author/Editor: Tropman, John E
Catholics and Politics |
Author/Editor: Heyer, Kristin E.; Rozell, Mark J
Catholic Social Teaching and Pope Benedict XVI |
Author/Editor: Curran, Charles E
The Changing Landscape of Spanish Language Curricula |
Author/Editor: Brown, Alan V.; Thompson, Gregory L
Cheap Threats |
Author/Editor: Dianne Pfundstein Chamberlain
Chimeras, Hybrids, and Interspecies Research |
Author/Editor: Andrea L. Bonnicksen
The China-India Rivalry in the Globalization Era |
Author/Editor: Paul, T.V
China in the Era of Xi Jinping |
Author/Editor: Robert S. Ross,Jo Inge Bekkevold
China's Global Identity |
Author/Editor: Tiang Boon, Hoo
China's Sent-Down Generation |
Author/Editor: Rene, Helena K
China's Strategic Arsenal: Worldview, Doctrine, and Systems |
Christianity in Evolution |
Author/Editor: Jack Mahoney
The Church and Secularity |
Author/Editor: Gascoigne, Robert
City–County Consolidation |
Author/Editor: Leland, Suzanne M.; Thurmaier, Kurt
Civil Disagreement |
Author/Editor: Langerak, Edward
Collaborative Governance Regimes |
Author/Editor: Emerson, Kirk; Nabatchi, Tina
Collaborative Innovation in the Public Sector |
Author/Editor: JACOB TORFING
Collaborative Public Management |
Author/Editor: Robert Agranoff
The Collaborative Public Manager |
Author/Editor: O'Leary, Rosemary; Bingham, Lisa Blomgren
Common Ground |
Author/Editor: Paul L. Heck
Communicating the Word |
Author/Editor: David Marshall
Community-Based Language Learning |
Author/Editor: Clifford, Joan; Reisinger, Deborah S
The Community of Believers |
Author/Editor: Lucinda Mosher
Comparative Public Management |
Competence to Consent |
Author/Editor: White, Becky Cox
A Concise History of Sunnis and Shi'is |
Author/Editor: McHugo, John
Conflict and Cooperation in the Global Commons |
Author/Editor: Jasper, Scott
Congress and Civil-Military Relations |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Colton C.; Auerswald, David P
The Congressional Budget Office |
Author/Editor: Joyce, Philip G
Consumer Ethics in a Global Economy: How Buying Here Causes Injustice There |
Author/Editor: Daniel k. Finn
Creative Conformity |
Author/Editor: Bucar, Elizabeth M
The Critical Calling |
Author/Editor: Richard A. McCormick, SJ
Crosslinguistic Research in Syntax and Semantics |
Author/Editor: Zanuttini, Raffaella; Campos, Hector; Herburger, Elena
Crowdsourcing in the Public Sector |
Author/Editor: Brabham, Daren C
A Culture of Engagement |
Author/Editor: Cathleen Kaveny
Custodians of Place |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Paul G.; Neiman, Max
Cyber Blockades |
Author/Editor: Russell, Alison Lawlor
Cyberspace and National Security |
Author/Editor: Reveron, Derek S
Cyber Wargaming: Research and Education for Security in a Dangerous Digital World |
Dam Politics |
Author/Editor: Lowry, William R
Dangerous Times? |
Author/Editor: Fettweis, Christopher J
DC Jazz |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Maurice; Ruble, Blair A
Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny |
Author/Editor: David Marshall
Defending Probabilism |
Author/Editor: Fleming, Julia
Defining Death |
Dental Ethics at Chairside |
Author/Editor: Ozar, David T.; Sokol, David J.; Patthoff, Donald E
The Development of Moral Theology |
Author/Editor: Charles E. Curran
Disability Ethics and Preferential Justice: A Catholic Perspective |
Author/Editor: Mary Jo Iozzio
Discourse 2.0 |
Author/Editor: Deborah Tannen
Diverse Voices in Modern US Moral Theology |
Author/Editor: Charles E. Curran
Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors? |
Author/Editor: Sterling, Brent L
Driven from Home |
Author/Editor: Hollenbach, David SJ
Dust-Up |
Author/Editor: Jeb Barnes
The Dynamics of Performance Management |
Author/Editor: Moynihan, Donald P
Ecological Moral Character: A Catholic Model |
Author/Editor: Nancy M. Rourke
The Education Mayor |
Author/Editor: Kenneth K. Wong
El espanol en contacto con otras lenguas |
Author/Editor: Klee, Carol A.; Lynch, Andrew
The End of Strategic Stability? |
Author/Editor: Rubin, Lawrence; Stulberg, Adam N
The Engagement of India |
Author/Editor: Hall, Ian
The Ethical Lobbyist |
Author/Editor: Holyoke, Thomas T
Ethics Beyond War's End |
Author/Editor: Patterson, Eric
An Ethics Casebook for Hospitals |
Author/Editor: Kuczewski, Mark G.; Pinkus, Rosa Lynn B.; Wasson, Katherine
Ethics in Light of Childhood |
Author/Editor: Wall, John
An Ethics of Biodiversity |
Author/Editor: O'Brien, Kevin J
The Ethics of Interrogation |
Author/Editor: Paul Lauritzen
Everyday Ethics: Moral Theology and the Practices of Ordinary Life |
Expert Advice for Policy Choice |
Author/Editor: MacRae, Duncan; Whittington, Dale
Exporting Security |
Author/Editor: Derek S. Reveron
Faith, Hope, and Jobs |
Author/Editor: Stephen V. Monsma
Family Ethics |
Author/Editor: Rubio, Julie Hanlon
Federal Management Reform in a World of Contradictions |
Author/Editor: Radin, Beryl A
Federal Service and the Constitution, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Rosenbloom, David H
A Few Months to Live |
Author/Editor: Staton, Jana; Shuy, Roger W.; Byock, Ira
The Field Researcher’s Handbook |
Author/Editor: DAVID J. DANELO
The Field Researcher’s Handbook |
Author/Editor: Danelo, David J
Finding Soldiers of Peace: Three Dilemmas for UN Peacekeeping Missions |
Author/Editor: Gary Uzonyi
The Flow of Illicit Funds: A Case Study Approach to Anti–Money Laundering Compliance |
Author/Editor: OLA M. TUCKER
Forbidden: Receiving Pope Francis's Condemnation of Nuclear Weapons |
Author/Editor: Drew Christiansen ,Carole Sargent
Freedom: Christian and Muslim Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Lucinda Mosher
From Pews to Polling Places |
Author/Editor: Wilson, J. Matthew
From Quills to Tweets: How America Communicates about War and Revolution |
The Fullness of Free Time: A Theological Account of Leisure and Recreation in the Moral Life |
Author/Editor: CONOR M. KELLY
The Future of Ethics |
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Willis
The Future of Extended Deterrence |
The Future of Public Administration around the World |
Author/Editor: O'Leary, Rosemary; Slyke, David M. Van; Kim, Soonhee
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
Author/Editor: Alivarius, Dane; Pedersen, Cristine
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
Author/Editor: Schaack, Margaret; Evans, Will
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
Author/Editor: Hoffecker, Tom; Goohs, Harrison
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
Author/Editor: Hoffecker, Tom; Goohs, Harrison; Pedersen, Laura
Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT) 1989: Language Teaching, Testing, and Technology |
Author/Editor: Alatis, James E
Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT) 2001 |
Author/Editor: Tannen, Deborah; Alatis, James E.; Tannen, Deborah
Globalization and India's Economic Integration |
Author/Editor: Nayar, Baldev Raj
Globalization and the Politics of Pay |
Author/Editor: Susan B. Hansen
The Global Village Myth |
Author/Editor: Porter, Patrick
The Goals of Medicine |
Author/Editor: Hanson, Mark J.; Callahan, Daniel
God's Creativity and Human Action |
Author/Editor: Mosher, Lucinda; Marshall, David
Governance and Performance |
Author/Editor: Heinrich, Carolyn J.; Lynn, Laurence E
Governance in Dark Times |
Author/Editor: Camilla Stivers
Governing under Stress |
The Greening of the U.S. Military |
Author/Editor: Robert F. Durant
Grounding Human Rights in a Pluralist World |
Author/Editor: Kao, Grace Y
Groups, Interests, and U.S. Public Policy |
Author/Editor: Browne, William P
A Guide to Useful Evaluation of Language Programs |
Author/Editor: Davis, John McE.; McKay, Todd H
A Handbook of Bioethics Terms |
Author/Editor: James B. Tubbs Jr.
Health and Human Flourishing |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Carol R.; Dell'Oro, Roberto
Health Care as a Social Good |
Author/Editor: Craig, David M
The Health Care Professional as Friend and Healer |
Author/Editor: Thomasma, David C.; Kissell, Judith Lee
Healthy Voices, Unhealthy Silence |
Author/Editor: Colleen M. Grogan
Hezbollah |
Author/Editor: Levitt, Matthew
Hezbollah |
Author/Editor: Matthew Levitt
Higher Education as a Moral Enterprise |
Author/Editor: Long, Edward LeRoy
High-Stakes Reform |
Author/Editor: McDermott, Kathryn A
High-Table Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Engelbrekt, Kjell
Hippocratic, Religious, and Secular Medical Ethics |
Author/Editor: Veatch, Robert M
Hope for Common Ground |
How Information Matters |
Author/Editor: Hale, Kathleen
How We Vote: Innovation in American Elections |
Human Dignity and the Future of Global Institutions |
Author/Editor: Lagon, Mark P.; Arend, Anthony Clark
Humanity in Crisis: Ethical and Religious Response to Refugees |
Humanity: Texts and Contexts |
Author/Editor: Michael Ipgrave
Human Rights after Hitler |
Author/Editor: DAN PLESCH
The Image of the Enemy |
Author/Editor: Maddrell, Paul
Immortal |
Author/Editor: Steven R. Ward
Immortal |
Author/Editor: Ward, Steven R
Implementing Innovation |
Author/Editor: Steelman, Toddi A
Implicit and Explicit Language Learning |
Author/Editor: Sanz, Cristina; Leow, Ronald P
India and Nuclear Asia |
The Indian Ocean and US Grand Strategy |
Author/Editor: Dombrowski, Peter; Winner, Andrew C
India's Rise as an Asian Power |
Author/Editor: Gordon, Sandy
Indigenous America in the Spanish Language Classroom |
Author/Editor: Anne Fountain
Information in War: Military Innovation, Battle Networks, and the Future of Artificial Intelligence |
Informed Consent |
Author/Editor: Wear, Stephen
In Search of the Whole |
Author/Editor: Haughey, John C
Insincere Commitments |
Author/Editor: Smith-Cannoy, Heather
Institution Building in Weak States: The Primacy of Local Politics |
Author/Editor: ANDREW RADIN
Insurgent Women |
Author/Editor: Trisko Darden, Jessica; Henshaw, Alexis; Szekely, Ora
Integrating Career Preparation into Language Courses |
Author/Editor: Lear, Darcy
Integrating the Digital Humanities into the Second Language Classroom: A Practical Guide |
Author/Editor: Melinda A. Cro
Intelligence and Surprise Attack |
Author/Editor: Dahl, Erik J
Intelligence Elsewhere |
Author/Editor: Davies, Philip H. J.; Gustafson, Kristian C
Intelligence in Democratic Transitions: A Comparative Analysis of Portugal, Greece, and Spain |
Interactional Morality |
Author/Editor: Poorman, Mark L
Interest Groups and Health Care Reform Across the United States |
Author/Editor: Gray, Virginia; Lowery, David; Benz, Jennifer K
International Institutions and Power Politics: Bridging the Divide |
Author/Editor: ANDERS WIVEL ,T.V. PAUL
Interpretazioni: Italian Language and Culture through Film |
Author/Editor: Cristina Pausini ,Carmen Merolla
Introducción a la historia de la lengua española |
Author/Editor: Resnick, Melvyn C.; Hammond, Robert M
Investing in the Disadvantaged |
Author/Editor: Weimer, David L.; Vining, Aidan R
Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad |
Author/Editor: Devin R. Springer
Israel's Long War with Hezbollah |
Author/Editor: Marcus, Raphael D
Israel under Siege |
Is This Any Way to Run a Democratic Government? |
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Wayne
Japanese Foreign Intelligence and Grand Strategy: From the Cold War to the Abe Era |
Author/Editor: BRAD WILLIAMS
Jesuit Higher Education in a Secular Age: A Response to Charles Taylor and the Crisis of Fullness |
Author/Editor: Daniel S. Hendrickson
The Jesuits and Globalization |
Author/Editor: Thomas Banchoff,José Casanova
John Cuthbert Ford, SJ |
Author/Editor: Genilo, Eric Marcelo O. SJ
Justice and Rights |
Author/Editor: Michael Ipgrave
A Just Peace Ethic Primer: Building Sustainable Peace and Breaking Cycles of Violence |
Author/Editor: Eli S. McCarthy
Just War |
Author/Editor: Lang, Anthony F.; O'Driscoll, Cian; Williams, John
Keeping Faith with Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Hogan, Linda
Kidney for Sale by Owner |
Author/Editor: Cherry, Mark J
Kinship Across Borders |
Author/Editor: Heyer, Kristin E
La España que sobrevive |
Author/Editor: Diaz-Plaja, Fernando; Cressey, William W
Language for Specific Purposes |
Author/Editor: Mary K. Long
Language in Use |
Author/Editor: Andrea E. Tyler
Languages in Africa |
Author/Editor: Zsiga, Elizabeth C.; Boyer, One Tlale; Kramer, Ruth
Law from Below: How the Thought of Francisco Suárez, SJ, Can Renew Contemporary Legal Engagement |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Rain Kincaid
Law's Virtues |
Author/Editor: Kaveny, Cathleen
Lessons of Disaster |
Author/Editor: Thomas A. Birkland
Libya's Displacement Crisis |
Author/Editor: Megan Bradley,Ibrahim Fraihat,Houda Mzioudet
The Limits of Alignment |
Author/Editor: Ciorciari, John D
The Limits of Policy Change |
Author/Editor: Hayes, Michael T
Literacies in Language Education: A Guide for Teachers and Teacher Educators |
Author/Editor: Kate Paesani ,Mandy Menke
Little Words |
Author/Editor: Leow, Ronald P.; Campos, Hector; Lardiere, Donna
Love and Christian Ethics |
Author/Editor: Frederick V. Simmons,Brian C. Sorrells
Loyal Dissent |
Author/Editor: Charles E. Curran
Managing Disasters through Public–Private Partnerships |
Author/Editor: Abou-bakr, Ami J
Managing the Fiscal Metropolis |
Author/Editor: Rebecca M. Hendrick
Mao's Army Goes to Sea: The Island Campaigns and the Founding of China's Navy |
The Marines, Counterinsurgency, and Strategic Culture |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Jeannie L
Measured Language |
Author/Editor: Connor-Linton, Jeffrey; Amoroso, Luke Wander
Measuring the Performance of the Hollow State |
Author/Editor: David G. Frederickson
Medicaid Politics |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Frank J
Medical Care at the End of Life |
Author/Editor: David F. Kelly
Medical Governance |
Author/Editor: Weimer, David L
Medicine and the Ethics of Care |
Author/Editor: Cates, Diana Fritz; Lauritzen, Paul
Meeting China Halfway |
Author/Editor: Goldstein, Lyle J
Mexico's Illicit Drug Networks and the State Reaction |
Author/Editor: NATHAN P. JONES
Middle Powers and the Rise of China |
Author/Editor: Gilley, Bruce; O'Neil, Andrew
Mi lengua |
Author/Editor: Ana Roca
Military Strategy, Joint Operations, and Airpower |
Author/Editor: Burke, Ryan; Fowler, Michael; McCaskey, Kevin
Mind and Context in Adult Second Language Acquisition |
Author/Editor: Sanz, Cristina
Mission Creep |
Author/Editor: Adams, Gordon; Murray, Shoon
Monotheism and Its Complexities |
Author/Editor: Mosher, Lucinda; Marshall, David
Moral Agency within Social Structures and Culture: A Primer on Critical Realism for Christian Ethics |
Moral Evil |
Author/Editor: Flescher, Andrew Michael
More than Mayor or Manager |
Author/Editor: James H. Svara
"My Faith in the Constitution Is Whole": Barbara Jordan and the Politics of Scripture |
Author/Editor: Robin L. Owens
Naming God: Christian and Muslim Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Lucinda Mosher
National Health Insurance in the United States and Canada |
Author/Editor: Gerard W. Boychuk
National Politics in a Global Economy |
Author/Editor: Mundo, Philip A
NATO in Search of a Vision |
Author/Editor: Aybet, Gulnur; Moore, Rebecca R
New Armies from Old |
Author/Editor: Licklider, Roy
The New Counterinsurgency Era |
Author/Editor: David H. Ucko
New Rights Advocacy |
Author/Editor: Nelson, Paul J.; Dorsey, Ellen
North Korea and Nuclear Weapons |
Nuclear Authority |
Author/Editor: Brown, Robert L
Oil and Wilderness in Alaska |
Author/Editor: Busenberg, George J
Online World Language Instruction Training and Assessment: An Ecological Approach |
Author/Editor: Carmen King Ramírez ,Barbara A. Lafford ,James E. Wermers
On Teaching and Learning Christian Ethics |
Author/Editor: D. STEPHEN LONG
Organizational Learning at NASA |
Author/Editor: Mahler, Julianne G
The Organ Shortage Crisis in America |
Author/Editor: Flescher, Andrew Michael
The Origins of Christian Anti-Internationalism |
Author/Editor: Markku Ruotsila
The Origins of War |
Author/Editor: Shadle, Matthew A
Other People's Wars: The US Military and the Challenge of Learning from Foreign Conflicts |
Author/Editor: Brent L. Sterling
Out and Running |
Author/Editor: Haider-Markel, Donald P
Outcomes of University Spanish Heritage Language Instruction in the United States |
Author/Editor: MELISSA A. BOWLES
Overcoming Our Evil |
Author/Editor: Aaron Stalnaker
Pakistan's Counterterrorism Challenge |
Author/Editor: Moeed Yusuf
Pakistan's Pathway to the Bomb: Ambitions, Politics, and Rivalries |
Author/Editor: Mansoor Ahmed
Pakistan's Political Parties: Surviving between Dictatorship and Democracy |
Author/Editor: Mariam Mufti,Sahar Shafqat,Niloufer Siddiqui
Panorama Workbook: Homework Activities for Intermediate Russian Language and Culture |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Rifkin ,Evgeny Dengub ,Susanna Nazarova
Participatory Budgeting and Civic Tech |
Author/Editor: Hollie Russon Gilman
Peace Operations |
Author/Editor: Donald C. F. Daniel
Peak Japan |
Author/Editor: Glosserman, Brad
Pews, Prayers, and Participation |
Author/Editor: Corwin E. Smidt
The PhD Parenthood Trap: Caught Between Work and Family in Academia |
A Pocket Guide to the US Constitution |
Author/Editor: Arnold, Andrew B
Politics in the Parish |
Author/Editor: Gregory Allen Smith
The Politics of Ideas and the Spread of Enterprise Zones |
Author/Editor: Mossberger, Karen
The Politics of Policy Change |
Author/Editor: Béland, Daniel; Waddan, Alex
The Politics of Unfunded Mandates |
Author/Editor: Posner, Paul L
Populations, Public Health, and the Law |
Author/Editor: Wendy E. Parmet
Power and Principle |
Author/Editor: Joel E. Oestreich
Power and Restraint |
Author/Editor: Meiser, Jeffrey W
Power and the Past |
Author/Editor: Eric Langenbacher
Power: Divine and Human: Christian and Muslim Perspectives |
A Practical Guide to Integrating Technology into Task-Based Language Teaching |
Author/Editor: Marta González-Lloret
Prayer |
Author/Editor: David Marshall
¡Presente!: Nonviolent Politics and the Resurrection of the Dead |
Author/Editor: KYLE B. T. LAMBELET
Principled Spying |
Author/Editor: Omand, David; Phythian, Mark
The Privatization of Policing |
Author/Editor: Forst, Brian; Manning, Peter K
Program Budgeting and the Performance Movement |
Author/Editor: West, William F
Prophetic and Public |
Author/Editor: Kristin E. Heyer
Public Budgeting in the United States |
Author/Editor: Koven, Steven G
Public Value and Public Administration |
Public Values and Public Interest |
Author/Editor: Bozeman, Barry
Pursuing Moral Warfare |
Author/Editor: Schulzke, Marcus
Radical Arab Nationalism and Political Islam |
Author/Editor: Addi, Lahouari
Radical Sufficiency: Work, Livelihood, and a US Catholic Economic Ethic |
Reaping the Whirlwind |
Author/Editor: John R. Pottenger
Reconsidering Intellectual Disability |
Author/Editor: Jason Reimer Greig
Reconsidering the American Way of War |
Author/Editor: Echevarria, Antulio J
Reenvisioning Sexual Ethics: A Feminist Christian Account |
Reforming the Health Care Market |
Author/Editor: Drake, David F
Refugee Rights |
Author/Editor: David Hollenbach, SJ
Refugees' Roles in Resolving Displacement and Building Peace |
Author/Editor: Bradley, Megan; Milner, James; Peruniak, Blair
Reimagining Human Rights: Religion and the Common Good |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM R. O’NEILL
Reinventing Theology in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Challenges and Hopes |
Author/Editor: Marcel Uwineza ,Elisée Rutagambwa ,Michel Segatagara Kamanzi
Religion and the Struggle for European Union |
Author/Editor: Nelsen, Brent F.; Guth, James L
The Responsible Contract Manager |
Author/Editor: Steven Cohen
Restored to Earth |
Author/Editor: Wieren, Gretel Van
Reverse Mission |
Author/Editor: Byrnes, Timothy A
Revisiting Waldo's Administrative State |
Author/Editor: David H. Rosenbloom
A Revolution in Military Adaptation |
Author/Editor: Chad C. Serena
The Rights of God |
Author/Editor: Irene Oh
The Rise and Fall of Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Warner, Michael
The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine |
Author/Editor: Callahan, Daniel
Russia Abroad |
Author/Editor: Ohanyan, Anna
Russia, BRICS, and the Disruption of Global Order |
Author/Editor: Salzman, Rachel S
Russian Cyber Operations: Coding the Boundaries of Conflict |
Author/Editor: SCOTT JASPER ,Keith Alexander
Russian Cyber Operations: Coding the Boundaries of Conflict |
Author/Editor: SCOTT JASPER ,Keith Alexander
The Russian Understanding of War: Blurring the Lines between War and Peace |
Author/Editor: Oscar Jonsson
The Sacredness of the Person |
Author/Editor: Joas, Hans
Saints and Feasts of the Liturgical Year |
Author/Editor: Tylenda, Joseph N
Salafism in Lebanon |
Author/Editor: Rabil, Robert G
The Sanctity of Human Life |
Author/Editor: Novak, David
Sant'Egidio's Dream: How a Catholic People's Movement Is Meeting the Challenge of AIDS in Africa and Shaping the Future of Global Health |
Scandalous Politics |
Author/Editor: Juliet F. Gainsborough
School's In |
Author/Editor: Paul Manna
Science and Religion |
Author/Editor: David Marshall
The Seven Keys to Communicating in Mexico: An Intercultural Approach |
Sex Trafficking and Human Rights: The Status of Women and State Responses |
Sexual Ethics |
Author/Editor: Todd A. Salzman
The Sexual Person |
Author/Editor: Salzman, Todd A.; Lawler, Michael G
Sex, Violence, and Justice |
Author/Editor: Kalbian, Aline H
Shocks and Rivalries in the Middle East and North Africa |
Sin, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation |
The Social Mission of the U.S. Catholic Church |
Author/Editor: Curran, Charles E
A Song to My City |
Sovereignty |
Author/Editor: Johnson, James Turner
Soviet Leaders and Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Garthoff, Raymond L
Spanish as a Heritage Language in the United States |
Author/Editor: Beaudrie, Sara M.; Fairclough, Marta
Spies, Patriots, and Traitors |
Author/Editor: Daigler, Kenneth A
Spying in America |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Sulick
Strategic Advantage |
Author/Editor: Bruce Berkowitz
Strategic Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region |
Author/Editor: Dahl, Ann-Sofie
Strategic Warning Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Gentry, John A.; Gordon, Joseph S
Strategy, Evolution, and War |
Author/Editor: Payne, Kenneth
Strategy in the Second Nuclear Age |
Author/Editor: Yoshihara, Toshi; Holmes, James R
The Structures of Virtue and Vice |
Author/Editor: DANIEL J. DALY
Subcontinental Drift: Domestic Politics and India's Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Rajesh Basrur
Subject Pronoun Expression in Spanish |
Author/Editor: Carvalho, Ana M.; Orozco, Rafael; Shin, Naomi Lapidus
Subversion: The Strategic Weaponization of Narratives |
Author/Editor: ANDREAS KRIEG
Surrogate Warfare |
Author/Editor: Krieg, Andreas; Rickli, Jean-Marc
Sustaining Linguistic Diversity |
Author/Editor: King, Kendall A.; Schilling-Estes, Natalie; Fogle, Lyn Wright
Taking the Initiative |
Author/Editor: Bader, John B
Talking Politics? |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Sheila Suess
Teaching Advanced Language Skills through Global Debate |
Author/Editor: Brown, Tony; Bown, Jennifer
Teaching Languages in Blended Synchronous Learning Classrooms: A Practical Guide |
Author/Editor: Alba Girons ,Nicholas Swinehart
Teaching World Languages for Specific Purposes: A Practical Guide |
Author/Editor: Diana M. Ruggiero
Telling Stories |
Author/Editor: Deborah Schiffrin
Ten Thousand Democracies |
Author/Editor: Berkman, Michael B.; Plutzer, Eric
Testing the National Covenant |
Author/Editor: William F. May
Theological Foundations for Environmental Ethics |
Author/Editor: Schaefer, Jame
Theology and the Boundary Discourse of Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Regan, Ethna
The Third Millennium |
Author/Editor: Walsh, David
Thwarting Enemies at Home and Abroad |
Author/Editor: William R. Johnson
To Advanced Proficiency and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Brown, Tony; Bown, Jennifer
Tomorrow's Troubles: Risk, Anxiety, and Prudence in an Age of Algorithmic Governance |
Author/Editor: PAUL SCHERZ
The Torture Doctors: Human Rights Crimes and the Road to Justice |
Author/Editor: STEVEN H. MILES
To Serve God and Mammon |
Author/Editor: Ted G. Jelen
Tradition and Modernity |
Author/Editor: David Marshall
Tragic Dilemmas in Christian Ethics |
Transforming US Intelligence for Irregular War: Task Force 714 in Iraq |
Author/Editor: RICHARD H. SHULTZ JR.
Transhumanism and Transcendence |
Author/Editor: Cole-Turner, Ronald
Transnational Actors in War and Peace |
The Troubled Dream of Life |
Author/Editor: Callahan, Daniel
Tunisian Revolutions |
Author/Editor: Clancy-Smith, Julia
Uncompromising Positions |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Anne Oldmixon
United States Welfare Policy |
Author/Editor: Thomas J. Massaro, SJ
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Holocaust |
Author/Editor: Morsink, Johannes
The UN Secretary-General and Moral Authority |
Author/Editor: Kille, Kent J
The Usage-based Study of Language Learning and Multilingualism |
Author/Editor: Lourdes Ortega,Andrea E. Tyler,Hae In Park,Mariko Uno
Useful Assessment and Evaluation in Language Education |
Author/Editor: Davis, John McE.; Norris, John M.; Malone, Margaret E
The Values Campaign? |
Author/Editor: John C. Green
Variable Properties in Language |
Author/Editor: Lightfoot, David W.; Havenhill, Jonathan
Varieties of Spanish in the United States |
Author/Editor: John M. Lipski
The Vice of Luxury |
Author/Editor: Cloutier, David
The Violence of Climate Change |
Author/Editor: KEVIN J. O’BRIEN
Vision and Values |
Author/Editor: Dwyer, Judith A
Vying for Allah’s Vote |
Author/Editor: Haroon K. Ullah
Vying for Allah’s Vote |
Author/Editor: Haroon K. Ullah
The War against al-Qaeda |
Author/Editor: Nahed Artoul Zehr
War's Ends |
Author/Editor: Murphy, James G
Wartime Sexual Violence |
Author/Editor: Kerry F. Crawford
Water, Whiskey, and Vodka: A Story of Slavic Languages |
Author/Editor: Danko Šipka
Wealth, Virtue, and Moral Luck: Christian Ethics in an Age of Inequality |
Author/Editor: Kate Ward
What's Going On? |
Author/Editor: Tate, Katherine
Where Is Knowing Going? |
Author/Editor: Haughey, John C. SJ
Why Peace Fails |
Author/Editor: Call, Charles T
Women and Gender Perspectives in the Military |
Author/Editor: Egnell, Robert; Alam, Mayesha
Work and the Welfare State |
Author/Editor: Brodkin, Evelyn Z.; Marston, Gregory
Working World |
Author/Editor: Mueller, Sherry L.; Overmann, Mark
A World Free from Nuclear Weapons: The Vatican Conference on Disarmament |
Author/Editor: Drew Christiansen ,Carole Sargent ,Pope Francis ,Seven Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
A World Growing Old |
Author/Editor: Callahan, Daniel
A World of Grace |
Author/Editor: Leo O'Donovan, SJ
A World of Inequalities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives |