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Titles ( displaying 5,000 of 30,604 ) Information
Author/Editor: Alessandro De Francesco,Andreas Burckhardt,Gen Ueda
Author/Editor: Andreas Rhoby
مؤلّفات يوسف بن حسن بن عبد الهادي ومساهمته في حفظ التّراث الفكريّ: Muʾallafāt Yūsuf b. Ḥasan b. ʿAbd al-Hādī wa-Musāhamatuhu fī Ḥifẓ al-Turāth al-Fikrī
Author/Editor: Said Aljoumani,Konrad Hirschler
Пушкин в кругу современников = Pushkin among his contemporaries
Author/Editor: Roman Leibov,Nikita Okhotin
Стратегии перевода и государственный контроль = Translation Strategies and State Control
Author/Editor: Lea Pild
Славистика в Эстонии и за ее пределами
Author/Editor: Aleksandr Dulichenko
Антропоцентризм в языке и речи
Author/Editor: Irina Külmoja
Хрестоматийные тексты: русская педагогическая практика XIX в. и поэтический канон
Author/Editor: Alexey Vdovin,Roman Leibov
Серебряный век в русской литературе и культуре конца XIX – первой половины XX вв = Silver Age in Russian Literature and Culture in the Late 19th Century and the First Half of the 20th Century: К 90-летию со дня рождения З. Г. Минц = On the 90th Birth Anni
Author/Editor: Lea Pild,Tatjana Stepaništševa
А порядка в ней нет: Российские политические ценности в неидеальном мире
Author/Editor: Ellen Carnaghan
Свое – чужое в языке и речи
Author/Editor: Irina Külmoja
Александр Блок и русская литература Серебряного века
Author/Editor: Lea Pild
Языковые категории в сознании и творчестве русского поэта
Author/Editor: Boris Norman
Самоуничижение Христа: Метафоры и метонимии в русской культуре и литературе
Author/Editor: Dirk Uffelmann
Конструкции с опорным глаголом в русском и итальянском языках / Support Verb Constructions. A Russian-Italian Contrastive Analysis
الهاتف الذكي العالمي: ما وراء تكنولوجيا الشباب An Arabic Translation of the Global Smartphone
Author/Editor: Daniel Miller,Shireen Walton,Xinyuan Wang,Laila Abed Rabho,Patrick Awondo,Maya de Vries,Marília Duque,Pauline Garvey,Laura Haapio-Kirk,Charlotte Hawkins,Alfonso Otaegui
Ф.М. Достоевский: Юмор, парадоксальность, демонтаж
Author/Editor: Daria Farafonova,Laura Salmon,Stefano ALOE
Креативный потенциал языка современной русской поэзии
Author/Editor: Natalia Fateeva
Поэма Пушкина “Братья разбойники” = Pushkin’s poem “The Robber Brothers”: Комментарий = a commentary
Author/Editor: Tatjana Stepaništševa,Tatyana Stepanishcheva
Синтактические исследования [Sintaktičeskie issledovanija]
Author/Editor: Утгоф [Utgof] ,Григорий [Grigorij]
Очерки по истории и культуре староверов Эстонии III [Studies on the history and culture of Old Believers in Estonia III]
Author/Editor: Кюльмоя [Külmoja] ,И. П. [Irina]
ПУТИ РАЗВИТИЯ ЗАПАДНОГО ПЕРЕВОДОВЕДЕНИЯ : От языковой асимметрии к политической
Author/Editor: Prunc ,Erich
Синтактические исследования [Sintaktičeskie issledovanija]
Очерки по истории и культуре староверов Эстонии III [Studies on the history and culture of Old Believers in Estonia III]
Семиотическая природа смысловой неопределенности в современном поэтическом дискурсе: на материале немецкоязычной и русскоязычной поэзии
Author/Editor: Ekaterina Evgrashkina
المعالجة البيولوجية لمياه الصرف الصحي: المبادئ وأعمال النمذجة والتصميم
Author/Editor: Mogens Henze,Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht,George A. Ekama,Damir Brdjanovic,مصطفي موسى ; نضال محمود
दुनिया ने जैसे सामाजिक मीडिया को बदल दिया - How the World Changed Social Media (Hindi)
Author/Editor: Daniel Miller,Elisabetta Costa,Nell Haynes,Tom McDonald,Razvan Nicolescu,Jolynna Sinanan,Juliano Spyer,Shriram Venkatram,Wang Xinyuan
Субъект в новейшей русскоязычной поэзии – теория и практика
Author/Editor: Henrieke Stahl,Ekaterina Evgrashkina
ከንጥቂያ ባሻገር. የገቢር መጽሃፍ
Author/Editor: Anette Baldauf,Berhanu Ashagrie Deribew,Sílvia das Fadas,Naomi Rincón Gallardo,İpek Hamzaoğlu,Janine Jembere,Rojda Tuğrul,Willful Weeds Research Group
दक्षिण भारत में सामाजिक मीडिया - Social Media in South India
Author/Editor: Shriram Venkatraman
உலகம் சமூக ஊடகங்களை எப்படி மாற்றியிருக்கிறது How the world changed social media (Tamil)
Author/Editor: Daniel Miller,Elisabetta Costa,Nell Haynes,Tom McDonald,Razvan Nicolescu,Jolynna Sinanan,Juliano Spyer,Shriram Venkatraman,Xinyuan Wang
தென்னிந்தியாவில் சமூக ஊடகங்கள் – Social Media in South India (Tamil)
Author/Editor: Shriram Venkatraman
01 The Complete Historical Collections 1899–1950, Indian Recordings (Schomerus 1929): 1. Introductory notes, comments and transcriptions,
Author/Editor: Ulla Remmer,Gerda Lechleitner,Christian Liebl,Ulla Remmer
03 Editors' preface; Indian Recordings (Schomerus 1929): 1. Introductory notes, comments and transcriptions
Author/Editor: Ulla Remmer,Gerda Lechleitner,Christian Liebl,Ulla Remmer
1001 Beds: Performances, Essays, and Travels
Author/Editor: Tim Miller,Glen Johnson
100 Cartas para Paulo Freire de quienes pretendemos Enseñar
Author/Editor: Francisco Gárate Vergara
100 Ideeën voor Caribische regelgevers: Een praktijkgids
Author/Editor: Willem Konijnenbelt
100 Jahre akademische Psychologie in Hamburg. Eine Festschrift
Author/Editor: Martin Spieß
100 Jahre Erziehungswissenschaft an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1920-2020
Author/Editor: Christiana Bers
100 Jahre Georgia Augusta Gottingensis - (K)ein Grund zum Feiern - Prosa und Dichtung über die Säkularfeier 1837
Author/Editor: Schreiner, Sonja
100 Jahre Hauptgebäude der Universität Hamburg. Reden der Festveranstaltung am 13. Mai 2011 und anlässlich der Benennung der Hörsäle H und K im Hauptgebäude der Universität nach dem Sozialökonomen Eduard Heimann (1889-1967) und dem Juristen Albrecht Mende
Author/Editor: Der Präsident der Universität Hamburg
100 Jahre Politikwissenschaft in Hamburg: Bruchstücke zu einer Institutsgeschichte
Author/Editor: Peter Niesen,David Weiß
10 Análisis no-lineal de materiales compuestos mediante la teoría de mezclas serie-paralelo
Author/Editor: Martínez ,Xavier,Oller ,Sergio,Rastellini ,Fernando
10 Jahre «Zentrum für Kanadastudien» an der Universität Innsbruck 1997–2007 / The 10 Years Anniversary of the «Canadian Studies Center» at the University of Innsbruck 1997–2007 / Les 10 ans du «Centre d’études canadiennes» à l’Université d’Innsbruck 1997–
Author/Editor: Ursula Mathis-Moser
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1));: GOTO 10
Author/Editor: Nick Montfort,Noah Vawter,Patsy Baudoin,John Bell,Ian Bogost,Jeremy Douglass,Mark C. Marino,Michael Mateas,Casey Reas,Mark Sample
110 Jahre Wiedererrichtung des bulgarischen Staates 1878-1988
Author/Editor: Klaus-Detlev Grothusen
11 Análisis numérico de la reparación y refuerzo de estructuras con FRP
Author/Editor: Oller ,Sergio,Molina ,Maritzabel,Vielma Carlos ,Juan,Martínez ,Xavier,Barbat H. ,Alex,Nallim ,Liz
11 Moral Neuroenhancement
Author/Editor: Earp D. ,Brian,Douglas ,Thomas,Savulescu ,Julian
11 Moral Neuroenhancement
12th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery: Proceedings of the 12th Virtual Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery (VIRM), 14-15 October 2020
Author/Editor: Institute of Mechanical Engineers
1300 Jahre Bulgarien. Studien zum 1. Internationalen Bulgaristikkongress Sofia 1981. Teil 2 (= Bulgarische Sammlung, Bd. 3)
Author/Editor: Kyrill Haralampieff,Helmut Schaller,Wolfgang Gesemann
14th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging: Proceedings of the International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging (London, UK, 2021)
Author/Editor: Institutionof Mechanical Engineers
14th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy (ICAM2019): Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov, 23–27 September 2019, Belgorod, Russia
Author/Editor: Sergey Glagolev
A 150 anni dall’unificazione amministrativa italiana. Vol. III: La giuridificazione
Author/Editor: Barbara Marchetti,Mauro Renna,Leonardo Ferrara,Domenico Sorace
A 150 anni dall’unificazione amministrativa italiana. Vol. II: La coesione politico-territoriale
Author/Editor: Pier Luigi Portaluri,Leonardo Ferrara,Domenico Sorace,Gabriella DE GIORGI CEZZI
A 150 anni dall’unificazione amministrativa italiana. Vol. IV: La tecnificazione
Author/Editor: Stefano Civitarese Matteucci,Luisa Torchia,Leonardo Ferrara,Domenico Sorace
A 150 anni dall’unificazione amministrativa italiana. Vol. VIII: Cittadinanze amministrative
Author/Editor: LEONARDO FERRARA,Domenico Sorace,Antonio BARTOLINI,Alessandra PIOGGIA
A 150 anni dall’unificazione amministrativa italiana. Vol. VI: Unità e pluralismo culturale
Author/Editor: Edoardo Chiti,Gianluca Gardini,Aldo Sandulli,Leonardo Ferrara,Domenico Sorace
A 150 anni dall’unificazione amministrativa italiana. Vol. VII: La giustizia amministrativa come servizio (tra effettività ed efficienza)
Author/Editor: Gian Domenico Comporti,Leonardo Ferrara,Domenico Sorace
A 150 anni dall’unificazione amministrativa italiana. Vol. V: L’intervento pubblico nell’economia
Author/Editor: Maurizio Cafagno,Francesco Manganaro,Leonardo Ferrara,Domenico Sorace
A 150 anni dell’unificazione amministrativa italiana. Vol. I: L’organizzazione delle pubbliche amministrazioni tra Stato nazionale e integrazione europea
Author/Editor: Leonardo Ferrara,Domenico Sorace,Roberto CAVALLO PERIN,ARISTIDE POLICE,Fabio SAITTA
150 Jahre deutsche Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit: Vortrag, gehalten vor der Juristischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin am 9. Oktober 2013 im OVG Berlin-Brandenburg
Author/Editor: Eckart Hien
1523 - The first martyrs of the Reformation: What has changed in the 500 years since the first martyrs of the Reformation?
Author/Editor: Harry Sinnaghel
The 15 circular steps for cities – Second edition
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
15 Jahre Zentrum für Kanadastudien an der Universität Innsbruck: Arbeitsbericht 2008 – 2012
Author/Editor: Ursula Mathis-Moser,Katharina Pöllmann
Author/Editor: Institution of Mechanical Engineers
15 uur voorschoolse educatie in Amsterdam
Author/Editor: Annemiek Veen,Merlijn Karssen
1864 - Menschen zwischen den Mächten. 1864 - Mennesker mellem magterne
Author/Editor: Rainer Hering,Hans Schultz Hansen,Elke Imberger
1912-2012 El siglo de los comunistas chilenos
1913-2013: 100 anni di studi agrari e forestali nella Villa Granducale delle Cascine a Firenze
1914: Austria-Hungary, the Origins, and the First Year of World War I
Author/Editor: Bischof ,Günter,Karlhofe ,Ferdinand,Williamson, Jr. R. ,Samuel (Guest Editor)
1917 – Die korrumpierte Revolution
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
1918 in Bildung und Erziehung: Traditionen, Transitionen, Visionen
Author/Editor: Andrea De Vincenti,Norbert Grube,Andreas Hoffmann-Ocon
1919 – The Year That Changed China: A New History of the New Culture Movement (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Forster
1948: A Critical and Creative Prequel to Orwell's 1984
Author/Editor: Brian May
1957 El proletariado invade Santiago
Author/Editor: Luis Thielemann
1961 Sob o Viés da Imprensa: Os Jornais Portugueses, Britânicos e Franceses na Conjuntura da Eclosão da Guerra no Império Português
Author/Editor: Tânia Alves
1964 - das Jahr, mit dem "68" begann
1964 - das Jahr, mit dem 68 begann
The 1970s: Portrait of a Generation at the Doorstep
Author/Editor: Raili Nugin
1982 Uncovered: The Falklands War Mapping Project
Author/Editor: Timothy Clack,Tony Pollard
1988 - 1968: De la Transición al largo ‘68 en Chile
Author/Editor: Andrés J. Estefane,Carolina C. Olmedo,Luis H. Thielemann
2000 Revisited - Visionen der Welt von morgen im Gestern und Heute
Author/Editor: Andie Rothenhausler,Paulina Dobroć
The 2006 Military Takeover in Fiji
Author/Editor: Stewart Firth ,Firth,Fraenkel ,Jon,Brij ,V.Lal
200 años después: Los Andes en la encrucijada de las Independencias
Author/Editor: Juan Marchena Fernández,Justo Cuño Bonito
Author/Editor: Bill Rebiger
2023-0107 Cross-border infrastructure projects: The European Investment Bank’s role in cross-border infrastructure projects
2023-0285 EIB Investment Survey - European Union Overview
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
2050 China: Becoming a Great Modern Socialist Country
Author/Editor: Angang Hu,Yilong Yan,Xiao Tang,Shenglong Liu
20 ans de transparence à Genève
Author/Editor: Bertil Cottier,Joséphine Boillat,Bastien von Wyss,Pierre Flueckiger,Stéphane Werly,Christian Flueckiger,Anais Fontaine,David Hofmann,Julian Powell,Christine Sayegh,Martine Stoffel,Yann Vöchting
20 Jahre Asylkompromiss
20 Jahre Asylkompromiss : Bilanz und Perspektiven
20 år med fysikkprestasjoner i fritt fall: Analyser fra TIMSS Advanced og andre internasjonale studier
Author/Editor: Arne Hole,Liv Sissel Grønmo,Torgeir Onstad,Tor Espen Hagen
21st Century Cooperation
21st Century Cooperation : Regional Public Goods, Global Governance, and Sustainable Development
21st Century Media and Female Mental Health: Profitable Vulnerability and Sad Girl Culture
Author/Editor: Fredrika Thelandersson
25 Years of Transformations of Higher Education Systems in Post-Soviet Countries: Reform and Continuity
Author/Editor: Jeroen Huisman,Anna Smolentseva,Isak Froumin
29th Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society, March 15–18, 2021, Hamburg, Germany
Author/Editor: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron-DESY
2 Timothée dans le corpus paulinien: Analyse mémorielle
Author/Editor: Kampotela Luc Bulundwe
300 Jahre Robinson Crusoe: Ein Weltbestseller und seine Rezeptionsgeschichte
Author/Editor: Johannes Frimmel,Christine Haug,Bill Bell
30 Years After Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and Theory
Author/Editor: Andreas Broeckmann,Yuk Hui
3.1 Etica di impresa
Author/Editor: Ciappei, Cristiano,Ninci, Debora
3.1 Etica di impresa
320 rue St Jacques: The Diary of Madeleine Blaess
Author/Editor: Wendy Michallat
380 kV Superconducting Fault Current Limiter Feasibility Study
Author/Editor: Mathias Noe,Tobias Rodler,André Schmid,Tabea Arndt,Chistof Humpert,Wescley De Sousa,Stefan Fink,Friedhelm Herzog,Stefan Huwer,Marvin Nießen,Sebastian Pfaller,Stephan Pöhler
38 Emperical Perspectives on Consciousness and its Relationship to Free Will and Moral Responsibility
Author/Editor: Levy ,Neil
3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology
Author/Editor: John K. McCarthy,Jonathan Benjamin,Trevor Winton,Wendy van Duivenvoorde
3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage III: Complexity and Quality in Digitisation
Author/Editor: Marinos Ioannides,Petros Patias
3rd International Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools (ICTIMT2023)
Author/Editor: Steffen Ihlenfeldt
3rd National Local Government Research Forum
3 The professional audiences of the Hippocratic Epidemics : Patient cases in Hippocratic scientific communication
Author/Editor: Thumiger ,Chiara
3 The professional audiences of the Hippocratic Epidemics
4000 Years of Migration and Cultural Exchange
Author/Editor: Bellwood , Peter,Dizon ,Eusebio
40 Jahre Institut für Politikwissenschaft an der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck: Eine Festschrift
Author/Editor: Martin Senn
4.1 Il realismo strategico nel governo d'impresa
Author/Editor: Ciappei, Cristiano
4.1 Il realismo strategico nel governo d'impresa
4D Fetal Echocardiography
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Rizzo,Domenico Arduini
The 4IR and teacher education in South Africa: contemporary discourses and empirical evidence
Author/Editor: ANILKUMAR KRISHNANNAIR,Felix Maringe,Syamala Krishnannair,Otilia Fortunate Chiramba,Jako Olivier,Maria Tsakeni,Vusiwana Constance Babane,Emure Kadenge
500 ans de Suisse romande protestante
Author/Editor: Olivier Bauer
500 ICT Tips for Primary Teachers
Author/Editor: Steve Higgins,Nick Pickard,Phil Race
50 Jahre Aktiengesetz
Author/Editor: Holger Fleischer,Marcus Lutter,Bruno Kropff,Jens Koch
50 Jahre Sektion Erwachsenenbildung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft: Konstituierendes – Errungenes – Umbrüchiges aus einem halben Jahrhundert Sektionsgeschichte
Author/Editor: Anke Grotlüschen,Bernd Käpplinger,Gabriele Molzberger
50 Jahre Skandinavistik in der Schweiz: Eine kurze Geschichte der Abteilungen für Nordische Philologie an der Universität Basel und der Universität Zürich 1968-2018
Author/Editor: Jürg Glauser
50 Jahre Universitätspartnerschaft Hamburg - Bordeaux. Präsentation des Jubliäumsbandes und Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Prof. Dr. Jean Mondot am 30. Oktober 2007 im Warburg-Haus, Hamburg
Author/Editor: H. Siegfried Stiehl,Jürgen Deininger
50 Jahre Zukunft - FH Bielefeld 1971-2021: 50 Years of Future - Bielefeld UAS 1971-2021
Author/Editor: Andreas Beaugrand
50 Years World Heritage Convention: Shared Responsibility – Conflict & Reconciliation
Author/Editor: Marie-Theres Albert,Roland Bernecker,Claire Cave,Anca Claudia Prodan,Matthias Ripp
53rd National Meeting of the Italian Society of Biochemistryand Molecular Biology (SIB)andNational Meeting of Chemistry of Biological Systems – Italian Chemical Society (SCI - Section CSB): Palazzo dei Congressi di Riccione (23rd - 26th September 2008)
5 European & African Conference on Wind Engineering
Author/Editor: Giuliano Augusti,Claudio Borri,Gianni Bartoli,Luca Facchini
5G: 2020 and Beyond
Author/Editor: Ramjee Prasad
5G and Beyond
Author/Editor: Bharat Bhushan,Sudhir Kumar Sharma,Raghvendra Kumar,Ishaani Priyadarshini
5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications
Author/Editor: Ramjee Prasad
5th Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (TG-SMM 2019): Proceedings of the Symposium in Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 1 – 4, 2019
Author/Editor: Jeffrey T. Freymueller,Laura Sánchez
60-e - 70-e ... Zapiski o neoficial'noj žizni v Moskve
Author/Editor: Il'ja Kabakov
60 Jahre Studium Generale und 20 Jahre Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Robertson-von Trotha ,Caroline Y.
6 The user-friendly Galen
6 The user-friendly Galen : Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq and the adaptation of Greek medicine for a new audience
Author/Editor: Vagelpohl ,Uwe
700 Skarabäen und Verwandtes aus Palästina/Israel: Die Sammlung Keel
Author/Editor: Othmar Keel,lrike Zurkinden-Kolberg
70 Years of Levothyroxine
Author/Editor: George J. Kahaly
73° Congresso dell'Unione Zoologica Italiana: Firenze 24 -27 Settembre 2012 Riassunti dei contributi
Author/Editor: Elena Baistrocchi,marco zaccaroni
9/11 als kulturelle Zäsur: Repräsentationen des 11. September 2001 in kulturellen Diskursen, Literatur und visuellen Medien
Author/Editor: Sandra Poppe,Thorsten Schüller,Sascha Seiler
9 Reading Galen in Byzantium
9 Reading Galen in Byzantium : The fate of Therapeutics to Glaucon
Author/Editor: Bouras-Vallianatos ,Petros
Aan het buitenland gehecht
Author/Editor: Knapen ,Ben,Arts ,Gera,Kleistra ,Yvonne,Klem ,Martijn,Rem ,Marijke
Aantekeningen bij Tjan Tjoe Siem's vertaling van de Lakon Kurupati Rabi
Author/Editor: Uhlenbeck ,E.
Aantekeningen bij Tjan Tjoe Siem's vertaling van de Lakon Kurupati Rabi
Aanvullende en vervangende zwarte arbeid
Author/Editor: Mot ,E.S.,Roozen ,I.T.M.
"A Banca do Serviço do Povo": Política e Economia durante o PREC (1974-75)
Author/Editor: Ricardo Noronha
Abbazie e paesaggi medievali in Toscana
Author/Editor: Gabriele Corsani,Leonardo Rombai,Maria Concetta ZOPPI
Abbildende Ellipsometrie mit Lichtwegumkehrung für die optische Charakterisierung von gekrümmten Oberflächen
Author/Editor: Christian Emanuel Negara
(Ab)Bilder: Zur Ideengeschichte und Ikonologie der Darstellungen menschlicher Embryonen in den Arbeiten Erich Blechschmidts (1904 – 1992)
Author/Editor: Hannah Sophie Menne
Abbott's Gambit: The 2013 Australian Federal Election
Author/Editor: Johnson ,Carol,Wanna ,John,Lee ,Hsu-Ann
Abbreviaturae vocabulorum usitatae in scripturis praecipue Latinis medii aevi, tum etiam Slavicis et Germanicis: Nachdruck der Ausgabe Pragae 1852
Author/Editor: Jan M. Hulákovský
The ABCs of Political Economy: A Modern Approach
Author/Editor: Robin Hahnel
‘Abdurra’uf Fitrat in Istanbul: Quest for Freedom
Author/Editor: Zaynabidin Abdirashidov
Aber die Zeit fürchtet die Pyramiden: Die Wissenschaften vom Alten Orient und die zeitliche Dimension von Kulturgeschichte
Author/Editor: Thomas L. Gertzen
Aberration of Mind: Suicide and Suffering in the Civil War–Era South
Author/Editor: Diane Miller Sommerville
Abgehängt im Aufschwung: Demografie, Arbeit und rechter Protest in Ostdeutschland
Author/Editor: Stefan Schmalz,Sarah Hinz,Ingo Singe,Anne Hasenohr
Abiayalan Pluriverses: Bridging Indigenous Studies and Hispanic Studies
Author/Editor: Gloria Elizabeth Chacón,Juan G. Sánchez Martínez,Lauren Beck
Ab Initio Language Teaching in British Higher Education: The Case of German
Author/Editor: Ulrike Bavendiek,Silke Mentchen,Christian Mossmann,Dagmar Paulus
Abitur und Abituraufsätze zwischen 1882 und 1972: Prüfungspraktiken, professionelle Debatten und Aufsatztexte
Author/Editor: Michael Kämper-van den Boogaart,sabine reh,Christoph Schindler,Joachim Scholz
Ablasskampagnen des Spätmittelalters: Luthers Thesen von 1517 im Kontext
Author/Editor: Andreas Rehberg
Ablehnungs- und Umsetzungsraten von Organtransplantationen – mögliche Ursachen und denkbare Auswege: Eine empirische Datenanalyse aller im Jahr 2013 im Kantonsspital St. Gallen verstorbener Patienten
Author/Editor: Monika Pfyffer von Altishofen,Daniel Huerlimann,Marc Thommen
Ableism in Academia: Theorising experiences of disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education
Author/Editor: Nicole Brown,Jennifer Leigh
Abū Manṣūr al-Tha᾽ālibī: Kitāb Khāṣṣ al-Khāṣṣ
Author/Editor: Bilal Orfali,Ramzi Baalbaki
Aboriginal Placenames
Author/Editor: Hercus ,luise,Koch ,Harold
Aboriginal Population Profiles for Development Planning in the Northern East Kimberley
Author/Editor: Taylor ,John
About Russia, Its Revolutions, Its Development and Its Present
Author/Editor: Michal Reiman
About That Life: Barry Lopez and the Art of Community
Author/Editor: Matthew Cheney
Abraham Abulafia’s Esotericism Secrets and Doubts
Author/Editor: Moshe Idel
Abrahamic Reflections on Randomness and Providence
Author/Editor: Kelly James Clark,Jeffrey Koperski
Abraham in Jewish and Early Christian Literature
Author/Editor: Zanne Domoney-Lyttle,Sean A. Adams
Abrahams Aufbruch: Philon von Alexandria, De migratione Abrahami
Author/Editor: Maren R. Niehoff,Reinhard Feldmeier
Abruptly Dogen
Author/Editor: Kidder Smith
Abschlusspolitische Ergebnisspaltungen mit aufgegebenen Geschäftsbereichen nach IFRS 5: Existenz und Prävention
Author/Editor: Kai Czupalla
The Absent Presence of the State in Large-Scale Resource Extraction Projects
Author/Editor: Nicholas A. Bainton,Emilia E. Skrzypek
Absent Presences in the Colonial Archive: Dealing with the Berlin Sound Archive's Acoustic Legacies
Author/Editor: Irene Hilden
Absolute Komplexität in der Nominalflexion
Absolute Komplexität in der Nominalflexion : Althochdeutsch, Mittelhochdeutsch, Alemannisch und deutsche Standardsprache
Author/Editor: Baechler ,Raffaela
Abstractions Based on Circles: : Papers on prehistoric rock art presented to Stan Beckensall on his 90th birthday
Author/Editor: Paul Frodsham,Kate Sharpe
Absurde Literatur in Rußland: Entstehung und Entwicklung
Author/Editor: Bertram Müller
Abweichungen vom Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex und von §161 AktG als Pflichtverletzung im Sinne der Untreue
Author/Editor: Michaelsen, Amir
Abweichungen vom Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex und von §161 AktG als Pflichtverletzung im Sinne der Untreue
Abwesenheit von Rom: Aristokratische Interaktion in der späten römischen Republik und in der frühen Kaiserzeit
Author/Editor: Habenstein ,Astrid
Abwesenheit von Rom: Aristokratische Interaktion in der späten römischen Republik und in der frühen Kaiserzeit
Abwägung im Kommunikationsstrafrecht: Strafrechtliche Verbote an der Grenze zur Grundrechtsausübung
Author/Editor: Nina Marlene Schallmoser
Academia in Crisis: Dystopic Optimism and Postalgic Realism in University Life
Author/Editor: Ida Sabelis
Academia in Crisis: The Rise and Risk of Neoliberal Education in Europe
Author/Editor: Leonidas Donskis,Ida Sabelis,Frans Kamsteeg,Harry Wels
Academia in Transformation: Scholars Facing the Arab Uprisings
Author/Editor: Florian Kohstall,Carola Richter,Sarhan Dhouib,Fatima Kastner
Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education
Author/Editor: Jay T Dolmage
The Academic Book of the Future
Author/Editor: Rebecca E. Lyons,Samantha J. Rayner
Academic E-Books
Academic E-Books : Publishers, Librarians, and Users
Author/Editor: Ward ,Suzanne M.,Freeman ,Robert S.,Nixon ,Judith M.
Academic Flying and the Means of Communication
Author/Editor: Kristian Bjørkdahl,Adrian Santiago Franco Duharte
Academic Integrity in Canada: An Enduring and Essential Challenge
Author/Editor: Sarah Elaine Eaton,Julia Christensen Hughes
Academic Libraries: Reflecting on Crisis, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Way Forward
Author/Editor: Anette Janse van Vuren
Academics in Exile: Networks, Knowledge Exchange and New Forms of Internationalization
Author/Editor: Vera Axyonova,Florian Kohstall,Carola Richter
Acadians and Cajuns. The Politics and Culture of French Minorities in North America / Acadiens et Cajuns. Politique et culture de minorités francophones en Amérique du Nord
Author/Editor: Ursula Mathis-Moser,Günter Bischof
Accelerating Digitalization: Chancen der Digitalisierung erkennen und nutzen
Author/Editor: Harald Proff,Claudia Ahrens,Wencke Neuroth,Heike Proff,Florian Knobbe,Gregor Szybisty,Stefan Sommer
Accelerating Human Evolution by Theosophical Initiation: Annie Besant’s Pedagogy and the Creation of Benares Hindu University
Author/Editor: Yves Mühlematter
Accelerating the 5G transition in Europe: How to boost investments in transformative 5G solutions
Author/Editor: François Gilles,Jaroslav Toth
Acceleration and Cultural Change: Dialogues from an Overheated World
Author/Editor: Thomas Hylland Eriksen,Martina Visentin
Accelerator-Driven System at Kyoto University Critical Assembly
Author/Editor: Cheol Ho Pyeon
Accelerator Physics (Fourth Edition)
Author/Editor: Shyh-yuan Lee
Accelerators in Silicon Valley: Building Successful Startups
Author/Editor: Peter Ester
Acceso abierto como bien común y público en Angola: colaboración Sur-Sur
Author/Editor: Arianna Becerril-García,Eduardo Aguado-López,Alejandro Macedo-García,Bhanu Neupane,Eurico Wongo Gungula
Access Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace
Author/Editor: Ronald Deibert,John Palfrey,Rafal Rohozinski,Jonathan Zittrain
Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering
Author/Editor: Ronald Deibert,John Palfrey,Rafal Rohozinski,Jonathan Zittrain
Accessibility Denied: Understanding Inaccessibility and Everyday Resistance to Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities
Author/Editor: Hanna Egard,Kristofer Hansson,David Wästerfors
Accessibility – Health Literacy – Health Information: Interdisciplinary Approaches to an Emerging Field of Communication
Author/Editor: Sarah Ahrens,Rebecca Schulz,Janina Kröger,Sergio Fernández-Garrido,Loraine Keller,Isabel Rink
Accessible Communication: A Cross-country Journey
Author/Editor: Elisa Perego
The Accession of Turkey to the European Union: the political decision-making process - 29
Author/Editor: Hollander ,S.
Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment. Making the Poor Central in Legal Development Co-operation
Author/Editor: van de Meene ,Ineke,van Rooij ,Benjamin
Access to Justice for Disadvantaged Communities
Author/Editor: Marjorie Mayo,Gerald Koessl,Matthew Scott,Imogen Slater
Access to Knowledge in Africa: The role of copyright
Author/Editor: Chris Armstrong,Jeremy De Beer
Access to Knowledge in Brazil: New Research on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development
Author/Editor: Lea Shaver
Access to Knowledge in Egypt: New Research on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development
Author/Editor: Lea Shaver,Nagla Rizk
Access to Knowledge in India: New Research on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development
Author/Editor: Ramesh Subramanian,Lea Shaver
Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property
Author/Editor: Gaëlle Krikorian,Amy Kapczynski
Access to Medicines and Vaccines: Implementing Flexibilities Under Intellectual Property Law
Author/Editor: Carlos M. Correa,Reto M. Hilty
Access to Online Resources: A Guide for the Modern Librarian
Author/Editor: Kristina Botyriute
Accidental Holy Land: The Communist Revolution in Northwest China (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Joseph W. Esherick
Accommodating the Individual: Identity and Control after Alexander
Author/Editor: Henry Heitmann-Gordon
Accommodation in Crisis: Forgotten Women in Western Sydney
Author/Editor: Catherine Robinson,Rose Searby
Accountability and the Law: Rights, Authority and Transparency of Public Power
Author/Editor: Piotr Mikuli,Grzegorz Kuca
Accountability in Public Policy Partnerships
Author/Editor: Steets ,Julia
Accountable Government in Africa: Perspectives from public law and political studies
Author/Editor: Danwood Chirwa,Lia Nijzink
Accounting and Statistical Analyses for Sustainable Development: Multiple Perspectives and Information-Theoretic Complexity Reduction
Author/Editor: Claudia Lemke
Accounting for Culture
Accounting for Culture : Thinking Through Cultural Citizenship
Author/Editor: Andrew ,Caroline,Gattinger ,Monica,Jeannotte M. ,Sharon
Accounts and Accountability in Late Medieval Europe: Records, Procedures, and Socio-Political Impact
Author/Editor: Ionuț Epurescu-Pascovici
Accustomed to Obedience?: Classical Ionia and the Aegean World, 480–294 BCE
Author/Editor: Joshua P. Nudell
Acetylsalicylic Acid
Author/Editor: Karsten Schrör
Achieving Access to Justice in a Business and Human Rights Context: An Assessment of Litigation and Regulatory Responses in European Civil-Law Countries
Author/Editor: Virginie Rouas
Achieving Inclusive Growth in the Asia Pacific
Author/Editor: Adam Triggs,Shujiro Urata
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals: Global and Regional 100% Renewable Energy Scenarios with Non-energy GHG Pathways for +1.5°C and +2°C
Author/Editor: Sven Teske
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals: Part 2: Science-based Target Setting for the Finance industry — Net-Zero Sectoral 1.5˚C Pathways for Real Economy Sectors
Author/Editor: Sven Teske
Achieving Viability for Public Service Media in Challenging Settings: A Holistic Approach
Author/Editor: James Deane,Pierre François Docquir,Winston Mano,Tarik Sabry,Naomi Sakr
Achieving Zero Hunger in India: Challenges and Policies
Author/Editor: S. Mahendra Dev,A. Ganesh-Kumar,Vijay Laxmi Pandey
Acht Geschichten über die Integrationsgeschichte
Author/Editor: Pichler ,Peter
Achtsamkeit als kulturelle Praxis: Zu den Selbst-Welt-Modellen eines populären Phänomens
Author/Editor: Jacob Schmidt
Achtsamkeit und Meditation im Hochschulkontext: 10 Jahre Münchner Modell
Author/Editor: Andreas de Bruin
Achtzehntes Jahrhundert digital: zentraleuropäische Perspektiven : Digital Eighteenth Century: Central European Perspectives. Dix-huitième siècle numérique: perspectives de l'Europe centrale
Author/Editor: Thomas Wallnig,Marion Romberg,Joelle Weis
AC Losses in High-Temperature Superconductor Tapes and Cables for Power Applications
Author/Editor: Aurélien Godfrin
Посткомуністичні режими = A Concise Field Guide to Post-Communist Regimes: Актори, інституції та динаміка
Author/Editor: Bálint Magyar,Bálint Madlovics
‘A Course of Severe and Arduous Trials’: Bacon, Beckett and Spurious Freemasonry in Early Twentieth-Century Ireland
Author/Editor: Lynn Brunet
Acoustemologies in Contact: Sounding Subjects and Modes of Listening in Early Modernity
Author/Editor: Emily Wilbourne,Suzanne G. Cusick
The Acoustic Self in English Modernism and Beyond: Writing Musically
Author/Editor: Zoltan Varga
Acoustics of the Vowel - Preliminaries
Author/Editor: Maurer ,Dieter
Acquired Alterity: Migration, Identity, and Literary Nationalism (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Edward Mack
Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 1: Comparative Analyses
Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 2: Country Analyses
The Acquisition of Africa (1870-1914): The Nature of International Law (Volume 20/8)
Author/Editor: Mieke van der Linden
The acrolect in Jamaica: The architecture of phonological variation
Author/Editor: G. Alison Irvine-Sobers
Across Anthropology: Troubling Colonial Legacies, Museums, and the Curatorial
Author/Editor: Margareta von Oswald,Jonas Tinius
AcrossBorders I: The New Kingdom Town of Sai Island, Sector SAV1 North
Author/Editor: Julia Budka
Across Space and Time. Papers from the 41st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Perth, 25-28 March 2013
Across Species and Cultures: Whales, Humans, and Pacific Worlds
Author/Editor: Ryan Tucker Jones,Angela Wanhalla
Across the Copperbelt: Urban & Social Change in Central Africa's Borderland Communities
Author/Editor: Miles Larmer,Enid Guene,Benoît Henriet
Across the margins: Cultural identity
Author/Editor: Norquay ,Glenda,Smyth ,Gerry
Across the Oceans: Development of the overseas business information transmission
Author/Editor: Laakso ,Seija-Riitta
Across the Oceans: Development of the overseas business information transmission
Across the Sahara: Tracks, Trade and Cross-Cultural Exchange in Libya
Author/Editor: Klaus Braun,Jacqueline Passon
Acting Emotions
Author/Editor: Konijn ,Elly
Action at a Distance
Author/Editor: John Durham Peters,Florian Sprenger,Christina Vagt
Action [poems]
Author/Editor: Anthony Opal
Action-Related Representations: An Action-Based Approach to Grounded Cognition
Author/Editor: Tim Seuchter
Action Research in Organizations: Participation in Change Processes
Author/Editor: Marianne Kristiansen,Asher Ariel,Jørgen Bloch-Poulsen
Actions et conduites mimo-gestuelles dans l’usage conversationnel des relatives en français
Author/Editor: Ioana-Maria Stoenică
Actions of Their Own to Learn: Studies in Knowing, Acting, and Being
Author/Editor: Bonnie Shapiro
Activated Sludge and Aerobic Biofilm Reactors
Author/Editor: Von Sperling ,Marcos
Activated Sludge and Aerobic Biofilm Reactors
Active ageing: Voluntary work by older people in Europe
Author/Editor: Andrea Principi,Per H. Jensen,Giovanni Lamura
Active Assisted Living: Anwendungsszenarien und Lösungsansätze für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben
Author/Editor: Marcel Sailer,Andreas Mahr
Active Materials
Author/Editor: Peter Fratzl,Michael Friedman,Karin Krauthausen,Wolfgang Schäffner
Activerend arbeidsmarktbeleid
Author/Editor: WRR
Active Rheology Control of Cementitious Materials
Author/Editor: Geert De Schutter,Karel Lesage
Active Vision for Scene Understanding
Author/Editor: Markus Grotz
Activist Biology: The National Museum, Politics, and Nation Building in Brazil
Author/Editor: Regina Horta Duarte
Activist Media and Biopolitics: Critical Media Interventions in the Age of Biopower
Author/Editor: Sützl ,Wolfgang,Hug ,Theo
Act Like A Man: Challenging Masculinities in American Drama
Author/Editor: Robert Vorlicky
Actor & Avatar: A Scientific and Artistic Catalog
Author/Editor: Dieter Mersch,Anton Rey,Thomas Grunwald,Jörg Sternagel,Lorena Kegel,Miriam Laura Loertscher
Actors and Networks in the Megacity: A Literary Analysis of Urban Narratives (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Prachi More
Actors and the Art of Performance
Author/Editor: Granzer ,Susanne Valerie
Acts of Care: Recovering Women in Late Medieval Health
Author/Editor: Sara Ritchey
Acts of Gaiety: LGBT Performance and the Politics of Pleasure
Author/Editor: Sara Warner
Actualizing Human Rights: Global Inequality, Future People, and Motivation
Author/Editor: Jos Philips
Actuele bestaansonzekerheid
Adaptation and Evaluation of a German Sign Language Test
Author/Editor: Tobias Haug
Adaptation in the Age of Media Convergence
Author/Editor: Johannes Fehrle,Werner Schäfke-Zell
Adaptation of Western Economics by Russian Universities
Author/Editor: Tatiana Suspitsyna
Adaptive Collaborative Management in Forest Landscapes: Villagers, Bureaucrats and Civil Society
Author/Editor: Carol J. Pierce Colfer,Ravi Prabhu,Anne M. Larson
Adaptive Dynamic Programming: For Chemotherapy Drug Delivery
Author/Editor: Jiayue Sun,Shun Xu,Yang Liu,Huaguang Zhang
Adaptive Dynamic Programming: Solltrajektorienfolgeregelung und Konvergenzbedingungen
Author/Editor: Florian Köpf
Adaptive Fahrhinweise für ein längsdynamisches Fahrerassistenzsystem zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz
Author/Editor: Dominik Dörr
Adaptive Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Peace-making in Colombia, Mozambique, the Philippines, and Syria
Author/Editor: Cedric de Coning,Ako Muto,Rui Saraiva
Adaptive Middleware for the Internet of Things: The GAMBAS Approach
Author/Editor: Marcus Handte,Pedro José Marrón,Gregor Schiele,Matoses Manuel Serrano
Adaptive Modulationsverfahren für die schmalbandige Powerline-Kommunikation in Niederspannungsnetzen
Author/Editor: Cornelius Kaiser
Adaptive Nutzenbewertung für Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden mit Medizinprodukten hoher Klassen: Die Abwägung von Patientennutzen, Evidenz und Zugang
Author/Editor: Axel Mühlbacher,Christin Juhnke
Adaptive Peacebuilding: A New Approach to Sustaining Peace in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Cedric de Coning,Rui Saraiva,Ako Muto
Adaptive Reuse
Author/Editor: Freschi ,Elisa,Maas ,Philipp A.
Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage: Past, Present and Future
Author/Editor: Carola Hein
Adaptive Umweltmodellierung für kognitive Systeme in offener Welt durch dynamische Konzepte und quantitative Modellbewertung
Author/Editor: Achim Christian Kuwertz
Adaptive Urban Transformation: Urban Landscape Dynamics, Regional Design and Territorial Governance in the Pearl River Delta, China
Author/Editor: Steffen Nijhuis,Yimin Sun,Eckart Lange
Adat and Indigeneity in Indonesia - Culture and Entitlements between Heteronomy and Self-Ascription
Author/Editor: Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta
Adat Atjèh
Author/Editor: Voorhoeve ,P.,Drewes ,G.
Adat Atjèh
The ADB’s Story
Author/Editor: Nolan ,Melanie,Fernon ,Christine
The ADB’s Story
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users’ Guide to Urban Space
Author/Editor: Christopher B.R. Smith
Adding nonlinearity to an electromagnetic-magnonic quantum hybrid device
Author/Editor: Marco Pfirrmann
Additive Fertigung von endlosfaserverstärkten Verbundwerkstoffen: Von der Faser-Matrix-Auswahl über die Druckkopfentwicklung bis zum Faserverbund
Author/Editor: Mathias Czasny
Addressing the Climate Crisis: Local action in theory and practice
Author/Editor: Candice Howarth,Matthew Lane,Amanda Slevin
Addressing Tipping Points for a Precarious Future
Address in Portuguese and Spanish: Studies in Diachrony and Diachronic Reconstruction
Author/Editor: Martin Hummel,Célia dos Santos Lopes
Adelaide: a literary city
Author/Editor: Butterss ,Philip
Adelphotes: die erste gedruckte griechisch-kirchenslavische Grammatik, L'viv-Lemberg 1591: 2., um das Faksimile erweiterte Auflage
Author/Editor: Olexa Horbatsch
Adelphotes: die erste gedruckte griechisch-kirchenslavische Grammatik, L'viv-Lemberg 1591: L'viv-Lemberg 1591
Author/Editor: Olexa Horbatsch
¡A desalambrar! Resistencias, desigualdades e itinerarios posibles en sociedades latinoamericanas
Author/Editor: Celia Cristina Basconzuelo,Víctor Díaz Esteves,Antonio Aravena Carrasco
Adhesive Bonding of Aircraft Composite Structures: Non-destructive Testing and Quality Assurance Concepts
Author/Editor: Welchy Leite Cavalcanti,Kai Brune,Michael Noeske,Konstantinos Tserpes,Wiesław M. Ostachowicz,Mareike Schlag
Adieu ihr lieben Schwarzen
Author/Editor: Gütl ,Clemens
Adipositas-Management: Versorgung, Betreuung und Behandlung in Anästhesie, Chirurgie, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
Author/Editor: Thomas Bein,Klaus Lewandowski
Adipositas Management: Versorgung, Betreuung und Behandlung in Anästhesie, Chirurgie, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
Author/Editor: Klaus Lewandowski,Thomas Bein
Adjective attribution
Author/Editor: Rießler ,Michael
Adjective attribution
Administering Justice: Placing the Chief Justice in American State Politics
Author/Editor: Richard L. Vining Jr.,Teena Wilhelm
Administering the Empire, 1801-1968: A Guide to the Records of the Colonial Office in the National Archives of the UK
Author/Editor: Mandy Banton
Administración Reyes (1904-1909)
Author/Editor: Baldomero Sanín Cano
Administrating Kinship: Marriage Impediments and Dispensation Policies in the 18th and 19th Centuries
Author/Editor: Margareth Lanzinger
Administration, Prosopography and Appointment Policies in the Roman Empire: Proceedings of the First Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 27 B.C. - A.D. 406), Leiden, June 28-July 1, 2000
Author/Editor: L. de Blois
Administrative Capacity Development.
Author/Editor: Verheijen ,A.J.G.
Administrative Practices and Political Control in Anatolian and Syro-Anatolian Polities in the 2nd and 1st Millennium BCE
Author/Editor: Clelia Mora,Giulia Torri
Adolescent Psychiatry: A Contemporary Perspective for Health Professionals
Author/Editor: Leo Sher,Joav Merrick
Adolescents in Humanitarian Crisis: Displacement, Gender and Social Inequalities
Author/Editor: Nicola Jones,Kate Pincock,Bassam Abu Hamad
Adoleszenz und Alterität: Aktuelle Perspektiven der interkulturellen Literaturwissenschaft und Literaturdidaktik
Author/Editor: Stefanie Jakobi,Julian Osthues,Jennifer Pavlik
Adolph Lewisohn (English edition): Copper Magnate in the "Gilded Age"
Author/Editor: Henning Albrecht
Adolph Lewisohn. Kupfermagnat im "Goldenen Zeitalter"
Author/Editor: Henning Albrecht,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Adoption across Race and Nation: US Histories and Legacies
Author/Editor: Silke Hackenesch
Adoption and Impact of OER in the Global South
Author/Editor: C. Hodgkinson-Williams,P. Arinto
Adoption from Care: International Perspectives on Children’s Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention
Author/Editor: Tarja Pösö,Marit Skivenes,June Thoburn
Adorno versus Lyotard
Author/Editor: Kogler ,Susanne
Adrodd ar Dlodi: Naratif y Cyfryngau Newyddion a Chyfathrebiadau’r Trydydd Sector yng Nghymru
Author/Editor: Kerry Moore
Ḥadīth and Ethics through the Lens of Interdisciplinarity: الحديث والأخلاق: مقاربة متعددة التخصصات
Author/Editor: Mutaz al-Khatib
Adult and Continuing Education in Belarus
Author/Editor: Veramejchyk ,Galina
Adult and Continuing Education in Cyprus
Author/Editor: Gravani ,Maria,Ioannidou ,Alexandra
Adult and Continuing Education in France
Author/Editor: Schreiber-Barsch ,Silke
Adult and Continuing Education in Norway
Author/Editor: Bjerkaker ,Sturla
Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Europe and Beyond: Comparative Perspectives from the 2015 Wuerzburg Winter School
Author/Editor: Regina Egetenmeyer
Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Europe and Beyond: Comparative Perspectives from the 2015 Wuerzburg Winter School
Author/Editor: Regina Egetenmeyer
Adult Education and Work Contexts: International Perspectives and Challenges: Comparative Perspectives from the 2017 Wuerzburg Winter School
Author/Editor: Regina Egetenmeyer,Monica Fedeli
Adult Education Policy and the European Union: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives
Adulterous Nations
Adulterous Nations : Family Politics and National Anxiety in the European Novel
Author/Editor: Kuzmic ,Tatiana
Adult Language Education and Migration: Challenging agendas in policy and practice
Author/Editor: James Simpson,Anne Whiteside
Advanced Communication and Control Methods for Future Smartgrids
Author/Editor: Taha Selim Ustun
Advanced Concepts for Renewable Energy Supply of Data Centres
Author/Editor: Jaume Salom,Thorsten Urbaneck,Eduard Oró
Advanced Concepts in Particle and Field Theory
Author/Editor: Tristan Hübsch
Advanced Digital Auditing: Theory and Practice of Auditing Complex Information Systems and Technologies
Author/Editor: Egon Berghout,Rob Fijneman,Lennard Hendriks,Mona de Boer,Bert-Jan Butijn
Advanced Elastocaloric Cooling Devices Based on Shape Memory Alloy Films
Author/Editor: Florian Brüderlin
Advanced Ground-Based Real and Synthetic Aperture Radar
Author/Editor: Lapo Miccinesi
Advanced Land Warfare: Tactics and Operations
Author/Editor: Mikael Weissmann,Niklas Nilsson
Advanced Location-Based Technologies and Services
Author/Editor: Hassan A. Karimi
Advanced Macroeconomics: An Easy Guide
Author/Editor: Filipe Campante,Federico Sturzenegger,Andres Velasco
Advanced Memristor Modeling: Memristor Circuits and Networks
Author/Editor: Valeri Mladenov
Advanced Oxidation Processes: Applications, Trends, and Prospects
Author/Editor: Ciro Bustillo-Lecompte
Advanced Problems in Mathematics
Author/Editor: Siklos ,Stephen
Advanced Problems in Mathematics: Preparing for University
Author/Editor: Stephen Siklos
Advanced Statistical Modeling, Forecasting, and Fault Detection in Renewable Energy Systems
Author/Editor: Fouzi Harrou,Ying Sun
Advanced Terrain Mapping of the Gioia Tauro Plain Calabria Region, Italy: ESA GMES Terrafirma
Author/Editor: Federico Raspini,Francesca Cigna,Moretti Sandro,Nicola Casagli
Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials, Two Volume Set
Author/Editor: Andreas Loizos,Manfred N. Partl,Tom Scarpas,Imad L. Al-Qadi
Advancements in Design Research: 11 PhD theses on Design as we do in POLIMI
Author/Editor: Lucia Rampino,Ilaria Mariani
Advances in Aquatic Invertebrate Stem Cell Research: From Basic Research to Innovative Applications
Author/Editor: Loriano Ballarin,Baruch Rinkevich,Bert Hobmayer
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2023
Author/Editor: Kathrin Dörfler,Jan Knippers,Achim Menges,Stefana Parascho,Helmut Pottmann,Thomas Wortmann
Advances in Assessment and Modeling of Earthquake Loss
Author/Editor: Sinan Akkar,Alper Ilki,Caglar Goksu,Mustafa Erdik
Advances in Automotive Production Technology – Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains: Stuttgart Conference on Automotive Production (SCAP2022)
Author/Editor: Niklas Kiefl,Frederik Wulle,Clemens Ackermann,Daniel Holder
Advances in Bioengineering
Advances in Cancer Therapy
Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice
Author/Editor: Rotem Shneor,Liang Zhao,Bjørn-Tore Flåten
Advances in Discrete Differential Geometry
Author/Editor: Alexander I. Bobenko
Advances in Energy System Optimization: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Energy System Optimization
Author/Editor: Valentin Bertsch,Armin Ardone,Michael Suriyah,Wolf Fichtner,Thomas Leibfried,Vincent Heuveline
Advances in Fibre Production Science in South American Camelids and other Fibre Animals
Author/Editor: Martina Gerken,Carlo Renieri,Daniel Allain,Hugh Galbraith,Juan Pablo Gutiérrez,Lisa McKenna,Roman Niznikowski,Maria Wurzinger
Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2016
Author/Editor: Denisa Lenertová,Roland Meyer,Radek Šimík,Luka Szucsich
Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2017
Author/Editor: Franc Marušič,Rok Žaucer,Petra Mišmaš
Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2018 (Volume 4)
Author/Editor: Ljudmila Geist,Hagen Pitsch,Jovana Gajić,Andreas Blümel,Uwe Junghanns
Advances in Frontier Research on Engineering Structures
Author/Editor: Yang Yang
Advances in Induction and Microwave Heating of Mineral and Organic Materials
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVIII: 18th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2020, Konstanz, Germany, April 27–29, 2020, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Michael Berthold,Ad Feelders,Georg Krempl
Advances in Intelligent Robotics and Collaborative Automation
Author/Editor: Richard Duro,Yuriy Kondratenko
Advances in Membrane Technologies
Author/Editor: Amira Abdelrasoul
Advances in Microfluidic Technologies for Energy and Environmental Applications
Author/Editor: Yong Ren
Advances in Modelling and Control of Wind and Hydrogenerators
Author/Editor: Amir Ebrahimi
Advances in Neural Signal Processing
Author/Editor: Ramana Vinjamuri
Advances in Pharma Business Management and Research: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Lars Schweizer,Theodor Dingermann,Otto Quintus Russe,Christian Jansen
Advances in Phytochemistry, Textile and Renewable Energy Research for Industrial Growth: Proceedings of the International Conference of Phytochemistry, Textile and Renewable Energy for Sustainable development (ICPTRE 2020), August 12-14, Eldoret, Kenya
Author/Editor: Charles Nzila,Nyamwala Oluoch,Ambrose Kiprop,Rose Ramkat,Isaac S. Kosgey
Advances in Production Technology
Author/Editor: Christian Brecher
Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics
Author/Editor: Thomas Piecha,Peter Schroeder-Heister
Advances in raw material industries for sustainable development goals: PROCEEDINGS OF THE XII RUSSIAN-GERMAN RAW MATERIALS CONFERENCE (SAINT-PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, 27-29 NOVEMBER 2019)
Author/Editor: Vladimir Litvinenko
Advances in Research Using the C-SPAN Archives
Author/Editor: Browning ,Robert X.
Advances in Research Using the C-SPAN Archives
Advances in Spacecraft Attitude Control
Author/Editor: Timothy Sands
Advances in the Analysis of Spanish Exclamatives
Author/Editor: Bosque ,Ignacio
Advances in the Analysis of Spanish Exclamatives
Advances in the Sociology of Trust and Cooperation: Theory, Experiments, and Field Studies
Author/Editor: Vincent Buskens,Rense Corten,Chris Snijders
Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics
Author/Editor: Rudin ,Catherine (ed.),Gordon James ,Bryan (ed.)
Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics
Advances in Wheat Genetics: From Genome to Field: Proceedings of the 12th International Wheat Genetics Symposium
Author/Editor: Yasunari Ogihara,Shigeo Takumi,Hirokazu Handa
Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing III: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing, JCM 2020, June 2-4, 2020
Author/Editor: Lionel Roucoules,Manuel Paredes,Benoit Eynard,Paz Morer Camo,Caterina Rizzi
Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides: Volume 1 ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025
Author/Editor: Kyoji Sassa,Matjaž Mikoš,Yueping Yin
Advancing Energy Policy: Lessons on the integration of Social Sciences and Humanities
Author/Editor: Chris Foulds,Rosie Robison
Advancing Environmental Education Practice
Author/Editor: Marianne E. Krasny
Advancing Equality: How Constitutional Rights Can Make a Difference Worldwide
Author/Editor: Jody Heymann,Aleta Sprague,Amy Raub
Advancing Equity Planning Now
Author/Editor: Norman Krumholz,Kathryn Wertheim Hexter
Advancing Human Assessment: The Methodological, Psychological and Policy Contributions of ETS
Author/Editor: Randy E. Bennett,Matthias von Davier
Advancing IoT Platforms Interoperability
Author/Editor: Ovidiu Vermesan
Advancing Natural Language Processing in Educational Assessment
Author/Editor: Victoria Yaneva,Matthias von Davier
Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Africa: Constraints and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Ebenezer Durojaye,Gladys Mirugi-Mukundi,Charles Ngwena
Advancing the Human Self: Do Technologies Make Us “Posthuman”?
Author/Editor: Ewa Nowak
Advancing the Learning Agenda in Jewish Education
Author/Editor: Jon A. Levisohn,Jeffrey S. Kress
Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos
Author/Editor: Amelie G. Ramirez,Edward J. Trapido
Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos: Building Collaboration for Action
Author/Editor: Amelie G. Ramirez,Edward J. Trapido
Adventures in Small Tourism: Studies and Stories
Author/Editor: Kathleen Scherf
Adventures in Sustainable Urbanism
Author/Editor: Robert Krueger,Tim Freytag
Adverb und Sprachstil: Untersuchungen zur stilistischen Differenziertheit in der russischen Literatursprache, insbesondere im lexikalischen Bereich
Author/Editor: Golubzowa
Advertising and the Transformation of Screen Cultures
Author/Editor: Bo Florin,Patrick Vonderau,Yvonne Zimmermann
Advertising as a Creative Industry: Regime of Paradoxes
Author/Editor: Izabela Derda
Adviesorganen in de politieke besluitvorming. Symposiumverslag
Author/Editor: Delden van ,A.Th.,Kooiman ,J.
Adviseren aan de overheid. Met bijdragen van economische, juridische en politicologische bestuurskundigen
Author/Editor: Rijnen van ,A.Ch.M.
Advising in austerity: Reflections on challenging times for advice agencies
The Advisory Roles of Political Scientists in Europe: Comparing Engagements in Policy Advisory Systems
Author/Editor: Marleen Brans,Arco Timmermans
Aegypten und aegyptische Mythologie, Bilder der Transition im Werk Andrej Belyjs
Author/Editor: Evelies Schmidt
Aegyptiaca in der nördlichen Levante: Eine Studie zur Kontextualisierung und Rezeption ägyptischer und ägyptisierender Objekte in der Bronzezeit
Author/Editor: Alexander Ahrens
Aelita - als morgen gestern heute war: Die Zukunftsmodellierung in Jakov Protazanovs Film
Author/Editor: Katja Huber
Aeroelastic Phenomena and Pedestrian-Structure Dynamic Interaction on Non-Conventional Bridges and Footbridges
Author/Editor: Claudio Borri,Claudio Mannini
Aesthetic Experience of Metabolic Processes
Author/Editor: Desiree Förster
Aesthetic Politics in Fashion
Author/Editor: Elke Gaugele
Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies
Author/Editor: Winnie Soon,Geoff Cox
Aesthetics and subjectivity
Author/Editor: Bowie ,Andrew
Aesthetics of Displacement: Turkey and its Minorities on Screen
Author/Editor: Ozlem Koksal
Aesthetics of Gentrification: Seductive Spaces and Exclusive Communities in the Neoliberal City
Author/Editor: Christoph Lindner,Gerard Sandoval
The Aesthetics of Global Protest: Visual Culture and Communication
Author/Editor: Aidan McGarry,Itir Erhart,Hande Eslen-Ziya,Olu Jenzen,Umut Korkut
The Aesthetics of Taste: Eating within the Realm of Art
Author/Editor: Dorota Koczanowicz
Afectos y violencias en la cultura latinoamericana
Author/Editor: Reindert Dhondt,Silvana Mandolessi,Martín Zícari
Affect and Mathematics Education: Fresh Perspectives on Motivation, Engagement, and Identity
Author/Editor: Markku S. Hannula,Gilah C. Leder,Francesca Morselli,Maike Vollstedt,Qiaoping Zhang
Affective Disorders: Emotion in Colonial and Postcolonial Literature
Author/Editor: Bede Scott
Affective Images: Post-apartheid Documentary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Marietta Kesting
Affective Intellectuals and the Space of Catastrophe in the Americas
Author/Editor: Judith Sierra-Rivera
Affective intimacies
Author/Editor: Marjo Kolehmainen,Annukka Lahti,Kinneret Lahad
Affective Justice: The International Criminal Court and the Pan-Africanist Pushback
Author/Editor: Kamari Maxine Clarke
Affective Trajectories: Religion and Emotion in African Cityscapes
Author/Editor: Hansjörg Dilger,Astrid Bochow,Marian Burchardt,Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon
Affective Transformations: Politics – Algorithms – Media
Author/Editor: Bernd Bösel,Serjoscha Wiemer
Affective Worldmaking: Narrative Counterpublics of Gender and Sexuality
Author/Editor: Silvia Schultermandl,Jana Aresin,Si Sophie Pages Whybrew,Dijana Simic
Affektdramaturgien im Fußballsport: Die Entzauberung kollektiver Emotionen aus wissenssoziologischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Michael Wetzels
Affekte: Analysen ästhetisch-medialer Prozesse
Author/Editor: Mieke Bal,Antje Krause-Wahl,Heike Oehlschlägel,Serjoscha Wiemer
Affektökologie: Intensive Milieus und zufällige Begegnungen
Author/Editor: Marie-Luise Angerer
Affekt Macht Netz: Auf dem Weg zu einer Sozialtheorie der Digitalen Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Rainer Mühlhoff,Anja Breljak,Jan Slaby
Affektpoetiken des New Hollywood: Suspense, Paranoia und Melancholie
Author/Editor: Hauke Lehmann
Affe und Affekt: Die Poetik und Politik der Emotionalität in der Primatologie
Author/Editor: Mira Shah
Affirmative Aesthetics and Wilful Women: Gender, Space and Mobility in Contemporary Cinema
Author/Editor: Maud Ceuterick
Afghanistan: Long War, Forgotten Peace
Author/Editor: Michael Cox
Afghanistan’s Islam: From Conversion to the Taliban
Afghanistan’s Islam: From Conversion to the Taliban
Author/Editor: Nile Green
Africa and the North
Author/Editor: Ulf Engel,Gorm Rye Olsen
Africa and Urban Anthropology: Theoretical and Methodological Contributions from Contemporary Fieldwork
Author/Editor: Deborah Pellow,Suzanne Scheld
Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium 2018 (RERIS 2018): 23–26 January 2018, National University of Lesotho On occasion of NULISTICE 2018
Author/Editor: Moeketsi Mpholo,Dirk Steuerwald,Tonny Kukeera
Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation
Author/Editor: Chux Daniels,Benedikt Erforth,Chloe Teevan
Africa-Europe Research and Innovation Cooperation: Global Challenges, Bi-regional Responses
Author/Editor: Andrew Cherry,James Haselip,Gerard Ralphs,Isabella E. Wagner
Africa in International Politics
Author/Editor: Ian Taylor,Paul Williams
African American Females: Addressing Challenges and Nurturing the Future
Author/Editor: Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher,Vernon C. Polite
African Archaeology Without Frontiers: Papers from the 2014 PanAfrican Archaeological Association Congress
Author/Editor: Kusimba M ,Chapurukha,Gabriel W ,Festo,Mjema ,Elinaza,de Barros ,Philip,Lucidi ,Gabriella,Tchandeu Narcisse ,Santores,Seidensticker ,Dirk,Daggett ,Adrianne,Wood ,Marilee,Dussubieux ,Laure,Forssman ,Tim,Ogundiran ,Akin,Smuts ,Kate,Wiltshire ,Nick,Davies ,M
African Archaeology Without Frontiers: Papers from the 2014 PanAfrican Archaeological Association Congress
African Asylum at a Crossroads: Activism, Expert Testimony, and Refugee Rights
Author/Editor: Iris Berger,Tricia Hepner,Benjamin Lawrence,Joanna Tague,Meredith Terretta
African Border Disorders: Addressing Transnational Extremist Organizations
Author/Editor: Olivier J. Walther,William F.S. Miles
African cities and collaborative futures: Urban platforms and metropolitan logistics
Author/Editor: Michael Keith,Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos
African Cities and the Development Conundrum
Author/Editor: Carole Ammann,Till Förster
The African Diaspora in Canada: Negotiating Identity and Belonging
Author/Editor: Wisdom J. Tettey,Korbla P. Puplampu
African Economic Development: Evidence, Theory, Policy
Author/Editor: Christopher Cramer,JOHN SENDER,Arkebe Oqubay
African Environmental Crisis: A History of Science for Development
Author/Editor: Gufu Oba
African Futures
Author/Editor: Clemens Greiner,Steven Van Wolputte,Michael Bollig
African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation
Author/Editor: Nicholas Oguge,Desalegn Ayal,Lydia Adeleke,Izael da Silva
African Identities and International Politics
Author/Editor: Frank Aragbonfoh Abumere
African Initiated Christianity and the Decolonisation of Development: Sustainable Development in Pentecostal and Independent Churches
Author/Editor: Philipp Öhlmann,Wilhelm Gräb,Marie-Luise Frost
The African-Jamaican Aesthetic: Cultural Retention and Transformation Across Borders (Volume 196)
Author/Editor: Lisa Tomlinson
African Land Reform Under Economic Liberalisation: States, Chiefs, and Rural Communities
Author/Editor: Shinichi Takeuchi
African languages from a Role and Reference Grammar perspective: Studies on the syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface
Author/Editor: Jens Fleischhauer,Claudius Patrick Kihara
African linguistics across the disciplines: Selected papers from the 48th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Author/Editor: Samson Lotven,Silvina Bongiovanni,Phillip Weirich,Robert Botne,Samuel Gyasi Obeng
African linguistics on the prairie: Selected papers from the 45th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Author/Editor: Jason Kandybowicz,Travis Major,Harold Torrence,Philip T. Duncan
African Literature in the Digital Age: Class and Sexual Politics in New Writing from Nigeria and Kenya
Author/Editor: Shola Adenekan
African Luxury: Aesthetics and Politics
Author/Editor: Simidele Dosekun,Mehita Iqani
The African Marine Litter Outlook
Author/Editor: Thomas Maes,Fiona Preston-Whyte
African Markets and the Utu-buntu Business Model: A Perspective on Economic Informality in Nairobi
Author/Editor: Mary Njeri Kinyanjui
The African National Congress and the Regeneration of Political Power
Author/Editor: Booysen ,Susan
African Perspectives on Religion and Climate Change
Author/Editor: Ezra Chitando,Ernst M. Conradie,Susan M. Kilonzo
African Principles on the Law Applicable to International Commercial Contracts: International Commercial Contracts
Author/Editor: Jan Neels
Africa Research in Austria: Approaches and Perspectives
Author/Editor: Andreas Exenberger,Ulrich Pallua (Hg.)
Africa's digital future: From theory to action
Author/Editor: Susara J. Jansen van Rensburg,Wilma Viviers,Wilma Viviers,Ali Parry,Ali Parry,Susara J. Jansen van Rensburg,Petrus D.F. Strydom,Marie-Luce Kühn,Emmanuel Orkoh
Africa’s digital solutions to tackle COVID-19
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Africa's Lions
Africa's Lions : Growth Traps and Opportunities for Six African Economies
Africa's Soft Power: Philosophies, Political Values, Foreign Policies and Cultural Exports
Author/Editor: Oluwaseun Tella
Africa, the Cradle of Human Diversity: Cultural and Biological Approaches to Uncover African Diversity
Author/Editor: Cesar Fortes-Lima,Ezekia Mtetwa,Carina Schlebusch
Afrikaanse Filosofie: Perspektiewe en dialoë
Author/Editor: Pieter Duvenage
Afrika – Atlantik – Amerika: Sklaverei und Sklavenhandel in Afrika, auf dem Atlantik und in den Amerikas sowie in Europa
Author/Editor: Michael Zeuske
Afrika im deutschsprachigen Kommunikationsraum: Neue Perspektiven interkultureller Sprach- und Literaturforschung
Author/Editor: Friederike Heinz,Simplice Agossavi,Akila Ahouli,Ursula Logossou,Gesine Lenore Schiewer
Afrika – Kontinent der Extreme
Author/Editor: Exenberger ,Andreas
Afrikaners and the Boundaries of Faith in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Author/Editor: Annika Björnsdotter Teppo
Afro-Peruvian Spanish: Spanish slavery and the legacy of Spanish Creoles
Author/Editor: Sandro Sessarego
Afropolitan Horizons: Essays toward a Literary Anthropology of Nigeria
Author/Editor: Ulf Hannerz
After 9/11: Leading Political Thinkers about the World, the U.S. and Themselves
Author/Editor: Tobias Endler
After 9/11: Leading Political Thinkers about the World, the U.S. and Themselves : 17 Conversations
Author/Editor: Tobias Endler
After Appropriation: Explorations in Intercultural Philosophy and Religion
Author/Editor: Morny Joy
After Confucius
After Confucius : Studies in Early Chinese Philosophy
Author/Editor: Goldin ,Paul R.
After Conversion: Iberia and the Emergence of Modernity
Author/Editor: Mercedes García-Arenal
After Corporate Paternalism: Material Renovation and Social Change in the Time of Ruination (Volume 24)
Author/Editor: Christian Straube
After Dictatorship: Instruments of Transitional Justice in Post-Authoritarian Systems
Author/Editor: Peter Hoeres,Hubertus Knabe
After Ethnos
Author/Editor: Tobias Rees
The Afterlife of Apuleius
Author/Editor: F. Bistagne,C. Boidin,R. Mouren
The Afterlife of Genre: Remnants of the Trauerspiel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author/Editor: Anthony Curtis Adler
The Afterlife of the Shoah in Central and Eastern European Cultures: Concepts, Problems, and the Aesthetics of Postcatastrophic Narration
Author/Editor: Anna Artwinska,Anja Tippner
Afterlives of Chinese Communism: Political Concepts from Mao to Xi
Author/Editor: Christian Sorace,Ivan Franceschini,Nicholas Loubere
The Afterlives of the Terror: Facing the Legacies of Mass Violence in Postrevolutionary France
Author/Editor: Ronen Steinberg
Afterlives of war: A Descendants' History
Author/Editor: Michael Roper
Afterlives: Scandinavian Classics as Comic Art Adaptation
Aftermath : Genocide, Memory and History
The Aftermaths of Participation: Outcomes and Consequences of Participatory Work with Forced Migrants in Museums
Author/Editor: Susanne Boersma
After Queer Theory
After Queer Theory : The Limits of Sexual Politics
Author/Editor: Penney ,James
Author/Editor: Hemerijck ,Anton,Knapen ,Ben,Doorne van ,Ellen
After the Berlin Wall: A History of the EBRD, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Andrew Kilpatrick
After the Break
After the deluge: A palaeogeographical reconstruction of Bronze Age West-Frisia (2000-800 BC)
Author/Editor: Wilko van Zijverden
After the Miners’ Strike: A39 and Cornish Political Theatre versus Thatcher’s Britain: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Paul Farmer,Rebecca (0000-0001-8612-0422) Hillman,Mark Kilburn
After the new social democracy: Social welfare for the 21st century
Author/Editor: Fitzpatrick ,Tony
After the "Socialist Spring": Collectivisation and Economic Transformation in the GDR
Author/Editor: George Last
After the "Speculative Turn": Realism, Philosophy, and Feminism
Author/Editor: Katerina Kolozova,Eileen A. Joy
After the Victorians
Author/Editor: Peter Mandler,Susan Pedersen
After Tomorrow the Days Disappear: Ghazals and Other Poems
Author/Editor: Hasan Sijzi,Rebecca Gould
Against Meritocracy: Culture, power and myths of mobility
Author/Editor: Jo Littler
Against Sex Education: Pedagogy, Sex Work, and State Violence
Author/Editor: Caitlin Howlett
AGB-Reform und Rechtsflucht: Bedeutung der Rechtsflucht für die AGB-Reformdebatte im unternehmerischen Rechtsverkehr
Author/Editor: Antonia Sommerfeld
Age in David Almond’s Oeuvre: A Multi-Method Approach to Studying Age and the Life Course in Children’s Literature
Author/Editor: Vanessa Joosen,Michelle Anya Anjirbag,Leander Duthoy,Lindsey Geybels,Frauke Pauwels,Emma-Louise Silva
Ageing and Covid-19: Making Sense of a Disrupted World
Author/Editor: Maria Łuszczyńska,Marvin Formosa
Ageing and Technology
Ageing and Technology : Perspectives from the Social Sciences
Ageing, Diversity and Equality: Social Justice Perspectives
Author/Editor: Sue Westwood
Ageing in Place in Urban Environments: Critical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Tine Buffel,Chris Phillipson
Ageing in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author/Editor: Julia Simonson,Jenna Wünsche,Clemens Tesch-Römer
Ageing Masculinities, Alzheimer's and Dementia Narratives
Author/Editor: Heike Hartung,Rüdiger Kunow,Matthew Sweney
Ageing with Smartphones in Ireland: When life becomes craft
Author/Editor: Pauline Garvey,Daniel Miller
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban Brazil: A work in progress
Author/Editor: Marília Duque
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban Chile: The experience of Peruvian migrants
Author/Editor: Alfonso Otaegui
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban China: From the cultural to the digital revolution in Shanghai
Author/Editor: Xinyuan Wang
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban Italy: Care and community in Milan and beyond
Author/Editor: Shireen Walton
Author/Editor: Lummerding ,Susanne
Agency and Causal Explanation in Economics
Author/Editor: Peter Róna,László Zsolnai
Agency, contingency and census process: Observations of the 2006 Indigenous Enumeration Strategy in remote Aboriginal Australia
Author/Editor: Morphy ,Frances
Agency – Memory – Community: der Kranz in Festszenen auf attischer Keramik: Eine bildwissenschaftliche Analyse unter Berücksichtigung phänomenologischer Prämissen
Author/Editor: Lioba Tempel
Agency: Moral Identity and Free Will
Author/Editor: David Weissman
The Agency of Art Objects in Northern Europe, 1380–1520
Author/Editor: Antoni Ziemba
The Agency of Things in Medieval and Early Modern Art: Materials, Power and Manipulation
Author/Editor: Grażyna Jurkowlaniec,Ika Matyjaszkiewicz,Zuzanna Sarnecka
Agency: The Entrepreneurial Self in Narratives of Transformation: Debuting in the Literary Field at the Dawn of the Twenty-First-Century
Author/Editor: Jessica Fischer
Agency Theory: Methodology, Analysis: A Structured Approach to Writing Contracts
Author/Editor: Alexander Stremitzer
Agenda 2030: Survey on Sustainable Development Goals through INVALSI data
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
Agenda-Setting zwischen Parlament und Medien: Normative Herleitung und empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Marko Kovic
Agential Realism als Basis queer(end)er Experimentalpsychologie: Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Auseinandersetzung
Author/Editor: Julia Scholz
Agents' Abilities
Author/Editor: Romy Jaster
Agents of Transculturation: Border-Crossers, Mediators, Go-Betweens
Author/Editor: Sebastian Jobs,Gesa Mackenthun
The Age of Sustainability: Just Transitions in a Complex World
Author/Editor: Mark Swilling
The Age of the Soybean: An Environmental History of Soy During the Great Acceleration
Author/Editor: Claiton Marcio da Silva,Claudio de Majo
Age-Period-Cohort Analysis: New Models, Methods, and Empirical Applications
Author/Editor: Yang Yang,Kenneth C. Land
Ages and Abilities: The Stages of Childhood and their Social Recognition in Prehistoric Europe and Beyond
Author/Editor: Katharina Rebay-Salisbury,Doris Pany-Kucera
Agglomeration and Regional Unemployment Disparities: A Theoretical Analysis with Reference to the European Union
Author/Editor: Jens Südekum
Aggression in Pornography: Myths and Realities
Author/Editor: Kimberly Seida,Eran Shor
Aggressive Medien: Zur Geschichte des Wissens über Mediengewalt
Author/Editor: Isabell Otto
Šagi i vzdochi
Author/Editor: Elizaveta A. Mnacakanova
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops: XP 2021 Workshops, Virtual Event, June 14–18, 2021, Revised Selected Papers
Author/Editor: Peggy Gregory,Philippe Kruchten
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 23rd International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 13–17, 2022, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Viktoria Stray,Klaas-Jan Stol,Maria Paasivaara,Philippe Kruchten
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 24th International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 13–16, 2023, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Christoph J. Stettina,Juan Garbajosa,Philippe Kruchten
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 18th International Conference, XP 2017, Cologne, Germany, May 22-26, 2017, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Hubert Baumeister,Horst Lichter,Matthias Riebisch
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 22nd International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2021, Virtual Event, June 14–18, 2021, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Peggy Gregory,Casper Lassenius,Xiaofeng Wang,Philippe Kruchten
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 17th International Conference, XP 2016, Edinburgh, UK, May 24-27, 2016, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Helen Sharp,Tracy Hall
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 19th International Conference, XP 2018, Porto, Portugal, May 21–25, 2018, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Juan Garbajosa,Xiaofeng Wang,Ademar Aguiar
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 20th International Conference, XP 2019, Montréal, QC, Canada, May 21–25, 2019, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Philippe Kruchten,Steven Fraser,François Coallier
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops: XP 2020 Workshops, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 8–12, 2020, Revised Selected Papers
Author/Editor: Maria Paasivaara,Philippe Kruchten
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 21st International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 8–12, 2020, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Viktoria Stray,Rashina Hoda,Maria Paasivaara,Philippe Kruchten
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops: XP 2019 Workshops, Montréal, QC, Canada, May 21–25, 2019, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Rashina Hoda
Agiles Lernen im Unternehmen
Author/Editor: Jörg Longmuß,Gabriele Korge,Agnes Bauer,Benjamin Höhne
Aging and Health: A Systems Biology Perspective
Author/Editor: Anatoliy I. Yashin,S. Michal Jazwinski
Aging and Self-Realization: Cultural Narratives about Later Life
Author/Editor: Hanne Laceulle
Aging between Participation and Simulation
Author/Editor: Joschka Haltaufderheide,Johanna Hovemann,Jochen Vollmann
Aging Gracefully in the Renaissance - Stories of Later Life from Petrarch to Montaigne
Author/Editor: Skenazi ,Cynthia
Aging Gracefully in the Renaissance - Stories of Later Life from Petrarch to Montaigne
Aging Gracefully in the Renaissance: Stories of Later Life from Petrarch to Montaigne
Author/Editor: Cynthia Skenazi
Aging Well: Solutions to the Most Pressing Global Challenges of Aging
Author/Editor: Jean Galiana,William A. Haseltine
Agonale Invektivität: Konstellationen und Dynamiken der Herabsetzung im italienischen und deutschen Humanismus
Author/Editor: Uwe Israel,Marius Kraus,Ludovica Sasso
Agonal Perspectives on Nietzsche's Philosophy of Critical Transvaluation
Author/Editor: Herman W. Siemens
The Agrarian Life of the North 2000 BC AD 1000
Author/Editor: Iversen ,Frode,Hjelle Loe ,Kari,Jensen E. ,Christin,Arntzen E. ,Johan,Gil ,Theo,Soltvedt ,Eli-Christine,Mokkelbost ,Marte,Prøsch-Danielsen ,Lisbeth,Bjørdal ,Even,Sauvage ,Raymond,Meling ,Trond,Petersson ,Håkan,Oma Armstrong ,Kristin,Gjerpe Erik ,Lars,Stam
Agreement, case and locality in the nominal and verbal domains
Author/Editor: Mihaela Marchis Moreno,Matthew Reeve
Agree to Agree: Agreement in the Minimalist Programme (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Katharina Hartmann,Peter W. Smith,Johannes Mursell
Agricoltura e allevamento nell’Italia medievale. Contributo bibliografico, 1950-2010
Author/Editor: Alfio Cortonesi,Susanna Passigli
Agricoltura paesaggistica: Visioni, metodi, esperienze
Author/Editor: Daniela Poli
Agricultural and Forestry Reconstruction After the Great East Japan Earthquake
Author/Editor: Toshiyuki Monma,Itsuo Goto,Takahisa Hayashi,Hidekiyo Tachiya,Kanju Ohsawa
Agricultural Development in Asia and Africa: Essays in Honor of Keijiro Otsuka
Author/Editor: Jonna P. Estudillo,Yoko Kijima,Tetsushi Sonobe
Agricultural Implications of Fukushima Nuclear Accident (IV): After 10 Years
Author/Editor: Tomoko M. Nakanishi,Keitaro Tanoi
Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Author/Editor: Tomoko M. Nakanishi,Tomoko M. Nakanishi,Keitaro Tanoi,Keitaro Tanoi
Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident (III): After 7 Years
Author/Editor: Tomoko M. Nakanishi,Martin O`Brien,Keitaro Tanoi
Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: The First Three Years
Author/Editor: Tomoko M. Nakanishi,Keitaro Tanoi
Agricultural Input Subsidies: The Recent Malawi Experience
Author/Editor: Chirwa ,Ephraim,Dorward ,Andrew
Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology
Author/Editor: Bernhard Pacher,Branislava Lalic,Josef Eitzinger,Anna Dalla Marta,Simone Orlandini,Ana Firanj Sremac
Agricultural robotics: part of the new deal?: FIRA 2020 conclusions
Author/Editor: Roland Lenain,Julie Peyrache,Alain Savary,Gaëtan Séverac
Agricultural Value Chains in India: Ensuring Competitiveness, Inclusiveness, Sustainability, Scalability, and Improved Finance
Author/Editor: Ashok Gulati,Kavery Ganguly,Harsh Wardhan
Agriculture and Food Security in China
Author/Editor: Duncan ,Ron,Chen ,Chunlai
Agriculture, Diversification, and Gender in Rural Africa
Agriculture for Economic Development in Africa: Evidence from Ethiopia
Author/Editor: Emelie Rohne Till
Agriculture, peasantry and poverty in Turkey in the neo-liberal age
Author/Editor: Öztürk ,Murat
Agriculture, peasantry and poverty in Turkey in the neo-liberal age
Agroécologie: Des recherches pour la transition des filières et des territoires
Author/Editor: Thierry Caquet,Chantal Gascuel,Michèle Tixier-Boichard
Agroecología: Experiencias comunitarias para la agricultura familiar en Colombia
Author/Editor: Nathaly Jiménez Reinales,Álvaro Acevedo Osorio
The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South
Author/Editor: François-Xavier Côte,Emmanuelle Poirier-Magona,Sylvain Perret,Philippe Roudier,Bruno Rapidel,Marie-Cécile Thirion
Agroecological transitions, between determinist and open-ended visions
Author/Editor: Claire Lamine,Danièle Magda,Marta Rivera-Ferre,Terry Marsden
Agroecological Transitions: From Theory to Practice in Local Participatory Design
Author/Editor: Jacques-Eric Bergez,Elise Audouin,Olivier Therond
Agroecology Now!: Transformations Towards More Just and Sustainable Food Systems
Author/Editor: Colin Ray Anderson,Janneke Bruil,M. Jahi Chappell,Csilla Kiss,Michel Patrick Pimbert
Agroecology: research for the transition of agri-food systems and territories
Author/Editor: Thierry Caquet,Chantal Gascuel,Michèle Tixier-Boichard
Agroforesterie et services écosystémiques en zone tropicale
Author/Editor: Josiane Seghieri,Jean-Michel Harmand
Ahaus, Lingen en Kalkar; Duitse nucleaire installaties en de gevolgen voor Nederland
Author/Editor: Smit ,W.A.
Ahmadiyya Islam and the Muslim Diaspora: Living at the End of Days
Author/Editor: Marzia Balzani
AI and IoT Meet Mobile Machines: Towards a Smart Working Site
Author/Editor: Yusheng Xiang
AI Art: Machine Visions and Warped Dreams
Author/Editor: Joanna Zylinska
AI based Robot Safe Learning and Control
Author/Editor: Xuefeng Zhou,Zhihao Xu,Shuai Li,Hongmin Wu,Taobo Cheng,Xiaojing Lv
Ai confini d'Europa: Italia ed Irlanda tra le due guerre
Author/Editor: Chiara Chini
Aides d'État
Author/Editor: Marianne Dony,Nelly Le Berre-Dodet,Sabine Thibault-Liger,Bertold Bär-Bouyssière,Laure Levi,Anne Houtman,Catherine Smits,Massimo Merola,Catherine Smits,Denis F. Waelbroeck,Jean-François Bellis,Marianne Dony,Éric Morgan de Rivery
AIDS, Intimacy and Care in Rural KwaZulu-Natal
Author/Editor: Henderson ,Patricia C.
AI Ethics in Higher Education: Insights from Africa and Beyond
Author/Editor: Caitlin C. Corrigan,Simon Atuah Asakipaam,Jerry John Kponyo,Christoph Luetge
AI for Everyone?: Critical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Pieter Verdegem
Aigeira 3. Forschungen im Bereich des Theaters 2011 bis 2018
AI in Learning: Designing the Future
Author/Editor: Hannele Niemi,Roy D. Pea,Yu Lu
AI IN THE AGE OF CYBER-DISORDER: Actors, Trends, and Prospects
Author/Editor: Fabio Rugge
Aikamme kasvatus: vain muutos on pysyvää?: 14 eläytymismenetelmätutkimusta
Author/Editor: Jari Eskola,Ilona Nikanto,Satu Virtanen
AI Knowledge Transfer from the University to Society: Applications in High-Impact Sectors
Author/Editor: José Guadix Martín,Milica Lilic,Marina Rosales Martínez
AI - Limits and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence
Author/Editor: Peter Klimczak,Christer Petersen
Ai margini del contado: Terra, signoria ed élites locali a Sabbion e nel territorio di Cologna Veneta (secoli XII-XIII)
Author/Editor: Attilio STELLA
AIMETA 2005. Atti del XVII Congresso dell'Associazione italiana di meccanica teorica e applicata. Firenze, 11-15 settembre 2005
Author/Editor: Claudio Borri,Luca Facchini,Giorgio Federici,Mario Primicerio
AIMETA 2005: Atti del XVII Congresso dell'Associazione italiana di meccanica teorica e applicata. Firenze, 11-15 settembre 2005. Volume II
Author/Editor: Claudio Borri,Luca Facchini,Giorgio Federici,Mario Primicerio
Aino Kallas
Aino Kallas : Negotiations with Modernity
AiREAS: Sustainocracy for a Healthy City: Phase 3: Civilian Participation – Including the Global Health Deal Proposition
Author/Editor: Jean-Paul Close
AiREAS: Sustainocracy for a Healthy City: The Invisible made Visible Phase 1
Author/Editor: Jean-Paul Close
Airport Aura – A Spatial History of Airport Infrastructure
Author/Editor: Lilia Mironov
Air Quality Integrated Assessment: A European Perspective
Author/Editor: Giorgio Guariso,Marialuisa Volta
Air Supplied
Author/Editor: David Cross
A Śaiva Utopia: The Śivadharma’s Revision of Brahmanical Varṇāśramadharma
Author/Editor: Peter Bisschop,Nirajan Kafle,Timothy Lubin
Śaivism and the Tantric Traditions: Essays in Honour of Alexis G.J.S. Sanderson
Author/Editor: Dominic Goodall,Shaman Hatley,Harunaga Isaacson,Srilata Raman
Akademische Resilienz: Welche Erkenntnisse lassen sich aus der Analyse schulischer Selbstkonzeptprozesse für eine gerechtere Verteilung von Bildungschancen gewinnen?
Author/Editor: Sabrina Lisi
Akademische Strenge und künstlerische Freiheit - die Gemälde des 19. Jahrhunderts in der Kunstsammlung der Universität Göttingen ; Bestandskatalog
Author/Editor: Scholl, Christian,Sors, Anne-Katrin
Akademische Subjektivierung im Dispositiv neoliberaler Gouvernementalität
Author/Editor: Alexander Lenk
Akademische Weiterbildung für soziale Berufe: Theoretische, empirische und praktische Aspekte (Volume 7)
Author/Editor: Nicolas Schöpf
Akademisierung des Hebammenwesens: Eine empirische Studie am Beispiel Bayerns
Author/Editor: Barbara Fillenberg
Akademisk kunnskap og pedagogisk faglighet i barnehagen
Author/Editor: Mari Pettersvold,Mari Pettersvold,Jan Jaap Rothuizen,Jan Jaap Rothuizen,Solveig Østrem,Solveig Østrem,Sisse Due,Anne Greve,Kristina Axelsen Ivarson,Olav Kasin
Akcentuacija severolechitskich govorov s istoričeskoj točki zrenija
Author/Editor: Konstantin K. Bogatyrev
Akcional'nost' i statal'nost'. Ich sootnošenie v russkich konstrukcijach s pričastijami na -n, -t
Author/Editor: Jurij P. Knjazev
Akkadische Logogramme
Author/Editor: Schramm, Wolfgang
AKROTHINIA 2: Contributi di giovani ricercatori agli studi egei e ciprioti
Author/Editor: MARIA EMANUELA ALBERTI,Anna Margherita Jasink
AKROTHINIA: Contributi di giovani ricercatori italiani agli studi egei e ciprioti
Author/Editor: Anna Margherita Jasink,Luca Bombardieri
Aksjonsforskning i Norge: Teoretisk og empirisk mangfold
Author/Editor: Gjøtterud ,Sigrid,Eikeland ,Olav,Eklund Lyngås ,Marthe,Fossland ,Barbro,Furu Moksnes ,Eli,Hanssen ,Brit,Johannessen Lund ,Øystein,Krogh ,Erling,Levin ,Morten,Madsen ,Janne,Moen ,Vegard,Hiim ,Hilde,Møller ,Ellen,Postholm Britt ,May,Schwencke ,Eva,Skeie ,Ge
Aksjonsforskning i Norge: Teoretisk og empirisk mangfold
Aksjonsforskning i Norge, volum 2: Grunnlagstenkning, forskerroller og bidrag til endring i ulike kontekster
Author/Editor: Sigrid Gjøtterud,Hilde Hiim,Dag Husebø,Liv Helene Jensen
Aktienrueckkauf und Kapitalmarkt: Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse deutscher Aktienrueckkaufprogramme
Author/Editor: Ralf Schremper
Aktiver Passivismus: Eine Form des Lebens und Schreibens in Robert Musils Roman »Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften«
Author/Editor: Neele Illner
Aktives Altern im digitalen Zeitalter: Informations-Kommunikations-Technologie verstehen, nutzen und integrieren
Author/Editor: Susanne Ring-Dimitriou,Minas Dimitriou
Aktuelle Aspekte der Dysphagiediagnostik und Behandlung: Forschungsbeitraege zu Stoerungen des Schluckens und der Nahrungsaufnahme bei Erwachsenen und Kindern
Author/Editor: Kerstin Richter,Florian Heimann,Astrid Schmidkort,Martina Hielscher-Fastabend
Aktuelle Probleme des Wissenschaftsrechts - Arbeitstagung anlässlich der Eröffnung des Instituts für Öffentliches Recht an der Juristischen Fakultät der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 10. und 11. Juli 2008
Author/Editor: Heinig, Hans Michael,Langenfeld, Christine,Mann, Thomas,Möllers, Christoph
Aktuelle Probleme des Wissenschaftsrechts - Arbeitstagung anlässlich der Eröffnung des Instituts für Öffentliches Recht an der Juristischen Fakultät der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 10. und 11. Juli 2008
Aktuelle temaer i regnskap og revisjon
Author/Editor: Tonny Stenheim,Kjell Magne Baksaas,Ellen M. Kulset
Akustische Phonetik und ihre multidisziplinären Aspekte
Akzeptanzkommunikation in der Energie- und Rohstoffwirtschaft: Chancen und Grenzen für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen zur Verbesserung des Akzeptanzniveaus am Beispiel des Freistaats Sachsen
Author/Editor: Stefanie Walter
Alalakh: an account of the excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay, 1937–1949
Author/Editor: Leonard Woolley
Alan Rudolph's Trouble in Mind: Tampering with Myths
Author/Editor: Caryl Flinn
Albania on the Move
Author/Editor: Vullnetari ,Julie
Albanien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Klaus-Detlev Grothusen
Albanskij gegskij govor sela Muchurr - kraina Dibyr
Author/Editor: Xhelal Ylly,Andrej N. Sobolev
Albanskij toskskij govor sela Lešnja (Leshnja) - kraina Skrapar. Sintaksis, Leksika, Etnolingvistika, Teksty
Author/Editor: Xhelal Ylly,Andrej N. Sobolev
Albert Ballin
Author/Editor: Johannes Gerhardt,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Albert Ballin (English edition)
Author/Editor: Johannes Gerhardt,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Albert Jäger (1801-1891) „Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben“: Ein österreichischer Historiker als Chronist seiner selbst
Author/Editor: David Fliri
Albert Vigoleis Thelen: Mittler zwischen Sprachen und Kulturen (Volume 38)
Author/Editor: Heinz Eickmans,Lut Missinne
Albrecht der Bär und Konrad von Wettin: Fürstliche Herrschaft in den östsächsischen Marken im 12. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Christoph Mielzarek
Author/Editor: Kramer ,Anke,Pelz ,Annegret
Alcohol, psychiatry and society: Comparative and transnational perspectives, 1700–1990s
Author/Editor: Waltraud Ernst,Thomas Müller
Al confine tra paura e desiderio: Politiche della memoria e soggettività di richiedenti asilo in Italia
Author/Editor: Daniela Giudici
Aleksandr Bestužev-Marlinskij
Author/Editor: Horst Von Chmielewski
Aleksandr Bloks Drama Pesnja sud'by "Das Lied des Schicksals": Uebersetzt, kommentiert und interpretiert vom Verfasser
Author/Editor: Dietrich Wörn
Aleksandr Ivanovič Vvedenskij: Izbrannoe
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Kasack
Aleksandr Puškins "Mednyj vsadnik": Deutungsgeschichte und Gehalt
Author/Editor: Igor Panfilowitsch
Aleksej Kručenych: Sud'ba budetljanina. Redakcija i predislovie Vol'fganga Kazaka
Author/Editor: Sergej M. Suchoparov
Aleksej Kručenych v svidetel'stvach sovremennikov: Sostavlenie, vstupitel'naja stat'ja, podgotovka teksta i kommentarii Sergeja Suchoparova
Author/Editor: Sergej M. Suchoparov
Aleteja. Elegija Puškina "Vospominanie" i problemy ego poetiki
Author/Editor: Savelij J. Sendorovic
Alexander Camaro (1901-1992) - Leben und Werk
Author/Editor: Anna Krüger
Alexander Dallas Bache: Building the American Nation through Science and Education in the Nineteenth Century
Author/Editor: Axel Jansen
Alexander Kluge
Alexander Lernet-Holenia und Maria Charlotte Sweceny
Author/Editor: Dietz ,Christopher
Alexander von Humboldt Berlin 1830-1835: Eine Publikationsbiographie
Author/Editor: Thomas Nehrlich
Alexander Williamson: A Victorian chemist and the making of modern Japan
Author/Editor: Takaaki Inuzuka
Alfavitar radi učenija malych detej. Un abbecedario nella Russia del Seicento
Alfred Beit. Hamburger und Diamantenkönig
Author/Editor: Henning Albrecht,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Alfred Beit. The Hamburg Diamond King
Author/Editor: Henning Albrecht,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Alfred Döblin und seine Zeitschrift »Das Goldene Tor«: Zwischen Inszenierung und Werkästhetik
Author/Editor: Nico Schmidtner
Alfred Dreyfus: Man, Milieu, Mentality and Midrash
Author/Editor: Norman Simms
Algal Systems for Resource Recovery from Waste and Wastewater
Author/Editor: Piet N.L. Lens,Amitap Khandelwal
Algerian Jewish Sign language: its emergence and survival
Author/Editor: Lanesman ,Sara
Algorithmen und Autonomie: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Verhältnis von Selbstbestimmung und Datenpraktiken
Author/Editor: Dan Verständig,Christina Kast,Janne Stricker,Andreas Nürnberger
Algorithmic aspects of resource allocation and multiwinner voting: theory and experiments
Author/Editor: Andrzej Kaczmarczyk
Algorithmic Gatekeeping for Professional Communicators: Power, Trust, and Legitimacy
Author/Editor: Arjen van Dalen
Algorithmic Reason: The New Government of Self and Other
Author/Editor: Claudia Aradau,Tobias Blanke
Algorithms and the End of Politics: How Technology Shapes 21st-Century American Life
Author/Editor: Scott Timcke
Algorithms for Big Data: DFG Priority Program 1736
Author/Editor: Hannah Bast,Claudius Korzen,Ulrich Meyer,Manuel Penschuck
Algorithms for Sparse Linear Systems
Author/Editor: Jennifer Scott,Miroslav Tůma
Algorithmuskulturen -- Ãœber die rechnerische Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit
Algorithmuskulturen -- Über die rechnerische Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit
Author/Editor: Seyfert ,Robert,Roberge ,Jonathan
Algorithmuskulturen: Über die rechnerische Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit
Author/Editor: Robert Seyfert,Jonathan Roberge
Algunos «animales feroces» en el teatro venezolano: Teatralidad de la violencia en la dramaturgia de los 70 en Venezuela
Author/Editor: Carlos Dimeo-Álvarez
Al-Haq: A Global History of the First Palestinian Human Rights Organization
Author/Editor: Lynn Welchman
Alia: Antropologia di una comunità dell'entroterra siciliano
Author/Editor: Chiarelli, Brunetto,Bigazzi, Renzo,Sineo, Luca
Alia: Antropologia di una comunità dell'entroterra siciliano
Alienating Labour: Workers on the Road from Socialism to Capitalism in East Germany and Hungary
Author/Editor: Eszter Bartha
Alienation Effects
Author/Editor: Jakovljevic ,Branislav
Alien Gender: Die Inszenierung von Geschlecht in Science-Fiction-Serien
Author/Editor: Nadja Sennewald
Alienität und Alterität: Raumkonzepte in den Filmen David Leans
Author/Editor: Sarah Brauckmann
All Culture is Local: Good Practice in Regional Cultural Mapping and Planning from Local Government
Author/Editor: Lisa Andersen,Margaret Malone
Allegorien des Politischen
Author/Editor: Deutschmann ,Peter
Allegories of America: Narratives, Metaphysics, Politics
Author/Editor: Frederick M. Dolan
Allegories of the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Elizabeth M. DeLoughrey
Allegorische Andachtsbücher in Antwerpen - Jan Davids Texte und Theodoor Galles Illustrationen in den jesuitischen Buchprojekten der Plantiniana
Author/Editor: Sors, Anne-Katrin
Allegro non troppo: Bruno Bozzetto’s Animated Music
Author/Editor: Marco Bellano
Allemaal beestjes. Mortaliteit en morbiditeit in Vlaanderen, 18de-20ste eeuw
Author/Editor: Devos ,Isabelle
Alle radici della moderna ingegneria: Competenze e opportunità nella Firenze dell'Ottocento
Author/Editor: Franco Angotti,Simonetta Soldani,GIUSEPPE PELOSI
Aller Künste Wissenschaft: Die Sammlung des Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach (1687–1769)
Author/Editor: Arwed Arnulf,Christian Fieseler,Anne-Katrin Sors,Nadja Kehe,Ines Reiss
... allerlei für die Nationalbibliothek zu ergattern..
Author/Editor: Hall ,Murray G.,Köstner ,Christa
Alles Frankreich oder was? - Die saarländische Frankreichstrategie im europäischen Kontext / "La France à toutes les sauces?" - La 'Stratégie France' de la Sarre dans le contexte européen : Interdisziplinäre Zugänge und kritische Perspektiven / Approches
Alles Frankreich oder was? - Die saarländische Frankreichstrategie im europäischen Kontext / La France à toutes les sauces? - La 'Stratégie France' de la Sarre dans le contexte européen
Alles kann, nichts muss?!: Theorien der Modalität bei G. W. Leibniz, D. Lewis und A. Plantinga und ihre Vereinbarkeit mit Spielarten des Theismus
Author/Editor: Jan Levin Propach
Alles verandert altijd - Herziene editie: Perspectieven op literair vertalen
Author/Editor: Lieven D'hulst,Chris van der Poel
Alles verandert altijd: Perspectieven op literair vertalen
Author/Editor: Lieven D'hulst,Chris Van de Poel
Alles zum Wohle des Kindes? - Aktuelle Probleme des Kindschaftsrechts 2. Familienrechtliches Forum Göttingen
Author/Editor: Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar,Lipp, Volker,Schumann, Eva,Veit, Barbara
all except you
Author/Editor: Roland Barthes,Joe Milutis
Alleys of Your Mind: Augmented Intelligence and Its Traumas
Author/Editor: Matteo Pasquinelli
Allgemeine Technologie
Author/Editor: Ropohl ,Günter
Alliances, Nuclear Weapons and Escalation: Managing Deterrence in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Stephan Frühling,Andrew O'Neil
Allianzen: Kritische Praxis an weißen Institutionen
Author/Editor: Elisa Liepsch,Julian Warner
Allied Air Attacks and Civilian Harm in Italy, 1940–1945: Bombing among Friends
Author/Editor: Matthew Evangelista
All in the Family
All in the Family : On Community and Incommensurability
Author/Editor: Ferguson ,Kennan
All in the Game: The Wire: un campo di ricerca sociologica
All in the mix: Race, class and school choice
Author/Editor: Bridget Byrne,Carla De Tona
Author/Editor: WRR
Allochtonen van school naar werk
Author/Editor: Roelandt ,Th.,Veenman ,J.
Allokationsineffizienzen auf Sicherheitsmaerkten:- Ursachen und Loesungsmoeglichkeiten: Fallstudie: Informationssicherheit in Kommunikationssystemen
Author/Editor: Knut Blind
All-Optical Methods to Study Neuronal Function
Author/Editor: Eirini Papagiakoumou
Alloy Steel - Properties and Use
Author/Editor: Vitos ,L.,Zhang ,H.L.,Lu ,S.,Al-Zoubi ,N.,Johansson ,B.,Nurmi ,E.,Ropo ,M.,Punkkinen ,M.P.J.,Kokko ,K.
Alltag in der Moschee: Eine Feldforschung jenseits von Integrationsfragen
Author/Editor: Veronika Rückamp
Alltagskulturen in den Slums von Nairobi -- Eine geographiedidaktische Studie zum kritisch-reflexiven Umgang mit Raumbildern
Author/Editor: Andreas Eberth
Alltagsleben nach 1945 - die Nachkriegszeit am Beispiel der Stadt Göttingen
Author/Editor: Büttner, Maren,Horn, Sabine
Alltagsontologie: Eine metaontologische Grundlegung
Author/Editor: Christian Kanzian
Alltägliche Lebenssituation sprachbeeinträchtigter Kinder: Ein Analyseverfahren für die pädagogische Sprachdiagnostik
Author/Editor: Saskia Schlüter
All the Same The Words Don't Go Away: Essays on Authors, Heroes, Aesthetics, and Stage Adaptations from the Russian Tradition
Author/Editor: Caryl Emerson
All Things Arabia: Arabian Identity and Material Culture
Author/Editor: Ileana Baird,Hülya Yağcıoğlu
Al-Maqrīzī’s <i>al-Ḫabar ʿan al-bašar</i>, Vol. V, Section 4: Persia and Its Kings, Part I
Author/Editor: Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila
Almeno una stella. Un progetto di tutoraggio per gli adolescenti immigrati
Author/Editor: Favaro ,Graziella,Napoli ,Monica
Almost Hollywood, Nearly New Orleans: The Lure of the Local Film Economy
Author/Editor: Mayer ,Vicki
Almost Hollywood, Nearly New Orleans: The Lure of the Local Film Economy
Author/Editor: Vicki Mayer
The Alor-Pantar languages: History and typology
Author/Editor: Klamer ,Marian
The Alor-Pantar languages: History and typology. Second edition.
The Alor-Pantar languages: History and typology. Second edition
Alpenstimmung Musikalische Beziehung zwischen Alphorn und Jodel – Fakt oder Ideologie?
Author/Editor: Raymond Ammann,Andrea Kammermann,Yannick Wey
Author/Editor: Gidl ,Anneliese
Alpine Industrial Landscapes: Towards a New Approach for Brownfield Redevelopment in Mountain Regions
Author/Editor: Marcello Modica
Alpine Landgesellschaften zwischen Urbanisierung und Globalisierung
Author/Editor: Manuela Larcher,Erwin Schmid
Als Andere unter Anderen: Darstellungen des Füreinander als Weg zur Solidarität
Author/Editor: Paul Helfritzsch
Also Innovators
Author/Editor: Yardley ,Christopher
Also Innovators: How one computer salesman contributed to the digital revolution
Author/Editor: Christopher B. Yardley
Als ze maar van me afblijven
Author/Editor: Buijs ,Laurens,Duyvendak ,Jan Willem,Hekma ,Gert
ALT 40: African Literature Comes of Age
Author/Editor: Ernest N. Emenyonu
Alte Geschichte und Archäologie im Gespräch.: 34 Jahre Briefwechsel von Theodor Mommsen mit Wolfgang Helbig 1861–1895
Author/Editor: Peter Mommsenv
Alte neue Ungleichheiten?: Auflösungen und Neukonfigurationen von Erwerbs- und Familiensphäre
Author/Editor: Annette Von Alemann,Beate Kortendiek,Sandra Beaufaÿs
Altered Ecologies: Fire, climate and human influence on terrestrial landscapes: Terra Australis 32
Author/Editor: Haberle ,S.,Prebble ,M.,Stevenson ,J.
The Altering Eye
Author/Editor: Kolker Phillip ,Robert
Alterità: Esperienze e percorsi nell’Europa moderna
Author/Editor: LUCIA FELICI
Altern als Zukunft – eine Studie der VolkswagenStiftung
Author/Editor: Frieder R. Lang,Stephan Lessenich,Klaus Rothermund
Alternate History: Playing with Contingency and Necessity
Author/Editor: Kathleen Singles
Alternativas al colapso socioambiental desde América Latina
Author/Editor: León Enrique Ávila Romero
Alternative and Mainstream Media: The converging spectrum
Author/Editor: Linda Jean Kenix
Alternative countrysides: Anthropological approaches to rural Western Europe today
Author/Editor: Jeremy MacClancy
Alternative Development Strategies for the Post-2015 Era
Author/Editor: Jose Antonio Alonso,Giovanni Andrea Cornia,Rob Vos
Alternative Economies and Spaces
Alternative Economies and Spaces : New Perspectives for a Sustainable Economy
Author/Editor: Zademach (Ed.) ,Hans-Martin,Hillebrand (Ed.) ,Sebastian
Alternative Fuels for Transportation
Author/Editor: A S Ramadhas
Alternative Fuels for Transportation
Author/Editor: A.S. Ramadhas
Alternative Histories of the Self: A Cultural History of Sexuality and Secrets, 1762-1917
Author/Editor: Anna Clark
Alternative Historiographies of the Digital Humanities
Author/Editor: Dorothy Kim,Adeline Koh
Alternative Pathways to Complexity: A Collection of Essays on Architecture, Economics, Power, and Cross-Cultural Analysis
Author/Editor: Lane F. Fargher,Verenice Y. Heredia Espinoza
Alternative Pathways to Sustainable Development: Lessons from Latin America
Author/Editor: Gilles Carbonnier,Humberto Campodónico,Sergio Tezanos Vázquez
Alternative Shakespeares: Volume 3
Author/Editor: Diana E. Henderson
Alternatives to Animal Testing: Proceedings of Asian Congress 2016
Author/Editor: Hajime Kojima,Troy Seidle,Horst Spielmann
Alternative Water Supply Systems
Author/Editor: Yayyaz Memon,Sarah Ward
Altern: Biologie und Chancen: Alter und Altern individuell, kollektiv und die Folgen
Author/Editor: Anthony D. Ho,Thomas W. Holstein,Heinz Häfner
Alternde Gesellschaften im Vergleich: Solidarität und Pflege in Deutschland und Japan
Author/Editor: Shingo Shimada,Christian Tagsold
Altern im Wandel: Zwei Jahrzehnte Deutscher Alterssurvey (DEAS)
Author/Editor: Katharina Mahne,Julia Katharina Wolff,Julia Simonson,Clemens Tesch-Römer
Alterung und Altersvorsorge: Das deutsche Drei-Saeulen-System der Alterssicherung vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels
Author/Editor: Oliver Ehrentraut
Alterung und Pflege als kommunale Aufgabe: Deutsche und japanische Ansätze und Erfahrungen
Author/Editor: Franz Waldenberger,Gerd Naegele,Hiroko Kudo,Tomoo Matsuda
Althusser and Education: Reassessing Critical Education
Author/Editor: David I. Backer
Altmetrics for Digital Libraries: Concepts, Applications, Evaluation, and Recommendations
Author/Editor: Kaltrina Nuredini
Alto medioevo mediterraneo
Author/Editor: Gasparri, Stefano
altri canoni / canoni altri: pluralismo e studi letterari
Author/Editor: Ornella De Zordo,Fiorenzo FANTACCINI
Altri orientalismi: L'India a Firenze 1860-1900
Author/Editor: Filipa Lowndes Vicente
Alvin Plantinga: conoscenza religiosa e naturalizzazione epistemologica
Author/Editor: Margherita Di Stasio
Always an Adventure: An Autobiography
Author/Editor: Hugh A. Dempsey
«A Marvellous and Strange Event»: Racconti di nascite mostruose nell'Inghilterra della prima età moderna
Author/Editor: LUCA BARATTA
The Amazing Journey of Reason: from DNA to Artificial Intelligence
Author/Editor: Mario Alemi
Ambidextres Innovationsmanagement in KMU: Praxisnahe Konzepte und Methoden
Author/Editor: Claus Lang-Koetz,Annika Reischl,Stephan Fischer,Sabrina Weber,Anina Kusch
Ambienti digitali per l’educazione all’arte e al patrimonio
Author/Editor: Alessandro Luigini,Chiara Panciroli
Ambienti sensoriali “terapeutici” che rendano Abili: Un progetto integrato di vita per persone con Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico
Author/Editor: elena bellini
Ambiguità del petrarchismo: Un percorso fra trattati d’amore, lettere e templi di rime
Author/Editor: Maiko Favaro
Ambiguous Citizenship in an Age of Global Migration
Author/Editor: Ní Mhurchú ,Aoileann
Ambiguous Citizenship in an Age of Global Migration
Ambisonics: A Practical 3D Audio Theory for Recording, Studio Production, Sound Reinforcement, and Virtual Reality
Author/Editor: Franz Zotter,Matthias Frank
The Ambivalence of Power in the Twenty-First Century Economy: Cases from Russia and beyond
Author/Editor: Vadim Radaev,Zoya Kotelnikova
Ambivalent Encounters
Ambivalent Encounters : Childhood, Tourism, and Social Change in Banaras, India
Author/Editor: Huberman ,Jenny
Ambivalenz der Wiedereingliederung: Betriebliche und sozialstaatliche Integrationsmassnahmen aus der Sicht gesundheitlich beeinträchtigter Personen
Author/Editor: Benedikt Hassler
Ambivalenzen des Alltags
Ambivalenzen des Alltags : Neuorientierungen für eine Theorie des Politischen
Author/Editor: Bargetz ,Brigitte
Ambivalenzen pädagogischen Handelns: Reflexionen der Betreuung von Menschen mit ›geistiger Behinderung‹
Author/Editor: Hendrik Trescher
Ambivalenzen und Provokationen in Robert Walsers "Die Rose"
Author/Editor: Marliese Muralt
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 1 - Höfische Texte
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 5 - "Rabenschlacht"
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 8 - "Kudrun"
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 7 - "Nibelungenklage"
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 9 - "Biterolf und Dietleib"
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 10 - "Ortnit". "Wolfdietrich A"
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 2 - Hartmann von Aue: "Iwein"
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 3 - Hartmann von Aue: "Erec". "Der Mantel"
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 4 - "Dietrichs Flucht"
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 11 - Kleinepik. Wolfram von Eschenbach: "Titurel". "Brief des Priesterkönigs Johannes
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambraser Heldenbuch: Gesamttranskription mit Manuskriptbild - Teilband 6 - "Nibelungenlied"
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Ambulante Hilfe zur Erziehung und Sozialraumorientierung: Plädoyer für ein umstrittenes Konzept der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Zeiten der Nützlichkeitsideologie
Author/Editor: Mechthild Seithe,Matthias Heintz
Am Ende der Globalisierung: Über die Refiguration von Räumen
Author/Editor: Martina Löw,Volkan Sayman,Jona Schwerer,Hannah Wolf
The American and Japanese Auto Industries in Transition: Report of the Joint U.S.–Japan Automotive Study
Author/Editor: Robert E. Cole,Taizo Yakushiji
The American Automobile Industry: Rebirth or Requiem?
Author/Editor: Robert E. Cole
American Cities in Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction
Author/Editor: Robert Yeates
American Classics: Evolutionary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Judith Saunders
American Creoles
American Creoles : The Francophone Caribbean and the American South
Author/Editor: Munro ,Martin,Britton ,Celia
American Dolorologies: Pain, Sentimentalism, Biopolitics
Author/Editor: Simon Strick
American Girls in Red Russia: Chasing the Soviet Dream
Author/Editor: Julia L. Mickenberg
American Homes
Author/Editor: Ryan Ridge
The American Law Institute: A Centennial History
Author/Editor: Andrew S. Gold,Robert W. Gordon
The American Literature Scholar in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Amy Earhart,Andrew Jewell
American Mobilities
American Mobilities : Geographies of Class, Race, and Gender in US Culture
Author/Editor: Leyda ,Julia
American Multiculturalism after 9/11
American Political Parties: Why They Formed, How They Function, and Where They're Headed
Author/Editor: John Kenneth White,Matthew R. Kerbel
American Politics and the Environment, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Byron W. Daynes,Glen Sussman,Jonathan P. West
American Power and International Theory at the Council on Foreign Relations, 1953-54
Author/Editor: David M. McCourt
The American Revolution and the Habsburg Monarchy
Author/Editor: Jonathan Singerton
The American Short Story Cycle
Author/Editor: Smith ,Jennifer J.
The American Short Story Cycle
American Sociology and Holocaust Studies: The Alleged Silence and the Creation of the Sociological Delay
Author/Editor: Adele Valeria Messina
American Stravinsky: The Style and Aesthetics of Copland's New American Music, the Early Works, 1921-1938
Author/Editor: Gayle Murchison
American Visions of the Netherlands East Indies/Indonesia
Author/Editor: Gouda ,Frances,Brocades Zaalberg ,Thijs
The American West and the World: Transnational and Comparative Perspectives
Author/Editor: Janne Lahti
The American Western in Canadian Literature
Author/Editor: Joel Deshaye
America's Disenfranchised: Why Restoring Their Vote Can Save the Soul of Our Democracy
Author/Editor: Desmond Meade
Amerikanische Aristokraten: Die Van Rensselaer-Familie zwischen Kolonialzeit und Früher Republik, 1630-1857
Author/Editor: Jonas Anderson
Amerikanische Revolution und niederländische Finanzanleihen 1776–1782: Die Rolle John Adams’ und der Amsterdamer Finanzhäuser bei der diplomatischen Anerkennung der USA (Volume 57)
Author/Editor: Roland Richter
Amerika's buitenlands beleid en de ontwikkeling van de transatlantische relaties na 1990
Author/Editor: Brouwers ,A.
Amherst in the World
Author/Editor: Martha Saxton
Amicus Curiae before International Courts and Tribunals
Author/Editor: Astrid Wiik
›Amicus Lucretius‹: Gassendi, il ›De rerum natura‹ e l'edonismo cristiano
Author/Editor: Enrico Piergiacomi
‘Am I Less British?’: Racism, belonging, and the children of refugees and immigrants in North London
Author/Editor: Doğuş Şimşek
AMIQUS – Unter Freunden: Ältere Migrantinnen und Migranten in der Stadt
Author/Editor: Michael May,Monika Alisch
« Amitiés vives »: Littérature et amitié dans les correspondances d’écrivains
Author/Editor: Régine Battiston,Nikol Dziub,Augustin VOEGELE
Amnesty International and Women's Rights: Feminist Strategies, Leadership Commitment and Internal Resistances
Author/Editor: Miriam Ganzfried
Amok: School Shooting und zielgerichtete Gewalt
Author/Editor: Wilfried Huck
Amok, School Shooting und zielgerichtete Gewalt: aus kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischer Sicht
Author/Editor: Wilfried Huck
Among Digitized Manuscripts. Philology, Codicology, Paleography in a Digital World
Author/Editor: L.W.C. van Lit
Amphibious Subjects: Sasso and the Contested Politics of Queer Self-Making in Neoliberal Ghana
Author/Editor: Kwame Edwin Otu
Am Rad der Geschichte drehen: Die Aktion „Verwüstung“ des MfS gegen die Bundesrepublik
Author/Editor: Daniel R. Bonenkamp
Am Rande der Fotografie: Eine Medialitätsgeschichte des Fotogramms im 19. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Katharina Steidl
Am Rande des Grabs: Todeskonzepte und Bestattungsritual in der frühmittelalterlichen Alamannia
Author/Editor: Barbara Hausmair
América Latina en la vorágine de la crisis: Extractivismos y alternativas
Author/Editor: Henry Veltmeyer
América Latina tras bambalinas: Teorías conspirativas, usos y abusos
Author/Editor: Leonardo Senkman,Luis Roniger
América Latina y su Teoría
Author/Editor: Carlos Mallorquin
Amériques transculturelles - Transcultural Americas
Author/Editor: Benessaieh ,Afef
Amériques transculturelles - Transcultural Americas
Amsterdam Human Capital
Amtshaftung - Prozesstypische Aspekte und Fragestellungen
Author/Editor: Rohlfing, Bernd
Amtsmißbrauch - Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zu Artikel 323 des italienischen Strafgesetzbuchs
Amtsmißbrauch - Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zu Artikel 323 des italienischen Strafgesetzbuchs
Author/Editor: Alten, Klaus
Anachronismus und Aktualisierung in Ovids ›Metamorphosen‹: Eine Ästhetik uneigentlicher Zeitlichkeit
Author/Editor: Philipp Geitner
Anaerobic Reactors
Author/Editor: Carlos Augustos de Lemos Chernicharo
Ana Kokkinos: An Oeuvre of Outsiders
Author/Editor: Kelly McWilliam
Anal Incontinence: Clinical Management and Surgical Techniques
Author/Editor: Ludovico Docimo,Luigi Brusciano
Analisi di movimenti oculari nella risoluzione di problemi commerciali: Il ruolo delle abilità numeriche e dell’impulsività cognitiva
Author/Editor: Alessia Dorigoni,Luca Polonio,Michele Graffeo,Nicolao Bonini
Analog/Digital - Opposition oder Kontinuum?: Zur Theorie und Geschichte einer Unterscheidung
Author/Editor: Jens Schröter,Alexander Böhnke
Analoges Recht in der digitalen Welt: Braucht das BGB ein Update? Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel digitaler Inhalte
Author/Editor: Jens Grabosch
Analogical City
Author/Editor: Cameron McEwan
Analogical classification in formal grammar
Author/Editor: Matias Guzmán Naranjo
Analogie und Sprachwandel im Vergleich zweier verwandter Sprachen: Russisch und Polnisch
Author/Editor: Cornelia Rödel-Kappl
Analogy and Exemplary Reasoning in Legal Discourse
Author/Editor: Hendrik Kaptein,van der Velden
Analyse der Studiendauer und des Studienabbruch-Risikos: Unter Verwendung der statistischen Methoden der Ereignisanalyse
Author/Editor: Günther Sedlacek
Analyse potentieller Auswirkungen einer Ausweitung des Pharmaversandes in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Martin Pfaff,Dietmar Wassener,Astrid Sterzel,Thomas Neldner
Analyse und Bewertung der intergenerativen Verteilungswirkungen einer Substitution des Umlage- durch das Kapitalstocksverfahren zur Rentenfinanzierung
Author/Editor: Ingo Schroeter
Analyse und Bewertung des I. Allunions-Kongresses der Sowjetschriftsteller in Literaturwissenschaft und Publizistik sozialistischer und westlicher Laender: Von 1934 bis zum Ende der 60er Jahre
Author/Editor: Diether Götz
Analyse versus ontwerp; ruimtelijk-economische studies nader beschouwd
Author/Editor: Oterdoom ,T.
Analyse von Kundenaktivitäten und der Bereitstellungsqualität von Büchern aus Kundensicht: Mit einer Untersuchung von Kundenkommentaren zu Mietangeboten für E-Books
Author/Editor: Janina Wittrock
Analyse von Lern-Service-Geschaeftsmodellen vor dem Hintergrund eines sich transformierenden Bildungswesens
Author/Editor: Peter Weber
Analyse von Transferprozessen in der Entwicklung des Bruchzahlbegriffs: Theoretische Rahmung und empirische Untersuchung
Author/Editor: Sebastian Kollhoff
Analysieren als Deuten/Wolf Schmid zum 60. Geburtstag
Author/Editor: Lazar Fleishman,Christine Gölz,Aage A. Hansen-Löve
Analysis of a Rotatable Wind Turbine Tower by means of Aero-Servo-Elastic Load Simulations
Author/Editor: Achim Struve
Analysis of Creationism in the United States from Scopes (1925) to Kitzmiller (2005) and its Effect on the Nation´s Science Education System
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Watts
An analysis of current and future electricity production from biogas in Germany
Author/Editor: David Balussou
Analysis of Electrical Machines
Author/Editor: Valéria Hrabovcová,Pavol Rafajdus,Pavol Makyš
Analysis of Reaction-Diffusion Models with the Taxis Mechanism
Author/Editor: Yuanyuan Ke,Jing Li,Yifu Wang
Analytical Heat Transfer
Author/Editor: Je-Chin Han
Analytical Heat Transfer
Author/Editor: Je-Chin Han,Kyra Lindholm
Analytical Heat Transfer: Second edition
Author/Editor: Je-Chin Han,Lesley M. Wright
Analytical Variations – Eight Critical Essays on Applied Music Theory
Author/Editor: Bengt Edlund
Analytic Induction for Social Research
Author/Editor: Charles C. Ragin
Analytic Modality in Macedonian
Author/Editor: Christina Elizabeth Kramer
Analytics and Intuition in the Process of Selecting Talent: A Holistic Approach
Author/Editor: Jürgen Deters
Analyzing meaning: An introduction to semantics and pragmatics.
Author/Editor: Paul R. Kroeger
Analyzing meaning: An introduction to semantics and pragmatics
Author/Editor: Paul Kroeger
Analyzing meaning: An introduction to semantics and pragmatics. Second corrected and slightly revised edition.
Author/Editor: Paul R. Kroeger
Author/Editor: The Confraternity of Neoflagellants
Anantaratnaprabhava: Studi in onore di Giuliano Boccali
Author/Editor: Alice Crisanti,Cinzia Pieruccini,Chiara Policardi,Paola M. Rossi
Anaphora Resolution and Text Retrieval: A Linguistic Analysis of Hypertexts
Author/Editor: Helene Schmolz
Anarchism and Political Modernity
Author/Editor: Nathan Jun
Anarchistische Uhrmacher in der Schweiz: Mikrohistorische Globalgeschichte zu den Anfängen der anarchistischen Bewegung im 19. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Florian Eitel
Anatolij F. Koni (1844−1927) zwischen Herrscher und Volk: Ein liberaler Jurist und seine autobiografische Praxis in Zarenreich und Sowjetunion (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Carla Cordin
Anatomie des Amoklaufs: Malaiischer Mĕngamok und School Shooting
Author/Editor: Madlen Sell
Anatomizing Civil War: Studies in Lucan's Epic Technique
Author/Editor: Martin T. Dinter
Anatomy Live
Anatomy of a Civil War: Sociopolitical Impacts of the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey
Author/Editor: Mehmet Gurses
The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes: A Conceptual Framework
Author/Editor: Bálint Magyar,Bálint Madlovics
Anatomy Quizbook: For students studying or intending to study medicine
Author/Editor: Kerry G. Baker
Ancestral Heaths: Reconstructing the Barrow Landscape in the Central and Southern Netherlands
Author/Editor: Marieke Doorenbosch
Anchored in Place: Rethinking the University and Development in South Africa
Author/Editor: Leslie Bank,Nico Cloete,Francois van Schalkwyk
Ancient Athens and Modern Ideology: Value, Theory and Evidence in Historical Sciences
Author/Editor: Mohammad Nafissi
Ancient China: A History
Author/Editor: John S. Major,Constance A. Cook
Ancient Divination and Experience
Author/Editor: Lindsay Driediger-Murphy,Esther Eidinow
Ancient Greek I: A 21st Century Approach
Author/Editor: Philip S. Peek
Ancient Greek Literary Letters
Author/Editor: Patricia A. Rosenmeyer
Ancient Greek Myth in World Fiction since 1989
Author/Editor: Edith Hall
Ancient harp seal hunters of Disko Bay (Vol. 330):Subsistence and settlement at the Saqqaq culture site Qeqertasussuk (2400-1400 BC), West Greenland
Author/Editor: Morten Meldgaard
Ancient harp seal hunters of Disko Bay (Vol. 330):Subsistence and settlement at the Saqqaq culture site Qeqertasussuk (2400-1400 BC), West Greenland
Ancient Households of the Americas: Conceptualizing What Households Do
Author/Editor: John G Douglass,Nancy Gonlin
Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru
Author/Editor: Ilana Johnson,David Pacifico,Robyn E. Cutright
Ancient Jewish Prayers and Emotions: Emotions associated with Jewish prayer in and around the Second Temple period
Author/Editor: Renate Egger-Wenzel,Stefan C. Reif
Ancient Knowledge Networks: A Social Geography of Cuneiform Scholarship in First-Millennium Assyria and Babylonia
Author/Editor: Eleanor Robson
Ancient Manuscripts in Digital Culture: Visualisation, Data Mining, Communication
Author/Editor: David Hamidović,Claire Clivaz,Sarah Bowen Savant
Ancient Maya Commerce
Ancient Maya Commerce : Multidisciplinary Research at Chunchucmil
Author/Editor: Hutson ,Scott
Ancient Olive Presses and Oil Production: In Cyrenaica (North-East Libya)
Author/Editor: Ahmed Buzaian
Ancient Prophecy: Near Eastern, Biblical, and Greek Perspectives
Author/Editor: Martti Nissinen
Ancient Traditions of the Virgin Mary's Dormition and Assumption
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Shoemaker
Ancient Worlds in Film and Television: Gender and Politics
Author/Editor: Jon Solomon,Almut-Barbara Renger
Ancrene Wisse
Author/Editor: Gunn ,C.
And Another Thing: Nonanthropocentrism and Art
Author/Editor: Katherine Behar,Emmy Mikelson
Andean States and the Resource Curse: Institutional Change in Extractive Economies
Author/Editor: Gerardo Damonte,Bettina Schorr
Andere Blicke
Author/Editor: Kaser ,Karl
andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies: Vol. 4, 2015
Author/Editor: William Collins Donahue,Georg Mein,Rolf Parr
andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies: Vol. 9/10, 2020/21
Author/Editor: William Collins Donahue,Georg Mein,Rolf Parr
andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies: Vol. 7/8, 2018/19
Author/Editor: William Collins Donahue,Georg Mein,Rolf Parr
andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies: Vol. 5/6, 2016/17
Author/Editor: William Collins Donahue,Georg Mein,Rolf Parr
Andere Ästhetik: Grundlagen – Fragen – Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Annette Gerok-Reiter,Matthias Bauer,Jörg Robert,Anna Pawlak
Anders lernen, arbeiten und leben: Für eine Transformation von Pädagogik und Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Joachim Bröcher
"And he knew our language": Missionary Linguistics on the Pacific Northwest Coast
Author/Editor: Marcus Tomalin
Andrej Belyjs aesthetische Theorie des schoepferischen Bewusstseins: Symbolisierung und Krise der Kultur um die Jahrhundertwende
Author/Editor: Maria Deppermann
Andrej Belyjs Rezeption der Philosophie Kants, Nietzsches und der Neukantianer
Author/Editor: Zink Andrea
André Lhote and His International Students
Author/Editor: Zeynep Kuban,Simone Wille
Android Application Development for the Intel Platform
Author/Editor: Ryan Cohen,Tao Wang
Android on x86: An Introduction to Optimizing for Intel® Architecture
Author/Editor: Iggy Krajci,Darren Cummings
Andronikos Kallistos: A Byzantine Scholar and His Manuscripts in Italian Humanism
Author/Editor: Luigi Orlandi
Andrzej Kuśniewicz' synkretistische Romanpoetik
Author/Editor: Hans-Peter Hoelscher-Obermaier
Aneignen in einer historischen Ausstellung: Eine Bestandsaufnahme von Elementen historischen Denkens bei Besuchenden der Ausstellung "14/18 - Die Schweiz und der Grosse Krieg"
Author/Editor: Julia Thyroff
Anfänge bei Hegel
Author/Editor: Schmied-Kowarzik ,Wolfdietrich
Anfractuosités de la fiction: Inscriptions du politique dans la littérature hispanophone contemporaine
Author/Editor: Marta Inés WALDEGARAY
Angelic Troublemakers: Religion and Anarchism in America
Author/Editor: A. Terrance Wiley
Angelo Maria Bandini in viaggio a Roma (1780-1781)
The Angels Won't Help You
Author/Editor: Matthew Bowker
Angewandte Kriminologie – Justizbezogene Forschung - 12. Kriminalwissenschaftliches Kolloquium und Symposium zu Ehren von Jörg-Martin Jehle, 22./23. Juni 2018
Author/Editor: Axel Dessecker,Stefan Harrendorf,Katrin Höffler
Angewandte Linguistik für Sprachberufe
Author/Editor: Daniel Perrin,ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics
Angewandte Linguistik – Neue Herausforderungen und Konzepte (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Grzegorz Lisek,Paweł Rybszleger,Norbert Nübler,Anna Szczepaniak-Kozak,Aldona Sopata,Sylwia Adamczak-Krysztofowicz,Małgorzata Bielicka,Stephan Wolting,Klaus-Dieter Baumann
An Anglo-Norman Reader
Author/Editor: Jane Bliss
Anglophobia in Fascist Italy
Author/Editor: Jacopo Pili
The Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries at Caistor-by Norwich and Markshall, Norfolk
Author/Editor: J.N.L. Myres,Barbara Green
The Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries of Caistor-by-Norwich and Markshall, Norfolk
Author/Editor: J. N. L. Myres,Barbara Green
Anglo-Saxon(ist) Pasts, postSaxon Futures
Author/Editor: Donna-Beth Ellard
Anglo-Saxon Literary Landscapes
Author/Editor: Heide Estes
Angloscene: Compromised Personhood in Afro-Chinese Translations
Author/Editor: Jay Ke-Schutte
The Anglo-Scottish Ballad and its Imaginary Contexts
Author/Editor: Atkinson ,David
Angstkonstruktionen: Kulturwissenschaftliche Annäherungen an eine Zeitdiagnose
Author/Editor: Natalia Filatkina,Franziska Bergmann
The Anguished and the Enchanted: "The Little Prince," Revisited
Author/Editor: M.H. Bowker
Animal Acts: Performing Species Today
Author/Editor: Una Chaudhuri,Holly Hughes
Animal Death
Animal (De)liberation
Animal (De)liberation : Should the Consumption of Animal Products be Banned?
Author/Editor: Deckers ,Jan
Animal Emotions: How They Drive Human Behavior
Author/Editor: Christian Montag,Kenneth L. Davis
Animal et religion
Author/Editor: Baudouin Decharneux,Sylvie Peperstraete,Monica Minneci,Sylvian Wagnon,Eugène Warmenbol,Astrid de Hontheim,Julien Delhez,Pierre de Maret,Jean-Charles Ducène,Marc Groenen,Cynthia Jean,Jacqueline LeClerq-Marx,Bertrand Lobjois
Animal Experimentation: Working Towards a Paradigm Change
Author/Editor: Kathrin Herrmann,Kimberley Jayne
Animal History in the Modern City: Exploring Liminality
Author/Editor: Clemens Wischermann,Aline Steinbrecher
Animali maravigliosi: Orientalismo e animali esotici a Firenze in epoca tardogotica e rinascimentale: conoscenza, immaginario, simbologia
Author/Editor: Patrica Lurati
Animal Kingdom of Heaven: Anthropozoological Aspects in the Late Antique World
Author/Editor: Ingo Schaaf
Animal Metropolis: Histories of Human-Animal Relations in Urban Canada
Author/Editor: Christabelle Sethna,Joanna Dean,Darcy Ingram
Animal Rationality: Later Medieval Theories 1250-1350
Author/Editor: Anselm Oelze
Animal Rights Activism
Author/Editor: Kerstin Jacobsson,Jonas Lindblom
The Animal Rights Struggle
Author/Editor: Traïni ,Christophe Traïni
Animals and Inequality in the Ancient World
Author/Editor: Benjamin S. Arbuckle,Sue Ann McCarty
Animals and Medicine
Author/Editor: Botting ,Jack,Morrison R. ,Adrian
Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine: One Health and its Histories
Author/Editor: Abigail Woods,Michael Bresalier,Angela Cassidy,Rachel Mason Dentinger
Animals as specific objects of obligations under Polish and German law (Volume 46, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Małgorzata Lubelska-Sazanów
Animals in Dutch Travel Writing, 1800-present
Author/Editor: Rick Honings,Esther Op De Beek
Animals in Our Midst: The Challenges of Co-existing with Animals in the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Bernice Bovenkerk,Jozef Keulartz
Animals in Ritual and Economy in a Roman Frontier Community
Author/Editor: Groot ,Maaike
Animals in Saxon and Scandinavian England: Backbones of Economy and Society
Author/Editor: Matilda Holmes
Animals, Plants and Afterimages: The Art and Science of Representing Extinction
Author/Editor: Valerie Bienvenue
Animal Umwelten in a Changing world: Zoosemiotic Perspectives
Author/Editor: Maran ,Timo,Tønnessen ,Morten,Oma Armstrong ,Kristin,Kiiroja ,Laura,Magnus ,Riin,Mäekivi ,Nelly,Rattasepp ,Silver,Thibault ,Paul
Animal, Vegetable, Mineral: Ethics and Objects
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Jerome Cohen
Animating Film Theory
Author/Editor: Karen Redrobe Beckman
Animating Truth: Documentary and Visual Culture in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Nea Ehrlich
Animating Unpredictable Effects: Nonlinearity in Hollywood’s R&D Complex
Author/Editor: Jordan Gowanlock
Animation socioculturelle enfance et jeunesse: Résultats de la première enquête nationale suisse
Author/Editor: Julia Gerodetti,Manuel Fuchs,Lukas Fellmann,Martina Gerngross,Olivier Steiner
Animaux domestiques dans la littérature narrative française au Moyen Âge
Author/Editor: Jens N. Faaborg
Animaux domestiques dans la littérature narrative française au Moyen Âge
Animazione socioculturale dell'infanzia e della gioventù: Risultati del primo sondaggio nazionale svizzero
Author/Editor: Julia Gerodetti,Manuel Fuchs,Lukas Fellmann,Martina Gerngross,Olivier Steiner
Anime Studies: Media-Specific Approaches to Neon Genesis Evangelion
Author/Editor: José Andrés Santiago Iglesias,Ana Soler-Baena
Animism, Materiality, and Museums: How Do Byzantine Things Feel?
Author/Editor: Glenn Peers
Anisotropy Across Fields and Scales
Author/Editor: Evren Özarslan,Thomas Schultz,Eugene Zhang,Andrea Fuster
Anklang und Widerhall: Dostojewskij in medialen Kontexten
Author/Editor: Gudrun Goes
Anna Franchi: l'indocile scrittura: Passione civile e critica d'arte
Author/Editor: ANDREA ZAGLI
Anna Freud
Author/Editor: Spreitzer ,Brigitte
Annals of Bioethics: Regional Perspectives in Bioethics
Author/Editor: Mark J. Cherry,John F. Peppin
Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2021
Author/Editor: Thorsten Schüppstuhl,Kirsten Tracht,Annika Raatz
Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2022
Author/Editor: Thorsten Schüppstuhl,Kirsten Tracht,Jürgen Fleischer
Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics
Author/Editor: Thorsten Schüppstuhl,Kirsten Tracht,Dominik Henrich
Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology 17/2012
Author/Editor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Theo
Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology 21/2016
Author/Editor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Theo
Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology 23/2018
Author/Editor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Theo
Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology 24/2019
Author/Editor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie
Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology 25/2020
Author/Editor: Uwe Hoßfeld,Lennart Olsson,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie
Anne Frank’s Tree: Nature’s Confrontation with Technology, Domination, and the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Eric Katz
Anne Hébert
Anne Hébert : Le secret de vie et de mort
Author/Editor: Brochu ,André
Annäherungen an das Unaussprechliche: Ästhetische Erfahrung in kollektiven religiösen Praktiken
Author/Editor: Isabella Schwaderer,Katharina Waldner
An Annotated Arthur Schnitzler Bibliography: Editions and Criticism in German, French, and English, 1879-1965
Author/Editor: Richard H. Allen,Robert Weiss
An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Painting Catalogues and Related Texts
Author/Editor: Hin-cheung Lovell
Annotation, exploitation and evaluation of parallel corpora : TC3 I
Annotation, exploitation and evaluation of parallel corpora
Annotations in Scholarly Editions and Research: Functions, Differentiation, Systematization
Author/Editor: Julia Nantke,Frederik Schlupkothen
Annotations to Geoffrey Hill's Speech! Speech!
Author/Editor: Ann Hassan
Annual Report 2019 of the Institute for Nuclear and Energy Technologies
Author/Editor: Walter Tromm
Annual Report 2019 on EIB Activity in Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific, and the Overseas Countries and Territories
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Annual Report 2020 of the Institute for Thermal Energy Technology and Safety
Author/Editor: Walter Tromm
Annual Report 2020 on EIB Activity in Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific, and the Overseas Countries and Territories
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Annual Report on the Big Data of New Energy Vehicle in China (2021)
Author/Editor: Zhenpo Wang
Annunciations: Sacred Music for the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: George Corbett
Anomaliedetektion in räumlich-zeitlichen Datensätzen
Author/Editor: Mathias Anneken
Anomie and Violence: Non-truth and reconciliation in Indonesian peacebuilding
Author/Editor: Cookson ,Michael,Dunn ,Leah,Braithwaite ,John,Braithwaite ,Valerie
Anonymisierte Befragungen mit zufallsverschluesselten Antworten: Die Randomized-Response-Technik (RRT): Methodische Grundlagen, Modelle und Anwendungen
Anonymous Point Collection - Improved Models and Security Definitions
Author/Editor: Matthias Nagel
Anopheles mosquitoes
Anreizwirkungen der sozialen Alterssicherung: Eine dynamische Simulationsanalyse
Author/Editor: Bernd Raffelhüschen
Anreizwirkungen und Arbeitsmarkteffekte der Ausgestaltung einer Arbeitslosenversicherung
Author/Editor: Sven Schulze
Anreizwirkungen von Finanzausgleichssystemen
Author/Editor: Tanja Kirn
Ansaetze zur Implementierung von RSE (CSR) in einem lateinamerikanischen Entwicklungsland: Das Beispiel Paraguays – Eine wirtschafts- und unternehmensethische Untersuchung
Author/Editor: Ronald Kröker
Ansatzpunkte fuer eine Reform des Finanzierungssystems der Europaeischen Union
Author/Editor: Markus Euler
Ansichten zur Ansichtskarte: Textlinguistik, Korpuspragmatik und Kulturanalyse
Author/Editor: Heiko Hausendorf,Joachim Scharloth,Kyoko Sugisaki,Noah Bubenhofer
Ansätze zur lokalen Bayes’schen Fusion von Informationsbeiträgen heterogener Quellen
Author/Editor: Jennifer Sander
Antarctica: Music, sounds and cultural connections
Author/Editor: Hince ,Bernadette,Summerson ,Rupert,Wiesel ,Arnan
Antebellum Posthuman
Author/Editor: Ellis ,Cristin
Antenne Integrate Attive
Author/Editor: Leonardo Lucci,Alessandro Cidronali,Paolo Colantonio
The Anthem Companion to Auguste Comte
Author/Editor: Andrew Wernick
The Anthem Companion to Pierre Bourdieu
Author/Editor: Derek Robbins
Anthologieserie: Systematik und Geschichte eines narrativen Formats
Author/Editor: Kilian Hauptmann,Philipp Pabst,Felix Schallenberg
The Anthology in Digital Culture: Forms and Affordances
Author/Editor: Giulia Taurino
Anthology of Arabic Discourse on Translation
Author/Editor: Tarek Shamma,Myriam Salama-Carr
An Anthology of Asemic Handwriting
Author/Editor: Tim Gaze,Michael Jacobson
The Anthology of Babel
Author/Editor: Ed Simon,David Ben-Merre,Seth Ligo,Ryan Marnane,Katherine McLoone,Maria-Josee Mendez,Raul Neira,Matthew Newcomb,Julia Coursey,Claire Daigle,Stephen David Engel,Em K. Falk,Stephen Hock,Reed Johnson,Bruce Krajewski,Eric D. Lehman
Anthropocence Realism: Fiction in the Age of Climate Change
Author/Editor: John Thieme
The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis: Rethinking modernity in a new epoch
Author/Editor: Clive Hamilton,Christophe Bonneuil,François Gemenne
Anthropocene Back Loop: Experimentation in Unsafe Operating Space
Author/Editor: Stephanie Wakefield
Anthropocene Childhoods: Speculative Fiction, Racialization, and Climate Crisis
Author/Editor: Emily Ashton
Anthropocene Islands: Entangled Worlds
Author/Editor: Jonathan Pugh,David Chandler
Anthropocene Unseen: A Lexicon
Author/Editor: Cymene Howe,Matthew Archer,Diego Cagüeñas Rozo,Ashley Carse,Una Chaudhuri,Timothy Choy,Jeffrey Jerome Cohen,Cohen,Anand Pandian,Anindita Banerjee,Jessica Barnes,Debbora Battaglia,Sarah Besky,Vasundhara Bhojvaid,Charis Boke,Dominic Boyer,Craig Campbell
Anthropocosmic Theatre: Theatre, Ritual, Consciousness
Author/Editor: Nicolás Núñez,Deborah Middleton,Ronan J. Fitzsimons,Franc Chamberlain,Helena Guardia
Anthropological Explorations in Queer Theory
Author/Editor: Mark Graham
Anthropological Perspectives on Environmental Communication
Author/Editor: Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist,Ivan Murin,Michael E. Dove
Anthropologie der Konflikte: Georg Elwerts konflikttheoretische Thesen in der Diskussion
Author/Editor: Julia M. Eckert
Anthropologie der Theorie
Author/Editor: Tobias Keiling,Thomas Jürgasch
Anthropologies of Global Maternal and Reproductive Health: From Policy Spaces to Sites of Practice
Author/Editor: Lauren J. Wallace,Margaret E. MacDonald,Katerini T. Storeng
Anthropologies of Revolution: Forging Time, People, and Worlds
Author/Editor: Igor Cherstich,Martin Holbraad,Nico Tassi
Anthropology and the Bushman
Author/Editor: Barnard ,Alan
Anthropology and the Racial Politics of Culture
Author/Editor: Lee D. Baker
Anthropology, Film Industries, Modularity
Author/Editor: Ramyar D. Rossoukh,Steven C. Caton
Anthropology of Color
Anthropology of Color : Interdisciplinary Multilevel Modeling
The Anthropology of Epidemics
Author/Editor: Ann H. Kelly,Frédéric Keck,Christos Lynteris
An Anthropology of Landscape
Author/Editor: Tilley ,Christopher,Cameron – Daum ,Kate
The Anthropology of Parliaments: Entanglements in Democratic Politics
Author/Editor: Emma Crewe
The Anthropology of Security: Perspectives from the Frontline of Policing, Counter-terrorism and Border Control
Author/Editor: Mark Maguire,Catarina Frois,Nils Zurawski
Anthropology of Tobacco: Ethnographic Adventures in Non-Human Worlds
Author/Editor: Andrew Russell
Anthropology of Transformation: From Europe to Asia and Back
Author/Editor: Juraj Buzalka,Agnieszka Pasieka
Anthropology's World
Anthropology's World : Life in a Twenty-First Century Discipline
Author/Editor: Hannerz ,Ulf
Anthropology Without Informants
Anthropology Without Informants : Collected Works in Paleoanthropology by L.G. Freeman
Author/Editor: Freeman ,L. G.
Anthropometric Individualization of Head-Related Transfer Functions Analysis and Modeling
Author/Editor: Ramona Bomhardt
The Anthroposcene of Weather and Climate: Ethnographic Contributions to the Climate Change Debate
Author/Editor: Paul Sillitoe
Anthroposophieforschung: Forschungsstand – Perspektiven – Leerstellen
Author/Editor: Viktoria Vitanova-Kerber,Helmut Zander
Antiamerikanismus in Deutschland
Antiamerikanismus in Deutschland : Über die Funktion von Amerikabildern in nationalistischer und ethnozentrischer Rhetorik
Author/Editor: Knappertsbusch ,Felix
Anticamente moderni: Palazzi rinascimentali di Lombardia in età sforzesca
Author/Editor: Roberta Martinis
Anticapitalism and Culture
Author/Editor: Gilbert ,Jeremy
Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs: Key Issues, Concerns, and Prospects
Author/Editor: Brajesh Panth,Rupert Maclean
Anti-Communism in Britain During the Early Cold War: A Very British Witch Hunt
Author/Editor: Matthew Gerth
Anti-computing: Dissent and the machine
Author/Editor: Caroline Bassett
Anti-computing: Dissent and the machine
Author/Editor: Caroline Bassett
Anti-Corruption Models and Experiences: The Case of the Western Balkans
Author/Editor: Enrico Carloni,Diletta Paoletti
Anti-Empire: Decolonial Interventions in Lusophone Literatures (Volume 18)
Author/Editor: Daniel F. Silva
»Antifaschisten, das waren wir …«: Rosi Wolfstein und Paul Frölich. Eine Doppelbiografie
Author/Editor: Riccardo Altieri
Anti-fascism in European History: From the 1920s to Today
Author/Editor: Jože Pirjevec,Egon Pelikan,Sabrina Ramet
Antifeminismen: ›Krisen‹-Diskurse mit gesellschaftsspaltendem Potential?
Author/Editor: Annette Henninger,Annette Henninger,Ursula Birsl,Ursula Birsl
Anti-fragile ICT Systems
Author/Editor: Kjell Jørgen Hole
Anti-Genderismus in Europa: Allianzen von Rechtspopulismus und religiösem Fundamentalismus. Mobilisierung - Vernetzung - Transformation
Author/Editor: Sonja A. Strube,Rita Perintfalvi,Raphaela Hemet,Miriam Metze,Cicek Sahbaz
Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Graff,Elżbieta Korolczuk
Antigypsyism and Film / Antiziganismus und Film
Author/Editor: Radmila Mladenova
Anti-Imperialist Modern: Race and Transnational Radical Culture from the Great Depression to the Cold War
Author/Editor: Benjamin Balthaser
Anti-Islamophobic Curriculums
Author/Editor: Rahat Zaidi
Author/Editor: Leo T. S. Ching
Antike Grabbauten in Noricum
Author/Editor: Kremer ,Gabrielle
Antike Malerei zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil, Tafelband
Author/Editor: Zimmermann ,Norbert
Antike Malerei zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil, Textband
Author/Editor: Zimmermann ,Norbert
Antike Mythologie in christlichen Kontexten der Spätantike
Author/Editor: Hartmut Leppin
Antike Texte und ihre Materialität Alltägliche Präsenz, mediale Semantik, literarische Reflexion
Author/Editor: Cornelia Ritter-Schmalz,Raphael Schwitter
Antiklerikalismus in Europa: Öffentlichkeit und Säkularisierung in Frankreich, Spanien und Deutschland (1848–1914)
Author/Editor: Lisa Dittrich
Antikommunisten als Staatsschützer: Der Schweizerische Vaterländische Verband, 1930-1948
Author/Editor: Dorothe Zimmermann
Anti-Microbial Resistance in Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Louise Ackers,Gavin Ackers-Johnson,Joanne Welsh,Daniel Kibombo,Samuel Opio
Antinoupolis III
Author/Editor: Rosario PINTAUDI
Antioxidants in Health and Disease
Author/Editor: Antonis Zampelas,Renata Micha
Antioxidants in Sport Nutrition
Author/Editor: Manfred Lamprecht
Antipodes : In Search of the Southern Continent
Author/Editor: Stallard ,Avan Judd
Antique Dealing and Creative Reuse in Cairo and Damascus 1850-1890: Intercultural Engagements with Architecture and Craft in the Age of Travel and Reform
Author/Editor: Mercedes Volait
Antiracism Inc.: Why the Way We Talk about Racial Justice Matters
Author/Editor: Felice Blake,Paula Ioanide,Alison Reed
Antiracist Medievalisms: From “Yellow Peril” to Black Lives Matter
Author/Editor: Jonathan Hsy
Antisemitism in North America: New World, Old Hate
Author/Editor: Steven K. Baum,Neil J. Kressel,Florette Cohen,Steven Leonard Jacobs
Antisemitism in the North
Author/Editor: Jonathan Adams,Cordelia Heß
Antisemitismus im 19. Jahrhundert aus internationaler Perspektive: Nineteenth Century Anti-Semitism in International Perspective
Author/Editor: Mareike König,Oliver Schulz
Antisemitismus in der Migrationsgesellschaft: Theoretische Überlegungen, Empirische Fallbeispiele, Pädagogische Praxis
Author/Editor: Nikolaus Hagen,Tobias Neuburger
Antisense RNA Design, Delivery, and Analysis
Author/Editor: Virginia Arechavala-Gomeza,Alejandro Garanto
Anti-Vivisection and the Profession of Medicine in Britain: A Social History
Author/Editor: A.W.H. Bates
The Antonine Wall: Papers in Honour of Professor Lawrence Keppie
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze,William S. Hanson
Antonio da Borgonuovo. L’ascesa di un notaio a Trento fra Trecento e Quattrocento
Antonio Rinaldi. Un intellettuale nella cultura del Novecento
Author/Editor: Francesca Bartolini
Antonius Diogenes, Die unglaublichen Dinge jenseits von Thule: Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar
Author/Editor: Helena Schmedt
Anton Kuh: Biographie
Author/Editor: Walter Schübler
Anton Pannekoek: Ways of Viewing Science and Society
Author/Editor: Chaokang Tai,Bart van der Steen,Jeroen van Dongen
Antonymische Beziehungen zwischen Phraseologismen in der russischen Gegenwartssprache
Author/Editor: Anke Levin-Steinmann
Antropología en dilemas: parágrafos transdisciplinarios
Author/Editor: Andrés Recasens Salvo
Anulabilidad de las cláusulas abusivas
Author/Editor: Gustavo Correa
Anwendungssystemgestuetztes strategisches Controlling: Konzeption und empirische Erkenntnisse
Author/Editor: Christoph Gehrig
Anxieties of Migration and Integration in Turbulent Times
Author/Editor: Mari-Liis Jakobson,Russell King,Laura Moroşanu,Raivo Vetik
The Anxiety of Freedom: Imagination and Individuality in Locke's Political Thought
Author/Editor: Uday Singh Mehta
Anxious Creativity: When Imagination Fails
Author/Editor: David Trend
ANZUS and the Early Cold War: Strategy and Diplomacy between Australia, New Zealand and the United States, 1945-1956
Author/Editor: Andrew Kelly
The Apartment of Tragic Appliances: Poems
Author/Editor: Michael D. Snediker
The Apartment Plot: Urban Living in American Film and Popular Culture, 1945 to 1975
Author/Editor: Pamela Robertson Wojcik
APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben
Author/Editor: Christoph Görg,Verena Madner,Andreas Muhar,Andreas Novy,Alfred Posch,Karl W. Steininger,Ernest Aigner
APEC and liberalisation of the Chinese economy
Author/Editor: Drysdale ,Peter,Yunling ,Zhang,Song ,Ligang
Apesar da Despossessão: Um Livro de Actividades
Author/Editor: Anette Baldauf,Berhanu Ashagrie Deribew,Sílvia das Fadas,Naomi Rincón Gallardo,İpek Hamzaoğlu,Janine Jembere,Rojda Tuğrul,Willful Weeds Research Group
Apophasis and Pseudonymity in Dionysius the Areopagite
Author/Editor: Stang M. ,Charles
Apostasy and Jewish identity in High Middle Ages Northern Europe : 'Are you still my brother?'
Author/Editor: Goldin ,Simha
Apostasy and Jewish identity in High Middle Ages Northern Europe
Apparenza del diritto e rapporti di fatto nell'esperienza giuridica di Roma antica
Author/Editor: Francesca Rossi
Appearance, Discrimination and the Media
Author/Editor: Diana Garrisi,Laima Janciute,Jacob Johanssen
Appendices: Persistent Traditions: A long-term perspective on communities in the process of Neolithisation in the Lower Rhine Area (5500-2500 cal BC)
Author/Editor: Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz
Appendices to: A Living Landscape
Author/Editor: Stijn Arnoldussen
Appians Κελτική: Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar
Author/Editor: Andreas Hofeneder
Applicable Law in Investor-State Arbitration
Author/Editor: Kjos Elisabeth ,Hege
Application of diffractive lens arrays in confocal microscopy
Author/Editor: Zheng Li
Application of International Relations Theories in Asia and Africa
Author/Editor: Marcin Grabowski,Tomasz Pugacewicz
Application of Molecular Methods and Raman Microscopy: Spectroscopy in Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology
Author/Editor: Biljana Vucelić-Radović,Dejan Lazić,Miomir Nikšić
Author/Editor: Katharina Morik,Christian Wietfeld,Jörg Rahnenführer
Applications of Activated Sludge Models
Author/Editor: Damir Brdjanovic,Sebastiaan C.F. Meijer,Carlos M. Lopez-Vazquez,Christine M. Hooijmans,Mark C. M. van Loosdrecht
Applications of Monte Carlo Methods in Biology, Medicine and Other Fields of Science
Applications of Monte Carlo Simulation in Modelling of Biochemical Processes
Author/Editor: Tenekedjiev ,Kiril Ivanov,Nikolova ,Natalia Danailova,Kolev ,Krasimir
Applied Design Research: A Mosaic of 22 Examples, Experiences and Interpretations Focussing on Bridging the Gap between Practice and Academics
Author/Editor: Peter Joore,Guido Stompff,Jeroen van den Eijnde
Applied Pedagogies for Higher Education: Real World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum
Author/Editor: Dawn A. Morley,Md Golam Jamil
Applied Signal Processing
Author/Editor: Sadasivan Puthusserypady
Applying Reflective Equilibrium: Towards the Justification of a Precautionary Principle
Author/Editor: Tanja Rechnitzer
Applying Shari῾a in the West. Facts, Fears and the Future of Islamic Rules on Family Relations in the West
Applying Shari῾a in the West. Facts, Fears and the Future of Islamic Rules on Family Relations in the West
Applying the Kaizen in Africa: A New Avenue for Industrial Development
Author/Editor: Keijiro Otsuka,Kimiaki Jin,Tetsushi Sonobe
Apprendre à innover dans un monde incertain
Author/Editor: Émilie Coudel,Hubert Devautour,Christophe-Toussaint Soulard,Guy Faure,Bernard Hubert
« Apprendre la langue de la majorité des Confédérés »: La discipline scolaire de l’allemand, entre enjeux pédagogiques, politiques, pratiques et culturels (1830–1990)
Author/Editor: Viviane Rouiller
Approaches to a “new" World Literature: Romani Literature(s) as (re-)writing and self-empowerment
Author/Editor: Oksana Marafioti,Lorely French,Ana Belén Martín Sevillano,Marina Ortrud Hertrampf,Martin Shaw,Kirsten von Hagen,Emilia Kledzik,Florian Homann,Paola Toninato,Sidonia Bauer,Viola Parente-Capková
Approaches to English for Specific and Academic Purposes: Perspectives on Teaching and Assessing in Tertiary and Adult Education
Author/Editor: Joseph Michael Ennis,Jemma Prior
Approaches to the Medieval Self: Representations and Conceptualizations of the Self in the Textual and Material Culture of Western Scandinavia, c. 800-1500
Author/Editor: Stefka G. Eriksen,Karen Langsholt Holmqvist,Bjørn Bandlien
Approaches to World Literature
Approaches to World Literature
Approccio strategico alla produzione
Author/Editor: Simoni, Christian
Appropriation and Representation: Feng Menglong and the Chinese Vernacular Story
Author/Editor: Shuhui Yang
Approvisionner Cayenne sous l’Ancien Régime: Archéologie et histoire des réseaux commerciaux
Author/Editor: Catherine Losier
Approximation of substantive criminal law in the EU: The way forward
Author/Editor: Serge de Biolley,Francesca Galli,Katalin Ligeti,Christina| Peristeridou,Jeroen Blomsma,Anne Weyembergh,Pedro Caeiro,Cornelis De Jong,Francesca Galli,Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi,Robert Kert,Andrea Lehner,Miguel Ângelo Lemos
Appunti di metrologia mercantile genovese: Un contributo della documentazione aziendale Datini
Author/Editor: Maria Giagnacovo
Appuyer les organisations de producteurs
Author/Editor: Marie-Jo Dugué,Denis Pesche,Jean-François Le Coq
Aproximaciones al marxismo latinoamericano: Teoría, historia y política
Author/Editor: Tomás Torres Fabián Cabaluz
Aptamer-Nanoparticle Bioconjugates for Drug Delivery
Author/Editor: Özalp ,Veli C.,Schäfer ,Thomas
Apulia. Vol. 1: Neolithic Settlement in the Tavoliere
Author/Editor: G.D.B. James
Aquaculture Law and Policy
Author/Editor: David L. VanderZwaag,Gloria Chao
Aquaculture Perspective of Multi-Use Sites in the Open Ocean: The Untapped Potential for Marine Resources in the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Bela H. Buck,Richard Langan
Aquaponics Food Production Systems: Combined Aquaculture and Hydroponic Production Technologies for the Future
Author/Editor: Simon Goddek,Alyssa Joyce,Benz Kotzen,Gavin M. Burnell
An Aqueous Territory
An Aqueous Territory : Sailor Geographies and New Granada’s Transimperial Greater Caribbean World
Author/Editor: Bassi ,Ernesto
Aquinas on Virtue: A Causal Reading
Author/Editor: SJ Austin
A aquisição de língua materna e não materna
A aquisição de língua materna e não materna : Questões gerais e dados do Português
Arab Berlin: Dynamics of Transformation
Author/Editor: Hanan Badr,Nahed Samour
Arabic and contact-induced change
Author/Editor: Christopher Lucas,Stefano Manfredi
Arabic and its Alternatives: Religious Minorities and their Languages in the Emerging Nation States of the Middle East (1920-1950)
Author/Editor: Heleen Murre-van den Berg,Karène Sanchez,Tijmen C. Baarda
Arabic Exile Literature in Europe: Forced Migration and Speculative Fiction
Author/Editor: Johanna Sellman
Arabic in Contact
Author/Editor: Stefano Manfredi,Mauro Tosco
Arabic Printing for the Christians in Ottoman Lands: The East-European Connection
Author/Editor: Ioana Feodorov
Arab Media Systems
Author/Editor: Carola Richter,Claudia Kozman
The Arab Revolution of 2011: A Comparative Perspective
Author/Editor: Saïd Amir Arjomand
The Arab Spring Five Years Later Volume One
The Arab Spring Five Years Later Volume One : Toward Greater Inclusiveness
Author/Editor: Ghanem ,Hafez
Arab TV-Audiences: Negotiating Religion and Identity
Author/Editor: Ehab Galal
Arab Uprisings and Armed Forces: Between Openness and Resistance
Author/Editor: Derek Lutterbeck
The Aranda’s Pepa
The Aranda’s Pepa : An introduction to Carl Strehlow’s Masterpiece Die Aranda- und Loritja-Stämme in Zentral-Australien (1907-1920)
Author/Editor: Kenny ,Anna
Arbeid, arbeidere og arbeiderbevegelse på Agder 1500–2020
Author/Editor: Frank Meyer,Frank Meyer,knut Dørum,Karl Ragnar Gjertsen,Alf Kjetil Igland,Harald Rinde,Bjørg Seland,Dagfinn H. Svanøe,Marianne Tønnessen
Arbeid en vaardigheid. Een literatuurstudie naar de veranderingen in arbeidsvaardigheden
Author/Editor: Scheele ,D.
Arbeidsaanbod-projecties 1980-2000
Author/Editor: Bron ,J.A.H.
Arbeidsflexibiliteit en ontslagrecht
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Arbeidsmarktparticipatie in Nederland: plaatsbepaling in internationaal perspectief
Author/Editor: Paridon van ,C.W.A.M.
Arbeidsplaatsen, bezettingsgraad en werkgelegenheid in dertien bedrijfstakken : Modelstudie bij het rapport Plaats en toekomst van de Nederlandse industrie
Author/Editor: Schaik van ,A.B.T.M.
Arbeit am Gottesbegriff Band 3 Theologie als sprachliches Denken
Author/Editor: Joachim Ringleben
Arbeit an der Kultur: Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson und die amerikanische Anthropologie, 1930-1950
Author/Editor: Thilo Neidhöfer
Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt: Praxisbeispiele und Gestaltungslösungen aus dem BMBF-Förderschwerpunkt
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Bauer,Susanne Mütze-Niewöhner,Sascha Stowasser,Claus Zanker,Nadine Müller
Arbeit in der Informationsgesellschaft: Chancen und Risiken neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien fuer die Beschaeftigung
Author/Editor: Bertram Melzig-Thiel
Arbeit. Philosophische, juristische und kulturwissenschaftliche Studien
Author/Editor: Baer ,Josette,Rother ,Wolfgang
Arbeitskämpfe und Land Grabbing: Strategien von Gewerkschaften und Landarbeiter*innen in Brasiliens Agrarindustrie
Author/Editor: Jan Brunner
Arbeitslosigkeit und zweiter Arbeitsmarkt: Theoretische Grundlagen, Probleme und Erfahrungen
Author/Editor: Volker Ehrlich
Arbeitsmarkt 2030 - Die Bedeutung der Zuwanderung für Beschäftigung und Wachstum
Author/Editor: Vogler-Ludwig ,Kurt,Düll ,Nicola,Kriechel ,Ben
Arbeitsmarkt 2030 - Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt : Fachexpertisen zur Prognose 2016
Arbeitsmarkt 2030 - Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt im digitalen Zeitalter
Author/Editor: Vogler-Ludwig ,Kurt,Düll ,Nicola,Kriechel ,Ben
Arbeitsmarkteffekte des demografischen Wandels
Author/Editor: Martin Debus
Arbeitsmarkt Kompakt: Analysen, Daten, Fakten
Author/Editor: Joachim Möller,Ulrich Walwei
Arbeitsmarktmobilitaet in hoeherem Lebensalter: Eine empirische Untersuchung gelungener betrieblicher Wechsel und Reintegrationen
Author/Editor: Martina Kattein
Arbeitsorientierte Grundbildung und Alphabetisierung: Institutionalisierung, Professionalisierung und Effekte der Teilnahme
Author/Editor: Julia Koller,Dennis Klinkhammer,Michael Schemmann
Arbeitsplatzdynamik in der baden-wuerttembergischen Industrie: Eine Analyse mit amtlichen Betriebspaneldaten
Author/Editor: Harald Strotmann
Arbeitsplatzorientierte Grundbildung in der Pflegehilfe: Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus Forschung und Praxis
Author/Editor: Steffi Badel,Lea Melina Schüle
Arbeits- und Lernaufgaben für die Weiterbildung: Eine Lernform für das Lernen im Prozess der Arbeit (Volume 15)
Author/Editor: Thomas Schröder
Arbeits(un)fähigkeit herstellen: Arbeitsintegration von gesundheitlich eingeschränkten Erwerbslosen aus ethnografischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Martina Koch
Arbeit transformieren!
Arbeit transformieren! : Denkanstöße der Kommission "Arbeit der Zukunft"
Author/Editor: Jürgensand ,Kerstin,Hoffmann ,Reiner,Schildmann ,Christina
Arbeit und Gesundheit in der Spätmoderne: Betriebliche Prävention im Spannungsfeld zwischen Individualisierung und Top-Down-Struktur
Author/Editor: Marie Jelenko
Arbeit. Wohnen. Computer: Zur Utopie in der bildenden Kunst und Architektur der DDR in den 1960er Jahren
Author/Editor: Oliver Sukrow
Arbitrary States: Social Control and Modern Authoritarianism in Museveni's Uganda
Author/Editor: Rebecca Tapscott
Archaeological 3D GIS
Author/Editor: Nicolò Dell’Unto,Giacomo Landeschi
Archaeological Investigations between Cayenne Island and the Maroni River: A cultural sequence of western coastal French Guiana from 5000 BP to present
Author/Editor: Martijn M. van den Bel
Archaeological Perspectives of Warfare on the Great Plains
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Clark,Douglas B. Bamforth
Archaeological Perspectives on Conflict and Warfare in Australia and the Pacific
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Clarke,Mirani Litster
Archaeological Research in Estonia 1865–2005
Author/Editor: Lang ,Valter,Laneman ,Margot
The Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia, 1963-69: The Pharaonic Sites
Author/Editor: David N. Edwards
Archaeologies of Island Melanesia: Current approaches to landscapes, exchange and practice
Author/Editor: Mathieu Leclerc,James Flexner
The Archaeologist In-Between: Olov Janse, 1892–1985
Author/Editor: Anna Källén,Johan Hegardt
Archaeologists in print: Publishing for the people
Author/Editor: Amara Thornton
Archaeology and Environment in Northumberland: Till-Tweed Studies Volume 2
Author/Editor: D. G. Passmore,Clive Waddington,Tim Gates,Peter Marshall
Archaeology and History of Toraijin: Human, Technological, and Cultural Flow from the Korean Peninsula to the Japanese Archipelago c. 800 BC–AD 600
Author/Editor: Song-nai Rhee,C. Melvin Aikens,Gina L. Barnes
Archaeology at Aksum, Ethiopia, 1993–7: Volume 1
Author/Editor: David W. Phillipson
Archaeology at Aksum, Ethiopia, 1993–7: Volume 2
Author/Editor: David W. Phillipson
Archaeology, Heritage and Ethics in the Western Wall Plaza, Jerusalem: Darkness at the End of the Tunnel
Author/Editor: Raz Kletter
Archaeology in the Žitava valley I. The LBK and Želiezovce settlement site of Vráble
Author/Editor: Martin Furholt,Ivan Cheben,Johannes Müller,Alena Bistáková,Maria Wunderlich,Nils Müller-Scheeßel
Archaeology in the PPG16 Era: Investigations in England 1990–2010
Author/Editor: Timothy Darvill,Kerry Barrass,Vanessa Constant,Ehren Milner,Bronwen Russell
An Archaeology of Art and Writing: Early Egyptian Labels in Context
Author/Editor: Kathryn Piquette
Archaeology of Babel: The Colonial Foundation of the Humanities
Author/Editor: Siraj Ahmed
An Archaeology of Early Christianity in Vanuatu (Terra Australis 44): Kastom and Religious Change on Tanna and Erromango, 1839–1920
Author/Editor: Flexner L. ,James
The Archaeology of Europe’s Drowned Landscapes
Author/Editor: Geoff Bailey,Nena Galanidou,Hans Peeters,Hauke Jöns,Moritz Mennenga
The Archaeology of Fazzan, Volume 1: Synthesis (Volume 5)
Author/Editor: Davd J. Mattingly,Charles Daniels
The Archaeology of Fazzan, Volume 2: Site Gazetteer, Pottery and other Survey Finds
Author/Editor: David J. Mattingly
The Archaeology of Fazzan, Volume 3: Excavations of C. M. Daniels
Author/Editor: David J. Mattingly
The Archaeology of Fazzan, Volume 4: Survey and Excavations at Old Jarma (Ancient Garama) carried out by C. M. Daniels (1962–69) and the Fazzān Project (1997–2001)
Author/Editor: David J. Mattingly
The Archaeology of Human Ancestry
Author/Editor: Stephen Shennan,James Steele
The Archaeology of Iran from the Palaeolithic to the Achaemenid Empire
Author/Editor: Roger Matthews,Hassan Fazeli Nashli,Amy Richardson
Archaeology of Mind in the Hebrew Bible / Archäologie alttestamentlichen Denkens
Author/Editor: Jürgen van Oorschot,Lars Allolio-Näcke,Andreas Wagner
The Archaeology of Rock Art in Western Arnhem Land, Australia (Terra Australis 47)
The Archaeology of South-East Italy in the First Millennium BC: Greek and Native Societies of Apulia and Lucania between the 10th and the 1st Century BC
Author/Editor: Douwe Yntema
The Archaeology of Sulawesi: Current Research on the Pleistocene to the Historic Period
Author/Editor: Sue O'Connor,David Bulbeck,Juliet Meyer
The Archaeology of The Upper City and Adjacent Suburbs
Author/Editor: Kate Steane,Michael J. Jones,Margaret Darling,Jenny E. Mann
Archaeology on the Apulian – Lucanian Border
Author/Editor: Alastair Small,Carola Small
Archaische Siedlungsbefunde in Ephesos, Katalog- und Tafelband: Stratigraphie, Bauphasen, Keramik und Kleinfunde aus den Grabungen unter der Tetragonos-Agora. Archaische Keramikfunde aus dem Theater und von den nordwestlichen Ausläufern des Panayırdağ
Author/Editor: Alexandra Ch. J. von Miller
Archaische Siedlungsbefunde in Ephesos, Textband: Stratigraphie, Bauphasen, Keramik und Kleinfunde aus den Grabungen unter der Tetragonos-Agora. Archaische Keramikfunde aus dem Theater und von den nordwestlichen Ausläufern des Panayırdağ
Author/Editor: Alexandra Ch. J. von Miller
Arch Cube: Esperienze di progettazione architettonica assistita
Author/Editor: Massimo Gasperini
Archeologia come esperienza: Immagini e immaginari per una conservazione attiva
Author/Editor: Alice Palmieri
Archeologia pubblica in Italia
Author/Editor: Chiara Molducci,MICHELE NUCCIOTTI,Chiara Bonacchi
Archeologia Pubblica in Toscana: Un progetto e una proposta
Author/Editor: Guido VANNINI
Archipelago of Resettlement: Vietnamese Refugee Settlers and Decolonization across Guam and Israel-Palestine
Author/Editor: Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi
Architectonics of Game Spaces: The Spatial Logic of the Virtual and Its Meaning for the Real (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Ulrich Götz,Andri Gerber
Architects of Buddhist Leisure
Architects of Buddhist Leisure : Socially Disengaged Buddhism in Asia’s Museums, Monuments, and Amusement Parks
Author/Editor: McDaniel ,Justin Thomas
Architectural Alignment of Access Control Requirements Extracted from Business Processes
Author/Editor: Roman Pilipchuk
Architectural Data Flow Analysis for Detecting Violations of Confidentiality Requirements
Author/Editor: Stephan Seifermann
Architecture and Asceticism: Cultural interaction between Syria and Georgia in Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Emma Loosley Leeming
Architecture and Development
Author/Editor: Ayala Levin
Architecture and Fire: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Conservation
Author/Editor: Stamatis Zografos
Architecture and Modern Literature
Author/Editor: Spurr ,David A.
Architecture and Politics in Africa: Making, Living and Imagining Identities through Buildings
Author/Editor: Joanne Tomkinson,Daniel Mulugeta,Julia Gallagher
Architecture and the Novel under the Italian Fascist Regime
Author/Editor: Francesca Billiani,Laura Pennacchietti
Architecture as a Way of Seeing and Learning: The built environment as an added educator in East African refugee camps
Author/Editor: Nerea Amorós Elorduy
Architecture-based Evolution of Dependable Software-intensive Systems
Author/Editor: Robert Heinrich
Architecture et croissance des plantes
Author/Editor: Philippe De Reffye,Marc Jaeger,Daniel Barthélémy,François Houllier
Architecture in Dialogue with an Activated Ground: Unreasonable Creatures
Author/Editor: Urs Bette
Architecture in the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Turpin ,Etienne
Architecture of Advanced Numerical Analysis Systems: Designing a Scientific Computing System using OCaml
Author/Editor: Liang Wang,Jianxin Zhao
The Architecture of Empire in Modern Europe: Space, Place, and the Construction of an Imperial Environment, 1860-1960
Author/Editor: Miel Groten
Architecture of Security
Author/Editor: Huisken ,Ron
Architectures for Next Generation EU Cities: Challenges, Key Drivers, and Research Trends
Architecture's Model Environments
Author/Editor: Lisa Moffitt
Architekten- und Designer-Ehepaar Jacques und Jacqueline Groag
Author/Editor: Prokop ,Ursula
Architekturen in Zelluloid: Der filmische Blick auf den Raum
Author/Editor: Doris Agotai
Architektur immaterieller Arbeit
Author/Editor: Rumpfhuber ,Andreas
Architekturwissenschaft. Vom Suffix zur Agenda
Author/Editor: Juan Almarza Anwandter,Jan Bovelet,Michael Dürfeld,Eva Maria Froschauer,Christine Neubert,Peter I. Schneider,Gernot Weckherlin
Architekturzeichnungen der deutschen Renaissance: Funktion und Bildlichkeit zeichnerischer Produktion 1500–1650
Author/Editor: Fitzner ,Sebastian
Architekturzeichnungen der deutschen Renaissance: Funktion und Bildlichkeit zeichnerischer Produktion 1500–1650
Architettura e Illuminismo: Filosofia e progetti di città nel tardo Settecento francese
Author/Editor: Irene Brancasi
Architettura islamica nel Mediterraneo fatimide (X-XII secolo)
Author/Editor: Lamia Hadda
Architetture nel tempo: Dialoghi della materia, nel restauro
Author/Editor: Maurizio De Vita
Archival Film Curatorship: Early and Silent Cinema from Analog to Digital
Author/Editor: Grazia Ingravalle
Archival Silences: Missing, Lost and, Uncreated Archives
Author/Editor: Michael Moss,David Thomas
Archivarbeit im Wandel: Das Beispiel des preußischen Staatsarchivs in Schleswig-Holstein 1870–1947
Author/Editor: Sarah Schmidt
Archivare zwischen Kaiserreich und Weimarer Republik: Institutionen, Schriftgut, Geschichtskultur
Author/Editor: Tom Toelle,Sarah Schmidt,Jessica von Seggern
Archiv Bibliographia Judaica – Deutschsprachiges Judentum Online: Historische Kontexte und Einführung in die Datenbank
Author/Editor: Dieter Burdorf
Archive für Literatur: Der Nachlass und seine Ordnungen
Author/Editor: Petra-Maria Dallinger,Georg Hofer,Bernhard Judex
Archive in/aus Literatur: Wechselspiele zweier Medien
Author/Editor: Christian Neuhuber,Klaus Kastberger
Archive of Jewish History: Volume 12
Author/Editor: Oleg Budnitskii
Archive of Jewish History: Volume 13
Author/Editor: Oleg Budnitskii
Archiveren van Digitaal Academisch Erfgoed, een verslag als voorbeeld
Author/Editor: Tjalsma ,Heiko
Author/Editor: Andrew Lison,Marcell Mars,Tomislav Medak,Rick Prelinger
Archives, Access and Artificial Intelligence: Working with Born-Digital and Digitized Archival Collections
Author/Editor: Lise Jaillant
Archives and Human Rights
Author/Editor: Jens Boel,Perrine Canavaggio,Antonio González Quintana
Archives and Records: Privacy, Personality Rights, and Access
Author/Editor: Mikuláš Čtvrtník
Archives in Liquid Times
Author/Editor: Smit ,Frans,Glaudemans ,Arnoud,Jonker ,Rienk
Archive zwischen Konflikt und Kooperation / Arkiver mellem konflikt og samarbejde. 75 Jahre deutsch-dänisches Archivabkommen von 1933 / 75 år dansk-tysk arkivoverenskomst af 1933
Author/Editor: Rainer Hering,Rainer Hering,Johan Peter Noack,Johan Peter Noack,Steen Ousager,Steen Ousager,Hans Schultz Hansen,Hans Schultz Hansen
Archivführer Schleswig-Holstein. Archive und ihre Bestände
Author/Editor: Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein,Verband schleswig-holsteinischer Kommunalarch
Archivio storico dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze (1860-1960)
Author/Editor: Capetta, Francesca,Piccolo, Sara
Archivio storico dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze (1860-1960)
Archéologie caraïbe
Author/Editor: Benoît Bérard,Catherine Losier
Archäologische Forschungen in Teurnia
Author/Editor: Gugl ,Christian
Archäologische Untersuchungen
Archäologische Untersuchungen : Über Temporalität und Dinge
Author/Editor: Stabrey ,Undine
Arctic Geopolitics, Media and Power
Author/Editor: Annika E. Nilsson,Miyase Christensen
Arctic governance: Power in cross-border cooperation
Author/Editor: Elana Wilson Rowe
Arctic Justice: Environment, Society and Governance
Author/Editor: Corine Wood-Donnelly,Johanna Ohlsson
Arctic Madness: The Anthropology of a Delusion
Author/Editor: Pierre Déléage,Catherine V. Howard
Ardea: A Philosophical Novella
Author/Editor: Freya Mathews
Ar de Rock: O Boom do Rock em Portugal no Início da Década de 1980
Author/Editor: Ricardo Andrade
Ardnt's Story
Author/Editor: Cornish ,Selwyn,Drake ,Peter,Coleman ,Peter,Arndt ,Bettina
Areal Convergence in Eastern Central European Languages and Beyond
Author/Editor: Luka Szucsich,Agnes Kim,Uliana Yazhinova
Area-wide Integrated Pest Management: Development and Field Application
Author/Editor: Jorge Hendrichs,Rui Pereira,Marc Vreysen
Area-Wide Management of Fruit Fly Pests
Author/Editor: Diana Perez-Staples,Francisco Diaz-Fleischer,Pablo Montoya,Maria Teresa Vera
Arendt, Eichmann and the Politics of the Past
Author/Editor: Tuija Parvikko
Are South Africans Free?
Author/Editor: Lawrence Hamilton
Are We Comparing Yet?: On Standards, Justice, and Incomparability
Author/Editor: Haun Saussy
"Are We Not Foreigners Here?": Indigenous Nationalism in the Twentieth-Century U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Schulze
Argentina's Economic Reforms of the 1990s in Contemporary and Historical Perspective
Author/Editor: Domingo Felipe Cavallo,Sonia Cavallo Runde
Argentine Cinema and National Identity: 1966-1976 (Volume 16)
Author/Editor: Carolina Rocha
Arguing about the World: The Work and Legacy of Meghnad Desai
Author/Editor: Mary Kaldor,Polly Vizard
Arguing With Anthropology
Author/Editor: Karen Sykes
Argumentationen über den Klimawandel in Schweizer Medien: Entwicklung einer sektoralen Argumentationstheorie und -typologie für den Diskurs über Klimawandel zwischen 2007 und 2014
Author/Editor: Nadine Kammermann
Argumentation et narration
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel Adam,Emmanuelle Danblon,Thierry Herman,Emmanuel De Jonge,Ekaterina Kissina,Sophie Klimis,Stép Leyens,Julie Allard,Emmanuel De Jonge,Mylène Botbol-Baum,Ekaterina Kissina,Emmanuelle Danblon,Loïc Nicolas,Marc Dominicy,Jean-Claude K. Dupont,Jean-M
Argumentieren mit dem Praxisschock: Einordnungen und Funktionen
Author/Editor: Juliane Keitel,Grit Oelschlegel
The "Ariadne auf Naxos" of Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Richard Strauss
Author/Editor: Donald G. Daviau,George J. Buelow
Ariconium, Herefordshire: An Iron Age settlement and Romano-British 'small town'
Author/Editor: Robin Jackson
Aries netwerk: een constructicon
Author/Editor: Alex Reuneker,Ronny Boogaart,Saskia Lensink
"Arise Ye Wretched of the Earth": The First International in a Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Fabrice Bensimon,Quentin Deluermoz,Jeanne Moisand
Aristotle and the Ontology of St. Bonaventure
Author/Editor: Franziska van Buren
Arjen turvallisuus ja muuttoliikkeet
Author/Editor: Laura Assmuth,Ville-Samuli Haverinen,Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola,Pirjo Pöllänen,Anni Rannikko,Tiina Sotkasiira
ARJUNAWIWĀHA : The marriage of Arjuna of Mpu Kanwa
Author/Editor: Robson ,Stuart
Arkistot ja kulttuuriperintö
Author/Editor: Outi Hupaniittu,Ulla-Maija Peltonen
Arktischer Heizraum: Das Energiesystem Kola zwischen regionaler Autarkie und gesamtstaatlicher Verflechtung 1928–1974
Author/Editor: Felix Frey
Arktisches Wissen: Schweizer Expeditionen und dänischer Kolonialhandel in Grönland (1908–1913)
Author/Editor: Lea Pfäffli
Armed Batavians
Author/Editor: Nicolay ,Johan
Armed Conflict and Environment: From World War II to Contemporary Asymmetric Warfare
Author/Editor: Detlef Briesen
Armenia through the Lens of Time: Multidisciplinary Studies in Honour of Theo Maarten van Lint
Author/Editor: Federico Alpi,Robin Meyer,Irene Tinti,David Zakarian
Armies and Ecosystems in Premodern Europe: The Meuse Region, 1250-1850
Author/Editor: Sander Govaerts
Arminius or the Rise of a National Symbol in Literature: From Hutten to Grabbe
Author/Editor: Richard Kuehnemund
Armoede en sociale uitsluiting: jaarboek 2021
Author/Editor: Jill Coene,Tuur Ghys,Bernard Hubeau,Sarah Marchal,Peter Raeymaeckers,Roy Remmen
Arms and the People: Popular Movements and the Military from the Paris Commune to the Arab Spring
Author/Editor: Mike Gonzalez,Houman Barekat
Arms Trafficking
Author/Editor: Gian Ege,Christian Schwarzenegger,Monika Stempkowski
Armut - Arbeit - Menschenwürde: Die Euböische Rede des Dion von Prusa
Author/Editor: Gustav A. Lehmann,Dorit Engster,Dorothee Gall
Armutsrisiko alleinerziehend: Die Bedeutung von sozialer Komposition und institutionellem Kontext in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Sabine Hübgen
Armut und Engagement
Armut und Engagement : Zur zivilgesellschaftlichen Partizipation von Menschen in prekären Lebenslagen
Author/Editor: Voigtländer ,Leiv Eirik
Armut und Gesundheit - Öffentliche Ringvorlesung Wintersemester 2013/2014
Author/Editor: Tamcke, Martin
Armut und Gesundheit - Öffentliche Ringvorlesung Wintersemester 2013/2014
Armut und Umweltschutz: Potenziale und Barrieren im urbanen Raum Westafrikas
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Huber
Arnold Schoenberg und Roberto Gerhard: Briefwechsel: Kritische Ausgabe von Paloma Ortiz-de-Urbina
Author/Editor: Paloma Ortiz de Urbina
"A Road to Peace and Freedom" : The International Workers Order and the Struggle for Economic Justice and Civil Rights, 1930-1954
Author/Editor: Zecker ,Robert
Arrangierte Liebe - Leitfaden zur Sonderausstellung in der Ethnologischen Sammlung der Universität Göttingen
Author/Editor: Racz, Julia,Krüger, Gundolf
Arrested Mourning: Memory of the Nazi Camps in Poland, 1944–1950
Author/Editor: Zofia Woycicka
Arrival Cities: Migrating Artists and New Metropolitan Topographies in the 20th Century
Author/Editor: Burcu Dogramaci,Mareike Hetschold,Laura Karp Lugo,Rachel Lee,Helene Roth
Ars critica numaria: Joseph Eckhel (1737–1798) and the Transformation of Ancient Numismatics
Ars Edendi Lecture Series, vol. IV
Ars Edendi Lecture Series, vol. IV
Ars Edendi Lecture Series: Volume V
Author/Editor: Erika Kihlman,Denis Searby
Ars philologica slavica: Festschrift fuer Heinrich Kunstmann
Author/Editor: Vsevolod Setschkareff,Peter Rehder,Herta Schmid
Ars poetica: I classici greci e latini nell'opera di Giorgio Bassani
Author/Editor: Claudio Cazzola
Art Activism for an Anticolonial Future
Author/Editor: Carlos Garrido Castellano
Art and Economics in the City: New Cultural Maps
Author/Editor: Caterina Benincasa,Gianfranco Neri,Michele Trimarchi
Art and Landscape
Author/Editor: Filigenzi ,Anna
Art as a Political Witness
Author/Editor: Kia Lindroos,Frank Möller
Art as a Political Witness
Author/Editor: Kia Lindroos,Frank Möller
Art at Auction in 17th Century Amsterdam
Author/Editor: Montias ,John Michael
Art beyond Borders: Artistic Exchange in Communist Europe (1945–1989)
Author/Editor: Jérôme Bazin,Pascal Dubourg Glatigny,Piotr Piotrowski
Art Cities, Cultural Districts and Museums
Author/Editor: Lazzeretti, Luciana
Art Cities, Cultural Districts and Museums
Art Crossing Borders: The Internationalisation of the Art Market in the Age of Nation States, 1750-1914
Author/Editor: Jan Dirk Baetens,Dries Lyna
Artefakte des Entwerfens: Skizzieren, Zeichnen, Skripten, Modellieren : 2., aktualisierte Auflage
Author/Editor: Rikke Lyngsø Christensen,Ekkerhard Drach,Lidia Gasperoni,Doris Hallama,Anna Katrine Hougaard,Ralf Liptau
Arte nell’arte: Ceramiche medievali lette attraverso gli occhi dei grandi maestri toscani del Trecento e del Quattrocento
Author/Editor: Angelica Degasperi
Artes Grammaticae in frammenti: I testi grammaticali latini e bilingui greco-latini su papiro. Edizione commentata
Author/Editor: Maria Chiara Scappaticcio
Art et religion
Author/Editor: Alain Dierkens,Nancy Delhalle,Fabrice Preyat,Gwenn Scheppler,Lebel,Sylvie Peperstraete,Sylvie Peperstraete,Cécile Vanderpelen-Diagre,Irini-Fotini Viltanioti,Baudouin Decharneux,Céline Drèze,Jean-Marie Sansterre,Astrid de Hontheim
Art from a Fractured Past
Art from a Fractured Past : Memory and Truth-Telling in Post-Shining Path Peru
Author/Editor: Milton ,Cynthia
Art, history, and anachronic interventions since 1990
Author/Editor: Eva Kernbauer
Arthur Schnitzler: Blumen
Author/Editor: Schwentner ,Isabella
Arthur Schnitzler »Das Zeitlose ist von kürzester Dauer.« , Band 1 : Interviews, Meinungen und Proteste (1891–1931)
Arthur Schnitzler : Der Witwer. Die Gefährtin: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe
Author/Editor: Marina Rauchenbacher
Arthur Schnitzler und der Film. Bedeutung, Wahrnehmung, Beziehung, Umsetzung, Erfahrung
Author/Editor: Wolf ,Claudia
Arthur Schopenhauer und die russische Literatur des spaeten 19. und fruehen 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Joachim T. Baer
Articulating Bodies: The Narrative Form of Disability and Illness in Victorian Fiction (Volume 8)
Author/Editor: Kylee-Anne Hingston
Articulating Media: Genealogy, Interface, Situation
Author/Editor: James Gabrillo,Nathaniel Zetter
Articulating the Ḥijāba: Cultural Patronage and Political Legitimacy in al-Andalus: The ʿĀmirid Regency c. 970-1010 AD
Author/Editor: Mariam Rosser-Owen
Artifacts of Thinking
Author/Editor: Berkowitz ,Roger,Storey ,Ian
Artificial Earth: A Genealogy of Planetary Technicity
Author/Editor: Johan Daniel Andersson
Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science: 30th Irish Conference, AICS 2022, Munster, Ireland, December 8–9, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
Author/Editor: Luca Longo,Ruairi O’Reilly
Artificial Intelligence and International Conflict in Cyberspace
Author/Editor: Fabio Cristiano,Dennis Broeders,François Delerue,Frédérick Douzet,Aude Géry
Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things: UK Policy Opportunities and Challenges
Author/Editor: Mercedes Bunz,Laima Janciute
Artificial Intelligence-based Cybersecurity for Connected and Automated Vehicles
Author/Editor: Jordi Guijarro,Saber Mhiri,YOU-JUN CHOI
Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future: An Ecosystem Perspective on the Ethics of AI and Emerging Digital Technologies
Author/Editor: Bernd Carsten Stahl
Artificial Intelligence for Digitising Industry – Applications
Author/Editor: Ovidiu Vermesan
Artificial Intelligence in Oncology Drug Discovery and Development
Author/Editor: John W. Cassidy,Belle Taylor
Artificial Intelligence in the Capitalist University: Academic Labour, Commodification, and Value
Author/Editor: John Preston
Artificial intelligence in the design process: The Impact on Creativity and Team Collaboration
Author/Editor: Fabio Antonio Figoli,Francesca Mattioli,Lucia Rampino
Artificial Intelligence Oceanography
Author/Editor: Xiaofeng Li,Fan Wang
Artificial Intelligence Technology
Author/Editor: Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co.
Artificiality and Sustainability in Entrepreneurship: Exploring the Unforeseen, and Paving the Way to a Sustainable Future
Author/Editor: Richard Adams,Dietmar Grichnik,Asta Pundziene,Christine Volkmann
Artificialized land and land take
Author/Editor: Maylis Desrousseaux,Béatrice Béchet,Yves Le Bissonnais,Anne Ruas,Bertrand Schmitt
Artificial Societies
Author/Editor: Nigel Gilbert,Rosaria Conte
Artifizialität und Agon: Poetologien des Wi(e)derdichtens im höfischen Roman des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Jan Stellmann
Artigiani a Genova nei secoli XII-XIII
Author/Editor: Denise Bezzina
Art in Progress
Author/Editor: Doorman ,Maarten
Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies
Author/Editor: Davis ,Heather,Turpin ,Etienne
Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies
Art in the Global Present
Author/Editor: Nikos Papastergiadis,Victoria Lynn
Artisans Abroad: British Migrant Workers in Industrialising Europe, 1815-1870
Author/Editor: Fabrice Bensimon
Artistic Cartography and Design Explorations Towards the Pluriverse
Author/Editor: Satu Miettinen,Enni Mikkonen,MARIA CECILIA LOSCHIAVO DOS SANTOS,Melanie Sarantou
Artistic Research and Literature
Author/Editor: Corina Caduff,Tan Wälchli
Artistic Research: Defining the Field
Author/Editor: Butt ,Danny
The Artistry of Bheki Mseleku
Author/Editor: Andrew Lilley
The Art of Audit. Eight remarkable government auditors on stage
Author/Editor: Janssen ,Roel
The Art of Distances: Ethical Thinking in Twentieth-Century Literature
Author/Editor: Corina Stan
The Art of Ethics in the Information Society. Mind you
Art of Fugue: Bach Fugues for Keyboard, 1715–1750
Author/Editor: Kerman ,Joseph
Art of Fugue: Bach Fugues for Keyboard, 1715–1750
Art of Fugue: Bach Fugues for Keyboard, 1715–1750
Author/Editor: Joseph Kerman
The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering: Mastering Complexity
Author/Editor: Sanjoy Mahajan
The Art of Neighbouring. Making Relations Across China's Borders
The Art of Prehistoric Textile Making. : The development of craft traditions and clothing in Central Europe
Author/Editor: Grömer ,Karina
The Art of Staying Neutral
Author/Editor: Abbenhuis ,Maartje
The Art of Sustainable Performance: A Model for Recruiting, Selection, and Professional Development
Author/Editor: Bas Kodden
The Art of Symbolic Resistance: Uyghur Identities and Uyghur-Han Relations in Contemporary Xinjiang
Author/Editor: Joanne N. Smith Finley
Artographies - Kreativ-künstlerische Zugänge zu einer machtkritischen Raumforschung
Author/Editor: Katrin Singer,Katharina Schmidt,Martina Neuburger
Art Outside the Lines: New Perspectives on GDR Art Culture
Author/Editor: Elaine Kelly,Amy Wlodarski
Art, Research, Philosophy
Author/Editor: Clive Cazeaux
Arts and Health Promotion: Tools and Bridges for Practice, Research, and Social Transformation
Author/Editor: J. Hope Corbin,Mariana Sanmartino,Emily Alden Hennessy,Helga Bjørnøy Urke
Arts-Based Interventions and Social Change in Europe
Author/Editor: Andrea Kárpáti
Arts-Based Methods for Decolonising Participatory Research
Author/Editor: Tiina Seppälä,Melanie Sarantou,Satu Miettinen
Arts-Based Methods in Education Around the World
Author/Editor: Xiangyun Du,Tatiana Chemi
Arts in Context - Kunst, Forschung, Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Thomas Gartmann,Christian Pauli
Arts, Religion, and the Environment: Exploring Nature's Texture
Author/Editor: Sigurd Bergmann,Forrest Clingerman
Art Unlimited?
Art Unlimited? : Dynamics and Paradoxes of a Globalizing Art World
Author/Editor: Schultheis ,Franz,Single ,Erwin,Köfeler ,Raphaela,Mazzurana ,Thomas
Aryan and Non-Aryan in India
Author/Editor: Madhav M. Deshpande,Peter E. Hook
Arzneimittel-Kompass 2021: Hochpreisige Arzneimittel – Herausforderung und Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Helmut Schröder,Petra Thürmann,Carsten Telschow,Melanie Schröder,Reinhard Busse
Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022: Qualität der Arzneimittelversorgung
Author/Editor: Helmut Schröder,Petra Thürmann,Carsten Telschow,Melanie Schröder,Reinhard Busse
ASA 2021 Statistics and Information Systems for Policy Evaluation: BOOK OF SHORT PAPERS of the on-site conference
Author/Editor: Bruno Bertaccini,Luigi Fabbris,Alessandra Petrucci
ASA 2021 Statistics and Information Systems for Policy Evaluation: Book of short papers of the opening conference
Author/Editor: Bruno Bertaccini,Luigi Fabbris,Alessandra Petrucci
ASA 2022 Data-Driven Decision Making: Book of short papers
Author/Editor: Barbara Cavalletti,ENRICO DI BELLA,Luigi Fabbris,Corrado Lagazio
Asbestos – The Last Modernist Object
Author/Editor: Arthur Rose
ASEAN Resistance to Sovereignty Violation: Interests, Balancing and the Role of the Vanguard State
Author/Editor: Laura Southgate
Aseveljien tulkit: Jatkosodan monikielinen arki
Author/Editor: Pekka Kujamäki
Asexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality
Author/Editor: Ela Przybylo
As German as Kafka: Identity and Singularity in German Literature around 1900 and 2000
Author/Editor: Lene Rock
Ashkenazim and Sephardim: Language Miscellanea
Author/Editor: Andrzej Katny,Izabela Olszewska,Aleksandra Twardowska
The Asia-Europe Meeting: Contributing to a New Global Governance Architecture
The Asian 21st Century
Author/Editor: Kishore Mahbubani
An Asian American Theology of Liberation
Author/Editor: Tian An Wong
Asian Anthropology
Author/Editor: jan Van Bremen,Eyal Ben-Ari,Syed Farid Alatas
Asian Century… on a Knife-edge: A 360 Degree Analysis of Asia's Recent Economic Development
Author/Editor: John West
Asian Economic Integration in an Era of Global Uncertainty (PAFTAD)
The Asian financial crisis New International Financial Architecture: Crisis, reform and recovery
Author/Editor: Sharma ,Shalendra D
The Asian financial crisis New International Financial Architecture: Crisis, reform and recovery
Asianisms: Regionalist Interactions and Asian Integration
Author/Editor: Marc Frey,Nicola Spakowski
Asian Literary Voices
Asian Perceptions of Gulf Security
Author/Editor: Li-Chen Sim,Jonathan Fulton
Asian Politics in Development
Author/Editor: Robert Benewick,Marc Blecher,Sarah Cook
Asian Socialism and Legal Change
Author/Editor: Nicholson ,Pip,Gillespie ,John
The Asian Studies Parade: Archival, Biographical, Institutional and Post-Colonial Approaches
Author/Editor: Paul van der Velde,Alex McKay
Asian Transformations: An Inquiry into the Development of Nations
Author/Editor: Deepak Nayyar
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 10 (2001-2002)
Author/Editor: B.S. Chimni,Miyoshi Masahiro,Surya P. Subedi
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 11 (2003-2004)
Author/Editor: B.S. Chimni,Miyoshi Masahiro,Surya P. Subedi
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 1 (1991)
Author/Editor: Ko Swan Sik,J.J.G. Syatauw,M.C.W. Pinto
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 12 (2005-2006)
Author/Editor: B.S. Chimni,Miyoshi Masahiro,Surya P. Subedi
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 13 (2007)
Author/Editor: B.S. Chimni,Miyoshi Masahiro,Li-ann Thio
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 14 (2008)
Author/Editor: B.S. Chimini,Miyoshi Masahiro,Li-Ann Thio
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 15 (2009)
Author/Editor: B.S. Chimini,Miyoshi Masahiro,Javaid Rehman
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 16 (2010)
Author/Editor: Seokwoo Lee,Hee Eun Lee
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 17 (2011)
Author/Editor: Seokwoo Lee,Hee Eun Lee
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 18 (2012)
Author/Editor: Seokwoo Lee,Hee Eun Lee
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 19 (2013)
Author/Editor: Seokwoo Lee,Hee Eun Lee
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 20 (2014)
Author/Editor: Seokwoo Lee,Hee Eun Lee
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 21 (2015)
Author/Editor: Seokwoo Lee,Hee Eun Lee
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 2 (1992)
Author/Editor: Ko Swan Sik,J.J.G. Syatauw,M.C.W. Pinto
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 22 (2016)
Author/Editor: Seokwoo Lee,Hee Eun Lee
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 23 (2017)
Author/Editor: Seokwoo Lee,Hee Eun Lee
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 24 (2018)
Author/Editor: Seokwoo Lee,Hee Eun Lee
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 25 (2019)
Author/Editor: Seokwoo Lee,Hee Eun Lee
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 3 (1993)
Author/Editor: Ko Swan Sik,J.J.G. Syatauw,M.C.W. Pinto
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 4 (1994)
Author/Editor: Ko Swan Sik,J.J.G. Syatauw,M.C.W. Pinto
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 5 (1995)
Author/Editor: Ko Swan Sik,J.J.G. Syatauw,M.C.W. Pinto
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 6 (1996)
Author/Editor: Ko Swan Sik,J.J.G. Syatauw,M.C.W. Pinto
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 7 (1997)
Author/Editor: Ko Swan Sik,J.J.G. Syatauw,M.C.W. Pinto
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 8 (1998-1999)
Author/Editor: B.S. Chimni,Ko Swan Sik,Miyoshi Masahiro,M.C.W. Pinto,S.P. Subedi
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 9 (2000)
Author/Editor: B.S. Chimni,Miyoshi Masahiro,Surya P. Subedi
Asia Pacific Education
Asia Pacific Education : Diversity, Challenges and Changes
Author/Editor: Chan ,Philip Wing Keung
Asia-Pacific Fishing Livelihoods
Author/Editor: Michael Fabinyi,Kate Barclay
Asia-Pacific Security: Policy Challenges
Author/Editor: Lovell W. ,David
As If: Essays in As You Like It
Author/Editor: William N. West
Asile et abus. Asyl und Missbrauch: Regards pluridisciplinaires sur un discours dominant. Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven auf einen vorherrschenden Diskurs
Author/Editor: Anne-Cécile Leyvraz,Teresia Gordzielik,Raphaël Rey,Barbara von Rütte,Damian Rosset,Nesa Zimmerman,Robin Stünzi
Asking and Answering: Rivalling Approaches to Interrogative Methods
Author/Editor: Moritz Cordes
Ask Now of the Days that are Past
Author/Editor: Eliezer Segal
Aspecten van hoger onderwijs; een internationale inventarisatie
Author/Editor: CSHOB
Aspects of Adverbial Placement in English and Slovene
Author/Editor: Margaret G. Davis
Aspects of Kinship in Ancient Iran
Author/Editor: D. T. Potts
Aspects of Linguistic Variation
Author/Editor: Daniël Olmen,Tanja Mortelmans,Frank Brisard
Aspects of Poverty and Inequality in Cameroon
Author/Editor: Wokia-azi Ndangle Kumase
Aspects of Roman Dance Culture: Religious Cults, Theatrical Entertainments, Metaphorical Appropriations
Author/Editor: Karin Schlapbach
Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture
Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture
Aspects of Urbanization in China
Author/Editor: Sarah Dessì Schmid
Aspekte der Handlungskompetenz von Begabungsfördernden im Kontext der außerschulischen Förderung hochbegabter Grundschulkinder: Impulse für die Entwicklung von Fortbildungsangeboten (Volume 11)
Author/Editor: Nanni Kaiser
Aspekte der Schillerschen Kunsttheorie im Literaturkonzept Dostoevskijs
Author/Editor: Christiane Schulz
Aspekte der Slavistik: Festschrift fuer Josef Schrenk
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Girke,Helmut Jachnow
Aspektualitaet im Polnischen und Deutschen: Eine praktische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Uebersetzungen beider Richtungen
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Gulawska
Aspiring to the Good Life in Seoul: Ethics and Economics in the Narratives of Young South Koreans
Author/Editor: Carolin Landgraf
A. S. Puškin im Uebersetzungswerk Henry von Heiselers (1875-1928): Ein europaeischer Wirkungsraum der Petersburger Kultur
Author/Editor: Fedor B. Poljakov,Carmen Sippl
A. S. Puškins Versepik - Autoren-Ich und Erzaehlstruktur
Author/Editor: Karla Hielscher
The Assassination of Jacques Lemaigre Dubreuil
Author/Editor: William A. Hoisington
The Assassination of Symon Petliura and the Trial of Scholem Schwarzbard 1926–1927: A Selection of Documents (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: David Engel
Assédio: Aproximações Sociojurídicas à Sexualidade
Author/Editor: Ana Oliveira
Assembling Therapeutics: Cultures, Politics and Materiality
Author/Editor: Suvi Salmenniemi,Johanna Nurmi,Inna Perheentupa,Harley Bergroth
Assessing Environmental Risk of Oil Spills with ERA Acute: A New Methodology
Author/Editor: Cathrine Stephansen,Anders Bjørgesæter,Odd Willy Brude,Ute Brönner,Tonje Waterloo Rogstad,Grethe Kjeilen-Eilertsen,Jean-Marie Libre,Christian Collin-Hansen
Assessing Recent Soil Erosion Rates through the Use of Beryllium-7 (Be-7)
Author/Editor: Lionel Mabit,William Blake
Assessing the evidence on Indigenous socioeconomic outcomes
Author/Editor: Hunter ,Boyd
Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education: A Guide for Teachers
Author/Editor: Teresa McConlogue
Assessment for Experiential Learning
Author/Editor: Cecilia Ka Yuk Chan
Assessment for Inclusion in Higher Education: Promoting Equity and Social Justice in Assessment
Author/Editor: Rola Ajjawi,Joanna Tai,David Boud,Trina Jorre de St Jorre
Assessment in Mathematics Education: Large-Scale Assessment and Classroom Assessment
Author/Editor: Christine Suurtamm,Denisse R. Thompson,Rae Young Kim,Leonora Diaz Moreno,Nathalie Sayac,Stanislaw Schukajlow,Edward Silver,Stefan Ufer,Pauline Vos
Assessment of Cancer Screening: A Primer
Author/Editor: Pamela M. Marcus
Assessment of Climate Change over the Indian Region: A Report of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India
Author/Editor: R. Krishnan,J. Sanjay,Chellappan Gnanaseelan,Milind Mujumdar,Ashwini Kulkarni,Supriyo Chakraborty
Assessment of Energy-Efficient Building Details for Seismic Regions
Author/Editor: Boris Azinović,Vojko Kilar,David Koren
Assessment of General Practitioners' Performance in Daily Practice: The EURACT Performance Agenda of General Practice/Family Medicine
Author/Editor: Stefan Wilm
Assessment of Responsible Innovation: Methods and Practices
Author/Editor: Emad Yaghmaei,Ibo van de Poel
Assistenzsysteme zur Reduktion des Schädigungsverhaltens von Komponenten einer mobilen Arbeitsmaschine
Author/Editor: Lars Brinkschulte
Association of Architecture Schools in Australasia
Associations de migrants et coopération internationale: Agriculture et développement durable au Sénégal
Author/Editor: Jenny Maggi,Dame Sarr
Assoggettamento e passioni nel pensiero politico di Judith Butler
Author/Editor: Chiara Mastroberti
Assumer l’humanité: Hannah Arendt : la responsabilité face à la pluralité
Author/Editor: Gérôme Truc,Étienne Tassin
Assyrian and Babylonian Scholarly Text Catalogues: Medicine, Magic and Divination
Author/Editor: Ulrike Steinert
Častnoe neoficial'noe pis'mo i teksty-rassuždenija. Persoenlicher Briefwechsel und Eroerterungen auf Russisch: Ein Lehr- und Uebungsheft fuer Fortgeschrittene. Studienhilfen, Band 5
Author/Editor: Hans Oppermann,Valentia Herrnstadt,Lutz Löscher,Margot Sibilla,Valentia Siegl,Galina Woitaschek
Astronomer, Cartographer and Naturalist of the New World: The Life and Scholarly Achievements of Georg Marggrafe (1610-1643) in Colonial Dutch Brazil. Volume 2
Author/Editor: Huib J. Zuidervaart,Oscar T. Matsuura
Astronomia e Fisica a Firenze: Dalla Specola ad Arcetri
Author/Editor: Massimo Mazzoni,Fausto Barbagli,Simone Bianchi,Roberto Casalbuoni,Daniele Dominici,Giuseppe Pelosi
Asyl als Anspruch?: Der Alltag des Rechts und Rechte im Alltag von Asylsuchenden
Author/Editor: Andrea Fritsche
Asylum Determination in Europe: Ethnographic Perspectives
Author/Editor: Nick Gill,Anthony Good
Asylum Matters: On the Front Line of Administrative Decision-Making
Author/Editor: Laura Affolter
Asylum Related Organisations in Europe: Networks and Institutional Dynamics in the Context of a Common European Asylum System (Volume 1)
Author/Editor: Anna Mratschkowski
Asyl verwalten
Asyl verwalten : Zur bürokratischen Bearbeitung eines gesellschaftlichen Problems
The Asymmetric Nature of Time: Accounting for the Open Future and the Fixed Past
Author/Editor: Vincent Grandjean
Asyndese? Zum Problem einer 'negativen' Kategorie
Author/Editor: Astrid Yvonne Breuer
As You Law It - Negotiating Shakespeare (Volume 15)
Author/Editor: Daniela Carpi,François Ost
ATEE Spring Conference 2020-2021: Book of Abstracts
Atelier und Dichterzimmer in neuen Medienwelten: Zur aktuellen Situation von Künstler- und Literaturhäusern
Author/Editor: Sabiene Autsch,Michael Grisko,Peter Seibert
Atelische an-Konstruktion: Eine korpusbasierte Modifikatoranalyse (Volume 86)
Author/Editor: Ekaterina Laptieva
Atem / Breath
Author/Editor: Linn Burchert,Iva Rešetar
Atem-Wege: Erkundungen zu Luftverschmutzung, Atemnot und Achtsamkeit
Author/Editor: Aurelia Ehrensperger
At Face Value and Beyond
At Face Value and Beyond : Photographic Constructions of Reality
Author/Editor: Schwärzler ,Monika
Athanasius Raczyński (1788–1874). Aristocrat, Diplomat, and Patron of the Arts
Author/Editor: Michał Mencfel
The Atheist's Bible: Diderot's 'Éléments de physiologie'
Author/Editor: Caroline Warman
Athens and the War on Public Space: Tracing a City in Crisis
Author/Editor: Klara Jaya Brekke,Christos Filippidis,Antonis Vradis
Atheïstische religiositeit
Author/Editor: Moer Van ,Wim
Athlete Activism: Contemporary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Rory Magrath
At Home in Exile: A Memoir
Author/Editor: Helga M Griffin
At Home in Renaissance Bruges: Connecting Objects, People and Domestic Spaces in a Sixteenth-Century City
Author/Editor: Julie De Groot
At home in Vienna—Zu Hause in Wien: Studies of exemplary affordable housing—Eine Studie und Sammlung geförderter Wiener Wohnbauten
Author/Editor: Mladen Jadric,Dijana Alic
Atlantic Bonds: A Nineteenth-Century Odyssey from America to Africa
Author/Editor: Lisa A. Lindsay
Atlas der Datenkörper 1: Körperbilder in Kunst, Design und Wissenschaft im Zeitalter digitaler Medien
Author/Editor: Marlene Bart,Johannes Breuer,Alex Leo Freier
Atlas Kriegsschadenskarten Deutschland: Stadtkartierung und Heritage Making im Wiederaufbau um 1945
Author/Editor: Carmen M. Enss,Birgit Knauer
Atlas: Makerspaces in Public Libraries in The Netherlands
Author/Editor: Olindo Caso,Joran Kuijper
Atlas of Butterflies and Diurnal Moths in the Monsoon Tropics of Northern Australia
Author/Editor: Michael Braby,Donald Franklin,Deborah Bisa,Matthew Williams,Andrew Williams,Carly Bishop,Rebecca Coppen
Atlas of Challenges and Opportunities in European Neighbourhoods
Author/Editor: Pierre Beckouche,Pierre Besnard,Hugues Pecout
Atlas of Fallen Dust in Kuwait
Author/Editor: Ali Al-Dousari
Atlas of Global Change Risk of Population and Economic Systems
Atlas of Mineral Deposits Distribution in China (2020)
Author/Editor: Fanyu Qi,Xiaolei Li,Yuntao Shang,Jie Meng,Xuezheng Gao,Zhaoyu Kong,Haixin Li,Haifei Yan
Atlas of Religion in China: Social and Geographical Contexts
Author/Editor: Fenggang Yang
Atlas of Remote Sensing of the Wenchuan Earthquake: Cas- Project Team of Remote Sensing for Wenchuan Earthquake
Author/Editor: Guo Huadong,Irma Britton
An Atlas on Global Water Cycle
Author/Editor: Lim ,Wee Ho,Roderick ,Michael L.
Atmospheric Flow Fields: Theory, Numerical Methods and Software Tools
Author/Editor: Roberta Cocci Grifoni,S. Tascini,G. Latini
Atomic Assurance: The Alliance Politics of Nuclear Proliferation
Author/Editor: Alexander Lanoszka
Atopological Trilogy: Deleuze and Guattari
Author/Editor: Zafer Aracagök,Manola Antonioli
At Risk of Deprivation: The Multidimensional Well-Being Impacts of Climate Migration and Immobility in Peru
Author/Editor: Jonas Bergmann
Attached to the World
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid,Knapen ,Ben,Arts ,Gera,Kleistra ,Yvonne,Klem ,Martijn,Rem ,Marijke
Attachement et changement dans un monde en transformation
Author/Editor: François Bousquet,Tara Quinn,Frédérique Jankowski,Raphaël Mathevet,Olivier Barreteau,Sandrine Dhénain
Attachment Ventilation Theory
Author/Editor: Angui Li
Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality
Author/Editor: Naomi Birdthistle,Rob Hales
Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Good Health and Well-Being
Author/Editor: Naomi Birdthistle,Rob Hales
Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Responsible Consumption and Production
Author/Editor: Naomi Birdthistle,Rob Hales
Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Sustainable Cities and Communities
Author/Editor: Naomi Birdthistle,Rob Hales
Att göra klass: Nedslag i svensk samtidsprosa
Author/Editor: Åsa Arping
At the Crossroads: 1865–1918: A History of the Polish Intelligentsia – Part 3, Edited by Jerzy Jedlicki
Author/Editor: Magdalena Micinska,Jerzy Jedlicki
At the Edges of Sleep: Moving Images and Somnolent Spectators
Author/Editor: Jean Ma
At the edges of states; Dynamics of state formation in the Indonesian borderlands
Author/Editor: Eilenberg ,Michael
At the edges of states; Dynamics of state formation in the Indonesian borderlands
At the Heart of an Empire: The Royal Household in the Neo-Assyrian Period
Author/Editor: Melanie M. Gross
At the Limits of Cure
Author/Editor: Bharat Jayram Venkat
At the origins of Classical opera: Carlo Goldoni and the «dramma giocoso per musica»
Author/Editor: Pervinca Rista
At the Pivot of East and West: Ethnographic, Literary, and Filmic Arts
Author/Editor: Michael Fischer
"At the Shores of the Sky": Asian Studies for Albert Hoffstädt
Author/Editor: Paul W. Kroll,Jonathan A. Silk
Attische Sarkophage aus Ephesos
Author/Editor: Kintrup ,Carola
Attitudes, Beliefs, Motivation and Identity in Mathematics Education: An Overview of the Field and Future Directions
Author/Editor: Markku S. Hannula,Amanda Jansen,Gerald A Goldin,Pietro Di Martino,Marilena Pantziara,Qiaoping Zhang,Francesca Morselli,Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim,Sonja Lutovac,Raimo Kaasila,James A. Middleton
Attori italiani alla corte della zarina Anna Ioannovna (1731-1738)
Author/Editor: ALICE PIERONI
Attraversamento di luoghi simbolici. Petrarca, il bosco e la poesia: Con testimonianze sull’autrice
Author/Editor: Adelia Noferi,Enza Biagini,Anna Dolfi
Attributive constructions in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic (Volume 15)
Author/Editor: Ariel Gutman
At War with Women: Military Humanitarianism and Imperial Feminism in an Era of Permanent War
Author/Editor: Jennifer Greenburg
Auch an der Universität - Über den Beginn von Entrechtung und Vertreibung vor 80 Jahren. Reden der Zentralen Gedenkveranstaltung der Universität Hamburg im Rahmen der Reihe ,,Hamburg erinnert sich 2013 am 8. April 2013"
Author/Editor: Rainer Nicolaysen
Audacious Education Purposes: How Governments Transform the Goals of Education Systems
Author/Editor: Fernando M. Reimers
The Audacious Raconteur: Sovereignty and Storytelling in Colonial India
Author/Editor: Leela Prasad
Au-delà du rideau de bambou: Relations culturelles et amitiés politiques sino-suisses (1949-1989)
Author/Editor: Cyril Cordoba
Author/Editor: Zielinski ,Siegfried
Audiovisual Translation – Research and Use: 2nd Expanded Edition
Author/Editor: Mikolaj Deckert
Außenkulturpolitik : Internationale Beziehungen und kultureller Austausch
Author/Editor: Schreiner ,Patrick
Außenperspektiven: 1809 Andreas Hofer und die Erhebung Tirols
Außenperspektiven: 1809 Andreas Hofer und die Erhebung Tirols
Author/Editor: Lavric ,Eva,Reinalter ,Helmut,Schallhart ,Florian
Außergerichtliche Konfliktlösung in der Antike: Beispiele aus drei Jahrtausenden
Author/Editor: Guido Pfeifer,Nadine Grotkamp
Außerordentliches: Festschrift für Albert Lichtblau
Author/Editor: Regina Thumser-Wöhs,Gugglberger Martina,Birgit Kirchmayr,Grazia Prontera,Thomas Spielbüchler
Außervertragliche Haftung für fremde Autonomie: Eine vergleichende Betrachtung menschlicher, tierischer und technischer Agenten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Durchsetzungsrisiken
Author/Editor: Ann-Kristin Mayrhofer
Aufbrüche, Umbrüche, Abbrüche: Wegmarken qualitativer Bildungs- und Biographieforschung
Author/Editor: Thorsten Fuchs,Christine Demmer,Christine Wiezorek
Aufbruch in die Öffentlichkeit?: Reflexionen zum 'public turn' in der Religionspädagogik
Author/Editor: Bernhard Grümme
Aufbruch ins Unversicherbare
Aufbruch ins Unversicherbare : Zum Katastrophendiskurs der Gegenwart
Auf dem Weg in die Moderne: Spekulation und Finanzkrisen im 18. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Margrit Schulte Beerbühl
Auf dem Weg ins Türkische Reich: Ein bildungshistorisches Lesebuch
Author/Editor: Ingrid Lohmann,Julika Böttcher
Auf dem Weg nach Europa: Deutungen, Visionen, Wirklichkeiten
Author/Editor: Matthias Schnettger,Irene Dingel
Auf dem Weg zu einer Green Economy: Wie die sozialökologische Transformation gelingen kann
Author/Editor: Walter Kahlenborn,Jens Clausen,Siegfried Behrendt,Edgar Göll
Auf dem Weg zu einer Neuen Aufklärung: Ein Plädoyer für zukunftsorientierte Geisteswissenschaften
Author/Editor: Markus Gabriel,Christoph Horn,Anna Katsman,Wilhelm Krull,Anna Luisa Lippold,Corine Pelluchon,Ingo Venzke
Auf dem Weg zur Cyberpolis: Neue Formen von Gemeinschaft, Selbst und Bildung
Author/Editor: Martin Donner,Heidrun Allert
Auf dem Weg zur Energiewende - die Entwicklung der Stromproduktion aus erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland ; eine Studie aus dem Soziologischen Forschungsinstitut Göttingen (SOFI)
Author/Editor: Mautz, Rüdiger,Byzio, Andreas,Rosenbaum, Wolf
Auf dem Weg zur Normalität: Konflikt und Verständigung in den deutsch-französischen Beziehungen der 1970er Jahre
Author/Editor: Dirk Petter,Institut Historique Allemand Paris
Auf dem Weg zur Philosophie: Friedrich Nietzsche schreibt «Der Wanderer und sein Schatten»
Author/Editor: Tobias Brücker
Auf den Schwingen des Pelikans: Studien und Texte zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters
Author/Editor: Ralf Plate,Niels Bohnert,Christian Sonder,Michael Trauth
Auf den Spuren von Amartya Sen: Zur theoriegeschichtlichen Genese des Capability-Ansatzes und seinem Beitrag zur Armutsanalyse in der EU
Author/Editor: Franz Ferdinand Eiffe
Auf den Spuren von Anton Wilhelm Amo: Philosophie und der Ruf nach Interkulturalität
Author/Editor: Louis Wolfradt,Tim Hofmann,Jens Eberhard,Stefan Knauß
Auf der Jagd nach der Sonne: Das journalistische Feld und die Atomkraft in Japan.
Author/Editor: Tobias Weiß
Auf der Suche nach der eigenen Alma Mater: Ingenieure und Architekten aus Estland, die vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg an Technischen Universitäten Europas studiert haben
Author/Editor: Raimo Pullat,Tõnis Liibek
Auf der Suche nach der fünften Dimension - Kollaboration und Digitalität in der Kunstpädagogik
Author/Editor: Christin Lübke,Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel
Auf die Lernbegleitung kommt es an!: Konzepte und Befunde zu Praxisphasen in der Lehrerbildung
Author/Editor: Florian Hesse,Will Lütgert
Auf die Tour!: Jüdinnen und Juden in Singspielhalle, Kabarett und Varieté. Zwischen Habsburgermonarchie und Amerika (Volume 35, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Susanne Korbel
Auf Erfolgen aufbauend: Zur Weiterentwicklung der Forschungsinfrastruktur für die Sozial-, Verhaltens- und Wirtschaftswissenschaft – Empfehlungen des Rates für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD)
Author/Editor: Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten
Auffindbarkeit, Wahrnehmbarkeit, Akzeptabilität: Webseiten von Behörden in Leichter Sprache vor dem Hintergrund der rechtlichen Lage
Author/Editor: Katrin Lang
Aufgaben und Struktur der Bezirkstage und Raete der Bezirke in der DDR 1952-1990/91 am Beispiel des Bezirkes Cottbus: Eine verwaltungsgeschichtliche Studie
Author/Editor: Klaus Neitmann,Eva Rickmers
Aufgeklärte Apokalyptik: Religion, Gewalt und Frieden im Zeitalter der Globalisierung
Author/Editor: Palaver ,Wolfgang,Stöckl ,Kristina,Exenberger ,Andreas
Au fil de l’os: Économie et société chez les Rèmes et les Suessions par le prisme de l’archéozoologie
Author/Editor: Pierre-Emmanuel Paris
Au fil du soin: L’expérience des personnes « démentes » vivant au domicile de leurs proches et des professionnel·le·s
Author/Editor: Natalie Rigaux
Aufklärung habsburgisch: Staatsbildung, Wissenskultur und Geschichtspolitik in Zentraleuropa, 1750-1850
Author/Editor: Franz L. Fillafer
Aufklärungsdiskurse in der deutschsprachigen Regionalpresse Zentraleuropas, 1800-1920 / L’héritage des Lumières dans la presse de langue allemande en Europe centrale, 1800-1920
Author/Editor: Thomas Nicklas,Matjaž Birk
Aufklärung, Wissenschaft und lebensentfaltende Bildung: Geschichte und Gegenwart einer großen Hoffnung der Moderne
Author/Editor: Peter Faulstich
Aufklärung zwischen zwei Welten: Potsdamer Vorlesungen zu den Hauptwerken der romanischen Literaturen des 18. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Ottmar Ette
Aufmerksames Sehen: Konzept einer Audioführung zu ausgewählten Exponaten
Author/Editor: Uwe Christian Dech
Aufmerksamkeitslenkung mithilfe Innenraumbeleuchtung im Automobil
Author/Editor: Maximilian Barthel
Auf metrischen und differentialgeometrischen Konzepten basierende neue mathematische Algorithmen zur Sensordatenfusion mit Anwendungen in der Faser-Bragg-Gitter-Formsensorik
Author/Editor: Hendrikje Pauer
Aufsaetze zur polnischen und deutschen Romantik
Author/Editor: Piotr Roguski
Auf Schritt und Tritt: Der schweizerische Schuhmarkt 1918–1948
Author/Editor: Roman Wild
Aufsichtsratsplanungssysteme: Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Ausgestaltung in Publikumsaktiengesellschaften
Author/Editor: Peter Ruhwedel
Aufstieg durch Bildung?: Regionale Bedarfe als Grundlage wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung
Author/Editor: Matthias Rohs,Hans-Joachim Schmidt,Hans-Ulrich Dallmann
Aufstieg zur Energiemacht: Der sowjetische Weg ins Erdölzeitalter, 1930er bis 1950er Jahre
Author/Editor: Felix Rehschuh
«Auf Wiedersehen in Florenz!»: Voci di ebrei tedeschi dall’Italia
Author/Editor: Federica Rocchi
Augen-Blicke des Schreibens: Zur Poetik des Visuellen in der Schreibszene Robert Walsers
Author/Editor: Beat Bichsel
«Aug’ in Auge»: Heinrich von Kleists «Über das Marionettentheater» in Theater und Forschung
Author/Editor: Marcel Behn
Augmented Education in the Global Age: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Learning and Work
Author/Editor: Daniel Araya,Peter Marber
Augmented Humanity: Being and Remaining Agentic in a Digitalized World
Author/Editor: Peter T. Bryant
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality for Engineering Graphics
Author/Editor: Vitalii Ivanov,Ivan Pavlenko,Artem Evtuhov,Justyna Trojanowska
Augmented Reality : Reflections on its Contribution to Knowledge Formation
Author/Editor: Ariso ,José Maria
Augmented Spaces and Maps
Author/Editor: Christine Schranz
Augmentierte und virtuelle Wirklichkeiten
Author/Editor: Andreas Beinsteiner,Lisa Blasch,Theo Hug,Petra Missomelius,Michaela Rizzolli
Auguste Comte
Author/Editor: Mike Gane
August Šenoas historische Romane: Untersuchungen zu Geschichtsdarstellung und Geschichtskonzeption in "Zlatarevo Zlato", "Čuvaj se senjske ruke" und "Seljačka buna"
Author/Editor: Gisa Dippe
Augustine and the Art of Ruling in the Carolingian Imperial Period (Open Access): Political Discourse in Alcuin of York and Hincmar of Rheims
Author/Editor: Sophia Moesch
August Ludwig (von) Schlözer in Europa (Volume 86, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Helmut Zedelmaier,Heinz Duchhardt,Wolfgang Burgdorf,Holger Böning,Jürgen Voss,Thomas Henkel,Martin Espenhorst,Helmut Keipert,Reinhard Lauer,Annamária Biró,Ulrich Muhlack,Rainer Vinke,Thomas Nicklas,Merio Scattola
August Sauer (1855-1926): Ein Intellektueller in Prag zwischen Kultur- und Wissenschaftspolitik (Volume Band 001, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Ingeborg Fiala-Fürst,Steffen Höhne,Ralf Klausnitzer,Myriam Richter,Mirko Nottscheid,Sigurd Paul Scheichl,Jeannette Godau,Steffen Höhne,Gertrude Cepl-Kaufmann,Milan Tvrdik,Kurt Krolop,Karoline Riener,Justus H. Ulbricht,Hans-Harald Müller
August Strindberg: The Occult Diary: Paris 1896 – Stockholm 1908
Author/Editor: Per Stam,Ann-Charlotte Gavel Adams,Gunnel Engwall
Augustus Hopkins Strong and the Struggle to Reconcile Christian Theology with Modern Thought
Author/Editor: John Aloisi
August Wilhelm Ambros, Musikaufsätze und -rezensionen 1872–1876, Bd. 1: 1872 und 1873
Author/Editor: Štědronská ,Markéta
August Wilhelm Ambros Musikaufsätze und -rezensionen 1872–1876, Bd. 2: 1874–1876: Historisch Kritische Ausgabe
Author/Editor: Markéta Štědronská,Birgit Lodes,Michele Calella
Auld Lang Syne: A Song and its Culture
Author/Editor: M.J. Grant
Aulus Gellius und die ›Noctes Atticae‹: Die literarische Konstruktion einer Sammlung
Author/Editor: Beate Beer
Au-pair: Von der Kulturträgerin zum Dienstmädchen
Author/Editor: Orthofer ,Maria
Aural History
Author/Editor: Gila Ashtor
Aus Büchern Bücher machen: Zur Produktion und Multiplikation von Wissen in frühneuzeitlichen Kompilationen
Author/Editor: Simone Zweifel
Ausbildungsqualitäten – andersartig, aber gleichwertig?: Ein Vergleich konkurrierender Gesundheitsausbildungen in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Raffaella Simona Esposito
Ausbildung statt Ausgrenzung: Wie interkulturelle Öffnung und Diversity-Orientierung in Berlins Öffentlichem Dienst und in Landesbetrieben gelingen können
Author/Editor: Andreas Germershausen,Wilfried Kruse
Ausbildung und Arbeitsmarkt
Author/Editor: Heinz König
Aus der Geisteswelt der Slaven: Dankesgabe an Erwin Koschmieder
Author/Editor: Alois Schmaus,Ilse Kunsert
Aus der Nacht in den Tag: Ein philosophisches Plädoyer für die plurale Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Paul*A Helfritzsch
Aus der Nacht in den Tag: Ein philosophisches Plädoyer für die plurale Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Paul Helfritzsch
Aus der Welt gefallen: Die Geographie der Verschollenen
Author/Editor: Kristina Kuhn,Wolfgang Struck
Aus erster Quelle. Beiträge zum 300-jährigen Jubiläum des Staatsarchivs der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Author/Editor: Joachim W. Frank,Thomas Brakmann,Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Ausgabenprojektion, Reformszenarien und Ruecklagenbildung der Beamtenversorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Author/Editor: Tobias Benz
Ausgewaehlte Vortraege zur slawischen Philologie 1976-1981
Author/Editor: Gerd Freidhof
Ausgewaehlte Vortraege zur slawischen Philologie 1981-1986
Author/Editor: Gerd Freidhof
Ausgewählte philosophische Schriften: Erster Band. Schriften zur theoretischen Philosophie und Philosophiegeschichte
Author/Editor: Urs Marti-Brander
Ausgewählte philosophische Schriften: Zweiter Band. Schriften zur politischen Philosophie
Author/Editor: Urs Marti-Brander
Ausgezeichnet! - Zur Konstituierung kulturellen Eigentums durch geografische Herkunftsangaben
Author/Editor: May, Sarah
Auslaendische Direktinvestitionen und regionale Integration – das Beispiel Irland
Author/Editor: Mareike Köller
Auslagerung betrieblicher Pensionszusagen: Eine oekonomische Analyse der Motive und Durchfuehrungsformen
Author/Editor: Stefan Neuhaus
Ausmaß und Staerke der automatischen Stabilisatoren in Deutschland vor dem Hintergrund der juengsten Steuer- und Sozialreformen
Author/Editor: Johannes Kalusche
Aus Parkraum einen sozialen und ökologischen Mehrwert schöpfen? Ansätze für Umprogrammierungen am Beispiel von Parkhäusern
Author/Editor: Sophie Wanner Fandrych
Ausstellungskommunikation: Eine linguistische Untersuchung multimodaler Wissenskommunikation im Raum
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Kesselheim
Austenitic TRIP/TWIP Steels and Steel-Zirconia Composites: Design of Tough, Transformation-Strengthened Composites and Structures
Author/Editor: Horst Biermann,Christos G. Aneziris
Austerity and the Labor Movement
Author/Editor: Michael Schiavone
Austerity baby
Author/Editor: Wolff ,Janet
Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2018
Australia : A Cultural History
Author/Editor: Rickard ,John
Australia and Cyberwarfare
Author/Editor: Dudgeon ,Ian,Waters ,Gary,Ball ,Desmond
Australia and Latin America
Author/Editor: Carr ,Barry,Minns ,John
Australia goes to Washington: 75 years of Australian representation in the United States, 1940–2015
Australia: Identity, Fear and Governance in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Pietsch ,Juliet,Aarons ,Haydn
Australian Chamber Music with Piano
Author/Editor: Sitsky ,Larry
Australian Clinical Legal Education: Designing and operating a best practice clinical program in an Australian law school
Author/Editor: Evans ,Adrian,Cody ,Anna,Copeland ,Anna,Giddings ,Jeff,Joy ,Peter,Noone Anne ,Mary,Rice ,Simon
The Australian Continent: A Geophysical Synthesis
Author/Editor: Brian Kennett,Richard Chopping,Richard Blewett
Australian Department Heads Under Howard
Author/Editor: Malone ,Paul
Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 19: 1991–1995 (A–Z)
Author/Editor: Melanie Nolan
Australian Economic History: Transformations of an Interdisciplinary Field
Author/Editor: Claire E. F. Wright
The Australian Embassy in Tokyo and Australia–Japan Relations
Author/Editor: Kate Darian-Smith,David Lowe
Australian Indigenous Knowledge and Libraries
Author/Editor: Martin Nakata,Marcia Langton
Australian Native Title Anthropology: Strategic practice, the law and the state
Author/Editor: Kingsley Palmer
Australian Political Lives
Author/Editor: Wanna ,John,Nethercote ,John,Arklay ,Tracey
Australian Politics in a Digital Age
Author/Editor: Chen John ,Peter
Australian Travellers in the South Seas
Author/Editor: Nicholas Halter
Australian Wage Policy: Infancy and Adolescence
Author/Editor: Hancock ,Keith
Australia's Economy in its International Context: The Joseph Fisher Lectures (vol. 1)
Author/Editor: Anderson ,Kym
Australia's Economy in its International Context: The Joseph Fisher Lectures (vol. 2)
Author/Editor: Anderson ,Kym
Australia's Economy in its International Context: The Joseph Fisher Lectures (vol. 2)
Australia's Economy in its International Context: The Joseph Fisher Lectures (vol. 1)
Australia's Fertility Transition
Author/Editor: Helen Moyle
Australia, the European Union and the New Trade Agenda
Australia Under Construction
Author/Editor: Butcher ,John
The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
Author/Editor: Marcus Scheiblecker
Austrian Economics Re-examined: The Economics of Time and Ignorance
Author/Editor: Gerald P O'Driscoll Jr,Mario Rizzo
Austrian Federalism in Comparative Perspective
Author/Editor: Günter Bischof,Ferdinand Karlhofer
Austrian Lives
Author/Editor: Bischof ,Günter,Plasser ,Fritz,Maltschnig ,Eva
Austrian Lives
Austrian Studies Today
Author/Editor: Günter Bischof,Ferdinand Karlhofer
Austria's International Position after the End of the Cold War
Author/Editor: Bischof ,Günter,Karlhofer ,Ferdinand
Austria's International Position after the End of the Cold War
Austronesian Paths and Journeys
Author/Editor: James J. Fox
The Austronesians
Author/Editor: Bellwood ,Peter,Fox ,James J.,Tyron ,Darrell
Auswahl vermischter Schriften
Author/Editor: Karl Leonhard Reinhold,Martin Bondeli,Silvan Imhof
Ausweitung der Coachingzone: Drei Versuche zur Selbstoptimierung in der Mittelschicht
Author/Editor: Simon Roloff
Auswirkungen der Einfuehrung einer konsolidierten Koerperschaftsteuer-Bemessungsgrundlage in der Europaeischen Union: Eine empirische Analyse der Konzernstrukturen und des Steueraufkommens
Author/Editor: Andreas Poppe
Auswirkungen der Europaeischen Integration auf das deutsche Gesundheitswesen
Author/Editor: Christiane Cischinsky
Auswirkungen der hochfrequent alternierenden Ströme leistungselektronischer Schaltungen auf das Betriebs- und Alterungsverhalten von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
Author/Editor: Pablo Korth Pereira Ferraz
Auswirkungen von Standardisierung auf Zentralabitur und Unterricht: Empirische und systemtheoretische Analysen zum Fach Geographie
Author/Editor: Johanna Mäsgen
Auszeichnung und Aufforderung. Zur Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Hamburg an Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr. h. c. Manfred Lahnstein am 31. März 2008
Author/Editor: Rolf von Lüde
Auszug aus dem Lager: Zur Überwindung des modernen Raumparadigmas in der politischen Philosophie
Author/Editor: Ludger Schwarte
Autarkiepolitik in der Braunkohlenindustrie: Ein diachroner Systemvergleich anhand des Braunkohlenindustriekomplexes Böhlen-Espenhain, 1933 bis 1965
Author/Editor: Martin Baumert
Authentizität multiperspektivisch
Author/Editor: Lara Maschke
The Author as Annotator: Ambiguities of Self-Annotation in Pope and Byron
Author/Editor: Miriam Lahrsow
Authoring the Self
Author/Editor: Scott Hess
Authoritarian Modernization in Indonesia’s Early Independence Period: The Foundation of the New Order State (1950-1965)
Author/Editor: Farabi Fakih
Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World
Author/Editor: Ian Scoones,Marc Edelman,Saturnino M. Borras Jr.,Lyda Fernanda Forero,Ruth Hall,Wendy Wolford,Ben White
Authorities in Early Modern Law Courts
Author/Editor: Guido Rossi
Authority and Authorship in Medieval and Seventeenth Century Women's Visionary Writings
Author/Editor: Deborah Frick
Authority and Control in the Countryside: From Antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (6th-10th Century)
Author/Editor: Alain Delattre,Marie Legendre,Petra Sijpesteijn
Authority and Performance
Authority and Performance : Sociological Perspectives on the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451)
Author/Editor: Amirav ,Hagit
Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives
Author/Editor: Günter Leypoldt,Manfred Berg
Authority control
Author/Editor: Guerrini, Mauro,Tillet, Barbara B.
Authority control
Authorizing Early Modern European Women: From Biography to Biofiction
Author/Editor: James Fitzmaurice,Naomi Miller,Sara Jayne Steen
Authorship and Identity in Late Thirteenth-Century Motets
Author/Editor: Catherine A. Bradley
Authorship and Text-making in Early China
Author/Editor: Hanmo Zhang
Autistic Community and the Neurodiversity Movement: Stories from the Frontline
Author/Editor: Steven K. Kapp
Autobiografie scolastiche e scelta universitaria
Author/Editor: Catarsi, Enzo
Autobiografie scolastiche e scelta universitaria
The Autobiographical Triangle: Witness, Confession, Challenge
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Czerminska
Autobiographical Voices: Race, Gender, Self-Portraiture
Author/Editor: Françoise Lionnet
Autobiographie als Apologie: Rhetorik der Rechtfertigung bei Baldur von Schirach, Albert Speer, Karl Dönitz und Erich Raeder (Volume 65, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Roman B. Kremer
(Auto-)Biographische Texte im Literaturunterricht: Fachwissenschaftliche Grundlagen und fachdidaktische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Matthias Pauldrach
Autobiography of My Hungers
Author/Editor: Rigoberto González
The Autofictional: Approaches, Affordances, Forms
Author/Editor: Alexandra Effe,Hannie Lawlor
Autofiction(s) et scandale
Author/Editor: Claudia Jacobi,Christine Ott,Lena Schönwälder
Automated Deduction – CADE 28: 28th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Virtual Event, July 12–15, 2021, Proceedings
Author/Editor: André Platzer,Geoff Sutcliffe
Automated Deduction – CADE 29: 29th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Rome, Italy, July 1–4, 2023, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Brigitte Pientka,Cesare Tinelli
Automated Machine Learning: Methods, Systems, Challenges
Author/Editor: Frank Hutter,Lars Kotthoff,Joaquin Vanschoren
Automated Model Generation and Observer Design for Interconnected Systems: A Port-Hamiltonian Approach
Author/Editor: Martin Pfeifer
Automated Reasoning: 11th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2022, Haifa, Israel, August 8–10, 2022, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Jasmin Blanchette,Laura Kovács,Dirk Pattinson
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: 32nd International Conference, TABLEAUX 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, September 18–21, 2023, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Revantha Ramanayake,Josef Urban
Automatic Religion: Nearhuman Agents of Brazil and France
Author/Editor: Paul Christopher Johnson
Automatische Erzeugung langzeitverfügbarer Punktmerkmalskarten zur robusten Lokalisierung mit Multi-Kamera-Systemen für automatisierte Fahrzeuge
Author/Editor: Marc Sons
Automatisierte kooperative Transition einer Regelungsaufgabe zwischen Mensch und Maschine am Beispiel des hochautomatisierten Fahrens
Author/Editor: Julian Ludwig
Automatisierte Meinungsbeeinflussung: Der Schutz des Kommunikationsprozesses in sozialen Online-Netzwerken
Author/Editor: Lennart Laude
Automatisierte, minimalinvasive Sicherheitsanalyse und Vorfallreaktion für industrielle Systeme
Author/Editor: Florian Patzer
Automatisierte Wissenskommunikation
Author/Editor: Alexander Holste
Automi, realtà virtuale e formiche: Un’analisi della complessità del fenomeno bellico spaziale
Author/Editor: Marzio Di Feo
Automobiles and the Future: Competition, Cooperation, and Change
Author/Editor: Robert E. Cole
Autonome Autos: Medien- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Zukunft der Mobilität
Author/Editor: Florian Sprenger
Autonomes Fahren: Technische, rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Aspekte
Author/Editor: Markus Maurer,J. Christian Gerdes,Barbara Lenz,Hermann Winner
Autonomes Fremdsprachenlernen: Komponenten, Kompetenzen, Strategien
Author/Editor: Maria Giovanna Tassinari
Autonome Shuttlebusse im ÖPNV: Analysen und Bewertungen zum Fallbeispiel Bad Birnbach aus technischer, gesellschaftlicher und planerischer Sicht
Author/Editor: Andreas Riener,Alexandra Appel,Wolfgang Dorner,Thomas Huber,Jan Christopher Kolb,Harry Wagner
Autonome Systeme und Arbeit: Perspektiven, Herausforderungen und Grenzen der Künstlichen Intelligenz in der Arbeitswelt
Author/Editor: Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen,Anemari Karacic
Autonomie und Kalkulation: Zur Praxis gesellschaftlicher Ökonomisierung im Gesundheits- und Krankenhauswesen
Author/Editor: Kaspar Molzberger
Autonomie und Struktur in Selbstlernarchitekturen: Empirische Untersuchung zur Dynamik von Selbstlernprozessen
Author/Editor: Christiane Maier Reinhard,Daniel Wrana
Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services: Methods, Models, Approaches, Techniques, Algorithms, and Tools
Author/Editor: Ivan Ganchev,R. D. van der Mei,Hans van den Berg
Autonomous Driving: Technical, Legal and Social Aspects
Author/Editor: Markus Maurer,J. Christian Gerdes,Barbara Lenz,Hermann Winner
The autonomous life?: Paradoxes of hierarchy and authority in the squatters movement in Amsterdam
Autonomous Trajectory Planning and Guidance Control for Launch Vehicles
Author/Editor: Zhengyu Song,Dangjun Zhao,Stephan Theil
Autonomous Vehicle and Smart Traffic
Author/Editor: Sezgin Ersoy,Tayyab Waqar
Autonomy: a Matter of Content
Author/Editor: Raffaela Giovagnoli
Autonomy, Rationality, and Contemporary Bioethics
Author/Editor: Jonathan Pugh
Autoren in religiösen literarischen Texten der späthellenistischen und der frühkaiserzeitlichen Welt: Zwölf Fallstudien
Author/Editor: Eve-Marie Becker,Joerg Ruepke
Autour de "l'homme nouveau". Allocution et societé en Russie au XIXe siecle. Essai de sémiologie de la source littéraire
Author/Editor: Thomas Lahusen
Au travail à vélo..: La pratique utilitaire de la bicyclette en Suisse
Author/Editor: Gianluigi Giacomel,Antonio Martin,Patrick Rérat
Aux origines de l'identité franco-ontarien
Aux origines de l'identité franco-ontarien : Éducation, culture, économie
Author/Editor: Gaffield ,Chad
Avance y fracaso en el agro colombiano, siglos XX y XXI
Author/Editor: Albert Berry
Avantgarden und Politik: Künstlerischer Aktivismus von Dada bis zur Postmoderne
Author/Editor: Lutz Hieber,Stephan Moebius
Avantgarde Suomessa
Author/Editor: Irmeli Hautamaki,Laura Piippo,Helena Sederholm
AVENUE21. Automatisierter und vernetzter Verkehr: Entwicklungen des urbanen Europa
Author/Editor: Mathias Mitteregger,Emilia M. Bruck,Aggelos Soteropoulos,Andrea Stickler,Martin Berger,Jens S. Dangschat,Rudolf Scheuvens,Ian Banerjee
AVENUE21.: Automatisierter und vernetzter Verkehr: Entwicklungen des urbanen Europa
Author/Editor: Mathias Mitteregger,Emilia M. Bruck,Aggelos Soteropoulos,Andrea Stickler,Martin Berger,Jens S. Scheuvens Dangschat,Ian Banerjee
AVENUE21. Connected and Automated Driving: Prospects for Urban Europe
Author/Editor: Mathias Mitteregger,Emilia M. Bruck,Aggelos Soteropoulos,Andrea Stickler,Martin Berger,Jens S. Dangschat,Rudolf Scheuvens,Ian Banerjee
AVENUE21. Planning and Policy Considerations for an Age of Automated Mobility
Author/Editor: Mathias Mitteregger,Emilia M. Bruck,Aggelos Soteropoulos,Andrea Stickler,Martin Berger,Jens S. Dangschat,Rudolf Scheuvens,Ian Banerjee
AVENUE21. Politische und planerische Aspekte der automatisierten Mobilität
Author/Editor: Mathias Mitteregger,Emilia M. Bruck,Aggelos Soteropoulos,Andrea Stickler,Martin Berger,Jens S. Dangschat,Rudolf Scheuvens,Ian Banerjee
Averting Disaster Before It Strikes: How to Make Sure Your Subordinates Warn You While There is Still Time to Act
Author/Editor: Dmitry Chernov,Ali Ayoub,Giovanni Sansavini,Didier Sornette
Aviation Noise Impact Management: Technologies, Regulations, and Societal Well-being in Europe
Author/Editor: Laurent Leylekian,Alexandra Covrig,Alena Maximova
Avoiding the Subject
Author/Editor: Clemens ,Justin,Pettman ,Dominic
Avoin Aperitiff: kirjoituksia Kari Aronpuron kollaasiromaanista Aperitiff – avoin kaupunki
Author/Editor: Anna Helle,Laura Piippo,Juri Joensuu,Mikko Keskinen
The Awakening of Islamic Pop Music
Author/Editor: Jonas Otterbeck
Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb
Author/Editor: Rod Preece
Awesome Families
Awesome Families : The Promise of Healing Relationships in the International Churches of Christ
Author/Editor: Jenkins ,Kathleen
‘A world-proof life’
Author/Editor: Marivic Wyndham
The axe had never sounded
Author/Editor: Mulvaney ,John
Axial Spondyloarthritis: Patient-Reported Impact in Europe
Author/Editor: Marco Garrido-Cumbrera,Victoria Navarro-Compán,Christine Bundy,Raj Mahapatra,Souzi Makri,Carlos J. Delgado-Domínguez,Pedro Plazuelo-Ramos,Denis Poddubnyy
Axmedis 2005: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution. Volume for Workshops, Industrial and Applications Sessions. Florence, Italy, 30 November-2 December 2005
Author/Editor: Jaime Delgado,paolo nesi,Kia Ng
AXMEDIS 2007 Conference Proceedings
Author/Editor: Jaime Delgado,Kia Ng,Paolo Nesi,Pierfrancesco Bellini
AXMEDIS 2008: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Automated Solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-Channel Distribution.Workshops, Panels and Industrial Applications
Author/Editor: Jaime Delgado,Paolo Nesi,Kia Ng
The Ayes Have It: The History of the Queensland Parliament 1957-89
Author/Editor: Arklay ,Tracey,Wanna ,John
Ay-Inversion in Tagalog: Information Structure and Morphosyntax of an Austronesian Language
Author/Editor: Patrick Nuhn
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Meyer. Attività sanitaria e scientifica 2011
Author/Editor: Katalin Majer,Luigi Sirianni
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Meyer: Attività sanitaria e scientifica 2012-13
Author/Editor: Katalin Majer,Luigi Sirianni
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Meyer: Relazione Clinico-Scientifica 2010
Author/Editor: Katalin Majer,Luigi Sirianni
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Meyer. Relazione Clinico-Scientifica 2007-2008-2009
Author/Editor: Luigi Sirianni,Zuzana Prokopova,Katalin Majer
Babel' in Context: A Study in Cultural Identity
Author/Editor: Efraim Sicher
Baby Ninth Amendments: How Americans Embraced Unenumerated Rights and Why It Matters
Author/Editor: Anthony B Sanders
Bacterial NanoCellulose: A Sophisticated Multifunctional Material
Author/Editor: Miguel Gama,Paul Gatenholm,Dieter Klemm
Bad Beliefs: Why They Happen to Good People
Author/Editor: Neil Levy
Bad Boys Sick Girls: Geschlecht und dissoziales Verhalten
Author/Editor: Ulrich Preuß
Bad News for Refugees
Author/Editor: Philo ,Greg,Briant ,Emma,Donald ,Pauline
Bad News for Refugees
Baffin Island: Field Research and High Arctic Adventure, 1961-67
Author/Editor: Jack D. Ives
Bains publics: Se laver en ville (1850-2000)
Author/Editor: Sophie Richelle
Bairisch-österreichische Dialektliteratur vor 1800: Eine andere Literaturgeschichte
Author/Editor: Christian Neuhuber,Stefanie Edler,Elisabeth Zehetner
Bakhtin’s Theory of the Literary Chronotope: Reflections, Applications, Perspectives
Bakhtin’s Theory of the Literary Chronotope: Reflections, Applications, Perspectives
Author/Editor: Bemong ,Nele,Borghart ,Pieter,De Dobbeleer ,Michel,Demoen ,Kristoffel,De Temmerman ,Koen,Keunen ,Bart
Bakom stadens kulisser: Genus och gränser i Stockholm 1800 – 2000
Author/Editor: Karin Carlsson,Rebecka Lennartsson
Balanced Urban Development: Options and Strategies for Liveable Cities
Author/Editor: Basant Maheshwari,Vijay P. Singh,Bhadranie Thoradeniya
Balancing Power without Weapons: State Intervention into Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Author/Editor: Ashley Thomas Lenihan
Balancing Privacy and Free Speech: Unwanted Attention in the Age of Social Media
Author/Editor: Mark Tunick
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland: Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations
Author/Editor: Tobias Haller,Karina Liechti,Martin Stuber,François-Xavier Viallon,Rahel Wunderli
Balancing the self: Medicine, politics and the regulation of health in the twentieth century
Author/Editor: Mark Jackson,Martin D. Moore
Balancing the Tides: Marine Practices in American Samoa
Author/Editor: JoAnna Poblete
The Balkan Conditional in South Slavic: A Semantic and Syntactic Study
Author/Editor: Masha Belyavski-Frank
Balkan Holocausts?: Serbian and Croatian victim centred propaganda and the war in Yugoslavia
Author/Editor: Macdonald ,David Bruce
Balkan und Naher Osten
Author/Editor: Kaser ,Karl
Ballad of the Buried Life
Author/Editor: Rudolf Hagelstange,Herman Salinger
The Ballad of the Lone Medievalist
Author/Editor: Kisha G. Tracy,John P. Sexton
Author/Editor: Richard Owens
Bally - A History of Footwear in the Interwar Period
Author/Editor: Anna-Brigitte Schlittler,Katharina Tietze
Baltic Hospitality from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century: Receiving Strangers in Northeastern Europe
Author/Editor: Sari Nauman,Wojtek Jezierski,Christina Reimann,Leif Runefelt
Baltic Iron in the Atlantic World in the Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Chris Evans,Göran Rydén
Banal Militarism
Banal Militarism : Zur Veralltäglichung des Militärischen im Zivilen
Band 2
Author/Editor: Horst Möller,Aleksandr O. Cubar'jan
Band 3
Author/Editor: Horst Möller,Aleksandr O. Cubar'jan
Band 4
Author/Editor: Horst Möller,Aleksandr O. Cubar'jan
Bandits in Print: "The Water Margin" and the Transformations of the Chinese Novel
Author/Editor: Scott W. Gregory
Bang Chan: Social History of a Rural Community in Thailand
Author/Editor: Lauriston Sharp,Lucien M. Hanks
Banggaisch adatrecht
Author/Editor: Dormeier ,J.
Banggaisch adatrecht
Banished Men: How Migrants Endure the Violence of Deportation
Author/Editor: Abigail Andrews
Banishment in the Late Medieval Eastern Netherlands: Exile and Redemption in Kampen
Author/Editor: Edda Frankot
Bankertrag und Bevoelkerungsdynamik: Eine empirische Untersuchung fuer deutsche Sparkassen
Author/Editor: Marco Oestmann
Bankieren voor een betere wereld. Nanno Kleiterp in gesprek met Marijn Wiersma
Author/Editor: Kleiterp ,Nanno
Banking for a Better World
Author/Editor: Kleiterp ,Nanno
Banking in Africa: Financing transformation amid uncertainty
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Banking in Jordan: Financing corporates and SMEs in the era of COVID-19 : Evidence from the EIB Bank Lending Survey
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Banking on Milk: An Ethnography of Donor Human Milk Relations
Author/Editor: Tanya Cassidy,Fiona Dykes
The Bankruptcy: A Novel by Júlia Lopes de Almeida
Author/Editor: Ana Claudia Suriani da Silva,Cintia Kozonoi Vezzani,Jason Rhys Parry
Banksy: Urban art in a material world
Author/Editor: Ulrich Blanché
Banned Birds: The Birds of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14
Author/Editor: Peter Altmann
The Baptized Muse
Author/Editor: Pollmann ,Karla
Barack Obama's America
Barack Obama's America : How New Conceptions of Race, Family, and Religion Ended the Reagan Era
Author/Editor: White ,John Kenneth
Barack Obama's Post-American Foreign Policy: The Limits of Engagement
Author/Editor: Robert Singh
Barbarian Europe
Author/Editor: Karol Modzelewski
Barbarische Bürger: Die Isaurier und das Römische Reich
Author/Editor: Karl Feld
Barbar – König – Tyrann: Das Bild Theoderichs des Großen in der Überlieferung des 5. bis 9. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Andreas Goltz
The Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology: A Companion in Honour of Joan Martinez-Alier
Author/Editor: Sergio Villamayor-Tomas,Roldan Muradian
Barents Sea oil and gas 2025
Author/Editor: Overland ,Indra,Bambulyak ,Alexei,Bourmistrov ,Anatoli,Gudmestad ,Ove,Mellemvik ,Frode,Zolotukhin ,Anatoly
A Bark But No Bite
Author/Editor: Vowles ,Jack,Coffé ,Hilde,Curtin ,Jennifer
Barndomar i antropocen: Idéer om goda barndomar under människans epok
Author/Editor: Hanna Sjögren
Barn og unge: By, sted og sosiomaterialitet
Author/Editor: Randi Evenstad,Aslaug Andreassen Becher,Nina Rossholt,Anne Knut Greve,Sissel Seim,Wenche Bekken,Marit Ekne Ruud,Olav Kristensen,Bengt Andersen,Kari Opsahl,Oddrun Sæter
Baroque Lorca: An Archaist Playwright for the New Stage
Author/Editor: Andrés Pérez-Simón
Barāqish/Yathill (Yemen) 1986-2007: Excavations of Temple B and related research and restoration / Extramural excavations in Area C and overview studies
Author/Editor: Sabina Antonini,Francesco G. Fedele
Barren Women: Biology, Medicine and Religion in the Medieval Middle East (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Sara Verskin
Barrierefreiheit in der Wohnungspolitik: Länderpolitik im Vergleich
Author/Editor: Melanie Slavici
Barrierefreiheit – Zugänglichkeit – Universelles Design: Zur Gestaltung teilhabeförderlicher Umwelten
Author/Editor: Markus Schäfers,Felix Welti
The Barter Economy of the Khmer Rouge Labor Camps
Author/Editor: Scott Pribble
Barton Myers: Works of Architecture and Urbanism
Author/Editor: Kris Miller-Fisher,Jocelyn Gibbs,Bruce Robertson,Natalie Shivers,Howard Shubert,Luis Hoyos,Charles Warner Oakley
The Base of the Iceberg: Informal Learning and Its Impact on Formal and Non-formal Learning
Author/Editor: Alan Rogers
Basic Concepts in the Philosophy of Gottfried Keller
Author/Editor: Herbert W. Reichert
Basic Income: A Transformative Policy for India
Author/Editor: Sarath Davala,Renana Jhabvala,Guy Standing,Soumya Kapoor Mehta
Basic Knowledge and Conditions on Knowledge
Author/Editor: McBride ,Mark
Basic Numerical Methods in Meteorology and Oceanography
Author/Editor: Kristofer Döös,Peter Lundberg,Aitor Aldama-Campino
Basic Principles of Wastewater Treatment
Author/Editor: Von Sperling ,Marcos
Basic Principles of Wastewater Treatment
Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Comparative Perspective
Author/Editor: Askeland ,Bjarte,Yamamoto ,Keizô,Oliphant ,Ken,Moréteau ,Olivier,Menyhárd ,Attila,Ludwichowska-Redo ,Katarzyna,Koziol ,Helmut,Green ,Michael D.,Cardi ,W. Jonathan
A Basic Theory of Everything: A Fundamental Theoretical Framework for Science and Philosophy
Author/Editor: Atle Ottesen Søvik
Basin Futures
Author/Editor: Grafton Quentin ,R.,Connell ,Daniel
Basiskomponenten der Persönlichkeit
Author/Editor: Ertel, Suitbert
Basisvorming in het buitenland
Author/Editor: Heinink ,A.L.
Basisvorming in het onderwijs
Author/Editor: WRR
Bastard Culture! How User Participation Transforms Cultural Production
Author/Editor: Schäfer ,M.T.
Bastard or Playmate?
The Bastille Effect: Transforming Sites of Political Imprisonment
Author/Editor: Michael Welch
The Bastion of Liberty
Author/Editor: Otterspeer ,Willem
Bath: An Archaeological Assessment : A study of settlement around the sacred hot springs from the Mesolithic to the 17th century AD
Author/Editor: Emily La Trobe-Bateman,Rosalind Niblett
Bathroom Songs: Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick as a Poet
Author/Editor: Jason Edwards
Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats in a Changing World
Author/Editor: Christian C. Voigt,Tigga Kingston
The Battle at Mamusa: The Western Transvaal border culture and the ethno-dissolution of the last functioning Korana polity
Author/Editor: Piet Erasmus
Battlefields of Negotiation
Author/Editor: Glas ,René
Battle for Open: How openness won and why it doesn't feel like victory
Author/Editor: Weller ,Martin
Battle for Open: How openness won and why it doesn't feel like victory
The Battle of Vouillé, 507 CE: Where France Began
Author/Editor: Ralph W. Mathisen,Danuta Shanzer
Baudelaire et Wagner
Author/Editor: Michela Landi
Bauen mit Beton im Kreislauf - Recycling, Re-Use und Ressourcenschonung: 19. Symposium Baustoffe und Bauwerkserhaltung, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 9. März 2023
Author/Editor: Ulrich Nolting,Frank Dehn,Vanessa Mercedes Kind
Bausteine einer Korpusgrammatik des Deutschen: Bd. 1 (2020)
Author/Editor: Marek Konopka,Angelika Wöllstein,Ekkehard Felder
Bausteine einer Korpusgrammatik des Deutschen: Bd. 2 (2021)
Author/Editor: Ekkehard Felder,Marek Konopka,Angelika Wöllstein
Bausteine translationsorientierter Sprachkompetenz und translatorischer Basiskompetenzen
Author/Editor: Astrid Schmidhofer,Annette Wußler
Baustelle Elektromobilität: Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Transformation der (Auto-)Mobilität
Author/Editor: Achim Brunnengräber,Tobias Haas
The Bavarian Commentary and Ovid: Clm 4610, The Earliest Documented Commentary on the Metamorphoses
Author/Editor: Robin Wahlsten Bockerman
Bayes Factors for Forensic Decision Analyses with R
Author/Editor: Silvia Bozza,Franco Taroni,Alex Biedermann
Bayesian Methods for Statistical Analysis
Author/Editor: Puza ,Borek
Bayesian Methods in the Search for MH370
Author/Editor: Sam Davey,Neil Gordon,Ian Holland,Mark Rutten,Jason Williams
B C, Before Computers: On Information Technology from Writing to the Age of Digital Data
Author/Editor: Stephen Robertson
Bücher unter Verdacht - NS-Raub- und Beutegut an der SUB Göttingen
Author/Editor: Bartels, Nicole,Deinert, Juliane,Enderle, Wilfried,Rohlfing, Helmut,Möbus, Frank
The B&C Kinematograph Company and British Cinema: Early Twentieth-Century Spectacle and Melodrama
Author/Editor: Gerry Turvey
Beam-based Correction and Optimization for Accelerators
Author/Editor: Xiaobiao Huang
Beards and Texts: Images of masculinity in medieval German literature
Author/Editor: Sebastian Coxon
Bearing Witness
Bearing Witness: Ruth Harrison and British Farm Animal Welfare (1920–2000)
Author/Editor: Claas Kirchhelle
Beastly Journeys - Travel and Transformation at the fin de siècle
Author/Editor: Youngs ,Tim
Beastly Journeys - Travel and Transformation at the fin de siècle
Beastly Journeys: Travel and Transformation at the fin de siècle
Author/Editor: Tim Youngs
The Beatles on Film: Analysis of Movies, Documentaries, Spoofs and Cartoons
Author/Editor: Roland Reiter
Beatrijs de wereld in. Vertalingen en bewerkingen van het Middelnederlandse verhaal
Author/Editor: Kalmthout, van ,Ton,Réthelyi ,Orsolya,Sleiderink ,Remco
The Beauty of Geology: Art of Geology Mapping in China Over a Century
Author/Editor: Chenyang Li,Liqiong Jia,Xuan Wu
Beauvoir in Time (Volume 348)
Author/Editor: Meryl Altman
Because of You: Understanding Second-Person Storytelling
Author/Editor: Evgenia Iliopoulou
Beckett and media
Author/Editor: Balazs Rapcsak,Mark Nixon,Philipp Schweighauser
Becoming a European Homegrown Jihadist: A Multilevel Analysis of Involvement in the Dutch Hofstadgroup, 2002-2005
Author/Editor: Bart Schuurman
Becoming a European Homegrown Jihadist: A Multilevel Analysis of Involvement in the Dutch Hofstadgroup, 2002-2005
Author/Editor: Bart Schuurman
Becoming a Historian: An Informal Guide
Author/Editor: Penelope J. Corfield,Tim Hitchcock
Becoming a Platform in Europe: On the Governance of the Collaborative Economy
Author/Editor: Maurizio Teli,Chiara Bassetti
Becoming a Scholar: Cross-cultural reflections on identity and agency in an education doctorate
Author/Editor: Maria Savva,Lynn P. Nygaard
Becoming a teacher: Research on the work-integrated learning of student teachers
Author/Editor: Elsa Mentz,Elsa Mentz,Josef De Beer,Josef De Beer,Neal Petersen,Neal Petersen,Herman J Van Vuuren,Herman J Van Vuuren,Carolina Botha,Lettie Botha
Becoming a World-Class University: The case of King Abdulaziz University
Author/Editor: Osama Tayeb,Adnan Zahed,Jozef Ritzen
Becoming A Young Farmer: Young People’s Pathways Into Farming: Canada, China, India and Indonesia
Author/Editor: Sharada Srinivasan
Becoming Citizens in a Changing World: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 International Report
Author/Editor: Wolfram Schulz,John Ainley,Julian Fraillon,Bruno Losito,Gabriella Agrusti,Tim Friedman
Becoming Donor-Conceived: The Transformation of Anonymity in Gamete Donation
Author/Editor: Amelie Baumann
Becoming Global Asia: Contemporary Genres of Postcolonial Capitalism in Singapore
Author/Editor: Cheryl Narumi Naruse
Becoming Muslim in Imperial Russia
Becoming Muslim in Imperial Russia : Conversion, Apostasy, and Literacy
Author/Editor: Kefeli ,Agnes Nilufer
Bedeutsame Momente im Coaching: Eine explorative Untersuchung zur Weiterentwicklung der Prozessforschung
Author/Editor: Robert Wegener
Bedeutung und Funktion der Gestalten der europaeisch-oestlichen Welt im dichterischen Werk Thomas Manns: Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur und zur Wirkungsgeschichte der russ. Literatur in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Christian Schmidt
Bedingungen und Einstellungen
Author/Editor: Thomas Gil
Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen und Solidarisches Bürgergeld – mehr als sozialutopische Konzepte
Author/Editor: Straubhaar ,Thomas,Hohenleitner ,Ingrid,Opielka ,Michael,Schramm ,Michael
Bedside and Community: 50 Years of Contributions to the Health of Albertans by the University of Calgary
Author/Editor: Frank W. Stahnisch,Diana Mansell,Paula Larsson
Beeinträchtigte Arbeitskraft: Konventionen der beruflichen Eingliederung zwischen Invalidenversicherung und Arbeitgeber (1945–2008)
Author/Editor: Alan Canonica
Beerhouses, brothels and bobbies
Beerhouses, brothels and bobbies : policing by consent in Huddersfield and the Huddersfield district in the mid-Nineteenth century
Author/Editor: Taylor ,David
Beethoven: Die Bonner Jahre (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Pia Heckes,Norbert Schloßmacher,Gisbert Knopp,John David David Wilson,Dieter Haberl,Helmut Loos,Michael Ladenburger,Silke Bettermann,Elisabeth Reisinger,Yvonne Leiverkus,Julia Ronge,Detlef Arens,Ingrid Bodsch,Nicole Kämpken,Alexander Wolfshohl
Befehle der Sowjetischen Militaeradministration des Landes Brandenburg 1945-1949
Before American History: Nationalist Mythmaking and Indigenous Dispossession
Author/Editor: Christen Mucher
Before and After Gender: Sexual Mythologies of Everyday Life
Author/Editor: Marilyn Strathern,Sarah Franklin
Before Einstein
Author/Editor: L. Throesch ,Elizabeth
Before Grenfell: Fire, Safety and Deregulation in Twentieth-Century Britain
Author/Editor: Shane Ewen
Before Kukulkán: Bioarchaeology of Maya Life, Death, and Identity at Classic Period Yaxuná
Author/Editor: Traci Ardren,David A. Freidel,Andrea Cucina,Vera Tiesler,Travis W. Stanton
Before They Were Titans
Before They Were Titans : Essays on the Early Works of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy
Begegnung - Vermittlung - Innovation Band 1 - Annäherungen an Musik- und Kompositionspraktiken im Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Goldbeck, Melanie von,Hoppe, Christine
Begging, Charity and Religion in Pre-Famine Ireland
Author/Editor: Ciarán McCabe
The Beginnings of Capitalism in Central Europe
Author/Editor: Cyril Levitt
The Beginnings of Polish Musicology
Author/Editor: Małgorzata Sieradz
The Behavioral Ecology of the Tibetan Macaque
Author/Editor: Jin-Hua Li,Lixing Sun,Peter M. Kappeler
Behavioural Approaches in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Author/Editor: Barbara A. Wilson,Camilla M. Herbert,Agnes Shiel
Behavioural Types: From Theory to Tools
Author/Editor: Simon Gay,António Ravara
Behaviour, Development and Evolution
Author/Editor: Bateson ,Patrick
Behinderung als Praxis
Behinderung als Praxis : Biographische Zugänge zu Lebensentwürfen von Menschen mit "geistiger Behinderung" (unter Mitarbeit von Michael Börner)
Author/Editor: Trescher ,Hendrik
"Behinderung" im Dialog zwischen Recht und Humangenetik
Author/Editor: Duttge, Gunnar,Engel, Wolfgang,Zoll, Barbara
Behinderung und Menschenrechte: Ein Verhältnis auf dem Prüfstand
Author/Editor: Corinne Wohlgensinger
Behinderung, Ungleichheit und Bildung: Eine Theorie der Behinderung
Author/Editor: Jan Weisser
Behind the Scenes of Artistic Creativity: Processes of Learning, Creating and Organising
Author/Editor: Tatiana Chemi,Julie Borup Jensen,Lone Hersted
Behind the Scenes: The politics of planning Adelaide
Author/Editor: Llewellyn-Smith ,Michael
Beijing Garbage: A City Besieged by Waste
Author/Editor: Stefan Landsberger
Being and Hearing: Making Intelligible Worlds in Deaf Kathmandu
Author/Editor: Peter Graif
Being a Presence for Students: Teaching as a Lived Defense of Liberal Education
Author/Editor: Jeff Frank
Being a Slave: Histories and Legacies of European Slavery in the Indian Ocean
Author/Editor: Alicia Schrikker,Nira Wickramasinghe
Being a Young Citizen in Estonia: An Exploration of Young People’s Civic and Media Experiences
Author/Editor: Kaun ,Anne
Being a Young Citizen in Estonia: An Exploration of Young People’s Civic and Media Experiences
Being Human during COVID
Author/Editor: Kristin Hass
Being Indigenous in Jim Crow Virginia: Powhatan People and the Color Line
Author/Editor: Laura J. Feller
Being Interdisciplinary: Adventures in urban science and beyond
Author/Editor: Alan Wilson
Being Jewish in 21st-Century Germany
Author/Editor: Olaf Glöckner,Haim Fireberg
Being Modern: The Cultural Impact of Science in the Early Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Robert Bud,Paul Greenhalgh,Frank James,Morag Shiach
The Being of Analogy
Author/Editor: Roderick ,Noah
The Being of Analogy
Being Pagan, Being Christian in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Katja Ritari,Jan Stenger,William Van Andringa
Author/Editor: Emre Bayamiloglu,Irina Baraliuc,Liisa Janssens,Mireille Hildebrandt
Being Single in India: Stories of Gender, Exclusion, and Possibility
Author/Editor: Sarah Lamb
Being Young, Male and Muslim in Luton
Author/Editor: Ashraf Hoque
Beitraege zum Bank- und Devisenrecht in Suedosteuropa
Author/Editor: Anton Lipowschek
Beitraege zum XII. Internationalen Slavistenkongreß, Krakau 1998
Author/Editor: Hans Rothe
Beitraege zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der fruehen Romane L. M. Leonovs
Author/Editor: Christoph Brümmer
Beitraege zur Erforschung der serbokroatischen Prosodie: Die linguistische Struktur d. Tonverlaufs-Minimalpaare
Author/Editor: Peter Rehder
Beitraege zur gesamtwirtschaftlichen Allokation: Allokationsprobleme im intermediaeren Bereich zwischen oeffentlichem und privatem Wirtschaftssektor
Beitraege zur Geschichte der Besiedlung Nord- und Mitteldeutschlands mit Balkanslaven
Author/Editor: Heinrich Kunstmann
Beitraege zur Geschichte des Artikels im Bulgarischen
Author/Editor: Wilfried Stölting
Beitrag zum Abflussverhalten seitlich angeströmter Wehranlagen an alpinen Flüssen: Am Beispiel gesteuerter Einlaufbauwerke von Hochwasserrückhaltebecken im Nebenschluss
Author/Editor: Adrian Lindermuth
Beitrag zur Entwicklung von Konstantflusspumpen für Frischbeton unter genauerer Betrachtung der Dickstoffventile
Author/Editor: Felix Weber
Beitrag zur Vorbemessung der Biegeverstärkung von Stahlbetonbauteilen mit Rechteckquerschnitt mittels aufgeklebten CFK-Lamellen
Author/Editor: Cevin Stiehl
Beiträge zum Göttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2010 - 2011
Author/Editor: Herrmann, Bernd
Beiträge zum Göttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2004 - 2006
Author/Editor: Herrmann, Bernd
Beiträge zum Göttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2008 - 2009
Author/Editor: Herrmann, Bernd
Beiträge zum Göttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2007 - 2008
Author/Editor: Herrmann, Bernd
Beiträge zum Göttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2009 - 2010
Author/Editor: Herrmann, Bernd
Beiträge zur deutschen Grammatik: Gesammelte Schriften von Tilman N. Höhle, 2. durchgesehene Auflage
Author/Editor: Stefan Müller,Tilman N. Höhle,Marga Reis,Frank Richter
Beiträge zur deutschen Grammatik: Gesammelte Schriften von Tilman N. Höhle
Author/Editor: Stefan Müller,Marga Reis,Frank Richter
Beiträge zur deutschen Grammatik (Revised Edition): Gesammelte Schriften von Tilman N. Höhle, 2. durchgesehene Auflage
Author/Editor: Tilman N. Höhle,Stefan Müller,Marga Reis,Frank Richter
Bekendheid, benutting en effectiviteit van professionaliseringsprikkels in het voortgezet onderwijs: Rapportage Deelstudie 2
Author/Editor: L.T.M. Rekers-Mombarg,R. Maslowski,A.J. Visscher,R.J. Bosker,E.S. Ritzema,M.J.M van Geel
Bekymringsarbeidet: Politiets forebygging av radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme
Author/Editor: Kristin Engh Førde,Arnfinn Jomar Andersen,Per Moum Hellevik
Belaja gvardija: P'esa v četyrech dejstvijach. Vtoraja redakcija p'esy "Dni Turbinych". Podgotovka teksta, predislovie i primečanija Lesli Miln
Author/Editor: Bulgakov
Belangenafweging in de rechtsstaat: drie casussen
Author/Editor: Strijers ,A.
Belang en beleid. Naar een verantwoorde uitvoering van de werknemersverzekeringen
Author/Editor: WRR
Belarusian Nation-Building: in Times of War and Revolution
Author/Editor: Lizaveta Kasmach
Belastingheffing en ICT
Author/Editor: Albregtse ,D.A.
Belastung und Bereicherung: Vertriebenenintegration in Brandenburg ab 1945 (Volume 17)
Author/Editor: Peter Bahl
Beleid en toekomst. Verslag van een symposium over beleidsvorming in het openbaar bestuur
Author/Editor: Thoenes ,P.
Beleid inzake media, cultuur en kwaliteit - 7
Author/Editor: Hoed den ,P.,Hoefnagel ,F.J.P.M.
Beleidsgerichte toekomstverkenning. Deel 1: Een poging tot uitlokking
Author/Editor: WRR
Beleidsgerichte toekomstverkenning: deel 2: Een verruiming van perspectief
Author/Editor: WRR
Belgian Exceptionalism: Belgian Politics between Realism and Surrealism
Author/Editor: Didier Caluwaerts,Min Reuchamps
The Belgian Photonovel, 1954-1985: An Introduction
Author/Editor: Clarissa Colangelo
The Belgic Confession: Historical background, contextual meaning, contemporary relevance
Author/Editor: D Francois Muller,Albert J. Coetsee,P Paul Kruger,Arnold Huijgen,HH van Alten,Rikus Fick,Sarel P. van der Walt,Albert J. Coetsee,D Francois Muller,Gijsbert van den Brink,Raymond M Potgieter,Sarel P. van der Walt,Manitza Kotzé,Wim Dreyer,Leon van den Broek
Belgische Literaturen in deutscher Übersetzung: Kulturelle und historische Verflechtungen von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Anja van de Pol-Tegge
Belief in Marriage: The Evidence for Reforming Weddings Law
Author/Editor: Rebecca Probert,Rajnaara C. Akhtar,Sharon Blake
Belief State Planning for Autonomous Driving: Planning with Interaction, Uncertain Prediction and Uncertain Perception
Author/Editor: Constantin Hubmann
Beliefs von Geschichtslehrpersonen: eine Triangulationsstudie
Author/Editor: Martin Nitsche
The Believer and the Modern Study of the Bible
Author/Editor: Tova Ganzel,Yehuda Brandes,Chayuta Deutsch
Bell Nonlocality
Author/Editor: Valerio Scarani
Belly-Rippers, Surgical Innovation and the Ovariotomy Controversy
Author/Editor: Sally Frampton
Belomor : Criminality and Creativity in Stalin’s Gulag
Author/Editor: Draskozcy ,Julie S.
Belonging and Becoming in a Multicultural World: Refugee Youth and the Pursuit of Identity
Author/Editor: Laura Moran
Belonging and Narrative: A Theory of the American Novel (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Laura Bieger
Belonging and Transnational Refugee Settlement: Unsettling the Everyday and the Extraordinary
Author/Editor: Jay Marlowe
Belonging Beyond Borders: Cosmopolitan Affiliations in Contemporary Spanish American Literature
Author/Editor: Annik Bilodeau
Belorusskij jazyk. Sociolingvističeskie očerki
Author/Editor: N.B. Meckovskaja
The Belt and Road Initiative Green Development Case Studies Report 2020
The Belt and Road initiative in Italy: Five case studies
Author/Editor: Beatrice Gallelli,Francesca Ghiretti
Author/Editor: Juan Montero,Antonio Sánchez Jiménez
Benachteiligte Jugendliche in Ausbildung und Beruf individuell begleiten: Empfehlungen zur Umgestaltung der "Assistierten Ausbildung"
Author/Editor: Ralph Conrads,Thomas Freiling,Angela Ulrich
Benaderingen van planning : Vier preadviezen over beleidsvorming in het openbaar bestuur
Author/Editor: Thoenes ,P.
Benchmarking of Control Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Plants
Author/Editor: Krist V. Gernaey,Ulf Jeppsson
Benchmarking Para Servicios de Agua
Author/Editor: Cabrera jr. ,Enrique,Dane ,Peter,Haskins ,Scott,Theuretzbacher-Fritz ,Heimo
Bending Opinion
Author/Editor: Haaften van ,T.,Jansen ,H.,Jong de ,J.,Koetsenruijter ,W.
Benefit/Cost-Driven Software Development: With Benefit Points and Size Points
Author/Editor: Jo Erskine Hannay
Benefit-sharing in Environmental Governance: Local Experiences of a Global Concept
Author/Editor: Louisa Parks
Benjamin's Library: Modernity, Nation, and the Baroque
Author/Editor: Jane O. Newman
Benno Jacob Rabbiner in Göttingen (1891-1906)
Author/Editor: Schaller, Berndt
Benoten und Beurteilen im künstlerisch-gestalterischen Unterricht der Sekundarstufe: Herausforderungen und Spielräume für (in Ausbildung befindliche) Lehrer:innen
Author/Editor: Luise Kollars,Hans Krameritsch,Anna Pritz
Bentham and the Arts
Author/Editor: Anthony Julius,Malcolm Quinn,Philip Schofield
The Bentham Brothers and Russia: The Imperial Russian Constitution and the St Petersburg Panopticon
Author/Editor: Roger Bartlett
Beobachtungen der Realität: Die Frage nach der Wirklichkeit im Zeitalter der Neuen Medien
Author/Editor: Benjamin Jörissen
Beowulf: A Translation
Author/Editor: David Hadbawnik,Daniel C. Remein
Beowulf by All: Community Translation and Workbook
Author/Editor: Jean Abbott,elaine treharne,Mateusz Fafinski
Über Almen – zwischen Agrikultur & Trashkultur
Author/Editor: Kirchengast ,Christoph
Ãœber Almen – zwischen Agrikultur & Trashkultur
Beratung im Kontext des Lebenslangen Lernens: Konzepte, Organisation, Politik, Spannungsfelder
Author/Editor: Olaf Dörner,Carola Iller,Cornelia Maier-Gutheil,Christiane Schiersmann,Ingeborg Schüßler
Überbau: Produktionsverhältnisse der Architektur im Anthropozän
Author/Editor: Kim Förster,Alexander Stumm,Anne Hommerich,Daniel Geistlinger,Micha Kretschmann,Christian Gäth,Lara| Herkommer,Angelika Hinterbrandner,Victor Lortie,Elke Beyer,Anke Hagemann,Alexander Stumm,Elise-Phuong Ha Nguyen,Rasmus Kallenberg,Tino Imsirovic,Jakob Kra
Über das Glück: Marinos, Das Leben des Proklos
Author/Editor: Christoph Helmig,John Dillon,Udo Hartmann
Über das Leben Raffaels von Urbino - Die Göttinger Vorlesung aus dem Jahr 1841
Author/Editor: Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Oesterley,Katja Mikolajczak,Michael Thimann,Steven Reiss
Über den Tod: Ps.-Platon
Author/Editor: Irmgard Männlein-Robert,Oliver Schelske,Michael Erler
Über die Formalisierung und Analyse medizinischer Prozesse im Kontext von Expertenwissen und künstlicher Intelligenz
Author/Editor: Patrick Philipp
Über die Notwendigkeit der Historischen Bildungsforschung: Wegbegleiter*innenschrift für Edith Glaser
Author/Editor: Friederike Thole,Sarah Wedde,Alexander Kather
Über die Produktion von Tönen: Beziehungen von Arbeit und Musizieren, Österreich 1918–1938
Author/Editor: Georg Schinko
»Über diesem Abgrund«: Studien zur Literatur der Shoah
Author/Editor: Sven Kramer
Bereicherung und Schadenersatz im Immaterialgüterrecht: Ein Beitrag zum Verhältnis zwischen Sonderprivatrecht und allemeinem Zivilrecht
Author/Editor: Judith Schacherreiter
Überforderungseinwände in der Ethik
Author/Editor: Lukas Naegeli
Übergangsverläufe am Ende der Sekundarstufe I: Erklärungsansätze für soziale und migrationsbezogene Ungleichheiten
Author/Editor: Robin Busse,Marianne Friese,Klaus Jenewein
Bergson-Wohlfahrtsfunktion und normative Oekonomie
Author/Editor: Thorsten Giersch
Berichterstattung zur sozioökonomischen Entwicklung in Deutschland: Exklusive Teilhabe - ungenutzte Chancen Dritter Bericht
Author/Editor: Forschungsverbund Sozioökonomische Berichterstattung
Berkeley Castle Tales
Author/Editor: Stuart J. Prior,Mark Horton,Konstantinos Trimmis
Berlin aufgemischt: abendländisch, multikulturell, kosmopolitisch?: Die politische Konstruktion einer Einwanderungsstadt
Author/Editor: Stephan Lanz
Berlin-Brandenburger Beitraege zur Bildungsforschung 2022: Herausforderungen, Befunde und Perspektiven interdisziplinaerer Bildungsforschung
Author/Editor: Jurik Stiller,Christin Laschke,Lennart Goecke
Berlin Coquette: Prostitution and the New German Woman, 1890–1933
Author/Editor: Jill Suzanne Smith
Berliner Weltliteraturen: Internationale literarische Beziehungen in Ost und West nach dem Mauerbau
Author/Editor: Jutta Müller-Tamm
Berlin International: Literaturszenen in der geteilten Stadt (1970‒1989)
Author/Editor: Jutta Müller-Tamm,Susanne Klengel,Lukas Nils Regeler,Ulrike Schneider
The Berlin Reader: A Compendium on Urban Change and Activism
Author/Editor: Matthias Bernt,Britta Grell,Andrej Holm
Berlin's Forgotten Future: City, History, and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Germany
Author/Editor: Matt Erlin
Berlioz in Time: From Early Recognition to Lasting Renown
Author/Editor: Peter Bloom
Über-Menschen: Philosophische Auseinandersetzung mit der Anthropologie des Transhumanismus
Author/Editor: Anna Puzio
Bernard Bolzano
Author/Editor: Strasser ,Kurt F.
Beroepswijs onderwijs; ontwikkelingen en dilemma's in de aansluiting van onderwijs en arbeid
Author/Editor: Dercksen ,W.J.,Lieshout van ,H.
Über Projektionen: Weltkarten und Weltanschauungen: Von der Rekonstruktion zur Dekonstruktion, von der Konvention zur Alternative
Author/Editor: Julia Mia Stirnemann
Übersetzen in der Frühen Neuzeit – Konzepte und Methoden / Concepts and Practices of Translation in the Early Modern Period
Author/Editor: Regina Toepfer,Peter Burschel,Jörg Wesche
Übersetzung als Kulturaustausch
Author/Editor: Seyda Ozil,Michael Hofmann,Jens-Peter Laut,Yasemin Dayıoğlu-Yücel,Didem Uca
Über Sprachen aus der Perspektive von Gymnasiast*innen aus Slowenien und aus der Slowakei
Author/Editor: Alja Lipavic Oštir,Milina Muzikářová
Bertel Thorvaldsen - celebrity: Visualisierungen eines Künstlerkults im frühen 19. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Tabea Schindler
Berthold Viertel
Author/Editor: Prager ,Katharina
Berättelser om det förbjudna: Begär mellan kvinnor i svensk litteratur 1900–1935
Berättelser om det förbjudna: Begär mellan kvinnor i svensk litteratur 1900–1935
Berufliche Arbeit und Berufsbildung zwischen Kontinuität und Innovation: Konferenzband zur 21. Tagung der Gewerblichen-Technischen Wissenschaften und ihren Didaktiken (GTW)
Author/Editor: Sebastian Anselmann,Uwe Faßhauer
Berufliche Bildung im deutsch-kasachischen Kontext: Duale Ausbildung in Logistik, Mechatronik und nach haltiger Energieversorgung (Volume 62)
Author/Editor: Klaus Jenewein,Olga Zechiel,Svetlana Karstina
Berufliche Bildung in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Rothe ,Georg
Berufliche Identität als Dimension beruflicher Kompetenz: Entwicklungsverlauf und Einflussfaktoren in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege (Volume 26)
Author/Editor: Renate Fischer
Berufliche Identitätsarbeit in der subjektivierten Arbeitswelt als Bildungsauftrag der Berufsschule: Am Beispiel der dualen Ausbildung im Einzelhandel
Author/Editor: Christiane Thole,Marianne Friese,Klaus Jenewein
Berufliche Orientierung zwischen Heterogenität und Individualisierung: Beschreibung, Messung und Konsequenzen zur individuellen Förderung in Schule
Author/Editor: Svenja Ohlemann
Berufliche Passagen im Lebenslauf: Berufsbildungs- und Transitionsforschung in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Kurt Häfeli,Markus P. Neuenschwander,Stephan Schumann
Berufliches Crossover zwischen ökonomischer und soziokultureller Fachwelt: Eine biografieanalytische Untersuchung
Author/Editor: Franziska König
Berufliche Weiterbildung in Volkshochschulen: Zugaenge zum lebenslangen Lernen
Author/Editor: Marion Fleige,Wiltrud Gieseke,Aiga von Hippel,Maria Stimm
Beruflichkeit im Wandel: Individuelles berufliches Handeln am Beispiel der Leiharbeit (Volume 53)
Author/Editor: Antje Pabst
Beruflichkeit – Interaktionsarbeit – Kompetenz: Impulse für eine kompetenzorientierte Interaktionsarbeit in der Pflege
Author/Editor: Stefanie Hiestand
Beruflich Qualifizierte im Studium
Berufsarbeit von morgen in gewerblich-technischen Domänen: Forschungsansätze und Ausbildungskonzepte für die berufliche Bildung (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Matthias Becker,Claudia Fenzl,Falk Howe,Georg Spöttl
Berufsausbildung zwischen Hygienemaßnahmen und Lockdown(s): Folgen für die schulische und außerschulische Berufsausbildung, in Schule, im Betrieb und bei Bildungsträgern (Volume 65)
Author/Editor: Dietmar Heisler,Jörg A. Meier
Berufsbildung, eine Renaissance?
Berufsbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Umsetzungsbarrieren und interdisziplinäre Forschun gsfragen (Volume 39)
Author/Editor: Florian Berding,Christian Michaelis
Berufsbildung im europäischen Verbund: Erfahrungen aus der Chemiebranche (Volume 3)
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Hübel,Peter Storz
Berufsbildungsforschung: Alte und neue Fragen eines Forschungsfeldes
Author/Editor: Peter Schlögl,Krisztina Dér
Berufsbildungspolitik: Strukturen - Krise - Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Marcus Eckelt,Thilo J. Ketschau
Berufskundelehrpersonen und ihr professionelles Selbstverständnis: Eine Analyse im Rahmen der Ausbildung von Automatik-, Elektroinstallations- und Informatiklernenden in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Daniel Degen,Marianne Friese,Klaus Jenewein
„Berufsstand“ oder „Stand“?
„Berufsstand“ oder „Stand“? : Ein politischer Schlüsselbegriff im Österreich der Zwischenkriegszeit
Author/Editor: Kustatscher ,Erika
Berufs- und Arbeitswelt in der politischen Bildung: Über Bildungs- und Berufsvorstellungen Jugendlicher am Ende der Sekundarstufe I in Deutschland und Österreich
Author/Editor: Sarah Straub,Iris Baumgardt,Dirk Lange
Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik im selbstkritischen Diskurs
Author/Editor: Klaus Beck,Jürgen Seifried
Berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogische Analysen: Aktuelle Forschungen zur beruflichen Bildung
Author/Editor: Uwe Faßhauer,Bärbel Fürstenau,Eveline Wuttke
»Beruf und Berufung«: Die evangelische Geistlichkeit und die Konfessionsbildung in den Herzogtümern Pommern, 1560–1618 (Volume 246)
Author/Editor: Maciej Ptaszyński
Beruf(ung) DaF/DaZ Band 2: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Uwe Koreik
Author/Editor: Nazan Gültekin-Karakoç,Nils Hoppe,Matthias Jung,Karin Kleppin,Claire Kramsch,Christine Kutscher,Roger Fornoff,Camilla Badstübner-Kizik,Silke Ghobeyshi,Anne Gladitz,Katja Grupp,Nazan Gültekin-Karakoç,Almut Hille,Kevin Hilliard
Überwachen und konsumieren: Kontrolle, Normen und soziale Beziehungen in der digitalen Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Nils Zurawski
Überwachte Methoden für die spektrale Entmischung mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen
Author/Editor: Johannes Anastasiadis
Über Wissenschaft reden
Author/Editor: Claude Haas,Daniel Weidner
Überzeugungen von Lehrpersonen zu digitalen Medien: Eine qualitative Untersuchung zu Entstehung, Bedingungsfaktoren und typenspezifischen Entwicklungsverläufen
Author/Editor: Daniela Knüsel Schäfer
Beschleunigungsstrategien der Strafjustiz: Eine empirische Studie zum Strafbefehlsverfahren in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Mirjam Stoll
Beside You in Time: Sense methods and queer sociabilities in the American nineteenth century
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Freeman
Besitzwechsel und sozialer Wandel
Author/Editor: Zeitlhofer ,Hermann
Beslissen over biotechnologie
Author/Editor: WRR
Besluiten over grote projecten
Author/Editor: WRR
Besteuerung, Inflation und Kapitalallokation: Intersektorale und internationale Aspekte
Bestimmung der thermischen Transporteigenschaften poröser Elektroden von Lithium-Ionen Batterien
Author/Editor: Dieter Oehler
Bestimmungsfaktoren der Vertragsforschung in Deutschland: Eine theoretische und oekonometrische Analyse
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Haverkamp
Bestsellers in Nineteenth-Century America
Besucher zu Stammgästen machen!: Neue und kreative Wege zur Besucherbindung
Author/Editor: Bernd Günter,Hartmut John
Beta Exercise: The Theory and Practice of Osamu Kanemura
Author/Editor: Osamu Kanemura,Marco Mazzi,Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei
Beteiligung interkulturell gestalten: Ein Lesebuch zu partizipativer Stadtentwicklung
Author/Editor: […] Autor*innen-Kollektiv INTERPART
Beten, Impfen, Sammeln - Zur Viehseuchen- und Schädlingsbekämpfung in der Frühen Neuzeit Graduiertenkolleg Interdisziplinäre Umweltgeschichte
Author/Editor: Engelken, Katharina,Hünniger, Dominik,Windelen, Steffi
Beter benutten van kennis uit onderzoek en onderwijspraktijk: Kansrijke aanpakken voor docentgroepen
Author/Editor: Wouter Schenke,Irma Heemskerk,Patrick van Schaik,Marianne Boogaard
Betrieblicher Einsatz von Absolventen zweijähriger Ausbildungsberufe: Eine empirische Untersuchung des Ausbildungsberufes Kfz-Servicemechaniker/in (Volume 20)
Author/Editor: Frank Musekamp
Betriebliche Weiterbildungsentscheidungen im Garbage Can: Typenbildende Rekonstruktion in Klein- und Kleinstunternehmen
Author/Editor: Christian Müller
Betriebsformenwahl aelterer KonsumentInnen
Author/Editor: Ernst Gittenberger
Betriebspraktika als Element kompetenzorientierter Lehrerausbildung: Hochschuldidaktisches Konzept für den Studiengang Höheres Lehramt an Gymnasien für Chemie und Physik (Volume 34)
Author/Editor: Ines Unverricht
Betriebstypenprofilierung in vertraglichen Vertriebssystemen: Eine Analyse von Einflußfaktoren und Erfolgswirkungen auf der Grundlage eines Vertragshaendlersystems im Automobilhandel
Author/Editor: Stefan Wöllenstein
Better Than Welfare? Work and livelihoods for Indigenous Australians after CDEP
Better Work: The Impact of Automation, Flexibilization and Intensification of Work
Author/Editor: Monique Kremer,Robert Went,Godfried Engbersen
Between Air and Electricity: Microphones and Loudspeakers as Musical Instruments
Author/Editor: Cathy van Eck
Between an Animal and a Machine: Stanisław Lem’s Technological Utopia
Author/Editor: Pawel Majewski
Between Babylon and Jerusalem: Selected Writings (Volume 2, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Simon Rawidowicz,Benjamin C. I. Ravid,David N. Myers
Between Constantinople, the Papacy, and the Caliphate: The Melkite Church in the Islamicate World, 634-969
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Kościelniak
Between Creed, Rhetoric Façade, and Disregard: Dissemination and Theorization of Corporate Social Responsibility in Austria
Author/Editor: Markus A. Höllerer
Between Daily Routine and Violent Protest: Interpreting the Technicity of Action
Author/Editor: Ernst Wolff
Between Dark & Light: The Light Art of Ruth McDermott & Ben Baxter
Author/Editor: Ruth McDermott,Ben Baxter
Between Imagined Communities and Communities of Practice - Participation, Territory and the Making of Heritage
Author/Editor: Adell, Nicolas,Bendix, Regina F.,Bortolotto, Chiara,Tauschek, Markus
Between Jews and Heretics: Refiguring Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho
Author/Editor: Matthijs den Dulk
Between Manuscript and Print: Transcultural Perspectives, ca. 1400–1800
Author/Editor: Sylvia Brockstieger,Paul Schweitzer-Martin
Between Mobility and Migration: The Multi-Level Governance of Intra-European Movement
Author/Editor: Peter Scholten,Mark van Ostaijen
Between Ostrogothic and Carolingian Italy: Survivals, revivals, ruptures
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Oppedisano
Between Peace and Conflict in the East and the West: Studies on Transformation and Development in the OSCE Region
Author/Editor: Anja Mihr
Between Positivism and T.S. Eliot
Author/Editor: Olsen ,Flemming
Between Psychology and Philosophy: East-West Themes and Beyond
Author/Editor: Michael Slote
Between Real and Ideal: The Course of Otto Ludwig's Development as a Narrative Writer
Author/Editor: William H. McClain
Between Roman Culture and Local Tradition: Roman Provincial Coinage of Bithynia and Pontus during the Reign of Trajan (98-117 AD)
Author/Editor: Barbara Zając
Between Species/Between Spaces: Art and Science on the Outer Cape
Author/Editor: Kendra Sullivan,Mark Adams,Marina Zurkow,Peter McMahon,Dylan Gauthier,Jean Barberis,Joshua Edwards,Marie Lorenz,Nancy Nowacek,Kendra Sullivan,Dylan Gauthier,Jeff William,Lynn Xu
Between Stage and Screen
Author/Editor: Törnqvist ,Egil
Between State and Church: Confessional Relations from Reformation to Enlightenment: Poland – Lithuania – Germany – Netherlands
Author/Editor: Wojciech Kriegseisen
Between Stillness and Motion
Between the 3rd and 2nd Millennia BC: Exploring Cultural Diversity and Change in Late Prehistoric Communities
Author/Editor: Susana Soares Lopes,Sérgio Alexandre Gomes
Between the Plough and the Pick
Between Two Plenums: China’s Intraleadership Conflict, 1959–1962
Author/Editor: Ellis Joffe
Between Violence, Vulnerability, Resilience and Resistance: Arab Television News on the Experiences of Syrian Women during the Syrian Conflict
Author/Editor: Rand El Zein
Beute und Conquista: Die politische Ökonomie der Eroberung Neuspaniens
Author/Editor: Vitus Huber
Beveridge-Kurve, Lohnsetzung und Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit: Eine theoretische Untersuchung unter Beruecksichtigung des Insider-Outsider-Ansatzes und der Entwertung des Humankapitals
Author/Editor: Andreas Henning
Author/Editor: WRR
Bewegungen: Beiträge zum 26. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft
Author/Editor: Isabell van Ackeren,Helmut Bremer,Fabian Kessl,Hans-Christoph Koller,Nicolle Pfaff,Carolin Rotter,Esther Dominique Klein,Ulrich Salaschek
Bewegungsorientierte Gesundheitsförderung an Hochschulen
Author/Editor: Göring, Arne,Möllenbeck, Daniel
Bewegung: Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Konzepte
Author/Editor: Gabriele Klein
Bewegung, Spiel und Sport im Kindesalter: Neue Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen in der Sportpädagogik
Author/Editor: Jürgen Schwier,Miriam Seyda
Bewertung der Ökologie, Wirtschaftlichkeit und sozialen Effekte von ressourceneffizienzsteigernden Maßnahmen auf Quartiersebene – von der volkswirtschaftlichen zur akteursspezifischen Perspektive (NaMaRes): Schlussbericht des Forschungsvorhabens
Author/Editor: Rebekka Volk,Anke Ehbrecht,Thomas Beck,Philipp Tomaschewski,Julia Hackenbruch,Sybille Rosenberg,Norbert Hacker,Elias Naber,Frank Schultmann,Thomas Lützkendorf,Kai Mörmann,stefan norra,Denise Boehnke,Alice Krehl,Rainer Schuhmann
Bewertungen – Erwartungen – Gebrauch: Sprachgebrauchsnormen zur inneren Mehrsprachigkeit an der Universität (Volume 184)
Author/Editor: Philip C. Vergeiner
Bewertung neuer Verfahren zur Kühlung von Turbinenrotorschaufeln
Author/Editor: Maximilian Elfner
Bewertungsinteraktionen in der Theaterpause: Eine gesprächsanalytische Untersuchung von Pausengesprächen im Theaterfoyer
Author/Editor: Christine Hrncal
Bewertungsmodell zur Evaluation hochauflösender, lichtbasierter Fahrerassistenzsysteme
Author/Editor: Patric Jahn
Bewertung strategischer Flexibilitaet beim Unternehmenserwerb: Der Wertbeitrag von Realoptionen
Author/Editor: Claude Tomaszewski
Bewertung von Eigentumswohnungen: Entscheidungsorientierte Bewertung aus Sicht privater Investoren
Author/Editor: Stephan Walochnik
Bewähren sich Bewährungsstrafen? - Eine empirische Untersuchung der Praxis und des Erfolgs der Strafaussetzung von Freiheits- und Jugendstrafen
Author/Editor: Weigelt, Enrico
Bewijzen van goede dienstverlening
Author/Editor: WRR
Bewusst im Paradies: Kitsch und Reflexivität
Author/Editor: Thomas Küpper
Bewusstsein: Grundlagen, Anwendungen und Entwicklung
Author/Editor: Joachim Galuska
Beyond 100: The Next Century in Geodesy: Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July 8-18, 2019
Author/Editor: Jeffrey T. Freymueller,Laura Sánchez
Beyond barrows: Current research on the structuration and perception of the Prehistoric Landscape through Monuments
Author/Editor: David Fontijn,Arjan Louwen,Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof,Karsten Wentink
Beyond Bars: A Path Forward From 50 Years of Mass Incarceration in the United States
Author/Editor: Kristen M. Budd,Dave Lane,Glenn W. Muschert,Jason A. Smith
Beyond Black: Celebrity and Race in Obama's America
Author/Editor: Ellis Cashmore
Beyond Borders
Beyond Borders : Stories of Yunnanese Chinese Migrants of Burma
Author/Editor: Chang ,Wen-Chin
Beyond Certification
Author/Editor: Scott Poynton
Beyond Control: A Mutual Respect Approach to Protest Crowd - Police Relations
Author/Editor: Shirley Paré,Vern Neufeld Redekop
Beyond Data: Human Rights, Ethical and Social Impact Assessment in AI
Author/Editor: Alessandro Mantelero
Beyond Death: Beliefs, Practice, and Material Expression
Author/Editor: Patrick Williams,Gary Feinman,Luis Armando Muro Ynoñán
Beyond Description: Anthropologies of Explanation
Author/Editor: Paolo Heywood,Matei Candea
Beyond Dutch Borders
Author/Editor: Mügge ,Liza
Beyond Empire and Nation; The Decolonization of African and Asian societies, 1930s-1960s
Author/Editor: Bogaerts ,Els,Raben ,Remco
Beyond Empire and Nation; The Decolonization of African and Asian societies, 1930s-1960s
Beyond Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Richard Cohen
Beyond »Ethnic Chick Lit« – Labelingpraktiken neuer Welt-Frauen*-Literaturen im transkontinentalen Vergleich
Author/Editor: Sandra Folie
Beyond »Ethnic Chick Lit« - Labelingpraktiken neuer Welt-Frauen*-Literaturen im transkontinentalen Vergleich
Author/Editor: Sandra Folie
Beyond Exceptionalism: Traces of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Early Modern Germany, 1650–1850
Author/Editor: Rebekka Mallinckrodt,Josef Köstlbauer,Sarah Lentz
Beyond Global Food Supply Chains: Crisis, Disruption, Regeneration
Author/Editor: Victoria Stead,Melinda Hinkson
Beyond Holy Russia
Author/Editor: Hughes ,Michael
Beyond Jewish Identity: Rethinking Concepts and Imagining Alternatives
Author/Editor: Ari Y. Kelman,Jon A. Levisohn
Beyond Media Borders, Volume 1: Intermedial Relations among Multimodal Media
Author/Editor: Lars Elleström
Beyond Media Borders, Volume 2: Intermedial Relations among Multimodal Media
Author/Editor: Lars Elleström
Beyond Money: A Postcapitalist Strategy
Author/Editor: Anitra Nelson
Beyond Narrative: Exploring Narrative Liminality and Its Cultural Work
Author/Editor: Sebastian M. Herrmann,Katja Kanzler,Stefan Schubert
Beyond NATO: A New Security Architecture for Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Michael O'Hanlon
Beyond Nuclear Ambiguity: The Iranian Nuclear Crisis and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
Author/Editor: Michele Gerli
Beyond observation: A history of authorship in ethnographic film
Author/Editor: Paul Henley
Beyond Presidentialism and Parliamentarism: Democratic Design and the Separation of Powers
Author/Editor: Steffen Ganghof
Beyond Price
Author/Editor: Velleman J. ,David
Beyond Priesthood: Religious Entrepreneurs and Innovators in the Roman Empire
Author/Editor: Richard L. Gordon,Georgia Petridou,Jörg Rüpke
Beyond Provenance: New Approaches to Interpreting the Chemistry of Archaeological Copper Alloys
Author/Editor: Mark Pollard
Beyond Quantity: Research with Subsymbolic AI
Author/Editor: Andreas Sudmann,Anna Echterhölter,Markus Ramsauer,Fabian Retkowski,Jens Schröter,Alexander Waibel
Beyond Safety Training: Embedding Safety in Professional Skills
Author/Editor: Corinne Bieder,Claude Gilbert,Benoît Journé,Hervé Laroche
Beyond the Bauhaus
Author/Editor: Barnstone Ascher ,Deborah
Beyond the crisis
Author/Editor: Wilkinson ,A.,Robinson ,J.B.
Beyond the Death of God: Religion in 21st Century International Politics
Author/Editor: Simone RAUDINO,Patricia Sohn
Beyond the Flow: Scholarly Publications During and After the Digital
Author/Editor: Niels-OIiver Walkowski
Beyond the Horizon: Essays on Myth, History, Travel and Society
Author/Editor: Timo Kaartinen,Clifford Sather
Beyond the Icon: Asian American Graphic Narratives
Author/Editor: Eleanor Ty
Beyond the Limits to Growth
Author/Editor: Hiroshi Komiyama
Beyond the Lines: Social Networks and Palestinian Militant Organizations in Wartime Lebanon
Author/Editor: Sarah E. Parkinson
Beyond the Makerspace: Making and Relational Rhetorics
Author/Editor: Ann Shivers-McNair
Beyond the Mirror: Seeing in Art History and Visual Culture Studies
Author/Editor: Susanne von Falkenhausen
Beyond the Movie Theater: Sites, Sponsors, Uses, Audiences
Author/Editor: Gregory A. Waller
Beyond the Pale: Dutch Extreme Violence in the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949
Author/Editor: NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs- Holocaust- en Genocidestudies,Gert Oostindie,Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV),Ben Schoenmaker,Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie (NIMH),Frank Van Vree
Beyond the Panama Papers. The Performance of EU Good Governance Promotion: The Anticorruption Report, volume 4
Author/Editor: Alina Mungiu-Pippidi,Jana Warkotsch
Beyond the Panama Papers. The Performance of EU Good Governance Promotion: The Anticorruption Report, volume 4
Author/Editor: Alina Mungiu-Pippidi,Jana Warkotsch
Beyond the Separation between Church and State?
Author/Editor: Joas ,H.,Wolfe ,A.
Beyond the state: The colonial medical service in British Africa
Author/Editor: Anna Greenwood
Beyond the Suffering of Being: Desire in Giacomo Leopardi and Samuel Beckett
Author/Editor: Roberta Cauchi-Santoro
Beyond the Trenches – The Social and Cultural Impact of the Great War: Second Edition
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Katarzyna Dzikowska,Agata G. Handley,Piotr Zawilski
Beyond the Trenches: The Social and Cultural Impact of the Great War (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Agata Handley,Elzbieta Katarzyna Dzikowska
„Beyond the Wall”: Game of Thrones aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Anna Gamper,Thomas Müller
Beyond the witch trials: Witchcraft and magic in Enlightenment Europe
Author/Editor: Davies ,Owen,de Blécourt ,Willem
Beyond Waters: Archaeology and Environmental History of the Amazonian Inland
Beyond Waters: Archaeology and Environmental History of the Amazonian Inland
Bezeten van genen. Een essay over de innovatieoorlog rondom genetisch gemodificeerd voedsel
Author/Editor: Wilde de ,R.,Vermeulen ,N.,Reithler ,M.
Böhmische Juden auf Wanderschaft über Prag nach Wien: Charlotte von Weisls Familiengeschichte. Text, Kontext, Kommentar, Analyse (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Dietmar Goltschnigg
Bias, Belief, and Conviction in an Age of Fake Facts
Author/Editor: Anke Finger,Manuela Wagner
Bible and Ecology: Rediscovering the Community of Creation
Author/Editor: Richard Bauckham
The Bible in Buffalo Country: Oenpelli Mission 1925–1931
Author/Editor: Sally K. May,Donna Nadjamerrek,Julie Narndal Gumurdul,Laura Rademaker
The Bible in the Bowls: A Catalogue of Biblical Quotations in Published Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Magic Bowls
Author/Editor: Daniel James Waller,Dorota Molin
Biblical Terror: Why Law and Restoration in the Bible Depend Upon Fear
Author/Editor: Jeremiah W. Cataldo
Biblical Theology of Life in the New Testament
Author/Editor: Francois P. Viljoen,J.M. Vorster,Gert J.C. Jordaan,Albert J. Coetsee,Nina E. Müller van Velden,Francois P. Viljoen,Philip La Grange du Toit,Elma M. Cornelius,Genade
Biblical Theology of Life in the Old Testament
Author/Editor: Albert J. Coetsee,J.M. Vorster,Francois P. Viljoen,Albert J. Coetsee,Paul P. Krüger,Francois P. Viljoen,David G. Firth,Chris van der Walt,S.D. Snyman
Biblical Theology of prayer in the New Testament
Author/Editor: Michael C Mulder,Francois P Francois P,M Bruce Button,Alistair I Wilson,Gert JC Jordaan,Dirk G van der Merwe,Francois P Francois P,Albert J Coetsee,Paul N Anderson,Nina E Müller van Velden,Philip La Grange du Toit,Elma Cornelius,Rob van Houwelingen,Myriam
Biblical Theology of prayer in the Old Testament
Author/Editor: Albert J Coetsee,Albert J Coetsee,Edward Ho,Gideon R Kotzé,Marius Nel,Sebastian J Floor,Louis C Jonker,Francois Viljoen,Francois Viljoen,Matthew Haynes,David G Firth,Jaap Dekker,Kathleen M Rochester,Fanie Snyman,Lekgetho H Moretsi,Herrie van Rooy
Bibliografia di storia della psichiatria italiana 1991-2010
Author/Editor: Matteo Fiorani
Bibliografia Ladina
Bibliografia Ladina : Bibliografie des ladinischen Schrifttums 1/Bibliografia degli scritti in ladino 1
Author/Editor: Videsott ,Paul,Bernardi ,Rut,Marcocci ,Chiara
Bibliographic Control in the Digital Ecosystem
Author/Editor: Carlotta Alpigiano,Giovanni Bergamin,Mauro Guerrini
Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Etymologie der russischen Phraseme (1825-1994)
Author/Editor: Aleksandr Birich,Valerij Mokienko,Ljudmila Stepanova
A Bibliography for After Jews and Arabs
Author/Editor: Ammiel Alcalay
A Bibliography of Chinese Language Materials on the People's Communes
Author/Editor: Wei-yi Ma
A Bibliography of Sign Languages, 2008-2017: With an Introduction by Myriam Vermeerbergen and Anna-Lena Nilsson
Author/Editor: Anne Aarssen,René Genis,Eline van der Veeken
A Bibliography of South African Languages, 2008-2017: With an Introduction by Menán du Plessis
Author/Editor: Eline van der Veken,Menán du Plessis,René Genis,Anne Aarssen
Bibliometria e scienze del libro: internazionalizzazione e vitalità degli studi italiani
Author/Editor: Simona Turbanti
Biblioteche reali, biblioteche immaginarie: Tracce di libri, luoghi e letture
Author/Editor: Anna Dolfi
Bibliotheken der Schweiz: Innovation durch Kooperation: Festschrift für Susanna Bliggenstorfer anlässlich ihres Rücktrittes als Direktorin der Zentralbibliothek Zürich
Author/Editor: Zentralbibliothek Zürich,Alice Keller,Susanne Uhl
Bibliotheken gestalten Zukunft - Kooperative Wege zur Digitalen Bibliothek ; Dr. Friedrich Geißelmann zum 65. Geburtstag
Author/Editor: Hutzler, Evelinde,Schröder, Albert,Schweikl, Gabriele
Bibliotheken gestalten Zukunft - Kooperative Wege zur Digitalen Bibliothek ; Dr. Friedrich Geißelmann zum 65. Geburtstag
Bibliotheken in der NS-Zeit: Provenienzforschung und Bibliotheksgeschichte
Author/Editor: Stefan Alker-Windbichler,Christina Köstner-Pemsel,Markus Stumpf
Bibliotheken in der NS-Zeit: Provenienzforschung und Bibliotheksgeschichte
Author/Editor: Stefan Alker-Windbichler,Christina Köstner-Pemsel,Markus Stumpf
Bibliothekserlaubnisse im Urheberrecht
Author/Editor: Armin Talke
Bibliothek und Medien 32 (2012). Nr. 1
Bibliothek und Medien 32 (2012). Nr. 2
Bibliothek und Medien 33 (2013). Nr. 1
Bibliothek und Medien 33 (2013). Nr. 2
Biegefestigkeit von Trägern aus kreissektorförmigen Lamellen
Author/Editor: Lukas Windeck
Bienen an der Hochschule: Ein interdisziplinäres Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt
Author/Editor: Frank Bertagnolli,Simon Bludau,Lea Fetzer,Lucas Hadamek,Tayla Herrmann,Amy Treick
Bifocal Vision: Novalis' Philosophy of Nature and Disease
Author/Editor: John Neubauer
Bifurcate: There Is No Alternative
Author/Editor: Bernard Stiegler,The Internation Collective
Big and Little Histories: Sizing Up Ethics in Historiography
Author/Editor: Marnie Hughes-Warrington,Anne Martin
Big Brother: Beobachtungen
Author/Editor: Friedrich Balke,Gregor Schwering,Urs Stäheli
The Big Data Agenda: Data Ethics and Critical Data Studies
Author/Editor: Annika Richterich
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance: Increasing Personalization and Trust in Digital Finance using Big Data and AI
Author/Editor: John Soldatos,Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Big Data for Qualitative Research
Author/Editor: Kathy A. Mills
Big Data in Bioeconomy: Results from the European DataBio Project
Author/Editor: Caj Södergård,Tomas Mildorf,Ephrem Habyarimana,Arne J. Berre,Jose A. Fernandes,Christian Zinke-Wehlmann
Big Data in Context: Legal, Social and Technological Insights
Author/Editor: Thomas Hoeren,Barbara Kolany-Raiser
Big Data in der Mobilität: Akteure, Geschäftsmodelle und Nutzenpotenziale für die Welt von morgen
Author/Editor: Nadine Gatzert,Susanne Knorre,Horst Müller-Peters,Fred Wagner,Theresa Jost
Big Data in Organizations and the Role of Human Resource Management
Author/Editor: Scholz M. ,Tobias
Big Data Security (Volume 3)
Author/Editor: Indiradip Banarjee,Siddhartha Bhattacharyya,Shibakali Guipta
Big Digital Humanities: Imagining a Meeting Place for the Humanities and the Digital
Author/Editor: Patrik Svensson
The Big Gamble: The Migration of Eritreans to Europe
Author/Editor: Milena Belloni
Bigger Than You: Big Data and Obesity
Author/Editor: Katherine Behar
The Big Reset: War on Gold and the Financial Endgame
Author/Editor: Willem Middelkoop
The Big Thaw: Policy, Governance, and Climate Change in the Circumpolar North
Author/Editor: Ezra B. W. Zubrow,Errol Meidinger,Kim Diana Connolly
Big Water: The Making of the Borderlands Between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay
Author/Editor: Zephyr Frank,Frederico Freitas,Jacob Blanc
Bijdragen aan waarden en normen - 2
Author/Editor: Beer de ,P.T.
Bikes and Bloomers: Victorian Women Inventors and their Extraordinary Cycle Wear
Author/Editor: Kat Jungnickel,Liberty Dent
Bilanzpolitisches Verhalten bei der Umstellung der Rechnungslegung von HGB auf IFRS: Eine empirische Untersuchung deutscher Unternehmen
Author/Editor: Karsten Detert
BIL Bibliografia Informatizzata Leopardiana 1815-1999: manuale d'uso ver. 1.0
Author/Editor: Magherini, Simone
Bilddenken und Morphologie: Interdisziplinäre Studien über Form und Bilder im philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Denken
Author/Editor: Laura Follesa,Federico Vercellone
Bildende Künstler im Fotoporträt: Freundschaft zwischen Porträtfotografen und Künstlermodellen?
Author/Editor: Verena Jendrus
Bildende Widerstände - widerständige Bildung: Blickwechsel zwischen Pädagogik und Philosophie
Author/Editor: Christiane Thompson,Gabriele Weiß
Bilderbuch-Heimkehr? Remigration im Kontext
Author/Editor: Straub ,Wolfgang,Prager ,Katharina
Bilderbuch – Lesebuch – Künstlerbuch: Elsa Beskows Ästhetik des Materiellen
Author/Editor: Petra Bäni Rigler
Bilder einer besseren Welt: Die Utopie im nichtfiktionalen Film
Author/Editor: Simon Spiegel
Bilderfronten: Die Visualisierung der sowjetischen Intervention in Afghanistan 1979–1989
Author/Editor: Markus Mirschel
Bilder schreiben: Virtuose Ekphrasis in Philostrats Eikones
Author/Editor: Mario Baumann
Bildfabriken: Industrie und Fotografie im Zarenreich (1860–1917)
Author/Editor: Lenka Fehrenbach,Heike Weber,Martina Heßler,Klaus Gestwa,Helmuth Trischler,Dirk van Laak,L Fehrenbach,Lenka Fehrenbach,Ruth Oldenziel,Matthias Heymann,Bernhard Rieger,Sabine Höhler,Thomas Zeller,David Gugerli,Martin Kohlrausch
Bildfolgenbasierte Gewinnung und Nutzung partikelindividueller Bewegungsinformation in der optischen Schüttgutsortierung
Author/Editor: Georg Maier
Bildmedien: Festschrift für Klaus Sachs-Hombach zum 65. Geburtstag
Author/Editor: Jan-Noël Thon,Frauke Berndt
Bildspuren - Sprachspuren: Postkarten als Quellen zur Mehrsprachigkeit in der späten Habsburger Monarchie
Author/Editor: Karin Almasy,Heinrich Pfandl,Eva Tropper
Bild und Schrift auf 'magischen' Artefakten
Author/Editor: Sarah Kiyanrad,Christoffer Theis,Laura Willer
Bildung als Integrationstechnologie?: Neue Konzepte für die Bildungsarbeit mit Geflüchteten
Author/Editor: Anselm Böhmer
Bildung als Perspektive für Care Leaver?: Bildungschancen und Bildungswege junger Erwachsener mit Kinder- und Jugendhilfeerfahrung
Author/Editor: Maria Groinig,Wolfgang Hagleitner,Thomas Maran,Stephan Sting
Bildung auf einen Blick 2017
Bildung, Bedeutung und Gebrauch des russischen Verbalaspekts: Teil 1: Theortische Grundlagen (Lehrbuch)
Author/Editor: Hans Schlegel
Bildung = Berufsbildung?!: Beiträge zur 6. Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz (BBFK)
Author/Editor: Franz Gramlinger,Annette Ostendorf,Carola Iller,Kurt Schmid,Georg Tafner
Bildung der Universität: Beiträge zum Reformdiskurs
Author/Editor: Andrea Liesner,Olaf Sanders
Bildung für eine ungewisse Zukunft: Temporale Agenden im Kontext der Hochschulweiterbi ldung
Author/Editor: Jan Schiller
Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung – Impulse zu Digitalisierung, Inklusion und Klimaschutz
Author/Editor: Andreas Eberth,Antje Goller,Julia Günther,Melissa Hanke,Verena Holz,Alexandria Krug
Bildung im Alter - für alle?: Altersbilder, Ziele und Strukturen in der nachberuflichen Bildung in Deutschland und den USA (Volume 20)
Author/Editor: Ralf Lottmann
Bildung im gesellschaftlichen Wandel: Qualitative Forschungszugänge und Methodenkritik
Author/Editor: Juliane Engel,Sebastian Schinkel,Henrike Terhart,Anke Wischmann,Julia Lipkina
Bildung in Deutschland 2016
Author/Editor: Bildungsberichterstattung ,Autorengruppe
Bildung.Macht.Diversität.: Critical Diversity Literacy im Hochschulraum
Author/Editor: Serena O. Dankwa,Sarah-Mee Filep,Ulla Klingovsky,Georges Pfruender
Bildung, Macht und Lebenschancen
Author/Editor: Sebastian Ludwig
Bildungsauftrag Medienkompetenz: Programmplanung an Volkshochschulen zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
Author/Editor: Jan Hellriegel
Bildungsforschung für Praktiker in der Erwachsenenbildung: Die Online-Vortragsreihe des Weiterbildung Hessen e.V. (Volume 18)
Author/Editor: Claus Kapelke,Barbara Ulreich
Bildungshäuser im digitalen Wandel: Entwicklungspotenziale für das Bildungsmanagement
Author/Editor: Gaby Filzmoser
Bildungspraktiken der Aufklärung / Education practices of the Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Silke Pasewalck,Matthias Weber
Bildungsregionen in der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung: Modell und empirische Analyse (Volume 43)
Author/Editor: Bastian Steinmüller
Bildungssprachliche Mittel: Eine Analyse von Schülertexten aus dem Sachunterricht der Primarstufe
Author/Editor: Sarah L. Fornol
Bildungs- und Berufsberatung in der Migrationsgesellschaft: Pädagogische Perspektiven auf Beratung zur Anerkennung im Ausland erworbener Qualifikationen
Author/Editor: Birgit Schmidtke
Bildungsverläufe von der Einschulung bis in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt: Theoretische Ansätze, empirische Befunde und Beispiele
Author/Editor: Markus P. Neuenschwander,Christof Nägele
Bildung / Transformation: Kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Umbrüche aus bildungstheoretischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Werner Friedrichs,Olaf Sanders
Bildung und Briefe im 6. Jahrhundert: Studien zum Mailänder Diakon Magnus Felix Ennodius
Author/Editor: Bianca-Jeanette Schröder
Bildung und Erziehung im Kontext globaler Transformationen
Author/Editor: Iris Clemens,Sabine Hornberg,Marco Rieckmann
Bildung und Etablierung der DDR-Bezirke in Brandenburg: Verwaltung und Parteien in den Bezirken Potsdam, Frankfurt/Oder und Cottbus 1952-1960 (Volume 16)
Author/Editor: Oliver Werner,Detlef Kotsch,Harald Engler
Bildung und Partizipation: Mitbestimmung von Schülerinnen und Schülern in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Gudrun Quenzel,Michael Beck,Sebastian Jungkunz
Bildung und Staunen: Eine bildungsphilosophische Perspektive im Kontext geistiger und schwerer Behinderung
Author/Editor: Theresa Stommel
Bildverarbeitung in der Automation: Ausgewählte Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums BVAu 2022
Author/Editor: Volker Lohweg
Bilingual Couples in Conversation (Volume 149)
Author/Editor: Silja Ang-Tschachtli
Bilinguale Interaktion beim Peer-Learning in der Grundschule: Eine Mixed-Methods Studie mit bilingual türkisch-deutschsprachig aufwachsenden Schüler*innen
Author/Editor: Martin Schastak
Bilingualer Unterricht: Grundlagen, Methoden, Praxis, Perspektiven. 5., ueberarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage
Author/Editor: Gerhard Bach,Susanne Niemeier
Bilingual Europe: Latin and Vernacular Cultures - Examples of Bilingualism and Multilingualism c. 1300-1800
Author/Editor: Jan Bloemendal
Bima Swarga in Balinese Wayang
Author/Editor: Hinzler ,H.
Bima Swarga in Balinese Wayang
BIM in der Bauausführung: Automatisierte Baufortschrittsdokumentation mit BIM, deren Mehrwert und die daraus resultierenden Auswirkungen auf die Phase der Bauausführung
Author/Editor: Adriane Gasteiger
Binationale Herkunft und Zugehörigkeit: Biographische Aushandlungsprozesse junger Erwachsener in Marokko und der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Gwendolyn Gilliéron
Binge-Watching and Contemporary Television Research
Author/Editor: Mareike Jenner
Binging Family: Die Konzeption von Familie in der Video-on-Demand-Serie
Author/Editor: Jakob Kelsch
Binnendifferenzierung im Alphabetisierungskurs im Bereich Deutsch als Zweitsprache
Author/Editor: Anja Böttinger
Binnengemeentelijke decentralisatie en deconcentratie in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag en Utrecht; een inventarisatie
Author/Editor: Goor van de ,J.G.B.M.
Bioanalytical Tools in Water Quality Assessment: Second Edition
Author/Editor: Peta Neale,Frederic Leusch,Beate Escher
Bio-based Building Skin
Author/Editor: Anna Sandak,Jakub Sandak,Marcin Brzezicki,Andreja Kutnar
Biocultural Diversity and Indigenous Ways of Knowing: Reframing Human Ecology in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic
Author/Editor: Karim-Aly Kassam
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the Environment
Author/Editor: Fabien Girard,Ingrid Hall,Christine Frison
Biodeterioration of Cultural Heritage: Dynamic Interfaces between Fungi, Fungal Pigments and Paper
Author/Editor: Hanna Szczepanowska
Biodiversitätsmuseum Göttingen: Storyline Deutsche Ausgabe
Author/Editor: Christoph Bleidorn,Maria Teresa Aguado Molina
Biodiversitätsmuseum Göttingen: The storyline English edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Bleidorn,Maria Teresa Aguado Molina
Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate Change
Author/Editor: Melissa R. Marselle,Jutta Stadler,Horst Korn,Katherine N. Irvine,Aletta Bonn
Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics: Preserving our evolutionary heritage in an extinction crisis
Author/Editor: Roseli Pellens,Philippe Grandcolas
Biodiversity Databases: Techniques, Politics and Applications
Author/Editor: Gordon B. Curry,Chris J. Humphries
Biodiversity-Health-Sustainability Nexus in Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS)
Author/Editor: Maiko Nishi,Suneetha M. Subramanian,Himangana Gupta
Biodiversity of Angola: Science & Conservation: A Modern Synthesis
Author/Editor: Brian J. Huntley,Vladimir Russo,Fernanda Lages,Nuno Ferrand
Biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands: Science and Conservation
Author/Editor: Luis M. P. Ceríaco,Ricardo F. de Lima,Martim Melo,Rayna C. Bell
Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities: Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production
Author/Editor: Maria Backhouse,Rosa Lehmann,Kristina Lorenzen,Malte Lühmann,Janina Puder,Fabricio Rodríguez,Anne Tittor
Bioeconomy challenges and implementation: the European research organisations' perspective
Author/Editor: Pascal Bergeret,Uno Svedin,Egizio Valceschini
Bioeconomy: Shaping the Transition to a Sustainable, Biobased Economy
Author/Editor: Iris Lewandowski
Bioenergie im Spannungsfeld - Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Bioenergieversorgung
Author/Editor: Ruppert, Hans,Ibendorf, Jens
Bioenergy Crops for Ecosystem Health and Sustainability
Author/Editor: Alex Baumer
Bioethics Across the Globe: Rebirthing Bioethics
Author/Editor: Akira Akabayashi
Bioethics and the Holocaust: A Comprehensive Study in How the Holocaust Continues to Shape the Ethics of Health, Medicine and Human Rights
Author/Editor: Stacy Gallin,Ira Bedzow
Biofictions: Race, Genetics and the Contemporary Novel
Author/Editor: Josie Gill
Biofouling of Spiral Wound Membrane Systems
Author/Editor: Johannes Vrouwenvelder,Joop Kruithof
Biofuels and Sustainability: Holistic Perspectives for Policy-making
Author/Editor: Kazuhiko Takeuchi,Hideaki Shiroyama,Osamu Saito,Masahiro Matsuura
biografiA. Lexikon österreichischer Frauen, Band 1
Author/Editor: Korotin ,Ilse
biografiA. Lexikon österreichischer Frauen, Band 2
Author/Editor: Korotin ,Ilse
biografiA. Lexikon österreichischer Frauen, Band 3
Author/Editor: Korotin ,Ilse
biografiA. Lexikon österreichischer Frauen, Band 4
Author/Editor: Korotin ,Ilse
Biografie – Lebenslauf – Generation: Perspektiven der Erwachsenenbildung
Author/Editor: Olaf Dörner,Carola Iller,Henning Pätzold,Julia Franz,Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha
Biografien bedeutender österreichischer Wissenschafterinnen
Author/Editor: Korotin ,Ilse,Stupnicki ,Nastasja
Biografien bedeutender österreichischer Wissenschafterinnen: "Die Neugier treibt mich, Fragen zu stellen"
Author/Editor: Ilse Korotin
Biografien und Netzwerke im Kaffeehandel zwischen Deutschland und Zentralamerika 1920-1959
Author/Editor: Christiane Berth,Rainer Hering
Biografische Aspekte der Entwicklung eines professionalisierten Sexualverhaltens
Author/Editor: Dierich ,Susanne
Biographieforschung: Analyse der Berufslaufbahn von Schauspielern
Author/Editor: Haack ,Imke
Biographie und Bildungskultur: Personendarstellungen bei Plinius dem Jüngeren, Gellius und Sueton
Author/Editor: Dennis Pausch
Biographie und Raum
Author/Editor: Johannes Becker,Gunter Weidenhaus,Nicole Witte
Biographische Analysen zum Verhältnis von Selbstwert und Beruf
Author/Editor: Lubecki ,Verena
Biographische Wechselwirkungen: Genderkonstruktionen und »kulturelle Differenz« in den Lebensentwürfen binationaler Paare
Author/Editor: Margarete Menz
Biohacking, Bodies and Do-It-Yourself: The Cultural Politics of Hacking Life Itself
Author/Editor: Mirjam Grewe-Salfeld
Bioimage Data Analysis Workflows
Author/Editor: Kota Miura,Nataša Sladoje
Bioimage Data Analysis Workflows ‒ Advanced Components and Methods
Author/Editor: Kota Miura,Nataša Sladoje
Bioinformatics of genome evolution: from ancestral to modern metabolism: Phylogenomics and comparative genomics to understand microbial evolution
Author/Editor: Marco Fondi
Bio-Inspired Information Pathways: From Neuroscience to Neurotronics
Author/Editor: Martin Ziegler,Thomas Mussenbrock,Hermann Kohlstedt
Biological Invasions in South Africa
Author/Editor: Brian W. van Wilgen,John Measey,David M. Richardson,John R. Wilson,Tsungai A. Zengeya
Biologically Inspired Robotics
Author/Editor: Liu Yunhui,Sun Dong
Biological Relatives
Biological Relatives : IVF, Stem Cells and the Future of Kinship
Author/Editor: Franklin ,Sarah
Biological Wastewater Treatment in Warm Climate Regions
Author/Editor: Von Sperling ,Marcos,de Lemos Chernicharo Augustos ,Carlos
Biological Wastewater Treatment in Warm Climate Regions Volume II
Author/Editor: Von Sperling ,Marcos,de Lemos Chernicharo ,CA
Biological Wastewater Treatment in Warm Climate Regions Volume II
The Biology of the First 1,000 Days
Author/Editor: Crystal D Karakochuk,Kyly C. Whitfield,Tim J Green,Klaus Kraemer
The biology of the first 1000 days
Author/Editor: Benoit Daviron
Biomaterialbanken - Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen
Author/Editor: Jürgen W. Goebel,Rainer Paslack,Michael Krawczak
Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
Author/Editor: Kayvan Najarian,Robert Splinter
BioMEMS: Science and Engineering Perspectives
Author/Editor: Simona Badilescu,Muthukumaran Packirisamy
BioMEMS: Science and engineering perspectives
Author/Editor: Simona Badilescu,Muthukumaran Packirisamy
Biometric Identification, Law and Ethics
Author/Editor: Marcus Smith,Seumas Miller
Biomineralization: From Molecular and Nano-structural Analyses to Environmental Science
Author/Editor: Kazuyoshi Endo,Toshihiro Kogure,Hiromichi Nagasawa
Bionanotechnology to Save the Environment: Plant and Fishery's Biomass as Alternative to Petrol
Author/Editor: Pierfrancesco Morganti
The Bionarrative: The story of life and hope for the future
Author/Editor: Boyden ,Stephen
Biopolitica ed ecologia: L'epistemologia politica del discorso biologico tra Michel Foucault e Georges Canguilhem
Author/Editor: Andrea Angelini
Biopolitics After Truth: Knowledge, Power and Democratic Life
Author/Editor: Sergei Prozorov
Biopolitics and Historic Justice: Coming to Terms with the Injuries of Normality (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Kathrin Braun
The Biopolitics of Dementia: A Neurocritical Perspective
Author/Editor: James Rupert Fletcher
Biopoéticas para las biopolíticas: El pensamiento literario latinoamericano ante la cuestión animal
Author/Editor: Julieta Yelin
The Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Disease: New Philosophical and Scientific Developments
Author/Editor: Derek Bolton,Grant Gillett
Biopunk Dystopias
Biopunk Dystopias : Genetic Engineering, Society and Science Fiction
Author/Editor: Schmeink ,Lars
Bioscience and the Good Life
Author/Editor: Iain Brassington
Biosocial Worlds: Anthropology of health environments beyond determinism
Author/Editor: Jens Seeberg,Andreas Roepstorff,Lotte Meinert
Biostratigraphic and Geological Significance of Planktonic Foraminifera, Updated Second Edition
Author/Editor: BouDagher-Fadel K. ,Marcelle
Biostratigraphic and Geological Significance of Planktonic Foraminifera, Updated Second Edition
Biotechnologie in maatschappelijk perspectief
Author/Editor: Dam-Mieras van ,M.C.E.
Biotechnologie praxisorientiert unterrichten: Aktuelle Kontexte für Schule und Lehrerfortbildung
Author/Editor: Patricia Schöppner,Sara Großbruchhaus,Claudia Nerdel
Biotechnologies for Plant Mutation Breeding: Protocols
Author/Editor: Joanna Jankowicz-Cieslak,Thomas H. Tai,Jochen Kumlehn,Bradley J. Till
Bird Species: How They Arise, Modify and Vanish
Author/Editor: Dieter Thomas Tietze
A Bird that flies with two wings
Author/Editor: Forsyth ,Miranda
Birgittinerna och deras bilder: En studie av bild, rum och betraktare i Vadstena klosterkyrka omkring år 1500
Author/Editor: Eva Sandgren
The Birth of Capitalism
The Birth of Capitalism : A 21st Century Perspective
Author/Editor: Heller ,Henry
The Birth of Energy: Fossil fuels, thermodynamics and the politics of work
Author/Editor: Cara New Daggett
Birth of the Intelligentsia – 1750–1831: A History of the Polish Intelligentsia – Part 1, edited by Jerzy Jedlicki
Author/Editor: Maciej Janowski,Jerzy Jedlicki
Bisanzio fra tradizione e modernità: Ricordando Gianfranco Ficcadori
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Conca,Carla Castelli
Bisexuality in Europe: Sexual Citizenship, Romantic Relationships, and Bi+ Identities
Author/Editor: Emiel Maliepaard,Renate Baumgartner
Bishop John Vitez and Early Renaissance Central Europe: The Humanist Kingmaker
Author/Editor: Tomislav Matić
Bishop Morley of Winchester 1598-1684: Politician Benefactor Pragmatist
Author/Editor: Andrew Thomson
Bishops in Flight: Exile and Displacement in Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Jennifer Barry
Bismarck's Institutions: A Historical Perspective on the Social Security Hypothesis
Author/Editor: Beatrice Scheubel
Bisociative Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to Concept, Algorithms, Tools, and Applications
Author/Editor: Michael R. Berthold
Bitasion: Archéologie des habitations-plantations des Petites Antilles - Lesser Antilles Plantation Archaeology
Author/Editor: Kenneth Kelly,Benoit Bérard
Bitcoin and Beyond
Bitcoin and Beyond : Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains, and Global Governance
Author/Editor: Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn
BITE: Recipes for Remarkable Research
Author/Editor: Alison Williams,Derek Jones,Judy Robertson
Bithynien und Hellespont, Band 1
Author/Editor: Klaus Belke
Bithynien und Hellespont, Band 2
Author/Editor: Klaus Belke
Bithynien und Hellespont, Große Karte
Author/Editor: Klaus Belke
Bithynien und Hellespont, Karte Konstantinopel Umgebung
Author/Editor: Klaus Belke
Bits and Pieces: Screening Animal Life and Death
Author/Editor: Sarah O'Brien
Bitternis durch Geist: Vers-Komoedie in vier Aufzuegen. Deutsch von Rudolf Baechtold
Author/Editor: A. S. Griboedov
The Black Arts Enterprise and the Production of African American Poetry
Author/Editor: Howard Rambsy II
The Black Book of Quantum Chromodynamics: a Primer for the LHC Era
Author/Editor: John Campbell,Joey Huston,Frank Krauss
Black Boxes – Versiegelungskontexte und Öffnungsversuche Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Eckhard Geitz,Christian Vater,Silke Zimmer-Merkle
Blackbox-onderzoek veiligheidshuizen - 49
Author/Editor: Bonthuis ,M.J.,Holvast ,J.
Black Campus Life: The Worlds Black Students Make at a Historically White Institution
Author/Editor: Antar A. Tichavakunda
Black Celebrity, Racial Politics, and the Press: Framing Dissent
Author/Editor: Sarah J. Jackson
Black Citizenship and Authenticity in the Civil Rights Movement
Author/Editor: Randolph Hohle
Black Cosmopolitans: Race, Religion, and Republicanism in an Age of Revolution
Author/Editor: Christine Levecq
Black Disability Politics
Author/Editor: Sami Schalk
Black Dragon: Afro Asian Performance and the Martial Arts Imagination
Author/Editor: Zachary F. Price
Black Eggs: Poems by Kurihara Sadako
Author/Editor: Sadako Kurihara,Richard H. Minear
Black Film British Cinema II
Author/Editor: Clive Nwonka,Anamik Saha
Blackfoot Ways of Knowing: The Worldview of the Siksikaitsitapi
Author/Editor: Betty Bastien
Black Gold: Aboriginal People on the Goldfields of Victoria, 1850-1870
Author/Editor: Cahir ,Fred
Black Gold and Blackmail: Oil and Great Power Politics
Author/Editor: Rosemary A. Kelanic
Black Love, Black Hate
Black Matrilineage, Photography, and Representation: Another Way of Knowing
Author/Editor: Lesly Deschler Canossi,Zoraida Lopez-Diago
Black Men Teaching in Urban Schools: Reassessing Black Masculinity
Author/Editor: Edward Brockenbrough
Black Musician and the White City: Race and Music in Chicago, 1900-1967
Author/Editor: Amy Absher
The Black Pacific: Anti-Colonial Struggles and Oceanic Connections
Author/Editor: Robbie Shilliam
Black, White and Gold. Goldmining in Papua New Guinea 1878–1930
Author/Editor: Nelson ,Hank
Black Words White Page
Author/Editor: Shoemaker ,Adam
Blame It On the WTO: A Human Rights Critique
Author/Editor: Joseph ,Sarah
Blamestorming, Blamemongers and Scapegoats: Allocating blame in the criminal justice process
Author/Editor: Gavin Dingwall,Tim Hillier
Blasphemie: Anspruch und Widerstreit in Religionskonflikten
Author/Editor: Jürgen Mohn,Matthias Gockel,Matthias D. Wüthrich
Blauwe ogen of zwart op wit? Een contingentiebenadering van vertrouwensmechanismen
Author/Editor: Mosch ,R.H.J.,Verhoeven ,I.
Üble Dinge: Materialität und Fetischismus in der Prosa Paulus Hochgatterers
Author/Editor: Bernhard Oberreither
Bleiberecht in der Gastro-Küche: Migrationspolitische Regulierungen und Arbeitsverhältnisse von Geflüchteten mit unsicherem Aufenthaltsstatus
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Kalbermatter
Blended learning environments to foster self-directed learning
Author/Editor: Donnavan Kruger,Christo Van der Westhuizen,Egon Werlen,Mncedisi Christian Maphalala,Per B. Bergamin,Roxanne Bailey,Betty Breed,ALbert Kemp,Sfiso Cebolenkosi Mahlaba,Celizma Lotz
Blicke in den Spiegel des Koran: Sufische Koraninterpretationen der Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Yunus Valerian Hentschel
Blijvende inzetbaarheid in langere loopbanen
Author/Editor: Felix Steemers
Blinde Flecken im Mediensystem?: Qualitätsjournalismus im Krisenmodus
Author/Editor: Theo Hug,Jasmin Penz
The Blind Masseuse: A Traveler's Memoir from Costa Rica to Cambodia
Author/Editor: Alden Jones
The Blitz Companion: Aerial Warfare, Civilians and the City since 1911
Author/Editor: Mark Clapson
Bloc Formation, Fragmentation and Stability in the World Economy
Author/Editor: Kol ,J.
Blockchain and Crypto Currency: Building a High Quality Marketplace for Crypt Data
Author/Editor: Makoto Yano,Chris Dai,Kenichi Masuda,Yoshio Kishimoto
Blockchain en smart contracts: Herijking van de rol van de vertrouwde tussenpersoon in de algoritmische samenleving
Author/Editor: Jurgen Goossens,Kristof Verslype,Eric Tjong Tjin Tai
Blood is thicker than water: Amerindian intra- and inter-insular relationships and social organization in the pre-Colonial Windward Islands
Author/Editor: Alistair J. Bright
Blood, Land and Power: The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Nobility and Lineages in the Early Modern Period
Author/Editor: Manuel Perez-Garcia
Blood Libel: The Ritual Murder Accusation at the Limit of Jewish History
Author/Editor: Hannah R. Johnson
Blood Ties
Blood Ties : Religion, Violence, and the Politics of Nationhood in Ottoman Macedonia, 1878-1908
Author/Editor: Yosmaoglu ,Ipek
Bloomsbury Scientists
The Blue Compendium: From Knowledge to Action for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
Author/Editor: Jane Lubchenco,Peter M. Haugan
Bluefield Housing as Alternative Infill for the Suburbs
Author/Editor: Damian Madigan
The Bluefin Tuna Fishery in the Bay of Biscay: Its Relationship with the Crisis of Catches of Large Specimens in the East Atlantic Fisheries from the 1960s
Author/Editor: José Luis Cort,Pablo Abaunza
Blue Planet Law: The Ecology of our Economic and Technological World
Author/Editor: Maria da Glória Garcia,António Cortês
Bluestocking Feminism and British-German Cultural Transfer, 1750-1837
Author/Editor: Alessa Johns
Blue Storm: The Rise and Fall of Jason Kenney
Author/Editor: Duane Bratt,Richard Sutherland,David Taras
The Blurring of Boundaries in Bioscientific Discourse
Author/Editor: Jana Tomašovičová
Boasian Verse: The Poetic and Ethnographic Work of Edward Sapir, Ruth Benedict, and Margaret Mead
Author/Editor: Philipp Schweighauser
Boats to Burn: Bajo Fishing Activity in the Australian Fishing Zone
Author/Editor: Stacey ,Natasha
Bodies as Evidence: Security, Knowledge, and Power
Author/Editor: Mark Maguire,Ursula Rao,Nils Zurawski
Bodies in Balance: The Art of Tibetan Medicine
Author/Editor: Theresia Hofer
Bodies of Water: Posthuman Feminist Phenomenology
Author/Editor: Astrida Neimanis
The Bodies That Remain
Author/Editor: Emmy Beber
Bodily Fluids in Antiquity
Author/Editor: Mark Bradley,Victoria Leonard,Laurence Totelin
Body and Spirit in the Middle Ages: Literature, Philosophy, Medicine
Author/Editor: Gaia Gubbini
Body Blows: Six Performances
Author/Editor: Tim Miller
Body, Capital, and Screens: Visual Media and the Healthy Self in the 20th Century
Author/Editor: Christian Bonah,Anja Laukötter
Body Image in Eating Disorders: Clinical Diagnosis and Integrative Approach to Psychological Treatment
Author/Editor: Bernadetta Izydorczyk
Body Matters: Exploring the Materiality of the Human Body
Author/Editor: Luci Attala
Bodyminds Reimagined: (Dis)ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women's Speculative Fiction
Author/Editor: Sami Schalk
Body Modification
Body Modification
The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine
Author/Editor: Francesco Paolo de Ceglie
Body, Personhood and Privacy: Perspectives on the Cultural Other and Human Experience
Body, Personhood and Privacy: Perspectives on the Cultural Other and Human Experience
#Bodypositivity: Eine Untersuchung körperpositiver Inhalte auf Instagram unter Einbeziehung der Perspektive junger Rezipientinnen
Author/Editor: Annett Hilse
Boeken onder druk
Bog bodies: Face to face with the past
Author/Editor: Melanie Giles
The Boggart Sourcebook: Texts and Memories for the Study of the British Supernatural
Author/Editor: Simon Young
Boii – Taurisci
Author/Editor: Ramsl ,Peter C.,Karwowski ,Maciej
Boiled Milk: Anne Brontë’s Final Journey
Author/Editor: Michael Stewart
Bolgarskij širokolykskij govor. Sintaksis. Leksika duchovnoj kul'tury. Teksty
Author/Editor: Andrej Sobolev,Helmut Schaller
Bologna: A Sustainable Culture (Volume 8)
Author/Editor: Gianni Carbonaro,European Investment Bank,Chiara Pancotti
Bologna dopo la pandemia: Impatto territoriale e scenari futuri
Author/Editor: Marco Castrignanò,TOMMASO RIMONDI
Bologna emeritus?: 20 Jahre hochschulpolitische Integration Europas - Analyse und Kritik
Author/Editor: Andrea C. Blättler,Franz-Dominik Imhof
Bon and Naxi Manuscripts
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Helman-Ważny,Charles Ramble
Bonaventura's "Nachtwachen" and Dostoevsky's "Notes from the Underground": A Comparison in Nihilism
Author/Editor: Rado Pribic
Bondage: Labor and Rights in Eurasia from the Sixteenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries
Author/Editor: Alessandro Stanziani
Bonded Labour: Global and Comparative Perspectives (18th–21st Century)
Author/Editor: Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf,Ulrike Lindner,Gesine Müller,Oliver Tappe,Michael Zeuske
Bond Failure Mechanism of Fully Grouted Rock Bolts
Author/Editor: Jianhang Chen,Yongliang Li,Junwen Zhang
Bones at a crossroads: Integrating Worked Bone Research with Archaeometry and Social Zooarchaeology
Author/Editor: Markus Wild,Beverly A. Thurber,Stephen Rhodes,Christian Gates St-Pierre
Bonobo Cognition and Behaviour
Author/Editor: Claude Cahn
Book of Anonymity
Author/Editor: Anon Collective
The Book of Job: Aesthetics, Ethics, Hermeneutics
Author/Editor: Leora Batnitzky,Ilana Pardes
Book of the Disappeared: The Quest for Transnational Justice
Author/Editor: Jennifer Heath,Ashraf Zahedi
The Book / Or / The Woods
Author/Editor: Jeff T. Johnson
Books & Bones & Other Things
Author/Editor: Jan K Coetzee
Book Value Categories and the Acceptance of Technological Changes in English Book Production
Author/Editor: Simon Rosenberg
Boom – Crisis – Heritage: King Coal and the Energy Revolutions after 1945
Author/Editor: Lars Bluma,Michael Farrenkopf,Torsten Meyer
Bootstrapping Information from Corpora in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective
Author/Editor: Moneglia, Massimo,Panunzi, Alessandro
An Bord der Bauhaus: Zur Heimatlosigkeit der Moderne
Author/Editor: Sonja Neef
The Border and Its Bodies: The Embodiment of Risk Along the U.S.-México Line
Author/Editor: Randall H. McGuire,Thomas E. Sheridan
Borderblur Poetics: Intermedia and Avant-Gardism in Canada, 1963-1988
Author/Editor: Eric Schmaltz
Border Control And New Technologies: Addressing Integrated Impact Assessment
Author/Editor: J. Peter Burgess,Dariusz Kloza
Border Crossing
Border Crossing : Russian Literature into Film
Border Deaths: Causes, Dynamics and Consequences of Migration-related Mortality
Author/Editor: Paolo Cuttitta,Tamara Last
Border Flows: A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship
Author/Editor: Daniel Macfarlane,Lynne Heasley
Bordering intimacy: Postcolonial governance and the policing of family
Author/Editor: Joe Turner
Bordering two unions
Author/Editor: Sylvia de Mars,Colin Murray,Aoife O'Donoghue,Ben Warwick
Borderland City in New India
Author/Editor: McDuie-Ra ,Duncan
Borderland Infrastructures: Trade, Development, and Control in Western China
Author/Editor: Alessandro Rippa,Willem van Schendel,Tina Harris
Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia
Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia
Borderlands between History and Memory: Latgale’s Palimpsestuous Past in Contemporary Latvia
Author/Editor: Catherine Gibson
Borderlands : Comparing Border Security in North America and Europe
Author/Editor: Brunet-Jailly ,Emmanuel
Borderlands: Europe and the Mediterranean Middle East
Author/Editor: Raffaella A. Del Sarto
Borderland Studies meets Child Studies: A European Encounter
Author/Editor: Machtheld Venken
Borderline City: Shifting borders in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in european cities and regions
Author/Editor: Felix Bentlin,Jürgen Höfler,Angela Million
Borderline Justice: The Fight for Refugee and Migrant Rights
Author/Editor: Frances Webber
The Border of Lights Reader: Bearing Witness to Genocide in the Dominican Republic
Author/Editor: Megan Jeanette Myers,Edward Paulino
Borders and Border Regions in Europe
Borders and Border Regions in Europe : Changes, Challenges and Chances
Author/Editor: Lechevalier (Ed.) ,Arnaud,Wielgohs (Ed.) ,Jan
Borders and Border Regions in Europe: Changes, Challenges and Chances
Author/Editor: Arnaud Lechevalier,Jan Wielgohs (verst.)
Borders and Margins: Federalism, Devolution and Multi-Level Governance
Author/Editor: Guy Lachapelle,Pablo Oñate
Borders and Margins: Federalism, Devolution and Multi-Level Governance
Author/Editor: Guy Lachapelle,Pablo Oñate
Borders and Mobility in South Asia and Beyond
Author/Editor: Reece Jones,Md Azmeary Ferdoush
Border Thinking: Disassembling Histories of Racialized Violence
Author/Editor: Marina Grzinic Mauhler
Border Watch: Cultures of Immigration, Detention and Control
Author/Editor: Alexandra Hall
Borderwork: Feminist Engagements with Comparative Literature
Author/Editor: Margaret R. Higonnet
Bordieuan Field Theory as an Instrument for Military Operational Analysis
Author/Editor: Håkan Gunneriusson
Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change: Sustainable Management
Author/Editor: Miguel Montoro Girona,Hubert Morin,Sylvie Gauthier,Yves Bergeron
Boredom, Shanzhai, and Digitisation in the Time of Creative China
Author/Editor: Jeroen de Kloet,Yiu Fai Chow,Lena Scheen
Borges, Desire, and Sex
Author/Editor: Ariel de la Fuente
Boris Paternak and the Tradition of German Romanticism
Author/Editor: Karen Evans-Romaine
Born Entrepreneurs?
Author/Editor: Irastorza ,Nahikari
Born in 1953: The story about a post-war Swedish cohort, and a longitudinal research project
Author/Editor: Sten-Åke Stenberg
Born of Clay: Ceramics from the National Museum of the American Indian
Author/Editor: Felipé Solis,Ramiro Matos,Bruce Bernstein,Ann McMullen
Borrowed Forms: The Music and Ethics of Transnational Fiction
Author/Editor: Kathryn Lachman
Botschafter des Protestantismus: Außenpolitisches Handeln von Zürcher Stadtgeistlichen im 17. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Sarah Rindlisbacher Thomi
Botschafter Europas: Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi und die Paneuropa-Bewegung in den zwanziger und dreißiger Jahren
Author/Editor: Anita Ziegerhofer-Prettenthaler
Botticelli Past and Present
Author/Editor: Ana Debenedetti,Caroline Elam
Bougainville before the conflict
Author/Editor: Regan J ,Anthony,Griffin M ,Helga
Boundaries and Beyond
Boundaries and Beyond : China's Maritime Southeast in Late Imperial Times
Author/Editor: Ng ,Chin Keong
The Boundaries of Democracy: A Theory of Inclusion
Author/Editor: Ludvig Beckman
Boundaries of the Educational Imagination
Author/Editor: Wayne Hugo
Boundaries of the Text: Epic Performances in South and Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Joyce Burkhalter Flueckiger,Laurie Sears
Boundary Struggles
Boundary Value Problems, Weyl Functions, and Differential Operators
Author/Editor: Jussi Behrndt,Seppo Hassi,Henk de Snoo
The Boundless Present: Space and Time in the Literary Fairy Tales of Novalis and Tieck
Author/Editor: Gordon Birrell
The Bounty from the Beach: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Essays
Author/Editor: Sylvie Largeaud-Ortega
Bourdieu and Literature
Author/Editor: Speller R.W. ,John
Bourdieu et le travail
Author/Editor: Maxime Quijoux
Bourdieu in der Germanistik
Author/Editor: Karsten Schmidt,Haimo Stiemer
Bourdieu lesen: Einführung in eine Soziologie des Unterschieds. Mit einem Nachwort von Loïc Wacquant
Author/Editor: Christian Papilloud
Bourke: Our Yarns: The Stories Behind 'Blackfellas, Whitefellas'
Author/Editor: Gillian Cowlishaw
Bouwen aan het binnenlands bestuur
Author/Editor: Derksen ,W.,Salet ,W.G.M.
Bouwstenen voor betrokken jeugdbeleid
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
A Bowl for a Coin: A Commodity History of Japanese Tea
Author/Editor: William Farris
Boxing, Masculinity and Identity
Author/Editor: Kath Woodward
A Boy Asleep under the Sun: Versions of Sandro Penna
Author/Editor: Sandro Penna,Peter Valente
The Boy from Boort
Author/Editor: Gammage ,Bill,Lal V. ,Brij,Daws ,Gavan
Boys don’t cry!: Les coûts de la domination masculine
Author/Editor: Delphine Dulong,Christine Guionnet
Boy-Wives and Female Husbands: Studies in African Homosexualities
Author/Editor: Stephen O. Murray,Will Roscoe
Bragg spectroscopy of quantum gases: Exploring physics in one dimension
Author/Editor: Nicole Fabbri
Brain and Human Body Modeling 2020: Computational Human Models Presented at EMBC 2019 and the BRAIN Initiative® 2019 Meeting
Author/Editor: Sergey N. Makarov,Gregory M. Noetscher,Aapo Nummenmaa
Brain and Human Body Modeling: Computational Human Modeling at EMBC 2018
Author/Editor: Sergey Makarov,Marc Horner,Gregory Noetscher
Brain and Human Body Modelling 2021: Selected papers presented at 2021 BHBM Conference at Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital
Author/Editor: Sergey Makarov,Gregory Noetscher,Aapo Nummenmaa
Brain Computations and Connectivity
Author/Editor: Edmund T. Rolls
Brain-Inspired Computing: 4th International Workshop, BrainComp 2019, Cetraro, Italy, July 15–19, 2019, Revised Selected Papers
Author/Editor: Katrin Amunts,Lucio Grandinetti,Thomas Lippert,Nicolai Petkov
Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries: 7th International Workshop, BrainLes 2021, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Virtual Event, September 27, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, Part I
Author/Editor: Alessandro Crimi,Spyridon Bakas
Brain Tumors and the Lynch Syndrome
Author/Editor: Peltomäki ,Päivi,Gylling ,Annette
Brainwaves: A Cultural History of Electroencephalography
Author/Editor: Cornelius Borck
Brandbestattungen von der mittleren Donau bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr. : Akten des internationalen Symposiums an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, 11.–12. Februar 2010
Author/Editor: Lochner ,Michaela,Ruppenstein ,Florian
Brandbestattungen von der mittleren Donau bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr
Brand-building: the creative city: A critical look at current concepts and practices
Author/Editor: SERENA VICARI
Brand Content und Brand Image: Experimentelle Studie über die Wirkung von Brand Content auf Imagedimensionen
Author/Editor: Matthias Albisser
Brandenburgische Kirchenbuchduplikate 1794-1874: Ein Verzeichnis der Ueberlieferung im Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchiv
Author/Editor: Klaus Neitmann
Branding Books Across the Ages: Strategies and Key Concepts in Literary Branding
Author/Editor: Helleke van den Braber,Jeroen Dera,Jos Joosten,Maarten Steenmeijer
Branding the Middle East: Communication Strategies and Image Building from Qom to Casablanca
Author/Editor: Steffen Wippel
Branes and DAHA Representations
Author/Editor: Sergei Gukov,Peter Koroteev,Satoshi Nawata,Du Pei,Ingmar Saberi
Brauchen wir ein drittes Geschlecht?: Reformbedarf im deutschen (Familien-)Recht nach Einführung des § 22 Abs. 3 PStG
Author/Editor: Tobias Helms
Brauchen wir eine Reform der freiheitsentziehenden Sanktionen?
Author/Editor: Höffler, Katrin
Braucht das Gesundheitswesen ein eigenes Regulierungsrecht?: Beitraege zum Symposium des Instituts fuer europaeische Gesundheitspolitik und Sozialrecht, 12.-13. September 2011, Universitaet Frankfurt am Main
Author/Editor: Astrid Wallrabenstein
Brave new world: Imperial and democratic nation-building in Britain between the wars
Author/Editor: Laura Beers,Geraint Thomas
Braving Troubled Waters
Author/Editor: Ginkel van ,Rob
Brazil: Essays on History and Politics
Author/Editor: Leslie Bethell
Brüchige Ehen: Alternative Konzeptualisierungen partnerschaftlicher Sozialität in der Romania um 1900
Author/Editor: Teresa Hiergeist,Christina Wieder
Brückenschläge: Linguistik an den Schnittstellen
Author/Editor: Sarah Brommer,Kersten Sven Roth
Breaching the Bronze Wall: Franks at Mamluk and Ottoman Courts and Markets
Author/Editor: Francisco Apellániz
Bread and Circuses: Theories of Mass Culture As Social Decay
Author/Editor: Patrick Brantlinger
Bread, Politics and Political Economy in the Reign of Louis XV: Second Edition (Edition 2)
Author/Editor: Sophus A. Reinert,Steven L. Kaplan
Breaking Conventions: Five Couples in Search of Marriage-Career Balance at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century
Author/Editor: Patricia Auspos
Breaking Down Anonymity
Author/Editor: Broeders ,Dennis
Breaking Down the State: Protestors Engaged
Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Repetition: A Global Dialogue on Historical Trauma and Memory
Author/Editor: Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela
Breaking Japanese Diplomatic Codes: David Sissons and D Special Section during the Second World War
Author/Editor: Ball ,Desmond,Tamura ,Keiko
Breaking with tradition: Cultural influences for the decline of the Circum-Alpine region lake-dwellings
Author/Editor: Benjamin Jennings
Breastfeeding and Mothering in Antiquity and Early Byzantium
Author/Editor: Stavroula Constantinou,Aspasia Skouroumouni-Stavrinou
Brecht and Post-1990s British Drama: Dialectical Theatre Today
Author/Editor: Anja Hartl
Brecht and the Bible: A Study of Religious Nihilism and Human Weakness in Brecht's Drama of Morality and the City
Author/Editor: G. Ronald Murphy
Breitbandige Frequenzweichen für die Parallelisierung von Millimeterwellen-Messtechnik
Author/Editor: Florian Klaus Boes
Breslau: Freizeit und Konsum
Author/Editor: Heinke M. Kalinke,Weger Tobias,Bieniasz Łukasz
Breve storia della democrazia: Da Atene al populismo
Author/Editor: Leonardo Marchettoni
Brexit and Beyond – Rethinking the Futures of Europe
Brexit and the Control of Tobacco Illicit Trade
Author/Editor: Marina Foltea
Bürger-Ethos, politisches Engagement und die Bewahrung des Status Quo: Plutarch, Politische Ratschläge
Author/Editor: Gustav Adolf Lehmann
Bürgerliche Mitgliedschaft in Religionsgemeinschaften - Studie über die Rechtsbeziehungen der Mitglieder zu den römisch-katholischen, evangelischen, jüdischen und islamischen Religionsgemeinschaften in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Kuntze, Johannes
Bürgerwehren in Deutschland: Zwischen Nachbarschaftshilfe und rechtsextremer Raumergreifung (Volume 117, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Nina Marie Bust-Bartels
BRIC-Investitionen in Deutschland: Chancen und Risiken für Unternehmen und Arbeitnehmer
Author/Editor: Martin Franz,Sebastian Henn,Jörg Weingarten
bricolage 9: Migrantische Arbeitswelten in Südtirol
Author/Editor: Gilles Reckinger,Diana Reiners,Dorothy Zinn
BRICS and the New American Imperialism: Global rivalry and resistance
Author/Editor: Vishwas Satgar,Ferrial Adam,Samir Amin,Patrick Bond,William K. Carroll,Christopher Chase-Dunn,Alexander Gallas,Ana Garcia,Martins Kato
A Bridge Between: Spanish Benedictine Missionary Women in Australia
Author/Editor: Katharine Massam
A Bridgehead to Africa: German Interest in the Ottoman Province of Tripoli (Libya) 1884–1918
Author/Editor: Suaad Alghafal
Bridging Australia and Japan: Volume 1. The writings of David Sissons, historian and political scientist
Bridging Australia and Japan Volume 2: The writings of David Sissons, historian and political scientist
Author/Editor: Keiko Tamura,Arthur Stockwin
Bridging between Research and Practice: Supporting Professional Development through Collaborative Studies of Classroom Teaching with Technology
Author/Editor: Sara Hennessy
Bridging constructions
Author/Editor: Valérie Guérin
Bridging Cultural Concepts of Nature: Indigenous People and Protected Spaces of Nature
Author/Editor: Rani-Henrik Andersson,Boyd Cothran,Saara Kekki
Bridging Educational Leadership, Curriculum Theory and Didaktik: Non-affirmative Theory of Education
Author/Editor: Michael Uljens,Rose M. Ylimaki
Bridging Formal and Conceptual Semantics: Selected papers of BRIDGE-14
Author/Editor: Kata Balogh,Wiebke Petersen
Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times, and Spaces in Dialogue – Volume 3 :
Author/Editor: Costanza Coppini,Georg Cyrus
Bridging the Gaps: Linking Research to Public Debates and Policy Making on Migration and Integration
Author/Editor: Martin Ruhs,Kristof Tamas,Joakim Palme
Bridging the 'Know-Do' Gap
Author/Editor: Bammer ,Gabriele,Michaux ,Annette,Sanson ,Ann
Bridging Transcultural Divides: Asian Languages and Cultures in Global Higher Education
Author/Editor: Cadman ,Kate,Song ,Xianlin
Bridging Two Worlds: Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China
Author/Editor: Amitav Acharya,Daniel A. Bell,Rajeev Bhargava,Xuetong Yan
A Brief Genealogy of Jewish Republicanism: Parting Ways with Judith Butler
Author/Editor: Irene Tucker
A Brief History of Islam in Europe: Thirteen Centuries of Creed, Conflict and Coexistence
Author/Editor: Maurits Berger
Brief Interventions for Psychosis
Briefroman und Subjektivation: Transformationen der Gattung und des Subjekts und deren Bedeutung für einen subjektivationsorientierten Literaturunterricht (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Karina Becker
Briefwechsel 1907-1925
Author/Editor: Freud ,Sigmund,Abraham ,Karl
Briefwechsel 1926-1967
Author/Editor: Rudolf Bultmann,Michael R. Jost,Oscar Cullmann,Martin Sallmann
A bright future (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Faith Birol,European Investment Bank
Bringing the World Home
Bringing the World Home : Appropriating the West in Late Qing and Early Republican China
Author/Editor: Huters ,Theodore
Bringing up the Young with Global Values: A Psychology of Intercultural Pedagogy
Author/Editor: Emeka Vernantius Ndukaihe
Bring on the Books for Everybody: How Literary Culture Became Popular Culture
Author/Editor: Jim Collins
Bristol: An Archaeological Assessment : A Worshipful Town and Famous City
Author/Editor: Nigel Baker,Jonathan Brett,Robert Jones
Britain, France and the Decolonization of Africa: Future Imperfect?
Britain's Imperial Cornerstone in China
Author/Editor: Donna Brunero
Britain's Second Embassy to China: Lord Amherst's 'Special Mission' to the Jiaqing Emperor in 1816
Author/Editor: Caroline Stevenson
British Activist Authors Addressing Children of Colour
Author/Editor: Karen Sands-O’Connor
The British and Irish Ruling Class 1660-1945 Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Ellis A. Wasson
The British Atlantic Empire Before the American Revolution
Author/Editor: Peter Marshall,Glyn Williams
British Cinema in the 1950s: A celebration
Author/Editor: MacKillop ,Ian,Sinyard ,Neil
British cinema of the 1950s
British Media Coverage of the Press Reform Debate: Journalists Reporting Journalism
Author/Editor: Binakuromo Ogbebor
The British Monarchy On Screen
Author/Editor: Merck ,Mandy
The British Monarchy On Screen
Author/Editor: Mandy Merck
Britishness, belonging and citizenship
Author/Editor: Prabhat ,Devyani
British Periodicals and Spanish Literature: Mapping the Romantic Canon
Author/Editor: Mª Eugenia Perojo Arronte,Cristina Flores Moreno
British Women's Writing, 1930 to 1960: Between the Waves
Author/Editor: Sue Kennedy,Jane Thomas
Broadcast 41: Women and the Anti-Communist Blacklist
Author/Editor: Carol A. Stabile
Broadsheets: Single-sheet Publishing in the First Age of Print
Author/Editor: Andrew Pettegree
Author/Editor: Kuzmany ,Börries
Broken Narrative: The Politics of Contemporary Art in Albania
Author/Editor: Marco Mazzi,Brenda Porster,Armando Lulaj,Jonida Gashi,Osamu Kanemura
The Broken Pitcher: A Comedy in One Act
Author/Editor: Heinrich von Kleist,Bayard Quincy Morgan
Broken Records
Author/Editor: Snežana Žabić
Broken Theory
Author/Editor: Alan Sondheim,Ryan Whyte,Maria Damon
Broken Voices: Postcolonial Entanglements and the Preservation of Korea’s Central Folksong Traditions
Author/Editor: Roald Maliangkay
Brokering in Education Research-Practice Partnerships: A Guide for Education Professionals and Researchers
Author/Editor: Laura Wentworth,Paula Arce-Trigatti,Carrie Conaway,Samantha Shewchuk
Brokers and boundaries. Colonial exploration in indigenous territory
Author/Editor: Shellam ,Tiffany,Nugent ,Maria,Konishi ,Shino,Cadzow ,Allison
Brokers of Modernity: East Central Europe and the Rise of Modernist Architects, 1910-1950
Author/Editor: Martin Kohlrausch
Bronze Age Lives
Author/Editor: Anthony Harding
Bronze Age Tell Communities in Context: An Exploration into Culture, Society, and the Study of European Prehistory. Part 2 : Practice – The Social, Space, and Materiality
Author/Editor: Tobias L. Kienlin
The Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Estonia
Author/Editor: Lang ,Valter
The Bronze-Iron Age of Indonesia
Author/Editor: Heekeren van ,H.
The Bronze-Iron Age of Indonesia
Bronzezeitliche Fleischverarbeitung im Salzbergtal bei Hallstatt
Author/Editor: Pucher ,Erich,Barth ,Fritz Eckart,Seemann ,Robert,Brandstätter ,Franz
Bronzezeitliche und Eisenzeitliche Gefäße aus Zypern. Protoattische und attisch-geometrische Keramik: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien 6
Author/Editor: Claudia Lang-Auinger,Stephan Karl,Bettina Kratzmüller
Brought to Life by the Voice: Playback Singing and Cultural Politics in South India
Author/Editor: Amanda Weidman
The Brownian Motion: A Rigorous but Gentle Introduction for Economists
Author/Editor: Andreas Löffler,Lutz Kruschwitz
Brownshirt Princess
Author/Editor: Gossman ,Lionel
Brueckenschlaege Nord: Landeskunde an der Schnittstelle von Schule und Universitaet: Beitraege zur 4. Konferenz des Netzwerks «Landeskunde Nord» in Tallinn am 26./27. Januar 2018
Author/Editor: Frank Thomas Grub,Maris Saagpakk
Bruno Touschek 100 Years: Memorial Symposium 2021
Author/Editor: Luisa Bonolis,Luciano Maiani,Giulia Pancheri
Bruno Trentin. Lavoro, libertà, conoscenza
Author/Editor: Alessio Gramolati,GIOVANNI MARI
Brushed in Light: Calligraphy in East Asian Cinema
Author/Editor: Abé Markus Nornes
Bruxellois à Vienne, Viennois à Bruxelles
Author/Editor: Bruno Bernard,Renate Zedinger,Bruno Bernard,Kim Bethume,Marie Cornaz,Xavier Duquenne,Michèle Galand,Marie-Ève Tesch,Jean-Philippe Van Aelbrouck,Olivier Vanderhaeghen
BSE, Vogelgrippe & Co.: »Lebensmittelskandale« und Konsumentenverhalten. Eine empirische Studie
Author/Editor: Axel Philipps
Bubbles and Machines: Gender, Information and Financial Crises
Author/Editor: Mickey Lee
Buch-Aisthesis: Philologie und Gestaltungsdiskurs
Author/Editor: Christopher Busch,Oliver Ruf
Buchenwald: Zur europäischen Textgeschichte eines Konzentrationslagers
Author/Editor: Stephan Pabst
Buchführung für die Ewigkeit
Author/Editor: Hugener ,Rainer
Buchholz, Der Geschäftsmodell-Toolguide: Von der Idee zur Umsetzung
Author/Editor: Matthias Bürger,Birgit Buchholz
Buddha in Beton
Buddha in Beton : Eine buddhologische Kritik der neuen Wege des japanischen Tempelbaus
Author/Editor: Gerlach ,Jonas
A Buddha Land in This World: Philosophy, Utopia, and Radical Buddhism
Author/Editor: Lajos Brons
Buddhism and International Humanitarian Law
Author/Editor: Andrew Bartles-Smith,Christina A. Kilby,Kate Crosby,Peter Harvey,Asanga Tilakaratne,Daniel Ratheiser,Noel Maurer Trew,Stefania Travagnin,Elizabeth J. Harris,Mahinda Deegalle
Buddhism and the Dynamics of Transculturality New Approaches
Author/Editor: Birgit Kellner
Buddhism in Central Asia II: Practices and Rituals, Visual and Material Transfer
Author/Editor: Yukiyo Kasai,Henrik H. Sørensen
Buddhism in Central Asia I: Patronage, Legitimation, Sacred Space, and Pilgrimage
Author/Editor: Carmen Meinert,Henrik H. Sørensen
Buddhism in the Public Sphere
Author/Editor: Peter D. Hershock
Buddhist and Islamic Orders in Southern Asia: Comparative Perspectives
Author/Editor: R. Michael Feener,Anne M Blackburn
Buddhist Approaches to Human Rights: Dissonances and Resonances
Author/Editor: Carmen Meinert,Hans-Bernd Zöllner
Buddhist Encounters and Identities Across East Asia
Author/Editor: Ann Heirman,Carmen Meinert,Christoph Anderl
The Buddhist Poetry of the Great Kamo Priestess: Daisaiin Senshi and Hosshin Wakashu
Author/Editor: Edward Kamens
A Buddhist Ritual Manual on Agriculture Vajratuṇḍasamayakalparāja – Critical Edition
Author/Editor: Gergely Hidas
Buddhist Statecraft in East Asia
Author/Editor: Stephanie Balkwill,James A. Benn
Budgetary Policy Modelling
Author/Editor: Pantelis Capros,Daniele Meulders
The Bugis Chronicle of Bone
Author/Editor: Campbell Macknight,Mukhlis Paeni,Muhlis Hadrawi
BUiD Doctoral Research Conference 2022: Multidisciplinary Studies
Author/Editor: Khalid Al Marri,Farzana Mir,Solomon David,Aos Aljuboori
Building a Cashless Society: The Swedish Route to the Future of Cash Payments
Author/Editor: Niklas Arvidsson
Building a National Literature: The Case of Germany, 1830–1870
Author/Editor: Peter Uwe Hohendahl
Building an Inclusive, Green and Low-Carbon Economy: CCICED Annual Policy Report 2022
Building a Peace Economy?
Building a Peace Economy? : Liberal peacebuilding and the development-security industry
Author/Editor: Peterson ,Jenny H.
Building a Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Abebe Shimeles,Audrey Verdier-Chouchane,Amadou Boly
Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature : Report to the United Nations for the 2012 Rio+20 Conference
Author/Editor: Costanza ,Robert,Alperovitz ,Gar,Daly ,Herman,Farley ,Joshua,Franco ,Carol,Jackson ,Tim,Kubiszewski ,Ida,Schor ,Juliet,Victor ,Peter
Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature
Building a White Nation: Propaganda, Photography, and the Apartheid Regime Between the Late 1940s and the Mid-1970s
Author/Editor: Katharina Jörder
Building Better Interfaces for Remote Autonomous Systems: An Introduction for Systems Engineers
Author/Editor: Jacob D. Oury,Frank E. Ritter
Building Better Schools with Evidence-based Policy: Adaptable Policy for Teachers and School Leaders
Author/Editor: Kelly-Ann Allen,Andrea Reupert,Lindsay Oades
Building Black: Towards Antiracist Architecture
Author/Editor: Elliot Mason
Building Blocks for IoT Analytics Internet-of-Things Analytics
Author/Editor: John Soldatos
Building Collaborative Governance in Times of Uncertainty: Pracademic Lessons from the Basque Gipuzkoa Province
Author/Editor: Xabier Barandiaran,María José Canel,Geert Bouckaert
Building Communities of Trust: Creative Work for Social Change
Author/Editor: Ann E. Feldman
Building Europe: A History of European Unification
Author/Editor: Wilfried Loth
Building Green
Author/Editor: Anne Rademacher
Building Green : Environmental Architects and the Struggle for Sustainability in Mumbai
Author/Editor: Rademacher ,Anne
Building Industries at Sea - ‘Blue Growth’ and the New Maritime Economy
Author/Editor: Kate Johnson,Ian Masters,Gordon Dalton
Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation: Renewable Electrification in Developing Economies
Author/Editor: Rasmus Lema,Margrethe Holm Andersen,Rebecca Hanlin,Charles Nzila
Building Memories: The Neolithic Cotswold Long Barrow at Ascott-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle,Don Benson
Building New Bridges - Bâtir de nouveaux ponts
Building New Bridges - Bâtir de nouveaux ponts : Sources, Methods and Interdisciplinarity - Sources, méthodes et interdisciplinarité
Author/Editor: Keshen ,Jeff,Perrier ,Sylvie
The Building of Economics at Adelaide
Author/Editor: O'Neil ,Bernard,Anderson ,Kym
Building on experience - Learning from the past to plan for the future
Author/Editor: Feldsien-Sudhaus, Inken
Building on Progress: Expanding the Research Infrastructure for the Social, Economic, and Behavioral Sciences
Author/Editor: German Data Forum
Building on Progress: Expanding the Research Infrastructure for the Social, Economic, and Behavioral Sciences – Recommendations of the German Data Forum (RatSWD)
Author/Editor: German Data Forum
Buildings for Education: A Multidisciplinary Overview of The Design of School Buildings
Author/Editor: Stefano Della Torre,Massimiliano Bocciarelli,Laura Daglio,Raffaella Neri
Building Smart, Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure in Developing Countries
Author/Editor: INNOCENT MUSONDA,Erastus Mwanaumo
Building State Capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action
Author/Editor: Andrews ,Matt,Pritchett ,Lant,Woolcock ,Michael
Building the American Republic, Volume 1: A Narrative History to 1877
Author/Editor: Harry L. Watson
Building the American Republic, Volume 2: A Narrative History from 1877
Author/Editor: Jane Dailey
Building the Countryside: Rural Architecture and Settlement in the Tripolitanian Countryside
Author/Editor: Nichole Sheldrick
Building the Foundation: Whole Numbers in the Primary Grades: The 23rd ICMI Study
Author/Editor: Maria G. Bartolini Bussi,Xu Hua Sun
Building the Future Internet through FIRE: a Research and Experimentation based Approach
Author/Editor: Martin Serrano,Nikolaos Isaris,Hans Schaffers
Building the Hyperconnected Society- Internet of Things Research and Innovation Value Chains, Ecosystems and Markets
Author/Editor: Ovidiu Vermesan,Peter Friess
Building the Inclusive City: Governance, Access, and the Urban Transformation of Dubai
Author/Editor: Victor Santiago Pineda
Building the Infrastructure for Cloud Security: A Solutions View
Author/Editor: Raghuram Yeluri,Enrique Castro-Leon
Building Transformation Networks for Consistent Evolution of Interrelated Models
Author/Editor: Heiko Klare
Building with Nature perspectives: Cross-disciplinary BwN approaches in coastal regions
Author/Editor: Janneke van den Bergen,Steffen Nijhuis,Nikki Brand,Marcel Hertogh
Built on Value: The Huawei Philosophy of Finance Management
Author/Editor: Weiwei Huang
Buitenlands cultureel beleid. Een terreinverkenning
Author/Editor: Schmid ,A.P.,Dongen van ,Y.C.L.M.
Buitenlandse invloeden op Nederland: Beschikbaarheid van wetenschappelijke en technische kennis
Author/Editor: WRR
Buitenlandse invloeden op Nederland: Internationale migratie
Author/Editor: WRR
Bulat Okudžava und die kritische Literatur ueber den Krieg
Author/Editor: Karl-Dieter van Ackern
Bulgarien 1300: Referate der Sektion "Sprache und Literatur" des Symposiums "Bulgarien in Geschichte und Gegenwart", Hamburg, 9.-17. 9. 1981
Author/Editor: Peter Hill
Bulgarien. Internationale Beziehungen in Geschichte, Kultur und Kunst (= Bulgarische Sammlung, Bd. 4)
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Gesemann,Kyrill Haralampieff,Helmut Schaller
Bulgarien-Jahrbuch 2009 / 2010
Author/Editor: Sigrun Comati,Helmut Schaller,Wolfgang Gesemann,Raiko Krauß
Bulgarien-Jahrbuch 2011
Author/Editor: Sigrun Comati,Helmut Schaller,Wolfgang Gesemann,Raiko Krauß
Bulgarien-Jahrbuch 2012
Author/Editor: Helmut Schaller,Wolfgang Gesemann,Raiko Krauß,Sigrun Comati
Bulgarien-Jahrbuch 2013
Author/Editor: Helmut Schaller,Sigrun Comati,Raiko Krauß
Bulgarische Sprache, Literatur und Geschichte (= Bulgarische Sammlung, Bd. 1)
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Gesemann,Kyrill Haralampieff,Helmut Schaller
Bulgaristik-Symposium Marburg (= Bulgarische Sammlung, Bd. 7)
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Gesemann
Bulk Collection: Systematic Government Access to Private-Sector Data
Author/Editor: Fred H. Cate,James X. Dempsey
Bulldaggers, Pansies, and Chocolate Babies: Performance, Race, and Sexuality in the Harlem Renaissance
Author/Editor: James Wilson
Bulletin der Deutschen Slavistik 2011
Author/Editor: Sebastian Kempgen,Ludger Udolph
Bulletin der deutschen Slavistik 2015. Jahrgang 21, 2015
Author/Editor: Sebastian Kempgen,Ludger Udolph
Bulletin der deutschen Slavistik. Jahrgang 18, 2012
Author/Editor: Sebastian Kempgen,Ludger Udolph
Bulletin der deutschen Slavistik. Jahrgang 20, 2014
Author/Editor: Sebastian Kempgen,Ludger Udolph
Bullied: The Story of an Abuse
Author/Editor: Jonathan Alexander
Bullying im Klassenverband – doch nicht nur in der Schule: Eine Charakterisierung der Rollen bei Schul- und Cyberbullying
Author/Editor: Rhea-Katharina Knauf
Bundesbericht Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs 2017
Author/Editor: Bundesbericht Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs ,Konsortium
Bundesstaatliche Identitäten und ihre Achtung im Unionsrecht
Author/Editor: Teresa Weber
Burdened By Race
Burdened By Race : Coloured Identities in Southern Africa
Author/Editor: Adhikari ,Mohamed
The Bureaucratic Production of Difference: Ethos and Ethics in Migration Administrations
Author/Editor: Julia M. Eckert
Burgas: Planning a Black Sea smart city (Volume 5)
Author/Editor: Brian Field,European Investment Bank
Burgen in umstrittenen Landschaften: Eine Studie zur Entwicklung und Funktion von Burgen im südlichen Jütland (1232–1443)
Author/Editor: Stefan Magnussen
Burgerschap in praktijken deel 1
Author/Editor: Gunsteren van ,H.R.,Hoed den ,P.
Burgerschap in praktijken deel 2
Author/Editor: Gunsteren van ,H.R.
Burgäschisee 5000-3000 v. Chr.: Siedlungsdynamik und Mobilität, Landnutzung und Subsistenz
Author/Editor: Albert Hafner,Marco Hostettler
Burials, Texts and Rituals - Ethnoarchaeological Investigations in North Bali, Indonesia
Author/Editor: Hauser-Sch�ublin, Brigitta,Ardika, I Wayan
Burn after Reading: Vol. 1, Miniature Manifestos for a Post/medieval Studies + Vol. 2, The Future We Want: A Collaboration
Author/Editor: Eileen A. Joy,Myra Seaman,Jeffrey Jerome Cohen
Burning Bright: Essays in Honour of David Bindman
Author/Editor: Diana ,Dethloff,Tessa ,Murdoch,Kim ,Sloan,Caroline ,Elam
Burning Bright: Essays in Honour of David Bindman
Burning the veil: The Algerian war and the ‘emancipation’ of Muslim women, 1954–62
Author/Editor: Neil Macmaster
Burning Up: A Global History of Fossil Fuel Consumption
Author/Editor: Simon Pirani
Burocrazia e fisco a Napoli tra XV e XVI secolo: La Camera della Sommaria e il Repertorium alphabeticum solutionum fiscalium Regni Siciliae Cisfretanae
Author/Editor: Roberto Delle Donne
Buruli Ulcer: Mycobacterium Ulcerans Disease
Author/Editor: Gerd Pluschke,Katharina Röltgen
Business and Security Sector Reform: The Case for Corporate Security Responsibility
Author/Editor: Pedro Rosa Mendes
Business and the Risk of Crime in China
Author/Editor: Broadhurst ,Roderic,Kingwa ,Lee,Bacon-Shone ,John,Bouhours ,Brigitte,Bouhours ,Thierry
Business Ethics and Critical Consultant Jokes: New Research Methods to Study Ethical Transgressions
Author/Editor: Onno Bouwmeester
Business Ethics: An Economically Informed Perspective
Author/Editor: Christoph Lütge,Matthias Uhl
Business Meets the Humanities: The Human Perspective in University-Industry Collaboration
Author/Editor: Martina Skrubbeltrang Mahnke,Mikka Nielsen
Business Objects als Gestaltungskonzept strategischer Informationssystemplanung
Author/Editor: Thomas Erler
The Business of Hope: Professional Fundraising in Neoliberal Canada
Author/Editor: Mary-Beth Raddon
Business resilience in the pandemic and beyond: Adaptation, innovation, financing and climate action from Eastern Europe to Central Asia
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Business & The Sustainable Development Goals: A Framework for Effective Corporate Involvement
Author/Editor: Rob van Tulder
Business Transitions: A Path to Sustainability: The CapSEM Model
Author/Editor: Annik Magerholm Fet
Buurtinitiatieven en buurtbeleid in Nederland anno 2004 - 9
Author/Editor: Hazeu ,C.A.,Boonstra ,N.G.J.,Jager-Vreugdenhil ,M.,Winsemius ,P.
Buy It Now: Lessons from eBay
Author/Editor: Michele White
By Fables Alone
By Fables Alone : Literature and State Ideology in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Russia
Author/Editor: Zorin ,Andrei
By Honor Bound: State and Society in Early Modern Russia
Author/Editor: Nancy Shields Kollmann
By Kelman Out of Pessoa
Author/Editor: Doug Nufer,Louis (0000-0001-9464-7945) Bury
Byron and the Forms of Thought
Author/Editor: Anthony Howe
Bytes and Backbeats: Repurposing Music in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Steve Savage
A Byzantine Book on Dream Interpretation: The Oneirocriticon of Achmet and Its Arabic Sources
Author/Editor: Maria V. Mavroudi
Byzantine Ideas of Persia, 650–1461
Author/Editor: Rustam Shukurov
Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Ãœberlieferung. Band 3, Teil I
Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Ãœberlieferung. Band 3, Teil II
Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher �berlieferung. Band 3, Teil I
Author/Editor: Rhoby ,Andreas
Byzantinische Kleinfunde aus Ephesos, Katalog- und Tafelband: Ausgewählte Artefakte aus Metall, Bein und Glas
Author/Editor: Andrea M. Pülz
Byzantinische Kleinfunde aus Ephesos, Textband: Ausgewählte Artefakte aus Metall, Bein und Glas
Author/Editor: Andrea M. Pülz
Byzantium, Pliska, and the Balkans
Author/Editor: Joachim Henning
Caccia e territorio: Evoluzione della disciplina normativa in Toscana
Author/Editor: Gian Luigi Corinto,ROBERTO FRATINI
Caesarism in the Post-Revolutionary Age: Crisis, Populace and Leadership
Author/Editor: Markus J. Prutsch
Calculated Nationalism in Contemporary South Korea: Movements for Political and Economic Democratization in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Gil-Soo Han
Calgary: City of Animals
Caliphate and Kingship in a Fifteenth-Century Literary History of Muslim Leadership and Pilgrimage: <i>al-Ḏahab al-masbūk fī ḏikr man ḥaǧǧa min al-ḫulafāʾ wa-l-mulūk</i>. Critical Edition, Annotated Translation, and Study
Author/Editor: Jo Van Steenbergen
The Calling of the Church in Times of Polarization
Author/Editor: Heleen E. Zorgdrager,Pieter Vos
Calvin for the Third Millennium
Author/Editor: Mol ,Hans
Calvin – Saint or Sinner?
Author/Editor: Herman J. Selderhuis
Calvin und Calvinismus: Europäische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Herman J. Selderhuis,Irene Dingel
Camaldolesi e Vallombrosani nella Toscana medievale: Repertorio delle comunità monastiche sorte tra XI e XV secolo
Author/Editor: Antonella Fabbri
Cambiamento climatico e rischio: Proposta per una didattica geografica
Cambodian Dollarization: Its Policy Implications for LDCs’ Financial Development
Author/Editor: Hidenobu Okuda,Serey Chea
Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida
Camere Azzurre: Costruzione di un’antologia mediterranea: da Palladio a Peter Märkli
Author/Editor: Vincenzo Moschetti
Camillo Sitte - Gesamtausgabe. Schriften und Projekte
Author/Editor: Semsroth ,Klaus,Mönninger ,Michael,Crasemann-Collins ,Christiane
Camillo Sitte - Gesamtausgabe. Schriften und Projekte
Author/Editor: Sitte ,Camillo
Caminos cruzados: filosofía y literatura del exilio español en América Latina
Author/Editor: Matei Chihaia,Jesus Guillermo Ferrer Ortega,Sergio Pérez-Gatica,Niklas Schmich
Campaign Finance and Political Polarization: When Purists Prevail
Author/Editor: Raymond La Raja,Brian Schaffner
Camphill and the Future: Spirituality and Disability in an Evolving Communal Movement (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Dan McKanan
Campus Medius: Digitales Kartografieren in den Kultur- und Medienwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Simon Ganahl
Campus Medius: Digitales Kartografieren in den Kultur- und Medienwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Simon Ganahl
Campus Medius: Digital Mapping in Cultural and Media Studies
Author/Editor: Simon Ganahl
Campus Medius: Digital Mapping in Cultural and Media Studies
Author/Editor: Simon Ganahl
Camulodunum: first report on the excavations at Colchester, 1930–1939
Author/Editor: C.F.C. Hawkes,M.R. Hull
Canada and the New American Empire: War and Anti-War
Author/Editor: George Melnyk
Canada in the Frame: Copyright, Collections and the Image of Canada, 1895-1924
Author/Editor: Philip J. Hatfield
Canada’s Legal Pasts: Looking Forward, Looking Back
Author/Editor: Mélanie Méthot,Lyndsay Campbell,Ted McCoy
CANADA@uibk: Eine Bilanz – Taking Stock – Un bilan (1997–2017)
Author/Editor: Ursula Mathis-Moser,Janine Köppen
Canadian Countercultures and the Environment
Author/Editor: Colin M. Coates
The Canadian Distinctiveness into the XXIst Century - La distinction canadienne au tournant du XXIe siècle
Author/Editor: Gaffield ,Chad,Gould ,Karen
The Canadian Distinctiveness into the XXIst Century - La distinction canadienne au tournant du XXIe siècle
Canadian Federalism and Treaty Powers: Organic Constitutionalism at Work
Author/Editor: Hugo Cyr
Canadian Mountain Assessment: Walking Together to Enhance Understanding of Mountains in Canada
Author/Editor: Graham McDowell,Michele Koppes,Keara Lightning,Brenda Parlee,Wanda Pascal,Joseph Shea,Daniel Sims,Niiyokamigaabaw Deondre Smiles,Leon Andrew,Caroline Aubry-Wake,David Borish,Madison Stevens,Ashley-Anne Churchill,Dawn Saunders Dahl,Goota Desmarais,Karine G
Canadian Television Today
Author/Editor: Rebecca Sullivan,Bart Beaty
Cancer and the Politics of Care: Inequalities and interventions in global perspective
Author/Editor: Linda Rae Bennett,Lenore Manderson,Belinda Spagnoletti
Cancer in the Arab World
Author/Editor: Humaid O. Al-Shamsi,Ibrahim H. Abu-Gheida,Faryal Iqbal,Aydah Al-Awadhi
Cancer, Research, and Educational Film at Midcentury: The Making of the Movie Challenge: Science Against Cancer
Author/Editor: David Cantor
Candide, La fée carabine et les autres. Vers un modèle didactique de la lecture littéraire
Author/Editor: Daghé Aeby ,Sandrine
«Candide», «La fée carabine» et les autres: Vers un modèle didactique de la lecture littéraire
Author/Editor: Sandrine Aeby Daghé
Candi, Space and Landscape: A study on the distribution, orientation and spatial organization of Central Javanese temple remains
Author/Editor: Véronique Degroot
Candrakīrti’s Madhyamakāvatārabhāṣya, Chapters 1 to 5.
Author/Editor: Horst Lasic,Xueshue Li,Anne MacDonald
Can integrated titles improve the viewing experience?: Investigating the impact of subtitling on the reception and enjoyment of film using eye tracking and questionnaire data
Author/Editor: Wendy Fox
Can Markets Solve Problems?: An Empirical Inquiry into Neoliberalism in Action
Author/Editor: Daniel Neyland,Véra Ehrenstein,Sveta Milyaeva
Can Music Make You Sick?: Measuring the Price of Musical Ambition
Author/Editor: Sally Anne Gross,George Musgrave
Canones: The Art of Harmony The Canon Tables of the Four Gospels
Author/Editor: Alessandro Bausi,Bruno Reudenbach,Hanna Wimmer
Canonisation as Innovation: Anchoring Cultural Formation in the First Millennium BCE
Author/Editor: Damien Agut-Labordère,Miguel John Versluys
Can organic agriculture cope without copper for disease control?
Author/Editor: Didier Andrivon,Isabelle Savini
Can’t Touch This: Digital Approaches to Materiality in Cultural Heritage
Author/Editor: Chiara Palladino,Gabriel Bodard
Can We Read Letters? Reflections on Fundamental Issues in Reading and Dyslexia Research
Author/Editor: Finn Egil Tønnessen,Per Henning Uppstad
CAO's en premie-afwenteling; een pilot-study naar de plaats van werknemersverzekeringen in een tiental CAO-onderhandelingen
Author/Editor: Huiskamp ,M.J.,Dullemond ,K.
Capability as a Yardstick for Flexicurity - Using the Senian Paradigm to Evaluate a European Policy Agenda
Author/Editor: Lehweß-Litzmann, René
Capability Brown, Royal Gardener: The Business of Place-Making in Northern Europe
Author/Editor: Jonathan Finch,Jan Woudstra
Capacity adequacy in the Nordic electricity market
Author/Editor: Nordic Council of Ministers
A Cape of Asia
Author/Editor: Wesseling ,H.L.
Cape Town Harmonies: Memory, Humour & Resilience
Author/Editor: Armelle Gaulier,Denis-Constant Martin
Capital and Inequality in Rural Papua New Guinea
Author/Editor: Bettina Beer,Tobias Schwoerer
Capital at the Brink: Overcoming the Destructive Legacies of Neoliberalism
Author/Editor: Di Leo R. ,Jeffrey,Mehan ,Uppinder
Capitalism, Coronavirus and War: A Geopolitical Economy
Author/Editor: Radhika Desai
Capitalismo distrettuale, localismi d'impresa, globalizzazione
Author/Editor: Giuseppe GAROFALO
Capitalismo e teoria sociologica
Author/Editor: Massimo PENDENZA,Vincenzo Romania,Giuseppe RICOTTA,ROBERTA IANNONE,Emanuela Susca
Capitalism Reconnected: Toward a Sustainable, Inclusive and Innovative Market Economy in Europe
Author/Editor: Jan Peter Balkenende,Govert Buijs
Capitalisms and Democracies: Can Growth and Equality be Reconciled?
Author/Editor: Carlo Trigilia
Capitalism’s Crises: Class struggles in South Africa and the world
Author/Editor: Andreas Bieler,Vishwas Satgar,Hil Wainwright,William K. Carroll,Isham Christie,Sumsngala Damodaran,Mark Heywood,Leah Hunt-Hendrix,Jamie Jordan,Alfredo Saad-Filho,Niall Reddy
Capitalism's New Clothes: Enterprise, Ethics and Enjoyment in Times of Crisis
Author/Editor: Ciara Cremin
Capitalism without Conscience
Author/Editor: Michel Santi
Capitalizing a Cure: How Finance Controls the Price and Value of Medicines
Author/Editor: Victor Roy
Capital Punishment and the Criminal Corpse in Scotland, 1740–1834
Author/Editor: Rachel E. Bennett
Capital Redefined: A Commonist Value Theory for Liberating Life
Author/Editor: S A Hamed HOSSEINI,Barry K. Gills
Capital, State, Empire
Author/Editor: Timcke ,Scott
Capitoli autobiografici: Poeti che traducono poeti dagli ermetici a Luciano Erba
Author/Editor: Leonardo Manigrasso
Capricci luterani?: Michelangelo artista e poeta nel contesto del dibattito religioso del Cinquecento / Michelangelo, Artist and Writer, and the Religious Debates of the Sixteenth Century
Author/Editor: Christine Ott,Hans Aurenhammer,Marc Föcking,Alessandro Nova
Captioning and Subtitling for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Audiences
Author/Editor: Soledad Zárate
Capturing the Senses: Digital Methods for Sensory Archaeologies
Author/Editor: Giacomo Landeschi,Eleanor Betts
Capturing the Wealth From Tuna: case stude's from the Pacific
Author/Editor: Barclay ,Kate,Cartwright ,Ian
Capturing value increase in urban redevelopment: A study of how the economic value increase in urban redevelopment can be used to finance the necessary public infrastructure and other facilities
Author/Editor: Demetrio Muñoz Gielen
Carbon-Based Material for Environmental Protection and Remediation
Author/Editor: Mattia Bartoli,Marco Frediani
Carbon-Based Smart Materials
Author/Editor: Constantinos A. Charitidis, Elias P. Koumoulos, Dimitrios A. Dragatogiannis
The Carbon Chain in Carbon Dioxide Industrial Utilization Technologies: A Case Study
Author/Editor: Dariusz Wawrzyńczak,Izabela Majchrzak-Kucęba,Covadonga Pevida,Giuseppe Bonura,Rita Nogueira,Marcello De Falco
Carbon Footprint Report 2020: Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from EIB Group internal operations
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Carbon Pricing in Japan
Author/Editor: Toshi H. Arimura,Shigeru Matsumoto
Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies
Author/Editor: Angelika Gabauer,Sabine Knierbein,Nir Cohen,Henrik Lebuhn,Kim Trogal,Tihomir Viderman,Tigran Haas
Care at a Distance
Author/Editor: Pols ,Jeannette
Career and Career Guidance in the Nordic Countries
Author/Editor: Erik Hagaseth Haug,Tristram Hooley,Jaana Kettunen,Rie Thomsen
Career Patterns in the Ch’ing Dynasty: The Office of the Governor General
Author/Editor: Raymond W. Chu,William G. Saywell
Care Home Stories : Aging, Disability, and Long-Term Residential Care
Care in Healthcare: Reflections on Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Franziska Krause,Joachim Boldt
Care in konsensuell-nichtmonogamen Beziehungsnetzwerken: Sorgende Netze jenseits der Norm
Author/Editor: Michael Raab
The Careless State: Wealth and Welfare in Britain Today
Author/Editor: Paul Taylor
Care Poverty: When Older People’s Needs Remain Unmet
Author/Editor: Teppo Kröger
Caretaker conventions in Australasia: minding the shop for government
Author/Editor: Menzies ,Jennifer,Tiernan ,Anne
Care Technologies for Ageing Societies: An International Comparison
Author/Editor: Kate Hamblin,Matthew Lariviere
Care trans_formieren: Eine ethnographische Studie zu trans und nicht-binärer Sorgearbeit
Author/Editor: Francis Seeck
Care – Wer sorgt für wen?
Author/Editor: Vera Moser,Inga Pinhard
Care Work 4.0: Digitalisierung in der beruflichen & akademischen Bildung für personenbezogene Dienstleistungsberufe
Author/Editor: Marianne Friese
Care Work in der gesellschaftlichen Transformation: Beschäftigung, Bildung, Fachdidaktik
Author/Editor: Rita Braches-Chyrek,Marianne Friese
Caribbean Cultural Heritage and the Nation: Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao in a Regional Context
Author/Editor: Alex van Stipriaan,Luca Alofs,Francio Guadeloupe
Caribbean Figure Pendants: Style and Subject Matter: Anthropomorphic figure pendants of the late Ceramic Age in the Greater Antilles
Author/Editor: Vernon James Knight
The Carib Language
Author/Editor: Hoff ,B.
The Carib Language
Carillons and Carillon Music in Old Gdańsk
Author/Editor: Danuta Popinigis
Caring and Curing
Caring and Curing : Historical Perspectives on Women and Healing in Canada
Author/Editor: Dodd ,Dianne,Gorham ,Deborah
Caring for Old Age: Perspectives from South Asia
Author/Editor: Christiane Brosius,Roberta Mandoki
Carl Junker, Zum Buchwesen in Österreich
Carl Junker, Zum Buchwesen in Österreich : Gesammelte Schriften (1896-1927)
Author/Editor: Hall ,Murray Gordon
Carlo Antici e l'ideologia della Restaurazione in Italia
Author/Editor: Corrado Pestelli
Carlo Battisti linguista e bibliotecario: Studi e testimonianze
Author/Editor: Tiziana Stagi,Mauro Guerrini,Alessandro Parenti
Carlo Cecchi: funambolo della scena italiana: L'apprendistato e il magistero
Carlo Marsuppini. Carmi latini: Edizione critica, traduzione e commento
Author/Editor: Ilaria PIERINI
Carlos Gardel. Su vida, su música, su época
Author/Editor: Collier ,Simon
Carl Otto Czeschka: Ein Wiener Künstler in Hamburg
Author/Editor: Heinz Spielmann,Hella Häussler
Carl Stamitz (1745–1801): Biographische Beiträge – Das symphonische Werk – Thematischer Katalog der Orchesterwerke
Author/Editor: Friedrich Carl Kaiser
Carl Strehlow’s 1909 Comparative Heritage Dictionary: An Aranda, German, Loritja and Dieri to English Dictionary with Introductory Essays
Author/Editor: Anna Kenny
Carnival in Tel Aviv: Purim and the Celebration of Urban Zionism
Author/Editor: Hizky Shoham
Carnival Texts: Three plays for ensemble performance
Author/Editor: James MacDonald
Caroline Schlegel-Schelling: «Ero seduta qui a scrivere». Lettere
Author/Editor: Vania Fattorini
Carrières d'halieutes
Author/Editor: Didier Gascuel
Cars, Conduits, and Kampongs
Author/Editor: Cot,Colombijn ,F.
Cars, Conduits, and Kampongs
Cartographic Memory
Author/Editor: Juan Herrera
Cartographies of Differences: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Ulrike M. Vieten,Gill Valentine
Casa Pueblo: A Puerto Rican Model of Self-Governance
Author/Editor: Alexis Massol González
Cascades of Violence
Author/Editor: Braithwaite ,John,D’Costa ,Bina
The Case Against Intervention
Author/Editor: Chee Heong Quah
Case-Based Decision Support for Disaster Management
Author/Editor: Stella Möhrle
ΠCase Files: Vol. 01
Author/Editor: Simone Ferracina
Case Kritis - Fallstudien zur IT-Sicherheit in Kritischen Infrastrukturen
Author/Editor: Ulrike Lechner,Sebastian Dännart,Andreas Rieb,Steffi Rudel
Cases • Pixels: Une histoire de la BD numérique en France
Author/Editor: Julien Baudry
Case Studies in Biocultural Diversity from Southeast Asia: Traditional Ecological Calendars, Folk Medicine and Folk Names
Author/Editor: F. Merlin Franco,Magne Knudsen,Noor Hasharina Hassan
Cash Flow: The businesses of menstruation
Author/Editor: Camilla Mørk Røstvik
Cassirers politische Philosophie
Author/Editor: Parkhomenko ,Roman
Caste and Equality in India: A Historical Anthropology of Diverse Society and Vernacular Democracy
Author/Editor: Akio Tanabe
Castells in Africa: Universities and Development
Author/Editor: Johan Muller,Manuel Castells,Nico Cloete,Francois van Schalkwyk
Cast Out: Vagrancy and Homelessness in Global and Historical Perspective
Author/Editor: A.L. Beier,Paul Ocobock
Casuistry and Early Modern Spanish Literature
Author/Editor: Marlen Bidwell-Steiner,Michael Scham
Catalogue: Flèches de pouvoir à l’aube de la métallurgie de la Bretagne au Danemark (2500-1700 av. n. è.)
Author/Editor: Clément Nicolas
Catalogue of books printed before 1601 in the legal historical section of the Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze
Author/Editor: Osler, Douglas J.
Catalogue of books printed before 1601 in the legal historical section of the Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze
Catalogue of books printed before 1801 in the legal historical section of the Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze: I. From the beginning of printing to 1600
Author/Editor: Douglas J. Osler
Catalogue of books printed before 1801 in the legal historical section of the Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze: II.1601-1700
Author/Editor: Douglas J. Osler
Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University and Other Collections in the Netherlands. Minor Collections.
Author/Editor: Schmidt ,Jan
Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University and Other Collections in the Netherlands. Minor Collections
Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University and Other Collections in the Netherlands: Minor Collections
Author/Editor: Jan Schmidt
Catalogus ad collectionem Materiae Medicae in Academia Georgia Augusta: Katalog der Pharmakognostischen Sammlung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen In quo medicamenta, officinalia, simplicia (mineralia, vegetabilia et animalia) eorumque partes in medi
Author/Editor: Volker Wissemann,Kärin Nickelsen
Catch the Gleam: Mount Royal, From College to University, 1910-2009
Author/Editor: Donald N. Baker
Categoriality and continuity in prosodic prominence (Volume 10)
Author/Editor: Simon Roessig
Catherine Colomb’s VISION OF TIME: in Dialogue with Marcel Proust and Virginia Woolf
Author/Editor: Tamar Barbakadze
Catholicism and Fascism in Europe 1918 - 1945 (Volume 26)
Author/Editor: Jan Nelis
Catholic Peacebuilding and Mining: Integral Peace, Development, and Ecology
Author/Editor: Caesar A. Montevecchio,Gerard F. Powers
Caucasian Albania: An International Handbook
Author/Editor: Jost Gippert,Jasmine Dum-Tragut
Caulonia tra Crotone e Locri: Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Firenze 30 maggio-1 giugno 2007
Author/Editor: Lucia Lepore,Paola Turi
Causality in Policy Studies: a Pluralist Toolbox
Author/Editor: Alessia Damonte,Fedra Negri
Causal Mechanisms in the Global Development of Social Policies
Author/Editor: Johanna Kuhlmann,Frank Nullmeier
Causation and Laws of Nature
Author/Editor: Max Kistler
A Cautious New Approach
Author/Editor: Denghua Zhang
CBASP@YoungAge: Behandlungsprogramm für Depressionen im Kindes- und Jugendalter
Author/Editor: Nele Dippel,Hanna Christiansen,Eva-Lotta Brakemeier
CEE Candidate countries on the way to Eurozone
Author/Editor: Hobza ,A.
Celebrar lo imposible: El Código Civil en el régimen jurídico de la propiedad: Córdoba entre fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX
Author/Editor: Pamela Alejandra Cacciavillani,Marietta Auer,Thomas Duve,Stefan Vogenauer
Celebrating 50 years of ACAL: Selected papers from the 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (Volume 7)
Author/Editor: Akinbiyi Akinlabi,Lee Bickmore,Michael Cahill,Michael Diercks,Laura J. Downing,James Essegbey,Katie Franich,Laura McPherson,Sharon Rose
Celebrity Bromances: Constructing, Interpreting and Utilising Personas
Author/Editor: Celia Lam,Jackie Raphael
The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Author/Editor: Gerard 't Hooft
Cellular Dialogues in the Holobiont
Author/Editor: Thomas C. G. Bosch,Michael G. Hadfield
Celluloid Activist: The Life and Times of Vito Russo
Author/Editor: Michael Schiavi
Celluloid Democracy: Cinema and Politics in Cold War South Korea
Author/Editor: Hieyoon Kim
The Celluloid Specimen: Moving Image Research into Animal Life
Author/Editor: Benjamin Schultz-Figueroa
Censorship Moments: Reading Texts in the History of Censorship and Freedom of Expression
Author/Editor: Geoff Kemp
Censorship of Literature in Austria 1751–1848
Author/Editor: Norbert Bachleitner
Censura, istituzioni e politica letteraria in URSS (1964-1985)
Centaurs, Rioting in Thessaly: Memory and the Classical World
Author/Editor: Martyn Hudson
A cento anni dalla grande guerra. Effetti inattesi. Vol. 4: Le donne fra disciplina militare e nuove libertà
Author/Editor: Alessandra Pescarolo,Franca Alacevich
A cento anni dalla Grande Guerra. Vol. 1: Il suicidio dell’Europa
Author/Editor: Luigi Vittorio Ferraris,BRUNA BAGNATO,umberto gori,Massimiliano Guderzo
A cento anni dalla Grande Guerra. Vol. 2: L’Italia divisa
Author/Editor: Salvatore CINGARI,PAOLO NELLO,Sandro Rogari
A cento anni dalla Grande Guerra. Vol. 3: Fra Diplomazia e Stati Maggiori
Author/Editor: Carlo Corbinelli,Basilio Di Martino,Fabio Mini,Pier Paolo Ramoino,Ferdinando Sanfelice di Monteforte,Emidio Diodato
Central and Eastern Europe after the First World War
Author/Editor: Burkhard Olschowsky,Piotr Juszkiewicz,Jan Rydel
Central and Eastern European Literary Theory and the West
Author/Editor: Michał Mrugalski,Schamma Schahadat,Irina Wutsdorff
Central Asian Ismailis: An Annotated Bibliography of Russian, Tajik and Other Sources
Author/Editor: Dagikhudo Dagiev
Central Asian Sources and Central Asian Research - Selected Proceedings from the International Symposium “Central Asian Sources and Central Asian Research”, October 23rd–26th, 2014 at Göttingen State and University Library
Author/Editor: Reckel, Johannes
Central Asian Sources and Central Asian Research - Selected Proceedings from the International Symposium “Central Asian Sources and Central Asian Research”, October 23rd–26th, 2014 at Göttingen State and University Library
Central Banking at a Crossroads
Central Bank Policy Mix: Issues, Challenges, and Policy Responses: Handbook of Central Banking Studies
Author/Editor: Perry Warjiyo,Solikin M. Juhro
Central Documents and Politburo Politics in China
Author/Editor: Kenneth Lieberthal,James Tong,Sai-cheung Yeung
Centrales nucléaires et environnement - Prélèvements d'eau et rejets
Author/Editor: Pineau ,André,Quéré ,Yves
Central Europe and the Non-European World in the Long 19th Century
Author/Editor: Markéta Křížová,Jitka Malečková
Central Peripheries: Nationhood in Central Asia
Author/Editor: Marlene Laruelle
The Centrelink Experiment
Author/Editor: Wills ,Jules,Halligan ,John
The Century of Global Cities: How Urbanisation is Changing the World and Shaping Our Future
Author/Editor: Andrea Tobia Zevi
A Century of Parks Canada, 1911-2011
Author/Editor: Claire Campbell
A Century of Violence in a Red City: Popular Struggle, Counterinsurgency, and Human Rights in Colombia
Author/Editor: Lesley Gill
Ceramics and the Spanish Conquest
Ceramics and the Spanish Conquest
Author/Editor: Hernández Sánchez ,Gilda
Ceramics and the Spanish Conquest: Response and Continuity of Indigenous Pottery Technology in Central Mexico
Author/Editor: Gilda Hernández Sánchez
Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: Neuroimaging markers, cognitive features and rehabilitative issues
Author/Editor: Raffaella Valenti
Ceremonial Entries, Municipal Liberties and the Negotiation of Power in Valois France, 1328-1589
Author/Editor: Neil Murphy
Ceremonial Storytelling: Ritual and Narrative in Post-9/11 US Wars
Author/Editor: Frank Usbeck
Cerkovnoslavjanskie elementy v sovremennom literaturnom i narodnom russkom jazyke: Nachdruck. Nachwort von Peter Kosta. Nachdruck der Ausgabe SPb. 1893
Author/Editor: Sergej K. Bulic
A Certain Age
A Certain Age : Colonial Jakarta through the Memories of Its Intellectuals
Author/Editor: Mrazek ,Rudolf
Certifications of Critical Systems – The CECRIS Experience
Author/Editor: Andrea Bondavalli,Francesco Brancati
Cervantes global
Author/Editor: Francisco Ramírez Santacruz,Antonio Sánchez Jiménez
Cervantes y los mares: En los 400 años del «Persiles». In memoriam José María Casasayas
Author/Editor: María Fernanda de Abreu
Cesare Scurati: Sguardi sull’educazione
Author/Editor: Paolo Calidoni,Damiano Felini,Andrea Bobbio
CESEE Bank Lending Survey – Spring 2022
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank,Matteo Ferrazi,Rozalla Pal,Atanas Kolev,Jochen Schanz,Peter Harasztosi,Simon Savzek,Alfredo Baldini
» Cette reine qui fait une si piètre figure «: Maria von Medici in der europäischen Geschichtsschreibung des 19. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Miriam Régerat-Kobitzsch
A chain of kings
A chain of kings : the Makassarese chronicles of Gowa and Talloq
Author/Editor: Cummings ,William
The Chain of Things: Divinatory Magic and the Practice of Reading in German Literature and Thought, 1850–1940
Author/Editor: Eric Downing
Chains of Gold: Portuguese Migration to Argentina in Transatlantic Perspective
Author/Editor: Marcelo J. Borges
Chairil Anwar: The Poet and His Language
Author/Editor: Oemarjati ,B.S.
Chairil Anwar: The Poet and His Language
Chairperson Succession: Competences, Moderators, and Disclosure
Author/Editor: Cornel Germann
The Challenge of Bewilderment: Understanding and Representation in James, Conrad, and Ford
Author/Editor: Paul B. Armstrong
The Challenge of Chance: A Multidisciplinary Approach from Science and the Humanities
Author/Editor: Klaas Landsman,Ellen van Wolde
The Challenge of Radicalization and Extremism: Integrating Research on Education and Citizenship in the Context of Migration
Author/Editor: Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger,Hermann J. Abs,Kerstin Göbel
Challenges And Goals For Accelerators In The XXI Century
Author/Editor: Stephen Myers,Oliver Bruning
Challenges and Solutions in Ethnographic Research: Ethnography with a Twist
Author/Editor: Tuuli Lähdesmäki,Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto,Viktorija L.A. Čeginskas,Aino-Kaisa Koistinen
Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape
Author/Editor: Jorge Bernal Bernabe,Antonio Skarmeta
Challenges in Education – Policies, Practice and Research
Author/Editor: Otilia Clipa
The Challenges of Religious Literacy: The Case of Finland
Author/Editor: Tuula Sakaranaho,Timo Aarrevaara,Johanna Konttori
The Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-up in Emerging Economies
Author/Editor: Jeong-Dong Lee,Keun Lee,dirk meissner,Slavo Radosevic,Nicholas Vonortas
Challenges to the East
Author/Editor: Rupnik ,J.
The Challenge to Change: Reforming Health Care on the Front Line in the United States and the United Kingdom
Author/Editor: Rebecca Kolins Givan
Challenging Assumptions Around Dementia: User-led Research and Untold Stories
Author/Editor: Rosalie Ashworth,Winnie Henry,Myra Lamont,Agnes Houston,Fred S. Wilson,Sue Fyvel,Alyson Hill,Chris Maddocks,Masood Qureshi,David Ross,Stuart Hay,Martin Robertson,Willy Gilder
Challenging Centralism: Decentramento e autonomie nel pensiero politico europeo
Author/Editor: Lea CAMPOS
Challenging climate change: Competition and cooperation among pastoralists and agriculturalists in northern Mesopotamia (c. 3000-1600 BC)
Author/Editor: Arne Wossink
Challenging Coasts
Challenging Communion
Challenging Communion : The Eucharist and Middle English Literature
Author/Editor: Garrison ,Jennifer
Challenging Global Development: Towards Decoloniality and Justice
Author/Editor: Henning Melber,Uma Kothari,Laura Camfield,Kees Biekart
Challenging Mobilities in and to the EU during Times of Crises: The Case of Greece
Author/Editor: Maria Kousis,Aspasia Chatzidaki,Konstantinos Kafetsios
Challenging Multiculturalism
Challenging Multiculturalism : European Models of Diversity
Challenging the Dichotomy: The Licit and the Illicit in Archaeological and Heritage Discourses
Author/Editor: Joe Watkins,Cristobal Gnecco,Les Field
Challenging Women's Agency and Activism in Early Modernity
Author/Editor: Merry Wiesner-Hanks
Chalo Jahaji: On a journey through indenture in Fiji
Author/Editor: Lal V. ,Brij
The Chamber Musician in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Mine Dogantan-Dack
Chance Encounters: A Bioethics for a Damaged Planet
Author/Editor: Kristien Hens,Christina Stadlbauer,Bart H.M. Vandeput
ChanceMINT.NRW – Studienbiografische Wendepunkte und Karriereperspektiven
Author/Editor: Nicole Auferkorte-Michaelis,Arne Gillert
Chandragupta Maurya: The creation of a national hero in India
Author/Editor: Sushma Jansari
Chang Ch’un-ch’iao and Shanghai’s January Revolution
Author/Editor: Andrew G. Walder
Change and the Persistence of Tradition in India: Five Lectures
Author/Editor: Richard L. Park
Change and the politics of certainty
Author/Editor: Jenny Edkins
Change! Combining Analytic Approaches with Street Wisdom
Author/Editor: Bammer ,Gabriele
Change In Classroom Practice
Author/Editor: Steve Farrow,Jerry Norton
The Change Laboratory for Teacher Training in Entrepreneurship Education: A New Skills Agenda for Europe
Author/Editor: Daniele Morselli
Change Management in TVET Colleges: Lessons Learnt from the Field of Practice
Author/Editor: André Kraak,Andrew Paterson,Kedibone Bok
Changement climatique: Quels défis pour le Sud ?
Author/Editor: Serge Janicot,Magali Reinert
The Change: My Great American, Postindustrial, Midlife Crisis Tour
Author/Editor: Lori Soderlind
Changes in the Russian Terminology of Economic Law since Perestroika
Author/Editor: Alice Rajewsky
Changing anarchism: Anarchist theory and practice in a global age
Author/Editor: Purkis ,Jonathan,Bowen ,James
Changing Borders and Challenging Belonging: Policy Change and Private Experience
Author/Editor: Georg Grote,Andrea Carlà
Changing Choices
Author/Editor: Koornstra ,Matthijs J.
Changing Cultures: European Perspectives on the History of Portland Cement and Reinforced Concrete, 19th and 20th Centuries
Author/Editor: João Mascarenhas Mateus
Changing Deserts: Integrating People and their Environment
Author/Editor: Lisa Mol,Troy Sternberg
The Changing Economic Geography of Globalization
Author/Editor: Giovanna Vertova
The Changing Faces of Families: Diverse Family Forms in Various Policy Contexts
Author/Editor: Marina A. Adler,Karl Lenz
Changing Gender Norms in Islam Between Reason and Revelation
Author/Editor: Marziyeh Bakhshizadeh
The Changing German Voter
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck,Sigrid Roßteutscher,Harald Schoen,Bernhard Weßels,Christof Wolf
Changing Habits of Mind: A Brain-Based Theory of Psychotherapy
Author/Editor: Zoltan Gross
Changing Higher Education for a Changing World
Author/Editor: Claire Callender,William Locke,Simon Marginson
The Changing Landscape of the Academic Profession
Author/Editor: Vicente M. Lechuga
The Changing Landscapes of Rome’s Northern Hinterland: The British School at Rome’s Tiber Valley Project
Author/Editor: Helen Patterson,Robert Witcher,Helga Di Giuseppe
The Changing Political Economies of Small West European Countries
Author/Editor: Becker ,Uwe
The Changing Presentation of the American Indian: Museums and Native Cultures
Author/Editor: W. Richard West,Richard Hill,Michael M. Ames,Janice Clements,Evan M. Maurer,James D. Nason,David W. Penney,Jocelyn Wedll
Changing Scenes: Encounters between European and Finnish Fin de Siècle
Changing Scenes: Encounters between European and Finnish Fin de Siècle
Changing South-Pacific
Author/Editor: Tcherkezoff ,Serge,Douaire-Marsaudon ,Françoise
Changing Space, Changing City: Johannesburg after apartheid – Open Access Selection
Author/Editor: Philip Harrison,Graeme Gotz,Alison Todes,Chris Wray
Changing the Course of AIDS: Peer Education in South Africa and Its Lessons for the Global Crisis
Author/Editor: David Dickinson
Changing the Terms
Changing the Terms : Translating in the Postcolonial Era
Author/Editor: Simon ,Sherry,St-Pierre ,Paul
Changing the Victorian Subject
Author/Editor: Maggie Tonkin,Mandy Treagus,Madeleine Seys,Sharon Crozier-De Rosa
The Changing Tide of Immigration and Emigration During the Last Three Centuries
Author/Editor: Ingrid Muenstermann
Changing Time - Shaping World: Changemakers in Arts & Education
Author/Editor: Anna Maria Loffredo,Rainer Wenrich,Charlotte Axelsson,Wanja Kröger
Changing Transatlantic Security Relations
Author/Editor: Jan Hallenberg,Håkan Karlsson
The Changing World of Mobile Communications: 5G, 6G and the Future of Digital Services
Author/Editor: Petri Ahokangas,Annabeth Aagaard
Chantai rumantsch! Zur musikalischen Selbst(er)findung Romanischbündens
Author/Editor: Laura Decurtins
Chaos Bound: Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science
Author/Editor: N. Katherine Hayles
Chaostheorie und Literaturwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Wozonig ,Karin S.
Chapaev and His Comrades
Chapaev and His Comrades : War and the Russian Literary Hero across the Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Brintlinger ,Angela
Chaper 12 “I’ve Got People’s Spit All over Me!”: Reflections on the Future of Life-Saving Stem Cell Donor Recruitment
Author/Editor: Ros Williams
Chapter Конфесионално-литургичке полемике у теолошким списима Зелићевих савременика
Author/Editor: Vladimir Vukašinović
Chapter Авантуре и авантуристи у Зелићевом Житију
Author/Editor: Nikola Grdinić
Chapter Видовые приставки в языковом контакте (на материале молизско-славянского, резьянского и верхнелужицкого микроязыков)
Author/Editor: Malinka Pila,Lenka Scholze,Walter Breu
Chapter К списку двувидовых глаголов в русском языке: история пасть
Author/Editor: Vladimir Plungian
Chapter Префиксация глаголов неопределенного движения в русском языке
Author/Editor: Luisa Ruvoletto
Chapter Суффиксация как средство образования видовых пар в резьянском диалекте: славянская и иноязычная лексика
Author/Editor: Rosanna Benacchio
Chapter Грамматикализация глагольного вида в резьянском диалекте: исконно славянская и романская лексика*
Author/Editor: Han Steenwijk,Rosanna Benacchio
Chapter 手塚治虫とグルメマンガをつなぐもの―「あしたのジョー」の減量 /  The one which connects a gourmet cartoon with Osamu Tezuka: Cutting of Joe of tomorrow
Author/Editor: Natsuki Yamada
Chapter Украинская культура Василя Стуса между Европой и Россией
Author/Editor: Alessandro Achilli
Chapter 作品 『壁』における の表象 - 安 公房はその文学に をどう描いたか / Representation of food in the collection of works Kabe: How Abe Kōbō wrote about food in the literature
Author/Editor: Yuki Sasaki
Chapter Верительная грамота Петра Первого в Светлейшую Республику в контексте российско-венецианских дипломатических отношений
Chapter 幻の春の声. 近現代日本文学における「亀鳴く」/ The illusory voice of the spring: the motif of ‘crying turtle’ in modern and contemporary Japanese literarure
Author/Editor: Diego Cucinelli
Chapter Покоренная природа. Коренное население и эксплуатация земли в советской и постсоветской России в романах Прощание с Матерой Валентина Распутина и Зона затопления Романа Сенчина
Author/Editor: Nadia CAPRIOGLIO
Chapter Выражение общефактического значения в прошедшем и в будущем времени в русском и болгарском языках
Author/Editor: Svetlana Slavkova
Chapter Ограничительные факторы синтаксических трансформаций русских идиом
Author/Editor: Marina Gasanova Mijat
Chapter 村上春樹作品における〈 〉と〈性〉– 初期作品と阪神淡 大 地 以後の作品との比 を して / “Food” and “Sex” in Murakami Haruki’s literature
Author/Editor: Makiko Yamasaki
Chapter Рецепция ренессансной поэмы Песня о зубре Николая Гусовского в Беларуси и проблемы её перевода
Author/Editor: Larisa Poutsileva
Chapter Русский перевод книги Антуана де Плювинеля: L’Instruction du Roy / Reitkunst с немецкого языка
Author/Editor: Ingrid Maier
Chapter Аспектуальные антиномии в русском языке (на славянском фоне)
Author/Editor: Elena V. Petruchina
Chapter 転向を語ること ─ 小林杜人とその周辺 / Converters Tell Their Stories: Kobayashi Morito and His Networks
Author/Editor: Hideto Tsuboi
Chapter Супралексический префикс по- в русском и болгарском языках
Author/Editor: Svetlana Slavkova
Chapter О роли приставок и суффиксов на ранних и поздних этапах истории славянского вида
Author/Editor: Björn Wiemer
Chapter Преломление образа Фауста у Вячеслава Иванова
Author/Editor: Donata Di Leo
Chapter О культурных предпосылках ‘итальянского’ правового дискурса Сергея Ивановича Зарудного
Author/Editor: Liana Goletiani
Chapter Сообщение о мирном договоре со Швецией в царских грамотах петра I (1721) и елизаветы I (1743) и традиции дипломатической переписки с венецианским адресатом
Author/Editor: Nataliya Kardanova
Chapter 10
Author/Editor: Trappel ,Josef,Nieminen ,Hannu
Chapter 100 Years of Volkshochschule – 50 Years of DVV International. Local and Global Perspectives on Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
Author/Editor: Heribert Hinzen
Author/Editor: Steffan Blayney
Chapter 10 ‘Aid the victims of German fascism!’: Transatlantic networks and the rise of anti-Nazism in the USA, 1933–1935
Author/Editor: Kasper Braskén
Chapter 10 Animal, Mechanical, and Me: Organ Transplantation and the Ambiguity of Embodiment
Author/Editor: Gill Haddow
Chapter 10 Avanços nas humanidades digitais
Author/Editor: Rita Marquilhas,Ana Maria Martins,Iris Hendrickx,Ernestina Carrilho
Chapter 10 Between appropriation and appropriateness: Instrumentalizing dark heritage in populism and memory?
Author/Editor: Susannah Eckersley
Chapter 10 Breathlessness: From Bodily Symptom to Existential Experience
Author/Editor: Tina Williams,Havi Carel
Chapter 10 Censuses and mapping
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 10 Challenger bank as a new digital form of providing financial services to retail customers in the EU Internal Market: The case of Revolut
Author/Editor: Michal Polasik,Paweł Widawski,Andrzej Lis
Chapter 10 Conclusion: Multilevel governance between centralisation and local agency
Author/Editor: Tiziana Caponio,irene ponzo
Chapter 10 Critical decisions for critically ill infants: Principles, processes, problems
Author/Editor: Anne-Maree Farrell,Sarah Devaney,Catherine Stanton,Alexandra Mullock
Chapter 10 Designing for Mental Health: Psychiatry, Psychology and the Architectural Study Project
Chapter 10 Digital skills and application use among Finnish home care workers in the eldercare sector
Author/Editor: Eero Rantala,Sakari Taipale,Tomi Oinas,Joonas Karhinen
Chapter 10 Early radio in late colonial India: Historiography, geography, audiences
Author/Editor: Vebhuti Duggal,Christin Hoene
Chapter 10 Enhancing Conservatism
Author/Editor: Rebecca Roache,Julian Savulescu
Chapter 10 Final thoughts: Heritage as a dimension of collectivity and belonging
Author/Editor: Christopher Whitehead,Gönül Bozoğlu,Mads Daugbjerg,Susannah Eckersley
Chapter 10 Goethe’s Exploratory Idealism
Author/Editor: Mattias Pirholt
Chapter 10 Goethe’s Exploratory Idealism
Author/Editor: Mattias Pirholt
Chapter 10 Healing the American Community: Race and Criminal Justice
Author/Editor: Samuel H. Pillsbury
Chapter 10 Healthcare Practice, Epistemic Injustice, and Naturalism
Author/Editor: Ian James Kidd,Havi Carel
Chapter 10 Imagining a Cosmopolitized Europe. From the Study of the ‘New’ to the Discovery of the ‘Unexpected
Author/Editor: Sabine Selchow
Chapter 10 Lifting the Veil: Voices, Visions, and Destiny in Malory’s Morte Darthur
Author/Editor: Corinne Saunders
Chapter 10 Modelling the process of translation using metalanguages
Author/Editor: Masaru Yamada,Kyo Kageura,Rei Miyata
Chapter 10 Moral Conflict in the Minimally Conscious State
Author/Editor: Joshua Shepherd
Chapter 10 Når dommeren i fotball dømmer feil …
Author/Editor: Bjørn Tore Johansen,Martin K. Erikstad
Chapter 10 One Medicine?: Advocating (Inter)disciplinarity at the Interfaces of Animal Health, Human Health, and the Environment
Author/Editor: Angela Cassidy
Chapter 10 One-seed, two-seed, three-seed?: Reassessing ancient theories of generation by Rebecca Flemming
Author/Editor: Rebecca Flemming
Chapter 10 ‘Our voices reached the sky’: sonic memories of the Armenian Genocide
Author/Editor: Gascia Ouzounian
Chapter 10. Partners Again? The European Union and the Post-Yugoslav Citizens
Chapter 10 Performing Scots- European heritage, ‘For A’ That!’
Author/Editor: Mairi McFadyen,Máiréad Nic Craith
Chapter 10 Policy transfer and its limits: Authorised cartels in twentieth-century Japan
Author/Editor: Takahiro Ohata,Takafumi Kurosawa
Chapter 10 Policy transfer and its limits: Authorised cartels in twentieth-century Japan
Author/Editor: Takahiro Ohata,Takafumi Kurosawa
Chapter 10 Rethinking urban resettlement and displacement from the perspective of ‘home’ in the interruption and uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic
Author/Editor: Marie Huchzermeyer
Chapter 10 School food and the promotion of a more just and equitable food system
Author/Editor: Marc C.A. Wegerif,Thabang Ngoako Mphateng,Nokuthula Vilakazi
Chapter 10 School writing in Norway: Fifteen years with writing as key competence
Author/Editor: Gustaf Bernhard Skar,Arne Johannes Aasen
Chapter 10 Shakespeeding into Macbeth and The Tempest: Teaching with the Shakespeare Reloaded Website
Author/Editor: Liam E. Semler
Chapter 10 Speaking the same language? Comparing judicial restraint at the ECtHR and the ECJ
Author/Editor: Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir,Dóra Guðmundsdóttir
Chapter 10 Telepractice in adult speech-language pathology during COVID-19
Author/Editor: Elizabeth C. Ward,Ashley E. Cameron
Chapter 10 The Infrastructural turn in Media and Internet Research
Author/Editor: David Hesmondhalgh
Chapter 10 The Multilingual Community Translation Classroom: Challenges and Strategies to Train Profession-Ready Graduates
Author/Editor: Miranda Lai,Gonzalez Erika
Chapter 10 The (re)invocation of race in forensic genetics through forensic DNA phenotyping technology
Author/Editor: Filipa Queirós
Chapter 10 Towards decolonising schooling: Realising the impossible dream?
Author/Editor: Pam Christie
Chapter 10 Weltbürger Perspectives and Samhandling
Author/Editor: Trygve J. Steiro,Glenn-Egil Torgersen
Chapter 10 'You don't Need Proof When You've Got Instinct!': Gut Feelings and Some Limits to Parental Authority
Author/Editor: ter Meulen,Richard Huxtable
Chapter 1, 1000, 100.000. Quanti e quali attori nei costrutti personali indeterminati?
Author/Editor: Francesca Fici,Natalia Žukova
Chapter 11 Antagonisms and solidarities in housing movements in Bucharest and Budapest
Author/Editor: Ioana Florea,Agnes Gagyi,Kerstin Jacobsson
Chapter 11 Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID): Ist der Amputationswunsch eine autonome Entscheidung oder Ausdruck einer neurologischen Störung?
Author/Editor: Sabine Müller
Chapter 11 Care in the Cage: Materializing Moral Economies of Animal Care in the Biomedical Sciences, c.1945-
Author/Editor: Robert G W Kirk
Chapter 11 Climate Change Adaptation and African Cities: Understanding the Impact of Government and Governance on Future Action
Author/Editor: Christopher Gore
Chapter 11 Contrasting approaches, comparable efficacy?: How macro-level trust influences teacher accountability in Finland and Singapore
Author/Editor: Yue-Yi Hwa
Chapter 11 Determinants of cross- border cooperation in the Polish– German borderland
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Opilowska
Chapter 11 Diagrams in Greek Medical Manuscripts
Author/Editor: Petros Bouras-Vallianatos
Chapter 11 Ethnic majority and minority youth in multicultural societies
Author/Editor: Sabahat Cigdem Bagci,Adam Rutland
Chapter 11 European Capitals of Culture y: Discourses of Europeanness in Valletta, Plovdiv and Galwa
Author/Editor: Cristina Clopot,Katerina Strani
Chapter 11 Funding the UN: Support or Constraint?
Author/Editor: Max-Otto Baumann,Silke Weinlich
Chapter 11 Governance of Dual Use Research in the EU: The Case of Neuroscience
Author/Editor: Inga Ulnicane
Chapter 11 Higher education students as consumers?: Evidence from England
Author/Editor: Rachel Brooks,Jessie Abrahams
Chapter 11 Introduction to Section 2: Food and nutrition security
Author/Editor: Robert Dyball,Yizhao Yang,Anne Taufen
Chapter 11 Liminal Precarity and Compromised Agency: Migrant experiences of gig work in Amsterdam, Berlin, and New York City
Author/Editor: Niels van Doorn
Chapter 1.1 Methodology of Synthesis
Author/Editor: xxxx xxxxx
Chapter 11 Mining, property, and the reordering of socionatural relations in Peru
Author/Editor: Matthew Himley
Chapter 11 Multilingual teacher identity in the Emirates: Implications for language policy and education
Author/Editor: Raees Calafato
Chapter 11 Prinsipper ved test–retest-reliabilitet
Author/Editor: Tommy Haugen,Kjetil Marius Ulland Salvesen,Rune Høigaard,Tommy Haugen,Kjetil Marius Ulland Salvesen,Rune Høigaard
Chapter 1.1 Pro Kind: Ein Modellversuch Früher Hilfen
Author/Editor: Tilman Brand,Tanja Jungmann
Chapter 11 Pulling the curtain on the national sovereignty myth: Sovereignty and referendums in Belgian constitutional doctrine
Author/Editor: Christophe Maes,Brecht Deseure,Ronald Van Crombrugge
Chapter 11 Randomization, blinding, and coding
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 11 Scapegoater-in-Chief: Racist Undertones of Donald Trump’s Rhetorical Repertoire
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Heidt
Chapter 11 Social Media and Social Justice Movements After the Diminution of Black-owned Media in the United States
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Blevins
Chapter 11 "That in the Reducciones Had Been Noise of Weapons . . .": The Introduction of Firearms in the Seventeenth-Century Jesuit Missions of Paraguay
Author/Editor: Omar Svriz-Wucherer
Chapter 11 The Triad of Uncertainty: The Interaction Between Scientists and Politicians
Author/Editor: Raino Malnes
Chapter 11 Three Markets and Three Types of Competitiveness: Pulp and Paper Industry
Author/Editor: Takafumi Kurosawa,Tomoko Hashino
Chapter 11 Understanding the Social Care Crisis in England Through Older People’s Lived Experiences
Author/Editor: Lizzie Ward,Mo Ray,Denise Tanner
Chapter 11 Watchful Waiting: Temporalities of crisis and care in the UK National Health Service
Author/Editor: Lisa Baraitser,William Brook
Chapter 11 We are similar, but different in writing curriculum and instruction
Author/Editor: Judy Parr,Jill Jeffery
Chapter 11 Yoga and Physical Culture: Transnational History and Blurred Discursive Contexts
Author/Editor: Mark Singleton
Chapter 12 Adapting to the Different Shades of Populism: Key Findings and Implications for Media, Citizens, and Politics
Author/Editor: Claes H. de Vreese,Carsten Reinemann,James Stanyer,Frank Esser,Toril Aalberg
Chapter 12 Archetypal aspects of transference at the end of life
Author/Editor: Isabelle DeArmond
Chapter 12 Bridging the Divide: Imagining Across Experiential Perspectives
Author/Editor: Amy Kind
Chapter 12 Careful with heritage
Author/Editor: Ilaria Porciani,Massimo Montanari
Chapter 12 Children's perspectives on green space management in Sweden and Denmark
Author/Editor: Märit Jansson,Inger Lerstrup
Chapter 12 Chinese media translation
Author/Editor: nancy xiuzhi liu
Chapter 12 Computer science
Author/Editor: Pieter Hartel,Marianne Junger
Chapter 12 Conclusion: Implementing innovative social investment: Strategic lessons from Europe
Author/Editor: Andrea Bassi,Susan Baines,Judit Csoba,Sipos Flórián
Chapter 12 Conclusions
Author/Editor: Maike Andresen,Chris Brewster,Vesa Suutari
Chapter 12 Content-as-Practice: Studying Digital Content with a Media Practice Approach
Author/Editor: Christoph Bareither
Chapter 12 Design Fictio: The Future of Robots Needs Imagination
Author/Editor: Ronda Ringfort-Felner,Robin Neuhaus,Judith Dörrenbächer,Marc Hassenzahl
Chapter 12 Economising Failure and Assembling a Failure Regime
Author/Editor: Liisa Kurunmäki,Andrea Mennicken,Peter Miller
Chapter 12 Effekt av feedback på kollektiv mestringstro og sosial loffing i et sykkeleksperiment
Author/Editor: Tommy Haugen,Kjetil Marius Ulland Salvesen,h,Tommy Haugen,Kjetil Marius Ulland Salvesen,Rune Høigaard
Chapter 12 Genesis of state space Frontier commodification in Malaysian Borneo
Author/Editor: Noboru Ishikawa
Chapter 12 Hölderlin’s Higher Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Camilla Flodin
Chapter 12 Hölderlin’s Higher Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Camilla Flodin
Chapter 12 Icelandic valency classes: oblique subjects, oblique ambitransitives and the actional passive
Author/Editor: Jóhanna Barðdal,Andrej Malchukov,Bernard Comrie
Chapter 12 Imagine What It Feels Like
Author/Editor: Ingrid Vendrell Ferran
Chapter 12 Individual Work Pricing by Non-fungible Personal Tokens (“NFT Gig Tokens”) – a New Opportunity for Gig Workers
Author/Editor: Kamilla Marchewka-Bartkowiak,Michał Litwiński,Karolina Nowak
Chapter 12 Intersectional politics on domestic workers’ rights: The cases of Ecuador and Colombia
Author/Editor: Daniela Cherubini,Giulia Garofalo Geymonat,Sabrina Marchetti
Chapter 12 Japanese school lunch and food education
Author/Editor: Yukako Waida,Miho Kawamura
Chapter 12 Knowledge- policy nexus: Policy research institutes and the urban development regime in Korea
Author/Editor: Se Hoon Park
Chapter 12 Nepal Central Highland: Resistance and the state
Author/Editor: Mukta S. Tamang
Chapter 12 NIGERIAN FILM AUDIENCES ON THE INTERNET: Influences, Preferences and Contentions
Author/Editor: Añulika Agina
Chapter 12 Outcome measures and case definition
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 12 Parasite Lost: Remembering Modern Times with Kenyan Government Medical Scientists: the anthropology and history of medical research in Africa
Author/Editor: Wenzel Geissler,Catherine Molyneux
Chapter 12 Partiality for Humanity and Enhancement
Author/Editor: Jonathan Pugh,Guy Kahane
Chapter 12 Preventing Male Mental Illness in Post-war Britain
Author/Editor: Ali Haggett
Chapter 12 Russian Renewable Energy: Regulations and outcomes
Author/Editor: Mariia Kozlova,Mikael Collan,Indra Overland
Chapter 12 Social distance, teachers’ beliefs and teaching practices in a context of social disadvantage: Evidence from India and Pakistan
Author/Editor: Anuradha De,Rabea Malik
Chapter 12 Social Innovation and Collaboration: Identifying and Engaging Stakeholders with Power, Purpose, Passion and Presence
Author/Editor: Irmelin Drake
Chapter 12 Social Media Incitement to Genocide: ECHR countries perspective
Author/Editor: Piotr Łubiński
Chapter 12 Taking drugs to help others
Author/Editor: Tom Douglas
Chapter 12 The Genesis of Behaviorally Modern Homo sapiens: A Cognitively Advanced Human That Can Reflect Upon Its Existence
Author/Editor: Steven J. Theroux
Chapter 12 The partial and the vague as a visual mode in Bronze Age rock art
Author/Editor: Fredrik Fahlander
Chapter 12 The power of place and perspective: Sensory media and situated simulations in urban design
Author/Editor: Gunnar Liestøl,Andrew Morrison
Chapter 12 The role of mobility and transnationality for local marketplaces
Author/Editor: Joanna Menet,Janine Dahinden
Chapter 12 The tense-mood-aspect systems of the languages of Suriname
Author/Editor: Robert Borges,Pieter Muysken,Sophie Villerius,Kofi Yakpo
Chapter 12 The usefulness of violent ends: apocalyptic imaginaries in the reconstruction of society
Author/Editor: Gerhard van den Heever
Chapter 12 This in-between : How families talk about death in relation to severe brain injury and disorders of consciousness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Celia Clare Kitzinger,Jenny Kitzinger
Chapter 12 Timeline of significant events 1946–2005 for British-based dancers who are Black
Author/Editor: Christy Adair,Ramsay Burt
Chapter 12 Yoga and Meditation as a Health Intervention
Author/Editor: Suzanne Newcombe
Chapter 13 Case studies of adults with COVID-19 infection
Author/Editor: Louise Cummings
Chapter 13 Cognitive Effects of Bilingualism in Infancy
Author/Editor: Ágnes Melinda Kovács,Elena Nicoladis,Simona Montanari
Chapter 13 Commemorating vanished ‘homelands’: Displaced Germans and their Heimat Europa
Author/Editor: Ullrich Kockel
Chapter 13 Differentiation and the European Central Bank: A bulwark against (differentiated) disintegration?
Author/Editor: Daniel F. Schulz,Amy Verdun
Chapter 13 Doing Versus Assessing Interactional Competence
Author/Editor: Erica Sandlund,Pia Sundqvist
Chapter 13 From Goods to Commodities in Spanish America: Structural Changes and Ecological Globalization From the Perspective of the European History of Consumption
Author/Editor: Bartolomé Yun Casalilla
Chapter 13 Gender and the Political Economy of Fish Agri-Food Systems in the Global South
Author/Editor: Surendran Rajaratnam,Molly Ahern,Cynthia McDougall
Chapter 13 Haptic Creatures: Tactile Affect and Human-Robot Intimacy in Japan
Author/Editor: Hirofumi Katsuno,Daniel White
Chapter 13 Household waste management and the role of gender in Nepal
Author/Editor: Mani Nepal,Marina Cauchy,Apsara Karki Nepal,Chanda Gurung Goodrich
Chapter 13 Interaction and Risk Management in Shared Leadership
Author/Editor: Carl Cato Wadel
Chapter 13 Making Sense of Cheshire West
Author/Editor: Lucy Series
Chapter 13 Outlook: Context and its consequences: A neglected factor in research on early childhood teachers’ professional skills?
Author/Editor: Esther Brunner
Chapter 13 Practising Academic Intervention: An Agonistic Reading of Praxis
Author/Editor: Antje Wiener
Chapter 13 Preliminary studies and pilot testing
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 13 Rebuilding Relationships between Data, Method, and Theories
Author/Editor: Jeffrey M. Cucina,Mary Anne Nester
Chapter 13 Safe European home: Where did you go? On immigration, the b/ ordered self, and the territorial home
Author/Editor: Jussi Laine,Inocent Moyo,Christopher Changwe Nshimbi
Chapter 13 Speaking the Power of Truth: Rhetoric and Action for Our Times
Author/Editor: Lee Artz
Chapter 13 The multi-scalar nature of policy im/mobilities: Regulating ‘local’ markets in the Netherlands
Author/Editor: Emil van Eck,Rianne van Melik,Joris Schapendonk
Chapter 13 The Porous Infrastructures of Somali Malls in Cape Town
Author/Editor: Huda Tayob
Chapter 13 The Role of Neuroscience in Precise, Precautionary, and Probabilistic Accounts of Sentience
Chapter 13 The Roles of ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Media Tools and Technologies in the Facilitation of Violent Extremism and Terrorism
Author/Editor: Ryan Scrivens,Maura Conway
Chapter 13 The Swedish way: How Ideology and Media Use Influenced the Formation, Maintenance and Change of Beliefs about the Coronavirus
Author/Editor: Adam Shehata,Isabella Glogger,Kim Andersen
Chapter 13 The value of the imagined biological in policy and society : Somaticizing and economizing British subject(ivitie)s
Author/Editor: Pickersgill ,Martyn
Chapter 13 The value of the imagined biological in policy and society
Chapter 13 Translation in literary magazines
Author/Editor: Diana Roig Sanz,Laura Fólica,Ventsislav Ikoff
Author/Editor: Katie Joice
Chapter 14 Eutropia: Integrated Valuation of Lake Eutrophication Abatement Decisions Using a Bayesian Belief Network
Author/Editor: David N. Barton,Tom Andersen,Olvar Bergland,Alexander Engebretsen,Jannicke Moe,Geir Inge Orderud
Chapter 14 Quantitative tests of implicational verb hierarchies
Author/Editor: Søren Wichmann,Taro Kageyama,Wesley M. Jacobsen
Chapter 14 Questionnaires
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 14 Responsibility for Fundamentalist Belief
Author/Editor: Rik Peels
Chapter 14 Samhandling Under Risk: Applying Concurrent Learning to Prepare for and Meet the Unforeseen
Author/Editor: Tryge. J. Steiro,Glenn-Egil Torgersen
Chapter 14 Taking maritime safety seriously Belief: The Polish perspective
Author/Editor: Justyna Nawrot,Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska
Chapter 14 The faceless men: Partial bodies and body parts in Scandinavian Bronze Age rock art
Author/Editor: Fredrik Fahlander
Chapter 14 The Financialization of Everyday Life
Author/Editor: Léna Pellandini-Simányi
Chapter 14 The NFL, Activism, and #BlackLivesMatter
Author/Editor: Charles Modiano
Chapter 15 Cloudwork: Data Centre Labour and the Maintenance of Media Infrastructure
Author/Editor: A.R.E. Taylor
Chapter 15 Competence for the Unforeseen: The Importance of Human, Social and Organizational Factors
Author/Editor: Marius Herberg,Glenn-Egil Torgersen,Torbjørn Rundmo
Chapter 15 Conclusions
Author/Editor: Harriet Thomson,Saska Petrova,Stefan Bouzarovski,Neil Simcock
Chapter 15 Configuring the older adult: How age and ageing are re-configured in gerontechnology design
Author/Editor: Andreas Bischof,Juliane Jarke
Chapter 15 Empathizing with Robots: Animistic and Performative Methods to Anticipate a Robot’s Impact
Author/Editor: Judith Dörrenbächer,Marc Hassenzahl
Chapter 15 Epistemic Gains and Epistemic Games: Reliability and Higher Order Evidence in Medicine and Pharmacology
Author/Editor: Barbara Osimani
Chapter 15 Human Resource Management in Japan and South Korea
Author/Editor: Fabian Jintae Froese,Tomoki Sekiguchi,Mohan Pyari Maharjan
Chapter 15 Innovation (policy) and transformative change in the European Union
Author/Editor: Erkki Karo,Rainer Kattel
Chapter 15 Invisible Suffering: The Experience of Breathlessness
Author/Editor: Havi Carel
Chapter 15 Kashmir conflict resolution: Selected proposals and attempts
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Kuszewska
Chapter 15 La medicina predittiva e il dibattito etico sui test genetici
Author/Editor: Arianna Manzini,LIBERO VITIELLO
Chapter 15 People Versus Books
Author/Editor: Sarah Bowen Savant
Chapter 15 Persecution and apostasy: Christian identity during the crises of the seventh century
Author/Editor: Ryan Strickler
Chapter 15 Praxis, Humanism and the Quest for Wholeness
Author/Editor: Jens Steffek
Chapter 15 Social and behavioural research
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 15 Sociotechnical Innovation in Mental Health: Articulating Complexity
Author/Editor: ML Flear,TK Hervey,AM Farrell
Chapter 15 South Korea’s Green New Deal 2.0: Old wine in new bottles?
Author/Editor: Kyla Tienhaara,Sun-Jin Yun,Ryan Gunderson
Chapter 15 Sovereignty without sovereignty: The Belgian solution
Author/Editor: Raf Geenens
Chapter 15 The Politics of Tackling Inequalities: The Rise of Psychological Fundamentalism in Public Health and Welfare Reform
Author/Editor: Lynne Friedli
Chapter 15 Urban Mobilities in Francophone African Return Narratives
Author/Editor: Anna-Leena Toivanen
Chapter 16 Acting, Representing, Ruling: A Conversation with My Critics on Social Reproduction and the Logic of Social Inquiry
Author/Editor: Friedrich Kratochwil
Chapter 16 Afterword: A Pandemic of Precarity
Author/Editor: Joseph Choonara,Annalisa Murgia,Renato Miguel Carmo
Chapter 16 Bhutan: History, scholarship and emerging agency in the Bhutanese narrative
Author/Editor: Yedzin Wangmo Tobgay
Chapter 16 Cloud Backup and Restore: The Infrastructure of Digital Failure
Author/Editor: A.R.E. Taylor
Chapter 16 Field organization and ensuring data of high quality
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 16 Heirs of Roman persecution: Common threads in discursive strategies across Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Wendy Mayer
Chapter 16 Media Stereotypes: Content, Effects, and Theory
Author/Editor: Travis L. Dixon
Chapter 16 Military Samhandling: Formal and Informal Behaviour in Norway’s Armed Forces
Author/Editor: Tormod Heier
Chapter 16 Same-gender friendships and enmity in the Life of Eupraxia
Author/Editor: Stavroula Constantinou
Chapter 16 Surgery and Emotion: The Era Before Anaesthesia
Author/Editor: Michael Brown
Chapter 16 The organic Internet as a resilient practice
Author/Editor: Panayotis Antoniadis
Chapter 16 The Role of Validation in Integrating Multiple Perspectives
Author/Editor: Tobias Richter,Hannes Münchow,Johanna Abendroth
Chapter 17 Field laboratory methods
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 17 Introduction to Section 3: Cities and biodiversity
Author/Editor: Jennifer Rae Pierce,Yizhao Yang,Anne Taufen
Chapter 17 Motivation by formally analyzable terms in a typological perspective: An assessment of the variation and steps towards explanation
Author/Editor: Matthias Urban,Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm,Päivi Juvonen
Chapter 17 Samhandling and Trust in Military Leadership Structures
Author/Editor: Johan Bergh,Ole Boe,Johan Bergh,Ole Boe
Chapter 17 Technology to Prevent Criminal Behavior
Author/Editor: Gabriel De Marco,Thomas Douglas
Chapter 17 The Racial Contours of Queer Reproduction
Author/Editor: France Winddance Twine,Marcin Smietana
Chapter 17 Timbre Networks: An approach to Composition and Performance in Computer Music
Author/Editor: Juan Parra Cancino,Tony Veale,Kurt Feyaerts,Charles Forceville
Chapter 17 Visualization and Functional Analysis of Spindle Actin and Chromosome Segregation in Mammalian Oocytes
Author/Editor: Binyam Mogessie
Chapter 18 Budgeting and accounting
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 18 Didactics and Innovation in Collaboration for the Unforeseen in Training Practice Preparation
Author/Editor: Leif Magnussen
Chapter 18 Japanese society at war: History and memory
Author/Editor: Philip Seaton
Chapter 18 Re-imagining Politics through the Lens of the Commons
Author/Editor: David Bollier
Chapter 18 Surgery, Imperial Rule and Colonial Societies (1800–1930): Technical, Institutional and Social Histories
Author/Editor: Kieran Fitzpatrick
Chapter 18 The winds of change: The Sioux, Silicon Valley, society, and simple heuristics
Author/Editor: Julian N. Marewski,Ulrich Hoffrage
Chapter 18 USA
Author/Editor: Rob Ruck
Chapter 18 Youth Activism and Political Parties
Author/Editor: Francesco Cavatorta,Lise Storm,Valeria Resta
Chapter 19 ‘A Tragedy as Old as History’: Medical Responses to Infertility and Artificial Insemination by Donor in 1950s Britain
Author/Editor: Gayle Davis
Chapter 19 Concentrated solar energy driven multi-generation systems based on the organic Rankine cycle technology
Author/Editor: Nishith Desai,Fredrik Haglind
Chapter 19 Conclusion: Assessing change and continuity in the character of war
Author/Editor: Tim Sweijs,Rob Johnson,Martijn Kitzen
Chapter 19 Daring to transform: cultures of knowledge and their performances
Author/Editor: Jörg Holkenbrink,Anna Seitz
Chapter 19 Engagement without Recognition
Author/Editor: Bruno Coppieters
Chapter 19 Intervention costing and economic analysis
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 19 Italian Sign Language
Author/Editor: Carlo Geraci,Julie Bakken Jepsen,Sam Lutalo-Kiingi,William B. McGregor,Goedele De Clerck
Chapter 19 Max Ritvo’s Precision Poetry
Author/Editor: Lara Choksey
Chapter 19 Samhandling During Crisis Work: A Three-Level Model
Author/Editor: Eric Carlström
Chapter 19 Social generations and societal changes
Author/Editor: Raili Nugin,Veronika Kalmus
Chapter 19 Subjects, topics and the interpretation of pro
Author/Editor: Luigi Rizzi,Roberto Petrosino,Pietro Cerrone,Harry van der Hulst
Chapter 19 Toxic speech, political self-Indigenization and the ethics and politics of critique: Notes from Finland
Author/Editor: Laura Junka-Aikio
Chapter 19 Uncertainty: Risk, technology and the future
Author/Editor: Jennifer Yarnold,Ray MAHER,Karen Hussey,Stephen Dovers
Chapter 19 Unsupervised Methods: Clustering Methods
Author/Editor: Johann Bacher,Andreas Pöge,Knut Wenzig
Chapter 1 A bank, not a fund
Author/Editor: Lucia Coppolaro,Helen Kavvadia
Chapter 1 Affect theory and performance intention
Author/Editor: Peta Tait
Chapter 1 A framework beyond EU uniqueness
Author/Editor: Giulia Tercovich
Chapter 1 A framework for comparing writing curricula cross-nationally
Author/Editor: Jill Jeffery,Judy Parr
Chapter 1 After the Rebellion: The Postwar Counterculture and Its Legacy
Author/Editor: Gary Hentzi
Chapter 1 Allvarliga idrottsskador hos svenska manliga akademifotbollsspelare
Author/Editor: Urban Johnson,Andreas Ivarsson
Chapter 1 An introduction to inclusive innovation
Author/Editor: Robyn Klingler-Vidra,Alex Glennie,Courtney Savie Lawrence
Chapter 1 Arabic vis-à-vis English in the Gulf: Bridging the ideological divide
Author/Editor: Sarah Hopkyns,Tariq Elyas
Chapter 1 Bilateralism within the European Union: Examining the explanatory power of horizontal Europeanisation and interdependence
Author/Editor: Joanna Dyduch
Chapter 1. Brothers United
Chapter 1 Civic and political engagement among youth: Concepts, forms and factors
Author/Editor: Martyn Barrett,Dimitra Pachi
Chapter 1 Civic Space—and Desire—Deranged: From Le Corbusier to Georges Perec
Author/Editor: Marcus A. Doel
Chapter 1 Classical heritage and European identities: Introducing the Danish case
Author/Editor: Lærke Maria Andersen Funder,Troels Myrup Kristensen,Vinnie Nørskov
Chapter 1 Concepts: Elements of a genealogy of needology
Author/Editor: Joël Glasman
Chapter 1 Constructing an encounter between Mikhail Bakhtin and the New Zealand band Herbs
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Turner
Chapter 1 Constructing knowledge for food sovereignty, agroecology and biocultural diversity: an overview
Author/Editor: Michel P. Pimbert
Chapter 1 Cowboys, Cod, Climate, and Conflict: Navigations in the Digital Environmental Humanities
Author/Editor: Charles Travis,Poul Holm,Francis Ludlow,Conor Kostick,Rhonda McGovern,John Nicholls
Chapter 1 Craft, Design and Nostalgia in Modern Japan: The Case of Sushi
Author/Editor: Robin Holt,Yutaka Yamauchi
Chapter 1 Cultures of Contagion and Containment?: The Geography of Smallpox in Britain in the Pre-vaccination Era
Author/Editor: Romola Davenport
Chapter 1 Demographic Transitions in Europe and the World
Author/Editor: Frans Willekens
Chapter 1 Digital technologies and women's empowerment: casting the bridges
Author/Editor: Ewa Lechman,Piotr Paradowski
Chapter 1 Dimensions of European heritage and memory: A framework introduction
Author/Editor: Christopher Whitehead,Mads Daugbjerg,Susannah Eckersley,Gönül Bozoğlu
Chapter 1 Doing, talking, and thinking (and why we’re not getting it right)
Author/Editor: Clare Williams
Chapter 1 Dynamics of Bordering in the Post-Soviet Space over the Last 30 years
Author/Editor: Sabine von Löwis,Beate Eschment,Ketevan Khutsishvili
Chapter 1 Early Twentieth-Century Self-Harm: Cut Throats, General and Mental Medicine: A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing
Author/Editor: Chris Millard
Chapter 1 EDITORS’ INTRODUCTION: What are environing media?
Author/Editor: Adam Wickberg,Johan Gärdebo
Chapter 1 Education and the reform of social inequalities in the Global South: An introduction
Author/Editor: Pauline Rose,Madeleine Arnot,Roger Jeffery,Nidhi Singal
Chapter 1 Epidemiology
Author/Editor: Maxine Caws,Ben Marais,Dorothee Heemskerk,Jeremy Farrar
Chapter 1 Ethics 'by and for professions': the origins and endurance of club regulation
Author/Editor: Duncan Wilson
Chapter 1 EU’s perspective on the functioning of giant online platforms in the digital economy
Author/Editor: Adam A. Ambroziak
Chapter 1 Evaluating the Role of Hans Selye in the Modern History of Stress
Author/Editor: Robert G.W. Kirk.,Mark Jackson,Edmund Ramsden,David Cantor
Chapter 1 FAIL! Are We Headed towards Critical Failure Studies?
Author/Editor: Adriana Mica,Mikołaj Pawlak,Anna Horolets,Paweł Kubicki
Chapter 1. Fasce e bende di stoffa nell’abbigliamento (seconda parte): i copricapo
Author/Editor: Simona Russo
Chapter 1 Food heritage and nationalism in Europe
Author/Editor: Ilaria Porciani
Chapter 1 Formulaic sequences: a drop in the ocean of constructions or something more significant?
Author/Editor: Andreas Buerki
Chapter 1 From global peripheries to the earth’s core: The new extraction in Latin America
Author/Editor: Michael L Dougherty
Chapter 1 From Quantum Physics to Classical Metaphysics
Author/Editor: William M. R. Simpson
Chapter 1 Gender of electoral defeat in the narrative of political parties in Poland, Belgium, and the United Kingdom
Author/Editor: Anna Pacześniak
Chapter 1 Grassroots initiatives in food system transformation: The role of food movements in the second ‘Great Transformation’
Author/Editor: Colin Sage,Cordula Kropp,Irene Antoni-Komar
Chapter 1 Heritages, identities and Europe: Exploring cultural forms and expressions
Author/Editor: Ullrich Kockel,Máiréad Nic Craith,Cristina Clopot,Baiba Tjarve
Chapter 1 Highland Asia as a World Region: An introduction
Author/Editor: Jelle J.P. Wouters,Michael Timothy Heneise
Chapter 1 Historical Organization Studies: Advancing new direction for organizational research
Author/Editor: Mairi Maclean,Charles Harvey,Roy Suddaby,Stewart Clegg
Chapter 1 Housing careers, intergenerational support and family relations
Author/Editor: Richard Ronald,Christian Lennartz
Chapter 1 How open borders can unlock cultures: Concepts, methods, and procedures
Author/Editor: Daniele Viktor Leggio,Yaron Matras
Chapter 1 Intersections of Modalities from Medieval to Modern Times
Author/Editor: Matylda Włodarczyk,Jukka Tyrkkö,Elżbieta Adamczyk
Chapter 1 Introducing safe migration
Author/Editor: Sverre Molland
Chapter 1 Introduction
Author/Editor: Rianne van Melik,Ceren Sezer
Chapter 1 Introduction: “A Rapture So Pure That Its Words Are Tears”
Author/Editor: Jonas Kellermann
Chapter 1 Introduction (Biofictions)
Author/Editor: Lejla Kucukalic
Chapter 1 Introduction: Climate change and planned retreat
Author/Editor: Idowu Jola Ajibade,A.R. Siders
Chapter 1 Introduction: Comprehending and Investigating Populist Communication From a Comparative Perspective
Author/Editor: Carsten Reinemann,James Stanyer,Toril Aalberg,Frank Esser,Claes H. de Vreese
Chapter 1 Introduction: Differentiation in the European Union as a field of study
Author/Editor: Benjamin Leruth,Stefan Gänzle,Jarle Trondal
Chapter 1 Introduction: Implementing innovative social investment: Strategic lessons from Europe
Author/Editor: Susan Baines,Andrea Bassi,Judit Csoba,Sipos Flórián
Chapter 1 Introduction: Paradoxes of Welfare
Author/Editor: Tom Boland,Ray Griffin
Chapter 1 Introduction: Praxis as a Perspective on International Politics
Author/Editor: Gunther Hellmann,Jens Steffek
Chapter 1 Introduction: Recognising Space, Time, and Institutions in Self-Initiated Expatriation Research
Author/Editor: Maike Andresen,Chris Brewster,Vesa Suutari
Chapter 1 Introduction: Reconsidering the Korean urban development experience for international cooperation
Author/Editor: Se Hoon Park,Hyun Bang Shin,Hyun-Soo Kang
Chapter 1 Introduction: Screening indigeneity and nation
Author/Editor: Erik de Maaker,Markus Schleiter
Chapter 1 Introductions: Critical pedagogy and the intersectional complexities of names
Author/Editor: Gal Harmat
Chapter 1 Introduction: The biolinguistic program: a new beginning
Author/Editor: Koji Fujita,Cedric Boeckx
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The food commons are coming …
Author/Editor: Jose Luis Vivero-Pol,Tomaso Ferrando,Olivier De Schutter,Ugo Mattei
Chapter 1 Introduction: the governance of UNESCO's Bioethics Programme
Author/Editor: Adèle Langlois
Chapter 1 Introduction: The many modes of (African) fashion
Author/Editor: Christopher L. Richards
Chapter 1 Introduction to field trials of health interventions
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 1 Introduction to Learning by Design
Author/Editor: Gabriela C. Zapata
Chapter 1 Introduction: toponymic cultures and the study of place naming in African (and Israeli) contexts
Author/Editor: Liora Bigon,Michel Ben Arrous
Chapter 1 Introduction to Temple and Royalty
Author/Editor: Salila Kulshreshtha
Chapter 1 Introduction: Urban ethics – conflicts over the good and proper life in cities
Author/Editor: Moritz Ege,johannes moser
Chapter 1 Introduction: What does the philosophy of interdisciplinarity offer?
Author/Editor: Jan Cornelius Schmidt
Chapter 1 Law and record keeping: A tale of four African countries
Author/Editor: Darra Hofman,Shadrack Katuu
Chapter 1 Luxury and Indigenous Resurgence
Author/Editor: Riley Kucheran,Jessica P. Clark,Nigel Lezama
Chapter 1 Mapping the History of Waste
Author/Editor: Kathrin Eitel
Author/Editor: Vasilis Gerovasileiou,Carlo Nike Bianchi
Chapter 1 Metaphor, transformation, and transdisciplinarity
Author/Editor: Colin Sage,Ian Hughes,Edmond Byrne,Gerard Mullally
Chapter 1 Migration, civil society and global governance: An introduction to the special issue
Author/Editor: Carl-Ulrik Schierup,likic,Raúl Delgado Wise,Gülay Toksöz
Chapter 1 One Health: A “More-than-Human” History
Author/Editor: Abigail Woods
Chapter 1 Patterns of Death, 1800-2020: Global rates and causes
Author/Editor: Romola Davenport
Chapter 1 Picture Books, Gender and Multimodality: An Introduction
Author/Editor: A. Jesús Moya- Guijarro,Eija Ventola
Chapter 1 Populism and populist constitutionalism
Author/Editor: Zoltán Szente
Chapter 1 Postformalism: An Introduction
Author/Editor: Jakub Stejskal
Chapter 1 Pre-Game: The cost of failure in sports
Author/Editor: Joshua A. Gordon,Gary T. Furlong,Ken Pendleton
Chapter 1 Principles of ESR Adjudication
Author/Editor: Katie Boyle
Chapter 1 Principles of Mathematical Modeling
Author/Editor: Vladimir Mityushev,Wojciech Nawalaniec,Natalia Rylko
Chapter 1 Psychological Illness and General Practice
Author/Editor: Ali Haggett
Chapter 1 - Quarantine and territory in Spain during the second half of the nineteenth century
Author/Editor: Bonastra ,Quim
Chapter 1 - Quarantine and territory in Spain during the second half of the nineteenth century
Chapter 1 Rachel Cusk: The Expansive
Author/Editor: Emily O. Wittman
Chapter 1 Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Performing Arts Workforce
Author/Editor: Tobie S. Stein
Chapter 1 Reframing Yoga and Meditation Studies
Author/Editor: Karen O'Brien-Kop,Suzanne Newcombe
Chapter 1 Representation: Stuart Hall and the “Politics of Signification”
Author/Editor: Christopher Campbell
Chapter 1 Re-theorizing religious conflict: early Christianity to late antiquity and beyond
Author/Editor: Wendy Mayer
Chapter 1 Rethinking our Assumptions about Moral Status
Author/Editor: Steve Clarke,Julian Savulescu
Chapter 1 Rethinking the Maria Luz Incident: methodological cosmopolitanism and Meiji Japan
Author/Editor: Bill Mihalopoulos
Chapter 1 Ringworm: A Disease of Schools and Mass Schooling
Author/Editor: Aya Homei,Michael Worboys
Chapter 1 Sailing on Cold War Tides: The Founding of the Tanzania Naval Command
Author/Editor: Charles Thomas
Chapter 1 Salt, grain and the change of deities in early Ming western Yunnan
Author/Editor: Min Zhao
Chapter 1 Samhandling Under Risk (SUR): Theoretical Foundation as a Common Frame of Reference
Author/Editor: Glenn-Egil Torgersen
Chapter 1 Student voices on social exclusion in general primary schools
Author/Editor: R.R. de Leeuw,A.A. de Boer,A.E.M.G. Minnaert
Chapter 1 Summoning the Heroes
Author/Editor: jiaren wang,Regina Kanyu Wang
Chapter 1 Sustainable cities and landscapes: Cultivating infrastructures of health
Author/Editor: Yizhao Yang,Yizhao Yang,Anne Taufen,Anne Taufen
Chapter 1 Swiss and (Anglo)-Dutch multinationals and organizational change in the era of Total War
Author/Editor: Takafumi Kurosawa,Ben Wubs
Chapter 1 Teaching in the Shadow
Author/Editor: Etta R. Hollins
Chapter 1 Technical and further education after COVID: New opportunities or new inequalities?
Author/Editor: Bill Esmond,Liz Atkins
Chapter 1 The Biology of Austrominius Modestus (Darwin) in its Native and Invasive Range
Author/Editor: Ruth M. O'Riordan,Sarah C. Culloty,Rob Mcallen,mary catherine gallagher
Chapter 1 The challenges of expansion and democratization of education: A historical look at school exclusion in Haiti
Author/Editor: Jean Fritzner Etienne
Chapter 1 The Common Denominator: Persistent Racial Gaps in the Administration of Policy
Author/Editor: Amanda Rutherford,Kenneth J. Meier
Chapter 1 The Concept of Development
Author/Editor: Severine Deneulin
Chapter 1 The Condemned Body Leaving the Courtroom: Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Elizabeth T. Hurren
Chapter 1 The foundations of the digital economy
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Śledziewska,Renata Włoch
Chapter 1 The human being: a citizen of two worlds (claim)
Author/Editor: Monika Renz
Chapter 1 The International Classroom Lexicon Project
Author/Editor: Carmel Mesiti,Michèle Artigue,Hilary Hollingsworth,Yiming CAO,David Clarke
Chapter 1 The long reach of coloniality: Setting the scene from a marginal place
Author/Editor: Pam Christie
Chapter 1 The multifaceted picture of transdisciplinarity in marine research
Author/Editor: Caroline Grünhagen,Heike Schwermer,Christian Wagner-Ahlfs,Rudi Voss,Felix Gross,Marie-Catherine Riekhof
Chapter 1 The non-patient’s view
Author/Editor: Michael Worboys
Chapter 1 Theories of local power and multi-level conflict
Author/Editor: Ken Victor Leonard Hijino
Chapter 1 The Polyphony of Function: Mixing Text and Music in Guillaume de Machaut
Author/Editor: Uri Smilansky
Chapter 1 The role of trade credit in corporate activity
Author/Editor: Julia Koralun-Bereźnicka,Dawid Szramowski
Chapter 1 The three faces of accountability
Author/Editor: Gianfranco Pasquino,Riccardo Pelizzo
Author/Editor: GIANFRANCO BALDINI,Edoardo Bressanelli,Emanuele Massetti
Chapter 1 Things to remember: Introduction to Materializing Memory in Art and Popular Culture
Author/Editor: László Munteán,Liedeke Plate,Anneke Smelik
Chapter 1 Through a net darkly: Spatial expression from glossematics to schizoanalysis
Author/Editor: Marcus A. Doel,David B. Clarke
Chapter 1 Through a net darkly: Spatial expression from glossematics to schizoanalysis
Author/Editor: Marcus A. Doel,David B. Clarke
Chapter 1 Towards Designing Meaningful Relationships with Robots
Author/Editor: Judith Dörrenbächer,Marc Hassenzahl,Robin Neuhaus,Ronda Ringfort-Felner
Chapter 1 Transformation of the economy: Towards era 5.0
Author/Editor: Aneta Pluta-Zaremba,Anna Szelagowska
Chapter 1 Trans-Imperial, Transnational and Decentralized: The Traffic of African Slaves to Spanish America and Across the Isthmus of Panama, 1508–1651
Author/Editor: Alejandro Garcia-Monton
Chapter 1 Translation Strategies in Medieval Hagiography: Observations on the Slavic Reception of the Byzantine Vita of Saint Onuphrius
Author/Editor: Karine Åkerman Sarkisian
Chapter 1 Understanding youth transitions in difficult times
Author/Editor: Sarah Irwin,Ann Nilsen
Chapter 1 Unintended Consequences of EU External Action
Author/Editor: Olga Burlyuk,Gergana Noutcheva
Chapter 1 What is "authenticity" in AA?
Author/Editor: Hui Yong Tay
Chapter 1 What Was Cancer? Definition, Diagnosis and Cause: Ravenous Natures
Author/Editor: Alanna Skuse
Chapter 1 (Why) do Eurosceptics believe in a common European heritage?
Author/Editor: Chiara De Cesari,Ivo Bosilkov,Arianna Piacentini
Chapter 20 Being black on stage and screen
Author/Editor: Monica White Ndounou
Chapter 20 Data management
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 20 Data Quality and Privacy concerns in Digital Trace Data: Insights from a Delphi study on machine learning and robots in human life
Author/Editor: Uwe Engel,Lena Dahlhaus
Chapter 20 EU environmental policy at 50: retrospect and prospect
Author/Editor: Andrew Jordan,Viviane Gravey,Camilla Adelle
Chapter 20 Icons: Standing out from the Narrative in Theravādin Art
Author/Editor: Ashley Thompson
Chapter 20 Nishitani on Emptiness and Nothingness
Author/Editor: Yasuo Deguchi
Chapter 20 OPEC and Russia: A Happy Pro Forma Marriage
Author/Editor: Mikhail Krutikhin,Indra Overland
Chapter 20 The Relationship Between Stress and Samhandling: Some Challenges for Leaders in High- Risk Organizations
Author/Editor: Ole Boe
Chapter 20 The smells of eternity: Aromatic oils and resins in the Phoenician mortuary record
Author/Editor: Helen Dixon
Chapter 21 Archaea
Author/Editor: Nina Dombrowski,Tara Mahendrarajah,Sarah T. Gross,Laura Eme,Anja Spang
Chapter 21 Blame Games: Stories of Crises, Causes, and Culprits
Author/Editor: Sandra L. Resodihardjo
Chapter 21 Differentiated integration in EU climate policy
Author/Editor: Elin Lerum Boasson,Merethe Dotterud Leiren,Jørgen Wettestad
Chapter 21 Effective Cooperation Between Strangers in Unexpected and Dangerous Situations: A Matter of “Swift Trust"
Author/Editor: Olav Kjellevold Olsen
Chapter 21 Effective Fight against Extremist Discourse Online: The case of ISIS’s propaganda
Author/Editor: Séraphin Alava,Rasha Nagem
Chapter 21 From Frequency Counts to Contextualized Word Embeddings: The Saussurean turn in automatic content analysis
Author/Editor: Gregor Wiedemann,Cornelia Fedtke
Chapter 21 Legalities and materialities
Author/Editor: Emilie Cloatre,Dave Cowan
Chapter 21 Medical privacy and big data: A further reason in favour of public universal healthcare coverage
Author/Editor: Carissa Véliz
Chapter 21 Methods of analysis
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 21 The Pandemic as we know it: A policy studies perspective on ignorance and nonknowledge in COVID- 19 governance
Author/Editor: Katharina T. Paul,Christian Haddad
Chapter 22 Competing Ontologies of Musical Improvisation: A Medieval Perspective
Author/Editor: Uri Smilansky,Marc Lewon
Author/Editor: Stacy M. Carter,Vikki A. Entwistle
Chapter 22 Learning from Sports: Samhandling and Risk in Soccer
Author/Editor: Trygve J. Steiro,Per Øystein Saksvik
Chapter 22 Phase IV studies
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 22 Simulation Modeling as a Policy Tool
Author/Editor: Bernardo Alves Furtado
Chapter 22 Systemic Governance
Author/Editor: László Csaba
Chapter 23 Care Coordination, Samhandling and Patient Safety
Author/Editor: Marianne Storm,Siri Wiig,Marianne Storm,Siri Wiig
Chapter 23 Ethnic Attachments and Alterations among Nagas in the Indo-Myanmar Borderland
Author/Editor: G. Kanato Chophy
Chapter 23 Introduction to Section 4: Water
Author/Editor: Ken P. Yocom,Yizhao Yang,Anne Taufen
Chapter 23 Reporting and using trial results
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 24 Before HIV: Venereal disease among homosexually active men in England and North America
Author/Editor: Richard A. McKay
Chapter 24 Ethics in audience research: By the book or on the hop?
Author/Editor: Katya Johanson,Hilary Glow
Chapter 24 FOOD AS COMMONS: Towards a new relationship between the public, the civic and the private
Author/Editor: Olivier De Schutter,Ugo Mattei,Jose Luis Vivero-Pol,Tomaso Ferrando
Chapter 24 Freedom and Form in Piano Improvisation in the Early 19th Century
Author/Editor: Katrin Eggers,Michael Lehner
Chapter 24 Working Together in the Aftermath of an Unforeseen Event
Author/Editor: Kjersti Halvorsen,Ann Christin Rivenes
Chapter 25 Learning Across the Lifespan: Age, Language Learning, and Technology
Author/Editor: Pia Sundqvist
Chapter 25 Military Strategies for Samhandling in Unforeseen Situations: A Historical Perspective
Author/Editor: Tommy Krabberød,Jan O. Jacobsen
Chapter 25 Process Tracing: An Analyticist Approach
Author/Editor: Hilde van Meegdenburg
Chapter 25 Teacher agency in plurilingual learning contexts
Author/Editor: Olga Esteve
Chapter 26 Addiction treatment providers’ engagements with the Brain Disease Model of Addiction
Author/Editor: Anthony Barnett,Michael Savic,Martyn Pickersgill,Kerry O’Brien,Dan I. Lubman,Adrian Carter
Chapter 26 Developing mediation competence through translation
Author/Editor: Maria González-Davies
Chapter 26 Interaction in Aerial Warfare: The Role of the Mission Commander in Composite Air Operations (COMAO)
Author/Editor: Pål Kristian Fredriksen
Chapter 26 Language technology approach to “seeing” in Akkadian
Author/Editor: Aleksi Sahala,Saana Svärd
Chapter 26 The Role of Pseudo-Commons in Post-Socialist Countries
Author/Editor: Insa Theesfeld
Chapter 27 Afterword: Mind, Imagination, Affect
Author/Editor: Jennifer Richards,Angela Woods,Sarah Atkinson,Anne Whitehead,Jane Macnaughton
Chapter 27 Observing Yoga: The Use of Ethnography to Develop Yoga Studies
Author/Editor: Daniela Bevilacqua
Chapter 27 Repeatability versus Unrepeatability in Free Improvisation
Author/Editor: Thomas Gartmann
Chapter 27 Samhandling, Preparedness and Supply Chains
Author/Editor: Tore Listou
Chapter 28 Agreement
Author/Editor: Greville G. Corbett,Tilman Berger,Karl Gutschmidt,Sebastian Kempgen,Peter Kosta
Chapter 28 Basic Structures for a New Theory of Samhandling Under Risk (SUR): A Model
Author/Editor: Glenn-Egil Torgersen,Herner Saeverot,Trygve J. Steiro,Hitoshi Kawano
Chapter 28 Genomics in emerging and developing economies
Author/Editor: Fullwiley ,Duana,Gibbon ,Sahra
Chapter 28 Genomics in emerging and developing economies
Chapter 28 Media effects on perceptions of societal problems: Belief formation in fragmented media environments
Author/Editor: Adam Shehata
Chapter 28 Prehistory through language and archaeology
Author/Editor: Paul Heggarty
Chapter 28 The Risk of Improvised Music: An Ethnographic Approach
Author/Editor: Tom Arthurs
Chapter 29 K-pop Trans/nationalism
Author/Editor: Kyong Yoon
Chapter 2 A brief history of Apis: Limitations and opportunities for online research
Author/Editor: Jakob Jünger
Author/Editor: TOM SPENCER,BARBARA E. BROWN,SARAH M. HAMYLTON,ROGER F. MCLEAN,Tom Spencer,Barbara E. Brown,Sarah M. Hamylton,Roger F. McLean
Chapter 2 A Forgotten Fleet: The Imperial Ethiopian Navy, 1953– 1974
Author/Editor: Quentin Holbert
Chapter 2 Aging: natural or disease? A view from medical textbooks
Author/Editor: Sarah Janac,Brian Clarke,David Gems
Chapter 2 A Hard Peace? Allied Preparations for the Occupation of Germany, 1943-1945: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter 2 Anthropological visions
Author/Editor: Severine Deneulin
Chapter 2 Antiphons
Author/Editor: Michael Alan Anderson
Chapter 2 Athlete's Foot: A Disease of Fitness and Hygiene
Author/Editor: Aya Homei,Michael Worboys
Chapter 2 Barents Sea oil and gas 2025: Three scenarios
Author/Editor: Indra Overland,Alexei Bambulyak,Anatoli Bourmistrov,Ove Gudmestad,Frode Mellemvik,Anatoly Zolotukhin
Chapter 2 Beauty, Nature, and Society in Shaftesbury’s The Moralists
Author/Editor: Karl Axelsson
Chapter 2 Beauty, Nature, and Society in Shaftesbury’s The Moralists
Author/Editor: Karl Axelsson
Chapter 2 Becoming and Belonging in African Historical Demography, 1900–2000
Author/Editor: Sarah Walters
Chapter 2 Becoming Really Dead: Dying by Degrees: Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Elizabeth T. Hurren
Chapter 2 Between the ‘Opening to the West’ and the Trauma of Rebordering: Towards a Genealogy of Post- Soviet Border Studies
Author/Editor: Tatiana Zhurzhenko
Chapter 2 Big stories and small stories in the psychological relief work after the earthquake disaster: Life and Death
Author/Editor: Toshio Kawai,Robin Holt
Chapter 2 Bioethics: Human genetic and biomedical research ethics at UNESCO and beyond
Author/Editor: Adèle Langlois
Chapter 2 Cancer and the Gendered Body: Ravenous Natures
Author/Editor: Alanna Skuse
Chapter 2 Communicative Self-Harm: War, NHS and Social Work: A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing
Author/Editor: Chris Millard
Chapter 2 Complications: Neuropsychiatric rationalisations
Author/Editor: Diana Beljaars
Chapter 2 Constructing Invisibility: The Discursive Erasure of a Black Immigrant Learner in South Africa
Author/Editor: Caroline Kerfoot,Gwendoline Tatah
Chapter 2 Defining the Term Samhandling
Author/Editor: Glenn-Egil Torgersen,Trygve Steiro
Chapter 2 Demonic Daydreams: Mind-Wandering and Mental Imagery in the Medieval Hagiography of St Dunstan
Author/Editor: Hilary Powell
Author/Editor: John Durham Peters,Adam Wickberg
Chapter 2 Essential Thermochemical and Biological Powers
Author/Editor: Robert C. Koons
Chapter 2 Established and Emerging Techniques for Characterising the Formation, Structure and Performance of Calcified Structures under Ocean Acidification
Author/Editor: Susan C. Fitzer,Vera Bin San Chan,Yuan Meng,Kanmani Chandra Rajan,Michio Suzuki,Christelle Not,Takashi Toyofuku,Laura Fal
Chapter 2 European financial institution physical geolocation and the high-frequency trading potential
Author/Editor: Piotr Staszkiewicz,Ewa Łosiewicz-Dniestrzańska,Anna Grygiel-Tomaszewska
Chapter 2 Family not to be informed?: The ethical use of historical medical documentation
Author/Editor: Jessica Meyer,Alexia Moncrieff
Chapter 2 First Contacts, Slavery and Kinship in North-Eastern Amazonia
Author/Editor: Vanessa Grotti,Marc Brightman
Chapter 2 Freedom of speech in the age of digitalisation: Opportunities and threats
Author/Editor: Jerzy Menkes
Chapter 2 From the Heritage of African American Slavery to Modern Civil Rights Protection
Author/Editor: Phillip J. Cooper
Chapter 2 Galen in Late Antique Medical Handbooks
Author/Editor: Petros Bouras-Vallianatos
Chapter 2 Gender and post-election intraparliamentary volatility in East Central Europe: The cases of the Czech, Lithuanian, and Polish parliaments
Author/Editor: Przemysław Żukiewicz
Chapter 2 Genetics at the Cell Level: The Human Cell Atlas
Author/Editor: Valentina Lorenzi,Roser Vento-Tormo
Chapter 2 Getting everyone on the same page: Cocreated program logic (COP)
Author/Editor: Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz,Anne Richter,Henna Hasson
Chapter 2 Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Emerging international trends and policy frames
Author/Editor: Inga Ulnicane,William Knight,Tonii Leach,Bernd Carsten Stahl,Winter-Gladys Wanjiku
Chapter 2 Heritage and food history: A critical assessment
Author/Editor: Laura Di Fiore
Chapter 2 Historical overview of curriculum organisation: National control over curriculum vs. school-based curriculum development
Author/Editor: Kanae Nishioka
Author/Editor: Carina Fourie
Chapter 2 Ian Ramsey, theology and 'trans-disciplinary' medical ethics
Author/Editor: Duncan Wilson
Chapter 2 Implications of text categorisation for corpusbased legal translation research: The case of international institutional settings
Author/Editor: Fernando Prieto Ramos
Chapter 2 Independent Living in Central and Eastern Europe?: The Challenges of Post-socialist Deinstitutionalisation
Author/Editor: Teodor Mladenov,Gabor Petri
Chapter 2 Intersectionality and postcolonial feminist geography as a way of inclusion
Author/Editor: Alanna Kamp
Chapter 2 Investigating waiting: Interdisciplinary thoughts on researching elongated temporalities in healthcare settings
Author/Editor: Kelechi Anucha,Lisa Baraitser,Stephanie Davies,Michael J. Flexer,Deborah Robinson
Chapter 2 Is journalism gender e-qual?
Author/Editor: Sara De Vuyst
Chapter 2 Khural Democracy: Imperial Transformations and the Making of the First Mongolian Constitution, 1911–1924
Author/Editor: Ivan Sablin,Jargal Badagarov,Irina Sodnomova
Chapter 2 Learning by Design and Second Language Education
Author/Editor: Gabriela C. Zapata
Chapter 2 Lessons of European VET? National systems and international prescriptions
Author/Editor: Bill Esmond,Liz Atkins
Chapter 2 Literary and Cultural Hermeneutics
Author/Editor: Min Jiao
Chapter 2 Local communities, village temples and the reconstruction of ethnic groups in western Yunnan, fourteenth to seventeenth centuries
Author/Editor: Ma Jianxiong
Chapter 2 Med det danske U20 ishockeylandshold til VM
Author/Editor: Kristoffer Henriksen,Astrid Becker-Larsen,Carsten Hvid Larsen
Chapter 2 Mental Health at Work: Misconceptions and Missed Opportunities
Author/Editor: Ali Haggett
Chapter 2 Metalanguages and translation studies
Author/Editor: Kyo Kageura,Rei Miyata,Masaru Yamada
Chapter 2 Microbial evolution: the view from the acidophiles
Author/Editor: Francisco J. López de Saro,Corien Bakermans,Héctor Díaz-Maldonado,Ricardo Amils
Chapter 2 Names in the city: street signage in urban Africa and Israel
Author/Editor: Liora Bigon,Michel Ben Arrous
Chapter 2 New work-time regimes: the rise and fall of Kaduna Textiles Ltd
Author/Editor: Elisha Renne
Chapter 2 Normative economic statecraft: China’s quest to shape the world in its image
Author/Editor: Mikael Mattlin
Chapter 2 On the relationship between performance and intangible cultural heritage
Author/Editor: Simon McKerrell,Kerstin Pfeiffer
Chapter 2 Pathogenesis
Author/Editor: Maxine Caws,Ben Marais,Dorothee Heemskerk,Jeremy Farrar
Chapter 2 Penal reform in Imperial Germany: Conflict and compromise
Author/Editor: Richard Wetzell
Chapter 2 Philosophies of Trauma
Author/Editor: Hanna Meretoja
Chapter 2 Philosophy and plurality: Providing a classification and clarification of interdisciplinarity
Author/Editor: Jan Cornelius Schmidt
Chapter 2 Phonetics
Author/Editor: Onno Crasborn,Roland Pfau,Markus Steinbach,Bencie Woll
Chapter 2 Playing with 'race' in the new millennium
Author/Editor: Justin Emeka
Chapter 2 Post-conflict political order: Conceptualising the exercise of authority under conditions of incomplete secession
Author/Editor: Ana Maria Albulescu
Chapter 2 Practical gender in critical pedagogy: Analyzing everyday objects
Author/Editor: Gal Harmat
Chapter 2 Public Diplomacy Strategies Represented Domestically through Ports along 21st Maritime Silk Road: A Case Study of Ningbo Zhoushan Port
Author/Editor: nancy xiuzhi liu,Yi Wang,Dan Shi
Chapter 2 Qurʾanic Anosmia
Author/Editor: Christian Lange
Chapter 2. Revolutionary Brothers
Chapter 2 School food approaches in Peru, Colombia and Ecuador: Intentions, illusions and uncertainties
Author/Editor: Irene Torres,Daniel F. López-Cevallos
Chapter 2 Sensory Literacies, the Body, and Digital Media
Author/Editor: Kathy Ann Mills,Len Unsworth,Beryl Exley
Chapter 2 'Sex and History': Talking Sex with Objects from the Past
Author/Editor: Kate Fisher,Jen Grove,Rebecca Langlands
Author/Editor: Sabrina Volpone,Derek R. Avery,Julie Wayne
Chapter 2 Smooth sailing toward more peaceful societies? Long-run Nordic development paths
Author/Editor: Jari Eloranta,Jari Ojala,Oriol Sabaté
Chapter 2 Strategic underperformance: The West and three decades of war
Author/Editor: Frans Osinga
Chapter 2 The APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Hub: A platform for collaborative knowledge production and action
Author/Editor: Bart R. Johnson,Yizhao Yang,Yekang Ko,Anne Taufen
Chapter 2 The Evolution of Cities and Suburbs
Author/Editor: Myron A. Levine
Chapter 2 The LEXIS Platform for Distributed Workflow Execution and Data Management
Author/Editor: Martin Golasowski,Jan Martinovič,Jan Křenek,Kateřina Slaninová,Marc Levrier,Piyush Harsh,Marc DERQUENNES
Chapter 2 The Sands of Abjection in The Sheltering Sky
Author/Editor: Gary Hentzi
Chapter 2 The Saturation of Racial Inequities in the United States
Author/Editor: Susan T. Gooden
Chapter 2 The Sports Performance Playbook
Author/Editor: Joshua A. Gordon,Gary T. Furlong,Ken Pendleton
Chapter 2 The state of governance in Africa
Chapter 2 The Trans New Guinea family
Author/Editor: Andrew Pawley,Bill Palmer,Harald Hammarström
Chapter 2 Towards an Optimal Design for Ecosystem-Level Ocean Observatories
Author/Editor: Rodney A. Rountree,Jacopo Aguzzi,Simone Marini,Emanuela Fanelli,Fabio C. De Leo,Joaquin Del Rio,Francis Juanes
Chapter 2 Transformations in the governance of urban and regional planning in Korea: From (neo- )developmentalism to civic democracy, 1965– 2020
Author/Editor: Mike Douglass
Chapter 2 Trouble with “Status”: Competing Models of British and North American Public Health Nursing Education and Practice in British Malaya
Author/Editor: Rosemary Wall,Anne Marie Rafferty
Chapter 2 Types of intervention and their development
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Author/Editor: GIANFRANCO BALDINI,Edoardo Bressanelli,Emanuele Massetti
Chapter 2 ‘We Are Recreating Bedlam’: A History of Mental Illness and Prison Systems in England and Ireland
Author/Editor: Catherine Cox,Hilary Marland
Chapter 2 Women, land and property
Author/Editor: Briony McDonagh
Chapter 2. δίκελλα/δικέλλιον, “zappetta”
Author/Editor: Anna Arpaia
Chapter 3. ἱματιοφορίϲ/ἱματιοφόριον, “portmanteau”
Author/Editor: Eleonora Angela Conti
Author/Editor: Wendy Rogers
Chapter 30 Introduction to Section 5: Renewable energy landscapes across the Pacific Rim
Author/Editor: Makena Coffman,Yizhao Yang,Yekang Ko,Anne Taufen
Chapter 30 The role of the UN Security Council in cybersecurity: International peace and security in the digital age
Author/Editor: Eneken Tikk,Niels Nagelhus Schia
Chapter 30 Turkey’s external differentiated integration with the EU in the field of migration governance: The case of border management
Author/Editor: Ebru Turhan,Ayselin Yıldız
Chapter 31 Political risks and nationalism
Author/Editor: Takafumi Kurosawa,Neil Forbes,Ben Wubs
Chapter 31 Re-imagining the Northeast in India, again: Did geography sidestep history in Vision (2020)?
Author/Editor: Rohan D’Souza
Chapter 31 The End of a Golden Era of British Music?: Exploration of Educational Gaps in the Current UK Creative Industry Strategy
Author/Editor: Carola Boehm
Chapter 32 Discourse Network Analysis
Author/Editor: Franz Eder
Chapter 3.3. Nationlism
Author/Editor: Siddharth Swaminathan,Suhas Palshikar
Chapter 33 The Genus Mycobacterium
Author/Editor: Leen Rigouts,Sari Cogneau
Chapter 33 Unfolding the map: Making knowledge and ignorance mobilization dynamics visible in science evaluation and policymaking
Author/Editor: Joanne Gaudet
Chapter 34 Digital Learning for Development of Asian Schools
Author/Editor: Kerry J. Kennedy,John Chi-Kin Lee,Cher Ping Lim
Chapter 35 Differentiation at the local level: An overview of subnational authority networks in the EU
Author/Editor: Pier Domenico Tortola,Stefan Couperus
Chapter 35 Digital Learning for Developing Asian Countries: Achieving equity, quality and efficiency in education
Author/Editor: Miron Kumar Bhowmik,Cher Ping Lim,Matthew Smith,Victoria L. Tinio
Chapter 35 Discovery and Inquiry Pathways to Navigating the Routledge International Handbook of Failure
Author/Editor: Gertrude Jacinta Fraser,Claire Holman Thompson
Chapter 35 In the name of stability: Literary censorship and self-censorship in contemporary China
Author/Editor: Kamila Hladíková
Chapter 35 The extraterritorial application of international human rights law on civil and political rights
Author/Editor: Ralph Wilde
Chapter 36 Current States, Challenges, and Opportunities of the Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) in Developing Countries in Asia
Author/Editor: Kaushal Kumar Bhagat,Mercedes T. Rodrigo,Chun- Yen Chang
Chapter 36 Urban struggles and theorising from Eastern European cities: A collective interview with Ana Vilenica, Ioana Florea, Veda Popovici and Zsuzsi Pósfai
Author/Editor: Michele Lancione,Colin Mcfarlane
Chapter 37 A Systematic Literature Review of Game-based Learning and Gamification Research in Asia: The synthesized findings and research gap
Author/Editor: Hyo- Jeong So,Minhwi Seo
Chapter 37 Improv, Stand-Up, and Comedy
Author/Editor: Clément Canonne
Chapter 37 Introduction to Section 6: Greenspace for healthy living
Author/Editor: Sara Barron,Yizhao Yang,Chun-Yen Chang,Anne Taufen,Shih-Han Hung
Chapter 37 Neuroscientific Threaths to Free Will
Author/Editor: Joshua Shepherd,Meghan Griffith,Neil Levy,Kevin Timpe
Chapter 37 The intangible made tangible in Wales
Author/Editor: Einir M. Young,Gwenan H. Griffith,Marc Evans,S. Arwel Jones
Chapter 38 Learning Analytics: Approaches and cases from Asia
Author/Editor: Huang- Yao Hong,Ching Sing Chai,Chih-Ming Chen,Bodong Chen
Chapter 39 Ethnolects of Dutch
Author/Editor: Pieter Muysken,Frans Hinskens,Johan Taeldeman
Chapter 3 Allergic to Innovation?: Dietary Change and Debate about Food Allergy in the United States
Author/Editor: Matthew Smith
Chapter 3 Alternative Food Politics: The Production of Urban Food Spaces in Leipzig (Germany) and Nantes
Author/Editor: Cordula Kropp,Clara Da Ros
Chapter 3 American Anchor Artists and Festivals
Author/Editor: Tanya Calamoneri
Chapter 3 Analytical Sociology amidst a Computational Social Science Revolution
Author/Editor: Benjamin Jarvis,Marc Keuschnigg,Peter Hedström
Chapter 3 An introduction to OpenFOAM
Author/Editor: Abdolmajid Mohammadian,Hossein Kheirkhah Gildeh,Xiaohui Yan
Chapter 3 Antarctic Marine Biodiversity: Adaptations, Environments and Responses to Change
Author/Editor: Lloyd S. Peck
Chapter 3 Anticipating Prevention: Constituting Clinical Need, Rights and Resources in Brazilian Cancer Genetics
Author/Editor: Nancy J. Burke,Eirini Kampriani,Holly F. Mathews
Chapter 3 Autophony: Listening to your Eyes Move
Author/Editor: Anna Harris,Emily Yates-Doerr,Christine Labuski
Chapter 3 Behavioural biology, conservation genomics, and population viability (Open Access)
Author/Editor: David J Wright
Chapter 3 Benjamin Constant and the limits of popular sovereignty
Author/Editor: Nora Timmermans
Chapter 3 Beyond Ring Composition: A Comparison of Formal Features in Sūrat al- ʿAlaq (Q 96) and Bavli Bava Batra 8a*
Author/Editor: Holger Zellentin
Chapter 3. Brothers Re-United! Federal Citizenship in Socialist Yugoslavia
Chapter 3 Candida: A Disease of Antibiotics
Author/Editor: Aya Homei,Michael Worboys
Chapter 3 Challenges and opportunities for optochemical genetics
Author/Editor: Ehud Y. Isacoff,Peter Hegemann,Richard H. Kramer,Stephan Sigrist,Dirk Trauner
Chapter 3 Clinical Manifestations
Author/Editor: Maxine Caws,Ben Marais,Dorothee Heemskerk,Jeremy Farrar
Chapter 3 Comparative aspects of the Song and Dance Celebration of the Baltic countries in the context of nation- branding processes
Author/Editor: Rūta Muktupāvela,Anda Laķe
Chapter 3 Conceptualizing Precariousness: A Subject- oriented Approach
Author/Editor: Emiliana Armano,Cristina Morini,Annalisa Murgia
Chapter 3 Curating Enslavement and the Colonial History of Denmark: The 2017 centennial
Author/Editor: Astrid Nonbo Andersen
Chapter 3D digital tools for the archaeological massive artifacts documentation
Author/Editor: Francesco Di Paola,Sara Morena,Sara Antinozzi
Chapter 3 Defining Difference: Competing Forms of Ovarian Surgery in the Nineteenth Century
Author/Editor: Sally Frampton
Chapter 3 Derivation of Morality from Prudence
Author/Editor: Marcus Arvan
Chapter 3 Digital Approaches to Analyzing and Translating Emotion: What Is Love?
Author/Editor: Tero Alstola,Heidi Jauhiainen,Saana Svärd,Aleksi Sahala,Krister Lindén
Chapter 3 Discussing Liber Primus
Author/Editor: Lynn Brunet
Chapter 3 D. Natsagdorj, Mongolian travel writing, and ideas about national identity
Author/Editor: Phillip Marzluf
Chapter 3 DoF/6 DoF Localization System for Low Computing Power Mobile Robot Platforms
Author/Editor: Carlos M. Costa,Héber M. Sobreira,Armando J. Sousa,Germano Veiga
Chapter 3D Polarized Light Imaging Portrayed: Visualization of Fiber Architecture Derived from 3D-PLI
Author/Editor: Nicole Schubert,Markus Axer,Uwe Pietrzyk,Katrin Amunts
Chapter 3D Visualization: Revealing Imagery Space by Technological Parameter
Author/Editor: Nina Sosna
Chapter 3 Ecosystem Services and Disservices of Mangrove Forests and Salt Marshes
Author/Editor: Daniel A. Friess,Erik S. Yando,Jahson B. Alemu,Lynn-Wei Wong,Sasha D. Soto,Natasha Bhatia
Chapter 3 Emerging consumerism and eating out in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: The social embeddedness of food sharing
Author/Editor: Judith Ehlert
Chapter 3 Environmental Entanglements: Neurological Lives and Social Worlds
Author/Editor: Des Fitzgerald,Felicity Callard
Chapter 3 Epistolarity in Twelfth-century Byzantine Poetry: Singing Praises and Asking Favors in absentia
Author/Editor: Nikos Zagklas
Chapter 3 European Imperialism, War, Strategic Commodities and Ecological Limits: The Diffusion of Hemp in Spanish South America and Its Ghost Fibers
Author/Editor: Manuel Díaz-Ordóñez
Chapter 3 Facilitation Cascades in Marine Ecosystems: A Synthesis and Future Directions
Author/Editor: Paul E. Gribben,Christine Angelini,Andrew H. Altieri,Melanie J. Bishop,Mads S. Thomsen,Fabio Bulleri
Chapter 3 Federal systems of governance in Africa: Patterns and pitfalls
Author/Editor: Nico Steytler
Chapter 3 Fragile robots and coincidental innovation: Turning Socio-gerontechnology towards ontology
Author/Editor: Marie Ertner,Aske Juul Lassen
Chapter 3 From Big to Democratic Data: Why the Rise of AI Needs Data Solidarity
Author/Editor: Mercedes Bunz,Photini Vrikki
Chapter 3 Global governance: A conceptual framework for analysing bioethics at UNESCO
Author/Editor: Adèle Langlois
Chapter 3 Global migration governance, civil society and the paradoxes of sustainability
Author/Editor: Branka Likić-Brborić
Chapter 3 Horizontal and Vertical Diversity: Unintended Consequences of EU External Migration Policy
Author/Editor: Natasja Reslow
Chapter 3 How is production changing?
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Śledziewska,Renata Włoch
Chapter 3 How should we treat our future selves? The moral requirements of prudence to one’s present and future selves
Author/Editor: Eleonora Viganò
Chapter 3 How to Design Robots with Superpowers
Author/Editor: Robin Neuhaus,Ronda Ringfort-Felner,Judith Dörrenbächer,Marc Hassenzahl
Chapter 3 Human– computer interaction in pun translation
Author/Editor: Waltraud Kolb,Tristan Miller
Chapter 3 Implicature and explicature
Author/Editor: Robyn Carston,Hans-Jörg Schmid,Alison Hall
Chapter 3 Improving food security through increasing the precision of agricultural development
Author/Editor: Anja Gassner,Ric Coe,Fergus Sinclair
Chapter 3 In Bad Shape: Sensing the Criminal Corpse: Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Elizabeth T. Hurren
Chapter 3 Is It Possible to Prevent Unforeseen Events?
Author/Editor: Torbjørn Rundmo
Chapter 3 Is there a glass ceiling or can racial and ethnic barriers be overcome?: A study on leadership positions in professional Belgian football among African coaches
Author/Editor: Chris Heim,Joris Corthouts,Jeroen Scheerder
Chapter 3 Japan's Twenty-One Demands and Anglo-Japanese relations
Author/Editor: Sochi Naraoka
Chapter 3 Lacan’s Romanticism
Author/Editor: David Sigler
Chapter 3 Learning by Design and Second Language Teaching Practices
Author/Editor: Gabriela C. Zapata
Chapter 3 Lunatics’ rights activism in Britain and the German Empire, 1870-1920: a European perspective
Author/Editor: Burkhart Brückner
Chapter 3 Managing the estate
Author/Editor: Briony McDonagh
Chapter 3 Men, Alcohol and Coping
Author/Editor: Ali Haggett
Chapter 3 - Mending “Moors” in Mogador
Chapter 3 - Mending “Moors” in Mogador : Hajj, cholera and Spanish-Moroccan regeneration, 1890–99
Author/Editor: Martinez Javier ,Francisco
Chapter 3 Mestrer jeg trenerrollen?
Author/Editor: Yngvar Ommundsen,Bård Erlend Solstad,Rune Høigaard,Bente Wold,Yngvar Ommundsen,Bård Erlend Solstad,Rune Høigaard,Bente Wold
Chapter 3 More than the soil: Land remains a rural pivot
Author/Editor: Ramesh Sunam
Chapter 3 Mortar and Pestle or Cooking Vessel? When Archaeology Makes Progress Through Failed Analogies
Author/Editor: Rune Nyrup
Chapter 3 New Media & New Possibilities: The Online Engagement of Young Black Activists
Author/Editor: Nathan Jamel Riemer
Chapter 3 On the threshold (Stage A of conscious development during transition)
Author/Editor: Monika Renz
Chapter 3 Optoelectronics and Bio Devices on Paper Powered by Solar Cells
Author/Editor: António T. Vicente,Andreia Araújo,Diana Gaspar,Lídia Santos,Ana C. Marques,Manuel J. Mendes,Luís Pereira,Elvira Fortunato,Rodrigo Martins
Chapter 3 ‘Ordering the infant’
Chapter 3 ‘Ordering the infant’ : caring for newborns in early modern England
Author/Editor: Astbury ,Leah
Chapter 3 Organizing Power and Resistance; Ch. 8 Difference, Diversity, and Inclusion
Author/Editor: Dennis K. Mumby,Mie Plotnikof
Chapter 3 Persuasive technologies and the right to mental liberty: The ‘smart’ rehabilitation of criminal offenders
Author/Editor: Sjors Ligthart,Gerben Meynen,Douglas Thomas
Author/Editor: JONATHAN P. A. GARDNER,Malgorzata Zbawicka,PABLO A. OYARZÚN,JORGE E. TORO,ROMAN WENNE,MALGORZATA ZBAWICKA,Jonathan P.A. Gardner,Pablo A. Oyarzún,Jorge E. Toro,Roman Wenne
Chapter 3 Polychronic Narration, Trauma, Disenfranchised Grief, and Mario Alberto Zambrano’s Lotería
Author/Editor: Mario Grill
Chapter 3 Promoting Yokosuka through videogame tourism: The Shenmue Sacred Spot Guide Map
Author/Editor: Carlos Ramirez-Moreno,Dale Leorke
Chapter 3 Race and Racial Thinking
Author/Editor: Jack David Eller
Chapter 3 Reform: Policies and the Polity
Author/Editor: Tom Boland,Ray Griffin
Chapter 3 Reforms of asylum seekers’ reception during the 2010s: Driving factors and multilevel governance arrangements
Author/Editor: irene ponzo
Chapter 3 Representation of children with disabilities and cognitive justice in Haiti
Author/Editor: Samuel REGULUS
Chapter 3 Researching Kreol Seselwa and its role in education in the pursuit of educational equity in the Seychelles
Author/Editor: Mats Deutschmann,Justin Zelime
Chapter 3 Rethinking the framing of climate change adaptation: Knowledge, power, and politics
Author/Editor: Daniel Morchain
Chapter 3 Reviewing the literature
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 3 "Rights a di Plan": Sistren and sexual solidarities in Jamaica
Author/Editor: Kanika Batra
Chapter 3 Self-Harm Becomes Epidemic: Mental Health (1959) and Suicide (1961) Acts: A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing
Author/Editor: Chris Millard
Chapter 3 Sickness, disease and medical practitioners in 1640s Ireland
Author/Editor: John Cunningham
Chapter 3 So-Called Social Justice Teaching and Multicultural Teacher Education: Rhetoric and Realities
Author/Editor: Marcelle M. Haddix
Chapter 3 Social Spaces
Author/Editor: Will Atkinson
Chapter 3 The Cunning Linguist of Agbabi's "The Kiss"
Author/Editor: Elan Pavlinich
Chapter 3 The Gender of the Cartesian Mind, Body, and Mind-Body Union
Author/Editor: Martina Reuter
Chapter 3 The Gibbet in the Landscape: Locating the Criminal Corpse in Mid-Eighteenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Richard Ward
Chapter 3 The Instrument of Death: Prison Doctors and Medical Ethics in Revolutionary-Period Ireland, c.1917
Author/Editor: Ian Miller
Chapter 3 The instruments of European heritage
Author/Editor: Anthony R. Zito,Susannah Eckersley,Sam Turner
Chapter 3 The Media Logic of Victorian Periodicals: Affordances for Travel Writing
Author/Editor: Barbara Korte
Chapter 3 The police intelligence division-of-labour
Author/Editor: James Sheptycki
Chapter 3 The Psychology of Culture in Japan
Author/Editor: Reina Takamatsu,Jiro Takai
Chapter 3 The “Shiba view of history” and Japan–Korea relations: Reading, watching and travelling Clouds Above the Hill
Author/Editor: Philip Seaton
Chapter 3 ‘They May Strike Back at Society in a Vengeful Manner’: Preventing the Psychological Scars of Acne in Post-war America
Author/Editor: Iain Ferguson
Chapter 3 Time Depth: Jean Epstein, Michel Serres and Operational Model Time
Author/Editor: Christoph Rosol
Chapter 3 Transformational Pathways
Author/Editor: Severine Deneulin
Chapter 3 Unity in diversity: Exploring intercultural teaching and learning practices in secondary education and teacher training in Austria
Author/Editor: Jasmin Peskoller
Chapter 3 Unspeakable Violence: The UN Truth Commissions in El Salvador and Guatemala
Author/Editor: David Tombs
Chapter 3 Visible Prowess?: Reading Men’s Head and Face Wounds in Early Medieval Europe to 1000 CE
Author/Editor: Kelly DeVries,Larissa Tracy
Chapter 3 Vitamin C Alimentation via SLC Solute Carriers
Author/Editor: Damien Nydegger,Gergely Gyimesi,Matthias Hediger
Chapter 3 'Who's for bioethics?' Ian Kennedy, oversight and accountability in the 1980s
Author/Editor: Duncan Wilson
Chapter 3 Women empowering themselves to fit into ICT
Author/Editor: Hilde G. Corneliussen
Chapter 4. κεφαλόδεϲμοϲ/κεφαλοδέϲμιον, “fascia da testa”
Author/Editor: Simona Russo
Chapter 40 The origins and practice of science on British television
Author/Editor: Timothy Boon,Jean-Baptiste Gouyon
Chapter 42 From Niche to Mainstream: The Emergence of a Podcasting Culture and Market in the Italian Radio Context
Author/Editor: Marta PERROTTA
Chapter 42 Introduction to Section 7: Urban design and place making
Author/Editor: Paola Boarin,Yizhao Yang,Linda Corkery,Anne Taufen
Chapter 42 Race, Privilege, and Relatability: A Practical Guide for College and Secondary Instructors
Author/Editor: Juliette Wells
Chapter 44 A “Composite Utterances” approach to meaning 45. Towards a grammar of gestures: A form-based view
Author/Editor: N. J. Enfield,Cornelia Müller,Ellen Fricke,Alan Cienki,David McNeill,Silva Ladewig,Sedinha Tessendorf
Chapter 48 In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging to Assess Compound Efficacy Against Trypanosoma brucei
Author/Editor: Ryan Ritchie,Michael Barrett,Jeremy Mottram,Elmarie Myburgh
Chapter 49 Introduction to Section 8: Smart sustainable city initiative and its social and economic implications
Author/Editor: Mohsen Mohammadzadeh,Yizhao Yang,Anne Taufen
Chapter 4 Abbé Sieyès: The immanent and transcendent
Author/Editor: Olga Bashkina
Chapter 4 ‘A great bliss to keep the sensation of conquest alive!’: The emotional politics of the Panorama 1453 Museum in Istanbul
Author/Editor: Gönül Bozog˘lu
Chapter 4 Albania Moving from Security Receiver to Security Provider
Author/Editor: Dorian Jano
Chapter 4 Animals: Their use and Meaning in Medieval Medicine
Author/Editor: Kathleen Walker-Meikle
Chapter 4 AVATAR Therapy for Refractory Auditory Hallucinations
Author/Editor: Tom Ward,Tom Craig,Mar Rus-Calafell
Chapter 4 Boundary crossing: networked policing and emergent ‘communities of practice’ in safeguarding children
Author/Editor: Adam Crawford,Xavier L’Hoiry
Chapter 4. Brothers as Partners
Chapter 4 Business interests and the development of the public-private welfare mix in Switzerland, 1880-1990
Author/Editor: Pierre Eichenberger,Matthieu Leimgruber
Chapter 4 Cancerous Growth and Malignancy: Ravenous Natures
Author/Editor: Alanna Skuse
Chapter 4 Choreographing Love: Balletic Contact in Sasha Waltz’s Roméo et Juliette
Author/Editor: Jonas Kellermann
Chapter 4 Consequentialism and the Law in Medicine
Author/Editor: Julian Savulescu,Dominic Wilkinson
Chapter 4 Constructing Temples, Constructing Power
Author/Editor: valérie GILLET
Chapter 4 Cultural Distance and Self-Initiated Expatriates’ Willingness to Relocate: A Research Agenda
Author/Editor: Maike Andresen,Birgit Muskat
Chapter 4 Data System and Data Management in a Federation of HPC/ Cloud Centers
Author/Editor: Johannes Munke,Mohamad Hayek,Martin Golasowski,Rubén J. García- Hernández,Frederic Donnat,Cédric Koch-Hofer
Chapter 4 Deliberating bioethics: UNESCO’s standard-setting activities
Author/Editor: Adèle Langlois
Chapter 4 Delivering Post-Mortem Harm: Cutting the Corpse: Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Elizabeth T. Hurren
Chapter 4 Departures: Technologies of anticipation
Author/Editor: Sverre Molland
Chapter 4 Design Options, Implementation Issues and Evaluating Success of Ecologically Engineered Shorelines
Author/Editor: Rebecca L. Morris,Jeffery R. Cordell,Yun-Wei Dong,Louise B. Firth,Stephen J. Hawkins,Tom| Heath,Eliza C. Heery,Lynette H.L. Loke,Edward Lau,Elisabeth M.A. Strain,Laura Airoldi,Karen A. Alexander,Melanie J. Bishop,Ross A. Coleman
Chapter 4 Developing the meta-inference in mixed methods research through successive integration of claims
Author/Editor: Judith Schoonenboom
Chapter 4 Development and poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Tony Addison,Ville Pikkarainen,Risto Rönkkö,Finn Tarp
Chapter 4 Diagnosis
Author/Editor: Maxine Caws,Ben Marais,Dorothee Heemskerk,Jeremy Farrar
Chapter 4 Diffusion of SRHR and local constraints: The Philippines
Author/Editor: Elena Avramovska
Chapter 4 Don’t be too WEIRD: Research for the Future of Writing Studies
Author/Editor: Johanna Phelps
Chapter 4D Ray-Space and Ultra-Wide Area FTV
Author/Editor: Masayuki Tanimoto,Hirokuni Kurokawa
Chapter 4 Elements of an Evolutionary Approach to Comparative Economic Studies
Author/Editor: Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch
Chapter 4 Encoding truths? Diagnosis-Related Groups and the fragility of the marketisation discourse
Author/Editor: Therese Feiler
Chapter 4 Endemic Mycoses and Allergies: Diseases of Social Change
Author/Editor: Aya Homei,Michael Worboys
Chapter 4 Ethics and access when consent must come first
Author/Editor: Hugh Busher,Alison Fox
Chapter 4 Evaluating electoral management performance: the PROSeS framework
Author/Editor: Toby S. James
Chapter 4 Exploring the environmental and social impact of informal market practices in the apparel industry
Author/Editor: Susanne Sweet
Chapter 4 Federalism, devolution, and territorially-based cleavages in Africa: Does institutional design matter?
Author/Editor: Assefa Fiseha
Chapter 4 Food and locality: Heritagization and commercial use of the past
Author/Editor: Paolo Capuzzo
Chapter 4 From the land: The foundation of rural China
Author/Editor: Wei Zhao
Chapter 4 Functions of Letters in Verse and Prose: A Comparison of Manuel Philes and Theodore Hyrtakenos
Author/Editor: Krystina Kubina
Chapter 4 Galen in Byzantine Medical Literature
Author/Editor: Petros Bouras-Vallianatos
Chapter 4 Globalisation, mobility and labour in African diasporic fiction
Author/Editor: Anna-Leena Toivanen
Chapter 4 Health security as a public good in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Poland
Author/Editor: Maria Płonka,J. Niżnik,T. Jedynak
Chapter 4 How a Behavioral Economic Framework Can Support Scaling of Early Childhood Interventions
Author/Editor: Lisa A. Gennetian
Chapter 4 How Memory Comes to Matter: From Social Media to the Internet of Things
Author/Editor: Elisa Giaccardi,Liedeke Plate
Chapter 4 Imagery-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment
Author/Editor: David A. Clark,Gary P. Brown
Chapter 4 Improving the estate
Author/Editor: Briony McDonagh
Chapter 4 Innovation in Early Music Festivals: Domains, Strategies and Outcomes
Author/Editor: Elena Castro-Martínez,Albert Recasens,Ignacio Fernández-de-Lucio
Chapter 4 Introduction to Section 1: Vulnerable communities, resilience, and climate justice
Author/Editor: Chingwen Cheng,Yizhao Yang,Anne Taufen
Chapter 4 Kruder and Dorfmeister: The studio(us) remixers
Author/Editor: Ewa Mazierska
Chapter 4 Logical Time in Austen’s Persuasion: Desire and the Unproductive Anxious Interval
Author/Editor: Isabelle Michalski,David Sigler
Chapter 4 Maggie Nelson: The Conversationalist
Author/Editor: Emily O. Wittman
Chapter 4 Male Supremacism and Ideological Masculinity
Author/Editor: Joshua M. Roose
Chapter 4 Mapping the Evolution of Designed Landscapes with GIS: Stourhead Landscape Garden as an Example
Author/Editor: Steffen Nijhuis,Thomas Coomans,cattoor,Krista De Jonge
Chapter 4 Metalinguistic and Visual Cues to the Co- Occurrence of Latin and Old Polish in the Electronic Repository of Greater Poland Oaths, 1386– 1446 (eROThA)
Author/Editor: Matylda Włodarczyk,Elżbieta Adamczyk
Chapter 4 Norms and Norm Contestation
Author/Editor: Phil Orchard,Antje Wiener
Chapter 4 'Now, back to our Virchow': German Medical and Political Traditions in Post-war Berlin: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter 4 Obesity Is a Disease
Author/Editor: William P. Martin,Carel Le Roux
Chapter 4 Pharmacological Solutions
Author/Editor: Ali Haggett
Chapter 4 Planetary environing: The biosphere and the Earth system
Author/Editor: Giulia Rispoli
Chapter 4 Posting of Workers During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the European Union: The Case of Slovenia
Author/Editor: elizabeta zirnstein,Klemen Širok,Suzana Laporšek,Suzana Sedmak
Chapter 4 Preschool education
Author/Editor: Cristina Corcoll López,Jane Mitchell-Smith
Chapter 4 Profesjonelle fotballtreneres interaksjon med sine overordnede og assistenter
Author/Editor: Jørgen Holmemo,Frank Erik Abrahamsen,Jørgen Holmemo,Frank Eirik Abrahamsen
Author/Editor: Sarah Chaney
Chapter 4 - Quarantine in Ceuta and Malta in the travel writings of the late-eighteenth-century Moroccan ambassador Ibn Uthmân Al-Meknassî
Author/Editor: Ezzahidi ,Malika
Chapter 4 - Quarantine in Ceuta and Malta in the travel writings of the late-eighteenth-century Moroccan ambassador Ibn Uthmân Al-Meknassî
Chapter 4 Religious conflict, radicalism, and sexual exceptionalism in the rhetoric of John Chrysostom
Author/Editor: Chris L. de Wet
Chapter 4 Reversion and reprisal: The allure of going back and the negotiation of historical identities
Author/Editor: Mads Daugbjerg,Gönül Bozoğlu,Christopher Whitehead
Chapter 4 Self-Harm as a Result of Domestic Distress: A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing
Author/Editor: Chris Millard
Chapter 4 Self-Harm as Violence: When Victim and Perpetrator Are One
Author/Editor: Heather Widdows,Hanna Pickard,Herjeet Marway
Chapter 4 'She sleeps well and eats an egg’: convalescent care in early modern England
Chapter 4 'She sleeps well and eats an egg’: convalescent care in early modern England
Author/Editor: Newton ,Hannah
Chapter 4 Shirota Suzuko: The victim-survivor-activist
Author/Editor: Sachiyo Tsukamoto
Chapter 4 Spanish Women as Agents for a New Material Culture in Colonial Spanish America
Author/Editor: Amelia Almorza Hidalgo
Chapter 4 Standards: The Sphere Project and the universalization of the vital minimum after Goma
Author/Editor: Joël Glasman
Chapter 4 States of Rest: Interdisciplinary Experiments
Author/Editor: Des Fitzgerald,Felicity Callard
Chapter 4 Styles of Theorizing International Practice
Author/Editor: Christian Bueger
Chapter 4 The Control-Decision- Innovation (CDI) Model
Author/Editor: Dawid Szutowski
Chapter 4 The epistemic status of scientific visualisations
Author/Editor: Nicola Mößner
Chapter 4 The Folk Psychological Roots of Free Will
Author/Editor: Joshua Shepherd
Chapter 4 The Kinesin-3 Family: Long-Distance Transporters
Author/Editor: Nida Siddiqui,Anne Straube
Chapter 4 The Oceanography and Marine Ecology of Ningaloo, A World Heritage Area
Author/Editor: Mathew A. Vanderklift,Claire B. Smallwood,Damian P. Thomson,Anton D. Tucker,Kelly Waples,Russell C. Babcock,Peter B. Barnes,Anna K. Cresswell,Ming Feng,Michael D. E. Haywood,Thomas H. Holmes,Paul S. Lavery,Richard D. Pillans
Chapter 4 The Scholar-Practitioner of Yoga in the Western Academy
Author/Editor: Mark Singleton,Borayin Larios
Chapter 4 The social value of anonymity on campus: a study of the decline of Yik Yak
Author/Editor: Sian Bayne,Louise Connelly,Claire Groverc,Nicola Osborned,Richard Tobinc,Emily Beswicke,Lilinaz Rouhanif
Chapter 4 The toll of totalising masculinities in prison
Author/Editor: Anton Symkovych
Chapter 4 Trial design
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 4 Urban transformation “Korean style”: Lessons from property- based urban development
Author/Editor: Hyun Bang Shin
Chapter 4 Welfarist Psychiatry Goes Global
Author/Editor: Doug McConnell,Julian Savulescu
Chapter 4 'Where to draw the line?' Mary Warnock, embryos and moral expertise
Author/Editor: Duncan Wilson
Chapter 4 Who should decide for critically ill neonates and how?: The grey zone in neonatal treatment decisions
Author/Editor: Dominic Wilkinson
Chapter 4 Workshop-Didaktik for Cooperation in a Contingent World
Author/Editor: Tobias Werler
Chapter 5
Author/Editor: Trappel ,Josef
Chapter 5 1948
Author/Editor: Christoph Rosol
Chapter 5. λινούδιον, 1. “veste di lino”; 2. “accessorio (stola?) di lino” (?); 3.“stoffa di lino”
Author/Editor: Simona Russo
Chapter 52 Experimental methods in co-speech gesture research
Author/Editor: Judith Holler,Cornelia Müller,Ellen Fricke,Alan Cienki,David McNeill,Silva Ladewig,Sedinha Tessendorf
Chapter 56 Introduction to Section 9: Co- production for sustainable development
Author/Editor: Anne Taufen,Yizhao Yang,Anne Taufen
Chapter 58 The Đồng Nhân Pagoda and the Publication of Mister Lazy’s Medical Encyclopedia
Author/Editor: Leslie E. De Vries
Chapter 5 Adaptability, decarbonisation and accessibility: Challenges for integrative transport planning in Dar es Salaam
Author/Editor: Nadine Appelhans,Fredrick Bwire Magina
Chapter 5 Addiction: The belief oscillation hypothesis
Author/Editor: Neil Levy
Chapter 5 Alchemy, potency, imagination: Paracelsus’s theories of poison
Author/Editor: Georgiana D. Hedesan
Chapter 5 A math-avoidant profession?: Review of the current research about early childhood teachers’ mathematics anxiety and empirical evidence
Author/Editor: Lars Jenßen
Chapter 5 An Idea Incarnated in an Individual: German Philosophy and the First Marshal of Poland : Triumphal March, 1931
Author/Editor: Anna Budziak
Chapter 5 anni di monitoraggio, controllo e prevenzione della pesca illegale nel Parco Sommerso di Gaiola (Golfo di Napoli)
Author/Editor: Maurizio Simeone,Marco Solano,Paola Masucci,Silvia Mecca,Eliana Barra
Chapter 5 Articulation of Liberation Criminologies and Public Criminologies
Author/Editor: Biko Agozino,Kimberley Agozino Ducey
Chapter 5 Aspergillosis: A Disease of Modern Technology
Author/Editor: Aya Homei,Michael Worboys
Chapter 5 Audience responses in the light of perception–action theories of empathy
Author/Editor: Clemens Wöllner
Chapter 5 Autonomy and autoheteronomy in psychedelically assisted psychotherapy
Author/Editor: Oliver Davis
Chapter 5 Beyond dichotomous gender stereotyping: An analysis of global news coverage of Jacinda Ardern’s leadership
Author/Editor: Przemysław Żukiewicz,Laura Piel Martín
Chapter 5 Bringing pedagogy in line: Globalizing nationally programmed instruction, new math, fi lm and media education
Author/Editor: Rebekka Horlacher
Chapter 5 China’s Belt and Road Initiative through the lens of Central Asia
Author/Editor: Roman Vakulchuk,Indra Overland
Chapter 5 Choreographing the Interdisciplinary
Author/Editor: Des Fitzgerald,Felicity Callard
Chapter 5 Cognitive-communication difficulties in adults with Long COVID
Author/Editor: Louise Cummings
Chapter 5 Consequences of Anthropogenic Changes in the Sensory Landscape of Marine Animals
Author/Editor: Ivan Nagelkerken,Scott C. Doney,Philip L. Munday
Chapter 5 Control from the ground up: Embedding influence activities in the conduct of war
Author/Editor: Rick Breekveldt,Martijn Kitzen
Chapter 5 Critical research on Black sporting experiences in the United States: Athletic activism and the appeal for social justice
Author/Editor: Billy Hawkins
Chapter 5 Depressing time: waiting, melancholia, and the psychoanalytic practice of care
Author/Editor: Laura Salisbury,Lisa Baraitser
Chapter 5 Elderliness: The agential inseparability of ageing and assistive technologies
Author/Editor: Michela Cozza
Chapter 5 Financial relations in the Italian regional system
Author/Editor: Alice Valdesalici
Chapter 5 Fixed-line broadband: From ADSL to FTTH
Author/Editor: Takanori Ida
Chapter 5 Fusion of Horizons: Antonio’s Melancholy – Money and Credit in The Merchant of Venice
Author/Editor: Min Jiao
Chapter 5 Galen in Byzantine iatrosophia
Author/Editor: Barbara Zipser
Chapter 5 Historical overview of lesson study
Author/Editor: Terumasa Ishii
Chapter 5 How is consumption changing?
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Śledziewska,Renata Włoch
Chapter 5 Human Interaction: A Mood-Based Perspective
Author/Editor: Kristian Firing,Odin Fauskevåg,Kristian Firing,Odin Faustevåg
Chapter 5 Imagining, designing and exhibiting architecture in the digital landscape
Author/Editor: Palmyre Pierroux,Rolf Steier,Birgitte Sauge
Chapter 5 Impacts and Environmental Risks of Oil Spills on Marine Invertebrates, Algae and Seagrass: A Global Review from an Australian Perspective
Author/Editor: John K. Keesing,Adam Gartner,Mark Westera,Graham J. Edgar,Joanne Myers,Nick J. Hardman-Mountford,Mark Bailey
Chapter 5 Implementing bioethics: UNESCO's efforts to realize and enforce the declarations
Author/Editor: Adèle Langlois
Chapter 5 In defense of a conditional harm threshold test for paediatric decision-making
Author/Editor: Dominic Wilkinson
Chapter 5 Introduction to Temple Rituals
Author/Editor: Salila Kulshreshtha
Chapter 5 Is Preventive Detention Morally Worse than Quarantine?
Author/Editor: Thomas Douglas
Chapter 5 Linguistic areas, bottom-up or top-down?: The case of the Guaporé-Mamoré
Author/Editor: Pieter Muysken,Bernard Comrie,Harald Hammarström,Lucía Golluscio,Joshua Birchall,Rick van Gijn,Olga Krasnoukhova,Neele Müller
Chapter 5 Local public goods and public utility services in municipalities (urbanized areas)
Author/Editor: Małgorzata Kożuch,Krzysztof Wąsowicz,Ksymena Rosiek
Chapter 5 ‘Make Scandinavia a bulwark against fascism!’: Hitler’s seizure of power and the transnational anti-fascist movement in the Nordic countries
Author/Editor: Kasper Braskén
Chapter 5 Mapping Punishment: Provincial Places to Dissect: Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Elizabeth T. Hurren
Chapter 5 Memory and Materiality in Hussein Chalayan’s Techno-Fashion
Author/Editor: Lianne Toussaint,Anneke Smelik
Chapter 5 Mercury Tonics (Rasāyana) in Sanskrit Medical Literature
Author/Editor: Dagmar Wujastyk
Chapter 5 Migrant Women in Trade Unions: Domestic Service Activism in France
Author/Editor: Colette Le Petitcorps
Chapter 5 Miljøets betydning i elitesport
Author/Editor: Carsten Hvid Larsen,Louise Kamuk Storm,Kristoffer Henriksen
Chapter 5 Multimodal and Multilingual Practices in Late Medieval English Calendars
Author/Editor: Matti Peikola,Mari-Liisa Varila
Chapter 5 Practising Theorizing in Theorizing Praxis: Friedrich Kratochwil and Social Inquiry
Author/Editor: Gunther Hellmann
Chapter 5 Priority Species to Support the Functional Integrity of Coral Reefs
Author/Editor: Kennedy Wolfe,Pedro R. Frade,Manuel Gonzalez-Rivero,Andrew Hoey,Mia Hoogenboom,Mark McCormick,Juan- Ortiz,Ken Anthony,Russell C. Babcock,Line Bay,David G. Bourne,Damien Burrows,Maria Byrne,Dione J. Deaker,Guillermo Diaz-Pulido
Chapter 5 Public Health Work in the British Occupation Zone: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter 5 ‘Rapt Up with Joy’: Children’s Emotional Responses to Death in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Hannah Newton
Chapter 5 Registration: Refugees and the emergence of the humanitarian field in Cameroon
Author/Editor: Joël Glasman
Chapter 5 Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Author/Editor: Akhilesh Jha,Hannah Jarvis,Clementine Fraser,Peter Openshaw
Chapter 5 Ringwoodite: its importance in Earth Sciences
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Nestola,Thomas Armbruster,Rosa Micaela Danisi
Chapter 5 Schnittke’s polystylistic schemata: Textural progression in the concerti grossi
Author/Editor: Gordon E. Marsh
Chapter 5 Self-Harm as Self-Cutting: Inpatients and Internal Tension: A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing
Author/Editor: Chris Millard
Chapter 5 Sexuality education in Thailand: Contestation and reconciliation
Author/Editor: Mina Chiba
Chapter 5 State-centric safety and biometric economies: Documents and recruitment chains
Author/Editor: Sverre Molland
Chapter 5 Tapestry of the education and training landscape for archives and records management in Africa
Author/Editor: Shadrack Katuu
Chapter 5 Technological Accretion in Diagnostics: HPV Testing and Cytology in Cervical Cancer Screening
Author/Editor: Ronnie Ramlogan,Andrea Mina,Richard R. Nelson,Davide Consoli
Chapter 5 Technological accretion in diagnostics: HPV testing and cytology in cervical cancer screening
Author/Editor: Stuart Hogarth,Michael Hopkins,Daniele Rotolo
Chapter 5 The biology of entrepeneurship
Author/Editor: Ahmed Maged Nofal,Nicos Nicolaou,Scott Shane
Chapter 5 The Biology of Entrepreneurship
Author/Editor: Ahmed Nofal,Nicos Nicolaou,scott shane
Chapter 5. The Bridges Over the Miljacka
Chapter 5 The Challenge of Warrior Women: Gender, Race, and Militarism in Media
Author/Editor: Mary Douglas Vavrus
Chapter 5 The Communicative Constitution of the World: A Luhmannian View on Communication, Organizations, and Society
Author/Editor: Michael Grothe-Hammer
Chapter 5 The future of inclusive innovation
Author/Editor: Robyn Klingler-Vidra,Alex Glennie,Courtney Savie Lawrence
Chapter 5 The ‘hell of modern sound’: A history of urban noise in modern Japan
Author/Editor: Martyn David Smith
Chapter 5 The Recognition Paradigm Between Universalism and Historicism
Author/Editor: Axel Honneth
Chapter 5 The relative importance of selected factors affecting corporate trade credit policy
Author/Editor: Julia Koralun-Bereźnicka,Dawid Szramowski
Chapter 5 The Systems Approach to Innovation Management
Author/Editor: Magnus Karlsson,Mats Magnusson
Chapter 5 The unknown institution: The United Kingdom and the EIB (1973–1999)
Author/Editor: Lucia Coppolaro
Chapter 5 “The Vanishing Lady”, the railway, and illusions of movement
Author/Editor: Katharina Rein
Chapter 5 The variance in multilevel governance of asylum seekers’ reception in Italy: The key roles of policy legacy, politics and civil society
Author/Editor: irene ponzo,Leila Giannetto,Emanuela Roman
Chapter 5 Treatment
Author/Editor: Maxine Caws,Ben Marais,Dorothee Heemskerk,Jeremy Farrar
Chapter 5 Trial size
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 5 Upland leaders of the internal frontier and Ming governance of western Yunnan, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
Author/Editor: Christian Daniels
Chapter 5 Urban Migrant and Refugee Solidarity
Author/Editor: Harald Bauder
Chapter 5 Visible, valued and included: Prioritising youth participation in policy-making for the Irish LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy
Author/Editor: Nerilee Ceatha,Ayrton Kelly,Tara Killeen
Chapter 5 Wolves Tongues and Mercury: Pharmaceutical Cures for Cancer: Ravenous Natures
Author/Editor: Alanna Skuse
Chapter 5 Writing for the Stage
Author/Editor: Andrés Pérez-Simón
Chapter 62 Doing fieldwork on the body, language, and communication.
Author/Editor: N. J. Enfield,Cornelia Müller,Ellen Fricke,Alan Cienki,David McNeill,Silva Ladewig,Sedinha Tessendorf
Chapter 6 Affect, Admiration, Crowd
Author/Editor: Wojciech Kaftanski
Chapter 6 Ageing and Gender Preferences in Rural Indonesia
Author/Editor: philip kreager,Elisabeth Schroeder-Butterfill
Chapter 6 A place at the table?: Food in museums as an “Ersatz politics” of difficulty
Author/Editor: Susannah Eckersley
Chapter 6 Apprenticeship Learning in Preparation for Meeting the Unforeseen
Author/Editor: Ingrid Nyhus,Trygve J. Steiro,Glenn-Egil Torgersen
Chapter 6 A Preliminary Catalogue of Qur’anic Sajʿ Techniques: Beat Patterning, Parallelism, and Rhyme
Author/Editor: Marianna Klar
Chapter 6 Beyond curses: In the midst of turbulent Kyzyl
Author/Editor: Mally Stelmaszyk
Chapter 6 Beyond embeddedness: The next steps
Author/Editor: Clare Williams
Chapter 6 Biology and Ecology of the Globally Significant Kelp Ecklonia radiata
Author/Editor: Thomas Wernberg,Nick T. Shears,Peter D. Steinberg,Mads S. Thomsen,Mathew A. Vanderklift,Melinda A. Coleman,Russell C. Babcock,Sahira Y. Bell,John J. Bolton,Sean D. Connell,Catriona L. Hurd,Craig R. Johnson,Ezequiel M. Marzinelli
Chapter 6 Cannot You Use a Loving Violence?: Cancer Surgery: Ravenous Natures
Author/Editor: Alanna Skuse
Chapter 6 Centering Practical Ethics in Writing Studies Research
Author/Editor: Johanna Phelps
Chapter 6 Challenges for the education system in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Maj-Waśniowska,J. Stanienda,J. Wyrobek
Chapter 6 Communication-related quality of life in adults with Long COVID
Author/Editor: Louise Cummings
Chapter 6 Conflict Management Redux: Desecuritizing Intractable Conflicts
Author/Editor: Siniša Vuković
Chapter 6 Contextualizing bioethics: Mapping progress in Kenya and South Africa
Author/Editor: Adèle Langlois
Chapter 6 Coordinating international interventions in complex settings: An analysis of the EU peace and state-building efforts in post-independence Kosovo
Author/Editor: Chris van der Borgh,Puck le Roy,Floor Zweerink
Chapter 6 Dark Nights of Romance: Thinking and Feeling in the Moment
Author/Editor: Corinne Saunders
Chapter 6 Digital Editing and the Greek New Testament
Author/Editor: H. A. G. Houghton,Catherine J. Smith
Chapter 6 Disability and Human Rights
Author/Editor: Lucy Series
Chapter 6 Double agent?: Ethical considerations in conducting ethnography as a teacher-researcher
Author/Editor: Hanna M. Nikkanen
Chapter 6 Equivalence in Imagination
Author/Editor: Francesco Berto
Chapter 6 Ethical considerations
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 6 Extending agency: The merit of relational approaches for Childhood Studies
Author/Editor: Eberhard Raithelhuber
Chapter 6 Family perspectives on a proper medical treatment for people in prolonged vegetative and minimally conscious states: What role for the medical exception
Author/Editor: Sara Fovargue,Alexandra Mullock
Chapter 6 Hermeneutics and Locality: Hamlet in China – Glocalising Humanism, Glocalising Desire
Author/Editor: Min Jiao
Chapter 6 Idrætspsykologi med et community psykologisk afsæt
Author/Editor: Knud Ryom,Reinhard Stelter,Knud Ryom,Reinhard Stelter
Chapter 6 Implementing the Asiento and Smuggling: A Perspective from the Isthmus of Panama and Pacific South America
Author/Editor: Alejandro Garcia-Monton
Chapter 6 India’s Ocean: Indian Maritime Diplomacy in the African Maritime Domain
Author/Editor: Lisa Otto
Chapter 6 Learning from the Kenyan solar PV innovation history
Author/Editor: David Ockwell,Rob Byrne
Chapter 6 Making or unmaking a movement?: Challenges for civic activism in the global governance of migration
Author/Editor: Aleksandra Ålund,Carl-Ulrik Schierup
Author/Editor: JONG SEONG KHIM,Changkeun Lee,Sung Joon Song,Hanna Bae,Junsung Noh,Junghyun Lee,Hyeong-Gi Kim,Jin-Woo Choi,CHANGKEUN LEE,SUNG JOON SONG,HANNA BAE,JUNSUNG NOH,JUNGHYUN LEE,HYEONG-GI KIM,JIN-WOO CHOI,Jong Seong Khim
Chapter 6 Mediatization of music, musicalization of everyday life: New ways of listening to recorded sound in Sweden during the interwar years, 1919–1939
Author/Editor: Ulrik Volgsten
Chapter 6 Metalanguages for source document analysis: Properties and elements
Author/Editor: Rei Miyata,Miyauchi Takuya
Chapter 6 Monsoon uncertainties, hydro-chemical infrastructures, and ecological time in Sri Lanka
Author/Editor: Tom Widger,Upul Wickramasinghe
Chapter 6 Norwegian–Russian political relations and Barents oil and gas developments
Author/Editor: Indra Overland,Andrey Krivorotov
Chapter 6 On representing anchored parentheses in syntax
Author/Editor: Marlies Kluck,Andreas Trotzke,Josef Bayer
Chapter 6 On the Putative Epistemic Generativity of Memory and Imagination
Author/Editor: Kengo Miyazono,Uku Tooming
Chapter 6 Optogenetic actuation, inhibition, modulation and readout for neuronal networks generating behavior in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Author/Editor: Mario de Bono,Peter Hegemann,William R. Schafer,Stephan Sigrist,Alexander Gottschalk
Chapter 6 Parental marital dissolution and the intergenerational transmission of homeownership
Author/Editor: Christa Hubers,Caroline Dewilde,Paul M. de Graaf
Chapter 6. Partners into Competitors
Chapter 6 Prevention
Author/Editor: Maxine Caws,Ben Marais,Dorothee Heemskerk,Jeremy Farrar
Chapter 6 - Prevention and stigma
Chapter 6 - Prevention and stigma : the sanitary control of Muslim pilgrims from the Balkans, 1830–1914
Author/Editor: Promitzer ,Christian
Chapter 6 Problem-based Learning in International Online Groups
Author/Editor: Alastair Creelman,Maria Kvarnström,Jörg Pareigis,Lars Uhlin,Lotta Åbjörnsson
Chapter 6 Public Health Work in the American Occupation Zone: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter 6 Race, Trauma, and the Emotional Legacies of Slavery in Yaa Gyasi’s Homegoing
Author/Editor: Marijana Mikić
Chapter 6. ὑλιϲτάριον, “recipiente in terracotta dotato di filtro”
Author/Editor: Isabella Bonati
Chapter 6 Rivers and water security: Supply adaptation strategies in the city of Chennai, India
Author/Editor: Sharanya Sethuram,Malcolm Cooper
Chapter 6 Small words, big changes: Understanding the European Investment Bank through its business model
Author/Editor: Helen Kavvadia
Chapter 6 Statistical observations on implicational (verb) hierarchies
Author/Editor: Søren Wichmann,Andrej Malchukov,Bernard Comrie
Chapter 6 Textures of urban fears: The affective geopolitics of the ‘oriental rug’
Author/Editor: Luiza Bialasiewicz,Lora Sariaslan
Chapter 6 The Disappearing Body: Dissection to the Extremities: Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Elizabeth T. Hurren
Chapter 6 The influence of politics on girls’ education in Ethiopia
Author/Editor: Louise Yorke,Pauline Rose,Alula Pankhurst
Chapter 6 The Internet of Things (You Don’t Own) under Bourgeois Law: An Integrated Tactic to Rebalance Intellectual Property
Author/Editor: Guido Noto La Diega
Chapter 6 The multilevel governance of asylum seekers’ reception in Germany and the role of the local level: A local-to-local comparison
Author/Editor: Birgit Glorius,Simone Gasch
Chapter 6 The right to land
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Cotula
Chapter 6 The Role of Corporate Governance in Macro-Prudential Regulation of Systemic Risk
Author/Editor: Alexander Dill
Chapter 6 Traditional medicines, law and the (dis)ordering of temporalities
Author/Editor: Emilie Cloatre
Chapter 6 Trust as an intrinsic good, moral reason to trust
Author/Editor: Marc A. Cohen
Chapter 6 Unifying multiple identities through Arabic varieties: An analysis of Arabic dialects in Kawaja Abdulqader’s discourse
Author/Editor: Wafa Zoghbor,Muneer Alqahtani
Chapter 6 Voice of America Chinese-dialect broadcasting and the Chinese cultural Cold War, 1949–1953
Author/Editor: Jeremy Taylor
Chapter 6 Vulnerability: Impartial algorithms and analog malnutrition
Author/Editor: Joël Glasman
Chapter 6 Welfare vocationalism: Preparing for service and caring occupations
Author/Editor: Bill Esmond,Liz Atkins
Chapter 6 When God Put Daylight on Earth We Had One Voice’Kwakwaka'wakw Perspectives on Sustainability and the Rights of Nature
Author/Editor: Douglas Deur,Kim Recalma-Clutesi,Adam Dick
Chapter 7 Amazonian Waterway, Amazonian Water-Worlds: Rivers in Government Projects and Indigenous Art
Author/Editor: Giuliana Borea,Rember Yahuarcani
Chapter 7 An Experience Much Worse Than Rape: The End of Force-Feeding?
Author/Editor: Ian Miller
Chapter 7 A Review of Biophysical Models of Marine Larval Dispersal
Author/Editor: Stephen E. Swearer,Eric A. Treml,Jeffrey S. Shima
Chapter 7 Becoming “Chinese” in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Caroline S. Hau
Chapter 7 Binge-Watching the World: Contemporary Travel Television on Netflix
Author/Editor: Tanja Kapp
Chapter 7 Brain in the shell: Assessing the Stakes and the Transformative Potential of the Human Brain Project
Author/Editor: Philipp Haueis,Jan Slaby
Chapter 7 Cellular Control of Time, Size, and Shape in Development and Evolution
Author/Editor: Richard A. Schneider
Chapter 7 Community identity and mobilisation: Roma migrant experiences in Manchester
Author/Editor: Yaron Matras,Daniele Viktor Leggio
Chapter 7 Conclusion
Author/Editor: Melissa Miles
Chapter 7 Cost effects of local food enterprises: Supply chains, transaction costs and social diffusion
Author/Editor: Niko Paech,Carsten Sperling,Marius Rommel
Chapter 7 Covenant, compassion and marketisation in healthcare: The mastery of Mammon and the service of grace
Author/Editor: Joshua Hordern
Chapter 7 Crafting Psychiatric Contention Through Single-Panel Cartoons
Author/Editor: Helen Spandler
Chapter 7 Critical race theory matters in sport
Author/Editor: Kevin Hylton
Chapter 7 Diffusion of inclusive education in Malawi
Author/Editor: Jun Kawaguchi,Kazuo Kuroda
Chapter 7 Digital Trace Data: Modes of data collection, applications, and errors at a glance
Author/Editor: Florian Keusch,Frauke Kreuter
Chapter 7 Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy of Legal Terms in Institutional Translation: The Role of Terminological Resources in International Organizations
Author/Editor: Fernando Prieto Ramos
Chapter 7 Estimating chemical and microstructural heterogeneity by correlating relaxation and diffusion
Author/Editor: Chantal M.W. Tax
Chapter 7 Fighting Fossil Fuels Around the World
Author/Editor: Jasper Finkeldey
Chapter 7 Finding the global in the local: Constructing population in the search for disease genes
Author/Editor: Steve Sturdy
Chapter 7 From Appropriation to Dialogic Exploration
Author/Editor: Hanna Meretoja
Chapter 7 From John Yudkin to Jamie Oliver: A Short but Sweet History on the War against Sugar
Author/Editor: Rachel Meach
Chapter 7 He that Hath an Ill-Name Is Half-Hanged: The Anatomical Legacy of the Criminal Corpse: Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Elizabeth T. Hurren
Chapter 7 Hva sier de til seg selv?
Author/Editor: Michael S. Reinboth,Tommy Haugen,Sondre R. Solheim,Rune Høigaard
Chapter 7 ‘Indefensible and Irresponsible': Interdisciplinarity, truth and #reviewer2
Author/Editor: Emilie Cloatre,Dave Cowan
Chapter 7 Integrating Lifespan Development Theories: Implications for the Study of Age(ing) and Work
Author/Editor: Rachel S. Rauvola,Cort W. Rudolph
Chapter 7 'It’s okay not to like it': the appeal and frustrations of the contemporary arts
Author/Editor: Stephanie Pitts,Sarah M. Price
Chapter 7 Leading and Managing Interaction Under Risk in the Police: What May Be Some of the Underlying Conditions for Learning from Experience?
Author/Editor: Brita Bjørkelo
Chapter 7 Left-handedness attempts at dyslateralization, duress, and performance in reading and writing
Author/Editor: Rochambeau LAINY
Chapter 7 Listening to the talkies: Atarashiki tsuchi’s (1937) acoustic construction of Japan for western consumption
Author/Editor: Iris Haukamp
Chapter 7 Lost and Found: Relocating the Individual in the Age of Intensified Data Sourcing in European Healthcare
Author/Editor: Klaus Hoeyer
Chapter 7 Made in France and Made in Paris: Luxury branding in the longue durée
Author/Editor: Veronique Pouillard,Audrey Millet
Chapter 7 Mansions in the Orchard: architecture, asylum and community in twentieth-century mental health care
Author/Editor: Sarah Chaney,Jennifer Walke
Chapter 7 Mental Imagery in Psychopathology: From The Lab to the Clinic
Author/Editor: Dorthe Berntsen,Lynn A. Watson
Chapter 7 Municipal control as incumbency advantage: An analysis of the AKP era
Author/Editor: Özge Kemahlıoğlu,Elif Özdemir
Chapter 7 OCEAN ENVIRONING MEDIA: Datafication of the deep sea
Author/Editor: Suzanne Lidström,Adam Wickberg,Johan Gärdebo
Chapter 7 Organizational Stress in Contemporary Japan
Author/Editor: Tsuyoshi Ohira,Tetsushi Fujimoto,Tomoki Sekiguchi
Chapter 7 'Our People’: Telemovies, bangsa and nationalism 3.0 in Sabah, Malaysia: Hiroyuki Yamamoto
Author/Editor: Hiroyuki Yamamoto
Chapter 7 Overlooking women’s lived realities: How Tunisia’s Truth and Dignity Commission dealt with the hijab ban
Author/Editor: Tine Destrooper,Safa Belghith
Chapter 7 Overriding social inequality?: Educational aspirations versus the material realities of rural families in Pakistan
Author/Editor: Arif Naveed
Chapter 7 Political Public Relations and Strategic Framing: Underlying Mechanisms, Success Factors, and Impact
Author/Editor: Viorela Dan,Oyvind Ihlen,Ketil Raknes
Chapter 7 Public Health Work in the Soviet Occupation Zone: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter 7 Remembering, rewriting and re-imagining: Afrocentric approaches to directing new work for the theatre
Author/Editor: Clinnesha D. Sibley
Chapter 7 Review: Effects of Microplastic on Zooplankton Survival and Sublethal Responses
Author/Editor: Sing-Pei Yu Yu,Matthew Cole Cole,Benny K. K. Chan
Chapter 7 Rice Revisited From Colonial Panama: Its Cultivation and Exportation
Author/Editor: Bethany Aram,Manuel Enrique García Falcón
Chapter 7 Seeing double: political polarization and identity politics in Macedonia, before and after the Prespa Agreement
Author/Editor: Andrew Graan
Chapter 7 Socializing Responsibility
Author/Editor: Neil Levy
Chapter 7. ὠράριον/ὀράριον, “stola”, “sciarpa” (?)
Author/Editor: Simona Russo
Chapter 7 Teaching Children How to Discriminate (What We Learn From the Big Bad Wolf)
Author/Editor: Rosina Lippi-Green
Chapter 7 The challenge of creating a more diverse economics: Lessons from the UCR minority pipeline project
Author/Editor: Gary A. Dymski
Chapter 7 The development of political systems in post-communist countries
Author/Editor: Vello Pettai
Chapter 7 The Digitally Natural: Hypomediacy and the "Really Real" in Game Design
Author/Editor: Thomas M. Malaby
Chapter 7 The Long Carry: Landscapes and the Shaping of British Medical Masculinities in the First World War
Author/Editor: Jessica Meyer
chapter 7 The Politics of Women’s Digital Archives and Its Significance for the History of Journalism
Author/Editor: Pernilla Severson
Chapter 7 Trial governance
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 7 Underlying beliefs about writing and teaching writing in Germany: An analysis of policy documents for German in Year 9 at secondary school
Author/Editor: Nora Müller,Katharina Lindefjeld,Vera Busse
Chapter 7 Understanding Empathy Through a Study of Autistic Life Writing: On the Importance of Neurodiverse Morality
Author/Editor: Anna Stenning
Chapter 7 Unintended Consequences of State-building Projects in Contested States: The EU in Palestine
Author/Editor: Dimitris Bouris
Chapter 7 Urban ecosystem services and stakeholders: Towards a sustainable capability approach
Author/Editor: Anna Heikkinen,Hannele Mäkelä,Johanna Kujala,Jere Nieminen,Ari Jokinen,Hanna Rekola
Chapter 7 Vitamin C in Pneumonia and Sepsis
Author/Editor: Anitra C. Carr
Chapter 7 Welsh Women's Industrial Fiction 1880-1910
Author/Editor: Kirsti Bohata,Alexandra Jones
Chapter 7. Where is My State? Citizenship as a Factor in Yugoslavia’s Disintegration
Chapter 7. Where is My State? Citizenship as a Factor in Yugoslavia’s Disintegration
Chapter 7 Who connects the dots?: Agents and agency in predictive policing
Author/Editor: Mareile Kaufmann
Chapter 7 Why Do So Many People Get Treated Poorly?
Author/Editor: Bradford J. Hall,Patricia O. Covarrubias,Kristin A. Kirschbaum
Author/Editor: JAMES DAVIS REIMER,Igor Cristino Silva Cruz,HIN BOO WEE,CATAIXA LÓPEZ,MARIA BEGER,IGOR CRISTINO SILVA CRUZ,James Davis Reimer,Hin Boo Wee,Cataixa López,Maria Beger
Chapter 7 Wooden shoes and Wellington boots: The politics of footwear in Georgian Britain
Author/Editor: Matthew McCormack
Chapter 8 1980s and beyond
Author/Editor: Colin Chambers
Chapter 8.1 Reaction-Diffusion Models of Pattern Formation in Developmental Biology
Author/Editor: Anna Marciniak-Czochra,Alexandra V. Antoniouk,Roderick V. N. Melnik
Chapter 87 Scalar implicature as a grammatical phenomenon
Author/Editor: Gennaro Chierchia,Claudia Maienborn,Danny Fox,Klaus von Heusinger,Benjamin Spector,Paul Portner
Chapter 8 A European field of public administration?: Administrative cooperation of asylum agencies in the Dublin system
Author/Editor: Christian Lahusen,Marius Wacker
Chapter 8 AI in Medicine
Author/Editor: Angeliki Kerasidou,Charalampia Kerasidou
Chapter 8 Anticipatory nostalgia and nomadic temporality: A case study of chronocracy in the crypto-colony
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Kirtsoglou
Chapter 8 Applying an integrated approach to workplace mental health in SMEs: A case of the "too hard basket" or picking some easy wins?
Author/Editor: Angela J. Martin,Anthony Daniel LaMontagne
Chapter 8 A Semiotic and Multimodal Analysis of Interactive Relations in Picture Books That Challenge Female Gender Stereotypes
Author/Editor: Carmen Santamaría- García
Chapter 8 Asymmetries in the Italian regional system and their role model
Author/Editor: Francesco PALERMO
Chapter 8 Black Lives Matter: A Context for Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Leonard
Chapter 8 Brokers, migrants, and safety
Author/Editor: Sverre Molland
Chapter 8 Categorising What We Study and What We Analyse, and the Exercise of Interpretation
Author/Editor: Dirk Jacobs
Chapter 8 Classifiers
Author/Editor: Inge Zwitserlood,Roland Pfau,Markus Steinbach,Bencie Woll
Chapter 8 Comparative Biogeography of Marine Invaders Across Their Native and Introduced Ranges
Author/Editor: Paul E. Gribben,James E. Byers
Chapter 8 Conclusion
Author/Editor: Ian Miller
Chapter 8 Conclusion: the governance of UNESCO's Bioethics Programme
Author/Editor: Adèle Langlois
Chapter 8 Confronting America: Black commercial aesthetics, athlete activism and the nation reconsidered
Author/Editor: Ronald L. Mower,Jacob J. Bustad,David L. Andrews
Chapter 8 Democratizing knowledge and ways of knowing for food sovereignty, agroecology, and biocultural diversity
Author/Editor: Michel P. Pimbert
Chapter 8 Discourse on LGBTQ issues in the Polish presidential campaign (2020): The perception of the LGBTQ community and foreign media
Author/Editor: Paulina Barczyszyn-Madziarz,Róża Norström
Chapter 8 Dynamic dictators: Elite cohesion and authoritarian resilience in China
Author/Editor: Elina Sinkkonen
Chapter 8. Enemies
Chapter 8 Felles mentale modeller i elitelagballspill
Author/Editor: Rune Giske,Harald Sylfest Gaard,Joar Gjerde
Chapter 8 HERITAGE OF INCLUSION OR EXCLUSION?: Contested claims and access to housing in Amritsar, India
Author/Editor: Helena Cermeño
Chapter 8 How Being Better Off Is Bad for You: Implications for Distribution, Relational Equality, and an Egalitarian Ethos
Author/Editor: Carina Fourie
Chapter 8 Intergenerational support for autonomous living in a post-socialist housing market: Homes, meanings and practices
Author/Editor: Oana Druta,Richard Ronald
Chapter 8 In the Kitchen: Slave Agency and African Cuisine in the West Indies
Author/Editor: Ilaria Berti
Chapter 8 Is the EU different?: Comparing the diversity of national and EU-level systems of interest organisations
Author/Editor: Joost Berkhout,Marcel Hanegraaff,Caelesta Braun
Chapter 8 Learning of written language: A study focused on a group of deaf and hard-of-hearing students in Haiti
Author/Editor: Rochambeau LAINY,Ralphson Pierre
Author/Editor: Janet Weston
Chapter 8 Linguistic inclusion and exclusion on Abu Dhabi coronavirus signage
Author/Editor: Sarah Hopkyns,Melanie van den Hoven
Chapter 8 Localism and political systems in the twenty-first century
Author/Editor: Rick Harmes
Chapter 8 Mediatisation of science and the rise of promotional culture
Author/Editor: Esa Väliverronen
Chapter 8 Medical Discourse and Ideology in the Edinburgh Review: A Chaldean Exemplar: Scottish Journalism in the Age of Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Rhona Brown,Alex Benchimol,David Shuttleton
Chapter 8 Network Trust
Author/Editor: Bill McEvily,Akbar Zaheer,Giuseppe SODA
Chapter 8 Non- South African SADC Navies and Maritime Security in the Post- Cold War Era: Angola and Mozambique
Author/Editor: Enock Ndawana
Chapter 8 Not seeing Auschwitz: Memory, generation and representations of the Holocaust in twenty-first century French comics
Author/Editor: Claire Gorrara
Chapter 8 Now what?
Author/Editor: Diana Johns,Catherine Flynn,Maggie Hall,Claire Spivakovsky,Shelley Turner
Chapter 8 Painful Experience and Constitution of the Intersubjective Self: A Critical-Phenomenological Analysis
Author/Editor: Jessica Stanier,Nicole Miglio
Chapter 8 Participant-created documents as an elicitation tool: Things we might not have otherwise been told
Author/Editor: Aimee Grant
Chapter 8 Peer Interactions and Second Language Learning: The Contributions of Social Network Analysis in Study Abroad versus At-Home Environments
Author/Editor: Michał B. Paradowski,Andrzej Jarynowski,Karolina Czopek,Magdalena Jelińska
Chapter 8 Persistent Optimism under Political Uncertainty: The Evolution of Citizens’ Election Projections During a Protracted Political Crisis
Author/Editor: Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt,Christian Baden,Tali Aharoni,Maximilian Overbeck
Chapter 8 Peter Rehberg, Christian Fennesz and the Label Mego: Between Glitch and Bécs
Author/Editor: Ewa Mazierska
Chapter 8 ‘Phonographic awareness’: Recorded sound in early twentiethcentury Italy between aesthetic questions and economic struggles
Author/Editor: Benedetta Zucconi
Chapter 8 Phrenological Controversy and the Medical Imagination: 'A Modern Pythagorean' in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
Author/Editor: David E. Shuttleton,Megan J. Coyer
Chapter 8 Postcolonial racial surveillance through forensic genetics
Author/Editor: Sheila Khan,Helena Machado
Chapter 8 Preparing grant applications
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 8 #Proudofthefarmer: Authenticity, Populism and Rural Masculinity in the 2019 Dutch Farmers’ Protests
Author/Editor: Anke Bosma,Esther Peeren
Chapter 8 - Quarantine sanitization, colonialism and the construction of the ‘contagious Arab’ in the Mediterranean, 1830s–1900
Author/Editor: Chircop ,John
Chapter 8 - Quarantine sanitization, colonialism and the construction of the ‘contagious Arab’ in the Mediterranean, 1830s–1900
Chapter 8 Sense of Belonging in a Digitalised Care Work Community
Author/Editor: Mia Tammelin,Helena Hirvonen,Antti Hämäläinen,Riitta Hänninen
Chapter 8 Siamese state expansion in the Thonburi and early Bangkok periods
Author/Editor: Koizumi Junko
Chapter 8 Stakeholders' normative notions of sustainability: A survey for the co-design of a sustainable future of the Western Baltic fishery system
Author/Editor: Viola Schaber,Marie-Catherine Riekhof,Michael Stecher,Rudi Voss,Stefan Baumgärtner
Chapter 8 Stories, Love, and Baklava: Narrating Food in Diana Abu- Jaber’s Culinary Memoirs
Author/Editor: Alexa Weik von Mossner
Chapter 8 Tax and Quacks: The Policy of the Eighteenth Century Medicine Stamp Duty
Author/Editor: John Tiley
Chapter 8 Technology and the future: Advancing prospective technology assessment
Author/Editor: Jan Cornelius Schmidt
Chapter 8 “That venerable and princely custom of long-lying abed”: Sleep and civility in seventeenthand eighteenth-century urban society
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Hunter
Chapter 8 The BRCA patent controversies: An international review of patent disputes
Author/Editor: Esther van Zimmeren,Dianne Nicol,Richard Gold,Julia Carbone,Subhashini Chandrasekharan,A. Lane Baldwin,Robert Cook-Deegan
Chapter 8 The Forgotten Zone: Public Health Work in the French Occupation Zone: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter 8 The music editions of Christian Egenolff: a new catalogue and its implications
Author/Editor: Royston Gustavson
Chapter 8 The Relevance of Samhandling in Military Doctrines
Author/Editor: Tone Cecilie Carlsten,Glenn-Egil Torgersen,Trygve J. Steiro,Berit Kristin Haugdal
Chapter 8 The Role of Constitutional Judges in Protecting Territorial Self- Government
Author/Editor: Karl Kössler
Chapter 8 The Social Foundations of Precarious Work: The Role of Unpaid Labour in the Family
Author/Editor: Valeria Pulignano,Glenn Morgan
Chapter 8 The Status and Role of the alpine Cryosphere in Central Asia
Author/Editor: Martin Hoelzle,Vladimir Smakhtin,Martina Barandun,Tobias Bolch,Joel Fiddes,Abror Gafurov,Veruska Muccione,Tomas Saks,Maria Shahgedanova
Chapter 8 Three Rationales for a Legal Right to Mental Integrity
Author/Editor: Thomas Douglas,Lisa Forsberg
Chapter 8 Trading in spiritual and earthly good: Franciscans in semi-rural Palestine
Author/Editor: Felicita Tramontana
Chapter 8 Transformative communities in Germany: Working towards a sustainable food supply through creative doing and collaboration
Author/Editor: Irene Antoni-Komar,Christine Lenz
Chapter 8 Unintended Consequences of EU Democracy Support in the European Neighbourhood
Author/Editor: Assem Dandashly,Gergana Noutcheva
Chapter 8 Voice-enabled assistive robots for handling autism spectrum conditions: an examination of the role of prosody
Author/Editor: Erik Marchi,Amy Neustein,Fabien Ringeval,Björn Schuller
Chapter 8 Zombie history: the undead in translation
Author/Editor: Gudrun Rath
Chapter 9 Academy in my flesh: Affective athleticism and performative writing
Author/Editor: silvia gherardi,Michela Cozza,Magnus Hoppe
Chapter 9 Afghanistan’s Cosmopolitan Trading Networks: A View from Yiwu, China
Author/Editor: Magnus Marsden,Diana Ibañez-Tirado
Chapter 9 A Methodological Approach for Integrative Framing Analysis of Television News
Author/Editor: Viorela Dan
Chapter 9 Awkward Connections: Stand-Up Comedy as Affective Arrangement
Author/Editor: Antti Lindfors
Chapter 9 Between joyride and high-stakes examination: Writing development in Denmark
Author/Editor: Nikolaj Elf,Solveig Troelsen
Chapter 9 Causal and Predictive Modeling in Computational Social Science
Author/Editor: Uwe Engel
Chapter 9 Climate anxiety, fatalism and the capacity to act
Author/Editor: Dan Taylor
Chapter 9 Coal, ash, and other tales: The making and remaking of the anti coal movement in Aliağa, Turkey
Author/Editor: Ethemcan Turhan,Begüm Özkaynak,Cem İskender Aydın
Chapter 9 Community engagement
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter 9 Conclusions
Author/Editor: Valentina Goglio
Chapter 9 Continuums of Violence
Author/Editor: Punam Yadav,Denise M Horn
Chapter 9 Crisis?: Czech theatre after 1989
Author/Editor: Radka Kunderová
Chapter 9 Digital Samhandling in Education for the Unforeseen Future
Author/Editor: Gila Hammer Furnes,Herner Saeverot,Glenn-Egil Torgersen,Gila Hammer Furnes,Herner Saeverot,Glenn-Egil Torgersen
Chapter 9 Early Hathayoga
Author/Editor: Mark Singleton
Chapter 9 Emotions and Sexuality: Regulation and Homoerotic Transgression
Author/Editor: Umberto Grassi
Chapter 9 EU External Action, Intention and Explanation
Author/Editor: Frank de Zwart,Karolina Pomorska
Chapter 9 Expanded Interiors: Bringing contemporary site- specific fine- art practice to Roman houses at Herculaneum and Pompeii
Author/Editor: Catrin Huber
Chapter 9 From Conference to Community Interpreter Education: The Transformation of Interpreter Education in Slovenia
Author/Editor: Nike K. Pokorn,Tamara Mikolič Južnič
Chapter 9. From Equal Citizens to Unequal Groups
Chapter 9 Harmful or Empowering Convergence?: The Female Traveller and Insta- Aesthetics – Selfies and Documentaries
Author/Editor: Anna Karina Sennefelder
Chapter 9 Hateful Games: Why White Supremacist Recruiters Target Gamers and How to Stop Them
Author/Editor: Megan Condis
Chapter 9 I Think, Therefore IR? Psychology, Biology and the Notion of Praxis
Author/Editor: James W. Davis
Chapter 9 Lessons in fiscal federalism for Somalia: Building fiscal sustainability and national cohesion
Author/Editor: Solomon Negussie
Chapter 9 Marking the Face, Curing the Soul? Reading the Disfigurement of Women in the Later Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Naoë Kukita Yoshikawa
Chapter 9 Medicine and Improvement in the Scots Magazine; and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany (1804–17)
Author/Editor: Megan Coyer
Chapter 9 Medicine and Improvement in the Scots Magazine; and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany (1804–17)
Author/Editor: Megan Coyer
Chapter 9 Memory, Imagination, and Skill
Author/Editor: Amy Kind
Chapter 9 Mitochondria Structure and Position in the Local Control of Calcium Signals in Smooth Muscle Cells
Author/Editor: John G. McCarron,Christopher Saunter,Calum Wilson,John M. Girkin,Susan Chalmers
Chapter 9 Moral Responsibility and the Justification of Policies to Preserve Antimicrobial Effectiveness
Author/Editor: Alberto Giubilini,J. Savulescu
Chapter 9 Multilevel governance of the “refugee crisis” in Germany: a chronological analysis of governance approaches and implementation outcomes
Author/Editor: Birgit Glorius
Chapter 9 Nation building and Kashmir
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Kuszewska
Chapter 9 “Nonsense Rides Piggyback on Sensible Things”: The Past, Present, and Future of Graphology
Author/Editor: Deborah Ellen Thorpe
Chapter 9 Politics of (non)belonging: enacting imaginaries of affected publics through forensic genetic technologies
Author/Editor: Nina Amelung
Chapter 9 Prosodies of affect and emotional climates
Author/Editor: Peta Tait
Chapter 9 Protestant place, Protestant props in the plays of Nicholas Grimald
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Dutton
Chapter 9 ‘Putting the Fun Back into Fundamentalism’: Toying with Islam and Extremism in Comedy
Author/Editor: Mona Abdel-Fadil
Chapter 9 Race and Racism in Digital Media: What Can Critical Race Theory Contribute to Research on Techno-Cultures?
Author/Editor: Kathy Ann Mills,Amanda Godley
Chapter 9 Race as a Cultural Construction
Author/Editor: Robert L. Anemone
Chapter 9 Relational Agency and the Local Governance of Climate Change: International Trends and an American Exemplar
Author/Editor: Alexander Aylett
Chapter 9 Religious violence in late antique Egypt reconsidered: the cases of Alexandria, Panopolis, and Philae
Author/Editor: Jitse H. F. Dijkstra
Author/Editor: Louise Hide
Chapter 9 Rhodes Must Fall
Author/Editor: Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni
Chapter 9 Sammenhengen mellom mindfulness og eksekutiv funksjon hos profesjonelle fotballspillere
Author/Editor: Anders Meland,Per-Mathias Høgmo,Kazuma Ishimatsu,Anthony Wagstaff,Anne Marte Pensgaard
Chapter 9 Some Conclusions: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter 9 Staying and making it in regional creative cities – visual arts graduates and infrastructures for professional development
Author/Editor: Abigail Gilmore,David Gledhill,Ivan Rajković
Chapter 9 ‘Suspect’ screening: the limits of Britain’s medicalised borders, 1962–1981
Author/Editor: Roberta Bivins
Chapter 9 Talking rocks, illusory sounds, and projections of the otherworld: Acoustics of sacred sites as a magic media in shamanic cultures
Author/Editor: Julia Shpinitskaya,Riitta Rainio
Chapter 9 (The Economics of) Cultural Festivals in the Digital Age: An Analysis of the Comics Publishing Industry
Author/Editor: Elisa Salvador,Elena Castro-Martínez,Pierre-Jean Benghozi
Chapter 9 The essence of rage: Galen on emotional disturbances and their physical correlates
Author/Editor: P.N. Singer
Chapter 9 The housing careers of younger adults and intergenerational support in Germany’s ‘society of renters’
Author/Editor: Christian Lennartz,Ilse Helbrecht
Chapter 9 The interplay between policy and funding
Author/Editor: Anne-Marie Coriat
Author/Editor: YI-YANG CHEN,GRAHAM J. EDGAR,REBECCA J. FOX,Yi-Yang Chen,Graham J. Edgar,Rebecca J. Fox
Chapter 9 When Inner Speech Misleads
Author/Editor: Sam Wilkinson,Charles Fernyhough
Chapter 9 Which Patient Takes Centre Stage?: Placing Patient Voices in Animal Research
Author/Editor: Gail Davies,Richard Gorman,Bentley Crudgington
Chapter 9 Who is Europe?: Staging the making of Europe in creative documentary film
Author/Editor: Ian McDonald,Christopher Whitehead,Gönül Bozoğlu,Susannah Eckersley,Mads Daugbjerg
Chapter A10 Legal Order and Linguistic Diversity
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter A1 ‘Legal Language’ as a Linguistic Variety
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter A2 Historical Development of Legal English
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter A3 Legal Genres
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter A4 Participant Roles and Speech Styles
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter A5 Persuasion in Court
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter A6 Interpreting Legislative Texts
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter A7 The Vocabulary of Legal Power
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter A8 Regulation of Language Use
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter A9 Forensic Evidence
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter Abbreviations
Author/Editor: Duncan Wilson
Chapter Abbreviations: Mycoses and Modernity
Author/Editor: Aya Homei,Michael Worboys
Chapter Abbreviations: Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Elizabeth T. Hurren
Chapter Abbreviations: the governance of UNESCO's Bioethics Programme
Author/Editor: Adèle Langlois
Chapter Abbreviations: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter A bibliometric study of global research activity in relation to the use of partial least squares for policy evaluation
Author/Editor: Rosanna Cataldo,LAURA ANTONUCCI,CORRADO CROCETTA,Maria Gabriella GRASSIA,Marina Marino
Chapter Above‐Ground Biomass Estimation with High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images
Author/Editor: Ana Cristina Gonçalves,Adélia Sousa,José R. Marques daSilva
Chapter A Bridge Between East and West: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Drawing as Synthesis of Two Different Cultures
Author/Editor: Rachele Angela Bernardello,Cosimo Monteleone
Chapter Absent Fathers and Italian Nation-building in Carlo Collodi’s Books for School
Author/Editor: Andrea Pagani
Chapter Absolute Density Measures Estimation Functions with Very High Resolution Satellite Images
Author/Editor: Ana Cristina Gonçalves,Adélia M. O. Sousa
Chapter Accumulazioni su Casa Palestra: abitare un’atmosfera
Author/Editor: Laura Mucciolo
Chapter A cent’anni dai ‘Fatti di Renzino’. Dalla celebrazione alle attività di Public History of Education nelle scuole di Foiano della Chiana
Author/Editor: Francesco Bellacci
Chapter A China fica ao lado / La Cina è accanto
Author/Editor: Silvia Cavalletto
Chapter Acknowledgements
Author/Editor: Ian Miller
Chapter Acknowledgements: A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing
Author/Editor: Chris Millard
Chapter Acknowledgements: Mycoses and Modernity
Author/Editor: Aya Homei,Michael Worboys
Chapter Acknowledgements: Ravenous Natures
Author/Editor: Alanna Skuse
Chapter Acknowledgements: the governance of UNESCO's Bioethics Programme
Author/Editor: Adèle Langlois
Chapter Acknowledgements: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter A Clinical Application of Fuzzy Logic
Author/Editor: Ahmad Esmaili,Marco Riboldi,Andera Pella,Ali Negarestani,Mohamad Rahnema,Guido Baroni
Chapter A common approach to foster prevention and recovery of forest fires in Mediterranean Europe
Author/Editor: Luciano Lourenço,Adélia Nunes,Lorenzo Fusilli,Giovanni Laneve,Sandra Oliveira,Ana Sebastián López
Chapter A corpus-based approach to manual simultaneity
Author/Editor: Anna Sáfár,Laurence Meurant,Onno Crasborn,Aurélie Sinte,Mieke Van Herreweghe,Myriam Vermeerbergen
Chapter Acronyms
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter Action men: martial fashions in Florence, 1530-1630
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Currie
Chapter Active and Passive Acoustic Methods for In-situ Monitoring of the Ocean Status
Author/Editor: Sara Pensieri,Roberto Bozzano
Chapter Adalberto Alves e l'aforisma
Author/Editor: Michela Graziani
Chapter Ad alta voce: l’essenza fonico-acustica e gestuale del cursus nel Decameron
Author/Editor: Paola Mondani
Chapter Adaptive Automation and the Third Pilot
Author/Editor: Joan Cahill,Tiziana C. Callari,Florian Fortmann,Stefan Suck,Denis Javaux,Andreas Hasselberg,Sybert Stoeve
Chapter Adaptive High Linearity Intensity Modulator for Advanced Microwave Photonic Links
Author/Editor: Benjamin Dingel,Nicholas Madamopoulos,Andru Prescod
Chapter Additive Manufacturing Applied to the Design of Small Satellite Structure for Space Debris Reduction
Author/Editor: Andrés Caparrós,Jonathan Becedas
Chapter Additive Manufacturing of Al Alloys and Aluminium Matrix Composites (AMCs)
Author/Editor: Diego Manfredi,Flaviana Calignano,Manickavasagam Krishnan,Riccardo Canali,Elisa Paola,Sara Biamino,Daniele Ugues,Matteo Pavese,Paolo Fino
Chapter Address-Event Based Stereo Vision with Bio-Inspired Silicon Retina Imagers
Author/Editor: Jürgen Kogler,Christoph Sulzbachner,Martin Humenberger,Florian Eibensteiner
Chapter Addressing Load balancing Issues Related to Elastic Cloud Using Biomimetic Algorithms
Author/Editor: Shahrzad Aslanzadeh,Zenon Chaczko
Chapter Adenovirus as Tools in Animal Health
Author/Editor: José M. Rojas,Noemí Sevilla,Verónica Martín
Chapter Adipose Tissue and Skeletal Muscle Plasticity in Obesity and Metabolic Disease
Author/Editor: Jozef Ukropec,Barbara Ukropcova
Chapter A drone’s eye view: A preliminary assessment of the efficiency of drones in mapping shallow-water benthic assemblages
Author/Editor: Andrea Francesca Bellia,Julian Evans,Sandro Lanfranco
Chapter Adult Education Policies and Sustainable Development in Poland and Portugal: A Comparative Analysis of Policies and Practices
Author/Editor: Paula Guimarães,Marta Gontarska
Chapter Advanced Microfluidic Assays for Caenorhabditis elegans
Author/Editor: Natalia A. Bakhtina,Neil MacKinnon,Jan G. Korvink
Chapter Advanced Numerical Simulation of Organic Light-emitting Devices
Author/Editor: Nils A. Reinke,Felix Müller,Daniele Rezzonico,Beat Ruhstaller,Benjamin Perucco,Evelyne Knapp
Chapter Advanced Space Flight Mechanical Qualification Test of a 3D- Printed Satellite Structure Produced in Polyetherimide ULTEMTM
Author/Editor: Almudena Martín-Moreno,Jonathan Becedas,Andrés Caparrós,Antonio Ramírez,Esther Sarachaga
Chapter Advances on coastal erosion assessment from satellite earth observations: exploring the use of Sentinel products along with very high resolution sensors
Author/Editor: Martin Jones,Paula Gomes da Silva,Anne-Laure BECK,Jara Martínez Sánchez,Raul Medina,Mohamed Amine Taji
Chapter Advertising Adult Education Offerings in a Portuguese Qualifica Centre using Social Networking Tools
Author/Editor: Géraldine Pereira da Silva
Chapter A fragmentary story: episcopal culture in Milan during Lothar I’s reign?
Author/Editor: Miriam Rita Tessera
Chapter A Framework for Learning System for Complex Industrial Processes
Author/Editor: Moksadur Rahman,Amare Desalegn Fentaye,Valentina Zaccaria,Ioanna Aslanidou,Erik Dahlquist,Konstantinos Kyprianidis
Chapter After Picasso: Reinterpretations and recreations of Les Demoiselles D’Avignon in Contemporary Art
Author/Editor: Maite Méndez Baiges
Chapter After Steinberg: Contextualist Interpretations
Author/Editor: Maite Méndez Baiges
Chapter Afterword. Notes on Rereading and Re-enacting “China”
Author/Editor: Giovanni Tarantino
Chapter A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Remote Healthcare Monitoring by Learning and Recognizing Human Activities of Daily Living
Author/Editor: Bernadette Dorizzi,Dan Istrate,Jean Louis Baldinger,Mohamed Achraf Dhouib,Lamine Bougueroua,Hamid Medjahed,Jerome Boudy
Chapter Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Network Infrastructure Cyber-Attacks and Cooperative Defense Mechanisms
Author/Editor: Igor Kotenko
Chapter Agentive Phenomenology
Author/Editor: Myrto Mylopoulos,Joshua Shepherd
Chapter A graphical analysis of a skewed arched-masonry bridge along the Circumetnea railway track
Author/Editor: Raissa Garozzo,Cettina Santagati
Chapter A idade dos «desvios»: diacronia, variação social e linguística de corpus
Author/Editor: Catarina Carvalheiro,Johannes Kabatek,Ana Luísa Costa,Rita Marquilhas,Clara Pinto,Vaamonde Pratas,Gael Vaamonde
Chapter AI for Improving the Overall Equipment Efficiency in Manufacturing Industry
Author/Editor: Lluis Echeverria,Francesc Bonada,Gabriel Anzaldi,Xavier Domingo
Chapter Airborne and Ground-Borne Noise and Vibration from Urban Rail Transit Systems
Author/Editor: Georges Kouroussis,Konstantinos Vogiatzis
Chapter Alberi monumentali e giardini storici: un processo virtuoso di disseminazione e fruizione
Author/Editor: Lia Maria Papa
Chapter Alcune note su San Miniato in età medicea
Chapter Al di là del rapporto di lavoro: fenomenologie e stili del potere datoriale
Author/Editor: Luisa CORAZZA
Chapter Aleksandra Xvostova, Nikolaj Karamzin and the Gendering of Toska
Author/Editor: Sara Dickinson
Chapter Alexander von Humboldt, da 250 anni il teorizzatore dello studio interdisciplinare dell’ambiente
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Benincasa,Matteo De Vincenzi,GIANNI FASANO
Chapter Algunos proyectos de los años setenta de J. L. Linazasoro: el uso de la línea para definir el espacio, la forma y la materialidad
Author/Editor: Isaac Mendoza Rodríguez
Chapter Alla cieca e il testimone di secondo grado
Author/Editor: Monica Pesce
Chapter Alla ricerca di una ‘ragionevole flessibilità’ del lavoro non standard nell’intreccio di valori e tecniche
Author/Editor: Mariapaola Aimo
Chapter Allies and Germans: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter All typologies leak: Predicates of change in Lowland Chontal of Oaxaca
Author/Editor: Loretta O’Connor,Patience Epps,Alexandre Arkhipov
Chapter Along the Caeretan coast and forward on
Author/Editor: Patrizia Tartara
Chapter «Al privato onesto un'arma legittima». Per una genealogia della legittima difesa tra il moderamen inculpatae tutelae e la difesa legittima del diritto penale fascista
Author/Editor: Domenico Siciliano
Chapter Amori proibiti in palazzo Mondragone Carnesecchi. Un’inedita cupola di Antonio Puglieschi e una memoria medicea
Author/Editor: Marco Betti
Chapter A Multilevel Approach to Urban Regional Agglomerations: A Swedish Case of Transition Paths toward a “Fossil-Free Society” by 2050
Author/Editor: Hans Liljenström,Uno Svedin
Chapter Analisi del questionario per la rilevazione degli obiettivi conseguiti dal TDDI
Author/Editor: Antonella Grilli,Fabrizio Rozzi
Chapter Analisi lessicale degli alterati con funzione diminutiva e della varietà dei loro ruoli all’interno del Decameron
Author/Editor: Gabriele Sciarri
Chapter Analogy-Based Inference Patterns in Pharmacological Research
Author/Editor: Roland Poellinger
Chapter Analysis and representation for Digital Humanities: la Mappa Mosaico di Madaba. Digitalizzazione, analisi, decostruzione
Author/Editor: Gaetano Ginex,Francesco Stilo,Lorella Pizzonia
Chapter Analysis of the theoretical settlement scenario implemented by the municipal plans. the case study of the Romagna coast municipalities
Author/Editor: Francesco Zullo,Lorena Fiorini,Alessandro Marucci,Bernardino Romano
Chapter An analysis of the transaction towards sustainable food consumption practises during the Italian lockdown for SARS-CoV-2: the experience of the Lombardy region
Author/Editor: MARCO D'ADDARIO,Massimo Labra,Silvia Mari,Raffaele Matacena,Mariangela Zenga
Chapter Ancora su Boccaccio copista di Dante: (almeno) tre ‘redazioni’ della Vita nuova
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Giglio
Chapter Ancora su Giulio Pignatti ritrattista. Il mondo dei Grand Tourists e degli eruditi a Firenze
Author/Editor: Lisa Leonelli
Chapter Ancora sulla fortuna de La Fuerza lastimosa nell’opera del Seicento: Alfonso I di Matteo Noris (Venezia Napoli Palermo)
Author/Editor: Anna TEDESCO
Chapter A New Compact VNIR Hyperspectral Imaging System for Non-Invasive Analysis in the FineArt and Architecture Fields
Author/Editor: Marcello Picollo,Andrea Casini,Costanza Cucci,Jouni Jussila,Marco Poggesi,Lorenzo Stefani
Chapter A New Method to Reconstruct Recent Tree and Stand Attributes of Temporary Research Plots: New Opportunity to Analyse Mixed Forest Stands
Author/Editor: Eric Andreas Thurm,Klaas Wellhausen,Hans Pretzsch,Diana Perkins,Enno Uhl,Michael Heym,M. Steckel,Kamil Bielak
Chapter A new transplanting method of Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile, 1813 plants
Author/Editor: Roberto Bedini,Marco Bedini,Elisa Salvadori
Chapter Angiola D’Orso ante lo cómico calderoniano: Amore, honore e potere
Author/Editor: Francesca Leonetti
Chapter An immersive experience for the room with agrestic paintings in Carditello (CE)
Author/Editor: Alessandra Pagliano,Annalisa Pecora
Chapter An Initial Selection of Manuscripts for the Editio Critica Maior of the Pauline Epistles
Author/Editor: H. A. G. Houghton,H.A.G. Houghton,David C. Parker,Holger Strutwolf
Chapter An Italian Hero for China. Reading Marco Polo in the Fascist Era
Author/Editor: Laura DE GIORGI
Chapter A: Non-Predicative Adjectives
Author/Editor: Huang Chu-Ren,Hsieh Shu-Kai,Chen Keh-Jiann
Chapter Another Sicily, tuna-fishing structures and landscape: a diachronic and contemporary photographic journey along the Sicilian western coast
Author/Editor: MAURO FONTANA
Chapter Antagonism and Coexistence. Local Population and Western Merchants On Venetian Azov Sea in the 14th century
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Pubblici
Chapter Ant Algorithms for Adaptive Edge Detection
Author/Editor: Aleksandar Jevtic,Bo Li
Chapter Antecedenti, origini e tratti caratterizzanti della Public History in Italia
Chapter Antennas for Space Applications: A Review
Author/Editor: Efe Yazgan,Volkan Akan
Chapter Antidepressant Drugs and Pain
Author/Editor: Blanca Lorena,Cristina Alba-Delgado,Lidia Bravo,Juan Antonio,Esther Berrocoso
Chapter Ao(s) espelho(s) do espaço e do tempo
Author/Editor: Annabela Rita
Chapter ‘A Port of Two Seas.’ Lisbon and European Maritime Networks in the Fifteenth Century
Author/Editor: Joana Sequeira,Flávio Miranda
Chapter Appendice. Bruno Trentin e il dibattito costituzionale europeo
Author/Editor: Alain Supiot
Chapter Appendix
Author/Editor: Ali Haggett
Chapter Appendix VI: A Complete List of Parts of Speech in Mandarin Chinese
Author/Editor: Chu-Ren Huang,Shu-Kai Hsieh,Keh-Jiann Chen
Chapter Appendix VII: A Complete Table of Localizers
Author/Editor: Chu-Ren Huang,Shu-Kai Hsieh,Keh-Jiann Chen
Chapter Appendix V: Sample Segmented Text [Ya(Elegant) Level]
Author/Editor: Chu-Ren Huang,Shu-Kai Hsieh,Keh-Jiann Chen
Chapter Application of Nd:YAG Laser in Semiconductors’ Nanotechnology
Author/Editor: Edvins Dauksta,Artur Medvid,Aleksandr Mycko,Pavels Onufrijevs
Chapter Application of Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy in X-Ray Trace Element Analytical Techniques
Author/Editor: Matjaž Kavčič
Chapter Applications of the Selective Laser Melting Technology in the Industrial and Medical Fields
Author/Editor: Pacurar Ancuta,Pacurar Razvan
Chapter Applicazioni di Motion graphic per la valorizzazione del patrimonio museale del Museo di Arte Orientale di Torino (MAO)
Author/Editor: Marco Vitali,Giulia Bertola,Francesca Ronco
Chapter Applying Heat for Joining Textile Materials
Author/Editor: Savvas Vasiliadis,Simona Jevšnik,Senem Kurson Bahadir,Zoran Stjepanovič
Chapter Approccio metodologico: costruire per il TDDI
Author/Editor: Liboria Pantaleo
Chapter Approccio scientifico e questioni di metodo nello studio delle scritture cirilliche
Author/Editor: Barbara Lomagistro
Chapter Approssimazioni a Itaca e oltre (1982) o di Salgari e Torino
Author/Editor: Luciano Curreri
Chapter A presença dos dias / La presenza dei giorni
Author/Editor: Adalberto Alves,Elena Chiarini
Chapter A proposito dell’autore del Choždenie na Florentijskij sobor
Author/Editor: Lilia Skomorochova
Chapter A proposito di quantificatori indefiniti di massa in polacco
Author/Editor: Paola Cotta Ramusino
Chapter A Prospective Sustainability Indicator for Pension Systems
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Culotta
Chapter «A’ quai Lucan seguitava». Su Boccaccio lettore della Pharsalia
Author/Editor: Niccolò Gensini
Chapter A quantitative study to measure the family impact of e-learning
Author/Editor: Cristina Davino,Marco GHERGHI,Domenico VISTOCCO
Chapter «A quei tempi». Spagnolismo e teatro all’italiana. Miti e stereotipi
Chapter Archeologia subacquea in Liguria: un progetto integrato per la tutela e la valorizzazione
Author/Editor: Simon Luca Trigona
Chapter Archeologia vista da Drone. Il teatro greco-romano di Locri Epizefiri
Author/Editor: Giorgia Potestà,Vincenzo Gelsomino
Chapter Archeological findings of ancient harbor in the pilot site of Interreg Adrion APPRODI project in Ortona (Ch, Abruzzo), central Adriatic Sea
Author/Editor: Mauro Zappalorto,Diana de Francesco,Angela Faraone,Maurizio Paluzzi,Claudia Minciarelli,Giulio Tatasciore,Andrea R. Natale,Maria Carla de Francesco,Massimo Mangifesta
Chapter Architettura e Distruzione. Sperimentazioni sui disegni di Lebbeus Woods
Author/Editor: Alessandro Meloni
Chapter Architettura e neuroscienze: una doppia elica
Author/Editor: John Paul Eberhard
Chapter Are Polyfunctional Cells Protective in M. tuberculosis Infection
Author/Editor: Francesco Dieli,Nadia Caccamo
Chapter Are Teachers Agents of Change? Teacher Training and The Gender Dimension in Adult Education: Italy and Nigeria in Comparison
Chapter A Review of Compliant Movement Primitives
Author/Editor: Andrej Gams,Ales Ude,Tadej Petrič,Miha Denisa
Chapter A Rhetorical Model of Debating
Author/Editor: Stephen M. Llano
Chapter Aria di casa. Du Bos e il carattere delle piante-nazione
Author/Editor: EMILIO MAZZA
Chapter Armidoro, Oristeo e altri principi giardinieri sulle scene dell’opera veneziana nel Seicento
Author/Editor: Nicola BADOLATO
Chapter Arsinoe 3D. La narrazione digitale di uno scavo archeologico
Author/Editor: Sandro Parrinello,Anna Dell'Amico,Francesca Galasso
Chapter Arte, storia e prestigio. Per un’introduzione alla ‘ritrattistica genealogica’: la serie Guadagni di Firenze
Chapter Article 12 CRPD: Equal Recognition before the Law
Author/Editor: Lucy Series,Anna Nilsson
Chapter Artificial Intelligence Data Science Methodology for Earth Observation
Author/Editor: Gottfried Schwarz,Jose Lorenzo,Fabien Castel,Mihai Datcu,Corneliu Octavian Dumitru
Chapter Artificial reef along theFrench Mediterranean coastline: toward innovative integrated biodiversity management
Author/Editor: Jessica Salaün,Sylvain Pioch,Jean-Claude Dauvin
Chapter Artistic Expression of the Translatio imperii Concept in the Latin Epic Poetry of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th Century and the European Literary Context
Author/Editor: Zhanna Nekrashevich-Karotkaja
Chapter A Scientific Method for the Attribution of Paintings with Application to Leonardo’s Mona Lisa Twins
Author/Editor: John Fredrich Asmus,Vadim Parfenov
Chapter A Scientometric Study on Graphene and Related Graphene- Based Materials in Medicine
Author/Editor: Barbara Barboni,Mauro Mattioli,Alessandra Ordinelli,Juliana SofiaSomoes Machado,Rosa Ciccarelli,Nicola Bernabò
Chapter A sedimentological pattern of a coastal transitional environment: from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea shoreline through the Lake Bafa
Author/Editor: Burak Yalamaz,M.Namik Cagatay,Özlem Bulkan
Chapter Aspetto verbale e referenza nominale
Author/Editor: Lucyna Gebert
Chapter Assessing the Performance of Personal Protective Equipment1
Author/Editor: Georgios Kechagiadakis,Marc Pirlot
Chapter Assessment of agricultural productivity change at country level: A stochastic frontier approach
Author/Editor: Alessandro Magrini
Chapter Assessment of the ecological status of Sicilian coastal waters according to a macroalgae based index (CARLIT)
Author/Editor: Benedetto Sirchia,Vincenzo Ruvolo,Giancarlo BELLISSIMO
Chapter Assessment of visitors’ perceptions in protected areas through a model-based clustering
Author/Editor: Annalina Sarra,Adelia Evangelista,tonio di battista
Chapter A statistical information system in support of job policies orientation
Author/Editor: Cristina Martelli,adham kahlawi,Francesca Giambona,LUCIA BUZZIGOLI,LAURA GRASSINI
Chapter A structural equation model to measure logical competences
Author/Editor: Silvia BACCI,Bruno Bertaccini,Riccardo Bruni,Federico Crescenzi,Beatrice Donati
Chapter A Student Voice Approach in Work-Related Learning. From Lesson-Learned in Secondary School to Suggestions for Higher Education
Author/Editor: Gilda Esposito,Glenda Galeotti
Chapter A study of economic inequality in the light of fiscal sources: the case of Catalonia (14th-18th centuries)
Author/Editor: Jordi Morelló,Pere Orti Gost,Albert Reixach Sala,Pere Verdés Pijuan
Chapter A Techno Social Collaborative Platform to Manage Optimize and Crowdfund Cultural Heritage Initiatives
Author/Editor: Francesco Spadoni,Flavio Tariffi,Raffaele Rossi,Salvatore Lusso
Chapter A test facility to investigate sheath effects during ion cyclotron resonance heating
Author/Editor: Kristel Crombé,Stéphane Heuraux,M. Usoltceva,A. Kostic,H. Fuenfgelder,Jean-Marie Noterdaeme,Fabrice Louche,R. Ochoukov,Anton Nikiforov,I. Shesterikov,Dirk Van Eester,Helmut Faugel,Jonathan Jacquot,Eric Faudot,Rodolphe D’ Inca
Chapter Atomic Force Microscopy in Optical Imaging and Characterization
Author/Editor: Martin Veis,Roman Antos
Chapter At the Intersection of Art, Architecture and Archaeology: 3D Virtualization and Contemporary Heritage
Author/Editor: Herbert D. G. Maschner,Víctor Manuel López-Menchero Bendicho,Miguel Ángel Hervás Herrera,Jeffrey Du Vernay,Aurelia Lureau,James Bart McLeod
Chapter Attori e strumenti delle politiche per l’innovazione
Author/Editor: Mauro Lombardi
Chapter Attorno alle nominalizzazioni
Author/Editor: Alina Kreisberg
Chapter Attraverso la porta di Lisbona: i generi coloniali volano del commercio luso-genovese tra XVII e XVIII secolo
Author/Editor: Paolo CALCAGNO
Chapter Auditory Verbal Hallucinations and Inner Speech: A Predictive Processing Perspective
Author/Editor: Sam Wilkinson,Charles Fernyhough
Chapter Aufteilung von Erwerbs-, Haus- und Familienarbeit in Partnerschaften im Beziehungsverlauf: der Einfluss von Sozialpolitik in Europa
Author/Editor: Daniela Grunow,Detlev Lück,Waltraud Cornelißen
Chapter Australians’ Literatures and Cultures in Tuscany
Author/Editor: Roberta TRAPE'
Chapter Automatic Identification and Interpretation of Animal Sounds, Application to Livestock Production Optimisation
Author/Editor: Vasileios Exadaktylos,Mitchell Silva,Daniel Berckmans
Chapter Automation of the Expertise of the Roman Mosaic Arts in Constanta: Analytical and Statistical Models for a Fuzzy Inference-Based System
Author/Editor: Daniela Ţurcanu-Caruțiu,Silviu Ioniță
Chapter Autonomous Sensors: Existing and Prospective Applications
Author/Editor: Giulia Orecchini,Francesco Orfei
Chapter A WiMAX Network Architecture Based on Multi-Hop Relays
Author/Editor: Iraklis Georgas,Panagiotis Tsiakas,Konstantinos Voudouris,Nikos Athanasopoulos,Charalampos Stergiopoulos,Nikolaos Zotos
Chapter B10 Bilingual and Multilingual Legal Systems
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter B1 Linguistic Features of Legal Language
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter B2 Functions of Legal Language
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter B3 Genre Analysis of Legal Discourse
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter B4 Speech in the Courtroom
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter B5 Linguistic Strategies Used by Lawyers
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter B6 Pragmatics and Legal Interpretation
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter B7 Legal Speech Acts
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter B8 Disputing ‘Ordinary Language’
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter B9 Techniques in Forensic Linguistics
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter Bambini in tempo di guerra. Raccontare il passaggio della guerra e la Resistenza attraverso video-interviste di testimonianza: luoghi, memorie, racconti
Author/Editor: Mario Spiganti
Chapter Bayesian Approach for X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Spectroscopy
Author/Editor: Alessandro Cunsolo,Luisa Scaccia,Alessio De Francesco
Chapter Bayesian Networks for Supporting Model Based Predictive Control of Smart Buildings
Author/Editor: Alberto Giretti,Massimo Vaccarini,Alessandro Carbonari
Chapter BCI Integration: Application Interfaces
Author/Editor: Christoph Hintermüller,Christoph Kapeller,Günter Edlinger and Christoph Guger
Chapter Behavioral Factors Affecting Reproduction in Domestic Horses: Sociobiological Approach
Author/Editor: Jitka Bartošová,Jan Pluháček,Luděk Bartoš
Chapter Being There: Understanding the Feeling of Presence in a Synthetic Environment and its Potential for Clinical Change
Author/Editor: Fabrizia Mantovani,Giuseppe Riva
Chapter Bernard Villemot: il disegno prima di tutto
Author/Editor: Marcello Scalzo
Chapter Between Epidemiology and Basic Genetic Research – Systems Epidemiology
Author/Editor: Eiliv Lund
Chapter Between Kafka and Gogol’. ‘De-territorialising’ National Narrative(s) in Post-Soviet Ukrainian Literature in Russian
Author/Editor: Marco Puleri
Chapter Between the Mediterranean and the North Sea: Networks of Men and Ports (14th-15th Centuries)
Author/Editor: Angela Orlandi
Chapter Between Three Languages, Dialects and Forms of Mixed Speech: Dialect and Language Contacts in Ukrainian-Belarusian Transitional Area
Author/Editor: Salvatore DEL GAUDIO
Chapter Beyond Dietary Fatty Acids as Energy Source: A Point of View for the Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes
Author/Editor: Almudena Ortega,Beatriz Bermudez,Rocio Abia,Lourdes M. Varela,Sergio Lopez,Francisco J.G. Muriana
Chapter Beyond the glass house icons: graphic documentation of the correlations between Bo Bardi’s and Johnson’s studios
Author/Editor: Luca Rossato,Federica Maietti,Felipe Corres Melachos,Gabriele Giau
Chapter Bibliography
Author/Editor: Ian Miller
Chapter Bibliography
Chapter Bibliography: A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing
Author/Editor: Chris Millard
Chapter Bibliography: Mycoses and Modernity
Author/Editor: Aya Homei,Michael Worboys
Chapter Bibliography: Ravenous Natures
Author/Editor: Alanna Skuse
Chapter Bibliography: Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Elizabeth T. Hurren
Chapter Bibliography: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter Big data analysis and labour market: an analysis of Italian online job vacancies data
Author/Editor: Cristina Martelli,Francesca Giambona,Adham Kahlawi,Lucia Buzzigoli,Laura Grassini
Chapter Biocompatible Ceramic – Glass Composite – Manufacturing and Selected Physical – Mechanical Properties
Author/Editor: Barbara Staniewicz–Brudnik,Małgorzata Lekka
Chapter Biocytin-Based Contrast Agents for Molecular Imaging: An Approach to Developing New In Vivo Neuroanatomical Tracers for MRI
Author/Editor: Jörn Engelmann,Michael Beyerlein,Almut Schüz,R Mishra,Anurag Mishra,K Dhingra,Nikos K. Logothetis,Santiago Canals
Chapter Biofilm Formation in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Strains: Relationship with Urovirulence Factors and Antimicrobial Resistance
Author/Editor: Sara M. Soto,Francesc Marco,Elisabet Guiral,Jordi Vila
Chapter Biografie, spazi, contesti: educare alla Storia
Author/Editor: Matteo Mazzoni
Chapter Biomarkers in Rare Genetic Diseases
Author/Editor: Alessandra Ferlini,C. Scotton
Chapter Biomarkers in the Overactive Bladder Syndrome
Author/Editor: Carlos Silva,Tiago Antunes Lopes,Francisco Cruz,Célia D. Cruz
Chapter Biomaterials for Cardiac Tissue Engineering
Author/Editor: M. Arnal-Pastor,Juan Carlos Chachques,Ana Vallés-Lluch,M. Monleón Pradas
Chapter Biomethanol from Glycerol
Author/Editor: Hero J. Heeres,Joost G. van Bennekom,R. H. Venderbosch
Chapter Biometric Keys for the Encryption of Multimodal Signatures
Author/Editor: Konstantinos Moustakas,Georgios Stavropoulos,Dimosthenis Ioannidis,Anastasios Drosou
Chapter Bioreactor-Based Bone Tissue Engineering
Author/Editor: Inga Marijanovic,Maja Antunovic,Igor Matic,Marina Panek,Alan Ivkovic
Chapter Bioremediation of Chlorobenzoic Acids
Author/Editor: Tomas Macek,Blanka Vrchotova,Martina Mackova
Chapter Biosensors Applications on Assessment of Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidants
Author/Editor: Gabriel Lucian Radu,Mirela Diaconu,Simona Carmen Litescu,Sandra A. V. Eremia,Andreia Tache
Chapter Black box approaches to genealogical classification and their shortcomings
Author/Editor: Jelena Prokić,Anju Saxena,Steven Moran,Lars Borin
Chapter Black Sea and its Maritime Networks, 1770s-1820s. The Beginnings of Its European Integratio
Author/Editor: Gelina Harlaftis
Chapter Blockchain Applications in Cybersecurity
Author/Editor: Eneko Gómez,Santiago de Diego,Oscar Lage,Borja Urkizu,Iván Gutiérrez
Chapter BlogRoll e risorse digitali per la Public History
Author/Editor: Monica Dati
Chapter Boccaccio erudito e il prologo del De viris illustribus petrarchesco
Author/Editor: Chiara Ceccarelli
Chapter Boccaccio, il Decameron e la Crusca: le fonti spogliate dagli Accademici
Author/Editor: Caterina Canneti
Chapter Bodies of Tow and Paraffin
Author/Editor: Maite Méndez Baiges
Chapter Bodin e la teoria climatica in epoca moderna
Author/Editor: Diego Quaglioni
Chapter Boosting Entrepreneurship Capability in Work Transitions
Author/Editor: massimiliano costa,ANDREA STRANO
Chapter Boron Studies in Interdisciplinary Fields Employing Nuclear Track Detectors (NTDs)
Author/Editor: J. Pálfalvi,Eduardo D. Greaves,Laszlo Sajo-Bohus
Chapter Borrowed preverbs and the limits of contact-induced change in aspectual systems
Author/Editor: Peter Arkadiev
Chapter Bottom-Up Fabrication of Atomically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons
Author/Editor: Martina Corso,Eduard Carbonell-Sanromà,Dimas G. de Oteyza,Martina Corso,Eduard Carbonell-Sanromà,Dimas G. de Oteyza
Chapter Brain-Computer Interface Systems Used for Virtual Reality Control
Author/Editor: Gert Pfurtscheller,Christa Neuper,Josef Faller,Robert Leeb
Chapter Brand Identity e nuovi media. Il caso studio del Platinum Jubilee
Author/Editor: Maria Elisabetta Ruggiero
Chapter Breast Cancer- It’s All in the DNA
Author/Editor: Somaira Nowsheen,Khaled Aziz,Asef Aziz,Alexandros G Georgakilas
Chapter Broadband NIRS Cerebral Evaluation of the Hemodynamic and Oxidative State of Cytochrome-c-Oxidase Responses to +Gz Acceleration in Healthy Volunteers
Author/Editor: F. Lange,G. Bale,P. Kaynezhad,R.D. Pollock,A. Stevenson,I. Tachtsidis
Chapter Bruno de Finetti economista corporativo: dall’economia programmata alla costruzione della funzione di preferenza sociale
Author/Editor: Mario POMINI
Chapter Burial Archaeology and the Transformation of the Roman World in Northern Gaul (4th to 6th Centuries)
Author/Editor: Frans Theuws,Susanne Brather-Walter
Chapter Burladores e Convitati a Napoli tra Sei e Settecento, da Perrucci ad Abri (e oltre)
Author/Editor: Francesco Cotticelli
Chapter Business Process Linguistic Modeling: Theory and Practice Part I: BPLM Strategy Creator
Author/Editor: Stašák Jozef,Kultan Jaroslav,Schmidt Peter,Urinbasarovich Abu
Chapter C10 Same Law, Different Texts
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter C1 Perception of Legal Language
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter C2 Reforming Legal Language
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter C3 Reading a Statute
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter C4 Restricted Verbal Interaction in Court
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter C5 Techniques in Legal Advocacy
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter C6 Deciding Legal Meaning
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter C7 Spoken and Written Performatives
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter C8 Misleading Language in Adverts
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter C9 Language Data as Evidence
Author/Editor: Alan Durant,Janny H.C. Leung
Chapter Calderón en el Gibaldone de Casamarciano (II): el scenario Il finto astrologo
Author/Editor: Roberta ALVITI
Chapter Cambiare opinione (o quasi) su Camilleri
Author/Editor: Giuseppe TRAINA
Chapter Canals, Cities, Museums, Libraries & Photography: a Reconnaissance Study of Regent’s Canal, London
Author/Editor: Graham Diprose,Christina Hemsley,James R. Hemsley
Chapter Can Attenuated Leishmania Induce Equally Effective Protection as Virulent Strains in Visceral Leishmaniasis
Author/Editor: Joana Cunha,Eugenia Carrillo,Javier Moreno
Chapter Cancellazione dei riflessivi e diatesi media in russo
Chapter Canons, books of canons, and ecclesiastical judgments in Carolingian Italy: the Council of Mantua, 827
Author/Editor: Michael Heil
Chapter Can Turn-Taking Highlight the Nature of Non-Verbal Behavior: A Case Study
Author/Editor: Izidor Mlakar,Matej Rojc,Darinka Verdonik,Simona Majhenič
Chapter Capo Mele: a story-telling experimental beach in Laigueglia (sv)
Author/Editor: Adriana Ghersi
Chapter Carbon Nanotube (CNT)-Reinforced Metal Matrix Bulk Composites: Manufacturing and Evaluation
Author/Editor: Leander Reinert,Frank Mücklich,Sebastian Suarez
Chapter Carbon Nanotubes-Based Radiation Detectors
Author/Editor: Antonio Ambrosio,C. Aramo
Chapter Careening areas in marinas, anchorages, and private shipyards. Status of implementation of the MSFD measure
Author/Editor: Julie Droit
Chapter Career Calling: Lights and Shadows
Author/Editor: Sonia Startari,MARCO SCHIAVETTA
Chapter Carlo Cipolla, Amedeo Crivellucci e l’edizione della Historia Langobardorum di Paolo Diacono
Author/Editor: Marino ZABBIA
Chapter Cartoline: la memoria e la sua forma visiva
Author/Editor: Lara Pieri
Chapter Catalogo dei papiri provenienti dal Kôm Kâssûm conservati nell'Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli»
Author/Editor: Gabriella Messeri,Antonio López García
Chapter Catastrophes, the Imaginary and Citizenship: The Production of the Other and the Singularity of Experience.of Risk
Author/Editor: José Manuel Mendes,Isabel Capeloa Gil,Christoph Wulf
Chapter Caterina Colombini e le origini della congregazione delle gesuate
Author/Editor: Paolo Nardi
Chapter Caterina Colombini, o della cugina sedotta. Una ‘ricostruzione’ della figura di Caterina attraverso i testi
Author/Editor: Mattia Zangari
Chapter C: Conjunction
Author/Editor: Huang Chu-Ren,Hsieh Shu-Kai,Chen Keh-Jiann
Chapter Cell Culture and Maintenance of the Evolutionary Forms of Trypanosoma cruzi for Studies of Parasitic Biology
Author/Editor: Moreno Gonçalves,de Freitas Oliveira Wysllas,Branco Castelo,Araújo Laura,Queiroz Maria,Donato Tavares,da Silva Júnior José,da Silva Rodrigues Thays,Silva Sousa
Chapter Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Methotrexate Resistance in Melanoma
Author/Editor: Magalí Sáez-Ayala,Juan Cabezas-Herrera,María F. Montenegro,José Neptuno Rodríguez-López,María Piedad Fernández-Pérez,Luis Sanchez del-Campo
Chapter Challenges and New Frontiers in the Paediatric Drug Discovery and Development
Author/Editor: Donato Bonifazi,Giovanni Migliaccio,Angelica Intini
Chapter Challenges for Cost-Effective Microalgae Anaerobic Digestion
Author/Editor: Álvaro Torres,Fernando G. Fermoso,Bárbara Rincón,Jan Bartacek,Rafael Borja,David Jeison
Chapter Changes and Developments in the Linguistic Landscape of Present-Day Crimea
Author/Editor: Paola Bocale
Chapter Channels and Parameters Acquisition in Cooperative OFDM Systems
Author/Editor: Carlos Ribeiro,Darlene M. Neves,Atilio Gameiro,Adão Silva
Chapter Characterisation of Airborne Particulate Matter in Different European Subway Systems
Author/Editor: Célia Alves,Teresa Moreno,V. Martins,María Cruz Minguillón,Xavier Querol,Konstantinos Eleftheriadis Luís Mendes,Eladio de Miguel
Chapter Characterization of Atmospheric Mercury in the High-Altitude Background Station and Coastal Urban City in South Asia
Author/Editor: Karuppasamy Bharath,Seshachalam Srinivasalu,Natesan Usha,Ramasamy Karthik
Chapter Charge Transport in Ferroelectric Thin Films
Author/Editor: Lucian Pintilie
Chapter Chemical Detection of Short-Lived Species Induced in Aqueous Media by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma
Author/Editor: Yury Gorbanev,Annemie Bogaerts
Chapter Cheminer dans les espaces pastoraux du Buccolicum carmen avec Boccace
Author/Editor: Claire CHAUVIN
Chapter Chinese migration(s) to Italy beyond stereotypes and simplistic views: the case of the graphic novels Primavere e Autunni and Chinamen
Author/Editor: Andrea Scibetta
Chapter Chronologie de Santa Maria Novella (1291-1319)
Author/Editor: Delphine Carron,Iñigo Atucha,Anna Pegoretti
Chapter Chronotopes of Affectivity in Literature. On Melancholy, Estrangement, and Reflective Nostalgia
Author/Editor: Laura Salmon
Chapter Cinesità fluide: avventure di cinesi nel mondo
Author/Editor: Valentina Pedone
Chapter Civilisation versus barbarie. L’Ennemi sous la plume des Léningradois assiégés
Author/Editor: Sarah Gruszka
Chapter Classical Tradition in Czech Renaissance and Baroque Literature
Author/Editor: Lubor Kysučan
Chapter Claudio Magris e il mondo nordico. Uno scambio fecondo
Author/Editor: Sara CULEDDU
Chapter Claudio Magris e i miti della Grande Austria
Author/Editor: Hermann DOROWIN
Chapter Claystone as a Potential Host Rock for Nuclear Waste Storage
Author/Editor: Zoltán Máthé,Károly Lázár
Chapter Clean Water from Clean Energy: Decentralised Drinking Water Production Using Wind Energy Powered Electrodialysis
Author/Editor: Payam Malek,Helfrid M.A. Schulte-Herbrüggen,Juan M. Ortiz
Chapter Climate Change Impacts on Atmospheric Circulation and Daily Precipitation in the Argentine Pampas Region
Author/Editor: Olga Clorinda Penalba,Maria Laura Bettolli
Chapter Clinical Trials in Paediatrics — Regulatory and Methodological Aspects
Author/Editor: Adriana Ceci,Viviana Giannuzzi,Donato Bonifazi,Mariagrazia Felisi,Fedele Bonifazi,Lucia Ruggieri
Chapter Clustering students according to their proficiency: a comparison between different approaches based on item response theory models
Author/Editor: Rosa Fabbricatore,Francesco Palumbo
Chapter Coastal erosion in the Gulf of Follonica and Baratti and coastal defense methods
Author/Editor: Roberto Bedini,Paolo Colantoni,Christine Pergent-Martini
Chapter Coastal heritage and territorial signs
Author/Editor: Antonietta Ivona
Chapter Cognitive Stages in Rational Thinking - toward Human Technology
Author/Editor: Mika Laakkonen
Chapter Coherent Resonant Properties of Cardiac Cells
Author/Editor: Dusan Chorvat,A. Chorvatova
Chapter Colour project as redevelopment of school environments. Colour and visual identity
Author/Editor: Francesca Salvetti
Chapter Combinatory Categorial Grammar
Author/Editor: Mark Steedman,András Kertész,Edith Moravcsik,Csilla Rákosi
Chapter Combined Deep Learning and Traditional NLP Approaches for Fire Burst Detection Based on Twitter Posts
Author/Editor: Konstantinos-George Thanos,Andrianna Polydouri,Antonios Danelakis,Dimitris Kyriazanos,Stelios C.A. Thomopoulos
Chapter Combined Neuro-Cardiogenic Epilepsy Syndromes and Novel Mechanistic Insights
Author/Editor: S.E. Lehnart
Chapter Come fermare una grande recessione. Il dibattito sulla crisi economica del 1929 in Italia
Author/Editor: Antonio MAGLIULO
Chapter Commento alla traduzione. Traduttori non sempre traditori
Author/Editor: Anna Tylusinska-Kowalska
Chapter Commodification o giustizia ambientale? I PES come strumento di governance del valore della natura
Author/Editor: DAVIDE MARINO
Chapter Communicating safely & effectively using plant names
Author/Editor: Bob Allkin
Chapter Comparative Adult and Continuing Education: A Guiding Essay
Author/Editor: Regina Egetenmeyer
Chapter Comparing Top-Down And Bottom-Up Approaches. Maps Of Cultural Landscape Digitisation Processes
Author/Editor: Marco Vedoà
Chapter Competenze lessicali in italiano L2: gli eventi di moto in testi narrativi
Author/Editor: Ada VALENTINI
Chapter Competizione e complessità nel sistema internazionale tra equilibri e caos
Author/Editor: Rodolfo Ragionieri
Chapter Comporre, inquadrare, comunicare: rappresentazione dell’architettura negli scatti di Basilico, Ghirri e Fontana
Author/Editor: Ilenio Celoria
Chapter Compromises and Confrontations, 1945-1949: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Author/Editor: Jessica Reinisch
Chapter Computational BIM design approach supporting Spatial Analysis: the case of healthcare facilities
Author/Editor: Francesca Maria Ugliotti,Farzane Shahriari
Chapter Computational Biology, Protein Engineering, and Biosensor Technology: a Close Cooperation for Herbicides Monitoring
Author/Editor: Giuseppina Rea,Fabio Polticelli,Amina Antonacci,Maya Lambreva,Sandro Pastorelli,Viviana Scognamiglio,Veranika Zobnina,Maria Teresa
Chapter Computation of Scintillation Indices for the Galileo E1 Signals Using a Software Receiver
Author/Editor: Marko Vučković,S. Stanič
Chapter Computer Assistance in the Minimally Invasive Ablation Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer
Author/Editor: Benjamin Eigl,Andreas Andreou,Matthias Peterhans,Stefan Weber,Beat Gloor
Chapter Conceptual Frameworks of Vulnerability Assessments for Natural Disasters Reduction
Author/Editor: R. L. Ciurean,Dagmar Schröter,Thomas Glade
Chapter Con chi vengo vengo di Michele della Marra fra Calderón e Angiola D’Orso
Chapter Conclusion
Author/Editor: Beate Eschment
Chapter Conclusion: Death, deindustrialization, and time
Author/Editor: Elisha Renne
Chapter Conclusion: Death Is Only Their Desire: Ravenous Natures
Author/Editor: Alanna Skuse
Chapter Conclusioni
Author/Editor: Luigi Mastronardi,Luca Romagnoli
Chapter Conclusioni
Chapter Conclusion: Infrastructure of commensurability
Author/Editor: Joël Glasman
Chapter Conclusion Managing for Quality: Practical Lessons from Research Insights
Author/Editor: Fernando Prieto Ramos
Chapter Conclusion: Mycoses and Modernity
Author/Editor: Aya Homei,Michael Worboys
Chapter Conclusions
Author/Editor: Steffen Patzold
Chapter Conclusion: The Politics of Self-Harm: Social Setting and Self-Regulation: A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing
Author/Editor: Chris Millard
Chapter Concurrent Specification of Embedded Systems: An Insight into the Flexibility vs Correctness Trade-Off
Author/Editor: Fernando Herrera,Inigo Ugarte
Chapter Configuration Logic of Standard Business Processes for Inter-Company Order Management
Author/Editor: Carsten Schmidt,Stefan Cuber
Chapter “Куда бы тебя ни занесло…”. Connettivi concessivi o fraseologismi sintattici?
Author/Editor: Paola Cotta Ramusino
Chapter “Conosci te stesso”: o quello che i progettisti possono imparare dalle scienze biologiche contemporanee
Author/Editor: Harry Francis Mallgrave
Chapter Consciousness and Morality
Author/Editor: Joshua Shepherd,Neil Levy
Chapter Conservazione predittiva di edifici storici attraverso un sistema basato sull’IoT
Author/Editor: Marco Limongiello,Angelo Lorusso,Anna Sanseverino,Barbara Messina
Chapter Considerazioni su arte francese e arte italiana: da Luigi XII e Francesco I alla Maison de Gondi di Saint-Cloud e agli Orléans
Author/Editor: Medardo Pelliciari
Chapter Considerazioni su PSI Com6 3 e lo scriba A3 di Ossirinco
Author/Editor: Eleonora Angela Conti
Chapter Construire un comté: Sinopoli (1330-1335)
Author/Editor: Sylvie Pollastri
Chapter Contacts between indigenous languages in South America
Author/Editor: Pieter Muysken,Verónica Grondona,Lyle Campbell
Chapter Continuità dell’imprinting boitiano del disegno come educazione al progetto al Politecnico di Milano
Author/Editor: Maria Pompeiana Iarossi,Cecilia Santacroce
Chapter Continuous Anything for Distributed Research Projects
Author/Editor: Frank Griesinger,Jörg Domaschka,Simon Volpert
Chapter Contributors
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter Cooperative Game Theory and Its Application in Localization Algorithms
Author/Editor: Shahid Mumtaz,Jonathan Rodriguez,Senka Hadzic
Chapter Cooperative Localization and SLAM Based on the Extended Information Filter
Author/Editor: Francesco Conte,Andrea Cristofaro,Agostino Martinelli,Alessandro Renzaglia
Chapter Copertura ‘a bulbo’ del campanile. Un di-segno visivo e visuale
Author/Editor: Vincenzo Cirillo,Riccardo Miele
Chapter Corpi annidati
Author/Editor: Sarah Robinson
Chapter Corpo, mente e immaginazione: l’essenza mentale dell’architettura
Author/Editor: Juhani Pallasmaa
Chapter Corrections à quelques documents de Vienne
Author/Editor: Alain Delattre
Chapter Corrosion Detection for Automated Visual Inspection
Author/Editor: Francisco Bonnin-Pascual,Alberto Ortiz
Chapter CREB Signaling in Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells: Implications for a Role in Brain Tumors
Author/Editor: Theo Mantamadiotis,Nikos Papalexis,Sebastian Dworkin
Chapter Criterial Freezing in small clauses and the cartography of copular constructions
Author/Editor: Ur Shlonsky,Jutta Hartmann,Luigi Rizzi,Marion Jäger,Andreas Kehl,Andreas Konietzko,Susanne Winkler
Chapter Cross-linguistic considerations on preverb stacking (with special reference to Bulgarian)
Author/Editor: Alessio Muro
Chapter Crystalline Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells
Author/Editor: Fritz Falk,Gudrun Andrä
Chapter Crystallization of Membrane Proteins: Merohedral Twinning of Crystals
Author/Editor: V. Borshchevskiy,V. Gordeliy
Chapter Cultural heritage survey and inclusive representation. The case of Villa Ottolenghi
Author/Editor: Sara Eriche,Giulia Pellegri
Chapter Cuma. Declinazioni del digitale
Author/Editor: Leopoldo Repola
Chapter Current State of Art in Earthquake Prediction, Typical Precursors and Experience in Earthquake Forecasting at Sakhalin Island and Surrounding Areas
Author/Editor: I.N. Tikhonov,M.V. Rodki
Chapter Curriculum globALE: A Global Tool for Professionalising Adult Educators
Author/Editor: Thomas Lichtenberg
Chapter Da convitato di pietra a protagonista: appunti per una storia del tirocinio
Author/Editor: Stefano Oliviero
Chapter D: Adverbs
Author/Editor: Huang Chu-Ren,Hsieh Shu-Kai,Chen Keh-Jiann
Chapter Dai primi trattati portoghesi di astronomia alla «Nube di Magellano» di Haroldo de Campos
Author/Editor: Michela Graziani
Chapter Da La celosa de sí misma di Tirso a La gelosa di se stessa, melodramma di Arcangelo Spagna
Author/Editor: Simone Trecca
Chapter Dal Desdén di Moreto ai Plaisirs di Molière
Author/Editor: Marco Lombardi
Chapter Dal disegno all’edificio e ritorno. Strumenti digitali per comunicare gli archivi di architettura
Author/Editor: Vincenzo Bagnolo,Andrea Pirinu,Raffaele Argiolas,Simone Cera
Chapter Dal Filostrato ai rispetti di ambiente laurenziano: la ricezione quattrocentesca della prima lettera di Troiolo a Criseida
Author/Editor: Silvia Litterio
Chapter Dalla geografia storica all’archeologia del paesaggio e dell’ambiente. Una irrinunciabile eredità di Massimo Quaini
Author/Editor: Alessandro Panetta,Valentina Pescini
Chapter Dalla progettazione alla fruizione di un video a 360°
Author/Editor: Damiana Luzzi
Chapter Dalla storia all’inclusione. Il racconto della comunità cinese di Prato
Author/Editor: Davide Finizio
Chapter Dalle “macchine inutili” alle “macchine utili”. Algoritmi generativi per costruire le geometrie della trasformazione
Author/Editor: Mara Capone,Angela Cicala
Chapter Dal lezionario all’aprakos. La versione liturgica dei vangeli greci e la tradizione testuale slava
Author/Editor: Alberto Alberti
Chapter Dall’idea al progetto
Chapter Dall’intuizione all’immersione: architettura e neuroscienze
Author/Editor: Melissa Farling
Chapter Dal mare alla terra: un nuovo punto di vista sui fari pugliesi
Author/Editor: Gabriele Rossi,Valentina Castagnolo,Anna Christiana Maiorano
Chapter Dal ‘progetto assente’ alla ‘architettura interrotta’. Il ruolo della modellazione digitale 3D nell’analisi storico-critica. Un caso di studio
Author/Editor: Mario Centofanti,Andrea Ruggieri,Pamela Maiezza,Alessandra Tata,Stefano Brusaporci
Chapter Damasias and Thales: stasis and sophia at the term of Solon’s apodemia
Author/Editor: Delfim Leão
Chapter “Dante, Can I Lead You?” South African students write back (across seven centuries and a hemisphere)
Author/Editor: Christopher Thurman
Chapter Dante epilettico, o anche isterico. Una storia psichiatriico letteraria di fine Ottocento
Author/Editor: Enrico ARTIFONI
Chapter Dante, Remigio de’ Girolami, il sistema angioino: teologia e politica
Author/Editor: Francesco Bruni
Chapter Dante’s Journey Through Our Lives: Reading La Commedia in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Author/Editor: Giovanna Trento
Chapter Da Perugia a Genova e poi ancora a Perugia: sui “disegni regolatori” di Galeazzo Alessi
Author/Editor: Paolo Belardi
Chapter Da Verri a Cuoco. Il dibattito sul carattere degli Italiani tra Sette e Ottocento
Author/Editor: LUCA MANNORI
Chapter Da Vienna con amore: il caleidoscopio delle calligrafie settecentesche e il caso Orfelin
Author/Editor: Persida Lazarevic Di Giacomo
Chapter «Débarquer/démarquer»: Voltaire e Magellano
Author/Editor: Michela Landi
Chapter Dealing with Imperfection Sensitivity of Composite Structures Prone to Buckling
Author/Editor: Richard Degenhardt,Alexander Kling,Rolf Zimmermann,F.C. de Araújo,Falk Odermann
Chapter Dealing with VoIP Calls During “Busy Hour” in LTE
Author/Editor: Christos Verikoukis,Elli Kartsakli,Angelos Antonopoulos,Luis Alonso
Chapter Decomposing tourists’ sentiment from raw NL text to assess customer satisfaction
Chapter Dedication
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter Dedication: Mycoses and Modernity
Author/Editor: Aya Homei,Michael Worboys
Chapter Deep Learning Training and Benchmarks for Earth Observation Images: Data Sets, Features, and Procedures
Author/Editor: Gottfried Schwarz,Corneliu Octavian Dumitru,Mihai Datcu
Chapter (De)globalizzazione e (dis)informazione. Le sfide all’analisi della politica estera nella politica contemporanea
Author/Editor: Federica Bicchi,Emidio Diodato,Serena Giusti
Chapter Democracy under the kothornos: Thucydides and Xenophon on Theramenes
Author/Editor: Lucia Sano,Breno Battistin Sebastiani
Chapter Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Mucinous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer, and Survival Following a Mucinous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis
Author/Editor: Cynthia D. O'Malley,Amy R. Kahn,Jennifer M. Wike,Sherri L. Stewart,Trevor D. Thompson,Maria J. Schymura,Rosemary D. Cress
Chapter De Moluccis insulis. Un resoconto propagandistico ante-litteram
Author/Editor: Letizia Vezzosi
Chapter Dendritic Cell Endocytosis Essential for Viruses and Vaccines
Author/Editor: Kenneth C. McCullough,Rajni Sharma
Chapter Dentro il museo: creare esperienze culturali in realtà aumentata
Author/Editor: Francesca Ronco,Elisabetta Caterina Giovannini
Chapter Dependency-sensitive typological distance
Author/Editor: Harald Hammarström,Anju Saxena,Loretta O’Connor,Lars Borin
Chapter Depersonalized Case Histories in the Babylonian Therapeutic Compendia
Author/Editor: J. Cale Johnson
Chapter Deploying ITS Scenarios Providing Security and Mobility Services Based on IEEE 802.11p Technology
Author/Editor: Antonio F. Skarmeta,Pedro J. Fernandez Ruiz,Fernando Bernal Hidalgo,José Santa Lozano
Chapter Design Aspects of a Testbed for an IPv6-Based Future Network for Aeronautical Safety and Non-Safety Communication
Author/Editor: Oliver Lücke,Eriza Hafid Fazli
Chapter Designing Heterogeneous-mHealth Apps for Cystic Fibrosis Adults
Author/Editor: Tamara Vagg,C. Fleming,C. Shortt,Mairead McCarthy,Barry J. Plant,Sabin Tabirca
Chapter Designing VR and AR gamifications for cultural heritage educational escape games
Author/Editor: Spiros Papadopoulos,Vassilis Bourdakis,Elena Mantzari,Aristides Vagelatos,Apostolia Galani,George Loukakis
Chapter Design Issues and Challenges of File Systems for Flash Memories
Author/Editor: Stefano Di Carlo,M. Cramia,Paolo Prinetto,Michele Fabiano
Chapter Determinants and Tools to Evaluate the Ecological Sustainability of Using Forest Biomass as an Alternative Energy Source
Author/Editor: Yueh-Hsin Lo,Juan A. Blanco,D. Candel-Pérez
Chapter Determinants of Established Entrepreneurs’ Innovative Activity in Northern and Western Europe
Author/Editor: Dijana Močnik,Karin Širec
Chapter Determinants of social startups in Italy
Author/Editor: Lucio Palazzo,Pietro Sabatino,Riccardo Ievoli
Chapter Determinants of spatial intensity of stop locations on cruise passengers tracking data
Author/Editor: Nicoletta D'ANGELO,Mauro Ferrante,Antonino Abbruzzo,giada adelfio
Chapter Determinants of the transition to upper secondary school: differences between immigrants and Italians
Author/Editor: Patrizio Frederic,Michele Lalla
Chapter Determination of Near-Neighbour Bonding in the Mn-Implanted GaSb Crystals
Author/Editor: Anna Wolska
Chapter Deux ports semblables, mais que tout oppose: Bordeaux et Rouen au XVIe siècle
Author/Editor: Francis Brumont
Chapter Developing Active Citizenship Through Adult Learning and Education. Experiences from an INTALL Winter School Comparative Working Group
Author/Editor: Balazs Nemeth
Chapter Developing a Model to Simulate the Effect of Hypothermia on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
Author/Editor: Joshua Russell-Buckland,Ilias Tachtsidis
Chapter Developing Functionality in Perovskites from Abatement of Pollutants to Sustainable Energy Conversion and Storage
Author/Editor: A. Bedon,Antonella Glisenti
Chapter Development of a broadband and squint-free Ku-band phased array antenna system for airborne satellite communications
Author/Editor: David Marpaung,Chris G. H. Roeloffzen,R. Baggen,Willem P. Beeker,Bertrand Noharet,J. Verpoorte
Chapter Development of an innovative methodology to define patient-designed quality of life: a new version of a wellknown concept in healthcare
Author/Editor: Serena Bertoldi,Francesca Sofia,Barbara Bartolini,LAURA BENEDAN,Carlotta Galeone,Paolo Mariani,Mariangela Zenga
Chapter Development of Energy Efficiency Aware Applications Using Commercial Low Power Embedded Systems
Author/Editor: Dmitry Fadeev,Jouni Tervonen,Konstantin Mikhaylov
Chapter Development of Josephson voltage standards
Author/Editor: R. Behr,Johannes Kohlmann
Chapter Development of Sustainable High-Strength Self-Consolidating Concrete Utilising Fly Ash, Shale Ash and Microsilica
Author/Editor: PL Ng,Akh Kwan,Iyt Ng,Z Rudzionis
Chapter Developments in Wireless Power Transfer Using Solar Energy
Author/Editor: Dehra Himanshu
Chapter Diachronic evolution of the coastline of Bordj El Kiffane (Algiers, Algeria) in absence and presence of coastal protection structures
Author/Editor: Farid Atroune,Ismahane KADRI
Chapter Dialoghi fra storia e disegno: il progetto di Enrico Del Debbio per la Casa del Balilla di Enna
Author/Editor: Salvatore Damiano
Chapter Dialoghi tra disegno e testo nelle opere di Rem Koolhaas
Author/Editor: Michele Valentino
Chapter Dialoghi tra diverse discipline (e lingue): una terminologia condivisa per le ricostruzioni digitali 3D ipotetiche e per la classificazione del loro livello di incertezza
Author/Editor: Irene Cazzaro
Chapter Didascalia comica
Author/Editor: Nicola Michelassi
Chapter Didattica con i testimoni, l’esperienza con Silvano Sarti
Author/Editor: Massimo Vitulano
Chapter Didattica immersiva all’università: obiettivi e azioni del progetto SEPA360
Author/Editor: Stefano Cuomo,Maria Ranieri
Chapter Didattica immersiva nell’Ingegneria Agraria. Un caso d’uso nel Laboratorio di Agricoltura Digitale e di Alta Tecnologia
Author/Editor: marco vieri,Daniele SARRI,Sofia Matilde Luglio,Carolina Perna
Chapter Die Übersetzungen des Mönchs von Salzburg als Lieder
Author/Editor: David Murray,Andreas Kraß,Christina Ostermann
Chapter Die ‚Privaturkunde‘ im persisch-islamischen Kultur- und Rechtsbereich. Herausforderungen einer komparatistischen Diplomatik
Author/Editor: Christoph U. Werner,Andrea Stieldorf
Chapter Dietary Omega-6/Omega-3 and Endocannabinoids: Implications for Brain Health and Diseases
Author/Editor: Sophie Layé,Clémentine Bosch-Bouju
Chapter Digesting the foreign. Food and Eating in the works of Tawada Yōko
Author/Editor: Francesco Eugenio Barbieri
Chapter Digi Skills Bsc – Revising Graphic Literacy in Bsc Architectural Design Education through a Software-Based Pedagogic Approach. A Shared Pilot Experience at the Politecnico di Milano
Author/Editor: Matteo Cavagliá,Simone Porro,Lorenzo Tarquini,Nicholas Turchi,Lorenzo Ceccon,Luigi Cocchiarella,Thomas Guido Comunian,Veronica Fazzina,Giulia Lazzaretto,Alessandro Martinelli,Caterina Morganti,Giulia Piccinin
Chapter Digital All-Optical Physical-Layer Network Coding
Author/Editor: Charikleia Mitsolidou,Chris Vagionas,Dimitris Tsiokos,Nikos Pleros,Amalia Miliou
Chapter Digital Innovation & Technological Explosion
Author/Editor: Franco Guidi,Giancarlo Caroti
Chapter Digital On-Chip Calibration of Analog Systems towards Enhanced Reliability
Author/Editor: Sovcik Michal,Nagy Lukas,Stopjakova Viera,Arbet Daniel
Chapter Digital Sieves
Author/Editor: Barbara Baert
Chapter Digital signal processing for optical communications and networks
Author/Editor: Tianhua Xu
Chapter Digital Twin. Experimenting drawings (di-SEGNI) between science and technology in teaching
Author/Editor: Anna Osello,Matteo Del Giudice,Daniela De Luca,Francesca Maria Ugliotti
Chapter Digital Video Image Quality
Author/Editor: Tomáš Kratochvíl,Martin Slanina
Chapter Di lessico e altre quisquilie: autopercezione ed eteropercezione linguistica nel social networking
Author/Editor: Vera Gheno
Chapter Diálogos con el lugar. Experimentando nuevas maneras de mirar y re-presentar
Author/Editor: Jesús Esquinas-Dessy,Isabel Zaragoza
Chapter Dimitri Tsafendas Meets Dante, Friend and Witness of Our Time
Author/Editor: Martina Di Florio
Chapter Dinamiche della disuguaglianza economica nella Repubblica di Venezia: fonti e metodi d’indagine a partire dal caso padovano
Chapter «Di pietra un Villanel, che da lontano par vivo»: il Villano con la falce di Valerio Cioli nel giardino mediceo di Pratolino
Author/Editor: Alessia Sisi
Chapter Diritto del lavoro e valori
Author/Editor: Riccardo Del Punta
Chapter Disabilities and wellbeing: The bad and the neutral
Author/Editor: Joshua Shepherd
Chapter Disciplinamento sociale e teologia nei Quodlibeta di Pietro de Trabibus
Author/Editor: Andrea TABARRONI
Chapter Discovering the marina’s cultural heritage and cultural landscape
Author/Editor: Ricardo Martín,Víctor Yepes,Alejandro Luis Grindlay
Chapter Disegnare atmosfere: rifrazione semiotica di una salienza inglobante
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Gay
Chapter Di-segnare i muri del tempo e dello spazio. Intorno alla prassi analitico-compositiva delle opere di Oscar Piattella
Author/Editor: Luca Baratin,Francesca Gasparetto
Chapter Disegni di Cesare e Pietro Dandini dalla raccolta Dandini-Targioni Tozzetti
Author/Editor: Silvia Benassai
Chapter Disegno come dialogo fra arte e architettura. Forma e geometria nell’opera di Zvi Hecker
Author/Editor: Paola Ardizzola,Caterina Palestini
Chapter Disegno: letture integrate per l’interpretazione di conoscenze e competenze pre ingresso al PoliTO
Author/Editor: Maurizio Marco Bocconcino,Ursula Zich,Martino Pavignano
Chapter “Di-segno” manuale e “De-sign” digitale, una scelta di comunicazione visiva
Author/Editor: Gaia Leandri
Chapter Disentangling geography from genealogy
Author/Editor: Michael Cysouw,Peter Auer,Martin Hilpert,Anja Stukenbrock,Benedikt Szmrecsanyi
Chapter Dissipative Solitons in Fibre Lasers
Author/Editor: Vladimir L. Kalashnikov,Sergey Sergeyev
Chapter Distribution Diagrams and Graphical Methods to Determine or to Use the Stoichiometric Coefficients of Acid-Base and Complexation Reactions
Author/Editor: Alberto Rojas-Hernández,Rosario Moya-Hernández,María Teresa Ramírez-Silva,Norma Rodríguez-Laguna
Chapter Distribuzione del marine litter nelle spiagge della Sardegna: il caso di Cala dei Ponzesi e di Cala Spalmatore nell’isola dell’Asinara
Author/Editor: Massimo Contini,Vittorio Gazale,Alexandre Lazarou,Corinne Corbau,Umberto SIMEONI,Donatella Carboni
Chapter Do Consumers Pay Attention to the Organic Label When Shopping Organic Food in Italy
Author/Editor: Azucena Gracia,Tiziana de Magistris
Chapter Doctorates and Employability: New Perspectives for Doctoral Education
Author/Editor: Cristina Lisimberti
Chapter Does an entrepreneurial spirit animate fresh graduates in their work-seeking during uncertain times?
Author/Editor: Luigi Fabbris,Manuela Scioni
Chapter Domitian Coast. Rehabilitation’ outlooks of the Northern coast of Campania
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Mazzeo
Chapter Drapers and tailors. Fashion and consumption in medieval Catalonia
Author/Editor: Lluís To-Figueras
Chapter Drone remote sensing for coastal habitats protection
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Piccioli Resta,Sergio Fai,Andrea Picciolo
Chapter Due autobiografie a confronto: Život i priključenija di Dositej Obradović e Žitije di Gerasim Zelić
Author/Editor: Maria Rita Leto
Chapter EAEA Younger Staff Training as a Learning Journey
Author/Editor: Silvia Tursi,Aleksandra Kozyra
Chapter Earth Observation for Urban Climate Monitoring: Surface Cover and Land Surface Temperature
Author/Editor: Nektarios Chrysoulakis,Zina Mitraka
Chapter Earth Observation Technologies: Low-End-Market Disruptive Innovation
Author/Editor: Daniel García-Almiñana,Nicholas Crisp,Y. Chan,R. M. Dominguez,Silvia Rodriguez-Donaire,Rachel| Villain,Claire Huyton,Leonardo Ghizoni,C. Traub,Kate Smith,Steve Edmondson,Vitor Toshiyuki Abrao Oiko,Luciana Sinpetru,Dhiren Kataria
Chapter Eat to remember. Gastronomical reconfigurations of hunger and imprisonment in contemporary Chinese literature
Author/Editor: Serena De Marchi
Chapter Echi dell’Umanesimo-Rinascimento nell’Ucraina della prima modernità. Note a margine
Author/Editor: Giovanna Siedina
Chapter Economic and Social Aspects of the Trade of Luxury Goods between Africa and Europe: Ostrich Feather
Author/Editor: Helmut Rizzolli,Federico Pigozzo
Chapter Economic inequality in Germany, 1500-1800
Author/Editor: Ulrich Pfister
Chapter Economic inequality in preindustrial Europe, 1300-1800: methods and results from the EINITE project
Author/Editor: GUIDO ALFANI
Chapter Economic inequality in the rural Southern Low Countries during the Fifteenth century: sources, data and reflection
Author/Editor: Thijs Lambrecht,Wouter Ryckbosch
Chapter Economic Instruments to Combat Eutrophication: A Survey
Author/Editor: Jean-Philippe Terreaux,Jean-Marie Lescot
Chapter Ecosistemi, boschi e servizi ecosistemici
Author/Editor: Bartolomeo Schirone
Chapter Edición crítica, problemas textuales y de autoría: métrica y ortología en Lope de Vega
Author/Editor: Daniel Fernández Rodríguez
Chapter Editors' Introduction
Author/Editor: Sara De Vuyst,Despina Chronaki,Cosimo Marco Scarcelli,Sergio Villanueva Baselga
Chapter Educare e istruire con i fumetti: alcune ipotesi sulla Storia contemporanea
Author/Editor: Roberto Bianchi
Chapter Educators in Training and Writing: Perception, Experiences, Problems
Author/Editor: Patrizia Sposetti
Chapter Effect of Local Delivery of GDNF Conjugated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on Nerve Regeneration along Long Chitosan Nerve Guide
Author/Editor: Tolmasov Michael,Federica Fregnan,Evgeniy Reider,Abraham Shahar,Moshe Nissan,Mara Almog,Ofra Ziv-Polat,Mira M. Mandelbaum-Livnat,Stefano Geuna,Yifat Bitan,Michela Morano,Tali Biran,Shimon Rochkind
Chapter Effects of an experimental online education support on lectures fruition and teaching effectiveness
Author/Editor: Maria Cristiana Martini,Giovanna Galli,Marco Furini
Chapter Effects of Water Scarcity on the Performances of the Agricultural Sector and Adaptation Strategies in Tunisia
Author/Editor: Ali Chebil,Sihem Jebari,Chokri Thabet,Aymen Frija,Mariem Makhlouf
Chapter Efficient and Validated Time Domain Numerical Modeling of Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOAs) and SOA-based Circuits
Author/Editor: Christos Vagionas,Jan Bos,George T. Kanellos,Nikos Pleros,Amalia Miliou
Chapter Efficient Node Placement for Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
Author/Editor: Charalambos Sergiou,Vasos Vassiliou
Chapter EGIPSS model for the evaluation of performance in healthcare
Author/Editor: Pietro Renzi,Alberto Franci
Chapter EIGHT Writing Revelation: The Book of Margery Kempe
Author/Editor: Corinne Saunders
Chapter Electrically Mediated Gene Delivery : Basic and Translational Concepts
Author/Editor: J. Teissie
Chapter Electrochemical phosphate detection in oligotrophic seawater with a stand-alone plastic electrode
Author/Editor: Federico Figueredo,Federico Girolametti,Silvia ILLUMINATI,Cristina TRUZZI,ANNA ANNIBALDI,Sabina SUSMEL
Chapter Electrochemistry of Surfactants
Author/Editor: Pablo CarlosSchulz,Erica Patricia Schulz,Eduardo Nicolás Schulz
Chapter Electromagnetic Radiation Energy Harvesting – The Rectenna Based Approach
Author/Editor: Gabriel Abadal,Javier Alda,Jordi Agust
Chapter Electromagnetic Sensing Techniques for Non-Destructive Diagnosis of Civil Engineering Structures
Author/Editor: Romeo Bernini,M. Bavusi,Vincenzo Lapenna,Antonio Di Cesare,Felice Carlo Ponzo,Francesco Soldovieri,Antonio Loperte,Rocco Ditommaso
Chapter Elementare! (Pohlke): osservazioni sul teorema fondamentale dell’assonometria
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Gay
Chapter El licenciado Francisco de Rojas, enmendador barroco de manuscritos teatrales
Author/Editor: Alejandro Garcia-Reidy
Chapter El plano de Rivera Manescau y las cuatro colegiatas de Valladolid
Author/Editor: Eduardo Carazo,Alvaro Moral,Carmen Gimeno
Chapter El teatro del Siglo de Oro en el fondo Orsi de la Biblioteca Estense de Módena
Author/Editor: Salomé Vuelta García
Chapter El teatro del Siglo de Oro y su paulatina presencia en la cultura y la literatura teatrales en los países de habla alemana durante los siglos XVII y XVIII
Author/Editor: Manfred Tietz
Chapter El viento de la luna di Antonio Muñoz Molina: spazio terrestre e spazio lunare a confronto
Author/Editor: Giovanna FIORDALISO
Chapter Emergency remote teaching: an explorative tool
Author/Editor: Alessia Forciniti,emma zavarrone,Maria Gabriella Grassia,Rocco Mazza
Chapter Emerging Photovoltaic Technologies and Eco-Design—Criticisms and Potential Improvements
Author/Editor: Claudia Barolo,Matteo Bonomo,Nicole Mariotti
Chapter Emerging Techniques for Assessment of Sensorimotor Impairments after Spinal Cord Injury
Author/Editor: Filipe O. Barroso,Juan Moreno,Diego Torricelli
Chapter Employability and Competence. But for which Europe?
Author/Editor: Stefano Polenta
Chapter Employability and Transitions: Fostering the Future of Young Adult Graduates
Author/Editor: Vanna Boffo
Chapter Employability and Transitions towards Work: MSc Degree Programme in Educational Planning and Human Resource Development, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Brescia
Author/Editor: Alessandra Vischi
Chapter Employability as a Global Norm: Comparing Transnational Employability Policies of OECD, ILO, World Bank Group, and UNESCO
Author/Editor: Shalini Singh,Soeren August Ehlers
Chapter Employability-Oriented Curriculum: Strategies and Tools to Train Young Graduates. The PRIN EMP&Co. Project
Author/Editor: GAIA GIOLI
Chapter Encyclopaedias and Commentaries
Author/Editor: J. Geller Markham,J. Cale Johnson
Chapter Energy-Aware Software Engineering
Author/Editor: Kerstin Eder,John P. Gallagher
Chapter Energy Efficiency for 5G Multi-Tier Cellular Networks
Author/Editor: Moon Ho Lee,Md. Hashem Ali Khan
Chapter Energy Efficient Mobility Management for the Macrocell – Femtocell LTE Network
Author/Editor: Dionysis Xenakis,Nikos Passas,Christos Verikoukis,Ayman Radwan,Jonathan Rodriguez
Chapter Energy Storage: Battery Materials and Architectures at the Nanoscale
Author/Editor: James F. Rohan,Maksudul Hasan,Sanjay Patil,Declan P. Casey and Tomás Clancy
Chapter England’s Maritime and Commercial Networks in the Late Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Wendy R. Childs
Chapter Enrichment of the Medical Vocabulary in the Greek-Speaking Medieval Communities of Southern Italy: The Lexica of Plant Names
Author/Editor: Petros Bouras-Vallianatos
Chapter Entre mythe et histoire, syncrétisme et fracture, universalité et russité: le recueil Mednyj Kit (Baleine de bronze) au coeur de l’esthétique révolutionnaire de Nikolaj Kljuev
Author/Editor: Daria Sinichkina
Chapter Environmental training of the Italian Coast Guard between tradition and innovation
Author/Editor: Santo Altavilla,Fabio Rottino,Giovanni Scatigna,Francesco Simione,Tiziana Sinesi,Gio Spaccavento,Aurelio Caligiore,Jenny Ceccarelli,Giuseppina Corrente,Federica Galeano,Gennaro Pappacena,Maura Pisconti,Agostino Petrillo,Pio Puri
Chapter Environmental Wind Tunnels
Author/Editor: Jonathan Merrison
Chapter Epilogue
Author/Editor: Maite Méndez Baiges
Chapter Epilogue: Critical reflections and the Way Forward
Author/Editor: Andrew Noblet,Karina Nielsen
Chapter Episcopal authority and networks in Carolingian times: recent approaches and perspectives
Author/Editor: Gianmarco De Angelis,Francesco Veronese
Chapter Erranze poetiche e geografiche nei poeti del Gharb al-Andalus
Author/Editor: Adalberto Alves
Chapter Esperienze di Public History of Education nell’Università di Bologna, tra ricerca scientifica e didattica
Chapter Essays on the Spread of Humanistic and Renaissance Literary Civilization in the Slavic World (15th-17th Century). An Introduction
Author/Editor: Giovanna Siedina
Chapter Establishing Local Elite Authority in Egypt Through Arbitration and Mediation
Author/Editor: Petra Sijpesteijn,Hannah-Lena Hagemann,Stefan Heidemann
Chapter Estimating the Effect of Voters’ Media Awareness on the 2016 US Presidential Election
Author/Editor: Maria Gallego,Lauren Dique
Chapter Estimation of the Sea Level Rise by 2100 Resulting from Changes in the Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Author/Editor: Michel Erpicum,Samuel Nicolay,Xavier Fettweis,Bruno Franco,Alexandre Belleflamme
Chapter European Health System Typologies: Last 30 Years Under Review
Author/Editor: Aida Isabel Tavares
Chapter Evaluation and monitoring of the Livorno’s Fossi System
Author/Editor: Laura Montioni,Andrea Del Corona,Isabella Palano,Francesca Pichi,Matteo Scamporrino
Chapter Evaluation of QoS and QoE in Mobile WIMAX – Systematic Approach
Author/Editor: Adam Flizikowski,Marcin Przybyszewski Mateusz Majewski,Witold Houbowicz
Chapter Evolución de los criterios ecdóticos en las ediciones modernas del teatro de Shakespeare
Author/Editor: Jesús Tronch Pérez
Chapter Evolution of the coastal landscape in eastern Veneto: new data from preventive archaeology
Author/Editor: Alessandro Pellegrini,Alessandro Asta
Chapter Evolving Roles of Spontaneous Reporting Systems to Assess and Monitor Drug Safety
Author/Editor: Ippazio Cosimo Antonazzo,Francesco Salvo,Emanuel Raschi,Antoine Pariente,Ugo Moretti,Elisabetta Poluzzi,Fabrizio De Ponti
Chapter Examining Non‐Celiac Consumers of Gluten‐Free Products: An Empirical Evidence in Spain
Author/Editor: Wajdi Hellali,Hind Belarbi,Tiziana de‐Magistris
Chapter Experience, sensorial skills and personality qualifying a wine consumer as an expert
Author/Editor: Luigi Fabbris,Alfonso Piscitelli
Chapter Experiences with beach nourishments on the coast of Alicante, Spain
Author/Editor: José Ignacio Pagán,Isabel López Úbeda,Luis Aragonés,Antonio José Tenza-Abril
Chapter “Experience that Generates Experience”: The Influence of the Comedy in three South African Writings
Author/Editor: Marco Medugno
Chapter Exploring competitiveness and wellbeing in Italy by spatial principal component analysis
Author/Editor: Carlo CUSATELLI,Massimiliano GIACALONE,eugenia nissi
Chapter Exploring the intention to walk: a study on undergraduate students using item response theory and theory of planned behaviour
Author/Editor: Carla Galluccio,Rosa Fabbricatore,Daniela CASO
Chapter Extension, ramification, temporalité et dangerosité d’un grand réseau, situant Raguse (Dubrovnik) au point nodal des échanges entre la Péninsule Ibérique et l’Orient méditerranéen (XIII-XV siècle)
Author/Editor: Nenad Fejic
Chapter Extravagancias textuales de una suelta de La fingida Arcadia, comedia de tres ingenios
Author/Editor: Marcella Trambaioli
Chapter Eziologia di una leggenda. Ipotesi sul culto fiorentino di san Cresci compagno di san Miniato
Author/Editor: Anna Benvenuti
Chapter Fabrication Methodologies of Biomimetic and Bioactive Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications
Author/Editor: Mythili Prakasam,Roxana Mioara Piticescu,Madalina Popescu
Chapter Facilitating Comparative Group Work in Adult Education
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Jean Francois,Sabine Schmidt-Lauff
Chapter Facing Malaria Parasite with Mosquito Symbionts
Author/Editor: Ulisse Ulissi,Aida Capone,Patrizia Scuppa,Guido Favia,Matteo Valzano,Chenoa De Freece,Irene Ricci,Claudia Damiani,Alessia Cappelli,Paolo Rossi,Michela Mosca
Chapter Fase di ‘transizione critica’ per il Sistema-Terra
Author/Editor: Mauro Lombardi
Chapter Fashion, emulation and social classes in late medieval Valencia. Exploring textile consumption through probate inventories
Author/Editor: Juan Vicente Garcia Marsilla,Luis Almenar Fernández
Chapter Fast 3D Perception for Collision Avoidance and SLAM in Domestic Environments
Author/Editor: Dirk Holz,David Droeschel,Sven Behnke,Stefan May,Hartmut Surm
Chapter Fast-Spectrum Fluoride Molten Salt Reactor (FFMSR) with Ultimately Reduced Radiotoxicity of Nuclear Wastes
Author/Editor: Yasuo Hirose
Chapter Fazioni e popolo in una provincia del dominio pontificio fra XIII e XIV secolo
Author/Editor: Ennio MINEO
Chapter Feasibility study of a cold ironing system and district heating in port area
Author/Editor: Daniele Colarossi,Paolo Principi
Chapter Feeding inequalities: the role of economic inequalities and the urban market in late medieval food security. The case of fourteenth-century Ghent
Author/Editor: Stef Espeel,Sam Geens
Chapter Femtocell Performance Over Non-SLA xDSL Access Network
Author/Editor: R. Wulansari,Adit Kurniawan,Hadi Hariyanto
Chapter Ferroelectric Field Effect Control of Magnetism in Multiferroic Heterostructures
Author/Editor: Carlos A. F. Vaz,Charles H. Ahn
Chapter Fiber Optic-Based Pressure Sensing Surface for Skin Health Management in Prosthetic and Rehabilitation Interventions
Author/Editor: George Papaioannou,Dimitris Tsiokos,George T. Kanellos,Stavros Pissadakis
Chapter Fighting Against Resistant Strains: The Case of Benzothiazinones and Dinitrobenzamides
Author/Editor: Silvia Buroni,Giovanna Riccardi,Maria Rosalia
Chapter Filosofia e dibattito. Le Meditazioni Cartesiane come esempio di deliberazione filosofica
Author/Editor: Caterina Gabrielli
Chapter Final Phases of Medieval Hebraism: Jews and Christians between Bible Exegesis, Talmud and Maimonidean Philosophy.
Author/Editor: Yossef Schwartz,Andreas Speer,David Wirmer
Chapter Final Remarks
Author/Editor: xxxx xxxxx
Chapter Finite Element Analysis to Study Percutaneous Heart Valves
Author/Editor: Silvia Schievano,Claudio Capelli,Daria Cosentino,Giorgia M. Bosi,Andrew M. Taylor
Chapter Fisco e mobilità geografica. Il censimento ostiatim in un villaggio della pianura campana (1522)
Author/Editor: Francesco Senatore
Chapter Five Chlamydia: A Disease without a History
Author/Editor: Michael Worboys
Chapter “Flex 2018” Cruise: an opportunity to assess phytoplankton chlorophyll fluorescence retrieval at different observative scales
Author/Editor: Antonia Lai,Andrea Genangeli,ANNALISA DI CICCO,Remika Gupana,Damm Alexander,SIMONE COLELLA,Federico Angelini
Chapter Flexible Network Codes Design for Cooperative Diversity
Author/Editor: Michela Iezzi,Fabio Graziosi,Marco Di Renzo
Chapter Føllesdal and Frege on Reference
Author/Editor: Øystein Linnebo,Michael Frauchiger
Chapter Florence 1438: The Encomium of the Florentina Libertas Sent by Poggio Bracciolini to Duke Filippo Maria Visconti
Author/Editor: Ann Mullaney,Massimo Zaggia
Chapter Flow Based Enumeration of Plasmablasts in Peripheral Blood After Vaccination as a Novel Diagnostic Marker for Assessing Antibody Responses in Patients with Hypogammaglobulinaemia
Author/Editor: Vojtěch Thon,Marcela Vlkova,Jiří Litzman,Zita Chovancová,Jindřich Lokaj
Chapter Fly Ash as a Cementitious Material for Concrete
Author/Editor: Long-yuan Li,Rafiza Abdul Razak,Romisuhani Ahmad,Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah,Zarina Yahya,Aissa Bouaissi
Chapter Fonti europee e russe in Ruslan e Ljudmila di Puškin
Author/Editor: Giacoma STRANO
Chapter Food Safety Risk Management
Author/Editor: Elena Carrasco,Antonio Valero,Fernando Pérez-Rodríguez,Rosa María García-Gimeno,Gonzalo Zurera
Chapter Foreword
Author/Editor: Joshua A. Gordon,Gary T. Furlong,Ken Pendleton
Chapter Foreword
Author/Editor: Avi Lewis
Chapter Foreword: A tribute to Christopher Colclough
Author/Editor: Richard Jolly
Chapter Foreword: the governance of UNESCO's Bioethics Programme
Author/Editor: Adèle Langlois
Chapter Foreword to the third edition
Author/Editor: David A. Ross,Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow
Chapter Formability and Performance of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys with Different Initial Tempers in Creep Aging Process
Author/Editor: Heng Li,He Yang,C. Lei
Chapter Formal Foundations for the Generation of Heterogeneous Executable Specifications in SystemC from UML/MARTE Models
Author/Editor: Pablo Peil,Fernando Herrera,Eugenio Villar
Chapter Forme e figure della psicomotricità
Author/Editor: Ivana Maria Padoan
Chapter Forms of government and rhetoric: perceptions of democracy and oligarchy in Demosthenes
Author/Editor: Priscilla Gontijo Leite
Chapter Fostering Critical Reflection in The Frame of Transformative Learning in Adult Education: Italian and Nigerian Comparative Case Studies
Author/Editor: Akinsooto Tajudeen Ade,Concetta Tino,Monica Fedeli
Chapter Fostering Personal Knowledge and Competences in Higher Education Guidance Processes
Author/Editor: Sergio Bellantonio
Chapter Fototesti di viaggio: Absolutely nothing di Giorgio Vasta e Ramak Fazel
Author/Editor: Federico Fastelli
Chapter Fourier Factorization in the Plane Wave Expansion Method in Modeling Photonic Crystals
Author/Editor: Martin Veis,Roman Antos
Chapter Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy - Useful Analytical Tool for Non-Destructive Analysis
Author/Editor: Simona-Carmen Litescu,Eugenia D. Teodor,Georgiana-Ileana Truica,Andreia Tache,Gabriel-Lucian Radu
Chapter Fourier Transform Photocurrent Spectroscopy on Non-Crystalline Semiconductors
Author/Editor: Jakub Holovsky
Chapter Fracture Toughening Mechanisms in Epoxy Adhesives
Author/Editor: Simona Zuppolini,Mauro Zarrelli,Aldobenedetto Zotti
Chapter Fragmenta poetarum Latinorum in papyris reperta: Occidente ed Oriente, testi e contesti
Author/Editor: Maria Chiara Scappaticcio,Bruna Pieri,Daniele Pellacani
Chapter Frameworks and inequalities in healthcare: some applications
Author/Editor: Pietro Renzi,Alberto Franci
Chapter Frammenti urbani e nuove visualizzazioni: la piazzetta di San Gennaro all’Olmo a Napoli
Author/Editor: Saverio D'Auria,Erika Elefante,Maria Ines Pascariello
Chapter Francesco Fichera e il Palazzo delle Poste per Noto: studio grafico su un edificio mai realizzato
Author/Editor: Salvatore Damiano,Eleonora Di Mauro
Chapter Frank Lloyd Wright: Models in Exhibitions (1932-1949)
Author/Editor: Carlos Montes Serrano,Sara Peña Fernández
Chapter From Cellulose Dissolution and Regeneration to Added Value Applications — Synergism Between Molecular Understanding and Material Development
Author/Editor: Poonam Singh,Hugo Duarte,Luís Alves,Filipe Antunes,Nicolas Le Moigne,Jan Dormanns,Benoit Duchemin,Mark P. Staiger,Bruno Medronho
Chapter From the Lab to the Real World: Affect Recognition Using Multiple Cues and Modalities
Author/Editor: Hatice Gunes,Massimo Piccardi,Maja Pantic,Jimmy Or
Chapter From the Molecular Biology to the Gene Therapy of a DNA Repair Syndrome: Fanconi Anemia
Author/Editor: Juan A. Bueren,Susana Navarro,Paula Rio
Chapter From the Olive Flower to the Drupe: Flower Types, Pollination, Self and Inter-Compatibility and Fruit Set
Author/Editor: André Bervillé,Catherine Breton
Chapter From the Virtues of Argumentation to the Happiness of Dispute
Author/Editor: Bruno Mastroianni
Chapter Frontmatter
Author/Editor: Severine Deneulin
Chapter Fu colpa del 1817: l’uscita di Solarić dallo Žitije di Zelić
Author/Editor: Persida Lazarevic Di Giacomo
Chapter Functional Annotation of Rare Genetic Variants
Author/Editor: Graham Ritchie,Paul Flicek
Chapter Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Diffuse Optical Tomography in Neuroscience
Author/Editor: Alessandro Torricelli,Rebecca Re,Lucia Zucchelli,Rinaldo Cubeddu,Davide Contini,Lorenzo Spinelli,Matteo Caffini
Chapter Funduq, Fondaco, Feitoria. The Portuguese Contribution to the Globalisation of an Institution of Overseas Trade
Author/Editor: Louis Sicking
Chapter Fusion of Interferometric SAR and Photogrammetric Elevation Data
Author/Editor: Loris Copa,Fabio Remondino,Daniela Poli
Chapter Gender and Information and Communication Technologies interest: results from PISA 2018
Author/Editor: Mariangela Zenga
Chapter Genetic Algorithm Optimization of an Energy Storage System Design and Fuzzy Logic Supervision for Battery Electric Vehicles
Author/Editor: Stefan Breban
Chapter Genetics of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Author/Editor: Max Koppers,Michael van Es,Leonard H. van den Berg,Jan H. Veldink,R. Jeroen Pasterkamp
Chapter Genetics of Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Author/Editor: Janine Kirby,Emily F. Goodall,Joanna J. Bury,Johnathan Cooper-Knock,Pamela J. Shaw
Chapter Genoa: Colonizing and Colonized City? The Port City as a Pole of Attraction for Foreign Merchants (16th-18th centuries)
Author/Editor: Andrea Zanini,LUISA PICCINNO
Chapter Genomes
Author/Editor: Omar Harb,Ulrike Boehme,Kathryn Crouch,Olukemi Ifeonu,David Roos,Joana Silva,Fatima Silva-Franco
Chapter Geology, Textural Study, Ore Genesis and Processing of the Tabuaço Tungsten Deposit (Northern Portugal)
Author/Editor: Yann Foucaud,Lev Filippov,Bénédicte Lechenard,Philippe Marion
Chapter Gerasim Zelić – Homo Mediterraneus?
Author/Editor: Drago Roksandić
Chapter Gesture and Movement: Indices of Presence
Author/Editor: Sita Popat
Chapter Giordano da Pisa e il pubblico. Modelli e comportamenti
Chapter GIS and ex situ Plant Conservation
Author/Editor: Nikos Krigas,Kimon Papadimitriou,Antonios D. Mazaris
Chapter Giudizi universali. Reti devozionali e tensioni escatologiche attorno ai gesuati milanesi
Author/Editor: Edoardo Rossetti
Chapter Giuristi ed economisti nella massoneria italiana fra le due guerre
Author/Editor: Fulvio CONTI
Chapter Gli “Ammaestramenti degli Antichi”di Bartolomeo da San Concordio. Prime osservazioni in vista dell’edizione critica
Author/Editor: MARIA CONTE
Chapter Gli archivi dei movimenti e di altri soggetti sociali: alcuni esempi in Toscana
Author/Editor: Caterina Del Vivo,Maria Francesca Stamuli
Chapter Gli Avis au lecteur delle comédies (e tragi-comédies) à l’espagnole: spunti per la definizione di un nuovo genere?
Author/Editor: Monica PAVESIO
Chapter Gli economisti e il corporativismo nell’Italia fascista
Author/Editor: Piero Bini
Chapter Gli scenari
Author/Editor: Nicolò Bellanca,Luca Pardi
Chapter Gli spazi della conservazione del vino: studio e rilievo delle bodegas spagnole
Author/Editor: Simona Scandurra,Valeria Cera
Chapter Gli strumenti
Author/Editor: Mariella Zingaro,Vincenzo Giaccio
Chapter Globally Optimised Energy-Efficient Data Centres
Author/Editor: Barry O'Sullivan,Thomas Scherer,Lara Lopez,Dirk Pesch,Jan Hensen,Ton Engbersen,Vassilios A. Tsachouridis,Susan Rea,J. Ignacio Torrens,Lydia Y. Chen,V Vojtech Zavrel,Enric Pages,Diarmuid Grimes,Jacinta Townley
Chapter Glycoproteomics of Lubricin-Implication of Important Biological Glyco- and Peptide-Epitopes in Synovial Fluid
Author/Editor: Liaqat Ali,Niclas G. Karlsson,Chunsheng Jin
Chapter GNSS in Precision Agricultural Operations
Author/Editor: Shrini K. Upadhyaya,Manuel Pérez-Ruiz
Chapter Gog and Magog: Using Concepts of Apocalyptic Enemies in the Hussite era
Author/Editor: Pavlína Cermanová
Chapter Graça Morais et José de Guimarães, des humanistes du 20 ème siècle: l’art de penser le monde par le voyage
Author/Editor: Egidia Souto
Chapter Graphene and Active Metamaterials: Theoretical Methods and Physical Properties
Author/Editor: Marios Mattheakis,Efthimios Kaxiras,G. P. Tsironis
Chapter Green Tea: Just a Drink or Nutraceutical
Author/Editor: Sakaewan Ounjaijean,Suthat Fucharoen
Chapter Gregorio XI e la rinascita di San Miniato al Monte. Un esempio di riforma monastica promossa nel Trecento dai monaci di Monte Oliveto
Author/Editor: Mauro Tagliabue
Chapter Guerra e nazionalismo nel futurismo italiano e nel futurismo russo
Author/Editor: Gabriella Elina Imposti
Chapter Guidance Models and Practices Adopted Internationally to Promote the Exploration of Skills Relating to the Employability of Students with Disabilities. A First Meta-Analysis
Author/Editor: Valentina Paola Cesarano,Marianna Capo,Maria Papathanasiou,Maura Striano
Chapter Guidance Specificity in Educational Research. Criticisms and Area of Intervention in Higher Education
Author/Editor: Antonia Cunti
Chapter Guiding at University. The Protagonists’ Point of View
Author/Editor: francesco lo presti
Chapter Habitat and flora monitoring in the Regional Nature Reserve of "Palude del Conte e Duna Costiera di Porto Cesareo" (Puglia, Italy)
Author/Editor: Cosimo Gaspare Giannuzzi,Giorgio D'Andria,Marco Greco,Leonardo Beccarisi
Chapter Handling Transition from Legacy Aircraft Communication Services to New Ones – A Communication Service Provider's View
Author/Editor: Luc Longpre,Frederic Durand
Chapter Hardware Implementation of a Real-Time Image Segmentation Circuit based on Fuzzy Logic for Edge Detection Application
Author/Editor: Angel Barriga
Chapter HBIM e ICT. Il BIM per la valorizzazione della Fortezza Pisana di Marciana
Author/Editor: Tommaso Empler,Fabio Quici,Adriana Caldarone,Elena D'Angelo,Alexandra Fusinetti,Maria Laura Rossi
Chapter H-BIM semantico come strumento di documentazione inclusiva e accesso al Nuovo Catalogo Digitale dei Beni Culturali: il caso studio di Santa Maria delle Vergini a Macerata
Author/Editor: Marco Medici,Federico Ferrari,Andrea Sterpin
Chapter Herbal Medicinal Products in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis
Author/Editor: Zoran Maksimović,Stevan Samardžić
Chapter Hermitage of Saints Anargyroi, Kosmas and Damian: Survey, Analysis, Enhancement
Author/Editor: Marinella Arena,Angeliki Assimakopoulou,Daniele Colistra,Domenico Mediati,Yannis D. Varalis
Chapter Hesperia, a Database for Palaeohispanic Languages; and AELAW, a Database for the Ancient European Languages and Writings. Challenges, Solutions, Prospects
Author/Editor: María José Estarán,Annamaria De Santis,Francisco Beltrán,Irene Rossi,Eduardo Orduña,Joaquín Gorrochategui
Chapter High and Efficient Production of Nanomaterials by Microfluidic Reactor Approaches
Author/Editor: Victor Sebastian Cabeza
Chapter Higher Education and Work-Related Learning from Professionalism to Professionality
Author/Editor: Maura Striano
Chapter Higher order exceptionality in inflectional morphology
Author/Editor: George Corbett,Heike Wiese,Horst J. Simon
Chapter High Gain Solid-State Amplifiers for Picosecond Pulses
Author/Editor: Antonio Agnesi,Federico Pirzio
Chapter High-Performance Computing: Dos and Don’ts
Author/Editor: Jens Henrik Göbbert,Guillaume Houzeaux,R. Borrell,Vishal Mehta,Yvan Fournier,Elie Hachem,Mariano Vázquez,Marta Garcia-Gasulla,Herbert Owen
Chapter Historia literaria en la edad global: una lectura crítica desde América Latina
Author/Editor: Benjamin Loy,Christoph Strosetzki
Chapter Historical overview: Descriptive and comparative research on South American Indian languages
Author/Editor: Willem F.H. Adelaar,Verónica Grondona,Lyle Campbell
Chapter HLA-Transparent Distributed Simulation of Agent-based Systems
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Iazeolla,Alessandra Pieroni,Andrea D'Ambrogio,Daniele Gianni
Chapter How constructions are born. The role of patterns in the constructionalization of be going to INF
Author/Editor: Peter Petré,Ruth Moehlig-Falke,Beatrix Busse
Chapter How to become a pastry chef: a statistical analysis through the company requirements
Author/Editor: PAOLO MARIANI,Andrea Marletta
Chapter HSE Management for a Sound Work Environment: Strategies for Improving Health Safety and Environmental Indicators through Ergonomic Design Thinking
Author/Editor: Marcello Silva e Santos,Maria da Conceição Vinciprova Fonseca,Marcelo Marcio Soares,Bernardo Bastos da Fonseca,Maria Victoria Cabrera Aguilera,Ananda Halfeld Alves Fernandes
Chapter Humanism and the Renaissance in Recent Histories of Ukrainian Literature
Author/Editor: Giovanna Siedina
Chapter Humanism, the Renaissance and Russian Culture between the 15th and 17th Centuries: Preliminary Thoughts
Author/Editor: Marcello Garzaniti
Chapter Hyaluronic-Based Antibacterial Hydrogel Coating for Implantable Biomaterials in Orthopedics and Trauma: From Basic Research to Clinical Applications
Author/Editor: Giammona Gaetano,Pitarresi Giuseppe,Palumbo Fabio Salvatore,Maraldi Susanna,Scarponi Sara,Romanò Carlo Luca
Chapter Hybrid Access Techniques for Densely Populated Wireless Local Area Networks
Author/Editor: Jesus Alonso-Zarate,C. Crespo,Ch. Verikoukis,Luis Alonso
Chapter Hybrid-Powered Autonomous Robots for Reducing Both Fuel Consumption and Pollution in Precision Agriculture Tasks
Author/Editor: Mariano Gonzalez-de-Soto,Luis Emmi,Pablo Gonzalez-de-Santos
Chapter Hydrohysteroid Dehydrogenases – Biological Role and Clinical Importance – Review
Author/Editor: Yvetta A Koeva,Nina Atanassova
Chapter Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zinc Tin Oxide Nanostructures for Photocatalysis, Energy Harvesting and Electronics
Author/Editor: Rovisco Bento,Branquinho Rita,Pinto Vaz,Martins Rodrigo,Fortunato Elvira,Barquinha Pedro
Chapter Hyperglycemia-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction
Author/Editor: Domokos Gero
Chapter Hypoxic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Chicken Model
Author/Editor: Martha de Sandino,Aureliano Hernández
Chapter I. Bulletin bibliographique de lexicographie de la vie matérielle
Author/Editor: Cas van Appeven,Valérie Schram,Marzia D’Angelo
Chapter ICARUS Training and Support System
Author/Editor: Janusz Będkowski,Karol Majek,Michal Pełka,Andrzej Masłowski,Antonio Coelho,Ricardo Goncalves,Ricardo Baptista,Jose Manuel Sanchez
Chapter I cattolici e la politica fra le due guerre. Dalla lotta fra popolarismo e clerico-fascismo alla nascita della Democrazia cristiana
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Matulli
Chapter Iconografia e modelli digitali per una lettura critica del mausoleo di Cecilia Metella a Roma
Author/Editor: Carlo Inglese,Simone Lucchetti
Chapter I Conti erariali dei feudi nella I serie delle Dipendenze della Sommaria dell’Archivio di Stato di Napoli (XV secolo): per un nuovo inventario ragionato
Author/Editor: Victor RIVERA MAGOS
Chapter I dati delle piattaforme durante la crisi da COVID-19
Author/Editor: Antonello Romano
Chapter Ideation, representation and notation. The process of architectural design as a dialogue between the architect and architecture mediated through drawing
Author/Editor: Carlos Marcos
Chapter Identification and Application of Phenotypic and Molecular Markers for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Soybean
Author/Editor: Belen Marquez Garcia,Christine H. Foyer,Berhanu Amsalu Fenta,Urte Schlüter,Karl J. Kunert,Magdeleen DuPlessis
Chapter Identifying, Classifying and Searching Graphic Symbols in the NOTAE System
Author/Editor: Maria BOCCUZZI,Tiziana CATARCI,Luca Deodati,Andrea Fantoli,ANTONELLA GHIGNOLI,Francesco Leotta,Massimo Mecella
Chapter 我是中国人: Identity and social integration of Chinese youth in the Marche region
Author/Editor: Meri Perna
Chapter I disegni della chiesa della SS. Annunziata dei Catalani a Messina. Tra rilievo e ricostruzione grafica
Author/Editor: Alessio Altadonna,Adriana Arena
Chapter I dolori del giovane Čechov. Considerazioni filologiche sui racconti giovanili
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Ghini
Chapter I Doria e la chiesa di San Matteo a Genova nella seconda metà del Duecento
Author/Editor: Paola Guglielmotti
Chapter I fattori soggettivi nel «moderno capitalismo». La complicata ricezione italiana e le questioni insolute nel pensiero di W. Sombart
Author/Editor: Vitantonio Gioia
Chapter I gesuati a Chiusi
Author/Editor: Giovanni Mignoni
Chapter I gesuati farmacisti di Lucca
Author/Editor: Isabella Gagliardi
Chapter I giorni della Memoria e del Ricordo. I viaggi di formazione nelle scuole toscane come Public History of Education
Author/Editor: LUCA BRAVI
Chapter I «gomitoli del tempo». La poetica dello spazio nell’opera di Claudio Magris
Author/Editor: LUIGI MARFE'
Chapter II. Corrections <Corr.Lex.Mat.> 7 – 16
Author/Editor: Bianca Borrelli,Isabella Bonati,Simona Russo
Chapter I: Interjections
Author/Editor: Chu-Ren Huang,Shu-Kai Hsieh,Keh-Jiann Chen
Chapter I laudari gesuati: la raccolta poetica del Bianco da Siena
Author/Editor: silvia serventi
Chapter Il Boccaccio di Baldassar Castiglione: la duplice immagine del Certaldese nelle pagine del Cortegiano
Author/Editor: Flavia Palma
Chapter Il capitalismo manageriale e la nuova centralità del potere sociale
Author/Editor: Nicolò Bellanca,Luca Pardi
Chapter Il carattere di Jules Michelet
Author/Editor: Michela Nacci
Chapter Il caso studio del Molise
Author/Editor: Gianluca Monturano,Mara Vasile,Mariella Zingaro,Luigi Mastronardi,Luca Romagnoli
Chapter Il complesso architettonico dei gesuati a Venezia
Author/Editor: Fulvio LENZO
Chapter Il convento di San Francesco a Pitigliano: la chiesa che entra nel museo
Author/Editor: Marta Zerbini
Chapter Il coordinamento internazionale in risposta alla pandemia Covid-19
Author/Editor: Carlo BELLI,Fabio Fossati
Chapter Il corpus parallelo italiano-russo del NKRJa. Progetto di ampliamento, applicazioni e sviluppi
Author/Editor: Francesca Biagini,Anna Paola Bonola,Valentina NOSEDA
Chapter Il cosmo di un signore padano del Quattrocento
Author/Editor: Marco Gentile
Chapter «Il cybernauta è naufragato». Rappresentazioni del tecnologico nell’opera di Claudio Magris
Author/Editor: Simone Rebora
Chapter Il Darkweb
Author/Editor: Antonello Romano
Chapter Il degrado della biosfera
Author/Editor: Nicolò Bellanca,Luca Pardi
Chapter Il design sistemico per la valorizzazione del patrimonio faristico italiano
Author/Editor: Gianluca Grigatti,Pier Paolo PERUCCIO
Chapter Il dialogo tra saperi per la comunicazione del patrimonio culturale
Author/Editor: Marta Pileri
Chapter Il dibattito come rischio educativo
Author/Editor: Maria Załęska
Chapter Il dibattito su “prerinascimento est-europeo” e “rinascita slava ortodossa” alla luce delle recenti ricerche
Author/Editor: Marcello Garzaniti
Chapter Il ‘diritto dei valori’. La tirannia dei valori economici e il lavoro nella Costituzione e nelle fonti europee
Author/Editor: Valerio SPEZIALE
Chapter Il diritto del lavoro e i valori nella crisi
Author/Editor: Giorgio Fontana
Chapter Il diritto del lavoro tra libertà, riconoscimento e non-dominio
Author/Editor: adalberto perulli
Chapter Il disegno delle gemme sfaccettate. Fonti iconografiche e trattatistica, analisi geometrica, rilevamento, modellazione parametrica
Author/Editor: Pasquale Argenziano,Alessandro Avella,Nicola Pisacane
Chapter Il Divino amore dalla mistica teologia del sec. XIV alla pietà romana del Settecento
Author/Editor: Federico Corrubolo
Chapter Il Duomo di Ravenna: rilievo e modellazione dei sarcofagi di S. Rinaldo e di S. Barbaziano
Author/Editor: Massimo De Paoli,Luca Ercolin
Chapter I lemmi nel settore dell’onomastica nel Glossarium illyricum (GKS 2071 – 4°) di Ch.F. Temler
Author/Editor: Persida Lazarevic Di Giacomo
Chapter Il fantasma di Alatiel: desiderio, parola e memoria in Decameron II 7
Author/Editor: Matteo Petriccione
Chapter Il fascismo immaginario di Odon Por
Author/Editor: MARCO DARDI
Chapter Il fascismo ‘liberista’ e la ‘quasi abolizione’ dell’imposta di successione del 1923
Author/Editor: Giacomo Gabbuti
Chapter Il «faticato peregrinaggio» di Isidoro Carini negli archivi e nelle biblioteche di Spagna (1881-1882)
Author/Editor: Pietro CORRAO
Chapter Il fenomeno migratorio secondo i dati statistici
Chapter Il filo da riannodare: Massimo Quaini, una letteratura per la geografia e una geografia per la letteratura
Author/Editor: Nicola Gabellieri
Chapter Il fulmine e la “reazione nera”: disegno naturale e artificiale dei pattern tra Golgi e Simondon
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Gay
Chapter Il Jardines El Capricho a Madrid. Dall’analisi delle fonti d’archivio al rilievo fotogrammetrico
Author/Editor: Martina Gargiulo,Davide Carleo,Giovanni Ciampi,Michelangelo Scorpio,Luigi Corniello,Pilar Chias Navarro
Chapter Il laboratorio intellettuale di Bruno Trentin (2001-2006)
Author/Editor: Sante Cruciani
Chapter Il Laurenziano Pluteo 42, 3 e la tradizione caratterizzante del Decameron
Author/Editor: Giulia Monaco
Chapter Il lessico del magistero nelle prose erudite di Giovanni Boccaccio
Author/Editor: Eleonora Fritz
Chapter Il linguaggio della scienza e la creazione della terminologia
Author/Editor: Maria Luisa Villa
Chapter Il ‘machismo’ russo: il caso di A.V. Lunačarskij
Author/Editor: Daniela STEILA
Chapter Il mare, la tempesta, la quiete: un passaggio fondamentale nella trama e nel significato del Filocolo
Author/Editor: Isabel Gigli Cervi
Chapter Il Mediterraneo, tra unità, frammentazione e oblio
Author/Editor: Federica Bicchi,Sonia Lucarelli
Chapter Il memoriale italiano di Auschwitz come occasione di formazione professionale
Author/Editor: Andrea Burzi
Chapter Il metodo comparativo nello studio dei rapporti tra il Domostroj e i suoi equivalenti europei
Author/Editor: Eugène Priadko
Chapter Il museo della scuola come luogo di sperimentazione di percorsi di Public History: il caso del Museo della Scuola «Paolo e Ornella Ricca» dell’Università di Macerata
Author/Editor: Marta Brunelli
Chapter Il museo dell’educazione: una nuova prospettiva di Public History per la formazione docente
Author/Editor: giordana merlo
Chapter Il museo racconta la scuola tra passato e presente
Author/Editor: Francesca BORRUSO,Marta Brunelli
Chapter Il Musil di Claudio Magris
Author/Editor: Barbara Di Noi
Chapter Il parco archeologico di Saturo (Leporano-TA) millenni di storia, decenni di incuria
Author/Editor: Fabio Fabrizio