Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with H (24) | Information |
Habiter dans des jardins. Les aristocrates et leurs horti dans la Rome tardo-republicaine |
Author/Editor: Ilse Hilbold
Hadewijch. Brieven: Middelnederlandse tekst |
Author/Editor: Paul Mommaers ,Anikó Daróczi
Hadewijch. The Complete Letters: Middle Dutch Text |
Author/Editor: Paul Mommaers ,Anikó Daróczi
Half-Truths: The Irish College, Rome, and a Select History of the Catholic Church, 1771-1826, Vol. 322 |
Handbook of Disaster Ritual: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Cases and Themes, Vol. 32 |
Author/Editor: Martin Hoondert ,Paul Post ,Mirella Klomp ,Marcel Barnard
'Have You Not Read this Scripture?': Memory Variation and Context-Based Modification in the Old Testament Quotations in the Gospel of Mark |
Author/Editor: Hans Lammers
The Hebrew Bible of Josephus: Main Features, Vol. 92 |
Author/Editor: Étienne NODET ,Adrian SCHENKER
Hegel ou la quete de l'efficience de la pensee: Deuxieme partie: le systeme de maturite (1807-1831), Vol. 107 |
Author/Editor: Gilbert Gérard
Hegel ou la quete de l'efficience de la pensee: Premiere partie: les annees de formation (1770-1807), Vol. 106 |
Author/Editor: Gilbert Gérard
The Hellenistic Harbour of Amathus. Underwater Excavations, 1984-1986. Volume 1: Architecture and History, Vol. 19 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Yves Empereur ,Tony Koželj ,Olivier Picard ,Manuela Wurch-Koželj
The Hellenistic Harbour of Amathus. Underwater Excavations, 1984-1986. Volume 2: Artefacts Found during Excavation, Vol. 20 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Yves Empereur ,Françoise Alabe ,Angelos Hadjikoumis ,Cécile Harlaut ,Brita Lorentzen ,Sturt W. Manning ,Maria Michael ,May Touma
Henry of Ghent's Summa: The Questions on Human Knowledge (Articles 2-5), Vol. 25 |
Author/Editor: Juan Carlos Flores
Heritage in Conflict: Proceedings of Two Meetings: 'Heritage in Conflict: A Review of the Situation in Syria and Iraq', Workshop held at the 63rd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Marburg, Germany, 24-25 July 2017, and 'Syria: Ancient History - Mod |
Author/Editor: Heather Jackson ,Andrew Jamieson ,Abby Robinson ,Sophie Russell
Hermeneutik des Lebens: Meister Eckharts exegetisches Programm |
Author/Editor: Martina Roesner
Het Hof Bladelin in Brugge en de restauratie van de schilderijen in de Romeinse Zaal |
Author/Editor: Lieve Watteeuw
Het 'Liber benefactorum' van het kartuizerklooster bij Amsterdam, Vol. 47 |
Author/Editor: Tom Gaens ,Koen Goudriaan
Histoire de la province romaine de Crete-Cyrenaique, de Pompee a Diocletien |
Histoire des parties du discours, Vol. 46 |
Author/Editor: Bernard COLOMBAT ,Aimée LAHAUSSOIS
Histoire et geographie chez les auteurs grecs du IIe siecle avant J.-C. au VIe siecle apres J.-C. |
Author/Editor: Michèle COLTELLONI-TRANNOY ,Sébastien MORLET
Historical Studies in Late Roman Art and Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Alan Cameron ,Jaś Elsner
A History of the Kingdom of Israel, Vol. 275 |
A History of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Judah, Vol. 287 |
Hokhmat Sopher: Melanges offerts au Professeur Emile Puech en l'honneur de son quatre-vingtieme anniversaire, Vol. 88 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Sébastien REY ,Martin STASZAK
Homo Theomorphicus et Theophoricus: A Receptive-Responsive Theory of Spirituality, Vol. 8 |
Author/Editor: Andrzej Jastrzębski