Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with A (90) | Information |
Aboriginal Art and Australian Society: Hope and Disenchantment |
Author/Editor: Laura Fisher
Absolute Freedom: An Interdisciplinary Study |
Author/Editor: Paul Gordon
Action!: Interviews with Directors from Classical Hollywood to Contemporary Iran |
Author/Editor: Gary Morris,Jonathan Rosenbaum
Addiction, Representation and the Experimental Novel, 1985–2015 |
Author/Editor: Heath A. Diehl
Adult Responses to Popular Music and Intergenerational Relations in Britain, 1955–1975 |
Author/Editor: Gillian A. M. Mitchell
Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative: An Introduction |
Author/Editor: Michael Peter Bolus
Affect and Realism in Contemporary Brazilian Fiction |
Author/Editor: Karl Erik Schøllhammer,Marco Alexandre de Oliveira
Africa and Economic Policy: Developing a Framework for Policymakers |
Author/Editor: Ferdinand Bakoup
African Cinema and Urbanism |
Author/Editor: Marie-Paule Macdonald
African Memoirs and Cultural Representations: Narrating Traditions |
Author/Editor: Toyin Falola
After Jews: Essays on Political Theology, Shoah and the End of Man |
Author/Editor: Piotr Nowak
Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment |
An Age of Progress?: Clashing Twentieth-Century Global Forces |
Author/Editor: Walter G. Moss
Aging with a Plan: How a Little Thought Today Can Vastly Improve Your Tomorrow, Second Edition |
Aging within Transnational Families: The Case of Older Peruvians |
Author/Editor: Vincent Horn
The Ahmadis and the Politics of Religious Exclusion in Pakistan |
Author/Editor: ALI USMAN QASMI
Altered Destinations: Self, Society, and Nation in India |
Alternative Modernities in French Travel Writing: Engaging Urban Space in London and New York, 1851–1986 |
Author/Editor: Gillian Jein,Charles Forsdick
Śambūka and the Rāmāyaṇa Tradition: A History of Motifs and Motives in South Asia |
Author/Editor: Aaron Sherraden
American Arabists in the Cold War Middle East, 1946–75: From Orientalism to Professionalism |
Author/Editor: Teresa Fava Thomas
American Horror Story and Cult Television: Narratives, Histories and Discourses |
Author/Editor: Richard J. Hand ,Mark O’Thomas
American Paraliterature and Other Theories to Hijack Communication |
Author/Editor: Blake Stricklin
Analysing American Advice Books for Single Mothers Raising Sons: Essentialism, Culture and Guilt |
Author/Editor: Berit Åström
Anarchism in Local Governance: A Case Study from Finland |
Author/Editor: Stephen Condit
An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis: Blowing Tumbleweed |
Author/Editor: Nashwa Saleh
Angus & Robertson and the British Trade in Australian Books, 1930–1970: The Getting of Bookselling Wisdom |
Author/Editor: JASON D. ENSOR
Animals and Plants in Chinese Religions and Science |
Author/Editor: Huaiyu Chen
The Anthem Companion to Alexis de Tocqueville |
Author/Editor: Daniel Gordon
The Anthem Companion to Alfred Schutz |
Author/Editor: Michael Barber
The Anthem Companion to Auguste Comte |
Author/Editor: Andrew Wernick,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to C. Wright Mills |
Author/Editor: Guy Oakes,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to David Ricardo |
Author/Editor: John E. King
The Anthem Companion to Ernst Troeltsch |
Author/Editor: Christopher Adair-Toteff,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to Erving Goffman |
Author/Editor: Michael Hviid Jacobsen
The Anthem Companion to Everett Hughes |
Author/Editor: Rick Helmes-Hayes,Marco Santoro
The Anthem Companion to Ferdinand Tönnies |
Author/Editor: Christopher Adair-Toteff,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to Gabriel Tarde |
Author/Editor: Robert Leroux
The Anthem Companion to Georg Simmel |
Author/Editor: Thomas Kemple,Olli Pyyhtinen
The Anthem Companion to Hannah Arendt |
Author/Editor: Peter Baehr,Philip Walsh
The Anthem Companion to Harold Garfinkel |
Author/Editor: Philippe Sormani ,Dirk vom Lehn
The Anthem Companion to Immanuel Wallerstein |
Author/Editor: Patrick Hayden ,Chamsy el-Ojeili
The Anthem Companion to Karl Mannheim |
Author/Editor: David Kettler,Volker Meja
The Anthem Companion to Maurice Halbwachs |
Author/Editor: Robert Leroux ,Jean-Christophe Marcel
The Anthem Companion to Max Weber |
Author/Editor: Alan Sica
The Anthem Companion to Émile Durkheim |
Author/Editor: Gregor Fitzi ,Nicola Marcucci
The Anthem Companion to Niklas Luhmann |
Author/Editor: Ralf Rogowski
The Anthem Companion to Norbert Elias |
Author/Editor: Alex Law ,Stephen Mennell
The Anthem Companion to Peter Berger |
Author/Editor: Jonathan B. Imber
The Anthem Companion to Philip Rieff |
Author/Editor: Jonathan B. Imber
The Anthem Companion to Philip Selznick |
Author/Editor: Paul van Seters
The Anthem Companion to Pierre Bourdieu |
Author/Editor: Derek Robbins
The Anthem Companion to Raymond Aron |
Author/Editor: Joachim Stark ,Christopher Adair-Toteff
The Anthem Companion to Raymond Boudon |
Author/Editor: Christian Robitaille ,Robert Leroux
The Anthem Companion to Robert K. Merton |
Author/Editor: Charles Crothers ,Lorenzo Sabetta ,Lawrence Stern
The Anthem Companion to Robert N. Bellah |
Author/Editor: Matteo Bortolini,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to Robert Park |
Author/Editor: Peter Kivisto
The Anthem Companion to Talcott Parsons |
Author/Editor: A. Javier Treviño,Bryan S. Turner
The Anthem Companion to Thorstein Veblen |
Author/Editor: Sidney Plotkin
The Anthem Dictionary of Literary Terms and Theory |
Author/Editor: Peter Auger
The Anthem Guide to Short Fiction |
Author/Editor: Christopher Linforth
The Anthem Handbook of Screen Theory |
Author/Editor: Hunter Vaughan,Tom Conley
An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century American Science Writing |
Author/Editor: C. R. RESETARITS
The Anthropologist and the Native: Essays for Gananath Obeyesekere |
Author/Editor: H. L. Seneviratne
The Anti-Politics Machine in India: State, Decentralization and Participatory Watershed Development |
Author/Editor: Vasudha Chhotray
Anton Chekhov Through the Eyes of Russian Thinkers: Vasilii Rozanov, Dmitrii Merezhkovskii and Lev Shestov |
Author/Editor: Vasilii Rozanov,Dmitrii Merezhkovskii,Lev Shestov,Olga Tabachnikova,Olga Tabachnikova,Adam Ure,Adam Ure
Antonio Pietrangeli, The Director of Women: Feminism and Film Theory in Postwar Italian Cinema |
Author/Editor: Emma Katherine Van Ness
A. N. Whitehead and Social Theory: Tracing a Culture of Thought |
Author/Editor: Michael Halewood
Apphia Peach, George Lord Lyttelton, and The Correspondents: An Annotated Edition of a Forgotten Gem (1775) |
Author/Editor: MELVYN NEW
Applied Ethics and Human Rights: Conceptual Analysis and Contextual Applications |
Author/Editor: Shashi Motilal
Approaches to the Study of Intercultural Transfer |
Author/Editor: Thomas Adam
Arab Development Denied: Dynamics of Accumulation by Wars of Encroachment |
Author/Editor: Ali Kadri
The Archaeology of War: The History of Violence between the 20th and 21st Centuries |
Author/Editor: Christian Wevelsiep
Art and Design in 1960s New York |
Author/Editor: Amanda Gluibizzi
The Art and Ideology of the Trade Union Emblem, 1850–1925 |
Author/Editor: Annie Ravenhill-Johnson,Paula James
The Art and Science of Sociology: Essays in Honor of Edward A. Tiryakian |
Author/Editor: Roland Robertson,John Simpson,Simon Susen
Artists Activating Sustainability: The Oregon Story |
Author/Editor: Barbara Sellers-Young
The Art of Startups: How to Beat Larger Companies Using Machiavelli’s War Strategies |
Author/Editor: Edoardo Maggini ,Joe Gebbia
Ascetics and Brahmins: Studies in Ideologies and Institutions |
Author/Editor: Patrick Olivelle
The Asia-Pacific in the Age of Transnational Mobility: The Search for Community and Identity on and through Social Media |
Author/Editor: Catherine Gomes
Aspirational Chinese in Competitive Social Repositionings: A Re-Analysis of Societal Dynamics from 1964 to 2000 |
Author/Editor: Jia Gao
Assassination in Colonial Cyprus in 1934 and the Origins of EOKA: Reading the Archives against the Grain |
Author/Editor: Andrekos Varnava
Athletic CEOs: Leadership in Turbulent Times_Second Edition |
Australia as the Antipodal Utopia: European Imaginations From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Daniel Hempel,Bill Ashcroft
Australian Literature in the German Democratic Republic: Reading through the Iron Curtain |
Author/Editor: Nicole Moore,Christina Spittel
Australian media and the politics of belonging |
Author/Editor: David Nolan,Karen Farquharson,Timothy Marjoribanks
Australian Patriography: How Sons Write Fathers in Contemporary Life Writing |
Author/Editor: Stephen Mansfield
Australian Theatre, Modernism and Patrick White: Governing Culture |
Author/Editor: Denise Varney,Sandra D’Urso,S. E. Gontarski
Australian Women’s Historical Photography: Other Times, Other Views |
Author/Editor: Anne Maxwell ,Lucy Van
Austria Supreme (if it so Wishes) (1684): 'A Strategy for European Economic Supremacy’ |
Author/Editor: Philipp Wilhelm von Hörnigk,Philipp Robinson Rössner,Keith Tribe,Sophus A. Reinert
Authoritarian Collectivism and ‘Real Socialism’: Twentieth Century Trajectory, Twenty-First Century Issues |
Author/Editor: José Maurício Domingues