Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | No |
Titles start with D ( displaying 500 of 69,024 ) | Information |
D加群と計算数学, 初版. |
Author/Editor: 大阿久俊則
ロボットD太 「D太の車」「いいにおい」 (にほんご多読ブックスLevel 1) |
Author/Editor: NPO多言語多読(監修)
A - D |
Author/Editor: Photius; Theodoridis, Christos.
ロボットD太: 「はじめまして」「いただきます」 = D-ta the robot : "Nice to meet you," and "Thanks for the meal", Ed. 初版. |
Author/Editor: 遠藤和彦; 岩井真之; 多言語多読, NPO
D2 |
D3: Modern Web Visualization |
Author/Editor: Victor M Garcia Sanabria
D-99: A Science Fiction Novel |
Author/Editor: H. B. Fyfe
»... da aber die Welt keine Brücken hat ...«: Dramaturgien des Fragmentarischen bei Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz |
Author/Editor: Judith Schäfer
Dañada |
Author/Editor: Hannah Howe
Daad, dader en deskundige |
Author/Editor: Liber amicorum prof. dr. Frans Koenraadt F. de Jong, Marieke Liem en Jos van Mulbregt
Da administração geral à administração escolar |
Author/Editor: Hélio Janny Teixeira
Da Alimentação Saudável para uma Vida Saudável: Comer Bem e Viver Bem |
Author/Editor: William Douglas
Daar is niks om te betaal nie! KRY DIT ALLES VERNIET ... |
Author/Editor: Bernard Levine
D.A.A.S.: Their Part in My Downfall: On the Road with the Doug Anthony All-Stars |
Author/Editor: Livingston, Paul
Da Auden A Yeats: Analisi Critica Di 30 Poesie Selezionate |
Author/Editor: Geetanjali Mukherjee
Dabeisein, Mitmachen und Mitgestalten im Wohnheimalltag |
Author/Editor: Meier, Simon Christian Series Title: Behindertenpa?dagogik und Integration
DA BEST Holiday of a Lifetime |
Author/Editor: BILL Hauff, CAROLYN HAUFF
Dabo's Dynasty |
Series Title: Sports
D'Abraham a? Fatma (la fille pre?fe?re?e du Prophe?te) |
da capo - Dynastie, Ed. 2. Auflage, völlig neubearbeitet im Institut für Deutsche Sprache |
Author/Editor: Strauss, Gerhard.; Basler, Otto.; Schulz, Hans.; Institut für Deutsche Sprache.
Dacci oggi la felicit�� |
Author/Editor: Tinnean
Dacha Idylls |
Author/Editor: Caldwell, Melissa L.
Dach Atlas |
Author/Editor: Schunck, Eberhard.; Kiessl, Kurt.; Barthel, Rainer.; Oster, Hans Jochen.
Dachau |
Author/Editor: Smith, Marcus J. Series Title: UPCC Book Collections on Project MUSE
Dachau |
Author/Editor: Quinn, William W.
Dachau and the SS: A Schooling in Violence, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Dillon, Christopher
The Dachau Defendants |
Author/Editor: Hilton, Fern Overbey.
Dachau Song |
Author/Editor: Cummins, Paul F.
Dachgescho�ausbau in Wien |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Kirchmayer; Andreas Kolbitsch; Roland Popp
Dachkammerdichtungen: Eine kleine Mansardenliteraturgeschichte |
Author/Editor: Christian Luckscheiter
Dachshund |
Series Title: Little Dogs Rock!
Dachshund |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Lowe
Dachshunds |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Andrews
Dachshunds |
Author/Editor: Kaitlyn Duling
Dachshunds |
Author/Editor: Lynn Stone
Dachshunds |
Series Title: Dogs. Set II
Dachshunds |
Author/Editor: Katie Lajiness Series Title: Big Buddy Dogs
Dachshunds |
Author/Editor: Finne, Stephanie Series Title: Dogs
Dachshunds |
Author/Editor: Anna Davison
Dachshunds |
Author/Editor: Grace Hansen
Dachstühle |
Author/Editor: Anton Pech; Karlheinz Hollinsky
Dachstühle, Ed. 2nd edition |
Author/Editor: Anton Pech; Karlheinz Hollinsky
Dachstühle, Ed. 3., aktualisierte Auflage |
Author/Editor: Anton Pech; Karlheinz Hollinsky
Dacia |
Author/Editor: Grumeza, Ion.
Dacia felix: Das antike Rumänien im Brennpunkt der Kulturen |
Author/Editor: Kai Brodersen
Dacia Maraini��s Narratives of Survival |
Author/Editor: Gabriele, Tommasina Series Title: The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Italian Studies
The Dacians and Getae at War: 4th Century BC– 2nd Century AD |
Author/Editor: Andrei Pogacias
Dacă o treabă nu merge bine, paseaz-o altuia! Legile lui Florentin |
Author/Editor: Florentin Smarandache
Dactiloscopia |
Author/Editor: Jorge Moreno Castro (Coordinador/a)
Dactyl Hill Squad, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Daniel José Older
dactyliotheca – doceo, Ed. Sp.1–360. (Unveränd. Nachdr. der Ausg. 1913). Reprint 2017 |
Author/Editor: Marianne Meinhart
Dad |
Author/Editor: Nob; Hogan, James
Dad - 1. Daddy's Girls |
Author/Editor: Nob
Dad - 2. Family Secrets |
Author/Editor: Nob
Dada 1916 in Theory: Practices of Critical Resistance |
Author/Editor: Jones, Dafydd
Dada and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Adamowicz, Elza; Robertson, Eric
Dada and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Adamowicz, Elza; Robertson, Eric
Dada and Surrealism: A Very Short Introduction |
Author/Editor: Hopkins, David
The Dada Archivist: Hannah Hoech, Kurt Schwitters and Berlin Dada |
Author/Editor: Stina Barchan
Dada Bodies |
The Dada Caper |
Author/Editor: Ross H. Spencer Series Title: The Chance Purdue Mysteries
Dada Culture: Critical Texts on the Avant-garde |
Author/Editor: Jones, Dafydd
Dada Data: Contemporary Art Practice in the Era of Post-Truth Politics |
Author/Editor: Sarah Hegenbart; Mara-Johanna Kölmel
Dada East: The Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire |
Author/Editor: Sandqvist, Tom.
A Dad After God's Own Heart |
A Dad After God's Own Heart |
Dada Magazines: The Making of a Movement |
Author/Editor: Emily Hage
Dad and Me in PNG: My Life-Changing Adventure in Papua New Guinea |
Author/Editor: Lizzy Gardner Ainsworth
Dad and Me in the Morning, Ed. Digital Original |
Author/Editor: Patricia Lakin
Dad: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Steven Manchester
Dada, One Hundred Years Later |
Dada Presentism: An Essay on Art and History |
Author/Editor: Stavrinaki, Maria
Dada & Surrealism For Beginners, Ed. 1st. edition |
Author/Editor: Bethanis, Elsa.; Bethanis, Peter.
Dada-Z��rich |
Author/Editor: Bergmeier, Horst. Series Title: Za?suren. Neue Perspektiven der Literatur-und Kulturwissenschaft
The Dad Book |
The Daddies |
Author/Editor: Dark, Kimberly
Daddies: Gay Erotic Stories |
Author/Editor: Richard Labonte
Daddies of a Different Kind: Sex and Romance Between Older and Younger Adult Gay Men |
Author/Editor: Tony Silva
The Dad Difference |
Dadding It!: Landmark Moments in Your Life As a Father… and How to Survive Them |
Author/Editor: Rob Kemp
Daddio |
Author/Editor: Mickie B. Ashling Series Title: Horizons Series
Dad Does the School Run |
Author/Editor: Seamus McArdle
Daddy |
Author/Editor: Ayeah, Colin Diyen
Daddy Blues |
Author/Editor: Mark Williams Series Title: The Inspirational Series
Daddy Boy |
Author/Editor: Cameron, Carey
Daddy Business |
Author/Editor: R.W. Clinger
The D.A.D.D.Y. Complex |
Author/Editor: Pattersby, Luke.; Sandoval, Ryan. Series Title: A Theo Sultan Novel
Daddy Cool: Finding My Father, the Singer Who Swapped Hollywood Fame for Home in Australia |
Author/Editor: Bungey, Darleen
Daddy, Daddy, and Me |
Author/Editor: Sean Michael
Daddy, Do Cowboys Pray? |
Author/Editor: Ezell, James R.
A Daddy for Dillon |
Author/Editor: Stella Bagwell
Daddy Grace |
Author/Editor: Dallam, Marie W. Series Title: Religion, Race, and Ethnicity
Daddy, Here Is Mommy |
Author/Editor: Yao XiaoXiao; Lemon Novel Series Title: Volume 3
Daddy, Here Is Mommy: Volume 9 |
Author/Editor: Yao XiaoXiao; Lemon Novel
Daddy Issues |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Lemay
Daddy Issues |
Author/Editor: Kim Davis
Daddy, I Want to Know God |
Author/Editor: Vanessa Fortenberry
Daddykins: A Memoir of My Father and I |
Author/Editor: Kalpana Mohan
Daddy Lessons |
Author/Editor: Carolyne Aarsen
Daddy, Let Go of My Mom: Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Tian Qin; Lemon Novel
Daddy, Let Go of My Mom: Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Tian Qin; Lemon Novel
Daddy Long Legs |
Daddy-Long-Legs |
Author/Editor: Jean Webster Series Title: Dover Children's Evergreen Classics
Daddy-Long-Legs |
Author/Editor: Webster, Jean; hoopla digital. Series Title: Classics To Go
Daddy-Long-Legs |
Author/Editor: Jean Webster
Daddy Long-Legs: A Comedy in Four Acts (Classic Reprint) |
Author/Editor: Jean Webster
Daddy Longlegs Spiders |
Series Title: Spiders. Set II
Daddy Love |
Daddy Loves His Girls: Discover a Love Your Heavenly Father Offers That an Earthly Father Can't |
Author/Editor: T. D. Jakes
Daddy, Me, and the Magic Hour |
Author/Editor: Laura Krauss Melmed
Daddy, Mommy Climbs the Wall Again: Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Bei Mo; Lemon Novel
Daddy, Mommy Climbs the Wall Again: Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Bei Mo; Lemon Novel
Daddy, Mummy Is a Spy |
Author/Editor: Sun Yuxin; Lemon Novel Series Title: Volume 4
Daddy, Mummy Is a Spy: Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Sun Yuxin; Lemon Novel
Daddy, Mummy Is a Spy: Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Sun Yuxin; Lemon Novel
Daddy, Mummy Is a Spy: Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: Sun Yuxin; Lemon Novel
Daddy Needs a Date |
Author/Editor: Sean Michael
The Daddy of All Mysteries |
Author/Editor: Jess Welsby
Daddy-O's Book of Big-Ass Art |
Author/Editor: Bob Wade; W. K. Kip Stratton
Daddy Please Be Gentle, Mommy Hurts: Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Tu Meiren; Fancy Novel
Daddy's Double Duty |
Author/Editor: Stella Bagwell
Daddy's Dyin' Who's Got The Will? |
Author/Editor: Del Shores
The Daddy Secret |
Author/Editor: Judy Duarte
A Daddy Sent by Santa |
Author/Editor: Susan Carlisle
Daddy's Garden |
Author/Editor: Kimberly Long Cockroft
Daddy's Gone to War |
Author/Editor: Tuttle, William M.
Daddy's Hands (Sheet Music) |
Author/Editor: Holly Dunn
Daddy's Hobby: Die Geschichte von Lek, einem Barmädchen in Pattaya |
Author/Editor: Owen Jones
Daddy's Hobby: Het Verhaal Van Lek, Een Thais Barmeisje In Pattaya, Thailand |
Author/Editor: Owen Jones
Daddy's Hobby: Het verhaal van Lek, een Thais barmeisje in Pattaya, Thailand |
Author/Editor: Owen Jones
Daddy's Hobby: La Storia Di Lek, Una Barista Thailandese A Pattaya |
Author/Editor: Owen Jones
Daddy's Home |
Author/Editor: Deb Kastner
Daddy’s House: A Daughter’s Memoir of Setbacks, Triumphs & Rising Above Her Roots |
Author/Editor: Mildred J Mills
Daddy's Little Girl |
Author/Editor: Robert T. Jeschonek
Daddy's Little Girl: A Homespun Romance |
Author/Editor: Kingsley, Geeta
Daddy's Little Secret: A Daughter's Quest to Solve Her Father's Brutal Murder |
Author/Editor: Denise Wallace
Daddy Smarts 2 |
Author/Editor: Richardson, Bradley G.
Daddy�s Money |
Author/Editor: McDougall, Jo.
Daddy's Money |
Author/Editor: Alan Chin
Daddy's War |
Author/Editor: Kacandes, Irene
Daddy's Wish |
Author/Editor: James Ogg
Daddy Was a Number Runner: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Meriwether, Louise.
Daddy, We Hardly Knew You |
Author/Editor: Germaine Greer
Daddy, What Is Success? |
Author/Editor: Singer, Richard A.; Betty, Joseph.; Thomas, Helen.
Daddy Wore Spurs |
Author/Editor: Stella Bagwell
Día De Acción De Gracias (Thanksgiving) |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Pettiford
Dade City |
Author/Editor: Madonna Jervis Wise
Día De La Independencia (Independence Day) |
Author/Editor: Erika S. Manley
D��a de la��Raza |
Author/Editor: Dash, Meredith
Día De La Tierra (Earth Day) |
Author/Editor: Erika S. Manley
D�a de lluvia |
Author/Editor: C.A. Hartway
Día De Los Caídos (Memorial Day) |
Author/Editor: R.J. Bailey
Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) |
Author/Editor: Julie Murray
D�a de los Presidentes |
Author/Editor: Dash, Meredith
Día De Los Veteranos (Veterans Day) |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Pettiford
Día Del Presidente (Presidents' Day) |
Author/Editor: Erika S. Manley
Día Del Trabajo (Labor Day) |
Author/Editor: Erika S. Manley
Día De Martin Luther King, Jr. (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) |
Author/Editor: R.J. Bailey
¡Día de pago! ebook |
Author/Editor: Sacre, Antonio
Da dependência ao Amor: Meu percurso de Chamas Gêmeas |
Author/Editor: Asma Elferkouss
Daders van milieucriminaliteit in beeld: Profielen, ontwikkelingspaden en recidive van natuurlijke personen |
Author/Editor: Victor van der Geest; Joost van Onna; Jessica Hill
Día De San Valentín (Valentine's Day) |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Pettiford
Día de San Valentín (Valentine's Day) |
Author/Editor: Julie Murray
Dade's Last Command |
Author/Editor: Laumer, Frank.
A Dad for Charlie |
Author/Editor: Anna J. Stewart
Dad Gets Fit & Jobs on a Jet |
Author/Editor: Georgie Tennant
Dad, Here��s What I Really Need From You |
Dad, I Love You So Much |
Author/Editor: Sequoia Children's Publishing
Da Dio Padre al Dio dei Padri: Il mito ebraico come paradigma della dinamica del Sé (C.G. Jung) Ermeneutica dell’idea monoteistica a partire dalla psicologia dell’inconscio |
Author/Editor: Lucio Carraro
Dadishoʿ Qaṭraya’s Compendious Commentary on The Paradise of the Egyptian Fathers: In Garshuni |
Author/Editor: Mario Kozah; Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn; Suleiman Mourad
Dad Jokes: Hall of Shame |
Author/Editor: Andy Herald
Dad Jokes: More Than 400 Unbearable, Groan-Inducing One-Liners Sure to Make You the Deadliest Dad With a Pun |
Author/Editor: Joe Kerz
Dad Jokes: The Punniest Joke Book Ever |
Author/Editor: Editors of Portable Press
Dad Jokes Too: Punnier Than Ever |
Author/Editor: Editors of Portable Press
Dadland |
Author/Editor: Keggie Carew
The Dadly Virtues: Adventures From the Worst Job You'll Ever Love |
Author/Editor: Jonathan V. Last
The Dad Manifesto |
Author/Editor: Payleitner, Jay K.
Dad on TV |
Author/Editor: Andre Dechert
Dadprovement: A Journey From Careerist to Adoptive Father to a Real Husband and Dad |
Author/Editor: Patrick R. Riccards
Dad, Remember You Are Dead |
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Saphra
Dads and Daughters: Timeless Wisdom and Reflections on Teaching, Guiding, and Loving Your Daughter - Her Whole Life Long |
Author/Editor: Dobson, James C.
Dads Are the Original Hipsters |
Author/Editor: Brad Getty
The Dad's Army Movie Dossier |
Author/Editor: Mark McCaighey
The Dad's Army Quiz Book |
Author/Editor: Walker, Caroline.
Dad's Army - The Man and The Hour |
Author/Editor: Mark McCaighey
Dad's Awesome Grilling Book |
Author/Editor: Bob Sloan
Dad's Dancing Decorators |
Author/Editor: Hermione Redshaw
Dad's First Day |
Author/Editor: Mike Wohnoutka
Dads for Daughters: How Fathers Can Give Their Daughters a Better, Brighter, Fairer Future |
Author/Editor: Michelle Travis
A Dad's Guide to Praying for His Kids |
Author/Editor: Chapman, Steve
A Dad-Sized Challenge |
Author/Editor: Jeff Kinley
Dads, Kids, and Fitness |
Author/Editor: Marsiglio, William
Dad's Nerdy New Boyfriend |
Author/Editor: J.M. Snyder
Dad's Own Cookbook |
Author/Editor: Sloan, Bob.
The Dad's Playbook to Labor and Birth: A Practical and Strategic Guide to Preparing for the Big Day |
Author/Editor: Theresa Halvorsen; Brad Halvorsen
Dad's Playbook: Wisdom for Fathers From the Greatest Coaches of All Time |
Author/Editor: Tom Limbert
Dad's Princess |
Author/Editor: Lídia Craveiro
Dad's Runaway Butt! |
Author/Editor: Dawn McMillan
Dad's Slideshow: Thumprint No.3 |
Author/Editor: Di Slaney
Dads & Sons: Timeless Wisdom and Reflections on Teaching, Guiding, and Loving Your Son--his Whole Life Long |
Author/Editor: Dobson, James C.
Dads Who Stay and Fight: How to Be a Hero for Your Family |
Author/Editor: Greg Trimble
Dad Tired and Loving It: Stumbling Your Way to Spiritual Leadership |
Author/Editor: Jerrad Lopes
The Dad Tired Q&A Mixtape: Jesus-Centered Answers to Questions About Faith and Family |
Author/Editor: Jerrad Lopes
Dad Wants a Nap |
Author/Editor: author 1, Barchers, Suzanne I.
The Daedalus Incident |
Author/Editor: Martinez, Michael J.
The Daedalus Incident Revised, Ed. Revised Edition |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Martinez
A – Da, Ed. Reprint 2018 |
Author/Editor: Peter Wennrich; Michael Peschke
Daemon in the Sanctuary |
Author/Editor: Hamblet, Wendy C.
The Daemon Knows |
Author/Editor: Bloom, Harold
Daemonologie |
Author/Editor: King of England James I
Daemons and Spirits in Ancient Egypt |
Daemons Are Forever |
Author/Editor: Simon R. Green
Daemons Are Forever: Contacts and Exchanges in the Eurasian Pandemonium |
Author/Editor: David Gordon White
Daemon und Charisma bei Goethe |
Author/Editor: Jäger, Jana.
Daenemarks und Deutschlands Kultursolidaritaet ueber Grenzen |
Author/Editor: Gellinek, Christian.
Daenische Zwillingsformeln in Theorie und Praxis: Strukturelle, syntaktische und semantisch-pragmatische Aspekte |
Author/Editor: Józef Jarosz
„Da es dir gefällt, o Liebe“: Die Dichtungen der Staufer. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Mit Übersetzungen aus dem Altitalienischen und Mittelhochdeutschen |
Author/Editor: Sebastian Neumeister
Daesh |
Series Title: History of Terror
Daesh tra le secrezioni di settarismo e l'oscurantismo sottrazione |
Author/Editor: Michel Hanna Haj
Daesoon Jinrihoe in Modern Korea: The Emergence, Transformation and Transmission of a New Religion |
Author/Editor: David W. Kim, Author
DaFF-Impulse – Deutsch als Fremd- und Fachsprache an Hochschulen |
Author/Editor: Ines-Andrea Busch-Lauer (Hg.)
Daffodil |
Author/Editor: Chris Chang
The Daffodil Affair |
Author/Editor: Michael Innes
The Daffodil Blonde, Ed. Digital Original |
Author/Editor: Frances Crane
The Daffodil Mystery |
Author/Editor: Edgar Wallace
The Daffodil Mystery |
Author/Editor: Wallace, Edgar.
The Daffodil Mystery |
Author/Editor: Edgar Wallace
The Daffodil Sky |
Author/Editor: H.E. Bates
Daffy |
"... dafür muss man nicht ins Musikermuseum kommen ..." - Wofür dann? |
Author/Editor: Eva Fink
The Daft Days |
Author/Editor: Neil Munro
Daft Punk: Electronic Music Duo |
Author/Editor: Tieck, Sarah
Daft Punk's Discovery: The Future Unfurled |
Author/Editor: Ben Cardew
Daft Punk's Discovery: The Future Unfurled |
Author/Editor: Ben Cardew
DaF-Uebungsgrammatiken zwischen Sprachwissenschaft und Didaktik |
Author/Editor: Claudio Di Meola; Daniela Puato Series Title: Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft international
Dafydd Ap Gwilym |
Author/Editor: Dafydd ap Gwilym; Thomas, Gwyn
Dagara Verbal Art |
Author/Editor: Paschal Kyoore Series Title: International Folkloristics
DAGA TUDAA. Pensées Toubou |
Author/Editor: Mahuma Abaliy Sediké
Dagboek van een paardenmeisje |
Author/Editor: Katrina Kahler
Dagboek van een paardenmeisje - manege avonturen |
Author/Editor: Katrina Kahler
Dagboek van een paardenmeisje - Mijn eerste pony - Boek 1 |
Author/Editor: Katrina Kahler
Dagboek van Julia Jones - Boek 1: Mijn ergste dag ooit! |
Author/Editor: Katrina Kahler Series Title: Dagboek van Julia Jones
Dagboek van Julia Jones - Boek 2: Mijn geheime pestkop |
Series Title: Dagboek van Julia Jones
Dagboek van Julia Jones - Boek 3: Mijn geheime droom |
Author/Editor: Katrina Kahler
Dagboek van meneer groot, donker en knap - mijn leven is veranderd |
Author/Editor: Kaz Campbell
Dagboek van 'n Perdmal Meisiekind |
Author/Editor: Kahler, Katrina; Ebersöhn, Petro Series Title: Dagboek van 'n Perdmal Meisiekind
Dagboek van 'n Perdmal Meisiekind Boek 2 Ponieklub-avonture |
Author/Editor: Katrina Kahler
Dagger - A Luz no Fim do Mundo: Uma Aventura Dark Fantasy |
Author/Editor: Walt Popester
The Dagger and the Rosary |
Author/Editor: Brian Sloan
Dagger III: Deus do Vazio |
Author/Editor: Walt Popester
Dagger II - Irmãos de Sangue: Uma Aventura Dark Fantasy |
Author/Editor: Walt Popester
Dagger John |
Author/Editor: John Loughery
Dagger - La luz al fin del mundo |
Author/Editor: Walt Popester
The Dagger of Adendigaeth |
Author/Editor: Melissa McPhail
Dagger of Flesh |
Author/Editor: Richard S. Prather Series Title: The Shell Scott Mysteries
Dagger of the Heart |
Author/Editor: Joyce Newberry
Daggers of Faith |
Author/Editor: Chazan, Robert.
Daggers of Gold |
Author/Editor: Deauxville, Katherine
Dagon |
Author/Editor: H. P. Lovecraft Series Title: Classics To Go
Dag Pike's Cruising Under Power: The Practicalities of Cruising, Ed. 1st ed |
Author/Editor: Pike, Dag.
Dag Pike's Cruising Under Sail |
Author/Editor: Pike, Dag.
DAGStat 2022: Book of Abstracts |
Daguerreotypes |
Author/Editor: Saltzman, Lisa
Daguerréotype en 1840 - L'Espagne, l'Algérie et l'Orient |
Author/Editor: N. de Lonréveil; Arsène Isabelle
Daguerréotype - Pour apprendre seul à faire des portraits sans connaître ni peinture ni dessin |
Author/Editor: Adolphe Legros
�Da habe ich alles, was Serbisch war, verteufelt.� |
Author/Editor: Pavić, Kathrin Series Title: Social strategies
Daheim in |
Author/Editor: Heike Mónika Greschke Series Title: Qualitative Soziologie
Dahlia and Carys |
Author/Editor: H Salih
Dahlia In The Dark Vol. 1 |
Author/Editor: Joe Corallo
Dahlmann, Ed. Sonderabdr. aus Preuss. Jahrbücher, Bd. 7. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Reinhold Pauli
Dahn, Kr[reis] Pirmasens. Wilgartswiesen, Kr[eis] Pirmasens. Iggelbach, Kr[eis] Bad Dürkheim, Ed. Reprint 2017 |
Author/Editor: Dieter Karch
Dahn Yoga Basics |
Author/Editor: Dahn Yoga Education.
Dahomey et Dépendances - Historique général, organisation, administration, ethnographie, productions, agriculture, commerce |
Author/Editor: Louis Brunet; Louis Giethlen
DAH Theatre |
Author/Editor: Barnett, Dennis
Dahut |
Author/Editor: Poul Anderson; Karen Anderson Series Title: King of Ys
Daidalische Diskurse: Antike-Rezeption im Zeitalter der High Techne |
Author/Editor: Michael Franz
Daidalos and the Origins of Greek Art |
Author/Editor: Sarah P. Morris
Daidalos at Work: A Phenomenological Approach to the Study of Minoan Architecture |
Author/Editor: Clairy Palyvou
Dailies & Rushes: Poems |
Author/Editor: Susan Kinsolving
The Daily Adventures of Mixerman |
Author/Editor: Mixerman
Daily Affirmations |
Author/Editor: Lerner, Rokelle.
Daily Affirmations for Forgiving and Moving On |
Author/Editor: Dayton, Tian.
Daily Affirmations for Parents |
Author/Editor: Dayton, Tian.
Daily and Nocturnal Hemodialysis |
Author/Editor: Lindsay, R.M.; Buoncristiani, U.; Lockridge, R.S.; Pierratos, A.; Ting, G.O.
Daily and Weekly Worship: From Jewish to Christian |
Author/Editor: Roger Beckwith
The Daily Bark: The Puppy Problem |
Author/Editor: Laura James
Daily Beauty: 365 Ways to Play with Everyday Quilt Embellishments |
Author/Editor: Trentini, Cécile
The Daily Bible® - In Chronological Order (NIV®) |
Author/Editor: F. LaGard Smith
Daily Bible� - In Chronological Order (NIV�), The |
Author/Editor: Smith, F. LaGard
The Daily Bible® (NLT) |
Author/Editor: F. LaGard Smith
The Daily Bible Promise Book®: A 365-Day Devotional and Bible Reading Plan |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Bible Study |
Author/Editor: Turrentine, Jan
Daily Bible Study |
Author/Editor: Mink, Sue; Mills, Taylor; Duerling, Nan
Daily Bible Study |
Author/Editor: Turrentine, Jan
Daily Bible Study |
Author/Editor: Turrentine, Jan
Daily Bible Study |
Author/Editor: Turrentine, Jan
Daily Bible Study Fall 2021 |
Author/Editor: Mills, Taylor W.; Mink, Sue
Daily Bible Study Fall 2022 |
Author/Editor: Mills, Taylor W.; Cross, Randy; Dick, Barbara
Daily Bible Study Fall 2023 |
Author/Editor: Mink, Sue
Daily Bible Study Fall 2024 |
Author/Editor: Haas, Betsy; Mills, Taylor W.
Daily Bible Study Spring 2015 |
Author/Editor: Reece, Wayne G; Welch, Clara K; Thornton, Abby L
Daily Bible Study Spring 2017 |
Author/Editor: Shockley, Kathryn A.; Purdum, Stan.; Welch, Clara.
Daily Bible Study Spring 2020 |
Author/Editor: Turrentine, Jan
Daily Bible Study Spring 2021 |
Author/Editor: Welch, Clara K.
Daily Bible Study Spring 2022 |
Author/Editor: Welch, Clara K.; Cross, Randy; Groseclose, Susan
Daily Bible Study Spring 2023 |
Author/Editor: Cokesbury
Daily Bible Study Summer 2016 |
Author/Editor: Turrentine, Jan
Daily Bible Study Summer 2021 |
Author/Editor: Mills, Taylor W.
Daily Bible Study Summer 2022 |
Author/Editor: Morris, Michelle J.; Mink, Sue; Purdum, Stan
Daily Bible Study Summer 2023 |
Author/Editor: Dick, Dan R.; Brinton, Henry G.; Sigmon, Amy Lynn
Daily Bible Study Winter 2021-2022 |
Author/Editor: Brinton, Henry G.; Merrill, Timothy; Dick, Barbara
Daily Bible Study Winter 2023-2024 |
Author/Editor: Sigmon, Amy Lynn; Haas, Betsy; Hambrick, Matthew Ray
Daily Bible Study Winter 2024-2025 |
Author/Editor: Merrill, Timothy; Morris, Michelle J.; Mink, Sue
Daily BrainStarters |
Author/Editor: Bonnie J. Krueger
Daily Bread Holy Meal Worship Matters: Opening the Gifts of Holy Communion |
Author/Editor: Samuel Torvend
The Daily Charles Dickens |
Author/Editor: Charles Dickens; James R. Kincaid
Daily Comfort for Caregivers |
Author/Editor: Barbour Publishing, Inc.
The Daily Cookie: 365 Tempting Treats for the Sweetest Year of Your Life |
Author/Editor: Anna Ginsberg
A Daily Creativity Journal |
Author/Editor: Noah Scalin
Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfare: Biblical Principles to Defeat the Devil |
Author/Editor: John Eckhardt
Daily Devotions for Peace of Mind: 365 Meditations for Women |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Devotions for Women: Inspiration From the Lives of Classic Christian Women |
Author/Editor: Jewell Johnson
Daily Devotions with Herman Bavinck: Believing and Growing in Christian Faith |
Author/Editor: Donald K. McKim
The Daily Discoveries of a Bible Scholar and Manuscript Hunter: A Biography of James Rendel Harris (1852�1941) |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Falcetta
Daily Dishonesty |
Author/Editor: Lauren Hom
Daily Doctrine: A One-Year Guide to Systematic Theology |
Author/Editor: Kevin DeYoung
The Daily Don Pandemic Edition: From Impeachment to Imbleachment |
Author/Editor: Jesse Duquette
A daily dose of English |
Author/Editor: Luc Geiller
Daily Edge: Simple Strategies to Increase Efficiency and Make an Impact Every Day |
Author/Editor: Horsager, David.
Daily Editing, Grade 2 |
Author/Editor: Linda Armstrong
Daily Editing, Grade 3 |
Author/Editor: Linda Armstrong
Daily Editing, Grade 4 |
Author/Editor: Linda Armstrong
Daily Editing, Grade 5 |
Author/Editor: Linda Armstrong
Daily Feast: Meditations From Feasting on the Word, Year A, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kathleen Long Bostrom; Elizabeth F. Caldwell; Jana Riess
Daily Feast: Meditations From Feasting on the Word, Year B, Ed. 1st ed |
Author/Editor: Kathleen Long Bostrom; Elizabeth F. Caldwell
Daily Feast: Meditations From Feasting on the Word, Year C, Ed. 1st ed |
Author/Editor: Kathleen Long Bostrom; Elizabeth F. Caldwell; Jana Riess
Daily Grace for Daily Life: Encouragement for Women |
Author/Editor: Higman, Anita.; McMullen, Hillary.
The Daily Grind |
Author/Editor: Walker, Marquita
The Daily Guide to a Joy-Filled Life: Living the 4:8 Principle |
Author/Editor: Tommy Newberry
The Daily Happiness Multiplier: 52 Secret Habits to Discover Your True Hidden Potential in Life and Business |
Author/Editor: Bimal Shah
The Daily Henry David Thoreau: A Year of Quotes From the Man Who Lived in Season |
Author/Editor: Henry David Thoreau; Laura Dassow Walls
The Daily Henry James |
Author/Editor: James, Henry; Gorra, Michael Edward; Howells, William Dean; Smalley, Evelyn Garnaut
Daily Hope Devotional: 365 Days of Purpose, Peace, and Promise |
Author/Editor: Rick Warren
Daily in Christ |
Daily Insights to Birthing the Miraculous: 100 Devotions for Reflection and Prayer |
Author/Editor: Heidi Baker
Daily Inspiration for Women |
Author/Editor: Vinita Hampton Wright; Margaret Silf; Ginny Kubitz Moyer; Jessica Mesman Griffith
Daily Inspiration for Women: From the Poetry of Helen Steiner Rice |
Author/Editor: Helen Steiner Rice
The Daily Jane Austen: A Year of Quotes |
Author/Editor: Jane Austen; Devoney Looser
Daily Joy: A Devotional for Women |
Daily Labors |
Author/Editor: Carolyn Pinedo-Turnovsky
Daily Learning Drills, Grade 1 |
Author/Editor: Brighter Child
Daily Learning Drills, Grade 2 |
Author/Editor: Brighter Child
Daily Learning Drills, Grade 3 |
Author/Editor: Brighter Child
Daily Learning Drills, Grade 4 |
Author/Editor: Brighter Child
Daily Learning Drills, Grade 5 |
Author/Editor: Brighter Child
Daily Learning Drills, Grade 6 |
Author/Editor: Brighter Child
Daily Learning Drills, Grade K |
Author/Editor: Brighter Child
Daily Life |
Author/Editor: Grace Hansen
Daily Life |
Author/Editor: Frederic Will
Daily Life and Demographics in Ancient Japan |
Author/Editor: William W Farris
Daily Life During the Holocaust, Ed. 2nd ed |
Author/Editor: Eve Nussbaum Soumerai; Carol D. Schulz
Daily Life During The Indian Mutiny: Personal Experiences Of 1857 [Illustrated Edition] |
Author/Editor: John Walter Sherer
Daily Life During the Reformation |
Author/Editor: James M. Anderson
Daily Life in 18th-Century England |
Author/Editor: Kirstin Olsen
Daily Life in 1990s America |
Author/Editor: Richard A. Schwartz
Daily Life in Ancient Egyptian Personal Correspondence |
Author/Editor: Susan Thorpe
Daily Life in Anglo-Saxon England |
Author/Editor: Sally Crawford
Daily Life in Biblical Times |
Author/Editor: Oded Borowski
Daily Life in Civil War America |
Author/Editor: Dorothy Volo; James M. Volo
Daily Life in Colonial Africa |
Author/Editor: Toyin Falola
Daily Life in Colonial Latin America |
Author/Editor: Ann Jefferson; Paul Lokken
Daily Life in Colonial Mexico |
Series Title: The American Exploration and Travel Series
Daily Life in Colonial New England |
Author/Editor: Claudia Durst Johnson
Daily Life in Elizabethan England |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey L. Forgeng
Daily Life in Maya Civilization |
Author/Editor: Robert J. Sharer
Daily Life in Renaissance Italy |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth S. Cohen; Thomas V. Cohen
Daily Life in the Abyss |
Author/Editor: Tachjian, Vahé; Goshgarian, G. M. Series Title: War and Genocide
Daily Life in the Inca Empire |
Author/Editor: Michael A. Malpass
Daily Life in the Industrial United States, 1870-1900 |
Author/Editor: Julie Husband; Jim O'Loughlin
Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire |
Author/Editor: Mehrdad Kia
Daily Life in the Progressive Era |
Author/Editor: Steven L. Piott
Daily Life in the United States, 1940-1959: Shifting Worlds |
Author/Editor: Eugenia Kaledin
Daily Life in Victorian England, Ed. 2nd ed |
Author/Editor: Sally Mitchell
Daily Life, Materiality, and Complexity in Early Urban Communities of the Southern Levant |
Author/Editor: Rast, Walter E.; Schaub, R. Thomas; Kuijt, Ian.; Chesson, Meredith S.; Aufrecht, Walter Emanuel
Daily Life of the Aztecs, Ed. 2nd ed |
Author/Editor: Davíd Carrasco; Scott Sessions
Daily Life of the Aztecs on the Eve of the Spanish Conquest |
Author/Editor: Jacques Soustelle
Daily Life of the Inuit |
Author/Editor: Pamela R. Stern
Daily Life of the New Americans: Immigration Since 1965 |
Author/Editor: Christoph Strobel
Daily Life of the Patriarchs |
Author/Editor: Bar, Shaul
Daily Life of Women During the Civil Rights Era |
Author/Editor: Danelle Moon
Daily Life of Women in Medieval Europe |
Author/Editor: Belle S. Tuten
Daily Life of Women in Shakespeare's England |
Author/Editor: Theresa D. Kemp
Daily Life on the Nineteenth Century American Frontier |
Author/Editor: Mary Ellen Jones
Daily Light, Ed. Newly abridged and updated |
Author/Editor: Bagster, Samuel
Daily Light Journal: Evening Readings, Ed. Limited Edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Graham Lotz
Daily Light: Morning & Evening |
Author/Editor: Thomas Nelson
Daily Light on the Daily Path (From the Holy Bible, English Standard Version) |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Bagster
Daily Light on the Daily Path: New Life Version |
Author/Editor: Donna K. Maltese
Daily Little Blessings for Women: 365 Days of Joy-Filled Devotions |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Currington; Janice Thompson
Daily Lives of Civilians in Wartime Latin America: From the Wars of Independence to the Central American Civil Wars |
Author/Editor: Pedro Santoni
The Daily Lives of Muslims |
Author/Editor: Nilüfer Göle
Daily Manna |
Author/Editor: Banks, William L.
Daily Math Stretches: Building Conceptual Understanding, Levels 6-8 |
Author/Editor: Sammons, Laney; Dase, Pamela H.; Shell Education (Firm)
Daily Math Stretches: Building Conceptual Understanding, Levels 3-5 |
Author/Editor: Sammons, Laney.; Windham, Michelle.; Shell Education (Firm)
Daily Math Warm-Ups, Grade 1: 180 Lessons and 18 Assessments; 36 Weeks of Lessons |
Author/Editor: Melissa J. Owen
Daily Math Warm-Ups, Grade 2: 180 Lessons and 18 Assessments; 36 Weeks of Lessons |
Author/Editor: Melissa J. Owen
Daily Math Warm-Ups, Grade 3: 180 Lessons and 18 Assessments; 36 Weeks of Lessons |
Author/Editor: Melissa J. Owen
Daily Math Warm-Ups, Grade 4: 180 Lessons and 18 Assessments; 36 Weeks of Lessons |
Author/Editor: Melissa J. Owen
Daily Math Warm-Ups, Grade 5 |
Author/Editor: Melissa J. Owen Series Title: Daily Series
Daily Meditations for Calming Your Angry Mind: Mindfulness Practices to Free Yourself From Anger |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Brantley; Wendy Millstine
Daily Meditations for Calming Your Anxious Mind |
Author/Editor: Brantley, Jeffrey.; Millstine, Wendy.
Daily Meditations: For Each Day of the Month |
Author/Editor: P. Muzzarelli
The Daily Message |
Author/Editor: Peterson, Eugene H.
Daily Modernism |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Podnieks
Daily Observations |
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry David; Grant, Steve Series Title: The Spirit of Thoreau Series
The Daily Office SSF: New Revised Edition |
Author/Editor: Sister Joyce Yarrow CSF; Brother Colin Wilfred SSF
Daily Oral Language, Grade 1 |
Author/Editor: Gregg O. Byers Series Title: Daily Series
Daily Oral Language, Grade 2 |
Author/Editor: Gregg O. Byers Series Title: Daily Series
Daily Oral Language, Grades 3 - 5: 180 Lessons and 18 Assessments |
Author/Editor: Gregg O. Byers
Daily Play: Agile Spiele für Coaches und Scrum Master |
Author/Editor: Julia Dellnitz; Jan Gentsch; Dina Sierralta Espinoza; Nina Niemeyer; Kerstin Wehner; Sana Tornow
The Daily Plebiscite: Federalism, Nationalism, and Canada |
Author/Editor: David R. Cameron; Robert C. Vipond
The Daily Practice of Compassion |
Author/Editor: Wang, Dora; Carter, Shannan L.
The Daily Practices of Successful Principals |
Author/Editor: Brock, Barbara L.; Grady, Marilyn L.
Daily Prayer for All Seasons |
Author/Editor: Episcopal Church.
Daily Prayer in the Reformed Tradition: An Initial Survey |
Author/Editor: Diane Karay Tripp
Daily Preschool Experiences |
Author/Editor: Kay Hastings; Cathy Clemons; April Montgomery
Daily Prison Life |
Author/Editor: Joanna Rabiger
Daily Production |
Author/Editor: Sascha Reichstein Series Title: Edition Angewandte
The Daily Promise: 100 Ways to Feel Happy About Your Life |
Author/Editor: Domonique Bertolucci
The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living: Excerpts From the Works of Father Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O |
Author/Editor: Keating, Thomas.
Daily Readings From The Christian in Complete Armour |
Author/Editor: William Gurnall; James S. Bell, Jr.
Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: John MacArthur Series Title: Grace For Today
Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: John MacArthur Series Title: Grace For Today
Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: John MacArthur Series Title: Grace For Today
Daily Readings From the Life of Christ Volumes 1-3 |
Author/Editor: John MacArthur Series Title: Grace For Today
Daily Reflections on Idolatry |
Author/Editor: Fogel, Joshua A.
Daily Relaxer: Relax Your Body, Calm Your Mind, and Refresh Your Spirit |
Author/Editor: Patrick Fanning; Matthew McKay
Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, Elementary School: Engage Students, Improve Number Sense, and Practice Reasoning, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: John J. SanGiovanni
Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, High School: Engage Students, Improve Number Sense, and Practice Reasoning |
Author/Editor: Eric Milou; John J. SanGiovanni
Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, Middle School: Engage Students, Improve Number Sense, and Practice Reasoning |
Author/Editor: John J. SanGiovanni; Eric Milou
Daily Routines to Jump-Start Problem Solving, Grades K-8 |
Author/Editor: John J. SanGiovanni
Daily, Sabbath, and Festival Prayers in the Dead Sea Scrolls |
Author/Editor: Daniel K. Falk
Daily Scriptures: 365 Readings in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin |
Author/Editor: Jacob N. Cerone; Matthew C. Fisher
Daily Seeds From Women Who Walk in Faith |
Author/Editor: Melinda Schmidt; Anita Lustrea; Lori Neff
The Daily SEL Leader: A Guided Journal, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: James Bailey; Randy Weiner
The Daily Sherlock Holmes: A Year of Quotes From the Case-Book of the World’s Greatest Detective |
Author/Editor: Arthur Conan Doyle; Levi Stahl; Stacey Shintani
The Daily Show and Rhetoric |
Author/Editor: Knapp, Trischa Goodnow.
Daily Spiritual Refreshment for Women: A Devotional |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Spiritual Refreshment for Women Devotional |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Strength: A Devotional for Men |
Author/Editor: Sam Storms
Daily Strength For Daily Needs |
Author/Editor: Mary Wilder Tileston
The Daily Telegraph Airmen's Obituaries Book Three |
Author/Editor: Graham Pitchfork
Daily Telegraph Book of Hymns |
Author/Editor: Bradley, Ian C.
The Daily Telegraph Guide to Investing |
Author/Editor: Burn-Callander, Rebecca
The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2012 |
The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2013: Understanding the Tax System, Completing Your Tax Return and Planning How to Become More Tax Efficient |
Author/Editor: Genders, David B.
The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2014 |
Author/Editor: Genders, David B.
The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2015 |
Author/Editor: Genders, David B.
The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2016 |
Author/Editor: Genders, David.
The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2017 |
Author/Editor: Genders, David
The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2018: Understanding the Tax System, Completing Your Tax Return and Planning How to Become More Tax Efficient |
Author/Editor: David Genders
The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2019: Your Complete Guide to the Tax Return for 2018/19 |
Author/Editor: David Genders
The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2020: Your Complete Guide to the Tax Return for 2019/20 |
Author/Editor: Phil Thornton
The Daily Thomas Paine: A Year of Common-Sense Quotes for a Nonsensical Age |
Author/Editor: Thomas Paine; Edward G. Gray
Daily Thoughts on Holiness |
Author/Editor: Murray, Andrew
Daily Warmups, Grade 1: Math Problems & Puzzles |
Author/Editor: Instructional Fair
Daily Warmups, Grade 2: Math Problems & Puzzles |
Author/Editor: Instructional Fair
Daily Warmups, Grade 3: Math Problems & Puzzles |
Author/Editor: Instructional Fair
Daily Warmups, Grade 4 |
Author/Editor: Instructional Fair Series Title: The 100+ Series�
Daily Warmups, Grade 5 |
Author/Editor: Instructional Fair Series Title: The 100+ Series�
Daily Warmups, Grade 6: Math Problems & Puzzles |
Author/Editor: Instructional Fair
Daily Whispers of Blessing: Inspiration for Women |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Whispers of Encouragement: Inspiration for Women |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Whispers of Wisdom for Girls |
Author/Editor: Barbour Publishing.
Daily Whispers of Wisdom for Women |
Author/Editor: Barbour Publishing.
Daily Wisdom for Men 2017 Devotional Collection |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff; Glenn Hascall; Ed Cyzewski; Jess MacCallum; Michael Vander Klipp; David Sanford; Charles Miller; Ed Strauss; Lee Warren; Rob Burkhart
Daily Wisdom for Men 2018 Devotional Collection |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Men 2019 Devotional Collection |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Men 2020 Devotional Collection: The Power of Godly Transformation |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Men 2021 Devotional Collection |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Men 2022 Devotional Collection |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Men 2023 Devotional Collection |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Men 2024 Devotional Collection |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom For Mothers |
Author/Editor: Adams, Michelle Medlock. Series Title: Inspirational Library
Daily Wisdom for Teens 2020 Devotional Collection: The Power of God's Love |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Teens: God's Word for Your Future--365 Devotional Readings |
Author/Editor: Toni Sortor; Pamela L. McQuade
Daily Wisdom for the Workplace |
Author/Editor: McQuade, Pamela.; OverDrive, Inc. Series Title: Inspirational Book Bargains
Daily Wisdom for Women |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Women - 2014: 2014 Devotional Collection |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional Collection - April |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional Collection - August |
Author/Editor: Staff, Compiled by Barbour.
Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional Collection - February |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional Collection - July |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional Collection - June |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional Collection - May |
Author/Editor: Staff, Compiled by Barbour.
Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional Collection - November |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff Series Title: Daily Wisdom for Women
Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional Collection - October |
Author/Editor: Staff, Compiled by Barbour.; Recorded Books, Inc.
Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional Collection - September |
Author/Editor: Staff, Compiled by Barbour.
Daily Wisdom for Women 2016 Devotional Collection |
Author/Editor: Compiled by Barbour Staff
Daily Wisdom for Women 2017 Devotional Collection |
Author/Editor: Barbour Publishing