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Titles start with R ( displaying 500 of 42,496 ) | Information |
Rによるやさしいテキストアナリティクス |
Author/Editor: 小林雄一郎
遺伝統計学の基礎: Rによる遺伝因子解析・遺伝子機能解析 = Genetic statistics, Ed. 第1版. |
Author/Editor: 山田亮
プログラミングR: 基礎からグラフィックスまで, Ed. 第1版. |
Author/Editor: 高階知巳
高次元データ分析の方法: R による統計的モデリングとモデル統合, Ed. 初版. |
Author/Editor: Ando, Tomohiro
完全攻略! 英検(R)1級 |
Author/Editor: 中西 哲彦
Rで学ぶ統計データ分析: マーケティングデータを分析しながら正しい理論と分析力を身につける, Ed. 第 1版. |
Author/Editor: 本橋永至
対応分析入門: 原理から応用まで : 解説Rで検算しながら理解する = Applied correspondence analysis : an introduction, Ed. 第1版. |
Author/Editor: Clausen, Sten-Erik; 藤本一男
Rによる教育データ分析入門 |
Author/Editor: 小林雄一郎; 濱田彰; 水本篤
改訂版 キクタン英検(R)1級 |
Author/Editor: 木村,達哉
改訂版 キクタン英検(R)準1級 |
Author/Editor: ヒロ,前田、ロス,タロック
完全攻略!英検(R)1級二次試験 |
Author/Editor: 長尾和夫
改訂版 キクタン英検(R)2級 |
Author/Editor: 小石,裕子
改訂版 キクタン英検(R)準2級 |
Author/Editor: 小石,裕子
改訂版 キクタン英検(R)3級 |
Author/Editor: 前坊,香菜子; 本田,ゆかり; 三好,裕子
中検(R)公式ガイドブック 準4級・4級 模擬テスト各級1回付き, Ed. 初版. |
Author/Editor: 一般財団法人日本中国語検定協会
R5 |
Author/Editor: Lajiness, Katie
RA-5C Vigilante Units in Combat |
Author/Editor: Robert Powell Series Title: Combat Aircraft
RAAF Black Cats: The Secret History of the Covert Catalina Mine-laying Operations to Cripple Japan's War Machine |
Author/Editor: Cleworth, Robert; Linton, John Suter
RAAF Bombers Over Germany 1941-2 |
Author/Editor: Cooper, Anthony James
Raaisel Van ��N Moordenaar |
Author/Editor: Claudio Ruggeri
Raak die Monsters almal meer Skrikwekkend nader aan toemaak tyd nie? |
Author/Editor: Terry M. West
Rabadia Ratsatsha: Studies in African Language, Literature, Linguistics, Translation and Lexicography |
Author/Editor: Mawatle Jerry Mojalefa
Rabash--The Social Writings |
Author/Editor: Rabbi Baruch Ashlag
Rabatte und Zugaben: Eine Neubewertung unter dem Gesichtspunkt eines adäquaten Verbraucherschutzes, Ed. Auflage |
Author/Editor: Holger Alt
Rabattgesetz, Ed. Reprint 2020 |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Gloy
Rabat: Urban Apartheid in Morocco: Urban Apartheid in Morocco |
Author/Editor: Abu-Lughod, Janet L.
Rabaul 1943–44: Reducing Japan's Great Island Fortress |
Author/Editor: Mark Lardas
The Rabbi |
Author/Editor: Gordon, Noah.
Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra��s Commentary on Books 3-5 of Psalms: Chapters 73-150 |
Author/Editor: Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meïr Series Title: Touro College Press Books
Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the First Book of Psalms |
Author/Editor: Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meïr; Strickman, H. Norman Series Title: The Reference Library of Jewish Intellectual History
The Rabbi and the Hit Man: A True Tale of Murder, Passion, and Shattered Faith |
Author/Editor: Arthur J. Magida
The Rabbi As a Surrogate Priest |
Author/Editor: Dauermann, Stuart
Rabbi Auschwitz |
Author/Editor: Louis Daniel Brodsky
Rabbi David |
Author/Editor: Neusner, Jacob Series Title: Studies in Judaism
Rabbi Esriel Hildesheimer and the Creation of a Modern Jewish Orthodoxy |
Author/Editor: Ellenson, David Harry Series Title: Judaic Studies Series
The Rabbi in the Attic and Other Stories, Ed. 1st ed |
Author/Editor: Pollack, Eileen
Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik on the Experience of Prayer |
Author/Editor: Dov Schwartz
Rabbi Judah Moscato and the Jewish Intellectual World of Mantua in the 16th-17th Centuries |
Author/Editor: Miletto, Gianfranco.; Veltri, Giuseppe.
A Rabbi Looks at Jesus' Parables |
Author/Editor: Stern, Frank.
Rabbi Marcus Jastrow and His Vision for the Reform of Judaism |
Author/Editor: Galas, Michał. Series Title: Jews of Poland
Rabbi Max Heller |
Author/Editor: Malone, Bobbie Series Title: Judaic Studies Series
Rabbi Moses |
Author/Editor: Neusner, Jacob Series Title: Studies in Judaism
Rabbi Moses Ha-Kohen of Tordesillas and His Book 'Ezer Ha-Emunah: A Chapter in the History of the Judeo-Christian Controversy |
Author/Editor: Shamir
Rabbi, Mystic, or Impostor?: The Eighteenth-Century Ba'al Shem of London |
Author/Editor: Michal Oron
Rabbinat bei Franz Rosenzweig |
Author/Editor: Michaela Will Series Title: Jerusalemer Texte
Rabbiner im Gespräch mit dem Vatikan |
Author/Editor: Arie Folger, Jehoschua Ahrens (Hg.)
Rabbiner in der Provinz |
Author/Editor: Janusz Spyra Series Title: Polnische Studien zur Germanistik, Kulturwissenschaft und Linguistik
Rabbinic Authority |
Author/Editor: Berger, Michael S.
Rabbinic Body Language |
Author/Editor: Hezser, Catherine Series Title: Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism
Rabbinic Categories: Construction and Comparison |
Author/Editor: Jacob Neusner
The Rabbinic Conversion of Judaism |
Author/Editor: Lavie-Levkovitch, Moshe Series Title: Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity = Arbeiten Zur Geschichte Des Antiken Judentums Und Des Urchristentums
Rabbinic Creativity in the Modern Middle East |
Author/Editor: Zohar, Tsevi. Series Title: The Kogod Library of Judaic Studies
Rabbinic Discourse As a System of Knowledge: The Study of Torah Is Equal to Them All |
Author/Editor: Hashkes, Hannah E.
Rabbinic Drinking: What Beverages Teach Us About Rabbinic Literature |
Author/Editor: Jordan D. Rosenblum
Rabbinic Judaism: The Theological System |
Author/Editor: Jacob Neusner
Rabbinic Law in Its Roman and Near Eastern Context |
Author/Editor: Catherine Hezser
Rabbinic - Lay Relations in Jewish Law |
Author/Editor: Walter Jacob; Moshe Zemer
Rabbinic Literature |
Author/Editor: Tal Ilan; Lorena Miralles-Maciá Miralles-Maciá; Ronit Nikolsky
Rabbinic Literature and Greco-Roman Philosophy: A Study of Epicurea and Rhetorica in Early Midrashic Writings |
Author/Editor: Fischel, Henry A.
Rabbinic Narrative |
Author/Editor: Neusner, Jacob Series Title: Rabbinic Narrative
Rabbinic Narrative |
Author/Editor: Neusner, Jacob Series Title: Rabbinic Narrative
Rabbinic Narrative: A Documentary Perspective |
Author/Editor: Neusner, Jacob
Rabbinic Narrative: A Documentary Perspective, Volume Four: The Precedent and the Parable in Diachronic View |
Author/Editor: Jacob Neusner
Rabbinic Parodies of Jewish and Christian Literature |
Author/Editor: Holger Michael Zellentin
Rabbinic Perspectives: Rabbinic Literature and the Dead Sea Scrolls; Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 7-9 January, 2003 |
Author/Editor: Clements, Ruth.; Shemesh, Aharon.; Fraade, Steven D.
Rabbinic Scholarship in the Context of Late Antique Scholasticism: The Development of the Talmud Yerushalmi |
Author/Editor: Catherine Hezser
Rabbinic Study Circles: Aspects of Jewish Learning in Its Late Antique Context |
Author/Editor: Anita Reisler; Marc Hirshman; David Satran
Rabbinic Tales of Destruction |
Author/Editor: Belser, Julia Watts
Rabbinic Traditions Between Palestine and Babylonia |
Author/Editor: Ilan, Ṭal; Nikolsky, Ronit
Rabbinische Kommentare zum Buch Ester, Band 2: Die Midraschim zu Ester |
Author/Editor: Dagmar Börner-Klein; Elisabeth Hollender
Rabbinischer Kommentar zum Buch Genesis |
Author/Editor: Dirk U. Rottzoll Series Title: Studia Judaica
Rabbinische Texte als Gegenstand der Auslegung: Gesammelte Studien II |
Author/Editor: Arnold Goldberg; Peter Schäfer; Margarete Schlüter
Rabbinische Uebungstexte, Heft 1: Der Kommentar des David Qimchi zum Propheten Nahum, Ed. Reprint 2021 |
Author/Editor: Walter Windfuhr
Rabbinische Wundergeschichten des neutestamentlichen Zeitalters in vokalisiertem Text, Ed. 2., verb. Aufl. Reprint 2020 |
Author/Editor: Paul Fiebig
Rabbinische Wundergeschichten des neutestamentlichen Zeitalters in vokalisiertem Text: Mit sprachlichen und sachlichen Bemerkungen, Ed. Reprint 2020 |
Author/Editor: Paul Fiebig
Rabbinisme et paganisme en Palestine romaine |
Author/Editor: Friedheim, Emmanuel. Series Title: Religions in the Graeco-Roman world
The Rabbi of Lud |
Author/Editor: Elkin, Stanley
Rabbi on the Ganges: A Jewish-Hindu Encounter |
Author/Editor: Alan Brill
Rabbi Outcast |
Author/Editor: Ross, Jack.
Rabbi - Pastor - Priest: Their Roles and Profiles Through the Ages |
Author/Editor: Schöttler, Heinz-Günther; Homolka, Walter.; Walter de Gruyter & Co.
Rabbi Rami Guide to Forgiveness: Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler |
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Rabbi Rami.
Rabbi Rami Guide to God: Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler |
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Rabbi Rami.
Rabbis and Jewish Communities in Renaissance Italy |
Author/Editor: Bonfil, Robert.
Rabbis and Revolution: The Jews of Moravia in the Age of Emancipation |
Author/Editor: Miller, Michael Laurence
The Rabbis and the Prophets |
Author/Editor: Neusner, Jacob Series Title: Studies in Judaism
Rabbis As Romans: The Rabbinic Movement in Palestine, 100-400 CE |
Author/Editor: Lapin, Hayim.
The Rabbi's Atheist Daughter: Ernestine Rose, International Feminist Pioneer |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Bonnie S.
The Rabbi’s Daughter |
Author/Editor: Sorem, Alan
The Rabbi's Heartbeat |
Author/Editor: Brennan Manning
Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady |
Author/Editor: Etkes, Immanuel. Series Title: The Tauber Institute Series for the Study of European Jewry
The Rabbis’ King-Parables: Midrash From the Third-Century Roman Empire |
Author/Editor: Alan Appelbaum
The Rabbi's Son |
Author/Editor: Martin Venner
Rabbis, Sorcerers, Kings, and Priests: The Culture of the Talmud in Ancient Iran |
Author/Editor: Mokhtarian, Jason Sion
The Rabbi’s Wife |
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Shuly Rubin.
Rabbi Talks with Jesus |
Author/Editor: Jacob Neusner
Rabbit and the Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf |
Author/Editor: Escoffier, Michaël; DiGiacomo, Kris
The Rabbit and the Snake |
Author/Editor: Betty Mae Jumper
The Rabbit Back Literature Society |
Author/Editor: Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen
Rabbit & Bear: Attack of the Snack |
Author/Editor: Julian Gough; Jim Field
Rabbit & Bear: Rabbit's Bad Habits |
Author/Editor: Julian Gough; Jim Field
Rabbit Behavior |
Author/Editor: Priscilla An
Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care |
Author/Editor: Marit Emilie Buseth; Richard Saunders
A Rabbit Called Sneeze |
Author/Editor: PRG Collins
Rabbit Creek Country |
Rabbit Decolonizes the Forest: Stories From the Euchee Reservation |
Author/Editor: Gregory H. Bigler
Rabbit Ears |
Series Title: Fact & Fiction. Animal Tales
Rabbit Farming |
Author/Editor: Stephen Soren; Amitava Roy
Rabbit for Kim Jong-il |
Author/Editor: Brookman, Kit.
Rabbit Hash, Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Donald Clare
Rabbit Hole |
Author/Editor: Kate Brody
The Rabbit Hole |
Author/Editor: Jhancy Kalam
Rabbit Hole: A Gripping Mystery Thriller That Will Keep You Guessing |
Author/Editor: Jon Richter
Rabbit Hole: A Novel of Suspense |
Author/Editor: Mark Billingham
The Rabbit-Hole Golf Course |
Author/Editor: Mulvey, Ella; Briggs, Karen
Rabbit Kits |
Author/Editor: Genevieve Nilsen
Rabbit Kits in the Wild |
Author/Editor: Katie Chanez
Rabbit or Hare? |
Author/Editor: Jamie Rice
Rabbit Production |
Author/Editor: Steven D Lukefahr; James I McNitt; Peter Robert Cheeke; Nephi M Patton
Rabbit Production |
Author/Editor: James I McNitt; Nephi M Patton; Steven D Lukefahr; Peter Robert Cheeke
Rabbit Production |
Author/Editor: Nityanand Pathak; Uusha Rani Mehra
Rabbit Production and Management |
Author/Editor: Bandey M.T.
Rabbit Production Management |
Author/Editor: Kalyan Sundar Das; Nityananda Das
Rabbits |
Author/Editor: Genevieve Nilsen
Rabbits |
Author/Editor: Sophie Geister-Jones
Rabbits |
Author/Editor: Dr. Anne McBride
Rabbits |
Author/Editor: Cari Meister
Rabbits |
Author/Editor: Costanza, Albert; Adamo, Gianni
Rabbits |
Author/Editor: Murray, Julie
Rabbits Are Fun! |
Author/Editor: Mary Elizabeth Salzmann
Rabbit's Blues: The Life and Music of Johnny Hodges |
Author/Editor: Con Chapman
The Rabbits Could Sing |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Amber Flora. Series Title: Alaska Literary Series
Rabbits, Crabs, Etc |
Author/Editor: Birnbaum, Phyllis.
Rabbit's First Day at Nursery |
Author/Editor: Harvinder Doal
Rabbit's Hop: A Tiger & Friends Book |
Author/Editor: Rance, Alex; McG, Shane
Rabbit's House (Oxford Phonics World Readers Level 1) |
Author/Editor: Kathryn O'Dell
Rabbits On The Farm |
Author/Editor: Steinkraus, Kyla.
The Rabbi Who Found Messiah |
Author/Editor: Carl Gallups
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi: Essential Teachings |
Author/Editor: Editors, Rose, Or N.; Editors, Miles-Yepez, Netanel
A Rabble in Arms |
Author/Editor: Zelner, Kyle F.
Rabble in Arms |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Kenneth Lewis
The Rabbula Corpus |
Author/Editor: Robert R. Phenix Jr.; Cornelia B. Horn Series Title: Writings From the Greco-Roman World
(rabdos - tokos) |
Author/Editor: Günter Glockmann; Hadwig Helms
Rabeh und das Tschadseegebiet, Ed. Reprint 2016 |
Author/Editor: Max von Oppenheim
Rabelais et son œuvre - Étude historique et littéraire |
Author/Editor: Eugène Noël; A. Gilbert
Rabelais: Homo Logos |
Author/Editor: Berry, Alice Fiola.
Rabelais's Carnival |
Author/Editor: Kinser, Sam. Series Title: The New Historicism
Rabelais’s Contempt for Fortune: Pantagruelism, Politics, and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Timothy Haglund
Rabelais zwischen M��ndlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit |
Author/Editor: Rommel, Bettina. Series Title: Mimesis
Rabenfrauen |
Author/Editor: Jonuleit, Anja.
Rabenschlacht |
Author/Editor: Heinrich; Wolter, Dorit.; Lienert, Elisabeth. Series Title: Texte und Studien zur mittelhochdeutschen Heldenepik
,Rabenschlacht‘ |
Author/Editor: Mario Klarer
Rabent�chter |
Author/Editor: Julia Onken Series Title: Beck'sche Reihe
Rabent��chter |
Author/Editor: Onken, Julia. Series Title: Beck'sche Reihe
Rab et ses amis |
Author/Editor: John Brown; Charles Bernard-Derosne
Rab GTPases and Membrane Trafficking |
Author/Editor: Li, Guangpu.; Segev, Nava.
Rabha |
Author/Editor: Joseph, U. V.
Rabid: Are You Crazy About Your Dog or Just Crazy? |
Author/Editor: Pamela Redmond Satran
Rabid: Are You Crazy About Your Dog or Just Crazy? |
Author/Editor: Pamela Redmond Satran
Rabies |
Author/Editor: Williamson, John G. Series Title: Virology Research Progress Series
Rabies an Overview |
Author/Editor: Dr. Charan Kamal Singh
Rabies A Zoonotic Disease |
Author/Editor: Dr. Neelu Gupta
Rabies in the Streets: Interspecies Camaraderie in Urban India |
Author/Editor: Deborah Nadal
Rabinal Achi |
Author/Editor: Tedlock, Dennis
Rabindranath Tagore: A Retrospection |
Author/Editor: P. Gopichand; P. Nagasuseela
Rabindranath Tagore's Drama in the Perspective of Indian Theatre |
Author/Editor: Mala Renganathan; Arnab Bhattacharya
Rabindranath Tagore’s Ideational Challenges |
Author/Editor: Bidyut Chakrabarty
Rabindranath Tagores Weltbedeutung, Ed. Reprint 2024 |
Author/Editor: Walter Ruben
Rabindranath Tagore und die revolutionäre Befreiungsbewegung in Indien 1905 bis 1918, Ed. Reprint 2024 |
Author/Editor: Horst Krüger
Rabindrasangeet Vichitra: Rabindra Sangeet Miscellany |
Author/Editor: Santidev Ghosh
Rabiscar : Como dominar o ato de rabiscar em 6 passos |
Author/Editor: The Blokehead
Rabıta |
Author/Editor: Şahver Çelikoğlu
RAB: The Life of R.A. Butler |
Author/Editor: Anthony Howard
Raccogliendo Piume: Racconti dall'Aldil�� |
Author/Editor: Daniela I. Norris
Raccolta degli strumenti analizzati |
Author/Editor: Israël, L.; Kozarevic, D.; Sartorius, N.
Raccolta di Abitudini e Consigli per Migliorare la tua Mente |
Author/Editor: Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo
Raccolta Di Storie Brevi. Antologia Per Ragazzi |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Duncan
The Raccolta, or Collection of Indulgenced Prayers and Good Works (Classic Reprint) |
Author/Editor: Ambrose St. John
Raccolto Nero |
Author/Editor: Alex Lukeman
Raccomandazione: Clientelism and Connections in Italy |
Author/Editor: Zinn, Dorothy Louise
Raccontala a un'altra! |
Author/Editor: Raquel del Pilar Antúnez Cazorla
Raccontare e Inventare |
Author/Editor: Winterhalter, Cecilia.
Raccontare e rappresentare le lingue e lo spazio: L'esperienza dell'Atlante Linguistico della Sicilia (ALS) |
Author/Editor: Vincenzo Pinello
Raccontare personaggi: ovvero come creare persone che i tuoi lettori ameranno |
Author/Editor: Susan Palmquist
Racconti contorti da una mente obliqua |
Author/Editor: Mari Collier
Racconti dalla saga di Dark Titan |
Author/Editor: Ty'Ron Robinson II
Racconti dall'Asia |
Author/Editor: Various
Racconti Dall’Asia: Sussurri D'Oriente Dalle Terre Asiatiche |
Author/Editor: Owen Jones
Racconti dal Lato Oscuro |
Author/Editor: Jenny Twist
Racconti dallo Stige 3 |
Author/Editor: Patrice Martinez Series Title: Racconti dallo Stige
Author/Editor: Bardwell, J. H.; Brentini, Andrée Celeste
Racconti da O.R.M.A. |
Author/Editor: Debbie Manber Kupfer
Racconti della Nonna |
Author/Editor: Fernando Pérez Rodríguez
Racconti dell'Inferno |
Author/Editor: Donnefar Skedar
Racconti dello Styx |
Author/Editor: Patrice Martinez
Racconti del terrore |
Author/Editor: Harry Glum
Racconti di Natale |
Author/Editor: Editorial Planeta Alvi
Racconti di un assassino |
Author/Editor: Donnefar Skedar
Racconti di un biciclo �� La mia storia d��amore tardiva con un Piper Cub e i suoi fratellini |
Racconti e disincontri |
Author/Editor: Aimar Rollan
Racconti in Soffitta: Volume 1 - Salvando i lupi |
Author/Editor: Lorena Tercon Arbiza
Racconti Moribondi |
Author/Editor: Erik Hofstatter
Racconti Oscuri e Versi Contorti |
Author/Editor: A. L. Butcher
Racconti zombie da mondi non morti |
Author/Editor: Rhiannon Frater
Racconto d’Egitto: Trascrizione e traduzione del manoscritto di ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baġdādī (con brevi note di commento) |
Author/Editor: Muwaffaq al-Dīn Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Laṭīf ibn Yūsuf al-Baghdādī; Ahmed F. Kzzo; Nikola D. Bellucci
Raccoon And The Balloon |
Series Title: First Rhymes
Raccoon Cubs |
Author/Editor: Genevieve Nilsen
Raccoon Cubs |
Series Title: Wild Baby Animals
Raccoon Cubs in the Wild |
Author/Editor: Katie Chanez
Raccoon Gangs, Pigeons Gone Bad, and Other Animal Adventures: A Wildlife Rehabber's Tale of Birds and Beasts |
Author/Editor: Trish Ann Konieczny
Raccoons |
Author/Editor: London, Martha
Raccoons |
Author/Editor: Martha E. H. Rustad
Raccoons |
Author/Editor: Genevieve Nilsen
Raccoons |
Author/Editor: Petrie, Kristin Series Title: Backyard Animals
Raccoons |
Author/Editor: Murray, Julie
Raccoons Don't Use Spoons |
Author/Editor: Sharon Hanzik
Raccoon Stole the Crocodile Eggs |
Author/Editor: James Cassidy
Race |
Author/Editor: Gossett, Thomas F. Series Title: Race and American Culture
The Race |
Author/Editor: Berry, Ian Series Title: Saskia Story
Race |
Author/Editor: Mamet, David.
Race |
Author/Editor: Niro, Brian
Race Across America: Eddie Gardner and the Great Bunion Derbies |
Author/Editor: Kastner, Charles B.
Race Across the Atlantic: Alcock and Brown's Record-Breaking Non-Stop Flight |
Author/Editor: Bruce Vigar; Colin Higgs
Race Across the World: The Incredible Story of the World's Greatest Road Race - the 1968 London to Sydney Marathon |
Race After Hitler: Black Occupation Children in Postwar Germany and America |
Author/Editor: Heide Fehrenbach
Race After Sartre |
Author/Editor: Judaken, Jonathan Series Title: SUNY Series, Philosophy and Race
Race Against ... Against Race: My Journey of Diversity and Inclusion Through Sports |
Author/Editor: Sanders, Bo-Dean
Race Against Empire |
Author/Editor: Von Eschen, Penny M.
Race Against Liberalism: Black Workers and the UAW in Detroit |
Author/Editor: David M. Lewis-Colman
Race Against Me |
Race Against the Court |
Author/Editor: Spann, Girardeau A.
Race Against Time |
Author/Editor: Sharon Sala
Race Against Time |
Author/Editor: Claire Eckard
Race Against Time |
Author/Editor: Anson Barber Series Title: Racing Hearts
Race Against Time: A Claire Abbott Mystery |
Author/Editor: Gail Anderson-Dargatz
Race Among Friends: Exploring Race at a Suburban School |
Author/Editor: Modica, Marianne.
Race and Aesthetics in the Anthropology of Petrus Camper (1722-1789) |
Author/Editor: Miriam Claude Meijer
Race and Agency in Thomas Sowell: Revisiting the African American Liberal Integrationist Experience |
Author/Editor: Sami C. Nighaoui, Author
Race and America's Immigrant Press |
Author/Editor: Zecker, Robert
Race and America's Long War |
Author/Editor: Nikhil Pal Singh
Race and Antiracism in Black British and British Asian Literature |
Author/Editor: Gunning, Dave.
Race and Authority in Urban Politics |
Author/Editor: Greenstone, J. David; Peterson, Paul E. Series Title: Publications of Russell Sage Foundation
Race and Change in Hollywood, Florida |
Author/Editor: Kitty Oliver Series Title: Voices of America
Race and Classification |
Author/Editor: Deans-Smith, Susan; Katzew, Ilona.
Race and Class in Texas Politics |
Author/Editor: Chandler Davidson
Race and Class in the Colonial Bahamas, 1880-1960 |
Author/Editor: Saunders, Gail; Brereton, Bridget
Race and Class Matters at an Elite College |
Author/Editor: Aries, Elizabeth.
Race and College Admissions: A Case for Affirmative Action, 2d Ed. |
Author/Editor: Jamillah Moore
Race and College Sports |
Author/Editor: Duchess Harris; Tom Streissguth
Race and Crime |
Author/Editor: Shaun L. Gabbidon; Helen Taylor Greene
Race and Crime |
Author/Editor: John Wright
Race and Crime |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Brown; George Barganier
Race and Crime: A Biosocial Analysis |
Author/Editor: Walsh, Anthony
Race and Crime: A Conservative View |
Author/Editor: Anthony Walsh
Race and Criminal Justice |
Author/Editor: Bhui, Hindpal Singh.
Race and Cultural Practice in Popular Culture |
Author/Editor: Domino Renee Perez; Rachel González-Martin
Race and Culture |
Author/Editor: Singh, Reenee.; Dutta, Sumita. Series Title: Systemic Thinking and Practice Series
Race and Culture in New Orleans Stories |
Author/Editor: Nagel, James.
Race and Displacement |
Author/Editor: Simmons, Merinda; Marouan, Maha
Race and Economics |
Author/Editor: M. M. Eboch Series Title: Race in America
Race and Empire |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Chloe Series Title: Studies in Imperialism
Race and Employment in America 2013 |
Author/Editor: Dunn, Gwenavere W.; Gaquin, Deirdre
Race and Entrepreneurial Success |
Author/Editor: Fairlie, Robert W.; Robb, Alicia M.
Race and Epistemologies of Ignorance |
Author/Editor: Tuana, Nancy.; Sullivan, Shannon
Race and Ethnicity |
Author/Editor: Coates, Rodney D. Series Title: Studies in Critical Social Sciences
Race and Ethnicity in America |
Author/Editor: Iceland, John Series Title: Sociology in the Twenty-First Century
Race and Ethnicity in Arkansas: New Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Kirk, John A.
Race and Ethnicity in English Language Teaching |
Author/Editor: Christopher Joseph Jenks Series Title: Critical Language and Literacy Studies
Race and Ethnicity in Latin America |
Author/Editor: Wade, Peter Series Title: Critical Studies on Latin America
Race and Ethnicity in Latin America, Ed. 2nd ed |
Author/Editor: Wade, Peter
Race and Ethnicity in Multi-ethnic Schools |
Author/Editor: Ryan, James Series Title: The Language and Education Library
Race and Ethnicity: International Perspectives, Challenges and Issues of the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Sylvia Rivera
Race and Ethnicity in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Bloch, Alice.
Race and Ethnic Relations: American and Global Perspectives, Enhanced Edition, Loose-Leaf Version, Edition 10 |
Author/Editor: Martin N. Marger
Race and Excellence |
Author/Editor: Griffith, Ezra E. H.; Pierce, Chester M.
Race and Excellence: My Dialogue With Chester Pierce, Ed. Reprint edition with bonus material |
Author/Editor: Ezra E. H. Griffith
Race and Family |
Author/Editor: Coles, Roberta L.
Race and Family |
Author/Editor: Coles, Roberta L.
Race and Football in America: The Life and Legacy of George Taliaferro |
Author/Editor: Dawn Knight
Race and Gender at War: Writing American Military History |
Author/Editor: Lesley J. Gordon; Andrew Huebner
Race and Gender in Modern Western Warfare |
Author/Editor: David Ulbrich; Bobby A. Wintermute
Race and Gender in the Classroom |
Author/Editor: Stoll, Laurie Cooper.
Race and Hegemonic Struggle in the United States: Pop Culture, Politics, and Protest |
Author/Editor: Triece, Mary Eleanor; Lacey, Michael G.
Race and Higher Education |
Author/Editor: Annie Howell; Frank Tuitt Series Title: Harvard Educational Review. Reprint Series
Race And Homicide In Nineteenth-Century California |
Author/Editor: McKanna, Clare V. Series Title: Wilbur S. Shepperson Series in History and Humanities
Race and Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Stokes, Curtis.
Race and Identity in Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father |
Race and IQ |
Author/Editor: the late Ashley Montagu
Race and Justice |
Author/Editor: Free, Marvin D.; Ruesink, Mitch.
Race and Labor Matters in the New U.S. Economy |
Author/Editor: Ness, Immanuel.; Marable, Manning; Wilson, Joseph
Race and Manifest Destiny |
Author/Editor: Horsman, Reginald.
Race and Masculinity in Southern Memory: History of Richmond, Virginia’s Monument Avenue, 1948–1996 |
Author/Editor: Barbee, Matthew Mace.
Race and Media: Critical Approaches |
Author/Editor: Lori Kido Lopez
Race and Modern Architecture: A Critical History From the Enlightenment to the Present |
Author/Editor: Irene Cheng; Charles L Davis; Mabel O Wilson
Race and Multiraciality in Brazil and the United States |
Author/Editor: Daniel, G. Reginald
Race and Narrative in Italian Women's Writing Since Unification |
Author/Editor: Coburn, Melissa
Race and Nationalism in Trinidad and Tobago |
Author/Editor: Ryan, Selwyn D.
Race and National Security |
Author/Editor: Matiangai V. S. Sirleaf
Race and Nation in Modern Latin America |
Author/Editor: Appelbaum, Nancy P.; Macpherson, Anne S.; Rosemblatt, Karin Alejandra.
Race and Nation in Puerto Rican Folklore: Franz Boas and John Alden Mason in Porto Rico |
Author/Editor: Rafael Ocasio
Race and Nation in the Age of Emancipations |
Author/Editor: Stewart, Whitney Nell; Marks, John Garrison
Race and New Modernisms |
Author/Editor: K. Merinda Simmons; James A. Crank
Race and New Religious Movements in the USA: A Documentary Reader |
Author/Editor: Emily Suzanne Clark; Brad Stoddard
The Race and Other Stories by Sinclair Ross |
Author/Editor: Sinclair Ross; Lorraine McMullen
Race and Partisanship in California Redistricting: From the 1965 Voting Rights Act to Present |
Author/Editor: Olivier Richomme
Race and Pedagogy |
Author/Editor: Adams, Susan R.; Buffington-Adams, Jamie Series Title: Race and Education in the Twenty-First Century
Race and Performance After Repetition |
Author/Editor: Soyica Diggs Colbert; Douglas A. Jones Jr.; Shane Vogel
Race and Photography |
Author/Editor: Morris-Reich, Amos
Race and Place |
Author/Editor: David P. Leong
Race and Police Brutality |
Author/Editor: Holmes, Malcolm D.; Smith, Brad W. Series Title: SUNY Series in Deviance and Social Control
Race and Police: The Origin of Our Peculiar Institutions |
Author/Editor: Ben Brucato
Race and Policing |
Author/Editor: Duchess Harris, JD, PhD,; Rebecca Rissman Series Title: Race in America
Race and Policing in Modern America |
Author/Editor: Duchess Harris, JD, PhD; R. L. Van
Race and Political Theology |
Author/Editor: Lloyd, Vincent W.
Race and Politics: Asian Americans, Latinos, and Whites in a Los Angeles Suburb |
Author/Editor: Leland T. Saito
Race and Politics in the Dominican Republic |
Author/Editor: Sagâas, Ernesto.
Race and Power in British India: Anglo-Indians, Class and Identity in the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Valerie
Race and Racism |
Author/Editor: Leo Driedger; Shiva Halli
Race and Racism |
Author/Editor: Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn.
Race and Racism: An Introduction, Ed. Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban
Race and Racism in Britain, Ed. 3rd ed |
Author/Editor: Solomos, John.
Race and Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Crossview From Brazil |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Lemos Igreja; Richard Santos; Carlos Agudelo
Race and Racism in Modern East Asia |
Author/Editor: Demel, Walter; Kowner, Rotem
Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Western and Eastern Constructions |
Author/Editor: Kowner, Rotem.; Demel, Walter.
Race and Racism in Nineteenth-Century Art: The Ascendency of Robert Duncanson, Edward Bannister, and Edmonia Lewis, Ed. EPUB INST. |
Author/Editor: Naurice Frank Woods Jr.
Race and Radicalism in the Union Army |
Author/Editor: Lause, Mark A.
Race and Radio: Pioneering Black Broadcasters in New Orleans |
Author/Editor: Baptiste, Bala J.; Ward, Brian
Race and Real Estate |
Author/Editor: Brown, Adrienne R.; Smith, Valerie
Race and Reconciliation |
Author/Editor: Hatch, John B. Series Title: Race, Rites, and Rhetoric
Race and Reconciliation in America |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Janet Langhart; Cohen, William S.
Race and Redemption: British Missionaries Encounter Pacific Peoples, 1797-1920 |
Author/Editor: Jane Samson
Race and Redemption in Puritan New England |
Author/Editor: Bailey, Richard A.
Race and Redistricting in the 1990s |
Series Title: Agathon Series on Representation
Race and Religion Among the Chosen People of Crown Heights |
Author/Editor: Goldschmidt, Henry.
Race and Religion in American Buddhism: White Supremacy and Immigrant Adaptation |
Author/Editor: Cheah, Joseph.
Race and Remembrance |
Series Title: African American Life Series
Race and Renaissance |
Author/Editor: Day, Jared N.; Trotter, Joe William Series Title: UPCC Book Collections on Project MUSE
Race and Repast: Foodscapes in Twentieth-Century Southern Literature |
Author/Editor: Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis
Race and Representation: Electoral Politics and Ethnic Pluralism in Britain |
Author/Editor: Shamit Saggar
Race and Resistance |
Author/Editor: Nguyen, Viet Thanh Series Title: Race and American Culture
Race and Retail: Consumption Across the Color Line |
Author/Editor: Bay, Mia.; Fabian, Ann.
Race and Reunion |
Author/Editor: Blight, David W.
Race and Revolution |
Author/Editor: Nash, Gary B. Series Title: The Merrill Jensen Lectures in Constitutional Studies
Race and Rhyme: Rereading the New Testament |
Author/Editor: Love Lazarus Sechrest
Race and Riots in Thatcher's Britain |
Author/Editor: Simon Peplow
Race and Role: The Mixed-Race Asian Experience in American Drama |
Author/Editor: Rena M. Heinrich
Race and Rurality in the Global Economy |
Series Title: Fernand Braudel Center Studies in Historical Social Science
Race and Schooling in the South, 1880-1950 |
Author/Editor: Margo, Robert A. Series Title: Long-term Factors in Economic Development
Race and Sex Across the French Atlantic |
Author/Editor: Ekotto, Frieda.
Race and Sex in Latin America |
Author/Editor: Wade, Peter
Race and Slavery in the Middle East |
Author/Editor: Cuno, Kenneth M.; Walz, Terence.
Race and Social Analysis |
Author/Editor: Knowles, Caroline
Race and Society, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Tina Patel
Race and Society: The Essentials, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kathleen J. Fitzgerald
Race and Sociocultural Inclusion in Science Communication: Innovation, Decolonisation, and Transformation |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Rasekoala
Race and Sport |
Author/Editor: Brooks, Scott.; Ross, Charles Kenyatta
Race and Sport |
Author/Editor: Ross, Charles Kenyatta; Brooks, Scott.
Race and Sports Management |
Author/Editor: Duchess Harris; Michael Miller
Race and State |
Author/Editor: Lenṭin, Ronit.; Lentin, Alana.
Race and the American Story |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Shonekan; Adam Seagrave
Race and the Assemblies of God Church |
Author/Editor: Newman, Joe
Race and the Atlanta Cotton States Exposition of 1895 |
Series Title: Georgia Southern University Jack N. And Addie D. Averitt Lecture Series
Race and the Brazilian Body: Blackness, Whiteness, and Everyday Language in Rio De Janeiro |
Author/Editor: Roth-Gordon, Jennifer
Race and the Chilean Miracle |
Author/Editor: Richards, Patricia Series Title: Pitt Latin American Series
Race and the City |
Author/Editor: Fernando, Shanti Irene
Race and the Death Penalty |
Author/Editor: Keys, David P.; Maratea, R. J.
Race and the Early Republic |
Author/Editor: Stewart, James Brewer.; Morrison, Michael A.
Race and the Education of Desire |
Author/Editor: Stoler, Ann Laura
Race and the Forms of Knowledge: Technique, Identity, and Place in Artistic Research |
Author/Editor: Ben Spatz
Race and the Houston Police Department, 1930��1990 |
Author/Editor: Watson, Dwight. Series Title: Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students, Texas A & M University
Race and the Invisible Hand: How White Networks Exclude Black Men From Blue-Collar Jobs |
Author/Editor: Royster, Deirdre A.
Race and the Literary Encounter: Black Literature From James Weldon Johnson to Percival Everett |
Author/Editor: Lesley Larkin
Race and the Making of American Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Horton, Carol A.
Race and the Making of the Mormon People |
Author/Editor: Max Perry Mueller
Race and the Media in Modern America |
Author/Editor: Duchess Harris, JD, PhD; Tammy Gagne
Race and the Modern Artist |
Author/Editor: Hathaway, Heather.; Jařab, Josef.; Melnick, Jeffrey Paul.
Race and the Obama Administration: Substance, Symbols and Hope |
Author/Editor: Andra Gillespie
Race and the Obama Phenomenon |
Author/Editor: Williams, Hettie V.; Daniel, G. Reginald
Race and the Origins of Progressive Education, 1880-1929 |
Author/Editor: Fallace, Thomas D.
Race and the Politics of Deception: The Making of an American City |
Author/Editor: Mele, Christopher.
Race and the Politics of Solidarity |
Author/Editor: Hooker, Juliet.
Race and the Politics of Welfare Reform |
Author/Editor: Schram, Sanford.; Soss, Joe; Fording, Richard C.
Race and the Power of Sermons on American Politics |
Author/Editor: R. Khari Brown; Ronald E Brown; James Jackson
Race and the Revolutionary Impulse in The Spook Who Sat by the Door |
Author/Editor: Michael T. Martin; David C. Wall; Marilyn Yaquinto
Race and the Rhetoric of Resistance |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey B. Ferguson; Werner Sollors
Race and the Rise of Standard American |
Author/Editor: Bonfiglio, Thomas Paul Series Title: Language, Power, and Social Process
Race and the Senses: The Felt Politics of Racial Embodiment |
Author/Editor: Sachi Sekimoto; Christopher Brown
Race and the Shaping of Twentieth-Century Atlanta |
Author/Editor: Bayor, Ronald H. Series Title: Fred W. Morrison Series in Southern Studies
Race and the Subject of Masculinities |
Author/Editor: Stecopoulos, Harry.; Uebel, Michael.
Race and the Suburbs in American Film |
Author/Editor: Merrill Schleier
Race and the Totalitarian Century |
Author/Editor: Rasberry, Vaughn
Race and the Undeserving Poor: From Abolition to Brexit |
Author/Editor: Robbie Shilliam
Race and the University |
Author/Editor: Henderson, George; Wilson, Ida Elizabeth Mack.; Rouce, Sandra D.; Adams, Sterlin N.
Race and the War on Poverty: From Watts to East L.A. |
Author/Editor: Bauman, Robert
Race and the Wild West: Sarah Bickford, the Montana Vigilantes, and the Tourism of Decline, 1870–1930 |
Author/Editor: Laura J. Arata
Race and the Writing of History: Riddling the Sphinx |
Author/Editor: Keita, Maghan.
Race and the Yugoslav Region: Postsocialist, Post-conflict, Postcolonial? |
Author/Editor: Catherine Baker
Race and Time |
Author/Editor: Gray, Janet Sinclair
Race and Transnationalism in the Americas |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Bryce; David M. K. Sheinin
Race and Upward Mobility |
Author/Editor: Román, Elda María Series Title: Stanford Studies in Comparative Race and Ethnicity
Race and Urban Space in Contemporary American Culture |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Liam
Race and Urban Space in Contemporary American Culture |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Liam Series Title: Tendencies
Race and Vision in the Nineteenth-Century United States |
Author/Editor: Shirley Samuels
Race: Antiquity and Its Legacy |
Author/Editor: Denise Eileen McCoskey
Race Appeal |
Author/Editor: McIlwain, Charlton D.; Caliendo, Stephen M.
Race As Phenomena |
A Race at Bay |
Author/Editor: Hays, Robert G.
Race: A Theological Account |
Author/Editor: Carter, J. Kameron
Race at Predominantly White Independent Schools |
Author/Editor: Bonnie E. French
Race at the Top: Asian Americans and Whites in Pursuit of the American Dream in Suburban Schools |
Author/Editor: Natasha Warikoo
Race-Baiter: How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation |
Author/Editor: Eric Deggans
Race Becomes Tomorrow |
Author/Editor: Sider, Gerald M.
The Race Between Education and Technology |
Author/Editor: Claudia Goldin; Lawrence F. Katz
Race, Bordering and Disobedient Knowledge: Activism and Everyday Struggles in Europe |
Author/Editor: Suvi Keskinen; Aminkeng Atabong Alemanji; Minna Seikkula
Race Brokers: Housing Markets and Segregation in 21st Century Urban America |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Korver-Glenn
Racecadotril: An Effective Anti-Diarrheal Drug |
Author/Editor: Marco Manfredi
Race Capitalism Justice |
Author/Editor: Walter Johnson; Robin D. G. Kelley
Race Car Crew Chief |
Author/Editor: Koehler, Susan
The Race Card |
Author/Editor: Tali Mendelberg
The Race Card |
Author/Editor: Richard Thompson Ford
Race Car Design |
Author/Editor: Seward, Derek
The Race Card: From Gaming Technologies to Model Minorities |
Author/Editor: Tara Fickle
The Race Card: Leading the Fight for Truth in America’s Schools |
Author/Editor: H. Richard Milner IV
Racecar Driver's Night Before Christmas |
Author/Editor: Una Belle Townsend
Race Cars |
Author/Editor: Allan Morey
The Race Car Toby Built |
Author/Editor: Shane L. Montague
Racechanges |
Author/Editor: Gubar, Susan Series Title: Race and American Culture
Race Characters: Ethnic Literature and the Figure of the American Dream |
Author/Editor: Swati Rana
Race, Class, and Affirmative Action |
Author/Editor: Alon, Sigal
Race, Class, and Gender |
Author/Editor: Margaret L. Andersen; Patricia Hill Collins
Race, Class, and Gentrification in Brooklyn |
Author/Editor: Krase, Jerome; DeSena, Judith N.
Race, Class, and Politics in the Cappuccino City |
Author/Editor: Hyra, Derek S.
Race, Class and Power in the Building of Richmond, 1870-1920 |
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Steven J.
Race, Class, and the Death Penalty |
Author/Editor: Allen, Howard W.; Clubb, Jerome M.; Lacey, Vincent A.
Race, Class, and the Postindustrial City |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Frank Harold. Series Title: SUNY Series, the New Inequalities
Race, Class, and the State in Contemporary Sociology |
Author/Editor: Niemonen, Jack
Race/Class Conflict and Urban Financial Threat |
Author/Editor: Jennifer L. Hochschild
Race, Class, Parenting and Children’s Leisure: Children’s Leisurescapes and Parenting Cultures in Middle-class British Indian Families |
Author/Editor: Utsa Mukherjee
Race, Class, Power, and Organizing in East Baltimore |
Author/Editor: Gomez, Marisela B.
Race, Colonialism, and Social Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean |
Author/Editor: Branche, Jerome.
Race, Color, and the Young Child |
Author/Editor: Williams, John E.; Morland, J. Kenneth
Race, Color, Identity |
Author/Editor: Sicher, Efraim.
Race, Colour, and Identity in Australia and New Zealand |
Author/Editor: Docker, John.; Fischer, Gerhard
Race, Community, and Urban Schools |
Author/Editor: Greene, Stuart.
Race Consciousness: Reinterpretations for the New Century |
Author/Editor: Fossett, Judith Jackson; Tucker, Jeffrey A.
Race Conscious Pedagogy: Disrupting Racism at Majority White Schools |
Author/Editor: Todd M. Mealy
Race & Crime |
Author/Editor: Rowe, Michael Series Title: Key Approaches to Criminology
Race, Crime and Resistance |
Author/Editor: Patel, Tina.; Tyrer, David.
Race, Criminal Justice, and Migration Control: Enforcing the Boundaries of Belonging |
Author/Editor: Bosworth, Mary.; Parmar, Alpa.; Vázquez, Yolanda.
Race, Culture, and Identity: Francophone West African and Caribbean Literature and Theory From NZgritude to CrZolitZ |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Shireen K.
Race, Culture, and Politics in Education: A Global Journey From South Africa |
Author/Editor: Kogila Moodley
Race, Culture, Psychology, and Law |
Author/Editor: Barrett, Kimberly.; George, William
Race Day Ebook |
Author/Editor: author 1, Nam, Rosa
Race Decoded |
Author/Editor: Bliss, Catherine.
Race, Decolonization, and Global Citizenship in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Eze, Chielozona
Race Defaced: Paradigms of Pessimism, Politics of Possibility |
Author/Editor: Kyriakides, Christopher; Torres, Rodolfo D.
Race Dialogues |
Author/Editor: Donna Rich Kaplowitz; Shayla Reese Griffin; Sheri Seyka
The Race: Discovering and Following God's Plan for Your Life |
Author/Editor: Jackson Ekwugum
Raced to Death in 1920s Hawai I: Injustice and Revenge in the Fukunaga Case |
Author/Editor: Okamura, Jonathan Y.
Race, Education and Educational Leadership in England: An Integrated Analysis |
Author/Editor: Paul Miller; Christine Callender
Race, Education, and Reintegrating Formerly Incarcerated Citizens |
Author/Editor: Chaney, John R.; Schwartz, Joni Series Title: Critical Perspectives on Race, Crime, and Justice
Race, Empire, and English Language Teaching |
Author/Editor: Motha, Suhanthie Series Title: Multicultural Education Series
Race & Ethnicity |
Author/Editor: Crennan, Jonathan K. Series Title: Social Issues, Justice & Status Series
Race, Ethnicity, and Crime |
Author/Editor: Williams, Dianne
Race, Ethnicity and Education: What Is Taught in Schools |
Author/Editor: Richardson, Theresa R.; Johanningmeir, Erwin V. Series Title: International Perspectives on Curriculum
Race, Ethnicity and Impaired Driving |
Author/Editor: Maillet, Dimitri.
Race, Ethnicity, and Nation |
Author/Editor: Wade, Peter. Series Title: Studies of the Biosocial Society
Race, Ethnicity, and Place in a Changing America |
Author/Editor: Frazier, John W.; Tettey-Fio, Eugene.
Race, Ethnicity, and Place in a Changing America, Ed. 2nd ed |
Author/Editor: Henry, Norah F.; Tettey-Fio, Eugene.; Frazier, John W.
Race, Ethnicity, and Place in a Changing America, Third Edition, Ed. Third edition |
Author/Editor: Frazier, John W.; Tettey-Fio, Eugene; Henry, Norah F.
Race, Ethnicity, and Policing: New and Essential Readings |
Author/Editor: Engel, Robin S.; White, Michael D.; Rice, Stephen K.
Race, Ethnicity, and Power in Ecuador |
Author/Editor: Roitman, Karem
Race, Ethnicity, and the Participation Gap: Understanding Australia's Political Complexion |
Author/Editor: Pietsch, Juliet
Race, Ethnicity, and the Politics of City Redistricting: Minority-opportunity Districts and the Election of Hispanics and Blacks to City Councils |
Author/Editor: Behr, Joshua G.
Race, Ethnicity, and the State in Malaysia and Singapore |
Author/Editor: Lian, Kwen Fee
Race, Ethnicity and Welfare States |
Author/Editor: Kettunen, Pauli; Michel, Sonya; Petersen, Klaus Series Title: Globalization and Welfare
Race, Ethnicity, Crime, and Justice |
Author/Editor: Gabbidon, Shaun L.
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change, Ed. Eighth edition |
Author/Editor: Joseph F. Healey; Andi Stepnick; Eileen O′Brien
Race, Ethnicity & Society |
Author/Editor: Tina Patel
Race Experts |
Author/Editor: Kim, Linda Series Title: Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology
Race, Faith, and Politics: 7 Political Questions That Every African American Christian Must Answer |
Author/Editor: Christopher Signil
Race for Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Jun, Helen Heran. Series Title: Nation of Newcomers
The Race for Consciousness |
Author/Editor: Taylor, John Gerald
Race for Empire |
Author/Editor: Fujitani, T.
Race for Freedom |
Author/Editor: Lois Walfrid Johnson Series Title: Freedom Seekers
The Race for God |
Author/Editor: Brian Herbert
The Race for Paradise |
Author/Editor: Cobb, Paul M.
The Race for Paradise: An Islamic History of the Crusades, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Cobb, Paul M.
Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta
Race for Redemption |
Author/Editor: Kate McMurray
Race for Revival: How Cold War South Korea Shaped the American Evangelical Empire |
Author/Editor: Helen Jin Kim
The Race for the Atom Bomb: How Soviet Russia Stole the Secrets of the Manhattan Project |
Author/Editor: John Harte
The Race for the Atomic Bomb: Scientists, Spies and Saboteurs – The Allies’ and Hitler’s Battle for the Ultimate Weapon |
Author/Editor: Norman Ridley
Race for the Exits |
Race for the Gold |
Author/Editor: Dana Mentink
The Race for the Red Dragon: Children of the Dragon 2 |
Author/Editor: Lim, Rebecca
Race for the Reichstag: The 1945 Battle for Berlin |
Author/Editor: Le Tissier, Tony.
Race for the Ruby Turtle |
Author/Editor: Stephen Bramucci
Race for the South Pole: The Expedition Diaries of Scott and Amundsen |
Author/Editor: Huntford, Roland; Amundsen, Roald; Scott, Robert Falcon
The Race for the Triple Crown: Horses, High Stakes & Eternal Hope |
Author/Editor: Joe Drape
The Race for the Vase |
Author/Editor: Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth Series Title: Rhyme Time