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Titles start with C (411) Information
Author/Editor: Dickinson, Peter
Calais: An English Town in France, 1347-1558
Author/Editor: Rose, Susan
The Calais Garrison
Author/Editor: Grummitt, David
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and other Analogous Documents preserved in the Public Record Office XXIV: 11-15 Henry VI (1432-1437)
Author/Editor: Holford, M. L.; Mileson, S.A.; Noble, C.V
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and other Analogous Documents preserved in The National Archives XXXV: 1 Edward V to Richard III (1483-1485)
Author/Editor: GORDON McKELVIE
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and other Analogous Documents preserved in the Public Record Office XXVI: 21-25 Henry VI (1442-1447)
Author/Editor: Holford, M. L
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and other Analogous Documents preserved in the Public Record Office XXV: 16-20 Henry VI (1437-1442)
Author/Editor: Noble, Claire
Calendar of the Fine Rolls of the Reign of Henry III (1216-1248): II: 1224-1234
Author/Editor: Carpenter, David; Dryburgh, Paul; Hartland, Beth
Call to the Dance: An Experience of the Socio-Cultural World of Traditional Breton Music and Dance
Author/Editor: Desi Wilkinson
Cambridge in the 1830s
Author/Editor: Smith, Jonathan; Stray, Christopher
Cameralism in Practice
Author/Editor: Seppel, Marten; Tribe, Keith
The Canadian Short Story
Author/Editor: Nischik, Reingard M
Cancer, Research, and Educational Film at Midcentury: The Making of the Movie <em>Challenge: Science Against Cancer</em>
Author/Editor: David Cantor
Canonic Repertories and the French Musical Press: Lully to Wagner
Author/Editor: William Weber ,Beverly Wilcox
Capital and Corporal Punishment in Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Gates, Jay Paul; Marafioti, Nicole
Capitalism: Histories
Author/Editor: Robert G. Ingram ,James M. Vaughn
Captain Cook
Author/Editor: Williams, Glyndwr
Captain of Death
Author/Editor: Daniel, Thomas M
The Caption of Seisin of the Duchy of Cornwall 1377
Author/Editor: Hull, P. L
The Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Property
Author/Editor: Rush, Laurie; Benedettini Millington, Luisa
Carajicomedia: Parody and Satire in Early Modern Spain
Author/Editor: Domínguez, Frank A
Cardinal Bendinello Sauli and Church Patronage in Sixteenth-Century Italy
Author/Editor: Hyde, Helen
The Career of an Eighteenth-Century Kapellmeister
Author/Editor: Murray, Sterling E
Cariology for the Nineties
Author/Editor: Bowen, William H.; Tabak, Lawrence A
Caritas Pirckheimer: A Journal of the Reformation Years, 1524-1528
Author/Editor: Paul A. MacKenzie
Carl Nielsen and the Idea of Modernism
Author/Editor: Grimley, Daniel M
The Cartulary of Canonsleigh Abbey (Harleian MS. no. 3660): A Calendar
Author/Editor: VERA C. M. LONDON
The Cartulary of St Michael's Mount
Author/Editor: Hull, P. L
Castles and Space in Malory's Morte Darthur
Author/Editor: Martin, Molly A
Castration and Culture in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Tracy, Larissa
Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College
Author/Editor: Knighton, C.S
Catastrophe and Catharsis
Author/Editor: Gerstenberger, Katharina; Nusser, Tanja
Cathars in Question
Author/Editor: Sennis, Antonio
Cathedrals, Communities and Conflict in the Anglo-Norman World
Author/Editor: Dalton, Paul; Insley, Charles; Wilkinson, Louise J
Catholic Faith and Practice in England, 1779-1992
Author/Editor: Turnham, Margaret H
Catholic Iconography in the Novels of Juan Marsé
Author/Editor: Clark, Rosemary
Catholicism and the Making of Politics in Central Mozambique, 1940-1986, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Eric Morier-Genoud
Catholicism, Identity and Politics in the Age of Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Lock, Alexander
Catholics during the English Revolution, 1642-1660: Politics, Sequestration and Loyalty, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Eilish Gregory
Catholic Survival in Protestant Ireland, 1660-1711
Author/Editor: Kinsella, Eoin
A Celebration of The Plutzik Poetry Series: 1962-2022 at the University of Rochester
Author/Editor: Hyam Plutzik ,Edward Hirsch
Celebrity Culture and the Myth of Oceania in Britain
Author/Editor: Scobie, Ruth
Celestina and the Human Condition in Early Modern Spain and Italy
Author/Editor: Scott, Rachel
Celluloid Revolt
Author/Editor: Gerhardt, Christina; Abel, Marco
Celtic Curses
Author/Editor: Mees, Bernard
The Chamber Cantatas of Antonio Vivaldi
Author/Editor: Talbot, Michael
Changing Approaches to Local History: Warwickshire History and its Historians
Author/Editor: Christopher Dyer
Changing Careers A Ten Year Demonstration of a Developmental Life-Span Approach
Author/Editor: Gladstein, Gerald A
The Changing Fortunes of a British Aristocratic Family, 1689-1976: The Campbells of Cawdor and their Welsh Estates, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: John E. Davies
Changing Pedagogies for Children in Eighteenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Michèle Cohen
Changing Perceptions of Nature
Author/Editor: Convery, Ian; Davis, Peter
The Channel Islands, 1370-1640
Author/Editor: Thornton, Tim
The Channel Islands in Anglo-French Relations, 1689-1918
Author/Editor: Colin Partridge ,Jean de Préneuf ,Andrew Lambert
The Chansons of Orlando di Lasso and Their Protestant Listeners
Author/Editor: Freedman, Richard
Chant, Liturgy, and the Inheritance of Rome
Author/Editor: DiCenso, Daniel J.; Maloy, Rebecca
Charity Movements in Eighteenth-Century Ireland
Author/Editor: Sonnelitter, Karen
Charlemagne and his Legend in Early Spanish Literature and Historiography
Author/Editor: Bailey, Matthew; Giles, Ryan D
Charlemagne in Italy
Author/Editor: Jane E. Everson
Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch Literature, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Albrecht Classen
Charlemagne in the Norse and Celtic Worlds
Author/Editor: Helen Fulton ,Sif Rikhardsdottir
The Charlemagne Legend in Medieval Latin Texts
Author/Editor: Purkis, William J.; Gabriele, Matthew
Charles Bridgeman (c.1685-1738): A Landscape Architect of the Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: SUSAN HAYNES
Charles d'Orléans' English Aesthetic: The Form, Poetics, and Style of Fortunes Stabilnes, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: R. D. Perry,Mary-Jo Arn
Charles d'Orléans in England, 1415-1440
Author/Editor: Arn, Mary-Jo
Charles Gildon's <em>The Life of Mr Thomas Betterton, the Late Eminent Tragedian</em>: An Annotated Edition, including Betterton's <em>The Amorous Widow</em>
Author/Editor: Charles Gildon ,David Roberts
Charles Mackerras
Author/Editor: Simeone, Nigel; Tyrrell, John
Charles Nicolle, Pasteur's Imperial Missionary
Author/Editor: Pelis, Kim
Charles Robert Cockerell in the Mediterranean: Letters and Travels, 1810-1817, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Susan Pearce,Theresa Ormrod
Charles Villiers Stanford: Man and Musician: Revised and Expanded Edition
Author/Editor: Jeremy Dibble
'Charms', Liturgies, and Secret Rites in Early Medieval England
Author/Editor: Arthur, Ciaran
Chartier in Europe
Author/Editor: Cayley, Emma; Kinch, Ashby
Chatham Dockyard, 1815-1865: The Industrial Transformation
Chaucer and Array
Author/Editor: Hodges, Laura F
Chaucer and Fame
Author/Editor: Davis, Isabel; Nall, Catherine
Chaucer and Petrarch
Author/Editor: Rossiter, William T
Chaucer and Religion
Author/Editor: Phillips, Helen
Chaucer and the City
Author/Editor: Butterfield, Ardis
Chaucer and the Cultures of Love and Marriage
Author/Editor: Hume, Cathy
Chaucer on Love, Knowledge and Sight
Author/Editor: Klassen, Norman
Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: Contexts and Interpretations, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: JAMIE C. FUMO
Chaucer's Decameron and the Origin of the Canterbury Tales, Ed. NED - New edition
Chaucer's Prayers: Writing Christian and Pagan Devotion, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: MEGAN E. MURTON
Cheshire and the Tudor State, 1480-1560
Author/Editor: Thornton, Tim
Childbirth, Maternity, and Medical Pluralism in French Colonial Vietnam, 1880-1945
Author/Editor: Nguyen, Thuy Linh
Childhood in the Works of Silvina Ocampo and Alejandra Pizarnik
Author/Editor: Mackintosh, Fiona J
Children and Youth in Premodern Scotland
Author/Editor: Nugent, Janay; Ewan, Elizabeth
Children on the Move in Africa
Author/Editor: Razy, Elodie; Rodet, Marie
Child Workers and Industrial Health in Britain, 1780-1850
Author/Editor: Kirby, Peter
China and the Globalization of Biomedicine
Author/Editor: Luesink, David; Schneider, William H.; Daqing, Zhang
China's Aid and Soft Power in Africa
Author/Editor: King, Kenneth
The Chivalric Biography of Boucicaut, Jean II le Meingre
Author/Editor: Craig Taylor,Jane H.M. Taylor
A Chivalric Life: The Book of the Deeds of Messire Jacques de Lalaing
Author/Editor: Rosalind Brown-Grant ,Mario Damen
Chivalry and Romance in the English Renaissance
Author/Editor: Davis, Alex
Chivalry and the Medieval Past
Author/Editor: Stevenson, Katie; Gribling, Barbara
Chivalry and Violence in Late Medieval Castile, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Samuel A. Claussen
Chivalry, Kingship and Crusade
Author/Editor: Guard, Timothy
The Choral Foundation of the Chapel Royal, Dublin Castle: Constitution, Liturgy, Music, 1814-1922
Author/Editor: David Michael O’Shea
Christabel Pankhurst: Fundamentalism and Feminism in Coalition
Author/Editor: Larsen, Timothy
Christianity and Romance in Medieval England
Author/Editor: Field, Rosalind; Hardman, Phillipa; Sweeney, Michelle
Christians and Jews in Angevin England
Author/Editor: Rees Jones, Sarah; Watson, Sethina
Christ in Celtic Christianity: Britain and Ireland from the Fifth to the Tenth Century, Ed. NED - New edition
Christine de Pizan
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Angus J
Christine de Pizan's Changing Opinion
Author/Editor: Kelly, Douglas
Christopher Okigbo 1930-67
Author/Editor: Nwakanma, Obi
Christ the Physician in Late-Medieval Religious Controversy: England and Central Europe, 1350-1434
Author/Editor: Patrick Outhwaite
The Chronica Maiora of Thomas Walsingham (1376-1422)
Author/Editor: David Preest,James G. Clark
The Chronicle of Geoffrey le Baker of Swinbrook
Author/Editor: David Preest,Richard Barber
Chronicle of Hainaut by Gilbert of Mons
Author/Editor: Laura Napran
The Chronicle of William of Puylaurens: The Albigensian Crusade and its Aftermath, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: William of Puylaurens,W. A. SIBLY ,M. D. SIBLY
The Chronicles of Fernão Lopes: Volume 1. The Chronicle of King Pedro of Portugal
Author/Editor: Amélia P. Hutchinson ,Juliet Perkins ,Philip Krummrich ,Teresa Amado ,R. C. Willis ,Philip Krummrich ,Juliet Perkins ,Iona McCleery ,Francisco Ferna
The Chronicles of Fernão Lopes: Volume 2. The Chronicle of King Fernando of Portugal
Author/Editor: FERNÃO LOPES ,Amélia P. Hutchinson ,Juliet Perkins ,Philip Krummrich ,Teresa Amado ,R. C. Willis ,Philip Krummrich ,Juliet Perkins ,Iona McCleery
The Chronicles of Fernão Lopes: Volume 3. The Chronicle of King João I of Portugal, Part I
Author/Editor: FERNÃO LOPES ,Amélia P. Hutchinson ,Juliet Perkins ,Philip Krummrich ,Teresa Amado ,R. C. Willis ,Philip Krummrich ,Juliet Perkins ,Iona McCleery
The Chronicles of Fernão Lopes: Volume 4. The Chronicle of King João I of Portugal, Part II
Author/Editor: FERNÃO LOPES ,Amélia P. Hutchinson ,Juliet Perkins ,Philip Krummrich ,Teresa Amado ,R. C. Willis ,Philip Krummrich ,Juliet Perkins ,Iona McCleery
The Chronicles of Fernão Lopes: Volume 5. General Bibliography and Index
Author/Editor: Amélia P. Hutchinson ,Juliet Perkins ,Philip Krummrich ,Teresa Amado ,R. C. Willis ,Philip Krummrich ,Juliet Perkins ,Iona McCleery ,Francisco Ferna
The Chronology and Canon of Ælfric of Eynsham
Author/Editor: Kleist, Aaron J
The Chronology and Canon of Ælfric of Eynsham, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Aaron J. Kleist
Chrétien de Troyes
Author/Editor: Kelly, Douglas
Chrétien de Troyes in Prose: the Burgundian Erec and Cligés
Author/Editor: Joan Tasker Grimbert,Carol J. Chase
Chrétien's Equal: Raoul de Houdenc: Complete Works
Author/Editor: Nigel Bryant
The Church and Northern English Society in the Fourteenth Century: the Archbishops of York and their Records
Author/Editor: Paul Dryburgh ,Sarah Rees Jones
The Church and Vale of Evesham, 700-1215
Author/Editor: Cox, David
Church Monuments in South Wales, c.1200-1547
Author/Editor: Biebrach, Rhianydd
The Church of England and British Politics since 1900, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Tom Rodger,Philip Williamson,Matthew Grimley
The Church of England and the Bangorian Controversy, 1716-1721
Author/Editor: Starkie, Andrew
The Church of England and the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Lawson, Tom
The Church of England and the Home Front, 1914-1918
Author/Editor: Beaken, Robert; Waite CBE, Terry
Cinemas of the Mozambican Revolution: Anti-Colonialism, Independence and Internationalism in Filmmaking, 1968-1991, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Ros Gray
Circular Migration in Zimbabwe and Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Potts, Deborah
Cistercians, Heresy and Crusade in Occitania, 1145-1229
Author/Editor: Kienzle, Beverly Mayne
The Cistercians in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Burton, Janet; Kerr, Julie
City Songs and American Life, 1900-1950
Author/Editor: Lasser, Michael
Civic Agency in Africa
Author/Editor: Obadare, Ebenezer; Willems, Wendy
Civic Christianity in Renaissance Italy
Author/Editor: D'Andrea, David M
Civic Community in Late Medieval Lincoln
Author/Editor: Kissane, Alan
Civilizing Thoreau
Author/Editor: Schneider, Richard J
Civil Religion and the Enlightenment in England, 1707-1800, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: ASHLEY WALSH
The Civil Wars after 1660
Author/Editor: Neufeld, Matthew
Claiming Wagner for France: Music and Politics in the Parisian Press, 1933-1944
Author/Editor: Rachel Orzech
The Clarinet
Author/Editor: Jane Ellsworth
Classical Architecture: Language, Variety and Adaptability
Classical Literature and Learning in Medieval Irish Narrative
Author/Editor: O'Connor, Ralph
Classical Music in the German Democratic Republic
Author/Editor: Frackman, Kyle; Powell, Larson
The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300-1500
Author/Editor: Cabré, Lluís; Montserrat Ferrer, Alejandro Coroleu; Josep Pujol, Albert Lloret and
The Classicist Writings of Thomas Walsingham
Author/Editor: Federico, Sylvia
Claude Debussy
Author/Editor: Lesure, François; Rolf, Marie
Claude Debussy As I Knew Him and Other Writings of Arthur Hartmann
Author/Editor: Hsu, Samuel; Grolnic, Sidney; Peters, Mark A
Claude Vivier
Author/Editor: Gilmore, Bob
A Clean Sweep?
Author/Editor: Curp, T. David
Céli Dé in Ireland
Author/Editor: Follett, Westley
Clément Janequin: French Composer at the Dawn of Music Publishing
Author/Editor: Rolf Norsen
Coastal Trade and Maritime Communities in Elizabethan England
Author/Editor: Leanna T P Brinkley
Cobbold and Kin: Life Stories from an East Anglian Family
Author/Editor: Hodges, Clive
Cognitive Approaches to Old English Poetry
Author/Editor: Harbus, Antonina
Cold Fusion
Author/Editor: Huizenga, John R
The Collected Works of Thomas Kyd: Volume One
Author/Editor: Brian Vickers ,Darren Freebury-Jones
Collecting in the Twenty-First Century: From Museums to the Web
Author/Editor: Johannes Endres ,Christoph Zeller
Collecting the New, Rare and Curious
Author/Editor: Cleevely, R. J
Colonialism and Violence in Zimbabwe
Author/Editor: Schmidt, Heike I
The Colonial Landscape of the British Caribbean, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Roger Leech,Pamela Leech
The Colonial Wars in Contemporary Portuguese Fiction
Author/Editor: Moutinho, Isabel
The Comedia in English
Author/Editor: Paun de García, Susan; Larson, Donald R
Comedy in Chaucer and Boccaccio
Author/Editor: Heffernan, Carol Falvo
Comic Medievalism
Author/Editor: D'Arcens, Louise
Coming of Age in the Afro-Latin American Novel: Blackness, Religion, Immigration
Author/Editor: Bonnie S. Wasserman
Coming of Age under Martial Law
Author/Editor: Vassileva-Karagyozova, Svetlana
Coming Out
Author/Editor: Kyle Frackman
Coming to Terms with Our Musical Past: An Essay on Mozart and Modernist Aesthetics, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Edmund J. Goehring
Commanders of Dutch East India Ships in the Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Bruijn, Jaap R
Commemorating the Seafarer
Author/Editor: Tomlinson, Barbara
Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: John S. Lee ,Christian Steer
Commerce and Politics in Hume's History of England
Author/Editor: Wei, Jia
Commercial Activity, Markets and Entrepreneurs in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Dodds, Ben; Liddy, Christian D
Commercial Agriculture, the Slave Trade and Slavery in Atlantic Africa
Author/Editor: Law, Robin; Suzanne, Schwarz; Silke, Strickrodt
Series Title: Default Book Series
Commercial Agriculture, the Slave Trade & Slavery in Atlantic Africa
Author/Editor: Law, Robin; Schwarz, Suzanne; Strickrodt, Silke
Common Land in Britain: A History from the Middle Ages to the Present Day
Common Land in English Painting, 1700-1850
Author/Editor: Waites, Ian
Common Law and Enlightenment in England, 1689-1750
Author/Editor: Rudolph, Julia
Commune, Country and Commonwealth: The People of Cirencester, 1117-1643
Author/Editor: Rollison, David
The Communicative Event in the Works of Günter Grass
Author/Editor: Thesz, Nicole A
Communities and Health Care
Author/Editor: Liebschutz, Sarah F
The Companion Guide to St Petersburg
Author/Editor: Zinovieff, Kyril; Hughes, Jenny
The Companion Guide to Wales
Author/Editor: Barnes, David
A Companion to Australian Aboriginal Literature
Author/Editor: Wheeler, Belinda
A Companion to Australian Literature since 1900
Author/Editor: Birns, Nicholas; McNeer, Rebecca
A Companion to Bede
Author/Editor: Brown, George Hardin
A Companion to Calderón de la Barca
Author/Editor: Roy Norton ,Jonathan Thacker
A Companion to Carmen Martín Gaite
Author/Editor: O'Leary, Catherine; Ribeiro de Menezes, Alison
A Companion to Catalan Culture
Author/Editor: Dominic Keown
A Companion to Catalan Literature
Author/Editor: ARTHUR TERRY
A Companion to Cervantes's Novelas Ejemplares
Author/Editor: Boyd, Stephen
A Companion to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Author/Editor: Emenyonu, Ernest N
A Companion to Chivalry
Author/Editor: Jones, Robert W.; Coss, Peter
A Companion to Chrétien de Troyes
Author/Editor: Lacy, Norris J.; Grimbert, Joan Tasker
A Companion to Don Quixote
Author/Editor: Close, Anthony
A Companion to Federico García Lorca
Author/Editor: Bonaddio, Federico
A Companion to Fifteenth-Century English Poetry
Author/Editor: Boffey, Julia; Edwards, A.S.G
A Companion to Friedrich Nietzsche
Author/Editor: Bishop, Paul
A Companion to Gabriel García Márquez
A Companion to Galician Culture
Author/Editor: Miguélez-Carballeira, Helena
A Companion to German Realism 1848-1900
Author/Editor: Kontje, Todd
A Companion to Golden Age Theatre
Author/Editor: Thacker, Jonathan
A Companion to Gottfried von Strassburg's Tristan
Author/Editor: Hasty, Will
A Companion to Gower
Author/Editor: Echard, Siân
A Companion to Hemingway's Death in the Afternoon
Author/Editor: Mandel, Miriam B
A Companion to Javier Marías
Author/Editor: Herzberger, David K
A Companion to Jorge Luis Borges
Author/Editor: Boldy, Steven
A Companion to José Enrique Rodó
Author/Editor: San Román, Gustavo
A Companion to Juan Rulfo
Author/Editor: Boldy, Steven
A Companion to Julian of Norwich
Author/Editor: McAvoy, Liz Herbert
A Companion to Latin American Film
Author/Editor: Hart, Stephen M
A Companion to Latin American Literature
Author/Editor: Hart, Stephen M
A Companion to Latin American Women Writers
Author/Editor: Pastor, Brígida M.; Davies, Lloyd Hughes
A Companion to Lope de Vega
Author/Editor: Alexander Samson ,Jonathan Thacker
A Companion to Luis Buñuel
Author/Editor: Edwards, Gwynne
A Companion to Magical Realism
Author/Editor: Hart, Stephen M.; Ouyang, Wen-chin
A Companion to Mario Vargas Llosa
Author/Editor: Köllmann, Sabine
A Companion to Medieval Arms and Armour
Author/Editor: Nicolle, David
A Companion to Medieval Popular Romance
Author/Editor: Radulescu, Raluca L.; Rushton, Cory James
A Companion to Mexican Studies
Author/Editor: Standish, Peter
A Companion to Mia Couto
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Grant; Huddart, David
A Companion to Middle English Hagiography
Author/Editor: Salih, Sarah
A Companion to Miguel de Unamuno
Author/Editor: Biggane, Julia; Macklin, John
A Companion to Pablo Neruda
Author/Editor: Wilson, Jason
A Companion to Portuguese Literature
Author/Editor: Parkinson, Stephen; Pazos Alonso, Cláudia; Earle, T. F
A Companion to Sound in German-Speaking Cultures
Author/Editor: Rolf J. Goebel
A Companion to Spanish American Modernismo
Author/Editor: González, Aníbal
A Companion to Spanish Environmental Cultural Studies
Author/Editor: Luis I. Prádanos
A Companion to Spanish Women's Studies
Author/Editor: de Ros, Xon; Hazbun, Geraldine
Series Title: Monografías A
A Companion to Spanish Women's Studies
Author/Editor: de Ros, Xon; Hazbun, Geraldine
A Companion to the Anglo-Norman World
Author/Editor: Harper-Bill, Christopher; van Houts, Elisabeth
A Companion to the Early Printed Book in Britain, 1476-1558
Author/Editor: Gillespie, Vincent; Powell, Susan
A Companion to the Fairy Tale, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Hilda Ellis Davidson ,Anna Chaudhri
A Companion to the Lancelot-Grail Cycle
Author/Editor: Dover, Carol
A Companion to the Libro de Buen Amor
Author/Editor: Haywood, Louise M.; Vasvári, Louise O
A Companion to the Literature of German Expressionism
Author/Editor: Donahue, Neil H
A Companion to the Middle English Lyric
Author/Editor: Duncan, Thomas G
A Companion to the Spanish Picaresque Novel
Author/Editor: Edward H. Friedman
A Companion to the Twentieth-Century Spanish Novel
Author/Editor: Altisent, Marta E
A Companion to the Works of Adalbert Stifter
Author/Editor: Sean Ireton
A Companion to the Works of Alfred Döblin
Author/Editor: Dollenmayer, Roland; Koepke, Wulf; Tewarson, Heidi Thomann
A Companion to the Works of Arthur Schnitzler
Author/Editor: Lorenz, Dagmar C. G
A Companion to the Works of Elias Canetti
Author/Editor: Lorenz, Dagmar C.G
A Companion to the Works of Franz Kafka
Author/Editor: Rolleston, James
A Companion to the Works of Friedrich Schiller
Author/Editor: Martinson, Steven D
A Companion to the Works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Author/Editor: Fischer, Barbara; Fox, Thomas C
A Companion to the Works of Grimmelshausen
Author/Editor: Otto, Karl F
A Companion to the Works of Hartmann von Aue
Author/Editor: Gentry, Francis G
A Companion to the Works of Heinrich Heine
Author/Editor: Cook, Roger F
A Companion to the Works of Heinrich von Kleist
Author/Editor: Fischer, Bernd
A Companion to the Works of Hermann Broch, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Graham Bartram,Sarah McGaughey,Galin Tihanov
A Companion to the Works of Hermann Hesse
Author/Editor: Cornils, Ingo
A Companion to the Works of J. M. Coetzee
Author/Editor: Mehigan, Tim
A Companion to the Works of Johann Gottfried Herder
Author/Editor: Adler, Hans; Koepke, Wulf
A Companion to the Works of Kim Scott
Author/Editor: Wheeler, Belinda
A Companion to the Works of Max Frisch
Author/Editor: Berwald, Olaf
A Companion to the Works of Robert Musil
Author/Editor: Payne, Philip; Bartram, Graham; Tihanov, Galin
A Companion to the Works of Stefan George
Author/Editor: Rieckmann, Jens
A Companion to the Works of Thomas Bernhard
Author/Editor: Konzett, Matthias
A Companion to the Works of Thomas Mann
Author/Editor: Lehnert, Herbert; Wessell, Eva
A Companion to the Works of Walter Benjamin
Author/Editor: Goebel, Rolf J
A Companion to US Latino Literatures
Author/Editor: Caulfield, Carlota; Davis, Darién J
A Companion to Wace
Author/Editor: Le Saux, F. H. M
A Companion to Wagner's Parsifal
Author/Editor: Kinderman, William; Syer, Katherine R
Competing Catholicisms: The Jesuits, the Vatican & the Making of Postcolonial French Africa
Author/Editor: Jean Luc Enyegue
The Complete Copland
The Complete Story of the Grail
Author/Editor: Troyes, Chrétien de; Bryant, Nigel
Composers' Intentions?
Author/Editor: Parrott, Andrew
Composers in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Anne-Zoé Rillon-Marne ,Gaël Saint-Cricq
Composing for Japanese Instruments
Author/Editor: Miki, Minoru; Regan, Marty; Flavin, Philip
Composing Myself – A New Edition: Collected Writings, Volume One
Concepts of Creativity in Seventeenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Herissone, Rebecca; Howard, Alan
Concert Music, Rock, and Jazz since 1945
Author/Editor: Marvin, Elizabeth West; Hermann, Richard
Conducting for a New Era
Author/Editor: Roxburgh, Edwin
Conducting the Brahms Symphonies
Author/Editor: Dyment, Christopher
Conductors in Britain, 1870-1914
Author/Editor: Palmer, Fiona M
Conferences and Combination Lectures in the Elizabethan Church: Dedham and Bury St Edmunds, 1582-1590
Author/Editor: Collinson, Patrick; Craig, John; Usher, Brett
Conflict and Security in Africa
Author/Editor: Abrahamsen, Rita
Confronting the 'Dirty War' in Argentine Cinema, 1983-1993
Author/Editor: Burucúa, Constanza
Conquest and Land in Ireland
Author/Editor: Cunningham, John
Conquests in Eleventh-Century England: 1016, 1066, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Laura Ashe,Emily Joan Ward
Conscience and Allegiance in Seventeenth Century England
Author/Editor: Jones, David Martin
Conscience, Consciousness and Ethics in Joseph Butler's Philosophy and Ministry
Author/Editor: Tennant, Bob
Conservation, Markets & the Environment in Southern and Eastern Africa: Commodifying the ‘Wild’
Author/Editor: Michael Bollig ,Selma Lendelvo ,Alfons Mosimane ,Romie Nghitevelekwa
The Conservation Movement in Norfolk
Author/Editor: Wade Martins, Susanna
Conservative Thinkers from All Souls College Oxford
Author/Editor: Richard Davenport-Hines
Conserving and Managing Ancient Monuments
Author/Editor: Emerick, Keith
The Consort Music of William Lawes, 1602-1645
Author/Editor: Cunningham, John
A Conspectus of Scribal Hands Writing English, 960-1100
Author/Editor: Scragg, Donald
Conspiracy Culture in Stuart England: The Mysterious Death of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey
Author/Editor: Andrea McKenzie
Constantinople and the West in Medieval French Literature
Author/Editor: Devereaux, Rima
Constructing a Civic Community in Late Medieval London
Author/Editor: Harry, David
Constructing History across the Norman Conquest: Worcester, c.1050--c.1150
Author/Editor: Francesca Tinti ,D. A. Woodman
The Construction of Vernacular History in the Anglo-Norman Prose Brut Chronicle
Author/Editor: Marvin, Julia
Constructions of Belonging
Author/Editor: Harneit-Sievers, Axel
Consuls and Captives: Dutch-North African Diplomacy in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Erica Heinsen-Roach
Consuming Latin America: The ¡Viva! Film Festival and Imagined Cosmopolitan Communities, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Nicola Jones
Consuming Music
Author/Editor: Green, Emily H.; Mayes, Catherine
Consumption and Culture in Sixteenth-Century Ireland
Author/Editor: Flavin, Susan
Contact and Exchange in Later Medieval Europe
Author/Editor: Skoda, Hannah; Lantschner, Patrick; Shaw, R.L.J
The Conte du Graal Cycle
Author/Editor: Hinton, Thomas
The Contemporary English Chronicles of the Wars of the Roses
Author/Editor: Embree, Dan; Tavormina, M. Teresa
Contemporary Hispanic Cinema
Author/Editor: Dennison, Stephanie
Contemporary Peruvian Narrative and Popular Culture
Author/Editor: Ruz, Robert
Contemporary Spanish American Novels by Women
Author/Editor: Carvalho, Susan E
Contested Reformations in the University of Cambridge, 1535-1584
Author/Editor: Law, Ceri
Contested Reformations in the University of Cambridge, c.1535-84, NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Ceri Law
Contested Selves: Life Writing and German Culture
Author/Editor: Katja Herges ,Elisabeth Krimmer
Contested Sustainability: The Political Ecology of Conservation and Development in Tanzania
Contesting Catholics: Benedicto Kiwanuka and the Birth of Postcolonial Uganda, Ed. NED - New edition
Contesting the English Polity, 1660-1688: Religion, Politics, and Ideas
Author/Editor: Mark Goldie
The Continuations of Chrétien's Perceval
Author/Editor: Tether, Leah
Continuity and Crisis in German Cinema, 1928-1936
Author/Editor: Hales, Barbara; Petrescu, Mihaela; Weinstein, Valerie
Converting Britannia: Evangelicals and British Public Life 1770-1840, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Gareth Atkins
Cooking Up the Nation
Author/Editor: Anderson, Lara
Coquettes, Wives, and Widows: Gender Politics in French Baroque Opera and Theater, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Marcie Ray
Cornish Churches in the Nineteenth Century: The Church Notes of the Lysons Brothers and Sir Stephen Glynne, Volume 1: Churches A–L
Author/Editor: Paul Cockerham
The Cornish Lands of the Arundells of Lanherne, Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries
Author/Editor: Fox, H. S. A.; Padel, O. J
Cornish Wrecking, 1700-1860
Author/Editor: Pearce, Cathryn J
Cornwall, Connectivity and Identity in the Fourteenth Century, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: S. J. Drake
The Corpse as Text: Disinterment and Antiquarian Enquiry, 1700-1900
Author/Editor: Tomaini, Thea
The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Author/Editor: Fredeman, William E
The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 3
Author/Editor: Fredeman, William E
The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: The Chelsea Years, 1863-1872: Prelude to Crisis. Volume III. 1863-1867, Ed. NED - New edition
The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: The Formative Years, 1835-1862: Volume II. 1855-1862, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Dante Gabriel Rossetti ,WILLIAM E. FREDEMAN
Correspondence of Franz Liszt and the Comtesse Marie D'Agoult
Author/Editor: MICHEAL SHORT ,Michael Saffle
The Correspondence of Jean Sibelius and Rosa Newmarch, 1906-1939
Author/Editor: Bullock, Philip Ross
Cottage Gardens and Gardeners in the East of Scotland, 1750-1914
Cotton and Race across the Atlantic
Author/Editor: Robins, Jonathan E
The Counter-Cinema of the Berlin School
Author/Editor: Abel, Marco
The Country Houses of Shropshire
Author/Editor: Gareth Williams
The Courage of Composers and the Tyranny of Taste: Reflections on New Music, Ed. NED - New edition
Court, Country and Culture
Author/Editor: Kunze, Bonnelyn Young; Brautigam, Dwight D
The Court of Richard II and Bohemian Culture: Literature and Art in the Age of Chaucer and the Gawain Poet, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: ALFRED THOMAS
The Court Reconvenes: Courtly Literature Across the Disciplines
Author/Editor: Altmann, Barbara K.; Carroll, Carleton W
Courts of Chivalry and Admiralty in Late Medieval Europe
Author/Editor: Musson, Anthony; Ramsay, Nigel
Crafting Identity in Zimbabwe and Mozambique
Author/Editor: MacGonagle, Elizabeth
The Crafty Art of Opera
Author/Editor: Hampe, Michael; Walton, Chris
Creating the Monastic Past in Medieval Flanders
Author/Editor: Ugé, Karine
The Creation of Beethoven's Nine Symphonies
Author/Editor: Barry Cooper
The Creative Labor of Music Patronage in Interwar France
Author/Editor: LOUIS K. EPSTEIN
The Creative Process of Els Joglars and Teatro de la Abadía
Author/Editor: Breden, Simon David
The Creative Worlds of Joseph Joachim
Author/Editor: Joseph Joachim ,Valerie Woodring Goertzen ,Robert Whitehouse Eshbach
Creativity, Contradictions and Commemoration in the Reign of Richard II: Essays in Honour of Nigel Saul
Author/Editor: Jessica A. Lutkin ,J. S. Hamilton
Creed & Grievance
Author/Editor: Mustapha, Abdul Raufu; Ehrhardt, David
Crime and the First World War in Scotland
Author/Editor: Cameron McKay
The Criminal Baroque: Lawbreaking, Peacekeeping, and Theatricality in Early Modern Spain, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: TED L. L. BERGMAN
Crippen: A Crime Sensation in Memory and Modernity, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Roger Dalrymple
The Crisis of Calvinism in Revolutionary England, 1640-1660: Arminian Theologies of Predestination and Grace
The Crisis of Democratization in the Greater Horn of Africa: Towards Building Institutional Foundations, Ed. NED - New edition
A Critical Companion to Beowulf
Author/Editor: Orchard, Andy
A Critical Companion to John Skelton, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Sobecki ,John Scattergood
A Critical Companion to Medieval Motets, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Jared C. Hartt
A Critical Companion to Old Norse Literary Genre, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Massimiliano Bampi,Carolyne Larrington,Sif Rikhardsdottir
A Critical Companion to the English Medieval Mappae Mundi of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Dan Terkla,Nick Millea
A Critical History of German Film
Author/Editor: Brockmann, Stephen
The Critical Reception of Alfred Döblin's Major Novels
Author/Editor: Koepke, Wulf
The Critical Reception of Flannery O'Connor, 1952-2017
Author/Editor: Evans, Robert C
The Critical Reception of Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises
Author/Editor: Hays, Peter L
The Critical Reception of Henry James
Author/Editor: Simon, Linda
The Critical Reception of James Baldwin, 1963-2010
Author/Editor: Francis, Conseula
The Critical Reception of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes and Beyond
Author/Editor: Laurence W. Mazzeno
The Critical Response to Robert Musil's The Man without Qualities
Author/Editor: Mehigan, Tim
Critical Thinking in Slovakia after Socialism
Author/Editor: Larson, Jonathan L
The Critics and Hemingway, 1924-2014
Author/Editor: Mazzeno, Laurence W
The Cromwellian Protectorate
Author/Editor: Little, Patrick
Cromwell's House of Lords
Author/Editor: Fitzgibbons, Jonathan
The Cross Goes North: Processes of Conversion in Northern Europe, AD 300-1300, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Carver
Crossing Paths or Sharing Tracks?
Author/Editor: Horning, Audrey; Palmer, Marilyn
Crossing the Zambezi
Author/Editor: McGregor, JoAnn
The Crown Pleas of the Suffolk Eyre of 1240
The Crucified Mind
Author/Editor: Havard, Robert
The Cruciform Brooch and Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Martin, Toby F
Crusading and Pilgrimage in the Norman World
Author/Editor: Hurlock, Kathryn; Oldfield, Paul
Crusading Spirituality in the Holy Land and Iberia, c.1095-c.1187
Author/Editor: Purkis, William J
César Franck
Author/Editor: Flynn, Timothy
César Vallejo
Author/Editor: Hart, Stephen M
César Vallejo: Autógrafos olvidados
Author/Editor: Fló, Juan; Hart, Stephen M
César Vallejo. <em>Correspondencia</em>: Volumen 1. 1910-1928
Author/Editor: Valentino Gianuzzi ,Carlos Fernández
César Vallejo. <em>Correspondencia</em>: Volumen 2. 1929-1938
Author/Editor: Carlos Fernández ,Valentino Gianuzzi
César Vallejo, Trilce y dadá París: huellas de un estímulo silenciado
Author/Editor: Carlos Fernández
Cuba and the New Origenismo
Author/Editor: Buckwalter-Arias, James
Cuerpos plegables
Author/Editor: Pueyo, Víctor
Cultivating String Quartets in Beethoven's Vienna
Author/Editor: November, Nancy
The Cult of King Charles the Martyr
Author/Editor: Lacey, Andrew
The Cult of Saints and the Virgin Mary in Medieval Scotland
Author/Editor: Boardman, Steve; Williamson, Eila
The Cult of St Edmund in Medieval East Anglia
Author/Editor: Pinner, Rebecca
The Cult of St George in Medieval England
Author/Editor: Good, Jonathan
The Cult of St Thomas Becket in the Plantagenet World, c.1170-c.1220
Author/Editor: Webster, Paul; Gelin, Marie-Pierre
The Cultural and Political Legacy of Anne de Bretagne
Author/Editor: Brown, Cynthia J
Cultural Capital, Language and National Identity in Imperial Spain
Author/Editor: Binotti, Lucia
Cultural Heritage, Ethics, and the Military
Author/Editor: Stone, Peter G
A Cultural History of the Medieval Sword: Power, Piety and Play
Author/Editor: Robert W. Jones
A Cultural History of the Violin in Nineteenth-Century London: From Instrument to Art
Author/Editor: Tom Wilder
Cultural Impact in the German Context
Author/Editor: Braun, Rebecca; Marven, Lyn
Cultural Performances in Medieval France
Author/Editor: Doss-Quinby, Eglal; Krueger, Roberta L.; Burns, E. Jane
Cultural Translations in Medieval Romance
Culture and Politics at the Court of Charles II, 1660-1685
Author/Editor: Jenkinson, Matthew
The Culture of Castles in Tudor England and Wales, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Audrey M. Thorstad
The Culture of Controversy
Author/Editor: Raffe, Alasdair
The Culture of Dissent in Restoration England: "The Wonders of the Lord", Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: George Southcombe
The Culture of Inquisition in Medieval England
Author/Editor: Flannery, Mary C.; Walter, Katie L
The Culture of Medieval English Monasticism
Author/Editor: Clark, James G
Culture, Thought and Belief in British Political Life since 1800: Essays in Honour of Jonathan Parry
Author/Editor: Paul Readman ,Geraint Thomas
The Cunningham Papers, Volume II, 1942-1946: Selections from the private and official Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope, O.M., K.T., G.C.B., D.S.O. and two bars. Volume II: The Triumph of Allied Sea Power, 1942-1946
Author/Editor: Andrew Browne Cunningham ,MICHAEL SIMPSON
Curating Human Remains
Author/Editor: Giesen, Myra
Curia Regis Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office XX (34-35 Henry III) (1250)
Author/Editor: Crook, David
Custodians of the Land: Ecology and Culture in the History of Tanzania, Ed. NED - New edition
Cyril Ramaphosa
Author/Editor: Butler, Anthony
The Cyril Scott Companion
Author/Editor: Scott, Desmond; Foreman, Lewis; De'Ath, Leslie
The Czech Legend of St Catherine of Alexandria: The Text and its Contexts
Author/Editor: Alfred Thomas
Czech Music around 1900
Author/Editor: Krupková, Lenka; Kopecky, Jirí