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Titles start with W (157) | Information |
Wade Hampton Frost, Pioneer Epidemiologist 1880-1938 |
Author/Editor: Daniel, Thomas M
Wagner and Wagnerism in Nineteenth-Century Sweden, Finland, and the Baltic Provinces |
Author/Editor: Salmi, Hannu
Wagner's Meistersinger |
Author/Editor: Vazsonyi, Nicholas
Wagner's Ring in 1848 |
Author/Editor: Haymes, Edward R
Wagner's Visions |
Author/Editor: Syer, Katherine R
Walking with Asafo in Ghana: An Ethnographic Account of Kormantse Bentsir Warrior Music |
Author/Editor: Ama Oforiwaa Aduonum ,Kormantse Bentsir Scholars
The Wanderer in Nineteenth-Century German Literature |
Author/Editor: Cusack, Andrew
Wanderjahre of a Revolutionist and Other Essays on American Music |
Author/Editor: Farwell, Arthur; Stoner, Thomas
War and Literature |
Author/Editor: Ashe, Laura; Patterson, Ian
War and the Making of Medieval Monastic Culture |
Author/Editor: Smith, Katherine Allen
War and the Politics of Identity in Ethiopia |
Author/Editor: Tronvoll, Kjetil
War at Sea in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance |
Author/Editor: Hattendorf, John B.; Unger, Richard W
The Wardle Family and its Circle: Textile Production in the Arts and Crafts Era |
Author/Editor: King, Brenda M
Warfare in Medieval Brabant, 1356-1406 |
Author/Editor: Boffa, Sergio
Warfare in Tenth-Century Germany |
Author/Editor: Bachrach, David S
Warfare in the Norman Mediterranean, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Georgios Theotokis
War, Government and Aristocracy in the British Isles, c.1150-1500 |
Author/Editor: Given-Wilson, Chris; Kettle, Ann; Scales, Len
The War of Words: The Language of British Elections, 1880-1922, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Luke Blaxill
War, Patriotism and Identity in Revolutionary North America, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Jon Chandler
Warrior Churchmen of Medieval England, 1000-1250 |
Author/Editor: Nakashian, Craig M
War, Trade and the State: Anglo-Dutch Conflict, 1652-89, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: David Ormrod,Gijs Rommelse
The War Within |
Author/Editor: Morier-Genoud, Eric; Cahen, Michel; do Rosário, Domingos M
Wealth and the Material World in the Old English Alfredian Corpus |
Author/Editor: Amy Faulkner
We Are the Machine |
Author/Editor: Youngman, Paul A
Weill, Blitzstein, and Bernstein: A Study of Influence |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Schmid
The Well-Travelled Musician |
Author/Editor: Owens, Samantha
The Welsh and the Shaping of Early Modern Ireland, 1558-1641 |
Author/Editor: Morgan, Rhys
Welsh Soldiers in the Later Middle Ages, 1282-1422 |
Author/Editor: Chapman, Adam
Wenzel Johann Tomaschek (1774-1850) |
Author/Editor: Moore, Stephen Thomson
West African Masking Traditions and Diaspora Masquerade Carnivals: History, Memory, and Transnationalism, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Raphael Chijioke Njoku
West African Soldiers in Britain’s Colonial Army, 1860-1960 |
Author/Editor: Timothy Stapleton
West Country Households, 1500-1700 |
Author/Editor: Allan, John; Alcock, Nat; Dawson, David
We Will Control All That You Hear |
Author/Editor: Wissner, Reba
What Remains: The Post-Holocaust Archive in German Memory Culture, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Dora Osborne
What Will Become of the Children? |
Author/Editor: Bergmann, Claire; Bodek, Richard; Bodek, Richard
When Heimat Meets Hollywood |
Author/Editor: Haase, Christine
When Men and Women Mattered |
Author/Editor: Ogbomo, Onaiwu W
When the Dead Rise: Narratives of the Revenant, from the Middle Ages to the Present Day, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Christian Livermore
The Whistling Blackbird |
Author/Editor: Morris, Robert
White Chief, Black Lords |
Author/Editor: McClendon, Thomas V
The White Ribbon, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: FATIMA NAQVI
Whites and Democracy in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Roger Southall
Who Is This Schiller Now? |
Author/Editor: High, Jeffrey L.; Martin, Nicholas; Oellers, Norbert
Why Antislavery Poetry Matters Now |
Author/Editor: Brian Yothers
Why I Like This Story, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Jackson R. Bryer
Widor |
Author/Editor: Near, John R
Widor on Organ Performance Practice and Technique, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: John R. Near
Widows in European Economy and Society, 1600-1920 |
Author/Editor: Moring, Beatrice; Wall, Richard
Wilhelm Furtwängler |
Author/Editor: Allen, Roger
Wilhelm von Humboldt and Transcultural Communication in a Multicultural World: Translating Humanity |
Author/Editor: John Walker
Willful Girls |
Author/Editor: Jeremiah, Emily
William Alwyn: The Art of Film Music |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Ian
William Camden |
Author/Editor: Herendeen, Wyman H
William Morris and the Icelandic Sagas |
Author/Editor: Felce, Ian
William Morris's Utopia of Strangers |
Author/Editor: Waithe, Marcus
William of Malmesbury |
Author/Editor: Thomson, R.M
William of Malmesbury and the Ethics of History |
Author/Editor: Sonnesyn, Sigbjorn Olsen
Willington and the Mowbrays: After the Peasants' Revolt, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Dorothy Jamieson
Willkommen und Abschied |
Author/Editor: Kaufmann, Dorothea; Tewarson, Heidi Thomann
Wills and Will-Making in Anglo-Saxon England |
Author/Editor: Tollerton, Linda
The Wind Ensemble and its Repertoire |
Author/Editor: Cipolla, Frank J.; Hunsberger, Donald R
Window on Congress |
Author/Editor: Fleming, James S
The Wings of Atalanta |
Author/Editor: Richardson, Mark
Wings of Desire, Ed. NED - New edition |
Wirnt von Gravenberg's Wigalois: Intertextuality and Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Neil
With Mornefull Musique: Funeral Elegies in Early Modern England |
Author/Editor: Grapes, K. Dawn
With Trumpet and Bible: |
Author/Editor: Tirro, Frank
Witness between Languages: The Translation of Holocaust Testimonies in Context, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Davies
Witnessing, Memory, Poetics |
Author/Editor: Finch, Helen; Wolff, Lynn L
Witnessing Romania's Century of Turmoil |
Author/Editor: Margineanu, Nicolae; Cotoiu, Calin; Deletant, Dennis
The Wolf: Culture, Nature, Heritage |
Author/Editor: Ian Convery ,Peter Davis ,Karen Lloyd ,Owen T. Nevin ,Erwin van Maanen
Women and Death 3 |
Author/Editor: Bielby, Clare; Richards, Anna
Women and Devotional Literature in the Middle Ages: Giving Voice to Silence. Essays in Honour of Catherine Innes-Parker |
Author/Editor: Cate Gunn ,Liz Herbert McAvoy ,Naoë Kukita Yoshikawa
Women and English Piracy, 1540-1720: Partners and Victims of Crime |
Author/Editor: Appleby, John C
Women and Family Life in Early Modern German Literature |
Author/Editor: Nivre, Elisabeth Wåghäll
Women and German Drama |
Author/Editor: Colvin, Sarah
Women and Magic in Medieval Romance: Genre, Intertextuality and Power |
Author/Editor: JANE BONSALL
Women and Monastic Reform in the Medieval West, c. 1000 – 1500: Debating Identities, Creating Communities |
Women and Music in Ireland |
Author/Editor: Jennifer O’Connor-Madsen ,Laura Watson ,Ita Beausang
Women and National Socialism in Postwar German Literature |
Author/Editor: Stone, Katherine
Women and Print Culture in Post-Independence Buenos Aires |
Author/Editor: Macintyre, Iona
Women and Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Colonial Cuba |
Author/Editor: Franklin, Sarah L
Women and the British Army, 1815-1880 |
Author/Editor: Lynn MacKay
Women and the Land, 1500-1900, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Amanda L. Capern,Briony McDonagh,Jennifer Aston
Women and the Law: Carmen de Burgos, an Early Feminist |
Author/Editor: Louis, Anja
Women and Writing, c.1340-c.1650 |
Author/Editor: Lawrence-Mathers, Anne; Hardman, Phillipa
Women and Writing in the Works of Novalis |
Author/Editor: Hodkinson, James R
Women as Public Moralists in Britain |
Author/Editor: Dabby, Benjamin
Women at Work, 1860-1939 |
Author/Editor: Hall, Valerie G
Women, Crusading and the Holy Land in Historical Narrative |
Author/Editor: Hodgson, Natasha R
Women, Dance and Parish Religion in England, 1300-1640: Negotiating the Steps of Faith |
Author/Editor: Lynneth Miller Renberg
Women from the Golden Legend |
Author/Editor: Gatland, Emma
Women in a Medieval Heretical Sect |
Author/Editor: Shahar, Shulamith; Lotan, Yael
Women Intellectuals and Leaders in the Middle Ages, Ed. NED - New edition |
Women in the Factory, 1880-1930: Class and Gender |
Author/Editor: Beatrice Moring
Women in the Prose of María de Zayas |
Author/Editor: O'Brien, Eavan
Women in the Works of Lou Andreas-Salomé |
Author/Editor: Cormican, Muriel
Women in Weimar Fashion |
Author/Editor: Ganeva, Mila
Women, Land and Justice in Tanzania |
Author/Editor: Dancer, Helen
Women Medical Doctors in the United States before the Civil War |
Author/Editor: Atwater, Edward C
Women, Migration & the Cashew Economy in Southern Mozambique |
Author/Editor: Penvenne, Jeanne Marie
Women, Migration & the Cashew Economy in Southern Mozambique: 1945-1975, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Jeanne Marie Penvenne,António Roxo Leão
Women of Quality |
Author/Editor: Tague, Ingrid H
Women & Peacebuilding in Africa |
Author/Editor: Ladan Affi ,Liv Tønnessen ,Aili Mari Tripp
Women Peasant Poets in Eighteenth-Century England, Scotland, and Germany |
Author/Editor: Kord, Susanne
Women, Reform and Community in Early Modern England |
Author/Editor: Harkrider, Melissa Franklin
Women, Religion, and Emotions in Modern Germany and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Lisa Fetheringill Zwicker ,Martina Cucchiara
Women's Authority and Society in Early East-Central Africa |
Author/Editor: Saidi, Christine
Women's Books of Hours in Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Charity Scott-Stokes
Women's Experiences of the Second World War: Exile, Occupation and Everyday Life, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Mark J. Crowley ,Sandra Trudgen Dawson
Women's Land Rights and Privatization in Eastern Africa |
Author/Editor: Englert, Birgit; Daley, Elizabeth
Women's Literary Cultures in the Global Middle Ages: Speaking Internationally |
Author/Editor: Kathryn Loveridge ,Liz Herbert McAvoy ,Sue Niebrzydowski ,Vicki Kay Price
Women's Power in Late Medieval Romance |
Author/Editor: Vines, Amy N
Women, Work and Wages in England, 1600-1850 |
Author/Editor: Lane, Penelope; Raven, Neil; Snell, K.D.M
Words and Notes in the Long Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Weliver, Phyllis; Ellis, Katharine
The Workers' Health Fund in Eretz Israel |
Author/Editor: Shvarts, Shifra
Working Toward Freedom |
Author/Editor: Hudson Jr., Larry E
The Works of Bishop Butler |
Author/Editor: White, David E
The Works of Thomas Traherne I |
Author/Editor: Ross, Jan
The Works of Thomas Traherne II |
Author/Editor: Ross, Jan
The Works of Thomas Traherne III |
Author/Editor: Ross, Jan
The Works of Thomas Traherne IV |
Author/Editor: Ross, Jan
The Works of Thomas Traherne V |
Author/Editor: Ross, Jan
The Works of Thomas Traherne VI |
Author/Editor: Ross, Jan
The Works of Thomas Traherne VII: <em>Christian Ethicks</em> and <em>Roman Forgeries</em> |
The World as Metaphor in Robert Musil's The Man without Qualities |
Author/Editor: Grill, Genese
The World of Chaucer |
Author/Editor: Brewer, Derek
The World of the Medieval Shipmaster |
Author/Editor: Ward, Robin
The World of the Stonors |
Author/Editor: Noble, Elizabeth
The Wounded Self |
Author/Editor: Schmidt, Nina
The Writer in the Academy: Creative Interfrictions |
Author/Editor: Turley, Richard Marggraf
Writers and Politics in Germany, 1945-2008 |
Author/Editor: Parkes, Stuart
Writers in Politics: A Re-engagement with Issues of Literature and Society |
Author/Editor: Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o
The Writers' State |
Author/Editor: Brockmann, Stephen
Writing African History |
Author/Editor: Philips, John Edward
Writing and Heritage in Contemporary Spain |
Author/Editor: Davis, Stuart
Writing China |
Author/Editor: Kitson, Peter J.; Markley, Robert
Writing Europe, 500-1450 |
Author/Editor: Conti, Aidan; Da Rold, Orietta; Shaw, Philip
Writing Ghana, Imagining Africa |
Author/Editor: Korang, Kwaku Larbi
Writing History in the Anglo-Norman World |
Author/Editor: Cleaver, Laura; Worm, Andrea
Writing History in the Community of St Cuthbert, c.700-1130: From Bede to Symeon of Durham, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Charles C. Rozier
Writing Home |
Author/Editor: Kennedy-Andrews, Elmer
Writing in Red |
Author/Editor: Goldstein, Thomas W
Writing Medieval Biography, 750-1250 |
Author/Editor: Bates, David; Crick, Julia; Hamilton, Sarah
Writing Power in Anglo-Saxon England |
Author/Editor: Clarke, Catherine A.M
Writing Regional Identities in Medieval England: From the Gesta Herwardi to Richard Coer de Lyon, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Emily Dolmans
Writing Spatiality in West Africa |
Author/Editor: Krishnan, Madhu
Writing the Early Crusades |
Author/Editor: Bull, Marcus; Kempf, Damien
Writing the Jerusalem Pilgrimage in the Late Middle Ages, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Mary Boyle
Writing the New Berlin |
Author/Editor: Gerstenberger, Katharina
Writing the Nigeria-Biafra War |
Author/Editor: Falola, Toyin; Ezekwem, Ogechukwu
Writing the Revolution |
Author/Editor: Cornils, Ingo
Writing to Change the World |
Author/Editor: Janzen, Marike
Writing War: Medieval Literary Responses to Warfare |
Author/Editor: Saunders, Corinne; Le Saux, Françoise; Thomas, Neil
Writing Wrongdoing in Spain, 1800-1936 |
Author/Editor: Sinclair, Alison; Llano, Samuel
Written under the Skin: Blood and Intergenerational Memory in South Africa, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Carli Coetzee
Wyatt Abroad |
Author/Editor: Rossiter, William T