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Titles start with S (248) | Information |
Sacred Fictions of Medieval France |
Author/Editor: Boulton, Maureen Barry McCann
Sacred Queer Stories: Ugandan LGBTQ+ Refugee Lives & the Bible: Ugandan LGBTQ+ Refugee Lives & the Bible |
Author/Editor: Adriaan van Klinken ,Johanna Stiebert ,Sebyala Brian ,Fredrick Hudson
The Sacred Space of the Virgin Mary in Medieval Hispanic Literature |
Author/Editor: Twomey, Lesley K
Safeguarding Cultural Property and the 1954 Hague Convention: All Possible Steps |
Author/Editor: Emma Cunliffe ,Paul Fox
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage |
Author/Editor: Stefano, Michelle L.; Davis, Peter; Corsane, Gerard
Sailors, Statesmen and the Implementation of Naval Strategy |
Author/Editor: Richard Harding ,Agustín Guimerá
The Saint and the Saga Hero |
Author/Editor: Grønlie, Siân E
Saint Michael the Archangel in Medieval English Legend |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Richard F
Saints and Animals in the Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Alexander, Dominic
Saints and Scholars |
Author/Editor: McWilliams, Stuart
Saints and their Legacies in Medieval Iceland |
Author/Editor: Dario Bullitta ,Kirsten Wolf
Saints' Cults in the Celtic World |
Author/Editor: Boardman, Steve; Davies, John Reuben; Williamson, Eila
Saints, Cure-Seekers and Miraculous Healing in Twelfth-Century England |
Author/Editor: Ruth J. Salter
Saint Simon de Montfort: The Miracles, Laments, Prayers and Hymns |
Author/Editor: SIMON DE MONTFORT SAINT ,David Cox
The Saints' Lives of Jocelin of Furness |
Author/Editor: Birkett, Helen
Samuel Barber Remembered |
Author/Editor: Dickinson, Peter
Samuel Rawson Gardiner and the Idea of History |
Author/Editor: Nixon, Mark
Sara Levy's World: Gender, Judaism, and the Bach Tradition in Enlightenment Berlin, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Cypess ,Nancy Sinkoff
A Saro Community in the Niger Delta, 1912-1984: The Potts-Johnsons of Port Harcourt and Their Heirs, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Mac Dixon-Fyle
The Saxophone Symposium: Journal of the North American Saxophone Alliance, Volume 45 |
Author/Editor: Myles Boothroyd
The Saxophone Symposium: Journal of the North American Saxophone Alliance, Volume 46: 2023 |
Author/Editor: Myles Boothroyd ,Andrew J. Allen
The Saxophone Symposium: Journal of the North American Saxophone Alliance, Volume 44: 2021 |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Blackwell
Scandal and Religious Identity in Early Stuart England |
Author/Editor: Lake, Peter; Stephens, Isaac
Scandal and Survival in Nineteenth-Century Scotland: The Life of Jane Cumming, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Frances B. Singh
Schiller's Literary Prose Works |
Author/Editor: High, Jeffrey L
Schiller's On Grace and Dignity in Its Cultural Context |
Author/Editor: Curran, Jane V.; Fricker, Christophe
Schiller the Dramatist |
Author/Editor: Guthrie, John
Schoenberg's Chamber Music, Schoenberg's World |
Author/Editor: Wright, James K
Schubert in the European Imagination, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Messing, Scott
Schubert's Dances |
Author/Editor: Chusid, Martin
Schubert's Great C Major |
Author/Editor: Devoto, Mark
Schubert's Mature Instrumental Music |
Author/Editor: Beach, David
Schubert's Reputation from His Time to Ours |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Block
Schumann's Piano Cycles and the Novels of Jean Paul |
Author/Editor: Reiman, Erika
Science and Power in Colonial Mauritius |
Author/Editor: Storey, William Kelleher
A Scientist's Tools for Business |
Author/Editor: Sproull, Robert L
The Scoring of Early Classical Concertos, 1750-1780 |
Author/Editor: Maunder, Richard
Scoring Race |
Author/Editor: Higginson, Pim
Scotland and the Wider World: Essays in Honour of Allan I. Macinnes |
Author/Editor: Neil McIntyre ,Alison Cathcart
Scotland, England and France after the Loss of Normandy, 1204-1296 |
Author/Editor: Pollock, M.A
Scotland in the Age of Two Revolutions |
Author/Editor: Adams, Sharon; Goodare, Julian
Scotland's Second War of Independence, 1332-1357 |
Author/Editor: MacInnes, Iain A
The Scots and Medieval Arthurian Legend |
Author/Editor: Purdie, Rhiannon; Royan, Nicola
The Scots in Australia, 1788-1938 |
Author/Editor: Wilkie, Benjamin
Scottish Castles |
Author/Editor: Adrian Pettifer
The Scottish Middle March, 1573-1625 |
Author/Editor: Groundwater, Anna
Scottish Orientalists and India |
Author/Editor: Powell, Avril A
The Scourge of Demons |
Author/Editor: Watt, Jeffrey R
Screening War |
Author/Editor: Cooke, Paul; Silberman, Marc
The Sea and Englishness in the Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Sobecki, Sebastian I
The Sea and Medieval English Literature |
Author/Editor: Sobecki, Sebastian I
The Sea in History - The Ancient World |
Author/Editor: de Souza, Philip; Arnaud, Pascal; Buchet, Christian
The Sea in History - The Early Modern World, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Christian Buchet,Gérard Le Bouëdec,Christian Buchet
The Sea in History - The Medieval World |
Author/Editor: Balard, Michel; Buchet, Christian
The Sea in History - The Modern World |
Author/Editor: Rodger, N.A.M.; Buchet, Christian
The Sea in the British Musical Imagination |
Author/Editor: Saylor, Eric; Scheer, Christopher M
Seamus Heaney and Medieval Poetry |
Author/Editor: McCarthy, Conor
The Sea on Fire: Jean Barraqué |
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Paul
Seasons in the Literatures of the Medieval North |
Author/Editor: Langeslag, Paul S
Second-Generation Holocaust Literature |
Author/Editor: McGlothlin, Erin
The Secret Police Dossier of Herta Müller: A “File Story" of Cold War Surveillance |
Author/Editor: Valentina Glajar
Secret Police Files from the Eastern Bloc |
Author/Editor: Glajar, Valentina; Lewis, Alison; Petrescu, Corina L
The Secret Violence of Henry Miller |
Author/Editor: Masuga, Katy
The Secret War Between the Wars: MI5 in the 1920s and 1930s |
Author/Editor: Quinlan, Kevin
Sects & Social Disorder |
Author/Editor: Mustapha, Abdul Raufu
Secular Foundations of the Liberal State in Victorian Britain |
Author/Editor: William C. Lubenow
Secular Saints |
Author/Editor: Misemer, Sarah M
Security and Illegality in Cuba's Transition to Democracy |
Author/Editor: Vidal Romero
Seeking Accountability for Nazi and War Crimes in East and Central Europe: A People’s Justice? |
Author/Editor: Eric Le Bourhis ,Irina Tcherneva ,Vanessa Voisin
The Segovia Manuscript: A European Musical Repertory in Spain, c.1500, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Fuhrmann,Cristina Urchueguía
Selected Works by J. M. R. Lenz: Plays, Stories, Essays, and Poems, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: J. M. R. Lenz,Martin Wagner,Ellwood Wiggins
Self-Interpretation in The Faerie Queene |
Author/Editor: Suttie, Paul
Self-Quotation in Schubert: "Ave Maria," the Second Piano Trio, and Other Works, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Scott Messing
Seneca's <em>Medea</em> and Republican Spain: Performing the Nation |
Author/Editor: Oliver Baldwin
The Sense of Injustice and the Origin of Modern Democracy |
Author/Editor: Smith, Bruce J
Sergi Belbel and Catalan Theatre |
Author/Editor: George, David
Servants in Rural Europe |
Author/Editor: Whittle, Jane
Setting Nutritional Standards |
Author/Editor: Neswald, Elizabeth; Smith, David F.; Thoms, Ulrike
Sex Ed, Segregated |
Author/Editor: Shah, Courtney Q
Sexual Culture in the Literature of Medieval Britain |
Author/Editor: Hopkins, Amanda; Rouse, Robert Allen; Rushton, Cory James
Sexualidades disidentes en la narrativa cubana contemporánea |
Author/Editor: Valladares-Ruiz, Patricia
Sexuality and Gender Politics in Mozambique |
Author/Editor: Arnfred, Signe
Shades of the Prison House |
Author/Editor: Potter, Harry
Shakespeare and Machiavelli |
Author/Editor: John Roe
Shakespeare's Ovid and the Spectre of the Medieval, NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Lindsay Ann Reid
Shaping Courtliness in Medieval France |
Author/Editor: O'Sullivan, Daniel E.; Shepard, Laurie
Shaping the College Experience Outside the Classroom |
Author/Editor: Scannell, James; Simpson, Kathleen
Sheng |
Author/Editor: Githiora, Chege
The Shepherd, the Volk, and the Middle Class: Transformations of Pastoral in German-Language Writing, 1750-1850, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Elystan Griffiths
Shifting Boundaries of Public Health |
Author/Editor: Gross Solomon, Susan; Murard, Lion; Zylberman, Patrick
Shifting Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Tate, Dennis
The Shiny Seventh: The 7th (Service) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment at War, 1915-1918 |
Author/Editor: M. G. Deacon
Shipping the Medieval Military |
Author/Editor: Lambert, Craig L
Ships and Men in the Late Viking Age |
Author/Editor: Jesch, Judith
Shoplifting in Eighteenth-Century England |
Author/Editor: Tickell, Shelley
The Short Story in German in the Twenty-First Century, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Lyn Marven,Andrew Plowman,Kate Roy
A Show of Hands for the Republic |
Author/Editor: Walshaw, Jill Maciak
Sickness in the Workhouse: Poor Law Medical Care in Provincial England, 1834-1914, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Alistair Ritch
The Silent Muse: The Memoirs of Asta Nielsen |
Author/Editor: JULIE K. ALLEN
Singapore, Chinese Migration and the Making of the British Empire, 1819-67 |
Author/Editor: Neal, Stan
Singing Sedition |
Author/Editor: Brewer, Charles E
Singing the Crusades |
Author/Editor: Paterson, Linda
Sin in Medieval and Early Modern Culture |
Author/Editor: Newhauser, Richard G.; Ridyard, Susan J
Sir Bevis of Hampton in Literary Tradition |
Author/Editor: Fellows, Jennifer; Djordjevic, Ivana
Sir Francis Drake |
Author/Editor: Wathen, Bruce
Sir Francis Henry Drake (1723-1794) |
Author/Editor: Scott-Stokes, Charity; Lumb, Alan
Sir George Dyson |
Author/Editor: Spicer, Paul
Sir Henry Wood: Champion of J.S. Bach |
Author/Editor: French, Hannah
Sir John Fortescue and the Governance of England |
Author/Editor: Kekewich, Margaret
Sir Thomas Malory: <em>Le Morte Darthur</em>: The Definitive Original Text Edition |
Author/Editor: THOMAS MALORY ,P. J. C. Field
A Sixpence at Whist: Gaming and the English Middle Classes, 1680-1830 |
Author/Editor: Mullin, Janet E
Slave Emancipation, Christian Communities, and Dissent in Post-Abolition Tanzania, 1878-1978 |
Author/Editor: Salvatory S. Nyanto
Slavery Hinterland |
Author/Editor: Brahm, Felix; Rosenhaft, Eve
Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa, Ed. NED - New edition |
Slaves of Fortune |
Author/Editor: Lamothe, Ronald M
Slaves, Spices and Ivory in Zanzibar: Integration of an East African Commercial Empire into the World Economy, 1770-1873, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Abdul Sheriff
Sleeping in Temples |
Author/Editor: Tomes, Susan
Slow Scholarship: Medieval Research and the Neoliberal University, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Catherine E. Karkov
Smolensk under the Nazis |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Laurie R
A Social History of British Naval Officers, 1775-1815 |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Evan
The Social History of English Seamen, 1485-1649 |
Author/Editor: Fury, Cheryl A
The Social History of English Seamen, 1650-1815 |
Author/Editor: Fury, Cheryl A
Socialising the Child in Late Medieval England, c. 1400-1600 |
Author/Editor: Bailey, Merridee L
Social Relations and Urban Space: Norwich, 1600-1700 |
Author/Editor: Williamson, Fiona
The Social World of the Abbey of Cava, c. 1020-1300 |
Author/Editor: G.A. LOUD
Socrates and Divine Revelation |
Author/Editor: Fallis, Lewis
The Soldier Experience in the Fourteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Bell, Adrian R.; Curry, Anne; Andy King David Simpkin, Adam Chapman
A Soldier in Bedfordshire, 1941-1942: The Diary of Private Denis Argent, Royal Engineers |
Author/Editor: Patricia Malcolmson ,Robert Malcolmson
A Soldiers' Chronicle of the Hundred Years War: College of Arms Manuscript M 9 |
Author/Editor: Anne Curry ,Rémy Ambühl
Soldiers, Nobles and Gentlemen |
Author/Editor: Coss, Peter; Tyerman, Christopher
Sol Plaatje's Mhudi: History, criticism, celebration |
Author/Editor: Sabata-mpho Mokae ,Brian Willan
The Sonatas of Henry Purcell |
Author/Editor: Schab, Alon
The Song of Bertrand du Guesclin |
Author/Editor: Cuvelier,Nigel Bryant
The Songs and Travels of a Tudor Minstrel: Richard Sheale of Tamworth |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Andrew
Songs for a Revolution: The 1848 Protest Song Tradition in Germany, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Eckhard John ,David Robb
Songs for Cabo Verde: Norberto Tavares's Musical Visions for a New Republic |
Author/Editor: Susan Hurley-Glowa
The Songs of Edvard Grieg |
Author/Editor: Foster, Beryl
The Songs of Jean Sibelius: Poetry, Music, Performance |
Author/Editor: Gustav Djupsjöbacka
The Songs of Johanna Kinkel: Genesis, Reception, Context, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Anja Bunzel
Songs without Words |
Author/Editor: Mangsen, Sandra
Sophie Discovers Amerika |
Author/Editor: McFarland, Rob; James, Michelle Stott
The Sound of Finnish Angels |
Author/Editor: Stepien, Wojciech
Sources and Analogues of the Canterbury Tales: vol. II |
Author/Editor: Correale, Robert M.; Hamel, Mary
Sources and Analogues of the Canterbury Tales: volume I |
Author/Editor: Correale, Robert M.; Hamel, Mary
Sources and Methods in African History |
Author/Editor: Falola, Toyin; Jennings, Christian
South Africa and the World Economy |
Author/Editor: Martin, William G
South Africa's Gold Mines and the Politics of Silicosis |
Author/Editor: McCulloch, Jock
South Africa - The Present as History |
Author/Editor: Saul, John S.; Bond, Patrick
The Southern French Nobility and the Albigensian Crusade |
Author/Editor: Graham-Leigh, Elaine
The South Sea Bubble and Ireland |
Author/Editor: Walsh, Patrick
Space and Place in Alice Munro's Fiction |
Author/Editor: Lorre-Johnston, Christine; Rao, Eleonora
The Space of Words |
Author/Editor: Hoyer, Jennifer M
Spanish American Poetry after 1950 |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Donald L
Spanish Golden Age Poetry in Motion |
Author/Editor: Andrews, Jean; Torres, Isabel
The Spanish Hermes and Wisdom Traditions in Medieval Iberia: Alfonso X's <em>General Estoria</em> |
Author/Editor: Juan Udaondo Alegre
The Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919 |
Author/Editor: Porras-Gallo, María-Isabel; Davis, Ryan A
Spanish National Identity, Colonial Power, and the Portrayal of Muslims and Jews during the Rif War (1909-27), Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Bolorinos Allard
Spanish Reception of Russian Narratives, 1905-1939 |
Author/Editor: Purkey, Lynn C
Speaking the Piano |
Author/Editor: Tomes, Susan
Special Operations in the Age of Chivalry, 1100-1550 |
Author/Editor: Harari, Yuval Noah
Speculations on German History |
Author/Editor: Emslie, Barry
The Speculum of Archbishop Thomas Secker |
Author/Editor: Gregory, Jeremy
Spenser's Legal Language |
Author/Editor: Zurcher, Andrew
Spirit of Resistance |
Author/Editor: Dewulf, Jeroen
The Spiritual Consciousness of Carmen Martín Gaite: The Whole of Life has Meaning |
Author/Editor: Anne-Marie Storrs
Spiritual Contestations – The Violence of Peace in South Sudan |
Author/Editor: Naomi Ruth Pendle
Sport, History, and Heritage |
Author/Editor: Hill, Jeffrey; Moore, Kevin; Wood, Jason
Sports & Modernity in Late Imperial Ethiopia |
The Spy Who Came In From the Co-op |
Author/Editor: Burke, David
Squatters and the Roots of Mau Mau, 1905-63, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Tabitha Kanogo
Stages of European Romanticism |
Author/Editor: Ziolkowski, Theodore
Staging Islam in England: Drama and Culture, 1640-1685 |
Author/Editor: Birchwood, Matthew
Star Turns and Cameo Appearances |
Author/Editor: Jacobson, Bernard
State and Market in Victorian Britain |
Author/Editor: Daunton, Martin
State-building and National Militaries in Postcolonial West Africa: Decolonizing the Means of Coercion 1958–1974 |
Author/Editor: Riina Turtio
State Formation in Early Modern Alsace, 1648-1789 |
Author/Editor: Lazer, Stephen A
State of Nature or Eden? |
Author/Editor: Thornton, Helen
The State of Post-conflict Reconstruction |
Author/Editor: Badiey, Naseem
The State Trials and the Politics of Justice in Later Stuart England |
Author/Editor: Brian Cowan ,Scott Sowerby
St David of Wales: Cult, Church and Nation |
Author/Editor: Evans, J. Wyn; Wooding, Jonathan M
St Edmund, King and Martyr |
Author/Editor: Bale, Anthony
Stefan Zweig and World Literature |
Author/Editor: Vanwesenbeeck, Birger; Gelber, Mark H
St Helena: An Island Biography |
Author/Editor: Arthur MacGregor
Stone Fidelity: Memorialising Marriage in Medieval Tomb Sculpture, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Jessica Barker
Storytelling in the Works of Bunyan, Grimmelshausen, Defoe, and Schnabel |
Author/Editor: Bertsch, Janet
Story, World and Character in the Late <em>Íslendingasögur</em>: Rogue Sagas |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Merkelbach
The Strasbourg <em>Cantiones</em> of 1539: Protestant City, Catholic Music |
Author/Editor: Daniel Trocmé-Latter
Strategy and the Sea |
Author/Editor: Rodger, N.A.M.; Benjamin Darnell, J. Ross Dancy; Wilson, and Evan
Strategy and War Planning in the British Navy, 1887-1918 |
Author/Editor: Grimes, Shawn T
Stratton Churchwardens' Accounts, 1512-1578 |
Author/Editor: Mattingly, Joanna
Stravinsky's Great Passacaglia |
Author/Editor: Traut, Donald G
Strawopolis: Luton Transformed 1840-1876 |
Author/Editor: Stephen Bunker
Stress, Shock, and Adaptation in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Cantor, David; Ramsden, Edmund
The Struggle for Land and Justice in Kenya, Ed. NED - New edition |
The Struggle for Mastery in Ireland, 1442-1540: Culture, Politics and Kildare-Ormond Rivalry |
Author/Editor: Alan Kelly
St Samson of Dol and the Earliest History of Brittany, Cornwall and Wales |
Author/Editor: Olson, Lynette
St Stephen's Chapel and the Palace of Westminster |
Author/Editor: Tim Ayers ,J. P. D. Cooper ,Elizabeth Hallam Smith ,Caroline Shenton
St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster: A Royal Chapel and English Kingship, 1348-1548, Ed. NED - New edition |
Stuart Marriage Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Caldari, Valentina; Wolfson, Sara J
The Stuart Restoration and the English in Ireland |
Author/Editor: McCormack, Danielle
Studies in Medievalism XII |
Author/Editor: Shippey, Tom; Arnold, Martin
Studies in Medievalism XIX |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl
Studies in Medievalism XVI |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl; Robinson, Carol L
Studies in Medievalism XVII |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl
Studies in Medievalism XVIII |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl
Studies in Medievalism XX |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl
Studies in Medievalism XXI |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl
Studies in Medievalism XXII |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl
Studies in Medievalism XXIII |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl
Studies in Medievalism XXIV |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl; Ferré, Vincent; Montoya, Alicia C
Studies in Medievalism XXIX: Politics and Medievalism (Studies), Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Karl Fugelso
Studies in Medievalism XXV |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl; Davies, Joshua; Salih, Sarah
Studies in Medievalism XXVI |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl
Studies in Medievalism XXVII: Authenticity, Medievalism, Music, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Karl Fugelso
Studies in Medievalism XXVIII |
Author/Editor: Fugelso, Karl
Studies in Medievalism XXXIII: (En)gendering Medievalism |
Author/Editor: Karl Fugelso
Studies in Medievalism XXXII: Medievalism in Play |
Author/Editor: Karl Fugelso
Studies in Medievalism XXXI: Politics and Medievalism (Studies) III |
Author/Editor: Karl Fugelso
Studies in the Age of Gower: A Festschrift in Honour of Robert F. Yeager, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Susannah Mary Chewning
Studies in the English Pantomime |
Author/Editor: Semmens, Richard
Studies on Spanish Poetry in Honour of Trevor J. Dadson: Entre los Siglos de Oro y el siglo XXI, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Javier Letrán,Isabel Torres
Studies on Women's Poetry of the Golden Age |
Author/Editor: Olivares, Julián
A Study of the Major Novellas of E.T.A. Hoffmann |
Author/Editor: Röder, Birgit
St William of York |
Author/Editor: Norton, Christopher
Subaltern Medievalisms: Medievalism 'from below' in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: David Matthews,Mike Sanders
The Sublime |
Author/Editor: Tsang, Lap-Chuen
The Substance of Things Heard |
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Paul
Sudan Looks East |
Author/Editor: Large, Daniel; Patey, Luke A
Sudan's Blood Memory: |
Author/Editor: Beswick, Stephanie
Suddenly Everything Was Different |
Author/Editor: Klein, Olaf Georg; McGlashan, Ann; Allman, Dwight D
Sufi City |
Author/Editor: Ross, Eric S
Sufism and Jihad in Modern Senegal |
Author/Editor: Glover, John
Suicide in East German Literature |
Author/Editor: Blankenship, Robert
Summary Catalogue of the Additional Medieval Manuscripts in Cambridge University Library acquired before 1940 |
Author/Editor: Ringrose, Jayne
Sunday Observance and the Sunday Letter in Anglo-Saxon England |
Author/Editor: Haines, Dorothy; Haines, Dorothy
The Sunday School Movement in Britain, 1900-1939 |
Supernatural Cities |
Author/Editor: Bell, Karl
The Supernatural Voice |
Author/Editor: Ravens, Simon
Suppressing Piracy in the Early Eighteenth Century: Pirates, Merchants and British Imperial Authority in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: David Wilson
Surgical Repair of the Arteries in War and Peace, 1880-1960 |
Author/Editor: Barr, Justin
Susan B. Anthony and the Struggle for Equal Rights |
Author/Editor: Ridarsky, Christine L.; Huth, Mary M
Sustaining the Fleet, 1793-1815 |
Author/Editor: Knight, Roger; Wilcox, Martin
The Swahili Novel |
Author/Editor: Garnier, Xavier
Swein Forkbeard's Invasions and the Danish Conquest of England, 991-1017 |
Author/Editor: Howard, Ian
The Sword: Form and Thought, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Lisa Deutscher,Mirjam Kaiser,Sixt Wetzler
The Sword in Early Medieval Northern Europe: Experience, Identity, Representation, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Sue Brunning
The Symphonic Poem in Britain, 1850-1950, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Allis,Paul Watt
Syon Abbey and its Books |
Author/Editor: Jones, E. A.; Walsham, Alexandra