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Titles ( displaying 500 of 11,313 ) Information
The 1002nd Night
Author/Editor: Greger, Debora
1177 B.C
Author/Editor: Cline, Eric H
1177 B.C
Author/Editor: Cline, Eric H
1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed: Revised and Updated, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: Eric H. Cline
1816, 1
Author/Editor: C. EDWARD SKEEN
The 1970s
Author/Editor: Borstelmann, Thomas
Author/Editor: Sarotte, Mary Elise
24/7 Politics: Cable Television and the Fragmenting of America from Watergate to Fox News, Vol. 148
Author/Editor: Kathryn Cramer Brownell
The 25-Year War
Author/Editor: BRUCE PALMER Jr.
{#289-128}: Poems
3-D Revolution
Author/Editor: Ray Zone
40 Years of Evolution
Author/Editor: Grant, Peter R.; Grant, B. Rosemary
428 AD
Author/Editor: Traina, Giusto
The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking
Author/Editor: Burger, Edward B.; Starbird, Michael
99 Variations on a Proof
Author/Editor: Philip Ording
The 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam
Author/Editor: Ira A. Hunt Jr.
Aaron Copland and His World
Author/Editor: Oja, Carol J.; Tick, Judith
Abbot Suger on the Abbey Church of St. Denis and Its Art Treasures: Second Edition
Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication and Modular Functions
Author/Editor: Goro Shimura
Author/Editor: Virgil Abloh ,Larry Warsh
The Abolitionists and the South, 1831-1861, 1
Author/Editor: Stanley Harrold
Abortion and Moral Theory
Author/Editor: Sumner, L. W
Author/Editor: Yablo, Stephen
Abraham Lincoln and Reconstruction
Author/Editor: McCrary, Peyton
Abraham Lincoln, Esq.
Author/Editor: Roger Billings,Frank J. Williams
Abraham on Trial: The Social Legacy of Biblical Myth
Author/Editor: Carol Delaney
Abraham Robinson
Author/Editor: Dauben, Joseph Warren
Absentee Landowning and Exploitation in West Virginia, 1760-1920, 1
Author/Editor: Barbara Rasmussen
Academic Instincts
Author/Editor: Garber, Marjorie
An Academic Life
Author/Editor: Gray, Hanna Holborn
The Academic Mind and Reform
Author/Editor: BENJAMIN G. RADER
The Academic Scribblers
Author/Editor: Breit, William; Ransom, Roger L
Academic Writing as if Readers Matter
Author/Editor: Leonard Cassuto
Accelerating Democracy
Author/Editor: McGinnis, John O
An Accented Cinema
Author/Editor: Naficy, Hamid
Access to Energy
Author/Editor: MELVIN A. CONANT
Access to Power
Author/Editor: JOAN Μ. NELSON
Accidental Feminism: Gender Parity and Selective Mobility among India???s Professional Elite
Author/Editor: Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen
The Accidental Proletariat
Author/Editor: Connor, Walter D
Accion Democratica
Author/Editor: Martz, John D
Accounting in Small Business Decisions
The Achievement of Wendell Berry
Author/Editor: Fritz Oehlschlaeger
Achievement of William Dean Howells
Author/Editor: Vanderbilt, Kermit
Achilles' Choice
Author/Editor: Lenson, David
Across an Inland Sea: Writing in Place from Buffalo to Berlin
Author/Editor: Nicholas Howe
Across the Board
Author/Editor: Watkins, John J
Acting and Action in Shakespearean Tragedy
Author/Editor: Goldman, Michael
Action and Conviction in Early Modern Europe
Author/Editor: Rabb, Theodore K.; Seigel, Jerrold E
Action-minimizing Methods in Hamiltonian Dynamics (MN-50)
Author/Editor: Sorrentino, Alfonso
The Action Principle and Partial Differential Equations. (AM-146), Volume 146
Author/Editor: Christodoulou, Demetrios
Active Defense
Author/Editor: Fravel, M. Taylor
Active Galactic Nuclei: From the Central Black Hole to the Galactic Environment
Author/Editor: Julian H. Krolik
The Activist Humanist: Form and Method in the Climate Crisis
Act of Contrition
Author/Editor: Janice Holt Giles
Act of Justice
Author/Editor: Burrus M. Carnahan
Actors, Audiences, and Historic Theaters of Kentucky
Author/Editor: Marilyn Casto
Acts of Compassion
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
Adam Smith
Author/Editor: Hanley, Ryan Patrick
Adam Smith Goes to Moscow
Author/Editor: Adams, Walter; Brock, James W
Adam Smith Reconsidered: History, Liberty, and the Foundations of Modern Politics
Author/Editor: PAUL SAGAR
Adam Smith’s America: How a Scottish Philosopher Became an Icon of American Capitalism
Author/Editor: GLORY M. LIU
Adams on Adams, 1
Author/Editor: Paul M. Zall
Adaptation and Environment
Author/Editor: Brandon, Robert N
Adaptation and Natural Selection
Author/Editor: GEORGE C. WILLIAMS,Richard Dawkins
Adaptation and Natural Selection
Author/Editor: Williams, George Christopher
Adaptive Control of Parabolic PDEs
Author/Editor: Smyshlyaev, Andrey; Krstic, Miroslav
Adaptive Control Processes
Author/Editor: Bellman, Richard E
Adaptive Diversification (MPB-48)
Author/Editor: Doebeli, Michael
Adaptive Geometry of Trees (MPB-3), Volume 3
Author/Editor: HENRY S. HORN
Adaptive Markets
Author/Editor: Lo, Andrew W
Adaptive Markets
Author/Editor: Lo, Andrew W
Addiction by Design
Author/Editor: Schüll, Natasha Dow
The Address of the Eye: A Phenomenology of Film Experience
Author/Editor: Vivian Sobchack
Admirals, Generals, and American Foreign Policy, 1898-1914
Author/Editor: Challener, Richard D
The Admissible Dual of GL(N) via Compact Open Subgroups. (AM-129), Volume 129
Author/Editor: Bushnell, C.; Kutzko, P. C
Adolph Rupp and the Rise of Kentucky Basketball
Author/Editor: James Duane Bolin
Adorno and Democracy
Advance and Destroy
Author/Editor: John Nelson Rickard
Advances in Analysis
Author/Editor: Fefferman, Charles; Ionescu, Alexandru D.; Phong, D.H
Advances in Behavioral Economics
Author/Editor: Camerer, Colin F.; Loewenstein, George; Rabin, Matthew
Advances in Behavioral Finance, Volume II
Author/Editor: Thaler, Richard H
Advances in Game Theory. (AM-52), Volume 52
Author/Editor: Dresher, Melvin; Shapley, Lloyd S.; Tucker, Albert William
Advances in the Theory of Riemann Surfaces. (AM-66), Volume 66
Author/Editor: Ahlfors, Lars Valerian; Bers, Lipman
Advent Lyrics of the Exeter Book
Author/Editor: Campbell, Jackson J
Adventures in Good Cooking
Author/Editor: Duncan Hines,Louis Hatchett,Michael Stern,Jane Stern
Adventures in Paranormal Investigation
Author/Editor: Joe Nickell
Adventures in the Deeps of the Mind
Author/Editor: Friedman, Barton R
The Adventures of David Simple and Volume the Last, 1
Author/Editor: Sarah Fielding,Peter Sabor
The Adventures of Wu
Author/Editor: Lowe, H. Y
Advertising and a Democratic Press
Author/Editor: Baker, C. Edwin
Aemilia Lanyer, 1
Author/Editor: Marshall Grossman
Aeneas, Sicily, and Rome
Author/Editor: Galinsky, Karl
Aepinus's Essay on the Theory of Electricity and Magnetism
Author/Editor: Home, Roderick Weir
Aerodynamic Components of Aircraft at High Speeds
Author/Editor: Donovan, Allen F
Aerodynamics of Turbines and Compressors. (HSA-1), Volume 1
Author/Editor: Hawthorne, William R
Author/Editor: Aeschylus
Aesopic Conversations
Author/Editor: Kurke, Leslie
Aesop's Fables
Author/Editor: John E. Keller,L. Clark Keating
Aesthetic and Critical Theory of John Ruskin
Author/Editor: Landow, George P
Aesthetic and Myth in the Poetry of Keats
Author/Editor: Evert, Walter H
The Aesthetic Cold War: Decolonization and Global Literature
Author/Editor: PETER J. KALLINEY
Aesthetic Individualism and Practical Intellect
Author/Editor: Hansen, Olaf
Aestheticism and Deconstruction
Author/Editor: Loesberg, Jonathan
The Aesthetics of Architecture
Author/Editor: ROGER SCRUTON
The Aesthetics of Gyorgy Lukacs
Author/Editor: Kiralyfalvi, Bela
The Aesthetics of Mimesis
Author/Editor: Halliwell, Stephen
The Aesthetics of the Greek Banquet
Author/Editor: Lissarrague, François
Affluence and Influence
Author/Editor: Gilens, Martin
Affluence and the French Worker in the Fourth Republic
Affordable Housing in New York: The People, Places, and Policies That Transformed a City
Author/Editor: Nicholas Dagen Bloom,Matthew Gordon Lasner,David Schalliol
Affrilachia: Testimonies, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Barfield, Thomas
Author/Editor: Dupree, Louis
Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Barfield
African American Fraternities and Sororities
Author/Editor: Tamara L. Brown,Gregory S. Parks,Clarenda M. Phillips
African American Fraternities and Sororities, 2
Author/Editor: Tamara L. Brown,Gregory S. Parks,Clarenda M. Phillips
African Businessmen and Development in Zambia
Author/Editor: Beveridge, Andrew A.; Oberschall, Anthony R
African Dominion
Author/Editor: Gomez, Michael
African Folktales
Author/Editor: Radin, Paul
The African Novel of Ideas: Philosophy and Individualism in the Age of Global Writing
Author/Editor: Jeanne-Marie Jackson
The African Wild Dog: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation
Africa’s Struggle for Its Art: History of a Postcolonial Defeat
Author/Editor: Bénédicte Savoy ,Susanne Meyer-Abich
After Adam Smith
Author/Editor: Milgate, Murray; Stimson, Shannon C
After Anarchy
Author/Editor: Hurd, Ian
After Art
Author/Editor: Joselit, David
After Brown
Author/Editor: Clotfelter, Charles T
After Callimachus: Poems
Author/Editor: Stephanie Burt,Mark Payne
After Civil Rights
Author/Editor: Skrentny, John D
After Cloven Tongues of Fire
Author/Editor: Hollinger, David A
After Colonialism
Author/Editor: Prakash, Gyan
After Every War
Author/Editor: Eavan Boland
After Hegel
Author/Editor: Beiser, Frederick C
After Hegemony
Author/Editor: Keohane, Robert O
After Kant: The Romans, the Germans, and the Moderns in the History of Political Thought
After Liberalism
Author/Editor: Gottfried, Paul Edward
The Afterlife of Property
Author/Editor: Nunokawa, Jeff
Author/Editor: Brison, Susan J
Aftermath of Revolt
Author/Editor: Metcalf, Thomas R
Aftermath: Violence and the Remaking of a Self
Author/Editor: SUSAN J. BRISON
After One-Hundred-and-Twenty
Author/Editor: Halkin, Hillel
After One Hundred Winters: In Search of Reconciliation on America's Stolen Lands
After Repression: How Polarization Derails Democratic Transition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth R. Nugent
Author/Editor: Seva Gunitsky
After the Baby Boomers
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
After the Dream
Author/Editor: Timothy J. Minchin,John A. Salmond
After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History - Updated Edition, Vol. 112
After the Holocaust: Rebuilding Jewish Lives in Postwar Germany
Author/Editor: Michael Brenner ,Barbara Harsha
After the Trauma
Author/Editor: Harvey Curtis Webster
After the War Was Over
Author/Editor: Mazower, Mark
After Utopia
Author/Editor: Shklar, Judith N
After Utopia: The Decline of Political Faith
Author/Editor: JUDITH N. SHKLAR,Samuel Moyn
After Victory
Author/Editor: Ikenberry, G. John
After Victory
Author/Editor: Ikenberry, G. John
Against Deconstruction
Author/Editor: Ellis, John Martin
Against Democracy
Author/Editor: Brennan, Jason
Against Massacre
Author/Editor: Rodogno, Davide
Against Political Equality: The Confucian Case
Author/Editor: TONGDONG BAI
Against Security
Author/Editor: Molotch, Harvey
Against Security
Author/Editor: Molotch, Harvey
Against the Current
Author/Editor: Berlin, Isaiah; Hardy, Henry
Against the Death Penalty: Writings from the First Abolitionists—Giuseppe Pelli and Cesare Beccaria
Against the Spirit of System
Author/Editor: Warner, John Harley
Against the Tide: An Intellectual History of Free Trade
Author/Editor: Douglas A. Irwin
Age and Achievement
Author/Editor: HARVEY C. LEHMAN
Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling
Author/Editor: Railsback, Steven F.; Grimm, Volker
Agents of Apocalypse
Author/Editor: De Bevoise, Ken
Agents of Reform: Child Labor and the Origins of the Welfare State
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Anderson
Author/Editor: Epstein, Joshua M
The Age of Auden
Author/Editor: Wasley, Aidan
The Age of Garvey
Author/Editor: Ewing, Adam
The Age of Grace
Author/Editor: MacLachlan, Bonnie
The Age of Hiroshima
Author/Editor: Gordin, Michael D.; Ikenberry, G. John
The Age of Questions
Author/Editor: Case, Holly
An Age of Risk
Author/Editor: Nacol, Emily
The Age of Social Democracy: Norway and Sweden in the Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Francis Sejersted ,Richard Daly ,Madeleine B. Adams
The Age of the Bachelor: Creating an American Subculture
Author/Editor: Howard P. Chudacoff
The Age of the Crisis of Man
Author/Editor: Greif, Mark
The Age of the Democratic Revolution
Author/Editor: Palmer, R. R
Age of the Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800, Volume 2: The Struggle
Author/Editor: R. R. PALMER
Age of the Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800, Volume 1: The Challenge
Author/Editor: R. R. PALMER
The Age of the Vikings
Author/Editor: Winroth, Anders
The Ages of Man
Author/Editor: Sears, Elizabeth
Aggregation in Economic Analysis
Author/Editor: Green, H.A. John
Aggressive Political Participation
Author/Editor: Muller, Edward N
The Agony of the Russian Idea
Author/Editor: McDaniel, Tim
Agrarian Crossings
Author/Editor: Tore C. Olsson
Agrarian Elites and Italian Fascism
Author/Editor: Cardoza, Anthony L
Agrarianism and the Good Society
Author/Editor: ERIC T. FREYFOGLE
Agrarian Kentucky
Author/Editor: THOMAS D. CLARK
Agrarian Radicalism in South India
Author/Editor: Bouton, Marshall M
The Agrarian Vision
Author/Editor: Paul B. Thompson
Agricultural Development and Tenancy Disputes in Japan, 1870-1940
Author/Editor: Smethurst, Richard J
Agricultural Production and the Economic Development of Japan, 1873-1922
Author/Editor: Nakamura, James I
Agriculture and Economic Growth
Author/Editor: Ohkawa, Kazushi; Johnston, Bruce F.; Kaneda, Hiromitsu
AIDS and the Social Sciences
Author/Editor: Richard Ulack,William F. Skinner
Aid Under Fire
Author/Editor: Jessica Elkind
Ailing, Aging, Addicted
Author/Editor: Bert E. Park,Arthur S. Link
The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory, Vol. 126
Author/Editor: PIERRE DUHEM ,PHILIP P. WIENER ,Jules Vuillemin
AI Needs You: How We Can Change AI's Future and Save Our Own
Air and Water: The Biology and Physics of Life's Media
Author/Editor: Mark W. Denny
Aircraft Dynamics and Automatic Control
Author/Editor: McRuer, Duane T.; Graham, Dunstan; Ashkenas, Irving
The Air Force Way of War
Author/Editor: BRIAN D. LASLIE
Airlines and Air Mail, 1
Author/Editor: F. Robert van der Linden
AI Snake Oil: What Artificial Intelligence Can Do, What It Can’t, and How to Tell the Difference
Alabama in Africa
Author/Editor: Zimmerman, Andrew
Alan Turing
Author/Editor: Hodges, Andrew
Alan Turing's Systems of Logic: The Princeton Thesis
Author/Editor: Andrew W. Appel
Alan Turing: The Enigma
Author/Editor: Hodges, Andrew
Alban Berg and His World
Author/Editor: Hailey, Christopher
Albanian Escape
Author/Editor: Agnes Jensen Mangerich,Evelyn M. Monahan,Rosemary L. Neidel
The Albanian National Awakening
Author/Editor: Skendi, Stavro
Alben Barkley
Author/Editor: JAMES K. LIBBEY
Albert Ballin
Author/Editor: Cecil, Lamar
Albert Capellani
Albert D. Kirwan
Author/Editor: Frank Furlong Mathias
Albert Einstein, Historical and Cultural Perspectives
Author/Editor: Holton, Gerald; Elkana, Yehuda
Albert Einstein, The Human Side
Author/Editor: Einstein, Albert; Dukas, Helen; Hoffmann, Banesh
Albert Shaw of the Review of Reviews
Author/Editor: Lloyd J. Graybar
Albert Sidney Johnston
Author/Editor: Charles P. Roland,Gary W. Gallagher
The Album of the World Emperor: Cross-Cultural Collecting and the Art of Album-Making in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul
Author/Editor: Emine Fetvacý
Alexander Gumberg and Soviet-American Relations
Author/Editor: James K. Libbey
Alexander Pope
Author/Editor: Griffin, Dustin H
Alexander Pope and the Traditions of Formal Verse Satire
Author/Editor: Weinbrot, Howard D
Alexander the Great
Author/Editor: JOHN BOARDMAN
Alexander the Great and His Empire
Author/Editor: Briant, Pierre
Alexandria Still
Author/Editor: Pinchin, Jane Lagoudis
Alfred Hitchcock
Author/Editor: Paula Marantz Cohen
Alfred Russel Wallace: A Life
Author/Editor: Peter Raby
Algebraic Curves over a Finite Field
Author/Editor: Hirschfeld, J. W. P.; Korchmáros, G.; Torres, F
Algebraic Geometry
Author/Editor: Lefschetz, Solomon
Algebraic Geometry and Topology
Author/Editor: Fox, Ralph Hartzler
Algebraic Geometry in Coding Theory and Cryptography
Author/Editor: Niederreiter, Harald; Xing, Chaoping
Algebraic Structures of Symmetric Domains
Author/Editor: Satake, Ichiro
Algebraic Theory of Numbers. (AM-1), Volume 1
Author/Editor: Weyl, Hermann
Algebraic Topology and Algebraic K-Theory (AM-113), Volume 113
Author/Editor: Browder, William
Algernon Sidney and the Republican Heritage in England and America
Author/Editor: Houston, Alan Craig
Algorithms for Worst-Case Design and Applications to Risk Management
Author/Editor: Rustem, Berç; Howe, Melendres
Alibis of Empire
Author/Editor: Mantena, Karuna
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author/Editor: Carroll, Lewis; Burstein, Mark; Banchoff, Thomas
Alien Oceans: The Search for Life in the Depths of Space
Aline MacMahon: Hollywood, the Blacklist, and the Birth of Method Acting
Author/Editor: John Stangeland
All According to God's Plan, 1
All Creatures
Author/Editor: Kohler, Robert E
The Allegheny Frontier
Author/Editor: Otis K. Rice
Allegorical Imagery
Author/Editor: Tuve, Rosemond
Allegorical Poetics and the Epic
Allegories of Love
Author/Editor: Wilson, Diana de Armas
Allegory: The Theory of a Symbolic Mode
Author/Editor: ANGUS FLETCHER ,Harold Bloom
Allen Tate: Orphan of the South
Author/Editor: Thomas A. Underwood
Allies, Adversaries, and International Trade
Author/Editor: Joanne Gowa
Allies in Air Power: A History of Multinational Air Operations
Author/Editor: Steven Paget
All Is Forgiven: The Secular Message in American Protestantism
Author/Editor: Marsha G. Witten
Alloys: American Sculpture and Architecture at Midcentury
Author/Editor: Marin R. Sullivan
All Politics Is Global
Author/Editor: Drezner, Daniel W
All-Stars and Movie Stars
Author/Editor: Ron Briley,Michael K. Schoenecke,Deborah A. Carmichael
All the Missing Souls
Author/Editor: Scheffer, David
All the News That’s Fit to Click: How Metrics Are Transforming the Work of Journalists
Author/Editor: CAITLIN PETRE
All the News That's Fit to Sell
Author/Editor: Hamilton, James T
All This Hell
Author/Editor: Evelyn M. Monahan,Rosemary Neidel-Greenlee
Author/Editor: Smith, Austin
Almanac of World War I
Author/Editor: David F. Burg,L. Edward Purcell,William Manchester
Almohad Movement in North Africa in the 12th and 13th Centuries
Author/Editor: Le Tourneau, Roger
The Aloineae
Author/Editor: Herbert Parkes Riley,Shyamal K. Majumdar
Along Came Google: A History of Library Digitization
Author/Editor: Deanna Marcum ,Roger C. Schonfeld
Along the Archival Grain
Author/Editor: Stoler, Ann Laura
Alpha Phi Alpha
Author/Editor: Gregory S. Parks,Stefan M. Bradley,Michael Alexander Blake
Alternative Alices, 1
Author/Editor: Carolyn Sigler
Alternative Conceptions of Civil Society
Author/Editor: Simone Chambers,Will Kymlicka
The Altruism Equation
Author/Editor: Dugatkin, Lee Alan
Alvin York
Author/Editor: Douglas V. Mastriano
The Alzheimer Conundrum
Author/Editor: Lock, Margaret
Amadis of Gaul, Books I and II, 1
Author/Editor: Edwin B. Place,Herbert C. Behm,John E. Keller
Amadis of Gaul, Books III and IV
Author/Editor: Edwin B. Place,Herbert C. Behm
Amazing Arachnids
Author/Editor: Cowles, Jillian
The Amazing World of Flyingfish
Author/Editor: Howell, Steve N. G
The Amazons
Author/Editor: Mayor, Adrienne
Ambassador MacVeagh Reports
Author/Editor: Iatrides, John O
Ambassadors of Culture: The Transamerican Origins of Latino Writing
The Ambient Metric (AM-178)
Author/Editor: Fefferman, Charles; Graham, C. Robin
The Ambiguous Embrace
Author/Editor: Glenn, Charles L
The Ambiguous Frog
Author/Editor: Pera, Marcello
Ambition in America
Author/Editor: Jeffrey A. Becker
Ambitious Form: Giambologna, Ammanati, and Danti in Florence
Author/Editor: Michael W. Cole
Ambrose Bierce is Missing
Author/Editor: JOE NICKELL
America and Guerrilla Warfare
Author/Editor: Anthony James Joes
America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
America and the Intellectual Cold Wars in Europe
Author/Editor: Berghahn, Volker R
America before 1787: The Unraveling of a Colonial Regime
Author/Editor: Jon Elster
America Challenged
Author/Editor: Douglas, William Orville
America, Germany, and the Future of Europe
Author/Editor: Treverton, Gregory F
America in Italy
Author/Editor: Axel Körner
America in the World
Author/Editor: Engel, Jeffrey A.; Lawrence, Mark Atwood; Preston, Andrew
American Academic Culture in Transformation: Fifty Years, Four Disciplines
Author/Editor: Thomas Bender ,Carl E. Schorske ,Stephen R. Graubard
American Afterlives: Reinventing Death in the Twenty-First Century
American Audiences on Movies and Moviegoing, 1
Author/Editor: Tom Stempel
American Babylon
Author/Editor: Self, Robert O
American Big Business in Britain and Germany
Author/Editor: Berghahn, Volker R
American Bonds
Author/Editor: Quinn, Sarah L
American Business and Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: Joan Hoff Wilson
American Christians and Islam
Author/Editor: Kidd, Thomas S
American Classicist: The Life and Loves of Edith Hamilton
American Constitutionalism
Author/Editor: Griffin, Stephen M
American Covenant
Author/Editor: Gorski, Philip
American Covenant
Author/Editor: Gorski, Philip
American Crucible
Author/Editor: Gerstle, Gary
American Culture in Peril
Author/Editor: Charles W. Dunn
American Dark Age: Racial Feudalism and the Rise of Black Liberalism
Author/Editor: Keidrick Roy
The American Darters
American Datu: John J. Pershing and Counterinsurgency Warfare in the Muslim Philippines, 1899-1913
Author/Editor: Ronald K. Edgerton
American Default
Author/Editor: Edwards, Sebastian
An American Dissenter
American Dreaming: Immigrant Life on the Margins
Author/Editor: Sarah J. Mahler
The American Economy
Author/Editor: Lebergott, Stanley
American Empire
Author/Editor: Hopkins, A. G
American Evangelicals in Egypt
Author/Editor: Sharkey, Heather J
American Exceptionalism and Human Rights
Author/Editor: Ignatieff, Michael
An American Experience in Indonesia
Author/Editor: Howard W. Beers
American Grit, 1
Author/Editor: Emily Foster
American Health Quackery
Author/Editor: Young, James Harvey
American Higher Education since World War II
Author/Editor: Geiger, Roger L
American Hungers
Author/Editor: Jones, Gavin
American Insecurity
Author/Editor: Levine, Adam Seth
American Intellectual Histories and Historians
Author/Editor: Skotheim, Robert Allen
The Americanization of West Virginia
Author/Editor: John C. Hennen
American Jesuits and the World
Author/Editor: McGreevy, John T
American JewBu: Jews, Buddhists, and Religious Change
Author/Editor: EMILY SIGALOW
The American Jewish Philanthropic Complex: The History of a Multibillion-Dollar Institution
American Justice in Taiwan
Author/Editor: STEPHEN G. CRAFT
The American Law of Slavery, 1810-1860
Author/Editor: Tushnet, Mark
American Literature and Science, 1
Author/Editor: Robert J. Scholnick
The American Manufactory: Art, Labor, and the World of Things in the Early Republic
Author/Editor: LAURA RIGAL
American Mirror: The United States and Brazil in the Age of Emancipation, Vol. 37
Author/Editor: ROBERTO SABA
American Mirror: The United States and Brazil in the Age of Emancipation, Vol. 44
Author/Editor: ROBERTO SABA
American Misfits and the Making of Middle-Class Respectability
Author/Editor: Robert Wuthnow
American Moderns: Bohemian New York and the Creation of a New Century
The American Musical and the Formation of National Identity
Author/Editor: Knapp, Raymond
The American Musical and the Performance of Personal Identity
Author/Editor: Knapp, Raymond
American Mythos
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
The American Peace Movement and Social Reform, 1889-1918
Author/Editor: Marchand, C. Roland
An American Philosophy of Social Security
Author/Editor: Brown, James Douglas
American Prophets
Author/Editor: Raboteau, Albert J
American Pulp
Author/Editor: Rabinowitz, Paula
American Racist
Author/Editor: ANTHONY SLIDE
American Religion
Author/Editor: Chaves, Mark
American Religion
Author/Editor: Chaves, Mark
The American Revolution and the Law
Author/Editor: Stimson, Shannon C
Series Title: Princeton Legacy Library
American Revolution Considered as a Social Movement
Author/Editor: Jameson, John Franklin
The American Revolution In the Law
Author/Editor: Stimson, Shannon C
American Rubber Workers & Organized Labor, 1900-1941
Author/Editor: Nelson, Daniel
American Samurai
Author/Editor: Notehelfer, F. G
Americans at the Gate
Author/Editor: Bon Tempo, Carl J
American Scientists and Nuclear Weapons Policy
Author/Editor: Gilpin, Robert
American Shtetl: The Making of Kiryas Joel, a Hasidic Village in Upstate New York
The American South and the Vietnam War
Author/Editor: Joseph A. Fry
American Suffrage
Author/Editor: Williamson, Chilton
American Vaudeville as Ritual, 1
Author/Editor: ALBERT F. McLEAN JR.
The American Vision of Robert Penn Warren
Author/Editor: William Bedford Clark
The American Voice Anthology of Poetry
Author/Editor: Frederick Smock
American Women and Flight since 1940, 1
Author/Editor: Deborah G. Douglas,Amy E. Foster,Alan D. Meyer,Lucy B. Young
American Women Writing Fiction
Author/Editor: Mickey Pearlman
American Zoo
Author/Editor: Grazian, David
America Overcommitted
Author/Editor: Donald E. Nuechterlein
America Recommitted, 1
Author/Editor: Donald E. Nuechterlein
America Recommitted: A Superpower Assesses Its Role in a Turbulent World
Author/Editor: Donald E. Nuechterlein
America's Asia
Author/Editor: Lye, Colleen
America's Crisis of Values
Author/Editor: Baker, Wayne E
America's First Black Socialist
Author/Editor: Nikki M. Taylor
America's Israel: The US Congress and American-Israeli Relations, 1967--1975
Author/Editor: Kenneth Kolander
America's Mission
Author/Editor: Smith, Tony
America's Mission
Author/Editor: Smith, Tony
The Americas of Asian American Literature
Author/Editor: Lee, Rachel C
The Amphibian Ear
Author/Editor: Wever, Ernest Glen
Amphibians and Reptiles of Land Between the Lakes
Author/Editor: David H. Snyder,A. Floyd Scott,Edmund J. Zimmerer,David F. Frymire
The Analects
Author/Editor: Confucius
Analogies at War: Korea, Munich, Dien Bien Phu, and the Vietnam Decisions of 1965
Author/Editor: Yuen Foong Khong
The Analogy of The Faerie Queene
Author/Editor: Nohrnberg, James
Analysis of Evolutionary Processes
Author/Editor: Dercole, Fabio; Rinaldi, Sergio
Analysis of Heat Equations on Domains. (LMS-31)
Author/Editor: Ouhabaz, El-Maati
The Analysis of Knowing
Author/Editor: Shope, Robert K
Analytical Psychology
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; McGuire, William
Analytical Psychology in Exile
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Neumann, Erich; Liebscher, Martin
Analytic Functions
Author/Editor: Ahlfors, Lars Valerian
Analytic Narratives
Author/Editor: Robert H. Bates,Avner Greif,Margaret Levi,Jean-Laurent Rosenthal,Barry R. Weingast
Analytic Philosophy in America
Author/Editor: Soames, Scott
Analytic Pseudodifferential Operators for the Heisenberg Group and Local Solvability. (MN-37)
Author/Editor: Geller, Daryl
Analytic Theory of Global Bifurcation
Author/Editor: Buffoni, Boris; Toland, John
The Analytic Tradition in Philosophy, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Soames, Scott
The Analytic Tradition in Philosophy, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Soames, Scott
Analyzing Marx: Morality, Power and History
Author/Editor: Richard W. Miller
Analyzing Strategic Nuclear Policy
Author/Editor: Glaser, Charles L
Analyzing the Global Political Economy
Author/Editor: Walter, Andrew; Sen, Gautam
Anarchist Portraits
Author/Editor: PAUL AVRICH
Anarchists of Andalusia, 1868-1903
Author/Editor: Kaplan, Temma
Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America - Abridged paperback Edition, Ed. ABR - Abridged
Author/Editor: PAUL AVRICH
Anatomy of Criticism
Author/Editor: Frye, Northrop
Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: NORTHROP FRYE,David Damrosch
The Anatomy of Mountain Ranges
Author/Editor: Schaer, Jean-Paul; Rodgers, John
The Anatomy of Nature: Geology and American Landscape Painting, 1825-1875
Author/Editor: Rebecca Bedell
Anatomy of Satire
Author/Editor: Highet, Gilbert
Ancient Africa: A Global History, to 300 CE
Author/Editor: Christopher Ehret
Ancient Antioch
Author/Editor: Downey, Glanville
Ancient Athenian Maritime Courts
Author/Editor: Cohen, Edward
Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power
Author/Editor: Yan, Xuetong; Bell, Daniel A.; Zhe, Sun
Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power
Author/Editor: Yan, Xuetong; Bell, Daniel A.; Zhe, Sun
Ancient Greek Novels
Author/Editor: Stephens, Susan A.; Winkler, John J
The Ancient Mariners: Seafarers and Sea Fighters of the Mediterranean in Ancient Times. - Second Edition, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Lionel Casson
The Ancient Near East: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures
Author/Editor: James B. Pritchard ,Daniel E. Fleming
Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament with Supplement
The Ancient Quarrel Between Poetry and Philosophy
Author/Editor: Gould, Thomas
Ancient Religions, Modern Politics
Author/Editor: Cook, Michael
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700
Author/Editor: Smith, Bruce R
Ancient Wine
Author/Editor: McGovern, Patrick E
Ancient Wine
Author/Editor: McGovern, Patrick E
Author/Editor: Greger, Debora
Andalus and Sefarad: On Philosophy and Its History in Islamic Spain
Author/Editor: Sarah Stroumsa
Andrey Bely
And Still the Waters Run: The Betrayal of the Five Civilized Tribes
Author/Editor: ANGIE DEBO ,Amanda Cobb-Greetham
Angina Days
Author/Editor: Eich, Günter
Anglican Communion in Crisis
Author/Editor: Hassett, Miranda K
Anglo-American Relations at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919
Author/Editor: Tillman, Seth P
Author/Editor: Julian Moynahan
Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Ullman, Richard Henry
Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Ullman, James Ramsey
Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921, Volume 3
Author/Editor: Ullman, James Ramsey
Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics
Author/Editor: A. R. EDMONDS
Animal Attractions
Author/Editor: Hanson, Elizabeth
Animals of Kruger National Park
Author/Editor: Keith Barnes
Animals of the Masai Mara
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Adam Scott; Kennedy, Vicki
Animals of the Serengeti
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Adam Scott; Kennedy, Vicki
Animal Species and Their Evolution
Author/Editor: Cain, Arthur J
Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism, Ed. SCH - School edition
Author/Editor: George A. Akerlof ,Robert J. Shiller
Animating Space
Author/Editor: J. P. TELOTTE
Anna Held and the Birth of Ziegfeld's Broadway
Author/Editor: Eve Golden
Anna Held and the Birth of Ziegfeld's Broadway, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Eve Golden ,Laurie Sanderson
Anna Hubbard, 1
Author/Editor: Mia Cunningham
Ann Dvorak
Author/Editor: Christina Rice
Anne Bancroft
Author/Editor: Douglass K. Daniel,Patrick McGilligan
Annotated Bibliography of Films in Automation, Data Processing, and Computer Science
Author/Editor: Martin B. Solomon Jr.,Nora Geraldine Lovan
Anonymity: A Secret History of English Literature
Author/Editor: JOHN MULLAN
Another Reason: Science and the Imagination of Modern India
Author/Editor: Gyan Prakash
Answer to Job
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Ant Architecture: The Wonder, Beauty, and Science of Underground Nests
Author/Editor: Walter R. Tschinkel
The Antarctic Dive Guide
Author/Editor: Kelley, Lisa Eareckson
The Ant Collective: Inside the World of an Ant Colony
Author/Editor: ARMIN SCHIEB ,Alexandra Bird
Antebellum Architecture of Kentucky
Ante Bellum Houses of the Bluegrass
Antebellum Politics in Tennessee
Author/Editor: Paul H. Bergeron
Ant Encounters
Author/Editor: Gordon, Deborah M
An Anthropology of Images: Picture, Medium, Body
Author/Editor: Hans Belting ,Thomas Dunlap
Anthropos Today
Author/Editor: Rabinow, Paul
Anti-Anthropomorphism in the Greek Pentateuch
Author/Editor: Fritsch, Charles Theodore
Anticipating Correlations
Author/Editor: Engle, Robert
Anticipations and Purchases
Author/Editor: Juster, Francis Thomas
The Antifraternal Tradition in Medieval Literature
Author/Editor: Szittya, Penn R
The Anti-Masonic Party in the United States, 1
The Antislavery Movement in Kentucky
The Antislavery Vanguard
Author/Editor: Duberman, Martin B
Antitrust Economics on Trial
Author/Editor: Adams, Walter; Brock, James W
Antitrust in Japan
Author/Editor: Hadley, Eleanor M
Antivivisection and Medical Science in Victorian Society
Author/Editor: Richard D. French
Antoine Lavoisier: The Next Crucial Year
Author/Editor: Holmes, Frederic Lawrence
Antonio Candido
Author/Editor: Candido, Antonio; Becker, Howard S
Ants: A Visual Guide
Anxiety: A Philosophical Guide
Author/Editor: SAMIR CHOPRA
The Aphorisms of Franz Kafka
Author/Editor: Franz Kafka ,Reiner Stach ,Shelley Frisch
Apocalypse: Earthquakes, Archaeology, and the Wrath of God
Author/Editor: Amos Nur ,Dawn Burgess
Apocalyptic Geographies: Religion, Media, and the American Landscape
The Apologetics of Evil
Author/Editor: Raatzsch, Richard
An Apology for Loving the Old Hymns
Author/Editor: Smith, Jordan
Aporophobia: Why We Reject the Poor Instead of Helping Them
Author/Editor: Adela Cortina ,Adrian Nathan West
Apostles of Rock, 1
Author/Editor: Jay R. Howard,John M. Streck
The Apotheosis of Captain Cook: European Mythmaking in the Pacific
Author/Editor: Gananath Obeyesekere
Appalachia and America
Author/Editor: ALLEN BATTEAU
Appalachia in Regional Context
Appalachia in the Sixties, 1
Author/Editor: David S. Walls,John B. Stephenson
Appalachia in the Sixties: Decade of Reawakening
Author/Editor: David S. Walls ,John B. Stephenson
Appalachian Elegy
Author/Editor: bell hooks
Appalachian Ghost: A Photographic Reimagining of the Hawk's Nest Tunnel Disaster
Author/Editor: RAYMOND THOMPSON JR. ,Catherine Venable Moore ,Rebecca Altman
Appalachian Health and Well-Being
Author/Editor: Robert L. Ludke,Phillip J. Obermiller,Richard A. Couto
Appalachian Health: Culture, Challenges, and Capacity
Author/Editor: F. Douglas Scutchfield ,Randy Wykoff ,Alonzo Plough
Appalachian Home Cooking
Author/Editor: MARK F. SOHN
Appalachian Mental Health
The Appalachian Photographs of Earl Palmer, 1
The Appalachian Regional Commission
Author/Editor: Michael Bradshaw,John D. Rockefeller IV
Appalachian Toys and Games from A to Z
Appalachian Travels
Author/Editor: Elizabeth McCutchen Williams
Appalachian Women
Appalachia Revisited
Appalachia's Children, 1
Author/Editor: David H. Looff
Appalachia's Path to Dependency, 1
Author/Editor: PAUL SALSTROM
Apparitions in Late Medieval and Renaissance Spain
Author/Editor: William A. Christian Jr.
Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary
Author/Editor: JANET GYATSO
Appeals of Communism
Author/Editor: Almond, Gabriel Abraham
Appeasement in International Politics
Author/Editor: Stephen R. Rock
Appeasing Bankers
Author/Editor: Kirshner, Jonathan
Apple of Gold
Author/Editor: Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn
The Apple of His Eye
Author/Editor: Jordan, William Chester
Applications of Modern Physics in Medicine
Author/Editor: Mark Strikman ,Kevork Spartalian ,Milton W. Cole
Applied Dynamic Programming
Author/Editor: Bellman, Richard E.; Dreyfus, Stuart E
An Appraisal of the 1950 Census Income Data, Volume 23
Author/Editor: National Bureau of Economic Research, National Bureau of Economic