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Titles start with T ( displaying 500 of 514 ) Information
A Tacit Alliance
Author/Editor: Crosbie, Sylvia K
Tacitus and the Tacitean Tradition
Author/Editor: Luce, Torrey James; Woodman, Anthony John
Author/Editor: Russell, David
Taddeo Alderotti and His Pupils
Author/Editor: Siraisi, Nancy G
Take a Closer Look
Author/Editor: Arasse, Daniel
Take It from the Big Mouth
Author/Editor: Jean Maddern Pitrone
Taken for Granted
Author/Editor: Zerubavel, Eviatar
Taken Hostage
Author/Editor: Farber, David
Take Sides with the Truth
Author/Editor: Peter A. Brown,Jeffry D. Wert
Taking It Like a Man
Author/Editor: Savran, David
Taking Shergar
Author/Editor: MILTON C. TOBY,James C. Nicholson
Taking the Constitution Away from the Courts
Author/Editor: Tushnet, Mark
Taking the Floor
Author/Editor: Beunza, Daniel
Taking the Town
Author/Editor: Kolan Thomas Morelock
Taking Wittgenstein at His Word
Author/Editor: Fogelin, Robert J
Talaat Pasha
Author/Editor: Kieser, Hans-Lukas
Étale Cohomology (PMS-33), Volume 33
Author/Editor: Milne, James S
A Tale of Eleventh-Century Japan
Author/Editor: THOMAS H. ROHLICH
The Tale of Genji
Author/Editor: McCormick, Melissa
The Tale of the Tribe
Author/Editor: Bernstein, Michael André
A Tale of Two Cities
Author/Editor: Hoffnung-Garskof, Jesse
A Tale of Two Continents
Author/Editor: Pais, Abraham
A Tale of Two Cultures
Author/Editor: Goertz, Gary; Mahoney, James
A Tale of Two Monasteries
Author/Editor: Jordan, William Chester
Tales from Kentucky Doctors
Author/Editor: William Lynwood Montell
Tales from Kentucky Funeral Homes
Author/Editor: William Lynwood Montell
Tales from Kentucky Lawyers
Author/Editor: William Lynwood Montell
Tales from Kentucky Nurses
Author/Editor: William Lynwood Montell
Tales from Kentucky One-Room School Teachers
Author/Editor: William Lynwood Montell
Tales from Kentucky Sheriffs
Author/Editor: William Lynwood Montell
Tales from Tennessee Lawyers
Author/Editor: William Lynwood Montell
Tales of Impossibility: The 2000-Year Quest to Solve the Mathematical Problems of Antiquity
Author/Editor: DAVID S. RICHESON
Tales of Kentucky Ghosts
Author/Editor: William Lynwood Montell
Tales of the Narts
Author/Editor: Colarusso, John; Salbiev, Tamirlan
Tales Things Tell: Material Histories of Early Globalisms
Author/Editor: Finbarr Barry Flood ,Beate Fricke
Talk at the Brink
Author/Editor: Gibson, David R
Talking Appalachian
Author/Editor: Amy D. Clark,Nancy M. Hayward
Talking Cure: An Essay on the Civilizing Power of Conversation
Author/Editor: Paula Marantz Cohen
Talking Prices
Author/Editor: Velthuis, Olav
Talking to Strangers: Improving American Diplomacy at Home and Abroad
Author/Editor: Monteagle Stearns
The Talmud
Author/Editor: Wimpfheimer, Barry Scott
Author/Editor: Wood, Gillen D’Arcy
Tame Passions of Wilde
Author/Editor: Nunokawa, Jeff
Tamil Temple Myths
Author/Editor: Shulman, David Dean
Taming the Beloved Beast
Author/Editor: Callahan, Daniel
Taming the Bureaucracy
Author/Editor: Gormley, William T
Taming the Gods
Author/Editor: Buruma, Ian
Taming the River
Author/Editor: Charles, Camille Z.; Fischer, Mary J.; Mooney, Margarita A
Taming the Unknown
Author/Editor: Katz, Victor J.; Parshall, Karen Hunger
The T'ang Code, Volume I
Author/Editor: Johnson, Wallace
The T'ang Code, Volume II
Author/Editor: Wallace Johnson
Tantra in Practice
Author/Editor: White, David Gordon
Author/Editor: Bienen, Henry
Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults of Southeast China
Author/Editor: Dean, Kenneth
The Tao of Architecture
Author/Editor: Chang, Amos Ih Tiao
Taps For A Jim Crow Army, 1
Author/Editor: Phillip McGuire,Benjamin Quarles,Bernard Nalty
The Tar Baby
Author/Editor: Bryan Wagner
Tar Hollow Trans: Essays
Author/Editor: Stacy Jane Grover
The Task of Gestalt Psychology
Author/Editor: Kohler, Wolfgang
A Taste for the Beautiful
Author/Editor: Ryan, Michael
A Taste for the Beautiful
Author/Editor: Ryan, Michael
Taxation in Colonial America
Author/Editor: Rabushka, Alvin
Taxation in Egypt from Augustus to Diocletian
Author/Editor: Wallace, Sherman LeRoy
Taxing the Rich
Author/Editor: Scheve, Kenneth; Stasavage, David
The Taylorized Beauty of the Mechanical: Scientific Management and the Rise of Modernist Architecture
Author/Editor: Mauro F. Guillén
Tchaikovsky and His World
Author/Editor: Kearney, Leslie
Teachers and Politics in Japan
Author/Editor: Thurston, Donald R
Teachers as State-Builders: Education and the Making of the Modern Middle East
Teaching Plato in Palestine
Author/Editor: Fraenkel, Carlos
Teaching Shakespeare
Author/Editor: Edens, Walter
Team 19 in Vietnam
Author/Editor: David Millie,Gordon R. SullivanGeneral
Tear Off the Masks!
Author/Editor: Fitzpatrick, Sheila
The Tech Coup: How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley
Author/Editor: Marietje Schaake
Technological Change and the British Iron Industry, 1700-1870
Author/Editor: CHARLES K. HYDE
Technological Innovation and Economic Performance
Author/Editor: Benn Steil ,David G. Victor ,Richard R. Nelson
Technology and Society under Lenin and Stalin
Author/Editor: Bailes, Kendall E
Technology and the Rise of Great Powers: How Diffusion Shapes Economic Competition
Author/Editor: JEFFREY DING
Technology Differences over Space and Time
Author/Editor: Caselli, Francesco
The Technology Trap
Author/Editor: Frey, Carl Benedikt
Teesdale's Special Flora: Places, Plants and People
Author/Editor: Margaret E. Bradshaw
Television Histories
Author/Editor: Gary R. Edgerton,Peter C. Rollins
Tell Me Africa
Author/Editor: Olney, James
The Telltale Lilac Bush and Other West Virginia Ghost Tales
Author/Editor: Ruth Ann Musick
Temperance And Racism
Author/Editor: David M. Fahey
Temperley-Lieb Recoupling Theory and Invariants of 3-Manifolds (AM-134), Volume 134
Author/Editor: Kauffman, Louis H.; Lins, Sostenes
The Tenacity of Ethnicity: A Siberian Saga in Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer
Ten Great Ideas about Chance
Author/Editor: Diaconis, Persi; Skyrms, Brian
Ten Hills Farm
Author/Editor: Manegold, C. S
Tennis and Philosophy, 1
Author/Editor: DAVID BAGGETT
Tensor Analysis
Author/Editor: Nelson, Edward
Ten Thousand Birds
Author/Editor: Birkhead, Tim; Wimpenny, Jo; Montgomerie, Bob
Ten Thousand Things: Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art, Vol. 46
Author/Editor: Lothar Ledderose
Teresa of Avila and the Rhetoric of Femininity
Author/Editor: Alison Weber
The Terezin Diary of Gonda Redlich, 1
Author/Editor: Saul S. Friedman,Laurence Kutler,Nora Levin
Term Structure of Interest Rates
Author/Editor: Malkiel, Burton Gordon
Terns of North America: A Photographic Guide
Author/Editor: Cameron Cox
Author/Editor: Bail, Christopher A
Territory, Authority, Rights
Author/Editor: Sassen, Saskia
Terror in Chechnya
Author/Editor: Gilligan, Emma
Terror in France
Author/Editor: Kepel, Gilles
Terrorists, Anarchists, and Republicans: The Genevans and the Irish in Time of Revolution
Author/Editor: Richard Whatmore
The Terrorist's Dilemma
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Jacob N
The Terror of History
Author/Editor: Ruiz, Teofilo F
Author/Editor: Carlson, W. Bernard
Test Book 4
Author/Editor: Sean McCann
The Tests of Time
Author/Editor: Dolling, Lisa M.; Gianelli, Arthur F.; Statile, Glenn N
Texas Divided, 1
Author/Editor: JAMES MARTEN
Textiles and Capitalism in Mexico
Author/Editor: Salvucci, Richard J
The Textual Condition
Author/Editor: JEROME J. McGANN
Thackeray and Form of Fiction
Author/Editor: Loofbourow, John
Thank You, Comrade Stalin!: Soviet Public Culture from Revolution to Cold War
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Brooks
That Eminent Tribunal
Author/Editor: Wolfe, Christopher
Thayer's Life of Beethoven, Part I
Author/Editor: ELLIOT FORBES
Thayer's Life of Beethoven, Part II
Author/Editor: ELLIOT FORBES
The Theater and Cinema of Buster Keaton
Author/Editor: Knopf, Robert
The Theater of Nature
Author/Editor: ANN BLAIR
The Theatre in Early Kentucky, 1
Author/Editor: WEST T. HILL Jr.
The Theatrical Manager in Britain and America
Author/Editor: Donohue, Joseph W
Theft of an Idol: Text and Context in the Representation of Collective Violence
Author/Editor: Paul R. Brass
The Thematics of Commitment
Author/Editor: Cryle, Peter Maxwell
Theme for Reason
Author/Editor: Smith, James Ward
Then and Now
Author/Editor: FLOYD C. WATKINS
Theodicy in Islamic Thought
Author/Editor: Ormsby, Eric Linn
Theology and the Scientific Imagination
Author/Editor: AMOS FUNKENSTEIN,Jonathan Sheehan
Theoretical Aspects of Population Genetics. (MPB-4), Volume 4
Theoretical Foundations of Corporate Finance
Author/Editor: de Matos, João Amaro
Theoretical Global Seismology
Author/Editor: F. A. Dahlen,Jeroen Tromp
Theoretical Studies on Sex Ratio Evolution. (MPB-22), Volume 22
Theories of International Politics and Zombies
Author/Editor: Drezner, Daniel W
Theories of International Politics and Zombies: Apocalypse Edition, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: DANIEL W. DREZNER
Theories of Population Variation in Genes and Genomes
Author/Editor: Christiansen, Freddy Bugge
Theory and Credibility: Integrating Theoretical and Empirical Social Science
Theory and Policy in International Relations
Author/Editor: Tanter, Raymond; Ullman, Richard Henry
Theory and Reality in Public International Law
Author/Editor: De Visscher, Charles; Corbett, Percy Ellwood
Theory of CMOS Digital Circuits and Circuit Failures
Author/Editor: Shoji, Masakazu
Theory of Cost and Production Functions
Author/Editor: Shephard, Ronald William
A Theory of Cross-Spaces. (AM-26), Volume 26
Author/Editor: Schatten, Robert
The Theory of Ecological Communities (MPB-57)
Author/Editor: Vellend, Mark
Theory of Film Practice
Author/Editor: Burch, Noel
A Theory of Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: Palmer, Glenn; Morgan, T. Clifton
Theory of Formal Systems. (AM-47), Volume 47
Author/Editor: Smullyan, Raymond M
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
Author/Editor: von Neumann, John; Morgenstern, Oskar
A Theory of Global Biodiversity (MPB-60)
Author/Editor: Worm, Boris; Tittensor, Derek P
Theory of Ground Water Movement
Author/Editor: Polubarinova-Koch, Pelageia Iakovlevna
Theory of Human Action
Author/Editor: Goldman, Alvin I
The Theory of Incentives
Author/Editor: Laffont, Jean-Jacques; Martimort, David
The Theory of Island Biogeography
Author/Editor: MacArthur, Robert H.; Wilson, Edward O
Theory of Island Biogeography. (MPB-1)
Author/Editor: MacArthur, Robert H.; Wilson, Edward O
The Theory of Island Biogeography Revisited
Author/Editor: Losos, Jonathan B.; Ricklefs, Robert E
Theory of Laminar Flows. (HSA-4), Volume 4
Author/Editor: Moore, F. K
Theory of Lie Groups (PMS-8), Volume 8
Author/Editor: Chevalley, Claude
Theory of Linear Poroelasticity with Applications to Geomechanics and Hydrogeology
Author/Editor: Herbert F. Wang
Theory of Perception
Author/Editor: Pitcher, George
The Theory of Price Uncertainty, Production, and Profit
Author/Editor: Tisdell, Clement Allan
Theory of Rotating Stars. (PSA-1), Volume 1
Author/Editor: Tassoul, Jean-Louis
The Theory of Sex Allocation. (MPB-18), Volume 18
Author/Editor: ERIC L. CHARNOV
The Theory of Social Choice
Author/Editor: Fishburn, Peter C
Theory of Stellar Pulsation. (PSA-2), Volume 2
Author/Editor: Cox, John P
The Theory of Superconductivity in the High-T"c" Cuprate Superconductors
Author/Editor: P. W. ANDERSON
The Theory of Taxation and Public Economics
Author/Editor: Kaplow, Louis
A Theory of the Aphorism
Author/Editor: Hui, Andrew
The Theory of the Arts
Author/Editor: Sparshott, Francis Edward
Theory of the Consumption Function
Author/Editor: Friedman, Milton
A Theory of the Trial
Author/Editor: Burns, Robert P
Theory of Union Bargaining Goals
Author/Editor: Atherton, Wallace N
The Therapeutic Perspective
Author/Editor: Warner, John Harley
The Therapy of Desire
Author/Editor: Nussbaum, Martha C
There Goes the Gayborhood?
Author/Editor: Ghaziani, Amin
Author/Editor: Haddad, Wassim M.; Chellaboina, VijaySekhar; Nersesov, Sergey G
They Called It Peace: Worlds of Imperial Violence
Author/Editor: LAUREN BENTON
They Call Me Goose: My Life in Kentucky Basketball and Beyond
Author/Editor: Jack Givens ,DOUG BRUNK ,RALPH HACKER
They Can Live in the Desert but Nowhere Else
Author/Editor: Suny, Ronald Grigor
They Made the Movies: Conversations with Great Filmmakers
Author/Editor: James bawden ,Ron miller
The Thief Who Stole My Heart: The Material Life of Sacred Bronzes from Chola India, 855–1280, Vol. 65
Author/Editor: Vidya Dehejia
Thieves, Deceivers, and Killers
Author/Editor: Agosta, William
Things Fall Together: A Guide to the New Materials Revolution
Author/Editor: Skylar Tibbits
The Things Things Say
Author/Editor: Jonathan Lamb
Think Again
Author/Editor: Fish, Stanley
Thinking about Leadership
Author/Editor: Keohane, Nannerl O
Thinking about Physics
Author/Editor: Roger G. Newton
Thinking About the Presidency
Author/Editor: Howell, William G
Thinking about the Presidency
Author/Editor: Howell, William G
Thinking like an Economist: How Efficiency Replaced Equality in U.S. Public Policy
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Popp Berman
Thinking of Others
Author/Editor: Cohen, Ted
Thinking Out Loud
Author/Editor: Gauker, Christopher
Thinking with History
Author/Editor: Schorske, Carl E
Think Least of Death: Spinoza on How to Live and How to Die
Author/Editor: STEVEN NADLER
Third Child
Author/Editor: Westoff, Charles F.; Potter, R. G
A Third Concept of Liberty
Author/Editor: Fleischacker, Samuel
Third Parties in America
Author/Editor: Rosenstone, Steven J.; Behr, Roy L.; Lazarus, Edward H
A Third Path: Corporatism in Brazil and Portugal, Vol. 4
Third Voice
Author/Editor: Donoghue, Denis
Third World in Soviet Perspective
Author/Editor: Thorton, Thomas Perry
A Thirst for Empire
Author/Editor: Rappaport, Erika
Thirteen Women Strong
This Glorious Cause
Author/Editor: Wade, Herbert Treadwell; Lively, Robert A
This is Home Now
Author/Editor: Arwen Donahue,Rebecca Gayle Howell,JOAN RINGELHEIM
This Land Is Our Land
Author/Editor: Purdy, Jedediah
This Land Is Our Land: The Struggle for a New Commonwealth, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Jedediah Purdy
This Land, This South, 2
Author/Editor: ALBERT E. COWDREY
This Land, This South: An Environmental History, Ed. REV - Revised, 2
Author/Editor: ALBERT E. COWDREY
This Long Disease, My Life
Author/Editor: Nicolson, Marjorie Hope; Rousseau, George Sebastian
This Time Is Different
Author/Editor: Reinhart, Carmen M.; Rogoff, Kenneth S
Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologiae
Author/Editor: McGinn, Bernard
Thomas Chatterton's Art
Author/Editor: Taylor, Donald S
Thomas C. Mann
Author/Editor: Thomas Tunstall Allcock
Thomas D. Clark of Kentucky
Author/Editor: John E. Kleber
Thomas Eakins
Author/Editor: Johns, Elizabeth
Thomas Hooker, 1586-1647
Author/Editor: Shuffelton, Frank
Thomas Hunt Morgan, 1
Author/Editor: IAN SHINE,SYLVIA WROBEL,George W. Beadle
Thomas Ince
Author/Editor: Brian Taves
Thomas Jefferson's Paris
Author/Editor: Rice, Howard C
Thomas Kyd: A Dramatist Restored
Author/Editor: BRIAN VICKERS
Thomas Mann: Life as a Work of Art. A Biography
Author/Editor: Hermann Kurzke ,Leslie Willson
Thomas Merton, 1
Author/Editor: James Thomas Baker
Thomas Merton's Gethsemani
Thomas Sheridan of Smock-Alley
Author/Editor: Sheldon, Esther K
Thomas Taylor, the Platonist
Author/Editor: Taylor, Thomas; Raine, Kathleen; Mills, George
Thoreau and the American Indians
Author/Editor: Sayre, Robert F
A Thoreau Gazetteer
Author/Editor: Stowell, Robert F.; Howarth, William L
Thoreau's Axe: Distraction and Discipline in American Culture
Author/Editor: CALEB SMITH
Thoreau's Fable of Inscribing
Author/Editor: Garber, Frederick
Thoreau's Reading
Author/Editor: Sattelmeyer, Robert
Thorstein Veblen and His Critics, 1891-1963
Author/Editor: Tilman, Rick
Thorstein Veblen: Theorist of the Leisure Class
Author/Editor: Harman, Gilbert
Thoughts on War
Author/Editor: Phillip S. Meilinger
Thou Shalt Kill: Revolutionary Terrorism in Russia, 1894-1917
Author/Editor: ANNA GEIFMAN
Threats to Democracy
Author/Editor: Ferraresi, Franco
Three Against the Third Republic
Author/Editor: Curtis, Michael
Three American Frontiers
Three British Revolutions
Author/Editor: Pocock, John Greville Agard
Three Critics of the Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Berlin, Isaiah; Hardy, Henry
Three-Dimensional Geometry and Topology, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Thurston, William P.; Levy, Silvio
Three-Dimensional Link Theory and Invariants of Plane Curve Singularities. (AM-110), Volume 110
Author/Editor: Eisenbud, David; Neumann, Walter D
The Three Genres and the Interpretation of Lyric
Author/Editor: Rogers, William Elford
Three Kentucky Artists, 1
Author/Editor: J. WINSTON COLEMAN Jr.
The Three Kentucky Presidents
Three Kentucky Tragedies
Author/Editor: Richard Taylor,Phyllis MacAdam
Three Melodramas by Pietro Metastasio
Author/Editor: Joseph G. Fucilla
Three Roads Back: How Emerson, Thoreau, and William James Responded to the Greatest Losses of Their Lives
The Three Secular Plays of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Author/Editor: Guillermo Schmidhuber,Olga Martha Peña Doria,Shelby C. Thacker
Three Stones Make a Wall
Author/Editor: Cline, Eric H
Three Temptations
Author/Editor: Howard, Donald Roy
Three Views of Logic
Author/Editor: Loveland, Donald W.; Hodel, Richard E.; Sterrett, S. G
Three Worlds of Relief
Author/Editor: Fox, Cybelle
Author/Editor: Layard, Richard; Clark, David M
Throne of Wisdom
Author/Editor: ILENE Η. FORSYTH
Through a Speculum That Shines: Vision and Imagination in Medieval Jewish Mysticism
Author/Editor: ELLIOT R. WOLFSON
Through Mobility We Conquer
Author/Editor: George F. Hofmann,Donn A. Starry
Through Other Continents
Author/Editor: Dimock, Wai Chee
Through the Eye of a Needle
Author/Editor: Brown, Peter
Author/Editor: Zagorin, Perez
Author/Editor: Connor, Walter Robert
Thunder of Freedom
Author/Editor: Sue [Lorenzi] Sojourner,Cheryl Reitan,Sue [Lorenzi] Sojourner,John Dittmer
Thurston's Work on Surfaces (MN-48), Vol. 48
Author/Editor: Albert Fathi ,François Laudenbach ,Valentin Poénaru ,Djun M. Kim ,Dan Margalit
Tiberius and His Age: Myth, Sex, Luxury, and Power
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Author/Editor: Lopez, Donald S
The Tibetan Empire in Central Asia: A History of the Struggle for Great Power among Tibetans, Turks, Arabs, and Chinese during the Early Middle Ages
Tigers of the Snow and Other Virtual Sherpas: An Ethnography of Himalayan Encounters
Author/Editor: Vincanne Adams
Tilmann Riemenschneider
Author/Editor: Justus Bier
Time and Difference in Rabbinic Judaism
Author/Editor: Sarit Kattan Gribetz
Time and Power
Author/Editor: Clark, Christopher
Time and the Novel
Author/Editor: Tobin, Patricia Drechsel
Time Frames
Author/Editor: Eldredge, Niles
Author/Editor: Bjornerud, Marcia
Time, History, and Literature: Selected Essays of Erich Auerbach
Author/Editor: Erich Auerbach ,James I. Porter ,Jane O. Newman
Time in Ecology
Author/Editor: Post, Eric
Timely Meditations
Author/Editor: Thiele, Leslie Paul
Time of Troubles
Author/Editor: Got'e, Iurii Vladimirovich
Time on Target
Author/Editor: Jeffrey S. Suchanek,William J. Marshall
Time's Arrow and Evolution
Author/Editor: Blum, Harold Francis
Time Series Analysis
Author/Editor: James D. Hamilton
Titan Unveiled
Author/Editor: Lorenz, Ralph; Mitton, Jacqueline
T. Macci Plauti-Epidicus
Author/Editor: Duckworth, George E
The Toadstool Millionaires
Author/Editor: Young, James Harvey
Tobacco and Kentucky, 1
Author/Editor: W. F. AXTON
Tobacco Capitalism
Author/Editor: Benson, Peter
Tobacco Colony
Author/Editor: Main, Gloria Lund
Tobacco Culture
Author/Editor: Breen, T. H
Tobacco Culture, 1
Tobacco Harvest: An Elegy
Tobacco Merchant
Author/Editor: Maurice Duke,Daniel P. Jordan
To Be an Author
Author/Editor: McElrath, Joseph; Leitz, Robert C
To Build a Black Future: The Radical Politics of Joy, Pain, and Care
To Cast the First Stone
Author/Editor: Jaume, Lucien
Tocqueville and Old Regime
Author/Editor: Herr, Richard
Tocqueville between Two Worlds
Author/Editor: Wolin, Sheldon S
Tocqueville's Dilemmas, and Ours: Sovereignty, Nationalism, Globalization
Author/Editor: EWA ATANASSOW
Tocqueville's Political Economy
Author/Editor: Swedberg, Richard
To Dare More Boldly
Author/Editor: Hulsman, John C
To Die For
Author/Editor: O'Leary, Cecilia Elizabeth
Todos Santos in Rural Tlaxcala
Author/Editor: Nutini, Hugo Gino
To End All Wars, New Edition
Author/Editor: Knock, Thomas
To Every Thing a Season: Shibe Park and Urban Philadelphia, 1909-1976
Author/Editor: Bruce Kuklick
To Free the Cinema: Jonas Mekas and the New York Underground
Author/Editor: David E. James
To Keep the Peace
Author/Editor: William W. Orbach
Tokutomi Soho, 1863-1957
Author/Editor: Pierson, John D
Told Again
Author/Editor: de la Mare, Walter
Told Round a Brushwood Fire
Author/Editor: Ackroyd, Joyce
Tolerance among the Virtues
Author/Editor: Bowlin, John R
Author/Editor: Heyd, David
Tolkien's Art
Author/Editor: Jane Chance
The Tolls of Uncertainty: How Privilege and the Guilt Gap Shape Unemployment in America
Author/Editor: SARAH DAMASKE
Tolstoy and China
Author/Editor: Bodde, Derk
Tolstoy's Art and Thought, 1847-1880
Author/Editor: Orwin, Donna Tussing
Tommaso Campanella and the Transformation of the World
Author/Editor: John M. Headley
Tongue of Water, Teeth of Stones
Author/Editor: Jonathan Hufstader
Too Hot to Handle
Author/Editor: Close, Frank
Too Hot to Handle
Author/Editor: Zimmerman, Jonathan
Tooth and Claw: Top Predators of the World
Author/Editor: Robert M. Johnson III ,Sharon L. Gilman ,Daniel C. Abel ,Elise Pullen
Topics in Algebraic and Analytic Geometry. (MN-13): Notes From a Course of Phillip Griffiths
Topics in Algebraic and Analytic Geometry. (MN-13), Volume 13
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Phillip A.; Adams, John Frank
Topics in Commutative Ring Theory
Author/Editor: Watkins, John J
Topics in Dynamics
Author/Editor: Nelson, Edward
Topics in Ergodic Theory (PMS-44), Volume 44
Author/Editor: Sinai, Iakov Grigorevich
Topics in Harmonic Analysis Related to the Littlewood-Paley Theory. (AM-63), Volume 63
Author/Editor: Stein, Elias M
Topics in Mathematical Modeling
Author/Editor: TUNGK. K.
Topics in Non-Commutative Geometry
Author/Editor: Manin, Y
Topics in Quaternion Linear Algebra
Author/Editor: Rodman, Leiba
Topics in Topology. (AM-10), Volume 10
Author/Editor: Lefschetz, Solomon
Topics in Transcendental Algebraic Geometry. (AM-106), Volume 106
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Phillip A
The Topography of Thebes from the Bronze Age to Modern Times
Author/Editor: Symeonoglou, Sarantis
Topological Analysis
Author/Editor: Whyburn, Gordon Thomas
Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors
Author/Editor: Bernevig, B. Andrei
Topological Methods in the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. (AM-15), Volume 15
Author/Editor: Morse, Marston
Topology of 4-Manifolds (PMS-39), Volume 39
Author/Editor: Freedman, Michael H.; Quinn, Frank
The Topology of Fibre Bundles. (PMS-14), Volume 14
Author/Editor: Steenrod, Norman
Topology Seminar Wisconsin, 1965. (AM-60), Volume 60
Author/Editor: Bing, R. H.; Bean, Ralph J
Torah and Law in Paradise Lost
Author/Editor: Rosenblatt, Jason P
Torchbearer of Freedom
Author/Editor: CARL B. CONE
To Reach the High Frontier, 1
Author/Editor: Roger D. Launius,Dennis R. Jenkins
Torture and Democracy
Author/Editor: Rejali, Darius
Torture and the Twilight of Empire
Author/Editor: Lazreg, Marnia
To See with a Better Eye
Author/Editor: Duffin, Jacalyn
Total Eclipses of the Sun
Author/Editor: Zirker, Jack B
Totalitarianism on Screen
Author/Editor: Carl Eric Scott,F. Flagg Taylor IV
The Total Light Process
Author/Editor: James Baker Hall
Totally Nonnegative Matrices
Author/Editor: Fallat, Shaun M.; Johnson, Charles R
Totally Random
Author/Editor: Bub, Tanya; Bub, Jeffrey
To the Farewell Address
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Felix
To the Other Shore
Author/Editor: Cassedy, Steven
To the Success of Our Hopeless Cause: The Many Lives of the Soviet Dissident Movement
Touching the World
Author/Editor: Eakin, Paul John
Tough Choices
Author/Editor: Ben-Porath, Sigal R
A Tour of Reconstruction
Toward a Free Economy: Swatantra and Opposition Politics in Democratic India, Vol. 44
Toward a Just Social Order
Author/Editor: Phillips, Derek L
Toward a Modern Japanese Theatre
Author/Editor: Rimer, J. Thomas
Toward an Augustan Poetic
Toward a New Historicism
Author/Editor: Morris, Wesley
Toward Freedom Land
Toward Lexington
Author/Editor: Shy, John W
Toward Octavio Paz
Author/Editor: JOHN M. FEIN
Toward Samson Agonistes
Author/Editor: Radzinowicz, Mary Ann
Towboat on the Ohio, 1
Author/Editor: James E. Casto
Towing Icebergs, Falling Dominoes, and Other Adventures in Applied Mathematics
Author/Editor: Banks, Robert B
Towns and Villages of the Lower Ohio
Author/Editor: DARREL E. BIGHAM
Traces: A Novel
Traces of Another Time
Author/Editor: Scanlan, Margaret
Tracks and Signs of the Animals and Birds of Britain and Europe
Author/Editor: Olsen, Lars-Henrik
Trade and the American Dream, 1
Author/Editor: Susan Ariel Aaronson,Senator William V. Roth Jr.,Robert T. Matsui
Trade and the Environment
Author/Editor: Copeland, Brian R.; Taylor, M. Scott
Trade in the Ancient Mediterranean
Author/Editor: Terpstra, Taco
Trade Unions and the State
Author/Editor: Howell, Chris
Trading at the Speed of Light: How Ultrafast Algorithms Are Transforming Financial Markets
Author/Editor: Donald MacKenzie
Trading Barriers
Author/Editor: Margaret E. Peters
Trading Voices: The European Union in International Commercial Negotiations
Author/Editor: Sophie Meunier
The Tradition
Author/Editor: Moritz, Albert Frank
Traditional Chinese Architecture
Author/Editor: Fu, Xinian; Steinhardt, Nancy
The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Bronson, Bertrand Harris
The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Bronson, Bertrand Harris
The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads, Volume 4
Author/Editor: Bronson, Bertrand Harris
Tradition and Authority in the Western Church, 300-1140
Author/Editor: Morrison, Karl F
Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture
Author/Editor: Shively, Donald H
Tradition and the Formation of the Talmud
Author/Editor: Vidas, Moulie
The Tradition of Return
Author/Editor: Perl, Jeffrey M
A Traffic of Dead Bodies
Author/Editor: Sappol, Michael
Tragedy and Theory
Author/Editor: Zerba, Michelle
The Tragedy of Political Theory: The Road Not Taken
Author/Editor: J. PETER EUBEN
Tragic Form in Shakespeare
Author/Editor: Nevo, Ruth
The Tragic Myth
Author/Editor: Edward F. Stanton
Tragic Pleasures
Author/Editor: Belfiore, Elizabeth S
The Trail of the Lonesome Pine
Training in Christianity
Author/Editor: Kierkegaard, Søren
Author/Editor: Brubaker, Rogers
The Transatlantic Indian, 1776-1930
Author/Editor: Kate Flint
Transcendental Numbers. (AM-16)
Author/Editor: Carl Ludwig Siegel
Transcultural Cinema
Author/Editor: David MacDougall ,Lucien Taylor
Transfer of Power in India
Author/Editor: Menon, Vapal Pangunni
The Transfiguration of History at the Center of Dante's Paradise
Author/Editor: Schnapp, Jeffrey Thompson
The Transformation of American Politics
Author/Editor: Pierson, Paul; Skocpol, Theda
The Transformation of Athens
Author/Editor: Osborne, Robin
The Transformation of Liberalism in Late Nineteenth-Century Mexico
Author/Editor: Hale, Charles A
The Transformation of Mexican Agriculture
Author/Editor: Sanderson, S
The Transformation of Theology, 1830-1890
Author/Editor: Cashdollar, Charles D
The Transformation of the World
Author/Editor: Osterhammel, Jürgen
The Transformations of Godot, 1
Author/Editor: Frederick Busi,WYLIE SYPHER
Translate this Darkness: The Life of Christiana Morgan, the Veiled Woman in Jung's Circle
The Translation Zone
Author/Editor: Apter, Emily
The Translator of Desires: Poems
Author/Editor: Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi ,Michael Sells
The Transmission of Knowledge in Medieval Cairo
Author/Editor: Berkey, Jonathan Porter
The Transmission of Liberalism in Late Nineteenth-Century Mexico
Author/Editor: Hale, Charles A
Series Title: Princeton Legacy Library
Transnational Corporations versus the State
Author/Editor: Bennett, Douglas C.; Sharpe, Kenneth E
The Transparent Lyric
Author/Editor: Walker, David L
Transparent Minds: Narrative Modes for Presenting Consciousness in Fiction
Author/Editor: Dorrit Cohn
Transylvania, 1
Author/Editor: John D. Wright Jr.
Author/Editor: Robert K. Murray,Roger W. Brucker
Trapped in the Net
Author/Editor: Rochlin, Gene I
The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein
Author/Editor: Einstein, Albert; Rosenkranz, Ze'ev
A Traveler’s Guide to the Stars
Author/Editor: LES JOHNSON
Traveling at the Speed of Thought
Author/Editor: Daniel Kennefick
The Traveling Salesman Problem
Author/Editor: Applegate, David L.; Bixby, Robert E.; Chvátal, Vašek
Travel Literature and the Evolution of the Novel
Author/Editor: Percy G. Adams
The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity
Author/Editor: Merton, Robert K.; Barber, Elinor
Travels Between the Hudson and the Mississippi
Author/Editor: Moritz Busch,Norman H. Binger
Travels of a Genre
Author/Editor: Layoun, Mary N
Treason in the Northern Quarter
Author/Editor: Nierop, Henk van
Treason in Tudor England
Author/Editor: Smith, Lacey Baldwin
Treatise on Critical Reason
Author/Editor: Albert, Hans
The Treaty of Portsmouth
Author/Editor: EUGENE P. TRANI
Treepedia: A Brief Compendium of Arboreal Lore
Author/Editor: Joan Maloof ,Maren Westfall
Trees and Shrubs of Kentucky
Author/Editor: Mary E. Wharton,Roger W. Barbour
Trees of Eastern North America
Author/Editor: Nelson, Gil; Earle, Christopher J.; Spellenberg, Richard
Trees of Life
Author/Editor: MAX ADAMS
Trees of Panama and Costa Rica
Author/Editor: Condit, Richard; Pérez, Rolando; Daguerre, Nefertaris
Trees of Western North America
Author/Editor: Spellenberg, Richard; Earle, Christopher J.; Nelson, Gil
Trends in Government Financing
Author/Editor: Copeland, Morris Albert
T. rex and the Crater of Doom
Author/Editor: Alvarez, Walter
The Trial
Trial by Friendship
Author/Editor: DAVID R. WOODWARD
The Trials of Orpheus: Poetry, Science, and the Early Modern Sublime
Author/Editor: Jenny C. Mann
Triangulated Categories. (AM-148), Volume 148
Author/Editor: Neeman, Amnon
Tribal Nation
Author/Editor: Edgar, Adrienne Lynn
Tricksters and Estates
Trigonometric Delights
Author/Editor: Maor, Eli
Trigonometric Delights
Author/Editor: Maor, Eli
Trigonometric Delights, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Eli Maor
Triumph of the Optimists
Author/Editor: Dimson, Elroy; Marsh, Paul; Staunton, Mike
Trophies of Victory
Author/Editor: Shear Jr., T. Leslie
The Troubled Alliance
Author/Editor: Gerard E. Silberstein
Trouble in the Tribe
Author/Editor: Waxman, Dov
Author/Editor: Jr., Chester E. Finn
Troublesome Rising: A Thousand-Year Flood in Eastern Kentucky
Author/Editor: Melissa Helton
Trouble Spots in Taxation
Author/Editor: Groves, Harold Martin
Troubling the Waters
Author/Editor: Greenberg, Cheryl Lynn
Trucking Country
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Shane
True Faith And Allegiance
Author/Editor: JAMES H. TONER
True Faith and Allegiance
Author/Editor: Pickus, Noah
The True Subject
Author/Editor: Faiz, Faiz Ahmed
Truman and the Democratic Party, 1
Author/Editor: SEAN J. SAVAGE
Truman, Congress, and Korea
Truman Defeats Dewey, 1
Author/Editor: GARY A. DONALDSON
Trust and Mistrust in International Relations
Author/Editor: Kydd, Andrew H
Trust and Violence
Author/Editor: Reemtsma, Jan Philipp
Trusting Doctors
Author/Editor: Imber, Jonathan B
Trust in Numbers
Author/Editor: Porter, Theodore M
Trust in Numbers: The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Theodore M. Porter
Trustworthy Men
Author/Editor: Forrest, Ian
Author/Editor: Burgess, Alexis G.; Burgess, John P
Truth and Truthfulness
Author/Editor: Williams, Bernard
Truth v. Justice
Author/Editor: Rotberg, Robert I.; Thompson, Dennis F
Trying Leviathan
Author/Editor: Burnett, D. Graham
T.S. Eliot's Dramatic Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Smith, Carol H
Tsong Khapa's Speech of Gold in the Essence of True Eloquence
Author/Editor: Thurman, Robert A.F
The Tube Has Spoken
Author/Editor: Julie Anne Taddeo,Ken Dvorak
The Tunisia of Ahmad Bey, 1837-1855
Author/Editor: Brown, Leon Carl
Turbulence in World Politics
Author/Editor: Rosenau, James N
Turbulent Flow
Author/Editor: Schubauer, Galen Brandt; Tchen, Chan Mou
Turbulent Flows and Heat Transfer
Author/Editor: Lin, Chia-Ch'iao
Turkey's Politics
Author/Editor: Karpat, Kemal H
The Turkish Arms Embargo: Drugs, Ethnic Lobbies, and US Domestic Politics
Author/Editor: James F. Goode
Turkish Folk Music from Asia Minor
Author/Editor: Bartok, Bela; Suchoff, Benjamin
Turkish Foreign Policy, 1943-1945
Author/Editor: Weisband, Edward
Turkish Kaleidoscope: Fractured Lives in a Time of Violence
Turning the World Inside Out and 174 Other Simple Physics Demonstrations
Author/Editor: Robert Ehrlich
A Turn to Empire
Author/Editor: Pitts, Jennifer
Turtles of the World: A Guide to Every Family
Author/Editor: Jeffrey E. Lovich ,Whit Gibbons
Twelve Caesars: Images of Power from the Ancient World to the Modern
Author/Editor: MARY BEARD
Twelve Good Men and True
Author/Editor: Cockburn, J. S.; Green, Thomas A
Twelve Views of Manet's Bar
Author/Editor: Carol Armstrong,Albert Boime,David Carrier,Kermit S. Champa,Bradford R. Collins,Michael Paul Driskel,Jack Flam,Tag Gronberg,James D. Herbert,John House,Steven Z. Levine,Griselda Pollock,Richard Shiff,Bradford R. Collins
Twelve Who Ruled
Author/Editor: Palmer, R. R
Twentieth-Century Southern Literature, 1
Author/Editor: J. A. BRYANT JR.
The Twenty-First-Century Firm
Author/Editor: DiMaggio, Paul
Twice upon a Time
Author/Editor: Harries, Elizabeth Wanning
The Twilight of Byzantium
Author/Editor: Curcic, Slobodan; Mouriki, Doula
The Twilight of French Eastern Alliances, 1926-1936
Author/Editor: Wandycz, Piotr Stefan
The Twilight of the Middle Class
Author/Editor: Hoberek, Andrew
Twilight of the Republic
Author/Editor: Justin B. Litke
Twisted L-Functions and Monodromy. (AM-150), Volume 150
Author/Editor: Katz, Nicholas M
Two Applications of Logic to Mathematics
Author/Editor: Takeuti, Gaisi
Two Buddhas Seated Side by Side
Author/Editor: Lopez, Donald S.; Stone, Jacqueline I
Two Cheers for Anarchism
Author/Editor: Scott, James C
Two Cheers for Higher Education
Author/Editor: Steven Brint
Two Chinese Poets
Author/Editor: Hughes, Ernest Richard
Two Gods in Heaven: Jewish Concepts of God in Antiquity
The Two Greatest Ideas: How Our Grasp of the Universe and Our Minds Changed Everything, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski
Two Kingdoms
Author/Editor: Morrison, Karl F
The Two-Mile Time Machine
Author/Editor: Alley, Richard B