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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with E ( displaying 500 of 561 ) | Information |
The Eagle on My Arm: How the Wilderness and Birds of Prey Saved a Veteran's Life |
Author/Editor: Dava Guerin ,Terry Bivens ,Jack E. Davis ,Floyd Scholz
The Eagles of Savoy |
Author/Editor: Cox, Eugene L
Early American Literature |
Author/Editor: Aldridge, Alfred Owen
Early Auden, Later Auden |
Author/Editor: Mendelson, Edward
Early Christian Books in Egypt |
Author/Editor: Roger S. Bagnall
Early Diagenesis: A Theoretical Approach |
Author/Editor: ROBERT A. BERNER
The Early Greek Concept of the Soul |
Author/Editor: JAN N. BREMMER
The Early Islamic Conquests |
Author/Editor: Donner, Fred M
Early Modern Jewry |
Author/Editor: Ruderman, David B
Early Trope Repertory of Saint Martial de Limoges |
Author/Editor: Evans, Paul
Earthly Delights: Poems, Vol. 158 |
Author/Editor: Troy Jollimore
Earthquake and Volcano Deformation |
Author/Editor: Segall, Paul
Earthquakes in Human History: The Far-Reaching Effects of Seismic Disruptions |
Author/Editor: Jelle Zeilinga de Boer ,Donald Theodore Sanders
Earthshaking Science |
Author/Editor: Hough, Susan Elizabeth
The East Asian Region |
Author/Editor: Rozman, Gilbert
East Meets West |
Author/Editor: Bell, Daniel A
Eating as I Go |
Author/Editor: Doris Friedensohn,Carol Kitman
Eating People Is Wrong, and Other Essays on Famine, Its Past, and Its Future |
Author/Editor: Ó Gráda, Cormac
Echoes of Violence |
Author/Editor: Emcke, Carolin
Echoes of War |
Author/Editor: Michael C.C. Adams
The Echoing Green |
Author/Editor: Carlos Baker
The Echoing Wood of Theodore Roethke |
Author/Editor: Labelle, Jenijoy
The Eclipse of Community |
Author/Editor: Stein, Maurice Robert
Eclipse of God |
Author/Editor: Buber, Martin
Eco-Emancipation: An Earthly Politics of Freedom |
Author/Editor: SHARON R. KRAUSE
Eco-evolutionary Dynamics |
Author/Editor: Hendry, Andrew P
Ecological Aspects of Social Evolution |
Author/Editor: Rubenstein, Daniel I.; Wrangham, Richard W
Ecological Communities |
Author/Editor: Strong, Donald R.; Simberloff, Daniel; Abele, Lawrence G
The Ecological Detective |
Author/Editor: Hilborn, Ray; Mangel, Marc
Ecological Forecasting |
Author/Editor: Dietze, Michael
Ecological Genetics |
Author/Editor: Real, Leslie
Ecological Mechanics |
Author/Editor: Denny, Mark; Denny, Mark
Ecological Models and Data in R |
Author/Editor: Bolker, Benjamin M
Ecological Niches and Geographic Distributions (MPB-49) |
Author/Editor: Peterson, A. Townsend; Soberón, Jorge; Pearson, Richard G
Ecological Perspective on Human Affairs |
Author/Editor: Sprout, Harold Hance; Sprout, Margaret
Ecological Stoichiometry |
Author/Editor: Robert W. Sterner,James J. Elser,PETER VITOUSEK
Ecology and Evolution of Darwin's Finches (Princeton Science Library Edition) |
Author/Editor: Grant, Peter R
The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses |
Author/Editor: Ralph Tollrian ,C. Drew Harvell
Ecology and Natural History of Desert Lizards |
Author/Editor: ERIC R. PIANKA
Ecology of Climate Change |
Author/Editor: Post, Eric
The Ecology of Collective Behavior |
Author/Editor: DEBORAH M. GORDON
The Ecology of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents |
The Econometric Analysis of Recurrent Events in Macroeconomics and Finance |
Author/Editor: Harding, Don; Pagan, Adrian
Econometric Modeling: A Likelihood Approach |
Author/Editor: David F. Hendry ,Bent Nielsen
Econometrics and the Philosophy of Economics |
Author/Editor: Stigum, Bernt P
The Econometrics of Financial Markets |
Author/Editor: Campbell, John Y.; Lo, Andrew W.; MacKinlay, A. Craig
The Econometrics of Individual Risk |
Author/Editor: Gourieroux, Christian; Jasiak, Joann
An Economic Analysis of the Family |
Author/Editor: Ermisch, John F
Economic and Demographic Change in Preindustrial Japan, 1600-1868 |
Author/Editor: Hanley, Susan B.; Yamamura, Kozo
Economic and Financial Decisions under Risk |
Author/Editor: Eeckhoudt, Louis; Gollier, Christian; Schlesinger, Harris
Economic Aspects of Atomic Power |
Author/Editor: Schurr, Sam H.; Marschak, Jacob
The Economic Crisis and American Society |
Author/Editor: Castells, Manuel
Economic Crisis and Policy Choice: The Politics of Adjustment in the Third World |
Author/Editor: Joan M. Nelson
Economic Development of Japan |
Author/Editor: Lockwood, William Wirt
Economic Diplomacy and the Origins of the Second World War |
Author/Editor: Kaiser, David E
Economic Discrimination and Political Exchange: World Political Economy in the 1930s and 1980s |
Author/Editor: Kenneth A. Oye
The Economic Evolution of American Health Care |
Author/Editor: Dranove, David
Economic Gangsters |
Author/Editor: Fisman, Ray; Miguel, Edward
Economic Geography |
Author/Editor: Combes, Pierre-Philippe; Mayer, Thierry; Thisse, Jacques-François
Economic Geography and Public Policy |
Author/Editor: Baldwin, Richard; Forslid, Rikard; Martin, Philippe
Economic History of Puerto Rico |
Author/Editor: Dietz, James L
Economic History of Spain |
Author/Editor: Vives, Jaime Vicens
Economic Integration |
Author/Editor: Sannwald, Rolf; Stohler, Jacques
Economic Interdependence and War |
Author/Editor: Copeland, Dale C
Economic Justice in American Society |
Author/Editor: Kuenne, Robert E
Economic Justice in an Unfair World |
Author/Editor: Kapstein, Ethan B
Economic Lives |
Author/Editor: Zelizer, Viviana A
Economic Modeling and Inference |
Author/Editor: Bent Jesper Christensen ,Nicholas M. Kiefer
Economic Planning for the Peace |
Author/Editor: Penrose, Ernest Francis
Economics and Sociology: Redefining Their Boundaries: Conversations with Economists and Sociologists |
Author/Editor: Richard Swedberg,Gary S. Becker,James S. Coleman,George A. Akerlof,Harrison C. White,Mark Granovetter,Oliver E. Williamson,Kenneth J. Arrow,Albert O. Hirschman,Mancur Olson,Thomas C. Schelling,Neil J. Smelser,Daniel Bell,Jon Elster,Amartya Sen,Robert M. S
Economics for Lawyers |
Author/Editor: Ippolito, Richard A
Economics for the Common Good |
Author/Editor: Tirole, Jean
Economics in America: An Immigrant Economist Explores the Land of Inequality |
Author/Editor: ANGUS DEATON
Economics in Perspective |
Economics in Two Lessons |
Author/Editor: Quiggin, John
Economic Sociology |
Author/Editor: Portes, Alejandro
The Economic Sociology of Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Victor Nee,Richard Swedberg
The Economics of Belonging: A Radical Plan to Win Back the Left Behind and Achieve Prosperity for All |
Author/Editor: Martin Sandbu
The Economics of E-Commerce: A Strategic Guide to Understanding and Designing the Online Marketplace |
Author/Editor: Nir Vulkan
The Economics of Enough |
Author/Editor: Coyle, Diane
The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets |
Author/Editor: Boeri, Tito; Ours, Jan van
The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets |
Author/Editor: Boeri, Tito; Ours, Jan van
The Economics of Inaction |
Author/Editor: Stokey, Nancy L
The Economics of Kentucky Coal |
Author/Editor: Curtis E. Harvey
The Economics of Labor Force Participation |
Author/Editor: Bowen, William G.; Finegan, T. Aldrich
The Economics of Population Growth |
Author/Editor: JULIAN L. SIMON
The Economics of Sovereign Debt and Default, Vol. 1 |
The Economics of Uncertainty. (PSME-2), Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Borch, Karl Hendrik
An Economic Spurt that Failed |
Author/Editor: Gerschenkron, Alexander
Economic Stabilization |
Author/Editor: Egle, Walter P
The Economies of Central Asia |
Author/Editor: Pomfret, Richard
Economists and Societies |
Author/Editor: Fourcade, Marion
The Economist’s Craft: An Introduction to Research, Publishing, and Professional Development |
The Economy of Promises: Trust, Power, and Credit in America |
Author/Editor: Bruce G. Carruthers
Economy of the Chinese Mainland |
Author/Editor: Liu, Ta-chung; Yeh, Kung-chia
Economy of the Unlost |
Author/Editor: Carson, Anne
Eco-Republic |
Author/Editor: Lane, Melissa
Ecotourism in Appalachia |
Author/Editor: Al Fritsch,Kristin Johannsen
Eco-Types: Five Ways of Caring about the Environment |
Author/Editor: Emily Huddart Kennedy
Edgar Allan Poe |
Author/Editor: Halliburton, David
Edgar Allan Poe and the Masses: The Political Economy of Literature in Antebellum America |
Edgar Allen Poe |
Author/Editor: Halliburton, David
The Edge of Objectivity |
Author/Editor: Gillispie, Charles Coulston
The Edges of the Earth in Ancient Thought |
Author/Editor: Romm, James S
Edgework |
Author/Editor: Brown, Wendy
Edible Fungi of Britain and Northern Europe: How to Identify, Collect and Prepare, Vol. 119 |
Author/Editor: Jens H. Petersen
Edith Wharton |
Author/Editor: Wharton, Edith; Wegener, Frederick
Edmund Wilson |
Author/Editor: Dabney, Lewis M
Edmund Wilson's America |
Author/Editor: GEORGE H. DOUGLAS
Educating Air Forces: Global Perspectives on Airpower Learning |
Author/Editor: Randall Wakelam,David Varey,Emanuele Sica
Educating Scholars |
Author/Editor: Ehrenberg, Ronald G.; Zuckerman, Harriet; Groen, Jeffrey A
Educating the Women of Hainan |
Author/Editor: Kathleen L. Lodwick
Education and Equality in Japan |
Author/Editor: Cummings, William K
Education and Military Leadership. A Study of the ROTC |
Author/Editor: Masland, John Wesley; Lyons, Gene Martin
Education and Political Development. (SPD-4), Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: Coleman, James Smoot
Education and Responsibility |
Author/Editor: TUNIS ROMEIN
Education and Social Transition in the Third World |
Author/Editor: Carnoy, Martin; Samoff, Joel
Education for Tragedy |
Author/Editor: KENNETH D. BENNE
The Education of Barack Obama |
Author/Editor: Kloppenberg, James T
Edward Elgar and His World |
Author/Editor: Adams, Byron
Edward M. Almond and the US Army: From the 92nd Infantry Division to the X Corps |
Author/Editor: Michael E. Lynch
Edward S. Corwin's Constitution and What It Means Today |
Author/Editor: Corwin, Edward S.; Chase, Harold W.; Ducat, Craig R
Efficiency Wages |
Author/Editor: Weiss, Andrew
Efficiently Inefficient |
Author/Editor: Pedersen, Lasse Heje
Egypt |
Author/Editor: Tignor, Robert L
Egypt after Mubarak |
Author/Editor: Rutherford, Bruce K
Egypt after Mubarak |
Author/Editor: Rutherford, Bruce K
Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times |
Author/Editor: Donald B. Redford
Egypt in Late Antiquity |
Author/Editor: ROGER S. BAGNALL
The Egypt of Nasser and Sadat |
Author/Editor: Waterbury, John
Eicosanoids and Related Compounds in Plants and Animals |
Author/Editor: Rowley, A. F.; Kühn, Hartmut; Schewe, T
Eicosanoids in Invertebrate Signal Transduction Systems |
Author/Editor: Stanley, David W
The Eighteenth-Century Revolution in Spain |
Author/Editor: Herr, Richard
Eight Preposterous Propositions: From the Genetics of Homosexuality to the Benefits of Global Warming |
Author/Editor: Robert Ehrlich
Einstein and Religion |
Author/Editor: Jammer, Max
Einstein and the Quantum |
Author/Editor: Stone, A. Douglas
Einstein and the Quantum |
Author/Editor: Stone, A. Douglas
Einstein Before Israel: Zionist Icon or Iconoclast? |
Author/Editor: Ze’ev Rosenkranz
An Einstein Encyclopedia |
Author/Editor: Calaprice, Alice; Kennefick, Daniel; Schulmann, Robert
The Einsteinian Revolution: The Historical Roots of His Breakthroughs |
Einstein in Bohemia |
Author/Editor: Gordin, Michael D
Einstein in Spain |
Author/Editor: Glick, Thomas F
The Einstein-Klein-Gordon Coupled System: Global Stability of the Minkowski Solution: (AMS-213), Vol. 406 |
Author/Editor: Alexandru D. Ionescu ,Benoît Pausader
Einstein on Einstein: Autobiographical and Scientific Reflections |
Einstein on Politics |
Author/Editor: Einstein, Albert; Rowe, David E.; Schulmann, Robert
Einstein's German World: New Edition, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: FRITZ STERN
Einstein's Jury |
Author/Editor: Crelinsten, Jeffrey
Einstein's Miraculous Year: Five Papers That Changed the Face of Physics |
Author/Editor: John Stachel ,Trevor Lipscombe ,Alice Calaprice ,Sam Elworthy ,Roger Penrose
Einstein's Other Theory: The Planck-Bose-Einstein Theory of Heat Capacity |
Author/Editor: Donald W. Rogers
Einstein Was Right: The Science and History of Gravitational Waves |
Author/Editor: Jed Z. Buchwald
Eisenhower and Cambodia |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM J. RUST,George C. Herring,Andrew L. Johns,Kathryn C. Statler
Eisenhower and Landrum-Griffin |
Author/Editor: R. ALTON LEE
Eisenstein Cohomology for GLN and the Special Values of Rankin-Selberg L-Functions: (AMS-203) |
Author/Editor: Günter Harder,A. Raghuram
Elaborations on Emptiness |
Author/Editor: Donald S. Lopez Jr.
Eleanor Powell: Born to Dance |
Electing the Senate |
Author/Editor: Schiller, Wendy J.; Stewart III, Charles
Election Day: How We Vote and What It Means for Democracy |
Author/Editor: Emilee Booth Chapman
Electoral Behavior in Unreformed England |
Author/Editor: Phillips, John A
Electoral Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies |
Electoral Violence, Corruption, and Political Order |
Author/Editor: Sarah Birch
Electric Salome |
Author/Editor: Garelick, Rhonda K
Electromagnetic Processes |
Author/Editor: ROBERT J. GOULD
Electronic Elections |
Author/Editor: Alvarez, R. Michael; Hall, Thad E
Electron Micrographs of Limestones and Their Nannofossils |
Elektra |
Author/Editor: Reid, R
Elemental: How Five Elements Changed Earth’s Past and Will Shape Our Future |
Author/Editor: Stephen Porder
Elementary Differential Topology. (AM-54), Volume 54 |
Author/Editor: Munkres, James R
Elementary Particle Physics in a Nutshell |
Author/Editor: Tully, Christopher G
Elementary Particles |
Author/Editor: Yang, Chen Ning
Elementary Statistical Analysis |
Author/Editor: Wilks, Samuel Stanley
The Elements of Library Research |
Author/Editor: George, Mary W
Elements of Mathematics |
Author/Editor: Stillwell, John
The Elements of Social Theory |
Author/Editor: Barnes, Barry
The Elements of Visual Grammar: A Designer's Guide for Writers, Scholars, and Professionals |
Author/Editor: Angela Riechers
Elephant |
Author/Editor: Fuller, Errol
Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries |
Author/Editor: Mylonas, George Emmanuel
Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter |
Author/Editor: Carl Kerényi,Ralph Manheim
Elie Cartan and Albert Einstein |
Author/Editor: Debever, Robert
Eliot in His Time |
Author/Editor: Litz, A. Walton
Elites Against Democracy |
Author/Editor: Struve, Walter
Elites and Change in the Kentucky Mountains |
Author/Editor: H. Dudley Plunkett,Mary Jean Bowman
Elites in French Society |
Author/Editor: Suleiman, Ezra N
Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy, 1587-1642 |
Author/Editor: Bowers, Fredson Thayer
Elizabeth Bishop and Marianne Moore |
Author/Editor: Diehl, Joanne Feit
Elizabeth I: War and Politics, 1588-1603 |
Author/Editor: Wallace T. MacCaffrey
Eliza Calvert Hall |
Author/Editor: Lynn E. Niedermeier
Elkhorn |
Author/Editor: Richard Taylor
Elliptic Curves. (MN-40), Volume 40 |
Author/Editor: Knapp, Anthony W
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane (PMS-48) |
Author/Editor: Astala, Kari; Iwaniec, Tadeusz; Martin, Gaven
Elliptic Tales |
Author/Editor: Ash, Avner; Gross, Robert
Eloquent Reticence |
Author/Editor: Leona Toker
Elusive Togetherness |
Author/Editor: Lichterman, Paul
The Elusive Transformation |
Author/Editor: Skolnikoff, Eugene B
The Emancipation of Europe's Muslims |
Author/Editor: Laurence, Jonathan
Emancipation of Russian Nobility, 1762-1785 |
Author/Editor: Jones, Robert E
Embattled Europe: A Progressive Alternative |
Embattled Garrisons |
Author/Editor: Calder, Kent E
The Embattled Past |
Author/Editor: Edward M. Coffman
Embedded Autonomy |
Author/Editor: Evans, Peter B
The Embedded Corporation |
Author/Editor: Jacoby, Sanford M
The Embedded Portrait: Giotto, Giottino, Angelico |
Author/Editor: Christopher S. Wood
Emblems of Pluralism |
Author/Editor: Weisbrod, Carol
Emergence of a Bureaucracy |
Author/Editor: Litchfield, R. Burr
The Emergence of Globalism |
Author/Editor: Or Rosenboim
The Emergence of Modern Universities In France, 1863-1914 |
Author/Editor: Weisz, George
The Emergence of Organizations and Markets |
Author/Editor: Padgett, John F.; Powell, Walter W
The Emergence of Standard English, 1 |
Author/Editor: John H. Fisher
Emergency Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Prakash, Gyan
Emergency Politics |
Author/Editor: Honig, Bonnie
Emergent Actors in World Politics: How States and Nations Develop and Dissolve |
Author/Editor: Lars-Erik Cederman
The Emerging Republican Majority |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Kevin P
Emerson |
Author/Editor: Barish, Evelyn
Emerson as Poet |
Author/Editor: Waggoner, Hyatt Howe
Emerson's Romantic Style |
Author/Editor: Ellison, Julie K
E.M.Foster |
Author/Editor: Crews, Frederick Campbell
Emile Cohl, Caricature, and Film |
Author/Editor: Crafton, Donald
Emotion and Virtue |
The Emperor and the Elephant: Christians and Muslims in the Age of Charlemagne |
Author/Editor: Sam Ottewill-Soulsby
The Emperor Nero |
Author/Editor: Barrett, Anthony A.; Fantham, Elaine; Yardley, John C
Empire and Revolution |
Author/Editor: Bourke, Richard
Empire for Liberty |
Author/Editor: Immerman, Richard H
Empire for Liberty: Melville and the Poetics of Individualism |
Author/Editor: Wai-chee Dimock
Empire of Purity: The History of Americans' Global War on Prostitution |
Author/Editor: EVA PAYNE
Empire of Salons: Conquest and Community in Early Modern Ottoman Lands |
Author/Editor: Helen Pfeifer
Empire of Words |
Author/Editor: Willinsky, John
Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference |
Empires of the Silk Road |
Author/Editor: Beckwith, Christopher I
Empires of the Weak |
Author/Editor: Sharman, Jason
Empires of Vice |
Author/Editor: Kim, Diana
Empire to Commonwealth: Consequences of Monotheism in Late Antiquity |
Author/Editor: Garth Fowden
The Empire Trap |
Author/Editor: Maurer, Noel
Empirical Dynamic Asset Pricing: Model Specification and Econometric Assessment |
Author/Editor: Kenneth J. Singleton
Empowered Participation |
Author/Editor: Fung, Archon
Empty Houses |
Author/Editor: Kurnick, David
Enchanted by Daphne: The Life of an Evolutionary Naturalist |
Author/Editor: PETER R. GRANT
An Enchanted Modern |
Author/Editor: Deeb, Lara
Enchantment and Disenchantment |
Author/Editor: Li, Wai-yee
The Enchantment of Modern Life |
Author/Editor: Jane Bennett
Enclaves of America |
Author/Editor: Robin, Ron Theodore
Encountering Development |
Author/Editor: Escobar, Arturo
Encountering Mary |
Author/Editor: Zimdars-Swartz, Sandra L
Encounters with Euclid: How an Ancient Greek Geometry Text Shaped the World |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Wardhaugh
The Enculturated Gene |
Author/Editor: Fullwiley, Duana
The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Potter, Karl H
The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: Potter, Karl H
The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: Larson, Gerald James; Bhattacharya, Ram Shankar; Potter, Karl H
The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume 5 |
Author/Editor: Coward, Harold G.; Raja, K. Kunjunni
The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume 6 |
Author/Editor: Potter, Karl H.; Bhattacharya, Sibajiban
The Encyclopedia of Louisville, 1 |
The Encyclopedia of Northern Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Paul A. Tenkotte,James C. Claypool
Endangered and Disappearing Birds of Appalachia and the Southeast |
Author/Editor: Matt Williams
The End Crowns All |
Author/Editor: Hodgdon, Barbara
Endkampf |
Author/Editor: STEPHEN G. FRITZ
Endless Novelty |
Author/Editor: Scranton, Philip
The End of Ambition: The United States and the Third World in the Vietnam Era, Vol. 35 |
The End of American Childhood |
Author/Editor: Fass, Paula S
The End of Empires and a World Remade: A Global History of Decolonization |
Author/Editor: Martin Thomas
The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe ca. 1200 B.C. - Third Edition, Ed. 3 |
Author/Editor: Robert Drews
The End of the Old Order in Rural Europe |
Author/Editor: Blum, Jerome
The End of the Old Regime in Europe, 1776-1789, Part I |
Author/Editor: Venturi, Franco
The End of the Old Regime in Europe, 1776-1789, Part II |
Author/Editor: Venturi, Franco
The End of Theory |
Author/Editor: Bookstaber, Richard
The End of the Russian Imperial Army |
Author/Editor: Wildman, Allan K
The End of the Russian Imperial Army, Volume II: The Road to Soviet Power and Peace |
Author/Editor: ALLAN K. WILDMAN
The End of the West |
Author/Editor: Marquand, David
The End of the West |
Author/Editor: Marquand, David
The Enduring Reagan |
Author/Editor: Charles W. Dunn
Enemies to Allies |
The Enemy in Our Hands |
Author/Editor: Robert C. Doyle
Enemy in the Mirror |
Author/Editor: Euben, Roxanne L
Energy and Security in the Industrializing World |
Energy and the National Defense |
Author/Editor: Howard Bucknell III
Energy From Alcohol |
Author/Editor: Harry Rothman,Rod Greenshields,Francisco Rosillo Callé
Energy Landscapes, Inherent Structures, and Condensed-Matter Phenomena |
Author/Editor: Stillinger, Frank H
Engage and Evade: How Latino Immigrant Families Manage Surveillance in Everyday Life |
Author/Editor: Asad L. Asad
Engagement with the Past |
Author/Editor: William Palmer
Engaging the Enemy |
Author/Editor: Zisk, Kimberly Marten
Engineering Corporate Success: A Memoir |
Author/Editor: James Hardymon,Terry L. Birdwhistell
Engineering Dynamics |
Author/Editor: Kasdin, N. Jeremy; Paley, Derek A
Engineering in American Society |
Author/Editor: Raymond H. Merritt
Engineering the Revolution |
Author/Editor: Alder, Ken
Engineers of Happy Land |
Author/Editor: Mrázek, Rudolf
Engineers of Jihad |
Author/Editor: Gambetta, Diego; Hertog, Steffen
England's Rare Mosses and Liverworts |
Author/Editor: Porley, Ron D
English Congregational Hymns in the Eighteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Madeleine Forell Marshall,Janet Todd
English Criticism in Japan |
Author/Editor: Miner, Earl Roy
English Literature, 1660-1800 |
Author/Editor: Zimansky, Curt Arno
English Literature, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Landa, Louis A
English Literature, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Landa, Louis A
The English Lyric from Wyatt to Donne |
Author/Editor: Peterson, Douglas L
English Lyric from Wytt to Donne |
Author/Editor: Peterson, Douglas L Series Title: Princeton Legacy Library
English Poetry of the First World War |
Author/Editor: Johnston, John H
English Zionists and British Jews |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Stuart
Engulfed |
Author/Editor: Bernard F. Dick
Engulfed: The Death of Paramount Pictures and the Birth of Corporate Hollywood |
Author/Editor: Bernard F. Dick
Enhancing Evolution |
Author/Editor: Harris, John
Enid Yandell: Kentucky's Pioneer Sculptor |
Author/Editor: JUILEE DECKER
Enigmas of Identity |
Author/Editor: Brooks, Peter
The Enjoyment of Math |
Author/Editor: Rademacher, Hans; Toeplitz, Otto
Enjoyment of Mathematics |
Author/Editor: Rademacher, Hans; Toeplitz, Otto
The Enjoyment of Math, Vol. 138 |
Enlightening Symbols |
Author/Editor: Mazur, Joseph
The Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: Ferrone, Vincenzo
Enlightenment against Empire |
Author/Editor: Muthu, Sankar
The Enlightenment as Social Criticism |
Author/Editor: Kitromilides, Paschalis M
The Enlightenment Bible |
Author/Editor: Sheehan, Jonathan
Enlightenment in the Colony |
Author/Editor: Mufti, Aamir R
Enlightenment, Romanticism, and the Blind in France |
Author/Editor: Paulson, William R
The Enneads of Plotinus: A Commentary | Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Paul Kalligas ,Nickolaos Koutras
The Enneads of Plotinus, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Kalligas, Paul
Enough to Say It's Far |
Author/Editor: Pak, Chaesam
Entailment, Vol. II |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Alan Ross; Belnap, Nuel D.; Dunn, J. Michael
Entangled by White Supremacy |
Author/Editor: Janet G. Hudson
The Entanglement: How Art and Philosophy Make Us What We Are |
Author/Editor: ALVA NOË
Entangling Relations: American Foreign Policy in Its Century |
Author/Editor: David A. Lake
Enterprise Guidance in Eastern Europe |
Author/Editor: Granick, David
Entire Holomorphic Mappings in One and Several Complex Variables. (AM-85), Volume 85 |
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Phillip A
Entitled |
Author/Editor: Lena, Jennifer C
The Entrepreneurial Group |
Author/Editor: Ruef, Martin
Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union |
Author/Editor: Guroff, Gregory; Carstensen, Fred V
Entropy |
Author/Editor: Greven, Andreas; Keller, Gerhard; Warnecke, Gerald
Ents, Elves, and Eriador |
Author/Editor: Matthew Dickerson,Jonathan Evans
Environmental Systems |
Author/Editor: Bennett, Robert John; Chorley, Richard J
The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton |
Author/Editor: Monica Weis,JAMES CONNER
Environment, Scarcity, and Violence |
Author/Editor: Homer-Dixon, Thomas F
Envisioning Africa, 1 |
Author/Editor: Peter Edgerly Firchow
Envy in Politics |
Author/Editor: McClendon, Gwyneth H
Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution |
Author/Editor: Prothero, Donald R.; Berggren, William A
Epic and Empire: Politics and Generic Form from Virgil to Milton |
Author/Editor: David Quint
Epic Geography |
Author/Editor: Seidel, Michael A
Epidemics and Mortality in Early Modern Japan |
Author/Editor: Jannetta, Ann Bowman
Epigram in the English Renaissance |
Author/Editor: Hudson, Hoyt Hopewell
Episcopalians and Race, 1 |
Author/Editor: Gardiner H. Shattuck Jr.
Epistemic Angst |
Author/Editor: Pritchard, Duncan
Epistemology |
Author/Editor: Sosa, Ernest
The Epistolary Moment |
Author/Editor: Dowling, William C
Equality and Education |
Author/Editor: Rebell, Michael A.; Block, Arthur R
Equal Recognition |
Author/Editor: Patten, Alan
The Equidistribution Theory of Holomorphic Curves. (AM-64), Volume 64 |
Author/Editor: Wu, Hung-his
Equity: In Theory and Practice |
Author/Editor: H. Peyton Young
The Era of the Individual |
Author/Editor: Renaut, Alain
Erased |
Author/Editor: Omer Bartov
Erasmus and the Age of Reformation |
Author/Editor: Huizinga, Johan
Erasmus, Man of Letters |
Author/Editor: Jardine, Lisa
Erasmus, Man of Letters |
Author/Editor: Jardine, Lisa
Eratosthenes' Geography |
Author/Editor: Eratosthenes
The Ergodic Theory of Lattice Subgroups (AM-172) |
Author/Editor: Gorodnik, Alexander; Nevo, Amos
Erie Water West |
Author/Editor: RONALD E. SHAW
Erin's Heirs, 1 |
Author/Editor: DENNIS CLARK
Ernest Hemingway |
Author/Editor: Hanneman, Audre
Ernest Hemingway. Supplement to Ernest Hemingway |
Author/Editor: Hanneman, Audre
Ernst Cassirer |
Author/Editor: Skidelsky, Edward
Ernst Kantorowicz |
Author/Editor: Lerner, Robert
Erosion |
Author/Editor: Graham, Jorie
Eros the Bittersweet |
Author/Editor: Carson, Anne
The Erotic Bird: Phenomenology in Literature |
Author/Editor: Maurice Natanson ,Judith Butler
Escalation and Nuclear Option |
Author/Editor: Brodie, Bernard
Escape from Hitler's Europe |
Author/Editor: George Watt
Escape from Rome: The Failure of Empire and the Road to Prosperity |
Eskimo Boyhood |
Author/Editor: Charles C. Hughes
An Essay on Man |
Author/Editor: Pope, Alexander; Jones, Tom
Essays and Reviews |
Author/Editor: Williams, Bernard
Essays by Rosemond Tuve |
Author/Editor: Tuve, Rosemond
Essays in Biochemistry, Volume 33 |
Author/Editor: Higgins, S. J
Essays in Economic Sociology |
Essays in Eighteenth-Century English Literature |
Author/Editor: Louis A. Landa
Essays in International Economics |
Author/Editor: Kenen, Peter B
Essays in Mathematical Economics, in Honor of Oskar Morgenstern |
Author/Editor: Shubik, Martin
Essays in Medieval Culture |
Author/Editor: Robertson, Durant Waite
The Essays of Erich Neumann, Volume 1: Art and the Creative Unconscious, Vol. 23 |
Author/Editor: ERICH NEUMANN ,Ralph Manheim
The Essays of Erich Neumann, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Neumann, Erich
The Essays of Erich Neumann, Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: Neumann, Erich
Essays on a Mature Economy |
Author/Editor: McCloskey, Donald N
Essays on China's Legal Tradition |
Author/Editor: Jerome Alan Cohen,R. Randle Edwards,Fu-mei Chang Chen
Essays on Chinese Civilization |
Author/Editor: Bodde, Derk; Leblanc, Charles
Essays on Contemporary Events |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Essays on English and American Literature |
Author/Editor: Spitzer, Leo
Essays on European Literature |
Author/Editor: Curtius, Ernst Robert
Essays on Fielding Miscellanies |
Essays on Fourier Analysis in Honor of Elias M. Stein (PMS-42) |
Author/Editor: Fefferman, Charles; Fefferman, Robert; Wainger, Stephen
Essays on Giordano Bruno |
Author/Editor: Gatti, Hilary
Essays on Roman Satire |
Author/Editor: Anderson, William S
Essays on Shakespeare |
Author/Editor: Chapman, Gerald Wester
Essays on the Anthropology of Reason |
Author/Editor: Paul Rabinow
Essays on the Great Depression |
Author/Editor: Bernanke, Ben S
Essays on the Great Depression |
Author/Editor: Ben S. Bernanke
Essays on the Intellectual History of Economics |
Author/Editor: Viner, Jacob; Irwin, Douglas A
An Essay Toward a Unified Theory of Special Functions. (AM-18), Volume 18 |
Author/Editor: Truesdell, Clifford
The Essence of Software: Why Concepts Matter for Great Design |
Author/Editor: Daniel Jackson
The Essential Agrarian Reader |
Author/Editor: Norman Wirzba,BARBARA KINGSOLVER
The Essential Cult TV Reader, 1 |
Author/Editor: David Lavery
The Essential Goethe |
Author/Editor: von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; Bell, Matthew
The Essential Guide to Beachcombing and the Strandline |
Author/Editor: Steve Trewhella ,Julie Hatcher
The Essential Guide to Rockpooling |
Author/Editor: Julie Hatcher ,Steve Trewhella
The Essential HBO Reader |
Author/Editor: Gary R. Edgerton,Jeffrey P. Jones
The Essential Hirschman |
Author/Editor: Hirschman, Albert O.; Adelman, Jeremy
The Essential John Nash |
The Essential Jung |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
The Essential Kierkegaard |
Author/Editor: Kierkegaard, Søren; Hong, Howard V.; Hong, Edna H
Essential Radio Astronomy |
Author/Editor: Condon, James J.; Ransom, Scott M
The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader |
Author/Editor: J. P. Telotte
The Essential Sopranos Reader |
Author/Editor: David Lavery,Douglas L. Howard,Paul Levinson,David Bianculli
Esthetics as Nightmare |
Author/Editor: Moser, Charles A
Estimates of the Neumann Problem. (MN-19), Volume 19 |
Author/Editor: Greiner, Peter Charles
Estimating Economic Capacity |
Author/Editor: Richard E. Gift
Etale Homotopy of Simplicial Schemes. (AM-104), Volume 104 |
Author/Editor: Friedlander, Eric M
The Eternal City |
Author/Editor: Graber, Kathleen
The Eternal Crossroads |
Author/Editor: Leon V. Driskell,Joan T. Brittain
The Eternal Present, Volume II: The Beginnings of Architecture, Vol. 6 |
Author/Editor: Sigfried Giedion
The Eternal Present, Volume I: The Beginnings of Art, Vol. 6 |
Author/Editor: Sigfried Giedion
e: The Story of a Number |
Author/Editor: Maor, Eli
Ethical Life |
Author/Editor: Keane, Webb
Ethics and the Beast |
Author/Editor: Zamir, Tzachi
Ethics for Adversaries |
Author/Editor: Applbaum, Arthur Isak
Ethics in an Age of Terror and Genocide |
Author/Editor: Monroe, Kristen Renwick
Ethics in a World of Power |
Author/Editor: Sterling, Richard W
Ethics in the Real World |
Author/Editor: Singer, Peter
Ethics in the Real World: 90 Essays on Things That Matter – A Fully Updated and Expanded Edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Singer
The Ethics of Identity |
Author/Editor: Appiah, Kwame Anthony
The Ethics of Identity, Vol. 132 |
The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture |
Author/Editor: Dagenais, John
Ethics of the Algorithm: Digital Humanities and Holocaust Memory |
Author/Editor: TODD PRESNER ,Anna Bonazzi ,Rachel Deblinger ,Lizhou Fan ,Michelle Lee ,Kyle Rosen ,Campbell Yamane
The Ethics of Voting |
Author/Editor: Brennan, Jason
The Ethics of Voting |
Author/Editor: Brennan, Jason
Ethnic Conflict and International Security |
Author/Editor: Brown, Michael E
Ethnicity and Class Conflict in Rural Mexico |
Author/Editor: Schryer, Frans J
Ethnic Politics in Europe |
Author/Editor: Kelley, Judith G
Ethnobiological Classification |
Author/Editor: Berlin, Brent
Ethnography and Virtual Worlds |
Author/Editor: Boellstorff, Tom; Nardi, Bonnie; Pearce, Celia
Ethnography and Virtual Worlds: A Handbook of Method, Updated Edition |
Ethnography through Thick and Thin |
Author/Editor: George E. Marcus
Ethnonationalism |
Author/Editor: Connor, Walker
Eugene Onegin |
Author/Editor: Pushkin, Aleksandr
Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse: Commentary (Vol. 2) |
Author/Editor: Aleksandr Pushkin ,Vladimir Nabokov
Eugenio Montale's Poetry |
Author/Editor: Cambon, Glauco
Euler's Gem |
Author/Editor: Richeson, David S
Euler's Gem |
Author/Editor: Richeson, David S
Euler Systems. (AM-147), Volume 147 |
Author/Editor: Rubin, Karl
Euripides and the Politics of Form |
Author/Editor: Wohl, Victoria
The Euro and the Battle of Ideas |
Author/Editor: Brunnermeier, Markus K.; James, Harold; Landau, Jean-Pierre
The European Administrative Elite |
Author/Editor: Armstrong, John Alexander
Europe and the Islamic World |
Author/Editor: Tolan, John; Laurens, Henry; Veinstein, Gilles
The European Economy since 1945 |
Author/Editor: Eichengreen, Barry
The European Guilds |
Author/Editor: Sheilagh Ogilvie,Joel Mokyr
The Europeanization of the World |
Author/Editor: Headley, John M
European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Curtius, Ernst Robert
European Peasants and Their Markets |
Author/Editor: Parker, William N.; Jones, Eric L
Europe in the Era of Two World Wars |
Author/Editor: Berghahn, Volker R
Europe's Birds: An Identification Guide, Vol. 22 |
Author/Editor: Rob Hume ,Robert Still ,Andy Swash ,Hugh Harrop ,Chris Batty
Europe's Dragonflies: A field guide to the damselflies and dragonflies |
Author/Editor: Dave Smallshire,Andy Swash
Europe since 1989 |
Author/Editor: Ther, Philipp
Europe's Orphan |
Author/Editor: Sandbu, Martin
Europe's Sea Mammals Including the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde |
Author/Editor: Still, Robert; Harrop, Hugh; Dias, Luís
Evaluating Public Programs |
Author/Editor: Larkey, Patrick D
Eva Palmer Sikelianos |
Author/Editor: Leontis, Artemis
Even As We Breathe: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle
The Event of Postcolonial Shame |
Author/Editor: Bewes, Timothy
The Everett Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
Author/Editor: Barrett, Jeffrey A.; Byrne, Peter
The Everlasting Empire |
Author/Editor: Pines, Yuri
Ever the Leader |
Author/Editor: Bowen, William G.; Guthrie, Kevin M
Ever the Teacher |
Author/Editor: Bowen, William G
Everyday Calculus |
Author/Editor: Fernandez, Oscar
Everyday Calculus |
Author/Editor: Fernandez, Oscar E
Everyday Sectarianism in Urban Lebanon |
Author/Editor: Nucho, Joanne Randa
Every Hill a Burial Place: The Peace Corps Murder Trial in East Africa |
Author/Editor: Peter H. Reid
Every Household Its Own Government: Improvised Infrastructure, Entrepreneurial Citizens, and the State in Nigeria |
Author/Editor: Daniel Jordan Smith
Every Leaf a Mirror |
Author/Editor: Morris Allen Grubbs,Mary Ellen Miller,Robert Morgan,Silas House
Everything In Its Place |
Author/Editor: Perin, Constance
Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More |
Author/Editor: Yurchak, Alexei
Evidence for Hope |
Author/Editor: Sikkink, Kathryn
Evil Incarnate |
Author/Editor: Frankfurter, David
Evil in Modern Thought |
Author/Editor: Neiman, Susan
Evil Necessity, 1 |
Author/Editor: Harold D. Tallant
Evolution and Escalation: An Ecological History of Life |
Author/Editor: GEERAT J. VERMEIJ
Evolution and Ethics |
Author/Editor: THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY ,Michael Ruse
Evolution and Ethics |
Author/Editor: Paradis, James G.; Williams, George Christopher
Evolutionary Biology of Parasites. (MPB-15), Volume 15 |
Author/Editor: PETER W. PRICE
Evolutionary Community Ecology, Volume 58 |
Author/Editor: McPeek, Mark A
Evolutionary Ecology across Three Trophic Levels: Goldenrods, Gallmakers, and Natural Enemies (MPB-29) |
Evolutionary Ecology of Parasites |
Author/Editor: Poulin, Robert
The Evolution Controversy in America, 1 |
Author/Editor: George E. Webb
Evolution Evolving: The Developmental Origins of Adaptation and Biodiversity |
Evolution in Changing Environments: Some Theoretical Explorations. (MPB-2) |
The Evolution of a Nation |
Author/Editor: Berkowitz, Daniel; Clay, Karen B
The Evolution of Animal Communication |
Author/Editor: Searcy, William A.; Nowicki, Stephen
The Evolution of Biological Information: How Evolution Creates Complexity, from Viruses to Brains |
The Evolution of Complexity by Means of Natural Selection |
Author/Editor: John Tyler Bonner
The Evolution of Culture in Animals |
Author/Editor: Bonner, John Tyler
The Evolution of Individuality |
Author/Editor: Buss, Leo W
The Evolution of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Renn, Jürgen
Evolution of North America |
Author/Editor: King, Philip Burke
The Evolution of Parental Care |
Author/Editor: T. H. CLUTTON-BROCK,Dafila Scott
The Evolution of Power: A New Understanding of the History of Life |
Author/Editor: GEERAT J. VERMEIJ
The Evolution of the French Novel, 1641-1782 |
Author/Editor: Showalter, Elaine
Evolution of the Igneous Rocks |
Author/Editor: Yoder, Hatten Schuyler
The Evolution of the International Economic Order |
Author/Editor: Lewis, William Arthur
The Evolution of Theodosius Dobzhansky |
Author/Editor: Adams, Mark B
The Evolution of the Trade Regime |
Author/Editor: Barton, John H.; Goldstein, Judith L.; Josling, Timothy E
Evolution's Bite |
Author/Editor: Ungar, Peter
The Evolving Female |
Author/Editor: Morbeck, Mary Ellen; Galloway, Alison; Zihlman, Adrienne