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Titles start with R ( displaying 500 of 609 ) Information
Author/Editor: Abu-Lughod, Janet L
Raccoon John Smith
Author/Editor: Elder John Sparks
Race after Hitler
Author/Editor: Fehrenbach, Heide
Race and Class in Texas Politics
Author/Editor: Chandler Davidson
Race and Liberty in America
Author/Editor: Jonathan Bean
The Race Card
Author/Editor: Tali Mendelberg
Race in Another America
Author/Editor: Telles, Edward E
Race Is about Politics: Lessons from History
Author/Editor: Jean-Frédéric Schaub,Lara Vergnaud
Races, Games, and Olympic Dreams: A Sportscaster's Life
Race to the Finish
Author/Editor: Reardon, Jenny
Race, War, and Remembrance in the Appalachian South
Author/Editor: John C. Inscoe
Racial Culture
Author/Editor: Ford, Richard T
Racial Inequality
Author/Editor: MICHAEL REICH
Racial Inequality
Author/Editor: MICHAEL REICH
Racial Justice in the Age of Obama
Author/Editor: Brooks, Roy L
Racial Migrations
Author/Editor: Hoffnung-Garskof, Jesse
Racial Politics And Urban Planning
Author/Editor: ROBERT A. CATLIN
Racial Realignment
Author/Editor: Schickler, Eric
Racial Situations: Class Predicaments of Whiteness in Detroit
Author/Editor: John Hartigan Jr.
Racine's Mid-Career Tragedies
Author/Editor: Racine, Jean
Racing for America: The Horse Race of the Century and the Redemption of a Sport
Author/Editor: James C. Nicholson
Author/Editor: Fredrickson, George M
Author/Editor: Fredrickson, George M
Author/Editor: Bethencourt, Francisco
Radical by Nature: The Revolutionary Life of Alfred Russel Wallace
Author/Editor: JAMES T. COSTA
Radical Future Pasts
Author/Editor: Romand Coles,Mark Reinhardt,George Shulman
Radical Innocence, 1
Author/Editor: Bernard F. Dick
Radically Elementary Probability Theory. (AM-117), Volume 117
Author/Editor: Nelson, Edward
Radical Markets
Author/Editor: Posner, Eric A.; Weyl, E. Glen
Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society
Author/Editor: Eric A. Posner,E. Glen Weyl,Vitalik Buterin,Jaron Lanier
The Radical Middle Class
Author/Editor: Johnston, Robert D
Radical Pacifists in Antebellum America
Author/Editor: Brock, Peter
Radical Shelley
Author/Editor: Scrivener, Michael Henry
Radioactive Starlings
Author/Editor: Hardy, Myronn
Radon Transforms and the Rigidity of the Grassmannians (AM-156)
Author/Editor: Gasqui, Jacques; Goldschmidt, Hubert
Raiding the Land of the Foreigners: The Limits of the Nation on an Indonesian Frontier
Author/Editor: Danilyn Rutherford
Railroads and Regulations, 1877-1916
Author/Editor: Kolko, Gabriel
Railroads, Reconstruction, and the Gospel of Prosperity
Author/Editor: Summers, Mark Wahlgren
Rain of Ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust
Author/Editor: ARI JOSKOWICZ
Raised to Obey: The Rise and Spread of Mass Education
Raising Her Voice, 1
Author/Editor: Rodger Streitmatter
Raising Racists
Author/Editor: Kristina DuRocher
Raising the Devil, 1
Author/Editor: Bill Ellis
Ralph Ellison and the Raft of Hope, 1
Author/Editor: LUCAS E. MOREL
Ramification Theoretic Methods in Algebraic Geometry (AM-43), Volume 43
Author/Editor: Abhyankar, Shreeram Shankar
Random Fourier Series with Applications to Harmonic Analysis. (AM-101), Volume 101
Author/Editor: Marcus, Michael B.; Pisier, Gilles
Randomness in Evolution
Author/Editor: Bonner, John Tyler
Random Walks in Biology: New and Expanded Edition, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: Howard C. Berg
Author/Editor: Ralph Puckett,D. K. R. Crosswell,David H. Petraeus,Roger Cirillo
Author/Editor: Ralph Puckett,D. K. R. Crosswell,David H. Petraeus,Roger Cirillo
Rank and File
Author/Editor: Lynd, Alice; Lynd, Robert Staughton
Raoul Walsh
Author/Editor: Marilyn Ann Moss
A Rape in the Early Republic
A Rape in the Early Republic
Rappaccini's Children
Author/Editor: William H. Shurr
Raptors of Mexico and Central America
The Rare Art Traditions: The History of Art Collecting and Its Linked Phenomena, Vol. 27
Author/Editor: Joseph Alsop
Rare Birds: An American Family
Author/Editor: Dan Bessie
Rare Birds of North America
Author/Editor: Howell, Steve N. G.; Lewington, Ian; Russell, Will
Rarities of These Lands: Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Dutch Republic
Author/Editor: Claudia Swan
The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity
Author/Editor: National Bureau of Economic Research, National Bureau of Economic
Rational Choice and Moral Agency
Author/Editor: Schmidtz, David
Rational Decisions
Author/Editor: Binmore, Ken
Rational Expectations and Inflation
Author/Editor: Sargent, Thomas J
Rational Legitimacy
Author/Editor: Rogowski, Ronald
Rational Ritual
Author/Editor: Chwe, Michael Suk-Young
Rational Ritual
Author/Editor: Chwe, Michael Suk-Young
Rational Theory of International Politics
Author/Editor: Glaser, Charles L
Rays, Waves, and Scattering
Author/Editor: Adam, John A
Author/Editor: Joachim Ludewig,David T. Zabecki
Reaching for Power
Author/Editor: Nakash, Yitzhak
The Readable People of George Meredith
Author/Editor: Wilt, Judith
Reader in Modern Literary Arabic
Author/Editor: Ziyadeh, Farhat Jacob
The Reader in the Text
Author/Editor: Suleiman, Susan Rubin; Crosman, Inge
A Reader on Classical Islam
Author/Editor: Peters, F. E
The Reader's Bible, A Narrative: Selections from the King James Version
Author/Editor: Roland Mushat Frye
A Reader's Guide to Wallace Stevens
Author/Editor: Cook, Eleanor
Reading Africa into American Literature
Author/Editor: Keith Cartwright
Reading Asian American Literature
Author/Editor: Wong, Sau-ling Cynthia
Reading Cy Twombly
Author/Editor: Jacobus, Mary
Reading Deconstruction/Deconstructive Reading
Author/Editor: G. DOUGLAS ATKINS
Reading Frames in Modern Fiction
Author/Editor: Caws, Mary Anne
Reading In Memoriam
Author/Editor: Peltason, Timothy
Reading Machiavelli
Author/Editor: JOHN P. McCORMICK
Reading Minds: The Study of English in the Age of Cognitive Science
Author/Editor: Mark Turner
Reading Obama
Author/Editor: Kloppenberg, James T
Reading Old Books
Author/Editor: Mack, Peter
Reading Opera
Author/Editor: Groos, Arthur; Parker, Roger
Reading Public Romanticism
Author/Editor: Magnuson, Paul
Reading Rape
Author/Editor: Sielke, Sabine
Reading Renunciation
Author/Editor: Clark, Elizabeth A
Readings in Classical Chinese Poetry and Prose
Author/Editor: Yuan, Naiying; Tang, Hai-tao; Geiss, James
Reading the Odyssey: A Guide to Homer’s Narrative
Read My Lips
Author/Editor: Williamson, Vanessa
Reagan and the States
Author/Editor: Nathan, Richard P.; Doolittle, Fred C
Reagan and the World
Author/Editor: BRADLEY LYNN COLEMAN,KYLE LONGLEY,JACK MATLOCK JR.,George C. Herring,Andrew L. Johns,Kathryn C. Statler
Real Analysis
Author/Editor: Stein, Elias M.; Shakarchi, Rami
The Real Analysis Lifesaver
Author/Editor: Grinberg, Raffi
Real Analysis with Economic Applications
Author/Editor: Ok, Efe A
The Real Disaster Is Above Ground, 1
The Real Fatou Conjecture. (AM-144), Volume 144
Author/Editor: Graczyk, Jacek; Swiatek, Grzegorz
Author/Editor: Meisel, Martin
Real-Life X-Files
Author/Editor: JOE NICKELL
Real or Fake
Author/Editor: Joe Nickell
The Real Planet of the Apes
Author/Editor: Begun, David R
A Real Right to Vote: How a Constitutional Amendment Can Safeguard American Democracy
Author/Editor: RICHARD L. HASEN
Real Submanifolds in Complex Space and Their Mappings (PMS-47)
Author/Editor: M. Salah Baouendi,Peter Ebenfelt,Linda Preiss Rothschild
Real Wages in Manufacturing, 1890-1914
Author/Editor: Rees, Albert
The Real World of Democratic Theory
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian
Reaping Something New
Author/Editor: Hack, Daniel
The Reasonable Man
Author/Editor: Lansbury, Coral
Reason and Emotion: Essays on Ancient Moral Psychology and Ethical Theory
Author/Editor: JOHN M. COOPER
Reason and Rationality
Author/Editor: Elster, Jon
Reason and the Lover
Author/Editor: Fleming, John V
Reasoning about Discrimination
Author/Editor: Lester, Richard Allen
Reasons for Welfare: The Political Theory of the Welfare State
Author/Editor: Robert E. Goodin
The Reasons of Love
Author/Editor: Frankfurt, Harry G
Reasons without Rationalism
Author/Editor: Setiya, Kieran
The Rebbe
Author/Editor: Heilman, Samuel; Friedman, Menachem
The Rebellion of the Daughters: Jewish Women Runaways in Habsburg Galicia
Rebel Raider
Author/Editor: James A. Ramage
Rebuilding the Christian Commonwealth
Author/Editor: John A. Andrew III
Recasting Bourgeois Europe
Author/Editor: Maier, Charles S
Recasting Bourgeois Europe
Author/Editor: Maier, Charles S
Recent Advances in Global Optimization
Author/Editor: Floudas, Christodoulos A.; Pardalos, Panos M
Recent Developments in Several Complex Variables. (AM-100), Volume 100
Author/Editor: Fornaess, John Erik
The Recess
Author/Editor: Sophia Lee,April Alliston
Reckless Rites
Author/Editor: Horowitz, Elliott
Reclaiming the Game
Author/Editor: Bowen, William G.; Levin, Sarah A
Recognizing Persius
Author/Editor: Reckford, Kenneth J
Reconceiving Infertility
Author/Editor: Moss, Candida R.; Baden, Joel S
Reconstructing American Historical Cinema
Author/Editor: J. E. Smyth
Reconstructing Appalachia
Author/Editor: ANDREW L. SLAP,Gordon B. McKinney
Reconstructing the Roman Republic
Author/Editor: Hölkeskamp, Karl-J
Recording State Rites in Words and Images: Uigwe of Joseon Korea
Author/Editor: YI SONG-MI
A Record of Buddhist Monasteries in Lo-Yang
Author/Editor: Yang, Hsüan-chih
Records of Woman, with Other Poems, 1
Author/Editor: Felicia Hemans,Paula R. Feldman
Recovering Sarepta, A Phoenician City
Author/Editor: Pritchard, James B
Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory
Author/Editor: Furstenberg, Harry
The Recursive Mind
Author/Editor: Corballis, Michael C
Recursive Models of Dynamic Linear Economies
Author/Editor: Hansen, Lars Peter; Sargent, Thomas J
The Red and the Green
Author/Editor: Pryor, Frederic L
Redeeming Eve
Author/Editor: Beilin, Elaine V
Redeeming Politics
Author/Editor: Kaufman, Peter Iver
Redeeming The Prince
Author/Editor: Viroli, Maurizio
Rediscovering Hawthorne
Author/Editor: Dauber, Kenneth
Rediscovering the Islamic Classics: How Editors and Print Culture Transformed an Intellectual Tradition
Author/Editor: Ahmed El Shamsy
Red Meat Republic
Author/Editor: Specht, Joshua
The Red Queen among Organizations
Author/Editor: Barnett, William P
The Redshirt: A Novel
Author/Editor: Corey Sobel
Red Star on the Nile
Author/Editor: Rubinstein, Alvin Z
Red State, Blue State, Rich State, Poor State
Author/Editor: Gelman, Andrew
Red State Religion
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
Red Sunset: The Failure of Soviet Politics
Author/Editor: Philip G. Roeder
Reds, Whites, and Blues
Author/Editor: Roy, William G
Red: The History of a Color
Author/Editor: MICHEL PASTOUREAU ,Jody Gladding
The Red Thread
Author/Editor: Faure, Bernard
The Reemergence of Self-Employment
Author/Editor: Arum, Richard; Müller, Walter
Refashioning Futures
Author/Editor: Scott, David
Reference and Description
Author/Editor: Soames, Scott
Refiguring Authority
Author/Editor: E. Michael Gerli
Refiguring the Real
Author/Editor: Braider, Christopher
A Reflection of Reality
Author/Editor: Chou, Chih-p'ing; Yu, Liping; Chiang, Joanne
Reflections on Constitutional Law
Author/Editor: George Anastaplo
Reflections on Freedom of Speech and the First Amendment
Author/Editor: George Anastaplo
Reflections on Life, Death, and the Constitution
Author/Editor: George Anastaplo
Reflections on the Musical Mind
Author/Editor: Schulkin, Jay
Reforging the Iron Cross
Author/Editor: Abenheim, Donald
The Reformation of Cathedrals
Author/Editor: Lehmberg, Stanford E
The Reform'd Coquet, Familiar Letters Betwixt a Gentleman and a Lady, and The Accomplish'd Rake, 1
Author/Editor: Mary Davys,Martha F. Bowden
Reformers to Radicals
Author/Editor: Thomas Kiffmeyer
Reform in America
Author/Editor: ROBERT H. WALKER
Reforming Rural Russia
Author/Editor: Wcislo, Francis William
Reforming the European Union
Author/Editor: Finke, Daniel; König, Thomas; Proksch, Sven-Oliver
Reforming the World
Author/Editor: Tyrrell, Ian
Reform in the House of Commons
Reform in the Making
Author/Editor: Lin, Ann Chih
Reform in the Ottoman Empire, 1856-1876
Author/Editor: Davison, Roderic H
The Reform of FBI Intelligence Operations
Author/Editor: Elliff, John T
Reforms at Risk
Author/Editor: Patashnik, Eric M
Reframing Culture
Author/Editor: Uricchio, William; Pearson, Roberta E
Refrigeration in America
Author/Editor: Anderson, Oscar Edward
Refuge: How the State Shapes Human Potential
Author/Editor: Heba Gowayed
The Reggie Warford Story: Integrating Basketball at the University of Kentucky
Regional Orders at Century's Dawn: Global and Domestic Influences on Grand Strategy
Author/Editor: ETEL SOLINGEN
Regulating Aversion
Author/Editor: Brown, Wendy
Regulating Business by Independent Commission
Author/Editor: Bernstein, Marver H
Regulating Intimacy
Author/Editor: Cohen, Jean-Louis
Regulating Labor
Author/Editor: Howell, Chris
Regulating the Social
Author/Editor: Steinmetz, George
Regulation and Public Interests
Author/Editor: Croley, Steven P
The Regulation and Reform of the American Banking System, 1900-1929
Author/Editor: White, Eugene Nelson
Rehearsals of Manhood: Athenian Drama as Social Practice
Author/Editor: John J. Winkler
The Reign of Philip the Fair
Author/Editor: Joseph R. Strayer
The Re-Imagined Text
Author/Editor: Jean I. Marsden
Reinventing Discovery
Author/Editor: Nielsen, Michael
Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: Michael Nielsen
Reinventing Justice
Author/Editor: Nolan, James L
ReJoycing, 1
Author/Editor: Rosa M. Bollettieri Bosinelli,Harold F. Mosher Jr.
Relative Justice
Author/Editor: Sommers, Tamler
Author/Editor: Einstein, Albert
Author/Editor: Einstein, Albert
Relentless Reformer
Author/Editor: Muncy, Robyn
Reliable Partners
Author/Editor: Lipson, Charles
Relics of the Buddha
Author/Editor: Strong, John S
Relics of the Christ
Author/Editor: Joe Nickell
Relics of War: The History of a Photograph
Author/Editor: JENNIFER RAAB
Author/Editor: Smith, Christian
Religion after Religion
Author/Editor: Wasserstrom, Steven M
Religion and Cultural Studies
Author/Editor: Susan L. Mizruchi
Religion and Democracy in the United States
Author/Editor: Wolfe, Alan; Katznelson, Ira
Religion and Family in a Changing Society
Author/Editor: Edgell, Penny
Religion and Politics in Burma
Author/Editor: Smith, Donald Eugene
Religion and Politics in Latin America
Author/Editor: Levine, Daniel H
Religion and Politics in the Early Republic
Author/Editor: Daniel L. Dreisbach
Religion and Resistance in Appalachia
Author/Editor: JOSEPH D. WITT,Dwight B. Billings
Religion and Sustainable Agriculture
Author/Editor: Todd LeVasseur,Pramod Parajuli,Norman Wirzba,Vandana Shiva,Norman Wirzba
Religion and the Constitution, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Greenawalt, Kent
Religion and the Constitution, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Greenawalt, Kent
Religion and the Radical Republican Movement, 1860-1870
Author/Editor: Victor B. Howard
Religion and the Rise of Jim Crow in New Orleans
Author/Editor: Bennett, James B
Religion in American Politics
Author/Editor: Lambert, Frank
Religion In Antebellum Kentucky
Author/Editor: JOHN B. BOLES
Religion in Essence and Manifestation
Author/Editor: G. VAN DER LEEUW,J. E. Turner,Ninian Smart,Hans H. Penner
Religion in Roman Egypt: Assimilation and Resistance
Religion in the Andes: Vision and Imagination in Early Colonial Peru
Author/Editor: Sabine MacCormack
Religion, Revolution, and Regional Culture in Eighteenth-Century France
Author/Editor: Tackett, Timothy
Religions of Asia in Practice
Author/Editor: Lopez, Donald S
Religions of China in Practice, Vol. 37
Author/Editor: Donald S. Lopez Jr.
Religions of Early India: A Cultural History
Author/Editor: RICHARD H. DAVIS
Religions of India in Practice
Author/Editor: Donald S. Lopez Jr.
Religions of Japan in Practice
Author/Editor: Donald S. Lopez Jr.
Religions of Korea in Practice
Author/Editor: Buswell, Robert E
Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice
Author/Editor: Valantasis, Richard
Religions of the United States in Practice, Volume 1
Author/Editor: McDannell, Colleen
Religions of the United States in Practice, Volume 2
Author/Editor: McDannell, Colleen
Religions of Tibet in Practice
Author/Editor: Lopez, Donald S
Religious Difference in a Secular Age
Author/Editor: Mahmood, Saba
The Religious Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Sorkin, David
Religious Experience Reconsidered
Author/Editor: Taves, Ann
Religious Humanism and the Victorian Novel
Author/Editor: Knoepflmacher, U. C
The Religious Left and Church-State Relations
Author/Editor: Shiffrin, Steven H
Religious Movements in Contemporary America
Author/Editor: Zaretsky, Irving I.; Leone, Mark P
Religious Orthodoxy and Popular Faith in European Society
Author/Editor: Ellen Badone
Religious Parenting: Transmitting Faith and Values in Contemporary America
Author/Editor: Christian Smith,Bridget Ritz,Michael Rotolo
Religious Rite and Ceremony in Milton's Poetry
Author/Editor: Thomas B. Stroup
The Religious Sublime
Author/Editor: David B. Morris
Reluctant Accomplice
Author/Editor: Jarausch, Konrad H
Reluctant Crusaders
Author/Editor: Dueck, Colin
Reluctant Feminists in German Social Democracy, 1885-1917
Author/Editor: Quataert, Jean H
The Reluctant Film Art of Woody Allen
Author/Editor: Peter J. Bailey
The Reluctant Film Art of Woody Allen, 2
Author/Editor: Peter J. Bailey
Remaking America: Public Memory, Commemoration, and Patriotism in the Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: John Bodnar
Remaking Muslim Politics
Author/Editor: Hefner, Robert W
Remaking the Heartland
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
Remaking Women
Author/Editor: Abu-Lughod, Lila
Rembrandt's Roughness
Author/Editor: Suthor, Nicola
Rembrandt: The Nightwatch
Author/Editor: E. Haverkamp-Begemann
Remembering Inflation
Author/Editor: Granville, Brigitte
Remembering Scottsboro: The Legacy of an Infamous Trial
Author/Editor: James A. Miller
Remembering The Battle of the Crater
Author/Editor: KEVIN M. LEVIN
Remnants of Ancient Life: The New Science of Old Fossils
Author/Editor: DALE E. GREENWALT
Renaissance Drama in England and Spain
Author/Editor: Loftis, John Clyde
The Renaissance Hamlet
Author/Editor: Frye, Roland Mushat
Renaissance Perspectives in Literature and the Visual Arts
Author/Editor: Roston, Murray
Renaissance Thought and the Arts: Collected Essays
Rene Char
Author/Editor: Lawler, James R
Renewal: From Crisis to Transformation in Our Lives, Work, and Politics
The Renewal of the Priesthood: Modernity and Traditionalism in a South Indian Temple
Author/Editor: C. J. Fuller
Renewing Cities
Author/Editor: Gittell, Ross J
Rennie's Way
Author/Editor: Wade Hall,Len Slone
Renormalization and 3-Manifolds Which Fiber over the Circle (AM-142), Volume 142
Author/Editor: McMullen, Curtis T
Reordering the World
Author/Editor: Bell, Duncan
Replacing France
Report of the Committee on the Future of the College
Author/Editor: Bressler, Marvin
Representation in State Legislatures, 1
Author/Editor: MALCOLM E. JEWELL
Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups
Author/Editor: Knapp, Anthony W
Representing God: Christian Legal Activism in Contemporary England
Author/Editor: Méadhbh McIvor
Reproducing Athens
Author/Editor: Lape, Susan
Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life after Socialism
Reproducing the State
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Stevens
Reproduction in the U.S., 1965
Author/Editor: Ryder, Norman B.; Westoff, Charles F
Reproductive Decisions
Author/Editor: Dunbar, Robin
The Reptile Ear
Author/Editor: Ernest Glen Wever
Author/Editor: Sunstein, Cass R
The Republican Command
Author/Editor: Horace Samuel Merrill,Marion Galbraith Merrill
The Republican Right since 1945
Author/Editor: David W. Reinhard
Republicans and Labor
Author/Editor: Robert H. Zieger
The Republican South: Democratization and Partisan Change
Author/Editor: David Lublin 2.0
Author/Editor: Sunstein, Cass R
The Republic of Beliefs: A New Approach to Law and Economics
Author/Editor: Kaushik Basu
A Republic of Equals: A Manifesto for a Just Society
The Republic of Letters in America
Author/Editor: Thomas Daniel Young,John J. Hindle
Republics of the New World
Author/Editor: Sabato, Hilda
Author/Editor: Origgi, Gloria
The Reputational Premium
Author/Editor: Sniderman, Paul M.; Stiglitz, Edward H
Reputation and International Cooperation
Author/Editor: Tomz, Michael
Reputation and Power
Author/Editor: Carpenter, Daniel
Required Reading: The Life of Everyday Texts in the British Empire
Rereading Appalachia
Author/Editor: Sara Webb-Sunderhaus,Kim Donehower
Rereading the Stone
Author/Editor: Yu, Anthony C
Rescue the Surviving Souls: The Great Jewish Refugee Crisis of the Seventeenth Century
Author/Editor: Adam Teller
Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation
Research Design in the Social Sciences: Declaration, Diagnosis, and Redesign, Ed. SCH - School edition
Author/Editor: Graeme Blair ,Alexander Coppock ,Macartan Humphreys
Researches on the I CHING
Author/Editor: Iulian K. Shchutskii,William L. MacDonald,Tsuyoshi Hasegawa,Hellmut Wilhelm,Gerald W. Swanson
Researches on the I CHING
Author/Editor: Iulian K. Shchutskii,William L. MacDonald,Tsuyoshi Hasegawa,Hellmut Wilhelm,Gerald W. Swanson
Author/Editor: Richardson, James
Resistance in the Bluegrass: Empowering the Commonwealth
Resisting History: Historicism and Its Discontents in German-Jewish Thought
Author/Editor: DAVID N. MYERS
Resisting Protectionism: Global Industries and the Politics of International Trade
Author/Editor: HELEN V. MILNER
Resisting Rebellion
Author/Editor: Anthony James Joes
Resolved Soul
Author/Editor: Berthoff, Ann E
Resolve in International Politics
Author/Editor: Kertzer, Joshua D
Resolving Ecosystem Complexity (MPB-47)
Author/Editor: Schmitz, Oswald J
Resource Competition and Community Structure. (MPB-17), Volume 17
Author/Editor: DAVID TILMAN
Resource Strategies of Wild Plants
Author/Editor: Craine, Joseph M
Respect for Nature
Author/Editor: Taylor, Paul W
Respiratory Control
Responding to Imperfection
Author/Editor: Levinson, Sanford
The Responsorial Psalm Tones for the Mozarabic Office
Author/Editor: Randel, Don Michael
Restarting the Future: How to Fix the Intangible Economy
Author/Editor: Jonathan Haskel ,Stian Westlake
The Restless Cell: Continuum Theories of Living Matter
The Rest of the Dream
Author/Editor: WADE HALL
Author/Editor: Crow, Thomas
Restoration, Revolution, Reaction
Restoration: The Fall of Napoleon in the Course of European Art, 1812-1820, Vol. 64
Author/Editor: Thomas Crow
Restoring Shakertown
Restoring the Global Judiciary
Author/Editor: Flaherty, Martin S
Restoring the Lost Constitution
Author/Editor: Barnett, Randy E
Restoring the Lost Constitution
Author/Editor: Barnett, Randy E
Restraining Air Power: Escalation Management between Peer Air Forces
Author/Editor: Robert C. Owen ,Lazar Berman ,Benjamin S. Lambeth ,Forrest E. Morgan ,Steven Paget
The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith since World War II
Resurrecting the Jew: Nationalism, Philosemitism, and Poland’s Jewish Revival, Vol. 18
Rethinking Abortion
Author/Editor: Graber, Mark
Rethinking Europe's Future
Author/Editor: Calleo, David P
Rethinking Expectations
Author/Editor: Frydman, Roman; Phelps, Edmund S
Rethinking Friendship
Author/Editor: Spencer, Liz; Pahl, Ray
Rethinking Gnosticism
Author/Editor: Williams, Michael Allen
Rethinking Language, Mind, and Meaning
Author/Editor: Soames, Scott
Rethinking Military Politics: Brazil and the Southern Cone
Author/Editor: ALFRED STEPAN
Rethinking Private Authority
Author/Editor: Green, Jessica F
Rethinking Race, 1
Author/Editor: Vernon J. Williams Jr.
Rethinking School Choice
Author/Editor: Henig, Jeffrey R
Rethinking Sexuality: Foucault and Classical Antiquity
Author/Editor: David H. J. Larmour,Paul Allen Miller,Charles Platter
Rethinking the Korean War, STU - Student edition
Rethinking the Other in Antiquity
Author/Editor: Gruen, Erich S
Rethinking Working-Class History
Author/Editor: Chakrabarty, Dipesh
Retirement of Revolutionaries in China
Author/Editor: Manion, Melanie
Retreat into the Mind
Author/Editor: Faas, Ekbert
Returning Your Call
Author/Editor: Nathan, Leonard
The Return of Astraea
The Return of George Sutherland: Restoring a Jurisprudence of Natural Rights
Author/Editor: Hadley Arkes
The Return of Proserpina: Cultural Poetics of Sicily from Cicero to Dante
Author/Editor: SARAH SPENCE
Return of the L Word
Author/Editor: Massey, Douglas S
Return to Greatness
Author/Editor: Wolfe, Alan
Return to Nature?
Author/Editor: Fred Dallmayr
Revelatory Events
Author/Editor: Taves, Ann
Revenge of the Domestic
Author/Editor: Harsch, Donna
Reversal of Development in Argentina
Author/Editor: Waisman, Carlos Horacio
Reverse Mathematics
Author/Editor: Stillwell, John
Review of Allied Health Education: 1
Author/Editor: Joseph Hamburg,Darrel J. Mase,J. Warren Perry,Mary Dulmage
Review of Allied Health Education: 2
Author/Editor: Darrel J. Mase,J. Warren Perry,Mary Dulmage,Joseph Hamburg
Review of Allied Health Education: 3
Author/Editor: Joseph Hamburg,Darrel J. Mase,J. Warren Perry,Mary Dulmage
Review of Allied Health Education: 4
Author/Editor: Joseph Hamburg,Darrel J. Mase,J. Warren Perry
Review of Allied Health Education: 5
Author/Editor: Darrel J. Mase,J. Warren Perry,Joseph Hamburg
Revisioning History: Film and the Construction of a New Past
Author/Editor: Robert A. Rosenstone
Reviving the Invisible Hand
Author/Editor: Lal, Deepak
Revolt in Athens
Author/Editor: Iatrides, John O
Revolt in Japan
Author/Editor: Shillony, Ben-Ami
The Revolt of the Judges
Author/Editor: Moote, Alanson Lloyd
Revolt of the Rednecks, 1
Author/Editor: ALBERT D. KIRWAN
Revolution and Dictatorship: The Violent Origins of Durable Authoritarianism
Author/Editor: Steven Levitsky ,Lucan Way
Revolution and Ideology
Author/Editor: John A. Britton
Revolution and Mass Democracy
Author/Editor: Amann, Peter H
Revolution and Tradition in People's Poland
Author/Editor: Fiszman, Joseph R
The Revolutionary City: Urbanization and the Global Transformation of Rebellion
Revolutionary Ideas
Author/Editor: Israel, Jonathan
Revolutionary Lives
Author/Editor: Arrington, Lauren
Revolutionary Pairs: Marx and Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, Gandhi and Nehru, Mao and Zhou, Castro and Guevara
Author/Editor: LARRY CEPLAIR
Revolutionary Personality
Author/Editor: Wolfenstein, E. Victor
Revolutionary Politics and Locke's Two Treatises of Government
Revolutionary Politics and the Cuban Working Class
Author/Editor: Zeitlin, Maurice
A Revolution Down on the Farm
Author/Editor: PAUL K. CONKIN
Revolution from Abroad: The Soviet Conquest of Poland's Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia - Expanded Edition, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: JAN T. GROSS
Revolution in Bavaria, 1918-1919
Author/Editor: Mitchell, Allan
Revolution in the House
Author/Editor: Darrow, Margaret H
A Revolution of the Mind
Author/Editor: Israel, Jonathan
Revolution of Things: The Islamism and Post-Islamism of Objects in Tehran, Vol. 23
Author/Editor: Kusha Sefat
Revolutions in Sovereignty
Author/Editor: Philpott, Daniel
Revolutions of 1848: A Social History
The Revolution Within the Revolution
Author/Editor: Bermeo, Nancy G
Rewriting the Soul
Author/Editor: Hacking, Ian
Rex Ingram
Author/Editor: RUTH BARTON
The Rhetorical Presidency
Author/Editor: Tulis, Jeffrey K
Rhetoric and Philosophy in Renaissance Humanism
Author/Editor: Seigel, Jerrold E
Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare
Author/Editor: Biddle, Tami Davis
The Rhetoric of Immediacy: A Cultural Critique of Chan/Zen Buddhism
Author/Editor: Bernard Faure
The Rhetoric of Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes and the Politics of Cultural Transformation
Rhineland Radicals: The Democratic Movement and the Revolution of 1848-1849
Author/Editor: Jonathan Sperber
Author/Editor: Foust, Clifford M
Rhyme and Meaning in Richard Crashaw
Rhythmic and Synthetic Processes in Growth
Author/Editor: Rudnick, Dorothea
Ricardian Politics
Author/Editor: Milgate, Murray; Stimson, Shannon C
Rice as Self
Author/Editor: Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko
Rich and Strange: Gender, History, Modernism
Author/Editor: Marianne DeKoven
Richard Mather of Dorchester
Author/Editor: B. R. Burg
Richard Nixon
Author/Editor: Nixon, Richard; Perlstein, Rick
Richard Wagner and His World
Author/Editor: Grey, Thomas S
Richard Wagner, Fritz Lang, and the Nibelungen
Author/Editor: Levin, David J
Richelieu and Reason of State
Author/Editor: Church, William Farr
Richter's Scale
Author/Editor: Hough, Susan Elizabeth
Riding to Arms: A History of Horsemanship and Mounted Warfare
Author/Editor: Charles Caramello
Riemannian Geometry
Riemann Surfaces
Author/Editor: Ahlfors, Lars Valerian; Sario, Leo
Riemann SurfaceseRelated Topics (AM-97)
Riemann Surfaces Related Topics (AM-97)
Author/Editor: Kra, Irwin; Maskit, Bernard
Riemann Surfaces Related Topics (AM-97), Volume 97
Author/Editor: Kra, Irwin; Maskit, Bernard
Righteous Transgressions
Author/Editor: Ben Shitrit, Lihi
Rights and Wrongs of Abortion: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader, Vol. 1
Rights as Weapons
Author/Editor: Bob, Clifford
Rights, Justice, and the Bounds of Liberty
Author/Editor: Feinberg, Joel
The Rights of Spring
Author/Editor: Kennedy, David
The Right Talk
Author/Editor: Smith, Mark A
Right Thinking and Sacred Oratory in Counter-Reformation Rome
Author/Editor: McGinness, Frederick J
The Right Tools for the Job
Author/Editor: Clarke, Adele E.; Fujimura, Joan H
The Right Wrong Man
Author/Editor: Douglas, Lawrence
Rigid Local Systems. (AM-139), Volume 139
Author/Editor: Katz, Nicholas M
Rimsky-Korsakov and His World
Author/Editor: Frolova-Walker, Marina
Ring Around the Moon: Mommy Goose Rhymes
Author/Editor: Mike Norris,Minnie Adkins
Riot, Rebellion, and Revolution
Author/Editor: Katz, Friedrich
The Rise and Fall of American Growth
Author/Editor: Gordon, Robert J
The Rise and Fall of Chilean Christian Democracy
Author/Editor: Fleet, Michael
The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece
Author/Editor: Ober, Josiah
The Rise and Fall of Imperial China: The Social Origins of State Development, Vol. 13
Author/Editor: YUHUA WANG
The Rise and Fall of Imperial China: The Social Origins of State Development, Vol. 17
Author/Editor: YUHUA WANG
The Rise and Fall of Meter
Author/Editor: Martin, Meredith
The Rise and Fall of Modern American Conservatism
Author/Editor: Farber, David
The Rise and Fall of the Shah: Iran from Autocracy to Religious Rule
Author/Editor: Amin Saikal
The Rise of Aggressive Abolitionism
Author/Editor: Stanley Harrold
Rise of American Naval Power
Author/Editor: Sprout, Harold Hance; Sprout, Margaret
The Rise of a Prairie Statesman
Author/Editor: Knock, Thomas
The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History
Author/Editor: Rodney Stark
The Rise of Coptic: Egyptian versus Greek in Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Jean-Luc Fournet
The Rise of Historical Writing Among the Arabs
Author/Editor: Duri, Abd Al-Aziz; Donner, Fred M
The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe
Author/Editor: Valerie I. J. Flint
The Rise of Neoliberalism and Institutional Analysis
Author/Editor: Campbell, John L.; Pedersen, Ove K
The Rise of Popular Antimodernism in Germany
Author/Editor: Volkov, Shulamit
The Rise of Russia and the Fall of the Soviet Empire
Author/Editor: Dunlop, John B
The Rise of Statistical Thinking, 1820–1900
Author/Editor: Theodore M. Porter
The Rise of the Agricultural Welfare State: Institutions and Interest Group Power in the United States, France, and Japan
Author/Editor: Adam D. Sheingate
Rise of the Chinese Militray Power
Author/Editor: Powell, Ralph L
The Rise of the Conservative Legal Movement
Author/Editor: Teles, Steven M
The Rise of the Midwestern Meat Packing Industry
The Rise of the Roman Jurists
Author/Editor: Frier, Bruce W
The Rise of the Therapeutic State
Author/Editor: Polsky, Andrew J
The Rise of the Urban South
The Rising Clamor: The American Press, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Cold War
Author/Editor: David P. Hadley
Rising Star: Dandyism, Gender, and Performance in the Fin de Si??cle
Author/Editor: Rhonda K. Garelick
Rites and Rank
Author/Editor: Olyan, Saul M
The Rites of Identity
Author/Editor: Eddy, Beth
Ritsos in Parentheses
Author/Editor: Ritsos, Yannis
Ritual in an Oscillating Universe
Author/Editor: Davis, Richard H
Ritual Kinship, Volume I
Author/Editor: Nutini, Hugo Gino; Bell, Betty
Ritual Kinship, Volume II
Author/Editor: Nutini, Hugo Gino
Ritual Poetry and the Politics of Death in Early Japan
Author/Editor: GARY L. EBERSOLE
Rituals and Riots, 1
Author/Editor: Sean Farrell
Rituals and Riots: Sectarian Violence and Political Culture in Ulster, 1784-1886
Author/Editor: Sean Farrell
River Jordan, 1
River Of Earth
Author/Editor: JAMES STILL,Dean Cadle
River of Hope
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Gritter
Riverside Remembered, 1
Author/Editor: Wallace Neal Briggs,Barbara Minton
The River Twice
Author/Editor: Graber, Kathleen
River Writing
Author/Editor: Applewhite, James
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume I
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume IV
Author/Editor: Rosalind Lefeber,Robert P. Goldman
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume II
Author/Editor: Sheldon I. Pollock,Robert P. Goldman
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume III
Author/Editor: Sheldon I. Pollock,Robert P. Goldman
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume I
Author/Editor: Robert P. Goldman
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume II
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume III
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume IV
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume VII
Author/Editor: Robert P. Goldman,Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume VI
Author/Editor: Robert P. Goldman,Sally J. Sutherland Goldman,Barend A. van Nooten,Robert P. Goldman,Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume V
Author/Editor: Robert P. Goldman,Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume V
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume VII
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume VI
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: The Complete English Translation, Vol. 157
Author/Editor: VĀLMĪKI,Robert P. Goldman ,Sally J. Sutherland Goldman ,Rosalind Lefeber ,Sheldon I. Pollock ,Barend A. van Nooten ,Robert P. Goldman ,Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
Road Of Stars To Santiago
Author/Editor: EDWARD F. STANTON
Roadside History
Author/Editor: Dianne Wells,Melba Porter Hay,Thomas H. Appleton Jr.
The Road to Bloody Sunday
Author/Editor: Sablinsky, Walter
The Road to Dien Bien Phu: A History of the First War for Vietnam
The Road to Independence
Author/Editor: BERNARD MASON
The Road to Nowhere: The Genesis of President Clinton's Plan for Health Security
Author/Editor: Jacob S. Hacker
Road to Pearl Harbor
Author/Editor: Feis, Herbert
The Road to Relativity
Author/Editor: Gutfreund, Hanoch; Renn, Jürgen
Road to Revolution
Author/Editor: Yarmolinsky, Avrahm
The Road to Xanadu
Author/Editor: Lowes, John Livingston
Robert Frost and New England
Author/Editor: Kemp, John C
Robert Frost and the New England Renaissance