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Titles (491) Information
The 1956 Hungarian Revolution: A History in Documents
Author/Editor: Csaba Békés,Malcolm Byrne,János M. Rainer,József Litkei,Gregory F. Domber
Academic Freedom
Author/Editor: Ignatieff, Michael; Roch, Stefan
Accidental occidental
Author/Editor: Bokros, Lajos
Administrative Law in Central and Eastern Europe: 1996-1998
Author/Editor: Denis J. Galligan ,Daniel M. Smilov
After the Berlin Wall: A History of the EBRD, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Andrew Kilpatrick
Against Their Wil
Author/Editor: Polian, Pavel
Agents of Liberations
Author/Editor: Kekesi, Zoltan
Along Ukraine's River
Author/Editor: Cybriwsky, Roman A
Alternatives to Democracy in Twentieth-Century: Collectivist Visions of Alternative Modernity
Author/Editor: SABRINA P. RAMET
Alternatives to Democracy in Twentieth-Century Europe: Collectivist Visions of Modernity
Author/Editor: SABRINA P. RAMET
The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes: A Conceptual Framework
Author/Editor: Bálint MAGYAR ,Bálint MADLOVICS ,Alena Ledeneva
And They Lived Happily Ever After
Author/Editor: Carlbäck, Helene; Gradskova, Yulia; Kravchenko, Zhanna
Angels, Devils
Author/Editor: Jaritz, Gerhard
Anonymus and Master Roger
Author/Editor: Veszpremi, Laszlo; Rady, Martin
The Anti-American Century
Author/Editor: Krastev, Ivan; McPherson, Alain
Anti-fascism in European History: From the 1920s to Today
Apocalyptic Complex
Author/Editor: Al-Bagdadi, Nadia; Marno, David; Riedl, Matthias
The Apostolic Penitentiary in Local Contexts
Author/Editor: Jaritz, Gerhard
Arguing it out
Author/Editor: Cameron, Averil
Art beyond Borders
Author/Editor: Bazin, Jerome; Glatigny, Pascal Dubourg; Piotrowski
Ascensions on High in Jewish Mysticism
Author/Editor: Idel, Moshe
Autobiography of Emperor Charles IV and his Legend of St Wenceslas
Balkan Family Structure and the European Pattern
Author/Editor: Todorova, Maria M
Banking Reform in Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Author/Editor: Jacek Rostowski
Battling over the Balkans: Historiographical Questions and Controversies
Author/Editor: John R. Lampe,Constantin Iordachi
The Bauhaus Idea and Bauhaus Politics
Author/Editor: Éva Forgács ,JOHN BÁTKI
The Beginnings of Anti-Jewish Legislation: The 1920 Numerus Clausus Law in Hungary
Author/Editor: Mária M. Kovács
Belarusian Nation-Building in Times of War and Revolution
Author/Editor: Lizaveta Kasmach
Between past and future: The revolutions of 1989 and their aftermath
Between the Living and the Dead
Author/Editor: Pocs, Eva
Beyond Mosque, Church, and State
Author/Editor: Dragostinova, Theodora; Hashamova, Yana
Beyond the Siege of Leningrad: One Woman’s Life during and after the Occupation: The Recollections of Evdokiia Vasil’evna Baskakova-Bogacheva
Author/Editor: Oleg Beyda ,Pavel Gavrilov
A Bibliography of East European Travel Writing on Europe
Author/Editor: Wendy Bracewell,Alex Drace-Francis
Biographical Dictionary of Women’s Movements and Feminisms
Author/Editor: DeHaan, Francisca; Loutfi, Anna
Biographical Dictionary of Women’s Movements and Feminisms, NED - New edition, 1
Biopower in Putin’s Russia: From Taking Care to Taking Lives
Author/Editor: Andrey Makarychev ,Sergei Medvedev
The Birch Grove and Other Stories
Author/Editor: Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz ,Antonia Lloyd-Jones ,Leszek Kołakowski
Blood and Homeland
Author/Editor: Turda, Marius; Weindling, Paul J
The Bombardment of Åbo: A Novella Based on a Historical Event in Modern Times
Author/Editor: Carl Spitteler ,Marianna D. Birnbaum
Bones of Contention
Author/Editor: Todorova, Maria
Brilliance in Exile: The Diaspora of Hungarian Scientists from John von Neumann to Katalin Karikó
Broken Masculinities
Author/Editor: Çimen Günay-Erkol
Building the New Man
Author/Editor: Cassata, Francesco
Author/Editor: Mlekuz, jernej
Byzantium after the Nation: The Problem of Continuity in Balkan Historiographies
Author/Editor: Dimitris Stamatopoulos
Canada and Eastern Europe, 1945–1991: Meeting in the Middle
Author/Editor: Andrea Chandler
Capitalism from Outside?
Author/Editor: Zentai, Violetta; Kovács, János Mátyás
Cardboard Castle?
Author/Editor: Mastny, Vojtech; Byrne, Malcolm
Carrying a Secret in My Heart
Author/Editor: Korosi, Zsuzsanna; Molnar, Adrienne
Castle and cathedral
Author/Editor: Berglund, Bruce R
Catalogue of the Slavonic Cyrillic Manuscripts of the National Szechenyi Library
Author/Editor: Cleminsson, Ralph; Moussakova, Elissaveta
Catholicism, Race and Empire
Author/Editor: Richard Cleminson
Censorship in Romania
Author/Editor: Lidia Vianu
The Challenges of Sustained Development: The Role of Socio-Cultural Factors in East-Central Europe
Author/Editor: Frane Adam,Matej Makarovič,Borut Rončević,Matevž Tomšič
Children of Atlantis: Voices from the Former Yugoslavia
Author/Editor: Zdenko Lešić
China Inside Out
Author/Editor: Nyiri, Pal; Breidenbach, Joana
Christian Demonology and Popular
Author/Editor: Klaniczay, Gabor; Pocs, Eva
Christianity and Modernity in Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Berglund, Bruce R.; Porter-Szucs, Brian
Christian Networks in the Ottoman Empire: A Transnational History
Author/Editor: Eleonora Naxidou ,Yura Konstantinova
Civic and Uncivic Values
Author/Editor: Ramet, Sabrina; Dulic, Dragana; Listhaug, Ola
Civic and uncivic values in Kosovo
Author/Editor: Ramet, Sabrina P.; Simkus, Albert; Listhaug, Ola
Civic and Uncivic Values in Poland: Value transformation, education, and culture
Civil Movements in an Illiberal Regime: Political Activism in Hungary
Author/Editor: Dániel Mikecz
Climate Dependence and Food Problems in Russia, 1900-1990
Author/Editor: Bellinger, Edward; Dronin, Nikolai
Coca-Cola Socialism
Author/Editor: Vucetic, Radina
Cold War Broadcasting
Author/Editor: Johnson, Ross A.; Parta, Eugene R
The Collectivization of Agriculture in Communist Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Iordachi, Constantin; Bauerkamper, Arnd
Coming Spring
Author/Editor: Zeromski, Stefan
Common Law for Europe
Author/Editor: Benacchio, Gian Antonio; Pasa, Barbara
Communicating with the Spirits
Author/Editor: Klaniczay, Gabor; Pocs, Eva
Communist Gourmet: The Curious Story of Food in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria
Author/Editor: Albena Shkodrova
A Communist Odyssey
Author/Editor: Sakmyster, Thomas
Comparative Media Systems
Author/Editor: Dobek-Ostrowska, Bogusława; Głowacki, Michał
Comrade Baron
Author/Editor: Scholten, Jaap
Concepts and the Social Order
Author/Editor: Elkana, Yehuda; Lissauer, Gyorgy; Szigeti, Andras
A Concise Field Guide to Post-Communist Regimes: Actors, Institutions, and Dynamics
Author/Editor: Bálint Magyar ,Bálint Madlovics
Conservative Ideology in the Making
Author/Editor: Denes, Ivan Zoltan
Constitutional Democracy
Author/Editor: Janos, Kis
Constitution for a Disunited Nation
Author/Editor: Toth, Gabor Attila
Constitutions, Courts, and History
Author/Editor: Uitz, Renata
Constructing Identities over Time: “Bad Gypsies" and “Good Roma" in Russia and Hungary
Author/Editor: Jekatyerina Dunajeva
A Contemporary History of Exclusion
Author/Editor: Balázs Majtényi,György Majtényi
A Contested Borderland
Author/Editor: Andrei Cusco
Convolutions of Historical Politics
Author/Editor: Miller, Alexei; Lipman, Maria
Cores, Peripheries, and Globalization
Author/Editor: Reill, Peter H.; Szelenyi, Balazs A
Corporate Governance in Central Europe and Russia: Volume 1: Banks, Funds, and Foreign Investors
Corporate Governance in Central Europe and Russia: Volume 2: Insiders and the State
Corporate Stakeholder Democracy
Author/Editor: Braun, Robert
Cosmas of Prague: The Chronicle of the Czechs
Author/Editor: János M. Bak ,Pavlína Rychterová ,Petra Mutlová ,Martyn Rady ,Libor Švanda ,Jan Hasil ,Irene van Rensvoude
Customs and Culture in Poland under the Last Saxon King
Author/Editor: Swan, Oscar E
The Czech and Slovak Republics
Author/Editor: M. Mark Stolarik
Czechoslovak Diplomacy and the Gulag
Author/Editor: Polisenska, Milada
Darwin’s Footprint
Author/Editor: Zarimis, Maria
Darwin’s Footprint
Author/Editor: Zarimis, Maria
Debating the Past
Author/Editor: Daskalov, Roumen
Deficit and Debt in Transition
Author/Editor: Istvan Benczes
Defining Latvia: Recent Explorations in History, Culture, and Politics
Author/Editor: Michael Loader ,Siobhan Hearne ,Matthew Kott
The Demise of Yugoslavia
Author/Editor: Mesic, Stipe
Democracy Fatigue: An East European Epidemy
Author/Editor: Carlos García-Rivero
Democratization and the Politics of Constitution-Making in Turkey
Author/Editor: Genckaya, Omer F.; Ozbudun, Ergun
Demographic Avant-Garde
Author/Editor: Vobecka, Jana
Demography and Nation
Author/Editor: Baloutzova, Svetla
Denial and Repression of Anti-Semitism
Author/Editor: Byford, Jovan
Denial and Repression of Antisemitism
Author/Editor: Byford, Jovan
Dilemmas of Dissidence in East-Central Europe
Author/Editor: Falk, Barbara
Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe 1770–1945, Vol. IV
Author/Editor: Mishkova, Diana; Turda, Marius; Trencsenyi, Balazs
Discussing Hitler
Author/Editor: Tibor, Frank
Disinflation in Transition Economies
Author/Editor: Marek Dabrowski
Divide and Pacify
Author/Editor: Vanhuysse, Pieter
Divide, Provide and Rule
Author/Editor: Zimmermann, Susan
Divine Presence in Spain and Western Europe 1500–1960
Author/Editor: Christian, William A. Jr
Duty to Respond
Author/Editor: Dimitrijevic, Nenad
Dynamics of an Authoritarian System: Hungary, 2010–2021
Author/Editor: Maria Csanádi ,Márton Gerő ,Miklós Hajdu ,Imre Kovách ,Mihály Laki ,István János Tóth
Dynamics of Class and Stratification in Poland
Author/Editor: Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina; Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina; Kjerulf Dubrow, Joshua
Early Jewish Cookbooks: Essays on the History of Hungarian Jewish Gastronomy
Author/Editor: András Koerner ,Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
The Edges of the Medieval World
Author/Editor: Jaritz, Gerhard
Elections and Political Order in Russia: The implications of the 1993 elections to the Federal Assembly
Author/Editor: PETER LENTINI
Embracing Arms
Author/Editor: Hashamova, Yana; Goscilo, Helena
Emotion and Devotion
Author/Editor: Rubin, Miri
Emotions in History – Lost and Found
Author/Editor: Frevert, Ute
An Empire of Others
Author/Editor: Cvetkovski, Roland; Hofmeister, Alexis
The End and the Beginning
Author/Editor: Tismaneanu, Vladimir; Iacob, Bogdan C
Enemies for a Day
Author/Editor: Staliunas, Darius
Engineering European Unity: The Quest for the Right Solution Across Centuries
Author/Editor: Éva Bóka
Engineering the Lower Danube: Technology and Territoriality in an Imperial Borderland, Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Author/Editor: Luminita Gatejel
Entangled Paths Toward Modernity
Author/Editor: Dimou, Augusta
Enterprise Exit Processes in Transition Economies: Downsizing, Workouts, and Liquidation
Author/Editor: Leszek Balcerowicz ,Cheryl W. Gray ,Iraj Hoshi
Environmental Assessment in Countries in Transintion
Author/Editor: Ed Bellinger ,Norman Lee ,Clive George ,Anca Paduret
Estonian Life Stories
Author/Editor: Kirss, Tiina
The Eugenic Fortress
Author/Editor: Tudor Georgescu,Marius Turda
Eurasian Integration and the Russian World
Author/Editor: Kazharski, Aliaksei
Evaluating Science and Scientists
Author/Editor: Mark S. Frankel ,Jane Cave
Everyday Life under Communism and After: Lifestyle and Consumption in Hungary, 1945–2000
Author/Editor: Tibor Valuch ,Maya J. Lo Bello
Exhibiting Jewish Culinary Culture
Expanding Intellectual Property
Author/Editor: Hannes Siegrist,Augusta Dimou
Explaining Economic Backwardness: Post1945 Polish Historians on Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Anna Sosnowska
Exploring the World of Human Practice
Author/Editor: Balazs, Zoltan
Exposed Memories
Author/Editor: Ban, Zsofia; Turai, Hedvig
Fare Well, Illyria
Author/Editor: Binder, David
Festivals in Focus
Author/Editor: Klaic, Dragan
Forest Brothers: The Account of an Anti-Soviet Lithuanian Freedom Fighter, 1944–1948
Author/Editor: Juozas Lukša,Laima Vincė
Foreword to The Past
Author/Editor: Bojtar, Endre
For the Good of Humanity: Ludwik Rajchman, Medical Statesman
Author/Editor: Marta A. Balińska ,Rebecca Howell
Freedom for Publishing, Publishing for Freedom: The Central and East European Publishing Project
Author/Editor: Timothy Garton Ash ,Ralf Dahrendorf ,Richard Davy ,Elizabeth Winter
Free Market in Its Twenties: Modern Business Decision Making in Central and Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Maciej Kisilowski
Free-Market Socialists: European Émigrés Who Made Capitalist Culture in America, 1918–1968
Free Speech and Censorship Around the Globe
Author/Editor: Molnar, Peter
Friars, Nobles and Burghers – Sermons, Images and Prints: Studies of Culture and Society in Early-Modern Europe - In Memoriam István György Tóth
Author/Editor: Jaroslav Miller ,László Kontler
Friendship and Love, Ethics and Politics
Author/Editor: Osterberg, Eva
From Borderland to Burgenland: Science, Geopolitics, Identity, and the Making of a Region
Author/Editor: Ferenc Jankó
From Central Planning to the Market
Author/Editor: Zidek, Libor
From Class to Identity
Author/Editor: Bacevic, Jana
From Good King Wenceslas to the Good Soldier Švejk
Author/Editor: Roberts, andrew
From Good King Wenceslas to the Good Soldier Å vejk
Author/Editor: Roberts, andrew
From Liberal Values to Democratic Transition
Author/Editor: Dworkin, Ronald
From Socialism to Capitalism
Author/Editor: Kornai, Janos
From Solidarity to Martial Law
Author/Editor: Packowski, Andrzej; Byrne, Malcolm
From the Midwife’s Bag to the Patient’s File
Author/Editor: Bernasconi, Sara; Karge, Heike; Kind-Kovacs, Friederike
From the Midwife’s Bag to the Patient’s File: Public Health in Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Author/Editor: Heike Karge,Friederike Kind-Kovács,Sara Bernasconi
From Victimhood to Citizenship
Author/Editor: Guy, Will
Fugue: A Tale of One of Us
Author/Editor: Milutin Cihlar Nehajev ,Damir Janigro
Geopolitics in the Danube Region: Hungarian Reconciliation Efforts, 1848–1998
German War, Russian Peace
Author/Editor: Ullein-Reviczky, Antal
Gesta Hungarorum: The Deeds of the Hungarians
Gesta principum Polonorum
Author/Editor: Knoll, Paul W.; Schaer, Frank
Given World and Time
Author/Editor: Miller, Tyrus
Globalization and Nationalism
Author/Editor: Natalie Sabanadze
Gorbachev and Bush: The Last Superpower Summits. Conversations that Ended the Cold War
Gorbachev and Reagan: The Last Superpower Summits. Conversations that Ended the Cold War
Government and Politics in Hungary
Author/Editor: Korosenyi, Andras
The Gratis Economy: Privately Provided Public Goods
Author/Editor: ANDRÁS KELEN
Great Expectations and Interwar Realities
Author/Editor: Zsolt Nagy
Green Barons, Force-of-Circumstance Entrepreneurs, Impotent Mayors
Author/Editor: Swain, Nigel
The Green Bloc
Author/Editor: Fowkes, Maja
Growing in the Shadow of Antifascism: Remembering the Holocaust in State-Socialist Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Kata Bohus ,Peter Hallama ,Stephan Stach
The Habsburg Garrison Complex in Trebinje: A Lost World
Author/Editor: Cathie Carmichael
The Harbour of all this Sea and Realm: Crusader to Venetian Famagusta
Author/Editor: Michael J.K. Walsh,Tamás Kiss,Nicholas S.H. Coureas
The Harmonization of Civil and Commercial Law in Europe
Author/Editor: Pasa, barbara; Benacchio, Gian Antonio
Health, Hygiene and Eugenics in Southeastern Europe to 1945
Author/Editor: Promitzer, Christian; Trubeta, Sevasti; Turda, Marius
Heroes and Villains
Author/Editor: Marples, David
Higher Education and the American Dream
Author/Editor: Lazerson, Marvin
The Historical Construction of National Consciousness: Selected Writings
Author/Editor: Jenő Szűcs ,Gábor Klaniczay ,Balázs Trencsényi ,Gábor Gyáni
History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness
Author/Editor: Lucian Boia
History in My Life
Author/Editor: Berend, Ivan T
A History of East European Jews
Author/Editor: Haumann, Heiko
History of the Bishops of Salona and Split
Author/Editor: Karbic
Hitler's Library
Author/Editor: Miskolczy, Ambrus
The Holocaust in Hungary
Author/Editor: Braham, Randolph L.; Kovacs, Andras
Hot books in the cold war 
Author/Editor: Reisch, Alfred
Hot books in the cold war 
Author/Editor: Reisch, Alfred
The House of a Thousand Floors
Author/Editor: Jan Weiss,Alexandra Büchler
How They Lived
Author/Editor: Koerner, Andras
How they lived (2): The Everyday Lives of Hungarian Jews
Author/Editor: András Koerner
Hungarian Culture and Politics in the Habsburg Monarchy 1711-1848
Author/Editor: Gábor Vermes
The Hungarian Patient
Author/Editor: Krasztev, Peter; Til, Jon Van
Hungarians and Europe in the Early Middle Ages: An Introduction to Early Hungarian History
Author/Editor: ANDRÁS RÓNA-TAS
Hungary in the Cold War, 1945-1956
Author/Editor: Borhi, Laszlo
Hybrid Renaissance
Author/Editor: Peter Burke
Ibn Khaldūn: An Essay in Reinterpretation
Author/Editor: Aziz Al-Azmeh
Ideological Storms: Intellectuals, Dictators, and the Totalitarian Temptation
Author/Editor: Vladimir Tismaneanu,Bogdan C. Iacob
Ideologies and National Identities
Author/Editor: Lampe, John; Mazower
The Illuminated Chronicle
Author/Editor: Bak, Janos; Veszpémi, Laszlo
Imagined Empires: Tracing Imperial Nationalism in Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Author/Editor: Dimitris Stamatopoulos
Imperfection and Defeat
Author/Editor: Nemoianu, Virgil
Imperial Designs, Postimperial Extremes: Studies in Interdisciplinary and Comparative History of Russia and Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Andrei Cusço ,Victor Taki
Imperial Rule
Author/Editor: Miller, Alexei
In a Maelstrom
Author/Editor: Hetényi, Zsuzsa
The Inauguration of “Organized Political Warfare”
Author/Editor: Kadar-Lynn, Katalin
The Inauguration of “Organized Political Warfare”
Author/Editor: Kadar-Lynn, Katalin
The Indescribable and the Undiscussable: Reconstructing Human Discourse after Trauma
Author/Editor: DAN BAR-ON
In Search of “Aryan Blood”
Author/Editor: Boaz, Rachel E
In Search of “Aryan Blood”
Author/Editor: Boaz, Rachel E
In Search of the Budapest Secession
Author/Editor: Taylor, Jeffrey
Institutional trust and economic policy Lessons from the history of the Euro 
Author/Editor: Gyorffy, Dora
Institutional trust and economic policy Lessons from the history of the Euro 
Author/Editor: Gyorffy, Dora
Intellectuals and Politics in Central Europe
Author/Editor: ANDRÁS BOZÓKI
The Invisible Shining
Author/Editor: Apor, Balazs
Ireland's Helping Hand to Europe: Combatting Hunger from Normandy to Tirana, 1945–1950
Isaac, Iphigeneia, and Ignatius
Author/Editor: Monika Pesthy-Simon
Author/Editor: Sharfi
Isolated Islands
Author/Editor: Jaritz, Gerhard
Jewish Claims against East Germany: Moral Obligations and Pragmatic Policy
Author/Editor: Angelika Timm
Jewish Cuisine in Hungary: A Cultural History with 83 Authentic Recipes
Author/Editor: András Koerner,Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
Jewish life in Austria and Germany since 1945: identity and communal reconstructions
Author/Editor: Susanne Cohen-Weisz
Jewish Life in Belarus: The Final Decade of The Stalin Regime, 1944-53
Author/Editor: Leonid Smilovitsky
Jews at the Crossroads
Author/Editor: Lupovitch, Howard N
The Jews of Europe in the Modern Era: A Socio-historical Outline
Author/Editor: Victor Karady
Kalmykia in Russia's Past and Present National Policies and Administrative System
Author/Editor: Maksimov, Konstantin N
Keeping the World’s Environment under Review: An Intellectual History of the Global Environment Outlook
Author/Editor: Jan Bakkes ,Marion Cheatle ,Nora Mžavanadze ,László Pintér ,Ronald G. Witt
Key Concepts of Romanian History
Author/Editor: Neumann, Victor; Heinen, Armin
Knowledge and Computing
Author/Editor: Vamos, Tibor
Krúdy's Chronicles: Turn-of-the-Century Hungary in Gyula Krudy's Journalism
Author/Editor: Gyula Krúdy ,John Bátki ,John Lukacs
Laboratory of Transnational History
Author/Editor: Kasianov, Georgiy
Labour Statistics for a Market Economy: Challenges and Solutions in the Transition Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Landscapes of Disease
Author/Editor: Gardikas, Katerina
The Last Superpower Summits
Author/Editor: Savranskaya, Svetlana; Blanton, Thomas
Late Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Trencsenyi, Balazs; Kopecek, Michal
Latin Classics in Medieval Hungary
Author/Editor: Nemerkenyi, Elod
Leadership in the Time of Covid: Pandemic Responses in Central Europe
Author/Editor: George Hays II ,Joshua Hayden ,Milada Polišenská
Learning to Change
Author/Editor: Bassler, Terrice
The Legacy of Division: East and West after 1989
Author/Editor: Ferenc Laczó,Luka Lisjak Gabrijelčič
The Lettered Knight
Author/Editor: Martin Aurell,Jean-Charles Khalifa,Jeremy Price
Liberalism After Communism: The Implications of the 1993 Elections to the Federal Assembly
Author/Editor: JERZY SZACKI ,Chester A. Kisiel
Liberalism in Modern Times: Essays in Honour of Jose G. Merquior
Liberty and the Search for Identity: Liberal Nationalisms and the Legacy of Empires
Author/Editor: Iván Zoltán Dénes
Life under Russian Serfdom
Author/Editor: Gorshkov
Limiting Government: An Introduction to Constitutionalism
Author/Editor: András Sajó,Stephen Holmes
Linkages of Financial Groups in the European Union: Financial Conglomeration Developments in the Old and New Member States
Author/Editor: Ingrid Ulst
Listening to the Languages of the People: Lazare Sainéan on Romanian, Yiddish, and French
Author/Editor: Natalie Zemon Davis
Living beyond the Pale
Author/Editor: Filčák, Richard
Living the High Life in Minsk
Author/Editor: Balmaceda, Margarita M
The Long 1989: Decades of Global Revolution
Author/Editor: Piotr H. Kosicki,Kyrill Kunakhovich
The Long Arm of Papal Authority: Late Medieval Christian Peripheries and Their Communication with the Holy See
Author/Editor: Gerhard Jaritz,Torstein Jørgensen,Kirsi Salonen
The Long Détente
Author/Editor: Oliver Bange,Poul Villaume
Macroeconomic Policies and the Development of Markets in Transition Economies
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Coricelli
Making A Great Ruler: Grand Duke Vytautas of Lithuania
Author/Editor: Giedre Mickūnaite
Making and Breaking the Yugoslav Working Class: The Story of Two Self-Managed Factories
Author/Editor: Goran Musić
The Making of a Nation in the Balkans
The Making of Mămăligă: Transimperial Recipes for a Romanian National Dish
Author/Editor: Alex Drace-Francis
Making Sense of Dictatorship: Domination and Everyday Life in East Central Europe after 1945
Author/Editor: Celia Donert ,Ana Kladnik ,Martin Sabrow
The Man of Many Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways: Festschrift in Honor of János M. Bak
Author/Editor: Balázs Nagy ,Marcell Sebők
The Many Lives of a Jesuit, Freemason, and Philanthropist: The Story of Töhötöm Nagy
Author/Editor: Éva Petrás
Martin Kačur: The Biography of an Idealist
Author/Editor: Ivan Cankar,John K. Cox
Masterpieces of History
Author/Editor: Blanton, Tom
The Meaning of Liberalism - East and West
Author/Editor: Zdeněk Suda ,Jiří Musil
Measuring Time, Making History
Author/Editor: Hunt, Lynn
Meddling in Middle Europe
Author/Editor: Lojko, Miklos
Media Constrained by Context
Author/Editor: Jusic, Tarik; Irion, Kristina
Media Freedom and Pluralism
Author/Editor: Klimkiewicz, Beata
Media, Nationalism and European Identities
Author/Editor: Jakubowicz, Karol; Sükösd, Miklós
Medicine, Law, and the State in Imperial Russi
Author/Editor: Becker, Elisa M
Memory Crash: Politics of History in and around Ukraine, 1980s–2010s
Author/Editor: Georgiy Kasianov
Men at the Center
Author/Editor: Jordan, William Chester
Minimum Wages in Central and Eastern Europe: From Protection to Destitution
Author/Editor: Guy Standing ,Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead ,The International Labour Office Central and Eastern European Team (ILO-CEET}
Mission Accomplished
Author/Editor: Prochazka, Radoslav
Mobility of Imagination: A companion guide to international cultural cooperation
Author/Editor: DRAGAN KLAIC
Mobilizing Romani Ethnicity: Romani Political Activism in Argentina, Colombia and Spain
Author/Editor: Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka ,Ethel Brooks
Modern Hungarian Society in the Making: The Unfinished Experience
Author/Editor: Ersoy, Ahmet; Gorny, Maciej; Kechriotis, Vangelis
Author/Editor: Ersoy, Ahmet; Gorny, Maciej; Kechriotis, Vangelis
The Moulding of Ukraine
Author/Editor: Wolczuk, Kataryna
Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire, 1880–1914: Imagined Communities and Conflictual Encounters
Multiple Meanings of Gender Equality
Author/Editor: Verloo, Mieke
Muslim Land, Christian Labor
Author/Editor: Anna M. Mirkova
Narratives of Adversity
Author/Editor: Shore, Paul; Savranskaya, Svetlana; Zubok, Vladislav
Narratives of Exile and Identity
Author/Editor: Balkelis, Tomas; Davoulite, Violeta
Narratives Unbound
Author/Editor: Antohi, Sorin; Trencsenyi, Balazs; Apor, Peter
Natalija: Life in the Balkan Powder Keg, 1880–1956
Author/Editor: Natalija Matić Zrnić,Jill A. Irvine,Carol S. Lilly
Nationalism and Terror
Author/Editor: Adriano, Pino; Cingolani, Giorgo
Nationalism and the Economy
Author/Editor: Berger, Stefan; Fetzer, Thomas
Nationalizing Empires
Author/Editor: Berger, Stefan; Miller, Alexei
National Romanticism
Author/Editor: Trencsenyi, Balazs; Kopecek, Michal
Nation and Migration: How Citizens in Europe Are Coping with Xenophobia
Author/Editor: György Csepeli ,Antal Örkény
Nation, Language, Islam
Author/Editor: Faller, Helen
Negotiating Marian Apparitions
Author/Editor: Halemba, Agnieszka
The Neopopular Bubble
Author/Editor: Péter Csigó
New Jewish Identities: Contemporary Europe and Beyond
Author/Editor: Zvi Gitelman,Barry Kosmin,András Kovács
Night and Fog
Author/Editor: John K. Cox
The Nonconformists
Author/Editor: Miller, Nick
Not Only the Market
Author/Editor: Martin Potůček
Objects of Remembrance: A Memoir of American Opportunities and Viennese Dreams
Author/Editor: Monroe E. Price
Of Red Dragons and Evil Spirits
Author/Editor: Oto Luthar
An Older and More Beautiful Belgrade: A Visual Chronicle of the Milošević Era
Author/Editor: Mileta Prodanović ,Maria Milojković ,Robert Horvitz ,Milena Dragićević Šešić
The Oldest Legend
Author/Editor: Csepregi, Ildiko; Klaniczay, Gabor; Peterfi, Bence
On Baltic Slovenia and Adriatic Lithuania
Author/Editor: Norkus, Zenonas
One Hundred Years of Communist Experiments
Author/Editor: Vladimir Tismaneanu ,Jordan Luber
One Woman in the War: Hungary 1944-1945
Author/Editor: Alaine Polcz,Albert Tezla
On Shaky Ground
Author/Editor: V. Domontovych ,Oksana Rosenblum
On the East/West Slope
Author/Editor: Attila Melegh
On the Margins
Author/Editor: Anton Weiss-Wendt
On the Verge of Convergence: Social Stratification in Eastern Europe
Open Government, Open Diplomacy: Conversations with a Former American Diplomat M. André Goodfriend
Author/Editor: M. André Goodfriend ,Istvan Hargittai
Open Society Unresolved: The Contemporary Relevance of a Contested Idea
Author/Editor: Christof Royer ,Liviu Matei
An Orderly Mess
Author/Editor: Nowotny, Helga
Our Man in Warszawa: How the West Misread Poland
Author/Editor: Jo Harper
Pagans and Christians in the Late Roman Empire
Author/Editor: Saghy, Marianne; Schoolman, Edward M
Party Colonisation of the Media in Central and Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Peter Bajomi-Lazar
The Passport as Home: Comfort in Rootlessness
Author/Editor: Andrei S. Markovits
Past for the Eyes
Author/Editor: Sarkisova, Oksana; Apor, Peter
Past in the Making
Author/Editor: Kopecek, Michal
Patrick Leigh Fermor
Author/Editor: O'Sullivan, Michael
Peace as War
Author/Editor: Pehar, Drazen
The Perils of Race-Thinking: A Portrait of Aleš Hrdlička
Author/Editor: Mark A. Brandon
Philanthropy, Conflict Management and International Law: The 1914 Carnegie Report on the Balkan Wars of 1912/13
Author/Editor: Dietmar Müller ,Stefan Troebst
Physicians, Peasants and Modern Medicine
Author/Editor: Barbulescu, Constantin
Piroska and the Pantokrator: Dynastic Memory, Healing and Salvation in Komnenian Constantinople
Author/Editor: Marianne Sághy,Robert Ousterhout
The Poet and the Idiot
Author/Editor: Friedebert Tuglas,Eric Dickens
The Poet & the Baroness: W.H. Auden and Stella Musulin, a Friendship
Author/Editor: Michael O’Sullivan
Poland's Memory Wars
Author/Editor: Harper, Jo
Poles Together?: The Emergence and Development of Political Parties in Postcommunist Poland
Policemen of the Tsar: Local Police in an Age of Upheaval
Author/Editor: Robert J. Abbott
Polish Liberal Thought Before 1918
Author/Editor: Janowski, Maciej
The Political Brain: The Emergence of Neuropolitics
Author/Editor: Matt Qvortrup
Political Corruption in Transition: A Sceptic's Handbook
Author/Editor: Stephen Kotkin ,András Sajó
Political Justice in Budapest After World War II
Author/Editor: Barna, Ildiko; Peto, Andrea
Politics and Policies in Post-Communist Transition
Author/Editor: Soos, Karoly A
The Positive Mind
Author/Editor: Nekrasas, Evaldas
Post-Communist Mafia State
Author/Editor: Magyar, Balint
Post Communist Restitution and the Rule of Law
Author/Editor: Kuti, Csongor
Post-World War One Plebiscites and Their Legacies: Exploring the Right of Self-Determination
Author/Editor: Sergiusz Bober
The Power of Words
Author/Editor: Pocs, Eva; Kapalo, James; Ryan, William
Practices of Coexistence
A Pragmatic Alliance
Author/Editor: Staliunas, Darius; Sirutavicius, Vladas
The Prague Spring, 1968
Prague Tales
Author/Editor: Jan Neruda
Precarious Workers: History of Debates, Political Mobilization, and Labor Reforms in Italy
Author/Editor: Eloisa Betti
Present Tensions: European writers on overcoming dictatorships
Author/Editor: Kristina Kaiserová,Gert Röhrborn
Pressed by a Double Loyalty
Author/Editor: András Fejérdy
Privatization in Eastern Europe: Is the State Withering Away?
Author/Editor: Roman Frydman ,Andrzej Rapaczynski ,Edmund S. Phelps
The Privatization Process in Central Europe
The Privatization Process in Russia, the Ukraine, and the Baltic States
Promises of 1968
Author/Editor: Tismaneanu, Vladimir
Promoting the Saints: Cults and Their Contexts from late Antiquity until the Early Modern Period
Author/Editor: Ottó GECSER,József LASZLOVSZKY,Balázs NAGY,Marcell SEBŐK,Katalin SZENDE
The Prose of the mountains: Three tales of the Caucasus
Author/Editor: Aleksandre Qazbegi,Rebecca Gould
Protected Children, Regulated Mothers: Gender and the "Gypsy Question" in State Care in Postwar Hungary, 1949–1956
Author/Editor: ESZTER VARSA
Psychology and Politics: Intersections of Science and Ideology in the History of Psy-Sciences
Author/Editor: Anna Borgos,Ferenc Erős,Júlia Gyimesi
Quest for a Suitable Past
Author/Editor: Claudia-Florentina Dobre,Cristian Emilian Ghiţă
Races to Modernity: Metropolitan Aspirations in Eastern Europe, 1890–1940
Author/Editor: Jan C. Behrends,Martin Kohlrausch
Reassessing Communism: Concepts, Culture, and Society in Poland 1944–1989
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Chmielewska ,Agnieszka Mrozik ,Grzegorz Wołowiec
Reflections on the Russian Soul: A Memoir
Author/Editor: Dmitry S. Likhachev
Regenerating Japan
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Gregory
Regionalism without Regions: Reconceptualizing Ukraine’s Heterogeneity
Author/Editor: Ulrich Schmid,Oksana Myshlovska
Religion in the New Europe
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Michalski
Remembering Communism
Author/Editor: Maria Todorova
Remembrance, History, and Justice
Author/Editor: Tismaneanu, Vladimir; Iacob, Bogdan C
Repatriating Karl Polanyi: Market Society in the Visegrád States
Author/Editor: Chris Hann
Resolving International Conflicts
Author/Editor: Peter Hay,Lajos Vékás,Yehuda Elkana,Nenad Dimitrijevic
Rethinking Open Society
Author/Editor: Ignatieff, Michael; Roch, Stefan
Rethinking the Rule Of Law After Communism
Author/Editor: Adam Czarnota,Martin Krygier,Wojciech Sadurski
The Rise of Comparative History
Author/Editor: Balázs Trencsényi ,Constantin Iordachi ,Péter Apor
The Rise of Populist Nationalism: Social Resentments and Capturing the Constitution in Hungary
Author/Editor: Margit FeischMidt,Balázs Majtényi
Riverine Citizenship: A Bosnian City in Love with the River
Author/Editor: Azra Hromadžić
Rolling Transition and the Role of Intellectuals: The Case of Hungary
Author/Editor: András Bozóki
The Roma - A Minority in Europe
Author/Editor: Stauber, Roni; Vago, Raphael
Roma- Gypsy Presence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Author/Editor: Mroz, Lech
The Roma in Romanian History
Author/Editor: Achim, Viorel
Romani Liberation: A Northern Perspective on Emancipatory Struggles and Progress
Author/Editor: Jan Selling ,Nicoleta Bitu ,Soraya Post ,Hans Caldaras
Romanov Empire and Nationalism
Author/Editor: Miller, Alexei
Royal Fraud: The Story of Albania’s First and Last King
Author/Editor: Robert C. Austin
Rural Unrest during the First Russian Revolution
Author/Editor: Miller, Burton Richard
Russian Foreign Policy in Transition: Concepts and Realities
Author/Editor: Andrei Melville,Tatiana Shakleina
Russia on the Danube: Empire, Elites, and Reform in Moldavia and Wallachia, 1812–1834
Author/Editor: Victor Taki
Russia's Imperial Endeavor and Its Geopolitical Consequences: The Russia-Ukraine War, Volume Two
Author/Editor: Bálint Madlovics ,Bálint Magyar
Safe Third Countries: Extending the EU Asylum and Immigration Policies to Central and Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Sandra Lavenex
Saints of the Christianization Age of Central Europe
Author/Editor: Klaniczay, Gabor
The Sanctity of the Leaders: Holy Kings, Princes, Bishops and Abbots from Central Europe (11th to 13th Centuries), Ed. CRI - Critical
Author/Editor: Gábor Klaniczay ,Ildikó Csepregi ,Cristian Gaşpar ,János M. Bak ,Nora Berend ,Marina Miladinov [Schumann] ,Gábor Bradács ,Cristian Gaşpar ,Gábor Kla
Science of the Swastika
Author/Editor: Mees, Bernard
Screening Trafficking
Author/Editor: Hashamova, Yana
Secrets and Truth
Author/Editor: Verdery, Katherine
Secularism and Its Ambiguities: Four Case Studies
Author/Editor: Carlo Ginzburg
The Seeds of Triumph: Church and State in Gomulka's Poland
Author/Editor: Hanna Diskin
Seeking the Best Master: State Ownership in the Varieties of Capitalism
Author/Editor: Miklós Szanyi
Self-Financing Genocide
Author/Editor: Kadar, Gabor; Vagi, Zoltan
Serbian Orthodox Fundamentals
Author/Editor: Mylonas, Christos
Shifting Obsessions: Three Essays on the Politics of Anticorruption
Shortcut or Piecemeal
Author/Editor: Winiecki, Jan
Small Privatization: The Transformation of Retail Trade and Consumer Services in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland
Author/Editor: JOHN S. EARLE ,ROMAN FRYDMAN ,ANDRZEJ RAPACZYNSKI ,JOEL TURKEWITZ ,Carla Kruger ,Jan Mládek ,Tatiana Nemeth ,Anthony Sinclair
The Smell of Humans: A Memoir of the Holocaust in Hungary
Author/Editor: Ernő Szép ,John Bátki ,Dezső Tandori
Socialism: An Analysis of Its Past and Future
Author/Editor: Erzsébet Szalai
Socialism, Capitalism, Transformation
The Socialist Way of Life in Siberia
Author/Editor: Melissa Chakars
A Society Transformed: Hungary in Time-Space Perspective
The Soviet Nuclear Archipelago: A Historical Geography of Atomic-Powered Communism
Author/Editor: Per Högselius ,Achim Klüppelberg
Soviet Occupation of Romania, Hungary, and Austria 1944/45–1948/49
Author/Editor: Bekes, Csaba; Borhi, Laszlo; Ruggenthaler, Peter
Space and Pluralism
Author/Editor: Stefano Moroni,David Weberman
A Spectrum of Unfreedom: Captives and Slaves in the Ottoman Empire
Author/Editor: Leslie Peirce
Spirit of the Place
Author/Editor: Gyorgy, Peter
Staged Otherness: Ethnic Shows in Central and Eastern Europe, 1850–1939
Stalinism Revisited
Author/Editor: Tismaneanu, Vladimir
Stalin's Italian Prisoners of War
Author/Editor: Maria Teresa Giusti ,Riccardo James Vargiu
State Anti-Intellectualism and the Politics of Gender and Race: Illiberal France and Beyond
Author/Editor: Éric Fassin
State-building: A Comparative Study of Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, and Russia
Author/Editor: Verena Fritz
Steamboat Modernity: Travel, Transport, and Social Transformation on the Lower Danube, 1830–1860
Author/Editor: Constantin Ardeleanu ,James Christian Brown
The Stranger, the Tears, the Photograph, the Touch: Divine Presence in Spain and Europe since 1500
Author/Editor: William A. Christian Jr.
Strengthening Bodies, Building a Nation: The Social History of the Child Health Welfare in Greece (1890–1940)
Author/Editor: Vassiliki Theodorou,Despina Karakatsani
Struggle over Identity
Author/Editor: Bekus, Nelly
Stubborn Structures
Author/Editor: Magyar, Balint
Studies on the Illuminated Chronicle
Author/Editor: Bak, Janos; Veszpémi, Laszlo
Subversive Stages
Author/Editor: Ileana Alexandra Orlich
Sugarland: The Transformation of the Countryside in Communist Albania
Author/Editor: Artan R. Hoxha
Survival under Dictatorships: Life and Death in Nazi and Communist Regimes
Author/Editor: LÁSZLÓ BORHI
Tale of Two Villages: Coerced Modernization in the East European Countryside
Author/Editor: Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
A Tale of Two Worlds
Author/Editor: Novak, Vjencesla
A Task for Sisyphus: Why Europe’s Roma Policies Fail
Author/Editor: Iulius Rostas
Teaching against Violence
Author/Editor: Inez Testoni
Teaching Gender with Libraries and Archives
Author/Editor: De Jong, Sara
Teaching Race with a Gendered Edge
Author/Editor: Hipfl, Brigitte; Loftsdóttir, Kristin
The Technology of Transition: Science and Technology Policies for Transition Countries
Author/Editor: DAVID A. DYKER
Tell Your Life Story
Author/Editor: Dan Bar-On
Ten Years After
Author/Editor: Rostas, iulius
Thinking Through Transition
Author/Editor: Kopecek, Michal; Wcislik, Piotr
Those Who Count
Author/Editor: Mihai Surdu
Three Chestnut Horses
Author/Editor: Margita Figuli,John Minahane
The Three Cs of Higher Education: Competition, Collaboration and Complementarity
Author/Editor: Rosalind M. O. Pritchard,Mark O’hara,Clare Milsom,James Williams,Liviu Matei
Through the Window: Kinship and Elopement in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Author/Editor: Keith Doubt
Times of History
Author/Editor: Al-Azmeh, Aziz
Times of Mobility: Transnational Literature and Gender in Translation
Times of Upheaval: Four Medievalists in Twentieth-Century Central Europe. Conversations with Jerzy Kłoczowski, János M. Bak, František Šmahel, and Herwig Wolfram
Author/Editor: Pavlína Rychterová,Gábor Klaniczay,Paweł Kras,Walter Pohl
The Tocco of the Greek Realm
Author/Editor: Zecevic, Nada
Totalitarian societies and democratic transition
Author/Editor: Tommaso Piffer,Vladislav Zubok,Riccardo James Vargiu
Towards Better Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe: Concern, Commitment, and Change
The Tower: And Other Stories
Author/Editor: Jānis Ezeriņš,Ilze Gulēna,Anita Liepiņa
Transatlantic Central Europe
Author/Editor: Labov, Jessie
Transforming Markets: A Development Bank for the 21st Century. A History of the EBRD, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Andrew Kilpatrick ,Anthony Williams
Transforming Peasants, Property and Power
Author/Editor: Iordachi, Constantin; Dobrincu, Dronin
Transition in Post-Soviet Art
Author/Editor: Esanu, Octavian
Traveler, Scholar, Political Adventurer
Author/Editor: Robert Elsie
Trimming the Sails
Author/Editor: Benczes, Istvan
The Triumph of Uncertainty: Science and Self in the Postmodern Age
Author/Editor: ALFRED I. TAUBER
Truth, Reference and Realism
Author/Editor: Novak, zsolt; Simonyi, Andras
The Tsar, The Empire, and The Nation: Dilemmas of Nationalization in Russia's Western Borderlands, 1905-1915
Author/Editor: Darius Staliūnas ,Yoko Aoshima
Turning Prayers into Protests
Author/Editor: Doellinger, David
Turning Traditions Upside Down
Author/Editor: Hufnagel, Henning; Eusterschulte, Anne
Twentieth Century Prophet
Author/Editor: Litvan, Gyorgy
Twenty-Five Sides of a Post-Communist Mafia State
Author/Editor: Bálint Magyar,Júlia Vásárhelyi
Tyrants Writing Poetry
Author/Editor: Kaminskij, Konstantin; Koschorke, Albrecht
Ukraine's Patronal Democracy and the Russian Invasion: The Russia-Ukraine War, Volume One
Author/Editor: Bálint Madlovics ,Bálint Magyar
The Ukrainian Challenge: Reforming Labour Market and Social Policy
Author/Editor: International Labour Office Central and Eastern European Team
Ukrainian Question
Author/Editor: Miller, Alexei
An Uncommon Life
Author/Editor: DeKornfeld, Thomas J
Under Eastern Eyes: A Comparative Introduction to East European Travel Writing on Europe
Author/Editor: Wendy Bracewell,Alex Drace-Francis
Underground Modernity: Urban Poetics in East-Central Europe, Pre- and Post-1989
Author/Editor: Alfrun Kliems ,Jake Schneider
Underground Streams: National-Conservatives after World War II in Communist Hungary and Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: János M. Rainer
Under the Radar: Tracking Western Radio Listeners in the Soviet Union
Author/Editor: R. Eugene Parta
Universities and Reflexive Modernity: Institutional Ambiguities and Unintended Consequences
The University in the 21st century
Author/Editor: Yehuda Elkana,Hannes Klöpper,Marvin Lazerson
Up in the Air?: The Future of Public Service Media in the Western Balkans
Author/Editor: Tarik Jusić ,Manuel Puppis ,Laia Castro Herrero ,Davor Marko
Uprising in East Germany, 1953: The Cold War, the German Question, and the First Major Upheaval behind the Iron Curtain
Uranium Matters
Author/Editor: Zeman, Zbynek; Karlsch, Rainer
Utopian Horizons
Author/Editor: Zsolt Czigányik
The View from Prague: The Expectations of World Leaders at The Dawn of the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Václav Havel,Jiří Musil,Tomáš Vrba
The Village and the Class War
Author/Editor: Koll, Anu Mai
Violence and the Medieval Clergy
Author/Editor: Gerhard Jaritz,Ana Marinković
The Visoko Chronicle
Author/Editor: Ivan Tavčar ,Timothy Pogačar
The Visual World of the Hungarian Angevin Legendary
Author/Editor: Béla Zsolt Szakács
Voices in the Shadows: Women and Verbal Art in Serbia and Bosnia
Author/Editor: Celia Hawkesworth
The War in Ukraine’s Donbas: Origins, Contexts, and the Future
Author/Editor: David R. Marples
We, the People
Author/Editor: Mishkova, Diana
What Holds Europe Together?
Author/Editor: Michalski, Krzysztof
Where Currents Meet
Author/Editor: Tanya Zaharchenko
Which Socialism, Whose Detente?
Author/Editor: Bracke, maud
Which Way Goes Capitalism?: In Search of Adequate Policies in a Dramatically Changing World
Author/Editor: DANIEL DÃIANU
Witchcraft Mythologies and Persecutions
Author/Editor: Gábor Klaniczay,Éva Pócs,Eszter Csonka-Takács
With Their Backs to the Mountains
Author/Editor: Magocsi, Paul Robert
Women and the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Peto, Andrea; Hecht, Louise; Krauszka, Karolina
Women on the Polish Labor Market
Author/Editor: Mike Ingham ,Hilary Ingham ,Henryk Domański
Women, Work, and Activism: Chapters of an Inclusive History of Labor in the Long Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Eloisa Betti ,Leda Papastefanaki ,Marica Tolomelli ,Susan Zimmermann
Words in Space and Time: A Historical Atlas of Language Politics in Modern Central Europe
Author/Editor: Tomasz Kamusella
Writing on Water
Author/Editor: Niran Frigyesi, Judit
Written Here, Published There
Author/Editor: Friederike Kind-Kovacs
Yugoslavia's Sunny Side
Author/Editor: Grandits, Hannes; Taylor, Karin