Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | No |
Titles start with H (93) | Information |
HACCP in the meat industry |
Author/Editor: Martyn Brown
Handbook of advanced dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials |
Author/Editor: Zuo-Guang Ye
Handbook of advanced radioactive waste conditioning technologies |
Author/Editor: Michael I. Ojovan
Handbook of biofuels production |
Author/Editor: Rafael Luque; Juan Campelo; James Clark
Handbook of Crack Opening Data |
Author/Editor: T G F Gray
A Handbook of Digital Library Economics |
Author/Editor: David Baker,Wendy Evans
A Handbook of Ethical Practice |
Author/Editor: David McMenemy,Alan Poulter,Paul F Burton
Handbook of fibre rope technology |
Author/Editor: H. A. McKenna; J. W. S. Hearle; N. O'Hear
Handbook of fire resistant textiles |
Author/Editor: F. Selcen Kilinc
Handbook of Food Allergen Detection and Control |
Author/Editor: Flanagan Simon
Handbook of food powders |
Author/Editor: Bhesh Bhandari,Nidhi Bansal,Min Zhang,Pierre Schuck
Handbook of food proteins |
Author/Editor: G.O. Phillips; P.A. Williams
Handbook of footwear design and manufacture |
Author/Editor: A. Luximon
Handbook of friction–vibration interactions |
Author/Editor: Gang Chen
Handbook of gold exploration and evaluation |
Author/Editor: Eoin H. Macdonald
Handbook of herbs and spices |
Author/Editor: K. V. Peter
Handbook of herbs and spices |
Author/Editor: K. V. Peter
Handbook of herbs and spices |
Author/Editor: K. V. Peter
Handbook of herbs and spices |
Author/Editor: K. V. Peter
Handbook of herbs and spices |
Author/Editor: K. V. Peter
Handbook of hydrocolloids |
Author/Editor: G. O. Phillips; P. A. Williams
Handbook of hygiene control in the food industry |
Author/Editor: H. L. M. Lelieveld; M. A. Mostert; J. Holah
Handbook of Indices of Food Quality and Authenticity |
Author/Editor: Rekha S Singhal; Pushpa R Kulkarni; Dinanath V Rege
Handbook of laser welding technologies |
Author/Editor: Seiji Katayama
Handbook of medical textiles |
Author/Editor: V. T. Bartels
Handbook of membrane reactors |
Author/Editor: Angelo Basile
Handbook of membrane reactors |
Author/Editor: Angelo Basile
Handbook of metal injection molding |
Author/Editor: Donald F Heaney
Handbook of mould, tool and die repair welding |
Author/Editor: Steve Thompson
Handbook of natural fibres |
Author/Editor: Ryszard M. Kozłowski
Handbook of natural fibres |
Author/Editor: Ryszard M. Kozlowski
Handbook of nonwovens |
Author/Editor: S. J. Russell
Handbook of organic food safety and quality |
Author/Editor: Julia Cooper; Urs Niggli; Carlo Leifert
Handbook of organic materials for optical and (opto)electronic devices |
Author/Editor: Oksana Ostroverkhova
Handbook of polymer composites for engineers |
Author/Editor: Leonard Hollaway
Handbook of Process Integration (PI) |
Author/Editor: Jiří J. Klemeš
Handbook of recycled concrete and demolition waste |
Author/Editor: F. Pacheco-Torgal,V. W. Y. Tam,J. A. Labrincha,Y. Ding,J. de Brito
Handbook of seismic risk analysis and management of civil infrastructure systems |
Author/Editor: S. Tesfamariam,K. Goda
Handbook of Smart Coatings for Materials Protection |
Author/Editor: Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf
Handbook of solid-state lasers |
Author/Editor: B. Denker,E. Shklovsky
Handbook of structural welding |
Author/Editor: John Lancaster
Handbook of sustainable textile production |
Author/Editor: Marion I. Tobler-Rohr
Handbook of technical textiles |
Author/Editor: A R Horrocks; S C Anand
Handbook of tensile properties of textile and technical fibres |
Author/Editor: A. R. Bunsell
Handbook of terahertz technology for imaging, sensing and communications |
Author/Editor: Daryoosh Saeedkia
Handbook of textile and industrial dyeing |
Author/Editor: M. Clark
Handbook of textile and industrial dyeing |
Author/Editor: M. Clark
Handbook of textile design |
Author/Editor: Jacquie Wilson
Handbook of textile fibre structure |
Author/Editor: S. J. Eichhorn; J.W.S. Hearle; M. Jaffe; T. Kikutani
Handbook of textile fibre structure |
Author/Editor: S. J. Eichhorn; J.W.S. Hearle; M. Jaffe; T. Kikutani
Handbook of Textile Fibres, Volume 1: Natural Fibres |
Author/Editor: J. Gordon Cook
Handbook of waste management and co-product recovery in food processing |
Author/Editor: Keith Waldron
Handbook of waste management and co-product recovery in food processing |
Author/Editor: Keith Waldron
Handbook of water and energy management in food processing |
Author/Editor: Jiři Klemeš; Robin Smith; Jin-Kuk Kim
Handbook of Worsted Wool and Blended Suiting Process |
Author/Editor: R. S. Tomar
Handbook of yarn production |
Author/Editor: Peter R. Lord
The Hatfield memorial lectures |
Author/Editor: Peter Beeley
HCCI and CAI engines for the automotive industry |
Author/Editor: Hua Zhao
Health and environmental safety of nanomaterials |
Author/Editor: James Njuguna,Krzysztof Pielichowski,Huijun Zhu
Health and safety in welding and allied processes |
Author/Editor: Jane Blunt; Nigel C Balchin
Heat Treatment for Insect Control |
Author/Editor: David Hammond
Heat treatment of welded steel structures |
Author/Editor: D N Croft
High-energy ball milling |
Author/Editor: Małgorzata Sopicka-Lizer
High-performance fibres |
Author/Editor: J W S Hearle
High-performance organic coatings |
Author/Editor: Anand S. Khanna
High Performance Silicon Imaging |
Author/Editor: Daniel Durini
High Performance Textiles and Their Applications |
Author/Editor: Carl A. Lawrence
High Pressure Food Science, Bioscience and Chemistry |
Author/Editor: Neil S. Isaacs
High speed spinning of polyester and its blends with viscose |
Author/Editor: S. Y. Nanal
High temperature deformation and fracture of materials |
Author/Editor: Jun-Shan Zhang
High Temperature Polymer Blends |
Author/Editor: Mark T. DeMeuse
High-temperature superconductors |
Author/Editor: X. G. Qiu
High temperature superconductors (HTS) for energy applications |
Author/Editor: Ziad Melhem
High Throughput Screening for Food Safety Assessment |
Author/Editor: Arun K. Bhunia,Moon S. Kim,Chris R. Taitt
The Host in the Machine |
Author/Editor: Angela Thomas-Jones
How Libraries Make Tough Choices in Difficult Times |
Author/Editor: David Stern
How LIS Professionals Can Use Alerting Services |
Author/Editor: Ina Fourie
HR Due Diligence |
Author/Editor: ChyeKok Ho,Chin Seng Koh
Human Capital Management Challenges in India |
Author/Editor: Ram Raghavan
Human Milk Biochemistry and Infant Formula Manufacturing Technology |
Author/Editor: Mingruo Guo
Human papillomavirus infections |
Author/Editor: Fernando Cobo
Human Resource Development |
Author/Editor: Wilbur A. Gould Ph. D
Human Resources Management in China |
Author/Editor: Doug Davies,Liang Wei
The Human Side of Reference and Information Services in Academic Libraries |
Author/Editor: Lesley S J Farmer
Humidification and ventilation management in textile industry |
Author/Editor: B. Purushothama
Hyaluronan |
Author/Editor: John F. Kennedy; Glyn O. Phillips; Peter A. Williams; Vince C. Hascall
Hybrid laser–arc welding |
Author/Editor: Flemming Ove Olsen
Hydroforming for advanced manufacturing |
Author/Editor: Muammer Koç
Hydrometallurgy |
Author/Editor: Havlík Tomáš
Hygiene in food processing |
Author/Editor: H. L. M. Lelieveld; M. A. Mostert; J. Holah; B. White
Hygiene in food processing |
Author/Editor: H. L. M. Lelieveld,J. T. Holah,D. Napper
Hygienic design of food factories |
Author/Editor: J Holah; H. L. M. Lelieveld
Hypersingular integral equations in fracture analysis |
Author/Editor: Whye-Teong Ang